HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/06/16~,,,,:,, .:,~~,.- _ _ ;.,r,,.,~,. Commissioner's. Proceedings, City of Paducah Wtareh 8na IQ~g eontinued •, lt4oLaaiorbnrg~ Lo either Open np alley dedioated by ~ lGig. Oompany or to give • j I ' . deed for alley where the Eex 1[ig. aompaay hoe opened alley, same oarsied upon„ j • Dell of the ra31 by the following votes Yeas, Leoksy. Van Meter, Malleos and Waahiagton -4. ~ ~~ ~A,,,,µl On motion by )dayor Laokey, that the parer of attorney of a. rt. lorsman { a"~h`" ~"'`'" for the Illiaole 9nret 00 ~ ~,,,~~ p ~ ~, y mpaay bs reoaived and died, same oarrisd upon Dell of ~ ~~ . • ~ the roll by the following vote:• Yeea, Laokey, pan 6tetar, Malleos and Weshingtoa •4•~ , ~ On'motioa by ldember Van Meter. the report of the Fire Ohie! for the month of February was reoeiVed and tilod upon Dell of the roll by the following ~ , ~ )'• i tots; Yeae, Laokey. Yen lister, Wellaee and Washington -4. i • t On motion the Hoard adjourned, upon Dell of the roll by the following f ~ . ? vote; Yeae, Laokey, Van lister, Walleoe and Washington -4. f ~, .: . ~ i , • !~ f :. ~ r OP'T~:D } .. • ~~~ ~ 1[ s r o h 6th. 1916. ! t ;; aT a regular meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners, held in the Ooua~il ~ .. , • Ohambar of the Oity Ha11, City of Paduoeh, 8y., on ileroh 6th, 1916, upon Dell of i { ~; the roll, the following answered their names; Laokey, Haeelip, Vea lister, Walleoe ~' end Washington -b. • ;' ., " On motion Dq lSember Walleoe, the minutes of the meeting held February f 4 EHth, 1916 ware adopted as read upon os12 of the roll by the following votes i Yeea, Laokey, Haeelip, Van Meter, Waileoe and Washington -b. On motion by the above, the minutee of the meeting held•ltaroh End, I914~ ~ f , b were adopted as read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae,. Laokey, ~ Hazelip, Van Ltoter, Walleoe and Washington -b. F ~ On motion by the above, the oommunioation from Oeo. 0. Walleoe, with ~ 4~ ~`~' C~ ~~~eQ•' reterenoe to a rotund to the Cumberland Telephone & ~'elsgraph Oo.,in 1904, was ~ f F: " `~•• a ~' ~' raoeived sad filed u on Dell of the oll b th f ll I , p r y o e owing vote; Yeas, Laokey, ,-.. ~y ~ Hazelip, Van Ltoter, Walleoe and Washington -b. /. ,1•ry ~ , ~t~ ` Oa motion by Ltember Washington, that the pay roll for the street depart. ~ ~'~'`. 7~ ' ,k ,;' r y„`,. /~ ~~1! ', went toe the week ending Ltaroh 6th, 1916, not ooverad by ordinanoe, amounting to 4~ ,. ~$ ~ ~ $49.90, be allowed, same oarrisd neon Dell of the roll by the following vote: ~ I Yeae. Laokey, Haeelip, Yen Meter, Walleoe and Washington -b. • ~ I Oa motion by Member Haeelip, that the petition of oitizens asking foe f I/ . " ! ~~ ~icct~ i amendment to yeotioa 1S of the LSarket llouee ordinanao be_ raoeived and filed- he. also reoommendiag that no amendment to Bald ordinanoa be made at this time- same •4 .k . !,.oar;fed neon Dell of the roll by the SollowinR votes Ysas, Laokey, Hazelip, k • Van Meter. Walleoe sad Aashlagton -b. ; f . ;' ~~ i On motion by the above, that the offer of Hoy ~ade on lot at the Dorset of ;: ;a: , Hays sad 9owe11 streets, belonging to the oity of Peduoah, bo referred to the , ~ `~ ~; • { L Oommoeelones of Pnblio Property for report oY value of said lot, and hie raoom- I i '~ i mendationa, same oarrisd nyon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. l . ~ Oeokey, Hazelip, Van Ltoter, Walleoe and Washington -b. On motion by the above. that deed bs grunted ltre. Josephine Rhodes to ipnth, ! ~>•f __ ,,. ~.. i n,.- - , ' ~ ~Na. Commissioner's Proceedings, City Of Paducah - Ltaroh 6th jyj 6 aontinned half of lot 3b Bloak 47, new addition, Oak Grove Oemeterq, Treasurer's reoeipt for j 'i i 811ty Dollars atteahed- ea:oe was granted upon oall of the roll by the following i , Tote: Yeaa, Laokey, Haseiip, Vnn Meter, Wallaoe and Washington -b. ~ ~' On motion by Member Wallaoe, that the request of oitisena for light Lo be Uc Ow,QDQ ;. ~ d,. ,~ Cy 1 installed at the oornsr of Fifth and Clsy street be granted, and that the Qommisaioner {~ of Yublio Property be instruotod to install said light- same oarried upon oall of tha , ~i roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Haselip, Van Meter, Wallaoe and Washington! B• ' !~ Oa motion by Member Haselip, the oontreat for the City's requirement o! ~ , ~~Q QiuC 1 ooal for the year 1916 was awarded the Weat Beatnokq Cosl Company, they being the ~ .~lcCcce~ ~v4Pee;'~, / I; lowest and beet bidder, upon oail of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Laokey.. k Haselip, Yan !deter. Wallaoe and Washington -b. ' II~ ti ~°P° On motion by Llayor Laeksy, the reporE of the 1[eat and Bilk Inepeotor for ~ r~°r~ ~~'~•I the month of February was received end filed upon cell of the roll bq the following. ~~ ,I 1 voter Yeas. Laokey, Haselip, Van Lister, Wallaoe and Washington -b.. On motion by the above, that Lhe saloon license of Eugene Thompson at 829 pp v, G~ .r/~de0nA/ i Trimble street be transferred to C. S. tdiller. at the same 2ooation,- giving the ` .~~ ~ ~ e ~ <,l~,f« ~' .Illinois Su;etq Oompanq Be bondsman- same oarried upon cell of the roll by the Following vote: Yeaa, Laokey, Hazelip, Yan !deter, Wallaoe and Washington -b. that r / ', On motion by the above,/the license of Hotel Legomaraino be transferred to o-xe.Q~a.-~ William Haibeak, on the 8ontheeat corner of Fourth sad Jefferson attest- 12ember ~ K ~. Hrg. Washington moved to emend said motion~by deferring eotion'on the granting of !losses ~~ ' for.ealoon at Fourtli.and Jefferson street until the nezL regular meeting, Yarah 13,r 1916,. said amendment lost upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Wallaoe „ j. and Washington -2. Naq; Laokey, Hasellp and Yan Lister. The original motion .'made bq liagoa Laokey curried upon call of the roll Dy the following vote: Yeaa, :.Laokey, Haselip, Yan Meter and Wallaoe - 4. Nay: Reahington -1. ~ Vw.E~' (~~ ~;~ On motion by Ltagor Laokey, that the bill of Otto Gross, for Four dollars, ~<¢~~ ~'~~~`"~~ r: be allowed as 0. K'd bq James Campbell, Jr., and charged to the Street Department, ~~ I' same oarried upon null of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Laokey, Hnzelip, ' ~ . r Van Lister, Wallaoe and Washington -b. On motion by Liember Yan Lteter "A RESOLUTION eUTHORIZING AND E6Q'017ERING TllE ` ~ ' /~ 'i JUDGE OF THE POLICE COURT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY TO ELiPLOY A STEIIOGRAPHI'sR V ~ . OR CLERK, AT NOT PffiCEEDI22G T4IENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PER LION^aH" was pleood upon passage, rules being suspended sa to sending out aopiea, upon gall of the roll by the following ' vote: Yeaa, Laokey, Haselip, Yen Lister, Wallaoe and Washington -b. On motion by the above "A RESOLUTION aUTHORIZING altD ELU?OWSRffiG TII$ JUDfiS j . ~~eM ~ fle `' OF THS POLICE COURT OF THS CITY OF PADUCAH, KFlVTL'CKY TO ELIPLOY .- STENOGRxPHER OR I „ (U/ .~ !//J I. OLSRB, AT NOT EXCEEDIIiG ^aWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PSA 1dONTH" was given its final paesagb upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, Haselip, Vea Lteter, ,: Wallaoe sad Washington -b. j .li On motion the Board adjourned, upon ball of the roll by,the following vote; Yeas. Laokey, Haseiip, Van Yeter, Wallaoe and Washington -b. ~~ : . ii ii j •, i.; :. ~.~ ~: x~.; .~ ~ ..d ~~ ~ ~. ; `A j :1 ~',. Q t, Y I K ~~ ~.1 ` ~. .-: U.. i jri i t wfi ~ ~ .. *: , I° ~~