HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/07/16.... ~ _' .~. Sh'C',5..^,~a;t~ ,~ _ ,.. qe,:r ,1x ~ ~ ~y. ay.., h '~, .. ._.. -....,. ~ik:.... .' t • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Febr,•~ nth jgJ~ ;: No, f3 s Y~ . ~-~ m '~„~,_ i ~: qk .ry 4, `':~A .J • ! .. ^.,rtri • nL u regular meeting of tho Hoard of Commiselonere~ hold in the Connoil Chamber of the Cit Hull CiL of Paduonh Xentuok on Fotaua 7th 3916 u on ~ i Y , Y r Y~ rY r r P Ball of the roll tho following aireyored their names: Laokey,. Hazelip, Ynn Lleter, !~ Walleoe and Washington -b. ' f On motlor by E}ember Hazelip, the minutes of the pfevlous meetings were ~i . ' j` adopted ae rend. upon Dell of the roll by the following vole: Yeas, Laokey, Hazelip, ~; Ytur }.Teter, Wallaoe and Washington -b. ~~~ ?' 1 ~,~ On motion by Liember Nullaoe, the Report o! the auditor-Trenaarer of 3.~...~ 27"~ '~ expenditures in various departments not alloyed nt time of nllownnoe of oluims of February let, was received and filed and ordered allowed, upon Dull of the roll by. • 1 ~; the following vote; Yeus, Luol:ey, Hazelip, Yan 1letor, Wallnoe and iYaehinPton -b. ~ • !' On motion by the above, the monthly report of the .,udi!.or-irousurer was • ~a"'~"''~ ~""~~ .reoeived and filed and orderod published, upon oall of the roll by the following is vote: Yorks, Laokey, iiazalip, Ynn Lietor, t9allaoe and {9ushinEaon -b. 0 On motion by Liember Washington, that the Street Departmont payroll for P~~~~ the week ends Februur 7th 1916 not covered b ~ Y , y ordinanoo, amounting to ~f34,40, j', be allowed, sat:,e oarrlod upon Dull of the roll b the follow! y nR vote; Yens, j LnoYoy, Hz:zelip, Ynn i'eter, t'iallaoo and IL~ashinvton -5, ~~ On motion by liembor Hazelip', that tl:e communication of G. C. Cruse, in ;, regard to auto putrol,be referred to the Commie:aioner of Safety, same onrried upon J •-+•• ~~ Dull of tho roll by the following voto; Yeus, Luokoy, liazalip, Yen iiotor, Wallaoe ~; and Washington -5. On motion by the above, that tho matter of release of prisoners from ~.e.~ ~ City fail by City Judgo be referred to the City Solioitor for opinion ut ones- also,! ~~ (l~f ~; that the Clty Solioitor roport as to yhether or not poet of prisoners sent to ~ ~- County Jail,yithout authority, Dan be taY.en from Dula ry o f the City Judlte, owae ~~~.~::r~ ~. ~ I onrried upon Dull of the roll by tho following voter Yoae, Laokey, Hnzolip, Yun.. j I ~' }.Teter, Wullaoe and YJushirrpton -5. 1, On motion the Board ad~ouraod, upon Dail of tho roll by tho following q . - ~' vote: Xeas Laal.e linzeli Ynn J.ioter Wullaue artd Washinfrton -b.. ~~ - y. r. ; -k~~CE~~~~IGl~„ m. i, ' u ~~ t' .e~p ov~z~ 11~ w.., .._....... R { I~iAYUIt. . ~ '