HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/31-02/01/16_. .~ ..~.o-~;ua. *3~~:.r'~t'xc~x~n•TAy,?tiM1;~' '~k"9 n94S:!^ Rr~n.k,; osr,;~ ^- ~ p. Na /3 3 .' ~i 0112T2I1 SSIOI2 Cl''S of Paducah aenu-rg_33et1916 ~:. at a regular meetinS of the Hoard o-f Commissioners, held Y n the Counoil C}:ember of the City Ra11, Paduoah, l:entuaky, on January 31st, 1916. upon Dail of the roll j the Yollowing ansrrerod their names.: Laokey, Yan Later, iYnllaoa end Washington -4. On motion by Lember Yan Later, the minutes oY the previous meeting were adopted] as rend upon pall qY the roll by the following votes Yeas Lsa}*e Yan Mete { i S I ~~ ~u / ~ ~ e-y I ~'IG~~/^.. , ~~`~~'•~ ~• __ , -w...,.,~ . ,>.. ,-::., ., ~~C•.,.--..,:~ ..w ..~..: ...::,: ..,~ ~..< ~. ~....,.. .. X39,'R~3.^t`~`~[,-!&i;4`+3~:!.~*.'H"r?~*'.,'~`'~i ,6~Ne'8'T`+1SR'S,~1'•?i +~„~r*nry,";w" .i ,•,~.'".tk~:' : ryCs _..., i ~ ..i, .~~ ,i ,- ~ ~ ~~ ,,~: ~ n .~ T. ~ ;~,i-. --~~, _.~ , r.-..-~ i,~,.i n - it ~: i trait J,~:..:,,. ~.,w...• ~...- ~n .~~a,.a. 3,....~,... •~ . ". .. ~Byr,.u.,r rn ` J~,,,,,.... i ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~" moo, ~i..~.r6 1'. .~ .tom ~ • ~~ . " ~~~~~. i i a~G~sa99~ {I ,,,;. BJ9 1~ , /. , . y, r, Wnllaae and Washington -4. ~ OH motion by the abmva, that the aommissionors aaaept the resignation of Will ~ ~ ! .~ Thomns, as Ylremun, and that T. L. Roedor, first extra, be enrolled.as a re:rular firetvin, same oniried upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,.Lual:ey,' Yan Lietor, :'nllace and Washington -4. On motion by the nbova; that tho aommiasloners endorse the appointment of Ilormar} •" }.toKinney ns a fireman, and that his name be enrolled as u.regular Yireman, sutne j ' parried upon pall of the roll by the follovrin~* vote: Yeas, Lsal:ey, Yan Ifeter, j Ylallaoo and Ylashirieton -4. • On motion by Ltember Washington, that the payroll for the street department, j d amounting to ~+7b.20, not oovered by ordinunoe, Yor the wep}:.ending January 30, 1916, be allowed, same; aurrled upon pall of t}!o roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laokey, ~ e., Yan Later, Wallace and Washington -4. On motion .by i;ember Flallaae, that Ltiae Ltaude .fnderaon be retained in the. offloe ~ ,. of the Commissioner of b`inanae until further notioe, same parried upon pall of the roll by the Yellowing vote: Yetis, Lackey, Yan Letor;'Wallaae and Ylashirigton -4. 1 On motion by Liayor Laokey, that Dr. Fronk Boyd and Llr. E. iY. Haker be re- ~ Bloated members oY the Board of health, same parried upon oali of the roll by the", i Yellowing vote; Yeas, Lackey, Yan },;titer, Ylnlleoe and iYashin(±ton;-4. IIII~ On motion by the above, that Liss nimee F. Lowe, truant officer, be granted i pol'~oe powers upon oxeoution of the proper bond, aemo curried upon call oY the roll , " by the follovrinp, vote: Yoas, Laokey, Yan Ltoter, Wallace and iYaAhir~ton -4, : i .' On motion by the above,•that bIrs. Largaret Ford be granted polioe powers npon 1 exeoution oY,the proper bond, sar:~e aarr3ed upon pall oY the roll by the following. vote: Yens, Laokey, Yan Lieter, ilalleoe and Washington -4. ~ .: On motion by the above, that account of.aarrying Yor city prieonere sent to ~ ,. county ~si11, mmountinp, to ;~2239,90,.be allowed, and warrant drawn in Yavor of j ; LiaCraaken county for this amount; and charge to.aontingent fund, same oar;ied upon .i~ - pall of the roll by the following vote; Your, Laakey,Ynn lister, Wallace end f Washington -4. ""~.: On motion by Ltember Yan Later, that Lot 42, in Block 42, Oak Grove Cemetery, ~ be tranaYerred Prom Lira. Elizabeth Hsas to Lrs. Muth Williams, same parried upon a&11 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Lackey, Yun Letgr, Wallace iutd Washington -4. } On motion by the above, that deed be granted John H, Lis to lot 20 in Block I 47, Oak Grove Cemetery, Treasurer's roaoipt for one hundred"dollnrs attached, t same parried upon pall oY the roll by the following votq:. Yoas, Laokey, Van Lister, ~ i'lallaae and Piashington -4. '. On motion by the above, that deed be granted to W. H. Wilson to lot 10 in ~ new addition Hlook 1 (one)~in Oak Grove Cemetery, Treasurer's receipt Yor thirty 030.00) dollars attnahed, same carried upon null of the roll by ti:e Yellowing vote; Ye;:s, Luckey, Van Later, 1'1a11aoe and i'lashin~?ton -4. f. - - _ ..,iii'- - ._w .- ~~... ~ . .. j ' ~ j . ,.. . o . ~. .. .. __. ._ r .. -~ ' No.15 't' - Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah January 31st 19,E continued . s On motion by Ltayor Laokey, that the account of Frank Augustus, amounting .a ~~ to .55.00 (fiYty-five ~ be allowed same oarried upon null of the roll by the '! following vote: Yeas. Laokey, Wallsoe and Washington -3. Z~sy: Yan leeter, 1. J. ` w~ On motion the Board ad3ourned until ten o'clock a. Lt.., February late y ~, _ ~ ~' ~i1916. upon pall of the roll by the following vote: -Yeas. Laakey, Yan Lister, ~r e 1 ~' Wallace and,Washington -4. OV.~D y k Ox. A ,• ~1 z ~; ,~ )~ ' C ~ ~~ February 1st, 1916.. ~ - l At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Ooruaissionera, held in the Council Chamber of the bity Hall, padnaah, at ten o°oloek a. Li., February 1st, ,~ .. - 1916, the following ansRered their names; Laokey. Yan Lister, Ylalleae and ~ . Washington -4. ~ o- ' , ,. On motion by Lfember Wallaae, the report of the i-uditorireasurer, ~ , ~~ • i, ;.;..~~~~ ,together with the pay r®11 fos January, 1916. amounting to y8,359.72, was ~.i "~ / received and ordered filed, and warrants ordered drawn on treasury for pa;~ment, ~ ~ I~, E ~ ~~~~,~ same oarried upon aall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laakey,Yan, Meter, Walleoe and Washington -4. ~ • On motion by the above, that the allowance of ~+5b.00 to rr^rank .,ugustus,.j ~. { t _- a~,~~ made on January 31st, 1916, be reeonaidered, same carried upon call of the roll ~ ~ ' ~ by the following voter Yoae, Laokey, Yan }deter, Wallaae and Glashinr;ton -4. ~ On motion by the above. that the bill of Frank dugustus, amounting to ~ ~ t^q~4~ ~p55.00. be disallowod, same anrried upon call of the roll by the following votes ~ - ~ ._..- j. Yese, Lackey. Yan LIetor, Wallace and Yashington -4. j On motion by the above,, that the Commisalonor of Finance be instructed j i ~~ e to 'issue aheak on Treasury Yor X125.00, payable to Wayne Seaton, for aaoount ~ ~;,, '.r~ 7~~~/% of Liauriae ldoIntyre for November, 191b, salary, uadex order of aourt, same aarried~ ~ :~li upon call oS the roll by the following votes. ~°eas, LaaY.ey, Yan Lister, Wallaae and .. ~~. Washington -4, i; On motion the Board adjourned;-upon pall of the rall by the following ~ -~ rotes Yeas, Laokey, San Lister, Wallace and Washington -4. ~' i ;E p~ ~ r . r .,.: ;. t ,, r : tl • • ..., ~;: :,. ,, ,;. - i . y 7 i ~, ' ~ ._ ~ .. ., ,.. . a, r, ~ .T^?.+.. xr. r; a w :'y„ ~ ,~..: r,... ..~,..rt, .r4, r~4; ~+i.. ~,.. ..r ... .,-.. .. .. ~ . ~ .