HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/07/16 ' ~ ~ P 1 ' Commissioner's Procetdings, City of Padticali? ~,cy ~c~ _l'~5~, dt a epeoiel meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the CourioSl Chamber i • • . ~ of the Cit Hall City of padnoah Kentnok on Janus Y , y, ry 7th, 1916, upon Dell of the ~ roll the following anewired their aamea: Laokey, Hazsllp, Van !deter, 19alleoo and ' 1. • ~: faehingtoa -b. ' ~ Upon motion by Ltember llellaoe, George 1Y. Kattar~ohn, Thomas T. Neeley and Frank `~ ~ ; 0. Hoone ware appointed ae the Hoard of Supervisors, to sot in said oapaoity foe tho . • ,,~w•!~.~r~ ; Yenr 1916,. Bald Board to go into session Liondny morning, 3nnuary 10th, .1916, oarried .~-- !~ upon onll of the roll by the following vote= Yona, Laokey, Hazelip, Vnn Meter, I ~ . ' ~ , Wallaoe and Washington -b. . ~~ iJpon motion by 1Sembor Hazelip, that the City Solicitor be, and he is hereby /~p• ~' lnstsuotad to bring 1n a Resolution deelgnating the City National Bank ns the Offiole i. h • ~ 1b~. ~!i City Depository, and that the Paduoah Hanking Company, Meohanioa Trust dr Savings • / 9 /'' ' Bank, and Citizens Savings Bank be designated ea Speoinl Depositories, and that the I,. ' ' Sinking Fund of ,~4i:,7?0.40 be transferred to the Citizens Snvinga Bank on aooount of ' ~ .~~;. said Hank not now holding sny of tho City'e funds, same to draw 40 interest annuallq, .~ i• same oarried upon Dull of the roll by the following vote; Yoaa, Laokey, Hazelip, ii ' is .t Yan Ltete;, Tiallooe and C~aehington -b., ~~ ' ~~ +,. ~' On motion by ttember Hnzollp,.his report in regard to awarding oontraot to J• T• , • ~~ ., ~.0,~,/~. (! Hnse and B. J. Wobb, Yor nutting out partition on the third floor of the Oity Hnil, '. ~"'~'"'~ for the amount of ~T4.7b, was received, oanourred in, and ordered filed upon onll of ;, ~ ., • ... fIIi the roll bytha following vote; Yeaa, Leul+ey, Hazelip, Yan lJOter, Wallaoe and 1' Washington -b. ~, ~ . ~~~~ j; On motion Dy itember Wallaoe, that the reports of auditor Neoley and Qommiasiono; f 1 I /D+~-~1j3~ of Finanoe, showing disbursements end reoeipte for Deoo-nbor 1918, be reoeived, filed " 1 • 1 - ~ and published, anme oarried upon onll of the roll by the following voto; Yeae, ~ • (.Laokey. Hazelip, Yan i.!etor, iJallaoe and Woahington -b. .s~ On motion by 1{ember Hazelip, that the City 3olioitor be, and ho !a hereby (~ instruoted to bring in n Resolution ordering that no orders be eooeptod by the (d~.fitp• i~ ' • CommlBaioner of Flnanoo on the salary of any employes, and that no Dash orders bs I: ieauod.by any memi-er of the Board exoept in sees of smerRonoy, and same shall be I. ~ j paid by oheok by the Commissioner of Flnanoo under s system inaugurated by said ' !! offioe and approved by the Hoard of Commiaeionere, same onrriod upon oBil of the roll • f. '~ ~i by the iolloxing vote: Yeas, Laokey, Haaelip, Yan Ltater, Wnllnoo and Washington -b. ;: • . ', ~ On motion the Board ad~ournod, upon oe7.1 of the roll by the following vote; , ~~ Yeaa, Laokey, Hazelip. Yan Efeter, Wallaoe and Washington -6. . <k '~ - f .c~'~rn-.,•_-.-, rj APP V~iiD { r`f; ~i /,,/ ~ '~ f~ '....~rL+CF...,f.~~ J.. MAYUIt ,i (~1ty Ulo.n, • ,, ~~ i ' ~. { .. ~ • ' 1, ':~Y li ,~ .' ..~ ~ ~ ~ t ..:mow,,.. ' } ' ( ~ ..f .. .. '- . i .,.- t - ,. ,.. ,.. .., ,. ., .. ~ ., _ ~ ~ .. i ~ ' d ~ ' .........,.......... =r