HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/03/16 Special Meeting.. ' ~ ' ~ ~.,.; i L...,~ of .~ •, At a epeoiei mooting of the Board of Oanmieaioaere of the 01ty of Paduoah,~ r ; ;, ' ~ oalleQ by Mayos, Eraest Laok~y, 14 the 0ounoil Ohpmbss of the Oity Nall, Padnonh, ~'~~"~'{ ~; ~ ~; 8eatuoky~ oa January S, 1916, upoq Dell of the roll the following aaewored thole •2• ~ I: ! ••~. •+ ~% •~ ~; Aemea= Laoksy, 8ezellp, Yon !deter, Walleos apd Washiagton . 6. y • y' ~; Upon motion by itember 8azelip, Msyos Laokay~e address and seoommendatione • { ~~ ~~ were reoeived, oonourred in and ordered tiled upon Dell oY the soli Dy the follow. • r ~'•• 9 ing voter Yeae, Laokey Nazelip, Yan Meter, Willaoo and Washington . b. ~; Upoa motion by the above "O RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE DEPARTMENTS EA08 • {J~ I~ OOIO[I33IONE8 OF THE OITY OF PxDU0eI1 SBALL SAYE CBdRGE 08 FOR THE YEeR 1916" was G"" N ~ ~ • `"'` " ~ 1411 G •k..c passed ppon Dell of the roll by the following vote Yeas, Laokey, 8azelip, ~ ~ h Vea Meter, Wallaoe and Washington- b. .. • ./ ~ ~ On motion by the above, the rules were snapendsd oa sending out oopiea ' r'`w"1"'~ ~ ° ~' ` of the Fnnotioa Ordinauoe, ppon sell of the roll. by rho following voto; Yeas,Lao&ey, ' p l 8ozelip, Ynn Meter, Wallaoe and Washington . b. ' •f', ~ 4n motion by the above "dN ORDINANGE AME2IDING ORDINANCE NUMBER ONE (1) ~ ~ ' ' • I ~....oY'.++ Q .~,,~ .,,. .ON THR CITY OF PADIICAB, KENTUCKY F.iZ^aITLED "AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE FUNCTIONS rry, ~ . „ OF THE DEPdRibiENT3 OF PUBLIO Ab'FAIRS, PUBLIO FINANCE, PUBLIC SAFETY, PUBLIC WORKS Y ~" '; ~, AND PUBLIC PROPERTY, AND PRESCRIBING ~iiE DUTIE9 OF T8$ COMMISSIONERS, PASSED BY • . ~~ THE HOARD OF COMIdIS310NERS OF THE CITY OF PADUOAB JANUARY 4, 1915, uND RECORDED i ~,. - I. JANUARY 4, 1915" WAS given its passage upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: • ~; Yeea, Laokey, Hazalip, Van Lteter, Wallaoe and Washington.- 6. • •~ ~ b~ ~~r~ On motion by the above, that rules be suspended ea to sending out oopiea ~ ~y oY the ordiaonoe repealing the Merit Ordinnnoe, same oarried upon Dell oY the roil ~; i~ by the following vote: Yeea, Laokay, 8azelip, Yan Lister, Wa118oe and Washington -b.~ • :+ ~~ ~ On motion by Member Ynn Lister. "AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER _~; "~^ ~ f; SEYSNTEEN (17~ OF THE CITY OF PADUCAB, KENTUCKY ENTITLED "dN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING ~• • . i1 POSITIONS OF EMPLOYLIENT IN THE POLIGE AND FIRE DEPaRTLiET~T3 OF TllE CITY OF PdllUCAB, • y; ~, AND PRESCRIBING TBEIR DUTIE9 dND THE LfET80D OF PROISOTION AND REDUOTION", P633ED BY ' ~ (,. THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FEB. 23, 1915, AND RECORDED FEB. 26, 1916, was given its i passage ppon Dell oY the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Lea key, 8azelip, Yen ;• • ~~ Meter and Wallaoe - 4. Nay :Washington, 1. I ~ ! (~ - /~ On motion by Member Welleoe, that the rules be suspended in regard to 1 ~ wpm: ~ -f sending out oopiea of ordinanos naming offioers required to give bond , same oarried • ~ ;: ~' on Dell oY the roll b the Yollowi y; p~ ~. up y ng vote: Yeea Laoke 8ozeli Yen Meter {; ~; Wallaoe sad Washington - b. • ~'. G Oa motion by the above, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDIIiG AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED ~~ • • ~ ~ . 9+•.~ ~, "AN ORDINANCE NAMING THE OFFICERS AIiD EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAB Y180 SBALL j I ~r = ~ '~ GI BO : I F%arµ-}c- 4' VE UD FOR T}1E FaITBFUL PERFORMANCE OF T1iEIR DUTIE9, a2ID FIXING THE AMOUNT OF j j r~0 ' " j SUCB BONDS". ADOPTED BY THE HOARD 08 COMMISSIONERS J.N. 4. 1916, AND RECORDED ~ JAN. 4, 191b, was given its peaeage ppon Dell oY the roll by the following vote; •" ~' , i; Yeae. Leakey, 8azelip, Vsa Lleter, Wallaoe and Washington -b, • 1; On motion by Member Van Meter, that John Slaughter be appointed-Chief o! 1~y,, ~,N„ [1.%(. 1 '/ // the Fire Department of the City oY Peauoah, to euooesd Joe Collins, whose term ae ; i Oh1eY oY the Fire Department 1e hereby deolared to have Dossed, same oarried upoa '` , Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Laokey, 8azelip, Van Meter, Wallaoe. : { is and Washiagton -b. On motion by the above, that Henley Franklin be appointed Chie! of Poli a ,~'~`""~ ' r~ ~ _ RG•w E to anooeed Lather Graham, whose term ea Assistant ChieY of Polioe is hereby , deolared to have oensed, same oarried upon Dell oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: i' ~' N Yeas, Lookey, 8azelip, Vea Meter, Wallaoe and Washington -b. , _ :. ,~. -.