HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid for bituminous concrete1 A„RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER,TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE CITY~S REQUIREMENT, OF,.BITUMINOUS CONCRETE (CLASS. I, TYPE A) FOR THE YEAR 19,76 (APPROXIMATELY 2,000 TONS) TO BE USED IN STREET RESURFACING BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCA~H , KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to advertise for bids for the City's requirement of bituminous concrete (Class I, Type A) _... ,. for the year 1976, (approximately 2, 000 tons) to be used in street resurfacing. Material and manufacturing procedure must satisfy Kentucky Bureau of Highways "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction" . The quantity quoted is a preliminary estimate only and the City reserves the right to add to or delete,from.same at its discretion . Bids shall be for material only, the material will be picked up at plant by the City or it's designee, and the Gity will not be bound to accept the low bid since time and distance will be considerations . All bids shall provide a guarantee against advance in,market price and shall guarantee a reduction in price in the event of a decrease in market price. The successful bidder shall post a performance bond in the sum of $2,500.,00 guaranteeing specifications and delivery . SECTION 2. The City Manager shall advertise for bids by a notice posted at the City Hall door and by inserting notice of the, request for bids in the Sun-Democrat to be published as required by law . All bids shall be. sealed and no bid shall be received after the hour fixed in the notice for the opening of same. All, bids received by the City Manager up to the time fixed for the opening of bids shall be filed with the Board of Commissioners who may let a contract to_ the best responsible bidder or bidders , and the Board of Commissioners shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids and the City shall not become legally obligated to purchase said material until, the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the execution of a contract . , SECTION 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption . -~L ... ~~ _r-. Mayor Passed by the Board of Commissioners April'27, 1976 Recorded by Sarah Thurman, City Clerk, April 27, 1976.