HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/19/72457 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City ofPaducah December 19, 1972 At a C;=lled Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on December 19, 1972, Mayor McNutt presided and upon call'of the R011 the following answered to their names Commissioners Harvey, Hornsby, Lambert, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (5). Mayor McNutt offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the executed copies of the Notice -of Called Meeting to be held`at 7:30 p.m., on December 19, 1572; be received -and --filed.-- .: Adopted on-call of the :Roll-, Yeas, . Commissioners I Harvey, Hornsby, Lambert, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (5). Board of Equal. Commissioner Harvey offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that extend time the time for completion of the work of the Board of Equalization be extended to and including January 19, 1972, or so much thereof as is necessary to complete their work Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Harvey, Hornsby, Lambert, Puryear �. I ! and Mayor McNutt (5). Approve Lease Commissioner Harvey offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, as Civic Beautifica tion Board to follows: I move that the proposed lease from the Civic Beautification Board of Paducah Art Guild the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to the Paducah Art Guild, Inc. for a portion of the I Market House Building, be received and filed, and that said lease be approved as �I written. I further move that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to approve said lease on behalf of the City. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Harvey, Hornsby, Lambert, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (5). Nettie Walls serve Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Harvey, that �' Ky Housing & _. .. _ Redevelopment Nettie Walls be authorized to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the Association, Inc Bd of Directors Kentucky Housing and Redevelopment Association, Inc., and to attend said Directors': Meetings, the cost of which shall be paid from funds available in the currently approved budget or available for transfer from contingencies, and the cosh incurred I. are in accordance with the adopted travel policy and "Code Enforcement Grant Program Handbook," RHA 7250.1, Chapter 8, Section 1. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Harvey, Hornsby, Lambert, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (5). Employ temp. Commissioner Lambert offered motion that the following personnel changes pump operators G be made, the motion was seconded by Commissioner Puryear: Suspend Clarence R. Liggon, Sr. 1. The following be employed as temporary pump operators in the Floodwall Department at a salary of $2.00 per hour, retroactive to December 13, 1972: Place under civil service r` Robert Wahl Linda Peck `✓ Gary Martin G Vander Boegh... Roy Jones Benny Reed Bobby Sweatt Robert Brown Steve Clymer Chas A Manley,"/ Preston Lowe David DeBoe Frank L. Steel' 2. That Clarence R. Liggon, Sr., laborer in the Park Department, be suspended for a D W Littlejohn period of ten (10) working days beginning December 27, 1972, during which sus- pension he shall accrue no benefits from his employment with the City of Paducah. Proceedings of Board of Commissioners _ City of Tax Exonera 20312 thru 20338 Approve Leas Civic Beauti- fication Boa to Museum Request bids Radio equip. Fire Dept. Request bids Mini bus or Maxi Van Commend James A. Shaw December 19, 1972 3. That the following employees be placed under Civil Service for their respective positions, retroactive to December 11, 1972: Linda Peck, Finance Dept. Gary Vander'Boegh, Engineering Dept. Benny Reed, Engineering Dept. Robert Brown, Refuse Dept. Charles A. Manley, Refuse Dept. David DeBoe, Refuse Dept. Frank L. Steel, Maintenance Dept. Donald W. -Littlejohn, Floodwall Dept. - provided they furnish at.their expense, a satisfactory medical report as to their physical condition. Adopted on -call of the -Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Harvey, Hornsby, Lambert, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (5) . ons Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Lambert, that Exonerations prepared and delivered by the City Treasurer numbered 20312 through 20338 inclusive be received and filed and the amounts of the same totaling $753.57 be exonerated on tax bills shown and designated by said Exonerations. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Harvey, Hornsby, Lambert, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (5) Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Lambert, that the proposed lease from the Civic Beautification Board of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to the William Clark Market House Museum, Inc., for a portion of the Market House Building, be received and filed, and that said lease be approved as written. He further moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to approve said lease on behalf of the City. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Harvey, Hornsby, Lambert, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (5). Commissioner Lambert offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO_ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF F. M. TWO-WAY RADIO EQUIPMENT TO BE USED IN THE PADUCAH FIRE DEPARTMENT AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Harvey, Hornsby, Lambert, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (5). Mayor McNutt offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE 1973 MODEL MINI BUS OR MAXI VAN TO BE USED FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF SENIOR CITIZENS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Harvey, Hornsby, Lambert, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (5). Mayor McNutt offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION COMMENDING JAMES A. SHAW, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR IN THE REFUSE DEPARTMENT, AND DESIGNATING HIM A PUBLIC SERVICES EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Harvey,'Hornsby, Lambert,,Puryear and Mayor McNutt (5). No. 460 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners Judgment Joel Dickins city of December 19, 1972 WHEREAS, charges of misconduct, inefficiency, insubordination and conduct bringing discredit upon the Police Department and the government of the City'of Paducah have been brought by Police Chief Robert Holt against Patrolman Joel Dickinson, and WHEREAS, on motion of the defendant, Mayor Alice H. McNutt vacated her position for Bearing and deciding the issues, leaving Mayor Protem Henry Puryear as presiding officer, and WHEREAS, the case was thereupon called for hearing with both sides announcing ready and the`complainaht being represented by Corporation Counsel W.ZDavid Denton, and the defendant being represented by the Honorable James Lindblad, and WHEREAS, the Board has heard the evidence and arguments of both sides, and WHEREAS, the Board has made the following findings of fact and conclusions of law. 1. That Count One as written and presented should be dismissed. 2. That the defendant is guilty of the remaining charges in the complaint; 3. That the defendant has not completed one year of service in the department and has failed to adjust to -the required rules, discipline and conduct required of police officers; 4. That the defendant has displayed poor judgment 'in 'carrying out his assigned duties, so as to make him unsuited -'for the responsibiliti"es Iof a police officer and so as to bring discredit to the Paducah Police Department and -the government of the City of' Paducah; and 5. That the Chief of Police, the Executive officer, all Captains and two commanding Sergeants testified that in their opinion acid evaluation of the defendant he is not suitable for the duties and responsibilities of a police officer. NOW THEREFORE, I move that the Board of Commissioners adopt the following judgment: That the defendant, Joel Dickinson be, and he is hereby, dismissed from employ• ment as a member of the Paducah Police- Department' effective immediately and retroact: to the date of his suspension following the filing of the Statement of Charges hereii to -wit: December 13, 1972. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners'Hornsb, Lambert and Mayor Protem Puryear (3), Commissioner Harvey Voted "No". On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 197. APPROVED C Mayor City Clerk re Proceedings of Board of Commissioners Accept bid Motorola Police Communicati Equippent Reapportionment ordinance - 1972 Transfer $2,686-12 from Public Works Cumulative Reserve fund to General Fund accounts Accept bid Gulf Oil Company Hearing of Charges Joel Dickinson police officer 459 City of Paducah December 19-, 1972 commissioner'Harvey offered -motion, seconded byrcommis.s-ioner Hornsby, that an ordinance entitledn, ','AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING :THE -:.BID-. OF, MOTOROLA FOR .;SALE TO' THE CITY OF FOURTEEN PORTABLE- COMMUNICATION UNITS-,, AND ONE:',MULTI -UNIT -BATTERY ;CHARGER-: FOR USE IN THE PADUCAH POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER -TO EXECWE-,A, CONTR-ACT-.FOR-,BUCH; -PURCHASE,"-, be:, -adopted;.:-, Adropted­ on- ca -1;1 -of the Rpll,,;Yeas, Commissioners Harvey Hornsby.--,,,,Lambert-,-,Puryear,:,and,:Mayor McNutt- -,(5)_ Commissioner Hornsby pffered motion, seconded by CommissLoner-Harve.y%, that.an — prdi-nance,-entit-led IkAN%- ORDINANCE, AMENDING, THE ST ANTICIPAT REVENUE OF -THE,CITY-;OF TPADUCAHzi.-, KENTUCKY, -,,NOR, THE -YEAR- -1-9_72; -,:RE.VI SING,. W_.-s,AMPNDI_NG­, THE APPOR- TIONMENT OF THE,*.PUBLIC-F-UNDS:.,-.REVENUE •-AND INCOME ON, -HAND, AND COLLEC-TED­,AND- TO BE COLLECTED IN cSAIDYEAR;: AUTHORIZING - THE,,,TRANSFER :OF UNUSED-- APPROPRIATIONS FOR ONE ,PURPOSE -:TO- ANOTHER. PURPOSE'; -MAKING,- -SUCH­TRANSFERS; APPROPRIATING AVAILABLE REVENUES NOT INCLUDED IN THE BUDGET FOR SAID YEAR; FIXING THE APPORTIONMENT OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSES SPECIFIED i THEREIM; ­. rAND - REPEALING, ALL,ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREW=ITH"', -,be adopted.. - Adopted -,:on- ,ca-ll-cof -the -Roll, -Yeas - Commissioners Harvey, Hornsby-. Lambert,- Puryear,:.--and- Mayor McNutt (5);. Commissioner Hornsby offered motion that,a--n, ordina-nce, entitled-. -"AN-- ORDINANCE R OF $2,686.12 FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS -CUMULATIME-RESERVE FUND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFE TO VAR-WUS ACCOUNTS .*IN. THE GENERAL FUND.'.,,-, be :a,dopted. Adoptedl,on.call of the Roll, Yeas,. , �commislsioners:-Harve,y,Hornsby, La-mbert:, Puryear and,;Ma-y.or,McNutt_(5). Commissioner Puryea-r. of-fered motion-, seconded by ,Coqmis&i.oner Lambert, that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID :OF -GULF, OIL,, ..COMPANY FOR, SALE TO THE CITY OF ITS REQUIREMENT OF -.REGULAR AND,v-ETHY_L, GASOLINE, --MOTOR OIL, DIESEL FUEL, -CHASSIS 'LUBRICANT -r GFAR LUBE: OI­L,j,- HYDRAULIC, OIL.-, KEROSENE -.,AND, -ANTI-FREEZE TO BE USED BY THE CITY -OF PADUCAH FROM JANUARY 1,-, -.197.1. THROUGH DECEMBER. .3-1, ;19.73;,. AND AUTHORIZI1 THE ,CITY, MANAGER TO EXECUTE A- CONTRACT WITH SAID:.COMPANY" bead_op_te4. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, commissioners Harvey, Hornsby, Lambert, Puryear.-and,-:-Mayor rMcNutt - r s- ed for- -a-, short; reces;. May -or McNutt,'. ,ca'll Di-crk -Th-.e:-,hearJ­ng7 of- -charges :­pref erred -agai­ns,,-t ­JOP11 P son,,,,.-% a_ member:.,of, the Police of -.-Paducah, 'by>-Robert,-H-o-1rt, Chief. �of. -Police,-was set for. 8:00 p.m. onr,-December. 19,,j -1-972.,: -or -a-s- soon therea-f--ter, a s -same, could be: heard.;_. Pursuant to a Motion filed by James Lindblad,,,.Attorney ,for :the ;defendant, Mayor Ali'c'e H. McNutt . stepped aside,.,and remov=ed herself from hearing and deciding the issues and Mayor Protem Henry Puryear presided at the hearing. % The case for the complainant was presented by th6'corpor&,Ei6fi_.-Coun-§el, W. David Denton and the defendant, Joel Dickinson, was represented by Attorney James Lindblad The case was called for hearing and at the conclusion of all evidence and argument Commissioner Hornsby offered the following motion which was seconded by commissioneri, Lambert.