HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/29/74Proceedings of Board of Commissioners. -- CHy of Floyd Greene appointed Chz Human Rights Mrs. Loraine Joseph Bush appointed to Human Rights Settlement Sewer & Refuse for December 1973 Assignment of contracts with Edward T. Hanr & Assoc. Inc. to Biagi -Hannan & Associates Inc. Sell grave in V Rushing Addition to Hattie Cawthon Report of Planning Commission North 16th btw. . B"Way & Jefferson No. 181 January 29.1974- A 9. l'974- ;, At a- Called Meeting of ,the Board of Commissioners °held in the Commission Chamber inthe: City Hall-, Paducah;°:Kentucky,,-at .4:30 •p-. m : , on: January; 2-9;,19.7:4 , Mayor McNutt,�presided and -upon call of -,the Roll the-followinrg answered to their names:-: Comm ssioners:Colemaw is Hornsby j.-,Puryear ;and Mayor McNutt (4) ; Commissioner Brumley-being.(1) . Mayor McNutt offered motion ,; seconded by -Commissioner. Hornsby:, that ,the executed, copies of the Notice of. Called Meeting to be—held—,at 4: 30 p.m. , on January 29, 1974, ,b_execeiwed-and filed: Adopted on ca -1 -1 -of the -Roll-,. Yeas,: Commissioners -Coleman, Hornsby, Puryear; and ,Mayort McNutt,:(4); Mayor McNutt offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Coleman as follows: - John. -Hester,; a -member and Chairman sof the Human Rights-. Commi cion having resigned, I - hereby -appoint Floyd Greene, -a,member of said Commission, as:C:hairman thereof for an ndefinite-term . .; Adopted on-call of the Roll ;< Yeas. :Commissioners ,Coleman , Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (4) . Mayor McNutt offered—motion,- seconded by Commissioner -;Coleman as follows: John -Hester -and Herbert -Martin having resigned,as-members-of the °Human Rights Commission, I hereby appoint Mrs. Loraine Mathis and Joseph Bush as members of said Commission to fill the -,unexpired term&r which teams. willexpire April. 1.3; 1:974. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (4) . Commissioner Coleman, offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the reports of the Paducah Water Works for the--month--of December; .19,73,,be received and filed. Adoptedton-call: of the Ro11,-Yeas,• Commissioners Coleman; Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (4) . Commissioner Coleman offered .motion, seconded -by Commissioner' Hornsby, that --the; fully executed copy of each Assignment of -the. Cityis-contract for: Contract No.. 3 Street Improvements and for -West End, Sewer.:E•xtenssions with Edward T. Hannan &Associates, Inc. , to Biagi -Hannan and Associates; ->>Inc ., ;-,be received -and. filed: -Adopted oncall of. the Roll; -,-,Year, Commissioners;, Coleman ,-Hornsby; Puryear and: Mayors McNutt, - (4) : , -,,Commissioner Coleman offered motion, seconded by -Commissioner Hornsby, --that -the' Board of Commissioners approve the, sale by the City ;of -Paducah- o-:Hattie-Cawthon. of the Northwest corner of Lot No. 295 in Block No. 6 -of the Rushing Addition to -Oak. -Grove Cemetery for -the -:sum -of $100:: 00- ,(Receipt No ,14840). and -that..the -.City Clerk be. authorized°, to execute a deed:of..conveyance:-to.--said, cemetery. grave = Adopted, on--t-al-1-of the RollYeas, -Commissioners Colemayn; -Hornsb Puryear and •Nbayor McNutt, (4) , Commissioner Coleman offered-tmotion; seconded. by Commissioner- Hornsby, -that the f Report of the=:Paduca:h Planning •Commission setting:>forth its reasons - for :reeom-mending the :r V of property on North 16th Street between Broadway and Jeffer son c Street,, be received and. filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (41 No. 182 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners _ City of Paducah January 29, 1974 File report of Planning Com. "Interim Care Facility" Larry Roberts Civil Service Robert Hill Civil Service Donnie Alvey Civil Service Temp Pump Operators in Floodwall Dept. Jesse Dowell to Captain -Fire George Wiggins to Lieut. Fire Resignation R. L. Langston Maintenance Sell grave Rushing Add Christine Sui Sell grave Rushing Add Ruby Broyles Commissioner Coleman 'offered -.motion; seconded by Commissioner Hornsby asp follows: 'I move= that the Board "of Commissioners receive -and file'the 'report of -the Paducah Planning Commission`reJectiiri an application ation for a "zonirig`ordnance change amending "Section 54 of the Paducah' Zonirig'Ordinance-1971 to permit an "Interim Care -Facility" as "a "conditionally permitted use in al -ii R-4, High'Density Residential Zone. I further move that 'a public hearing on` the question be set for 8: 30 p': m . , on February 12, 1974, and that a notice of such hearing be published in the Paducah j Sun -Democrat as required by law. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman;`Hornsby, Puryear'and Mayor McNutt- (4) tommisSion' er' Hornsby offered 'motion-, seconded ' by- Commissioner Puryear, that upon the`"recommendation-of the City Manager, the following personnel changes be made: 1. Larry Roberts, collector in the Refuse Department; be placed under civil service for such position, retroactive to January 7, 1974. 2. Robert Hill, collector in the Refuse Department, be placed under civil service for such position, retroactive to January 21-,"1974-. 3. Donnie Alvey, laborer in the Street Deparfinerit, be placed under civil service for such position, effective February 4, 1974. 4. The following be employed as pump operators in the Floodwall Department, at a salary of'$2 `. 00 per hour, ' retroactive to January 26, 1974: i Firn Roberts i J Jackie E. Heflin J 5. Jesse Dowell, lieutenant in the Fire Department, be promoted to captain in said department,' effective `F'ebruary 4, 1974. 6. George Wiggins, firefighter iii the Fire Department; -be promoted to lieutenant in said department, effective February 4, 1974. 7. The resignation of Roy L. Langston, maintenance man in the Maintenance Department be accepted retroactive to January 25, 1974. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,- Commissioners 'Coleman,I Hornsby,' Puryear `and Mayor' McNutt (4) . Commissioner Hornsby" offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear,'that the Board'. of Commissioners approve the sale by the City of `Paducah to Christine Summers of the Northwest corner of Lot No . 284`in' Block NO.- -6 "of the TRushing'Addition -to Oak Grove Cemetery for the sum of $1-00.00- (Receipt No -. 14881) , and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to"said cemetery grave. Adopted on call of the Roll, -Yeas Commissioners Coleman, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (4) . i3 Commissioner Hornsby' offered motion, 'seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that the Board of Commissioners approve the sale'byathe`'City of Paducah to Ruby Broyles of''the Southwest corner of Lot No. 285 in Block No .' 6 -of the Rushing Addition to Dak 'Grove Cemetery for the sum of $'160.60 (Receipt No 1488 1) and -that the City` Clerk be- authorized to execute a deed pf conveyance to said cemetery graver Adopted on call of'the Roll, Yeas-, Commissioners Coleman, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor McNutt" (4) . 183 Proceedings of Board of -Commissioner-s City of Paducah ' January 29 197 File Report of Planning Commissi, deny rezoning 2400 & 2402 Ky Ave File Report of planning Commiss Rejecting "Beauty Shops & Barber SI R-4 Zone Resignation Herbert Martin - Human Rights Commission File contract Angels of Mercy Ambulance Service Report of Kelley Transportation Co December, 1973. West Kentucky State Vocational Technical School - Resolution New Educational Institution Rezong property North 16th Street between Broadway & Refferson Street I✓ Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that the Report of the Paducah Planning Commission setting forth its reason for denying the application for rezoning of 'property located at 2400 and 2402 Kentucky Avenue from an R-2, Low and Medium Density Residential Zone to a B-1, Convenience and Service Zone, be received, approved and filed. Adopted on call of the p Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (4) . Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear as follows: I move that the'Boaid of Commissioners receive and file the report of the Paducah Planning Commission rejecting an application for a zoning ordinance change amending Section 54 of the Paducah Zoning Ordinance -1971 to permit "Beauty Shops and Barber Shops" as conditionally permitted uses in R-4, High Density Residential Zones. I further move that a public hearing on the question be set for 8: 30 p.m., on February 12-; -1974,-and_that-a-notice-of such hearing be published in'the Paducah Sun -Democrat as required by law. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (4) . Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the resignation of Herbert Martin as a member of the Human Rights Commission be received, accepted and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (4) . Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the executed copy of the contract between the City of Paducah and Angels of Mercy, Inc. , to provide ambulance service throughout the city for the period from January 1, 1974 through December 31, 1974, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (4) . Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Hornsby, that the Summary of Income and Expenses submitted by the Kelley Transportation Co. Inc . , for bus service within the City of Paducah for the month of December 1973, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (4) . Mayor McNutt offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Coleman, that a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO THE HONORABLE WENDELL FORD FOR HIS ANNOUNCED INTENTIONS TO DEVELOP A THREE MILLION DOLLAR 80LUO. TIONAL INSTITUTION IN PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND FURTHER EXPRESSING A DESIRE THAT WEST KENTUCKY STATE VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL BE RETAINED", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Hornsby, Puryear and Mayor McNutt (4). Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FINAL REPORT OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION RESPECTING THE REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON NORTH 16TH STREET No. 184 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners _ City of Paducah January 29. 1974 Execute Deed to d Kentucky Depart- ment of Highway widening Park Ave. adjacent to Nobl JJ Park BETWEEN BROADWAY AND JEFFERSON STREETS, AND AMENDING.,THE PADUCAH ZONING ORDINANCE -1971 SO AS TO EFFECT SUCH REZONING", ,be adopted._ Adopted on call of. the. Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Hornsby_, Puryear and, Mayor McNutt (4) . Commissioner Hornsby offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEED TO THE KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FOR WIDENING OF PARK AVENUE ADJACENT TO NOBLE. PARK, FOR THE SUM OF $13,500. 0011,, be adopted. Adopted :. on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Hornsby, Puryear_ and Mayor McNutt (4) On motion the meeting adjourned.