HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/11/79Proceedings of
T. G. Mundy appointed a member
of Paducah Planning Commission
Deny claim of Aline C. Arnold
Parks & Recreation - temporary
Police Dept. employ:
Board of Commissioners
City of Paducah
December 11, 1979
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber,
City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 p.m. on December 11, 1979, Mayor Murphy presided and
upon call of the Roll, the following answered to their names: Commissioners Coleman, Grumley,
Meeks, Puryear and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Mayor Murphy offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that the reading
of the Minutes for November 27, 1979 be waived, and that the Minutes of said meeting prepared
by the City Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Mayor Murphy offered the following motion:
WHEREAS, Rev. C. K. Henry has resigned as a member of the Paducah
Planning Commission, I hereby, subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners,
appoint T. G. Mundy to fill his unexpired term, so that said Commission shall con-
sist of the following members:
T. G. Mundy, whose term will expire August 31, 1980
Andrew S. Wood, whose term will expire August 31, 1981
Richard P. Sutton, whose term will expire August 31, 1981
Mrs. Barbara Parrott, whose term will expire August 31, 1982
Mrs. Ann Penny, whose term will expire August 31, 1982
A. 0. Miller, whose term will expire August 31, 1983
Tom Ladt, whose term will expire August 31, 1983.
Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Meeks, that the
Board of Commissioners approve the action of Mayor William S. Murphy, appointing T. G. Mundy
as a member of the Paducah Planning Commission. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Com-
missioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Coleman offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Grumley, that the
claim of Ms. Aline C. Arnold, 153 Kennedy Road, in the amount of $44.00, allegedly caused by a
manhole on Audubon Drive on October 31, 1979, be denied. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Coleman offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Grumley, that upon
recommendation of the City Manager, I move that the following personnel changes be made in the
Parks and Recreation Department:
1. The following be employed as basketball supervisors, at a salary of $16.50
per session, retroactive to December 1, 1979:
Berny Miller
David Roof
Richard, White
James Winn
Billy Jack Bond
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and
Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Grumley offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Coleman, that upon
recommendation of the City Manager, I move that the following personnel changes be made in
the Police Department:
Proceedings of Rn rd of Com Wis City of Paducah nQrembsr- 11, 197.9
1. The following be employed as patrolmen at a salary of $885.00 per month,
effective December 17, 1979:
Randy Shidal , at 8: 00 a.m.
Charles House, at 8: 01 a.m.
Gary Reese, at 8: 02 a.m.
Rozita Walters, at 8: 03 a.m.
Stanley T. Redick, at 8: 04 a.m.
2. The resignation of Randall O. Williams be received and accepted, effective
December 18, 1979.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and
Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Grumley offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Coleman, that the
following documents be received and filed:
1. Copy of the Master Enrollment Agreement between the City and
Blue Cross & Blue Shield, for the year 1980.
2. Reports of Paducah Water Works for the month of November, 1979.
3. Proposal from Allen and Kleet and Associates, Certified Public
Accounts, to audit funds of the City for the fiscal year 1979 -
4. Executed contract with Allan Rhodes Ford & Honda, for sale to the
City of a 1980 Ford Bronco for use by the Floodwall Department.
5. Report of the Paducah Planning Commission recommending the closing
of alleys on Burnett Street between North 9th and 10th Streets.
6. Resolution of the Paducah Planning Commission approving the amend-
ment of Section 40.021 of the Paducah Zoning Ordinance - 1976.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and
Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Meeks offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that upon
recommendation of the City Manager, I move that the following personnel changes be made in
the Refuse Department:
1. The following collectors be placed under Civil Service, effective
December 11, 1979:
Thomas Todd
Thomas Davenport
2. The resignation of Ronnie Carman, collector, .be received and accepted,
retroactive to December 7, 1979.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and
Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Meeks offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that the
Board of Commissioners approve the sale of the following cemetery lots and that the City Clerk
be authorized to issue a deed of conveyance for said cemetery lots:
1. Theron Christian Leonard of the northwest -A grave in Lot No. 349,
Block 6, Rushing Addition, for the sum of $100.00 (Receipt No.
2. Myrtle Duncan the southeast corner of Lot 354, Block 6, Rushing
Addition, for the sum of $100.00 (Receipt No. 26794) .
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and
Mayor Murphy (5) .
Randy Shidal, Charles House,
Gary Reese, Rozita Walters
Stanley T. Redick
Randall O. Williams - resign
Blue Cross - Blue Shield contract, 1980
Water Works Reports - Nov. 1979
Proposal from Allen & Kleet - audit
for 1979-80
Contract with Allan Rhodes - Foald
Bronco for Floodwall
Planning Com. report - close alleys on
Burnett Street
Planning Com. report - amend Sec. 40.
021 (Non Conforming)
under Civil Service:
Thomas Todd, Thomas Davenport,
Ronnie Carman - resign
,,-'Theron C. Leonard
Myrtle Duncan
Proceedings of City of Pariunah . Rnarri of (°nmmi ecinn ez City of Paducah Day -ember 11, 1979
File bids - Construction of
Public Works Garages
Katherine Stroud, placed
tinder Civil Service - Finance
Retirement of John G.
Edwards - Floodwall
Cemetery - personnel
Donald Rothgeb tinder
Civil Service
Donald Tarry, terminated
Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Meeks, that the
following bids for construction of Public Works Garages be received and filed:
JAX Construction, Inc . , together with bid bond issued by American States
Insurance Company.
Crouch Construction Company, together with bid bond issued by American
States Insurance Company.
Leslie Feast Construction Company, Inc . , together with bid bond issued
by St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company.
Midstates Construction, Inc., together with bid bond issued by The American
Insurance Company.
R. L. Darnell Construction Company, Inc . , together with bid bond issued
by American States Insurance Company.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grttmley, Meeks, Puryear and
Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Meeks, that upon
recommendation of the City Manager, I move that the following personnel change be made in the
Finance Department:
1. Katherine Strood, Computer Data Entry Operator, be placed tinder Civil Service
effective December 16, 1979.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and
Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Meeks, that upon
recommendation of the City Manager, I move that the following personnel change be made in
Floodwall Department:
1. The retirement of John G. Edwards, superintendent, be received and
accepted, effective December 31, 1979.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and
Mayor Murphy (5) .
Mayor Murphy offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, that upon recom-
mendation of the City Manager, I move that the following personnel changes be made in the
Cemetery Department:
1. Donald Rothgeb, Equipment "B" Operator, be placed tinder Civil Service,
effective December 16, 1979.
2. Donald Tarry, temporary laborer, be terminated, retroactive to Dec-
ember 5, 1979.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grttmley, Meeks, Poryear and
Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Coleman offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Grumley, as follows:
WHEREAS, Kentucky Revised Statutes permit the adoption of resolutions by
reference to a summary thereof;
I therefore move that a resolution requesting the City Manager to advertise for bids
Adv. bids - tires for 1980
for furnishing the City of Paducah with its requirement for new and recapped automobile and
truck tires, for the period of time from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 1980, and as appended
in full hereto be introduced and adopted according to law. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Proceedings of Board of Commissioners I City of Paducah 17PrPmhPr 11, 1979
Commissioner Grttmley offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Coleman, as follow.
WHEREAS, Kentucky Revised Statutes permit the adoption of resolutions
by reference to a summary thereof;
I therefore move that a resolution requesting the City Manager to advertise for the
purchase and installation of a new engine in a 1970 Pirsch Aerial Fire Trttck, and as appended
in full hereto be introduced and adopted according to law. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Coleman, Grttmley, Meeks, Pttryear and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Pttryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Meeks, as follows:
WHEREAS, Kentucky Revised Statutes permit the adoption of resolutions by
reference to a summary thereof;
I therefore move that a resolution reciting the need for acgtiiring a certain parcel of
land belonging to Julius Tyler and wife, Shirley R. Tyler, to be used for the completion of the
Interim Community Development Plan and providing for and authorizing the condemnation of same,
and as appended in full hereto be introduced and adopted according to law. Adopted on call of
the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Pttryear and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Coleman offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Grttmley, as follows:
WHEREAS, Kentucky Revised Statutes permit the adoption of ordinances by
reference to a summary thereof;
I therefore move that an ordinance accepting the proposal of Allen and Kleet and
Associates, Certified Public Accountants, for auditing services for the City of Paducah from
July 1, 1979 to Jtzne 30, 1980, for the sttm of $9,400.00 and as appended in full hereto be
introduced and adopted according to law. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Pttryear and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Grttmley offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Coleman, as follows:
WHEREAS, Kentucky Revised Statutes permit the adoption of ordinances by
reference to a summary thereof;
I therefore move that an ordinance amending Section 10-61, Unassigned Positions of the
"Civil Service" ordinance by deleting the position of Fire Marshall's Office, Clerk -typist, and as
appended in full hereto be introduced and adopted according to law. Adopted on call of the Roll,
Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grttmley, Meeks, Puryear and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Meeks offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, as follows:
WHEREAS, Kentucky Revised Statutes permit the adoption of ordinances by
reference to a summary thereof;
I therefore move that an ordinance accepting the bid of Midstates Construction, Inc . ,
for construction of No. 3 Fire Station, located on Friedman Lane in the City of Paducah, for
the stzm of $261,399.00, and as appended in full hereto be introduced and adopted according
to law; this being the second and final reading. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners
Coleman, Grttmley, Meeks, Pttryear and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Adv. bids - engine for 1970
Pirsch Aerial fire track
Condemn land of Julius & Shirley R.
Tyler for Urban Renewal and/or
Community Development
Accept proposal of Allen & Kleet &
Associates - CPAs, audit for 1979-
Amend Sec. 10-61, Unassigned
Positions of Civil Service
Accept bid of Midstates
Construction, Inc. #3 Fire
Station on Friedman Lane
Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah
Amend Sec. 2-47 (a) - Non
Civil Service - add position
of Clerk -fit Fire Marshall's
Approve bonds - $825,000
City of Paducah Public Improv
ment Corporation First
Mortgage Revenue Bonds,
dated 1/1/1980 -
construct new fire station &
public work garage
Close two alleys on Burnett
Stret between No. 9th & 10th
Amend Sec. 2-285 & 2-287,
Human Rights Com. - extend
terms of members
Amend Sec. 40.021 (Non-confo
ing uses) Paducah Zoning
Ordinance - 1976
December 11, 1979
Commissioner Meeks offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, as follows:
WHEREAS, Ketucky Revised Statutes permit the adoption of ordinances by
reference to a summary thereof;
I therefore move that an ordinance amending Section 2-47(a) "Non -Civil Service
Employees Generally" by adding the position of Clerk -typist in the Fire Marshall's Office, at a
salary of $636.00 per month, and as appended in full hereto be introduced and adopted accord-
ing to law. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear
and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Meeks, as follows:
WHEREAS, Kentucky Revised Statutes permit the adoption of ordinances by
reference to a summary thereof;
I therefore move that an ordinance approving the issuance of bonds in the amount of
$825,000, to be known as City of Paducah Public Improvement Corporation First Mortgage
Revenue Bonds, dated January 1, 1980, to finance the construction of Fire Station No. 3 and Public
Works Garages, and as appended in full hereto be introduced and adopted according to law.
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and
Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Puryear offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Meeks, as follows:
WHEREAS, Kentucky Revised Statutes permit the adoption of ordinances by
reference to a summary thereof;
I therefore move that an ordinance providing for the closing of alleys located on
Burnett Street between North Ninth and Tenth Streets in the City of Paducah, and as appended
in full hereto be introduced and adopted according to law. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Mayor Murphy offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, as follows:
WHEREAS, Kentucky Revised Statutes permit the adoption of ordinances by
reference to a summary thereof;
I therefore move that an ordinance amending Sections 2-285 and 2-287 of Article XVI,
Human Rights Commission, staggering and extending the terms of members, and as appended in
full hereto be introduced and adopted according to law. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Mayor Murphy offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, as follows:
WHEREAS, Kentucky Revised Statutes permit the adoption of ordinances by
reference to a summary thereof;
I therefore move that an ordinance approving the final report of the Planning Com -
mission amending Section 40.021 (Nonconforming Uses) of the Paducah Zoning Ordinance -
1976, and as appended in full hereto be introduced and adopted according to law. Adopted
on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Meeks, Puryear and Mayor
Murphy (5) .
Proceedings of ai 12ammi City of Paducah necembQr. 11, 1979
Mayor Murphy offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Puryear, as follows:
WHEREAS, Kentucky Revised Statutes permit the adoption of ordinances by
reference to a summary thereof;
I therefore move that an ordinance accepting the bid of JAX Construction, Inc . ,
for construction of Public Works Garages, for the stzm of $679,109.00, and authorizing the
City Manager, subject to the sale and delivery of the Public Works Improvement Corporation First
Mortgage Revenue Bonds in the sttm of $825,000.00, to execute a contract for such construction
and as appended in full hereto be introduced and adopted according to law. Adopted on call
of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grttmley, Meeks, Pttryear and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Commissioner Coleman offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Grttmley, that the
meeting be adjourned. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grttmley
Meeks, Pttryear and Mayor Murphy (5) .
Upon adjournment of the Commission Meeting, a meeting of the City of Paducah
Public Improvement Corporation was held.
-7 �
City Clerk
Accept bid of JAX Construction
build Public, Works Garages