HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO # 908202 MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. '? 6 7 A MUNICIPAL ORDER ADOPTING TABLES 1 AND 2, CLASSIFICATIONS/PAY SCHEDULES FOR CIVIL SERVICE, NON -CIVIL SERVICE AND POLICE AND FIRE; AND TABLE 3, GRADE, CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE FOR CITY OF PADUCAH EMPLOYEES BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. That Table 1, "Classifications/Pay Schedule/Civil Service", Table 2, "Classifications/Pay Schedule Non -Civil Service, Police and Fire", and Table 3, "Grade, Classification and Salary Range", for employees of the City of Paducah, are hereby adopted. SECTION 2. This Order will be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. ATTEST: L-Itity Jerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners August 7, 2001 Recorded by Lenita Smith, City Clerk, August 7, 2001 mo/SalarySchedules 8-7-01 203 7/30/011:02 PM TABLE # 1 CLASSIFICATIONS / PAY SCHEDULE CIVIL SERVICE FINANCE DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/P/T GRADUATED EXEMPT/NON PAY POSITIONS POSITIONS RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE EXEMPT GRADE Administrative 1 -15.4998 45.9433 37.5 F N NE 27 Secretary 15.9648 Payroll Officer 1 A4:86@4 15.2444 37.5 F N NE 26 ENGINEERING DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/PIT GRADUATED EXEMPT/NON PAY �ITIONS POSITIONS RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE EXEMPT GRADE �`Fi od Control Div. Floodwall Operator 4 40 F Y NE 25 80% 2, 10.8018 85% - 11.4770 90% 14.7991- 12.1520 95% 12.4536 12.8272 100% 13.409 13.5023 Engineering Div. Engineering Assist III 1 '"�� 18.4872 37.5 F N NE 30 POLICE DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/PR GRADUATED EXEMPT/NON PAY POSITIONS POSITIONS RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE EXEMPT GRADE Animal Warden 1 -44.5668- 14.9358 40 F N NE 26 Data Entry Operator 1 12.946& 12.4080 37.5 F N NE 23 Records Clerk 1 12.0466- 12.4080 37.5 F N NE 23 Secretary 1 :3,4235- 13.8262 37.5 F N NE 23 CLIC WORKS DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/PR GRADUATED EXEMPT/NON PAY 'POSITIONS POSITIONS RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE EXEMPT GRADE Solid Waste Div. Collector 10 40 F Y NE 21 80% -9-46r57- 9.7497 85%4 0.067& 10.3590 90% -1$.64$S 10.9684 95% 14.240-5 11.5777 100%'-, 'T 12.1871 Class A Truck Driver 5 40 F Y NE 25 80% 10.69.36 10.3964 85% , ^� 11.0462 90%-41.355'3 11.6960 95% 11-9$62 12.3458 100%1-rr.61 & 12.9955 Knuckleboom Oper. 1 40 F Y NE 24 80% 49.4669- 10.7706 85%11.110-4- 11.4437 90% 41.6 12.1169 95% 12-41:7& 12.7900 100% 131. 13.4632 Truck Driver 9 40 F Y NE 24 80% 19-7-9� 10.0875 85% 10.4658- 10.7180 90% 11.91:79- 11.3484 95% 41.630G-- 11.9789 100% 4 `',rte- 12.6094 TABLE 1 Page 1 -- , .T., -.T - 1 204 7/30/011:02 PM TABLE # 1 CLASSIFICATIONS / PAY SCHEDULE CIVIL SERVICE Fleet Maint. Div. Class A Mechanic 4 40 F Y 80% A i . i g77 T 11.5346 85% 4995- 12.2555 90% 1-2. T4- 12.9764 95% 13- 13.6972 100% ��r- 14.4181 Solid Waste Recycling Div Compost Equip. Oper. 1 40 F 80% S- 11.0744 85% 1 1.4237 11.7664 90% -12.0957 12.4586 95% 12.767 7 13.1507 100% -43-4397 13.8429 Facility Maint. Div. Maintenance Specialist 2 40 F 80% 1,T�� 11.3328 85% 14.6994 12.0411 90% 12:34 12.7494 95% 6 5 8, 13.4578 100% 113$ 14.1660 Maintenance Person #1 1 40 F 80% -16:8#34- 11.1687 85%'11-�2- 11.8668 90% -1-2.1989- 12.5649 95% 12.8766-- 13.2629 100% 13.5543- 13.9609 Janitor 5 40 F 80% -9.4657- 9.7497 85% 18.0573. 10.3590 90% 10.6489- 10.9684 95% q 9-22465 11.5777 100% 11.8321. 12.1871 Laborer 1 40 F 80% 9.4657. 9.7497 85%16.657-3- 10.3590 90% 19.6489- 10.9684 95% 11.2405. 11.5777 100% 1.8321- 12.1871 Street Div. Equipment Operator 6 40 F 80% 10T768rZ 11.0758 85% 11.4263- 11.7681 90% 1''�4- 12.4603 95% 42.7694- 13.1525 100% -18.441 13.8447 Right -Of -Way Maintenance Person 12 40 F 80% 0. 16 10.4737 85% x$$941- 11.1282 90% 11.4393 11.7828 95% 12.E);1-6-2 12.4375 100% 12.7107 13.0920 Concrete Finisher 4 40 F 80% moi`- 11.0722 85% 11.421 11.7641 90%12.0934. -r 12.4562 95% 12.7 6652 13.1482 100% 13.4371 13.8402 TABLE 1 Y go Y NE 25 NE 25 NE 25 NE 25 Y NE 21 Y NE 21 Y NE 25 Y NE 24 Y NE 25 Page 2 �d 205 7/30/011:02 PM TABLE # 1 CLASSIFICATIONS / PAY SCHEDULE CIVIL SERVICE Traffic Div. Traffic Technician 3 40 F Y NE 25 80% 1E).8434 11.1687 85% 11.52112- 11.8668 90% 12.1988.9- 12.5649 95% x:$-766 13.2629 100% "-mss 13.9609 unds Maint. Div. ,Secretary 1 12.5845 12.9620 40 F N NE 23 Equipment Operator C 2 40 F Y NE 25 80% 16.3560" 10.6667 85% 11:6633- 11.3334 90% 1 9-f 5@5 12.0000 95% ". ^_ter 12.6667 100% 1-2.94x69 13.3334 Laborer -9-3- 40 F Y NE 21 80% 14 9.4657. 9.7497 85% 1$0573- 10.3590 90% 19:6489- 10.9684 95% 11.2465. 11.5777 100% 1 1 8321. 12.1871 Equipment Operator 1 40 F Y NE 25 80% 10.7632- 11.0758 85% 14.4263- 11.7681 90% 12-997-4- 12.4603 95% i 2.769-4 13.1525 100% 13.441rs 13.8447 )itenance Person #1 2 40 F Y NE 25 80% 16.6434-- 11.1687 85% 11.5212- 11.8668 90% 121989 12.5649 95% 166- 13.2629 100% i 3.5543r 13.9609 GENERAL GOVT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/P/T GRADUATED EXEMPT/NON PAY POSITIONS POSITIONS RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE EXEMPT GRADE City Clerk 1 ��3794- 22.0205 37.5 F N E 39 INSPECTION DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/P/T GRADUATED EXEMPT/NON PAY POSITIONS POSITIONS RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE EXEMPT GRADE Director of Inspection 1 3- 25.2858 37.5 F N E 47 Codes Enforcement Officer 1 37.5 V N NE 30 Deputy Electrical Inspector Trainee 1 15-567& 16.0346 37.5 F N NE 30 'uty Electrical ector 1 1 1$:6790 17.1800 37.5 F N NE 30 17`4633- 17.9928 Deputy Electrical Inspector II -96.6796- 17.1800 37.5 F N NE 32 Plans Review 1 4-9.694& 19.1599 TABLE 1 Page 3 206 7/30/011:02 PM TABLE # 1 CLASSIFICATIONS / PAY SCHEDULE CIVIL SERVICE Deputy Building 5 g ". T— 14.6355 37.5 F N NE 30 Inspector 7-- 14.8894 15.5943- 16.0621 -1ZA706- 17.1800 18:6618- 19.1599 * A person may hold the position of Deputy Building Inspector Trainee for a period not to exceed two years. A person may hold the position of Deputy Electrical Inspector Trainee for a period not to exceed one year. Upon receiving the state certifications for the position of Deputy Building or Deputy Electrical Inspector shall be promoted to the position of Deputy -, Building or deputy Electrical Inspector. FIRE DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/PIT GRADUATED EXEMPT/NON PAY POSITION POSITIONS RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE EXEMPT GRADE Code Enforcement Officer 1 37.5 F N NE 30 Step 1 (Trainee) 439 15.3707 Step 2 (1 & II Family) 15.3697. 15.8308 Step 3 (Commercial) -169- 16.2914 Step 4 (Fire Protection, Plan Review) rt6.2635- 16.7514 Step 5 (Bldg. Inspection) q6:7q99- 17.2215 Step 6 (3 years) 2- 18.0736 TABLE 1 Page 4 8/2/012:49 PM FINANCE DEPT. POSITIONS Account Clerk Accountant I Accountant II '- Controller i "" Director of Finance Purchasing Clerk Revenue Coordinator Revenue Technicain ENGINEERING DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF 207 F/P/TN TABLE # 2 EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS / PAY SCHEDULE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE NON -CIVIL SERVICE, POLICE AND FIRE Clerical Specialist 1 10.41 AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/P/TN GRADUATED EXEMPT PAY POSITION RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE NON-EXEMPT GRADE 4 i 0.63 10.3350 37.5 F N NE 23 1 12.89.2 13.2792 37.5 F N NE 26 1 -43:9668_ 14.3858 37.5 F N NE 29 1 ^"�0 25.2546 37.5 F N E 39 1 2- 31.5285 37.5 F N E 47 1119471 12.3055 37.5 F N NE 23 1 14.7726 15.2158 37.5 F N E 31 1 -11.0122- 12.1666 37.5 F N NE 29 ENGINEERING DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/P/TN GRADUATED EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS POSITION RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE NON-EXEMPT GRADE Clerical Specialist 1 10.41 10.7314 37.5 F N NE 23 Construction Inspector 2 1 4.80W 15.2444 37.5 F N NE 26 -18:2934- 13.6098 37.5 F N N E 26 City Engineer 1 3",--37&& 32.3199 37.5 F N E 47 Flood Control Superintendent 1 -t8-2692- 18.8173 40 F N E 33 -- ' -7-,ngineering Project tanager/GIS Tech. 1 19.7436- 20.3359 37.5 F N E 34 GIS Technician 1 37.5 V N NE 29 Secretary 1 13.2052 13.6014 37.5 F N NE 23 POLICE DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/P/TN GRADUATED EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS POSITION RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE NON-EXEMPT GRADE Chief of Police 1 39566 32.1875 40 F N E 51 Assistant Police Chief -2- 40 F N E 42 Step 1 3 49.7949 20.3887 Step 2 -29r9537- 21.5823 Step 3 22..261- 22.7899 Step 4 28.2848- 23.9833 Captains 4 19.5892 20.1769 40 F N E 39 5 years" -,4499- 20.2899 9 years, &.W1J49• 20.3887 12 years 49.9144 20.5087 15 years 20.0212 20.6218 19 years �� 17-2 20.7207 22 years 20.23 - 20.8407 25 years 26.3297 20.9396 Lieutenants 0 1:7.2340 17.7510 NA 8 years -488- 17.7963 9 years 1:7.8346 17.8546 10 years 17.4038 17.9259 11 years 9- 17.9971 12 years moo- 18.0683 13 years 2- 18.1395 14 years -47 6863- 18.2107 TABLE 2 Page 1 8/2/012:49 PM TABLE # 2 CLASSIFICATIONS / PAY SCHEDULE NON -CIVIL SERVICE, POLICE AND FIRE 15 years 17.7494 18.2819 16 years -17:8123- 18.3467 17 years -t7-8$44- 18.4178 18 years IJT- 6 18.4891 19 years -1$-619-7- 18.5603 20 years -18.0888- 18.6315 21 years q8.15 18.7027 22 years -'��z7 18.7739 23 years1 8-I�.2963 18.8452 24 years 18.3551- 18.9099 25 years 48.43 18.9875 Sergeants 10 16.9536 17.5034 40 F 6 years W.9i ;- 17.5235 7 years t�63Z8 17.5435 8 years 17.0584 17.5702 9 years 17-. - 17.5835 10 years 17.149G-- 17.6635 11 years W.24 r 17.7301 12 years q:7.2849- 17.8034 13 years -.;366Q- 17.8769 14 years1� 7.429 17.9435 15 years i 7.4986- 18.0236 16 years -17-5634- 18.0903 17 years -17.6416- 18.1702 18 years 11-7t3% 18.2370 19 years 17:7776- 18.3103 20 years 17.8452- 18.3836 21 years -tY-5494:- 18.4570 22 years 1-7-99G7- 18.5304 23 years 18.96q8 18.6037 24 years 18.1331 18.6771 25 years "�-0 18.7437 Police Officer 64 12.6886 13.0693 40 F 6 months g'�9 14.2561 1 year 1+594.9- 15.0297 2 years 14.661- 15.1030 3 years 1-5:3623 15.8232 4 years 15..4611 15.8631 5 years i5.893r1- 16.3699 6 years 15.93er 16.4167 7 years_" G� 16.4499 8 years -46.1585 16.6433 9 years 0- 16.7427 10 years ,t6 3665- 16.7899 11 years -16.378f- 16.8700 12 years 16 16.9367 13 years 16.5214 �-r 17.0167 14 years i 6.59a8- 17.0834 15 years 16..6576 17.1567 16 years q 6.7282 17.2300 17 years 16.753$- 17.2968 18 years 16..8706 17.3767 19 years -16.9353 17.4434 20 years -16131- 17.5235 21 years 17.0778- 17.5901 22 years 17.1555- 17.6702 23 years 17.2202- 17.7368 24 years -17.2 5- 17.8102 25 years 17`.3627 17.8836 11 Z 210 NE NA NA' * A police officer who is regularly assigned to investigative duties in the Drug and Vice Enforcement (D.A.V.E.), assigned to investigative duties as a detective or bomb technician by the Chief of Police and with the approval of the City Manager, shall, after the first thirty (30) days of such assignment, receive additional compensation of forty dollars per bi-weekly pay period effective December 28, 1992. Special duty pay shall be discontinued upon reassignment of a police officer to duties other than the D.A.V.E., detectives, or bomb technician. TABLE 2 Page 2 209 8/8/011:59 PM TABLE # 2 CLASSIFICATIONS / PAY SCHEDULE NON -CIVIL SERVICE, POLICE AND FIRE * A police officer who is regulary assigned to traffic coordinator duties by the Chief of Police and with the approval of the City approval of the City Manager, shall receive an additional seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per-bi-weekly pay period. Secretary 3 15.0008 37.5 F N NE 23 - +.z' 99-' 11.6193 37.5 F N NE 23 12.8452 43.2311 37.5 F N N E 23 13.2305 ;/-1 ,Clerical Specialist 1 37.5 V N NE 23 * Clerical Assistant 6 8.735 9.0573 37.5 F N NE 23 9.8764 9.3487 37.5 F N NE 23 * .50 cents per hr. shift differential when they work the evening and graveyard shift effective Oct. 9, 2000 FIRE DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/P/TN GRADUATED EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS POSITION RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE NON-EXEMPT GRADE Fire Chief 1 28.3901- 29.2418 37.5 F N E 51 Asst. Fire Chief 3 24/48 F N E 42 Step 1 q 4.134-9r- 14.5589 Step 2 44.9669- 15.4159 Step 3 15.8044 16.2785 Step 4 18 6326- 17.1310 Fire Training Officer 1 37.5 F N E 37 Step 1 19.6591 20.2489 Step 2 20.0394 20.6406 Step 3 2i.q:739- 21.8082 Step 4 21 3 r4- 22.1773 Fire Marshall 1 --8-8615 19.3655 37.5 F N E 39 'e Equipment Mech. 1 15.6079- 16.0761 37.5 F N NE 29 Secretary 1"-,-T 2438- 11.6223 37.5 F N NE 23 Clerical Specialist 1 -8-7935- 9.0573 37.5 F N NE 23 Captains 15 11.5242- 11.8699 24/48 F N NE NA 10 years 4476a64- 11.8815 11 years ""�-546:7 11.8931 12 years 4-1-:557-8-- 11.9045 13 years -11.5692- 11.9163 14 years 44-6915 11.9392 15 years 11:6927 11.9508 16 years 14:6946 11.9624 17 years i 11.62 11.9740 18 years""-�T 11.9855 19 years 11.9969 20 years 9- 12.0087 21 years 11.67`Od 12.0201 22 years 96613 12.0317 23 years 41-:692& 12.0434 24 years 11'7637- 12.0548 25 years 11.7449 12.0663 26 years1�-.7262 12.0780 27 years -11.7374 12.0895 28 years 11.7487 12.1012 29 years 19-X59-7- 12.1125 30 years 11.77 10 12.1241 Lieutenants 18 10.5928 10.9106 24/48 F N NE NA 10 years 4e-&-'466 10.9454 11 years 9 10.9685 12 years 10.6826 11.0031 13 years 19.7069 11.0262 TABLE 2 Page 3 210 8/8/011:59 PM TABLE # 2 CLASSIFICATIONS / PAY SCHEDULE NON -CIVIL SERVICE, POLICE AND FIRE 14 years 10.7163- 11.0378 15 years 40.7276 �- 11.0493 16 years 19.7388- 11.0610 17 years 10.7499 11.0724 18 years -t6-76++- 11.0839 19 years 96.724 11.0956 20 years 10.7948 11.1186 21 years 11 8060 , 11.1302 22 years i0.8173 11.1418 23 years 10.8285 11.1534 24 years 49:8396 11.1648 25 years 10:13""269 11.1764 ' 26 years 10.8622 11.1881 27 years -4e $-7� 11.1996 28 years 10.8845 11.2110 29 years 10.8958 11.2227 30 years 16.9070 11.2342 Firefighter (Appointee) 38 -$- 6.6969 40 F N NE NA Firefighter 8.4047- 8.6568 24/48 6 months 9.066fi 9.3387 1 year -9.2575- 9.5352 2 years 9.386$- 9.6622 3 years 9.616&- 9.8011 4 years -9.5493, 9.8358 5 years 9.674 9.8589 6 years - 9.8819 7 years -9.6167- 9.9052 8 years^�� 9.9165 9 years 9.6615 9.9513 10 years -9-.696+ 9.9860 11 years X289 10.0208 12 years 60 10.0322 13 years 9.7513 10.0438 14 years -9.7624 10.0553 15 years 19.7737- 10.0669 16 years 9.7849 10.0784 17 years -9-796-1- 10.0900 18 years 9.818 10.1132 19 years 9.8297 10.1246 20 years 9.8416 10.1362 GENERAL GOVT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/PRN GRADUATED EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS POSITION RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE NON-EXEMPT GRADE Asst. City Clerk 1 1-5-4998- 15.9648 37.5 F N NE 29 Asst. Corp. Counsel 1 5.5583 5.5583 37.5 F N E NA Secretary 31-4.6164- 15.0539 37.5 F N NE 23 13.5385 13.9447 37.5 F N NE 23 923671- 12.6769 37.5 F N NE 23 INFORM. SERV. DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/P/T/V GRADUATED EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS POSITION RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE NON-EXEMPT GRADE Director Information 1 -Z4-462-6&- 24.8257 37.5 F N E 47 Service Network Administrator 12^-� 21.1282 37.5 F N E 36 INSPECTION DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/P/T/V GRADUATED EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS POSITION RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE NON-EXEMPT GRADE Clerical Assistant 3 494e45- 10.3355 37.5 F N NE 23 9.340 9.6202 *30 F N NE 23 37.5 V N NE 23 *30 hr. Clerical Assistant position will receive full health benefitsSick and other benefits will be prorated TABLE 2 Page 4 211 8/2/012:53 PM TABLE # 2 CLASSIFICATIONS / PAY SCHEDULE NON -CIVIL SERVICE, POLICE AND FIRE Permit Specialist 1 1257 12.8397 37.5 F N NE 26 Secretary 1 112'@54- 13.6013 37.5 F N NE 23 RECREATION DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/P/T/V GRADUATED EXEMPT PAY POSITION POSITION RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE NON-EXEMPT GRADE Director of Recreation 1 2:7-6846- 28.7211 40 F N E 47 s & Special Program Supervisor 1 15.3846 15.8461 37.5 F N E 29 Downtown Events 1 q 5.8846- 15.8461 37.5 F N E 29 Coordinator Recreation Specialist 3 X851 37.5 V N E 29 122308 12.5977 37.5 F N E Secretary 2 4-6640 15.0009 37.5 F N NE 23 12.5831 12.9606 37.5 F N NE 23 PERSONNEL DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/PRN GRADUATED EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS POSITION RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE NON-EXEMPT GRADE Clerical Specialist 2 9. 436 9.5209 37.5 F N NE 23 Director of Personnel 1 22.4132 23.0856 37.5 F N E 47 Risk/Benefits Manager 1 37.5 V N E 31 PLANNING DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/PRN GRADUATED EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS POSITION RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE NON-EXEMPT GRADE * Artist Relocation l Coordinator 1 8.2523 8.2523 -30 F N E Clerical Specialist 1 12.73867 13.1208 37.5 F N NE 21 Grants Administrator 2 +7 -.+BW 17.7056 37.5 F N E 29 Housing Specialist 2 -t4:4456- 14.5391 37.5 F N NE 25 Director of Planning 1 E5.3846- 26.1461 37.5 F N E 47 Planner 1 1 -45.3846 15.8461 37.5 F N NE 29 Planner II 1 ^^�T 21.1282 37.5 F N E 34 Secretary 1 14.1538 14.5784 37.5 F N NE 23 Section 8 Program Administrator 1 21.5365- 22.1847 37.5 F N E 36 ** Artist Relocation Coordinator weekly hours worked is less than 30 hrs. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/P/T/V GRADUATED EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS POSITION RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE NON-EXEMPT GRADE ` sctor of Public Works 13 .46W 31.6923 40 F N E 47 Assistant Public Works Director 1 25.6842 26.4547 40 F N E 46 Administrative Secretary 1 -14.534E 14.9669 40 F N NE 27 Clerical Specialist -9- ' AW 3- 11.8196 37.5 F N NE 23 2 37.5 V N NE 23 TABLE 2 Page 5 212 8/2/012:53 PM TABLE # 2 CLASSIFICATIONS / PAY SCHEDULE NON -CIVIL SERVICE, POLICE AND FIRE Director Right -Of -Way Maintenance 1 22.7389- 23.4201 40 F N E 47 Engineering Asst. III 1 -119-t58rs- 19.7302 40 F N E . 30 ROW Superintendent 1 19.2307 40 F N E 33 ROW Supervisor 1A -r5- 89 16.0566 40 F N E 29 Facility Maintenance Superintendent 1 49.7468 20.3392 40 F N E 33 , Facility Maintenance Supervisor 1 -4-5.68 16.0566 40 F N E 29 Fleet Maintenance Service Manager 1 1 7.7 193- 18.2509 40 F N E 31 Assistant Fleet Maint. Service Manager 11"-�- 13.9294 40 F N E 29 Solid Waste Superintendent 1 40 V N E 33 Solid Waste Supervisor 1 4- 14.8558 40 F N E 29 Grounds Maintenance Superintendent 1 -18-3692- 18.9203 40 F N E 33 Grounds Maintenance Supervisor 1 -16.596-2- 17.0941 40 F N E 29 TEMP/PART TME EMP. AUTHORIZED HOURLY EFF HOURS F/PRN GRADUATED EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS POSITION RATE 07/02/01 WORK POSITION WAGE NON-EXEMPT GRADF----\, Temp/Seasonal Laborer 50 5.20-6.50 5.20-6.50 Pump Operators Temp/Seasonal Truck 25 5.44-7.00 5.44-7.00 Driver/Crossing Guards TrafficCitation & Security Guard Temp. Codes 1 9.00-10.00 9.00-10.00 Enforcement Officer Temp. Crew Leader 10 7.28-9.50 7.28-9.50 Temp, Skilled Worker 5 6.76-20.00 6.76-20.00 Interns, Co-op; Temp/ Part time Clerical 5 5.15-9.36 5.15-9.36 Project Engineer 1 17.7500 17.7500 Seasonal/Part time Recreation Workers 65 5.15-10.00 5.15-10.00 Animal Control Specialist 1 5.75-10.00 5.75-10.00 TABLE 2 Page 6 07/30/20012:34 PM TABLE 3 GRADE, CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE EXHIBIT A 213 GRADE POSITION MIN MAX N/A Assistant Corporate Council N/A 10,471 N/A Project Engineer Artist Relocation Coordinator 15,644 19,959 21 Collector Janitor/Laborer 15,114 25,034 22 None 16,086 26,638 23 Account Clerk Clerical Assistant Secretary 17,064 30,236 Clerical Specialist Data Entry Operator Records Clerk Purchasing Clerk 24 Knuckle Boom Operator Right -of -Way Maintenance Person 18,023 29,867 Truck Driver 25 Maintenance Specialist Traffic Technician Compost Equipment Operator 19,013 31,490 Equipment Operator Equipment Operator C Concrete Finisher Mechanic Class A Maintenance Person I Truck Driver Class A Floodwall Operator Housing Specialist Communication Advisor 26 Payroll Officer Construction Inspector 19,981 33,096 Animal Warden Accountant I Permits Specialist 27 Administrative Secretary 20,962 34,719 28 None 21,941 36,341 Table 3 1 214 07/30/20012:34 PM 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 TABLE 3 GRADE, CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE Downtown Events Coordinator Grants Administrator 22,922 37,965 Revenue Technician Accountant II Assistant City Clerk Fire Equipment Mechanic Benefits/Risk Analyst Personnel Specialist Investigative Assistant SUPERVISORS Arts/Special Projects Grounds Maintenance Right -Of -Way Maintenance Solid Waste Facility Maintenance GIS Technician Assistant Fleet Manager Planner I Recreation Specialist Codes Enforce Officer Deputy Building Inspector Deputy Electrical Inspector 1 23,880 41,592 Engineer Assistant III Fleet Maintenance Manager Revenue Coordinator 24,850 41,592 Deputy Electrical Inspector II Human Rights Director 25,842 42,798 SUPERINTENDENTS Facility Maintenance Right -Of -Way 26,313 44,387 Solid Waste. Grounds Maintenance Flood Control Engineering Project Manager Planner II 27,780 46,009 None 28,759 47,632 Section 8 Program Admin. Network Administrator 29,729 49,237 Fire Training Officer 30,708 50,860 None 31,699 52,502 Fire Marshall Controller Police Captain 32,647 54,072 City Clerk Table 3 2 07/30/20012:34 PM 215 TABLE 3 GRADE, CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE Table 3 3 40 None 33,626 55,695 41 None 34,608 57,317 42 Assistant Police Chief Assistant Fire Chief 35,385 58,606 43 None 36,193 59,947 44 None 37,103 60,981 45 None 38,506 63,806 46 Assistant Public Works Director 39,474 65,380 47 DIRECTORS City Engineer 40,465 67,021 Finance Inspection Information Service Planning Personnel Public Works Right -Of -Way Maintenance Recreation i � \ 48 None 42,404 70,232 49 None 43,385 71,855 50 None 44,352 73,460 51 Police Chief Fire Chief 45,333 75,083 52 City Manager 75,000 75,000 Table 3 3