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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransfer of Old West Ky Technical School Campus85 . RESOLUTION ~.: WHEREAS, the old West Kentucky Technical School Campus property on H. C. Mathis Drive containing the City Parks Building, Paducah Day Nursery Building, and City soccer field is leased to the City by the Commonwealth of Kentucky; and WHEREAS, Senate Bi11212 passed by the 2000 General Assembly allows this property to be transferred to the City by the Commonwealth, and WHEREAS, the procedure in S 212 requires the City to request the transfer and to provide for the continued operation of any child-caze center and senior citizens center on the property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF CONIMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: That the Board of Commissioners requests that the Commonwealth of Kentucky transfer the old West Kentucky Technical School campus properties to the City of Paducah and instructs the City Manager to write the Secretaries of the Cabinet for families and Children, the Cabinet for Health Services, and the Workforce Development Cabinet requesting said transfer; and Be it further resolved that if the transfer of property is approved, the City of Paducah will continue to provide for the continued operation of a child-care center and a senior citizens center on the property. Resolved by the Paducah City Commission this 9~' day of January 2001. MAYOR, CITY OF ~'ADUCAH, KY AT ST: City Jerk Adopted by the Boazd of Commissioners January 9, 2001 Recorded by Lenita Smith, City Clerk, January 9, 2001