HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO # 06182 MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. 61 A MUNICIPAL ORDER RECITING THE NEED FOR ACQUIRING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND BELONGING TO HAROLD BENN, TO BE USED FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE -INTERIM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT" PLAN AND PROVIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF SAME WHEREAS, a parcel of real estate is owned of record by Harold Benn, and is necessary for the --completion of the Interim Community Development Plan; and i WHEREAS; the Urban Renewal and 'Community Development Agency, by resolution adoptedJuly 7`, ' 1981, requested f institution `of- Condemnation proceedings'' in its behlaf, , and WiEREAS, it does not appear that a purchase agreement can be reached at this time with the owners of the s'ubj ect -property, and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, g q does therefore agree with the request of the Urban Renewal and Community Develop- ment Agency, of the City of'Paducah, Kentucky, that it will- be necessary to institute condemnation proceedings pursuant to Kentucky Revised Statutes to acquire title to this property. NOW, THEREFOR T- - . E, BE iT' ORDERED HE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. That -the Assistant -Corporation Couxisel be, and he is here- by, ordered and directed to institute condemnation proceedings in McCracken Circuit Court against Harold Benn, and any and all other parties in interest to acquire all of the right, title and interest in the .subject property owned by the aforementioned. SECTION 2. That the parcel to be taken is more particularly described as follows: Parts of Lots 1 and 2, block 3,_ addition _"M", to the City of Paducah and beginning at the southwest corner of the inter- section of 9th and Clark Streets, said beginning point being the northeast corner of the block; thence with the westerly line of South 9th Street in a southerly direction 85 feet more or less to the line dividing lot numbers 2 and 3 in said block; thence at a right angle and toward 10th Street (now Walter Jetton Blvd.) and with a line dividing said lots 115 feet to a stake in said dividing line; thence at right angles and in a northerly direction 85 feet more or less to the southerly line of Clark Street, thence with the southerly line of Clark Street 115 feet more or less to the point of beginning. SECTION 3. This Order shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. 11s/ John K. Penrod Mayor Passed by the Board of Commissioners August 11, 1981 Recorded by Louise McKinney, City Clerk, August 11, 1981.