HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO # 05876 MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. 58 a A MUNICIPAL ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, ADOPTING AN OFFICIAL PROCEDURE FOR REVIEW OF PROJECTS PROPOSED. FOR INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND FINANCING . WHEREAS, during the 1980 Regular Session, the Kentucky General Assembly enacted House Bill No. 462 (amendments..and..additions to KRS Chapter.103) which created new types of projects.for which industrial revenue bonds _could be issued by cities; and WHEREAS, this legislation established an. Industrial Revenue Bond. -Oversight Committee charged with the.responsibility of -reviewing proposed industrial bond financing for certain of these -,new types of projects and provided that cities could not issue industrial bonds for proposed projects of these types without approval of the Oversight Committee; and WHEREAS, the Oversight Committee_promulgated procedural.rules for its review of these Inducement Resolutions, including requirements which must be followed by cities in reviewing proposed projects prior to.their submission to the Oversight Committee; and _WHEREAS, Jhe Board of Commissi-oners of, the City of Paducah, Kentucky, .has determined that it is in the best interests of the City to appoint Growth, Inc. as its agent in screening applications for industrial. revenue bonds to be issued by the. City of Paducah pursuant to KRS Chapter.103. SECTION 1. That all applications to the City for industrial -revenue bond. financing for projects for which such financing is authorized by KRS 103.200 subsections (2), (4), (8), (9) and (16) and off-street parking facilities, cable television and mass communication facilities as authorized by KRS 103.200 (3) shall be submitted to Growth, Inc., reviewed by the City and if approved, recommended to the Industrial Revenue Bond Oversight Committee according to the procedure hereinafter set out. SECTION 2. Applications to Growth, Inc. shall be made in writing on application forms prescribed by said organization for review. Such application forms in eight (8) copies shall be submitted to Growth, Inc., along with $350 in local application fee at least two weeks prior to Growth, Inc. Executive Committee meeting held on the first Monday of each month. The applicant shall have a representative in attendance during the application review at the Executive Committee -Meeting. SECTION 3. Upon receiving an application Growth, Inc. shall: (a)" Notify the Chamber of Commerce prior'to Growth., Inc. Executive Committee Meeting;' (b) Prepare a written statement to the"City of Paducah briefly describing the Inducement Resolution, giving the location of the project, any special terms it deems appropriate in issuing the industrial revenue bonds, benefits that the project will provide the community and indicating why Growth, Inc. believes the project` should be approved by the City of Paducah; (c) Place advertisement in newspaper which qualifies under KRS Chapter 424 for legal publication at least "seven (7) days prior to -the second City Commission Meeting where the Inducement Resolution will receive second reading In making its recommendation to the Board of Commissioners, Growth, Inc. shall consider: (a) The economic need for the project in the area; (b) Whether the project places an unjustified competitive disadvantage on existing businesses; (c) If normal commercial financing is unavailable for the project or if available, at what rate it must be secured and at what terms and conditions; (d) If the project is in accordance with KRS 103.200 to 103.285; (e) The project's economic soundness. If Growth, Inc. approves the Inducement Resolution, the project developer must: (a) Submit six (6) copies of the completed application to the City Clerk's office within sixty (60) days of'Growth;'Inc:'s approval; (b) Have a representative in attendance at both City Commission Meetings at which their Inducement Resolution is considered. If no applications are filed with the City Clerk within the stated time, the project developer shall reapply to Growth, Inc. SECTION 4. During any Board of Commissioners Meeting at which an Inducement Resolution is considered, a reasonable opportunity shall be given for the public to provide comments concerning the bond issue. 0 77 78 SECTION 5 --.-,-For * any project designated in Section 1 -of this Order that received passage by the Board of Commissioners of7-the City:of-Paducah; Growth, Inc. - will• (a) Prepare written -statement -by the City'of Paducah to the -Oversight Committee outlining the benefits that the project will provide the community and indicating why the City of Paducah believes the project should be approved by the Oversight Committee.; . (b) ,Provide the following -documents to the project developer -for inclusion, in application -to the Over -sight Committee:..... (1) Proof of newspaper publication concerning City Commission -Meeting.at which the Inducement Resolution received: approval; (2) Agendas -of the-City,.Commission`Meetings;- (3) Review comments of Growth, Inc.; (5) -Notification Letter to Chamber of Commerce; (6) Review comments of City Commission. (c) Advertise date of Oversight Committm. Meeting at least thirty (30) days prior to.the Committee_Meeting;' (d) Place second advertisement between fifteen (15) and twenty-one (21) days before the Oversight Committee'Meeting_date; (d) Provide Oversight -Committee with affidavit from newspaper indicating dates of publication and copy -of -advertisement at least -fifteen (15) days prior to meeting date; (e)- Bill project developer for: --all advertisements; (f) Provide any information requested by Oversight Committee at least fifteen (15) days prior to Committee Meeting. SECTION 6. For any project designated -in Section l:of this'Order-that. receives passage by the Board of Commissioners of -the City of Paducah, the project developer will: (a) -Submit four -(4) copies of the completed application along with required local government documents and the required Oversight Committee fee to the Industrial Revenue Bond Oversight Committee; Frankfort,, Kentucky; (b) Have a representative in attendance at the Oversight Committee Meeting prepared to present the proposed project in the time allotted. SECTION 7. If the bond sale is made, the City of Paducah will charge a service fee of one-half of one percent (? of 1%) ($5,000 per million) at the time of 79 0