HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO # 01722 MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. 17 A MUNICIPAL, ORDER REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO -ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE _OF A .NEW, FIRE TRUCK FOR USE BY THE PADUCAH -FIRE DEPARTMENT,....AN,D .PRESCRI.BI.NG .THE .CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCH PURCHASE- SHALL URCHASE SHALL BE MADE BE IT ORDERED. -BY THE .CIT..Y OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; SECTION „1_. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to advertise for, the,. purchase of a .new fire- truck to ,be used by the Paducah. Fire Department, said _truck to have the minimum. specifications according to the specifications attached hereto_ and by _ reference _incorporated herein., SECTION _ 2. The City . Manager shall advertise: for bids by a notice posted on the -.bulletin board _at City.Hajl_and by. inserting notice. of the request for bids in :The Paducah _Sun .to be published as .required -by. law.- All bids shall be sealed and no bid „shall be received after .the hour fixed-,.in_the notice for opening of.sa.me. All, bids received by.the City.Manager.up to the -time fixed for, opening, of ,same,_shall. be filed ,with the.Board of Commissioners who. may let a con- tract to the best responsible, bidder, _and the Board of Commissioners. -shall reserve the right , to reject any and .all,. bids_ a.nd the City shall not become . Legally obligated to purchase said truck until the.final adoption of an authorizing ordinance and the execution of a contract. S.ECTION_7,3. This „order shall, be in, full.. force and effect from a-nd after the date of its adoption. Mayor Passed by the. Board of: Comm,iss1oners..October..14, 198.0. Recorded by Louise ,McKinney, City Clerk, .October 14,.:198,0.