HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO # 0033 MUNICIPAL ORDER No. 3 A MUNICIPAL ORDER RECITING THE NEED FOR ACQUIRING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND BELONGING TO .11 LEONARD SIMON AND .WIFE TO BE USED FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE INTERIM COMMUNITY, DEVELOPMENT 'PLAN AND PRO- VIDING FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF` SAME WHEREAS, a parcel 'of real estate.,_Is owned of record by Leonard Simon and wife, and is necessary for the completion of the Interim Community Develop- ment Plan, Application No. B-75HN-21-00009, and WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal and Community Development Agency, by resolution dated July 8, in its behalf, and 1980, requested institution- of Condemnation proceedings WHEREAS it does I not appear that a purchase agreementcan be reached at this time .with the owners of the subject property, and WHEREAS, the Board 'of Commissioners of the City of ' Paducah, Kentucky, does therefore agree with the request of the Urban Renewal and Community Develop- ment Agency of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, that it will be necessary to in- stitute condemnation proceedings pursuant to the Kentucky Revised Statutes to acquire title to this property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. That the Assistant Corporation Counsel be, and he -'is here- by, ordered and directed to institute condemnation proceedings in the McCracken Circuit Court against Leonard Simon and wife, and any and all other parties in interest to acquire all of the right, title and interest in the subject property owned by the aforementioned. SECTION 2. That the parcels to be taken are more particularly described as follows: TRACT 1. Lot No. 212 in Block "M", Addition "F" to the City of Paducah, Kentucky, located between 8th and 9th Streets and between Campbell and Harris Streets, in said city, and fronting forty-two feet six inches on Harris Street and otherwise known as 810-812 Harris Street. Known as 933 Burnett Street, fronting 75 feet on the west side of same, being 75 feet north of 10th Street, running back 40 feet with an alley, and shown on page 38 of Block Map No. 3, in the office of the City Engineer of Paducah, Kentucky. 4 TRACT 11. Beginning at a poi,nt_in,. the northerly -intersection- of, 10th and Burnett Streets; thence with the northwesterly Line .of Burnett --Street. and - towards.. the -Ohio. River or . northeastwardly 75 feet; thence at right angles and northwestwardly .22 .feet; -thence .at-r-ight angles. and with a line parallel with the north line of Burnett Street 75 feet to the, .northeasterly line of 1:Oth- Street; thence at right angles and southwardly and with the line of 10th _Street 22. feet to the point of beginning, ;and being. - a part of Block 41, Addition "F", of the Harris, Flournoy, Trimble_ and Norton. Addition to the City of Paducah,., Ken- tucky. TRACT 111. Being a part.of Block No. 41 in Harris, Flournoy, Trimble and_ Norton,"s .Additton_,to_ Paducah,- Kentucky, and beginning 22 feet from the northeast corner of 10th and Burnett Streets; thence extending east toward 9th Street 75 feet to a point;. thence in a northwardly direction 18 feet; thence at right angles in a westerly, direction towards..1.Oth -Street 7 -5 feet; thence at right angles with 10th Street 18 feet to the point of beginning. SECTION 3. This order shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. Mayor Passed by the Board of Commissioners July 22, 1980 Recorded by Louise McKinney, City Clerk, July 22, 1980