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1924 Book 16
`+.Sax,~+'1'~'~...[,~~~'^:s.~,.~~~u~~~~ . ~5~A.~'1~i ~~~~~.. €t~. . ~E~ ~3"T~T w~'a,,.,. _ ~+f~_ ~. ~" N!5~,,„>r" ~ M1A2+r,. ~ ,ANS'~{J*K 1:1 Y k..' ../ ~ .:1,. ? "~" ~, "1i~S °` i ~ ~ ~ - ~ , t , . ' . '~ R ~ T' r, 'i \ ~ ~ .,j., .__ 1 wW.. _._ ~ i ~ " ., . „ a' '.. a. ... .c,,,..,.;.t.`.'~.. w`. ' 11..y:tii..' •u:~l. 4.~..w.:wk.dm~.D..w. ~---'y,y, ......+._ " .- .. ,. " . ". .. ~. ,. •." ,. _ _ _ _ _ :Commissioners'. Proceedings, City of Paducah- __ 192. __ -. - Resignation oY ~~ 7layor YatLerJohn offered the following motion: x move that 'the reeianation ~ , N,attie Eerndon, ~ City Steno- ~I oY Mrs. Llettie Herndon "Cit Sten6arepher be reoeived and f11e,d -,and that sa14 i •. Y ~ •', srrepher. a ~ resl~ation be aaoepted, effeotive January GtA, 1924., 'Adopted upon Doll of the roi], ~ ~'~ ' r • by the follo•ning vote: Yeea, Faoe, Pulliam,Tul2g,:7eahinatm ar.d KetterJohn,-b. :,,~ - Report erd ~ , Y.eyor KatterJohn offered the Yollowina motion: I move that the oommunioetion". i °~~" C ommun Soot ion i ;7",, E.R. Harding Co.,!~ " of A. P.. Hardi-nq Company. dated Deosmbor 29th, 19E3, "enolosinrr report relative ~ - relative to '" b ke.n :v r ~~ ro See ;~ to broken pipe in 38-3C Sewer; be reoeived and f11ed. Adapted'upon Doll of..the roll ! ,. , ' " - 3Bp~in Diat.. I~ " -i q b9 the, Yollowir.P vote; Yeas, Feae,Pu]liam,Tully.'Aashington erd KetterJohn•-5. " , . i4 . Commissioner Faoe offered the follo;vlrg motion: "I move that the report of Re7.ogt ChieY `of ' FiPb -Dept: ~ Yor . _ ~~ the ChieY of the Fire Departmor.t for the month of Deoember 19E3 be reoeived and Deo. 1923. - ' ! Piled. Adopted upor.;oal3 of the roll bg the YollowinQ vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pn111am, i Tully, '7sahinaton and Latter John,-5. Commissioner.-Faoe offered the follo:vin~~motYon: I moos tiny the Annuei .. Annual Report Chief of Fire „ " 'Report oP the r'ire Department 'for thn year 1923, together with the inver.tory'of Department Par ( 1923; also the Ffre De artment, be reoeived and :f iI©d, "and that tits Annual R ort be uDIiahed ~~. p ep p ~ m Inventory of ,) ' Fire Dept. :Adopted upon Doll oY the.roll b; the follo~sin~'vote: Yeea, Faoe, ru]liam, TuTIq, r h ' " "*„.~ ~ - bashingtan and KcetterJohn,-5. ' "' " Commissioner Nashinaton offered the Yollowina motion;'I moss that the-, Reports Supt. ,.; Riversi3e , ,. Superintendent's Report of Colleotions and Sxper,ditures and Patient's Report for Hos}3ta1. ;".~ , death report'Yor tine year 1923, end the month"of ~eoamber 1923, together with,a T , i , ~ " ~ ~ Unoolleoted Claims for Deoember 1923,. be reoeived and.filed.:''Adopted upon.oell ~ ' of the roll by the YollowinP vote: Yeea, Paoe,.Pulliam„ -Tully, ~.ahlnatcn and I~ . ~, ': ~ Katter John,-b. .. , ~ Commisaioner,l7ashinaton offered the following motion: .I move that the x' , - - '" Report Hnzel Report of Hazel t".eloan. Zaboratory Direotor. for, the month of Deoember 1923, bs 7.'sloan, labors- f story Direotor. . ,. ~ reoeived and Piled. .Ad opted. upon Dail oY the ro1L by..t.he'Yollowina vote: Yeas, n k` Faoe,. Pulliam, Tully,. '7eahingtar, ar,d Ketter John,-5.' ' ~ Commissioner Fullism offered the following motions I' movethat the oommuni ~ s Communioatiori` nation from R. 3.' Harding CompnnY. dated Jarnsary 4, 19E4, ral^tdve.to•bill Y'or ~ , :,~, 3.R.Herdina Co.' in re merhole ' ~ ; ~ `r mekina o"or:neotion in, manhole: on 1.:avPield'Rer.3 rmovrtlnn, .LO ~10.9b be reoeived and ' ' ~ n , ' , i " ;. , ; r ~ on g4eyfield Hoed " , " Piled. Ado tied p upon "Dell _oY the;"rpll bq the follo,vina,vote; Yeas. rave, rulliem, .~, . , , > I~ ~ ,Tully. '9eshington and XaLterJohn,-5.' - C' l ; r' l `• ~ ~ Gommiesioner Pul,lism offered the folio:vina-motion;~,,I move Lhat the - L.onthlg Bstii4ate if inonthh estimcsLe oY "aork done dur tna Deoember. 19.23 on oonstr~uo6"ion of trunk line : " Y °-' of work done by $.R.Hardina Co. ~_ sewers in DieLrio.t 3A, amounting to $EE•388.1E, be'reoeived,and„filed. 'Adopted upon ., ' ~~ dnrinrr +Deo.79E3 p . ; ` ,e `:" an Trur k Lin I w on31 of the roll by the Yollo fAR vole: Yeas pnoe 7u111am Tu]1 7lashin a and-. a .. . 8. Kto .~', Sexors in Distriot 3A. ynLterJ ohr, •-b. ' . .•M ~ . ' ' ., Commissioner Iulliam offered the followinq.motionc'I-move that the monthly ," - ~„ 1'Snthly RsLimats ~~ 'eeLimaLe of ti.irk done dur Ina DeoAm~er 1923, on oonstruat 1p2Y of trunk Iine.exLenelon •'~ ,. ~.. of •vork done by ~ Y ' k '" t' $; R. Harding Co. , . ;j eewore amounting to ~Eb4E.4E, be npproved, reoeived an•l filed.,- Adopted upop Doll dur.irq Deo.19E3 ,~' " of the roll: by. the Yollo,vina vats; Yeas Pulliam Tul3g ~'Teshlnatan and" j Paoe ~ ~~ on Trunk 7.ine Extension Severe ( - i , , , , ; , i ( ;f KeLterJohn.-8• t "~ . ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered"the folloviina motion: I move.Lhat,outb,nuttes ~" ,." .. ~ Y .. i gutter and ourb , and-sideRalk oonstruotion on the ,south side oY Tennessee Street between} 3rd Street ~ x. ~ , side:valk on S. aids Tenn. St• , '! and Tennesflee River Bank 'do»e by Ynnog &. Johnson Oontreo@oru be aooepted b Lhs ~~ • Y' ,• . ' ~ Detn. 3rd St. ~I ~. `, errs Tonn.Rivor sit Adopted u on Doll of the r"ell by •the Pollo'+-ina vote; Yeas rave ru1]ina i~ y P , . • ~~ " k~ ~ 8~nk. ~I Tu11y, t7ashinaLon,-4; r"Dyer Y.atter John noE vetina. A: , ,. , t " ~ , r ~. `.. i ',r" ," ~~®~.®~m.m.~n ~ww~mni.~ f ~- .Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah___________ ~_._.____192~ Iinyor Itatter~ohn offered the follo,vinR motion: 1 move thnt the Engineer's .,Engineer'sreti-~ Estimate for the oonetruotion of oonorete sidewalk, ®rurb,,rzutter and driveweye on i, 'mate for the `oor.struotion of ,~ the South side of Tennessee Street ir~m Lhe east property line of 3rd Street to the I cor:orete aide- 'walk,ovrb end rF top of the bank of Tennessee River, be reoeivod, filed, eooepted and oonfirmed. ' gut ter on S. slds i, Tenn. St. betn. G' i Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Pollo:vina vot®; Yeaa, Paoe, Pulliem, Tu]ly, i 3rd gt. and Terd't.; ~ River Bnnk. u 7laehingt an and %atter~ohn,-b. •'~ _ ~ Commissioner rulliam offered the follo•vina mot ion; I move that AI' ORD 1FA?'CE II 's ~ ASSr,33ING TP.E 1.BUTTIIIG PDOFi:R'PY ON 1"'R' S°JIiT?T SIDE OF TEYfI2E3S;'1? ST3I•:ET, FR02' TFn: EAST I!~ 1 i INTrl?SECTIOP OF TI3JT3F:SSr:E AI`D T'!IRD 5~4::ETS TO TI?E TOF OF TITF BAI13: OF THE TENAESST~: ~Aasesamer.t Ordi-~ - ;nanae for the RIVER, ITi TKE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEN4UCY.Y, THE SUE4 OF $2.Bb0666 FEi APUTTiTdG FOOT. } °~ aonatruotion of ~:~oonorete side.- ,j/ 1rOR TI',E COIISTRUCTIOT: OF COT7CRE'PR SID."J1,LK, CURB ATID GUTT:lt. AND dlL NECESSARY I.:AN- ~. ~ as ]k, ourb and 1~,~ ~ Butters on: south ~ HOlr:S. INTAGES, Sr:•"iliS. CATCIT BASIId3 AT~fJ DR ]Vi:;4AYS THRr:ON, .AS SI?0'.PN BY THr: h`TT:I- .'side Tera.s.t, yI r- betn. 3rd 9t. and, NEER'S ESTID+ATE, EXCEPT TIUT I:ORTION TO BE LAID FOR BY THE CYTY OF P,L~UCAH, Xr'lv'NCKY, jTenn.River Bank. ~, ; q AND IROVIDIIiG TiiltT SAID ASS::S31:ET'T L'.AY BE PAID FOR IN TEId ;~QUAI, IN3T11111,+:I1T3, Br'.Ibf6 s- ~, ~ ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PEiIOD OF 1~IJ YEARS, be adopted. ddopted upon Dal] of the roll u by the follosvirg vote: Years, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. :7nahinaton.-4; Nays, Xatter1ohn,-1~ ~~! ~ Commissioner 1°ully offered the following motLon: Thal the oleim of '.7.1. A.b.Yanay olaim ~ i of A~15.1E for ' Yanoy for the sun of ;~1b.12 for street bond and ooupona destroyed, bo e]lo~ved and ' street bonds end'ppp .ordered paid and 'the Commissioner of Fublia Firenae be anthorized and inatruated to '~~oou~ons destroy-~ ed by fire, ~ draw check against the Special Street Aeaonnt to pay same. Adopted upon sell of alloyed . the roll by the foilowina vote: Yeas, Igoe, Pulliam, Ttrlly° 3aehington and Xntter- j ~ 'I john,-b. '~~ ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the E. R. Herd inv. B. R.Hardins Co. ~~I paid amount of ~ ~, li Engineer's Eat. Company be paid the r_mount. of th® eatimAts of the rPineer for •~ork 3or.e on Sever !for •aork done on~ .jSewer Dist•38 District 3A ducirg the month of December 1928, amour,tir.a to ;19,004.9.0 erd the ,~durinaDeo.79E3,i; Commieaio~.er of Pnblio Firnnoe be irstruated to ey seine and ah~r~e to 8 3e:ver emountinrr to 4 p '~ X19,004.40. ~ Aooounto ddopted upon call of the roll b;~ the followinP vote: Yeas, Feoe, Tully ~I ij 'Nashington and Ketter~ohn,-4; 'Nays, Pulliam,-1. '. ~ ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the r:. R. Harding E.R. Herding Co. ! Company be allowed the amount of the Engineer's estimate for work done on Trunk paid amount of ~ . F~aLneer's Est. vine Extension'Sewers during the month of December 1923 of X2161.06, and the for work done orr. Trunk Line Ex= ~ Commissioner of Fublia 1!'inar~ae be instructed to pav name ar~d ah~ae to #3 District tension .Sewers c amounting to ~ gewer.Aoaonnt. Adopted upon aa11 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Peoe, ' ~E161:OG Tully. ;9ashington and Xatter~ohn,-4; Nays, Pulliam,-1. k On motion the Board adsourned upon Dell of the roll by b yens. lien~t~'.+'•~._...-~11f"....9~ a'j.PJ~i-<,C~ .._._ . •_d! 1~ ~~G•!~ ' ~ ,~~ ~~~ 1.iA~0R JANUARY bTH~ 1924. ' At a Called I,teetina of the Doerd of Commissioners held in the dommiasioners° Chamber in the ^.ity ]inll, Padiroah, Kontnoky, on January bth, 19 E4, at 8:4b o°a]ook P. bte Upon call of the roll the Pollowina an~wer~$ 8o their names: 6ommiasioners "PBoe, Tully, 'Aaahinaton ar~d Katter'ohn,-4a B'.eyor Xatter~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: To close up 1923 bvsir:ess Rith Board of Commiasionera,.and all b~~inesa of the Commissioner Form of i9overnment. , a t i .i. ~ ~:ru • ~~~~~,! ~ ,_._,.~.~.a:~fi"'x ,h, • ' ,~ ::3r'~''a 4'aFS, w~ ~,A" ~ykstrc$:".h1, ~.'~. µi--~~ ',jJ s ~?, ,:, ^C~.4Pt' a~e"ti1': ~' ~ ' 4 ., ~ - .. .~, .. .~ 3 ..., ;,. ,,. X ,}.,: •,.}~~J y~'J ,wash ' ,~~r~C ~.~ ~ ~ ~~ t ~. ~ ~ .. f ~_ ~~ a 2 .,~ ~,t~ 1',.A! v'1 +'> s FS~ f.} ~i~5'>~f ,~ '~ Smu'. ~'r .6s r '~y Yt ~ y' ., ~ ~r ' ., .~, / ~~ _..,.~. wa.../: ,_..!.R v.-'_....i,~..e...weXi ..Y. f, _ _ ~) 3 uy~ '.. »f-, .~-i--•eY~. C ~ i 44 J x . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah'- _ _ 19^:- i' ~, Commissioner Tully offered the follo•.ving motion; I move th~aL the .repori of. Ehe I ~ ~ y ,~ ~ ~ ~. I Commissioner of Fublio r'inan'ae for the month of yeoember ,1923,' ho reoeived ,filed and Report Com'r.- I .. Fublio Firrroe ~' ordered published in the offioiel newspaper. Adopted upon Oe11.gY the ro71 by, the for Deoember 1923. ~ . • ~jfollowinq vote: Yeas, Faoe, Tully, ~7aahinat m and Katter~ohn,-4, `.: il. Commissioner Tvlly offered the follo•rina motion: I move that the report of the ~~ ~) !4Commissioner of Fublio Finance of the 3rd District Setvar Chao. intt Aomunt for the Fublic Finance _,~jmonth of Deoember. 1923, be reoeived, filed end ordered published in the Offioiel' ` 3rd ~Sst.Sevor !j . rChegkinQ ,oooirnt ~~llewapaper.. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the follo:virp vote; Yeea,,Face, fully, for Deo.1923, i i ,} !I! i9ashington end KaLterlohn,-4. Commissioner Tu11y offered the follotvina motion: I move thp,L the report of the . , ! .. Report Com'r.Fub- Commieaiorler of Fublio Finar,oe oP the Speoial"Street ioo~unt for the. year 1923 be lio Finaroe of ,j ' Speo.isl Stroet 'Ireooived,filed and otderod published in the 0fftoiel Newapnper. Adopted upon Dell Ot"; Aooount for 19$3. p; Lhe roll by Lha follo••vinrr vote: Yeas, Faoe,Tully,,7ashinaton and Katter~ohn~-4. ,, ; Commissioner Fullinm ontered the CommtaAionara' 7h amber. . _ ~ Commissioner Tully offarod the followina.mot;ton: I move thnt the report of the . •.~ '.'Report Com'r.Fub- ~ Commisaiorier of Fublio Finanoe of the Sinkir.a F~mda and the 3peoiel Fvris', aho,virlEr ' ' • 71o Finaroe of ~ ~ '~ -,j the Sinkira Funds the be'.arcea on herid et the oioae of business on, January bth, 1924, ea verified, by ~ end Speoiel Funds,; sho•rina balrnoos I' the bank oortiYioates ettaohed hereto cnd Yiled there•vith, be rooeived ar:d 413ed. ~~~ r on hand at olose '. ,. , - , of business on ;Ado tea u on a' f' the o rr r! ~ ' ~ ~ p p o 11 o r 11 by the folio in .note; Yeas, Paca, Pu17lam .,,.,,...._„~ ~ J$n. 5th, 1923 !i Tullyr ~.> r -~, 4, ;~ '.Aeshinxton aril Y,atter~ohn,-b.' iI „ G Commissioner Tully offered the Pollo~.vira motion; I move. that the.ectSon ~l , Ft' l'' n of the i s~ P ; Comm ior,•n• o bli ir. n in draw a o ae 1 e ahe k eaein he' .~~-"~ n O st iF t spec 1 ,street ,, ~ ,. { r ~w ~, _ 11 treat in r .ve r ' S I o ~ Fund _or the a unt f S P ,I mo o 3349:74, in payment o_ treet'ImprovemenL Bor.~ls'end Coupons,' '" ~~,'s, m nt ,3s • e Bor and I y , Cou} ors t.o ,amount' i~ to th ie amount in the' City National dank this date, ba rpnro~ed. Adopted upon . Dell ~ X3349.74 paid c ar:d char?od to ~ of the roll'by the fol]owiria vote:" Yeas, PROs, Fullinm, Tully, :7eiahinaton erd Specail Street i ,s Furl . ;) Kn t tar'~ohn,-b, 1 ~ ,' Commissioner T~il1y offorOd' Llie'fol7orvina motion: I move that the retort of ti a i a ,~ " Rep ort i~arwiOY.- ~ i~nrw'1ok, lditohel7.& Company, AooonnLenta 'end duditore,. of .the earl it" of the aooounta b?itohe7l & CO. { x` dooountents end ~ of the "City, of 'Feduoah for the yoar endinq.LQOomber 31st, 19E3, be. reaeive4 m:d fileQ Aud itora of ! `" eoaounta. of City -. send ordered' published 'ae r'e'quired by 1a~9. ~~ Adopted, upon oe1T of tho r ol'1 by the Po13oa L ° j c. of Padnaeh for ~ .y ` ,• . ` 4.-' , 1923. ~ iriq vote: Yana, Paoe;' Pulliam, 'Fully, '7aahiiiRtan and ltetter~ohn,+b. „%',• ' Co'mmisaioner Tully offered the f~ollowirik motion:' I move, Chet the report ~ ` Re orL Com•'r cf ~ f the ' m 1 i ~ ., , I o Comas finer of Pvblio _ in ;., :,t,,,~F, anog for the veer 1923't:,o reoeived,.filad,an3 or3er~;;x < Fub]ic Finer.ce for , tho year 1923, . - it` ed pnbli shed as,; required Dy law, and the Commissioner of Publid r'iraroe be d iregted ,. .~ ~~s `i Lo haoe same published.' Adopted upon oeT1 of tha.roll by 'the following vote:,•Yeea, 's ~`~ •~ - f~ Paoe, Pulliam, 1!u11y, :7ashinRton, end°'KPtteraohn,.5 ':• ~ Commissioner Tully offerei the Yol7ovin'~ motiorii I move" that the ncoounta ~ • ~ ~' Report Com'r of ,.~ Yrom Jan. 1st' to Jan. bth; 1924, amount inrr to ,1695.49, as per the report of'the ~ - Fublio 51r.,.r~oe jl . f , of aooounta from .~ICommisaioner.of Fvbli.o Finenoe'fi]ed hero^~ith, be ti]'lo~veA'and..or~l.erod"ptsid erid'the ` Jan.1,7924 to i' ,. .. a ~ '~.' :Jen.5,1924.~~ j~money appropriated Prom the doneral Fvn~l,.to~pan~acme.~ Adopted`~upon oe13 of the~roll , ` ~.by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Fulliam,Tu1'ly,'.78ahinRLoa'and REtterlohn,-b. ~ ~ ~ ~~ , '!', ~ ,! Commissioner Tu11y offered 'the'followina motion; I move that 'the aooounta , AOOOUnta from ~ from Jen, .lst, to Jen. bth, 1924 Yor the 3d vi atriot Server;: e:mour~t ins 'fo $.3.80, be rfa. .Jan: 1.1924 to ,! v~ Jan.b,1924 fo>! ~Lnllowed and ordered paid end the Commissioner 'of;Fi:blia l•'inanoe be avthnaited snd s'" , ~ 3rd DiatrloL ,, • Sowor. ,;! iratruoted to dram cheo}:e eaeinst the }do: 3 y1 atriot , So:ver b'ond' ~ooouat to: pay anme.``~~•. k'~' • ~ j~Adopted upon call of the, roll by the,followir,d vote; Yeas, Pnoe, Pu]liem; Tu71y; ' ' ~ ``! ~~:7ashir,gton and Y.atterfohn,_5. , t ~ x ~ ~ t h . w.~ ; r~ ;, j ~m .! ,, ;~ x a j! . ' . i p j. i' . 3 4F1~ I~N4PFi~ ~~ ti ~~ •• .h l • ~1 f,' 1, • ~ Commissioners' Prooeedinga, City of Paducala__..-.--- .__._.---..__...__--_...__.__192 __ ~~ w Ro}ort Oom'r. r'lj.ar,oe oY Co.llootlana and, Diaburaemn7ta from Jan.l•]924 to Jan. b,• 19£4. Re}•ort Oom~r. Flnanoo of 3rd Diatrlot Sewor Aoo~unt from Jan.1,1924 to '?~ Jab.E,1924. ;. Oommisaionmr Tu]ly offorod the following motion: I move that the rerort of the Oommleaionor of Iubiia r'inanoe of Oollootlona and Dinburaementa from Jan> ]aL, 1 to the oloee of rqv term of offioe ae OommiaolonoP of Publie N•ir.anoe, be reoeived er.d flied. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Paae, Pulliamo Tully, ',7aahir,Rton and Xatter~ohn,-B. Oommiasioner Tully offorod the following motion: I moae thrL the rerort of the t~3 Dietriot Sewor Aooount from Jan. let to Jan. dth, 1924, ae per the report o the.0ommiaaioner of Iublio Finanoe filod horetrith, bo reoeived and filed. Adopted upon oa11 of the roll by the follotirina vote; Yeas, Faoe, Fullinm, Tully. 7lnahinaton and Katterlohn,-6< Oommiaelonar Tully offered the following motion; I mova Lhat the report of ' Report Oom~r. the Oommisaioner of Fubl.to L`lnnr~oe of the 8poolal Street aooount from Jnn. 3aL, Fttar,oe of S}>oolal Street 1924 to Jan. bth, 1924, be rooelvod and filod. Adopted upon oa11 of the ro]1 by the Aooount from Jan.1,1924 to following vote; Yena, Paoe,Pn131am,Tuily,~7eahington and Katter~ohn,-b. '> Jan.6th,19E4. • tiayoi•,Kdtterfohn offered the following motion: I mote that the following i inventories of property belonging to the City of Faduonh, Y.entnokr, to-wit: Stroet Department Seiner Department Feat House Folios and Jnil !?ealth Do! artment F`innnoe De}~ ~u°tment ~ 1".arkst fionne Qok drove Oemetery Inventories Oily ]?all Building :nglneerina Department ~~ of Froperty Oity Sonloa 1.ittht Ilnnt o•+rned by City Riverside I}oapital laboratory-Riverside lIoarital of Faduonh in , the various be reooived and filed.,. Adopted upon Dell of th9 roll by the following vote; Yeas. departmer.ta. ~ Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~Ynahington and Katter~ohn,-6. ' Oommieaioner ~Yaohington offered the following mot ion: '.7hareae, btr.rwiok, ititohell ~c OomparAr, oortiflnd nooountants an8 auditors, having ant itod the hooka Iyynn Tn]1y, ~ Oom'r. of lr~b- and noooanta in tho offlao of the QommlaaioriAr et l'ub]la >flin~u~oo of the Olty oS 11o Finaroe, ,granted quiotue. Tn4uoah, Knntuoky, ar~d having reported that overythlna in in order and ell fur~ds ~,aooountofl for and that all the books and reoord® are in or4or and oorreat, and the Oommlaalonor of Fublio Fir~anoo having filed his ro}+ort of the various funds and aooounts, together with the proper oertifiontoe from the banks, aho.rira the money on dapoait to the credit of the Oity of Faduonh, Kontuol5, to this date, Jannnry Lth, 1924, I s~o~r move Lhnt dhrnn T;i9]y, Oommiauionor of l~uhlio Nlnnroe, ho !*r~rtod a ~ quietus. Adoptod upon oa]1 of the rol] by the,follo•.vinr vote: Yaae, FAOe, Fn]linm, ' ~ Tu71y,Noahington and Katter,9ohn,-b. Oommisalonar Naahington offered the following motion: I moan that the Dra.rin ahoaina ~attaohed drawtng sho.vlra the e r R oomp native utntemnnt fo. the ,rents 1921-]922-1923 of '. comparative etatomer~t of the operatior.a of Riverside Hospital be rooeived ar~4 filed. Adopted upon call of the oporntior. of Riverside ?=os- roll by the following vote: Yoae, Paae,Fu111am,Tnlly,:raehint;tan and Katter'ohn,-6. ,; ~ pi ta7 for 1921- ' 1922-]9£3. Oommieaionor Fulham offorod t};e following motion: Imo~•e that the rnport~ i ' Report Comer. of Henry A. Fullinm, Oommiootonar of Iuhlio 'Rorke and Ohiof Pr;ainaer on the Oon- `,' H.A..Fu111am °: aril Chief l:nar. atruotion and onRlneoring Deets of 3rd Dietriot l3ewera, Devoting all ooato to date on the oon•• :. atruotior, nrd ~ Ord eatimets of future exrondiLnroo, bo oompleto acid oonatrrotior,, he reoeivod and r er.ginaering of 3rd Dietriot ~ filed. Adopted upon gall of the roll by the followinrt vote: Yeas, Ieae; Fu]]inm, $e'veree Tu]ly, 4Yashinaton aro Katter,~ohn,-6. Oommisaior~er ~Ynahington offorod the follo:rlna motion: I movo that the fourtoay extend-~ Hoard of Oommisaionora extend to~the Mayor and the E•,ro ihooming Poarda their ;nigh ~' e1 },~ayor and two a inooming Boards ~u for a ;sappy arxd Froeperoua New year arxi a bttsir'nea-like and eoonomioel adminiatrntion by Eoard of I; Commieaionera. ~ for the City of Paduoah. Adopted upon Dail of the roll b? the follo^rin? vote: Yeea, ° ~ Paoe, Fullinm, Tu11y,,~4aehington and Batter john,-6. ~ .' ~ *. - ~ p ,"' r ~. d ,,;. y~. `' i 4 .~i=~. F'' t i r ~ ~~;.f '= ' ~' 3 ~. c ~, f '~ .. - -_. ~" ~.m i u~~: l' ~~ - as .:~...;n<; ~.. i . ,, .r ~., J ~.: ,; • -:. , , ; .,. s,.r- t a..,... .a',, .... .., r ,.. .. r _... ~... ~ . .. _. .-.- ~, ~ ~ h _ . ~. ? 2p.~^{ a; ,. .. ,: .. ~ r+9W*~ ~. ~ ,kA'*#~ r444 a, ~' .k:..~ln,t r'.r rr ~ a ~,~... t~ u ~ .. s-.. - ` ~., . 1 ~".. r ~- -r.e- `. $ '' :.. , Commissioners'- Proceedings, City of Paducah____.. __.. _.____._:__..~192~ t `. .. ~~ ~. Commissioner Pullinm exousnd i'rom tho Commiaelonera° Ohamhor. ~ ,~ err ~I ~ ~ Commlot+ionor ',Ynahinrcton ofSored Lhe fo]]o~71na motions I mono that the ~~'~`~ ~" ~ `4 ;: a,,' ~! Rulan of rho ?lonrd of Oommluetonera be ~ro,°)~arded for tho purpose of readies, epprov)~R r ku]eq 8uapanded°~~ a -' ~ !~ aril niaain~* the mimltea ~f the ]n~+t 1teRU1~+r at,~l tipeeinl On]]ed i?eetirirca, ~ar~1 the ~~. .,r~,,, i{ ""~ ~~,~, g~ ;~ minutoa of Lhia meeting. ddopted upon on]1 of the ro]] b;~ the follotivinrt voter Yees - ~ , ,) i Paae, fiuily,•°u~aehlnaton and Kntter~uhn,-4. 4 ~ ~'' ~I Commissioner Pulliam re-entered the Commiesionera° chamber. ~,~' ,, ,,,.. . ~ it Commissioner 'Oeahinaton offered the Yol]oroinr motion: I move that tha SiFeninq o4 minutes oY the l.et Beaular and Lhe Called J.'eetinas, !nolnd tea this me©tina of the . ady~ournment. ;~ Boerd oY yommiealone;a, he ado?~ted and siFr,ed, an~i that upon the sianina oY said ' I ' ~ minutes the Baerd steed adlourr,ed. adopted upon oell oY the roll Dp the following ~' ~, ii ,' ,I vote: Yeas, Peae, Pulliam, Tully. :7ashinRt~r, andletter~ohn,-b. '~~,-' ! ,ti 4 II ~! ' ~ ~~ + ~~ m, i r ~j r !j ,. ~,;_._ ~, F II ! yW1;? i ~'e:> ~i ~, a': 4 '' * ` ~~ .. . . ~ ~ ~,; )r V - j~ ..: ::v;„~ f 3 ~. i~ '{ .. ' i ~r'. ~ ti ~ ; ' ~ }~~~ • ~ ~. ~. ~ ~ ~~~ ' ~_ .~ _ ,, ~ ~ ~, ~ ~i ~, ! ~`ti ~ '. ~. . R: K. ', ;. ~.: ~,,~ ~: ,~ " . ~. ~n n,-~ ~ n a~x "u+nan a.n u i o r~ -.,,i-p t ~~ ~, ~ i 19.y+, Pl. r.p~rrj~a~ ~~ y i i I iii : ~ i ~ .. ~--'-'--- i ', ` r~';ri (f I ., ,! :{, ~~..a s ~_' `~ ~:. ; s ,, a,' ..i `.~ ,, 1 ~~ I 1 e Y'~. F~'< a.r: ~. ;z: A ~.