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I I .... "e-re .. , Na /! / Commissioners' Proceedings, City of .Paducah : `' ~ , ~ ~ • ' 192:-:= JANUARY 1_ }9ES. at a Regular Meeting of the Heard oY Commissioners, held in the Commissioaera" ",Chamber in the City Rall, Paducah, Kentnoky, on January let, 18E3. Upon Dail of the ,, .. '.soli the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Tully and Mayor ',Kntter~ohn,-S, ~ . ~` Commissioner Tnlly offero8 the following motion: Jannery let, 19E8 being a , ;•Legnl Roliday, said meeting is hereby adjourned until Tuesday, Jannery End, 19ES, at k E o'clock F. M, Adopted neon Dell of the ro]1 by the lollowinR vote: Yeas, Pece, . '; Tully and Katter1ohn,-S. - - . ~,,' Gi4y CirA ~ ' }r~~.'i . ~' JANUARY END. 39E3. At an Adjourned Regular L3eeting oY the Board oY Qommiesioners, head in the Qom- ~ r missioners'Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentnoky, on Jannery End, 19E3, at E o'clock P. li. Upon Dell oY the roll the following answered to their Name e: Oommie•. f I sinners Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and 14eyor Kattar~ohn,-b. '~ On motion of Commissioner Pulliam the minutes oY the previona meetings were ' ~ ~ adopted ee read and corrected upon call of the roll bg the following vote: Yeas, Paoe„ ~i ~iPulliam, Tully; Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. ` lieyor~Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication ~i Resignation of from the Paducah aventng sun, tendering its resivsration ae City Printer, be reoeived~ ,' Pnduoah Jvening ! ;filed and eooe Sun ae Ofiioisl Pted. Adopted upon call of the roll by Lhe following vote; Yeae, paos~. printer, {',Pulliam, Tully. Washington rnd Katter'ohn,-b, ii '! Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of Dr. O.A. Report Dr.Q.A, ~ Isbell, Assistant City Phyaiolen, for the year 19EE, be received and filed. Adopted Isbell, AesL. City Fhyeloian i' upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Fn]liem, Tul]y, 7aehinaton , for 19EE, ;' and Xatter~ohn,-b. County k State Mayor Kntter~ohn offered the fo]lowina motion; I move that the Oommiealoner of Taxes Li:zette j: Schafer property Fubiio Finance pay the County and State Taxes on the property bought Prom 6~re. Lisetts to be pnid & oharaed.to 3rd Schafer, located at 1?66 Madison Street, the amount oY whioh being $14.61 plus inter- Distriot Sewer, set and penalty, and charge same to the 3rd Distriot Sewer Aooount. Adopted upon Dell i. of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tu]ly, Washington and Kntter-•. ; ~; john,-5. (~ Qommiesioner Tully offered the following motLonr It appears•thea at the meetin g ~. of September 8th, 19EE that the Commissioner oY Public Finnnoe made the following Motion re]ative !' motion, whioh was carried: "I move that thi accounts !or the in et half of the month to pay-ro71 3rd ' Distriot Sewer ;! oY Auc[uat, 19EE, for the 3d Distriot Sewer, amounting to ,691.47, be allowed and order ,;, omitted from ' mirutos of meat-~ ed paid end the Commissioner oY Fublio Finance be authorised and instructed to draw ir,a of Sept. A " ' checks against the No. 3 Distriot Sewer Fund Aooount Lo pay same, and ea id motion 19EE. ~ was emitted from the minutes of Lhe meeting, i move that the minutes of the meeting of 1 ., ~ '; September E3th be corrected and that the motion above be ineorted in them. Adopted, ' I' upon call of the roll by the fol]owina vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pnl]iem, Tu77y, Waehiraton ~ and Katter~ohn,-b. ' t ; '' j f . „~ r,_.- s ' ~ ,: i w,~ ,' L, : ,, . Na ~ /°~, .. Commissioners° Proceedings, City of .Paducah fl92-- • !~ Commissioner Tally offered tie following motion: I move that the statement of + Statement of £. eooount with ~ ~ eooount with Yanoy & Johnson,'Contraotora, Yor the improvement of the alleq between yenoy k. Johnson ~ ` improvement of ~ ' ~ Ksntuoky Avo. and Broadway and Seoond & Third Streets, be reoeived arA filed. Adopted !• ,t A71ey between : Ky.Ave. & B'way ;upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam, dully. Washington d 2 3 d d ~ an n k r t ~ ~ . .. Sts.' ' end Katter~ohn,-6. ~ • Commissioner Tully offered the followingr motion: The Yollowing parties baring j W ~ . : ~ I L+etimatea-psid•. ~~ pcid the estimates against property owners for the improvement of the alley between i b rt own-~ ' ro b , y P .. pe y ere aasinat thou! Kontnoky Avs. and. Broadway and Seoond and Third Streets: - y: property improve ! s betaeen KylAve. ~I Snt. 1 B. G.Boona ? •...... $ 89.26 ~ ~ " .state....... .......... , s ~ d B' d 3,bizzie .T. Teesdale ..........:............ 68.01 , : ~ an waq sa 2nd and 3rd SLa.~ " 4 Gus E. & R. Rank ......................... 70.8,6 " b 3. R. MoSsight .....................>..... ! 47.94 d " 6 Patter & l~tammen .......................... 15.59 ! ' " 8 Chas. Miohael ............................ 46.Ob f t " Bertha bevy .............................. 46.76 ~ p 10 Emma b. hest ............................. 43.69 ~ 11 bizzie J, Teesdale ....................... 47.70 ,. ~: ~ " 12 Thos. J. Reed .......... ................. 93.62 ;~ ,: ., " ~~ 14 Hattie C, Hale ........................... 23.02 e e~,1b,Thos. J. Reed .:.......................... 211.92 , , ~~ " 16 Mat•tie C, Rale ........................... 211.82, a total of . "` ' n ~ G $1016.23, Y move that said amount be alloweA Oontraotors Yanoy !b Johnson and the Oom- !~ i~ • ~' F ~, miseioner of Publio Finanoe be authorized and inatrvoted to draw a oheok aaainat the ~' • Speaiel Street Fund Aooovnt to pay same. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the follow-! r ~ inq vote; Yeas, paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter'ohn,-6. j ` . Iroperty owners 4ailltl r ~ to Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; Thti following parties having ' ' p {p g their asuooe- ! meat imps ovemen t + neither paid the estimates nor signiflod their intention of taking ths'Ten Year Pay- ~ ~ al]ey betwoen ~ Ky.Ave and B'wayf+ ~ meat Flan for the improvement of the alloy between Kentuoky avenue and Broadway at-i ,. , : and 2nd m 3rd '~ Streets, eetima-;~ geoond and Third Streets: ~". ~ e l n ~ is»t. ~2, Ben bookofsky ........................$77.93 ; y e Yanoy 8 Johnso Contraotore. ~ + ~7, W. J. Engler t ........................ 4b.81, a total of ,~ $123.74. Y move that the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe be authorized and inatrvoted ~~ to deliver said estimates to Contraotore Yanoy & Johnson. Adopted upon Dell of the ' ' roll by the following vote: Yeas. Faoe,Yu111am,Tully,Washinaton and Ratter~ohn,-6. `~,•~ ~ sport Chief of ~ ~Commieelonor Paoe offered the following motl.on: Y move that the re ort of the' ~ p +. "~° + . oliae for the ~ month of Deo. Chiei of Folios for the month of neaember 1922 be reoeived and filed. Adopted uron 1922. ~ Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, paoe, Fulham, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-6. f + ~!. Commiseloner Washington offered the following motion: 1 move that the nation o! ! ' .Rorer appotntod'; Nnalneer Oity j i, the Oommisotoner of pubilo property in the appointment of H. Rorer as Rltginser at the '. laht Kant in laoe o4 N.S. Light Flant in the piaoe off H. 3. Keel, who renigned, bs ratified. Adopted upon os1) ~ eel, xho reelan-~ ed, q of the roll by the fo]lowing vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pnl]Sam, Tully. Washington and Katter- } ~; john,-6. ~` Commissioner Jashington offered the following motion: I move that the Commission-l ' ommissioner of r: dub] i o Finanoe toV er of Publio Finanoe be, and he ie hereby authorized and direoted to inolude all unpaid! - irolvdo cll un e1d bills std ~ bills and. eooounts aEtainst the City of Paducah for the year 1922 whlah have been . + ~ ooonnte against ' ity of Pttduoah, C! approved for payment, in hie report~of alloaianoes for payment for the last half of Lhe . or year 192E l; in hie report. month of December 18 E2. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas ' ~, 1oh have been H ppr,oved. • Il Paoe, Pulliam. Tully. Washingt m, and Katter~ohn b. •- t r Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: Y move that a Reaolntion entitled '! d eeolntion des- "A RaSObUTtON DESIGNATING TAE t&'AS-DIdJfOCRA2 A$ TRR OFFICIAb N.3W9PAFfi.R FOR TA3 CI TY OF ~ ' p im sting Newe- i pADUOAA, Ki:NTUCKY, FOR THE XSdR 1923 " be ed opted. Adoptsl aeon Dell of the ro]1 b ~ emoorat se the ~ y j tfiola7 Newe. ! the following vote:•lcsaa, Psoe,Fu111am~Tally Waehington and Katter~ohn -b. i i spar for LM ~! . , ear 1923. ~ ~ '; . o h i I ~~ ~ ~ "'""`r•1 d vu,~<~' ~~ ~.J~ 1~ 2 w~ +. r ~.. -. ~• ,. } _ .: ~ ~~ ~ _ ",= .. .., E,.,.. .. ,: ..~ ,. No. 1~_ ' " Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah 192-~ ' Mayor Kntter~ohA offered the following motion: I move that en ordinance en• Ordinanas raga- 'titled "AN ORDINANCE 8~(illIATING Tfii: DIGGING, OP3IING OR EXCAVATING IN ANY 9TRRFT, latin~ d~.gaing, ', • opening or exoa- ': 3ID3'AAI,K, AI.LSY, i9HARF OR OTHER PUBLIC RAY OF THE CITY OF PADUCAR, KENTUCKY," be eating in the streets ko. of `adopted. Adopted upon Dail of the roil by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe, fialliam. City of Tadnoah. Tully, Ntnehington and Kattor~ohn,-b. On motion the Board ad~ournad upon Dell of the roll by 'b yeas.. ~', Bder~tetiir~.3 _ -.~.. 1 I ~Ll~ ~=.PF~%G4 -- v0s ~~ ~' JAIIUARY 4TH. 19E8. ~ 1 i t' "~ i . ii At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commisaloners, held in the Commleaionere' j:, , Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on January 4th. 19E3, at 11:30 o'clock i! A. M. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commisaionere ' ' ~ 'Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, iPeahington and Mayor Katter~ohn.-b. Mayor Kattersohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit; To el low estlmatee on Sewer Diatriot ~3 for the month of December, and any other business that might Dome before P " '! the Board, ~ -- Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I mope that the'Monthly zFt i' ~,3stimate oY work done on the 3rd Diatriot Trunk line Sewer, in Sub-Divisions 3B-30, Estimate ~6 Sewer Diatriot by the E. R. Harding Company during December 192E be approved, and that. said B. R. ' ~3 Sub-Divisione,,~ 38-3C•,E.R. Hard- ;j garding Company be allowed ~1b,30E.EE on said estimate, and the Commissioner of Pub- ing Co. for December 19EE, ~ lto Finance be authorised and directed to pay said arount and charge same to the ~1b,302.E2 . jj 3rd Diatriot Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the ro]1 by the following vote; Yeae, r 'Paoe, Pnlliaro, Tu]ly, ;Yashington and Katteryehn,-b. ' ~! Commlaeioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Monthly Estimate ~b i' gatimete of work done on the 3rd Diatriot Trunk Idne 3e"aer, in Sub-Division A, by Sewer Diatriot ~3 3ub-Division ,the E. R. Harding Company during December 1922 be approved, and that said E. R. Acrd. ' A. , E.R. Hard ing Co. for December ; ing Company be allowed ~13,680.b7 on said estimate, and the Commissioner of Public 192E, for , g13,680.b7• 'Finance be authorized and directed to pay said amount, and charge acme to the 3rd Diatriot Sever Fund. Adopted upon oe]1 of the roll by the fo]lowinR vote: Yeae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. tYaehington and Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Paoe offered the Yellowing motion: I move that the realimation ' •.;s', Resignation of " of Chas. J. Swenter, in the Fire Department, be received, Piled and sooepted. Adopt- ' Chea.J.Swenter. ' ed upon call of the ro]1 by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, NaehinRton ": !: nrd Kntter~ohn,-b. i. Employment of I OommieoLonor fiaae offered the following motion: I move that the notion of the Joe Morris. ! Commissioner of Public Safety in employing JOe Morrie in the Fire Department, to take 'i1 the place of Chas. J. Sweeter, vrho realRned, be ratified and approved. Adopted upon '.' Dell of the roil by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, t9eahinaton and j~ Kattaryohn,-b. ~; ii On motion the Board ad~otu•ned upon Del] 04 tha roll by b yeas. ry f'~ AOe~9~~.~~---F.9~. .~:PPROV s~J ~~~ Q~ A ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ .. r ii !j v t f; ' ~~ !, • "f ,„ ~ >,~ ,~ " .. ;.r '2; 4....ILS~". ..~t~ i' p ~: Na ,. •~_. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~__~___~ 192_. JANUARY 6TH. 19E3. ~ At a Called Meeting of the Board Of Commissioners, Held Sn the Commisaionera° - I ~h Chamber in the City Hall, Baduoah, gentnoky, on January bth, 19 E3, at .3:00 0°olook i h l th f ll d t i i U il h i C ~ • 11 ow ng answere ea pon Da o omn of t e rol e o t e r names: onere P. 14. ~j Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Washington,-4. Mayor dCatter9ohn being ont of the City, Mayor Pro Tem We.shingtoN presided, • ,i I Mayor .Pro Tem Washington stated reasons for Dell to-wit: To allow pay-ro]ls for ' the $net ,lalf pf tYie q~patpt of Deoember 19 EE, end any other business that might Dome before the Board. ! Report Com°r• i! Commissioner Tully offered th® following motion; Y mor® that the aooounte ford Yinanoe of I Aooounte last .~ the last half of the month of Deoember 19EE amounting to $13367°14, as per the r®- ' ° ° j t month of Deoem- port of the Commiseloaer of Publio b'inanoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered pnid j , of ~ ; the City. ~ and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oall of the; ii 9 ~ 1 roll by the following cote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Washington°-4. ~ ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the aooounts ~. i ~ for the feat half of the month of Deoember, 19EE for the 3d Diatriot Sewer: Aowunte last ~ half oY the Su lies ........................ ~ PP ~E6E7.69 ~ month of Deoem- ~ Pay Roll.••.•...••••..••... .... 6b6.6E ` a total of $3184.E1,be 1 F bar 19EE for ~ the 3rd Dietriot"' alleged and ordered paid and the Commissioner o! Publio Firnnoe be•euthorized and ia- ~ ,' Sewer< ~ etrnoted to draw oheoka aaainet Lhe No. 3 Distriet Sever Fund 6ooount to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by 4he following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and ~. ' Aashington,-4° - ~ ` Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the Oommi,ealoner; ~~ 8trset Bonds 8 ~~ Ooupons in Oitg+ ;~ of Pub11o F'lnanoe be authorized and direoted to ay off take u and oanoel Street i p ° p , 'Aatioaa] Bank paid off. '~~'~~ ;, Bo7d a nnd.0oupons in the Oity National Bank in the sum of -~6~7q°63 and to draw a oheok ' ° ~ against the Speoial Street Fund Aooount to pay gems, Adopted upon 0817 of the roll by !'. i '1 the following vote:. Yeas, Pao®, Pulliam, Tully, and Washington,-4. ,~ ~ On motion the Board ad'ourned neon Dell of the ro]1 by 4 y®as, ! ~ a. 3 ~~ ~ -.. JANUARX 8TH. 19E3, " ' ' ;?lOtdinanoe author e:'ising the borrow- 'ng 04 $40,000.00 .;from Oity Nat°1. (Bank. X1187.80 inter- e~t due City $ntionai Bank on note for i j At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiasionera°; Chamber in the City Ha 11. Paducah, Sentuoky, on January 8th, 19E3, at 10:00 0°olook A. 1Q• Upon call of the roll the following answered to their Homes: Commissioners ''Paoe, Tully, Nashington and iSayor Satter~ohn,•4, ~j' i i ~~ Mayor Kntter~ohn stated reasons for Dell topwit: For the purpose of borrowing ~~ $40,000.00, and such other bnsinoss ns mny Dome before the Aoard° i 'i Oommisaioner Tully offered the following motion; % move that an ordinance entit]ed ~, ~; AN ORDINAA'CR AUTHORI4ffiG 6I~ DIRr]CTiNG TAR MAYOR A1dD C01?MISSTONA~t OF PUBLIC FINANCE TD ~: BORR0~9 THr SUHI OF F(itTY TROUSAND ($40.000.00) DOZyAR3 FROLi TAR CITY NATIONAI, BA NT OF i; i ~i PADUCAA, Rr'T.ITUCKY, AND TO 3XRCUT3 A ROTL FOR SAID 3UM FOR AN]D ON BvFiAld~' OF SAID CITY,^ ~ ' be adopted. Adopted upon oe$1 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. Tully, I, , ~; Washington and Satter~ohn,-4. i~, Commissioner Tnl ~ ly offered the Following motion: I move that the elan of ,1187,80 be !; allowed th® City National Bank ea interest on a note of X40,000.00 borrowed by the City: I of•Paduoah this day, due Jnly bth, 19E3, and same be appropriated from Lhe General Fund: i, ~~ Adopted upon Dell of the ro]1 by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully, Yashinaton and '. ~ Saner~ohn°-4o ' ~, a' ~~.~ii, .._._ ` r • ~ -"~ ,. -., . _ .. .. . . .. " ~ "~ . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ; -..-192 it 'r ~ l No. //6- Commissioner Tally offered the following motion" I move that .the anm of $1b,07b.00 perm- $iS,076.00 be appropriated from the General Funds to pay the semi-annual interest on' annual interest . , on No. 3 District No. 3 Diatriot Sewer Ronda amounting to $lb°000.00 and $7b.00 commission dus the United . Sewer Fonda, ' :.States Tdortgage & Trnet Company of New York, for the payment of oonpona and the Commis- sinner of Public Finanoe is hereby authorized and instructed to deposit same"to the • ~ credit of the No, 3 Diatriot Sewer Bond Sinking Fund in the Fir et National Bank. a ~. Adopted upon oe7,1 oY the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Tully, °leshlneton and Y ~ ~ • Ketter~ohn,-4. - ,. • Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; 'I move that the Commissioner '~ oY Publio Finanoe be authorized and instructed to draw a check on the No. 3 Diatriot i $1b,07b.66 semi- i, Sewer Bond Sinking Fund,payable to the order of the City National Bank oY Paducah, annual interest • on No.3 Diatriot ~ to pay the semi-annual interest on the tto. 3 Diatriot Sewer Bond s, dne July 10th, of Sewer Ronda. i' " !:;$15,000.00 and ~17b.00 commission due the United States 17ortgage & Trust Co. of New t i. York, for payment of coupons. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: f f Yeae, Paoe, Tully, t7eahington and Katter~ohn,-4. C ~ is T~ttayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that Fbb Lynn be allow. ~, € .I Ebb 7,v~n sliowed ~ $11.25 for 4~ days work driving Health Car, end that aeme'be charged to Sanita;y. $11.Eb`. I " ~. „ Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Tully. Weahinrrton and ; !- Katter~ohn,-4, n ~. . On motion the Board adjourned upon Dail of the ro]1 by 4 yeas. ~ ~ - • ='~~ , %~ . 'bF Ham, _ . ---` ,i c::r r_wi 7 'i~ 1 ~ ' # T1 ~: e i. I D7 " JANUARY 8TH. 19E3. V ~~ ~ At q Regular "Meeting of the Board of Commiasionera, held in the Commiseioners° " •• ~ " Chamber in the City Hali, Paducah, Kentucky, on January 8th, 19EE, Upon Dell of the - {;roll the following answered to their names; Commisaioriera Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Waehinaton end Mayor Katter~ohn,-b, i` On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were it adopted as read upon Dell of the roll by the fol]owina vote: Yeas, Paoe; Pnlliem,. - Tully. ;7aehington and Ketter~ohn;-5. ' Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion: I movo that the i37k°e C]nD De Elk's Glub 'jallo~aed $E5,00 for edvertisina the Charity tiinatrol to be held January 2End, E3rd and , allowed $2b.00 24th, 1923, and that acme be charged to the account oY Charity, Adopted upon call of Yor advertising ' . Charity ldinatrel:the roll by the following vote: Yeas,faoa,I'u111am,Tnlly,.7eahington and Katter~ohn,-5 Commissioner Tully offered the'Yollowing motion; I move that Lhe report o! Report Com'r. ;'the Commissioner of Publio hinawoe for the month of Deoember, 192E, be reoeived,filed Fuhlio Finanoe for month of ~°and ordered published in the offiotal newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll by Deoo}nber,192E. ! the following vote; Yeae, Paoe. Pulliam, Tu71y, l7aehinaton and Katter~ohn,-b. . '~ Commiaatoner Tully offered the f ollowinq motion: I move that the report of Report Com'r. (the Commiaaloner of Iublio r'inanoe of the 3d Diatriot Sewer fund Aooount for the month I Fubl io 1'tnanoa I of 3rd Diatriot of Deoember, 192E, be received, filed and order°ad published in the offioisl newspaper. Sewer Fund Aoot.. for Deoember ,Adopted neon Dell of the roll by the (ollowinq vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~ 192E. 9ashington and Katter~ohn,-b. Report Com'r. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the ' Fublio 'r'inenoe f'Commiaeioner of Publio Finanoe of the Colleotiona and Disbursements for the year 19EE for year 192E of oolleetiona &' f Disbursements, be received, filed end ordered published in the offioisl newspaper. Adopted upon call '~ ,of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, 7ashinaton end Katter- Johr,,-b. • . ,,.., f. ... ,.,., .. m .. . ---,-~- ~ -.-~ r im-rt-n .., 'ti•~i~ ~__ ., <M„ i $ r° ~ • ~. `~ . 4 d • " ~_ ~, ~,~~~..~ :..... _....._ ._ .__, ..:._, I ~ ..... .. _.. .. .... _ .. ... 4.,._ .i. .. !.~~ .;vr.... ~ ...... _.. .. ~... _. ... .... ........ ._...'.'.... ... ..... ..~.._....... C n Coffimissioners'. Proceedings, City of Paducah 192.__ Commissioner Tullq offered the following motion: That 7» p. ~teahington, y 7,ioense Ordi- OiLq Puroheaing pgent,.be authorized and inetruoted to have 1000 ooplea'of Lho Yioeaes ~.•, " ~,~ nanoe for 1923 ,++. 1000 oopiao to ~ Ord•innnoe for .1923 "printed in ptumphiet form. pdopted upon aali of Lho roll by the ~"~ bo printed. ~.followiaa rots: Yeas, Faos, Pulliam, Tullq, IlnehinRton and Kstter~ohn,-b. Mayor Kntter~ohn offered the following motion: I moon that the opinion of Opinion in re; ~ ~ the Court of pppeala in the Dane of Citq of Faduoah, Kentuokq. vs Y. '". Yveq, pdmr>, ~~ Court of pp- ~ ~` ofgCitgnveo7ii~ ~ wherein the BioCraoken Cirouit Court wen affirmed, be reoeived and filed. pdopted upon j ivey~pdeodChBa~ h Dell of the roll bq the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliann, Tu]lq, Taahington and Y. KnLter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: I move that Ben F. Bditoheil ' '" Ben F.Mitohell i appointed ea an~ be appointe8 ns an extra polioemen, effeotive immediatelq, to fill the ple.oe of James '~ extra pollee-. ,yhitledge, who wen appointed an extra polioemen, but failed to quellYq. pdopted upon i men. ,' oalY of the roll bq the following vote: Yeas, Pao®. Pulliam, Tullq, 0eehingtaa wad ~ ~4• ~ Kntter,ohn,-b. ~3 Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that s Dopy of the ~I "-8andate from ~ lSandate from the Oourt of pppeala in the ease of Citq of Paduo4h, Kentuoky, Appellant, •CourL of Appeal in notion of va w. q. Iveq, pdminiatrator of Ohea. Yveq &o., Appellee. wherein Lhe ~udrement of the Citq ve ~L 9. ~':filedpdand~ MoCrsoken CiroulL Court waa affirmed, ad~ndaina the sum of $3,000:00 against the Citq i .. ~' Coiate Coats ~ of Paduoah~ KenLuokq, with 10~, damages, with intereat from ATovetnber 20th, 1920, amount- and ~ndgment , ~,i allowed end ing to the sum of ~3~681.00 be reoeived and filed; and that an itemized statement of ~: "' ordered paid. , £;. ` the judgment, demagea and intereat, together with the ooeta.of the Court of Appea]a 1. and the Dents of the fltoCraoken Cirouit Court, amounting in all to X3,707.25, be re- . z Delved and filed; and I further move that 9gnn Tullq~ Commissioner of Fublio Finanoe be ~' ~ and he i a herebq authorized and direoted to paq to Frank Iz. Burnao Attorneq for 9. 7P. ':' ~:,-. Yveq, pdmr. of Rhea. Iv®q. deooeaed, the sum of X3.681.00; and that he be authorized j '~' ~ and direoted to paq to ~s. C. Seaton, Clerk PdoCraaken Cirouit Court, the sum of $4.60; ,:: ~~:. ~ std that he be authorized and direoted to paq to $oq B. Spook, Clerk Court of pppeale~~ $21.7b, eYl,of whioh to be oharged to floats and Suite, said Burns to present to the ` „•, k` ~ Commissioner of Fublio ~'iaanoe=e reoeipt of antisfaotion~ prepared bq the Citq Solioi- ~ ~~ j tor. Adopted upon osll of the roll bq Lhe following vote: Yeas, Pnoe~ Pu111am, Tullq, ! Weahington and Katter~ohn.-b. ~ ~' i r, `: Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: I move that the report of th® '. ~` RerorL Chief ~~ Chief of the Fire Department for the month of Deoeaber 1922 be reoeived and filed, of Fire Depart-; ~ ~• meat for month ~ I ~I pdopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe Pulliam, Tullq, of Deoember, j ~ • '.1922. ~ Aaehington end Katter,ohn.-b. ` Annual Report- ~', Commissioner Pao® offered the following motion; Y move that the Annual i Chief of Fire Report. of the Chief of the Fire De ~tment for the > Department for r~ P gear ]922 be reoeived and filed. S. the gear 1922. ` j pdopted upon oall of the roll bq the following vote: Yeea, Pane, Pulliam, Tnllq, , leahington and Katter~ohn.-b. f " Commissioner Pnlliam offered the following motion: Y move that the expense Expenee eooounL eooaunt"of H. A. Pulliam for self and J. C. Keeleq, to 9t. 7uuie, idisaonri, and return, g.a.rniliam ~ j, s*` J. C; Keeleq to ;whioh was paid bq the baClede-Christy Claq Froduots Compaq to the Commissioner of St.7auie. Mo. ~ ~, ea paid bq the "Fublio• Binanoe, for inapeoLion of the testa on the segament blook sewer materiel, i IaClede-Chriatq~ ping Prodnate amounting to 64.71 be ordered Co.&a. (~ ~ paid to H. ;1. Pulliam, and the Commissioner of Fublio ~. •• Sawa; Dietriot~ ~Finanoe authorized and instruoted to eh arge same to the j'hird Distriot Sewer Fund, Lhe ~ ' ~$• .: I paement from the bnClede-Chriatq Claq 3'r • fund to whioh the od uoLa Company was orediled ~ ~ pdopted upon Dail of the roll bq the following vote..Yeas, pnoe, Pulliam, Tally, { ,. ,s, ~ilashiagLon and Katterjohn,-b. ,; '; l .., .} .. • ~, ;. , r , i^ ~- ~ti t~" ~~~-'~~ .t ; 14 ~ ~" ,:: 6 _ .. ;;~ .. ~ • ,. - _.. . s° ,•, ~ ,~a, Commieatoner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the ssp.enss 3xpenee eaoonnt .' aooount of F.. A. Pulliam for self and J. C. Keeley, Chief Assistant 3ngine9r,• on s KK'''4• ?~• , t?.A.Fulliam do J.C.Keeley from ~ trip from 3t. Louie, %o, to Springfield, Illinois, and return. for the pnrroea of ;, mry .•,,, '. ~ 3t.Louie.6lo, to SprlnRfleld,I11. ;observing the results of thb Bates Toet Road of the Department of Hi4hwaye,of the , ' • sliowed and paid. New Conatruotion gtate of Illinois, amounting to $19.8b, ea itemised on the eaoompanying statement, ';~.. of Streets. , , be a llo:ved, and the Commissioner of Publio Finenoe author-irzed and instruoted to pny ' same and charge to iLew Street Conatruotion. Adopted upon Dell of the soli by the ;following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~9eahington and Katter~ohn,-5. ' ~;; Commissioner Pulliam offered the following rootioa: I move that an ordi- i' Ordinanoe fizing fees to be ohera~ ~ncaoe entitled, ^AN ORDIILAI'Cc^ FIXIItG TAI: Fi~:.S TO BR CHARGE FOR PLU1r1BING PER%ITS II( a ' ed for plumbing ;; TIC CITY OF Pe1DUCAH, Kr'11TUCKY," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by tho ' Y permits. r `:following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, STaehington end Katter~ohn,-b. ' ,,, } ~ Commissioner Fulllam offered the fo]lowinq motion: I move that an ordi- Ordinance great- ing oYYioe of I' nanoe entitled ^AId ORDIILLI.'C:; C:?EATIILG T(ZF OFFICir, Or^ CITY 3A NITARY :SIGINET±R AND • • City Sanitary I;ngiFRESCRIBIIdG Tli3 DUTIR3 A19 R.QUII?:I7:NT3 OF SAID CITY $l,NITARY EILGIIL^F.R, OF TAE CITY near.-loaf. i ~.0: IGDUC6R, KLRLTUCKY," be adopted. Lost upon Dell of the roll by the following ~ q. s ;;vote: Yeas, Pulliam and .7eahington,-E; Neys, Paoo, Tully and Katter~ohn,-3. ~ `t ~ On motion the~Hoerd ed~ourned neon Dell of the roll by 5 yens. , _ i.•, . 3 1g I. Aiayfed c R3 _.~' fc.O v :.:.1 P i! / l ~ j/ l~ ~/ / ~ ~ ~ / ,~ ; e;e, c;w~ IvIAYC1R - y i i ;; ~ - JANUARY 1bTH. 19E3. ' i' i ' !1 At a Regular %eetinq of the Board of -0ommiasionera, held in the Commission era" f i } , •. ? Chamber in the City Ha11. Paduoeh, Kentucky, on January loth, 1923. Upon Dell of tho ', {; roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Paoe,'Pulliem, Tully. t ~ ~ S7ashington and ZSayor~KatterJohn,-b, • M ; ~ i On motion of Comroissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were ~'; adopted as read upon Doll of the roll by the following vote: Yeao, Paoe, Yn111am,Tu]ly ' ~ Jashington and Ketter~ohn,-b. • I~ Commissioner '.Yeahinaton was ®xoused from the meotina by the J".eyor. I• ' 3 . I; Layor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move t,1at 8r, ordinaroe.an- .. E. .; t i•=:f •. Ordinance raising '~ tit]ed "AIL ORDIILAILC3 GRbi; TIN; TO THi: CFICAGO, 3T. LOUIS A2~ ISR"' O.RLF.AN3 RAIIROAD COM- River Front Rail- road traok~ end {DAILY, ITS SUCCESSORS OH ASfiIGNS, TH.: RIGIiT TO RAIS3 TfIR RI7:~:R FT.tcl,'T RAILROAD TRACK, _ ne:i siding Yor !' RUILILING FRO11 THE 1LORTH PROFi.'RTY LINT: OF L10t:I?OE STRS:i.T 70 L POi1LT 1.PIROXIi*AT3LY 175 internatior,el Shoe. , Ca' ~; FET A'ORTH OF THE ILORTH,PROPZtTY LINT OF BROAD^AY STR wT, AI7D'TIi: RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT A N.:"1 SID I2 (; Tb S'RVE THE IILT~?ILATIONAL SHOT: COLTANY'S FLFNT,^ be Lntraduaed and laved '~ • .~s', i~ over. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the f ollowin a vote; Yeas, Paae, Fu111am,TuIly ~'•` f, ,: and Katter~ohn,-4, f F Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the aomrounioetion ~ %arir,e Rays Plant of the Joyoe- ' from the L!arine i9eye.Plant of the Joyce-l7atkins Tie Gompeny be reoeived eni filed, and • ;TatkLna Tie Co. ~ ~ .. oommunioetion re- ; the City Solicitor be inatruated to draw a resolution exam ting them Yroro ad valorem P letive to tax u exemption. ! taxes for a period oY Yive years as an irrluoement to them to looate in Paduoah, Ky. ~'. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Feoe, Pulliam, Tu]]y and Katter,ohn,-A. ~ t ~ fi ~:~.e~. , ' j; i'.eyor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that hbb Lynn be allow- - ~ 3bb Lynn allowed $6.25 for 2~- days ;: ed $6.25 Yor 2~ days work driving Health Car, and that same be aherPed to Saniter y, j - work driving Health Cer, C Adopted upon Dell of the roll.by the following vote: Yeas Peoe, pu111am,~Tu11 and t . Y ( ~ ~ ~I Katter~ohn,-4. it ~ ~ ~. •s.,N~ x~•~~ , x •:: .,.s-ore-~,r..+~.,^~.:~,"'i^-i'^s'e'~rz,°'c'~r"'~""~c^'~r.'^~~"?~"1% ,.".. ~ ,. .*nri++re:.Sg'~*'"*.m r r^• .. ... ~+:r:a,,rw., .. m~,..~:x ^±ri. ,.. r .,.. ,^r,+zi°'?ri+a < .qp,» i - ~'~ ~ , ~.~ ~i it ~~r ~ert.~onfl p.. I. ~ I r~~r o:;lc p , ~ 1~ P~i-4'I im ~,•, ,. -~ ~ ~,~ P. I ~. ~ ~~,~~~~~,n I ~~ ~~ ~ ~f ~"rl '~' 'i t ~-ilr~~ I I I ~ nrF~ ,r i i r e I pi Iii ;qe Na ~ / Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192-_ ~:; . Commissioner Pulliam .offer e8 the following motion: :4HF.R.'a.AS, 9. A. Berry has re- ~ ~ s' , T.A.Berry allow- ~ 0eived information from ~4ashington that the sass of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, again- ~ .. o-, <. ` ed $E50.00 ez- , penaes to 71aeh- ~ st the Paducah Rai lroad Co en is set for argument on Thvrede Jenner 18th, 1923 ; i at ~ y y. y ~' ~`"''^, ington to argue aese of City of tiand, NHr:RF.A3, it is neoesaer that the said Berr be ~ y Y present to arm~e said cage on be- ~ ~ ? padnaah va Padn-. ooh Ry.Go. ~! half of the Cit ~~ y,oP Paducah,- I move that the Commissioner of Publia Finance be author i ° ~-~i.~ ' ~ 1 I ;!ised and directed to issue oheok to the said .Y A B f th ' ~ " . . erry or e gum of $260.00 to de ~ " ~. ~' ~ dray his expenses from Faduaah to !9sahipP..ton and return, and that same be ohargad to ~ - N:; ~~,~; ~CoQta and Suits. Adopted upon sell of the ro1T by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe, i ~~ ~Pnlliam and Tully,-3; Nays, Katter~ohn,-1. C ~ !~ Mayor Katter,ohn offered the following motion; I move that the bond executed ; Bond executed by Eeat Tenn.Tele- jby the r^,aet Tennessee Telephone Company with the Fidelity & Deposit Compan,7 as surety x'., .. s phone Oo. with Fidelity de De- ~4be released from future liability. Adopted neon cell of the roll by the following vote; . poait_Co. ea ;iyesa, Peae, Pulliam, Tully aTd Katterjohn,-4. ~ aurety relaededr' h . ' , Mayor Katter~ohn offered tho following motion; I more that the Commissioner oP i j pPublio iYorka be authorized and instructed to draw plane for the construction of storm I . ', ' Commissioner of Public 9orks to ' ~; ~eewera for the portion of the first Sewer District now unprovided by the storm sewers, , ; " , { . draw plane for oonatruotion ~+and that the poet of preparing these plans be charged aPesinat the Special Sewer Fund, ~ First SewersDie reaid, goat not to exceed Seven Rundred ($700.OOD Dollars, Adopted upon sell of the roll ~' ~ ~~ triat. ~iby the following vote; Yeas, Paae, Pulliam, Tully asd Katter'ohn,-4. ' ; Commissioner Tully offered the followini; motion;-The amount of $6176.00 beirUt due $E47,000.00 i;thie day as aia months interest on th® $247,000.00 School Bonds outstanding, I move.thet ': r" School Bonds [interest for six ~ ~it be allowed and ordered paid and the Commieaiones° of Publia Finance be authorised and" i ? .: ~: g {months allowed and ordered , ~instruoted to deposit same to the credit of the School Improvement Bond 3inkina Fund in j s paid. , ;;the Citizens Savings Bank. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, i Paae, Pulliam, Tully affi Katter,ohn,-4. a ~ it Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the Commi.a~sioner of', p =' ~' Check for ~~Publia Finance be sutharized and instructed to draw a oheok for $6176.00 against the ! ~ ; $6175.00 Sahool Ymprovemant Bond .ASahool Improvement Bond 3inkina Fund in the Citizens Savings Bank payable to the order of „ Sinking Fund in Citizens Sevinga !the City National Bank to pap the six months interest due this da Ado tad u on cell ii y p p Bank paid to City Nat 1Bank ''of the ;roll by the following vote: Yeas Paoa, Pulliam Tully and Rattor ohn,-4a ~+ ~ to pay 6 months interest. a Commissioner Tully offered the followinP motion: The gum of $100.00 having been i ~~ terd Bred, together with application for },Tait or Oereal Beverage lioonae, Y move that j ~ ~ ~. <" ' J.A.Rady a Sona, Melt or Cereal j ~ ,; ~ ;license to sell ]halt or Cereal Beverages, or any admixtures thereof, be grnr.ted to J.A. ;~ ,:; < Beverage Lloense .Rudy d. Sons at $11E to 116 North 4th Streot for the poriod of one yeery, from January ~. '~ ~ • ,flat to Deaombor 33at, 19E3. Adopted upon cull oP the ro]1 by Eha following voEe; Yeae, ~Peae, Pulliam, Tully and Katter~ohn,-4. i' •" 111 '+ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that Lhe report .of 'i $ iReport of Dior- wick-i~itchell & ~arwiok, Mitchell & Company, Aooountants and Auditors of the audit of the eoconnta of ~ . ~ ~' 1 ; :. Co. Acaountanta .end duditora of ; `ithe C1t of Padnoah for the ~ ~ y year ending December 31st, 19.2E. be received and filed and ~ } ? ~- ' ' ~ ~audiL of aooount of the City of eordered published as required by flaw. Ado red u on cell of the roll b the following ~ ." F P y ,,' C paduoah for the year 19EE. ,dote: Yeas. Face, pullinm, Tully and Katter~ohn,-4. fi , j Coaxoisaioner ,Tully offered the following motion; MaYwiok, Mitchell & Co., Ao- I H _. I '~`~~ ~ ,Commisaioner Pub -oountante and Auditors, having made an audit of the aoaounta in the.offioe of the Qom- ,„, ~ , ,lio Finance, ;granted quietus laiaeioner of Public Finance for the ar 19EE and said audit showing that all funds have; ~ to December 31. 19EEr of account been properly accounted for, I move that t s; aynn Tully, Commieaion ~ of Public Finance, be f ~ ~, " i ' ih office of Finaroe Oommis- I~ecnated a quietus to the end of December 33eL, 19EE. Adopted upon call of the roll by ~ ~~~~=~~ " ~ •ioner;. ,i he iolioxing vote: Ysae, Pace, Tulliam~ Tully gad Batter/ohn,-G. {` . s ~ i , ., } .. ' ,~"'- ;, .. , ' ~ ~ •. ~. ~ ' -..: i K. "i ~ ;.', n Mi. ... ~k. a .... M.. ,~nxa- wA.~+k. e... ~ >Y+3: _:.. M Y".~.,.~ .. .. pa' -> r .•."w k ' :: • ~; .. '.. , " 1 - _ _ '~ ~.~_~ 4 , "~' i i Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the Commission- er of Publio Finanoe be authorised and instructed tc pay off, take np end cancel $treet.~bonde and oouponB in City street bonds and coupons in the City National Bank to the amount oP $1198.6£. .Adopted National Bank taken up aId upon Dell oY the roll by the Yollowina vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pul3Yam, Tully and.Kntter-. paid off. . jo~.-4• Commissioner Tu11y.oYiered the fol]owing motion: That the deed of .J.W,Agnew Cemetery trans- far Prom J.'A. to d.T.Ogilvie for the north half of lot X15 in Section 46 of Oak Grove Cemetery he Agnew ~o J.T. I Ogilvie. ;~ ratified. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fulliam, " 1 d tt hn 4 Tel y an Ka erjo ,- ~ Dodge ento. trap-'„ Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: That an old Dodge An.tanobils sferred to Street ~~ ' Department Prom ~ now in the Police Department, be transferred to the Street Department. Adopted neon Po]iee Depart- ment. ;.Dell of the ro31 by the following vote: Yeas, Paoa, Pulliam, Tully and Katterjohn,-4. k Commissioner Washington entered the CommisQionerb' Chamber. I; ' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the employ i ment of John Lovejoy, as one of the engineering Yoroe, at the rate oY X150.00 per h4nployment oP I; month, be ratified, and that his salary be eheraed against the Departments of ~gi- John Lovejoy, in Departments ~ nearing Work on which he may be employed, 'it being understood that he ie e.t present of Engineering. " ' 1' employed in helping to complete the working drawir.ga Por the branch ae^vera in Dis- !I triota 3A-3B-3C. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeasr Peoe; ~~ Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-b. ' (~ Commissioner Faoe offered the fol]owina motion: I move that .en ordinance Clerk .or Steno- '! entitled °dR ORDIIdAIJC.. PROYIDIidG F(~R A CL32Y. OR ST3NOORA1nTFR FOH THE JUDGE OF TFim . i arapher to Police Judge. 'r.POLIC3 COURT OF PADUCnN AIfi PROVIDING FOR TAw SALARY Tii~:?EOF," be introdnoed and ley r ~; !', over. Adopted upon Dell oP Lhe roll by the Yollowina vote: Yeas, Paos, Pulliam, Tuily ~` i' and Washington,-4; Rays, Katterjohn,-1, On motion the Board adjourned upon oeIl of the roll by b yeas. ' 4 I' JANUARY 20TH. 1923._ ~ '. Venereal Clinic Pay-roll. At a Oelled L?satins of the Board oP Commisaionera, hold in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Nall, Paducah, Kentucky, on January EOth, 1923, at ]1:30 o'clock A. i,".. Upon Doll oP the roll the Yollowina answered to their names; Commiasionere Peas, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and hieyor Katterjohn,-b. Idayor Katterjohn stated reasons Por oe]1 to-wit: For the purpose oP sllowing• ', ;,pay-rolls for the first half oP the month of January 19E3, and any other business ,:~~.- that might Dome before the .Board. i:Teyor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that Lhe Commissioner r ;. of Publio Finanoe be a uthorized end instructed to ino7ude the Pay-ro]le for the Vene- real Clinic, amounting to x"76.00, Por the fir at half oP the month of Januar y 19E3, !' in the payment of Pay-ro]le and accounts Por the first half oP the month of January i 1923. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pu]liam, n Washington and Katterjohn,-4; Nays, Tully,-1. e ~ Commissioner Tully offered the Po1lo:vira motion: I move t}xt the pay-roll '1 M1 ; `s' ;, for the first half oP the month oP January 19E3, amounting to •"~9695.B0, ea por the- ~~ report oP the Commissioner oP Tublio rinamo Pt led herewith, be el]o.ved and oriered ^ r h paid and the money appropriated Prom the General Fnnd to pay uamo. Adoptod anon aaTl ~~ of the roll by tho following vote; Yoas, Paoo, Pulliam, Tull,V, Washington and Y.attsr+ ~'+'; „ ,ohn,-6. :; !~ I' ' •. ' ..., s i j. ~_,,, Pay-roll first h~]f of Jan. 1923: i 1 ` ! •~~ 0 .. ....-~7'~°~'~".. ereo,',^G.~".$F'~z'T'+s'%T-n~,~.a'r'..:.„ .~., ,.,...,~: n,.. a.... r r . Na.. ~w,~, :k :. ; «. ...a:, ."'. a+-',~^ .ifYF.'n,'y.'~a.t,1'~ Pt*+"' ' 'x:.~'?"e~:a .7'=.".•~., .. .... ?"`~,,,,.r...~c°~7.,`+r~i4~ ~-- r i i i 1 Vu. i...p,i i„irR .m ,. i in ~ p~~y, 1. I F~~:,. . ~~~.i..~, ' i" FFi i io ~.c ~s i; i f ~ I~ qv ~~~ ih:~, , -„r . i, . _~~ Na p ~ 0 e: '~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 192-_ :;, ~ ,` tl Commissioner Tully offered the followina motion; I move that the pay-rolls for ~ , °~; the first half of the month of Janaery 1923, for.the 3rd Distriot Sewer, ea follows: I ~.°° ~ ' Fay-roll .........................$754.04 ' ... 40.2b, n total of $794.29, be j. -: .,. ' 3rd Diatriot u ~ I•. ~''• 3eser Fay-roll-~ellowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Publio Finance be anthorize3 and in- I ~°', first half of f `'. Jamusry T923. Ilstrvated to drew oheaka against the No. 3 Diatriot Sewer Fund Aooovnt to pay same, i ~ , .-~ .,Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the f ol3owinR Dote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Weah ` ~ .... ;:' '~in gton an3 Katter~ohn;-b. . ..' ~{' ,_ ~ On motion the Board ad9oianed upon Dail of the roll by b yeas, I ' 1 14 AitNlcai -ea ` JAYNARY 22ND, 1923. I r ~ ~ u ~, ' ~ ~ ~ At a Regular hieetinR of the 1loerd of Commieslonera, held in the Commissioners i:• ° Ohamber in the City Rall, Paduoah, Kentvoky, on January E2rd, 1923. Upon pall of the _i ~ .. xt' ~" I ,roll the following answered to their names: Commission ere Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ' ', Washington end Mayor Katter~ohn,-b. j f: On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetinaa worn adopted • =I.. as read upon Dull of the roll by the following Dote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, I_ u~ Washington and. Katter'ohn,-b, Y Commissioner Tully offorod the followina motion; The sum of $b0.00 havina boon .~ p ,,~~ ton~lered, together with app]iontion for halt or Corna9 Devornae Lioenao, I movo that ~ '/Malt or Ooresl ~ 1loonso to sell Malt or Oeroai Beveraaea or any admixtures theroof be arnntod to Jaok ~ . Bovoraae Li- ~ ~ " ' ~` oenso granted ~ Riddle at X119 Broadway, for a period of six months, from Jnn. lat to June 30th,'1983,', ~,' to Jaok Riddle, lnoluaivo. Ado tod upon Dail of tho roll b Cho fn13ow1nR vote: Yeos Taoe Pulliam ;119 8ro4dway. F D y ~ ;, Tully, 1YnuhinRton and Kntter~ohn,-6. _ ' `~ Qommiselonar 'rally offorod tho followina motlor~y 'ih:e sum of X300.00 havtnK been ~; i r '1Rn7t or Coronl tendornd with npplioatlon for Malt or Coroal 1levoraaa 1loenee, I move that ]laonue bs t ~.Bevdraae Li- " y';'; oeneo granted ~' 'granted to ',Yillinm Dunn to soil htalt or Cereal Aevnraae or any admixtures thereof at hie to ~Ril3lam Dunn near Brown Stp q lrinoh room near Hroron Street, opposite the Union Station, for a period of one. year ~~ If from January 1st to Deoember 31st, 1923, lnolueioe. Adopted upon Dell of the rot] by ! •~ i ; ~ ~ j the following vote: Yeaa, Paoe, Pulliam, gully, tiYaahington and Kntter,ohn,-6. ~ Oommioaionor Tully offorod tho followina motion: ',71ti~lii:As. on the Gth day of { { r '`. Massaohunotte ,i Soptomber 1922, T. J. Tottor was appointed na opooiai patrolman for tho N, C• k st. L.' '~- - Bond tna & Ina, i' '. 'ti Co. ro7oased on.~ Railway Oompany and exoauted a bond with the ?rtassaohuootts Bonding & Insnranoe Co. ns { - , ,; .bond of T.J. ~{ . ~ ~~ Fottor as ape- ~~ surety and tho Nashvillo, Ohnttanooga & St. 7.ouia Railway Company havina sent a ohookj offal patrolman..] iI in paymont of paid bond, payable to the order of Wynn Tu73y, Commissioner of Ivb71o ~ 'S~ `„ . ~ Safety, I move that l7ynn 'Pu11q, Commissioner of Tublio Finanao be st:tl~rized and in- '~ I~,, struatod to endorse this oheok and make it payable to the 1~taaenohuaetts Banding & In- u 'suranoo Company. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the followina vote: Yeas, Paoe, {1 .. Pu]11.nm, '!`ally, Washington and Katter,lohn,~. . -, t ~ Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion: W. R. Tads haoina quit ae an ~:. H,° W.R.Tade resig-~ -offioer of the Polioe De artment, I.mooe that th® biaesaohuaetts Bonding & Inauranoe nation as en t P offioer of the i! ~ Polioe Depte { Company be released from the bond of said Tade, and be relieved from further liabili ~ ty. Adopted upon-Dell of the roll bq'the following vote: 'Yeas, Paoe;,Pulliam, Tully, ; 'Waehing6'on and' Katter~ahn,-b, ;; ~m a ` ~ ., ~~' ' p~. ~ '~ yI ~ ,• .u,~i ~~ ~ ~,~ ' ~ ~. • • :: v. ...,. v ..~'...::~. r, __..:p.,!~iL .+~-' ~.. y... ~ ... . .. :...Y.- :.,i.: ~a.:..+L.m~w-....~ .. ~ V.i..~~n:v ~ w .. .. ~ T Na_/~! , Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah ' ]92:T • ~p t 'r } 5;g~,., Commissioner 7Joshington offered the fol]owlnR motion: I move that the " R. H,Jonea oommuni- oommunioation from rvr. "!, H. Jones, relative to pleoinR trash oontainere on the etreot• aetion relative of"Paduoah, be received and Piled. Ado ted/u on Dell of the roll .b the following vot4: • to trash Don- p P Y tainors. yesa, Faoa, Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and Katterlahn,-b. " Commissioner tYashington offered the following motion; I move th at the psti- Petition rear ; tion of residents on Flora Avenue fora iiaht t,o bo placed a rnrth of the Seven Day dents on Flora " Adventist Church, be referred to the Commissioner of Fublio Pro arty to Snsta7l this Avonoe fora p Streot Lirht. ? light. provided the City is able to sot sufficient appropriation to 1»oreeao the, ~i ~ 1 ~. !; b.Ci]er capacity at the iiaht Plant. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following ," ~, ;r " vote: Yeaa, Feoe, Pulliam, Tully, Weshinaton and Katter~ohn,-b. , r! Commissioner 9aahington offered the following motion:,. I move tr:at the report ~ '. Report Hazel 'i oY htiea Hazel lAelosn, Technician Riverside Hospital, far the month.of Deaember 192E Moloan, Teohni- oian Riverside IJoapitnl for j'. be reooived and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the fol7ovrinR vote: Yeao, Dooomber 1922. ~. ~; Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, :Yashinaton and Kattemlohn,-b. , ' j' Commissioner :Yeahinaton offered the PollowinR motion: I move that the Lrane- far from Frank Boatwright and h t]e Boetwriaht his wlfo to Clarence Voat to the ~'`'~~' `: Cemetery transfer.„ Yr' .. from AYrank Boat- I •' tivriRht and tayrtle;!,2Jorth ono-half of Tat ~b3, Block ~2, on the South aide .of Hannan Street, batwaen ~ ''~ Bay twriaht to r C]aronoo Vogt. ,y Bnker and ldiller Streets., New dddttior, Oak Grove Cemetery. be ratified. Rdopted upon ~". r Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tul]y, 9aaltinaton and ~ ~ " ~~ Y.ntter~ohn,-b. i~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the reeianstion of ~ I; Resignation ~'; Ed C. 7,onq, ae Sewer Inspector, effective Fobruary let, 1923, be raoeived and filed. ~i C.~Long ea ',! ~ ' Bower Inopedtor. ~~ Adopted upon Dell of the ro1I by the Pol7owina vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pnl]lam, Tully, :YashinRtan and Kattar~~hn,-b, 3' { ~, Oommiasioner 1'uiliam offered the fol]owina motion; That the I!ayor bs author-. . .. I:ayor to i~ian , lzod and lnatrnotod to aian the oontraot with tho ttanhvi]Ist Chnttenooaa k °t. Louie,;'- , oontrnot with Ruilwe arantlna ,ermisalon to tho Cit >x, o~notruot an 8" lateral sewer across eai4 1.,;..& St,L.Hy. Ye I Y arnutina riahL of way for eowora'; Ra!]wny'e property botxeen 3rd Stroet and the '1'enr:esaeo Rivor and bet~xoen the property in Sarver Di str lot '~3. of the Paducah Iron Company and the J•'. E. Leak Cor~peny, and that the Commlealoner of ~,Fub]io Flnnnoe be autho"ized and instructed to pay to said Railway the ,~b.00 called ,.%: ;for by geld oontraot and charge Lo Sewer District IJumbar 3 Aoaount. Adopted upon Dell of the ro]1 by the following vote: Yeaa, Paoe, Pu]liam, Tully, Wsehinat,on and Katter-' ` ' john,-b. Rtayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance en- OrdJneroe Brant- 't; titled,. "AiJ ORDIIJAtJC3 GRAIJTiNG 'm TIi3 CFIICAGO, ST, 10UIS AND ]JEtY ORLI•:AIJ9 RAILROAD ing C. St. 1. & IJ. 0,3.R. Co., C01dFA1JY, ITS SUCCRSSORS OR ASSIGIJS, TH :RIGHT TO RATS TH3 BIT.^IRr'RONT RAILROAD TRACKe ;,'. right to raise rivor front rail-; RUT'NIfdu FROTI 'Clt; NOR'l4J PROi'P1tTY LIN.9 OF 1"OJJI?03 STH^FT TO A POINT API??OXItdFiTLY 17b road track and ',; F.9A1'P 1JOR.TH OF '14i:9 2JOIi'PIl T801::RTY LI1J:9 OD' BROADPJAY ;1'IY1"1.T A1JO 1. 's` ietrT TD CONSTRUCT saonntruot erpur r ~ nr n ,,r,.?~.. for Intornutiannl, A IJ ",' ;3.iD t1V0 'pO ;31~1tY1; 'lhr:; I1J~1"iRIJATIr~N:~L h1I0;9 OrAI),1NY~S I'IdN9' " bo ndo tad. Ado tod tlhoo Oom~~at~y, , p p t 'upon call o! the roll by the fo7lawlna vote: Yaas, Tnoe, PuliinM, Tully, "Jnsh.in atop • ,:and Y•atter~ohn,-b, Commissioner Paoe offered the fol7owin.a motion: I move that an ordinance en- Ordinance provid-, titled "AiJ ORDIIJANC3 P^OVIDIIJG FOR .: CL.~71K OR :7T::NOGI;:.PHrit FOR TH;: Ji1DO::' OF T}f~ FOLIO]; . ins for a o)ork ar :3tenoornr+h or COUi2T OF PADUCAH A1JD TI?OVID iNC FOlt 'flii~I iIALARY 77ifiTX)r." be adopted. ADO]'Ti9D upon for I'o]ioo JudRo.l call of~tne roi]. by tho following vote: Yeaa, lace, Pulliam. 'Polly, tvaehington,-4; Nays ~ 1'.Katter~ohn,-1. •. On motion the Board nd~oorned upon Dell oY the roll by 5 yesa. [. A~leFtaE V cra ~ b ~~>~.' ... .'e4T+'ktnetCS M'~'R.!°7'7*.?^J"F^9T""Vi"i",' t+ i^5 !i,._- q i .~~,~„.i •im ~ .. ~~~ .af'""'r .~'~`..-.fig I i, ..i.... i f..~:.~ ..ia , I ~. ~: ~ :~ ~ ~,.i i ,i:~.p ~, i~~ y o i~p.~~ ~ ~ i i ~..~ ~:,~ ~ ~,: I ~ 1-i .~ i n.~,.,~ : , ,.w. ' rye. BMX JANUARY E7TH. 19E.3. Board oY b;qualization,- time' Of aittitr --, :extended to. lrsb. E8,19E3 r' .': ~,~ .. r ; , ~ ::. ~:.; ~~ t +, , I~ At a Called i~?eating of th® Board of Commiaaionera, held in the Qommiasionere' (`Chamber in the City Rall, Paduoah. Kentucky, on Janvary E7th, 19E3, et 10;4b o°olook IA. M. Upon Dell of the roll the folloving answered to their names: Commissioners ~pnoe, Tu71y, llaehington and Mayor KatterJohn,-4. (~ Ma$or. Katter~ohn stated reaeona for Dell to-mit: To exter:d the time of sitting ~of the Board aF Kqualization, and any other business that might Dome before the Board. i Commissioner Tally offered the following motion:. I moms that the time of the ~,aittina of the Board of L~gvalizatlon be extended to and inolndina February 26th, 1923. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the f oilowina vote: Yeas, Paoa, Tally, ~7aehinaton and #~ Kettersohn,-4. On motion `. he Board adjourned upon Dell of the rol] b;~ 4 yeas. Q~,g/ _ oa °.r` ~ 3AEY.`YO7S. ~i JAIri)ARY 29TH. 1923, '?1': ~ AL n Roirular Aieoting of the Board of Commlaelonare, held in the ®ommieaionera° {. Ohnmber in the Oity Ra11, Faduonh, Kontuoky, on Jnnunry E9th, 19EB. Vpon Dell of the ~rol] the following answered to their Yusmoo: Oommieaionera pnae,Fuliiam, Tully, t7aehinq- .` ito~ and Mayor Katter,ohn,-5. ~ ~~-"~ ~ On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes o4 the previous meetings were adopted j i ' ea read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fuiliam, Tully, !q «wA . ~) Yeahin gton and Katterfohn,-5. r;= I:c; ,j Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I moos that the oommunioation i{ ~~from W. A. Berry, in regard to the Quit of the Faduonh Railway Qompeny aRainat the ''r9.A. Berry, Dom- j t ounioation in ;,City of ledvoah, Kontuoky,now pending in the Supremo Court, enoloeina itemized atnto re: suit of I' j Faduonh xy.Co. Ii m~3nt of expenses in makin a the trip from Iadvoah to 9ashinaton and return, be rooeined ` va.City. Street •`~ Car Fares. I' and fi]od. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by tho Po7lowina vote; Yeaa, Igoe, Fn711em, i'' 1 ~' r! Tully, '7sahinaton and KatZer~ohn,-b. i II. Commissionor Tully offered, tho following motion: That the balanoe of ~y409.E3 due ~ , ~- .Y. A. Barr y, I`~Y. A, Berry. Attorney in tho oese of Pediroah Railway Company va City of Faduonh, be j ~~ .Atty., bnlenoo ~ j due on foe in j! allowed and ordorod paid nrrd oherROd to Conte & Suite, and tho money appropriated from 'Deco of Faduonh 'I ` Ra11waY Co. va i; the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: YeoB City of Faduonh,! ' Street Car Fares yeas. Pulliam, Tu11y and 1Yeahinaton,-4; Nays; Katter,ohn,-1. ' 1~ f~, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the bill of biarwiok, p~arwiok,b".it- ~ Aiitohe]1 & Co., amounting to X400.00, for at3itina the aooounta of the City of Paduoah ahe71 & Co. ~~ ~ +: bill for audit#r~, for the year 19EE,.be allowed and orderefl paid and oharaed to the Contingent Fnnd, and - ins eooounta of I City for yeas j~ Lho money appropriated from the General Fvad to pay came. Adopted upon Dell of the ~ . >, 19E2. s" ~ roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, 1Yashington and Katter~ohn;-6o. i rv 11~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the bill of the i ` `! Centuryy Tool de ,i Century Tool & Metal Coe for X132.18 for the Street Department and the bill of the Aroo} ~!, Metal Co. and 'y ",< _Aroo Graeae Co. ~ Greece Co. for $70.08 for the Firo Department. a total of ~20E.28 be allowed and order-, •- sooonntn allow- ;? sd and ordered ~I ed (arid and the money appropriated from the General Fund to paq same. Adopted upon '. ~ pelde •.~ F` ~ ' • ~' oa]1 of the roll by thA following vote: Yana, Peoe, ~'ulliam, Tully, '~7nshinaton and e 7 i Katter~ohn,-6. .. .. ! • ~ ~. .: (~ • .. Commissioners' Proccedings9 City of Paducah fl92-_ ....,,.t.... r "~`4 .~ p; .'.4v.' ~, - .. ,:.+, . 2. . .. '.' ~, d' ' a~. Na /~ ~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of .Paducah 192_ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The earn of X50.00 each having been tendered, together with eppliaetion for L"alt or Cereal Bevereae license. Malt or Cereal ~' Bevora$e Lioenss ~ I move that ]loenae to sell D{alt or Cereal Beverages, or any admixtures thereof, be ~,+,:i , granted to:- Tuok Lowe, granted to the Pollowina parties at the addresses sot out oppo4lte their names, !or .7. H. ~arod , C. :+A 'Asst end •.'a period oP six morths, Prom January 1st to June 30th, 1923, inclusive; ~, ,' Henry Gauss. w _ ~ ,, !. Teak.Lowe.....> .............~500 S. 7th Straet~ ~.~ j C. i~ 'Asst ................ 12b S. 2nd Street, ? J. H, '~`1rod ...............~110 S 2nd Stroot. Henry Gauso...........•.... 706 Adams SLrnet. 's .Adopted upon sell of the roll by the Yollowirrg vote: YHaa, Paoe, Fulliam, Tully. i ~Yaehington and Katter~ohn,-5. ~ Commissioner :7ashington offered the following motion: I move that the coin- ' Communication muniaetion from Roscoe Reed, City Solioitor, in regard to Riverside Hospital Training Ro sees Read , Ci tq Solioitor enoloe- ~ gphool for i:urses, and enclosing hie expense account Yr~m Paducah, Kentucky, to Louie- ins expenae.eoot. .. of trip to Louie- 4: villa, on leryel business for acid W_oepital, be received end Piled, and that the ~,y~ ,. villa relative to shortage oP ` Commissioner oP Fublip Fin¢noe ie hereb;~ authorized and directed to issue voucher to ;,~~` aloohal at River- aide IToapital. him for the sum of 32.36, expenses incurred by him on said trip, and that same Da charged to Riverside Hospital. Adopted upon call of the roll by the Pol]owing vote.: ,.' 7` !I Yeas, P¢oe, hulliam, Tully, ~Ynehtngton and Batter~ohn,-b, "'f F .'~ ' Commissioner 7ashin glen offered the following motion: I move that the bill `~ i M Bill of Palmer of the Fe]mer Transfer Company, smormt[na to the sum of X10.00, which i•il] was in- Transfer Company, ~ taxicab Pere oY aurred by hiring a teal-o¢b Ya~ ,7i11 R, Stanfield, Prohibition Officer, Prom Peduoah~ ?9111 R.$tanPield, I: i'' Prohibition Offi- to ffieyfield, on eooount of trip made to Fedupah by the said 7111 H. Stanfield for oar, from M~yfieldl `~ relative to short- Riverside Hospital Training School Por l.urses, ¢rd that said bill be allowed and the eoo alcohol at Riverside Hospital: Commissioner of Fublio Finenpa is hereby authorized to issue vonoher to the F¢lmer Transfer Company Yor the sum oY X10.00, end•aharge same to Riverside Hospital. Adopted j! upon sell oY the roll by the following vote: Yees,.Feae, Pulliat~a, Tully, 7sahington i h and Katter~ohn,-b. ,~ Commissioner daehinaton oYfered the following motion: I move that the bill ~ i. b?re.Franoesoa of I"r s. Franoosoe A31en, amounting to ;2.00 Por stenogra,phio work performed is taking .Allen bill for work performed relative' statements of witnesses In regard to shortage of eloohol et Riverside Hospital, be to shortage oY , eloohol Riverside received end ellowed, and the Comr:isaioner of Iublio Finance i$ hereby authorized to Hospital . '! issue oheok to her for said sum and charge same to Riverside Hospital. Adopted upon sell oY the roll by the follotivin a vote: Yes e, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, "Jeshington and '~, Ketter,ohn,-5. j,M;-; .` ~ '~ Commissioner Pulliam oYfered the Yollowina motion: I move that the two Communioatione Chas.H,Brodbeck, ~, communications Prom Charles H, Brodbeok, Division :~eineor, detect January 8th, 19.23. Division ?riP•ineer IL C.& S;E.l.Ry. °,' returning City oheok X267, amounting to x5.00, made payable to the Faduoah k I]linois relative to con- trecta en3 cheek Railroad Company, be reaeived and filed, and that the oheok so returned be deposited in re: Seiner right .!~ of way. ~ to the credit oY the 3rd Diatriot Sewer Fund. ddopted upon eel] oY the roll by the r following vote: Yeas, bees, Pulliam, Tully, Waehingtorr ¢nd KetterJohn,-5. i; Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Th¢t the employment of rbnployment Lewis Lewis S. Finah, sa Instrumentman in the Engineering Department at X150.00 per month. S.Finch, Znstru- j mentmen, to fill ;: t fill osltion made vacant b resignation P ~. S, ideddin be ratified Ad tad ~ ,. o P y o L g. op veoeney oYs.3, >. I:'edding, who ;- upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Ye¢s, Paoe, Iulliam, Tully, 7¢ahinaton resigned, " and Ketter~ohn,-5. Mayor Y.atter~ohn oYfered the following motion: I move that the contract, Contrast dated ,; dated December 11th, 1922, between the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louie Railway end Jeoember 11,192E, ;, H,C,&St.l.Ry. ', the City oY Faduoah, Y.entuoky, granting to the City of Faduoah, Kentucky, pertain arentina right oY way to City for rights of ways for the oonatruotion oY assets in Sourer Diatriot No. 3, be received. ` ;,~ ' r ' ,'.~'; Sewer-Diatriot $3,' ~ - Piled end recorded, Adopted upon o:all oP the roll by -the Following vote: Yeas, Paoe, .,- -` jPulliem, Tully, .Vashington ¢nd Ketter~ohn,-5. ~ ~_„'."'~.F'+4'*}.'^*.,t,: s: ""'f'^T" •r r_. ..~ .:.. ..,si .,..... - .-.5..,. T..^'°^^. ~°L'^ti,aT.a«. ... _.. r,. . .. .r. ..., ?r'.{•" . ,.F•'~s~~~£r^.+~' r . .,...... .v«a t 1=i: v~n,im .m. ..: ~~ .~ ~. ~~ ~~i n' II=,,,,.i i~, ~il'~I V^ ~P I :~pf1 --~~~.•-ii q~~~:o ~~rq l~~~Pn~'~~ i i. ~ ~in~ ~ I Ii i ., _ ~ _ ..; ~ ._r ~--s~rgr-7rnFT~r~~- -„ai~ar rt~r~,~ Na~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_, "; Commissioner Tully offered the following motipn: I move that a resolution Jpgoe-yetkine , Ooml:any'a b:arina{ entitled "A R:•:SOlUTIOLT :DCEIdPTIItG THE MARII~ 11!-YS PIbI?T OF THE SOYCE-"lATKiIIS COhU'AfiY ' x,48 plant ~ ~ ' i exea:ptfon from FROLI TAE PAYI+if1dT OF IdUNICII'AL AD VAIAR~i TAR;:S TO TH? CYTY OF PADUCAA, KBIdTUCYY, FOR j Taaetion. ~ A Pr1II0D OF FIVE YcARS," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll bq the following + ` y vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, :9eahington and Katter~ohn.-b. 'I .~ ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that a resolution ~ "~ ~-Clcueaner Rosier --~"' 1°Comieay,-ezemp '` & `~ entitled "A RESOlUTIOIi ~C:I.iPTIIiG THE CI.AUSSIIER F.OSY~Y COL:I'ANY FROLI TR PAYL'EIIT OF 1 • tion from Tana- "_ tion• (~ i m:UItICIPAl AD VAIAR~i TAXES TO TAr. CITY OF PADUCAA, Kr11TUCKY, FOR A PstIOD OF FIV3 Yp..6R9." x • ~ .~ ~ be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll bq the following vote: Yees, Paoe, Fulliem,~ `'. ~ Tully, 9aehington and Katter~ohn,-b. j P; ~ ~ ;. ', , Commissioner Fulliem offered the following motion; ?move that an Ordinanoe( ~=~ , ~'xCrdinanoe ol'eat=~ Creating the offioe of City Sanitary Engineer and presoribing the duties and re-:. ~ ~ City 9anitarq :.~ gnirementa of said City Sanitary Enginesr of the City of Fadueah, Kentucky, be i~ • Engineer. ~ ~ . 4., ;,~ adopted.. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Pnlliam,7aihing r ~ .11 - .ton and Katter~ohn,-3; Ileye, Paae and Tully,-2. ;, ~i ~ On motion the Board adlournad upon Dell of the roll bq b yeas. f' .a ,. f ~ ~:. ~ i siet~iot ~.cG._6-~ 19~ I i ~~ ~ ;! 1 ' ,.; f ;, j ss3' Resignation Geo. L:. •~ Oehlsohlaeger on Board of Equalization.• ~ J.C.L'eret ap- ~ pointed member r. of Board of ~~i Equalization.. P ?~.... { ~. John lovo,oq x appointed City 8nnitary ttil7gi- Weer. _. rB~,'uo~ r F:R3RUARY 1ST, 1923. I . At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners' Ohamber in the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, on February 1st, 1923 et 11:40 O'olook A. h. Upon call of the roll the following answored to their namoe: Commiesionere ~ ~, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, :Yashington and itayor Katter~ohn.-b. ~ • 1lagof Katterjohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: To appoint a new member Lo serve i on the Board of Equalization. and any other business that ,may Dome before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: George K. Oehlsohlaeger having resfared as a member of the Board of.ignallzation, i moos that his resignation be ~'~ . accepted. Adopted neon Dail of the rol] by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pnllie~m. Tnligo 9lnshin~toa.and Katter'oHa,»b.,' ~' ~~ ". Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that S, C. Ltaret be ~. ,;appointed as a member of the Board of Equalization to fill Lhe place made vacant by ' the resignation of George ICI, Oehleohlaeger. Adopted.~on pall of the roll by the follov~- d ing vote; Yeas; Paoe, Tully, :leshington end Katter'ohn,-4; Commissioner Pnlliem not i voting. 8ommissioner Pulliam offered the following motioat That the appointment of John ! . Love~oq to the position of Oity Sanitary EnRinoer bs ratified. Adopted upon Doll of Lhe 'ti= " j roll by tho following vote: Yeas, Pulliam, ~IashingLon n1~ Kotter~ohn.-3; Nave; Paoe and`. Tully.•2• ~ On motion. the Board ad~om Wed upon call of the roll by b yeas. . !I . ~D~ nnl ~ ~Q~t/ ~ ~ ~ Gr ~' ` iP~ ~, k •. ~4 ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ } ,~,,,,,~ ~~» i I va ~ ~~+~ ~~ ~~ ~dJ~ ~ h' ..: Commissioners' Proceedings; City o~ Paduca~l ~ 192=" At a Rereular Lteet,inR oY the Board of Commissioners, heid_in the Commissioners' +- ~Chamber in the City F.a11, Teduoah, Bentuoky, on February bth, 1923. Upon Dail oY the :,; roll the following answered to th.oir nemoe; Coromisei.onere Faoe, Pulliam, Tully and -` ~ ~ ~}~eyor Katter~ohn,-&. ~~ ~ ! !~ On motion o4 Commissioner Tully the minutes oY the previor}s meetings were adopt- '',. ;~ • i'ed, as ren3, nnon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, pees, Pulliam, Tully r; ~ - ~ ~;i ~. ,?and Katter,ohn,-4. • ii The gum of ,~b0.00 hevinP been ptsid into the,Treesury, as evidenoed by the re- P . iceipt filed hera^rith, I movo that deed be exeouted to Arthur Maple for lot X76, Blook - S ,, ! on the ltorth side oY Ford Street, botrraen Idenk & Champlin Streets, in Oak Grove `, ~4 Cemetery Deed . , Arthur L:aple, iCmmetery. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followinP vote: Yeas, Pane, Pulliam lot ,~76,Bloek ~• ;!Tully and Ketterfohn,-4, ;~' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of +50.00 having been. ,% ' tl,. paid into the Treasury, as evidenoed by the reoeipt Yi]ad herewith, I move that deed ~` ` Cemetery Deed ~• J.I•.};arker,~hot ;~11,tElock v2. be executed to J. F, Parker for l.ot ill, Blook ~2, on the South aide oY Asnnan Street,, . ~ ' !.between BaY.er & }.".iller Stroeta, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dell of the roll "`~ !.. • ;!by the Yo]lowing veto; Yoas, Paoe, Pullinm, Tu]ly and Y.atter~ohn,-4. ~, h Commissioner Tu]ly ot:orod the Yo]]owtng motion: The eum oY X50.00 having been - 1- Cemetery Doed j~paid into the Treasury, sa evidenoed b;r the rvooipt filed herewith, 1 move that deed -' to Ge]a Hawes lot 10, Book ~2, {~ ibe exeouted to Gela Tlawee Yor lot ,~]0, Blook ~2, on the South aide of Hannan Stroet, i; { between BaY.er & I'i11or Streots, in Onk Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll ~: • ~ - ~'by the tollowina vote; Yeea, Peao, Pulliam, Tully erd Y.etter~ohn,-4. r t ' Commissioner Tully ofterod the Yo]1o•71na motion: The gum oY ?50.00 hnvlrv, been i ~,, t d C D r Paid into the Treesury, eo evidenoed by the rooeipt filed herewith, T move that deed eme! ory ee to 1:~s. lady ~~' be exeouted to Lies. lady Adktna for lot X102, B1oaY. ~2, on the tlorth aide oY Ford ~102 Adkins lot y r B1ocY. ~2; P gtreet, between BaY.er ~ Ltiller Streots, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dail oY :the rol] by the following vote: Yeea, Faao, Pulliam, Tully and Y.atter~ohn,-4. I Commissioner Tully offered the Yollo•rrina mouton; The sum oY X100.00 having &'alt 6r Ceree7 been tendered, toF~ether with applioation Yor I::alt or Cereal Bevorene Lioenae, I move Beverage license,. issued to A. = that lioenae to sell malt or Dorval beveraros or emr admixtures thereof. be arnnted • ?derootYsky, ' #901 Tlashir,rrtor. ~; to a, 1IerooYYsY.y at ;901 :fashington gtr.eet Yor a period of one year, beginntnq January ' St. Met ar,d endtna Deo. 31st, 1923, i.noluaive. Adopted upon Dail oY the roll by the foh !ilowina, vote; Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully aril Ketter~ohn,-4. Cormnis.sior,or Tully offered the Yvl]o•ying motion; The fol]owing parties having ~.tondored the oum of $GO.OA oaoh tor~othor wtth npp]Soatton for malt or ovreal beverage 1•",a1t or Cereal , BvvAra~e lioens e lioenso, I movo that ]ioenso to ee]1 malt or oerea] beveraroa or any admixtures there- inavod to:- ' 3teinheuor u :oY, bo Prantod to them at the pleoes sot ont opposite their names Yor the period oY ~ ' S7i;ite, ; , RehY_opf Dist. C o* six months, beginning, Januer y 1st erd-ondin¢ June 30th, 1923, inclusive:' en3 C. A, Zeiae . ? Steinhauer & '.7hite at ~;~119 Borth 4th Street RehY.opY Dist. Co. " ;105 South 2rd Street F C. A, Zeiss 111 South 3rd Street. Adopted upon Dail oY the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Peoe, Ful]iam, Tully and Ketter~ohn,-4, Cer~vterv Trana- Ycr Yrom Iiary C :lade &o. to J.A,Gerdrvr & :rite. Street Bond and Coupon paid of r_nd cancelled in City llet'1. Bank. Commissioner Tully offered the Yollawina motion; I move that the transfer from I'ary C, :9ada and othora to J. A. Gardner end wife to the north half oY lot $13,, Seotion "A" Onk grove Cemetery, be ratified, Adopted upon Dail oY the ro]1 by,th e k.u-,,, following vote; Yoas', Pace, Fuiliam, Tully and Y.attvr~o}:n,-4. Commissioner Tully oYYere3 the following motion; I move that the,Commiasioner , o~f Publio Finenos be euthoriaed and instructed to pay off, take up end oercel Street ',Benda arri Coupons in the City IIational Bank to the amount oi! j660.,4b and draw a oheak Lea~a.inat the Speoial Stroet :~'vnd ..ooount to pay same. Adoptod upon pall of-the roll r .. _.r ^r.+I,:~, v~i. .. .ix.'~c~/^a'~'~!,'R~. ~. .~. .~ ..: .. .. w.. .rc.dt~-. .T~n.~A - w M. °~al~~»iLLr vin 'l,E"W~AT~a+'. '~. h •"w("Z`'SR~~kN•1-~(.:.3'Y. rw .~.., ~~~~'•1^r ... ~~~T.~xrv. .,. . • _. , j i,,.-~-i,, r:,ir~ ,, i q :a,:, n, lipm:~~ -p : p . fir, r,,~ I ~ ~ ,, . f I l in ~~i i , ~, ~ i ~ ~ i~ i Na~_: ~'RoFort Chief of 'a' Pol ioe for Jan. ?.19E3. Report Chief of >_' +Fire ,7opartment `for Jan. 192.3. 2~timate ~6 E.R.) Hardina.Co., Sewer Diatriot ~3, Sub-Division' "A", .,~1b,86B.80 allowed and .ordered paldr, ~I I `. j , Coonuiissioners' Psoceedialga, City of Paducah ~ , 192__ by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully a.ra1 Ketter'ohn,-4e '. l Commissioner Paoe offered the Yellowing motion: Y move that the report of I the Chief of Police for the month of January 1923, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon' oall of the roll by the following, vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Katter9ohn,-4. ~ i Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion: Y move that the retort of the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of January 1923, be reooived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and I i Katter'ohn,-4. ' i Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: 8 move that the Estimate of work done by E. R. HardinP Company in January 1923 on the trunk liffie sowers of sewer 4 .Diatriot tto. 3, be approved, and that.eaid E. R. Harding Company be allowed ,~1b,868.80 on said work, as per estimate hereto ettaahed, and that same be oharRed against 3rd I Diatriot Sewer Funds; and the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe be authorized and instruotf ed to draw a cheek against the ~3 Diatriot Sewer Fund Aooount to pay same. Adopted j npon'oall of the roll by the following,vote: Yeas, Paae, Pul]Sam, Tttlly and Kattor- ~ohn~-4. ~` u Commissioner lulliam offered the following motion: I move that the estimate t~EStimate ~7~ ~ of ~rork done by E. R. Harding Company in January. 1923 on the trunk lin® se:rora of E. R.Herdin¢ Co. f~j Sewer Diatriot Diatriot 3B-3C be approved, and that said .':. R. Harding Company be allowed X5377.34, >#~3,`Diat#fot ~3$-3C. ~b37734'~, on said work, .as pot estimate hereto attaohed, and that same b® ohargod against 3rd paid . "` ~ District 5etver Funds, and that the Commissioner of Publio Ftnanoe be authors^ed and '~ directed to draw ohook against ~3 Diatriot Sever Fund Aoooumt to pay same. Adopted ° +~ upon oa11 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Katter- ? ~,1oha,-4. s~ .. +~, On-motion the Board ad$ourned upon oa11 of the roll by 4 yeas. ~ ~ - j ~ tei~ ' . ~ r ___ , ~ ----.-- r csKr s6iA',ZOti.~ ! ' F~RYJARY 6TIi, 1923e I ~ _ ' ~ At a Called Hooting of the Board of Oommiaaionera, held in the Commiasionera° ~, ' ~ x ' 1 f . Ohambor in the City Hail; Paduoah° KentuolQ., on February Gth, 1923, st 10:35 A. M. i ~ ~ Upom oall of 'the roll the f ollowinrr answered to their name®; Cotmnias[onore Paoo,Pulliame ; ~ 1 ~ Tully and' ~Yaahington,-4. Bieyor Kattor~ohn b'oinRl.abaent; Mayor Pro Tam ~9ashinPton ! t ~ ~ gravid intr. j Y Mayor Pro Tom ~7ashington stated reasons for Dell t.o-wit; For the purpose of ~ ~ , , ellowina pay-rolls for the last half of January 1923, and any other bttsingsct that - ~ ji mjaht Dome before the Board. ! + ~+ Oommieutonor Tully offered tho•fol7owinR motion; E move that the aaoounta for a, i ;~ 4oogu~ts for the f th half- the last ha]f of the month of January 1928, amountin g to X19669.09, ae per the report as e o !, °• month of Jarroary ~i of.tho Commiealonor of Publio Finnnoo filed herewith. be allowed and ordered paid and ~ ,~ 1923. t ~ ~ :' ~ : ~ ~ the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oa31 of the i r ~ . •~ i~ ro]1 by the following votes Yeao, Psoee Fu111am, fully aril i7aahin(rton,-6° ~` ~I ', Oommiselonor Tully offered the following motion: 1 move that the aoootaita for j . . ~ ~° last half of the month of Ja rntnry 1923, for' the 3d Aietriot Sower, ns fo].Sowe: oo0unta cnd ; is pyV-rol] Sower ~ Pny Ro11....,o.o......,~829.07 ,;` Diatriot ~3 - ! ~ Supplieu ............. 211.44 a totnl of ;~1U40.b1. be i last half o~ i ~ ~ ! :January. 1923, 1~ a71-owed and ordered paid aryl the Oommieelonor of Publio Finnr.ae. be authorized and in- f ar ~ struotod to draw oheoka against th® No. 3 Diatriot 8etiver Fund Aooaant 4o pay name. I ,i, . Adopted upon oall o! the roll by the followlnie vote: Yene° Paoo, Pu131am, Tu11y and ~ . ~aohington°~4. ii ,, •~ . `~ y. y`' l r•. , ~. ~'~'. ~. '~: ~7:,. ' ~. fit: . z j.,: ~.. ~•` . .n-..,; ~. ~~L,~ ~~i_~ ~: ., ~~•~ ., ~ .~ .. .. ~ k+t £c, is a.fi +'1 '~yr r +~:,.:...->~ .. ., .. , ~, . . , . A• ; Na~~~,'d Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paduca~l ' " • 192'? On motion tha Board adJournei upon oe11 of the roll by A yeas, • C Aie[stei ~frr /3 i9d ~ ~._c~~.'-~'tiOG -FI" p ~a~~~ I ORDI?'A?7^.? EXTEND- ING 'IRL'NY. LINE S '"':ItS II7 Di^aTRIC 270. 3. Fey-roll of` John I:oveJoy,, who ° raai~nad an .City 5ar~lta: i:nvi noes. Speain] pay-rol Str'~ot Dahart- mnnt of i..B. Jenkins. i. M, , , I ~,~ F.?RRUARY 9TH. 1923, '' ~ '. .. ~, At a Called ileetirrg of the Bonrd of Commissioners; held in the Commissioners' ~ , ~" ;3 . Chamber in the Ctty Hnll, Paduoeh, xentuoky, on Fobruery 9th, 19 E3, eL 10:30 0°olook . , ,. A. Li. Upon oall of the roll the followings answered to their n+rmes: Commisaionere Pnoe, Pulliam, Tully, lYashinRton and ttayor KatterJohn,-5. a 1*,eyor Y.atterJohn stated roenona for on11 to-•.vit: To pans an ordinanoe , extending Orunk line so•vors in 3owor Distriot 170, 3, hrrd nnv other bnsineas that. ;~~.~. ^ might oome before the Board. t ``~ ::~ Commissioner Fulham offered the fo]lowing motion:. I move that~an ordinanoe „ .'~. entitled "AI7 ^RD?^ial7C "",0`lIDI?'G 3'~P. T?L: ~FT:;I'SI^2? •(?F 'D??'27K IIN S.^•.^7zR9 II4 S '"mot DIS- i,~,. i'.RICT N0. 3" be irtreiuood and lqv over. Adopted uron oa71 04 the ro71 by the fol]ow ~ '' ~ inR vote; Yoas, ]•aoo, Pu]71nm, Tn13y, ,Vnohinaton nrd KatterJohn,-5. ~ . ~-': On motion the boar$ ad~ovrnod upnn oall of the roll by 5 ,yoan, t ~ ~ ~: >y~3 . : . : , ~n~axc~L~: F:.`9TtU,1TtY lOTR, 19E3. At a Called T.iooting of Lho Bonrd of Cornmisaioners,. i:nld 3n the Oommianioners' Chember in the City Hnll, ~aduoah, Kontuoky, on B`ebruery 30th, 1923; r. t. 10:40 O'olook r.. 2.ie Upon oa71 of the roll Lhe following, nnn~,veroQ to their nnmes: CommlesioneTe Peoe, Pulliam, Tully. '.7nshinaton and !.",ayes Y.atterJohn,-5, 2layar KatterJohn stntai reasons for onll to-wit:. To ellovi epeoial pay-rolle, and any other businesn that mir*ht oomo before the Board. 'Commissionar Pulliam offarod the fol]owin~ motion: I move that the Speaiel Pay-roll, nm~untina to X53.57 for John'ZoveJoy, who resi~rr6, offnotipo today, ae City Sanitary l:nainoer, be approved, csr'd the Oommisnionor of iuhlio Finnnoe authorised ' acrd inotruotod to pa+~ same arrct ahr.~rao to t}o~,vor Dorartmnnt, Adopt?d upon art]] of .Ehe roll by the follorrina vote: Yeas, Pnoe,Pu]]inm,Tu]ly,'7aohington and Y.atterJohn,-5, Commissioner Fulham offered the following motion I move that the Speolel Pay-roll of the Street Departmorrt amounting; to~,"h„50 for A. R. Jenkins be epproved, and the Commisalor,er of Publ.io Finanoe authorized and lnntruoted to.prsy same and y.:. oharge to Street Dopcrtmont. Adopted upon onl] of the roll by the fo]lo•+vina vote; Years, Faoe, Fu]llem, Tully, 1Ynehinaton and Kattor'ohn,-B. motion the Board rdJoizrned upon oall of the roll by 5 yeas. On " ~l ~. yrg'n ~~(irry F~:BRUARY 12THy 1923. At a Rerrular b!oetinR of the Board of Commissiorera, held in the Coruniesionera' Ohamber in the Oity }ia71, paduoah, Kontnoky, on Fobrnary 12th, 19 E3. Upon onll of i i ~~ tha roll the i'ollowina answered to their nnrnos: Oomminnton~-ro Paoe, I'u]liom, Tu]ly, ~~ i7ashington and }'oyes }:nttor,ohn,-5. ~tt~ ;I Iwnyor KnttorJohn offered the fol]o:vina motion: On aooount of today being a Legeaal lioliaay, Imova tTrnt thn Romr]nr }?retina of the Honad of Commientonars be ~, ~I „Irn ~. ,.ter ~.•,~'~" III' ~C. ., I ~~I ~~~I' II".( .... .s.. .., .,c f$.!.Tr2N9aA~S<'!SBFCeY '~'.`~~"ti..-5'!r'C'% ~',e'Al'P?Cnf~~t.Ci±YR"w~`4~ '~t;TLR,4,'4y.~Ca' f'dy"y'4~'.'+~i~.:'y~^r v „ .. ~ _ ~ ^. rI -i, err .i ~~,.: :. six P ~ ~ ~ :i YT,~ f, i I '~ I I C I I... v , I ~ .;~: ~ I p~gf.L~Y~. .ACC „~~;. ihxSiX~?.t.S4p9 , • f •~ t °T ,~ '' Na f9~ ;., :.~. - ~ ~ I~- ~ . ` ~ x. i ~:_~ Report Oom°r. o ,Public Finance for January 1923. ~ . ~•. IReport Oom'r. o •: Pbb14o Finnnoa of 3rd Diatriot Saver Fund Ao- ~' count, for Jan. ~. 1923,, Report Com'r.of Public Finance pf Speoie7 Street Fund Ao? count for Jan. ~s- ~ 1923. _' fAel.ort Oom'r.of ~.Fublio Flnanos with rei'eronoe to urohase of Ky.~1000.00 Re- fund ins Bond ,$1 for retirement. ,,, Petition ];ro- party o.mors o Ky.Avo. and £nd et. ro]ative to ohanaing pnrkina nro.und 1?nrknt, InrkinR around i.?nrket.,. O i ty Solicitor to bring in Ordi- nenoe changing. some. Oematery trnna ter from Oeo.A. "'1a77a duo. to i"re. Fannie M.' . Allard. ~ i` i ~", _ , ~ -~ „~~ Commissioners' Froceedings, City of Paducah - - - 192_- adjourned until 2 o'oloak P. ti. on Tuesday, February 13th, 1923. Adopted upon Dell of ' . the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, 7ashinaton and Katterjohn,6~ F„' , ~=~1.~GR.._~ r ~ a F:~RUARY 13TH, 1923. ~ `° i !I ~ At an Adjoined Re miler PROetina of the Board of Oommieaionvra, held in the ~ - k it Oommiecionere° Chamber !n the Oity iinll, Iaduanh, Kontuoky, on February 13th, 1923. ati t E o°olook F. 14. Upon Dell of the roil the following anewerod to their Haman: Oommis- ~ !~ , stoners Pao®, Pulliam, Tully, iYaehington and Rtayor Katterjohn,-b. ; On motion of Oommiasioner Tully,the minutea of the previous meatinaa :vere adopt- ji ed ae read upon Dell of the roll By•.the foliowin¢ vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, gashYngton end Katterjohn,-b. i I~ Oommissioner Tu11y offered the following motion; Y move that the report of the ~ II i . I Oommiaoloner of Public Finance for the month of January. 1923° be reoeived, filed , V~ arfl ordered pt~liehed in the offioleinerrepaper. Adopted upon call of the roil by the h d K tt b IY h t n n,- a erjo . ea on an a vote: Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, ing follovri ,~ ;{ Oommiesioner Tully offered the follo:vina motion; Y mono that the report of the :. ~i Oommiseioner of Public Finnnoa of the 3rd Diatriot Sector Fund Aooount for the month of January 1923 be reoeived, filed and ordered i•ubliehed !n the offiolal newspapor. j 'i 'Adoptad upon oa]1 of the roll by the following veto: Yean, Paoe, Pu]liam, Tu17y, i lYashinaton and F:attarjohn°-b. j ~ Oommieetoner Ttt71' offered the following motion; T movo thnt the rag+ort of the ~ ~ Oommiasionor of Tublio p'inanoa of the Special Strout Fund Aooount, for the month of ~: ~i January 1923, be reaeivod, filed and ordered pub]ished to the official newspapor. ~ I Adopted upon call of the roll by the following veto: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully., I ~ ' ~~ Aaehington and Katterjohn,-b. i4 Oommiaeioner Tully offorod the following motion; I move that the report of the ~~, . Oommieaioner of Public Finanos with reforenoe-to the pvtrohnee, for the purpose of re- '~ ~. tiroment, of Oity of Tadttoah° Y.vntuoky ,;31000.00 Roltu~ina Hord X12, be reaeivod,filed !R~ and ~pprovod. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Polloaina vet®; Yeas, Paoe, ; , 1~ ti . Pulliam, Tnl]y, Uashington and Katterjohn,-6. I~ Oommieaioner 1Ynahinaton offered the followir,Af motion: Y move. that the petition ~ from the property owners on Kerituoky Avenue, between First. and Svoond Strvete° and on ; ii it !,,~ .9eoond Strout, from Kontuoky Avenue to 9aehinaton Street, aokin a that the market bo - ~ ohanaed Prom Sooond Strout' from i[ontuoky Avenue to ?Yaehinaton Street., to Kentucky Avenue, from Second Street to First Strout' be reoeived and filo9, Adortod upon call ~ .' ~~ {j of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Faoo, Pulliam, Tv31v, tYaahinaton and I:att9r- j , ~i i john,-6. tlommiasioner ~Yeohlnaton offered the i°ol]owina motion; I mo w that the Oity N So7loitor be instrnoted to bring In an ordinance ohanainR the present market bound- ~~ arise on Second Street; between Y.entnoky Avenue and ~Yashington Street, to Xent~toky I Avenue bet•veon Second Street And N"irat Street. Adopted upon call o! the roil by the j I, follo^+1na vote; yesa,Paoe,Pulliam°Ttt11y,~Yashington and Kattorjohn,-b. i Oommiesioner ~Yaehington offered the following motion; Y movo that the transfer i ~ ~ . from fieorge A. 8".ills and hie' wif® i4va F. 14111 e, to mire, i~nnnie IR. Allard. to the tun- n divifled one-third intervnt of aoorge A. ldllle in t1nA to .I~ot Nos ?101. Section 19, Oak ;: ~i .,Orove Oemotery~ be ratified. Adopted upon Deli of the roil by the following vote; ~ , Yoae, Paoe. Fuliism~ Tully, IYaehington and Katterjohn~-b. ' Z' f f _~_ i . ~~~~~ ' I, 'I ~:~~~ L'.R.Herding Oo. i Commissioner Iulllam oftored the following motion: I move that the oommunion- oomm+y,ioat ion 1n re:norneotiore tion from i3. R. Hardi.nR 0ompany, rolntive to oonneotione of branch agnate to the trunk branch soroers to. trunk lines now linos which he now has under contract, be reoeived and filed, Adopted upon rill of ur~dor oor,etruot-' ion, ~ tho roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoa,Fulilam°TU1ly,,Yashington and Ketter~ohn,-t3. On motion the Aoard ad~ournod upon aal.l of the roll by 5 yeas. '~ !sdey+ted ~.eG,, ./9 1~"~. ..~- E'~Z(:;~ ~- ."r~.,., ,~ jj FI•~f2l1ARX 19TH, ]92:3. At n HsRu]nr ?`".oetinR of the Bonrd oS Commiouionnra, hs]d in the Commiesionerer Ohember in the City Hall, Fnduonh, Y.entuokv, on 1`obruary 19th, 1923. Upon sell of the roll the folloroinR annroered to their Homes: Commisnlonors Paoe, Pulliam, and "lash- `- ington and A'ayor ICatter~ohn,-6. On motion of Commissioner Faoe the minutbs of the previous meetings +vere ~ i i -, i ~' f ~. i i 1 ~ .. adopted as road upon cell of the roll by the fol]o;vint; vote: Yens, Pnoe, Fulham, •,Ynehinrtton and Katter~ohn,•4, ~I Commieaioner Tully entered the Commissioners' Chamber. I }.}eyor Y,attar~ohn offered the folloroinrt motions I mono that the oommuniontion j~from the Lions° Club, dated Irebruar y 13th, 19f.3, relativo to Hat Y.i]]inr. Dsy, be rs- Communication oaived and filed, r_nd that F. '~. I:atter~ohn, }"spot, be diraotod to issue a Proolamn- Lione° Club rata- {!tion authori:;lnrt Fsbrunry 22nd, 23rd, 2dth, 26th and 26th, ino7uflive, as Sat Y.i3Ytn+e Live to Hat ]:111- fort Day. j;Duys, all o! said rats so killod nha11 he do7iv~red to the four tiro stations of the ~; Olty of Ja,tuanh, }:or~t++u1:y, aryl thnro to ho eanY~tni h;r tho Ca}°t~aina of each oA nn14 '!flro atntto>~a, and for nnoh rot k!lled anA de7tt"ernd to salt lira ++tutfona, there h shn]1 be paid 1~ oaoh for cams. +hoh Cn}Main of safd fire statfons sHa71 keep a ' ~; correct list of the namoe of the pnrtios bringing rats and tho numbor dalivored by ~! each potty, makinrt a complete list of tho nemas of said persons and the number of ii ~~ rots so delivorod, avid Tits to be dellvored to tho FresiAant of the Lions' Clnb of the Oity of Iaduonh, Y.ent»oky. Adopted neon sell of the ro77 by the 4o11owina vote: Yeas, Paoe" Fulliam, Tu]]y, 'Yashington and Katter~ohn,-b. i. 1~ayor ICatter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the oommunioation .Communication h from Jas. k:. Lang, County Judge, dcted February 12th, 1923, in regard to oonatruoting . Jae.L':.LanR,County i! Grummet Bridge on Yaeaeur Avonuo bo reoeived and filed, Ado tad u on oa]1 of the Jud go, raletive F p Lo BrummeL 9ridRe!', roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, "lashington and Y.atter~ohn,.b, on Vaaseur .tve, Commisaionor 9aahin!rton offered the fol]owing motion: I move that Ju~1ae James Ll. Judge Jae.I~G, Lang, ~: ii in re;-flrummet Lang be notified, in writing, that hie oommunioation, doted Fobruery 12th" 19P.3, Bridge on Vasseur~ relative to cost of Brummot Bridge, has been reoeived and filed, and no further dvonue, ':' cotion ro]ative to some h8s been taken. Adopted uron oe]] of the ro7] by the follow- ' inf. vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pu711em, T+alp, 9aehington,-4; Heys, Y.atter~ohn,-1. 4 Commissioner 9aahtngton offered tho fo7]oroing motion: I move tt!ct the trnnsfer ' Cemetery 'Pranefer from L".ery Leigh to Gertrude Harris to Lot r~266, in Block "U" Oek Grove Cemetery De from I;.ery LoiRh • to Gertrude Harris ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following. vote: Yoas, Paoe, Iulliam, jj Tully, :Yashington and Zatter~ohr,,-5. Commis3lor,er ~lashington offered the following motion: I move that an ORD IIi~tIC1' A'~DI1JG Sr.'CTIOII (`I".d OF A'u" ORD[P~IIC:; i3irTITLr~ "A21 ORDII2AI2CL R~ATIIIG TO GIID,R'GUTAT- Ordinanoe role- IIIG TI'_?: };I.Ri:3T HOUSr: OF,Tu~ CITY OF PADL"C;,}I, F.:2'T':CI:Y, DrSC4iAIIlG TAE RUL^S FOR Tf~ tive to L'erket { House boundaries. ' ~ ",~ . ,wt, r ~ r., n i C. I.`CUCT '1..}..i•:OF, :,.?7 P:3r~LTi.i:S TR?i2..UTDFdi, AIID rIC.Lr T??. PRIGS °'0 E ~ nRRG^D FOR. a } j THi R''I:T OF ArIIiC}'ES AIiD SGI.;..i 7I?:RPIII!," ADOTTrD AY THS AOA°.D OF COL~'ISa70}I~?3 ON (i, DRCr^.LB:~ 13, 1915. be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: ~ ~ i ,~ .:"°.;^a,"', ~. .'~3'~tE~'$S';'.'~(G"F .o~....~ .:,.u.. ,...: r: ~.~ .x,n_..~. ,....s. a. 1h'~."•e~Tr°a7.«-"°°.'tw ~ . .~.~~:.'.i .'•'~'^"~`~."~.~'=-"Td,~'i-~m'7'rA~;'~;t :.Q:'.:, t ",""~M'w.w"'e..nn'.~'a~u~~Fi. f~ ,. > , I a.4 fi l i 4 .: ri. ~ ~~o'm:.~r n r t i~~~~ im ..o :.:. ~~~~ .~. ~.~ ~~i if'^~ i i~ PRiil~~l II. i ~..~e. ~,n~ ~.~ .i, ;~ .. :. i i.q~p.r~lar i,ll~ Ille,i~ ~ ~: i i ~. il:.: ~~ I ~ I I ~ i ~ ~ "~ ~ v, i ~,1 ~ -- -: ,. _ ..r-' ,. ~~: ,,.;~, 1,,,,,, ;5'°., ~xy:~: rr ~"- - - ~ ~ ~ Ala. . ~ f a. .~ -s ... :r~.e.-. - ~ ,•• . + .. I I ., Commissioners' Proceedings, City~of Paducah ~ 192__ pp --- .__ - ._. _ _ ...._ ~,. ~~ I gYeas, Faoe, Fulliem, Tully, tYashinRton and Katterjohi:,-b Commissionor Pulliam offered th® following motion: I move that an ordinanoe +- Ordinanoo exterd ,. . ~=sntitl9d "APJ OTtDIidal:Cl: IROVIDIids FO:t '~'YB ~(TL'tJSI02J OF TRU2JK LIT SB~~iS IN S:^'F3t DI3- , ~~ ins Trunk line Senvers in Sewer~ ` ~`TRICT N0. 3," be adopted. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, ~ Distriot jk3s ~ " t jPaoe, Fulliem, Tully, :9ashington and Ka.tterjohn,-b. f 1 On motion the Boerd adjourned upoa oall of the roll by b yeaso „ ifii ~ I ~~y ~Q~ ~ ~ c~..r F:U3RUARY 20TH. 1923. 1i~YOFt ! { . ~~ , ` At a Called b:eetina of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommiasionere° ~ ~ u Ohambor in-the City Hall, Faduoah, Kentuoky, on February 20th, 1923, at 11 0°olook !',.~. ' I IP Upon oall of the roll the follotivtna anHwered to thoir names: Oommieaione.ra Paoe°Tally,l Ii . . I `! t7aehington and btayor Kestterjohn,-A; f ~. .Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for oall to-wit: To allow pay-rolls for first j half of the month of Februery 1923. and any othor business thet might oome before the I x ~ Board. { a ~ ~ {Y Commissioner Tully offered the follo•.ving motion: I mono that the Pay-roll for ; ~ y4 - .~ . ' I _ .` _ •~ li the first half of the month of February. amounting to :5200.06, as per the report of I ey-ro] 1 1st . F 8 , , " 11~]f Feb. 1923. the Commissioner oP Fublio Finenoe filed here:vith, be allowed and ordered paid and the! ' N money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oall of the roll ~ '- ~,~, ,, by the following vote: Yeas. Faoe, Tully, ~Yaahington and L'atterjohn,-4. ,, ' Commissioner Tully offorod the Pollo:ving motion: I move that the eaoonnts for 1 E ; the first heif'of the month of February. for the 3d Distriot Serer, ss fol3o~s: ;~ ~ Pay-roll 1st ,. , , _. half Feb. 1923 . 1 Fey-roll .. ...........$813.06 ' -3rd Distriot ' Stamps ............... b.00, a total of $818.06, be a7loved l' ~~- `. ~ Berner. j , - f and ordered paid. affi the Commissioner of Pnb]io Finanoe be authorized en3 instrnoted ! a:; ` . ~ f ,to drag oheokn ncainst the 1Io. 3 Distriot Sever Fund AoaounL to pay same. adopted { - II upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Faoe. Tul],v, '7ash3ngton,~3t 21eys, j 5 ~ ~, Katterjohn,-1. i` • ~~ ! . Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissiohers° Chamber. ~ ~ , ~, ,~ Commieaionor ;9ashington offered the fo7loc~inp motion: That the Commissioner of , ~ !I a +' Pnblio Troperty be authorized and iratruoted to advertise for bide for the sa]e of they 1 3ohnffer ppro- i ~ party to be advertieod for' ~ house X1766 1.ta31son Street, known as the Soheffer HovRe, to be open@d on 1'aroh 6th. 2: 1 ~ -~ sale. `et 10 O'olook A. ti., en3 that the house iR to be moved ofP the lot on or before Apri] {'~~~ ~ { 1st. 1922. The Citn reserving the right to rejeot env err] all bids, A3o*+ted upon ~ ~ tfall of the roll by the following gote: Yeas, Faoe, Pnllir_m, Tu]]y, ~eshington and ~ ~, ~ ~ Katto;john,-b. .. i .. ` On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by b ye88, j h , ~ 1l~ M,tted w i~°~ i .. .. is:~ FROV ^~.:.1 . ,. , xcex©~. ,, ,: i i~ , : , P.. y ~. µ~µ, ~::> . . h' .. ~. - ,. :. ., ., . .. -... ~.:_ ., ,o~,~~ • ,~ • r i. ~: } f .,~ ~ F ~~ ~ 1 i i pa i3 ,.: Commissioners' Proceedings; City' of Paducah , 192__ • Ordiranoe oreati Sower Zones 1.2, 3,4 & 5. Resolution deoler 1nu aorstruotion of se•+vere in Zona 1, a reooseity. FIIIST I?::I.:)ING. .~ :loeolttt ion deolar~ ins oor.atruation of sewers in Zone ,~2 d rooeasity. t li F_DiRUARY 23rd. 1923. !. I' At a Calied 1:ISetinrt of tho Boerd of Cotmmisatoners, hold in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Faduoah, Y.entuo}y, on February 23rd, 19£3, at E:30 o~oloak ~ ~, ;I ii F. J.I. Upon Dell of the ro71 the followins ena:vered to their names: Commissioners !i paoe, Pulliam, Tully, :7ashington end i:eyor Jfa,tte;john,-5. , Mayor Ketter~ohn ateted reasons Por Dell to~wit: For the purcoae of oreating,. '` ~ zones for lateral genera, Commissioner Fulliem offered the following motion; I move thet en ordinenoe ' entitled "AIF ORDTII.JJCE C:1?•ATIIfG AID ^STABI:ISJiI1.G S~^'!:~1 '.ONES IdUi"B:~1S ONE, T;70, TIg1FW, ~; ~, F~~UR A17D FIJ IN SUB-DPIISIONS A,, B. GI;D^.., S:3'"_T:R DIS:SICT ISUY9.L'P. TFLR:~, IJI TftE ~ CIi''Y OF IADUCAR, ~Ii'IiCL'Y, AIdD D39CRI9Ilf^. Fr;C?? OF SAID ZONES BY J'ET S A1'D BOUNDS," 5 be adopted, Adopted upon Dell of the ro13 br the Pollo:ving vote: Yese, Fade, i?ulliem, Tully, :7eahinaton,-4; na}a Y•atter~ohn,-1. Commissioner Pulliam offered the fo]]owtng motion; I move that a resolution n entitled "A RESQl;1TI0IT D:~IARI1rG Ttn: COI'STSLCTI01? OF SANITARY 33^:~tS Il? 9:72 TONE ~j 1dUL?I3::.R ONI3, Yll SUB-DITT_S It?1S C. , S '?:Tt DIST'1I CT J7U7'S.IR i'HRP~, TO 'BF A' J1EC'aSSITY, AND i SsTTING OUT. IN G3lr:RAl T11!S,T?? rI>.OF.i?TY SUBJECT TO mu rAy1'I:I[T QI' m~:i CO°T OF f . ~~ 3e,1:~," be introduoed erd lay over. Adopted upon oa77 of the roll by the following j vote; Yeas. Feoe, Fulliem, Tully, 7ashington,-4; Nays,I{attor~ohn,-1. i j On motion of Commiasior,er Tally the P.oerd ad~ourred anti] 10 o'olonk A.1.',, ~; Saturday Fobruery 24th, 1923, upon Dell of the roll'by the following vote: Yoae, • J Faoe, Fulliem, Tully, 7gahinaton end Ketter~ohn,-5< u -,.. ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ .. F~RUARY 24TR. 1923. At en Ad~~urned ldeeting of the Boerd of Commieeionera, held in the Oommie- ;, sioner9' Chamber in the City I?ell, Faduoah, F.entuoky, on Saturday, February 24th, 1923, at 10 O'olook A. 2I. Upon Dell 04 the roll the following ana~aered to their. names: Commissioners Peoe, Fulliem, Tully, 7ashington and 2etter~ohn,-6. Commissioner Fulliem offere8 the foll'owina motion; I move that a resolution entitled " A RES07.UTIdN D,^.CILRING T?$; C02I9TRUCTI01: OF SANITARY 9;:"•:313 IN SE".7I''R ZONE lllJi'~s"1 T.70, II1 SUB-DIlIS ION H. 9T;~ DI9PRI71' IdLQ.'t3:'d1 T'??13>~, TD D A II;;C?:89ITY. AND SETTIIiR OUT, IN D'I::D1A1 T;Y??~:S. TI?': ^ROFi.~.?TY 9U9J:12T TO T?1E FAYJ':+D:T OF THN. OOST OF .. SAl.'7," be introduoed and lay over. Adol+ted ttron Dell of the ro]] by the ,fallowing , vote; Yeea, Paoe, Puliiam, Ttt11y and %7ashlnaton,-;; Iiavs, Y.©•ttor~ohn,~l. Oormniealor,er Ful]iam offered the fo]]owina motion: I move that ~ reaolntton ' entitled "A R 9~lUTION D:CIl.RI1:G T!?r: .^,ONSTRUOTi01~ OF SANITARY Sr:a.L:R9 IJ! 9;:"!:S$ ".OJIR `i;: IiUkIj::R TJ1P.iW, IIJ SUB-DI'JISIOIIS A. A1iD B., 57::.R DIST?ICT JJU1"9:]i Ti11FEt TO BE A I1r:Cb:9SITY, 6I'D S:;:TI1!^. OUT, IN G;~Ii:?iAi 'Pi~^1J+IS, TIC FIlOFS^1TY SL'EJ1iCT TO T!?1: I'AYI:I1T OF i'7?E COST OF :;~'::," ba introduoed and. le;v over. Adopted upon oa1J of the ro]1 by the following note: Yoea, Feoo, Pulliam, Tu11y ar-t '~laahinRton,-4; Naya,Y.atter~oh71~-1:'-' Commiealonar Fu]linm offered the following motion: I move that a raso]tatton entitled "A RaS~lt?TIOId D:;ClARI1:^. T'!~i; COI:S'L??UCTI01' OF COJ.:9IIS.;D STOR2L AI.'D SANITARY 9:..7;:RS IId 9r.'?::R ZONE 2lLR.'I3:•:.4 pOL'R. II. SUB-DI7ISIQIiS A. l.IID E., S:;"5;v DISTRICT II111.TBR TEIiEE, TO B3 A It~Cs".i~iIi'Y, AIJJ `3::TTIIiG OUT, IN GIJi~:RQI.;T°??I~9, TIr: FROFr,'RTY SUBJrl.`T TO ; ,: TH FI.YL'::NT 0r' TI?: COST Oar SALT.." be introduoed and lay over. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll by the following vote:. Yoea, Faoe,]'u]11am,Tit]1y,1laahir,nton and ICatterlohp,6. 3ooo]vtlon deolar- ir,~ aonstruotion of ao•aora in Zone t~3 a n9oeasity. FIRST Rf,DIJ:G. Ilooalut ion doolar- in~ aonatruotfon of senora ir. Zone ~4 a r.eaeeaity. FII1ST R?.ADII:G. .fie.... .. .., T. }.. ,. -.. .~^r,.~;~s-~,..~~~';,~~.~~~:... ,,...:.,..._ ,..s. •~,~.w. .;.:.,..,N., aw~-erswn,*~-ECM ,.!a?~~r"~.r:.,rr~x~-^"~^'~'?*:c.,~a,~~r..-r,- .::c~.r ~';r' ,: -~.. .:1.... r ~i ',ii iii is ~i -el~ ~1 ~0..~ vi o,.i lY. ',fill '.-ii Ii i l:--m I4II'IIR'Af ~,ln fi-~- il.lllil-l r - l~ -r ~ ~~. ~.... ....... ........ .... ~.~ n~i -;Resolution de- alarina oon- ' strvation of ee:vers Yn Zone $b a neoeasity. FIRST RFADIIYm. r. f+ .. i ~,: ' DozLmunioation of ;prorerty owners on S. 2nd St. bet 7ashington and Clrrk, relative F to paving Dame with hardsurfaoe t Communioation Padvaeh Zoe Co. for extension of water zreine. and • ~t Citr Solioitor to br ins in a resolution for `safd extension. ~( BoaT3 Of =qua11~ II zction, time of s,ittina extendei ,:".~ to end ino7udini berah 19th. . ~= 1 ,i -: '';'Resignation of `' James ~.7.7s1Y.er. `-'. City, Fireman. i, ri ;',! E ' ~ lylointment of ~ ~ Bob Kreutzer e'e r,~ a rega7er fire- . man. , Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Z move that a resolution i entitled "A RESOSUT10I7 D?,CyAgIii(i TH:: COIdSTdUCTIOYt OF CO1'.~IIT'b STORIS AIYD SAYdI.wRY SEY~..RS ~ , IN Ss'?r"f? ZOIiL YYULB:~ FI7E, IN SUB-DT4ISYOYi A. , S.:°':-ld DIST.°.ICT YIUL;B:.'R TE.Rr~, TO 83 A Ni7rESSITY° aItJ SRT1'IIdG OUT, IN .7::RAT. T:.'Rh;S, TH:; 'TROl'33TY SUBT'CT 1'0 T1~ TAY<;..PtT OF THr; COST On^ SA„;~," be introduoed and ley over, Adopted upon Del] of 'the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Faoe,Fulllam,Tully,t7aehina4on and Katter~ohn.-b, • On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell 02 the roll by b yeas. I Arai®~ -~ ~ if ~ _~PP~AF. ~D i ~~~~~_ , - ~, ~~ ~., FIC3RUARY 26TR, 1923, µ ;.~,~.'E)~ ~ ~ • At a geRuler }.fleeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissionera° 1 Chamber in the City IYa11, Faduoah° Kentucky, on February 26th.. 1923. Upon ill of they ~ ' roll the following answered to their names: Commiesionera Paoe° Pulliam. .7ashington and`, Mayor Ketterjohn,-4. i~ On motion of Commissioner Faoe the minutes of the previous moetings were adopted I es read upon Dell of the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeaa, Faoe, Pulliam, 1'eshinaton f and Katterjohn°-4. Leyor Katterjohn offered the following motion: Y move that the roommunioation, ~. j dated ,February 12th, 1923, from property owners on South Second Strea°. between '~ash- ington erd C]arY, Street, relative to having same paved with oonarete or some other i hard szzrfeoe, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Doll oP the roll by the following .I i. . vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, :7ashington and Katterjohn°+4. i Commissioner Pulliam was exozised from the'•CommisaYonere° Chamber. Commieetoner Tzil]y entered the Commiasionora° Chemb~sr. i Carrmisaioner :7ashington offered the followtna motions That the oommvniaetion .from Faduae}: Yoe Company for the extension of orator mains be received en3 filed ant the City Solioitor be instrvoted to hrin¢ in a resolution inetrnoting the Faduaah ;later Company to maY.e the extension. Adopted upon sell of tho roll by the follo-rir~g Oote; Yeas, Pane, Tully, "lashington and Katterjohn,-4i I .~ Commissioner Tully offored the following motion; I move that the time of eittln R of the Board of ~qualizetion be extended to and including I'aroh 19tha Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; &eoe, Tully.0.7ashington and Kattersohn,-d Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissioners° Chamber, i j Commiasionor Face offered the following mcR ion: Z move that the resignation of ~` James Y. '.7alker, City Fireman of the No. b Station, be reoeived, filed and acoepted. ~ Adopted, upon pall of the roll by tho following vot®: Yeea, Faoe, Fulliem, Tully, i. j :7ashington and ICatter~ohn,-b, ~ Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion; Y move that the action of the i I Commiesionor of Fublio.Bafety in appointing Bob Kreutzer es a reaaz]ar fireman, in the Fire Department, be ratified. Adopted upon.aa71 of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Feae, Pulliam, Tully, '7ashington and Kattetjohn°-b> ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Thst the I:niahL Template be ~j II granted p a~miseion to deoorate.the etreeta for the State Conolr_de of Y.night Templets e 1 ~;4, on Lay 15th; 1GLh and 17th, 1923, az:me to oonform to existing oxdinsnoea and to be ii ' removed as eoon as the Conolade ie over. Adopted upon Dell of Lhe roll by the follow-' '. ing vote; Yana, Faoe, Pulliam, Tu17y° Washington and Katterjohn,+b. , { I` Commissioner ',7sehington offered the,followina motion; I move thst an Ordiananae= ii AY;3'JDIN4 SUB=Si:CTIOIi 11; SECTION 4, OF AN ORDYIIAIIC~' SIJ"i'ITlED "AN ORDIIZA~'CE Ft?OVl'D II7G I ~i;~ Knight Template ~' ~, to deoorete ~~'~ streets for Ste ` Conolade, on Lay 1b.16 k 10. Crd inaroe in- ',oreasina Book- ~` "keeper!s salary ;for Riverside `, :~ goapit8l. z ~;: ! ,. ;~ '...~ ~. 1 4 ,~ c n-n^p~ Ir w~. F' _~- I w~r~ i "f {. {, Commissioners' Proceedings; .City. of Paducah ' 192.E Na /33 ~. FOR T}~ APFOIIdTI'EhT OR :I3Tr1.'TION, BY TRH: ROF.RD O5 OOI.+I:IS$T.OIF,R3 OF 3'?>5 CTTY OF TADt1CAH, I Y~I'LtiCKY. At?D FIX.IIIG T?i::IR SALA?IIES, FO'.7.'R3 AND DI"PI?:3,^ ADOFT::D BY THS BO!RD OF COZr• '1IS3ICIi:R3 OIi IARCR 27`TH, 1922, be introinoed and lay over. . ddopted upon 0411 of the ;;roll by th3 following vote: Yeea, 3'e.oe, Pnliiam, Tully, ?9ashinRton and Y•etter~ohn,-b. ` On motion the Board ed,ourn ed upon call of the roll by b yeas. Aiorletmt2 ~a^'e~ ~'--19a~ ~r3.~~~ ~ ©v~ Cal, Oro ~~~//y~ . . '' ~T~, MMa~q~, xox _ ij F:;BRUARY 26TH. 198 3, ' At a Called i'0etinR of the Board of Commieeionera; held in the Commissioners' " Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Yentuoky, on February 26th, 1923, at 17:40 o'clock i~ ! A. 1d. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners ii " ~. Pace, Fulham, Tully, 19ashington and ISayor Katter~ohn,-5. ~eyor Y.atter~ohn stated reasons for call to-wit: To adopt an ordinance author- ins Commissioner of Yublio aorka to edvertiso for bids to be rooeived for the con- u I atruotion of trunk line extension sewers, an3 am othor bnairess that mieht dome be ~~ fore the Boerl. e .i "' it Commissioner I"ullirm offered the following motion: I move that a rosolution ,," I~ Resolution adopt- ~ entitled "A R?SOi':'iIU2! R7U?'PL;'v TH.: P',.AIiS FOR Til.a CONSTP.'?CTIOfI OF ?J'T;3?9IOI13 OF ins picas for trunk line exten-; TRUNK LINE Sr:""rwiS Iii Sa""..R DIST??CT I:L't:_B:d? TI1R~3," be e~opted. Adopted upon Dell of ~, sion sewers, Sew-'i er Dis,triot ,~3. i the ro]] by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pu]liam, Tu]]y, ~7ashitaton and Ketter- r, i! fohn,-b. Commissioner Fuillam offered the follo:vinR motion; I move that an ordinance ii entitled "AI! ORDII:ANCE AUTRORIZING Aim DIR:':CTIA`G Hr31RY A. FULI.UIIG. COI.G'ISSIOIIE.R OF Ordinance avthor•~ inR Com°r.Publio ': IUBLIC •77.~?KS, TO AD`lr~iTISE FOR AIDS FOR T}!E CU:Y3TRUCTION OF TRUFii: lINF. ?JCT^NSICII works to advertia~ for bids for oor.-;; Ss".T.-:R3, IIt 3~3',;R DISTRICT NO, B, AI:D TiL': J~:AI7N:1R IN 9fIICH SAID P.IDS AR F. TO B3 RE- struotion trunk line extension CBIV.:D.^ be adopted. Adopted upon cell of the ro71 by the follo:vina vote:-Yeas, sewora for.1'aroh j; £Oth,1923. peas, Fulham, Tully, ?7ashingtan and Ketterjohn,-.5. j; ~; On motion t~he~~Bo~rd sd~ourned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. , '' AiepioAL~2` L~•.I!'~ .i.E'.P~~',.tJS7''~~~":.. caw cw, xnvrffi ISA.RCH 13T. 1923s _ r At a Ce13eQ Lasting of the Board of Commisaionere, hold in the Commieaionere' Ohnmber in tho City Flail, T,aduoah, Kentucky, on Larch tat, 19£3, at 3:20 I. ll.. ' Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their.nnmea: Oommiasionere Iulltam, Tully,:9aehington and I3ryour Katter~ohn,.4. licyor Y.ctter~ohn stated reasons for call to-wit: For the pur}•oae of appointing t w of in renaes in Appointment John Iceman and Fred F.terry, special patrolmen to sorve notioea for Eoard of ~qua]iaation. i i .. __,.. ._ i •. ' ,, li I it^r i.~iro ~~:.,,,:, ~i, iii .,d~ ~I .a~~>..iri"opp ril p of -I,: ~rnal,l; ~.,: r.l m~°19i9~~9P.~q .,.Ir i ~ I il,,. I two apoolal police otYloera to servo notioea on proFer.y o Hera o I~ ". !; aeeossmonta made by $ho 1}oerd of quslizetion, Commissioner Tu11y offered the followin[~ motion: I move that John Iaeman and _ ii Fred Merry be appointed special patrolmen of the City of Faduoah, for the purrose of lj I serving notioea on property hold era of increases in ee»esamerta made by the Board o! i ~; Equalization, said appointments to be temporary, and the pay to be et the rate of '; X110.00 por month. Adopted upon oa]1 of the .roll by the fol]owing vote: Yoas° " ~. Pulliam, Tully, '~9nshinaton ot'd Kettor~ohn,-4. x ::,;~;,~+v.°~nmb rya; ~:. t - • , Y,. ..I i r I a I:.. :~r.l i I C I r:q- _--S~.rr. No: 13 ~ ,,,; .. ~, #~. ~ ' Coolmiesioners' Proceedfngre, City of Paducah ~ ~ ' 198-_ On motion the Board ad,ourned.upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas, I~ si.rled.L~,- i~x~ ; i BiARCH bTH, 1923. At s 3eaalar L'eetina of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiasionera° - i ' Chamber in the City Hall, Fsduoah, Kentuoky, on 8iaroh bth, 1923, Upon Dal] of the roll 'the following answored t0 their names; Commissioners Faoe, Fulliam, Tully, S7eahington rt and 1~eyor Katterlohn,-b. , On motion of Commieaioner 7dashington the minutes of the previous meetings were b. ~ adopted as reed upon Dail of the roll by the following vot®: Yeas, Fao®, Fulliam, Tully; ~~ ;7sahinxton and Katterfohn,-b. j kSayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: % move that th® report of the i. I Report genereal ,genereel C7inio for the month of February 1923, be reoeived and filed. adopted upon ` Clinio for the month of Fob° ~ Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Feoe,FuIliam,Tully,:7aehington and ~ .1923. i ~' ~ Katter~ohn,-b° ,I r Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the aooounts for i, Report Com°r. T n I Fublio Finonoe .the last half of the month of aobruary, amounting to ~p13,696.9b; ea per the report of for last. half ! the Commieaioner of Publio Finanoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the Feb. 1983, money appropriated from the general Furd to pe~v same. Adopted upon pall of the roll ~ by the follotiving vote: Yeas, Faoe, Fulliam, Tully, ',7ashinaton and Y.atterfohn,-b° Commieaioner Tally offered the following motion: Y move that the aoaour.La for Roport Oom°r. ,the laet~half of the month of February fare the 3d DistrioL sever, ea follo.ve: F::b11o Finanoe _ `.-. for last half hay Roll.........<...~714.GG ~ ~ Feb. 1923° of ~ Supplios ............. 401. b2 ~ • Sewer Diatriot Cash for Stamps...... b,00 '~3° Total....... 21. 8, ba allowed red ordered paid and the Commieaioner of Fublio Finanoe be authorized and inetruoted to draw oheoke a!*ainat ! , the ido. 3 Diatrlot Sewer Fund :;ooount to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by I ii tho fol]o:vin¢ vote: Yeas, Faoe, Fulliam, Tully, l7aahinp,~ton .and Ketter~ohn,-b. k,;° i ~ Commieaionar Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the report of the ~:' Roi~ort Comer, ., 3;* Tubiio Finanoe fl Commisoioner of Publio Finanoe for tho month oS ~ebrunry be reoeived, filed ar~d ordered' for tho month ~a C publiohad in the offiaiel newspaper. Adopted upon oa]1 of the roll by the fo17o1vinR I ~_ of Eobrunry !I 1~2'~' vote: Yeas, Faoe, Fulliam Trill i7aehington and Katter,ohn b° s '~ @ Ye o- ~1. Commiseionor Tully offered the following motion:, Y move that tho report of the Roiort Com'r. ~~ ~ Iublio Finanoe."~~ Commieaioner of Iub]io B'inanoe of tho 3d Distriot 3oi+or b'nnd Aoootm t for the month of for tho month + I of Feb. 1923, ,~~ February be reoolvod, filed and ordered published in tho off loin] newapapero Adopted i of Sowor Dls- y u on Dail of,the roll by tho fol]o•xinR vote: Yeas Faoo Tul]inm Tully, 9ashinaton triot f3° ¢ F o ° . ~! and Y•eCtor~ohn,-b, ~ Commisoionor Tully offered tho fol]owing motion: .The sun of b37,b0 having boon , !~ ~ ' Cemetery deed I; paid into the Troaaurq, ae evidonood by the reoeipt filed herewith, Y move th2t deed ; ~` exooutod to " (~ be exeouted to btark barrow for yot ,~36, B]ook r~4, on tho forth aide of Hank 3traet, ' ~': BSarY. Burrow. •~ <, bet:voen Ford and Hannan Streets, in Onk Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon onl] of the I! roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Faoe, Fulliam, Tu17y. ~aehington and i.~=ttnr~ohn,-b j , +; ` ~ '~ Oommieoionor Tully offered the following motion: T)te sum of ,~37°60 having bean ~` Oemotery doed aid into tho Treaeur ae evid'onoed l3 the r~iooi t filed heron+i~h, I move that deol be exeoutod to V p Yo Y p ' 9uoie Kendall. ±j i ~~ exeouted to Susie Kendall for Lot i~39, B1ook ~4, on the Fast side of Ohamb]in Street, ; ii between Ford and Hannan Stroeta, in Oak trove Cemetery. Adopted neon Dell of the roll! Ii 4 !; by the following vote: Yeas, Foos, Fulliam, Thily, t7eahingtam and Katter~ohn,-b° IC z !I '. ~ .' ....,,. ~ .: ,.,µ . ; `,, s~ H w .., ... ,,., . <, , ~ a. ~:.. , ~t:.. ~~, F. `r~'~. 0 ,. k' rm ,. -' Na_~3¢~ Commissioners' Proceedings;., City o~ Paducah, . '' ~ ~ 192 ':. -" f i ~ _.. `• , __ _ - __-- ~ Commi~sionar Tully offarod tho fal7owlna motion; 'rhe sum of ,60,00 having been ,.;paid into the Treasury, as evidonood by the roaoipt filod herowith, I move that deed Cemotery Deed be exeouted to Far.nio J.tossie Trine for iot X74, B1ooY. s~3, on the North side of Ford exeouted to Fannie Lloseie i.; Street. bet:•rean J:'iller & Hank Streets in Oak s%rove Cemetery. ddopted upon oall of the Trine. roll by the following vote; Yeas, Iaoe, Fnlliam,Tully,:7aehinaton and Izattor~ohn,.6. Commiasioner Tully offered the following motion; -The sum of wb0.00 havina been Cemotery deed ;; paid into the Treasury, as evider.oed by the reoeipt filed here:vith, I.move Chet iced . executed to 1Ce711e FFa:vY.ins° ~I be exeouted to 2Jellie Hawkins for 7.at ,~3£, Blook i~4, on the Lorth side of Hank Street, betweer, Ford. ar>ii Rennan Streets, in Oak Trove Cemetery. ddopted upon oall of the roll by the follo:ylnR unto; Yeas, Faoe, FuI]iam,ihrlly,.7ashinat~ and xntter~ohn,-6. Ra}"ort Ohiof a! ii Commiasioner Iaoe offarod tho followlntr motion; 1 movo that 'tho report of Lhe Io7ian ror tho Ohtef oS 1'ultoo for rho month of L'ehrnery 1ttP.3 bo reooived and ;Ci]eA. ddo ~ted a on month of Fab. T r IUF."'° ~' null of the ro71 b,' rho fol3owlna valor Yonr+, Faao, h+l]]iam, Tully, '7nnhlnatan and ~. .: Y.attor~ohn,-b° Oommiasitoner Fnoo offarod the fol]o:vina motton: I move that the report of the. BoPort Chief of li Chie4 of the Firo Department for tho mor:~th of Fobruurp lAE3 be reoeivod and filed. Piro Dopfr"~rnont.j~ ddoptod upon oall of the roll by tho fal7owina vote; Yoas, Iaoe, 1'u7liam, Tu7Iy, for Fob. 1.23, ;~ ;laehinaton and Y.ntter~o}u•~,-6, • (, Oommiesioner Iaoe offarod tho follos~ing motion: I movo that the applioation C.J. Ho7marr ~I of C. J. Holman for n position as patrolman in the Iolioe Department, be reoetveQ nn4 appointod patrolT filed, and that C° J, Holman bo arpolnted an extra patrolman, to take effeot upon thq mcn° I ~~ oxeontion of the proFrer bond. ddoptod upon nail of tho roll by the following vote; ~j Yeas, Iaoe, Iulllarn,. Tully, •'7laahinatori and Y.atter,~ohn,-6. ' ~! Commiasioner Paoe offered the foliowlnq motion; 0. ,. ddams havina tendered O.O.A+1amo, ~ rursianatlon as ;? his roet~tutition an a polloemr+n, I move that said roal~mntion be aooerteA, and that patrolman ao- rho National 3uroty Com rsnv be rn]unnad crrom fnturrr liabi]ity on uaid band, Adorted ! oaptml, and 1' 1 l:ritiorus.l 3uroty I! urun null of Ehe roll b the fol]usvtna votos Yuaa haoo lnlliam T+slly; '.7auhinaton Oo, rnl nuuud. on 3 Y , + ~ his Lund. and I:attor~ohn,-G. ~; it Commiasiorrar Puiliarn offered t},e fol]osrtnR motions I move that the emp]oymerit h. John Lindlor, j` of John Ltndior, as Inotrumorarnan, at y1176e00 por month, in the hnitineerina Department vrnt,7oyu;ont an q be ratified n}s.l that hi r+ sral+rr^r bo atrnrs*ed aaain++E tho do artmentre to :vhioh hio ser- Irwtrrnurntman ~; ~ p oovl:ES,I ub71° ii vines,are uusxl, ddoptust urun null of the ra]1 1yy the Pe]7o".vina unto;. Yenn, Fn]]tnm, Tv]1g nmi ;Varahinat~m,-3; ITnys, Ingo and I:attur~ohn,-£. Commiasioner Pulliam offarod tho fol7owtna motion; I movo bhat the eproint- " I..S.r^inoh, ap- }.oira;nent as ~ want of L. S. Finoh, as vity Sanitary i9ngineer, be ratified, ddopted upon pall o! Citp S~r',itary ~~ ~r,ainoer, Ir the roll by the follo:vlnq vote; Yeas, Isoa, Pulliam, l7ashlnrton and Y.atter~ohn,-4; N Oonunlsuioner Tu171urn offered tt~o followtna rnollans I movo that Che oatimate l:otimato of ~:vorkj; of work dono by ::. '3. itnrdinrr Comirany in Fobruary I~J£3, on the trunk ]ine aewore, in Bono b, ''.iZ. tfsrdir:a Oo. in 'r'ub. 7(r£a, in ~ Diatrlot 3A, be approved, and that said :.. :T. JTardina Company ho nllo:ved ~E868.P6 , Divtrlot 3d• ~~ on said work. ae or stimate hereto attnohed and ttrat the Commissioner of Pub7to Savor Dlatriot ,~ p ° '~3° ;I Finenae be nnthori.zed and direoted to draw ohook naetnat the 3rd Dtetrfot sower Furid ~; doootust to pe;~ carne, nnl that carne be oharaad agalr,ut the .3rd Dtstrlot `Bawer Pantie. . u ~' ddopted neon null of Ehe ra1I by tho fol7owirir; vote: Yana, ]"nae, 3'u17.tam, T+rlly, i~ ~' .7asrhingtun and j:ntteraohn,-6. ~` Oommisaioner Pulliam ofPorod the follo•etng rnotion; I movo that the eotimate~ autlmate of j •rJOrY. Bono by ~ of work done b;r i° H, Jlardira Company in Sobruarp 19£3, on the trunk line ee"were in .iT.Ii~rdtna Ca. tin ^ab, 1~£3, I~ Diatrlot 3B-3C boa r In CLatriot 3B- p, pP ovod, tend that Bald ^. 7, Hcrdina Company bo a]]o•wed •'~1406.tt;: ; 3C, Sewor Dis- triet ,,E3. ;; on said ~•+ork, as per sstimato hereto a.ttaohect, and that the Commiesianer of Pub71o , ~' Finance bo avthorizod and direotod to drag cheoY. aarsinet the 3rd tti:~triot 9e:•+ar Fvnd t ~, . __...._.__.___~____._.__._~.._.______,. .~___.__.,_..__..._. ~...._.u.._..._..._. ......„_.__.__~_. __.__...._ __..._. _._.._~_ , .. .~ », as",,':^. ~ , :,i a .. . r ,ee ..,Y. ...~7Et~S~'F. .. r .~~., ~.. a +°;7;.,'*,~D~°~'?~" .r..~..,-~"~r+`".;N« a,.. .'"'y~:"~~'.;?z~"~hrk'.;-,'Ma,-i ,~ j ~ rri !, qn n~, ~~.,-:: ~~ ~-~ ~,i ~, n ~i,i ~I .n~a.,ii.i~a~lRq °9 V 7 0 .I, ~ ,~~a~-p r ~:-~. , i nil:: I'ri'Pln-allr.i! . ~i ~ ~ Ir~'. .;a Aio.l~/ Com,>yiissionehs' Proceedings,. City of Paducah 19B_ ~~Aooour~t to pay samo, ani thnt onme be oharaod ngninnt the ;Srd Dlstriot Senor Funds. ~ Adopted upon call of tho roll by the following vote: Yoan, Faoa, Tulliam, Tully, '7aahinRl ton and Katter~ohn,-6, l ' Geo. T. Gish ~ Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion: Y mono that Goorgo T. Gieh b® ' aprointed reau- f~ ~Tar,petrolfian. ~eppointed a regular patrolmen, effeotive lmmedietely, Adopted upon Dell of the roll bq , }}}} the fol7owintt voto: Yeea, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully,~~/a®hington and Katter,ohn,-ii, f _ 0ommieafoner ~7eehington offered the fol]o:ving motion: Y move that a resolution t ~9ntit7ed "A R::SOZUTIMd R:;G;?I1?? IITG TRi: TAAUCAH ':7ATr:.4 C01'I'AIIY 'CO :::t'ii1dD TTS '7AT::? I:AIITS Reaolut nn re- ~, quir 1Tig ~uoah I~pI;01'. ITS F:i::Sl'T T: ~I.:IIdUS ON 1?? IVAT.: FROF.1?^Y O"lld:~ DY Fa '7, YAT'i°:~}?JOHId, COIdiJ:;CTII:G ~ ' 'extend its, water ~CA•L'~'7:D,i S'T3 :T '.7iTH BR0:7id STR:~:T, TO A FOII'T Ol' BRO'.7Id S'T'R:iET, A T)ISTAIdC OF AFir;OS21~:ATE+ -mains on >3rown ~ Street. ~iY 800 FP'.ST," be ndoptod, ddopted upon oall of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas, ~' ~~Faoe, Pulliam, Tully and T9ashington,-4; Y7a;~e, Kattor,ohn,-1, ~ Commiveionor '+YauhinRton offarod tho following motion; E movo that AI' ORDIT'..ItCE ( • Retontion Ordi- 'iAi;i:HU lTlG BUD-Sis0TIO7d 11. S:iO'2InIi 4, OF ATI OI?D?IL1A'C'r' ^1t'$I'^Li:1) 1°A1T ORDTIL1Id0:S FROVID fldC nanoq of 19££ i' amen~tod. FOR TY.;~, ATIOIiITI'::NT OR I?:;T3'Td'PIOIt, BY Tt'r, T30ARD OF f:0J.7'ItI3T0Id:"?S Oc' Tt?;; OI4R OF IAA1!C,1H, IIII ~II:i'k'TUOXY, ALD FIYIIIG I'fTSIR th:7A'?I;3, TO7,'~C AI'D DU'PI«S,1° AA07T.1D PY TIL: POARO 01` 00117dIS•~ I +; , ',~SIOITiiR$ 02d T'~1;'?CI7 £7TH, 19££, be adopted. ~'uloptod uron oa]l of the ro71 by tho fo7lo:v- I ~ ' ~ina vote; Yoaa, Faoe, Fulliam,. Tully, t7ashinaton and Katter.,ohn,-6, ~ 11 Oommiasioner ~7ashinaton offorod tho fo]loni.ng motion: Y movo that a Roaolution ;i * ~Reaolntion pro- entitled "A RhS01.UTI0Id 1:?0?I7 TIdG FOR 'i!Y COIISTI2UCTIUTd OF OOITCI2E'P:y SIJ~:.L1L':S, OUI?D3 vid ins for side- !; we77:e &o. on ~~AT;D GUTTr:.R3, AI'!D Ai]; N::Ci.S::A2Y I+~AIJHOi::S, IIJT.1i:i~:S,' Si:•7i~S ATtD CATOH BASINS, OTd T.`?i: SOUTH S: aide TAnn St. l; from E. Yntt3r (iSIDE OF TETdIdr:SSi:R STR::ET, FF2C?: TIi,: ir:AST IIIT::RSi;CTIOId OF TiddIlr:SS3E AIII) TT?I'?D ST3::.^,TS TO ~! ' soot ion .of Tenn. ~ ~ ' ' and 3rd 'fits. ~TT.dE TOF OF TI?i: BAId'l. OF 'Pifu Ti:IdIdRSS::i: RIV:Tt, Iid TFia CITY OF PAD1tCAH, 7::3'TT1C7:Y, dIdD IRO- ~ ir.L?ST Rc;ADlI:G. ' ' ~VIDII;G TNdT SAIi:: I.sAY B:: PAID 'r'OR UPON T?T:: T;1d (10) YFAR IAYt•.~ilIT PId.N," b® intraiuoed i ~ . is land lay ovor, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the fo7.loninq vote: Yeas, Faoe, Ful]iam,{ ~Tu71y, i7aohington and Yatter.fohn,-b. Oommissioner Fulliam offered the following motiom Y movo that a resolution en- ' ^ Reaolut ion de- ~ i oleriOR oonatruo ~;tit7od "A RiSOitTIOId DL''Ci.iT?IIdG '17i3 COIdS'.I:RUCTI011 OF 8A1dI'P:.RY 5:7~5 Ild S«.71t ZOIiE OYIII, tion of se :'ors g' in Sever Zone ,~1 SIN SUB-DIVISIOI:T C, 3:;7r;R .OIS'1E?I0T I~UI.Bi'R TT?Fi„^^i•., TO DE A Td:70i.SSITY, AIID SisTTI1;G OUT, IN a nooeaslty.. ~ dDOTT?.0.' `~Gr;hr1iAI. 'T~i7.iS, TIC FROP:IiTY SADJ3CT TO TIT;: IAYI.Sl, T Or T?fi' COST OF SAI::i," be .adopted. { { ~ ~~Adopted uran Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Faae, Fulliam, Tu71y, :lash- ~ eao7ution de- I orino. oon- trnation of een. ra in Server one i~2 a neo- s si ty, DOI :~ D. eaolt:tion de- laying oon- truation of o:vera in Se:vor one ~3 a neooa- it y. ADOI T::D. e. ao7ution de- aring oon- ruotion of :yore it Seder ne~4on s- ty. ADOIT., inaton,-4; Nags, Katter john,-1. Cotnmiasioner Fulliam offered the following motion: %movo that a roao7ution en- titled "A R«SOiUTIOId DiiCiii'.II7G '~?:; COIdSiT•?LITIOTI ~? SAIIITl.RY 5.,7,'^3 ITd S:,'7,'•T? ',MIF, I•'1Ji"D:;.4 T30, Iid SUB-DIVISION B, S:s':f1? DISII:IGT I;UIB::.R T.^.i?.:u, TO Bi: A YL3C33SITY, AI:D S::TTIIIG OUT. IH G:;I°L•'RAi 'C:•?1;S, TTTu I30I:Ri"Y SUBJ::CT TO TFI:: I:,YI.~ ;ITT OF TI?; COST OF 581: ," B; ADOPT:,"D. Adopted upon Dell of the .roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fulliem, Tully, and :7ashinaton.-4; Nays, Katter~ohn;-1. Commissioner Fulliam offered the followinP motion: I move that a resolution en- titled "A RSOi,UTIOId D3CZ$QI1dG T;iS COItST3UCTI0N OF SAI'YT1lRY SE~iRS, .... . I+` S;,'d .'R 7,OId3 IdiR,'D.,R THREE, III SUB-D IV IS IOIIS A. AIdD B. , Si7:3t ?)I;:'i^-.ICT ITUI'D '? T~'?i:::, TO ! "A Ni:CaSSITY, ATIJ S:TTIIdG OUT, ITI „s"Idr^.RAZ TR1TS, TIL; F??OF:,'^i'Y Si1DJ3CT TO TT?:; PAYI.".i1:T F TIIi^. COST OF Snid3," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: ~ i eas, Faoe, Fulliam, Tully erxi ',7sahtnaton,-4; hays, Xatterfohn,-1. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that a resolution en- i i titlod "A Rr:SO1.UTI0id Dr:CIARID'G THii CONSTRUCTION OF CObi$11tED STORK: AIID SAIIYTARY S::7L.~3 ID' Ste:!? ZO1dE lIUI.:Ai~2 FOUR,. IN SUB-DIVISIONS A, AIID $.. Sr,7;~:tI DISTRICT IdULB:l4 T??Ri'w, TO $y A NECESSITY, AIdO $~TTITdG OUT, ITd Cr:Ii.'RAZ T~?IIS, TFTv PROF32TY SUBS CT TO T??E FAYi~.NT I OF T<?3 COST OF SAI,iE," be adopted. , Adopted upon o¢ll of the roll by the follo:ing vote: ! a:. L, ~~: ~: ~'~. f ~'"^? ~.~ i f .... . ' ,.:_ f ~'$~` •J. «..x .~ ~ t ~.':'..: ,. ...r '.k~ A.. ys,.. w..u .,..Y t d .. X ..J~ _ ,.. •...~.~ s ... .~.- ~ .. ... ~ ~~ ,. ~ .. .. a ... , .. ..., ., .,- ~,~~: ~.,, ,~ ,.:: .,, . ,~ . ....• ....as._.,.. • ~.,, . .. .. v r t ' N0. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 192:y? . a-, j~,_ ,, ~ j Aalo{ted~La~.,,..lY.'~~ ,ter' Zv~.i4 ,~:a. ,~ ,.~:~, _ 1tARCR 6th. 1923. Yeas, Faoe, Ful]iam, Tully, :7ashir,gton erd Y.attor~ohn,-5. Qommlasioner Pu711am offered the fo110winq motion; I move that a resole-- Reao]ution de- ~! tion entitled "a It.:SU..U'PI01.' Do'CI;.RIIJG i'F11. COIt8T:tL`CTIOIl Oir 001".BII'ED S'roRM GL'D SAtIITARY elating eon- ~:, ~ y T ~ n ~ o struotion of S:.'?.Its Il. 3''L•~t OJi:: I;IR,'.B.yt FIV3, III SUB-DI'l_7IIOI; A, Sa"S;:R )I9._..L.'P J1LR:.3~t T8!t.,, TO se.vora in Sower 7,ane a~5 a Wages- ' Bu a Id:.7C:;:}ITY, :.11D s: ^TII'G OUT, Iid C:Dl `RdI 'P:ltlis, T11~ S?iOP:RTY SUBJFOT TO THE PAYL':~ST airy. a~orT:~. ~. ~~ OF TNT' CO5s 0^ SaiL3 " be as}o ~tod. Adopted •upon call of the roll b the following ~ . ] Y ;vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, '.7ashinaton and Y.atter~ohn,-5. !: On motion the Board ed~ourned upon call of the ro71 by 5 vela. ii At a Called 1Teetirue of the Board of Commiaaionors, he13 in the Commissioners' ii Ohamber in the City Hall, Taduoah, Kentucky, on 1'nroh Gth, 1923, aL ]0 o'a]ook A, itil. _" Upon call of the roll the Pollowina answered to their names: Commieaionors Face, ,i j! Pulliam, Tully, 'Paahinaton and 3S,aypr xatter,ohn,-5. ;. r !~ I3ayor Kattor,ehn stated reasons for call Eo-:v1t: For the purroso of opening j, jj sealed hide for the anle of the sohaffer liouso at 1768 1'edison 3troot, and anyy o$her a Bids on 9ohaffer ! business that mi+*ht Dome before the Board. houAe at %f176G ~i Ltadiaon Street, ~ Oommissioner :7ashington offered the Pollowina. motto»: Thnt all bide opened aL roooived And ~ ', filed. ;~ 10 O'olook a. b'.,, in the Commissioners' Chamber for the sale and removal of houee ij 17G6 1'edlson Street, as advertised by the Commissioner oY Fublio Property. be reoel~ed N, arx} filed, as follows: ! ' i~ HnR.h Garrett ....................$300.00 ;~' `d .r D. a. Yeiser, Jr ................ 256.00 ,:; ,'. ,; ~: Jesse '7alker .................... 210.00 i. Conaoli~latod Realty Co.......... 505.00 ~= ,; , i~ E. D. Thurman ....................:101.00 ,.. u, E. R. and J. 1', Bradshaw........ 750.00 H Joa, R. Oropen .................. GO3.00 <,,: '" ' ~ And eahereaa the canrea of bids show that E, R. Bradshcv, Jr. and J. LS. Bred shear were ;'~F P the highest and best bidders, I therefore move that the .^,ommiasioner of Public Pro- '`•`';~.` aooeptaroe of petty be authorized and empocrored to gloss the snlo ~lth nrid ^. R. Brs3shaw and bid of:`.R. and ;! J. I:. Bradshaw !; J. Ai. Bradshaw.for the acme at x750.00, and maid snm ho or ry}ited to the aooonnt of on.houso at i ,~1766~1a:}ioon J So'•var .Diatriot Ito. 3, adopt ad upon oa].] of the roll by .the Pollowina vote; yeas, Stroot, for ~'7b0.U0. !~ Paco, Pull lam, Tully, 'Aashington and I:attor~ohn,-5. Oommiaeioner Tully offered the following motion; That the mnttor of settlement ~`.R.Aardinq Oo. ~ with d, R, IIardinq Company Per a:~tra •,rork on tunnel under haol: prorerty be referred, extra :cork on turnol under IGO}, to ilessrs, i:atter,ohn, :Yashington and 3:ulliam ea committee to make recommendation prof orty referred to Lattor~ohn, I. to the Board of Commissioners as to the amount due the Contreotora under the terms ' ,7ashi{~,aton errl '' lulliam, as Com- of the oontraot, adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Pollowina vote: Yeas, Faoe, mittoe to mate reoommerdation. Pulliam, Tully, '7eahington and Katter9ohn,-5, }, Commissioner 7lashington offered the follo:ing motion: That the Oommfeeioner o! ~ ` c ~ ~. Public lroporty be authorized to enter into a oontraot with some q.o]7ootlna Aasnoy , Ur,pe id bills due ij ,, Riverside Hospit-~; to co7lsot such unpaLi bills due Riverside Hospital an he deems advisable. Adopted al authorized to _ ba Lurr.od over td ,upon call of the roll by the Pollowina, vote: Yeas, Paos, Fulliem, Tully, '7ashinRton some oo]lecting a:aonay, by Com'r.jl aid ~KatterJohn,-5. Yublio I~roperty. ,~ .On motion the Board adjourned upon Doll of the roll by 5 yeas, t i t r AAey:tel..l./leae~s.la~-19~..,'~. ~~ C.stt Clofk ~~ `u'~C L , p,; .~5~... ~~'??3!:;*a~. y..,..:w., .r...~...,ti:.' .. .',,.:.. ..x, ....:. .., .,.: v' x"~~'u~',T~C;'?'~`~"'`-`•.`'„R,e,' u"~'y"~"r±`~:'."rFl,'~h£'~'~"u?, ~;.' __"r-"'%"Q~`,~+,T+$~r~l~'"~Sn ~ . 3~--.. 7 ~ ~ ~ . f. .I !' - ~` ,w :-. ~a~,~."w*>u';R..^"Sa h,~,,4°N:.~~.''~"~ is - wni - ~ si `~' ~', ~ trn xx a~ . ~;' , i 11ARCR 12Th, 1923. ~, • 'i Oh'ief ?aduke ' Post IIa. 31. ', 'j Amoriosn Loaion' ' Communication. ~: ~ ~ ~' ,;:, ~ ~~' • Communioatio~ n _- 7ernon Blythe, ~~ :Free. F uird of >` cduoation, to- ;~gether with ~Reaolut ion of ' 'Eoerd of Eduoa- tion re7.atioe top ~. aseeeamont for t ' yohool purposoa.pl 6 f 5 f ' Resolntion Board! of.Jiuoation, ralativo to j asaoasment for I aoho'o1 pnrioaea..~ i 'Communication C.L.E;oore and E. 0. Thompson , .relative to vridenir,a Idayf Road. Resolution pro- viding for oon- atrvatisn of eonareto eide- :valka on S.a1de Tonnesase St. near 3rd . ADOITED. At 8 Regular fleeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiseionere'~ Chamber in the City Rall, Faduoah, Kor.tuoky, on L'.aroh 12th, 1823. ilpor sell 0° tho i~ .. i me3.1 the f°illowin¢ answored to their names: Commissioners Pace, Pnl]iam, Tu71y, '.Yeah- I ington and Mayor Knttor~ohn,-G. ~ ` , On motion of Oommissionor Kh:11y Oho minuted of the P+revloua meeting +roro ~ ~, adol•ted ao rond uron call of the roll by tho follo:vinR aoto: Yuan, Tnoe, Fu]11am, ~ I Tu17y, 17aehington and Kattor,ohr.,-b. ! a Mayor Y.atter~ohn offered the follovinR motion; I movo traL tho oommunioation • i Eton the Chief Paduke Post 110. 31, dmerioen Legion, dated I&aroh Gth, 19E3, be rooeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell of tho roll by tho followinp~ vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pullimn, Tully, :7ashineton and KatterJohn.'=b. ' Nagor Kntter,ohn offered tho fol]o+'ing motion; I move that tho oommunioation from Vernon Blythe. President Board of Education of Pnduoah, Kontuoky, dated E?arch Gth,' 1923, toaethor :rtth Resolution of said Aoard, ro7.ativo to aaseenment for school put- j .poses, be reooived er,d filed, ar,d that,satd resolution ha recorded in the mim~tes of , the'Board of Commissioners, end that the prover assessment be made, as set out in said ' resolution, in the Apportionment Ordinar,oe for the year 1923. Adol.~ted upon sell of i the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Taoe, 1'u111am, Tully, t9ashinsrton and Katter~ohn-6. Said Resolution is as fol'lo~xa:- (. i, ^B? YT Ri.SOL'l~,D by the Board of :;rtucetior+ oY Paducah, • Y.entuoky, that there be sn°i there now is imro:sed and levied an ad valorem tax of seventy five oer.ts (75111 on each ^100.00 vn7vatior~ ~ of real Ural personal I^ropert;r of the City of Fadueah, Fontuok~~, j subject to taxation for the rear 1923, the same bonnd neoo:3sery, in the opinion of the Board of ?Xivoation'of Padnosh, Ker.hick'°, to produce for said year of 1923 the total estimated :sum neaeasary to '; be raised to auprort r_rd maintain the I'uh]io Schools of the Citr of Paducah, Y.entuoky, less the estimated sum to be received from the !' State Common 3ohool Fund°° B;; IT II SOL'Ji:D by the Board of Rduoation of gr_ducah, ' KentuoY.y, that there bo as;d there nova is impoaod an ad valorem tax upon ell the real and porsoral ProLxsrty In the City of Iaduc^h, Gen- tuaky, sub foot to tnxat ion for the year 1923, of r;ot exceedirv i fifteen conta (15d) ~rpon the "y`100.00 valuation of said grororty, . ,acme beirq necessary to oroato a sinking fund for the pa,rment of ! the bonds of the City of Paducah, is sued for school piu•posea, dated January 15, 1920, and for the purPoae of paytna the interest on said bonds when and ,as due.^ i X70, the undoraignod, Jernon Blythe, President of the Boer oYriiuoatlon of Feducah, Y.entuaky, and Yna Rollston, Secretary, do ~ '' herebg certify that the £oreeoing resolutions ~.vere dn7y adopted by the Board of +:duoation of Taduoah, Kentucky, eta special meeting of sai-i Board held on I'aroh b, 1923, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, ,~ ~ . end same is hereby'oertifled to the Board of Commissioners of said I City for the attention of such Commissioners. as the law directs. This b?arch 6, 1923. Y. tIIOII ?31.YTIiE I Irosi ont Hoar o '-' uoa on Attest;- Pa•tuoah, Yxentnoky. IILL ROLLSTOII. Seorotary. '; L.ayor Y.attorjohn offered the followinm motion; Y move that the communication from C. L. 1.'oore erd :;. 0. Thompson,. dated I:nroh lst, 1^23, be reaeivod and filed, and referred to the Commissioner of Fublio '7orka. Adopted upon call of the roll by the d fo11o:H ng vote: Yeas, Taoe, Iulliam, Tully, :7ashinaton and Katterjohn,-5. ~ ' i Commisaioner 7tashinaton offered the followirrz motion; % move that a.resolutioa untitled "A RiSOLUTIOII ?'ROVID IItG FOR TrIc. COII5TRUCTYON OF CCt7CRETr'. SIID ',7A7:1.S, CURB 1.IrD i' GuTr~s, AItD ALL N:I(:r'SSAI?Y 1JSItHOLL•'S, YNTAGd3, Su7~S AIlD CuTCII BASINS, ^1I '~f?r. SOtiTII i 3IDE OF Tr31Iii~SL:E STR~.u.T, PROW TIIrI EAST IItl'::R5a:CTIOYI OF Tr^dd21ES:,:.G aI'D THIRD STRIsETS i0 '; THt TOF OF Tf?3 BAI7d OF Tru T~dNI:53SE RI7r3Y, YId 'PHI: CITY OF FADUCAR, K:Y:1iIC;;Y, AIrD FRO- ~~ ~i ViDIi1G TART S.1M;: 1.AY BE FdID FOR UI'OIf THB T:~ (10) YE6R PAYku^,ITT FIAR°.', b® adoptedo • ~; ~:.' , a.; ~:. % s is ~. r { :.,: ; ~~_~a~ . '~y, t_ 4 k . Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah ' ' r ' 192_x. 1 4 j:,^~r: F ~'°" i Adopted upon oell of the roll try the follovinR vote: Yees, Taoe, Iulliam, Tu71y, .7ashington and getter'ohn,-5. ~; On motion the Boord ed~ourned upon oe11 oY the roll by 5 yeas. 1ieRted.~q.--1l~. ~~~ ~""'_,t. G bi:~T2C$ 19TH, 1923. ~ '! .a a Re~n~lar 1leetinR'oY the Board oY Commiseionera, held in the Commissioners' ~~Chamber in the City Hall. Taduoah, gontuaity, on iierah 19th, 1923. Upon oall of the ~~ roll the Yollovrin#r ans~.vered to their nrmea: Commisaionars Faae, .7ashington and L'epor s:atter~ohn,-3. • On motion oY Commi~asioner "rashinRton the minutes of the previous meeting wee , ~!; adopted as road upon oall of the roll by the Yollo•sing vote: Yeas, pees, ".7ashington „ 1'i and gatter~ohn,-3. Commissioner Tully entered the Commiasioners° Chamber, ~~ Commissioner fully offere3 the fol]oroinR motion; I move that the time oY, Board of Egnalias-', tion time of eitt-, sitting of the Board of Equalization be extended to arrt inoludinP, Saturday, R`.aroh 24th inR extended to and inoluding ' Ado]aed upon call of the roll by the follo:ving vote; Yaas, Faoe, Tuily, '.7eshino-ton - Earoh 24, 1928. ~~ and gattorjohn,-4, ~ - u Commissioner Iulliam entered the Commiasioners° Chamber. Commissioner Tnl]y offered t}:a fo7]orring motion: I move that the pay-roll Ror Pay-roll for tirst~ the fir=;t half of the month r~f },*rroh, 1923, amounting to 372f3P.84, as per the report ha]Y of Idaroh and ~i oY the Commissioner of rublio Fine.noe fi]ed haro•aith, ba a7]o•.vod and brdored paid and report Commission-i' er of Pnblio ii the money appropriated from the Gor,erel ^und to rev same. ddoptod upon oall of the Finanoe. roll by the fol7o-sing note; Yeaa, Taoe,Tulliam,i'n]ly,',7ashington and I:attar~ohn,-b. ~i Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay-roll '' for the ±'irst half of the month of I:aroh, 1923, for the 3d Diatria± Saver, amounting. '', Pay-roll for first. half oY btarah for {' to j776.11, be allowed. snd ordered hai3 enl..the Coruniasioner of Iublio Finarae be ,. 3rd Distriot Sewer, '` authorized and irstrtioted. to dra:v oheoY.s a~ainat the iio, 3 Distriot Sever k'urd nooount-' ~~ ~` ii to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol]o:vir:Q veto: Yeas. Taoe, Iulliam chilly ant '.7aahir,~ton,-4; Pays, Y_atterlohn,-l. Commissioner laoe offered the fo]lovring motion; I move that the petition of Petition property'' prorerty o•.vners on i:entuoY,y Avenna, betcroen 'Faentioth rid T:venty-first 3traeta, asking. owners on Yw. Awe. that same be ~aveied,'be reeeived and filed, .adopted upon oa1T oY the roll by the ' between 20th and 21st Sts., asking -eollorrlnr* vote; Yeas, Faoe, Iulliam, i"oily, :7ashinw.ton and xatter~ohn,-b, r that same be {traveled. Corcnnlssioner Iulliam offered the ~'ollorring motion; I move that the preliminrrg+ - t,' estimate of the costs of ]aterel so^+•rrs and trunY, lino extensions in .".ones 1. 2, 3, Preliminary es- timate oY costa ', 4 u 5 of Sewer Distriot Ile. 3, be received and fi7od, Adbptnd Wren oa]] of the ' of lateral sewers ' in Zones 1, 2. 8. 'i roll by the fol]oain4 vote: Yeea, Igoe, Pu]liem, 'ihrlly, 7ashir.oton and I:etter~ohn,-5. ~ . 4 and 5, Sewer Distriot $3. Commiaaionar htlliem offered the folio:vir==~ motion; That the pa3nnont for extra Bill oY E.R.Rard- work on tnrtr,ol unler hao`r. ;;in~lotroo Co, to :i, It, Nr_rding, as reoommanded by the 1nR Oompeny for tunnel under baok ~i: Committee epr.oiraod by this Board to oor,sidar a,.me, oonsistin? o',° }.tayor gattsrtohn, Singletree Co. allowed, in Sewer :, Commissioner :7ashinP;ton and Commissioner Iulliam, be approved, said isevrnent beir.R ae Distriot ~3, Yollovs; 1 Extra lumber, 1f3,000 b'.B.1J. 6t ~2b,00....:...Y450.00 Cement....~ .................................. 269.50. ,1 • Gravel ...................................... 29b.00 , ].abet ............................ ........ 400 00 ... .. ,v 414.b0 Tine 10,3.,... 147.45 • y, JJJ, ' Compensation In°n~ranoe,.... 20 00 i, erd that the Commissioner of Inb]io k'inar:oe be authorized aril Ir.utruotod to pay paid. i .Cy>: , ,- f.,..,~ra~,c,*~~^..~,~°-°~" ..: .. .,» ~ ._.<. :...;wm~m-~.s:°~F.TM~^•a,~~_~a .,.r:.~,~.~.~.T.r.-<..e ~,..~.,.. ~,.z.,, .., a . ~ .~. ..,,,.,~.... ,. t .._ ~~ :.,~ n i~~ ,..,~ : ., ~,~.~ ,,:a;r.i,~ ., : ~,,.,I.I~, ~,,.~, :~ •, i ~i~I~Ei"l`"m' gln~1 :I,- i r I iii-~ -~ I ~~- i i ~ ~- -- , L~ ;.~~, I-I9 -:q,r r ~i~i.~.,~^r.. . ,. .. Na ~ ~ d. l ~Ordinanae pronid-+ inu for oon- atruotion of oororete Side- _'~ walks &o. , on ~ Tennessee and ~ ' 3rd Sts. ' FIRST READING. I I I t s, ~ I i~=` I '' Fred %erry and '~ ': John Iceman, epeoial offioerm ;~ I for serving ", notioea of the Board of Egnalia zation, duties oompleted and 'bill for their tt servieee ~llow- 1 ed. B 111 of J. Pd. Weatherington for work done ,;~ at Riverside ``: Rospital, pey- ,went withheld r- r.pending payment of City Lioense fig; 40r plumb eP. ;: Hill's of E.R. ~~'.,'~ Harding ~o. , for extra work ,f .alloweded and ,~, ordered peido `~, in re: Sewer • ; , .. ~ ~ .' .. why , _... __... ~. ,. i t'.: ' ~ ' ,~~.~ ~;.. Cdalmissionel~' Proceedings; Cify' of°Padu~Ah ' 192-~. ~-'. anount of w1595.95 to the E. H. Harding Company and charge to 3rd District Sower Furde ~ Y`' I `• '' _ as extra :rock. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo:ving note: Yeas: Isae, i i Pulliam, Tully, ?Iashington and gatter3bhn,-b. j , Commissioner :7aahington offored the follo•,~inP, motion; I move that an ordinance I?' s ontit]ed "AI' ORDII'~IdCE TIIOJIDIIl; r^~ 'i7?E COI'ST3UCTIOI! OF COIlCHiG SIDI:7ai.i:S, CUZBS AIlD Yr, ~.r i.T T'~.~15, nIIJ AZI. T.T~.C$SSi~RY L'1.IlHOI.ES, IIlTi.I: S, S,';:Y;~tS i,IJD CdTCA Bt1SIIlS OI! iRi.''. SOUTA SIDE I ~~~ OF T.~~:N:;S3'r73 STH .T, FROL: T33 EnST IllT:1?S:.CTIOI! Or T~l1JE3S% 6I'.D T'iIBD ST° ;STS TO TEE I 1 TOF ~OF TH ]3dNZ OF TF.:i T~dIl:;SSi:E RIY:i2, IIJ i:U: CITY 0: FnDUCi~H, S;:idiRlCc':7C, AT :D}: COST j OF 'i'I? :.fiL'Ti'ING I:IOPi;'I;TY -0"~T'.r;I1S, Ai;D I'i?OYIDII:G Il!%i^ SiAIL I:F.Y BI: 'i.D r^OI? UTOIe '["d T:3'. ~~ Y::AII IdYi::EPlT FIAN;" be introduoed and lay ovor. .ldopted upon cell of tho roll by the ' follo.vlnq note: Yeas, Faoe, Iulliam, Tully, :7ashinaton end hetter~ohn,-b. ~ ,; ,i Commissioner, Tull;r offered the fo]lo:vina. motion; That Fred I:errv aryl John Iceman I hapina aom.leted their duties as B ,. r special officers for sernina notioea of the oa_d of sgnalization, I move they sash be allowed the sum of ';~5G.©O, being 1G daps at the rate of X110.00 per month. Adopted upon Dell of tho roll by the fo11o:7ina noto: Yeas, Taoe, Fulliam, Tully, :Rsahinaton and Y,attor,ohn,-b< ~ _ i' , Commissioner :7ashir~gton offerod the follo;ving motion: It ap}~errina that heretofore',.. a bill of J. i:, :7eetherin~ton for :cork done at Iiverside Fospital, has been allo•.ved erd'_',. ". ,. ordored rcid, enci it fiirthcr aprearina that said J. l:. :7eatherin?$,1has not raid a plumb ~ i er!a license for tho ,year 1922 and that he refuses to pap, i moue t},at the Commis.^,ioner !' of inb]ia Finarao bo authorized and irst•i%oted to ~:'ithhold payment of said account, pand,inn :ottlement of lioonse fee due the City of Iaduoah, by said :7eatherinPton. j - . Adopted anon oall of the roll by the following note; Yeaa, Teoe, Fulliam, T~IIlp, lash- I , inRton and I;ctter~ohn,-5. ~ Commissioner Fulliam offered tho folloaina motion; 'ihat the bills of 3, i?. Iiardinrr`: Company 'for oxtra :sock, as fol7o:vs, bo epprovo3: Bill dated Jan< 30, 1923, altering say airs et Bn_c}rot i'n_etorp on j 3B-'~ ................ .....,.......................x5.10 ~ Bill dated Jan. 24, 1923,. extra~nork on r.~nhole et 5th and Iluubanda on 3H-3C ......................:.................... 4.75 ` Bill doted Jan. 30, 7923, ba].enae on ?arbe~*e dump manhole at 6th Street or 3A.> ............. ............... .39 2^ ~A~totai~of............ ~:5~ i and that the Commissioner of Iublia :'inanoe be ai;ti?orized an8 ins°_ruatod to }.e; s~icl svm o° y4~.07, and she-~o a~*,±irat 3rd District Sower FuBdc. ndorted upon ce71 or the IroIl by the °ollo:vina note: Yeas, Faoe, Fulliam, 4vlly, :YashinFton and SatterJohi:,-5. j Corivnlssioner Fvl9tam o°fered the followinP motion: :I:at the 4•ildina Pony oi'Sered by .tho I'orono-Bvrkham Conat. Company, :vith the Uni.tod States Fido] ity and Gnarr_nty Com- ~ ,~ jpany. as sureties, for the sum of ;2.000.00 8o aooompany bid for Trunk lino 3xtension I ISoz+ero l,;arah 20, 1923, be aprravod. ,Adopted neon oall of the roll by the following ~ ' i note; Yusa,.Faoo, Tul]iam, 7ashington and la$ter'ohn,-4; Nays, Tally,-1. i j On motion the Board adjourned vI>on Dell of the roll by b yeas. i j Aigetod ~lfa.~u(?!o 19~t i 4 ~-_- -r~YO_~-"' { ~~- i~. ~ y • • ^ , ' i 4 r' Commissibnera' Proceedinge~ City oi~Paduca~a 192~~ 1 ~. ,m~ it der, i ~I i ~°" MARCH 20TH, 1923. i At a Oelled Heeling of the Bom~d oP Commissioners, held in the Comeisaionere' 3 Chamber in the City Hall. Faduoah, Kentucky, on March 20th, 1923,. at 30 0°olook A.H. ;' IIpon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Pnlllam, Tally, Washington and HayDr Katter~ohn,-b. ti Mayor Katter~ohn stated reesona for Deli to-wit; For the purpose of receiving . k bide on trunk line extension sewers in Sewer Dietriot Ho. B. end any other business .. that might Dome before the Board, !' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that the bide for Bids received & filed for Don- •~• the oonetruotion of trunk line eatenaion sewers in Sewer Dietriot #3, which are as etruotion of trunk . line eatenaion follows, to-wit: sewers, Sewer Diet #3, as follows: . G. R. Robinson, 420 W. 7th St., Owensboro. Ky $80.498.8b. G. ;P. Robinson. on n & John Y Yancy & Johnson. Paducah, Ry., X75 453.00. 860.51. itaoine 91e Harding Co $2 R ~' , oy a s R.R.ttarding Co:, , ., , ., . . W. R. Keened y, Room 110E, 130 N. ?Sells St.. Chioeao, I11..$73;213.19. A, :;, Kennedy ~ Moreno-Burkham Construction Co., 3,vndioate Trust B1dR, St Louis, Mo.,$88a, ~'oreno-Bnrkham Diark F. Reardon & Co., 118 N. Front St., Memphis, Tenn.. 70,546.67, Construct ion Co, Mark F. Reardon ~' be received and filed, and that this meeting be ad~onrned until 3 o'clock P. M. xhis & Co. f Bete. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tally, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. .-, ~ , ~du;at~aa: ~°~?- 3G ......1423„ c. ~ ...-..A . . ~~, 4,~ MARCH 20TH. 1923.' i ! i` '; At en Adjourned Meeting of the Board of Commlesionere, held in the Commie- eionere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky., on March 20th, 3923, at 3 o'clock P. M. Upoa Deli of the roll the following answered to their names: Commis-. •i V eionere Paoe., Pulliam, Tally. Washington and ltayor Katter~ohn,-b. , i. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that Lhs bid of R. R. Harding Company. for the oonetruotion of trunk line extension sewers, in 9swes ~! Dietriot No. 3, submitted on this date, be eooepted ea the lowest and best Did; and „ Acceptance of Bid ~" that the certified check for $E.,000.00, deposited with said bid, be retained b.y the of R.R. Harding Co,` for oonatruation ~ City of Paducah until Contract and Constrnotion Bond ere executed by said Company;, , of trunk ]ins ex. i' Lsnaion sewers 1n and, fiu•thermore, that the QiLy Solicitor be instructed to draft an ordinance award Sewer Dietriot #3. j~ ins the contract for said oonetrvotion Lo R. R. Hardinrt Company, reserving therein „ the right to select any type of sewer materia 1 contained in the bid. Adopted upon ' ~ call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, 7aehinaton and . ~; Katter~ohn,-5. . Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Commission- ~ • ~ ,i ea of Public Finance be authorised and instructed to return tho certified oheoke~ .. '. bidders° Bond or Oashier'e checks, deposited with the bids of Yanoy & Johnson. Moreno. ~`_- Cortified cheeks roturned to un-. Hurkhnm Construction Company. The r!ark F. Rsnrdon Oompeny, CI. R. Kennedy and G. W. successful bidders ~ Robinson, which bide were submitted on this date for the oonetruotion o4 trunk line extension sewers in Sewer Dietriot No. 3. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol~ lowing vote: Yeea, Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,Waehinaton and Kattar~ohn,•b. On motion the Board adjourned upon oell.of the roll by B yeas. .~'.~'.Z':,:kVU 1~ ~'~= ,~. ~'"a'Ge' ! l~ Ad ~ A +pled i! ° ....1'9~ td~~.~~r.Z. ,GGe.*~.a~ _ ,_ CitF CL.k h-f r~." 1 i < :1 ~~ No.J ,~ $y.~ . ;~~ Trie1 of the oharges preferr ,against patrol- "man .Henry Hale. City 3olioitor to draft ordi~ nanoe ezempting ~J.3.MoKes of IMuaoatine.Iow, from Mnnioip9l,. ad iaiorsm taza- ' 'lion for 8 years. t L~2. ~. ~' . Cotrinlissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah ' ' ~ 192_= MARCH E13T, 19E3. ~ i At a Oallad Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commiseionere° Chamber in the City An11, Paduoah. Kentuoky, on Maroh Elst, 1983, at 30 0`o.look A. M. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commisaionere Paoe,Pulliam; Tnlly~ aaehington and L;eyor Katter~ohn°-8. Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit; To try out the ohargea preferred ~ against Hem'y Hals, and any other business that mip~t Dome before the Board. ~ Oommissioner Paoe offered the following motion: All of the evidenoe having been ~ f heard oa the oharges preferred against Aenry Aale. I now move that the said Hale be j suspended for a period of 30 days, effeative Lhis date. without pay. Adopted neon oell~ of the roll b the followin vote: 'Yeas Paoe Pulliam Tully y g , Washington end Katter- ~ohn.-b. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the City Solloitor be instructed to draft an ordinanoe.ezempting J. 3, Mogee of Mneoatine~ Iowa, from Hiuaioi- pa1 Ad 7nioren Tazptioa for a period of five years from this Bate. ea an indnosment to looate in this City. Adopted apon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae° Paoe. Pulliam. Tully Washington and He.tter~ohn.•b. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: Y move that this meeting be ad- ~onrnad until 8:30 O`olook P. -t. this date. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe. Pulliam, Tully Washington and Satter~ohn,-b. A~f u ~ 3 ~ 8 ,~t~/.1..~G l4 ~ 3 _ _..'.t-.LvC~ ~.,:1~~ MARCR E19T. 19 E3. V ~-., . ~..,; R`. .. ~ ~.~a,~ .. .. f r ~! AL an AdQous+ned Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' li Chamber in the City RaliA PaAncah~ Kentuol~° oa Maroh 81st, 1983° at 8:30 o`oiook P. M. -Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names; Commiseionere Paoe, Tariy.~ ~,, ~, ~ Washington and Mayor gatter'ohn~-4. !, Commissioner Tnliy offered the following motion: Y move that a cortraot dated °' Contraot dated '. .Maroh E1~ 19E3. 'I Maroh Elet. 19E3. by and between the City of.Paduoah~ Kentuogy arxl S. R. Harding Com- ' SeL~een City and E.R. Harding Co. { paiLy. ielative to oonstruoting trunk line extension sewers in Sewer Distriot No. 3~° be tar oanatruoLioni reoeived and filed and F. W. Katter~ohn Ma r is hereby authorised and direoted to ' of trunk line Yo . eatenaion aewersN alias said oontraoL. but same is not to beoome effective until an ordinanoe aooepting in Sewer Diet. ;~ "` #3. til the bid of the said E. R. Rending Company is duly introdnoed and adopted, std to take '~ ~~ effeot as provided by law, Adopted apon Dell of the roll by the.followina vote: Yeas, i ~i Paoe. Tn11q. ~YashinRLon and Katter~ohn~-!. i Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an ordinanoe en- Ordinanoe eooept1; titled ^AN ORDINAliCa ACCr:PTINd T88 BID OF 3. R. RARDIN6 COMPANY. INCORPORAT.'+9. OF RACINli ing bill of E.R. . Rending Compares a WISOONSIN A for the Don- i~ . ND AWARDING THE OONTRAOT Ta SAID COMPANY FOR ilia CONSTRUOTPDN OF TRUNK TINS; atrnotion of ExTEN3I0N SB"4ER9 FOR Sh'+9ER DISTRICT NUMBrDl THRES," be introdnoed and lay over. Adopted tr mk line ez- tsngion sewers. ~ ~ Dell of the roll b the 4o11owin vote: Ysse Paoe Tui in Sewer Dist.~3.~ ~ y B . . ly. Washington and Batter- ~i FIRST RS-DIHO. ~j ~ ~ohn~-~!. ~ ~ On motion the Board nd~ournsd upon Dell of the X011 by 4 yeas. W~.PPPvpF~"D O ~_ + d1~._...- ,' ~i~ F, '~ F.:, . ~~ ~:~ir~ 3f, ~: t ,... ~.. e e .': n '+ ^',i.,. -. - ,1 ..:~ Mc:~...i.+',. `. W. f fir ~. ...~.sc ci .. ~ h., ~ .. mks egew .: .. .«...t, .. ~ .wu ~aFS:~.`"~,'"'tT.*`A~ -- - n 21P51~1 I~h~iioe~''~:ss; r . ~' ~'~y` I i _. .°' } - F.•, Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah ~ ' 192 No.~~" ~: ~.: JdLRCH EEnd. 19E3. At a Called Meeting of the Hoard of Commieaioners, held in the Commissionere;~ Ohamber in the -City Hall. Paduoah, Kentuoky, on Maroh R2nd, 1923, at 10;45 A. H. Upam Deli of the roil the following answered to their names: Commiaeionere Paos, .. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Katter~ohn,-6. bSayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for asll to-wit: For the purpose of introdno- '. ing ordiaenoea relative to sewer souse, and any other business that might Dome before !! the Board. Commissloner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that rsinforoed ' Reinforoed Don- ;; oonarete pipe. comp]ying with the City'8 Speolfiaetione, en4 svb~eot to the eaoeptanoe orate pipe to be used for 33",36" :; by the Engineer, be adopted for 33 inoh, 36 inoh and 42 inoh sewers !n the trunk line 4E" aewere in Trunk Line 1+Ac- ;' eztension aewere in sewer Distriot No. 3, for whioh bide were reoeived on Mar oh EUth, tension aewere, 'i Sewer Dlatriat ~j 1923, and that the E, R. Harding Company be notified of the adoption of this olsae bf ~3. • material. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the iollowinR vote: Yeas, Paae, Pulliam, . jl Tu11y, lashington, and Katterjohn,-5. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that an ordinanos Ordinenoe provid-', entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY 3EYD?RS IN SE"PER ing for oonatruo-; Lion of sanitary ;; ZONE N0. 1, iN SUB-DIVISION C, 33'7HIt DISTRICT N0. 3, IN 7HR CITY OF PADUCAH. K:3VTUCKY. " aewere in Zons ~l, Sewer Die- 'i AT TR.; COST OF THE PROF~iTY OANI.3t3 THEREIN, AND PROVIDING TRAT SAID SEWERS SHALL BE triot ~3. FIRST READING. I; CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMb:NT PLAN. AND NAMING THE ST!tF.FT3 AND ALtF.Y9 dLOAG, '.i~ UNDER AND THROUGH WHICH SAID SE'7:125 IYILL B3 CONSTRUCTED, AND SETTING OUT, IN GENERAL TERMS, THE PROP:1tTY BENEFITTED THERF9Y, AND SUBJECT TO `IYTF. PAYMENT OF THE C03T OF SAM3," be introduced and ley over. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following • vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, 'Pu].ly and tiYeahinaton,-4; Naye, I+atter~ohn,-1. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that en ordtnanos 4 entitled "AN ORDYNANCS PROVIDING FOR TAE C02JSTRUCTIPN OF SANITARY SEWERS IN SIs^gER Ordinenoe provid-, ing for oonatruo- ZONE A0. 2, IN SUB-DIVISION B, SFT.~„`R DISTRICT Ji0. 3, IN 'PRE CITY OF PADUCA22, FENTUCKY, ' tion of sanitary , - • sewers in Zone AT T]U': C03T OF THE FROP.~tTY 0"lNERS THEREIN, AND PROVIDING TPAT SAID 9~'FERS SHALL BR ~E, Sewer Dis- triot ~3. CONS.TRUCTEO UPON '1Kr; TE2J YEAR PAYMr1tT PLAN, AJJD NAMING 7'HE STR'''.F.'i'3 AND ALLFJfS AIDAG, FIRST READING, !' UND1sR AND '1'2iR0UGA WHICH SAID Sh"•'JERS IYILL liE CONSTRUCTE9. AND SETTING OUT, TN GENERAL TPsRiES. THl: PROPERTY $ENEFITTED THERF2BY, AND SUBJ:sCT TO THE PAYMENT OF THE 'COST 0! ~, , ~' SAME," be introduoed'erd ley over. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the followin a vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and ~Yeahington,-4~ Naye, Katter~ohn,-1. Cammisaloner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that an ordinanos i entitled "AN ORDINANr''E:PROVISING 1^OR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SE'"ERS IN. SEWER Ord.inanoe provid-`- ZONE N0. 3, IN SUS-DIVISIONS A. AND B., SEE7ER DISTRICT N0. 3, IN THE CITY OF PADW AA, ins for oonatruo-f. ' tion of eanltary KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF T12E FROFrRTY OWNRRS TF~REIN, AND PROVID ING THAT SAID 9E"-ER8 sewers in Zons •~3, Sewer Dist- SHALL HE CONS7RUCTi9D UPON `1'HI~ TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN, AND NAMING THE STREETS AND ALL2dYS riot ~`3. FIRST READING. ~ ALONC, UNDr;Et AND THROUGH WHICH SAID SE'YrDtS iJILl BE COISTRUCTED, AND SETTING OUT, IN GlTJbDtItL TERMS, THE PROPA:RTY AiSli~'ITTED TRERF9Y, AHD SUBJECT Td TH? PAYMENT OF THE COST ~` -" ' F OF SAME," be introduoed and Say over. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following. vote; Yeao,Pnoe,Pulllam,Tully, and A-nehin atop,-4; Nays, Katter~ohn,-1. • Commiesione.r Pulliam offered the iollowina motion: I move thnt an ordirmnoe entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING 1~OR TAE CONSTRUCTION OF COUBINED STORK AND SANITARY Ordinnnoe provid- ing for oonatruo-, gE^,'~g IN SiSIY:J2 ZONE NUMB3J2 4. IN SUB-DIYiS10N3 A. AND lf., g,~,R DISTRICT N0, 3, IA tion of storm and'; sanitary aewere ~ .IRE CITY OF It.DUOAH, KiiDiTUCKY, AT THE C03T OF THE PROP:42TY O'.72JERS TA~JEIN, AND PROVID- in Zone #4, Sewer Diatrtot ~3. ING THAT SAID 3EWEF2S SHALL BE COJJSTRUCT1tD UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAA, Alm NA1~]NG FIRST READING. ~ ' THE STREFT3 AND ALLEYS ALDNG, UNDER AND THROUGH ~Y[iICA 3A ID SE'7ERS 1I LL BE CONSTRUCTED ,' < AND SETTING OUT, IN GE2JERAL TERMS, THE PROP3tTY Bi$JEFTTTED AND SUBJECT TO THE PAYJdEAT - ,. - __ -~ '. 4 1 q-r~ri,. lm .,, ., ~~, ,~ ~~, ~, ~~ ,n •ia, ~l:ea l l~ l~n i l Ir,, i i r ~ fin, ~, ml'I ! -, ~ ,~ u ~ i nlif'E IR+^Iqe Fl~,~rl ~, I~ i ~-.. ~.I~~, r I - I., , I e l -xr.lr I •I I rnl.- r-gp,rs.~. ~ :.. _ _ _i ~; - ._ ~_. r ~ F . ~ '. ~~ ,~ '^*7j.,r".eg.[".arr.yrr .3~e$1.•.~iF`.• ~ r., ~, OF T}Il: OOST OF SAME," be introduoed and ley over. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by th•• ~foliowing vote: Yeaa, Paoe,Pulliam,Tully, and Washington,-4; Nays, Katter~ohn,-l. ! ! Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that an ordinanoe en- I titled. °AN ORDINANCE PROYIDTA6 FOR TAE OONSTRUOTYON OF COMBINI~ STORM AND SANITARY I i, 9EwF129 IN 9E~PAI2 Z02JE NOo d, IN SUB-D Il-I9ION &.. 9xr1.~.2 D ISTR YOT N0. B. IN TA6 O 1TY OF ~ S i PADUOAA~ KENTUOKY, AT THE OOST OF TNJC PI~PERTY OWNERS TN],RIEIN, AND PROVIDING TRAT SA IA I Sc"EWERS SHALL BE OON9TJ2UOTJSD UPON THE TEN YJCAR PAYMENT PLAN. AND 'NAMING TNJ1 BTRJBETS AND j ALL?Y9 ALONG, UNDER AND T}4t0UGA WAIOH SAID SEtiVrYt9 wYLL BE OONSTRUOTED~ AND SETTING OUT, j • ~ IN GENERAL TE'}2MS, TRL PROPJ$tTY BJO+IEFITTED AND SUBJEOT TO THE PAYI7ENT OF THE COST OF ' SAME," be 4ntroduoed and lay over. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: - Yene, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully affi Washington.-f; Naye, Katter~ohn,-1. ~ ~ .,, ~ Oommieeloner Tully offered the following motion: I move that a resolution entitled, •' ', "A RESOLUTION EXEMPTING J. S. MoKEE, TRADING AND DOING BUSINESS UNDER THE FIRM NAME ANDS ', STYLE OF MoKEE AND BLIVIN SUTTON OOID'ANY. OF PADUOAA, KENTUOKY, FROM TAN. PAYMENT OF i MUNIOIPAL AD VAIAREM TAXES TO THE CITY OF PADUOAA, KENTUOKY. FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEAR 9" be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Paoe, Pulliam. i Tally.. Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. ~.:., Oommisaioner Washington offered the following motion: %n the notion of Otho Lamb. ~, ~. i. I. Lsvit» Lamb and Thsima Lamb, ahioh was Oiled in the MoCreaksn Oirovit Oourt against the Oity.• of Padnoeh, Kentuolq~, for damages to automobile and psreonnl in9uries reoe ived, Y ~ a 9ndgmebt.wae rendered in acid Oironit .OourL against the Oity o4 paduoah, Kentuoky, ae' }follows: • Commissioners' Proceedings, Ci4y of.Paducah ~ " 192-~~ 7- Ordinanoe pro- . vid ing for the oonetruotion of storm end eani- tnrq sewers !n Zone ~6 sower 'Di~trio~ f3. ~. FIR 9T READING. Resolution ex- empting J.S. MoKes, trading r ' ae MoKee i Blivf Button Oo. irom Munioipal Ad Valorem taxes for b years. For Otho Lamb ................$150.00 " Levine Lamb .............. ES0.00 " Thelma LanD .............. 8b0.00 Know move that the Oommisaioner oY Pubiio 8lnanoe, Wynn Tully, be authorized to peW to '~ Graeaham end Alexander, attorneys for Otho Lamb. the amount of the ~ud~onent reoovered by Otho Lamb, amounting to $160.00, and that said sum be oharged to Ooets and 9u it e. Be- Yore said money ie paid, the Oity Solioitor ehnll prepers.the proper release. ahioh shall be properly signed and preaentefl to Lhe Oommisaioner of Publio Finanoe before pay- ment oY same. i~ i I Yurther move that the Dees of Lavine Lamb and Thelma Lemb against the Oity of paduosh. Kentuoky, be appealed to the Oourt of Appeals. and the Oity Solioitor ie here- by anthorisad to take avoh steps as are neoeaeary to perfeot said appeal. Re ie Y:ather authorized to secure a Bonding Oompany to execute supersedesa bond Yor the City of Paducah, Kentuoky. on said appeal; Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote:' Yeas. Pace, Pulliam. Tully. washington and Katter~ohn.-b. Qommiasioner Tully offered the following motion: Thal Roeooe Read, Oity Solioitor,) i be authorised std inatrnoted to appeal the sees of Yanoy ~ Johnson va. Virginia Bredahew°' and the Oity of Padnoah, and to take the proper steps to have eels judgment superseded. i ';. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following tote: Ysse, pace. Pullism~ Tnliy, wash- ~~ ington and Katter~ohn,-b. On motion the Board ad,anrnsd upon Dell of.the roll by b yeas, ' .. ~:. ~w n..- ....----abr. ~ +.i fir_ • . ; .. , ~ tilt/ A,5i f7~tiL i ' ~ ,~ • ~ ,i. , .. ,. .. ,. ... -,:~ _ ~ .. 2,. ~ .. .. .., '. , ~_ r.,.. ,.. s p ~~~. *.. S' ;~,;, ,! °'° ~,:, s. V 4 i `i { i ~- ~' ~~ • ~;' ;- -~%..a ~_~~, • ~ . _ •d: ~ ' i r ',. ! ., . ,,; _. ,'•-- Y ' i t \, it I i~ I I, , I Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah ; ~ ~ ~ ~ 192_- kyy_ _• { ii PARCH E3RD. 19E3. , ~' At a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommieaioners, held 1n the CommieaionerB° - !.Chamber in the City Hall. Paduaeh, Sentnoky, on Meroh E3rd, 19E3, at 10:~10 O'oloot - • ~I i,A. M. Upon call oY the roll the following answered to their names: Commieaionsre ;'Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, yeahington and Mayor Satter John,-b. Mayor KatterJohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit; For the purfioae of approving • the Flans and 3peoifioationa for the oonatruotlon of Sewers in Zomes one, two. throe. ' four and P1vs, Sewer District No. 3, and any otheP business that might Dome before the Board, Resolution adopt ',: Oommieaioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that a resolution . ir_a Plana and G 3peoifioationa !- entitled "A RESOLUTION ADOFTIIJG TN.E PLANS AND SFECIFICATIONS FOR T~1.': CONSTRiJCTION OF for oonatruotlon of Sewers in Zones SERERS IN ST99ER ZONES 27UMBSEtS ONE, TRO, TRREB, FOUR AND FIVE OF SE'9EIt DISTRICT NUMBPlt 1.E,3,4.k b. serer District ' THREE," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the rol] by the following vote; Yeea, Paoe° ~3. i-Pulliam, Tully ani Aashiagton,-4; Na,re, Satter John,-1. On motion the Board adJourned upon sell of the roll by 5 yeas, AAeFtvd~`".^_~~~0 :943 .....:-'i-'_tr;OV'___-. ~i ~. 1; _.____..._._ _~._..._.~~ : c~w4"~ _w 1~ ~-. ~d~i~~t't '' MARCH E4TH. 19E3. N :I ij At s Called Meeting of the hoard of Commissioners, held in tho Bommiseionsre° j~Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Maroh.E4th. 19E3, at 11 o'alook A. M. iUpon oe 11 of the roll the following answered to their names: Commiaeionere Pao0, ;:Pulliam. Tully, YYaehington and tueyor KatterJohn,-b; ii Mayor KatterJohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For' the purpose of extending c , .!the time of the aittinA of the board of Equalisation.; ~, . Board oP Equeli-~; Commissioner Tully offered Lhe following motion: That the time of sitting of cation, time of '~ ~ d eittinR extended the board of 3quelicatioa be extended to and including Monday, Meroh E6th, 19E3. ~°. to and inoludtng `~ Meroh E6,19E3. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Paoe, Pulliam, Tally, ', reahinaton and hatter John,-b. On .motion the Boexd adJonrned neon call of the rol] by b yeas. A~teptled ~?~_~~ .49 ~. ~ ~ .~',ELC7 V ~ ~: a_..~l....=~.~ tom' s'~ n. CI Ft. MARCH E6TH. 1923. i' At a Rer;ular Meatinq oP-the Board of Commisalonors, held in the Oommiasionerpi i Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah,, Kentucky, on Meroh E6th, 19 E3. Upon Dell of the ` '~', roll the Following anativered to their names; Commissioners 8eoe, Pul]lem, Tu11y, 7laeh k,r,;; ington and 14eygr 'Latter,ohn,-b. 1: !i The minutes of the previous meetings were adopted ae read and corrected, on i. motion of Commissioner Tully, upon Dell of the roll by the Pollowinpt vote; Yea e, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~9ashington and KatterJohn,-b. Commissioner i9ashinPton oPPer.ed the Pollowina motion: That the petition from petition market-~ ` era, asking that;, the marketers to change the market from Kentucky Avenue from-End Street t0 First the market be ' ohar.aed back to !~ Street, back to End. Street Prom Kentucky Avenue to :fieahington Street, be received and ..,~ 2nd St. Prom _ Ky.Aven.to ~9aeh-:,: Piled, and that the Commisaionera consider the request of the petitioners. Adopted irzton St. f: upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeee, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, 7Peahington ' ., and KatterJohn,-b. h ~ ~ . ~ ter.,,,, ,~ , , r n - , . .., .., ~ . ~ ~..p,_n.,i~o ,.,.-, .,. ,., ,~ ~~,~ ~~~ ~.~:~~ ~~-a~~irv~„p'u,~~l li. ~ p.,,~: ~n,~.~.p ~.. .,.~ i i'uf~`PI"'~'i': ~~~~'~~ ~~ ~i i p ~i..~~. ~ i ~ ~ ~ I ~ i ~. ,. a I ,:~~:~ ~ ii i ,:;q. ~.~.,i ' Na.~+ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah- '' - `~-' ~" ' 198..:. Y,j ~ Commissioner Tully Offered the following motion: That the City 3oliaitor b® i ' ~,i ~ instrvated to bring in an ordinanoe Granting en extension of,120 days time to the ~ ' '.. P. & I. R.R. j; - . ;Company irranted ; Padaoah and Illinois Railroad within whioh to aommeaoe work ender the terns of their ~ + ea tension. t; franohiea Granted by the City of Padnoah, with the amendments thereto. Adopted upon j ~. ` ~ Dell 04 the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pape, Pulliam, Tully, Washing-ton,•4; m,~il- Nays, Katter,ohn,-1, I Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; Y move that the Annuel Report of Animal Report for the year '~ the Health Offioer and Sanitary Offiosr, for Lhe year 1922, be reoeived and filed. ~ , 1922 City Health 1 Offiosr and ~~ Adopted upon Dell of Lhe roll by the following vet®: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~ Senitery In- ~. Washingtan and Katter~ohi~,-6. ~ ~ ' epeptpr. ffff f Commissioner Tu11y offered the following motion; "Yaduoah, Ky., Mar. 26th, 1923' 4 j.Honorabie Mayor and Board of Oommissionera, Paduoah, Ky. Gentlemen:- You have before ' }•~'• - { ~' ~ yon the report of the Board of Equalisation whioh shows a total assessment for the ' . 1' year 1923 of $17,230,800., this being an inareaae over the assessment of 1922 of , i~ ~ ,~2,Ob9,690. 11 Y have always been opposed to a radioel inoreaee.in assessment, beiievinq the Oommissioner I~ x: Publio Idinanoe ~i beat administration of the City°s affairs to be the one that oould slue results with ,. `k asking that ~ i; „ report of Board ~ the least possible expenditures of money. While it is true the assessmen4 of the City "'i oY Ega81331satiomi ~ ~ s~ec~ed,be ~ of Padnoah hea heretofore been inoreased-but one million and a half dol]ara in the ~•,. peat ten years, the returns as made by the Board of Equalization in menu instenoes, if ~ j not ell, nr® eo unfair and eo unequal and the inoonaiatenoiea of the equalisation, when'. ~`~ I a oomparlson ie mode wtth Home property in the same looa]ity, are eo appnrnnt, that I b: ,.,i ~ oannot vote in favor of euoh an aasoeement. For this roneon, I move thnt the report of the Bo:rd of J-qualiaation be reaeoted. Lost upon Dell of the roll by the f ollowina r +~ vote: Ysea, Pulliam and Tully,-2; Nays, Peoe, Washington and ~.tter~ohn,-3. ` , n Mayor Katter,ohn offered the following motion: I move that the report and state- ' meet of the Board of Equalization for the year 1923; showing the Errosa assessment of u I;e$or4 Board ~} real prbperty and the arose assessment of p ersonel property, and the some thereof, and of Equalisation 1'or the year ~ ahowinR the inorease in the total assessment, be reoeived and filed; and that the re- , 1923. ±~ pgip4 of said Board, aho:vina that they reoeived .the Aseeeeor°s Books and all neooasary f ~_ ~ reoorda for the year 1923, to~.ether with the reoeipt of the Commissioner of Publio `~ ~~ Finanoe, aho•Aina that all hooka e,nd reoorde have been returned to him, be reoeived and i filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Ysas, Paoe, Pulliam, j ii ' ' lYashinaton and Katter~ohn,-4; Ydays, Tully,-1. ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the bill of 9. B. Bil] S.B.GotL, ~i ' Jei]er of ;. Gott. Jailer of MoCraoken County, eoainet the City of Padvoah, for the sum of 776.90 MoCraoken Co. against City i~ be referred to the Oity 9olioitor for inveatiaetion. Adopted upon Del] of the roll referred to City 9olioitor.:; by the fol]owlna vet®: Yeas, Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,7ashington and Kattor~ohn,-b. ii ji Commissioner Taahlnaton offered the following motion: That the deed transferring ~~ Iflf I, Oemetery trans-i~ Lhe rear portion of lot 16b Seotion ^Yd" from ldra, D. 1d. Evens to Mr a. J. M. Byrd, by ;,. ~ far from Mra. D.M.Evana to ~~ ratified and same be transferred on the Cemetery register. Adopted upon Dell of the Mre.J.M.Byrd> II' roll by the following vote: Yeas,Paoe,Pia111am,Tully,Ydashington and Batter'ohn,-bo li, '~~ i~, Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that the ohart shoaina 2 -~; Chat shoeing it itemized state-!~ the itemised statement of prioee of'bids reoeived lYaroh 20th, 1923, for Lhe oanatrno- i meet of prioee {~ i of bids re- ties: of trunk 'line eatenaion eeaere,'in Seger Diatriot #3, be reoeived aixl filed.. ;' Delved Mar oh EOth,1923 for ~! Adopted upon Dell of the roll by t&e following 'vet®; Yeas, Paoeo Pulliam, Tu11y, Crank line j. , . e><teneion sea- :~ iraehinRtaa and &atter~ohn,-be ,. _ ergo ~: ~ -. ~ ~. ' ~: .. .. ~i -. ,. l ~, , p,. ;. ,. 1 ~~ ~. ~ a':` Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah, ~ ~ '~ ~- '~ ~ ' 192~~. ,~.~ f Na __ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:'IL alpearing that there are unpaid tax bills, for the year 1918, totaling $1284.21 whioh are unoolleotibla be- .Unpaid Tax bills cause of errors in assessments or no property, a list of whioh 1s given herewith with for 1918. Lo ' be stricken I~ the number of the bill, the names and addreseae of the parties and the amount of Lhs off books ea '! unool]eatible. ~, bills; Y move that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorised atYl instructed to strike these bills from the records. Adopted upon cell of the roil by the following vote: Yeaa, peas, Pulliam, Tully, lleahington and Katterjohn,-5. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that there ars Unpaid Tax bil>r' unpaid tax bills Yor the year 1918, totaling $1b72.44, whioh may be oolleoted, a list for 1918 re- ferred to City !, oP whioh ie attached horeto, giving, the number of the bill, name of the property own- Solioitor for collection. ~~ er, the location of the property and the amount, I move that the City Solioitor be authorized and instructed to take such steps ea he may deem necessary for the ool- i leption,of these bills. Adopted upon call of the rol] by the following' vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tally. t~ashington et'd Katter~ohn,-5. r, f On motion the Board adjourned upon cell of the roll by 5 yeas, ~i y i Adapted ... ,7'~, 19 ~3 ., ., ~,~'`.:~ °~ -a,i,, . a ~ ~~ MARCH 29TH. 192'3. ;; !; At a Called Meeting o4 the Hoard of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' ii Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentualq, on Mar oh 29th, 1923+ at 4 o'clock P.H. rUpon call oY the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe~ Tul]yo ~ ~leahington and Megoa Katter~ohn,-4. - - ~! Mayor Katter'ohn stated reasons for Deli to-wit: To pass the Tax Levy Ordinance for the year 1923, and any other business that might Dome before the Board. Taz bevy Ordi- ~' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move THAT AN ORDIItAl"C3 FI]CINO nence for 1923. THs^ TAX RATE, FO?? lEH YE..R 1923, FOR TPE CITY OF PADUCAH, Be adopted. Adopted upon , ~~ Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tn71y, :7ashinaton and Katter~ohn,4 3' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the statement of the Statement of ~ Anticipated Revenue of the City of Paducah, far the year 1923, be received, filed qi'd Com'r.Publio Finance of ~; approved and recorded in the mixutea of the Board of Commissioners. Adopted upon anticipated ttashinRton and Katter~oha,4• Revenue of tha'' Dell of the roll by the following dote: Yeas, Faoe, Tully. city for 1923. 5 Said Communication ie as follows, to-wit: ~; "Paducah, Ky., March 29th, 1923. Honorable Mayor & Board of Commissioners, Paducah, Ky. Gent]emen: ' The following is a statement of ANTIOII81Ta~ Rr^.VF1il1E FOR 1923. Poll Teaea 1923......a ............................. b000.00 Penalties. 1923 ............................:....... 1000.00 Taxes 1922 ......................................... 2000.00 Penalties 192E ..................................... 200.00 Poll Teaea 1922 ................................... 250.00 Back 14ixea ......................................... 1500.00 ].iaenaes. ...................................40000.00 .. ....... TSerket licenses.+.....+ .. .......................... 4850.00 Auto bioenaea ...................................... 9000.00 Police Court .......................................1b000.00 City Soe]es ....................................... 135U.00 Riverside 9ospital .................................35000+00 Oak Grove Seloe .................................... 1500.00 Oak Grove Burials .................................. 2000.00 Rontals ............................................ 950.00 ,. :7harf. .. ............................. 500.00 ........... ... Building Hermits ................:.................. 400.00 Real Estate.......... .. ............................. 100.00 Sundry Treasury .................................... 2000.00 Interest General Fund....... ........................ 400.00: TOTAL....+.... ~1R3000~00 ...~ ~ :, . y, ,$ i -' • t y .. ,:, i,. -. ;;:,: ~.:. .. , B ~';~ fi ' .` ?°'- ;;~ :: ~., 1 {, . ' :~a ~_u. re' r . ._ ., -. ~ ~..-~.i ,..im .,a ~:.: ,~~ ~L-m, ~i ~ p, i ~, ~~, ~Fl~.I i' i vFr~T iii ~~p ~ ~ ~ i ~ . ! ~ mxas.~~csgy~,~}~v~ k ; ~' ~a~sY~':. Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of:Paducah , ~ ' fl92;;~ =. I ,: ~. Asaeasment.....• .......................>...>.....•.17230800.00 ; ;; - ,I Rate City.........1.b0 I I i.. 3ohoole........... .7b ', Sohool Bonds.: :. .13 ' 2.38 I ., Tax ...:............. ... ~I t, Lesa far non-oolleotion.......< ............. ~ X093.04 1 9 '~ • 405000.00 i ;. ~ ........... i Franahiee Tax ............... .>... Tobaooo Bills .... ....... 80000.00 1000.00 j ' -= d ~ Sundry C.olleationa. ............... ... 123000.00 , nu~, ~ . f r{. y Total.... . j Respeotfnlly aubmitted° 1 .. '~ IIYNN TULLY, COLi6A133I0NEI OF PUBLIC FINANCE," j ~• ., ~ I ' Co~mniasioner Pulliam entered the Commieaionera° Chamber. j ~z ' ~ Commiasioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDINANCE FYXING j': t ~~, Apportionment ~ THE APPORTIONLSr3:T OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH FOR TAR YEAR 1923, b® ~ ` Ordinance for ~I , ~ 1923. ~, adopted, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by •~he Yollowing vot®: Yeaa Peae ! Pulliam ;x, ` , ° , Tully; Aeahinaton and Katter,ohn,-b. ;• { .. ~. " Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance anti- ~ i ' , r Ordinance pro- ~ tled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SE:9ER3 IN 3:'~'l7?:.R ZONE N0. ' ', viding for new-jl era in Zons ji q IN SIJB-DIVISIDN C, SE;7r^.R DIS1IiICT N0. 3, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEI7TUCRY, AT TP'.ti' s #3• Sewer Aiat• `I # ~ r~gT OF TAE PROP~tTY OYNERS THEREIN. d,I~ PROYIDYNG THAT SAID 3;a1'1.*.'•R3 SHALI, Bpi CONSTRUCT-; . r~ ED-~~JFON THE TEN YEdR PAY&r:NT PIJiN, AIdD NA&",IIdG TH3 ST3E.HTS d17D ALL'~9tS AFAI?G, YJNDEFt AND ~ { '~ THROUGH '7HICH SA YD 3E'T:RS "1YLL BE CONSTRUCT, AND SETTING OUT, IN G;UPERAL TFJIL'3, THE ~: ' ~ ~~ FROPi1tTY BENEFITT3D THEREBY, AIm SUBJECT TO THE IAYI.Tr^.I7T OF TF:: COST OF SAI.4R," be :~ ~ ado tad.. Ado tad u on Dell of the roll b the following vot®: Yeaa Peo®, Pul]iam ~ p p p y ° ~~~ . ,• - ~ ;.~ Tally and ~9aehingtan,-4; Nays, ;{ntter,ohn,-1. ' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance anti- ~ ~ Ordinazroe pro- tled "AN ORDINANCr^^. PROVIDING FOR TH3 CON9TRUCTYO.N OF C N' , OEiBI dID STORM AND 3AIJITARY SE'7ER3 x,, ~ vi d inq Yor "sewers in Zone h • EN SEVER ZONE N0. b, YN SUB-DIVI3 YON A. , 3E" r'"t. t D ISTR 1CT i10> 3, %N THF. CITY O F PADUCAH• ' <,~ i ~,;,~. ' ~3e Sewer Diet. (i XFa'ITUC%Y• AT TSE COST OF THE PROPr'IiTY 07Nc"Et3 THEREIN, AND IROVLDING THAT SAID SF.'~7?R3 - • ~~ SHALL BE CON3TRUCT~ UPON THr^, Tr,N YEAR PAYi1ENT' PLAN• AND 16AMING THE STREr^.TS AND ALLEYS '.~ ' ~~` ALONG. UND'.Ut AND THROUGH +7HICH SAID 3F~Pr~I1S ~9ILL B8 CONSTRUCTr'Sl, AND SETTING OUT, IN j GENc^i?AL T.•RtS3. THE FROPrTtTY B317:FITTl;D AND SUB.tECT TO THn PAYMENT OF TTY C^91' OF SAYfi." • ~ be adopted. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa. Paae, Pulliam, . } Tallli, ~Vaehington,-4; Nays, 8atterjohn,-1. , fi Commiabioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that an ordinance ~nti- ?I Ordinance pro ~ tled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTI02J OF SANITARY SE'•YI~RS IIl 3.:17IIt ZONE N0. , k ! viding for I~ eeware in Zons 2. IN SUB-DIVISION B, SE~7rlt DISTRICT N0. 3, YN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ItRNTUC;Ot, AT THE ' I . t t 2, Sewer Diat• ij 3. , COST OF THE 1'ROP3tTY 0~7itFR3 TNiIIEIN, AIJD PROVID IP1G THAT SAID &'i~4ER3 sWsLL B? CON- i 4. gTRCCTED.UION TH.; Ta7 Y:~.1R FAYI3 NT PLAN. AI1D MALiIIQG THI: STREETS AND ALL.;Y3 ALONG, a UND;:R AND THROUGH ~7HICH SAID S:"7ERS '.YIll BF. CON3TRUCT~, AND SETTING OUi . YN G:17rRAL • `'~ • TERMS, TAs PROPL'[tTY HEiPEN`ITTED TRSREBY, AID SUBJ'rAT TO THE PAYA4 NT OF THE COST OF j r ;. ~, Ii SAME," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa, Paoe, j~ Pulliam. Tally. Weahington,-4j Nnys, Ratter~ohn,-1. • Oommisaioner Puliism offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance an- '• . Ordlranoe pro. li viding for ii titled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONffi°RUCTION OF CCSiBII1ED STORM AND SANITARY aewere in Zone I~ . Sewer Diet. '~ SE9ER3 IN SEWEI? ZONE NUIJBER 4. IN SUB-DIVI3I ON3'A. AND B. , 3E~7ER DISTRICT IdO. 3, IN j ,,.~ • ~ ~ '-'' ,~,, I~ THE CITY OF PADUCAH, K:fiTTUCRY, AT TAE COST OF T3E PROPr7iTY OWNERS THEREIN, AND PR07ID- j i ING THAT SAID SE'7P1t3 3AALL Br CON 9I°RUOTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYitE61T PLAN, AND NAZLING ~ ' x ~t> i , THE STREETS AND ALLc'Y3 ALOI36, UND3R AID THR WGH 9HICH SAID 3.~7:IItS 1ILL BE CON3TRUCTEII. ~~ u1~11aW ~' ,:' p~ ' R AND SETTING OUT. IN GENERAL TERMS, TH8 FROI£RTY SENEFITTED AND SUBJECT TO THE PAYMENT ~ OF 141E COST OF 31168+"• be ado tad.,. Adopted u on Dell of the roll P p by the following ~~ rots: Yeas, Pacer Pnlilam• Tully arxi Washinittan•.-4; Neye• Kstter~ohn•-1. w: '. .. ~, ~; Y ry~ ~ \, y.1A` ~. :4 •, 4. 4.':tE'w'1~~',A[.~I' Yv, ., i ,~. ~. :;~. R Commissioners' Proceedings,' City of Paducah.:: ' ` „ ,~ ,'- ~7 ,r 192~'.~ ~ ; v _.. - _- ---_ --- - - - - -_ -- - ~ , q Commissioner Pulliam offered the fo11ow1ru; motion; I move that an ordinanoa ~ Ordina~noe provid-° entitled "AN 'ORDINANCE'PR07IDING FOR, THE CONSTRUCTION.OF"SANITARY 3v'A3R3 IN 9E'dER ZONE ' ing" for sewers ~ ~ • in Zone ~3; l' N0: g,'IN SUB -DIVISIONS A. dND B., Ss"NF.R DISTRICT N0. 3,.-IN"Tf~ CITY OF PADUCAH, '~ Sewer ~Jiatriot + ~. h KENTUCIO[. AT THr COST OF' THE PROPr'RTY O'YNERRS TH3tEIN Alm PROVIDI226` TIL1T SAID SE`PERS ~ ~~ SHALL B3 CONSTRUCTED UPON T.HE TEN YEAR PAYlL'.NT PLAN; AMID- NAMING TILE: ST4EET9 AND ALL~[S ALONG, U2IDER A3ID THROUGH''.7HI3H SAID SE'TrH23 WILL B? CONSTRUCTED, AND SETT]'2iG _ ~ ~ I; ~ ~ OUT; IN'GEN~2AZ' T~2L23, THE PROFERTY BE4C:FITT'dD T?-'~tESY AldD SUBJxT TO TIlE PAYLLNT ~ ~, r ` i ~ ~ i OF THE CO SP OF SAL; E," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the'roll by the following j ~», ~, vote: Yeea, paoe, Pn]Tiam, Tully, ~laehinaton,-4; Naye, Satter ohn,-l. • ~ ~. • $' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motiaa; I move that'en ordinenoe` ~ ~~ ,Ord inanoe ~ sooept-~ ~ ;- ins bid of E.R. ~~ entitled "AN OERDI27AI!CE ACCEPTING TPE BID OF E. R.' AARDING COI.7FANY, INCORPORATRD. ,x °•Herding Co. for &' OF RACI22E, YISCONSIN AND A'7ARDING THE C'.77TRACT TO SAID COMPANY FOR' THE CONSTRUCTION oonatr not ion 'of ~ . + extensions. ..I~ OF TRUNG LINE FJCTrRI3I0N S:i~P..RS FOR 3c"Y:1? DISTR ICT NUIfBh`R THREE+M be adopted, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by Lhe following vote: Yese, Paoe, Pulliam, Tally, 7ashinaton , *' ~' ~~ , ~ and Satter ohn,-b. ~,~ ~` K G ~ <, On motion the Board adsourned:upon Dell of the roll by b yeBa., ~. ' ~•~ .nQ .~ .-._ t t, MARCH gOTR. 19E3 :,kM ~, •. I ; , n , ~i At a Called Meeting.of.the• Board .of Commisaionere held in the Commieaiouers' ~~ " gam. `''.Chamber in the Cit Hall Paduaeh Sentuok on Maroh:30th 1.9E3 'aL,'8~80 O'olook P ~ r 9 e • y• - .' r ^[ a~ a• ~1 t ilowin answered to their names Oommi aionera ,Pace ~ r U on on11 of th rol th e 2d e o ,• a . °s•~t . . ~~,, ',~ a u ism Tui 19eahin and E'e or Satter ohn -5." . ~ P. 11 . 1.4 a ittOn y , • ~ ~ .. ~~ x ; ~~, ' F, I , - , ., 9 ~,~ u ak eta ee 1 t - wi or .. he nee oft in Ma or Katter ohn tad re one _or oa 1 o t: F t p ; ~ ~ y uP the Question of exempting the Peduoah,T119 and pottery Company from taxes for.,fivg ,,~~`r~ ,tl ~ ~ -~ ` ~1.; earn' and any other bnaineas that might Dome before the;Board. .. ~.,"~, s y .. , ~, ,,,~ Communioatlon ~ Commissioner Tully'offered the following motion: TheL the letter ;from the. t' ~ '- PaduoaN Hoard of ~ t' ~ n , Trade relative ,~ paduoah Board of Trade; with referenoe to. the Paduoah Tile,and Pottery Company. b4 ~~"~ - to tax exemptiond rK of Paducah Tiie:J; received and filed. .Adopted upon Dell of the roll by,,the Yollowing.vota:'Yeas, Peoe• ~f t' & Pottery Co. ~ ~,~~. I; Pulliam, Tully, ."Iashington ,and ICatter~ohn,-5. ' . : ;p ;_~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That the Oity Solicitor be ,j~ ~ "' City Solicitor authorized and instructed to bring in a resolution wanting exemption from ad valorem ''~~ - to bring in reso-: ~; ,,;, w lution,exempting~ taxes for s: period of Sive,yeare from.thia.date to. the paduoeli TSSe-and Potitery Com ~ F~ ' Paducah Tile & r '. Fottery.Go. from; pang, ea en induoement_for them to loot=te in Paduoah., Adopted upon Dell Qf the roll , ;~" i taxation for 5 ~ ,~l~~c, ::.years., • ,r by. the following vote; Yesa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tu11y,.:Tsahln~ttgn and .Xatter~ohn, b•"" F,~ '- . ~. III}}} ~ N:+ . ~, ...: , Commiaaioper, Tully offered .the following motion; I move, that, A R'~aSOLUTION ~;*~~ - ~. Resolution' ex ..KTENDIIrG THF. TIi~ :9ITHIN. ~9FICR TIk:' PADUCAH 1,ND ILLINQIS RAILROAD ..Ob'FANY I3 TO B..~IN ;,r,~,•,..„,,:: '' ,+A..,.~ ,..x, a« . ;,-v„ ten3inP time ,~ ~' to P & I R.R: IM GOOD FAITR, THE C0223TRUCTIOl: OF CERTAIN D::POTS aND OTPxJ'. IL9'R07J.'ENTS ]N TP.& CITY '~ ' Co. to begin ~ • s , work., ~ 'OF PADUCAfI, KENTUCKY, be adopted, Adopted upon Dell, of the rail by the following "~ ,.~.voLe; Yeea,,Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, flsahinaton,-4; Nays•'Ratteraohn;-1. i;';~,~;.~ t' . On motion„Lhe .Board adjourned upon oa]1.of.Lhe r.ol] ry 5 yea6• ~. , u ~K'r i ~ + ;. ~ ~, wL . •AdeNfei 1, ,g .r , • ~ ~, 4 cz.,r ~.. Ge. ,. ~ . j ! ~ r w~, r .. :r, 1-,~ .. f .., . . ,.. - ., ~ ...~. rte. :, J~ •4 - ~. .,..~'ci ~ ~ .: Commissioners' Proceedings, Gity. of Paducah , ~ ~ ' ~ ' 192_'; :: APRIb P.tiD, 1923. . - ? I ~: y At a Regular Meeting of the Board oY Commiasionere, held in the Oommiselonere° 1 ~ ~ Chamber in the City Sall, Paducah. Kentucky. on April 2nd. 19EB. Upon cell of the ro11~~ ('the following answered to their nnmes; Oommissioners Paoe, Pv711am. Tully, Washington ~ " I {~ end Mayor Katterjohn,-6, ~ ~~~J , On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted ea read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully, i_. !i Washington and Katterjohn,-6< '' ' ~ ~ ~ " j Commissioner WeahinRLon offered the following motion: That the gneation of ~ ~~ i { C.T.Allen inter-i Paying inters®t on X3100.00 paid C. T. Allen be deferred until tomorrow. when &tr. . 'fir,' -set. r' I, ` ` iI Moaquot, Attorney for Nir. Allen, will be notified what aation the Board of Commission- ~ . . ' i` era will take. Adopted.npon Dell of the rola,by the Yollowina vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fullia:u ~.~ 9aBhington and Katterjohn,-4; Nays, Tully,-1. Mayor Katterjohn of°ered the following motion: I move that the question of them" ~'- 1 j 9enereal Olinio.l~ Venereal Olinio be deferred until Tuesday ~1pri1 3rd, 19E3. at E o°olook. ddopted upon ~ - ' cell of th® roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and ~ , k ' ~ !3 Katterjohn,-6. Communication ~ 1~8yor Katterjohn offered the following motion: That the communication of the ; A & D Realty Co.Y ! ' relatvie to ~ A. a D. Realty Company, dated April End, 1923, be received and filed. Adopted upon ; f: - ~ tesaeemente. ' ~4 Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Peoe. Pulliam. Tully, Washington and %, ~~ Katterjohn,-6. ~ ~ , Oortmisaioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $60.00 having" , been paid into the Treasury, ea evidenced by the receipt Piled herewith., Y move that ~ { Cemetery deed to Mr s..Aillima ~ deed be executed to Mrs. ;7illiam Beadles for Lot ~6, B1ook ~E, on the South side of .. Bead lea. ~' ii Rannan Street, between Baker & Miller Streets, in Oak Grove Cemeterq. Adopted upon ~ i u oel].of the roll by the following vote; Yeas. Face, ~u111am, Tully. Weahdnaton and ~~ Katterjohn,-6, ~; Oommteatoner Tully offered the following motion: Y movo thnt the Oommleeionor; Oom°r.Finnnoe jL .of Pubito Finance be nuthorized and instructed to pay off, tnko up and onnoel atreot ',` tq take up ; . ?street bonds and~~ bonds and coupons in the City National Bank to the amount of ~13b.64 and to drawn j oaupon8 due in !. ' City National !; check 4¢ainat the Special Street Fund Account to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of th.e ! '' Bank. i' ' Roport Chief o Folios for the month of March 19E3. `Cie im o f R ey- nolda Broe. ve W.A,Gardri en¢' Citg oT. .. PednQal- paid, also .go.eta.'.1M MoOraoken Oir cult Oourt xt,~ .. u roll by tho following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pu111am,Tu7ly,Waehington and Katter'ohn•,-b. ~ ~ - f ^~ Oommleaioner Faae offorod the following motion; I move that the report of ~ ~~ li the "Chief of Polioo for the month of March 1923, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followinP vote; Yeas Faoe, Fulliem, Tully. Washington and I - '~" !a Katterjohn,-b, r Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: Y move that the report of the f,. • •~ City Solicitor in regard to the a]aim of Reynolds Brothers ve City of Paducah, Por the ~ " er ~ coat of oonatruoting curbs end iCUtters on leash Avenne, be received and filed; and that{ the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to issue voaoher tc A. M. Nichols, ~ Cr; Attorney for Reynolds Brothers. for the sum of $417.bb, which 19 in full settlement ~ f~ of said work. and that same be ohar8ed to Ooste and Suits. ~ ~ !' I furthor move that the sum of $E9.7b. aoata,in.eaid action, be paid to ~j :9.C.Seaton, Clerk PJ:oCrmoken Circuit Oota~t° and the C®mmissioner of Fub7do Finance is ji hereby authorized .to issue voucher for same and ahnrgo same t0 Costa end Salta. Adopt-! 1ti uF ed upon Dail of the roll by the following voto; Yoas. Paoe° Pulliam. Tully, Wnshington end KatterjoAn,-6. ~- ~ y ,. On motion the Hoard of Commiaeionera adjourned upon sell of the roll by 6 'r yeas. ~ Aie}ted ~ ilit3..: .C-a~Y.7y~w~©V;~;~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ i ..- CAS [.Iwy ~~~~ ,: .:.. ~. i . ,:; . '3 ` '•_. 1 , ._.. ~~ APRIL 3RD. 1923. _. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commiseionere, held in the Commissioners' I' Chamber, in the City Hall, Paduoeh, lontuoky, on Apri] 3rd, 1923. at 2;4b o'olook i ;. P.M. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names; Commi'esioners j' . Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~Yeahin~5ton and ikayor Ketter~ohn,-b. I! .. ~; Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: To take up the matter of ~,~ apportioning Punda to Derry on the venereal olinia~ and at~t other business that might Dome before the Board. I Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that $2260.00 be taken ~'`t from the .^y9000.00 appropriated for improvement of Riverside Hospital, be eat aside ,: `, !~ for the Venereal Clinio. Lost upon Dell of the r ol] by the following vote: Yeea, ~ ..'',. Pulliam and Katter~ohn,-2; Naya, Paoe, Tully and 9eahington,-3. I` Commissioner 'l'olly o~fered the following motion: That the Apportionment i ,'r ~~ Ordinanoe stand as it is, without ohanxe. Adopted upon sell of the roll Dy the fol• I lowing vote: Paoe, Tully, ysahington and Satter~ohn,-4; Nays, Pulliam.-1. ; ~i ~' Commissioner Fulliam offered Lhe following motion: That the present gnartere ~' ~I Venereal Clir,lo.e and equipment oY the Venereal Clinio be planed. at the disposal,of the City Health `,' ii ..J ~,: Aooounte and report Com'r. Finanoe for last half of iiaroh 1923. . Na ~~ ~ ... s' ,. , Commissioners' Proceedings; Ci#y of.Paducah . ~ ~ 192,-:~ ~ f . ,_ ~ .. ` - Venereal ' Clinio. Apportionment Ordinanoe to stand without ohange. ?~r,,.~, Pay-roll last half lwaroh 1923 for 9peoin' Sowor Fund. Department, under the direotion of the Burenu of Venerea] Disease, provided that the ~. City be in no way obligated for f~mda to operate the Clinio. Ldet upon oal7 of the ~~,; roll by the following vote; Yeea, Pulliam and Katter~ohn,-2; ilaye,.Paoe, Tully std , Neahingtai,-3. ` On motion the board ad9ourned upon Dail of the roll by b yeas. ,, Ade~tcdC`''f`-~'`"' ~~ 1!~ ~-Pl~~c'OV { ~,,~~/ ....e ~ •9 ~; APRIL 6TH4 1923., At a Called Aieeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commisaionere' '~ !' Chamber in the City Hell, Faduoah, Kentuoky, on April 6th, 1923, at 9;b0 O'olook.A M. Upon sell of t}se roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Feae, Tully, tYaehington and bleyor Katter~ohn.-4. .. Mayor Kntter~ohn stated reasons for Dal] to-wit; To el low pay roll for lest half of the month of 1Saroh, and any other business that might some before the Bos~do Commissioner Tu]ly offered the following motion: I move that the.sooounte for ~ the ]eathnlf of the month of b'eroh, 1923, amounting Lo $193b1.44, ns per the report ~ ~,"'ti'.~~,:. i of the Commissioner of Publio B'inanae filed herewith, be eilowed and ord.erod paid and the money appropriated from the veneral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dail of the j I roll by the following vote: Yeea, Ieoe, Tully, ',Yeahington and Ketter~ohn,-4. ' Commissioner Tully offerered the fo]]o~vtna motion: I move thnt the pav-roll for j the last half of the month of i'aroh for the Speoinl Sewer Fnrd , emovntina to X32.34, ' ~ bo al]owed and ordored pnid and the Commissioner of Iub11o Finanoe be authortaed and '- ~" !~ inatruotod to draw oheoka aaainet the 9peaail Sewer Fund Aooount to p4V onme, Adopt- ed upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea,. Paoo; Tu]ly, 14ashinRton and ~ Katter~ohn,-4. li , I ~` s ,~ ` ~z i _~....__ ' ~ - ~I ~ _, it oP . i i ~ i~ ~ ,; ~ ~ ~~ I I ~'i' ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ i' '. I ~ i, ~ ~,.,i , ;i.. i.,„- ~ .,- Na ! 3 .Z -,:-: gr' ' pay-roll 3rd Di atriot Serer for last half of Maroh,1923. Monthly Eetimatal~ E. R.Hardinq Co. I`` Sub-Divielon A, ~I -:<` Sower Diatriot j~ ~3 for month of , tiaroh 19830 I fi ~, ~~ ~ Monthly Eatimgtei ''E.R,Hardinq Oo. Sub-Dlvisione B0: 'and 0. , 9exer Dietrigt #6, for month ~ o! ldaroh ip23. `' j • ;~ ~i i ~`. `` it f i I Y• ~; Paduoah '.7e.tor „ .Oo. oommunioa- tion relativo "'• to Fran ohise. t% Oommunioation Fadnoah Chapter Deuvhtera of American Revoln- tion, in re 9enereal C]inio: ' Report Com°!. Finnnoe for Naroh 19230 ~~1:. ~mmissioaers° Proceeding~,,:~itx of'i ~aduoah ~ ; ~ ~`, `,.~,•;~3 '.-•~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ • `~ ~9Bi':1 Oommiesion or Tully offered the following motion; I move that the aaoounte for the j lost half of the month of ri?aroh, for the 3d Diotriot Sew•tr, as follows: f pay Roll ... ................"738.60 ~ Supplies.> ................. 664.61, a total oP $1303.11, be allow- .. ~ ad and ordered paid and the Oommieatoner of Fublio Finanoe be authorised and inatruoted to draw oheoks aR9inet the No. 3 Dietriot Sewer Fund aooount to pav same. Adopted upon oeli of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully, l7aehington and Kntter - I . john,-40 Oommisaloner Tully offered the following motion; d move that the Monthly Setimats ~ of work done on trunk line sewers, Sub-Division A., in Sewor Diatriot Noe 3, by the i E. R. Harding Company during the month of Rtaroh 1923, be approved, and that the Com- missloner. of publio Finnnoe be suthorize8 and inetruoted to pay to F. R. Harding Oom- j pang X6,891.08 on entd work, and that enme be oharaod to the 3rd Dlhtriot Sewer FundO ~ Adopted upon oa]] of tho rol] by the io1]owina vote; Ynas, Taoe, Tn]]y, t9nshtnatan and Kattor~ohn,-40 ~{ Qommiaaioner Tully offered the following motion; I nave that tho Monthly ~atimste a of work done on trunk line aevrere, in Sub-Divisions B. and 0.° in Sewer Distriot No. ~' 3, by the E. R. Harding Oompeny during the month of Etnroh 1923. be approved, end that ~• the Oommissioner of Pnblio Finnnoe be authorised and inetruoted to pay ;4. R. Hardlna Oompany 8,164.2E o» said work, and that enme b® ohargad to the 3rd Aistrlot Sower, ~~ FuM. AAopteA upon Dail of the rot] by tha following voter Yeas; Taos, Tu13y0 19aahinR= ton and Katteraohn°-4. On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the rot] by 4 yens. ~ Adel-1ad c~'~ 19~• :~~''.~F~C~`1.:'::'"('i '; ~"4 ~~~~n~t. AI~RII, 9TH. ]9230 , . At a ReRt;lar &teeting of the Board of Oommieaionore, hold in rho Oommiseionors° j Ohambor in the Oity Hnll, pnduoah, Bentuoky, on April 9th, 1923. Upon oall of the roll i ' tho following.anawored to their name e: Oommisaioners Paoe, Tu]ly° t7ashington and Atayor % ' gatter~ohn,-4. i On motion of Oommissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted, as•read, upon oall of the roll by the follo~vina vote; Yeas; Paoe, Tully, !7aahinaton and Katterlohn,-4. . Mayor Kattor~ohn offered the following motion: I movo that the oommunioation, ~, datod Maroh 29th, 1923, from the Taduoah :Pater Oompany, relative to its Franohise :pith the Oity of Paduash, be reoeived and fi]od. Adopted »l+on oall of Eho rol] by tho fol]ow- ~inq vote: Pons, Paoe, Tully, 7ashinaton and Y.attor~ohn,-40 { ~~ 1?ayor Katter~ohn offorod the fo]]owina motion; I movo that the oommunioation, jdnted April 7th, 1923, from The Taduoah Chapter Dauahtora of American Rovolution, rely-! tine to the olosinP of tho Social Health Clinic, be reoeived. and filed. Adopted upon I call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. Tu11y.~Aashinaton and Knttorfohn,-4. ' Commissioner Tully offered the fo]lowina motion: I move tint the report of the ~ j0ommisaion er of Public Finnnoe for the month of i?aroh 1923. be reoeived, filed and order- ed publieheil !n the offioiel newspaper. Adopted upon Dell oP the x411 by the follow i ~ ins vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully, Waehington and Katter,ohn°-4: 1 Oommi®aioner Pulliam entered the Oommiaaionere° Ohnmber0 r: j'. <;'~, f 1,i. i i / „" j, ~ ~ ' ~~ ...:; a..... ' ~ ;- .. .. ~., i .. ,~J.. R. ..~.i:, L ... r. u... p,. «tw~.,...... ......i.1fwL..+S...,.1:~"•;n.:.+...-u,~b 4!&:+..rHw~.M1...w.wst . , .«. ~... w.iasi:, . ~• .. Commissioners' Proceedinge~ City of Paduc&h, '' ~ - ~~ ~~~ ' ' 192.:_ ~,: ~~ ~ o i f~ Oommissionar Tuiiy.offered ,the following motions I move that the report of , Tioport Oom~r. of f the Commissioner of ]'ublio Finanoe of the 3d Dietriot Sewer-Fund AooounL of the month Pub]10.Finanoe of 3<i Dietriot Sower G of btaroh bo raoeivod, filed r~;d ordered published to the otfioinl nawapaper. Adopted Fund Aooount for 5iaroh 1923. ;upon Dell of the roll by the fo]SowlnR votes Yeas, paoe, pull lam, Tu11y, tinehington and Katterjohn,-b, i Commissioner Tully otle.red the fo17ow1nq motions I snove.thnt the oomrnuniaa. ii veo.tY.KaLterjohn, , oomirurioatlon. ii Lion from Geo. ~Y. Katterjohn be reoeiveA and filod. Adopted upon Dell of the roll ~~, by tho following vote: •Yeas, Pnoo, Pulliam, '14s]ly, ClaahinRton and Kattorjohn,-6, Commissloner 1'soe offored the follo~•rinR motion;, I move .that John •.Y. FrnnkUts John.'YY.Franklin '! • and Bon F.Mitohellr and Aen F. Tsitohe77 bo appointed as Pntrolmen, offeetive immediately. Adopted upon. appointod patrol- ' • man. I~ Dell of the roll by the fol]owtna note: Yeaa, Paee, Pu]11am, '14;11y, tYnahinaton and it , li Kattorjohn,-6. ~, ~ Cosrmisaionor Poe offored tho following motion; I move that the report of i. ' Report Chio! of t the Ohiof of tho Flra Deportment for the month of D+nroh 19E3, bo reoeived and filed. °, Firo Dopnrtmont for !,!nroh 1923. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following voto: Yeaa, Paoo, Pullinm, Tully, i! :Yaehington send Katterjohn,-b. Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: i move that Lhe oommunioation Communication C. N.,~ from C. N. Baker, dated April 2nd, 1923, aareeinR to farniah to the City .of Faduoah, ' Baker, relative to aelo of Statz ~ Kontuoky, one-Stutz G90 Touring Car 1923 T.todel for $1150.00, and the delivery to him oar for Fire 1, Chief. i by tho City of Paduoah, the Baiok oar now being used by the Chief of the Fira Depart- ~i , ,'; moat, bo reoeived, filed ar~d eaoepted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the follow. !' inn vote: Yeaa, Feoe, Pulliam, Tully, tYaehinRton and Katterjohn,-6. i Commieaionar Pu171am offored the following motion; I move that .the estimate ~etimate of ~! of expenditures to date, nud axt~endit~mea nntioipated, of the 3rd Dietriot Sewer expenditures and 'I antictpated ex- ~j Fund a, as oompiled by the Oommiaeloner of Fublio '.Yorks, be reoeived and filed. Adopted pendlturoa 3rd ,; Diatrit t ,swot. !! upon Dell of the roll by the fo]]owina vote: Yeas, pnoo, Pulliam, Tu]ly, ~ashinaton ii ;; and Y,attorjohn,-6. jj Commissioner Pulliam offered tho following motion: 'Yhereae, the hide reoeived ' for the oonstruotion of trunk line sewers in Sub-D iv isiona A,, B. and C., Sewer Grade line ohangedh Dietriot No. 3, indioate that thore w!1] be available surplue Panda after allowing for in 3rd Dietriot Sower trunk !,i ell payments due under the present oontraota, and after other neoesaery expenses are lire. `~ met, I move that the trunk line newer on 19th Street, between Clav Street and Jaokeon Street, be lowered one foot below the grade line previously authorized; and that the ~,~ RinY.leville Road line above 19th end Cley Streets, be lowered a maxiqum of 2'~ feet ', below: the [made line. previously authorized by the Board of Commissioners of the City ~,I of Paducah, and that E. R. Nardina Company, oontreotora, be notified of thin inorease ' in depth, and be Punished with profiles shorting the new grade line. Adopted upon i. !', Dell of the roll by~the followings vote: Yeaa, Paoe,.Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and Katterjohn,-5. - i I: Commissioner 9nshinRton offered the following motion: That the Commissioner baClec~e-Christy jj of r'inanoe be inetruoted to.pey tho attaohed bill of The ZaOlede-Christy Cisy FroduoLs . Clay ~roduota Co „ allowed ~ Company, amounting to X248.06, leas b~, as by paying this bill on or before the 10th eooount. of dpril, the City is entitled to a 5~O disoount. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by 1 the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Fullir_m, Tully, :4ashiraton and Katterjohn,-b. j Commissioner Ydashinaton offered the fol]owine motion: That the anearned pot-„ , Insurance on E house ~176o T~edi- lion on polioy on house X1766 l:~dieon Stroet, purchased by ?:. R. Bradshaw, be turned son Street deliv- ; ~"~'' Bred to w.R. ~' over to him. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the f ollowinl? vote; Yes e, Peoe, Palli Bradshaw. Tully, ;Yeshington and Katter john,-b. ..,. ._ ~~.-.~ ~ m^~~i~rm~a'4a-~,. .rox .^gcrzsacRx=^'7:^~'~,* .~~m~'~"'"~T"~.~T~" ^e~; :'^^':~'rn}fi~ti^" 1 ~~.... .~,,...~~r ~-~.',ii n*1'~S pie ~i n~.„,~, ii'..,.r ~~A .i ii ~ i,, r-ro. r, i~o a ; I. ~ I ~ I I i i ,..u i i ,tli A-~~ a ~`a~l'~~~{. i. ii. i ~ '~", ,,.., mr I i ~, ~ i t n ~, i i. ,, ~ ' ! ~ '„ '.r . ., . _ f .._, .. , ~, Na /d' '^ .~ .Ordinance to ",' purchase Fire r Hoae. Ordinance to ~ purchase auto- _'. mobile for -:` Fire Chief. ~:! 'i .~ Contract betn. ~`-~ City of Padvoah and U. $.Rubber Co., relative to purchase of flre hose, ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered tho followin:? motion; I move that Hatay d. Pulliemo, Commissioner of Public '.4orke, be and he is hereby avthorizod and directed to advortise for bide for the construction of branch line aewora in Sewer ,'.ones 1, 2, 3, d end 6, ~• ', Sewer District IJo. 3., by three insertions in the Tlews-Democrat, the official news- , ', paper, et least two weeks before LUav 25th, 1923, and by two insertions in some Enai- nearing Journal; said bide aha]1 be received by acid Commiaslonar of Public '7orka up f k tntil Ltay E5th, 192.3, at 10 0°eloek A. M., at which time he will return al] bide to r f the Board of Commisaionera in the Commisaionera° Chamber 3n the City Ha 17; he will I receive sealed bids, and will. require a certified check from each bidder, the amount ~,to be named by him. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa, Feoa. i pvlliam, Tully, U4ashington,-4; Nays, Ketterlohn,-1. • I 0n motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of th a roll by b yeas, j r '.~ a <~ I 1 ~ c~~cu.rw .' ~`~M114C)Zi. 1 .:.-y . .:; Cd~missioners` Proceedingd,>~ity ot~Padu~ah... ~" ~ 192._':. - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ----- - -- -- ---- - - l; - - C.ommiasioner Paoa offered the following :mot ion: Y move that. an ordinanoe anti- 'tied "AI1 ORDIIdAI7CE AUTHORIZING AIID DIRECTING Y°. A. I4ASHII:GTON, PURCHASING AGrSVT, TO ~ +a . PURCHASE FROiI THE UNITr~ STAT3S RUBAiSFt COI,•II'ANY Ca:ITTAIN HOSE FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, 8Itil SsTTING OUT '11iI: AMOUNT TO Bl: FAID TIthRIU~OR," be introduced and laid over. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following,vote: Yeas, Faoe, Fulham, Tully. 14eehington and Katter~ohn,-b. I , Commissioner Paoe offered the follo:vina motion; I move that en ordinanoe anti- .: tled "AI1 ORDITIAIICE AUTrTORIZING AND DIREC'PIIJG L. A. '4ASITYIIGTON, PUR^•t?ASITIG AGETU!, TO PURCHASE FROM C. TIa BAKr"R A CAR FOR TF?E CHY~ OF THE FIRE DFd'ARTIdEI1T, AN1D SETTIT.°G OUT THr^, AI.".QUINT 1'0 Br; PAID, AND T??7: T:1t1SS OF PAlfi'r'~dT," be introdviced and ley over. Adopted I upon cell of the .roll by the following vote; Yoaa, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully. U4ashinaton and Katter~ohn°-5. Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: I mono that the contract, date8 April 9th, 1923, between the City of Fadvoeh, Kentucky, by 1. A. :4ashingtoa, Furohas- ing Agent, and U. S, Rubber Company for 2600 feet of fire hose for the sum of $3.000.00, and the terms and atipnlationa set out therein, be accepted, ratified and ~. ,approved. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, i I Tally, ~lashington and Katterfohn°-b. ' j Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: Y move that C.. T. votaw be allow-, ed his salary as State Sanitary ]nspector up to Ploy let, and to be char pad to Cbntin- F sent fund, amount beinP X125.00. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote:; Yeas, Face, Pulliam and Katter~ohn,-3; Nays, Tully ani:I4aehinaton,-2. APRIL. 13TH. 1923. At a Called 1°teeting of the Board of Commisaionora, held in the Co:mnisaionera° Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on April 13th. 1923, at 10:30 0°olook A.M.' Upon cell of the roll the following answered to their namos: Commisaionere Paces Pnlliem, Tully, U4aehington and Mayor Katterfohn,-5. i Idayor Y•atter~ohn stated rensono for call to-wit; For the purpose of passing reso- lutiohe.for street improvemonte, and any other business that might come before the Board; `. i i i 5~w~~ i . . z;..~. ! rv`,"•";'.. ~, .: ,:.'.': . ~...1VY..,~ .. gal ..',.Mn ,.. kP,.4:e...:.~~. .. a: ~ .•. .. aYn+. • - .. .., J.i r f \ r 1 k ~., ~,~ ~-, r;: Y w; ;:f ;a. ~- ~~; ~.:: ~- ar- ., ~: ~~^°mi ji .. ~~ II ~y~J~ _. ~.w. -,~ ~s~e~•, -~x~,~wr~ -~:,: ; xsx~ .. e ~,~v era ~ s,:' vw, z' ~„, ,..°, ' '~~ .,< ~,. ,., ,, ,,..~ ,,-r v ,,. • .. ._.. .. ..._ .~,.........._ -.....w..xnu. t...,.~..w-,r..a~ _.3 YS... .wc3'=c~~.........._.. cr r v._. _ .... ' . Commissioners' Proceedings,~City'of Paducah, ~ ''. ' ' ~: '~'~ ~ 182.; Commissioner Pulliam offered the followinamotlon; I move that A RESOLiTTIOld i. FROVIDIl2G FOR TH:: CONSTRUCTI01: OF TH« DRIVIi',7AYS, TOGi;TRF.R '4I'['~ ALL Id?Y;^SSARY. b"AA'AOLES, Reso]ution provide, CATCH BASINS, INTAl'«S Afb 3«`",:iR PITI,r C0221?.^•.CTTO1dS, Qfi POTH SIDS OF TA3 PARK',4AY ON ing for improve- ment of S.lOth SOUTH TsIdTII S'IItr:1T, OR J_'URR«LL BOULVA?D, FROl" TH« QOUTI[ PROP3:!?TY I:INr: OF BROAD'4AY TO ` St. or ?u`urroll ` Blai. ',', TP.:i SOUTI? TROPI.'RTY LIfLT' OF T«Id1T«SS«« STR ~T, IId TA3 CITY OF PADUCA}?, 'l.:DlTL'CXY, AT TAE. ~, FI?iST RBADZI?G, " COST OF TAs ABUTTING PROP:.'RTY ONN93S, AfN PROVIDING THLT SAb'.r: S}91LL BE COfTSTRL'CTED '~ UPON TF.« Ti:N Y?A3• PAYL::s'1dT PLAN. XCi1'T 'IIiAT PO1tTI0N IYHICH IS TO B3 PAID FOR BY 'LHE k CITY OF FADUCAIi, F.~TUCKY, A9 R«QUIR«D BY IA9, be introduoed and ley over. Adopted ~i npon osl7 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, PBae, Pulliam, Tully, heahington ., and Eatter~ohn,-b, ' Commissioner Pulliam offered the Yollowina motion: I move that A RESOLUTION ~ .. ~? Resolution providT PROVIDING FOR TA« CONST_:UOrION OF .TH DRIV«:7AY, TOG?T'-wR :7I TN ALL 1T3CSSARY A".BNHOLE3,. ing for improve- ment of IT,lOth j; CATCH BASIfdS, IITTAY83 AfID Ss1tl1~:R PIP« COIlId«CTIOIIS, ON T3TTH STRE~:T FROb'. THE NORTH PRO St. Prom Jeffer- ~' son St. to 1Cedi- '! FERTY LIN« OF JrFF~iSON STR3::T ]0 THr'. 30UTH PROP«RTY LIN:. OF 1.ADISON STR:?«T, IN TI?E son Street. ~i FIRST 3ADING. CITY OF 1'ADUCAA, Y.«I`TUC7.Y, AT TH3 COST OF THF. ABUTTING IROPbldTY 09Pd$'RS, AIdD PROVIDING ji Tl~ T SAI.'.« S??ALL BE CQdSTRUCT:9' UPON T}Ir: Ty.3T Y?r1R PAY1.'.:S`T PLAld be introduoed end ley F ~ ~ is over. Adopted upon sell oY the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Peas, Pul]iem, Tully T7ashington and Ketter~ohn,-5. '. Commissiorer Pulliam offered the following motion; I move the,t A R?SOLUTIOfI 6 ~ ,; Reso]ution provid. FRO7IDIJTG FOR 1<?L~ CCl?STRUCTION OF TH;' DRIV«'4AY, TOG?TAF.R "IITH ALL. I1::C:tSSAP.Y_ 1:AN90LES, 1n~ for improveme ` ~ :~ nt of b:onroe St, ! CATCH BASIIIS, IfdTi,Lr:S Al?D S3'7r~ FIP3 COIT1d:iCTIO273, OIf 1".OI??t 0:; S'LRi:^P FROIf T?~L::4SST PRO from 8th St. to ~ ;, 9th St. F:1RTY LINT, OF 3IGA`1'H STR'.:T TO Tf?3 1:A3'P I??OP~.'T'.TY LIl'.~; OF 1TIJITH STR.FIET; IN TELF: CITY OF FIRST Rr:ADIITG, .~ i PADUCAH, 'F_i.T11UCi:Y, AT TH:.'' QOST OF TF: ABUTTIIIG PRO?'~?TY O'.4NE$S,' A11D I'R072T)I1TG 'THAT' ~' 3AI'F. S?xALL Bi3 COlISTRUOTJ:D UPON TH.4.: TEId Yb:AR I'AY1,'Z:f1T PLAN be 'introduoed and ley over ~~ Adopted upon onll of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe; Pulliam, Tully, '! :7eshington, end Katter~ohn,-6. 1Fayor Ketter~ohn offered the folloc+inR motion; :4hereas,. in the eotion of J. 71. h Claim of J.:4,Be11? Bell against f.';re. Ella bROGlathery and the City of Peduosfi, Y.entuaky, judgment was ran- , va. LTra.r:17a !- - . J.'oGlathory and dared agninet the ae.ffi bra. 1SOGlathery aTd the City of Paducah, Kentucky, in favor of City of Paduaeh amovntinP to ':' the said Bell, for the sum of $287.60; and, ':7lir^,REAS, by ~udmnent of Court the property , •$152.60 elIowed , and ordered paid.`! wee valued at $150.00; and, :7H1•;R~:dS, the property of the said b'ra. bloGlathery is re- . sponaible only for said street improvements to the eztent.oY 600 of said value, which amounts to $7b.00,- I now movo that the City of Paduaeh, Y.entvoky, pay 'the said J. 7. f' Bell the sum of $152.60, together with the costa of the action; and that the Commie x ~~ stoner of Publia Finance is hereby authorized to ieauo von char to '.4hoe]er & Iluahes, ~~ Attorneys for the said Bell, for the sum of $]52.60, an3 charge to Goats and 3uita i- • ~ Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote; Yoas, Paae, Pn711em, Tu]]y, :7ashington end Ketter~ohn,-5. On motion oY Commissioner Pulliam the Board of Commissioners adjourned to meat ' at 4 o°aloak P.. b!. this day, April 13th, 1923, upon call of the roll by the following J ~~ vote; fees, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, "lashington and Kntter~ohn,-5. Arc. _ 1'.i ~' ' ' ~~a}I~ ~n..Q /ly~ 14~ ' - F , }'• '~; . ;'; I ` l _ ___ i .. >.:.. .. , ~ ; i ~ r. T ~ , ;a7 T'R-;-rfi- -r-ern-mr~-", ~ "' '^ i^L I I I ~ I II .,p.w..._ ~. _ ~ ~- •n~. ~ ~ . ..•~ .. ' ~ / ... -. ~. +~.rerw+..,......-..rte... ~iO ~i Na ~s G r ~^t !1l lci~l': _ ! X51 :7; Cc~iiiMiesioners' ProceedingN~ ~ity'bf' Padti~ab . •` `` -'192~i rco. uel d F =~: 4 j ~M.. .-'+0.~7 ~" ~. i . APRIL 13TH. 1923, ~, 1; ( .. ~. ,_ ~ h~ i th i i C ss on- ! e n omm At an Ad~onrnod ATestinq of tho Board 7f Commissioners. held , era° Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on April 13th, 1923, at 4 o'alook P.11., w;; """"""1 'Upon Dell of the ro71 the following snewored to their names; Commissioners Paoe, Pul- ~ • ~~ ` ~ ! ;!'limn, Tully, Washington and 2.tayor Y.atter~ohn,-b. ~ ~ ~ ~~~-~ ~ ~ ~' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move ttrmt A RESOLUTIOTJ I - 1ROVIDING FOR THE COTIS•L~TUCTIOIJ OP T?L': DRIIIE'7AY, TOr,ETR?R '"ITF' AI.L I•'.^•CP:3SARY 1•ANHOL:i3, I ~. . Resolution, pro- ~ CATCH BASIIIS, INTA633 ATJD S::'~? PIPE COIJNECTY0TJ3, ON IJ03T1' T;7r;LFTH STRET FR OA; Tii,: IJORTJ# p. , vid inq for im- provement o4 ~ FROFr.'4TY LITiE OF J3FFi".~J' SON ST4EyT TO T??i: SOUTH PROP.:tTY LIITi: OF I:,ADIS02J STR .~'T; OTJ SOUTH 'driveway on L• N.12th St.from ~ TtYEI.FTH STREET FROM THr. SOUTH FI;OPEHTY LINF. OF Ti3JN::SSi:E ST3EisT TD THE TJ03TH I30FI:RTY • Jefferson to 'i A;adison; S, 12th I~ LINE OF JONES 3TR ET; ON 2J0RTH ELEV.IITI? S`I'R,"•:i;T FROA~I TH3 NOR'PH 7ROPi.':?TY LIIJE Or' J:~`F:~t- ~+ gt. from Tenn. ~ ' ~ SON STR.:I:T TO TH:: SOUTIT PROF3RTY LIIJE OF ilGDI30N S'I'R::::T; ON NORTH iJIJITH STR?.ET FRORT THE ~ ~ to Jonos; IJ.llth ' ~3t. from Jeff. 'to ATsdison St. ;i TJORTH IROFERTY LIIJE OF JF:FF:~290IJ STR7:ET 'N TJi~'; 90U'I7' FROPi~'tTY 7.IIJE OF I:ADI90N STR3'T; ; ' _ ^' t. from ;~ ; ~ N.9th 5 Joff. to ATadi- Ij ON NORTH EIGHTH 3TRri:T FROA", Tf :: IJORTii PROPERTY LItd;: OF J:;FFryt30N STRJ:ET 'i'0 T:? :SOUTH ~ ~ son; N.Bth St. '. i ~ , from Joff. to ~~ FROPwTTY LIIJE OF RIADISON STR?,~T; OIJ IJOR4H'SrV"L`T'H STR ET FROA'. TN;: NORTH FROF;?TY LIIJE 1ladison; N.7th ~ I ~ ; St. from Jeff. ~ OF dEFr^ERSON STREET TO T??3 SOUBi FROPi$1TY LIIJi: OF ITADISOIJ• STR%ET; OTJ SOUTH 3EVr3JTH ~ ~ to R:adison • {' ~ ' S.7th St. from ~ STR:;~,T r"';cOAi THE :X1U'~H 1:t0PERTY LIIJF. OF KENTUCI:Y AV.%TJUB` TD 1413 NORTH PROPERTY LIIJE OF ' Ky.dve. to Aash•± ^ 4TSON J ingtoa; 2J.6th ~ 'AASHIIJGIC`N STR%i'.T; ON NORTH SIXTH STR:sET FROAT TFiii N(7.'.TH PROPERTY LIIJE OF JEFr ' y from Jeff. to Riadison; 3, 6th ;{ 3TR'r:ET 10 TH:. SOUTH PHOF:RTY LITJa,' Or^. L2 DISOTJ STR3?T; OII SOUTF? SIXTH 3T8 4:T FROA: TFIE lfrom Ky.Ave. to ' ~ SOUTH FROP.°••RTY LIIJE OF Y.EIJTUCYY AV;IJUE TO THE IJCRTH PRO]'r:RTY LIPrE OF '7ASITYNG'14.+A1 STREET; ;9eahington St. ' y ~ N.6th from i`onrop ~ ~ ~ To Hadiaon. p! ATID OTJ NORTH FIFTH S1'R::ET FRtbR". TH.y NORTH IROPr?TY LIIIF OF 1i0T'??OE ST4~T 1CT 7'T?I: SOUTH 'E-FRO'PRTY LIIJi'. OF NADISOTd STR ~T, ITJ 'IIT,'r: CITY OF FADUCAi?, lRNTUC7.Y, AT T'3: ^..(`3T QF TF s ABUTTING TROP3.n.2TY O'71JERS, AIJD FROViDIIJG TF?:.T SAA'E SHA7.L Bi', COTI3TRUCT''9 UPOTi "F*^ TEP? 'i ~ Y~R IAYA".iIJT T7ATT, be introduood and ley over. ddoPted upon Dal] of the roll by the - ~~ foIlowinq vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. 1 ~, ~, f - !~ ~' ~~~ i r `a Commieaioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that A RESOII1TIOiJ fi PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRL'CTIOTJ OF TH3 DRIV3AAY,~ TOGETH~ 7ITH ALL N3CESSAI2Y I:AA'?10L S, Raaolutiort pro- ~ CATCH BASYNS, INTA'1.35 AND Si:iYi.'R PIPE COMJ;:CTION3, ON FOURTIJ STJTEET FROt.i THE TJORTH PRO- ~ ' '~vidina. for im- f . provem~s,t 'of ? FERTY LIIJE OF Ri0IJR0E STR;:E't Tn TH' SOUTH PROPrctTY LINF. OF I'ADI30IJ S'C4Fw T; ON FOURTH 4th 5.t. from i ;, ldonroe to R":ad i- ! g1q;;BT FROR; THT SOUTII IBO?~.~RTY LINs OF '.7.1SHITIG'IDIJ STR T TO 'J'HE TJORTY. i'ROFI:RTY LIIJE OF i' • aon St. 4th St. i from •Yashinator. CLA$: 3'1'Ri:r:T; ON 'YdSHINGION STR^ET FROA' TFE7.43T ]P:OIF.RTY LIIJE OF FIr^TH STR3:ET T.1 THE ~ ~_ to Clark. '.lash- irgton St. from ~ EAST FR01'iiRTY LIN3 OF SIXTH STREET; ON R;ONROE STREET FRORJ THE Y3ST 7ROF3:RTY LIIJE OF bth St. to 6th N St. R;anroe 3t. Y, FIFTH ~fRr~T 1D TH; EAST }ITOF RTY LIIJu OF SIXTH STR::ET; ON A.`.O:TTOE STREET FROR; TJ?E 'TEST ' from Gth St. to 7th SL. Ky Ave. IROT'iiR1'Y LINE OF SIXTH STR?.::T '1'0 TF1E LAST TROTERTY LI1J: OF SEVl:IJTH STRF.r^,T; ON Ki:NTUCKY :, • ~ from 9th SL. f 1.Oth St. 'Tana. ?! AV:2JL'c FROM 'i4L R';;3T PROPERTY LINE OF NINTIf S1R3.::2 TO THE MAST 4801"s^.?TY LIIJ, OF T}17TH St. from 10th' St. to 72th' St. ~ S1'R"...FT, OR T!URREI.I. BOUlVARD; ON T:xJ1JESSEE 3'1R ,?T P'ROT:1 ',4°:: '"EST F~PiS??TY LIIJE OF A'URRr^.Li. . ' .R'.onros. St. fro-m ~ ' 9th at, to-'I.C. {! BOUL:VARD, OR TEII•iTi STRi•IET, T(? TH;; '.7;:ST IROT::'~?'PY LIN3: OF T'.737.FTH S1"t ~^T; ON 1'OILROE I ' R.R: Traoks rear ;i ,10th gt. " STREET FRORJ THr; '~Tr:ST IROFiiRTY LIlti: OF 1TIIJTH STRi:I:T 1D A LIIJI: TARAL7.3'1. TO ATID F7VE F.7r:T R;onroe ~t. to i j'I,C.R..R,traaks. , EAST•YARDLY FRO Ai '[4'E 0-2`T.?R ('F THr: i.AST TRACT' OF 7R1E Y7.LYI.'.OTS C~^<.T1RAL RATZR[`AD ?1:~,A?? G 71th jt, to 12th" TET7TF1 STREET; RTONROE STRt::iT FRCt' A LIL'3 TARALL::L TO AIJD FIVE F.y:T ;YI:ST'7ARDLY FROh TH3 i I" . St. ii CENTER LIIJE OF TH?: °ri;ST TRAC!. OF TiC: YLLITJOIS CENTRAL RA FIROAD TJ?r1R T~J11? STR 3T TO ~, 2nd 3t. from ~ ~ "`~ Washington to W TEiSr:AST FROFi:RTY LIi~ OF islc:V:,iITH STRr.ET AIJD FROTS THE PEST ~1$OPE.RTY LITJii OF ELa;V:I TH ' , fl '~ Cltt•k. ~ • , STTi3ET FROR; TT?i: SOUTH 3rd 5t. from 3~y"T ~ TIIE FAST FROP:1tTY LIIJE OF T•YEI.FTH STREET: ON S~OND ~.onros to Aiadi- ~' ' THE NORTH PROP.?RTY L]TtE OF Cdd-RK STREET AND OId THIRD son. 5t. ~ FROFRRTY LINE OF WASH]NG10N TO ,STREET FROAG.'171E TIORTH FROFrJJTY LIIJE OF RTONIIOr: STREET TO TAT: SOUTH TROPEgTY LITL°. CF } ~, i _.A'AD ISON ..STRr',ET, IN 1H CITY OF PADUCAFI, K;:IJTUCILY. AT THE JDST OF TP.s ABUTTING PROPERTY ~'~`''"~ 07Nr.RS, ATID FROV.~,DIJG 1iJAT 3AATE SFSALL S : COPJS'IRUCTr9D UPOYI TFii: TEN Yr^6?t PAY1'~iT ILAN, j be introduoecl and •lay over. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by 4he following vote: f ~.. ii Yeea. Taos, Pulliam. Tully, 7Jashingtoa and Katter~ohn,-b• ~ - ~ it ~ x ~ .. r :, .. ', ` ' ; ' h.. . 7. ~: ~: ,, ,'; n ~~ J n - I . ~~ I ~.~... IS' ' 4 ~ .t No. Commissioners' Proceedings,:City..of:Paducah, ~; ,;`' , :~~ ~=192=? Commissioner Fullioam offored the following motion; I move that A RESOLUTION ' k FROVIDIIdG :'OR TH.^. COI?ST:tL'CTiOId OF TH.~..' DRIVYAY, TOG:;TH::t 9ITP f.LL I;ECwSSdRY 1'bNHOZE3, ~ . .• ~ Resolution provid= inQ for: improve- ;CATCH BL3INS, IIdTAI:s'S AI?D S::°!R FII3 COI?2T:CTiONS, ON $EVSI7TE~TH STRs.°.T, OR.FC(JNTAIN . meat of drive:vr~y, ~ on:- dV:1dUE, FROLi 'CHr: I?ORTH I'ROF::R:7 LIId3 OF DROAD':7AY 3TR ~ TO TH SOUTH FROF~ITY ZIR$ OF 17th St. or Fonntei n :,qo: fr'om BroadPey ; Jr:'r'F:~SOI? S]'!?:Z'.T, IN 1fir. CITY OF I+:DUCAH, I~,•YdTUCY.Y, AT 'CITE ^OST OF 7fIE ABU TT RIG FRO- °- to Jefferson, St. P:~TY 0:lI?ERS ' AidD I??OVIDI' dC i'7iGT S E]: SHALL : COI? UC . , _ Bt A ST3 TF.D UPON THr: T32? Y?AR FAY!':RdT ~' FZ.ad be 7ntrodnaed and ley over. bdopted upon oal] of the roll by the follo:vina vo*.e: , : Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, 'Pul]y, ':~ashinaton and Latter~ohn,-b. ' Leyor Ratter~ohn offored tflo following motion: I move that the Order of the . j! Order E`oCraoken L'oCraoken County Court,. showing that the Commission Form of uovernment wee voted out, County Court, ahoy- it>q Comrrisaion be received and filed, 6dortod upon oall of the ro]1 by the followin~- vote; Yeae c^orm of ~ovornment ~ :vas voted out. I;Yeoe, Pulliam, Tu77y, ,lanhineton and %atter~ghn,-5. Commissioner Pulliam offored the fo17ow7n~ motion: That the motion,peeeed ~ C. T,Vota•s, motioA gat the mooting of the Board of Commlealonera April 9th, 1923, el]owina C. '1S Votaw relative"to salary ,, repea]ed, ;;salary to Lay 1, 1923, for work in the venereal C]inio, be repealed, and that Raid 'Votaw be al towed salary to 6pri1 10, 197.3, and that ar_id salary be oherAed against t !the ~?onereal Clinio appropriation to consume the balanoe of paid appropriatiop and that .. :-the remainder be oheraed areinst the Contineent F~md. Adopted up or. oall.of the roll by jthe follovvin~ vote: Yeas, Faoe, Fulham, Tully, YlsahinRtor. ar~d katterjohn,-5. k! Commissioner Pulliam offored the fol7o:vina, motion; I mono that the bi'll.for,• i:.R.Harding Co. '~ 1 ;extra work, making temporary driveway across vacant property opposite the Etarble Yorks allowed ,55.20 ii ~ extra :vork for fen Caldwell Street end Caldwell Avenua, be approved, and the i:. R. Herding Company be ;,:~ drlvnway near .j L'arble ".7orka, al lowedy5b.20 in payment oP same, and the Commissioner of Publio Firar!oe be authorised ' Sever Distriot ~3. e to pay acid amount and oharae to 3rd Distriot Ss:ver Funds. Adopted upon eel] of the roll by the following vote; Yeas,Faoe,Pulliam,Tully,:7aehinPton and Y•atter~ohn,-5. i Commissioner Pulliam offored the following motion; I move that A RESOLUTIOII • k I'ROVLDII:G FOR TH:s COIlS1RUCTIOId OF COIICRTi: Clv?BS AI'D GI!'CTi:R3, AI9 ALL I•T~.^.SSARY E'A2:- ~ ',' Resolution I¢'o- ! ._ ~ ' vidinP for'.ourb & '~:HOZr~, INT..I:E3, S:.':li:RS AddD CATCH BASII?3, ON BOTH SIDES OF TI:I'TH S'LR~:ET FR01,". '[!IE fiORTF. Rut for s on. - 10th St. from ;FROF:RTY LINE OF JEP`F':'RS(~id S'Ii?~?T ^.'0 TI?~ SOI1TFt PROFi??TY ZIIdi~: OF ].4tDISOPI SPREET; ON BOTH " Jefferson to Lad l- son St. SIDES OF E:OIdRO S,"I?sET FROI.` TIT:: ^":S'P I°.OF~?PY LIT': f?F ;;ICHTIf S1R'rT TO Ti1F. ?I3:ST FROF~t• Eionroe St. from ' TY LINE OF T"!v:LFTII ST33::T; Oid °(?TII SIDI:3 c'F S.:COI?D S`PRRT FROI:`: TiT:4 SOUTH F??OP.^•,RTY LIIfE 8th St, to 12th ~! St. `OF '.7ASHII.'GTOI1 S'CI? 5T TO TI?~ •I'OR1?I I'I?0?~.Tm.;TY LII:^: OF CIIa°.!. iTR^::T; OI' POTH °IDES OF ,,, " 2nd St. from i, PIIIRD S1R'..'3T 2':?p'' TIL IJO'.tTII PROFI•n2TY ZIT": Or` I.SCI?ROi; S'L~???ET 70 THE SOUTH TROFi:'~TY' Z12dE. . ;fashinPton to it Clerk St. :~OF I."i.DIS~IN STR31•'T; ON BOTH SID's'S OF ELEVl;Id'ifI S'LR2.'..'•°P r~ir.L ^H:: NOR'CH IROP~?TY LIidE OF 3rd St, from I`on- ' J:~Fr~SON STR~::`C IO 'CITE SOUTIi FROPrltl'Y ZIIIE OF T.V.DI:IOId S1'Rr:r.T; ON BOTIi SIDES OF T'.Y:.'LFTB: roe St. to .: E:a3lson St. ~S'IR:;iaT FROtu TIIr: SOL'Tf? F:iOFr:RTY LITdi: OF TENN:•:583.: STRRr^.ET '10 TIT:: NOI?TII IROJ'RTY LIIJE OF 6 ' 11th St. from i JONyS STR~.LT; OTd BOTH SID3:S OF I;IId'PH STRii:T FROE: TN*: NORTH IROF:1tTY LINE OF b:OIdI?OE ~- Jefferson St. to L.e,iison St. ;ST33ET TO TI?:: SOUTH IROP:RTY ZIId:S OF•I.lIDISON STP.3r AIdD OId BOTH 3IDS3 OF'::IGHTH STRIiET 72th St. from Ter,n.,FROE' TFrr' IdORTII PROI.zJiTY LIIIw OF E:OI?ROE STREET ID THI: SOUTfI FROP:.'HTY IIi?E OF ItiDISON St. to Jones St. ;STREc:T,. IId 'CH: CITY OF FLDUCAH, EENTUCY,Y, AT Tfir: COST OF TH.E 6BUTTIFG PROI11iTY O',9I1r'RS, 9th St, from L?on- roe St, to E:adi- Ai;D IROVIDING T'rIAT S,V:S 5!IbI.l B:: CONSTRUCT^'D UI'OId TILL.' T'aT Y?AR I'AYI:1;:I~TT I'LAId, be intro- son St; duaed and ley over. Adopted upon oe71 of the roll by the fol7owinQ vote: Yeea, Paoe, 8th St. from ' ::onroe St. to Pul]iem, 'l`olly, :4eahington and Katterfohn,-5. I:.aiiaon St. On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the rol] by 5 yeas. i '' i h8r~ted ~ /6,r~9~3 ~P:F~%FZOT~_ j~ ~ ' ~~ ' ~ ~, J-~' n aA rW-' hLAYOIt" . r '' ` (j y L. ~ :~;. ': , .r,rriro, G,.iii~ iris n i r i APRIL 16TH, 1923, `~ +I At a Regular Meeting of the Bonrd of Oommissioners, held 4n the Commisaionere° 1 ~~ ;Chamber in the City Hall, paduoah, Kentueky, oa April 16th, 1923. Upon call of the ! •, r !;roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, Tally, Waahing-., j Nton and Mayor Katter~ohn,-b. On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previoras meetinae were adopted ~ ~as read upon Dell of the roll by the followina vote; Pena, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Wash- I. „ !~ ington and Katter~ ohn,-b. (' Commissioner Tally offered tho followina motion; That tho rogt,eat of the Kni~:ht ~` ? Kniaht Templare'{iTemplars for the ue® of the attests for parade and drill on hay lbth, 16th and 17th I parade and dri71~, , ~'-(ltay 1b-16-17 i(be'Rranted ^nd that the Commiaeioner of Fublio-Safety give the neoessary polioe proteo- Yi a F,, j (~ tion. Adopted upon Dell of th® roll by the follo'.vina vote: Maas, Paoe, Fulliam,'1'ully, ~: I. ~~Waehington and Katter~ohn,-b. ReTOrt Com°r. ~ Oommieaioner Tally offored the followina motion; Y move that the report of the .Publ io Finan.oe I( showina Appor- 'Commissioner of Fublio Finnnoo showing the A ' ti onment,amounte', pportionment, the Amounts Expended and the , expended and the!'Balanaea to the or edit of the various eooounta under the different departments at the ! balanoea to the ;~ I or edit of eaoh !fiend of 1laroh 1923, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the follow-I department. ~~~ Iiina vote: Yeaa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, 'Yashington and Katter~ohn,-b. ! U Communioation ~ Commissioner Fulliem offered the followina notion: % move that the aommunioation E.R. Ha rdinq Co. j; of n^. R, HardinP Co _ relative to i; ~ mPany, dated Aprcil 14th, 1923, relative to lowering Rred® on Sewer ohanf;o in arede (iDietriot ~3-A beyond 10th Street, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll! on Sewer Dist. ~I ~3-A, 'I by the following vote; Yeaa,Paoe,Pu131em,Tully,'•Tashinaton and Katter~ohn°-b. I' i Commiaeioner Washington offored the following motion; I move that the transfer ~ i Cemetery trans-!,from J. P. Fnrkar and wife to H. Id. DeCraffenreid to the east half of Lot X11, in Blook'` ier from J.P. i i~ parker and wife ~ fib. on the South aide of tinnrmn Stroot, betweon Baker and Rtiller Streets, Oak Orove !t Lo. H. Li.DeOrnffen± raid. ~IOemotery, be ratlfiode Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Ynns, •~ (~ Paoe, Fu111am, Tul]y° ;Ynehinaton and Xattoraohn,-b. 1 1 Commissioner tYnahinaton offered tho followina motioY:; Y move that the transfer (~ Oemotery trans- (I from Fki L° Atkins aryl wifo, Graoe Atkins, to J. '•Y. lookwood° to Lot No. 667 in Seotion~ for from Ed L. ~i Atkins and :vife !~ 39, Oak We'ove Oemetery, be ratified. Adopted npon Dell of the roll by the following ~ Craoe Atkins to i J. Y.Lookwood. vote: Yeaa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. ! l - !~ Commiaeioner Tully offered the following motion; Y mov® that AN ORDIPtAI1CE AUTAOR-~~ ~~ Ordinanoe auth- ~i I~INO At!D DIR;~:CTII10 T14.1 1.'RYOR AJ1D COASLSISSYON;.R OF PUBLIC FINAIICA: TO lIORRO'•Y Tf'E SUPS OF i,j. oriaina &'nyor & ' r;; Qomtniselone$ of ' , ' ~!inanoa:to bor- ; 1'ITIRTY THQUSAIID Q~30,000°00- DOLLARS FROL9 1'ttE CITY7::tt9 SAVYNCS BANK OF TADtJCAH, KENTUOKY, -` row X30,000.00 I' AtdD ~ FXi•:OUTA: A NOTh FOR SAID SUM FOR AND ON m:CiAIF OF RAID OYTY be ado tad. Ado tad ~_ from Citimone p T Savinae Bank, ~ ;; npon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe° Pulliam, Tally, Wnohinaton and+ Katter~ohn,-6. ! • I' ~ ` Ordirnnoe Huth- ; Commiaeioner Pnoe offered tho followina motion; I move that AN OA.DYNAtdCE AUT1tOR- orimtno, I`uraluts-i'. I?iN0 AND DIRMCTiNO 7.. A° '~YAyIiIPJO'MA' 1'UROttASTNO AO:rTIT TO PURCItASE A'ROtA C. N° iU1K>:Et A 4na Aaunt to ° ° rt: Ohiefnof Firs or! OAR 1~Olt Tltli OHI1;F OF TIT la FIR:4 D1^JART1':CNT° AND S1;T'i'INC OUT T111r AI.dOUNT TO Yf:", TAtD, AND Dopartmont. !i TH>i 'P:CR?Y9 OF PAY1dtdNT bs adopted< Adopted uron ort7l of the xo71 by the followina vote; ' .I, Yeas, Faoe, Pu111nm, Tully. Washington and Knttor,ohn,-b. Ordlnanoe authy!j i orizing Pnrohas-(: ~Oommieafloner Paoe offered the followina motion; Y, movo-that AN ORDINAIFCE RUTAOR- g ,~ purohaeetfirs ~ YZINO AND DIREOTiNC3 L. A. WASITYNGTON, PURCHASING AfirNT.TO PURCRAS? FROL' TN :UNITED > boas. r 'I' STAT3S.RUBB~t COi:FAItY C:s'RTAYN HOST, FOR THL FIRN Dr3'ARTl.:EDi'A, AND ScTTYNO OUT TIYf; AbiOUttT I '! TO !ia PALD TRER~OR be adopted. Adopted npon Dell of the roll TDy the followina vote; I; Yeea, Peos, Puliinm° Tally,. Washington and Knttsr~ohn,-be _ ' _. - ' ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ . r :, ~ .... ~: ; .~.,,~ e~ :~•.~ =~ is ~~.,.~. _ , ..._ .. . ,. ,.._ _ _, j $ ~~ w. ~ .. _ Na Commissioners' Proceedings; City;of .Paduca .. • ~92=~. i..~., ~; ~- , L.4~.~. Roy Stewart ~~ Commieeior:er Tully offered the following motion: That Roy Stewart, 8herift• Shertf i, pall be aid the sum of 9.00, costs in the Dees of 7.nmb va 01ty of Paducah, an4 enure be . $9.00 costa In P ~ case oY yamb va °ohnraed to Costa k Suite• Adopted u on Dell of the roll b the followina~vote; Yeae Otty of Paducah. :. P Y , 'iP~oe, Pulldnm, Tully, 7sahir,¢ton and Katter~ohn,-b. • • ~; On motion tho Board ad~onrned upon call of Lhe roll by 6 vase. p ~~~ _ f, _._ a ca, ~,. 144A4O ~ .. ~ AFRIl. 18TH. 19 E3. ~~ ' ::~ , At a Called ileetirig of the Board o~ Cocmoieatonera held in the Qommlealonere~ ~`Ohamber in the Ctty Hall, Paducah, Xentuolgr, on April 18th, 19E3, at 1E:00 o'clock A. • i 1L. Upon sell oY the ro]1 tho following answered to their names; Gommisaionere Paoe, . • ~~ Tully and L'eyor Xatter~ohn,-S. i:. • Ueyor Katter~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: To receive end approve the ~i . Voontraot for the 3rd District Sewer extensions and atp~ other business that might ooms a ~betore the noard. E k 1de.yor.Katter~ohn orYered tiie following motion; I move that the contract Yor '~•. Oontraot ,#3 D! s- trict Trunk lino :the construction of trunk line extension sewers between the atty of Fnduoah, Y.entuolry ~ ~ . extension 'sewers ~ . with E.R. Hard- and E. R. Harding Oompany, Incorporated, be received, filed and approved, Adopted ing Oo. ` ,upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeao•Paoe,Tully and Ketter~ohn.-3. ,'~y, Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowina motion: The 3: R. Harding Company Oertified check `, . for ~E,000.00 ;~havina sinned contract for the oonatruotion of the 110. S District Trunk J.ins Sewer 'j • filed :vlth bid a, of S.R. Harding Extenaiona, I move that the Oommtesioner of Fublio Finance be authorized and in- returned. • struote3 to return to them the certified check for l+E,000...OO, which was deposited " `with their bid. Adoptefl upon Dell of the roll Dy the following vote: Yeas, Faoe• ' ITully and KatterJohn,-3. ,j On motion the Board ed,ourned upon Dell of the roll by 3 ,yeas. .~ Ade-tei .. .= RCS t'~'~7 f ~/~/~~'',~,, • ATRIl EOTH. 19E3. ., G At a Called ideating. of tho Board of Commi,esionera, held in the Commission- . ' ere' Chamber in the Oity Hall, Paducah, Ker~tuoY,v, on April EOth, 19E3, at 30 o'alook ~, ]l. !i. Upon pall of the roll the Yollowina ans•ered to their names; Commteaionare Pace, Pulliam, Tully and :9eahington,-4; p~syor F.etter,ohn being out of tovm, 1!syor. • °, Pro Tem .7aehinaton la'esided.. ~• ' ~ !'.ayor Fro Tam 7eahinaton stated reasons for Dal] to-wit; For the purpose • ~ of ellowina pev-toile' for tho first half of April and any other buaineae that might ;ooms bofore the Board. ~ ;'. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That the ~rattor of oonet- ' lenersal ~fleration of the 9'enerRal Clinic be referred to the Board of C.ommisatoners ae n. ' 03iaio. . committee of the whole. Adopted uron oal2 of the rol] by the fol]owina vote; Yeea; .' `; Feoe, Pulliam, Tully nrd '.9ashinaton,-4. halyi ofithe •t Commtastoner "Tu]ly offered the fol]owina motion; I move that the pa~~-rolls., 19n~'th of Apr11~, for the fir at half of the month oYApril,. amounting to ~610E.3A, ae rer.thc report ~; ,~,;: of the Oommiastoner cf Tublic Finenoe filed hore•Rith, be allowed erd 'ordered paid nnd'. ,:,. , F ~';~, the money appropriated from the 4eneral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon"Del] of. the `. • + roll by the Yollowina vote: Yeea, Yeoe, Pulliam, Tu]ly and 7aehinaton",-4. a ^1":'.•' ~.~ ... ~ Sri .yin ~ i ~ ~ie.m. ii ni., iii ~ ii,.. ~.~ i .II. w. ... .L.,...P.... ~,. <.. ....... _' -. .., I,I .... ~ ,.x lr ,i In :.M «.,x ,.~ .~ ,. y.. II. I II, ~: dI n.LL no-am lldW~..~I+,WI „ `, ' .. M• , '. '~ e ...i .. ,.,. .... i 1 e Nu, ~~ ' ~i~i~Ii1881011@T$~ ~P~(~lll~'~~b~~4~8~~nit»rz~;n•t~ `;:•;•:nc~ia>irr(~i~.- ' ~~ j Commieaioner Tully offered the followina motion: I move that the Feq Ro1]s for I 3:_ T payrolls for first half of ~ 4 the fir et half of 'the month of A ril for the 3d DiatricL Sewer, amouraina to 728.13 { p ~ _ April 1923, Sewer D!a tr iot ' be allowed and ordered paid and the Qommiesionar of Public Finance be authorised and ~3' ~ instructed to draw checks ngoineL the No. 3,Dietriot Sewer Fund dooonnt to pay acme. ~ ~ • • Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the followina vote: Years. pace, Pulliam, Tully and { ~ ~" " i , WeehingLon,-4. - i • ~ Qomaisaionar pace offered the followina motion: I move that the oommuniaetion { Southwest $1• p Association IOOF~~ ~ • ~,~ the SeoreLar of the Southwoat Kentnok AsaoaieLion I:O.O.F., dated A ri7 18th S y y ~ P . ~~ ~, "' Oommunication ~ relative to ~ ~ 1923,asking for ermiseion to p~" P parade aL noon on A ril 26th 1923, be received and ~ ~ psaeAe. ' filed., and the request ~a•anted. Adopted upon call of the ro17 by the following vote:. ' ~ Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully and ~7ashington,-4. !~ " _ Oommiesioner Fnlliam offered the followina motion: Y move that A RESOIx1TI0N TRO- ; , Resolution pro- vidinq for im• VIDING FOR THE CO1d3TRUCTION OF THI•: DRIV;,7AY TOG:TH!•R •7TTH. ALL Ttr:CESSARY A51ItHOL.°.S, . " " provemenL of driveway oa Ci.TCH BASINB I17TA}::"s3 ACID S::"'.S1 FIFE CONidiiC'CIONS, ON I~ON!?tr: STR^ET FROA' T?t3 '75ST FRO- ' ~ "ai Monroe Street to from 6th 8t• F::RTY LINE: OF 3IGRTH STREET '[0 T1ti; o:AST T'ROFRTY LI1t? OF NYNTTt S'!'R^ET IN THE CTTY OF . ;~",+ . 9th Street. i PADUOAH, Y.INTUCKY, AT TIT:,' 003T O8' THr: ABUTTDTb TROP:T.TY ~'7N RS, AA'D TROViT) 1NG Tv AT j , . 8AAt6 StiA].L B:i CONSTRitOTrl UFOIt 1Fs Tstt YEAR TAYt'lIT TII.N, bo adopted. Adopted upon j ' ~ Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faae, Fulliem, Tu]lr esnd lashinaton,-4. i ? ", • ' Oommissioner Fulliem offered the followina motion; I move that A RESOLUTION FRO- _ !'~` I Resolution pr0• +~ vidinR for im-. '~ : VIDI1d0 r^OR THs CON5'~RUCTION OF Tf?3 DRIVy'AAY, TO(iisTH:iR '•7ITN 8LL 1d:;C5SSARY AUINRt+i.ES. ~ • I :': provement of i driveway on 17tTi t OATOH BASINS, INTAKES A1TD Sa^7;~ ggE CONIi:7CTI0N3, OM S~:YEId2}:EIiTA BTRA:ET. OR FOUtaTAIII " { St. or Fountain . Ave„ue, from ! ; I. AViTJUE " FilOAS 'lHE NORTH ]'ROF:~RTY 1,I1J3 OF DROAD'~7dY STRs^ET TO THI: SOUTH TROPFdtTY LIitE OF ' Broadway to Jeffersoa St. JEFFERSON STREET, IN TItE CITY OF FADUCdH, KEIITUCKY, AT THF. CAST OF THE ABUTTING FRO-. ,I ,a " ' I F~2TY Og1IERS,,aND PROVIDING THAT SdT.'R SHALL B3 OOIIST3UCT:::D UPON TRi': TEN YEAR FAYI~NT ~. • . PLAN, BE ADOFT:D. Adopted upon call. of the roll by 'the followina vote: Yeas, Peoe, " 1 .~,,• 1 i ~ Fnlliam, Tully and :7aehington,-4: i Oommis©ioner Fuilinm offered the following motion: I move Lhet A RESOLUTION FRO- '! Resolution pro- •idinR for im- ;` ~ BIDING FOR TIIE CONSTRUCTIONI OF 1Ii;: PRIVii7AY, TOO.;TFG~2 '"ITH dLL NEC335ARY lANH07.ES, ! , . prova8ont of driveway on CATCH BASINS, INTAY.ES AIID S"n R FIFE CCTINi•:CTYONS, :011 TIsNTIT STREET FROId 7It lIORTH FRO- ~ 10th 8t• from Jefferson to FiRTY LIit3 OF JEFF:.'RS01I S1'R:.::T TO T1L": SOUTH F?i0F72TY LITI; OF ASADTSON STR^ET, IN THS . Madison St• ~~ CITY"OF pADUCAH, 11:tITfiCKY. AT 'I?1r: COST OF Tit. AIiI?TPIITG FROF:FTY n'9fJE?39, AA'D TROViDIl7G "' • ,,, ~ TIiAT SAIl:: SHALL Br; CONSTRUCT:SD U?'OIt THE T.'aJ~I Y~:AR TAY!?:~~IT TLAtt, be e•toptecT. Adopted upon " ~ ~ ' oaTl of the ro17 by the following vote: Yeas,Faee,Ful]1em,Tn71y and 9aahinaLan,-4. ' " ` i~ Qommissionor Fniliam offered the following motion; I move that A RESOLUTION FRO- Reeolution pro- vidina foe im- il` gIpIN;3 "A'OR TTtE COtJ3TRUCTION OF TII:~. DRIV::'AAY3. TOGsTH~Ii '.7ITH ALL 1n~C?SSARY 1;AI:HOL E3, provement of driveway oh ~ '' CATCR BA3IIt9, YNTAi:ES 4N0 S:se7r12 IYFX CO1tN:x2I0NS, Oit B02R SID S OF TltE FARK~.7AY ON SOU21i " ' 9.lOth St. or Aiurrell Bivd ~~ y Trl]TH STREET, OR L;URR:D.L BOULEVARD, FROti TTfr: SOIiTR FRO, EHTY LIItE OF BROAD'.7AY Tp 1$E • lrom Broadway to Tenn. gt. ~ SOUTH FROFFIITY LI1tE or^^ Tr3IN.5S::E STRICT, III T!tIi CITY OF FADUCdR, KiIIiTUCKY, AT TAE COST; ~~ I': OF Tt?L•' ABUTPIIIG FROF~tTY 07It:RS, A3:D FROVIDiItC ?'•IL1T SAi.:3 3?TAIL BR COIISTRUCTr9 UFOR TFt3 " . T.N Y?r1R FAYAS13IT FLAN, ExCFIIT THAT FORT ION T7HICtI IS TO BP PAID FOR BY TF>r CITY OF PADUCAH, IC~tTUCKY, dS.R G.UIRED BY 1.Ai7. be adopted. Adopted upon Del] of the rol7~ by ~:• the Pollowina.vote: Yeds, pace; ptitlliam, Tully and '7ashington,-4. Reeolution pro- q i! Oo~^miesioner"Fu111am.offerAd the foi.lowing motion: Y mo•vo that A RESOLUTION ~ viding for' improvement o! `~ I~ PROVID INC "FCQ1 Trtr. ,CONSTRUCTION OF TITr^", JRIV:iAAY. TOGET11~11 '.7I2A ALL NEORSSARY AtATTRCLE3. ~ • driveway on N. 12th SL. from . '~ ;; CATCH BdSIlTS, IITTAKE3 Ai1D 5:.,7'c;R P17'L CON17r^,C'CIOIiB. ON Tt0?tTH T:YRLFTH STR wT FROA' TRS Jefferson St. ;( to Madison 8t• ~ NORTH PROF siTY LINE OF Jr:FFER50N S3Rr:r:T TO '"TI.: 3.OL'T'3 FROTidtTY. LIr3 OF A'ADISON STR:;nT: ~ , ' .8.12th 8t• fram'~ Tenn. Bt. to I pit SOUTH T.7,LFTR STRrE2 FROAi TH SOU 1N FROF%RTY LIIt$T OF T=dIN83S~.. S'iRs'z.'T TO T?~ T'OITTS" ~ s~ Donee St1 ;~ M.Iltfi 9t. from, PROF:l1TY LIN3 OF JON'r',S STRiET: 01J NORTF I$L3V;+17TH STRP:ET FROId .TF3 NORTH FRO]'?.RTY LITtE i Jefferson et• t+b OH' JvFF311SON STRniiT 1b TI'E SOUTH PROPERTY 1I1IE OF 4'ADISOII STB?.ETA ON A'CRTN NINTR Madison St. t ~ • `~ 8TRGGT FROIt' THE NORTR FitOPrRTY LITtE OF JI~,FF6~2SON 3TR::ET TO Tom: SOUTH FROF:3tT4'.LYItB ' i~ i •. '~K.<.7v'n ,wk.:"fir e i I@.~ ~~~` ' r. " ~~ " ~. 'wu .i • " ~~ ~ iJ. 9 m r ~_ • s . '+. 1 ~Sp. t j • ~ IQo.~~~P~ f9 j ~ Commissioners'' Proceedings, City of Paducah__.:,:.,':-_,~;~~-_:__~ 192- ~ ~ ~ . i~OF I'{.DISON S'1R3.uT; ON IJORTP. rr^.IGATH STREET FROt? THE IJORTN PROP:NtTY LINE OF JEFF.~ISON ~ y8T83.T''T TO TPE SOUTH TROI'3RTY LINE OF kADIS0IJ~ STRUT; ON IJORTII SF.V~JTH STRis?:T FROM THE street improvement. on H.BLh 9t, from ;NORTH PROP~ITY LIIJ3 OF J:S'FisR302J STR33'T TO T!L•s' SWTH FROP:RTY LIIJE QF I.""ADISON 914tEET: „~, Jeifereon Lo Hindi- ,i < eon•• H.7th 9t. from ON SOUTH S:sV ~1JTH STR.S T FROM 'rt!?. SOUTJ? TRO^3tTY LINE OF 'fwITTUCYY AV::NUE TO Tf!5 I'ORTA Jeifereon to P ltndieon; S.~th trom,IROF.:RTY LIN3 OF 7ASAIIJGTOIJ STR.^.:~:T; OIJ NORTf! SIXTH STR::ET FROt'f THE NORTR FROFSRTY LFNE u.~• %y.ave. to Nnehing-; ~ Lon St; lt.bth St• ',OF J«FFyiSON 9TRr:::T .'lU TA« SOUT?! FROTFRTY LINK OF ?dADIB^Ii STR^?T; ON SOUTH SFYTJ? 9TRE°T ~ ' • ' from Jeffs;aon to . L'adtaon; S.6Lh SL. 'FROId TF.E SOUTP FRUP~ITY LILT' OF Y.DJTUCYY AV:;1JUE TO TH« NORTH PROP~tTY LINE OF '9A9RINC: } from %y.avenue to u •' . ' 7lsahington; B.bth ''• TON STRr'ET; AIlD ON NORT9i FIFTH S'1R?.ET FR CE; TI?E IJORTFT PROT:'RTY LII:'E OF i40ILR0E STR'.rET TO' ~ .o: St. from iottYOe to';; ~° f> f Madison St. ", TA3 90UTH PROFF.RTY LIN3 OF 1dADi302I STR'r.3T, IN TAE CITfi OF~ i'ADUCAH, Y,IS!TUCKY, AT THE ;COST OF TH:: A$UTTING FROP:$TY O:JIJ~IS, AI?D IROVIDIIJG THAT SA6±3 SUALL AE COIJS'L4IUCTF.D UPBN •'• {` THE T3iJ Y3AR FfiYi:.~.NT YI.AN, be sdopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the fol]owinq ~, • 1 ~ ~ .!vote; Yeae, pane, Pulliam, Tully and :9aehingtan,-4. ~ ' Commissioner Fulham offered the folloHinR motion; I move that A RESOLUTION PRO- • ~• ' VIUING FOR TIL: CONSTc2UCTI0N OF 'P!!E DRN:::4AY, TOG34'HER '.4ITH AZL' N.'•dC39SIlRY A4ptJ1?OLES, Street improvement ti "'" ` on 4th SL. from ~CATDA BASINS, :IJJTAK«S A1JD 53:9.'aR FiPE COIJII~TIDh9, OIJ FOURTH 3TR's'?:T FROL! 'N..E AORTA x; Yonros to lladiean , St; 4th St. from ?1'ROP.t.'RTY LINE OF It011R0~ S'kt.'^.::T TD Ti?E SOUTH TROP_~?TY LIIJ;' OF I.lADI~OIJ S1?IF.F.T; ON FOUR TN ' ' Jlnehington to O1nrY St; llsehing- ~ STR 5T Fg02.! 1TIE SOU1'F. PROir"1iTY I,IN3 OF ',9ASIIIIJGTON STR?wT TO THS IJORTH PROT~tTY LINE OF ' ton 9t. from bth • to 6th SL. M CLARY_ ST3;:ET; ON :4ASTIIIJGTOli .STREET FROM 14!1; :7 ST FROF~ITY LINE 0?, FIFTH STREET TO THE lionroe 9L. from f ' bth SL• t0 6th 8t• j FIST F•EIOFERTY LIN3 OF 3ffi1H SIR.^,.~'1'; OIt la02JR0E $TRE7:T FROL! Tlix: ~9SST FROF:':RTY LINE OF . LIOnr Oe SL• from ,~ ~ ~ '~ 6th tp 7th St. ~ r^IFTH STR:sET 1b TITi: i:I1ST 1'30I'::2TY LIME Or SIX'PH STR::ET; ON ta0IJR0E STREET FROii THE '•4EST . ' '~ %y.Avs. from 9th Lo 10th St. rFROP:diTY LIIJ:a OF 9I%TH STRix'T TO TH:'. «AST TROPi~tTY LIIJF. OF 3?:VF3?TH STRE?tT; ON KENTUCKY Tenn. St. from lOthr to lEth St. AV::IJU3 FROJa TH:: "J?;ST FROF3tTY LINT; OF IJINTH STRET 7Y1 ^H« EAST PROPERTY LI1??; OF TE21TA kom•oe St. Prom ' 9th to I. C.R.R. i STR ET, OR lIURR::~L BWLF.VARD; OIJ TFY1N:tS9«E ST4?.ET FROIi TAr'. '4 ST PROTFRTY LINE.OF Traoka, and from ' ~ ~,a,•,~mi I ` I. C.R.R. to lEth t L1UPRi3.L DOULEVARD, OR Tr~JTH 31'REET, TO TH '.75:ST PROTERTY LIIJE OF 'P'.4:•~7.A'TA STRA~'i'; ON .. p; St. ' p 1aG1LR0r: STR}:::T FROG! TA« '.9:•:ST TROTI32TY LIIJE OF IIIiJTH 31'R!`« T 'BO A: LIIJ? FARALL:~. '1b AIID, ~ ~ , , ' • ~,~ • ~ ~ FIV3 F3ET «AST'•7ARDLY FROIa 't'Hr: CI:IJTF2J OF TIC: 3AS'P '1'RACI: OF TlIE I. C. R. R. N AR TEIJTH ' ~; $TR::.`T; lGOIJRO;: STR3»"P FROLt A 1I21E IARALLi;I, TO AIJli FIV3 F3ET :4«ST'4ARDLY FROb: THE OFJJT~32 .' , ,. . ;, „~ ~ ~' .~ j~ LIN3 OF TITS Y3ST TRACK OF TN« ILLII:OIS CkT:TRA:. RATIROAD IJ«AR TIJTIi STRI.1':T 4'0 :TfiE EAST ' I ~ FROPrRTY LIME Or' .'~I.EV:$1T]I STR«'T A?'D FROiI TI!:,a '9i:ST TROP~iTY LIIJ3 OF RLEVr^.HTN 9TREET -y Snd 9t. from Clarks TO TH:: EAST FROF~tTY LIN3 OF T:7rD.P'Tli 9TRc:::T; ~1 S«DOND SiR«.ET F3i0bi TIJ« SOUTH TROT:RTY to Nash to gt an and 'a ~~` ; 3rd St. from ~ I;IIJ3 OF '.7ASAIIJDTOIJ STR? ~T TD T?I« _NORTA PRDPiRTY LIIIr: OF CJARY. 4TR .°.T 1.29 ON THIRD ' Lonroe St. to ~ ~ ' ` ~ )dadieon SL• • ;, ~ STR::«T •FROLI 'PH.? J:ORTH TROP«RTY LIIJ~+ OF ?.Y)Ii?0:: 9'IR'>:l TO Tf!E SOUTH FRO,T~tTY LIIJE OF , ;. ~,~.~ . ~` .. .u,IddDISOH. STR::«T. IN 'PHE CITY. DF 1ADUQAA, KEIJTUCK7J, AT THE COST OF THE ARUTTIIJG PROPETY . F ~ p 07N:SI3~ AI1D PROVIDING THAT SA!"F !ALL B?; CONSTRUCTr,D IJF'ON Tim TiNJ YEAR PAYI'];flT PIAN, r ~,., ,i '_ ~ ~bo ndopted.; Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the Yollowina vote; Yeses paoe, Pulliem;~ ,4r, ~• ~~.Tully and 7nahingtan -4. ' ;'J'' . . t ., ~ (lomnieaionar Fulham offered .the Yoilowlna motion: I move that A RE90LUTTOtJ PRO- ~ 'Oonorete onrba and, VIDIIJG FOR TJr,' CONSTRUCTION OF C01iCRi:^F: CURBS AtJD CUTT5IIS, AtJD AIZ.IIRO';SSATIY ?AIJAOL3@ ' ~ ~ gnttsre on 10th • St. iromJeffsreon'-' INTAI:ES, S:."OFRS A?9 CATCH Iil.3IIJ3, OtJ BOTH ;,FOSS OF Tes'G'T?1 STR`:?T FROb! T!!? NORTn PRO- • _; , °„~ to ~itadieon St; ~ ' . ,' ~ ~I'F~TY LI2t3 OF. J::FF'ISO1J S'1R°.:."T TO 'PH« 9CUTIt FROP::RTY LFN3 OF !'ADTSON S'IR^:E1'; Old POTJi .: - liorrcoe 9t. from u N, , 8th St. to 1J:Lh ~ SID«S OR Ia0NR03 9'PR_..~`T FROIa TH'?. '.9EST PROPETY LIIJ3 OF, .'iIrATA .9iRY~w:T 1'0 TIIS 'Y.T?ST FRO• , ~ St. , Ewd St. from Cinrls FERTY LIJJ.t,' OF T'.7LFTli S'1R TT ON DOTIi SIDES OF 33'COND STRi~:ET FR(?Ja 'l9?b: StJUTH TROP?:.RTY ' to Na~hington St• 3rd St. from . ,. LIME OF :9A$HI216TDIS STR:i«T. TO TI'.i; 1JOiITII TROP:di'i'Y Lltt:: OF CLARK STREET; ON P.OTH SIDES OF • ; tionroa to tiadieon St• ~, THIRD STR'..::T FROL: TH:i I10RTH PROI~ITY LI1J3 nF Ja01JR0E STR .:T '1C.' T!L: 30UTH IROFERTX TINE .,~0 "ADISON S"_R::i:T OIa I 11th St from ~ ON BOTH SID33 0~` ELEVnNTH TR E T FR t« ~J ' 1. • ' . . ; . 3 S ,O ~ N084 A HRDP.32tT! L1HB D! l.i,; • ' ~ ! gf Jefferson to , ~ ~ Itadison St. ~1TEP'F~90IJ 5TR^-.T?TO TH3 SOUTH PROF7tTY LIIJ3 OF i.'.ADISON S'1R?w'T; ON A0~[4! SID S OF T'.9FLFPH , , ._ • 1Eth 9t. from y ~ Tena.St. Lo ~ STR::ET FROL THS SOUTH FROI:RRTY LIIJ3 OF T::NNi:3SF.E STR«ET TO TH;,' ?JDRTE TROFFRTY LIN« OF ' Janes St. ` '~; 9th St. from . ~ JUIJES STRr:E1'; DIJ BOTIi SIDES Ol' b`INT)i STR3.?T FR]?1! TJt~ I10R'14! FRDP'+RTY ,LIiJE OF HOIIROE ~..„ ~ •~>~! • ~ Nomoe St. to „ ., ., ~. ,~ Madteon St. ~ STRi..t,,T 1b 1^.i`3 SOUTF. PROPTY LINE OF I."ADL901J 31R?T AIJD ON BOTH SIDES OF I:IGf!TH STREET ~ ,•zJ;. ;' ~ 8th Street from ~ l ' ' ' ~;° • , Ltonroe to Madieoa j ~~ s 'f l .: _. ,. - xa 6/ 2 ' `~' 7 'Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ '~ • 192- ' FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF ii0NR0E STREET TO TF.:: 30UTH IROPERTY LINE OF l~aDISON l `"'.'~ ~ . STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUOAII, KrNTUCKY, AT TA ii COST OF TfL: AHUTTIIJO PROPF.EtTY 0~9N31S, AND FI~YIDINO THAT Sa19E SHALL BE OON3TRUOT.:D UPON THE TEK Y.:AR PAY}t3IT FLAN be adopted. :~, ~+ r ` '! I ado tad upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yene Paoe Pulliam Tully and F ~ `• t Aaehington,-4. .'. •r' :`:; ' + ~ •, Oommiesioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that a notioe be served ~ B.R.Barding • on E. R. Hnr8lnq Oompany, tnetruoting him to beam work on Trunk Line ~Eer.eion Sewora l Oo. notified to begin work under hie oontraot dated a ril 9th 1925 and that the City Olerk be lnetruoted.to ~ P ;, •• ~ l on dunk l,ina 8ztensioa serve eai.d notioe. ado tad on Dell of the roll by the followi vote: Yene Paoe P ~ nK .~ ° ( 8ewere.. r +• Pulliam, Tully and 19aehington,-4. y, l -•'. ,',. ~,. On motion the Hoard adjourned upon osl] of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. • {; ' ~; 'paoe, Pulliam, Tully erd. 1laehington,,4. I ., ~ . Adopted 23^~lf~. ~~.t~'ii+~r.~ ^ ~ aW CMi dpRIL 23RD. 1923. • ~ '; r • At a'Rsgular Meeting of the Board of Oommieeionere, head in the Oommieeionere' ; ' ~•' r ' Ohambsr in the City Hell, Padnoah, Bentnoky. on April 23rd 19E3. Upon sell of the ~ , roll the following answered to their names: Oommiseloners Paos. Pnlliem~ Tnliy. .; •~, llaehington end Mayor satterjohn,-b. I ~ ' • I On motion the Oommiesioner Ta11y the miantea of the previone meetings were adopted ,~•~ • ae read upon Dail of. the roll by the foilowinq,votss Yeas, paoe, Pn111nm, Tally. •y I ~1.r! ' ;. ~' Nashington and Kattsrjohn,-b'. ~ ~- W Qommieeioner Tu11y offered Lhs following motion: That the Tyme Utility Oompeny bq • Tgmo Utility •~ Oo. granted', • ~ granted szemption from 4d valorem tease for a period of five years from this date. as j ezemption from." ~ i Lazes fora an indnoement for them to looate and operate their plant in the.City of Yadnoah, and the . period of 6 t , . ~. year e. Oity 9olioitor be inetruoted to bring in a resolution to that effeot: adopted npoa i . Dell of Lhs roll by the following w ts: Yene, Paae, Pniliam, Tally and Aaehington,-4; ' Asye. Katterjohn,-1. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: Y move Lhat Lhs ooet bill in the ~ 't' Ooat bill !n ones of Oity of Padvoah, Petitioner Bz Parts. amounting to the emo of X10.26, due f ` ~'?• Dees of Oity •.~ • of Paduoel: Roy B.. 3peok, Olark Oomt of appeals. bs allowed, and the Obmmieeionar of Pnblio Ti- ~ ' '' Petitioner Bx ;, ~' t nanoe ie hereby puthoriaed and inetrnoted to issue vonoher to the said Speok, and than ( ;~ .,;ng to X10 26 ~ paid Roy B. same be oharged to Ooete and Suite. adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following .. Speok,Olerk ( Oovrt of vote: Yene, Paoe, Pulliam, Tally, Aaehington ntd 1Catterjohn,-b. ~ , . a' appea]e. ~ ~. ' ~, ~ Oommiselorer~Pu111em offered the following motion: i move that the aooonnt of • . I Mieo•.Lanra • ~ Mies Lama Oravea, amounting to $22.00 far Laklna depositions !n Lhe ea it of 0. 8. Oravee paid i X22.00 taking iti i d y grog. &o.. ve Oity of padnoah. Kentnoky, whereby the 0lty has been enjoined from lett•~ ' t ~ • •, < ons epos n ! snit of 0.8. ; ~, ing oantraote for the oonetrnotion of branch line sewers. be al]owed and the Commie- ,: t 0!ty of Paduonl - stoner of Public Fine.noe ie hereby authorised to !sane check to her for said amount Sewer Distriot '~ ` ~ '~" ~3. ~ and charge same to Coate era Suite. Ldopted upon Dell of the roll by the following .,. •ote: Yeea, Psae. Pulliam. Tully, 7faehington and Kattarjohn,-6. j ~ "~ ? ~ ~ Oomaiseiorior Aashingtan offered the followir~ motion: I move that the transfer ~•; , Oemetery trene ~ from lira. Bliss Meysre to lire. F. a. 8hemwell of Lot Ro. E10. !n Ssotion 14. Oak Orove ~ ~ • far from Mre. Bliss Meyers ~ k ~'Oomstery bs !stiffed. adopted npoa call of Lhs roll by the following vote: less Paee ~ . ~. Shem:-ell. pallism, Tally. ®aehington end uatterjohn,-b'. .. dommieeioner 9laehington offered the foiiowing motion: I move that the transfs! ~ ~~• ~ • Oemstery trans . p far from " from Y.B.Asaeon to .lh•. std Mts. O.a.Bnttrey, to the 8onth one-half of Lot lfo. Zlt; is ± ' M.B.Naeaon to Mr. and ,Mr a. " : 8sotion 14, Oak Orovs Osmetsry..bs ratified. adopted span Dail of the roll by tha • 1 '• O.a.Battrsy. • ;' following vote:Yeas.Paos,Pu111am.Tally.Nashington and Yattsrjohn,-6. ••• ,~ ~,~ .. ~i-r.~c.,,.r.,.~~. ....?SSt+ti+fi~'~^!~rtl.:n+'!i~, ts,,'°' ., > _+~ a r ~., _2- ... ~~:,~~• ,: I ~ .,... i. , .. ;;, ~~ - - ~~ Comiel8eioner 7aehington offered the following motion: I move that the transfer from -~ I Cemetery trans- kli. B. w6teson to J. fl. Howard to the North one-half of Iut Ho. E19° in 8eotion I4° Oak far from fl. B. ! We.ssan'to d.fl. ;~Qrove Cemetery. be ratified. Adopted upon Dail of the ro13 by the f ollowing vote: Yeea Howard. ~ ~Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. Washingtoa and Katteraohn~-b. ~ . u •~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that • RSSOLDTION FRODID- Reaolntion f I$G FOR AND AUTAORIZIAG TAE CONDS•[NATIOH OF CSRTAIN PROPERTY IN SUB-DIDISI011S •. AND B. anthorizing obn-~ damnation of ~ OF SR~7SR DISTRICT NJflBFI't TAfiES. IH TA8 CITY OF PADUCA$. ~NTUCKY. FOR TES PDREOSI::OF property for Sewer District I~ d PP.OCURING A RIGRT-OF-AAY FOR 'PHE COl'STRUCTIOA.OF 38'.°wR3° AND .DEBIGNATING TAE PROPERT! ' #3. u " ' ~TO BS CONDiG'UfID° be adopted. •dopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yesa i • ~ ^~Paoe~ Pu111am~~Tnlly, 7leahington and Katter~ohn~-b. ~. y on Commissioner Tully offered the following moti 5 00 that alynn.Tnily. Commission- ~ Mra.T.C.3kinner f ~ 2 k er of Public Finance be authorized to issue oheok,°to ?lra. T. G. 9kinner..or her sttor- psid for right ;; of way across i'ney, nrnoe Phi]ley, for right-of-way for oonstrnotion of trunk line sewers over her her pproperty for' 3rd •Diatriot !'property. which sum hea been allowed by ~udame'nt of the lSoCraoken Cironit Court in sewer. ;1 the action of r'. '.9. Katter~ohn, Mayor, &o. , ve Thomas Warren, &o. , and upon the ezeon- . i `~~~;:°; i ~ E!tion of deed by the said Yrs. Skimler to the City of Padnoah. Rentuaky, for said right- t ,.:.,.?. yA,,,:.,.. ~ t: `; ` • P ;~ ot-way; the Commissioner of Pnblio Finance ie authorized to deliver said shack. , a •; ;. • ` k Adopted upon call of the roll by the iol3owinB w te: Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam Tully. - ~«- . •'-" li ~i ~; Washington and Katter'ohn,-b. i1,a , I~~ Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. On motion the me A1eFIed S~~t~t2t~-r~n.~.lfr ~•3. ~.YY'kt,G7Ya , • . .... ~ C s--~ t-P-C ~~ 1./'. i APRIL S6TA. 1923. , - . _ - I j j i Plans for Don-~ ~, atruotion of ._I sidewalks &o.. on S. aide Tenn.. St, between 3rd ' SL. and 'Tenn. .. - River Bank. ~^ .. venereal f Clinic. „~ , At • Qalled Meeting of the Board of Commisaionere. held in the Commieaionera' Chamber in the City Hnll. Padnaeh, xentuoky, on •pril Ebth~ 19E3, at 10:46 O'o1ooY A. M. IIpon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commieaionere ' Paoe. Pulliam. Tally. Washington and Mayor KatterJohn.-b, Mayor Kattar~ohn stated reaeone for Dail to-wit: ~To adopt the plane and epeoifi• cations 4or sidewalks, curb and Butters for Tennessee Street between 3rd Street and the Tennessee River Bank° and any other business that might Dome before the Board. Cortmiesioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the plane,'tor the oonstrnotion ot.sidewalke. curb and gutters on South aide of Tennessee Street ~" '~ ~,~• •.; between .3rd Street and Tmneseee River Bank. be adopted and that copies of same be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe' r.:~1 ., 8ullinm, Tully. Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. ` .r Oa motion the Board ad~onrned upon Doll of the roll. by 6 yeas. • A+ieplp6 Ql9R~ _ rr~ -.~ivJ /~ :~ ~• t~y'~'~i(// _~ ~~ a..a ~,tTQR; , ' APRIL E6TH. 1923. ~' ' ! `. , ~ •t a Oallsd fleeting of the Board of Commissionere~ held in the Commiseionera° Chamber in the Oity Hall. Paduoah,.Kentuoky, on April 26th 1923, at 3 o°aloak P.fl. ~ ; ~lTpon Dail of the soil the following answered to their names:. Oommiesioners Psoe° i i Tully. Washington and Jaayor Kstter~ohn°-4. • i Mayor F.atter~ohn stated reaeone for Dell to-wit: For the purpose of hearing disonaeion o4 citizens on the Denereal'Clinio. and any other business that might Dome .:, bslore the Boards ?' ,t: f ~____. ~: >.~w . ,.":R?^!34'~^-'"^•m""hC...,,.,:r. .. .,:.>.. .~...,.. ., ._. .:: "::3~?r",rRn^. ^!P~.:'.i."~" .. .!3"9, •~p"` ~'" j • ~ - - - ' _ 1 I ~rp;~.i: ,ion .., ~~,.~., ,~ ~~~, -m -n gyp.: ear ll~~~llla~ Ip. i. pa-~n~~,m~.lr~~~.; :~ i,~ i~gipal~~i~~gi A~r,~~ gyp.. _.,i i ~-it„,-~- - I I.i ~ ~ ~ .... o~ _,. ~. Asa it 'p I;i:r,-,i' k' _ ._ "~' =Commissioners':'Proceedings;'City~of~PaducaH•-•~~rt~z_: "''i. ' Na ' ~l0 3 •~ ~~,~ x.cr,t,f`~ 192_...: ' . , ,' ";~ : Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192- ~s. ~' . ., After hearing the oiti:ena, the Hoard adJonrne8 upon Dell of, Lha roll by ~ ~ ; ~ . * •~° 5 ~ ; , ;3 r,r '~ Washington and Kstter~ohn,-4. vote: Yeas, 8aoe, fully. _ _ the following r- , ., p • . - ~. : • V ~ .. < t~ ~ . G • b s 3 z •:,• , , . . ~' APRIL 30TH. 1923. .. . p. ~ , ~ ,;. ' t, r " /, „..~. At n Regular Meeting of the Board of Commiseionere, held is the Co~isaion- .. ry , . , ~ era, Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on April 30th• 1923. IIpon Dell of >` • ~ •, the roll the following anawered.to their names: Oouo®iaaioners Paoe° Pulliam, Tully, ., Washington and Mayor Katter'ohn,-b• . On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were • • ,,, adopted as read upon call of the .roll by the,iollowina vote: Yeaa, Paoe, hulliem•Tnily° '~ "~ ' _ .. ,J ,Washington and KatLaryohn°-b. i ~y~ehaw 8° ldao- .k Hayor Katte;john offered the following motion: Y mays that the oommunioation i ~ , , Doaeld Communi- 1923, relative to dirt thrown in front of from Bradshaw & MacDonald; dated April 2®th <, oation•re]ative , . ' Lo dint in front the establishment of Mr. Abe Shut, at 1704-1706 South Fourth Street. by th® &. R. ~ ' of Abe Shnb ' ~ ~ by construction ~ gnrding Company in the oonatruotion of tr;mk.lins sewers on South Fourth Street, be j • S•4th St. , received and filed, Adopted npoa Dell of the roll by the following vote: Paoe° Pn]ldem° Tully,. Washington and Katter'ohn,-b•. ., ~ Ddayor Katter,ohn offered the following motion: That the appointment of )dies ~ 111ea Blanche Blanche Farwell, ae City Health Bme®, from April let. 1923, be approved• salary Lo be ! ' Farwe]1,City i • Health Boras ~' '106.00 per month. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vot®: Yeas. Paoe, i ` Pulliam, Tully, Washington•and Katter'ohn•-b• I ~ Oommiseioner Tully offered the followdaa motion: That L• R• Qunrlss be appointed '• , ppointededog as dog ohatoher. and. that he be iC'anted pol,ioe powers, eifeotive },ley let, to BePVe 8t I N • catcher. the pleasure of the Hoard of Commisaionere, at a salary o4 $130.00 per month. Lo be ohasged to the Contingent Fund. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter,ohn•-5. J Commissioner Tully offered Lhe following motion: % move that the petition of j (Petition of i the property owners residing on 3or.Lh bth Street, between Elizabeth and Broad Streete,l property owners , ion S.bth St. ~4 jbetn.811zabeth asking for a gravel street, be received end filed. Adopted boa Dell of the roll by ~ ! ,and Broad Ste. asklna that same , the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam; Tully, Washington"and Kstter,ohn,-b• j ' { ;, be gaaveled• ~- j Oommisaioaer Pulliam offered the foiloaiag motion; % move Shat L. S.•Fiaoh, ~L.S.Finoh•City ~ Sanitary r^nRi- ~ ~,.- City Sanitary Engineer, whose reelanaLion takes effect !may let, 1923, be allowed his j •' {nee;• reargue- ~ _ ' salary of X76.00 for the lent half of April, and t18t Lhe Co~iasioner of Public tion and salary ~ . ~ , ~ellowad. Finance be authorized and iaetruoted to issue check Yor same againat•the Sewer Depart-~ y.~ .. i { •`' ~ ~ menL• Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa° Paos° Pulllam~Tnilyd ;; Washington and Katter,ohn,-6• I ~; ,'" R Reward $200.00 ~; Oommieeioaer Paoe offered the followiaR motion; I move that a reward of !for oonviotion '~ of party or par-pN ~g00.00 be ofY'ere8 by the Cdty o4 Paduash° Kentucky, Yor the oonviotion of• or evidence hies guilty of C dyaamitina hones; leading to the oonviotion of any pm°son or persona guilty of, or oonoerned in the dyna1 ~ at 1024 Clay St:i! and killing )dre. ~ mitiaie or the use of other high explosives, is the deetruotion of property at 1024 f ~• ;~. :. Al•Warren• C]ey Street, Paducah, Kentucky, and by reason of which Bdrs• Al• Warren wee killed on i ~ ' ;,. April."30th, 1923. 1Jpon the Psvment of aei$ money to a~rone, same is to be, charged to F ~ Lhe Oontingent Y~nnd• Adopted npoa Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas• x r •. ~ Paoe, Tnily and Washingtoa,-3; Baya. Pulliam aai Katter,ohn,-E. ~ , s Cemetery trans- far from C.A. Commi sadoner Washington offered the following mot ion: , Y move that the trans ~ ~~' y .. f; f _ . •- Buttrey and wits far from C.A.Bnttrey and wife, Ruth Buttrsy° to S. W.Jaoob to•the rear half of the eouLli `. to 5.11. Jacob. . , halt of lot L37 da section l4, Oak drove OsmeLeryd bs ratified. Adopted upon call of , , .. ._, .~a_. :, „ .. -.,. ! r ~. '~ ~~i~~ ''('~awis... ~~...--.:;.s `~.18~`'6°'Tl~ r - .ri~nv~ - -<.:;i.. eM1...,,xe..,wax .a s ~ 4.~.:e.:.« ~:s~ ~,~. .. `, .~ , - r - . . ~ .. - / No. /~~. :. ~ ~ Commissioners'. Proceedings; :City of Paducah ' , - _, ~ . _ 192- " ' ~~the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, $eos, Pulliam, Tn11y, Washington. and Satter- ~~oha,.b. ~ - P I ffieyor %atterlohn offered the following motion; F move thn4 the oommnnioation ~~"'?' Commnnioation ' ffiaryland Caenalty from ffiaryland Caenalty Company is regard to Hond of E.R.AardinR Company be reoeivea Company regard- ing bond E.R. `and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roil by the following sots: Yens, Paos, Pnilism' i Harding Co. Trunk Line Ezten- W a o ''+ 1 a hi t o an to o -5 , ~ Tul d I{at r hn W .~ aion Se era. ~. q Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: I move that • RESOLUTION BEID~Pl- ~ , ..,1 Faduoah Tile & ;ING THE PADUCAH TILE AND FOTTERY COMPANY FROM THE PAYMENT OF ffiUNICIPAb Ab~VALOREffi a,. ~ Pottery Company ''TREES N THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS be adopted; Adopted , ezempted from tazea to City of ;upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tally and Wsehington', ''=`' ' Feduoah fora period of b years 4; Gaye, %atter~ohn,-1, '! . Commissioner Tn13y offered the following motion: Y move that A RESOTATION .1. Tema Utility Co.~EX&WPTING TH3 TYMO UTILITY COMPANY FROffi THE PAYMECiT OP ffiUNZCIPA,L AD VALOREffi TREES N ezempted Prom !, taxes to City of '!~ CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUC%1!, FOR s PERIOD OF FIVE YEAR8 be adopted. Adopted upon ° ' paduoah for a period of five ti Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Pnoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington,-4; .. year e. ~ ~ 'f N1~ye, %atter~ohn,-1. h Commieaioner Wsehingtoa offered the following motion: I mots that the peti'!ibffi ,. Petition proper- i,b~.~D p:lopartq.dvaai~s'.A17.8ontb Twelfth Street, between Jonse 8trset and Tennsses• ty owners on S,lEth St., ask-;,Street, aekYnq for nn extension of the water mains, ba rsoeived and itled, and'the Oitq ; • ing for oxteneion • Aster 1!eine. ; golioitor is hereby direoted to bring in a reao]ution for the extension of said wstear i • 'mains. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Paoe, Pu111em,Tnlly, i` Washington end Satter~ohn; b. Resolution Rs- ? Oommieaioner Waehin~tton offered the following motion: I move Lhat A RESOLUTION - ~""""1 quiring Peduoah "RE4WYRING THE PADUCAH WATER OON1'ANY TO i-71TEtiD ITS WATh`zZ ffiAINB ON SOUTH TW«LFTH STREAS'a,` , Water Co. to ex-' tend its mains ;BETWEEN JON89 8'iREET AND TENNESSEE 97REET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, • DIS- on S.lEth St. ~~~-' ~ beta. Tones and ' TANCE-0F dPPRO%IIdATELY S60 FEhT be adopted Adopted upon Dail of the'roll by tbs - ~ Tennessee St. % ~lollowing vote: Yeaa,Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,Waehington and Katter~ohn,-b. Report City !~ Oommieaioaer Tully offered the following motion: That the report of the C11y Solioitor regard=' ing eooount of ''9oliodtor xith referenoe to the aooount of S. B. Gatt, Oounty Jailer, va Oity of S. B.Gott,County a Jailer va City. Ipaduoah, bs reoeived and filed and the Oommisatonar of Publlo Finnnos be authorized and Oom r.publlo Finnn.oo author ' •; , ~ iced to pay Dame 'and inatruoted to pqv said aoaount, amountinR~to X741,00 and oharge same to th• Ooo• to amount of ,tinRent Fund. Adopted upon oaii o! the roll by the foliowtnK vote: Yeaa, Paos, X741.80. , i ~ I'';Yulllam, Tu11y.•NaahinR.ton and kaLLsr~ohn,-b. ~' On motion the Hoard adjourned upon Dell of Lhe roll by .6veas, . ~ w Gls.e ~e~.fctGs~.,~.__. IiAY 4TH, 1983. '~'1i'XY'lti~ ~, j ~ a At a Called ffieeting of the Hoard of Commisedoners, held in the Oomwiseioaera' s it Chamber in the City Hall, Padnoah, Kentuoky, oa Nay 4th, 19E3, at 10:86 O'oloor A. it,' '. ~ ~ Upon oaii of Lhe roll the following answered Lo their names: Commissioners Paos.. • ~~~ ~ Pulliam, Tu11y, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b, ,° ~'1"'; , ~( ~'~ i , r f ~ Mayor Kntter~ohn stated reseone for Dail to-wit: For the purpose of paeein6 .~ . ~ ~ ~ it ordinanoee for street nrd tiidewalk improvements and any other business LhaL might Dome ~ ~ ~ • before the Aoard, `""~` - Ordinance I~ Commissioner Washington offered•tha following motion: I move that AN ORDiNANOB 3idewalks,ourbe ~ ;~ Gutters on Tenn. PROVIDING FOR TH« CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETF. SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS. AND ALL NEC• "'' Strait, sOnth s aide, from 3rd St.? ESSARY DAANHOLL~B, YNTAKES, S~YFItS AND CATCH BASINS ON TH« SOUTH SIDE OF T131NF.SS«E to top of bunk of . Tenn. River. ~ STREET, FROM 'PHE hAST INTis'EtSECTK)N OF TiSiiNIsSSER AND THIRD STR?J4TS 'CO TH« TOF OF THE ADOPTED. BANK OF THE TENNESSEE RIVFIi, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAR, KENTUCKY, AT TH& 003T OF THE I. u a 11 ~,~' ~~,' .. ~ . f ' .z,:,..n '~~"e x'~,~'~-A'. .x7^ :,°,i *k. ,... _. ." ..y."',,~ ~ ~. , ' 0,-1^°~,~n;.+.n:vr+~ ,^a~:....r,~~,,.Q e. Tk~Mk":5."'~#, 1.. '!,7!m;;rr..'~4 .. ,..:, .~!.:'t~ ~ "A'.",,?;! , ~~~:,~.., tom u~.vc, :::..., ' ~ ~, . ~ n ,.. : 4s•~~'~^~ r ' i•p,,a-p~i i lva ~.~.r ~~~~~. ,i. ~~,i. n II,:n.Tllu ~~i .I ~ II-~ In: I"~''I°I'P~ f t IIAI ~ ~i i. ~. i. L. ~. ~, ~ I:! i ~ #I ..,-p ~ ~,~~~~~~ ;p- ;-,wl r,,:-~"' ,L~ u ~ ., m. ~. - _ _ - _ ~ f u~. -. ~~ ,.gut + e. ~ ~ I~~ w w . . ~ ue ~ u wl. .3. -m_ry w _ a. ., a, .y -- -:t - ~«:*~ 35'YiirYx4'tsA' `~~~:s::~w>.~.Y w,..~.~..~r«_.. rma...n.,.. ' ~ .r ~,Ej '~ r. ~ B- "; Colnmissioners'.Pr~ceedings, City of Paduoah--._____~____ __".-192.- '. ~ ~ ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS, AND PRCVID IlQG THAT SAME itAY BE PAID FOR UPON• TNR TER YF11R ~ PAYMENT PLAN, be odopted, Adopted upo» oa11 of the roll by the follo~ria~e vote; Yeae, fpaoe, Pnlliam, Tui]y, Washington and Katter,ohn,-b, ~Ordinanoe for ~ Commissioner Pulilem offered the following motio»: I move that AN ORDINANOE ' ourbs and m~tter • 10th St. Jeffer- e ; PROYID INfi FOR THE CONSTRUOTION OF .CONCRkTE OURB9 AND GUTTERS, AND ALL Nh'Ck33ARY MAN- y~ ' son to Nedieon; •,a'onroe 3t. 8th !! HOLES, INTAY.E$, 3EWEJ13 AND CATOH BASINS. ON HOTH 3YDE3 OF TEiPTH STREET FROM THE NOR TA to lEth; End 9t. Washing- + i ~ PROPERTY LINE OF Ja^FFr1t90N STREET Ta THE SOUTR PROPERTY LINE OF a1ADY3oN STREET; ON BOTH ton to Clark St. .~ "3rd St. Monro• t o BIDES OF MONROE STREET FROM T~ WEST FROPEtTY LYNB OF EIGHTH STREET TO THE WEST PROPER- Medison; ]ith ~ I St. Jefforeo» TY LINE OF TWELFTR STREET; ON BOTH SID1~ OF SECOND STREET FROM Tf1R SOUTH PROPEStTY LYNE to Mad ie m ; ;12th 9t. Tenn. OF WASHINGTON STREET 1'0 THE NORTR PROPERTY LINE OF CLARX STREET; ON BOTH 3IDE3 OF THIRD, St. to Jonee; 9th 9t. Monroo ~ ~ STR;,ET E110M THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE STREET. TD THE SOUTH PROPERTY LYNk OF MA.DI~ to Madison St. :Sth 8t. idonro• to~~ SON STREET; ON BOTH SIDES OF ELEYMNT$ STREET FROM TI1E NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON " , 'l~diem Ste . '•;F.IRST READINGs . .STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON STREET; ON BOTH SYD;S OF TWELFTH STREET ' ~ ,~ ~ • FROM THB SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF TEliNE93EE STREET TO THE"NORTH PROPERTY LINifi OF JONES i - ,,,; .. ' STREET; ON !SOTS 3IDE3 OF NINTH STREET FROM THE NORTH FA1PAtTY LINE OF MOHI10E STR?+ET TO TAE SOUTH PROP$iTY LYNE OF MADISON 9EtEET AND ON BOTH SYDE$ OF RIG$T$ 9TR?:I:T FROM THE ' :~',rs ~ NORTH'PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE STREET TO THE SOUTH PROFE?tTY LINE OF MADISON STREET, YN ' THE CITY OF FADUOAH, KEN'TUOKY, AT 141$ OOST OF TfTE ABUTTING I'ROPkRTY OWNERS, AND tROYID- j ~ ~ ING THAT SAA'E SHALL BE C~NSTRUCTISD UPON THt4 TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN be. introduoed and <i`.f lay over. Adapted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pul]iam, - - : Tully, Washington end Katter'ohn,-b. Commissioner Pnlliam offered the following motion: % move that AN ORDINANOE Ord inanoe foF _ ' ~ driveway on ~ ~ PROVIDING FOR TAE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRYPEWAY, TOGET$FR WITH ALLNDCESSARY atAN$OLE3, lOth Street ' .I Jaffereon St. CATC$ BASINS, INTAKES AND 3EWEB PIPE CONNECTIONS, ON Th'itTA STREET FROM THE NORTH , to Mali®on 9t. ~ FIIt3T READING. PROP~iTY LINE OF JEFFr^.F130N STREET TO THE SOUT$ PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON STREET, IN TAE ~ ~ CITY OF PADUCAR. KENTUCK4, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROP~tTY OWNERS. AND IROVIDING c THAT SAME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED.UPON" THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN be introduoed and lay over. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeas; Taos, Pu111am,Tu1]y, Washington an8 Katterjohn,-b. . ,~ ~ommiesioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move.thnt AN ORDYNANCR "- I Ord inanoe Yor ~ i FROYIDING FOR T$E OON3TIUCTYON ,OF THE DRIVEWAY, TOGETRER WITH ALL NECESSARY P.ANHOLE3, driveway on Monroe St. 8th . ~ CATCR BASYN3, INTAKES AND SEWI•.'R PYPE CONNECTIONS, ON MONROE STREET FR Oat THE 'REST FROG to 8th 9t. FIRST READING, fiRTY LINE OF EIGHTH 37REET lb, THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF NINTH STREET. IN THE CITY OF p PADUCAH. KEIiTUCKY, AT THE C09T OF T$E ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNffi23, AND PROVIDING THAT ~ SANE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYfSF,NTPIAN be introdnaed and lav over. ~ ~ Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe,.Pulliam, Tully, u Washington and Katter~ohn,-6, ,•, ; { Commissioner Pnlliam offered the following motion: Y move that AN ORDINANCB F Ordinanoe on ; P FROVID ING FOR TAE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIViy'WAY, TOGET$ER WITS ALL NECESSARY 1dAN$OLE3, ~'. , Idr iveway on 4th ! Y Igt, Monroe to N CATCH BASINS. INTAKES AND 3h'WkR PYPE CONNECTIONS. ON FOURTH STREET FROM THE NOR T$ PRO- Madison St; ' ' 4th 3t. Washing-,{ YrRTY LINE OF MONROE STR 8T Tp THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON STREET; ON FOURTH ton St. to Clark$ Washington bth ;~ STREET FROM THE SOUT$ PROPERTY LINE OF WASHINGTON S7REEi' TO THE NDR.TH PROPERTY LINE ' to 6th St; `r Mora'oe St. bth . .y OF CLARK STREET; 011 WASHINGTON STREET FROM 'THE '9E3T PROP7?TY LINE OF FYFTA STREET TO St. to 6th St; ~;`:: Monroe SL. 6th " ; ~ THE EAST PROPERTY LINn OF SIXTH STREET; ON 1ADNROE STREET FR~A T$E""t33T PROP]~tTY LINE OF ' to 7th SLR %y. 1` Ave. 9th Lo Tenth FIFTH STRr~T TO THE :.AST PROPERTY LIMB OF SIXT$ STREET: OE.MOIIROE STREET FROM THE WEST r St; Tenn. 9t. A 10th to lEth St ; PROPERTY LINk OF SIXT$ STREET TO THE EAST FROP~.TY LINE OF SEVSNT$ STR?ET; ON KENTUCKY Mea;ros 9th to lEth St..~ :° AVElNUE FROM TAE WEST PROPB;TY LINE OF NINTH BTREET TO THIS' EAST PROPERTY LINE OF TENTS' ~ STREET, OR MURBELL BOULEVARD; ON TENNESSEE 31REET FROat THE 'TEST PROP3tTY LINE OF ' MURRELI, BOULEVARD. OR TENZgi STREET.. TO T$E WEST PROPERTY LINE OF T'7ELFTFL STREET: ON , . ~ +,!',Y,+ ~ YONROE .STREET•FR01d ,TRE NEST PROPERTY LINE OF NINTH STREET TO A LINE PARILLEL TO AND r 'h • , I? I ,I~,. ::wW.fF. ° .N"5 /"x'i , ~ ~~,. . y~ , ~ ~ I er..r,y, ">"` siu~ 1 I rte, r,., r .... _ .._ ~ ... .. • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah _ ~ ~ ____.._192_ ~. • .• ,IFIVE Y3ET EASTWA.RDLY FROM TAE GENT}:R OF TP.E $AST TRACK OF THE I:O,R.R. NEAR TF.N'TR • ! _ ,,; ,, ~SRtEBT; MONROE STR~T.~ROM A LIEC: PARALLEL 1b AND FIV$ FEET WESTWARDLY FROM TRE~OEN78R•' '''` • r ALINE OF THE WEST TRACK OF 'l'HE ILLINOIS OEIITRAL RAILROAD NEAR TENTH STRF$T TO 'PHE EAST • • • PROPERTY LINE OB :.I,EVENTN STRF.?T AIID FROM THE !TEST PROPERTY LINE OF ffiEVE3?TH STREET TO ~ ,, 'T EAST PROPERT INii OF TW'LF 0 HE Y L h TH STREET• ON SEC ND STR.. T E FROM THE SOUTH PRO TY PER LINE ~ ,. : . • OF iASHINGTON STREET 1Ca THE NCRTH PROFFRTY LINE OF CLARK STREET AA'D ON THIRD STREET 1 ~ ". .i. " _ ;,FROM THE NOHTR FROP372TY LINT OF l.10lizt0E STREET TO 'i'RE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON ~, ~ ' r~:; • ;STREET, IN. TH OITY OF PADUCAA, KENTUCIDf, AT THE C09T OF THE AR?!TTINO FROPI7tTY OWNERS •'° " ° , • i j , . SAND FROYIU ING THAT SA1~t« SHALL bE COItsTRUCT.'SD UPON TR$ TEN YEAR FAYtR...l''iT PiAN be Intro- ''`' `; '' , ,, duosd and ley over. Adopted upon Del] of the roll by.ths Yollowinor vote: Ysae, P.toa, "3 ,•~ •• ~ ~ ,Pulliam, Tully, Waehiagtoa and Kattsr~oha,-b. .~ . Coamdeeioner Fulliam.oiferei the YollowinR motion; I move shat .AN ORDINANCE PRO- ~ • ~'~;: ~ a Ordinance fear rVIDIN3 FCIS TH$ OONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY, TOGERiER WITH ALL NFAESSARY MANHOLES, ~' ' driveway on • N.lEth St. Jeitsr-' CATCH BASINS. INTAKES AND 9ERFDI PIPE OOIIDIEO.TION3, ON NORTH TWELFTH STREET FROM THE i~ • BOa S~t• t0 Madieoa St; .PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STRISET TO THE SCAJTH PROPERTY LINE OF MAD ISCN 9TREEd'; ON ' " S.lEth St. TsAn- eases to Jonse; <SOUTH TWF.LFTR STREET FROM TAE SOUTH PROP9ITY LINE OF TENNESSEE STREET TO THE NORTH PROA ~' N.llth St. Jeifer- ~:~:.'• ' eon SL. to Madieoa~pERTY LINE OF JONES STREET: ON NORTH ELEVFd?TH sTRF.F.r FROM THE NORTH PROPHItTY LINE 0! N.9th St. Jester- . eon to Madison; , JEPg«EigpN STREET TO THE sOUTR PROP 9tTY LINE OF ilDI90N STREET; ON NORTH NINTA STREET ' N.Bth St. JeffeT- oon to S!addeon; PROM THE NORTH HtOFERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON sTREFT TO 'PHE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON N.7th 9t: Jefter• , eon to Madison; ~9TREET; ON NORTH EIGHTH STREET FROM THE NORTH FROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE S. 7th 9t. Ky.Ave. . '{. to Washington St; ;SOUTR PROPERTY LIRE OF MADISON STREET; ON NORTH SEVENTH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY ` N.6th St. JeYYer- son to Mad Leon 9L; ;LINE OF J~+'Fs'[iSON STREET TO TH8 SOUT}1 FROP3tTY LINE OF MADISON S4RF.ET; ON SOUTH SEVENTH " ' • S. 6th St.Kq.Ave. , " "' to Washington; '•ggRE„c.T FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LIN3'OF KENTUCKY A~dJUF. TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF ~" ' ''~ ~ N.bth gt. L'onroe '' to i:adieon 9t. riASRINGTON STREET; ON NORTH SIXTH STREET FROM TPE NCRTA PROPERTY LINT OF JEFFER30N FIRST RkAD1NG. ~~ STREET TO THE .SOU TA FROP~TY LINE OF MADISON 9TRF.F.T; ON sOUTN SIXTH STREET FROM THR " ~ 9F1UTH PROP!+lRTY LINTS OF KENTUCKY AV.'?RUF. 'CO TAE NORTI~ I'HOPAtTY LTNE OF WASHINGTON STRRRT; ' ~ AND ON N.ORTA FIFTH STREET FROM Tf[E NORTH PROPERRTY LINE: OF NOIiTtOR sTRRET TO THE SOllTA . ' , ~PROPERTY~LINE OF L~A.DISCRt STREET, IN THE OITY OF PADUOAH, KENTUCKY, AT THR COST, OF,9~• ' . ~ { ~ ':'ABUTTING PROPERTY O:YNERS, AND PROVIDING TAAT SAME SHALL BR COI1S'HRUCTFD UPON T'RE TEN '~ ` ~ •'' ':YEAR PAYi:rNT PLAN be inixoduoed and ley over. Adopted upon oall.oY the roll by the I • ~ •• tYollowiaq vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katters:ohn,-b. p Qommiseioner Pulliam offered the YO1lowipR mOtiOA: I i:OVE THAT AN ORDINANCE PRO• . • ~ VIDING FOR TfiF. COItsTRUCTION OF THE DRIVL+'./AY, TOGETRT.+1t WITR ALL H?;CRSSARY MANHOLEg, ' , ~* Ordlannoa for ,1 driveway on 9. OATCA BASINS, .INTAY.ES AND SE'/ER PIPE COItRE0TI0NS ON 30UTH,TFNTH STRF.RT, OR MURRELL , ~.; . «; 10th St. er ' ~, Murrell Blvd. tnom BOULEVARD, FROM THR SOUTA PROPERTY LINE OF BROADriAY TO TAR SOUTR PROPFBTY LING OF • B' way to Tenn. • S .TENNESSEE STREET. IN THR CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT TAR C09T OF THE ABUTTING PRO• P/kRST READING. `p ~PERTY OWNERS;'AND PROVIDING THAT SAME sHALL.Br^^, CONSTRUOTED UPON THR TF.N YEAR PAYMENT '^" ~ •.~PLAN bs iatroduoed and lay over. AdCptad upon Dell o! the roll by the following votes • ' Ysaa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington,••4;Na~R.Xa4,tielr.'~phay,-1. • • ~~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the Yollowina motion; I move that AA ORDINANOE PRO. 1 ~' Ordirsnos for• P; driveway on 17th ? VIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TN.1S DRIVRWAY, TOGETHEN '/IT:i ALL NF.cRSSARY MANROLRS, ' St: or Foimtnin . • ' Avs. Broadway to ;, CATOR BASINS. INTAKES AND S..TS'AER PIPE 40NN3CTIONS, ON SF.VENTtSRNTH BTRF.RT, OR FOUNTAIN . Jeiforeon st., • FIRST READING. ;AVENUE. FROM TAE. NDIRTH PROF HRTY .LINE OF BROAD9AY S7RREET 'Ip TITR SOUTH FROPERTY LIN$ OF ~ "'"' •' _ ~ h JEFFERSON STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUOAH, Y.!+NTUCKY, AT TII$ OOST OF THE ABUTTING FRO• , ~ PERTY OriNF.IR3; AND PROVIDING THAT SAL".E SHALL BE CON8IRUCT*.11 UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYbWNT • z ..,.~. ~ :PLAN bs introduced and ley over. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the Yoilowina vote; ' • ' Ysae, Paoe, Pu]liam, Tully, Washington and Kattar~ohn,-b. ~. ;. r •'I k P ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • II ~ I 1 I 1 ^~ ' +. ~ T , ' • nl I I~ ~IiaR3111~ VIII 1111 31 ~'~ ~I I .11n il?'~ ~ •'.1 ~ 11 ~ I ~IIP~I-P(T~Ifll ¶~~~I ~il~ - I 1-I I`~- I ~it 'I ~ I I ~ I- ~,I4~ ~.. .. :~ ~:.-'6- -~ •. _ ~ ~ r~{ ~-~ ~ ~.~_: I i.l o _~~~,._... i ~h, •:ud~lw ~:~~~~w~ ~ .vual~:~u~V~ i~GU mitii~uw l n. _u~~ ~ ~.~_. w~W u~i~~r-~1 ~n~~ ~ ~.~ ~,~~ ~ .. ,p n '~ '.;.V .r M ... ~ t ~ e ~'~ ~''. trY:' ,. ~'~«'T`".., ~wxYy ' ~ ~ ~ '~ I I ;~.Y ~. . .. ~ . ". ~s t Y; Commisaionera Proceedings, City of Paducah 192- '' "A ,a _- -- - _- ~81TOha94ngrAgent~ Oommiesioner Washington offered the following motion: That the Purohsaiap; to oontraot with; Agent De authorized to make oontraot with the Southern Foundry 6 Ltfg. tlom to fur- ~ ' South ern Found- u Pay ~' ry k MiR.Oo.for ~ nish oastia a far Sewer Dietriot Ho. 8 at oaetinRe for g ~ ~ Pte' Pound f.o.b. Yaduoah. Adopted upon .. Sewer Dietriot ~ Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yesa. Paoe. Pulliam. Tully. washinatoa and 'i #3. ~ Batteriohn~-b• =v ~~,~ N.lEth St. Oommiseioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the petition off ', , petition from property owners on North lEth Streets, between ldonros Street and Hadison Street. pro- ~. ;property owners • ~; ,protesting' tasting against the paving of 18th 9treeto'bs rsaeived sad filed. Adopted upon Dail ~ ~. `.i against improve- I °' ~ ISonroeeand~n ,~ of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.Paoe.Pu111am.Tully,Waehingtoa sad Katter4ohn.61 ~'•,~ ILadfean 9t• Ooss®iseioner Pulliam offered the following motion: WAIDRfiAS, the Oommisaioner 1 ~ ~; `-„ of Publio works has heretofore inorsneed the pay of Thomas Brndleq from x8.00 per day i Thomas Bradley; , , a salary in- to X8.40. end again to X3.00. and again to $3.80. Y mow that the aot!'on of Ohs tlom- ~ ~ `, \ ; I Dressed. . missionsr of Publio Works be approved. Adopted upon Dail 01 the ro]l by the foilowing~, totes Ysas, Pnoe, Pn111am~ Tully and WaehinRtaes,-4; News. Katter~ohn.-b. ~ ' ` Oommiesionar Tu11y offered Lhe followiaa motion: I move that the aooo:mts far ~' ~ ., Aooounte and the last half of the month of April 1983. amom;tina Lo #]8440.bE. as per 'the report ~ ' r ort Oom~r. ?`. .Publio Finnnoe of Lhs Oossmissioner of Publio Finnnoe filed herewith. ba allowed and ordered paid sad • for lest half I . . >,. of April 19 E3. the money appropa~iated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dull of the ~ roll Dy the following tote; Yeas Paoe. Pulliam. Tn11y. Aaehington and Kntter~ohn,-b. k Aooonntebfor Oommiesionsr Tully offered the following motion: i move that the aooonnts for '~ •. Iaet half April the last half of the month of Apr11 19 E3, for the 3d Distriot 8swer. as follows: 19E3 for Soaer Distriot #3• Pay rol]............g433.90 K. r,~ Supplies............ 161.49, a total of #686.19. be'allowed ,: and ordered paid and the Oonmieeioner of Publio Finnnoe bs authorized ntd inatrnotsd' ~ ~ ^'"^'if ~to draw oheoke aasiast the No. 3 Distriot Sewer Fund Aoeount to pay same. Adop'tsd ~ lilili ~ ~ud~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea~ Paos, Pulliam, Tully. Washington •;. and Katter4ohn~-b. tlommuniaation •Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motions I move that the oommnnioa- I . Rainey T. Wells, ,lion of Rainey T. wells. tlosaniasioner, member of the State Tea Qommissioa,ot Bentnoty liember State Tax Commission. ,.inviting wynn Tully Oommissioner of Publio Finnnoe. to appear before the State Taz G ~ of %entuoky ='relative to ~ Oammiaeioa with referenoe to the easeeameat of railroad properties. be reoeived end eaesaemem of rai]road pro•_ ,.filed and the tlommiesioner of Publio Finaaoe bs anthorlssed and instrnoted to ao to ~ pertiei; and Oom'r.PUblio ~ Frankfort. Hentuoky. to appear before the 8tata Tea Oommlaston. the expense of the I{ Finnnoe to• attetd said. .,.. , .trip to be charged to the O.ontingeat Fend. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the ~ ' Cossmtiseloa dt. • Frankfort;,Ey. :following vote: Yeas. Paoe~ Pn111am~ Tully. Washington and Katter4ohn.-b.' ,' ~ fir, . ' ~ {~ „, , : •_~,,, Oa motioh the Board ed4ourned upon call of the roll by b yeas. ', ~ , Aifylai .Z~ ~.!/ ~ ~ ~ 4 r ~_IIAY 7TH. 1985. RIB r.+;, , At a Rs~nlar Ileetiag o! the Board of tlommissione;s~ held in the Oosamissionere~ , ', ~~ Ohambsr is the Oity Heil Paducah, gsntuo Upon Dail of the roll •. , Iqr. on Illy 7th. 1988. ~ ~ ` .:~ r +• „ the following answered to their names: 0ommissionsrs Paoeo Pnlldam. ~lashington and ~.. ~ ~'. p Mayor Kattar~oha.-4• ' +•~ •Oa motion of Oommieeioner Paos the minutes of the previous meetings were adop!-j 'I 9. µ1 ~ .~ ~~ ~~ ea as read and aorreoted upon Dail of the roll by the tol3owinR totes teas, Psoe, ~ ~' > ~~ ~f ~pnlliam~ Washington and ICatter4ohn,d. ~ ~ Oommisalonsi Tally entered the Oommdsaiozisra• Ohassber. '' ~ ` 1 I 7 t ~ ~ i ~.~ -., v ., :. ...... yam.:... :.... 3.. ., ~::.. , ' . , ., ~ .~ ~ .. .. X i .. I . .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' ~ `` ,sr ~., .,,.~., ~ ' oa-~.gp,.iti^». c3 ., .~,~"c, 'v. ~,,.'i,iasw«~. Fk .. .. i ~*' 7 f ~`,~.'~.`Wfi-7G; a`~-_ ::.v.~ . ,._ . 'A~3+!~~YB~as~~.s t yam, . . _ . _.,..,.._..... _.,._ ..--...-.c..~u......-r w-W... ..r_:i. _ .. -__ Connmiesioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah ~__~:~:_'.:':.~f~~.:~",. 192- i 1P i 1 s..,. C ~, +d V ~G. .~~ - • ~. -~ Mayor BntLerjohn offered the following motion: I move that the report o.! the " Report MoCraoken !( '~ Co. Publio Rea.lth~Modrsoken County Publio Health T.eeaue Nursing 3ervioe for the month of April 19EE Ds d Nursing beagae - for Apr 11.19E3. ~reoedved and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Paos, . ~~ Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Xatterjohn,-b. ~ "~ • Commissioner Tnl]y offered the fol3owing motion: I move that the resignation of $eeignation {, y. H. Quarles ea dog-oatoher be nooe Led and that he be allowed ealar for four da a st p y y `~ L,R:Quarlea as deg-n~atoher ~ $110.00 per month, emonn:ing to $14.EO and the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe be an- aaoegted. ~ ii ~ ~ thorized to issue oheok for same. Adopted upon sell of the. roll by the following vote: . r p Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and 8atterjohn,-b. , U.S.Fidelity 1 ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the United States ,, ` t. } Guarantee: Co.. ''r released on bond agideli and Guarantee Company of Baltimore. he released from the bond of L. F. Qnsrles ~ '` ' .';'` of 1. H. Quarles ? ' sa dog-oatoher. ;Adopted-upon Dell 03 the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, ' r, I Washington and Katterjohn,-b. j~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report Oom'r, Publio Finanoe ;; Commissioner of Publio Finanoe for the month of April be reoeived, filed and ordered for April 19E3. ~••. . , R•pnblished in the Offioial Newspaper. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following , vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, '.iaehington and Xatterjohn,-b, Commissioner. Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the :Report Com'r. b 1 i Commissioner of Fublio Finanoe oY..the 3d Diatriot Sewer Fund Aooonnt for the month of Pu nanoe 1 o F Yor April of the f April 1923. be reoeived, Piled and ordered published in the offioiel newspaper. Adopted . ,~,`~ ' 3d Dietriot ;~ Sewer Fund upon oell.of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tnl]y, Washington and Aooonnta. •, u Xatterjohn,-b. ` ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report Com'r. i~ Commissioner of Pub1lo.Finanoe showing the Apportionment, the Amounts Expended and the Publio Finanoe showing Appor- i a Balanoea to the oredit of the various eooonnts under the different departments at the • tionmeat,Amounts ; Expended and !' end of April 1923, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the follow Balnneea of esoh department at il d 4 ' 1ng vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Xatterjohn,-b. ? . en o Apr 1923. ~ Commissioner Tully offered the fol3owing motion: The sum of $b0.00 having Deer Cemetery Deed. '~ paid into the Treasury, as evidenoed by the reoeipt filed herewith, I moss that deli, e exeouted to r~ H - ' Henry Jones. ank Street. ~ be ezeouted to Henry Jones Yor Lot ~b7, Alook #3, on the Beat side of between Ford and Hannan Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dell o4~ths roll " ~~ by. the Yo13ot+inR,vote; Yeea, Psae, Pu111am,Tully,Weahinaton and F.atterjohn,-b. i, Cbmmiesionor Tul]y.ofYered the follovina motion: The sum of $b0.00 having bass ' Cemetery deed ~ exeouted to i aid, into, the Treasur se evidenoed by the reoeipt filed herewith, I move that deed p y'" ' ' ' ~ William Robert- son. .,. .. ';~ be exeouted to William Robertson for Lot ~b6, Blook ~3 on the i3aet side of Fank Street, between Ford and Hannan Straeta, in Oak Grove Cemetery. .Adopted upon Dell of the roll • by the following vote; Yeea. Pa3e, Pulliam, Tully, Washington affi Xatterjohn,-b. Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: I move that the report of the ~' Report Chief of polioe for the ~ Chief of Polioe for the month of April 1923 be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon nail month of Apr it 's 1923. oY the roll by the following vote;Yeas,Faoe,Pu111nm,Tully.Waehington and Katterjohn,-b ". 6ommiesioner Faoe offered the Yollowirq motion: I move that the report of the Report Chief of k Fire Department ChieB of the Fire Department. Yor the month of April 192 be reoeived and filed. Adopt- Yor April 1923. ~ "` ' ed upon call of thq roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington , ~~ and Xatterjohn,-b. Commissioner Pu111am oYtered the following motion: I move that the Monthly Esti= konthly Estimate sewer- work done ~~ mate Yor 3ewer Construotion work done or. District 3A during the month of 6pTil bs by E.R.Hnrding Co. during the g appr oved, and that the E. R. Rarding Company be allowed the sum od $14 ,337. b3 on month of April on District"3A, y eooonnt of said work, and that the Commiealoner of Fublio Finanoe be a uthorized and p instruoted to draw oheok against the 3rd Distriot Sewer Funds for said.nmonnt, Adopted _ upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington ~ ~ ~ :. ~:,~ , m ;..,..r .., . ~...» .. ., .. .. .. -_ s~''~"'.TrlS.:.~,. R ".'..,^`a''"t~"-""""re- ..., ..a+:.S`%. r; ~:~'i./?Pt~•,;'°`; ~a ... ..~ ., :r'"r'^.".",,.5'. ~, ) ~o.,'".~~'".",+,'°r'~& i ..9-.r. .... ... - i it I F.ri. i.,~on .z. '~i ~~:- .iii rc ~~.:n~r. 11'I~ ~1~011 II'~ II ~,.~;i,~ ~lol~ll l',~, '~~ i i I'nf61R~'l 1'111^•'i '~-p ri f ~-il' ~ ~; I '~ I I I ~ -.~ __._ .--'~"r-r ri^. -i1~ -T1~T~hi~-~s'I T i~ ,, k ~..rv ~~ ~. t... -.. ~ I I I _ lt~~ ~ ! I ~ I~ ~.. _~~.u. wg4.~.w _~ai!- _. .i . ~. `j .. ___ _. a awi~~R! i No.1L~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City og Paducah-____ -__198- 1 and Katter'ohno-b. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Monthly ;, Estimate Yor Sewer Conetruotion Wort done on Diatriot 38-3C during the month o$ April ! Estimate for . J ~Apr11 work done ~ be approved, and that the E0 R'. Harding Company be allowed the awn of $1bob73.90 on. '"iby E.R. Harding a ~ . Co., Dietriat ~ eoaount of said work. and that the Commissioner of Publdo Finanoa be authorized end in-~ 3B-3C Sewer pistriot #3. '~ atruoted to draw oheok against the 3rd Diatriot Sewer Funds for said amount, Adopted ~~ upoa cell of the roll bq the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington ~. . "~ and %atterjohn,-b0 Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: °Phat petition of oitizena !Petition oitl-. ~, , ~zena requesting ~ and taxpayers of meat end of oitq, requesting the opening of Adams Street from 19th opening of Adams St. from 19th' to 17th Streets, be reoeived and filed0 Adopted upon Dell of the roll~by the f ollow- -~- to 17th Sts. ; ~.; ~ ~ ~ ~~ dug rote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and. Katter'ohn,-bo ! On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 'b yeas. /f MAY 14TH. 19230 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiaaionere° Chamber yin the City Hall, Paduoah° Kentnoky, bn May 14th. 1953, ilpon Dell of the roll ' ~ the f ollowing answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Fnlliam, Tully, Naahington ~ and Mayor Katterjohn,-b0 ~ ,,, On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were aaoptea " ± as read upon .ell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea. Paoe, Pulliam. Tully. Nash- : ~ dngton and Ketter~ohn,-b. ! Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommnnioatdon from'.. Padnoah Ezohange~ Club communise- The Paduoah Exohange Clnbo dated May loth. 5923, relative to a week's Chautauqua enter-~ tion relative• ~ ~ ': ' to Chautauqua ~ teiiaoent from June 11th to 1Gth, 1923, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon ,Dell of tha+,..;. ` June 31-16th. ',1923. ~ roll by'the following vote: Yeea, Paoe,Pu111amoTnlly,Neahington and Katterjohn,-b. i ~ Cbmmiasioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the expense aocount ry i of,tha Oommisaioner of Publio Finanoe for the trip to Frankfort to appear before the. `; , F~xpense eooount Commiaeiongr ; State Tax Commission, amounting to $66077 be allowed and ordered paid and oharaed to ! , ~Fub11o Finanoeo p ;;Nynn Tully. of Contingent Fend, eapenae being na follows: ~ ! tr ip to Frankfort j fend return, relay 'Railroad faro to and from Louisville ...................$23.76 ;~tive to rail- Railroa3 fare Louisville to Frankfort and return......:. 6.76 ,. ,. :road easeasessme4t ~ Pullman porter0 ..............................0........0 1.00 (•, .!before State Test Taxioab end street oar fare and inaldenta]a...........0 6.7b ,,. : '(Commission. ~ Hotel bill, 3 days ................00....0.............. 59.b0 Total....... ,_ Adopted neon Dell of the roll By the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, TullyO I _ ~ Washington aryl Katterjohn,-6o ~ ;:"'R '~ Commissioner Tully off®rsd the following motion: I move that W. H. Stinson be ~ .,.W.H.Stinean ~ ;appointed dog- ~, appointed dog-.etcher, with polioe powers, effeotive biay lbth to serve at the pleasure !oatoher with ~ ~ ! ;polioe powers. of the l;onrd of Commiesionera, salary to be at Lhe rate of $110.00 per month. Adopted ~, . i neon aall of the roll by the followingt vote: Yemao Paoe, Pulliam. Tully. Neshinirton and Katterjohno-b0 Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That J. ~J.C.Keeley a ~ C Kesleyo Chief ;, ,~eapense eooount ~' to lonisville Assistant Engineer, be allowed $55.26 for railroad fare and Pullman expenses to Louie-I~ „ ;dbniea. ' ~, villa ani return to enquire data for use in oonatrnotioa of 3rd Diatriot 9ewereC and ~:: rr s, ,the the Commissioner of Pnblio Finance be authorized and instruoted to pay same and '' .barge to 3rd District Sewer Fund e, last upon .all of the roll by the followinre vote:.! ~i ~,~r . r' .~ Yeas. Pulliam and Tully.-2g HaveO Paceo NpahinRton eIIld Kellar john.-3o .... :t.. ,, ,~ . I - _ i ~ , .,t ~. e `":' 1 '1 .,i. ~:., I .. i_ w~u . •. ° ` xia.~~ `JI fi Commissioners' Proceedings, City of•Paducah~_.~~,~_~: ~'~: ~ 192 S t !~ Commiseloner Washington offered the following motion: I move that'the report of the { Report up , Riverside !i Superintendent of Riverside Hospital for the month of April 1928 oonaieting of Pstisnt Hospital for April 1923. , ~' ~ Report, Unpaid Aoaonnta April 1923, and Amonnte Paid DnrinR.the Month of April 1923,be ~~ f received and Piled. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yese, Paoe, !i ~ ,~ Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katter'ohn,-b• ~•~ ? Commissioner Washington offered the following motion; I mode that the Mayor be i Contract between; authorised and inetrnoted to sign oantraoL with the Surgeon General, U, S. Pnblia • ' CSty and U. S. ~ Public Health ;i Health Servioe, for entering patients into Riverside Hoapitai for Lhs gear July 19E3 ' Servioe, Mayor to eian contract: to July 1924. Adopted upon oe7.l of the roll by the fol]owinR vote: Yese, Paoo,Puiliam, " ~~ Tnily, Washington and %attes'ohn,-b. • 'j Commissioner Washington offered the Yollowlna motion; I move that the Commie- ., •Contraot between", " City and W.L. stoner of Fublio Property be authorized and lnstruoted to renew the oontra:ot with W: L. Yanoey renewed • for rent oY ~ Yanoey Yor the rental of the bottom lead, bet:veen Flournoy 9treeL and Terrell Street, land bete. ,. Flournoy end for the year 1923. AdopLod upon call o! the toll bq the following vote: Yese, Pnoe, • Terre]1 Sts. i• Pulliam, Tully, ~7ashington and Kstter,ohn,-b. • i ~. ! " 4, Mayor 1{atter~oha offered the following motion: I move that the petition iron • ,;a,`. . Petition pro- `~ property o~ere on 10th Street, between Broadway and Tennessee Street, be regeived and.. party oAners on ' 10th Street ;tiled. Adopted neon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Pnoe, Pulliam, ?ully between B.'way ` and Tennessee ~ 4 Washington and %atter~ohn,-b. St• ' Commissioner Pulliam-offered the following motion; I move that AN ORDINANCE l Ordinance for i-- PROVIDING FOR TAE CONSTRUCTION OF TIIE DRIVF!7AY3, TOGETHFJt WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, ,~ ' oonstruotion of 1 - 10th St. beta. ;CATCH BASINS, INTALES AIiD SEWER PIPS CONNECTIONS ON SOUTH TENTH STRF,ET, OR MORRF:LL B'day and Tenn. St ~ BOULEVARD, FROM iHr SOUTH PROP3ITY LIIIE OF BP.OAD!!$Y TO THE SOUTH FROP3iTY LINE OF ADOPTED. .'. TENNESSEE STREET. IN THE CITY OF FADUCAH, %RNTUC$Y, AT TAR COST OF THE ABUTTING.PRO- `, ~~., ~,,,, ' !, ' PITY OWN$t3, AND PROVID 1NG THAT 3ADIE SHALL BE CO1I.4TRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR FAY1lENT. ji ~ PLAN be adopted. Adopted npoa Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, .. ~ :' ~. • ii Pulliam, Tully and Washington,-4; Nays, %ntter'ohn,-1. + !! Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDINANCE Ordinance fos '~ PROVIDING FCR TIIE CONSTRUCTION OF THi; DRIV~9AY, TOG3TIL~li "IITH ALT. NECESSARY E"ANHOLES ° construction of ': . 10th St. from I CATCH BASINS. INTA'l.ES ADO SE:9ER PYPE COt.NECTI02I3, Ott TiZiTA STREET FROM THE NORTH FRO ~ , dofferson to j ' Madison Streets.': PERTY LINE OF JEFFy SON STREET TO THi: SOUi'fi PROPrRTY LINE OF MADI3'?N STR°ET, IN TF.E, ADOPTED, i • y CITY OF FADUCAH, %EDITUCItY, AT TAS COST, OF TIPS ABUTTING PROP3tTY OWN3t3, AND, PROVIDING ,~ ! f Y ~ THAT SADTS SHALL BF. CONS'1RUCT7sD UT ON TRF. TSti YEAR PAYId:tIT PLAN be adopted. Adopted .npop ~ i ,~ . } "call of the roll by the 4o11owinR. vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington arid. {.~•':.'.,;~ ` ` i ~ h %atter3ohn,-b. ~~~ , ~ ~~ . ~ • Commissioner Pulliam offered the fo]ioainR motion; I move that AN ORDI2TANC8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !' PROVIDING FOR THS CONSTRUCTION OF TH DRIVEWAY, TOG4THER WI'Di ALL 2ISCESSARY NJINHOLES, ., Ordinance for l ~ oonetruotlon of I; CAICH BASINS, INTAKE'S AND Sr:7ER PIPE CONN]sCTI0N3, ON I.!ONROS STREET FR OZ" TILE '.9EST PRO- ) 8th St. from 9th 6° '. Street on Monroe: pFRTY LINE OF EIGHTH STR d8"P TO THE FAST PROPERTY LINE OF NINTH 3TRERT, IN THE CITY OZ# Street. ', . i - • ; ADOT'CJ, i FADUCAH, %r1iTUCICf. AT THE COST OF TH1~ ABUTTING PROT`''RTY 0`7ti3I3, AND PROVIDING THAT SAME r , • ' I SHALL B3 CONSTRUCTED UFON THE TSN YEAR PAY1'ENT PLAN be .adopted. Ad Opted upon oat] of `; ~: • '~•-r" te." ~ the roll by the following vote:Yeas,Faoe,Bu111am,Tully,Weahinat on and Y.ntter~ohn,-T6. r Commissioner Fulliem offered the following motion: I move that AN CftDTNANCE t Ordinance for is ' oonatruotion o f ; PROVIDING FUR 'IRPd• CON3fRU'~'ION OF TI?3 DRIV?i'.7AY, TOGRTHFI2 WTTA I'.LL tiRC:tSSARY L"ANHOLES° 17th Street or ' ' Fountain ave. CATCH BASINS, INTAP.r:S AND SEWAIt PIPS CONttSCTIONS, ON 3EVr^.NT3:^diTH STRL.F.T, OR FOUNTAIN ; from B'Way Lo Jefferson SL. i; AVENUE, FRO1' THb: :tORTH PROPrRTY LINE OF. BROAD~Y.1Y STREET TO TIFF SOUTA PROPFr2TY LINE OF AD OPTED, . . `"`°°- • • ;. J24a'F:1iSON STREET, IN THE CITY QF FADUCAH, KIs'NTUCKY, AT THE C03T OF 'PHS ABUTTING PROPER ~ , °~ -': r TY OWtIFitS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAME SHALL BLS CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAY1.II:2IT PLAN. , • 4 4 be adopted, Adopted upon Dell oY the Loll by the following vote: Yese, Paoe. Pulliam, ,. ;' Tully, Washington and %atter'ohn,-b° F H --, . ~ ,.,, ., ..-A..e.. ,,~ - :~,d . _... - ' ' Wis. ~~~-:-~~~~~m n, ~~. ~:~ ~.,.:,.,,,, u pia i m~~„:„~.ir• .: .wr.,~ ~._~ • _ ~,~,..,....,,~.,.~.,.:,.~ i .. ~a,~,,~~ a.., .,~m~i~.-.i.~,~.a..,. 1 I,u~! ~~,Nduu~ll~~,wr a~ w~ ~~ ~~ ,~.~ ue~,a~! ~d~~l aYlYa! L.SYiY~:~i`I'~4~~SM1~~0i.1~. '•~'~-'L 1 ".~.ne_ 1 "~ ~° ".H"~.'~~5,4..~. c:a."..r~ ~1 '~' %iYW:`nS....id u ~ Y~Ir>. ' r . j l .~ ~ ~ ' ~ ;~. ,y No. / ~ °~ Cotilmissioners' Proceedings, Caty of Paducah-________ -_192- ;r' Commissioner Pulliam offered the fol]owinq motion; I move that AN ORDINANCE j Ordinanoe for PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY• T06ETHER WITH ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES. ~.:-.-':-~ eonatruotion oY 4th St. Prom 'CATCH BASIIdS, INTAKES AND 9^!4ER PIPE COYdNECTK)N3, ON FOURTH 3TRF~T FROM TH3 YdORTA PRO- ~ ~ - .Monroe to Madi- eon Street; jFERTY LINE OF MONROE STREF,T 10 THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON STREET; ON FOURTH • ; 4th 3t. Prom '' Washir,aton to 'STREET FROM TAE 30UTlt PROPERTY, LYNE OF TASH%NGTON STREET TO THE NDTRTEi PROPERTY LINE OF Clark Street; F igashington St. ; OLARK STREET; ON WASHINGT@I STREET FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF FIFTH STREET TO THS j from 5th to bth ,~ ' ~~ MonroesStroet ~. EAST. PROI`hRTY LINE OF SI7CTH STREET; ON MONROE STREET FROM THE `.PEST PROPERTY LINE OF from. 5th St. to 6th Street. ~ FIFTH STREET 70 THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 37:XTH STRI•'.ET; OIt i.ONROE 3TRr^.ET FROM THE ~PI's3T ,: Monroe Street 1PHHO&EIRTY LINE OF SIXTH STRi~.ET TO THE EAST PROPERTY bYNE OF 3EVGRTTH STREET; ON KEFITUC%Y ~ from 6th St. to 7~~. f Ky. Ave. from ,~ AVENUE FROM TAE '"EST ]?ROPERTY LINE OF NINTH STREET TD THE EAST FROPF.RTY LIY1E OF TENTH j 9th St. to 10th ~ ~ Street; i; STREET, Old MURREH.L BOUL~"VARD; ON TEDINESSEE STREET FROYd THE TEST PROPERTY LINE OF MURRELL ~.T"nn. St. from ?BOULEPARD, OR TENTH STREET, TO THE NEST PROPERTY LYNE OF TWELFTH 3~REET; ON Y.tONROE ~ :';~ 10th St. to 12th, , Street; ~ g~~'T FROM TAE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF NINTH STREET TO A LIKE PARALLEL TO AND FIVE FEET Monroe.94. from I gtreet, 12th ~ EAST^.ARDLY FROM THE CENTFdR OF THE EAST TRACK OF THR I.6•R.•R• NEAR TENTH 8TREET; MOIRROE j ,'-~ 2nd 3t. Yrom ~ STREET FROM A LYNE PARALLEL TA AND FIVE FEET WEST:7ARDLY FROM THE CENTER LINE OF THE j NashinRton to .} Clark St; ~ ~ 71EST TRACK OF THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RA IIROAD NEAR TENTH STR:~ T 1°0 TYIF FAST PROPF3TY LINE j 3rd St. Yrom :` Monroe 9t. to 4 ~ Madison 3treet• ~ OF ELEVENTH STRFI3T AND FROM THE WEST PROP.'ffRTY LINE OF ELEVEx1TH STREET TO THE EAST PRO- `~' ADOPTED. ~ p~TY LINE OF TWELFTH STREET; ON SECOND STREET FROId THE 30UTR PROPERTY LINE OF WASHING-I ~ i • if TON 9TRE:ET TO TILE NORTIR PROF ERTY LINE OF CIAR$ STR:•:hT AND ON THIRD STREET FROM THE ~i NORTH F'ROPEIRTY LINT OF MONRUE STRE2ET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF R'ADISON 9TRRET. IN THE OI'IY OF PADUOAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE C03T OF THE flBUTTtNO PR(1P:$ITY O'PNAR3, AND PROVID-i ~. `; ING THAT SAME. SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE T$N YEAR PAYYIWNT PLAN, be adopted; Adoptedi ;i ~ ;j upon'oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe• Pulliam. Tully. Weahington and; ,. !I Katter fohn,-b• i ;,.~ G Commissioner Pulliam offered the Yollowinq motion: I move that AN ORDINANCE Ord iranoe Yor '~ PROVID ING FOR THE CON3TRUOTION OF THE DRIVE'~PAY, T06I'STHER MYTH ALL NECESSARY 1ANHOLh3. - ~ oonatrnotion of .~ N.12th St. Prom',. CATCH BASINS, INTAKES AND SF:PIIHt PIPE COIdYIADTYONS• ON NORTH T^7F.LFTA STREET FROM THE NORTH Jefferson to Madison Sreet. ~ PROPIlRTY LINE OF JEFFEYRSON STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF MAD ISCid STREET; ON ! S. 12th St• from,' j~ Tennessee St. SOUTH TWELFTH STRF•ET FROM THr^. SOUTH FROPr1RTY LINE OF TENNESSr1E STREET Ta TAE NORTH j _- to Jones St. i N.71th 3t. from i PROPERTY LINE OF JONAH STREET; ON NORTH ELEVr^.NTH STRF.F•T FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY L%NE Jefferson St. ~ '~ , to Madi@on St. OF JEFFERSOD STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON STREET; ON NORTH N%NTH STREET; N.9th 3t. from , Jefforaon 3t• to ' Madison SL. FROM THE NOR'l;H. PROPERTY LIN3 OF J6FFNRSON 9DREET TO TIRE SOUTH PROPERTY LIN3 OF MADISON N. Bth 9t. Yrom ," ' • ` •'~~~~ • ~ Jefforson 3t• to '31REET;.'ON pORTH EIGHTH STRAIT FROM TIIE NORTH I'ROl'ERTY LYNE OF JEFFE~RSOP! 34fRAlF:T TO THE i •..~ Madison St. j N. 7th St. from", SOUTH PROFERTY.LINE OF MADY30N 3TR'r:ET• ON TdORTH SEVENTH STRE$T FROit THE NORTH PROP ARTY ? ~ Jefferson St. to LINE OF JEFFElRSOYt STR:~T TO TAE SOUTH PROP~tTY LINE OF BTADISQN STREET; ON SOUTH SEVENTH Madison St. ` 3. 7th St. Prom `, _ STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF i Ks. Ave. to -, i ~9ashin4ton St. WASHINGTON STREET; ON NORTH SIXTH STREET FROM THE. NOIRTA FROPHtTY LIYJE OF JEFFERSON ~ N.bth St. Prom ~ . ; Jefferson 3t. td STREET TO TAE SOUTH PROPERTY LYNE OF Y'ADI3CEN 3TR7'3:T; ON SOUTH SIXTH STREET FROR? TAB' F 1;edi son St. 3. 6th St. from;', SOUTH FROFIdiTY LINE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE TO THE NORTR PROPERTY LINE OF ',PASAINGTON STREI;T;~ Ky. Ave. to Washington St; ~, AND ON N03TA FIFTH STREET FROM TlIE N(HRTH PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE STREET TO TAE: SOUTH ~ N. bth St. it am `-_; ~. MadisonSSt.~ PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH• KEIdTUCKY• AT TAE COST OF THE ~ ADOPTED. j~ ABUTTING PROPERTY O'"NrlR3` AND PROVIDING TART SAME SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED UPON TAE TEN -° ~ YEAR PAYMENT PLAN, be adapted. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by tha Yollowinq vote: ii. i "" a Ysas. 8eoe, Pulliam, Tu11y.,Nashington and Katterjohno-b. Commissioner Pulliam offered Lhe'following motion: Y move that AN ORDINANCE. Ordinanoe for a PROVYDIHRi FOR 'THE CONSTRUCTB)N OF CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS. AYID ALL NECESSARY MAN- j oarb and gutter;; BOLES, INTAKES, 3E7ER3 AND CATCH $ASYN3. ON 1i0TA 3IDES.OF TENTH STREET FRO&i THE NORTH C oonetrnotion on:'. 19th st. from Jefferson to PROPERTY LIMB OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH PROP]RTY LINE OF HIADISQY STREET; ON '?~ . .~ ltadieon , Street. ~ ~ ~ ' Bonroe St• Yromtt BOTH SIDIi$ OP' MONROE STREET FROM .'lHS i1E3T PIRflP~RTY LINE OF EIGHTH STREET TO THE WEST 8th Ste LO 12thi~ ~ ~~ •' ~ i ..,_ St• .. g ,. , ", •.. M,. , . '. .. ,;: - ~-- , - ir; ~: k~ . r: .._._ ~-'£,,,y,".,,3~.: , k;, i'~. c~c^ "3,a-,.~~ x. t~*w~ -+ meyu~.rn:.. ~ r. ;,• .'.~~_ Commissioners':~.Proceedings,`City of Paducah_~ ~ 192_.._. ~` I I ; i ~~~. 2nd St. from ~ PROPERTY LINE OF T^JELFTH STREET; ON BOTH SIDES OF SEOOND STREET FROM THB SOUTH PROP At T] dlaahtngton St. ~ LIB OF NASHINGTON STREET To THE NORTH PROP3tTY LII~U: OF CLARK STREET; ON 80TH SIDES 0? to Clark St. 3rd St. from !~ THIRD STREET FROM TAE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE STREET TO 'THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE Monroe St. to .Madison SL, ;! OF MADISON STREET; ON BOTH 3IDE3 OF ELEVhT1TH STftFWT .FROM 'lHS NORTB PROPERTY LINE OF 11th 3t. from d Jefferson 3t. to i JEFIrFItSON STREET TO TAE SOUTH PROP3tTY LINE OF itADISON S1RF.ET; ON BOTA SIDES OF T7PELFTE L',adYson Street; ;i 12th 3t. tram .. STREET FROM THE SOUTA PROPERTY LIN3 OF TENNESSEE 3TRF.ET TO TAE 1tORTA PROPERTY LINE OF Tenn. St. to Jones St. ii JONES STREET; ON BOTH SIDES OF NINTH STRE,:T FROM THE NOR TA PROPERTY LINE OF MONROE 9th St. from ! Ltonroe St. to ~i$1REET TO TAE SOUTH FRROPERTY LINE OF LADISON 3TRFFWT AND CN BOTH SIDES OF EIGHTH STREET A"adison St; 8th St. from ~ FROM THE NOR TA PROPr'Z.tTY LINE OF itOli.ROE STRF.?:T TO TSE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF itADTSDN A":onroe St. to btadinon St. j gTREET, IN THiS OITY OF PADUCAH, K.~ITUCXY, AT T11A7 COST OF THE AAUTTING PROFF3.TY 0`glVER9, ADOFTr7D. ;. AND PROVIDING THAT SAME Si1ALL BE CONSTRIiOTr7D UFON THE TFS7 YmAR PAYMENT FLAN, be adopted : ~ Adopted upon oall of the r011 by the fo]]owinr, vote: Yoea, Paoe, Fulliam, Tu13y, 71sah- ~'~inRton and Kattes~ohn,-b. '~ Commissioner Paoe offered•tho follo•w1nR motion: I move that AN ORDINANCE AMEND ~~ Ord inanoe amend- , ING AN ORD iNA17CE FROVIDING FOR 171E APPOINTNF:NT OR RETkTITION BY THE HOARD OF COLIMI93ION- inq Retention Ordlnanoe of ~g OF TH.: CITY OF PADUCAA OF CERTA]N AGP~t7TS AND ?•1.tPIAYEES OF 'PHE CITY OF PADUCAA, AND 192E. ' ' I~ FI%II1G 'fHi$IR SALARIES. PON77RS AND DUTIES, ADOPTA7D HY TF1R AOARD OF CO1•fi4ISSI0NER9 ON 'A1AItOH 27TH, 1922, be adopted. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote. • Yeae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and Katter~ohn,-b. Hide to be re- ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That bide be reoaived anti Delved June 1, ~! 10 O'o•look A. M., Friday, June 1st, 1923, for the oonstruotion of streets, ourbsand 1923 for street, ourba and Rutter', gutters. embodied in ordinances adopted therefor on this date. Adopted upon call of oonetruotlon " embollod in the roll by the tb Mowing vote: Yeas, Paos, Fulham, 'Fully, Naehington and &atter~ohA, ordiranoec udoptod this Oommieeioner 11a1]y offered the to!]owina motion; I move thnt the Oommieaicnsr d et o. G of Public Finanos b.e autho`ixed and inetruoteA to pay nrd tnke up the draft of the V-s ~, Rehr Company Oompony for ~43b.00 in the First 27ationa] Hank for one araAar for use on the streets draft in First Nat'1.Hank for i!and charge paid amount to the 9troet Aooount. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the atreot Rrador authorized pa id.!fo]loar4nR vote; Yeae, Tnoo, Pu11lom, Tu]]y, t9nehingt m nnA Katteraohn,-b. • On motion the bonrd ad~ournsd upon oat] of tY~e roll by b yeas. I 1 i 1 i 1 r~;~a ~`,~f' ~~ : ~ ~. ..I 1 :' '. :; bq.. ;~;. hr ,a ; p. !' ~•. .f - a~ a.w. _ ~ ;..r ' kAY 19TH. 192:1. ;~~~. ~.. At .a Ooiled Meeting of the Hoard of Commianionsrs, held in the Oommixatonora' ~=. hh I~Ohumbsr !n the Oity Aa11, laduonh, Rontuoky, on Mny ]Uth, 1U 23, at 10:10 o'clock A.IE. ~.~ . ° ;~ . {Upon Dull of tho roll the following answered to their Homes; Oommiuatoners Pulliam, ',:~~ ~~ Tully. Washington and Mayor Katter~ohn,-4. ~ . I~ Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for call to-wit: To allow pay-rolls for the first° '' _ half of May 1923, end any other business that. might Dome before the Board. ;. 3 • '~ Commiealoner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts for the •..~, : . Pay-roll for ~~ first half of the month of h'.ey ]~23, amountinpf to X8739.09, ae per the report of the 1 ' first half of ~, the month of ~Commiaelonsr of Public ~'inanoe filed herewith, bo allowed and ordered paid and the 1"ay 1923. I, '; money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. :Adopted upon call of the roll by ; } 'the following vote: Yeea, Pulliam. Tully, 7ashington and Katterlohn,-4. ' ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motlon: That the employment of Mise 1r Em~aloyment of i~l3ary Ripley. to check Dement content and miainR time on concrete pipe manufaotnre'at J Miss Mary Rip- ley. i; j~ 37~• Cents per hour, ba ratified. Adopted upon oat] of the roll by the following vote: ~.',~ :~ " Yeae, Pulliam. Tully, t9ashinRton and Y.nttor~ohn,-4. u -. .:.. -. ~.s ~ ,;•.:.~ ~ x,m,.~"~r'*r"",.`.?r.^'^","':4v' . ,~"T"'.^'^.."'p":. ,°""~'G'~'v .F ::,~n~, a.... .. ,.. .xr„°, ~:. ^c"„'~~,s?„"'.T ~.. _ '~'-Mg'"3`.:.' 1 1 rr'.1 irr ~ ,- ~.~. ~,i. n p =mn Ibi r.:~9+"I V.. ~I w :.l;n ", lal P I '~:-~' ~c T i 1rla.~gi.rl l' ¶Il:q. ~.~i I i i,...i. ~: I : _ I ~ i 1 o I ~ xf I it I '..q._ a:.-~i q-R-.r-r r ,~~ I q... arM ~Mrrx~. „~ .v'.r +w.-. s,y v., ~•..:..~ • w.•. ':•. ,.:~ ~.~.,.:,. :. I lit ~,Il I I,Jt~f~ -~ Ill ll~tl. ~L~1Y +I.I' '~:: - '.,: ~i .rtw:ilel l:'J i~Ji:J~i~. o .x, .. i, i ~ ,~ _. Na Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah___-_._______x__________192__ commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the payroll for the; first ha]f of the month of 14ay 19f:3~ for the 3rd Dietriot Sewer, amounting to 462.88, I; ~~ be allowed and ordered paid and the Oommiaeioner of Public Finanoe be authorized and ip~ ,1 . -,~ atruotsd to draw oheoka aptsinst the No. 3 Dietriot Sewer Fund Aooount to pay enure.. + I~: Adopted neon Dell of the roll by the fol]owinR voter Yeaa, Pnlllam, Tully, Naehin atop .and Kntterjohn,-4. , On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yens. ~. ~., j MAY 61ST. •192:1. ~~RO~ I .. • . ~ At a Regular fdaeting of the Board of commiaeionore held in the Oommieaionere° ~ ~ Qhamber in •the Oity Hall, Faduoah, Kontuoky, on flay 21st, 1923. Upon oa13 of the roll 1l j, ~ the following answered to their names: commisaionere, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. i9aehington l and Mayor Katterjohn,-b. • ' On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes oY the previona meetings were adopt .I ~ ad ae road; upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, i ' • t ~{ Afashington and Katterjohn,-6. ; { ~ ~{ hisyor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that s deed from Hire. Mary Vary 3.Mallory i9 ;• . 32d E.L.1[sllory ~ G' lsilory and her husband, E. L. f.ellory, dated Iday 21st, 1923, for property near Union "~ Deed for Strest ~ Station bo be used for street purposes, be eooepted, and the Commissioner of Public ~?urpoeea near;, . ~.Unioa Stntioa. ~ Finanoe is hereby authorized and directed to have said deed recorded in the office of ' the Oounty Oourt Olerk of Mocraoken county. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the fol- i, . ~ ,lowing •ote; Yeaa, Pnoe, Pu111nm, Tul]y, ',9nehingLOn and Kattar john,-b. commiasloner Peae offered the fol]owina motion: 0. N. Baker having delivered to `• the City oY Paducah one Stutz G90 Tpurinrr oar 1923 Model in oomplienoe with the terms ' ' O. N. Baker paid ~( ~ , "~i1bp.00 for ;a of an ordinance direatina L. A. '7eehington, Purahestna Aaent, to puroheae said oar, I r Stnts Car for p OhieY of Firs ti adopted April 16th, 1923, and said Der having. been de]ivered to the Chief of the Fire ! Department. a .. ~ p Depe¢~troent, Y move that said car now be soaeptod, and 14ynn Tully, Commissioner of Pub-.I ~ lie Finanoe, is hereby authorized and direote8 to pay to C, N. Baker the sum of ~1150.O0 k as provided in said or3inenoe. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Yellowing vote: •( 4 Yeae`Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Ketterjohn;=5. ° i Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that certified aheokal certified' ofieokA %bida June 21st ti to the amount of 2~0 of the total bid prioea on ell bide received for the oonatruotion 1.1923. f 9 of streets, sorbs, gutters an3 sidewalks, advertised for Jnne let. 1923. be reouired to • ~ aooompany said bide. Adopted upon call of the. roll by the Yellowing vet®: Yeas. Paoe, 4' I ,,{ 4 Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Kmttegjohn,-b. ~. li ? i `}' Ordinance fix- ~' comroieaioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that AN ORDINANCE ~ ins fesa for a wIXiNG THl: FEES TO BG C1fARGED FOR PLUMBING PERMITS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTUCKY ~ i plumbing per- f ~ ' mite. ~ be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yesa, Paoe, Pulliam,r • F Tully. Washington aid Katterjohn,-5. ~ Commiasianor Fulliom offered the following motion: Y move that AN ORDYirArdCE ~~ Ordinance amends .• , ing See. 1 ~ AIu~ING BECTION 1 OF 1.NY ORDINANCE R;iGUTATING THd 9YSTEI~S OF SR'"F1tAGR '7ITHIN TrrE CITY f Regulating. _ OF PADUCAA. KENTUCKY, .AIdD DiyFINING THE RUIE3 TO GOYR[tN PLUMB ING TA~tEUND~t. AttD PRE- • ff ewerage. ~ " SCRiII]NG PiNALTIES FOR AIiY VIOLATION THLRDOF, ADOPTED BY TAR GEfr~AL COUNCIL ON JUNE x.29, 1909, be adapted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Paoe, q ~~ Pnliiam, Tully, Aaehington and Katterjohn. 6r " !I ~ ~ ~. , ~' ~ ., .• . ~ . _. F 1. a r ;, . ~' ~;. ;;. ^T°M1•~, w, ~i_~4 . ~.. ,. ,,;,,~ ,. "'~~, '~~ ~,,~ No.-~- _~ 1.. , Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~.:`.._ r~_. ~92- ' Oity Soiioitor ~ Mayor KatterJohn offered the following motion: L move that the City 8o11oitor t to go to t'rank- ,~ fort in oasa of i~be authorized to po to Frankfort in the ones of C. H, Kina, ko, vs. F• ~. KatterJohn, C.H.King,&o. va,'~ F.'A,KatterJohn j~&o., expense oY said trip•to be charged to Costa and Suits. Adopted upon sell of the . &o. 3rd Dis- triet Sewer. yrol] by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pu171am,Tn1]q,Weahinat~n and KatterJohn,-6. . On motion tho Board adJo~:rned upon oa]] of the rol] by 5 yeas. J ~_e .. nta:~v7s. •$ • Petition pro- perty owners on N. 12th St. betn, Monroe and Madi- son, asking Yor oxtenaion of water mains. 's Street bonds & ooupona Acid off in City National Bank. R.F..Moore re- ' aigriation. . } Contract U. S: 4eteran Bureau with xiveraids Hospital. ..,~ •~ ~ Resolution re- quiring Paducah ;oator Company to extend i.ta mains on Id. 12th St. betn, E.onroe and i.;adison Streata. •MaY 28TH, 1923. At a Regular Meeting of the moard of Commisaionera, held in the Commiasionere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May 28th, 1923. Upon cell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commisaionere Paoe, Tully, Washington and Mayor KatterJohn,-4. On motion of Commiet~ioner T~rlly the minutes oY the previous meeting was adopted ae read neon oaf] of the roll by the following vote: Yoga, Paoe, Tu17y, ^lanhington and Katter John,-4. 14eyor KatterJohn offered the fo]lo:vina motion: I movo that the petition from property owners on North lbvelith Street, between b'onroe and Madison Streets asking for an extension of the water mains, be received and filed, and the Citq 3oliaitor is hare- ` by directed tp bring in a reaoiution for the extension oY said water mains. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tu]ly, Weahiraton and Katter John,-4. • {~ Commissioner fully offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner _ " of Public r'inanoe be authorized and instructed to pay off. take up and cancel street bonds and ooupona in the City National Bank to the amount of $376.32 and to charge same to the Special Street Fund Aooount. Adopted upon calf of the roI] by the following vote: Yaes, Paoe, Tu11y, Washington and KatterJohn,-4. Commissioner Pulliam entered the Cosmisaionera' Chamber. ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: R. F. Idoars having resigned hie position under the Department oY Public :7orka, I move that his salary Yrom b3gy ~,' ; ,. 16th to 27th ir~oluaive, be allowed as Yol]ows: New Conatrnotion,......°,~36.69 ~. Sewer .fiat. ~3......... 9.44. and the Commissioner of Public ' Finance be authorized and instructed to~isaue checks to pay same. Adopted upon osil ~, -_ !. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pu]liam, Tully, Washington and Katter- ~' John,-5. , Commissioner ~rashington offered the following motion: I move that the Mayor ~; ' • d be authorized and instructed to sign the contract with the United Staten 7eteran Bureau Yor entering patients oY the United Staten 7eteran Bureau into Riverside Hos pital for the year July let, 1923 to July let, 1924. Adopted upon Dell of .tho roll ~ ., -t by the following vote: Yeas.Paoe,Pulliam,Tully,',~ashington and KatterJohn,-5. ~ Mayor Ratter,ohn offered the following motion: I move -that A RESOLUTION RE s' -: QUIRINC i3i'r: PADUCAH "lA':sR COb4'AIiY 'lU :iX'P:;I2D I'P5 '.7/iT;i? 1.JaIN3 ON ti0RT1i T7I,LFT}I STRK$T, ~' . BcT:?,"..^+•Td 1.;ON20E AI~'J IAI.DISOII STR.~::TS, IId TH.7. CITY OF PADUCAH. Y.~I7TJCYY, A DISTAI7CS OF ~ ` APPROXIL'ATKLY 346 r^RT be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following ~ ~; .i . ~. :.: vote: Yeea, Paoe., Pulliam,•Tully, ~7eahington and KetterJohn,-5.. ' ., '~ ' :3 •, .. s~,^r^g.mro~-x...,.~-fir.... -.:. ,^r *-,~^p..* >.. , , _ -3.; :s^rm ,*~*5::,,'~,;°'-'t-?z~.~r::~. y,+~s.; , .. ,,. .,... ~ °~.~ ~.,. , .. ..-~ ' ~ ~ ,~,-, ~rR _ ::~ ~ ~ ~, n :~r, o T wni ~„, a ~ F i ~ ni iii :•, ,urn in i i i, 3in~.., ~ u ~ ~ r~ i i' i i ~ ~ , , i, i i n i ,.:.r rn ~n r y~~rll~n LL~_ _iJ.. I ~. .J .. I ~~-~ ~~I •~ 1 :\ ~~ I I 1'~~ l~lld ~,~ .: ° ~ _IJ i. ~~.~~i: ~~~. ~:L ~,{will, • • i , .y . ... . ~• I ( 1 ,;,W ~- «~;~:, .ten-r~c~r•,.,:- _ p: Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah-~____^____-~__-_.__19B__ ~_ Oommiasioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the appointment of J appointment of . ~~ ~ ~ R. K.Nieos.'aa ~R. •K.'Nieoe as Oity Sanitary 7inginoer be rntifiefl,.effeotivs 1.tay Elst, 19E3, Adoptsd ~,, .City Sanilarp t Snginser.upon Deli of the•roli by the following vote: Yoa®, Paos° Pulliam,. Tully, Washington and ~,; ~ ,,, • On motion the Hoard ad~ourne4 upon Dell of the roll by b yoae. • ~ ~ ~MN~ 1}~3 ~~ ~ - M! i aas ( ,, , JUNE 1. 19 E3. ~ ; . I F I ti at g Galled Meeting of the Board of Oommiesionera° held in the Commisaloners° - j , - ~VOhamber in the City Hall, Paduonh, Kentuoky, on June Set, 19E$, at 10 0°olook A. M. - Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Oommieaioners Paoe, j Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Mayor Katter~ohn,-b. ~ ~ - ~. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For the purpose of reserving ~. ! and opening bide for hard eurfaoing streets, and for sidewalks, ourbs and gutters ~^: ' oonetruotion. R ~ Oommieaioa°or Fullinm offered the following motion: I move that the bids received I >` Bids of Yanoy Por the oonetruotion of streets, ourba, gutters and sidewalks, ae advertised for•this j E° Johnson. ~ date, whioh are as follows, to-wit: II Geo.W.Katter• I • john & Son and ~ Yanoy & Johnson • Southern Roads Geo. iv. Katterjohn & Son Oo., for the Southern Roads Compeny,• '' street Don- ~ etr ration far ~ be reoeived and filed and that this meeting be ed3ovrnel until B o°olook P. iS. this ~ ~, i 19E3s ° ~ ~ . •~ ~; date< Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa° Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,j '°i • ,n Washington and Kat$er}ohn,-b. { i • ~; i JUNB 1, 19 E3, ~ ~ '1~ AL an Ad~ournod Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commission ;A ddy~ ©re° Ohamber in the 0ity Hall, Paduoah, Kontuoky, on Jun® Set, 19E3, at B o°oloak F.M. i ~ i - G Upon osll of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, -j ~ ' { Fulham, Tully, Washington aril itayor Katterfohn,-b. - „! ~~ "Commieaioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that the bids of , ~ it i Bide of Yanoy ~ Yanoy & Johnson for the oonetruotion of streets, sidewalks, ourbs and auttera, aubmitt~ •I' & Johnson ~; ~ on this date, be sooepted ao the lowoet sari beat bide, and that the Oity Solioitar ~ '. for street, „ , side:+nik,ourb , r be instructed to draft ordinances awarding the oontraot for the oonetruotion of ell of and quttor ~ - y' ~ . oonetruotion ~ I acoepted° said work, except the street oonetruotion on ~'Onllt8ln Avenue, between Broadway and ~ "4 i~ b Jefferson Street, to Yanoy & Johnson, the City reserving the right to accept any i! ~I ~ ehternative inolnded in said bids. Adopted upon Dell of. the roll by the following vote: 4 { ~ ,. 'C4 Yens, Paoo, Pulliam, Tul]y; iYaehington,-4; Naye Katter,ohn,-lo `~ Oommiseionor Pulliam offerod tho fol]owinr~ motion: I mono that the bids of ~~ ,,, Bid of Southor~ gouthern Roads Ooaq>any for the oonetruotion of tho Qriveway on Fountain Avenue, be- I Ronde Oompany f;~for the Don ?!~ tween Br o;dway•ard Jefferson Street. be accepted as the ]owe et and best, and only bid , .. a. "" I otruotion of -I driveway on ~ received, and that the 01ty Solicitor be instructed to draft an ordinance awarding the'; ~ ~;,FOunt~in aver, , . between Broad- j I ,~„~;~ way and Jeffep~` oontraot for-said oonetruotion to Bald Oompany,,the Oity•reservinft the right•to eeleotl , ~., eon Street ~ j t - '~ aooeptefl. ~I any eltornativa included in said Did. Adopted upon call of Lhe roll by the following .vote: Yeaei Paoe, Pulliam and Washington,-B; Nays. Tully and Ratter~ohn,-Ee - I ~~ ;:. ,, ~ ~ h ~ ,, • ~ _.:. ~ Commissioners' .Proceedings;: City of Paducah '_.~..~" 192T Commissioner Iulliam offered Lhe following motion:.That the offer of the ' ~jportland Cement Association to furnish an inspector Yor street oonatruotion during 19~ ~ ;`' PoYtland Cement , ;a T"q ~ Association to Rat the rate oY.$ibO.OQ:per month, be aooepted~ and that said Asaooiatioa be authorized ' Yurnieh in- spector Yor ~to Yurniah the inspector at such time ae construction ie started, said inspector to street oonatruo-',i tion during ;Ireport~end work under the direction oY the Commissioner oY Public ~9orks. Adopted upon ~ '""~'~~ ~ 1923. ~oeli of the roll by the following vote;•Yeae, Peae, Pul3iam~ Tul]y, 9aehington and ~Katter~ohn,-b. • ' ~ Commieatoner Pullinm offered the followin6 motion: I move that the Commie- ' ' i! Certified oheoke'sioner of Public Finance be authorized and instructed to return the certified oheake i deposited with bids of Geo. ;9, j`of Gaorga fl, Katterjohn k Son and the Southern Roads Company on all contracts, ezoept Ketterlohn & Sons; and Southern ,;that for Fountain Avenue deposited with their bide received thin date for the con- S Roads Co. ' returned. ~!struotion of streets, sidewalks. curbs $rd gutters. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by ?the following vote: Yeae. Paoe.Pulliem,Tully,^Veahingtoa end Katter~ohn,-b. _" . k On motion the Board adjourned upon cell of the roll by b yeas.. ., Ai~aP~~•G-.~.~ 19~ AZ~PROVT i3~ i p ~-l.~Q ~~-_ i ryi ~+ruR ij, JUKE 4TH.. 1923. At s Regular Lasting of the Board oY Commiesionera, held in the Commissioners' ii Chamber in the City Hall Paducah, RenLuoky, on June 4th. 19E3. Upon cell oY the roll ' ' • (the following answered to their names: Commiesionera Paoe, Pulliem.and iSayor KatLer ~" r ~ ~~ohn,-3, . ~ On motion of Commissioner Paoe the minutes o3 the previous meetings were adopted ~i - !ea read upon cell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Pecs. Pulliam end Ketter- ii '~Ohn,-3e , 11 L4syor Katteriohn oYYered the following motion: I move that the report of work ~~ Report 1SOCraoknn .done by the idaCraoken County Public Health bearrue ldurainq Service during the month of .~ ~ 1 . County Public ;; ~ Health I,eegue oell of Lhe roll by the following vote: ;!Lay 1923 be received and Piled. Adopted upon ~ ~ for iCay 1923. . i j (Yeas, Peae, Pulliam, 8~ Ketter~ohn,-3. ' Commissioner Feae oYYered the Tollowinr. motion: I move that tho report of the li Report Chief of. Chief of Police Yor the month of t°ey 1923 be received and filed. Adopted upon cell of I police for 1;ay • 1923. !j the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam and %atterlohn,-3, , • ~ ~' Commissioner Tu311am oYYered the following motion: That the oommunioation of ,! Communication ' yancy & Johnson, dated June 3, 1923, in respect to their bid Yor oonstruotion of fancy & Johnson, ;~ • relative to thoir,,gurrell Blvd, paving, be received and filed, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the bid on 1*urrell ` Blvd, following vote; Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam end I!atteriohn,-S. , ~ ~ ' 4! Commissioner Aaehington entered the Commissioners' Chamber. ~ ~ ` , 1 Commissioner Pulliam oYYered tho following motion; That the petition Prom pro- i Petition propertyi ormere on 14cSin- ~; party ownora and raaidenta raaidinq on hioY.inley SLreet. bet:veen 6th erd 7th Streeter loy St. botn. ~i 6th and 7th St, ~ Baking to have :vator mains oxtended; be received and Piled and that the 01Ly Solioito; asking oxtension , . ';; of .Yatar me.ins. Abe instructed to bring in a reoolution to that ePPeoL. Adopted upon Dell of the roll' ' ~, ,_ by the following vote: Yoae, Paoe. Pulliam, :Yashin~5ton and Katter~ohn,-4. u it Commieaioner Tully entered the Commissioners' Chamber. ~ - Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; The City of Paducah having l.ien~on lots I iiheretofora sold Chea. F. '.9alkor certain lots on Hayes Avenue end a Tien having been re- purchased by Chas.F.'.Yalker taired for tho deferred paymonta and said Chas. F. ,9alker no•,v having Paid Por said pro- from City author- ized to be re- party in Yull, I mono thot tho Layor bo authorized and instructed to re]anaa said lien 1 easbd by lrfayor Kcttbr~ohn. ,'.which ie raoorded in Dood nook ~13b~ pace X81. Adopted upon oa71 of the roll by the ~; ;j following vote; Yeae, Paoe. Pulliam, Tu]ly, ~7nshington and Y.atter~ohn~-b. ..T,.^~ T ~.,,~Y:~ ',..^i r3ri~ S['T. xi .. 1; `T - ~.M pv~"*'~'Ty R4~'~li'!~~A ~.~`ti%~ ..:°tWU"T•., u. ,:T *A T'.»~rc~+"o . -~~~,.'4M1?. ,.. .. ':d,.^ ,.1- i , .- ....-.. ..-. ~ ~ ~~ I..t ~,i I I I :. ~::~-~r.T. rr :1 ~w,~. ~ w i ,„I. ,~ ~ -,r ~ , -,. _.1 xi. ~.n l I b~..,; i.r ~ -il~l~ U ww~r•~~t; , ~ .,o-d ~ ~4n ~ wN,ie l~Iw~l~. nmlf ~~Iryll,~ma l ie •!!'re~`,,_. ~ ..~... ~uam~_~ ~~ ~ ~~ j ' I ~ /. ,• . _ ... .. .. ~. ~ ~ . ~ ,IQs Ind Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ----192- ... _. .. - - ____ __ ..- -- _ y "'iError in assess- ~ Commissioner Tull offered the following motion; It appearing that an error :went of Frank Ae ~ ,"{Emma, Walker to J~has been made in the assessment of Frank & fimma :talker by reason of the wrong figures ;bo aorrooted bq .il " Oom'r.Finenoee ~of assessment having been oopied in the Assessor's Booko I move that the Commissioner {. .:';,~. Hof Public Finanoe be authorized and inatruoted to seske oorreotion on tea bill X3770 of i r said Aelk'sr. ,Adopted upon Dell of the roll bq the following vote: YQas, Paoe, Pulliam, . ;I I =~{ ~! Tully, Washington and KatterJohn,-b. ° ,r; '.:e,~' ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of ~b0.00 having been i Cemetery deed paid into the 'i'reaeurq, ea evidenoed by the reoeipt filed herowith, Y move that deed exocutod to Ji Ruth Hlakemore. ~be exeouted to Ruth Blakemore for Lot X67, Blook ~8 on the Fast side of Ohamblin Streotj ` j ~ibetween Ford and Hanne,n Stroete in Oak Grove ®emeterq. Adopted upon Dell of the roll II '~• } ~,by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Matter John,-b. 6 ! d Coacaisaioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the bill for extra work' ~$70.2b elloaed ~ done in April 1923 on 3B-3C, amounting to $70.26, be approved, and that E, R. Harding ~ E.R. Herding Co. ~ , !eztra work done ii Company be $llowed ~70.2b for said work, and that the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe be j in April 1923 t •. ~,:•` ',~~on 3B-3G;•Sewer i~ authorized and inatruoted to pay same and oharge tc 3rd.Distriot Sewer Funda> Adopted , JDistriot ~3, y.- ~ . !~ upon Dell of tha'ro11 by the following, vote: Yeas, Paae, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and ,~ KatterJohn,-b. '" • Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that the P."ayor.be, ~. •` 1G8gor authorized to aiim oontraotp and he ie hereby authorized erd inatruoted to sign the aJgceement dated April 23rd. ! between City and,! L C.R.R. relativ~.1923, between the Illinois Contral Railroad Company and the City of Peduaeh, granting I . to building a ° ~' I . )sower under tts ~~ permission to said City to builcfl a sewer under the traoks of said Railroad Company et i 'Lrnoks near jtlnion Depot. ~ n point approximately ~i00 foet west of the :rant end of the Union Depot. between Cald- I well Avenue and Little Avenue. Adopted upon Dell of tho ro71 by the following vote: I k, Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and KatterJohn,-b. Commissioner Peo® offered the following motion; The Commissioner of Publio Tom Stepherie ':j Safetq having designated Tom Stephens as the patrolman to be assigned to apeoiel duties 'appointed patrol± man with apeoiel;. effeotive P.":ey 1. as authorized by ordinanoe, I mono that hie notion be approved. duties. , Ij Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pnoe, dully, '~9aehington and ! ~. k KatterJohn,-4: IJage, Pulliam,-1< ~ a ~' iSagor KatterJohn offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDINAPJCE REAL- Ordinance re ? ING AN CRDINAIJCE EIJTITLF.ID "AlJ ORDIIJAIJCE INCRPASING TIIE IJUI~IDE<t OF THE BOARD OF AI,DER1,rN pealing ordinanoe inoreaeing num ;! OF 'E'li.: CITY OF PADUCAH, FRCI~; FOUR RIi:T:il3:~25 TO EIGHT AIEP:~ER3," APIROVIsR APRIL 13TH, 190E,~, • -' 1 bar of Alderman ~i I -((from 4 to 8. ~ be.adopted. Lost upon Dell of the roll by the fo71o•:rinR vote; Yeas, 17nahington and i !~ LOST, r ;~ ~ KatterJohn,-E; Idays, Pnoe and Tully,-E; Commissioner Pulliam not voting< I Pdayor KatterJohn offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDIIJAPJCE FIXING, ordinanoe fixing,] I salary of the ! THE SALARY OF TH:: CITY CL:RK OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, Y,EPJTUCKY, be introduoed ersl iqv I , C itq Cl ark ,FIRST READING ~ over. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Weah- i ' I "' j ington and KatterJohn,-4: Nays, Tully,-1. ~ ~~ L4ayor KatterJohn offered the following motion:, I move that AN ORD72JANCE F.IXiN6 fi ordinanoe fixing;, , ~ .salary of City TPPE SALARY OF THE CITY ENGIIJEER OF THE CITY OF YADUCAH, K.gNTUC$Y, be introduced send fingineer, ~ FIRST Rr:ADING. j lay over. Adopted upon Dell of the roll bq the following vote: Yoga, Faoe, Washington i4 _ I@1 and KatterJohn,-3; Naga, Pulliam and Tully,-2. J 2 yrtagor KatterJohn. offered the following motion; I ,move that AIJ ORDIIJAIJCE FIXING ' Ordinance fixing" ~ salary of Citq `! THfi SALARY OF TIi.4.` CITY TREASURER OF Ti1E CITY OF PADUCAH, K~'JTUCKY, be introduced and ' Treasurer.. ~. - FIRST READIIlG. ~ lay over. Adopted upon gall of the roll bq the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, . ~ lashington and KatterJohn,=4o Nnys, Tully,-1. ~ ~. tl , • .. - ~ .. .. I .. ~~ f ~~ .j i r # ... , ,` h I ~~ .. ,, Ordinance fixing; Mayor Katterfohn offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDINANCE FISING salary of 2~iiayor. jj FIRST Rr'r1DII1G. ~~. THE SALARY OF 'QiE L"AYOR OF TIIE CI1'Y'OF FADUCAH, KEttTUCKY, be introduoed and ley over. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yees, Paoe, Washington and Katter- ? ,ohn,-3; Nays, Pulliam and 'l'olly,-2. ' Mayor Katter~ohn offered the Yollowing motion: I move that AN ORDINANCE FII[ING Ordinanoe fixings salary of City ~,~ THE SALARY OF TH.r CITY ATTORN::Y OF THE CITY OF FADUCAH, IL~i7TLCKY, be introduoed and Attorney. FIRST R?.ADIN G. ~ lay over. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fulliam, Ii • ~~ Tashington and Ketter,ohn,-4; Nays, Tully,-1. !! Mayor Ketter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that AN @2DINANC3 FISING' Ordinanoe fixing; • sale;yof City ~ THE 3Al.faRY OF THE CITY JAILER OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCI(Y, be introduoed and ley' Jail II FIRST READING. j over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yees, Paoe, Fulliein, j~ ~°`,~> „~ ~,~ ,; Washington and Yatter~ohn,-4; Nays,. gully,-1. ,~ it On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas> Aooounts for last half of SIey 1923 as per report. Com'r.Finanoe allowed . Aooounte for last half of May for 3rd Diatriot sewer. Ordlnanoa aooept inq Lid and a- warding oontraot to Yanoy & Jol~n- non on 3. 10th 3t, or 1.'.urroll Blvd. from Broad way to Tennosaeo St. FLRST R::ADIIIG. 1TOR JUNE 7TH. 1923, At a Called ileeting of the Board of Oommisaioners, hold in the Commieaionere',<.."'" Chamber in the City Hall, Ieduoeh, Kentoaky, on June 7th, 1923, et 10:10 o'alook A. M. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, Tu]ly, Washington and i:ayor Katter~ohn,-5. Idayor:Latter~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For tho purpose oY allowing pay-rolls for last half of the month oY L?ay and the awerdin~ of contraot for the ~on- struation of lurrell Boulevard to Yanoy & Johnson. Contraotors.,and~any other business that might some before the .Board, Commissioner 'rally offered the following motion: I move that the eooounts for the last half of the month of h8y, 1923, emountinP to X18366.24, es per the re- '" '~ port of the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe filed herewith, be ello•aed and ordered. paid II end the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,Washington and Katter~bhn,-b. I ~; Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the eoooonte~ for the last half of the month of 1,1sy 1923, for the 3rd Diatriot Sewers, as follows: Pay:moli ...............$498.38 ~ Supplies ............... 159.18, a total of ~667.b6, be ,. j allowed and ordered paid ani the Commissioner of Publio Finenoe be authorized and in-,,. ~ atrvoted Lo draw oheoks aitainst the !~3 Diatriot Sewor Fund Aooonnt to pay same. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by the following vote; Yees, raoe, Pulliam, TuT]y,• ~ :7eshington and Itatter~ohn,-b. ~I Oommisaioner Pu]liam offorod the followtnq motion; T move Lhat All ORDINANCw i ~~ ACC1.TTING Tlii: AID OF AND ASIARD;NG Tll:i OONTIIAC'r TO YANCY & JOIINSON OF I'AD'JOAI1, KEN'IUCXY . r. !i FOIt TfiE CON31'RUCTIUN OF 't"?:s DRIV:I,VAY3 ON SOUTlI T:.!'PIl )i'CRI;E'r, OR IfL23I?ISLL BOULEVARD, FRObi 'Pill: 30UTI1 YI?OP13tTY LIIU; OF AROAD'vAY'I'0 TF1E;3UUT}i rR0]'::FiTY LIN OF T::NN::SSEE S°PRisET, Le introduoed and lay over. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yoae, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully. Washington,-4; Nays, Katter~ohn,-1. '~ Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion; I move that AN ORDINANCE ;, d ACCEPTING TIIs BID OF :.ND A!'!dRDING TP.S COIITRACT TO YANCY k JOIlIS021 OF PADUCAH, IO!:IITUCSY 'y FUR THE CONSTRUCTIOII OF '.'H DRNE'7AY ON DiQI1ROS STRiiI'sT FROLS TII:: !^.::ST PROP~tTY LINE OF 1 .I ::IGHTH 3TRYWT TO THE :i,ST rROF?.RTY lIN3 OF IIII:rH STRI'.S:T, be introduoed and. ley over. Adopt ad upon Dell of the roll by the follo+ving vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pu111Qm, Tully. Washington and Katter~ohn,-5. Ii Ordinanoa eooept " bid &o. Yenoy & Johnson, tlonroa St. from 8th ~t. to '9th St. FIRST Rr:~,DII:G. 1.» ~f 1 .._, _. ' lip,-l.: ~.,1 .,i .,'..', ~i I',i I i.7ii~: I''Il IPP' ~~~ I~IFI~ '''ail I 1 • ~ Iv~.~ I~IIi '~,-I. III li I11'~f.FIIII~I'I~'~Il~:il ili_ i I I. I~,_ ~ I i. I OI.~. I., ll I _.iI_.. -.~I.il'.I:...I...-~ . Na , g~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_ _ -_._192- ' r Ord i~noe eooept Commieaioner~Pnlliam offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDINANCE ing, &o., Yanoy ~ ACCEFTING THE BID OF AtiD A;7dRDING THE CONTRACT TO YANCY & JOHNSON-OF PADUCAH, Ki,N- kJohnson, N.lOth St. Jeff- s ' .TUCKY. FOR THE COTtSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVE'YAY ON TENTH STREET FROTd THE NORTH PROPERTY ~.erson St. to i:~adison St. ~ LII~ OF Js'FF~iSON S•TRSET TO THE SOUTH FROPERi^Y LINE OF LtADISOt7 STREET be introduced ~ FIRST RI•:aDING. d " ~ ~ F and lay over. Adopted upon oell of the Poll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, ,~ j.. a • Pu111am,,Tully, t9ashington and Katterjohn,-b. !~ :~Ordinanoe eooept•' Commissioner Pulliam offered the folio*ing motion: I move that AN ORDINANCE ' , ff ing &o, , Yanoy & r ACC:SPTING THE BID OF AND AWARDITdG THE COTTTRACT TO YANCY & JO?iTiSON OF P.-DUCAH, KENTUCKY 1 Johnson:- ~ ~ 4th St. b;onroe ~ • FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIV.7AY ON FOURTH 3TRF.ET" FRObt TIC IIORTH PROPERTY I.ITIE OF I to Madison St. 4th St. flashing- ~ MOTdIOE STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LII73 OF LTADISCr1 STR ET; ON FOURTH S7iiEF.T FROLT TIIE to 'to Clark St. " ' I4ashinaton St. SOUTH P30PEITY LII~ OF AASHINGTON STREET TO T?TE NORTF. PRO'ri~iTY LITIE OF CLAFiY. S7RE3T; . 5th t.o 6th "St. Monroe St. 5th ~ ON 9ASHING'T'ON STc?EET FROM TH? flEST PROPERTY LINE OF FIFTH S7REF.T TO TF.E '•YEST PROPERTY 3t. to 6th St. ! ' Ltonroe St. 6th ~ • LINE, OF SIXTH STREET: ON btOti:?OE STRG::T FROM THE "'EST PROPERTY LItiR OF FTFTH STR ET TD to 7th St. Ky.Ave.9th 9t. TAE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF SIXTH STREET; Oti TdONROE STREET FR01,t THE :YEST PROP°..HTY LYNE ~ • to 10th St, Tenri.St.lOth St. q OF 3IBTH 3TRE.ET TO THE EAST IROPExiTY LINT: OF SEVENTH STREET: ON KENTUCKY l.Y;•:NUE FROtS ltd 12th St. '_! i:onroo 8t. 10th ~ TFIr: l7EST PROPr'4TY LINE OF IV INi'H STRE:iST TO TIis EAST IROPs°.TY LIT1E OF T::IITH STR sT, OR to 12th St. ~ "' - 2nd St. 'Asahing- b~URRELL BOULEVARD: ON TE;IiIJESSEE STRr^J:T FROEI TIT: lPt:ST FRUP:RTY LINr: OF biURRi3LL BOULP- ton to Clnrk SL.~ .3rd 5t. 1SOnroe. ~ yARD. OR TE[ITH STRrwT. TO THB .VAST PPOPERTY LINE OF T`7ELFTIY STRL'?T; ON L;OT.'ROE STREET to ipsd i son 9t. ~ ,,I-IR3T READING. ~, FHplwt THB' ~:ST PROPERTY LINE OF tIINTH 5TRi»:T TO A LITiE PARALL'r:L i0 ATiD FIVES FF,r^.T EP.ST- ( t7ARDLY FRObt TAE CENTER OF TITE EAST TRACK OF ~:fTE Y. O.R.R. NI.AR TsN'PH 3TR.'.'ET; ISOTLROE L . STREET FROM ALINE FARALIZL TO AIID FIVE F;SET W%STWARDLY FROId TITE CEtITER LINE OF THE, !! ~' 9 ',YEST TRACK OF THE ILLItdOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD NEAR TEX'TH STRrr:T TO i''HE r.AST PROP.tTY ,LINE OF ELEVENTH STREE`P ATl.D FROLi 'PHE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF rr^.LEVr~iTH STREET TO THE .:AST ., r PROPERTY LINE OF Ti7ELFTH STRF4:T; ON SECOND STR^r.T FROM TILE SOUTH I'ROPF~iTY LIIIS OF ii ^lASHINGTON STREET TO THE NORTII PROIERTY LIIJE OF CLAP.Y. ST.T?EET ACID ON THIRD STR?:ST FROM i! THL NORTH,PROFRITY LINE OF I,1)IIROE STRiic.T TO TS>FS SOU'PiT TROPr~;TY LINE OF A•LdDISON STREET, be introduced and ley ovor. Adopted upon onll of the roll by the following vote; Yeea !~ j Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ltashington and Kattor~ohn,-6. ~ Commieafoner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that AtI ORDItU.NCE . Ord.inanoe eaoep fi inn. bid of Yanoy; ACCi~ TINE TITF. 13ID OF AND A~4dRDING THE CONTRACT TO YANCY & JOHNSON, OF PADUCAH, KEN- - i& Johnson,- 12th St. Jeffer-' ' TUCKY, .FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVE:YAY ON Id03 TH T"IELFTH STP.::3T FROt.{ TITS NORTH . ~ ~ son to L;adison, C ' 12th St. `Penn. 'i PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STRE~'C TO THIS SOUTH PROP3iTY LIN?; OF h:ADISON STRE:r^.T; ON " ixo lonoa St. 4 ! 11th St Joffer- ' ' . °' {son to Liedison. SOt1TH T:Y:;I.FTH STRr.ET FROLt TRH SOU"i H F30FrRTY LINE OF ['3NN^SSEE STREET TO TAE ItORTH • ~ 9th St. Jeffer- TROFERTY LINE OF' JOtIES STREET; ON NORTEi EI,3SV IJTH STR?..:T FITOLt TITE NORTH PROPERTY LANE ,son to 1~edison. ! 8th $t. Jeffer- 4 OF J;;FF::RSON STR1;T TO TH3 SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF LTADISON STREET; ON NORTH TIINTH eon to Madison. } 7th St. .,Jeffer- ~ - STRB:;T FROM THE IdORTIi PROPERTY LINE OF SEFF72SON STR?:ET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINF. OF „ ~ oon to iiedison. rr 7th`St.. Ky. Ave. 7 " 1dADISON STREET; Otd NORTH EIGHTH STR:.3T FRORS THE IIORTH PROPERTY LINF. OF JEFF~2SOt7 '7aehington a0. i ` ~ 6th St. Jeffer- ~ ;son.to.Madison. S1R~-,T TO TH.: SOUTH FROPEtTY LII1E OF LudJISON 3TRr:~T; ON IdORTJi SY,'1R~~TH STR:.3T FROLt TiiE (6th St• Ky..1ve• ~ NORTH IROFrRTY LINE OF JEFFI:'RSOII $TR ET TO TIIE SOU'T'H PROP;IITY LIME OF MADISON STREET;. "•.ito Neahington. ~ 6th St. Monroe y Ito uedieon St. 7 ON SOUTH SGVP;tdTH STRrrT r3i0M THE SOUTIi PROFr1iTY LTNE OF Y.sitPUCKY A~NUE TAD TIT; AORTA F i FIRST RrIADITiG. ~ pROPERTY LINE OF AASHINGTON STRr^.ET; ON NORTH SIXTH STF{:~T FROtd TR$ NORTH TROPvTiTY LINE _ . OF JEFFE~ISON STRFwT TO THE SOUTH FROPERTY LTItE OF MADI30N STRET; ON SOUTH SIXTH ~ STRF T FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF' K~ITUCKY AVF.NIIE TO THE NORTH ?'ROPERTY LINE OF ~;;;•, 4 WASRINGTOti 5TRr~T; AND ON NORTH FIFTH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF L~NROE • d _ '+". " ~ 3TR?.ET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF }dDISON SEiEET, be introduced and ley over... • ~ Adopted upon ae11 04 the roll by the following vote: Yeea. Paoe. Pulliam, Tully. . `y • ~ Reahln ton end Kntter~ohn.-6. ~ ' g _. .. ., ,:, _ ' . I Y "~ i ~~ ~' t+ ~; ~,. t . ~~ M1!. ~I i ''~~ g ;;~ _ 9 • ~:~ ,' ( ' `:. .ar„ Y h 4;Y~jy .1~` MI`.,f R'x~ ~ ~ -" ..,., _,,..r, y n _. ',+~lt'""^?r+s,. ;..~,, .. ;ixd~: C s,: '. 4:~. .... 'd.'a .. -.,-, -i +.r i~~„~ ` ~j ~...~ } +( ~~ ~'~ Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: I move that Ali ORDIDtAiICB AC- Ordiranoe eooept1} CF~TI~JG THE BID OF AND ANARDING TH 601!'iRACT TO TIIE SOU'.tHi~tli :LOADS COA".PANY OF BIRMING- iag bid, dco., ,~ Southern Roeds ;~ ~ FOR tfrE COMST3UCTION OF TH:: DRIVa:AAY ON SEVi;HTEENTH STREET, OR FOUNTAIN A7 6BAN~1 ' Co., 17th St. i' ~ , ~ or Fountain Ave. ,1 AV,~,NUE FROr1 THE 2d01?TH PROPRTY LII~ OF BROADNAY STR::ET PO THJ: SOUTH ~IROPSRTY LINE OF B way to a ~ Jefferson St. ;; FIRST R v1DING. 1 J~'FrRSON S7REisT, be inLroduoed and ley over. Adopted upon oall of Lha roll by the ;~ following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fulliam and ~7ashington,r3; Nays, Tully,.and Katter~ohn,-P. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDINANCE Ordinanoe 'eooept~ ACCEPTING THE DID 0'r' AI`s A^IARDIIdG THE COrd'C1lACT :ro Y:~IdCY & JOTIlJSOH OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, irg bid, &o.. ii Yanoy & Johnson FOR TH' COidS'LRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURBS A1dD GUTTIll3 Ord BOTH SID-3 OF Ti3NTH STR?~T FROM , ourbs and gutters 10th ,t. Jeffer-;i T~ NORTH FROP~TY LIId. OF JEr^F:~TSOtd STR?.ET '1'0 TH:: SOUTH P?IOP:RTY LI.N3 OF i:ADISON . son St. to 1.:adi-i~ son St. STRS.3T; OId BOTH SIDES OF rd02.^:?OE STR::^T F1I01 THE '.TEST PROP~ITY LIIvS OF EIGHTH STREET .TO r.;onr oe St. 8th :' St. Lo 12th St. ;~ T113 "'EST PROPERTY LIJdF. OF T'^:iLF'PH ST1liti:T; ON AOTH SIDES OF SECOT~D STR?i:T FR01: 7?iE SOU 2nd St. :lashing-;i tor. to Clark St. „ r ~F.. PROFA'RTY LI1dE OF '.7ASHII:..TOrd STREET 'PO PH., r;OP.TH PROP7~:.RTY LIN OF CLArlY $TR..,.P, Ord BOTH . 3rd Wit, r~onroe ~ St. to r:.adison. ~ SIDES OF 'Pr~IRD STR.''T x'1101? THE 1dORTH PROT~ITY Llyd OF 1,1011.T10? S'~R?::T TO TH.: SOUTH PRO- 11th ~t, Jeffer son to Naiison. ~u Pr:,ITY LINE OF 1'LDISON SI'1.:':T; Old BOTH SIDES 0? :Il.EYt:l!TH STRRr^.T FR02." THE Td OR TA PROP FRTY 12th st, Tenn. ~ 3T TO 1'HE SOUTH PROPi1lTY LIME OF I.:ADIS02d SBIEF.T; ON BOTH SIDES LIN3 OF JEFFr~lSOrd S'i1lE to Jones St. . 9th ~t, t.:onroe { to &ladison St. a OF T ~LFTH SZREi3T b'ROI.: TR3 SOUTH FROF:IRTY LITdr^. ()F TEN,IIESSEE STR::1:T TO TH3 NORTH PROPER tohL".adisron Ste ~i TY LINE OF JO1:E3 STR::ET; OTd BOTIi SIDr.S OF NINTIi ST!?33T FROIF :'7T^ N'~RTtT PROprl?TY lIrdE OF ' FLRST READ lidG. ~ '~i 1:OlIR~'i'`. STREET TO illb; SOUTH 1'ROPiRTX LII.'^^, OF I",A~ISOrd STRF.ST AItD Ord BOT$ SIDES OF EIGHTH .' ' II S'i^R.~"'.:TrROr1 TFL: NORTH 1''ROF:1?TY.LII^s: OF r.10I:?:OE STRUT Ta TP:^: SOU'PIi P??OP:RTY Llid? OF ~, 1'.ADIS~d.S"1RS:1T, be introduoed r_nd lay over. Adopte3 upon oall of the roll by the ~ followini~ vote: Yeas, Paae, Pulliam, Tully. l7ashington end Katter'ohri,-5, . Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that Aid ORD III AF CE Ordiranoe eoooptr ir.P bid, &o., ,~ ACCEITING THE BID AF ArdD A.7ARDIrdG T1.T COIJTIIACT TO YANCY & JOHNSON OF PADUCAA, KENTUCIfld , Yanoy & Johnson oonorete aide-. .i FOR 7'FIE C01dSTRUCTI02d OF CONCRETE SIDERAIKS, CURBS :.rdD GUTTi:iT3 Old TIi:: SOUTH SIDE OF ; walks,ourba and ; gutters on 5. ;~ TENNkSSbIE STREET FR011 THE FAST INT>RSh'CTION OF 'i`1~dr:ESSEE AI:D T1dI?D STRiiET5 TO THE side Tennessee ~~ St. from 3rd j TOF OF Tld BAtdK OF THr: T:~:Id3'SSEE RIVr~l, be introduced er,d ley over. Adopted neon Dell ,,' St. to top of ; bank of Tennesses i of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,. Pace, Pu111nm, Tully, 7ashineton and Katter- ':l i vex .. p1RST READ Il; G. ~! john,-5. ~ i ~~ Ldayor Ketter~ohn offered the followinP motion: I move Lhat A RESOLUTIOr: REQUIRING Resolution re- ~ TFir; PADUCAH .7ATER CCi^.'dliY PO EXT~JD ITS :IATI•`? 1.S.II:S Or! rSoY.INL:iY ST4:^:ET, BET'AEl:ld SIllT1I. . quiring Faduoah .later Co. to AND SEVI:TH STR..:TS, IN '14iw CITY OF PADUCAH, L'::Itl'CiCI:Y, A DISTAII~ OF AP]I?OXIAIAT~..i.Y extend its mains; on 1:o~inley 5t. 350 FEET,. be adopted. Adopted npon,aell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, botn. 6th and !1 7th St. d Paoe, Pu11iLm, Tully, :vashington and Katter~ohn,-5. r j F .! Commissioner Pulliam offored the followinP motion: I move that the salary of ~, Salrry oP J.C. ~ J, C• Gre[~ory, in the '~'rgineering Force, be increased from X130.00 per month to the Gregory and ~' R.li.Coleman (~ sum of 6.00 er da for da s st work; end that the salary of .R. H. Coleman be in +~ P y y iroreased. ;~ tressed from X5.00 per day toy6,00 per day for days at work, eeah eff©otive Jane 1, j Pulliam, Weahing- ted upon Dell of the roll by tho fol]owing vote: Yeas Ado 1923 , , . p ~. ton and Katter~ohn,-3; ldaye, Paoe and Tully.-2. Retention Ordi-~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Thet the Retention Ordinance bq nanoe to bey amended inoreait amended, increasing the salary of Foter Acker, Clark to the Commissioner of Public ing salary of ~' Pe~,er ++oker. a , Finance, rp30.00 per month, begirming June 1st, 1923. Adopted upon sell of the roll . ~ by the following vote: Yeas, Pulliam, Tully and Katter~ohn,-3; Ideys, Pace and lashing G ton,-2. Tyge A. Con- ~ Commissioner ;7eahington offered the fo11ow1nR motion: I move that Type A , orate adopted y for curb and 4 Concrete curb and Putter be adopted on contract 710. 7 and 1IO. 8. Adopted neon Dell Putters on Contrasts ~? e, of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully, :7ashinaton and Y.atterlohn,-4; and ~8. ff it Nays, Pulliam.-1. tl Q ,. . ~ ~ ~. ;~,..,..~~..,~a, ,:,• ,, ~~r~.~,~ n:R,~ii,:m,i„., ~~ a~~~.i.~~m~o~~.~~~ ~ ~~ui~.~m~~ii~aio:~, i~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~, i i ~ ~ i ~ ~wi~, ~i irr'r -~~:~~"-~-f` . •~~ i ~ . ~..~~ ~Z' PTa / g ~. . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah- 192- • ,.,Gonorete into ~Commiasioner Fulliam offered the following motion: That concrete internal sorb be $. rCte.I~ curb.adopt-y adopted on Contract No. ,6 for oonatruotion of L:carrell Boulei~ard. Adopted upon pall of ed for.oonstruo- tion of.bturrells the roll by the following vot®: Yeea, Pace, Pulliam and ~9ashington,-3; Nays, Tully and Blvd. Contract. `' -~ No. 6.' ~ Kntter~ohn,-E. ., On motion the Board ad~ovrned upon call cf the roll by b yeas, ' :..,. ,. . i, • :.. JUNE 9TH. 19E3. ~ . - At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commisaionera' , • Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky, on dune 9th,'1923, at 11:30 0°olook ll.bT., ~. i • Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Comoiasionera P$oe, Pulliam, Tul]y, ;9nahington and Kntter~ohn,-b. ,• Bdayor Ratter~ohn atatod reasons for pall to-wit: For the pnrpoae of 411owing• . ';_ estimates to E. R. Harding Company for the oonatruotion of sewers, and any other buei- ~- nose that might Dome before the Board. f Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; Y mono that the btonthly • Estimate for work Bono on the oonatruotion of aewora in District 3-A durinrt the month ~, bsonthiy Euti- '~ mate for MnY ,~ of bin 1923 bon 61 on account ~ 1923 artaunting y pProood, and i:. R. Ilarding Company"bo allowod ,~13,b£3. { to ~y13,623.b1 ~ of said work, cad Ehnt tho Commieoionor of Tuhlio r'innnoe be authorizod ar;d inetruotod~ Diatriot 3A ~ alloaod E.R. ~ to dra:v oheok against the 3rd Diatriot Sower Fula for the sum of `~13,b2.3.b1 to the Harding Co. k. R. Harding Company. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yaase i r ,N pace, Pulliam, Tully, ~ehin gton and Katter3ohn,-b. ,~ ~'. ' ` Monthly Eati- mate for bray ~ on Trunk Tine Extension Sewe {• amounting to j. $2.903.71 allo • ed d.B.Harding Co. Oormniaeioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that the Monthly ~ v Estimate for work done on the oonatruotion of the Trunk Tine Extension 'Sowers during ~ ~,~ ~' r~ the month of Iday 1923 be approved, and r^^.. R. Harding Company be allowed X2,903.71, on i..: wl• eaoaunt of said work, and that the Commissioner of Public r'inan oe be authorized and instructed to draw oheok aaainat the 3rd Diatriot Seger ]!'ands for the sum of , P ~p2,903.71 to the E. R. Harding Company. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow-!, ~' ing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tu17y, Naehington and XattorJohn,-6e ~+ a ~. Oommiaalonor Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that the btonthly Eatlmate for ~~ Estimate for work done on the oonatruotion of sewers in Diatriot 3B-3C during the ~ Diatriot 3B- 'u 3C for bray ~! month of bisy 1923; be withheld until Husbands Street and Caldwell Avenue are pieced Sue r..I2. Hard inga ~ ' Co.withhold y in ea good condition as before oonatruotion, according to Article 29 of the Contract i - " 'until Husbands , St. and Caid- ~ pi11h the r:. R, Harding Company. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following voter ~ . well Avonuo ~ I are placed in h Paco, Pulliam, ~Yaahington and Katter~ohn,-4; Nave, Tully,-1. i 'Rood oondition..~; t. ~ On motion the Board cd~ourned upon call of the roll by b yeses ~ , t _. ~,~ . ~~d_ ~ ,'.. .. ..., .; ..:.. ,, , .. -ya"''S"""t`..:"'' '", 1*",',.9'°"M..,'"~~"'t^,~e'o",''nq""yrb,~n;'~,~rr•r.'~^,.,'s^.-^':,.~."' ,., - . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Padueah~.,'.:J:.__~.T:.,:_yv_ _192._.._' i i r°-?'t f JUIJF 11TH. 1923. ; ' • , ., • . ' At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commisaionera, held in the Commiasionera' Chamber in the City Hnll, Paducah, Kontuoky, on June 11th, 1923,,,Upoxi Dell oP the roll the Po7lowing answered to their namoe; Commisaionora paoe,,pulliam, Tully, • ~~ Washington and L".eyor Katter~ohn.-b, ~ , On motion oY Coaunisaioner 'c9aehington the minutes of the previona meetings were ~; adopted ae read upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Taoe, pnlliam, :P Tully, Washington an3 Katter~ohn,-5, 1~' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I movo that the report of the Report Com'r. '~ Commissioner oY Fublio r'innnoe for the month of L'ay 1923, be.reoetved, filed and order. Firanoe for !i Idey 1923.' ~ ed published in tho official newspaper. t>,dopted upon on 11 oY the roll by the follow- ing vote; Yeea, Fnoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and KeLLer~ohn,-6. II Oommieaioner Tully offered the following motion: That the report oY the Oommis•, ' Report Com'r. '( eioner of publ•lo 1`inanoo of the checking account of the $3 District Sower be received,- Ftnance for '! J~Jay 1923 of ji an3 filed and ordered published in the official newspaper. Adopted upon Dell of the ~3 District I Sewer Checking { roll by the following vote: Yeas, paae,Pu131am,Tul7y,l9eahington and Katter~ohn,-6. dooount. Commiealoner Tully offered the following motion:.I move that the report of the ' Report Com'r. ~~ Commiaetoner of Fublio Finnnce sho'sing the Apportionment, the Am~iunta Expended aid the-° Finer:oe, showing. Apportionment, II Balances to the credit of the various accounts under the dtfPerent departments at the Amounts Expend-i~ ed, &o. ,; end of J:Jey 1923, be recei'<•od and filed, Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow- n I~'ing vote: Yeea, Peee, Pulliam, Tully, Nnshington and Katter~ohn,-b. C.B,Rer.som N Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that the Assessor Assessment ' corrected. NI made an error in copying the assessment of C. B. 3aneo7pon Tax 8111 X2919, I move that I{ the Commissioner of Fublic Finance be authorized and instructed to correct same. , j~ adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, pace, Pulliam, Tully, iashington and Knttersohn,-5. • I h Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; It appearing there 1e dug yhs - Sohools allowed (I ,y4454.95 from ~` Sohoola the sum of X4454.96 from the 1923 Tax Collections to and including June 9th, 1923 Tex Col- I lectiona to '~ I move that the amount be nllo.vod an3 ordered paid and the money appropriated from end includ ing j{ Jlme 9th,19 23,. ~~ the General Fund to pay acme. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote: I ~i Yeas, Paco, Pulliam, Tully, '.9ashington end Katterfohn,-6. it Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the report of the ,P Report .Chief 'I!. Chief of the Fire Department for the month of Jday 1923 be received and filed.. Adopted - ef Fire Dopert-~ mast for the ~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Tape, pulliem, Tully, Washington month of ruey , 1923. and Katter f ohs,-5. j Commissioner Fulliam offered the fol]owing motion: I move that C. [i. Brodbeok, 1. _ C, P.. Brodbeok, ~ Frar}: Johnson and J. C. Y.eely, who era three expert Civil Engineers; be appointed to FranY. Johnson. • and J.C.Keely q eonetituto a Doard for the purlbae oY making examination of the fitness and quelifi- appointed Board to maY.o examinaR nation of any and all onndidatea for City I:nginoor. In n11 branches of civil engi- tion &o, of jl • candidates for ~ nearing, nny candidate may,appear before this hoard to be examined, an3 if sa13.Board City A3lgineor. '' ~i is of the opinion that said candidate or candidates are competent to hold sai3 office, y .. J they shit.ll issue their certificate of the eandidatea'oompeteney end deliver same to , << paid candidate, ^nd a Dopy of said certificate to be d©livored to the Clerk of Board of Corranisslor,ers, by him to be delivered to the .Board of Commissioners. ,Adopted upaxi ~I call of the roll by the following vote: Yens. Taco, Fulliam, Tully, '.9ashington and ll I{ Katter~ohr,,-5, I Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Thnt the Purchasing dgent Purchasing Agent gashing- ~~ be authorized and instruct ed. to purchase lot Ito. 16, Block 13, on Northeast corner oY Lon to purohasep • lot No.16 Blook~ bLh and Husbands Strsete, 41' 8" x 169' ®", Yor the purpose of widening Husbands 13 on 5th & Hatsuar~is at, P. - ...:.,„ "7:;,~.°r. .~~: P,m_ ~, ~;a+.."zr ,"~,..'.`,~.~.~.-.-..,..E,s.y,....*r:?~,-~"-^~:".~i';„i"r,5".&`?T.'ua~'.~,"A°~':J2':•n.e^° i m... ft^~-r:'rr'*'".~.~ 1'~r ~:"f r,r..y ,~ • ,,.,,.;: `, .~.;~ ., .: 3 t..°i« , 1 n r:s:, -n IPO rn ;n ~~i. i :~~ is i. ~~i' i.,: i. n' Il. ~ipa {I i~.. ~PPel .nil Il:. Il ii:-Psi ~, F'I ~If r° i... ..i i ;m P.ti 'I I-~I'11(Ii:-1 i i ~i 'r Pail i ~~i~ I I i l - a. I..,i. '.I I.~,if ~ :..f. ~.: ~rn :~r~i;, ,-... 1,u~u~ I w r..r J1~~.~.: l .a-a Y - ~~~~'_ - .~- -~ 16, 4 ,i ~~"~.4~~ ~~e,,,°YY11 a A ~u~~~~ .a _ .'._ ear ~-.«' , . _.~__ ~,-r_._,~ ..~~c.~ct=~e„''~s~n - - w6~°.~.n ~--v' ~.r.,at.ar ~ .~'~a•~:`-s Lm.. ~.ds. ^ ,~:.. ,~., ,~ w~i~~i.,u ~ i ail:.. ~.. tI y 'Y =t ...,, x,,w, . .. 7„_' . . 1 "~ ... .. ,,, '~{ flt Na 1 g • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducaln~___~___~_._____._ __._ __192__ 3 ~ I ' t ',, ~ Street, provided same aen be bought for $b0.00 or less, and oharged to Street Depart- ' _ ment. Adopted upon oell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam°Tully, ? i4ashington and Katter~ohn°-b. ( ~ .~ ,1 i Oommieaionor Naehington offored the following motion: Y move that the roport of i :: ( . '1Rorort Rivorsldel the Riverside Hospital for tho month of d+'~ey 1923, together with Fatiente° Report for '?• !Hospital and ~ Fatiente ReP~'t ti be reoeivod and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the the month of TSay 1923 i , i for May 19 23. , ` r { ~ following vote: Yeae° Paae, Pulliam, Tully 1Vnehinaton and Katter~ohn°-b, ~- t di d in ; fi Mayor Kattorlohn offered the fol,lowina motion: Y move that dN ORDINANCE FIXING nanoe )r salary of g , x Oity ~ THE 9AIrlRY OF THE CITX ASSESSOR OP' 'fHE CITY OF PADUCAH° KEN]?UCKY° be introduoed and lay Aeeeeaora , over. Adopted upon onll of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Fnoo, 1'ulbiam° iVaehington and Katteraohn,-4; Naya, Tully°-1. ~ P Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: Y move that AN ORDII4Ah'CE FIXING i Ordinance fiairy~~ THE SALARY OF THE CITY CLk:RK OF THE CITY OF PADUOAH, I~:NTUCKY° be adopted. Adopted ~ ea9aFy,of City ', Clack. ~ upon Dell 03 the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, 19ashington and Katter r .~ john,-4; Naye, Tully,-1. ~ , {.. ~ i Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: Y movo that an ORDIT:ANCE FIXING .., , Ordinanoo fixin~ salary of City !j ~;E gALpgy OF 1HE L'AYOR OF TNJ; CITY OF FADUCAH, K~TTUCKY. be adopted. Adopted upon • i , Jl~yor. G ~ Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe, Pulliam, tYashington and Katter- john,-4; Naye° Tully°.-1. ~ ~ Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move that ATd ORDIMITC:: FIRING" ~ OrAinanoe ~ fixin salary of City N Tag gpyARY O>t' 'CTIR CITY JAIL:.R OF TTIE CITY OF PADUCAH° F: NTUCKY, be adopted. Adopted l oro Je !; l upon sell of tho roll by tho following vote: Yoae, Paoe° :9ashinRton and Kattorjohn;-3; f ' U Naya, Pulliam and Tully,-2° • . ~ h9ayor Katter john offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDITANCE FIXIITG i ' Ordlr:anoo fizln~ ~ salary of City THE SALARY OF~'[4T~: CI'J'X TREASURJ•Tt OA' TILE OITY OF TADUOAH, Y.ENTUCI:Y, bo ndorted, Adortod ' ~ Treasuror. , ~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae° Paoo, tVaehington and Katterjohn,-3. Nays, 1'nll~am.8nd."T>hlly.-2. 1I ~ Ordirmnoe ~ fixins~ Mayor Katterjohn offored the following motion: I :Hove that AN ORDINANCE FIRING ~ I I ~ ' salary of City tl lR1CKY° bo ndopted. Adopted THL Sr1LARY OF iHi: CITY J:NGIIVrr:R OF THE CITY OF IADUCAH, KiSN TBnglneor. N f • upon ball of tho rol] by tho following vote; Yons, Paoo, Wnehington and Katterjohn,-3; h Nays, Pulllnm and. Tully,-2. ~ ` ~ Mayor Kattorjohn offered the followlnq motion: % move that AN ORDINANCE FI%iN6 i Ordinanoo .fixinp~ salaxy'oY Oity, ~ THE SALARY OF TISR CITY A'1TORTd?~:Y OF T{TE CITY OF PADUCAH. KTdTUCKY, be adopted. Adopted Attornoy.~ ~ -` {, & J upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam, i7aehington and i ~ Kattorjohn,-4; Nays, Tully,-l. ~., ~ On motion the Roard adjourned upon oall.of the roll by b yean° ., ' ' ~ ~ .~l$ ... ~ • ~ ~ z ..._ -- ~ j I:' ~ ~i~reR . CY, ~:I~i JUTdE 14TH . 19 23 . At a Oohled 1,leeting of the Hoard of Commieeionere, held in the Oommiseionere° Chamber In the City Nnll, Padnoah, Kentuoky, on Jura 14th, 1923, at 11;28 0°olook A°M. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their namoa: Commiealonora Paoo, ~ Pulliam, Tully. tYaehington and Mayor Irottorjohn,-6° Mayor Katter.jbhn stated rsasona for call to-wit: For t}ys purrose of adopting i ordinanoee aoaopting the bide and nwar4lnR oontraote to Yanoy.do Johneon.~and any other buelneee that might Dome before the Hoard. ., - ' . ', ~ . I . _ I ! ",~~. A .i,~a ~~: ~. 4 • ,. "~ ~ ~ ~ 1•. .. Commissioners' Proceedings,, City of PJ~ducah~:: .... ~.;._ 192- 's j f~ 'i.~ i i 1 .. i Y i i J,.. I i ' - "" ' .-,..,:, T"„ ~,~°.«'. .~. , ,..~,.~: .~; ;s r.~i:v«^s,•.'S.r , , >. +r^C";;+e?'T^."e,,,'°~^.+,e^,.,R n .,~°x^"~ KKR; .r~:!:x• ..na.1+1.'°' ., - .."L'C , 1. , i' S ~ ~ .. .,. ~~,.a ' ~ i-r=viii i~ '.,,,..-n ,~ ~~i. ..i i rT ~~.,u.P it ~ Pf'I "'~ 11;~ iii ,:jai i dal iii ~. t ' n ~ni~~ia~gp. ~~r~.~.~i :jt ~ ~- -'.-, -~-r Ordinanoo aooept- ing bid of and u+eardll~R OOiltrant to Yunny 6 Jnhn- onn on 'Conth tlt. Joffarnnn to ?,Judlaon Ste k Ordinonce eooept- ing bld of and awarding oontraot to Yanoy 5: John- son on I,:onroe St. 6th fit, to 9th St Oomminsionor Pulliam ofi'ored Lhe following motion; I move that AN ORDIIJ~IN4E' ~ A00111"PING 'Olli IIiD UF' AItD APlARD]tJC '11rL 0(!11'iRA(I'1` TO YAIJCY & JOliNaON OF 1'AOUOAN, KlSNTUCI^l, A`OR 'PIII; OOtJJI77IU0TIOtJ Ole` 'PIr1S DR tv::',YAY ON T14N'~it 074t1'u1T FHOtt 'PN14 N(atTlt ]'ROP1427R 1,}ttFl OF JL1~`b`1~8?`lON ::.'l`1II;N'P 'ft) 'iit:: 90U'i`rt 1'1IOI'I':R'PY LtiJh: OF ItAbT90N 9'PRI9FT, he udoptnd. Adopted , upon gall of,Lho roll by the followinp;vote: Yonn, Paoo, Pulliam, Tu]ly, )Nnehir:~eton and Katter~ohn,-8. Comminsioner Pullinm offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDINANCE ACCEP'PI1JG T1I1. AID' OF AIJD AWARD I1JG 'P)Ti: COIJTIiACT 1C1 YA1J^.Y k JO}'IJ;lON OF PAAUCAfI,. Kl'aJTUOXY, FUR TIIE COIlS'1"?UC'C10IJ OF THi: DRIV::NAY OIJ 1,lOId^^,Ois STRi:i:.2 FR06f TFTi: 'A2:S'P ]7?OTERTY LIIJE OF isIGHTH STP.EET TO THi: 1snST F.T?OP:RTY LItdE OF NINTH S7R:ET, be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully; Washington and Katter~ohn,-5. ' ~j Comrnissionor Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDITANCE Ordinnnoe aooept-i~ ACCi3'TING TH:: BID OF :1TID A',7ARDING 'PHE CONTRACT TO YANCY & JOIRISOIJ OF PADUCAR, KENTUCKYo in.a, bld of and ' a:vardir~g oontractl FOR 'illy COItSTi?UCTIOIJ OF TIi3 ORI'Js"AYS ON SOL'T!T Ti:id'PII S'I'HiiNT, OR t.'U5R:9.I. AOIfLIsVARD, to Yanoy & John- ;I aon on 5. 10th ;i FROI~i TI1: SOUTH PROI~?TY LIIli; OF BROAD't'~;Y i'G TN.E J:OUTIi PROPII?TY LIIJ OF TEIJIP«SSr.E St. or Carrell P. Bldd. from B':vay ~! 5~1;:;T~ be adopted. Adopted upon.oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paos, to Tennessee Ste !" C I Pulliam; Tully, :7eahington,-4; Nays, Katter3ohn,-1. ~ U Commissioner Fullinm offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDINANCE i Ordinance aooept-~i „CC:~'TING '1"? ?ID OF A1;D A'VAT?DIIJ, 7`ii C~IITRnCT TO YAtdCY & JOTIIJSOTJ OF PADUCAH,KEIJTgC$Y. ..'' Ind bid of and l e:vardir,g'oontraot~ r'pR THi: C02lSTRUCTIOIJ OF THE '~RIVi:.7;;Y OTd NORTFT T'"i:I,F'PH STREF.'P FRbiI THE IJORTY. FROFiIiTY to Y~noy & John- ~; son on tho fo11- I~ LITJI•: OF J;sFFr1?SON STR:~:T TO 'I~I:::,OUTH P??07RRTY 3.IN?: Or I.+ADISON S'RtrFT; ON SOUTH T'~9ELFT o:vin~ streots: I 1d.12 Joff.Lohad. ii STREET FROYJi THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF Tr:NN::SSEE S'O?EET TO TI+E NORTH PROPFdtTY LINE 01~,. 5.12 Tenr..to Jonos . ' TJ,11 Joff. to L:adP JONES STRr^WT; ON TdOIiTH 3LiV::TJTH STREisT FRO1S 'PHE NORTH PROPERTY TINE OF TFFI.1?SON L,9th Jeff. to ^ ]•:adison at., ~ . 51R::ET TO THs: SOUTH PROI•iRTY LITd:~: OF 1IADISON STREET; ON NORTH IJIIJTH S'PR?ET FRObt THE , N.tth St. Jeff. to T'adison St. ~ NORTH FROFrI4TY lI:Fr: OF J..'r'F:;f?SOIJ STR:.ET TO i^I13 SOUTH PROPrRTY LINT: OF IJ.ADI30N STRr.ET T:.7th St. Jeff. to I.Iadison• j; OTJ TdORTH EIGHTH STR1~T FR01:: THr: Td ORTH FROPII?TY LI1L OF JEFFi.7?SOTl. S'TRiiET TO TH :` SOUTH . f S.7th St. Ky.dve.: ' to •'deahinaton. i~ FROP:IITY LII~ OF LADISON STREET; ON NORTH S1:VF1JT13 S`IR A:T FROif, TIC NORTH IROFERTY LINE Id, 6th' St. Jeff. ,~ to iadison at. p OF JEb'Fs'RSOTJ STR1iE'T TO TH SOU'PIi I'30Is'?TY LIIJE OF 1•:&')ISON SIR::sT; OTd SOUTH SEVi21TH S.6th St. Ky.1,ve.'; to •Washington St.; S1RE.T FR014 'TH:: SOUTH F.?OFI.'RTY LIilE OF I:.tilT.'PUCKY AV::IJUE TO TN.E IJORTH PROPERTY LIN.: OF Il.5th St. laonroe to i;adison St. !! Ij • ,7ASHINGILT! S'1R ET; OId IJORTH SIXTII STREET FROlI :"llls NORTH PROFFY?TY LIIdr. OF JEFF:~2SON iI S'li??5T TO THE SOUTH IROPi~?TY LID:: OI' I:l~DISON STREET; ON SOUTH SIXTIT STREET FROlli THE , ,. I " j AASHINGTON SOUTII PROF;RTY LIAT:. OF Y.IJTUCI:Y AV::NU3 TO TfIF IIORTH PTi0P3?TY LIME OF •' ~I S`TR:iET; AIlD OIJ NORTH FIFTIi S'TRI:i:T FROt•I 'iliE IIORTH P1IOPi:RTY LIIJE OF I.SOIJP.OE STREET TO n ,f TNsl SOUTH FROIEiiTY LIIJE OF MADISON S'PRE3T, be adopted. • Adopted upon anll of the roll - . by the following vote: Yeas, Iace,Fulliam,Tully,Weahington and Katterjohn,-5. I~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following. motion: I move that Aid QRDIIdAtdCE Ordinanae aooept,, AOCETPING 'CHr. BID OF nND A'r'/ARDIIIG '^HE CONTRACT TO TIiR SOUTHER21 ROJ.DS COhTAtJY OF BIRM- . inR bid of affi ; ' awerding Don- i~ ALABAI::A1.I, FOR 'PH COTlSTRUCTI(`IJ OF 'i??.? DR I7"JAY OT! S's'V'TdT:::iNTH STREET, OR ItlGHi.1u traot Lo Southern' , - r ' Roads Company for, aV.;:U:s', F'_?OL "!Tr: NQi TEI 1'P•OP:"'•tTY LINT: OF BHOJ,D'yAY , S'PR. T 7i0 THE SOUTH PRO- FOUIJTAITd 77th St. or N'ountain Avo. • zI ' 1'A:RTY LIIL: OF JEA`Fi•BSOIt STRS:T, be adopted. Adopted upon on]1 of the rol] by 'the -, Bron3:vay to ; ' Jofforson St. following vote; Yeas. Paoe,Fu111am,Tul]y,i7aohlnaton,-4; Nays. Y,attor~ohn,-1. Ordinanoe eooo tij Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that AN ORDIIJANOE p inr; bid of and `! ACC:;PTITdG T.IE BID OF AND AI7ARi)ITdG THR CONTRACT TO YATJCY & JOIIIJSOIi Ob' PAT)UCAH,Y.iIJTUCKY, , awarding oontraot; to Yanc;: & John- FOR THE CONSTRUCTION CF THE DRIV:.7AY OII FOURTH S1Rr:ET P'ROL' T}rF. IIORTH IROP:RTY LINE OF ' son for following attests; i'IOI~OE ST1?3ET TO TITE SOUTH FROPF.RTY LINE Or^ I.".SDI90N S'PRF.r:T; ON FOURTH ST??!:ET FROLS THE pith St. I:onroe to I.:adison St. i SOUTH P30I:JtTY LINE OF T'•'ASF.IIJGTON STREET TO TITS NORTH PROPi~i?TY LITIl~: OF CLA`?K STREET; . 4th St. :dashing- , con to Clnrk St. ;; ON 7ASHIIJGTON STR^ET FR 'DI TH3 :7i33T PROP3?TY LIId+«' OF FIFTH STRb:T TO THE EAST PROPERTY i7ashinston St. ti 5th St, to 6th. ~~ LII~r: OF SIXTH STREET; ON t102JR0E STREET FIiOt.' T1L "JEST PROPERTY LIIJE OF FIFTH STRw.T ~^ No. O S'!s ' _ -.__. - Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah __~_ _192- _._ _ ____. _. _._ -"-"---. --- --""- - r aa '~ THE EAST FROPrRTY LINE OF SIXTH STR ET; OIi Ir10NROE STREET FROM THE NEST FROFERTY ( Lonroe St. bth ' '-' ' ~ . ~ St., to 6th St I.,onroe St. 6th ~ LINE OF 3I%TH STREET TO T}}S ::AST PROFrRTY LIRE OF SEVr1tTH ST.RE.:T: ON KrXtTUCKY AVENUE ~ • ~' St. to 7th St. ~. Ky.Ave. 9th $t. FROM THE '}VEST PROPI~iTY LINE OF I1IIITH STREET 'N THE EAST PROPERTY LII~ OF TETITH STREET, ~;~' :;to 10th St. " ' .Tennessee St. t OR L'NRREI.L $OULEVARD; ON TENNES3:E STREET FROR". TIi:: ~EST,PROPERTY LIT1E OF RSlR31iID,l ~ .', 10th to 12th Sto ~ "L:onroe St. 9th TO T}IE "7E3T FROI'ERTY LIME OF T;YELFTH STRUT: OI1 Ri02e40E BOULEVARD, , OR TETtTN. STREET. , .; ~ ito 10th Ste "-Conroe St. 10th STR:'.ET FROM THE :VEST PROPi'Fi'TY LII:a OF IIINTH STRE.'•'T TO A,LYIIE FARALLL 1b AIu''A FIVE • ~ "~'°' ;ta 17th St. "' ,Monroe St. 11th ~ rr^:'ET EAST,YARDEY FRORi THr: CP1tTER OF THE EAST TRACK OF THE T.C.R.R. It;~1R TETtTH STREET; !;'' ;to 12th dt. ;2nd St. Nsahing- ~ "RION1i0E 37REET FROM A LINE PARALLEL TO AItD FIV.»: FEET ?YEST;YARDLY FR01d THE CENTER LIRE 1E: 'jton to Clark Ste _ , ,3rd St. Monroe OF PIiE tYEST TRACT.. OF THE ILLINOIS C:IItTRAl RA]lI#OAD I~:AR TEIIT}I STREET TO THE EAST j }to Madfebar,St. PHOPh'RTY LINE OF ELEVEIiTH STREET AI1D FRO}Q- THE CtEST 7?ROFERTY LI27E OF ELEVETrIR STREET ~ ` } k. .' TO THE. EAST PROPERTY LINE OF.T"tELFTH STREET: OIt SECOND S1R.•.vT FROM THE SOUTA PROFERTY ~? r• LINE OF :YASHINGTON S'fR3T 1V TH^^. TtORi'H pROPERTY~ LIVE OF CLARK STREET ARJD ON THIRD ~ _, - STREET FIiOLI T}IE ItORTH Pl?OPHTTY LII1:: OF }LONRO 32'REET TO THE SOUTR P?iOPh'RTY LINE OF ~ ;,' L"~ADIS•N STREET, be adopted. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: ~ "i ~, ; Yeas, Faoe, Fulliam, Tully, :Pashington and Katterfohn,-be ~`+ r~, Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: I move that an C&iDINARICE •. Ordinance aaoept-? I ~ ~~' ink bid of and ~ ACCEFTING THE BID OF AItD AT74RDIIIG TI}E C011'TRAC7! TO YANCY & JO?RISON OF FADUCAH, KrItTUCKY~ ,. . ' avrarding con- g ' traot to Yancy & B FOR Pk :: C011STclUCTIOTl OF COi1CR:3T CURBS Ai1D GUTTr:RS ON BOTH SIDi~.S OF Ti~.ii'i'fi STFiF.::T FROIS ! Johnson for ~ {ebhetriibtion of R b and utt $ ' THE IiORTH PROPsRTY LINE OF JEFFB'RSON S'[R`..,TT 1'0 THE SOUT}I P}:OPER1°Y LIYtE OF R'ADIS021 ' or , our a P ` on 10th St. Jeff., STRI•:ET; ON BOT}I SIDES OF 1,;ONfiOE STREET 1'ROR1 'PHE '.Yr'.ST FROPr'liTY LINE OF EIuHTH STREET to h?adieon St. R:onroe St. 8th , 4 TO TITS }'TEST PROl'E_RTY LIME OF TlYs'lFTii STREET: ON BOTH SIDES OF SiiCOI1D STREET F30Ri THE . t0 12th St. f 2nd St. ~9ashing- SOUTH 1ROPI:RTY LINE CF "'AS11I11GTOA STREET TO Tfir; I; OR `CH 7ROP::Ri^Y LII}E OF CLA'?K STREET; l .;'ton to Clark SLe 3rd St. Monroe ~ OIt MOTH SIDi;S OF T}iIRD S'P1iL•'::T 11i0I,t '.ISE ItORTH FROI'I1i''Y LINE OF° 1.10I1R(`r. STI:}iI:T ,TO TH:i _ ' .to Nadi.eon St. ~ • 11th St. Jeff. ~ SOUTH PRO1':~f{TY L7I1E OF I..AgISON 5TRrsT: ON IIOTH SIDES OF E1::V.:ItTH STREET FROIS T}IE ! " to Madison St. ! S 12th.,.. t. Tenr•. NORTH }ROFERTY LIIJE OF JEFF::RSOIt STREET TO TH:: SOUTH PROPEiTY ZINE OF 1i:ADISON STR;IET• . ~ Str :to Jones. ~ ~ ~ $th.'~t. }lara•oe ~ ON BOTH SIDES OF T7ELFTH S'1REET 1•RtOM TITS SOUT}i PROP;$ITY LII1E OF Tr3tItESSI:E STRF,ET TO "~~''" i. to..NAdi80X1 Ste ' 8th III.. Rtonroe a ~E T10RT}i PROPE3TY LIl~ OF JOIt::S S7Rr:I;T; ON BOTR SIDr^.S Or^ IIINTH Si'Rr:r:T FR01.; Tl1E ItORTH ~ , "ta Rindiaon Bt. ~ ! PP.OT'ERTY LITiE OF R;ORL'?OE STREET TO THE SOUTH IROPr:RTY LIIJF•. OF I.;A:)IS"N STR';ET AID ON i BOTH SIDa'S OF .:IG}TTH STRr:T FROM THE 110RTI} PROP:i?TY lI1tr. OF 1S011ROr^. STREET TO TITr^^. ~ SOUTH FKOPrRTY LIFE OF MADISON STREET, be adopted. Adopted upon oall of the roll by ~ '9 the following vote; Yoes, Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,SYaehington and Katterjohn,-b. ' ~ Commissioner Fulliam offered the folIowinR motion: I move that AIt ORDINANCE !. ~ " ~ ACCi.TTING i'I?E RID OF AND A',YARDING TITA: COIdTRACT TO YAP1dY & JOiiI150N OF FADUCAH, KIZITUCK7f Y ! ' i0rdinanae eaaept ' ping bi-d of and ui FOR THi•; CO}tSTRliCTI~)11 OF CONCTt3:TE SIDr.+YALKS, CURBS dI1D GUTT'.:RS OIt THr: SOUTH SIDE OF ; , award,inq Deno `a ' tr.eot to Yanoy &~ Tu3i11ESSEE 3TRB~'TrROL 'PHEr:AST INTERSi;CTION OF TLNIIF.SSE3 AI1D THUD STREETS 1'0 T;~; TOF ! Johnacn for oonstruotion oY a .OF THE 3AIt'r' OF 'PHE TBT1I133SEE RIVPDi.. be adopted. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the ~ ' aidewslks,aurbs 'u ' and gutters on 'y follo~inP vote; Yeas, paoe,pulliam,Tully,Washington and Ifatterjohn,-be ~ :.: S.aide Tenn. Ste ~ .'from 3rd to bank On motion the Board adjourned upon call oY the roll by b yeas. ~ of Tenn.ltivere ' ~ Aieilld~ ~ lg a~ AP~'3D4~1~ e'o ' ' ~ ' ., •~ JUItE 18TH, 1923. J717~~ _ i . ! , At a Regul;tr 3teeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners' ~ Chamber in the City Half paduoahe Kentucky. on June 18th. 1923. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoee Pulliam and Mayor - I' i Katter~ohn,-3. i . . w`~., On motion of Commissione¢° Paoe the minutes of the previous meetings cvere adopte d as read upon call of the roll by' the following vote: Yeas. Yeoe, Pulliam and Katter- ~ ~ ~, john,-3. • ,, Commissioner Tully entered tie Commissioners' Chamber. r r ., ~~ ! 4 , , v >,. ... '. ' .}' F,~ ~ ~ .,. Na ~~I ' ~:r~. Y ~ - Commissioners' Proceedings,: City of Paducah °' ~ ' - ~ :<:,s.. " ° 192._. • S rfl fl^ . ;. is 4 8 „ ,, • f . ,. . + . i ., ~ _; r Commissioner Tully oYYored the following motion; It appeering•that there is due ' Sohoois ello^~d ~Sohools from the ourrent tsx oolleotiona for the woek endtn 2 June 16th the Brun of $4718.70 tax ool-'~ 'leationa for week!~4718.70, I move that it be allo.ved end ordered paid and tho money appropriated Yrom ondin3 June 16, j 1923. rythe general fund to pay. same. Adopted upon oell of the roll by the following vote: ~Yosa, Faoo, Pulliam, fully and Kattar~ohn,-4. ~~ Linyor Kattor~ohn oYferrd the following motion: I move that AID ORDINA2i0E FI%ING I! Ordinance Mixing !iTHE SALLY 0r' THE CITY ASSIs'SSCR OF TfiL•` CITY OF PADUCAR, Y:IINCKY, be adopted. Adopted salary of City !~ Assessor. .upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ~aoe, Pulliam and Katter~ohn,-3; • Lays, Tully.-1. If Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The Board of Equalization hav- ~ing inoreasod the esaeeament on the property of iieorge '~Y, Katter~ohn ~`6~00.00 and ea id George tY. Katter-;Ketter.~ohn being out oP the City oY Paduoah errl 3n Los Anaelea, CaIikornie and not ioe. fohn assessment i - eorreeted. Hof said inareese, fixing Idcreh 13th sa date for him to appear before the Board of it !j Equalization, hewing been mailed to him ty registered mail, end the receipt whioh was hreturned showing date of delivery of Llaroh 14th, which receipt is filed herewith, said !!George N. Katter~ohn alaima the notice was illeael and he has tendered to the Commis- i! ~eioner of Fublio Finanoe the evm of ~4b2.27 3n aettlemont oY hie taxes for the year I~ ;'1923. which figures are booed on hie 1922 aesesamont, I move that the Commissioner of ' ~iTublie Finanoe be authorized and instru oted to accept this amount in payment of hie X1923 taxes and to reoeipt his bill socordingly. Adopted upon oall'oY~'the roll by the Nfollo•aing vote: Yeas, Paae, Pulliam, Tully ant Kattor~ohn,-4. h Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that A. E. Boyd, Attorney ~~ A.3,Boyd Atty. .,;Hbe al.locred the sum of $100.00 for his sorvioea rondered in asaietina the City 9olioitor allowed 100.00 !j for sorvioea in sin the preparation and trial of the oase of C, II. Y.ing, C. C, Rieke, &o., va. F. '.'!. oase of C.H. King, &o, vs. '~Katter~ohn, &o., in the L'aCraoken Circuit Court er,d in the Court oP Appeals, and that F.'A.Kattor'ohn f &o. in re Sewars.7Ynn Tully, Commisa'loner of Fublio Finanoe, is horeby authorized and instructed to '. liissue voucher Yor said sum, and that same be charged to Costs and Suits. Adopted upon I `call of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Katter~ohn,-4.- n y On motion the Board adjourned upon oell oY the roll by 4 yeas. G City Clerk. lYi~4,"yK JUIIE 20TH. 1923. y ', Fay-roll Yor ~ ~' let half of the men of June P92 i Payroll for let j half of the month of dune 1923 for 3rd''sDistriot i Sewer. At a Called Lasting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissionerer ~, Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Y.entucky, on June fAth, 1923, at 10:25 o'alook A.M, ~ ~: Upon oell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Face, {! Tully and L:ayor Katter~ohxi,-3, ;' ~•: Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for call to-.wit: To allow pay-rolls ana any {, othor business that might oome before the Board. Commissioner Tully ofPorod the following motion; I move that the pay-roll ; for the first half o' the month oP June, 1923, amounting to X6651.91, ea per the re- port of the Commissioner of Fublie Finnnee filed here:rith, bo allowed and ordered paid ~ , and the money appropriated Prom the Gonorel Fund to hey same. Ad opted upon oell of "-j. the roll by the Yollovring vote: Yeas, Taoe, Tu11y and Y.attor~ohn,-3. '`~ Commiasiore r Tully oYYored the following motion: I move that the eoeounte ~' Yor the Yirct half o.f the month oY June, 1923, Yor the 3d District Se:vor as follows: ~ `~ r i Fay-roll..:... .....x+511.01 ~: R.C. & St: L. Ry.... 5.00, total $b16.Ol,.be allowed and ~: ordered paid and the Commissionm• of Tublic rine.nce be authorized end instructed to ? drew ohecka aaeirat the ISo. 3 Jiatrict Seaver Fund Aaeo on 3 } unt to pay same. Adopted up + ' ~ ; , 1 '' F - .„,,_„_,~„f,~y„+.,a~„_. .~ ,,„~,m "~ „7^~ss:.:,;:x,"'.° - r . ,, ., ~,. ,... ~.. ,..^^'Ir;"'E'Y.c~v~so .. °a,c~=,~^~x ,8~+. ,., ....s*.a`r^ .<.~..ii .. ? ., r 7.... .. ., ...,. ...., rx' "'~~. ~:.. ~ ,4 ~,--" ~; ~ a -,~' .. >. __ ..._,,.:.. .. wi a' .,,..;imp p -r-ei r imp ~ , ~ 1'i ~~ I ~~ -~ ' ~~ I ' '~~ ~ i ~., ~ ~ ~ i -r,. ~ ~' i ~ ,.,:emu- ~ _ : ~. ~ m~u*~~ - I _ 4ad hil ~-~ ~ p b~' li r. _ :: ~.,~.~. ~d ~ ~,. _ ~. ~,wrll -- v ..,.-. .. ..:. r '' :_. ,.. _-_ , ~ No. /`~~ `Errors in the '~assessmenta oi_ 'j T.G.' & Annie - :; Stevenson, Alvin Brown, - ~~~~Alberta Brown, ~~oorrectad. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah-~______;:._~___~.~_ _______...__192__ Dell of the roll by the follo~vinq vote: Yeas, Feaa, Tully and Katterjohn,-3. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that the Assessor, in copying his book, made an error in the bill of T, G. & Annie Stevepson, #3479, herein the assessment of personal property wsa•dtipliaeted to the extent of X660.00, also in the bill of Alvin Brown, jt4208, ;vherein personal property to the amount of ^200.00 was duplicated, also in the bill of Alberta Bra:vn, X4213, wherein personal prof party to the amouritof .'y100.00 was duplicated, I move that. the Commissioner of Public ~ Finance be authorized and instructed to make corrections on said tax bills. Adopted, ~' upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tui~y and Katterjohn,-3. • It appearing that the Lax bill ~2b17 of Rose KoGinnis shows an increase in assessment of from $34b0.00 to X600.00 and it further appearing that notice oP this increase wee made out by the Board of Bgtmlization but was not taken Prom the book and was never nerved on Rose McGinnis and said notice is filed herewith and shows that it wee not served and Rose ZviaGi.nnie having tendered the sum of $®2.11, being the amount of her taxes based on the assessment of 1922, Y move that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized. and inatrt:oted to accept this amount in payment of her tax bill and to receipt same eacordinaly. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe. Tully and dsttterjohn,-3. , On motion the Board adjourned upon sell of the roll by 3 yeas. Ai~Pt~~ $S~ H.~, .. AF.E'~tiUV:E;L ~AV!)R I . DUNS 2bTH, 1923. Ate Regular Lieeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commisaionera' Chamber in the City Rall, Padvoah, Kentucky. on dtme 2bth, 1923. Upon Dell of the rol • the following answered to their names; Commisaionera Paoe, Pulliam, Washington and '' Mayor Katterjohn,-4. ~~ "' previous me etin_ were On motion of Commissioner Pulliam the minutes of the R adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Fulliam, .. ~ Washington and h4ayor Katterjohn,-4. .~~ ~~ Coa~nissioner Tully entered the Commissioner a' Chamber. `~ ~ Commissioner Tully offer e8 the following motion; It appearing ths.t there~is I'3ohoola el]owed .due the Schools the sum of x"6960,13 from the current tax collections for the week end- !. X6960.13 taxes ~:, duo from currant; ~]] ing Juno 2,'id, I move that it bo allowod and ordored paid and the monoy approprinted tux oo ootions ~-Tor wook endinR~ from tho Gonoral Fund to pay sums. Adopted upon os].1 of the roll by the following i June 23, 1923, ~ , i vote: Yeea, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, :7eahington and Katterjohn,-b. . . ji ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the petition ~, °Petiton citizens;; , from the oitizons of Paduaeh residing in Meehanicabnrg arri vicinity, with reference to .residing in w Moohanicaburg M and nioinity; the colt drink plnoes on South 4th Street. be received and referred to the Commisaion- . jrelntivo to soft:' er of Public Safety with instructions from this body to the Chief of Police that any ° idrir3c planes ~on 5.4th St, ~ nuisance or law violations of any character et those places be abated at once. ;' ~ ~` p Adopted' upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, . ' ~•• p i ~ ~7eahingtcui and Katterjohn,-b, ` = ~: Commissioner Pu111am offered the following motion: I move that the siz blu® , ; Canvas of bide ~ prints containing a complete canvas of bide received June 1, 1923; for contrasts Noe. - ~reoeivod June 1, 11923 for Don- ~ 1, 20,3, 4, band 6 for etreot oonatruction,end aontraota Roe. 7 and 8 for oonatruo- 4treats on Street i ;and sidewalks &a~ on of aonorete pavemonta, curbs and gutters bo received and filed. Adopted upon t ~conatruotion. y. ~ - ~• ~_ ~ •. Dell oP the roll by the.following vote:~Yeae,;~pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and :, ~,. i. Katterjohn,-b. ._. ,..: r ,1 ` F ~ .. .. I.. .: .. .:._ r ,.irW _._~~~ , . • .. ..• • _. ._ .... ____.___.__.._._._._.._~....___~._.,_~_:_.,_.._...__.._._.___ t No: `~~Q . ~./:: ., Commissioners' Proceedings, City"of Paducah _:_~..~~ ~ ~ 19B_:: '. ~" 6ommiasioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I mote that the employ- ip ' Norbert H,Sahakel'Iment oY Rerbert H. Sohakel, ea Engineer Inspector on concrete street.oonstruotion, at employment se I ' Engineer In- ~ $150.00 per month, as authorized by motion of June 1, 1923, be ratified effective apeotor on aon- j crate street ocm-;i June 2E, 1923. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, • struation. '~ ' Pulliam, Tully, Washington and 8atterfohn,-5. Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the oommunlon- ~--+ , Communication of ~ tion from C. C. Pace relative to placing fire trunk to protect property from firee C. C. Pace relative r to fire trunk on it as lone sa Lteyera Street is, closed, be received and filed. Adopted upon sell of the • ttoyers Street. fl,' roll by the following vote: Yoea, paee,Pulliam,TulIy;Washington and Ketter~ohn,-5. 1 Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the written• oontraot, dated June 25, 1923, ontered into by and between tho City of Paducah, Ken- ." tuaky, and :9, T.. Yanoy and E, .B, Johnson, partners trading and doing business under v Y 1C & JOTTIdSON for'the oanetruation of the driveway oa the firm name and at,le o YAI Y , .. •~i, the following streets, to-wit: N.•b2th Street from JeYYoraon.St, to Liadison Street. S. 12th Street from Tennessee St. to Jones 3t, Cortreot betTeen ~ N. Ilth Street from Jefferson St. to ktadison St, Yanoy & Johnson ~~ N. 9th Street from 3efYeraon St. to Liadison St. ' end City for the pp N, Bth Street from Jefferson St. to hiFdison St. 1` oonEatrnbtion of ;I Ne 7th Street from Jefferson Street to Ltedison St. streets, sidewalks S. 7th Stroet Trom F:entuaky Ave.. to :7aahinaton St. ~~ curbs and ~:tterah N. Gth Streot from Jeff Arson St. to L'adison St. rooeived and S, Gth Stroet from Kentucky Avenue to '.7aehinRton 9t. filed. ~~ 1Z. 5th Stroet from Idonroe Stroet to L"adison St. f J Yf St to i'adison St ~r ~:. I ~: ~;: o, ~ ~ `: i1 ' ~ ~~ ~k ~~~ N. 10th Stroet rom a orson ,. . ~, N. 4th Stroet from I;tonroe 5t. to~FSadison Stroet. S. 4th Street Yrom ~7ashinrton St. to Clark St. u Washington Stroet bth Stroet to Gth Street. ~~ Jc'onroe Street, 5th Stroet to Gth Street. i 1`onroe Stroet, Gth Stroet to 7thStreet, K~:ntnaky Avenue, 9th Stroet to 10th Stroet. { Tennessee Street, 10th Stroet to 12th Street< 1 L'onroe 9traet, 9th Street to 10th Stroet. ,~ . • Ltonroe Street, 10th Stroet to 11th gtreet. • Ltonroe Street,"11th Street to 12th Street, - ' 2nd Street, ~rashbn~ton Stroet to Clark Street. 3rd Stroet, Lionroe Stroet to L'sdison gtroet. Ptormoo Street from Bth Stroet to 9th Street. L".urrell Aoulevard from 3sroad:•ray, to Tennosaee St. and Yor the oonstruation of curbs and trotters on the follo:•rinR streets, .to+witt ~~ Ii, 10th Street , Joff er son Stroet to lfadi son gt. . ~ ~ J.tonroe Street, 8th Street to 12th Street. , li - H. 2nd wtreot, ~~yashinPton Street to Clark 3traet `~ ~ Ir', 3rd Street, L'onroe Streot to 1'adison Stroet. ~" Ir', 11th Street, Jei'Yerson Streot to Itadiaon Street. fl S. 12th 3traet, Tennosaee Street to Jones Stroet, N, 9th Street ,. pionroe Streot to lir_dieon Street. • N. 8th Street, Ltonroe Stroet to 1ladison Street. r j~ and Yor the.oonatruotion oY concrete sidewalks,. curbs and Butters on the south eige of Tennessee gtreet, from 1`hird Street to the top of the Barx of the Tennessee Rivpr, ' ~ be accepted, ratified and confirmed. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the follow- •. is ~~ ing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pullics, fully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-5, i Bonds of Yanoy & Commissioner Tully offerod the following motion: That the Bonds of Yanoy Johnson approved ~ &. Jchnsott, Contractors; be approved and the Commissioner of. Public Finance be su- and certified cheeks filed with~~ thorized and instructed to return the aertiY.ied checks filed with their bids. Adopted ; bids returned. Pi 'upon nail of the roll by the following vote; Yoas, Pace,, Pulliam, Tully. Washington ~ j ,~: and Katter~ohn,-5. - } Commissioner Fu111am oYferod the Yol]owing motion;' I move that Lhe Southe;n~ ~" !' Southern Roada• " Roads Company"be, and that they are hereby served a notice instruotirg said oomgeny Company notified p to ao.~nmenae work }. to commence work within 10 days on the oontraot awarded for the aonetruotion of • on cortraat on • 17th St. or Foun-c` Warrenite-Bitulithio Burfaoe on Fountain Avenue, botween Broadway and JoYfereon taro venue, betn. Broadway r gtreet. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, and Jefferson Street,' ~~ Tully",yWashinRton,-4; 27eys, Katter~ohn,-l. ._.~. Aw~+~? ~.,..-.yr~ 'F ':.. .-.r"{"%~~T, ..r...~ .< _. ., .. .....~ ~n.C.scfia^Pi'>'„'^?'~n„- i°-~. ~..'t.~'T~.., ?^T!. c k. . .. <.i~w' ~,. _.- -._ -... I ~ , i j i~ -r. i,p~ , ~. ~. ~~~., ~„ ,.~,_.~ gi,.tl ~p,i ...~~. i~. n,.~,~~~i.,~~.l Ali r, ,:.. , ~i ...~~~.~i,il~._I y.~,~..~,i ~i ~ ~•~~.i ~,, , ,~, I .. ~ _ ~.,. I .~ , ~ ~ ..~ .. I u I i ... ii i,:.i. •.,, r ~ ~ < i ,. , • . fl92.__ ; ' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paduoah_....._....~_::_. 1.....---- -- . _..._. _.. Oommiesionor Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that Yanoy kJohnson ~ ( •~ Yanoy & Johnson notified to ~ ~- - be, and they nre hereby eerpod a notioe inatrvotina them to begin work on the eirivlr ' ~ ~ "' 1 begin work. on p %' " . 8 street Don- fi aontreata exeouted between them and the Oity of Padnoah on this date for the oonatruo- ;z', s .:~ traata. ~ ' ( tion oP streets, sidewalks, ourba and gutter a. ddopted upon Dell of the roll by the '` ~ ; following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Fulliam, Tully. Washington and Katterlohn,-6, ~ ~~ "~"~ ~ ` N Oommisaioner '+Yashington offered the follo~sina motion: Y ttave that the petition a. ~ 1 . Aliey between i ~ Broadway and .from property ocmors and tenants, relative to hard-eurfaoinq alley running Fast arxi .Yoe :' . Jefferson st., ':'7 running oast i between north 2nd Street and North 't'hird Street and between Broadway and Jefferson r west both..... ' , ..IJ.Ed St• and T3• Streets, be reoeived and filed, Adopted sipon Dell of the roll by the following vote; ' 3rd St. Peti-- ~ Lion relative Yeae, Peae, Pu711am, Tully, Weshirigton and Ketter,ohn,-6• to hard-sui- ' faoing• On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by b yeas. . ~ Alleaft-{~~ "fir 111,• ~ t~.t-'N.E~GOTJ~]~ :/ ~P..4_. N A rh R. dUPJE 26TH. 1923, . • i , • At a On11ed.Lteeting of the Board of Oommiesionera,.hold in the Commission- • r!' ere Chamber in the- Oity Hall, Paduoo]s, Kentucky, on June 26th, 1923, at 2;30 O'olook P.bi• Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to theta names Oommiseioners Pnoa, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and &tayor Katter~ohn,-6• . DAnyor Katter~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit; For the purpose of hoar- ing ahargea•preferred against Patrolman doe Iverlett, and anpr other business the•t :~~ i mi:ght Dome before the Board. ~ . Oommiesioner Paae offered the following motion: I move that the oharges ~ '""'^"~ -0hargoe proferr- ed aRainnt Joo and othrx pnpora agninat Patrolman Joo Igorlstt be roooivod and f.iled• Adopted upon I ' : Ivorlott, Pa- ~ trolman. onll of the roll by the following veto; Yoaso Paae, Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and ~ '.,i~,~= Katter~ohn,-b. ' Oommisaioner Tully offered the following motions That the hearing of the oa ~e Roaring of ogee, , , l va. Patrolman Iveriett ba adjourned to 10 0 olook A. BS., Tuesday, July 3rd, 192 3. : ' vo. doe Ivor- Lott. Patro]man dYAdopted upon Deli of the roll by the following votes Yoaa, Paae, Pu111am, Tully, I adjourned to i . 7D o'olook A.bi. ~ '+Yashington and Katter~ohn,-b. Tuesday Jvly , 3, 1923. ~ Oommiaatoner Pulliam offorod the following motion: That a bi]] for 6000 i' 176 00 a 17 owes H foot of. 2~•" oak bridge flooring ID .$36.00 per thousand, amounting to ;176.00, Purohneod ~ . o W.Nt•Wimberly for £~" oak ; ;~ from ^Ja Dt• Wimberly, be allorood nr+d that the Oommiaetonor of rtnanao bo instructed to bridao flooring issue oheok for •"p17b•00 to FY. h1, Wimberly end oharae to streets. Adopted uron oe]1 ! ; a of the roll by the following vote: Yoap,Paoo,Pu111am,Tully,Washington and Katter- ~ `'- ; john,-6. f Oommiasionor Pulliam offorod the following motions That the payment of Iu0ledo-dhriety :~E31.81 from 7;a01ode Ohristy Olay Produota Oompnny to the 01ty of Pnduoah for oxponsoe 07ay Troduoto Oo. pay~nont of ©1..31 arcxiltod of k1, A. Pulliam and 0. F, Johnson on inepootlon of toot of GO inch aerrmont blook ~0 3rd Dlstriot ~ so•+vor ltay, E4th, 26,th and 26th, 1923, bo rooeived, and oredited to the 3rd Diotriot ' Sewer Aooount Expanoes H.A• ~ Bower Aooount, and the Oornmiosioner of Publio 8'inanoe be,ine.truoted Lo Saolse eheok to ' Pulliam and Johnaon O F d ~~ 1 . . an Henry A• Fullinm for this nsrount and oharge to 3rd Diotriot Sower. Adopted upon H.A.Pulllam .allowed said , amount. oa11 of the roll by the following vote; Yoas, Paoo; Pu111am, Tully, Washington and ,,,~,. - Knttar~ohn,-b. ' ;,. On motion the Daard ad~aurned upon ot-11 oi',ths roll by G yens, ~~~= ' ...,w .., .r u.. .~.»...~..,. ... .......».,,.,t,..~... .... .m....v..~~.._.....•Jw..ntw.rLU+:vrY~.•A ..i...a i .. ~. • ~ .. ,.. ...,4. } N.:' a.. ,.,,, :,~ ~, .. ,. .. ,,,,: ..~'^«r,i-r..,'.""' t''" .~.r'44^~~"~`"~r-~M nr~.~y~..'V.~.y.ur~T.•.r~.'e ~..,.. .., ,... --m-..,.......-"-,__ .~.... ,,. c 1 I. ~:-' { I 3 . j I I ..: ... Na ~ g~ `'A Commissioners'~Proceedings, City of Paducah..__..__'__:~:_:___~ _192- + ~ JUNB 28TH. 19 23. ( , ;i •: ~.r- .. ~~ ~. \ .i. q dt a Gelled Maeting of the Board of Commlealonore, held in the Commissioners' Ohamber in the City Hall, Iaduonh, Xantuolpr, on June 28th, 123, at lE orolook A. M. '. .'. ~. Upon.oell of the roll the follo:vinR answered to thou names; Commissioners Pane, ~- pu]liam, Tully,.:7ashinRton end iiayor Katter~ohn,-b. !~ , Mayor Katter~ohn stated roasons for nall to-wit: For the purpose of appoint- ~. ing an duditor to audit the books of the Board of ~iuoatlon, and any other business `' that might ooma before the Board. , ~' Commissioner Tully offored the following motion: I mono that Merwiok, Mitohel' Marwiok,Mktohell p k Co., oertified sooountante and auditors, ba employed to make an audit of the.eo- & Co., to eudit u eooonnte Board of ~ oounts of the Board of iduontion for tho fisonl year ondinR June 30th, 1923, in ~du mt ion. k. aooobdanoa with thou Tettor of June 2Gth vrhioh is filod horewith. Adopted upon sell ~. ~ oi'the roll by the following vote: Yoas, fees, Pulliam, Tully, '7aehington end, df Katter~ohn,-b, .. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that b'rs. a Shellie Thornburg is the owner of the prop m~ty ~81b i:ndison 3troet aasosaed to ;71111em Fieldsurg ~ '93.lliam Fields on tax :bill X1100 and ;Yilliem B'ielda not being a rosident M f'eduoah asseuament oor - ~j but on this bill was assessed with personal property, X226.00, r~hioh the Assessor rooted. oopied from the 1922 anaeasment and l.;rs, Sheltie ThornburR..havinR.paid the June _. .half of city taxes on this bill, I move that she bo refunded the sum of Y2.68, this bein z the June ha1P of the tax an tho personal property.asseesed at $22b.00 ne C . ,~ .stated. adopted upon Dell of the roll by tho follo:vinq vote: Yeas, Feoe, Pulliam,. Tully, 7aehington and Katter~ohn,-b: Commissioner Tully offored tho following motion: I movo that the onmmur,ica- Peduoah rYatar Co. ~ tion from the Paduoah ~lator Co., rolativo to the oompletior. of the extension of mains oomanunioation; ^' ralat.iva to Brown ~~ on Bro:vn Streot, bezinnina at the Union Station running south '800 foot end the p]eo- Straet :later iains~ ing thoreon of t:.vo fire plugs, be reoeived arxl fi]ed,. Adoptod upon Dell of the roll :Sctenaion. by the followir;q voto: Yeas, Paoo, Fulliem, Tully, ;7ashington end Y.etter~ohr.,-b. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: :Chat the bill of the Ieduoah ,"eter Co. ~~ Pndunah '.later Company of X3743.30 for thn qur_r.tnr ending Juno 30th, 19P.3, he a71o•+md 'bill for quarter ti ending lone 30, and ordered nn id and the Commissioner of 1'nblin Finanoo bo inatruoted to pay snmo, 1923. ~ Adopted upor;'oall of the roll by the Yollowlnv. vote: Yeas, Faoo, Fn]lirun, Tully and 3 '.7ashinaton,t;4; Nays, Y.ntter3ohn,-1. y On motion the Aocrd ed~ournod upon Dell of the roll by b yeas, APYl~=U V :f31~ 1 ..~. ^.:.. rLr- 1 1,[ATOlt ;q JULY 2ILD. 19L3. ti At a Regular L;oetinP of the Hord of Commissioners, held in the Commiasionera' 'Chamber !n the City iiall, Paduoah, I'.entuoky, on July 2nd, 1923, Upon Dell of tho roll i "the following answered to their names: Commieaionere Peoe~ Fulham, Tu]7y, l7ashtngton 'acrd L;ayor Ketter~ohn,-b. On motion of Corunisaioner Tully the minuton of,tho previous ;moetinga aroro adopted sa read upon Dell of the roll by S yeas,, Commisaior,»r Tull;± oPf»re8 the i'ol.loavina motion: I move that ti;e requgat of the ; .Request Amerinan A:r,»rioen Loaion and Lhe Fa~luoah 5hrino Club with roferonoe to a show et 10th and Brood • Legion and the t peduoah shrine ''~ y the latter part of July, be reoeivod and filod, and that they br nrar.tod permla- ;l~b with ref or- ~ ~;~ enoe to shox at ` eion for aeons, .rith tho under::tan3ir.s; that nothing shall bo pleoed about tho pub]10 10th & Broadway, fountnir. er:d that tho iarkway shall b» pro teat»d from injury or dwnaae. Adoptod upon ~".' reaueet arar.tad. ; Dell oi' tho roll by t}:o 1'o1lo:vinR vote: Yoas, 1'aoo, Fullicm, Tully, ^lashtnRton and •~' { 7.atter~ohn,-b. j ~' --mot ~.. s _._ • ~ ~~,~~.rr-~~„im ,wm~R,,-, ~ ,~„ „, r ~~~,~ ~i:wROi.~dnrai ~_u~,~ m .j~r~~nr~n~ ~ T ~ cm~~+mii,q~ti~ r~~ ~ rr:-~~ ~i _- i, ~ ~ r~-- 4: ri a-~:rr i~irr,~~r~- -,T-r~rm~m'T~"~ r ,~ M•>,~• ~ ' .. J - . ~ • :. .. i ~' .. ~_ y ~' ~ ..' ~ ~.. ~~ . „ . ~ ~ ` Na~: y , ' `~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah _~_ ___192- ' " i ~. .. ~ Commiaeioner Tully offered the following motion: The eum of $b0.00 having been ~ ' Cemetery Deed to paid. into the Treasury. aa.evidenoed by the reoeipL filed herewith, I move that deed ``°y ~" T.J.Rn:vla end ;.H.3;.Lindeey.,,.. ~ be exeuoted to T. J. Rawls and H. W. Lindsay for Lot ~7, Blook ~2 on tho South aide ofI 1 ~ . , Harman Street, between Baker & Willer Streote, in Oak drone Cemetery.' Adopted upon . j Doll of tho roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas,.Paoe, Fulham, Tu]ly, Ytashington and .,, ~ '" ~-~ Katter~ohn,.-b. _ r Oommiaeloner Tttlly,offerod the followinP motion; The sum of ,50:00 having boon ' paid into the Treasury, as ovidenoed•by the roaeipt filed herewith, I move that doed tltunetery" Deed. to _ - ^.; T.J.Rnw]e and be exeouted to T. J. Rawls and H. 1.;. Lindsey for Lot ~f8; Blook ~2, on the South side { . ; •"i R.W.1lndsey. • of Rannan Strout, bet•.oeon Baker & biller Streets, in Oak ~%rovo gemotery. Adopted upon ~. 'oa1l.,of the roll "by the_following vote: Yeas,,Foae, Pulliam. Tully; Daohington and ~• ~. •~ Katter,ohn,,-6. '''i Oommisaioner Tully offered the following motion: Tho anm of ;37.60 having been '" ' . ,i .. • ' ~ ' 1 reaeury,•ae ovidenoed by the•reoeipt filed herewith, I move that deed paid into the ~+ ` Cemetery doed t { • Ada Roea, bo oxeouted to lldn Roee for Lot X43, Blook #4, on tho Reat aide of Chamblin Street, ' ~i1 betvroon Ford & Iianrnn Stroota in Oak drove Comotery. Adoptod ul:on Doll of the roll . by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pit111em, Tully, Wnahington.and Katter~ohn,-b. p j ~ , Roport Chi of of • ~ Commissionor.Fnoe offered tho following motion: I move that tho report of tho" • • Folioo 'for June ~ °< r 1923. Chlef of Palioe'for the month of June 1h 23, be reaoived and filed. Adopted upon ~ Y Doll of the roll by the following vote; Yses, .Pose, Fulham, Tully, Rnehington and ~ ." , Kntter~ohn,-b. ~" • "R l ti n ldnyor Kntter~ohn offered the f.ollpning motion: Imot••e that A RESOLUTION FR07IDffi0' ' ~ ~ • u eso o pro- vidina for Don- . FOR T1'r; COIt9fRUCTIOL' OF Ali ALL;:Y Ili"BLOCK 9 07x7 TOi7N, TOC.rTFiI7t "tI141 ALL 1trX7 SSARY ktAli~ ~' ,,.~,,, etruotion of an ~ ~, Alloy in Bloak ~ HOLi:S, CATCH BASIIIS, INT1,iiiS AI:D 5i;"'lR PIT'aS, RUIJIdINr, B'ROId Si•;COItD STRr,'r^.T TO TIfIRD t 1. +I 8, running from - I 2nd 'to 3rd St., ~ •STREi~.T. B3f7r;;fit BROADJYAY AIJD, J7.1•'F.~SOid S'iR~ST. IN i3?E CITY Or FADUCAH.r~iiTU^,ICY. AT { ~ :~i be.tn.B'way and ' ' ` ' 1 Jofferaon St. THx OOST 0r iTtc ABUTTING PROPiIi PY OtClti~i3, AIJD FRO JIDIlt~, THAT SAJ.L: SPALL A3 CON- First lioadinq. ~ • SAtUCTi:D UPON THi: 1'i•]t YP,AR FAYI.ti'.S1T PLAN, be introduoed end lay over. Adopted upon • • Dell of the roll by tha following vote: Yeas,,Paoe, Fulham, Tully. ~ashir,gtan ertd ~ ' ~" Katter~ohn.-6. i ~. Commissioner Pulliam wen"axousod from 'the Commisaionora' Chamber. e ~ ~ •, Commissioner Tully offered the following, motiont.I.movo that the Report..of the ~ • ~" Raport 01vi1 I export oivil enrzinoore appointad to examine H. R. Bradshaw, Jr„ oandidate for City r^.ngineora appointed to ~igineer, be reaoived and filed. Adoptod upon oa1T of the roll by the follosing veto; ~ • oxnmine B.R. Brnd,ahaw,.Jr., ~ .Yoga, Faoe, Tully 7ashington and' Kattor~ohn,-4. oandidnte for `_ Oity l:ngintior. " q On motion the Doard adjourned upon osll "of the roll by 4 yeas. ~" ~, ' Adettea H~ ~ ~;. ... "" ~. F~PR•OY~S3D ' ..."° cux f.Frrk .....~ h . • . q JULY 3RD , :1923. v~)R- i ~" At an AdJourfied },testing of the Board of Commisalonors, held in the"Commie- t ~ " k f: , eionera',Chamber in the bity Hall, Peduaeh; Kentuolgr, on Jitly 3rd, 1923,"ct 10:00. • " ; o'olook A. W., pursuant to n motion made at"a mooting of the rosrd of Commfsaionera ", • ,held: on June ,26th, 1823. Upon call of the roll ,the ;ollo•ving anawored to their namea:~" r tlommisaionare,Paoe, Fulham, Tully. ~7ashington and-ldayar K~£orJofln,-6. ; r 'I ' ~: pommSeeidael:Ptt111am: offered the foll.owinq motion: lYhoreaa,the odldende intro-~ .. _ II Kv id an oo f it a t ~. in oaue of"Joe ~ duood in the Ogee againai Fatrolmson Iverlett is oonfliating, I move that; the ovidenae ~ , Iverlott end ohnr ed e in t b ~ Re a P_. as ransori ad.be filad ;•rith the Olerk as a rooard; ar3 fnrthor move that nll aharpea ~' " him dismissed, i, .~., . filed ar?ainat, ar.id Patrolman Iporlott be diamiasod absolutely. Adoptod upon Dal] of ''j ; I the roll by the following auto: Yeas; 1'noo."Pulliam.' Tu11y;":7aehington and Katt®r~ohn,t3. • ~ , A„. • j i ~,. ~; .• .. r _ I x h Na_./..~,~__~1 Commissioners' Proceedings,' City of Paducah~.:_:____..._."~.~.~T ~___~192- On motion the Bonrd ad~ogrnod upon Deli of the roll by.b yeas. ,AP=PROV'H117 A u ~ ~ t ci .,Q~_'~ ...19 ~3, , z~~ , r ~ v vV __--' ~ v~' _ C~ p Car/ j D o o nt,~vcl-t~ } . JULY 3RD . 19 23. } ~ ~ ~ dt a Called bie.eting of the Board of Commieaionera, held in the Commissioner d: ~~ Chamber in the City Hall. Pnduoeh, Kentuol~, on July 3rd, 19£3, at 4:40 O'olook P.M. ,~ Upon Dell of tho.ro]1 the following answered to their nemoe; Commissi.onore Tully, q tYaehington and 2'ayor 1>atter~ohn,-3. '~ II kayor Katter~ohn stated roasons for Dell to-wit: For the purpose of allow- it ing Pay-rolls for the last half of the month of June 1923, end any other business . jj j that might Dome before the Board. ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the pay-roll " pay-roll. lest half June 1923, as pore; for the last half of the month of June, ].923, amounting to ~,~27710.07, as per the report Com'r,of Flnenoo. i': report of the Commissioner of Tub11o Finanoo i'ilod here:vith, be allowed and ordered !I paid and the money appropriated from the General F~md to pay same. Adopted upon -, . ~ call of the roll by the following vote; Yee,, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-3. Commissioner Pnl.liam entered the Commissioners' Chamber. Commissionor ,'ally offered the following motion: I move that the pay-rioll • Pay-roll last ~ far the last half of the month of June, 1923, for the 3d Diatriot Sewer, amounting half Juno 19 23 r• 3rd Distriot n to ~"yb42.S2, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of T'ublio Finanoo be Sower. B ' - ~ authorized and instruoted to dram cheeks a?sinat the IWo, 3 Diatriot Sower Fund f'"""'"" ~ ii 6ocount to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yone, i Pulliam, Tully, Aashington and Knttor~ohrr,-4. {~ ~-~ ;~ Commissionor Tully offerod the following motion: I move that the Commie- . Street bonds end coupons in City ~I signor of Iub13o Finanoo be authorized arri instruoted to pay off, take np end aanaal National Bank paid. ~~ street bonds and ooupons in the City National wank to the amount of Y4794.01 and to .h draw a oheok against the 3peoiel Street Fund Aoc Hint. to pay same. Adopte3 upon Dell:. • fi of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Fu111am,Tully,':7ashington and Katter~ohn,-4. ., ' ~ On motion the Aonrd adfourned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. ~` . ~ q CN. C4.~ M~VfI~%- ' } JULY 7TH. 1923. ' , ~ ~ ' h At a Called fleeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiseionere', ' Chamber in the City Hell, Fa3uaeh, Kentuoi~y, on July 7th, 1923, et 11:35 o'alook dL'. 9 Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, j~ Pulliam, Tully, Washington and 11a$br•ISatter~ohn,-5. • ` Mayor Ketterjohn stated roasons for Dell to-wit: To allow the bills for the , ~1 month of June, and any other business that miP,ht Dome before the Board. ~`~ ~ ' Commissionor Tully offerod the following motion: I move that the sooounts for 'i0'~ :.aaounts Yor lest% ~ i the last half of the month of June 1923, amounting to ~2105b.74, as per the report of • half of June ~ roportaCop~~. of , the• Commissioner of Publio Finanoo filed here:vith, be ellpwod and ordered paid and Publio Finanoo. N the money appropriated from the General Fund to pap same. Adopted upon call of the ' tl .,,,,~ ~ ': ry roll by the follo:ing vote: Ysas,Faoe,Fu111am,Tully,'•7eshir.~tori and Katter~ohn,-5. , Aoao:mta for last Cormniaeioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the acoounta for- ~ half June 1923 3rd District ~ the last half of the month of June, 1923, for the 3d Diatriot Sewer, amounting to So:'ror. ~ ip1828.50, be allowed end ordered pnid end the Commisainne7" of Publio r^inanoe be i authorized and. instruoted to draw cheeks against the #3 Diatriot Sewer Fund Aoaount , ~~ .,. ---` - _ _ p __ --_ _ - - _ - ---- ;. , ji ~ { -... .. . f j, :. ,~, _, :,-.~:. ~.~ , n n.na m.~Ppi ~~il V'~,.,,.-psi ,m~-pi .-.i.. ,~. i,i9'o Pl i"I'I ~'alc.i p ~~i i ~ii~ ~ ~.~ I i~ i ~ i~ 5i^ b ioi-~~i -~ncr~r__ '~ . .r •No. I g ~l t• . ` ~C.'Pcellon vs 'City of Ptiduoah ,, juudgment and Dear ;,;paid. ru`~Ya ~~~ V m Im~~ ~ ~ ~ .~ I h i ~ 1wJr iJl~,~, x li W .W,.. ~.. ue . d. 7~.e~ .`yrr4.;y"w'a`~ ~y~a ....:~~,,.,s•, r.. gs+saua'a +o _-may ~ y~L,. i Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah _192- . -_ _ Ito pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Faoe, Pulliam Tully. i7ashington and Katterfohn,-b. Mayor Katter3ohn offered the following motion; 'Y move that the Judgment, amount- ~a ing to the sum of X116.01, rorrlerod against the City of Paduoah in the case of C. T. Allen vs. City of Paducah, pending in the P:toOraoken Ciravit Court, be paid to C. T. 2 '~ Allen, or hie attorneys of reoord, and that the Deets of ea id nation, emouriting to N ~"10.9b, be paid to :9, C, Seaton, Clerk, and that same be pherged to Costs and Suits. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Peae, Y'ulliam, Tully, '~Iashinnton and getter Sohn,-5. Mayor KattorJohn offered the following motion; I move that the Commvnioation fro the peduoah Eleotrid Oompany, dated June 28th, 1923, relative to the operation and final abandonment of the distriot steam hosting system, be reoeived and Piled an8 reoorded. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. `.9ashington and Katter~ohn,-b. 3sid oommunioation is as follows, to-:wit: "Paduaeh, Kentucky, June 28, 1923. ,~ bir. B. :9: KatterJohn, Btayor, City of Iaduaah, Paduoah, Ky. Dear Syr: •y In accordance vrith your request that I submit to you a letter setting forth our intentions rolative to the operation and final abandon- - ,., meat of the distriot steam heating system, I bap. to submit the following: AS you sow the steam heating department of this oompanY has bean operated at a lose for years. This is due to oiraumatances over •vhiah we ' have no control, the principal of crhiah is exeesaivo r~r.intenanoe oharpes aauaed by annual overflows of the Ohio River, On Sept. 3rd, 1922 the frarahiae of this department ox?sired end after due aor,sideration it ores de aided that it would bo to the best interest of all our customers to abardon the sy-stem entirely rather than oontinuo it urdor existing. c~nditl:ons. ,Pe reooanized the fact that un- loan this was done gradually it would in a]1 prohabilit,y work a hardship on those who would bo compelled to provide their own source of hest and that it would be to the bast interest of all concerned to complete the abandonment through a period of three years. - It tivas decided, therefore, to divide the districts served by steam hoot into three sections, namely the aootion lying :vest of 5th atraet; the seotion bet:veon 4th and 5th streets, and the aootion between 3rd an3 4th streets, and to abandon one of those seat.ions each year, On Jan. 1, 1923, a letter :•ras sent to our patrons in the section 1yinF crest of 5th atraet, notifyirp them of olu• intention end ~csk'ing them to make heating arrangements of their ocm after t.'ey 1, 1923. This distriot will not be served by us during the coming season. A similar letter is now in coivse of preparation .vhiah wi71 be 'sent immodiate7~r to those residing bet.voen 4th and 5th streets, notif;,ring { a them of ou-r intention and asking,' them to provide heating eri"A.ngementa of ",{,' N' their own after May 1st, 1924. .,,j d You :will please observe that by carrying out this poliay tEs ~~ heating system vJill bo entirely abandon©d on i'.ay 1, 1926. Indeed, ware it not our desire to protect those :who are dopendinP up or, us for heat, to i the fullest extent, we :rould be willing to abandon the.rystem at ease, ` ~ Yours very truly, '' ~ h FC/B ~rC FR D CbOi~~I, Cen' 1. Sup t. " ,r { F "''j ~ Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion; I move that copy of the aon- ,; ., ~ Cortrabt. beta. ':! '~S.C.R,R.Co. and 3 treat between the City of Paducah and the Illinois Central Railroad Company, covering ;City of Iaduoah d ' ' in re sew+ers on ti the oonatruotion of aeaor izr,der its tracY.a 400 feet crest of union Depot, bet.veen Cald:voll Avo. a Viand little dve. ~ Caldwell twenue and i,ittle Avenue. sinned by A. ,:. Clift, Vise-Freaidsnt, and F. 'A,, ,400 foot tivoat of~ (Union Depot. ti Katter~ohn, Nayor, be rooeived an3 filed. Adopted upon oell'of the roll by the follow .,. I • ing vote: Yeas, peas, Pulliam, Tully, 7eahington and Y.atter~ohn,-5. ' ' ! r. Commissioner Fulliam offered the ~follo:ving ma flea; That the L C.R.R. be al loved i ~~ • iL C.R.R,Oo. ~'.~45.12 for lowering water main on railroad property at Brakeman and Bavmer Avenues, jpaid ~4b.12 for. flowering orator ~ to allow 24" sewer aonatruotion, and-that dame be ahorged aa*ainat 3rd Dietriot Sewer ,~rtin on railroad pproporty at ~ Ftind9. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas Paae, Fulliam, !Brakeman arrl fBavmor rlvonuos.~ Tully, ~ashin Qton and Kattar~ohn,-b. r .. ` C ^".A„ I; t ~.~,,:i~ t • ~~~ • I i ~.i vl~: oas~d w~~r:, M r t .:. .. .. ., I~ ~ h _.. .. . .. ,. A~ .; . ,. .. ,.... :' 4 ~,., ,.~ '~.~ ~~ • Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah-_~:~:_;~.: ' ' 192..- Commissioner Pulliam offored the following motion: I move that the Llonth y i Estimate for cork Iona on the aonatruation of aetivora in Diatriot 3B-3C durinrt the ~." .. Estimate for lacy ~ month of L:ey 1923 be approved, and R. HardinP Company be allowed X2,944.67, on 1923 allowed E.R. Herding on sewer aooount of said :vork, and that the Commissioner of Fublin Finnnoe be authorized and ' oonstruat ion D;istriat 3B-3C. ' inatruated to dra:v aheok arainst the 3rd Diatriot So~ror )!'ands for the sum of ,2,994.67 u to the E. R. Harding Company, this estimate huvinq been held up lest month on eooount ~i of inaompleta resurfaoing of streets. Adopted upon asll of the roll by the Following vote.: Yeas, rape, Fulliam, Tully, :/ashington and Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Pulliam offered the followin4 motion: I move that the L!onthly 'stimsty for Jnne~i stimator for se:•rer construction dono aurin:~ Jame 1923 on the 'trunk Line Extension 19?,3 allo•rred d.R.+ Contrnot oY the 3. 3. Ilnrdinrr Company be npprovod, nr,d. that the :•:: R. FFarding Compere IIt=rding on Trrnk ~ , lino extension ~•be allowed .x;1436.34 on eooount of said estimate, and the Commissioner of Publio severs. • h' Finance ba authorized and direoted to maY.o ohoor. for same arainat the 3rd Diatriot ' ~ 3e:ver fund, $500.QO~having been deduotad from this estimate pending reaurfaoir,P, of ~ Brown Street. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote; Yoas, Paoe, . Fulliam, Tully, ~eshington and Xattorfohn,-b. On motion the Board adjourned upon pall of the roll by b, yeas. , " ~' AiY~l~d ~.1~..~..._iva3 =. 'PRO ~. ar: u,~ror~. JULY 9TH. 1923. .t At a Reg<ilar b4eeting of the Board of Commiaeionera, hold. in the Commisaionera' Chamber in the City Hall, Peduaeh, Kentuoky, on July 9th, 1923. Upor. aa11 of the roll the following answere3 to their names: Commiasionera Paoe. Tully, i7eshinaton and kayo; • Katter~ohn,-4. On motion of Commissioner :4ashington the minutes of the previous meeting were '.adapted as road upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yaes, Peav, Tully. a~ 3ashington and Katter~ohn,-4. Liayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: Imovo that the report of the ??sport L`oCreoken ~; Coi;nty iublio 6~ FdoCraoken County Ivblio Health Lealrue for the month of June 19.23, be reooived and .. Eealth Lee,,*ue for (~ June ,1923. ~I filed. Adopted upon or.+.ll of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Tully. .. f ;7ashington and Latter~ohn,-4. ' ` Commissioner Fully offered the following motion: I move thet the report of Report Com'r. of Finance for June ~ the Commissioner of Publio Finaroo for the month of June, 1923, be reoeived, filed aryl 1923: r y ordered publishe3 in the offiaiel nowspapor. Adopted upon osll•of the roll by the f f S folLrxing vote: Yeas, Iaoe, Tully, ~Yashington and da.tter~ohn,-4, Commissioner Tully offered the followinc motion: I move that the report of • 3e;ort Com'r, of `~~ the Commissioner of Publio Finar;ve of the 3d Diatriot Sewer Fund Aooovnt for the month ", ~ Finnnoe 1'or June • 1923 for 33 Dis-' ~! of June, be reoeived, Piled and ordered published in the offioial nexapeper, Adopted I 4 tr iat Se~aer Fur;d , , y :icoount• ' upon sell of the roll by the follo:ing vote: Yeas, Feoo, Tully, 1Veahington and ` f ~ettor~ohr.,-4. ;;--~•~ ~ Commissioner jelly offered the folio°ainq.motion;.I move that the report of , Retort Com' ~, of Finr_r.oe of Special the Commissioner of Fublio Finanao of the Speoial Street Fund for the half year ending ;;. Street Fund for pelf year ending ~ June 30, 1923, be reooived, Piled aryl ordered published in the offioial ne•xepepere dune 30.1923. .~ _ Adopted upon pall oP the roll by the Yellowing vote: Yaas, Paoe, Tully, .7aahinR•ton p nn3 letter~oFm,-4. Commissioner. Pulliam entered the Commiasionors° Chamber. . ~I .... d ..~-__. . • i .. -.., _ ,,,. ., K~ ~.. ,. - I ~.ILw.u~. ,.,,. ., . ......•. ~ ... h_ ...:.... . .. ... ._. . .. ~ au..,. ,,~ w: ~W, -.:~,u ~u..wu , ,_ ~,. ,.r,~ sin ~r i,. _ir~_.~ ... 1.,. .~.-nl~,Mw.p,~l~ ,Iw.,~•a... --- .. • ,,. ~ , . y - ~ ~ ~t I ,~1?eport.Com°r. o~ ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the report of the '{Finance showing • -lamonnts oxpended,~ Commissioner of Public Finanae showing the Amounts Expended end the Balanoes yet to . ' ~`balaness, dppor- ! 'aiormont &o. { be oolleoted for the nerious eoootmta,.also showing the dpportionment, the Amounts -~ i j Expended and the Balanooa to the credit of the various aooounta under the different { B ~ i departments to tho end of June 30, 1223, be rooeined and filed. Adopted upon oall of 111 the roll bq the following vote: Yeas,. Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Y,atter~ohn, ,::, ! ~ Commisadonem Tully offered the following motion; Tho following Parties having ,; ~~ ,tendered the sum of ~'S0.00 esoh, together with application for }.4alt or Cereal $enorage -''15felt or 0oreal ~Bevorago lioense ~ hioenee I move that lioerse to soil halt or Cereal DeveraRes or any admixtures there- . ~lsoved to ,:{Turn or do'Nalaon,' ~ of; bo granted to thorn at the plaoos set out opposite their names for the. period of f end O.A.7oiss. • six months, beginning July let ar,d ending, Doo. 31st, 19T3. ~ N Tumor & ,7alson, X106 South 2nd St. C ~ 0. A, Zaiae, ... •111 South 3rd 9t. "1 ~ Adopted upon Dell of the roll by tho following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~ ' Washington and I:atter~ohn,-b. II E h Oommissionor Tully offered the following motion: I move that oommunication of ; ~Communicat4on `Dr.Vornon Blythe ~~ Dr. Vernon Blythe, President of the Board of i:duortion, addressed to the Commissioner ;; •: in,ro: City Nat' 1Bank appointed l of Fublio Finance, desiRnatir.g the City national Bank as j4~eastu•er of the Board of Treasurer of Board of Eduoa- •Eduoation for the. year 1923-1924, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon oall of the 1924 ,f or 1923- ~ roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Fulliam,Tully,Washington and Katter3ohn,-5., M Commissioner fully offered the following motion; It appearing that the interest i Interest on ~ on the 600,000 outstanding ~3 +}iatriot Serrer Bonds, amounting to ,+`p1b,037.50 ie due X6000000 out- - standing 3rd July 10th, I move that tho amount be sllowed and the•money appropriated from .the ~ District Sewer . Bonds. Gonoral Fund to pay same, and the Commissioner of Fublio Fin an co be authorized and ,• ~` inatruoted to •deposit same to the oredit of the ~3 District $e:rer Bond Sinking Fund in the P'irst ISat3ona 1 Bank. Adopted upon oell.of the roll by the following vote: Yea; paoe, Pulliam, Tully; Sashington and Katterfohn,-5. C.ommiasionor fully offered the f ollowing motion: I move that the Commissioner Interest on X600,000 out- ~ of Fublio Finance be authorized and instruoted to draw a oheok again st the Tdo. 3 standing; 3rd District Sower ti pistriot Serrer Bond Sinking Fund in the First National Bank for the ends of :;15037.50 Bonds, ~ to pay tho somi-annual interest on the .y600,000 '~3 District Sewer Bonds ^rhioh is duo d st the United States }.'ortgaxe & Trust Co. New York City, on ,July 10th. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo:ing vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully., :Ye shin aton and ~ r. ',;, ~ 4 Katter~ohn,-5. • 4 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that the semi- Interost on 000 out- • i w247 ~' ~ annual inter oat, amovntin? to Y"p617b.00 on the X247,000 outstanding Sohool Improvement , atandlntr Sohool i `~ Im}>ronemont , U Bonds i;; duo July 1Gth, I move that the sum b® nllo:rod and appropriated from the ,- Honda. i ~ Gon•mal Fund and the Commissioner of Fublio Finanaebo authorizod atxi instrt:otod to i . . doposit samo to the orodit of tho Sohool Improvomant Dond ;inking Fond in the Citi- . . ~ • { ~ zena Savinea Bank< Adopted upon Dell of tho roll by the following Hato: Yeas, Feee, ' ~ ~ Pulliam, Tully, Weshin??ton and Ketterjohn,-5. , ~ ~ Commissioner 'Tully offered the'followinq motion:'I move that the Commissioner Interest on ~2h7,000 out- ~ of Iublic Finanoo be authorized and instructed to dreg a check against the Sohool standinP.. Sohoo Improvomant l' Impr,ovemont Dond Sinking Fund in the Citizens Savings Ilank amounting to ,•",r617b.00 erd Honda. ~ doposit in the City Rational Bank to pay the semi-annual interest on the «247,000 ~, outstanding Sohool Improvomant $orids duo at the City Nation dl bank on July 15th. p Adoptod upon pall of the roll by tho following vote; Yoea,•~aoo, Pulliam, Tully. • Washington and Kattor~ahn,-6. ~ Schools taxes , , 4 Commi.asionor Tu11y offorod Cho following motion; IL appenrina that Chore is due for we el` ondin July 7y1923~. l~ tho 9ohocls tho sum of ;~G036.17 from the oollootiona of 1923 taxes for Cho rroak ordir ~~ r s• i • 1; x r;. t ~1 `.f <! i I{ • vi ~,, 3 c. ~ .y .~._ ;S r .no-.+m~"" . ~'• ~."`"~ fit' ,: , .. "-_~''~"•'"`'~, y> ,, • -n,-..y^"^'q.~T-+rfi x'•,,."'74 .:- ;^d~rtv.• ..,.. n. .._ .. .. -._.__ .. .. I ~ ..._ . ~.: .. .. ~. =.. _ ..., .., Na ~ 9:~----~'•' •~'1 • . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah _ __ _ ~_ .^ 192- ;;July ?th, I movo tha* .it be allo~rel Ord ordered hsid and the mone,~ appropr a e rom .I the Genoral Fund to pay scone. .ldopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yees 11 Faoe. Ful]iam, Tung, '.?s3hington emi Kattoryohn,-b. ,) Commissioner Peoe offored tho follo•,v1nq motion: I move ttiet the roport of tha ! ~~~~ ~ 1 (i n • -& , RoI'ort Criief o4 II • biro Aepartment p Chi of of tho r'iro Dapartmunt Sor tho month of Juno ]923 be roooived and filed. Adopted Sor Juno,I923, I (.~ { 'i upon pall of tho roll by tho following unto; Yoao, Faao, Fulham, Tully, :.?ashington and L'attor~ohn,-G, !~ Commissioner ~r¢shington offered tho follo•aring motion: T trove thnt the trannfor Oematory trans- I~ for Srom 7. B'. y Sron: Tr. B. Ilor an3 118ttie Iler, his ,v1fe, to Chris. Burger to the rear 1& foot oft & fiottie Iler ~. to Ohr1s Hurger.i~ of i.ot X52 1n Seotion C., Oak Orova Camotor;, ho rntifiod. Qdo~tod nl~.on oa]1 04 tha '~ i roll by tho followin(; vote: Yoa+t, Taao, Tu]ltam, Tully, 'clauhinFrton and i;r.ttorlohn,-B. I On motion t~ lioard od~ourno4 ul>on aall of tho roll by C yoas. JULY 121'6. 19 P.3 !M .~ vCr Ft.. i hh~ At a Oulled }Aooting of tho Doard of Oommienionore, ho]d .tn tho Qommisaionora' ' ` ! Ohnmber in tha Oity I1a11, rnduouh, Y,ont<~oky, on July 12th, 1923, of 10;26 o'olonk , A. 1,l, , Upon an11 of tho roll tho 1'61lowlnit nnswnrod to thni r nom+,u; Cononia,rlanora • I Fuoo, i'ullium a:nd Llayor Katter~ohn,-3, tleyor ]luttnr~~hn etntnd raauon,+ for oat] to-wits To a]luw outtnx,toe for work ;~ ~ I on newer oonatruotion 3rd Distriot Sowor nnd any other buninna;r tllntmipht some bofore j ~ the Board, Oommiasioner hr111am offerod tho following nwtion; I movo:thnt the Monthly ~ ~ 1;'stlmato for work Bono on tho oonatruotion of sowers in lliaEriot 3A-30 during the ~ I ~ I i, 1 . month of June 1923, bo epprovnd and that the ::, H, H4rdinp' Oompany be al to wad ~ . ,'~~~II Kotin~ater:,li. Harding Oo., for; ~4,2b?•78 on aaoount of said outimato, nnd.tho Oommiouionnr of Fublio Finarfoo be Juno uownra in ~I autharizdd and lnatruotod to draw ohoak ngninst tho ;3rd Distriot 8awor Fund for this ,D1 atri of 3b-3C. ~ amuw~t, X3,000.00 boinP., doduotod frnm th++ rngular pnymont ~luo on thlsestimgte on ' ' ~ aooount of the !room}~1nto o~mdition of thu ro-nurfuoing of i4oyora Streot end Oa14we11 f j ' ~ Avnnuo. ddoptod upon oa11 of tho roll by tho foliowina~.voto; Yoan, lane, Fulham ' and Katter~ohn,-3, ' Oon¢niasionor Fulham offorod tho followings, motion; Imovn .tlxat .tho 1."onthly ' I3stimr..to fur worl: done on tho oonstrtiotion of aewora in Distriot 3A durirr; the month ~ iati:>er.to E.R. ! Hording Oo. for,: of J,mo 1923 be a round and that tho «. R. Hardinr* Gom en be nilovred 14 23b..?1 ~ Juno sewors in rt pp • p Y ~ . t Distriot 3d. ~ on aaoount of said estimnto, r_rid tho.Commissioner of Piabiio Finnnae be anthorizod aryl ~ 'NI inatruotod to draw ohoolr again at the 3rd +3lstriot Sowar F~md far thin emount, tho 'I y133,50 oxtra oement item boin!* withhold until a thori;.od b,r Board, ddoptod upon _ i oell of the roll b~, the follocring; note; Yoas, Peoe,. Pu111am and Ee.tter~ohr,,-.3. 5 lriayor ICattorjohn offered 'the' following motion: I movo then A RF.SOZUTIOiS FRO- i Resolution son- j struation of ! 7IDIIdG FOR 'ifiE COIISIItL'OTIOi~ OF ;,II AiI1;X Il! BIDCI: 9 OID TO':Rl, TOG:;T}l?1 °lITH i-Zl 1'.'dC~S- r alloy from 2rd Ij to 3rd 5t. betn'' 3l'+RY L':+lIH0I.,33, CiaTCFI B/'.SIId3, IP!'P:11a;S .1I1D 5;:"".'R f IP v, ~RUIIIii.IIG PR01'. S:?COI?D STRI:`T TO B't~it3~~ -and JoSf. ~ Y+'"b„~ :;troets. ! THIRD 3'PR ~T, Rs'1';1::3I: BRO1~.D?L1Y AIiD JP'.FF..i?SOIJ S`Dt'.7.xT, IIi 'C'•ii CI`CY ~F ]'ADUCAH, K:~iTUCKY ~~ ~ AT T1L: GO ST of THa ABUTTII:G 1ROIRTY 0.71grR3, AIID TRO J.LDING THi.'I° Sv":: al.1L1. DA: CO1!- F ;f 3'11iUCT1:D UPON 'Pllh` T::I: Y1~11t ]GYIT,lIT FLAN, bo adortod. Adol,tod upon call of the rail it by the following unto; Yoas, Pnoo, Fulham nnd Kattor~ohn.,-3. ~~~ (f On motion the Board nd~ournod upon oall of the roll by 3 yeas. ?(~~ APP,~O _ , Aisl~ti ~1 .. ~ :" H~.,,..,., e i.... ,.: J:...r :. ~.,, .. ...,. .. .. ..,. • ... ,.. , ~r ~~;c~rT~im n~ ~, ~~-~ ~-.- ~~i rn ~„nin ~ II~n^r9r~ ~I,n~:-..-I~.i. 41i o:l'rl'aryl ~p-rR r-~,-.:an-~r-~^mF~TI'~~P~'IIII"~T'l~~r-.i-~~,,,,R-rnF,-7 ,~ ~ .,,. ~~~.-r i~ ~ ~ - _~f'm~~„If~R-f`~~ ~.~ { No. _%9 d, i - Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ___.~192~ ' '' JULY. 16TI3. 1923. ! At n Ro~tlar I:loeting of the $oard of Commisaloncr.®, -held iri the Commissionors° Chambor in the City hall, Paducah, ICentuol~q,• on July 16th, 1923. Upon call of the ro11i fi the follo~+ing answered to their namoot Oommiesionors Paoe° Pullinm, Itashington and ~ Llnyor Katter~ohn,-4. ~ „> On motion of Commissioner :Yashington the minutes of the previous meetings , were adopted es road, upon Dell of the roll Dy the following vote: Yeas, Paoo° Pulliam, 1Yashington and Y.atterfohn,-4° • Commissioner Tully entered the Commiasionors° Chamber° I , Street along Cit~ Commissioner Pulliam offered tho followirg motion: that the Commissioner of i 1 , ..Limits betwoen I 'Lubllo °lorks be authorized and instruoted to stako'out street alont^ City Limits be- Cairo Road and ' 13th gtreet to be sth,7:od off: tnoen°Cairo Road and 13th Street, in order that acme may bo graveled by the Cotm ty,, said street being between the Rotterinlr and ;7111isna property, Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeso, Paoe, Fulliam, Tu11y,lYashington and Kattor~ohn,'So~ • I ; Vacation City Mayor Katter~ohn offored the following motion; I move that },iettio ?Igrndon, ,.,. ~• Stono(*rapher, ,City Stenographer, he .~llo:ved a twb weeks Yaoation, with raid, beginning Au~*uat 6th, i •~ Liattio Horndon:, 1923. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following; vo$e; Yeas, Paoo, Pulliam, Tu11y,~ . I ~, ~. Veshington end Katter~ohn,-5. ;Vacation. City Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that Roaooe deed, City - ~ Solicitor, golioitor, be allowed a t:vo weeY.s vacation, with pcy, beginning July 18th, 1923, I Roaooe Reed. Adopted upon .call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas° Paco, Pulliam, Tully, ~ yyy i7ashinaton and i{etter~ahn,-6. Commissioner Pulliam offored the following motion: That inasmuch as the ~on- Contra testa , trol testa of concrete on the 96 inah ae:ver of 3A trunk Linea show the.neoesoity of eri~ on 96 Tnoh ae:cer SA Drunk LiAe increase ir. the ooment oontert,- 3 move that the order of the Commissioner of Public - Sewers. ;Yorks inaroa~°in~ the cement oontont IO~O at a scat not to exooed X1641.00, be approvod> • Lost upon sail of tho roll by the fol]owin~ note: Yeas, Pullinm,-1; Tiays, Paoe. 4°ully,i 1Yaahington and Katter~ohn,-4. ' • ~ Cormniasionbr :Yeahington offered the following motion: 'c'hat i2, R. Iicrding $.R.Rarding Oo. lr i Company be paid the amount deduote3 from his last estimate on account of additional al2oxed amount ) ~ oomont added to the oonorete in the oor,strvotion of 3A So:rera ordered by the Chief deducted from 1 i ,. f last estimate. ~ raigineer, and that the Chief ~gineer be instruoted too4ase the uae,of the add itionr.l 1 • I 8 i0jo of cemont after July 16th, .1923, ,adopted upon. ball 'of •t },e roll by•~the following ! -- vote; Adopted uron call of tho ro71 by the following vote; Yeas, Paoo, Fulliam° Tully, ;" :rash7.ngton,-4; Tiays; Katter~ohn,-1. , Commissionor IYeahington offored th® folloving motion; I move that the rorort ej~ort Riveraide ~ of the Rivc°rsids.fiospital for tho month of June 19£3, toaethe; with tho Petiente° IIoarital. ~ I;e7~ort for tho month of Juno 1923, be reooivod and filede Adopted upon pall of the ~r roll by the followinc, vote; Yoaa, Paoo, Pulliam, 'Tu71y,'~rsahinRton and. Kctterfohn,-5. ~ } E Conunissioner Neshington offered the follo.ing mot Ton: 1 movo that ATl ORDITIRTlOE a ` I Ordinanoa rbgula ~ R;,;gULlPlllii :IT 3TJS 'I'0 Tfi: I'iiCiiC ITl '1'lU; 1~d1Ri'i+'P I10U;1J. Ill 'P1A~1 CI'CY OP PA:DUCAIT K:al'PI'CYY be tfnc; siane 1n , , l;arkot liouun. ~ ndoptod. AdpptoA uron call of Cho roll by tho fo].lowTna voto; Yonn, I'noo, 1'ulli;im, k I ' i 'itially, NnahTngton and Tinttor~ohn,-6. i • ~ Commissioner Pu7liem offored tho following motion: Thnt J. C. S:oeloy, Pi~st ' J. C.Kee7:oy, eXTJBhaAa t0 P Assistant 1ltgineer,,be allowod ;^p22.2G for railroad faro and pullman oxpenaoa to ~ Louisville ailovsd: 6 LouisvTl7A for, seder oonstruotion data not available ir! 7'aRuoah; arts that same be ~ i • oharaed eltainst 3rd Diatri.ot Sewer Funds. Adopted upon hall of the roll by tho follows , ~ ing vote; YeAe, Paoe, Pulliam; Tully° Washingtors,-4; tlaye, Y.nttar,ohn,-l. t".._ ~. .~ ~ ~ •~ r," ,~ .. ., , ,_ .....-.~P~.. - • ~ No.._...~gQ'__.~., Commieaionere' Proceedings, City of Psducah-.;._.,_~.:~..~::.~';....:___..~_.~._192r. l b` ~~ i... .7..,,a/ i On(~ o L• i c,n the laoar~ C' .~ v' >'~ n e~ ~.... ournr>.i up nn .,~ ~ :•1. Jvix soTx, lass. U~ 'N At a Calied Jdoetinq of the Eonrd oY Ooamiissioaers, hold in the Oommisnlanore' y~~~I~ Ohambor in the City ball. Pr^duoah, Kentucky, on July 80th, 1983, at 10:.30 o'clock A.M jl Upon call of the roll the following answered to~thoir names; Oommlesionere, pees, p Pu1]iam, Tully and !4ashington,-4. In the absence of Mayor Katter~ohn from the Oity, ~ y. A. ;7ashington lfayor Pro. Tem. presided. Mayor Pro. Tom. 3ashington stated reasons for call to-wit: To allow pay-rolls Por the Yiret half of the month oY July, and nny.othor business that might some before ~ 111 , Lho ]ioard. Corim:issioner Tully oYf~~rod the following motion; I move that the pay-roll for the pay-roll Ynr Yiratli first half oY the month oY July, 19 23, amounting to ~989T.76, as per the report of . half oY July 19831 i • as per report of '~ Lhe~Commissioner of Iublio 1'inanoe filed herewith, be allo•ved and ordered paid and the. ' Corrmiaaioner of ~ public Finar,oe. i money appropriut.ad Yrom the Con©ral r'und to.j~~ enms. :.dopted upon call oY Lhe roll by the Yoilowing voLo: Yene, Pr.oe, Pulliam, Tully and :4ashinrrton,-4. . j~ Oommisaioner Tully oPYered the following motion: I moue that the pry-ro1l.Por the. '° pay-roll Yor firetll first half of the month oP July, 1923, for the 3d District Sower, cmounting to'. half of July 1983' Yor 3rd District ; ~b46.69, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Puh1lo.Finanoe be So':rer. '~ authorized and instructed to draw oheaY.s arpu,insL the lto, 3 Dist. Sewer Fund Aoaoun t ~~ to pay saran. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following pots: Yeas, Fepe, 1 Pulliam; Tully, g'nd'_',9eahingtori,r->4.~• , Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the Structural 11aterial8' Structural I~ Reaearah Laboratory of Lewis Institute, 1951 'Sy, t.;adison Street, Chioarzo, be allo~'ed ~'aterials Re- search Labors- ~I ;~3.9E for exl:resa on concrete test cylinders and that same bo oharnod to 3rd Dis- Lory allowed I ~y3.92, 3rd Dist. triot Sewer Fund.. Adopted. upon call oP the roll by the Po1lo~vinR vote: Yaes, Paoe,. Se ~^er Fiords. Pulliam, Tu13y and '.4aehint?ton,-4. On motion the Board ad3ourned upon call oY the•roll by 4 yeas. • wn«e1N Z 2 19~ ~~-p . . _ O , ~. e>~ _ ...----.._......-. w ' ., ~, ~• B aULY 83RD. 1983. ~° ~`~'~-~--"' , i~ i II At a Regular Meeting of Lhe hoard of Oorrmiseionera, held ,in the 0ommieeionsrs' 'I Chamber in Lhe City Ha 11, Paducah. Kentucky, on July 83rd, 1983. Upon.oell oY.th~ roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe. Pulliam, Tu21y and j! Washington,-4. .Mayor Katter~ohn being absent Prom the City tayor Pro Tem Nashington ' ~~ presided. , • ~~ On motion oY Commissioner Paoe the minutes oY the paeviona meetings ware ndopte4. ~, • ~ ~ ea read upon cell of the roll by the Following vote: Yeae, Pace, Pulliam, Tally and r Washington,-4. I '. -Coumutasloner.Pn111as oPYered the following motion: I mono that the E. x. BardJ.ng Co• E.R. Harding ~ be allowed ,1500.00 of the amount withheld Prom Monthly «stimate oY work done daring ~ Y '' Company allowed. June 1923 on 38-3C Trunk Line ::ewers on account of incomplete condition o! atr.eet re- ~1500.00 on Jnne;. Estimate with- ,i surfacing. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam. , held. ~~ Tully and ~4ashington,-6- , 'I ,~ ~. ... p ..«,:-~ .. . ~ ».,,.~* g,Tu .~.ra...!^nx- +iry.., .,m,...>. .: ~*,+r'-a+^4 k+i9o.: S ~` - °Y^, .`rk'^t^- ~. axf:-. , 5 ' ^~m. 5 g 7..:5 ~ i.n,il.l(, ~, ~.;:: I . • ~ i.i in.I . i.ii ~~', iPS lll~~ll.ni~. I~, , Il i ~: ~i~i ~~~i~i ~ .. ~.;~.~.. :i ni~,F{e~i'i~l~lf"~ ~I ~~i r'.il i:i: i I ~ a~..~.. ~..~. III I'~-.il.: „_.1,-7,_.._I..~ .. _. : +KiW" d ~ 1 ~+r ~ s rx +:t'wc?Y+i^°`Wn~•~r~i°"w ~ r t=..• ~' i ~ ^r fir..'; .- . ,r ~, .., ,, 'r _ _ , .,.eai.a_....- ~.: Yom.... ~. 'c 0 ,:~ 1 ~a ..~~;,... .. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah-_________ 182- w' i Commissioner Paoe oYYered the Yellowing motion; That. snob employes oY the hire Deb ' hiremen°s " partment be allowed a venation oY eiz days with pay. ddopted upon'osll of the soli by} ~ ~ ( '' Yaoatioa. ~: .~ the tolloaing rote: Ye9a, Pao®. Pulliam. Tully and Reahington,-4. ~~ ~ On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell oY the roll by 4 yeas. i t'. ~ ~ : . " ... r 30 ~~y~.• ~~..~.~ ; ' ~ JULY 80TH. 1923. TpR ~ At a Regular Meeting of the Soerd oY Commisaionerss held in the Commiesionera° Chember in the City Hall, Padnoah, KentuaiW, on July 30th, 1923s Upon sell oY the roll the following ansv+ered to their names: Comnisaionera Paoe. Pulliam, Tu11y and S7eahingtgn,-4; Mayor Katter3ohn being out oY the City, Mayor Pro. Tem. {7ashingtoa _ ' E presided. 4 On motion oY Commissioner fully the minutes oY the previous meetings crere adopted! ea read upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and, -Rashington,-4. u Commissioner Pulliem offered the Following motion: Thet the oommunioation oY E. R, L, Communioation E. ~ . R. Herding Co., p Harding Co., dated July 26, 1923, referring to extra work on sewers in Dietriot ~3, i i • relative to extr a t work on sewers is Dietriot ~3. ~ be reoeivad and filed and that a oonferenoe on the oontenta t]•:ereoY be held Au¢ust ' ~ ". 7th, at 10 O'olook A, M. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, , ~ . Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and t7ashington,-4. .. , ~ Commissioner Tully offered the Yollo:ving motion; The sum of yS0.00 having been ~ , ' Malt or Cereal ~ tendered, together :with epplioation for l.:elt or Cereal Boverege license, I move that • . Beverage Lioens~ ~ issued to J.H. ~ lioenae to sell Lialt or Cereal Beverarres or any admixtures thereof. be Pranted to ~ ~" ; Elrod: J. H.r:lrod at X110 South 2nd Strout, 1'or c period oY nix months, beginning July 1st and .ending December 31st. 1923, inclusive. Adopted upon pall oY the roll bq the d Yollo~xing veto: Yens, Peoe, Pulliam, Tully and ;7ashinpton,-4. ~ -,,,.,, • p Commissioner Paae offered the following motion: I move that the appointment oY E E.J.Ratoliffe ~ J, Ratoliffe, na extra patrolmen, taking effect Judy 27th. 1923, be ratified. Adopt I . appointed extra; ; patrolman. ~ i ed ux~on,oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pena, Pulliem, Tully and i t , ':7ashingtan,-4. t • : i .. , , : Coauniesionor Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that the Commissioner o $ f i l0~ additional h Publie "?ork~ bo authorized and instructed to u:;e 10o additional cement in the Don- s ' Dement in Don- arete arch oY ~ Grote of the .arch of the 96 inah saver in Distriat 3A, and th st the invert poring up ~ ,; 96 inah sewer in Distriat 3A . ~ to the siring line bo aontinned at the mixture previously authorized, sa w rding to authorized. ht the recommendations of DufY A, Abrams, Structural itatorials Reaoarah 1P.boratary, Lewin Institute., Chicago, dated July 23rd, 1923. Adopted upon aall of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, PIIae, Pulliam, 7~ashin?ton,-3; tdays, Tully.-lr . ' ~ Commissioner Fulliam offered the Yellowing motion: Y move that the unanimous ~ Property ownera y petition oY property o,mers on Slorth 8th Street. bet~.voen 1lgnroe and 1:ndison Streets, i qn id.Bth 3t., ~ betn.l.?onroe k be resolved and filed, and they be allo:ved to oonatruat, in Yront of their property, ,Madison Sts. petitign for ~ oonorete sida:valka under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Rorks and ~ i sidewalks and they permitted g, aaaordina. to the offi"Dial apeoifications therefor oY the City oY Paduoah, said work ~ same. • to be bomploted within 30 dayas sidopted upon Dull oY the roll by the following voter Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, ,Tully amt Rashington,-4: - . ~ .. N ' a .~ ~ • i, . ,: P i . .. .~ 'ice 1 ' ' . __ .. _ • „ '~ ~ Commissioners''Proceedings,.City of Paducah-~-_:~~._-__``> 192- • Conm:issioner Pulliam offered the followin? motion: I move that Ali ORDINAhCR '20rdin~on provid-II ing for construo- -~ I80VIDIiIG FOi? 1'H:1 CO1:S'LRUCTIOid OF f:tl ::SIw'Y TIT :?lACi_ 9 O;.D TO',dN, TOG3TF.~'R '•7ITF. ATI. ""~ Lion of Alley in •• " Blook 9 Old Tocm, IIdsCSSSA~IY I•?:TdHOl:1S, CATCH P.l.SIIlS, IIITL1C39 AI:D S!:~~ FIF::S, RUNIdI1dG FR01I S.1'.COI~ ST3::?:T ` running from 2nd ,, to 3rd Sts. bete. !( TO THIRD SI^_?3LT, DST :~.".xd B..°.QAD':lAY dI'D TiFFi:.RSOtI STi?3BT, IId TI :? CITY OF PADUCAH, KFdd- ` B'8ey and Joffer- i; aor..Sta. j TUCEY. AT T?t:s COST OF ^IU::~DUT"PIItG I??OP_P1"i O'/lir.'RS, ~,ND TROVIDING TTTF.T SAE' SK1.b1. BR . FIRST i?:3,1D120G, J C01d`ai"I?UC"i:D UFOs: "fill ^_'~lI YS:E,R PAYI':1; T PI:.1;, be intro3uced and ley ovor. Adopted upon '~eall of the roll by the following note: Yeas, Paae, Pulliam, Tally and ~7ashinpton,-4.' ~ • ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion.: Herbert Shekel having , Herbert SheY.el~ !{resigned, I movo that the omploymont of .. Y, Teod, es inspoator for oonarete street resigned, and G. F, Teed appointed'oonstruotion„be r^tified, the City to pay $150.00 por month for his sorvices, the Inspector of Don- ;~ orate stroet ~rom¢inddr of his salary to be paid by the Portland Cement Assooiation, eooording to construction. " a! • it nt ith th Cit d Ad t l f th ll b f l ~ w oemo :v e s op upon sel o y. e e ro y the lo .vina vote; o fl ',;Yeas, Peoe, Fulliam, Tully an3 "JashinP•ton,-4. • i~ Commissioner •7ashington offered the following motion; That. the certificate Certificate of 'I of Clyde '.7. Bali, signed by C, H. Drodbeok, Frank Johnson and Je C• Feeley, being the Clyde '.'LBell ae I candidate for (members eppoirted by tho Board of Commissioners to pass on the fitness of candidates City Bnginoer. • for the office of City ~gineer, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll kk ~. 'b the follo•sin vote• Yeas Peoe Pulliam Tull 'Yashin ton -4 • '! On motion the Doerd adjourned upon Gall of the ro71 by 4 yeas. u e-i~Flt~..J'~'_T AP~O•V`~piTJ I~ . ,i AUGUST 2ND. 1923. Nt•~h~ ~-._. ` ,. ,.~ At a C¢lled fleeting of the Doerd of Commissioners, hold in the Commissioner e' Chamber in the City Hull, 1'aduaeh, Kentucky, on i~ueust 2nd, 1923,• at 4 o'clock P.,i , Upon o¢ll of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe; i Tully and '.7ashington,-3; bSayor }:¢ttor~ohn being out of the City, hayor Pro. Tem. ti ,I'.7ashington presided. !' Mayor Fro. Tem. ~7ashington stated roasona for call to-wit: For the purrose 'y of allo•tiin? bills hnd pay-rolls an3 ariy other business that might Dome before the ~I Doerd, _ j ~' Commissioner Tully. offered the follo•.~ina motione I move that the accounts for I~ I Accounts for ~ the last half of the month of July, 1923, amounting to 5>20027,28, as per the report • lest half of ~ { ~ y of the Commissioner of Fublio b'inanae filed here'~ith, be el]o:~ed and ordered paid and July 1923; as "' 1 per: report Com'r.i!'inanoe. ;, they money appropriated from +.ho enoral Fun3 to pay same. Adopted upon call of the ~ • ' 3 ' • ~ ,7ashinPton,- . 1 roll by the follbcring vote: Yeas, Paae, Tully an • ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts for ~~ <_ I Fay-roll for U the'last hale of the month of July for the 3d District Se.+er, emountina to.,, .' 3rd~.Distriot • Se:^or for last '! Fay-mill ............. •$665, 33 . pelf of'July a Snpr.lles .............e 60,f30, total X626.13, be allo:^•ed,'• "''` 1923'. '~ • ~ and ordered paid end tho Commissioner of inblio Fir.^_rae bo authorize3 end instructed. ;:• to dra,:• checkc alrairst the ~3 District Ss.•rer Fund Aooount to pay same. Adopted upon`" i. ~ call cf the roll by. the following vote: Yoas, Paoe, Tully end :7ashirvton,-3. I .. ,,, ,,h ~j Commiasloner Tully offered the follo•,ving motion: I move that the Commissioner .;, I ~':., v Street bonds erd'. of Fublia Finance be authorized an3 iratrnoted. to ray orf, taY.e up and cenael street". -: ,. _ coupons in City"' Ilrtionel Bank ~ bond3 erd coupons in the City National Benk to the amount; of s,'p1205,06 and to draw a . " ' ~.. `? _ . paid off, ~ ' ;~ check arrairst the Special Street Fund !,ocount to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the ~ ' ' ~~ roll by the following voto: Yeas, Paae, Tully and '.7aehinator.,-3, ~",. ;; ,... ,..-. .,p.~. a'd",~- F.; ..»,,,---'~ ~.. z_"~~^, 7i? ~.~~,~,,,~,~.;.'"?'br".° . ,_.. a"'~P'~:Q?«~eL'.u?i"^oC'i?',354?~."~fr??~'a;N,'~'ti...:, a'.~'f'r~4;~*`. i"'"'~~i°., e~.^v'~°2"'s°?9" .t.w'iT:L~_..... nn ,•.......n, _ ~r t",-:1~: '. f~ p~~m p:. lal,l 'i~: a,,..~.,~.~ i~ ~.~ ~.i ii .in ~.R.~i1 P ~ ,; -Ici -~i ~~ i ~,~r. ~o.,l i ~ioi.e ~~i~ I ~, i 1 I I f I _. ~.. ~i i it ~. ~ i ~ '~ o~'~ ~~ 1: ~.{nri \~I'I~-~ ~,aa::.a ~.k :. ' Ida~..__~~_____ - . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_ r____.-_ 192._ _ _- - a '_ _ On motion the Board adlom•ned upon Dell of the roll by 3 yeas, ' r"'; i . . < ~~ ._. .. o.. _ ~: 1rJ/ AuwaT a. 1423, i 1A i i ~i A f C l h bh C D ' ` '' on.r nn o omm o~ oner:u omm on~~ro, o n uiar 6taebina of tho o AO a Roa Oh• mbar in tho Oity Hu11, laduonh, Krntuoky, on .Sage 0th, 101:"1, tq~oil Dell oi! tho ~ roll the following nna:verod to their names: Commieaionere Taos, Fullinm, Tully end • shi at a or atte ohn boinrt out of tho City 1d'vor Fro.Tom.:Yashin~ton preaidod. ~ x: On motion of Oomminaionor Tully tho minuted of the previous meatless wr,ro ~ , adoptod os rend upon Dell of the roll by the following votoa: Yeas, F°oo, Tu111 m, ~ i r r; ' Tully and ',V~ahin~•ton,-4. ~ ~ " . Communioation { - Commissioner ~7ashin(;ton offorod the followinamotion: That the oortr•uniaation~ Color e3 Fair Raoir,g dasoo. ' ,from the Comrattae of the .Colored Fair, Raoing and A$hletio Assooiation of Taduoah k be reoeivad and filed, end th a the Board of Commissioners oonour in their reoueat. ~ ~; ' Adopted upon pall of Lhe roll by Lho following vot®: Yeas, £r:oa, Tulliam, Tully cud ~ , ~ Wauhington,-4. l a ~.. Renowal of Con •_ Commissioner ~Yaahinf;ton o"feral Lho follo.•rin(~ mot ton; Th!:t the Commissioner treat :rith ?r11s~ ~ , Raaol ?<?alone of jublio Fro1•erty bo authorized to renew the oontraot tivith &;ias Hazel Eialone for the year enrting August 14, 1924. Adopted upon call of the roll b-• the Sollowing.vote:i - _ r Yoga, Faao, Tulliam, Tully anfl ~lnohington.~ `• i uroh••oo of ~ Oommiouionar Tully offored~ Lha f •~1lowing metien: That tho oommuniontion i'roml 1larkot House Bond ~ 16., ;~ from ~Yoil, Roth tho Oommissioner of Tublio Finanoe with ref•,r nod to tho push^r+e of bt•rknt 1louao i ; ' & Irving Co. ~ . ~~ Bond ~ 36 from 7011, Roth ~ Irving Co., bo reooived and filed and arpro+•o~t. Adopted ~ ii ulon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Ye~i&, Faoe, Fulham, l7^ahington Fed i ~ . ~~ Tully.-4. I ; Board of F.dv- Com^~iasioner Tully offered the follovir.g motion: That the report of F.far.viak.~ ` oatio~ Books '~ ~ and coots. Mitchell and Co. of St. Louie Auditors of the audit of the books ••nd aooonnta of the audited by 1Sar•~~ wiok, liitohell~ Board of Eduoation, be reoeivad and filed and t~••ro oopiea be furnished to the Presi- & Oompany. j dent of t'ce Board of Aluo ~tion. Adopter vq~on Deli of the roll by the rollo+vir,q vote; i C Yeaa, Taos, Fulham, Tully and ~.7aahington, -4. ~ 3 County J^ilen, ! Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the bills of 3. A< 3. B. Cott, ~: against Gott, Jailer of L:oCraaken Co. against the Citg of Paduoeh,~be referred to .the ¢ity Oity of Iaduoall ~ 9olioito r for investigation .-nd rer~ort b•.ok to this body, Adopted upon Dell of thv i ' ~! roll by the following vote: 'Yeaa. Pace, Tulliam, Tully std ;Paahington,-4. ~ Vao-tide .gr~nL•~' Commie• iom~r Tully offer~3d the Follourinq motion; Th^.t Fote Aoker and Roaolla od to lots Aoki; ~ er and Roaella' ,'Turner omployeea in the offioo of the Commtuaioner of Pubilo Fin~noe bo greeted two Tumor. { '' i weoks ~eoatlon with pop. ': ~ ~ ~- Report of Chiei` Commissioner Paoo offered the following motion: Th:a the report of the Chief , oY Folios adopt- , e8. of Polioe for the month of July, 1923, b~•reoeive8 red filed. Adopted upon call of the' ~' , , '~ Poll. by the following vot®: Yeas, paoe, Pnlii^m, Tully and ~Yashineton. f Report of Chief I Commissioner Pao® offered the follovrinR motion: That the report of the Chief of Fire Depto , ' Reoeived, y ~ of the Fine Department for the month of July, 1923, be reoeivad an8 filedv Adopted uFOn oAll of the ?oil by the following votm: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully end Plashing-I _, - ~ d toed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. - ~` ,~ ~ ~ . _ .. , ~: ~. ._. • .- _ W~ ,~~ w~~_ w ~~.~. .. ,.. , • • ~ r .. _ ,. ~,~ . ;, . ,.... ,: .. y, ,. • _~_ ,._. --~--- - .~._~~.._~,..... ,_,~_ _.w.__.~ ~,_ ---- _~. ,.~ ... •. ,, n Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~. ~:_. : ' 192- . .:. R. Harding Co. ,Cont. ~3A atim^te allowed sum of Y1i,434~44. E. R. Harding Co., Eat. 3D-3C sum e1lo,ved G,184.44 E. R. Harding Co. , Estim,te.on Trunk vine Extt sum slip ' $16,027.45 < E.R. Harding Co., Est. for .4]xtra Work on Cont. ~ 3A. sum ello:ved ~G.15 I ' E. R. Hsding Co., •i Est. fur Extra 1York ;! on Cent. 3B-3C, sum,! • .allowed $19.80• I E. R. Harding oo., Extra Nork Eet. on ' Oont. 3B -3C, sum . allgwod ~Y7,hb • E. R. Herdin¢ Co., Eat, _°or F,x~r~ '11ork ' ~ont.s 3.1, 3B-3C k j'runl; Lira Ext. sum alloaod,~`14.45 °.~ Yanoy & Johnson, ~""" "'" 3st. for St, Conat. ~ Cont. r'f' 6, awn aTlov+ • ed ~=,04b.39 'W..-~.. t t Commissioner ?'u111am offered the following motion; That the monthly estimates Yor work done during July, 1923, Don trcot no. 3A, for .sewer aonst;uoLion, be e~:proved -nd that the E. R. Harding Co. be ello•.ved y412;434.44 on eooount of said eatim-te and Commissioner of Publio Fin+=r.oe be authorized and direoted to draw oheok for en id amount on the 3rd Distriot Sewer Fund, Adopted by the following votes upon the o•=11 of the roll: Yesa, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully and 9eahin gton,-4/ Commissioner Pulliam offered the Yollowin g motlon;Thet the monthly estimate for work done during July, 1923, on eontreat ,~ 3B-3C, Ypr server oonatruotion be Approved and that the S. Rl Harding Co. be ello•.ved X6,184,44 on eooonnt of said estimate eat Commissioner of Pnb11o Finanoe be +~uthorized and direoted to draw eheok for said amount on the 3rd District Server Fund, Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by;~the Yollowing votes; (., Yesa, Paoe, Fulliam, Tully end ?4eahir.:gton,-4. Commissioner Tulliam o`Yered the Poll owing motion; That the monthl;- estimate for work done during July, 1923, on Trunk line Extension aontraet, Yor sewer oonatruot- ion, be a>;roved' and th•:t the E, R. Herdrg Co. be a]lo~.ved ip16,027,45 on+aooount of ~(1' said estimate a nd aommisaioner of Fublio Fin-noe be authorized and direoted to draw a oheok for said amo~:nt on the 3rd Distriot Sewer Fund, Adopte9 u}on Dell of the roll by the follo•.virg vote; Yesa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tally and Wa •hington,-4. Commissioner Pulliam offered the fo7lo:vina motion; That t}ie monthly eatim^te Yor extra work done on oontraoc 3A, during November, 1922, be approved and the Com- ~ ` misaioner of Fublio Fincnoe, De authorized and instruoted tm pay the E. $. Hard°ng CO. Contraotora, the sum of ,$G.15, said sum being payment in fu'1 for this work and same to be oharged r:gsinst the 3rd yiutriot Se•,ner Fund. Ado},tad upon sell of the roll by the following voQe; Yeas, Paoe, Fulliam, Tully and Washinr?ton,-4. • Commissioner pullia~ offered the Yollo^~irg motion:. Th•.t the esttm^te for extra work done dt:ring iiey„1923, on oontr^-ot 3B-3C Sor ae.er gonstruotion, be a}•proved and the E. R. Harding Co. ello,•red $18.60, payment in full for said extra ;vork; and said eatre cork to he oh^rged to the 3rd ~iatriat Sewer round. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the f ollowirg vote: Yeas, Paoe, Puliiem, Tully And 17eahinrton,-4. Commissioner rulll~+m oi'ferod the follo:•rina M:+tion; Th+t the e,;Limate for extra" "' work dote during July, 19£3, on aontraot 3A-•'C, for aa•.vor oonatruotion b.e ap}•rored and LhcL the Cor,:missioner of Fublio ~'in:noo be •^.uthorizod M inntruoted to pry to the +%. j R. Harding Co. •the sum of $"7. bb, said sum being pryraert in full for acid extra :vork k ar:d said extra ,vork to be oh^_rged to the 3rd +listriot Server Fund. Ado}aed upon Dell of the roll by the folio:•in R vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully ^nd Wa:~himYtonv-4. , Commissioror Pulliam offered the fo11:•.vinq motion; Th+a. the monthly estimate Yor extr•= ~.•rork done during J~~ly, 192.:, on oontreats 3A, 3B-3C ,~nd Trunk Line Extension ', aombinei, for s•3 rer oonatruotion be approved and the Commission ^r of Publlo Fir.~•roe I~,. bo +uthroize3 and inat•uoted to pay to the E, R. A^rding Co. tl:e sum of ~14,9b, ea13' ~ ,`• sum being payment in full fors aid extra .vork and sr_id srm to be ohargod egain.a t}:e l l . ` 3rd Distriot Sewer Fund6 Adopted upon oa1T oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ~ +-'' ~...... ~ Paoe. Pulliam, Tully and 9amhirgtone-4. ' Commissioner Pulliam o*Yered the follovir,~ }'otion; That the m nthly eati~^.te `° - Por worl: done during July, 1923, on oontraot ~ 6, Yor street oonatrnatian, bo approved and th.t the Comm'e loner of Fublio. Fin^rao be cuthorisoi and in:,+.r otod Lo issue im rovemonta warrants to Yanoy & Johnson., Cor.t~^.otora Sor the st,m oY $4045.39,,esid i sum being s5~ of the total amount oP vork done, as provided ty law. Adoptei uron Dal] of the roll by the fo]io ing vote; Yeas, Paoe, Fulliam, `14~11y end 'Neshiraton,-4 . .. - ..._...., T-"+R 4" + ~- . ~ , ~. ~.., .:'; .,..:.u ^^ .. v. ,, «, ...""`••.',"'?~..~+.(r<:"I? .'7a"s er7^,,r-~,,, ... t; .. ., '~^~,cr,- rr~';"%T '^.a,' :.,., .... a.., -. , "Yr -~.. :~._ ' I 1: li"i:n i Ifn ;.ir-~ .., ~.i ~ :i ii ~.i I I~p it ~~'~ II ~'•~Iil ~'il 11 ~~.-i TI a. lei I~I'Il I -~: ~ I. i i ~ ~ I IIIfF PI li~~ 1111..E ~I ~i I ~ I I I ~. I I I I ~ ~ F I' I I.II ~I .Ifs. -i: ails '' I ~/ ~~: ~} PN vti~:li ., .,~, ~y, ,. .. I ,_a. i. ~... ;-~- . .._ Il+i _ I iW ~. 1 w ii ~. _:p~ s.u~ L ,L.... i i t. ! , I •.; ..._.__.~__~_ _........ _-.._ ~ ~ a ~' ' N0.~~. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah- - `__ -192- _ i' Yanov & JohnsoY~ Commis3loner Fulliam offers? the following m lion: That the estim~a ea for extra { E{rt. Sor i~t.i7lci • Cont. :~7 aum ~;vark doro during July, 1923, on oontraot ~7, bo ai~provod Ord the Commissioner of Fublio allo:ved ~288.b7' ~ Finanoe bo authariaed nnfl instruotod to pay to Y~•nay ~ Johnson, corn raotora, the aum ; 3;_ °mn~.q.r~ s of .298.67, acid sum being payanent in full for ®aid •,v rk, and ohargo same to New i `'` •~ ~~ Conatruation .woount. Adopted upon the Dell of the roll by the 8ollo•vina vote: Yeas, I >; 1 I ¢ ;peon, Fulliam• Tully and 7abhington,-4. Ordin•.nae Eor ~ ~ - Alley in Bloak~. Commissioner Fulliam o~forod the followings motion: That an ordinanoe providing 9, bet. 2nd & '' 3rd Sts. & bet. far the aonatruation of en alley ir, Bleak 9, Old Toren, together :rith d.ll' necessary B'way. & Jeffei~ ' sor. Streoxsa ., manholes, oatch basins, intakes :-ni surer pi?ea, running from seoond street to third - ~,.,, atroot, bot:aeen Broad•aay and Jefferson atroot, in the City of Paduoah, Kentucky, at the Deal of the abutting pro?•orty'o:vnara, and providing Shat same shall bo eon^truoted • t 9 u~ on the ten year payment plan, bo ado?~tod. Adoi,ted u? on the call of the roll b;r the ~ ~follo:vin? note: Yeas, paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Washin!*.ton,-4. ~. 4 ~ On motion thg Board adjourned upon pall of the roll by 4 yeaso I F. p , ° o `. ~i :-ter _ '~+~' d~ Auauat 13TH, 1923. ~tm ~~° ~ . • P '~ , At 'e Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in $he Commissionera° • 'Chamber in the City Rell. Peduoah, Kentucky, on Anaast 13th, 1923, Upon sell of the i , • n I roll the following answered to their names: Comnisaionera Peas, Pulliam, Tally end' ~ -, ~ - ' ~ "~4ashtrpton,-4. Mayor Kettersohn being absent'from the City, i'.agor Pro. Tem. ',7sahira-' ~ ~` ton presided. ! `` . On motion of Commissioner Tully the mirntea of the previous meeting' were adopt-i { i ed as read-SpoE bh31 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, peas, Pulliam, Tully ands ~ Nsahirgton,-4. ~~, • ~ Commissioner 7lashington offered the Following motion: That the communication from .. _ I ' Contreot beta. ~ Supt. Hills of the i{. C. & St, L° R< R.,'top~ethor with the aontrabt for so~.ver eaten- { N. C. & 3t.1..Ry. ' and City, rele- ~ sion aoroae the i{, C. Ec St. 1. R. R. property be received. filed and recorded in the tive to sewer oonstruotion end's oontraot book and the year referred to by }.'a. Hills be ohanoed on the aontraot. oommunioation of! Snpt.Rills. p~: Adopted upon gall of the roll by the following note: Yeas, paoe, Pulliam, Tully and j . P 9aahington,-4, ,~ Commissioner ;7ashington oPfored the follo':ir,R motion: That the report of 1.asa ~. Report MoCreaken'^ Blanche ... P'sr•nell, Fublio Health 1{arse for'tY.a month of duly 1923 be reoeivod and County public ~ Realth beague. ~ 'files.. Adopted upon asll of the roll by .the follorrinP veto: Yeas, Feae, Pulliam, ., i ' ~ Tu31y and ',7ashiraton,-4. 1 ' ~ '~ Commissioner 17ashinr~ton offered the follo.vinP motion: That the report of Riser-~ , w' Report River- ~ aide ?'ospital, showing the r7xperditurea and Coileationn during the month of'Jul;r 123,E aide Eospital - ard patients ;r. together :•rith the patients °oport for the month of July, be roaeined and filed. ' :Report. ,i . ~ .Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Peoe. Fulliam, Tully and 5ashington,-4. ' Commissioner Tully offere8 the following motion: That the report of the Com- , Report Com'r. ~ missioner of Public Finanoe far the month of July 1923 be rooeined, filed and ordered public Finanoe for July 19 E3. ~ published in the Official Newspaper. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following I . vote: Yeea, paoe, Fulliam, Tully and t7eahington,-4. ~~ , ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the PollowinR motion: Thai the report of the Com- M. ii I ,• l~Report°Com'r.• .i• missioner of Yublio Finanoe o$ the oheoking aooount of the ~3 Diatriot sewer Fund :Fublio Finanoe oY 3rd Diatriotd for the month of July 1923 be'reoeived, filed and ordered published in the official • Sewer Fund ~ I Checking Aooounti newspaper. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vet®: Yeas, paoe, Pu111em, fo; duly 1923.•h i Tully and :~Pashing$o~*-4. ~ i ~. .. ~. i ~. 1 ~ ui iu~ _ __ Commissioner Tully offered the fol]owira motion: It apposrinq that the Inter- " I notional Shoe Company paid the full amount oY June Tax Bill •$177E $420.07, when they ~ • Internetion Shoe " have heretofore been exempted Prom Cit Tax fora eriod of five sere and 1923 being Company refunded i y P Y City Tnx paid ! the last year oP said exemption, I move they be refunded .the amount of City Tea being on June Tax Bill r~ . X1772 on eooount ; ~6{,7S for June on assessment of $3b300.00 at rate of $1.50 per hundred. Adopted upon . b year tax exam- ,j ~ ption. !; sell oP the roll by the Po1lo:vinR vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and ".Yaehirgton,-4. Commissioner Paoe offered the follo:rina motion: That Fire Chief 9lauahter be Fire Chief ~ authorized and directed to attend the state Convention of b'ire Chiefs to be held in S1^uahter to ~ Louisville p xpenae of the trip not to ex- nttend State Con;; K,v., tho :vook of Se t. 10th to lbth the e vontion of Fire '~ need G0.00, nr.i to ba charged to.the Aire De nrtmont. Ado tad upon nail oY the roll Chiefs to be ~~ ~ P P ho]d in Louie- ~, by the following vote: Yeas. Pnae, Pulliam, Tully and t4eohinRton,-L. vile, Ky. ;i i~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; That the Communication ixpm: Paduoah Railway ' the Paduoah Railway Co., dated AuP,uet 9th, 1928, oonoerning the loyirg of brink along '. ~,_. ,,„ Co. oommuniontion the Lraoks on 1923 attest aonstruption, be reoeived and filed. ~ Adopted upon cell of concerning laying oP brink along the roll by the following vote; Yoas Paoe Pulliam Tull and .Yashington,-4. its tracks on ~ ~ y 1923 Streot non-~ Oommissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the oommunioation Yrom ' struot ion. Yanoy & Johnson. Contractors, agreeing to allow Paduoah Railway Company to plane brioY -- Ynnoy & Johnson !~ elon tracks of 1923 street oonatruotion, be reoeived and Piled. Ado tad u on sell aommunioetion, g p p p;'. agreeing to • el low Fnduceh of the roll by the follo:ing vote: Yeas, PBae, Pulliam, rally and ~4eshi.ngton,-4. Ry.Co. to 11ey Commissioner Fulliem offered the following motipn: I•move that the monthly brick ea above. ;, i• i estimate far work done during tiny 1923, on oontraot too. 7, Curb and Outtor Oonetruo+' h".onthlyr.;etimate ~~ tion, bo a ~ r for July ]923 ]P ovod end that the .Commissioner of 1'ublip r'innnoe be authorized and on Contrnot No. ' 7, w~rk Bono by i dirooted to iusue Improvement "'arrants i'or the sum oP 9p108G,17, to Yanoy ~ Johnson, Yanoy & Johnson,H amount s11o.tiBd ;i Oontraotore, said sum being 6b;5 of tho total amount of ~.vork done rte provioed by lnw~ ~105MG.17. ~,~~ and furthermore that.Yanay & Johnson be notified that a deduction will be made from i the final estimate on eooount of insufficient watering and curing oP oonorete on 12th St., oet:veen Tennasaee'& Jones. or that said :vork will be rejected entirely'st'Lhs discretion oY the i~oard of Comnissionere. Adopted upon cell oY'the roll by the lollovr+ ..,~.• ing vote: Yeas, Pulliam, Tully and 1Yashinet8n,-3; LTaya, Paoe,-1. On motion the Board adjourned upon cell of the roll by 4 yeas. ' a ...~. I AUGUST 1STH. 1923. "~.~ Report Com'r., Public Safety relative Lo violEtors of ' ,_.« '.`-'-~Y`xprohibition law. At a Coiled Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the Oity Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky. on August 16th, 1923, at Ei36 o'clock Pal..?. •' ' I .. Upon cell of the roll tho following answered to their names: Commissioners Peoe, l,, Pulliam, Tully and Washington,-4. Mayor Katterjohn being absent from the City, (. Mayor Pro. Tem. Weahington presided. x9ayor Pro. Tem. Washington stated reasons for cell to-wit: To pass sir"e`eoluv lion authorizing the ~aineer End instructing E. R, Harding., Contractor, to lower the Frrades on Sewer District 3A; Aleo to pass a resolution authorizing the oontraot with Yanoy & Johnson be amen3ed, eo es to s]lov the use of brink along the Street Railway Company, as reouested by the Street Railway Company and eareed to by Yanoy k j Johnson, en3 ar~q other business that may come before the Board. I Commissioner Paoe offered the followinrt motion: I move that the report of the Commissioner of Public Safety relative to money oxpended in apprehendinrr vlOlatore o! ' the prohibition law be reoeived an3 Piled. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by.ths ~.' i .,. ~ .: .. tt~,-,- _.,.. ~. r.... ;~.~ ., .fi ..... ~ ... ,;- E°4-rd: ~^c,: ,^ 'fit Y1r ( ~ ....~-, ~,-•---,r. ~ ~. rn.,. sc ~ «.. ,~ ~.. , t+ar~'. ... . , _ ~. r i'r:p„i~irn .:., ;.,~. ~.i ~~~ ~~,~ if ¢,i iLir:RPrp nq p a~, q::r rTq---. i. iW,~_...~. .~ L, .~i __~__._ ~ ~ i ~ di ~..r nn ~~~,.i i ilrt~ .( ierrvr.. i ~, .. log! -.~'.. :..~.._ .,~, •. ~, 41 ~. ~~._I I I _iP ' .,. .. y _ ~i~{:;114~~~k. ~ b ! ~41 ~1~~ .. G.~~.~duf l'-J 1. ~. ~.: i. erlfc~ ' .` 1~ 1 .~ - .. - .- i, ~ , ~ ... _. ... .1 ~ M ~~xa.wK ~ - ~ O to No. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah__y_-::- __________192__ . s` following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Ynlliam, Tully and '~ashington,-4. '~ ~~ Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: Y move that R. H. Reams end H. ld.! ~ W.H.Rvama & H b`. ~ RedditL be allowed the sum of X887.11, ea reoommended by the Commissioner of Fublio Reddixt elloved r „ ~ ~p887.}1 aervioee:. Safety, end ae shown in his report this Bey Yiled, and whioh ie for eervioea recd ered rendered &o ~ apprehending ~ f and expenses inourred by the said Reams and Redditt in apprehending violators of the 1 f` violators o prohibition law. prohibition law, and that Wynn Tully, Commissioner oY Fublio Finanoe, ie hereby ~ ~ • authorized to issue voucher to the said W. H. Reams and H. Di. Redditt, Jointly, for ~i ' j said sum, end charge same to the account of the Police Department. Adopted upon oe13I r H of the roll by'the following vote: Yeas,, Paoe, Pulliem, Tully and 1Vashington,-4. ~ • l Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that "A RESOLUTION ` ,. , Resolution ~ authorizing E.R. dUTHORIZIiJG AND DI?ECTING E. R. HAR,7ING COl~O?ATdY, INC. , TO ?<2AKE C'4TAIN C.TiANG;3 IN THEM . , Harding Co. to GRADE OF TRUNK LINE Sr~.Pii'.S YN SUB-DIVISION A, S~VE4t DISTRICT N0. 3, be adopted. ~ melee verte in y oheages in ~ Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliem, Tully and ~ grade of trunk ~ line sewers ' Washington,-4. ' Snb-Div. A. ~ r ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the followings motions Y move that "A RESOLUTION ~ ~ Prl?;yiITTING YANOEY 8e JOHIdS02d, CONTRAC11lRS, TO pJLR3 C:..'RTAIIi CHATdG::3 IN TTY CONBTRUCTION~ .'. ~ $esolution per- p ..; muting Yanoy k', OF DHIVG:AYS ALONG i'fi~; '1"?A.Z3 Ob° iH: PADUCAH RAIL°!AY COT:fiANY," be adopted. Adopted t ~ dohnaon to make ~ ~-. , ' 'certain change rt upon Dell oY the roll by the following votes Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully, and ^Pashing-{ .~ in oonstruotiong ~ ~ of drive;vey N along traokQ oP~ ton.-4. ~ ~ . ~ Paducah Ry.Co. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move Chet the rate oY pay o , . ' the following men in the Department of Fublio Works, be increased as indicated: - ?;{ , Salaries of . Fred Anderson, Fred Anderson from }'$4.00 to ,~b.00 per day for days :vorked; Troy Downs from ,'90.00 to Troy Downs and;~ _..•. ~~ Robt+Humphrey j ;, 100.00 per month; Robt. Humphrey from 37~ per hour to X100.00 per month, effective. inareaeed.. a August 16th. 1923. Adopted upon gall of th® roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe ~ ~ "i e Pulliam, Tully and "7ashinP,ton,-4. , . n motion the Board ad ourned u on call of the roll by~4 yeas.' 0 3 P k , k ';~ d %~~f ' ..... ~~ ~~ I •. ~ ,~. AUGUST 18TH. 19 E3. ~~ I , At a Galled I4eetinp, of the AoarB of Oommissivnora, held in the Commission- ~ ~` er°a Chamber in the 01ty Hall, ]'aduoeh, Kentucky, on August 18th, 19P,3, et 11x30 k o°olook A. 1<i. Upon veil oY thv ro]1 the fo]lowing sna•.vared to their names: Commis- . ~ p stoners Pave, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and itifayor KatterJohn,-5. °f ' 4 ~ Esyor KatterJohn stated reasons for vall to-wit: For the purpose oY allowin P g I I , :. pay-ro11a for the first half of August, and any other business that might vome be- ~ `~ ' f ~ ~ ~ fore the Boyd, j ~ ' \ Coeaniasioner Tu11y offered.the following motion; That the eocounta £or the ; ' Report Com'r. ~; n Yirst half of the month of Auauat amdunting to yb835.68, as per the report of the. ; Fublio linenoe i and pay-roll for fir at half i.~ Cor.;miasioner of Fublio Finanoe filed heresith be allowed end ordered paid and the ~ August 1923. ~ ., money appropriated from the Geroral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fulliam, Tu11y., Washington and KatterJohn,-b. , - Commissioner Tully offered the following motions i'het the Pcy-roll for Pay-roll for ~ 3rd District ;; the ~3 Diatrivt Se•aer for, the first half of Lhe month of Aurruat,.amounting to ' Sewer for Yiret half August - ~ ;~463~3E,, be allowed ard. ordered laid and the Commissioner oY Fublio F in:.noa bo ' ( ' 1923.- ' t.to authorized and inetruvted to draw checks on the ~3 District Se:veg Fund Aoooun ~" • ~. ~ pay sum e. ': Adopted upon Oell Of:the roll;by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe., ~i::r~ i ua.:~:~~ i • W_~,~ • { r . k ,. \~ V ,.. p, ,.. _ ..,. . _.,;;; ., - , ~„ -• _ Commissioners':Proceedings,~City of Paducah~_ .:.._ - 192.- 'I . Pulliam, Tully, 57ashington and I{atter~ohn,-6. j t • ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that.. the oommuniaetion ; m~ ~ Southern Roods x. from.the Southern Roads Company, 104 N. 17th Street; Birmingham, Alebame, availing it- !, ~ Co. oommunioatior~ I and oertified i self of option ir. its bid and refreirg to construct paving on Fountain Avenue, between z 6 bond in re: eon-''. H inion of thei s o att b iv ff a t f d • d d d B .. atruation oY 17t St. betn.BFway a p reoe way an erson on ccoun o ver e r orneq, e e Je roa end Jefferson St i erd Yiled; and, furthermore, that the oertified o]ieok bond deposited Frith the Southern - ' ~ Roada Company's bid be returned to sai3 Comi,any. Adopted upon'oell of the roll by the i following vote: Yeas, Fece, Fulliam, Tully, l9eahington and Xatteraohn,-6. ' } ~ Commisaloner Pulliem offered the followings motion: I move that Lhe oopy oP . Copy~,of notice ~ notieo served on 3. R, Herding Company a,3 ordered bg this Board April 20, 1923, and served on E,R, 1~ Harding Co, as ~! reoeipted by said Compr.ny, be received and riled, ,Adopted upon Call of the roll by ordered by Board ' • Apri} 20, 19 23. p i the followinP vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliem; Tully, ?fashington and Kattor~ohr.,-6, • i Commissioner Pulliam. offered the fo7lorrina, motion: .I mono that the oopy oY Copy of notice notice served or. R. R. Hardin+~ Company as ordered by this B^ard, April 9, 1923, end served on E.R. ~ Harding Co., as ~ reoeipted by said Company, be received and filed. Adopted upan pall of the roll by ordered by Board; on April 9, 1923' the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ,7ashinaton.end Ketter~ohn,-5.. I~• On motion the Board adJourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. - •If AdaF-IeA ~~tat[.,~~ 19.x„ U .~. "' 4.'1.x+ • ' I~ - ~~~ ~~ . . • { ~ AUGUST 20TH. 192 3. ~. ~~ ~~ At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commiaeionera, held in the Commieaionere' ~ ' ~°°^°~°°~ ~~ Chamber in the City Hell, Faduoah, Kentucky, on August EOth, 1923; .Upon cell of the I i ``~~ roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Tully, :7sahington I'~..W.y~ I and Mbar Katter~ohn,-4. ~ • ' On motion oY Commissioner Tully the minutes of the prev~oue meeLirge were • ~I adopted as read and corrected upon cell of the roll by the Yollaaving vote: Yeas.. • I,1 pace, Tully, 1Peahington and Kntter~ohn,-4. ~ Commissioner Tu11y offered the Yellowing motion: `Phat the City Solicitor be { City Solicitor !; to bring in ~ instructed to bring in an amendment to the lroadway traffic ordinance, prohibiting ordinance amend-;; nt r be- left h d tu ki i Y • ing traffic ~ ng a an rn o rom ma cle cry person with automobile or other veh . ~ ` ~ ordirer,oe on ,1 Broadwway, prD- i! tween Third, Four, r'ifth or sixth Streets on Broadway. Adopted upon call of the hibitirg left- ' hand turns. ~ roll by the Yellowing vote: Yeas, Peae, Tully, Rashington and Katter~ohn,-4. i i! Commissioner Tully offered the followinP, motion: It appearing there is dug. Schools allowed ~ the 3ahools the sum oY ~184.Ob Yrom the aolh ation of 1923 taxes Yor the week ending ' • X184.06 from tax oolleotiona August 18th, 1923, 1 move that the amount be ello•.ved and ordered paid and the money for week ending ;; 1923 y Aurr st 18 appropriated from the general Fund to pay same. Adopted upon cell oY the roll by . . u ';I the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully, ',Pashington and Katter~ohn,-4. j I~ ~; Oommisaloner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing there is due Sohoola allowed a Y8,005,09 from ;I the Sohoola the sum oY~,00b.09 from the oolleotion oY Franchise taxes to Week ending Franchise taxes '~ to :rook ending ~ August 18th, 1923, I move the amount be ello~.ved and ordered paid and. the money - ~""~. ~lu;?ust 18,19P.3. ! t ` appropriated from the Cenernl Fund to pay same. Adopted upon onll of the roll by-the '.. ~-. ,, ~ Tully. Neahington and Katter~ohn,-i. Paoe following vote: Yono , , , , i Commissioner Tully offered Lhe following motion: 'That Lho bill of Marwick, '. '~ ~ Marwiok,L!itohell! Auditors,;; & Co. Mitchell & Company, Auditors of St. bouts, Mo., amounting to X268.41, Yor auditing ,,.,_~ , bill for auditing accounts Board the accounts of the Board of Eiuoation, be ap;3roveA and referred Lo the Board of of :Tiuoation • approved end re-~ FAuoation Yor payment. Adopted neon Dell oY the ro]1 by Lhe following vote: Yeas, ferrod to Board y ofr.'duoation Yor,; Paoe, Tully, 9aahington and Katter~ohn,-4, ' pcymont. i; :~ . v ..,. A ,... ,.. , - - .. _. ! ;I y ~~. w~. u e ~,. ~ ~., ,...-rd~1^a y ..;114. I r- ~u~~•pl~ydw~u'd~+:a ~Y~~ i ,~, ~~ _ V .~:.:. ~, r: ,. ,:.... ,.., , , . , . y _ w ~.r :° ~ ' 1 .I .:, : i .~T ' - _ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_____~.-_...~~_-_____-192- Commissioner Paoe offered the .following motion: I move that ti4ynn Tully. Commissioner :~'R•P.Thornton ,~ salary for firat~ of Publio Finanoe, be authorized to pay $b3.22 to R. P. Thornton, Patrolman. for eala- { help august "i 1°23. ~ ry for Yirat half of the month of August, whioh wag left off of pay-roll by mistake. , ;~ , a , '., j ~ Adopted Upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. Tully, 9aehington and } 7. ,:, ;~ t xatterjohn,-4. •~.,!~ ~ Commiealoner Pulliam entered the Oommieaioners° Ohamber. 'f. Cgmmieeioner ~Naehington offered the following motion: S move that Mrs, Frank Augustus bo paid the gum of $evonty Five ($75,00- Dollars in full for personal JAr s. Frank ~ ref. - Au mrstue paid injuries reoeived by her at ~nd Jaokeon Stroete on aooount of automobile in whioh ~"I $7.00 poreonnl. ~ Injuries reoeiv= sho wag riding, running into hole, and Wynn Tully, Oommieeioner of Fublio Finaaoe ie ~' od by her at bth do Jaokson h9rsby uuthorisei to pay sa1A sum upon presentation of proper re7easo propared by, the k:.9te. on aooount nutomobl~• Oity 9olioitor, ami thmt same be ohaY,Rnd to Coats end S:ritso Adopted upon gall of the running into hole. roll by the following vot®: Yeea, Paoe,Fu111am,Tullq,Waehington and Katterjohn,-b. ' Oommiseioner 9aehington offered Lhe following motion: Y move that Chae. ' Speok, or hie attorneys, Puryear & Puryeax°, bo paid the sum of $76.00 iri full aett]ement Chae.Speok pall $76.00 on of ell olaima the said Speok hoe a~tainst the Oity of Paduoah, whioh olaim erisos out' „~ naoount of suit ngs:inat O.N. of the skit of C. ~Y. Kattorjohn va Ches. Speok and the Oity of Paduoah° Ky., and S9ynn Kotter john and Oity of Paduoah. Tully, Commissionor of Publio Fin~as is horeby authorised to pay said gum upon prenantntion of propor r®lease, and ohnrge game to Casto and Suits. ndoptod upon .oa11 '' of the roll by the following vote: Yono, Pnoe, Fu11lam, Tully, ~YnahinRton,+~g 1Pay+s+~ ~attorjohn,-l. • On motion thq Board adjourned upon gall of the roll by b yeas, A~eFla~ I~dt°~ A~'YbbO''V~ Q~ aa. cC."' nuuu;~T 22tia. 192:5. ' At a Callod hteoting of Lho BoarB of Oommiasionera, held in the Commissionera° 4 Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kontuoky, on nurruet 22nd, 1923, aL 11:00 O!oloak ; f_ .. ~ . A. h. Upon oall of tho roll the~follawing answered to their names: Commieaionera Paoe, Fulham, Tully, 9aehir.gton rn8 idayor Katterjohn,-b._ •_~ ticyor Katterjohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For the pwcpose of adopting plane for the oonetxuotion of the alley botween 2nd and third Strc+et and Broadway and Jefferson stroet, end r_ny other buainosa that might Dome before the Dorxd. Roport Com°r. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: 1 move that the report of the ublio Finanoe, howinEr Apport- Commissioner of Publio Finanoe showing the Apportionment, the Amounts Fxperri.ed and thel . ~~ ~ ionmont, Amounts ;i . xponded and ~' Balanoea to tho or edit of the various aooounts under the different departments et the !,~ alanaee to ored ~, LLit different •end of July 1923, be reoeived arld filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the follow- ept e. inq vote: Yeas, Paae, Pulliam, Tully, ',9ashlnRLon and Katterjohn,-b. I~ ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the Commissioner oR 81de to be re- Fublio ',Yorks be authorised and irratruoted to advertise for bide for the oonatxuotion, ;Delved Aug. 29, ' j1923 Alley beta. of alley between Broadway and Jefferson Streets end 2nd end 3rd Strsete, by five in-' ~ . $'way & Jeffer- i , Gaon Sta. and 2nd -sertions in the Offioiel Newspaper, said bldg to be rooeived'Auguat 29th. 193, nt ' ,~° 3ra sta. 10 0°olook A. M> Adopted upon oa11 of the roll by the following vote: Yeea. Paoe, ' ~ Pu111am,~Tully, Aaehington aad Ketterjohn,•b.~ ~' On motion the Board adjourned upon Deli of•the roll by b yee,e. ~_ ,. ' ~ . , . slaelad -~.Llf dt~i , A~~~.~i',CSV~1 .....a p0D . ~ , a `;,~ :~ 1_ w:~: ~~~+ .~,~ I I' ~.~~~ }° i ' ' J ~ '• _ ._. ..._...,~.c... .=1.5.,.,".a~~,.u3~:~ ~'~b~ ~'~;'i~w,yyc ..~.~~;,;.~-..:.~ ~ ~.x~, u...:I . , m , ..:, ;.., , : ~ , :. a; -'.: . No. ~~-g.-- ,. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah-_._~:___:::_.~_~ 198- AUGUST 27TH, 1923. ~, ,m..~., f I At a Regular Meeting of the Board oP Commissioners, held in the Commiesior.era' ~~ 9 . ~~Chember in the City Hall, laducah, Y.entueky, on l.upust ?.7th, 1923. Upon Dell of the j~roll the follocrSng ana,~ered to their names: Commissioners Peoe, Tully, washinRton and ' i1 ~T:ayor Katter~ohn,-4, !j On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were'edopted ' ~i ea read upon call of the roll by the follo:vinR vote: Yeas, Peoe, TtAly, 19ashington and• ~ ' ~, I~Katter~ohn,-4. + jI Commissicner Fcce offered the follo.vinz motion; I move that the appointment of Guyi Gu Looney' and R. .Jones, hLooney End R. C. Jones es extra patrolmen, by the Commissioner of I-ublio Safety, be eppoiraed extra! patrolmen. i~ratified> adopted upon cell of the roll by tho follo:vina. vote: Yeas, Peoe, Tully, I+ 1~',Yashinzton and KattorJohn,-4. 77. '„limberly ~ Commissioner :7ashington offered the following motion; That the bill .7. TL '•71mb'erly ello"red .x].06.7 for bridge ?for bridge floorinr~ sold to the City of Paduoah for the Street Depertmerit, amounting to flgoring. 1I;~106,75 be ellor+ed and charged to streets. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow I ~. ing vote: Yeas, Peoe, Tully., '.7eshin¢ton and I:attor3ohn,-4. N Commissioner ,Peahington offered the follotivinrr motion; I move that the oontrnot Contract betn. City of lad u- :!bet::^een the City of Faduaah, Kentucky, rrd IIazel T:eloan, dated August 14th, 1923, be ash en3 Fiazel T"eloan. f;retif'_ed. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the fo]Iowinf~ vote; yeas, Faoe, Tully,. I~ I~ 4Yashinrrton and Tiatter John,-4. I ~ ~~ T'ayor KatterJohn offered the following motion: I move that AIJ ORDITdA27CE,PROHiBIT 4 IIiG AUTOiSOBIl3S OR V3FFICLr.S, TRAV:~.'HSL'(G B301.D"•'siY S'IR,";T, TUP.NITFG TO THE LEFT IftTO I: Ordinance raga„ lating left ;~ 'i?iI3D, FOURTH, FIFTH ~.Ia SIXTH STR3:^.tS, ATrv ]="30N.IBITIIiG hUTOMOBIL:3 OR VEHICIE3, TRA- . hc'nd turn on ~~ Broad:ray, ~~ V7?511tG TFYIRD, FOURTH, FIFi'Fi AYtD SIXTH ST3L'r.T3, TUBP7II:G i'0 L3FT II: TO BROAD'7AY STREET. and 3rd,4th, J 5th & 6th Sta ITd TH:: CITY Or^ FADUCAA, Y. Id TUCdY, be adopted, Adopted upon call of the roll by the i1 ti following vote: Yeas,.Peoa, Tully, '•7eahington and Katter~ohn,-4. G Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion: I move that Ah ORDIPFAIICE Ab4~iDIPili ; ;I {! AI1D YiF.-ETiACTIY~G S3CTIOPi 1 OF nPJ ORDI:;AI.Cc ::IdTI':LED "AN ORDIIATdCE FROHIBITI2dG VEHICSES " Parking Ordi- ~! Hence on Broad; OF ANY CHARACT::R FROM PARKING CTd EITH:.'R SIDS OF BROAD'7AY ST.°,.:.~'T, B;:T"'.~..°.PI FlTtST AIFD I way, S3V::NTH STY:iBT3, IN THIS CITY OF FADUCAH, .:cidTUCKY, AND FROVIDII~G A PEKALTY FOR VIOLA- 'j TIOPi Or SAT?::," ADOFT3D AY THr: BOARD OF COb1hiISSI01dr1t8 OF TH:Y CITY OF PAOUCAA, I^.-:I'TUCKY; ' 1 I1 OYI FEBRU:.RY 16th, 19E8, be adopted.. Adopted upon call of the roll ty the following - I I'j vote; Yeae, Faoe, Tully, Cleahinaton and Katter~ohn,-~. On motpion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. AdNp[ad:gZ, ~ 19~~. ~ ~/ ~ rx~.~o v`Fa~F ,. ~~~-t~ II MA•rr 1 Plans and Spe- oifi•cations for oonstruotion of alley in BSook 9 Old Towne AUGUST 28TH, 1923. At a Celled b:eeting of the Board of Commieaionere, held in the Commissioners'. .Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, or. Aur!uat 28th, 1923, et 2:10 o'glook, 1?. bi, Upon Dell ~f the roll the following a.na•~ered tia their names: Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Lieyor Katter~ohn,-4. bgayor Katterfohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit; For the purpose of adopting • plans and apeoificatior,s for the improvement of allay in Block 9 Old Tovrn, and any other business that might come before the Board. Commissioner Pulliam offered the follo:ing motioni• I move that. the Plana ani Speoifioatione for the oonetruction oY Alley in Block No. 9, Old Tovm,,Addition A, ' betneen 2nd erd 3rd Streets and ~roedwe y end J'afferaon Streets, sirmed by Eenry A, Pulliam, Commissioner of Public '~rorka and Chief ~gineer, quFrugt 20th, 1923, be , ~.,,.... Rm ~.rt ^°~'~>..`..:~Z ~~'~F~'1~''~. ~~ . '_~:~.',: ~~ ~.~@..~y ... "^'•~`~Z..-. ~~.::~' ~. ln`R!s~~~i, ~.. i ~ - i - 3~,3~n~'t~e/'~'., ;. . ~... \ . .. ~ . v , ~ ~ ` 11 1,1'1111 .-~ ,: '..I .. I'.'. '..I ~'n I'I[.. ~l 11 l~, PIIIII :.. II II -1[i '. ~~ P I I. ~ I •I.:II~.P. 1111.11.1 i~~l,:.1~I q-.I 'I i.~ I I ~ / 11.. 1~ "~':- I~R::'r,'I-?. _ _ J1a--~~ -" f~. ..~ - 'd I Ind u ~ ~ I U ¢d b - ), ... ~ ' ° I ~.,/ _ , ~ w~ .. - ~. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah _________ _____192 adopted. Adopted upon Deli oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, ' Tully and Katter~ohn~-4. ~• -t" Com°r. Publio Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; 'whereas, the OfPioial 7orke to re- ~ advertiso for Newspaper failed to advertise the reoeiving of bide sot for August 29tho 1923° Y move .,, bida for alley in Blook 9° Old that the Commissioner of Publio ~9orks b® authorized end instr uoted to readvertise for ~. To aa. ~~ reoeiving bida'for the oonetruotion of alley between Broadway and Jefferson and End .j .. ''' and 3rd Streets on September bth,.1923 et 10 0°olook Ae Ri. Adopted upon Dell of tkn ' ~ • roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, dyxlly artl gatter~ohn.-4a On mo i t on the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. '` ~ ~ ~ ~f l A,i•it•1 ~'If s 8 _ " j ~PPRbV~i '~Q~y / ~ 1+ iY.P,1~ Cam- c•rr.~+t ~~ ht~r6~R I t j ' ~ AUGUST 30TH, 1923. "'~ - At a Called Meeting oY tho Aoe~rd of Commissioners, held in the Commisaionere° ' at 10:30 A. M. .j , :, ~ , Chamber in the City He11,,Faduoah, Kentuoky, on Aut?uat 30th, 1923 Upon Dell of the 'i roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Fulliadd, Tully, r '4 ;4aahington and 15ayor Kattior~ohn°-6. ~' ' ! h?ayor Kr.tter~ohn statod rensor,s for oall to-wit: A`or thm }+urnoae oC modifylnR i E .atroot Plano ns to matorinl usod in Contraot ;~7, and suoh othor buainoas Lha.t mny .Dome boforo the i~oard< ' Commissioner Pulliam oYYored the following motion: I mote that the oommunioation City Consumers Company oo®n- from the City Consumers Company, dated Luauat 29th, 19 23, ba reoeived end filed. -:. ~ nioation. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~ ' weahington and Ketterlohn,-b. ~ S -, Commissioner Fullirm offered the following motion; Y move that A R3SOLUTION i I Resolution per- ~' ,i j ' ~mltting City Fr,RE3i'TSIlG T4:: CITY OOIdSUI.:SRS QO1.'I:°NY TO I?A`!: COI;3TRirCT::D, AT ITS 1:`'PENSE, C?.RT:Iid , ~ IIII "'~`°'""~ ~Coneumere Oo. to have granite I GRANITE CUFBIi~G ON IaOIdROr; STR.~:ET, b® adopted. ..dopted upon Dell of th® roll by the ourbing Don- ~ ~ i etruated in Yroa Yollowing vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pu111amoTully, ~9ashington°-4: Nays; Ketter~ohn,-1> i of its property I > ~ , on Lionroe St. ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the oonorete I I s , , sidewalks oonatruoted on both sides of yiPhth Street, between }.?onroe Street and 23adi- ~ 1 Sidewalks Don- u - atruated by pro- ~ son Stroet,'Dy the property owners abutting thereor, be aooepted by the City end that ~ party owners on g 8th Street " said property own era be relieved, ea may be allowed b;~ Kenenok y $tatntee, of artiv P . $ .aooepted. • p~ further obllRationa for the oonatruotion of aide:valks at this looati"on. adopted upon ;' r h Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,Washington and • s Katter~ohn,-b. I J i R ~ Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: T move that d. R. Crane b® app- ~ " .Crane eppo . n ~ - ed extra ~ ointed extra patrolman, effeotive 12 0°olook today.' Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by . patrolmen. h V the following vote: Yeas, Paoe° Tullyo 4sahington and Ketter~ohn,-4: Commissioner - I, Pulliam not voting. ~ - '? 1 , !1londay 3eptember Commissioner Neahin ton offered the fol].owi p ~ g ng motion: 9ttereaa L".ooday Se tembar i` I ~ ''S. i3rd 1923 Rebhg 3rd, 1923. is known as Labor Day and a Legal Holiday, Y move that the Board o$ ~ { i - `~ . bebor Day. Regn- I lar Iueeting Commiasior.era postpone their Regular'Ideeting until Yledneaday, September bth, 1923, ~ , `; poatpaned until Wednesday Sept. ~ at 2 0°olook 8. lt. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the f ollowinP vote: Yeea, Paoe,. ~ A bth°1923 at , I , E o'olook P.LI. ~ pnlliam. Tully, Nashington and gatter1ohn,-b. j 1 ~ On motion the Board adfomcaed upon Dell of the roll by b yeas, I Y , f ij t N .. .. - PP ~ f 9 ~i:us~>udF `._ v C2~ ` _~j-Os a ~ ago c""i'~ ~833'YOp { ~. `', .. ., ,; 1 - _.::, / ~ ~ ~' .... _.. .n...u...i.~'~s na.+s. .w.a~.~ Fa`n 1 • •wrw. y, .' s ...a° ~~ 1 ~ r ~~ ?..- . SEPT3IBFSt STHL1923. At a Called 1?eatinq of the board oP Commissioners, held im the Oommissionere' ui q Chamber in the City Ha11, Paducah, Kentuoky, on September 5th, 1923. at 10:00 O'olook !I A. M, Upon Dell of the roll the followinP answered to their nemee; Commissioners Peoe, Tully, t9eahington erd b!eyor Katter~ohn,-4< .. • P tdeyor K~tter~ohn stated reasons Yor call to-wit; For the purpose of reoeivinq blds Yor the oonstruotion of alley running Yrom 2nd end 3rd Streets and between Broad- way and JefYersor~ Streets, ea advertised, end Ruch other buainea's that may come before • ~! , a the Board.. I: ~` Commissioner ~9ashington offered the following motion: ~9hereas, the Offioiel i~ , !i Newspaper Yeiled to advertise properly Yor receiving bids set .Y or August Sth, 1923 Com'r.Public Yorke , to.ieradverbisa !~ for the eonstruetion,oY alley bet•.veen nroadway end Jefferson Streets and 2nd end 3rd for bids on alley betn,2nd & 3rd & @ Streets, I now move that bide be reoeived on September 15th, 1923, at 10 o'olock A. M, Broed•,vey and Jefferson Sts, q and that the Commissioner of Public 9orks be a uthorized to advertise five Limes in ~ .. Yor Sept.15,1923., ,,I the OfYioiel newspaper before the day oY reoeiving bid a. Adopted upon Dell oY the role l by the Yollowing vote; Yeea, Peoe, Tully, 9ashington and Katter~ohn,-4. (~ Commissioner '9ashington offered the Following motion: That the employment IInployment of oY David Smith et the rate of 11 cer.ta en hour and the employment of 1Yilliem '.Yell David Smith end Yilliem "fall. ~ et the rate of X3.00 e•day in the Depr_rtment of Pablie •~Yorka, be ratified. Adopted , I upon, cell oY the roll by the YollowinP vote; Yeea, Pace, T,xlly,end ~9ashinator,,-3; Nays i Ketter~ohn,-1. ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts ;i Acoounte and pay~~ Yor the last half of the month of Aum:st 1923, amounting to $18253.64, ea per the roll last hell August 1923 and I report oY the Commission er of Fublic Finance Yiled here.vith, be allowed and ordered retort Com'r. of Fublio r'inenoe. ~ paid acid the money appropriated Yrom the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oall a ~I of the ro]1 by the followirrr vote; Yeaa, Peoe, Tully, iYashlnir~'on,-3; Nays, Ke-tter- j~ john,-1. • , ,~ !i "" t Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the aocaunts Fay-roll Yor ~ Por the last half of the month of Aur;uat 1923 Yor the 3d Dietriot Sewer, as fo7lowq; lasD helY of ,~ , august 1923 for ~ Pay Roll ...............$~ 398.b7 3rd District ~ Supplies ............... 1191.70, total ,~1690.E7, be ellovrsd "° Serer. and ordered paid and the Commiasiorer oY Yublio r'in¢noe be authorized and inetruoted to draw aheoka e;gainat the ~3 Dietriot Sewer Fund Heoount to pay same. Adopted upon '~ Dail of the roll by the follo•>rinR vote: Yeas, Paae, Tully, '.9ashinaton,Katter~ohn,-4. } ~ On motion the Board adJourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. :rRp 3EPTrY.'Bb7t' bth. 1923. At a Regular AieetinR of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber in Lhe City.lsall, Faduoeh, Kentuoky, on September 5th, 1923, at 2 O'olook P,H.,•:;:`;_ Upon Dell oY the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Feee,.Tnlly,' '~9ashington ani ldavor Katter~ohn,-4. On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes oY the previous meetings were adopted ae read upon Dell of the ro]1 by the following vote: YABS, Paoa, Tully, :Yaehingtoii and Katter f oiin,-4. ,.. ..... • ..~.,-,. :•~~.,~~ ~+rz•:~-"N-'~' z,:. MF c'C""^'^"~+ .,,-'^~^i^~, .::.'+;'.^a. ,~ ac . .. ..~~?t~'m+~& ~~"x'.~,~""T~"' ~A,?.sCe~7,: ,~~»,4..~;-qn..r^~-.,; rr;T; . a ^- _, .;., ., .Yti,. w.. ,.w.. •,. _e. - . , .;. . I ,.fin ~ s _.. ,.. ... ~... - ~ I' I I I I. . i. _ .z,.,.. .~ w, Ysw"",^::S r s- =Y. ~ 'fib '"%'~ . a,.,o ~.. ~ ~ i-:: '; .., ~ :~ - W +tu+u...,- YICne~:. °~ ' ~ ' ,. - i ,.. .'.. ., •. ~ ' [[[ - ,,.' ~1a i ~ 1 N ~ o. _ . , . CoYnYnissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah __ -192- °~~ ~ a +. Jeok Nelson ~ lievor Katter~oha offered the following motion: Y move that the oommuniaation ~ ~ oommunioation. ~Yrom Jeak Nelson be reoeived and Yiled. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the Yollowing zi ~ ~ vote: Yesa, Paoe, Tully, 7eahington and Ketter~ohn,-4. ~~, ~. „ . . Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion: The sum of $50.00 having been ~ ~, 111 Cemetery deed paid into the Treasury, ea .evidenoed by the reoeipt filed herewith, Y move that deed be ~ to Nettie Jordan: eaeouted to l~fettie Jordan Yor Lot ~9, Bloak ~3, on the•South aide of Hank Street, be- ~' ~ ~} !` ~tween Ford and Hannan Streets, in Oak Grove Cemeter y. Adopted upon sell of the roll by -`~ , ~ the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully, 9aehington and Ratter,ohn,-4. - ~~ . t Commissioner Paae offered the following motion: I move that the resisatation of Reeimation of Jaok ~~4.Nelson ~Jsak A. Nelson, as patrolman, be aooepted, effeotive today, and his salary for five day '~ , aaoepted. yin September, amounting to X18.35, be allowed, and the Commissioner of Pnblio Finance r ~ - f ~ be authorized and instructed to issue ohenk to pay same, and oherge same to the Polioe ~ . , , •-~ ."Department. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote,: Yesa, Paoe, Tully, ,;' ~ ~i 7ashington,-3; Y.'eys, Katterfohn,-l. ~ ' ` y y Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion Y moc® that the report of'the ~ ,~ Report Chief of Y Felice for ~ChieY oY Polioe Yor the month of August 1923 be reoeived and Piled. Adopted upon Dell f; ~ :.t ` 6uguat 1923. Hof the.roll by the following vote; Yesa, Paoe, Tully, Weahington,and Katter~ohn,-4. f ~ Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: I move that the report oY the ! Report Chief of ~ ChieY of the Fire Department for the month of August 1923 be reoeived and filed. , Fire Department :, for Angnst 3923.~Adopted upon call oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully, Yashington and KatterJohn,-ai. i. , i Commissioner Aaehington offered the followinp~ motion: I move that the City ~ Solicitor be instruoted to bring in an urdirsnoe ellowinc the St. 1'ornerd Coal Compsny• St.Bernard Qoal ' Company to b~e r allowed to Don-~ to oonetruot a eidetraok eoroea the alley running bet:veen Jefferson and Monroe Streets f .. etruot aidetrao ~ gorges alley ~ Prom Tenth Street toward eleventh Street. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the follow- b i t , runn ng e tt. Jaffersoa i ring vote: Yeas, Paoe,, Tu11y,,Washington and Ketter~ohn,-4. t f g i ~ ' IGonroe a e. ro 10th St. toward~l Oa motion the Board ed~ourned npon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. 11th St. ~ u.n:~ .~~~i~n~ ~~~ i • . ~ ...._...._cfl~ .. - xR . ~: S:~T:1:13ER 7TH. 1923. ~. ~ - p At a Celled L4eeting of the Board of Commisaion.era, held in the Commisaionera' {I .. ~ CHrJnber in the City Hell, Paduaeh, Kentvoky, on September 7th, 19 23, at 11;40 A,ii. i Upon pall oP the roll tho followinz answered to their nemea; Commisaigners Pea®, Tully. ~lashington and }layor Katter3ohn,-4. ' • ~ :, - ' k:ayor Ketter~ohn ate.ted roasons for orll to-wit: To allow partial ravmante oY ~: Latimatos on i:.R.HardinR Company Oontrnot, and any other buaineoa Lhat might Dome be- 1 ' ~~. Cp ~ ~~ fore the Board. ~ ~ - . t' .. M t y Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move thFt ther'.. R. Herding #.. • i r~~~- q Company, Contraotor,~be allowed and paid the sum of ;10,000.00 for labor performed andl 1 .,, ' ' B.R. Hard Ira Co.~ • ,l paid ~10,000A0 (I materials furnished for the aonatruotion of trunk line sewers in Sewer Diatriot i7o. 3,i on estimates 3rd Dletriot ~ said sum to be deduo.ted from its regrilar estimates whioh will be prepared and el lowed ~ etruotion. ~ on lionday September YOth, 1923, and the Commissioner of Sublio Finance ie hereby ~ .authorized and. direoted to issue oheok to the said E. R. Herdin;r Company for said sum, +~end oharge aem'e to the 3rd Diatriot Sewer Aooovnt. Adopted upon•oall of the roll by . ~ I `the following vote.; Yesa, Paoe, Tn11y, i0eahington and Katterfohri,-4. ,. .. t h' fA ..... ~ .a,:a....;.... ..,a_ ""~"""1 ~; `Y ...~..~. - - ° w..~~....:s+~'~s 4 • ~:. r'.«"~..~°kr::a r3~'t?sa:45' *hR-.~~ ',u~;cr r..:urgi~e~w~: aa; t ;< ~ -- - r {.. - ~j Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move the.L the report of the , ~ Oommieaioner of Fublio Finaroe for the month oP.~=uwat 1923, be reaeiRed, filed ani ~ - I~eporL Com r. i rinenoe Yor the9 ordered ubli~hed in the offioial newspaper. Adopted upon gall of the roll by the •month :of August ~ p - , ' 1923. following vote; Yaae, Faoe, Tully, t7aehington and Katter~ohn,-4. • Oommlesioner Tully offered the following motion; i move that the report of the • Commisuioner of Publio r'inanae of the 3d Distriot 9o~.per b!und Aooount for the month of ' Re},ort Com'r: ~ August 1923, ba received, filed end ordered published in Lhe offioial newspaper. Finance of 3rd Distriot Sewer , for 6ultust 1923aj Adopted upon•oell of the roll by the follotivinR vote; Yeea, Igoe, Tully, iYaehingtan ` ', im ~ and Katter~ohn,-&. ~ • 1 T 11 Pf ed the following motion• I move that the report of the I ~,, ~~ . ,. Report Com'r. 'I Commies oner u y o, er r^inanoe ahowing!j Commisslonar of Fublio r'inanoa aho.virg the Apportionment, the Amounts Expez~ed and - Apportionment, Amounts :Ixpend-ii, the Balanoea to the credit oY the various aoaounts under the different departments ' ed & C. 'to end it august 1923. ii at the end of August 1923, be reoeived end filed. Adopted upon osll oP the roll by - j ' ~ the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Tully, tYashington end Ys;tter~ohn,-4. ° .t I'. On mo ion Lhe Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas, ~~. ii. SF.I'T:•9.Il3?I2 10TH, 1923. i I AL c 3e;*ular I~oetin? of the 3oerd of Commissioners, hell in tho CQmmisaior,ere' ~ ~~ Chamber in tho City Ball, heduoah, Y.entucky, on 5eptombor 10th, 1923. Upon call of, ~'' the roll t}:o follor~in~ answored to their r,¢mes; Comriissionera IFCe, FulIiem, Tully r~ 6 ~Yashiraton er,3l.:ayor letter~ohx:,-5. N ~ On motion of Commissionet• Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were edopfe ~': ' •as read upon gall of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Psoe, Ixil.liam, Tully. - ~ , '9ashinaton and Y.atter~ohn,-5. ~~,.. II r.4eyor `F.atter~ohn offered the follo~.vina motion: I move that, the Bond executed by .. ~~ . the P¢3uceh %lectrio Company of Jela,vere, ~~~ith the Iiationel Surety Company ea surety,, Faduoah Eleo- tria Company L for y500.00, be received, filed, approve3 ar,d recor3ad, Adopted upon cell of "the , Bond. ~ ~~ 1 roll by the following vote: Yees, Pece, Pixlliem, Ttx11y,:Ycehir.Rton end Y.^tterJohn,-5. j Commissioner Pulliem offered the follo•,;in~ motion; Imovo that the 11on'thly r ;:.R.Herding Co.{+, ~stimete for •vork done on the construction o° se.•rera in Distriot 3A durir.~ th'a month t :paid Ltonthly II :,stimate for jj of Auwst 1923, be approved, ^_n3 the, A:. R. i?end inF Company be allo•ved the sum of . AuRUat on Dis- j~ triot 3A, V X23,325.97 on account of acid •aork; and it eppaex•ino,that the B, R. herding Compery Saner Distriot $3• ~ heve been pa13 the sum of :10,000.00 on this account by motion of Soptember 7th, ~ f movo that the Commissioner of 1'ublio Finaneo be authorized and iratruoted to dray a checY. a~einst the 3rd Distriot ~e:vor Fund naootmt for tho balance of ,~}3,325.97. , > Adopted upon sell of. the roll by the following vote:, Yees, Pace, Fulli¢m, Tully, ~~' ~ I .Yeshington ar3 7-alter john,-5. ~ - ~ Commission3x• Iulliam offered the follo:rira motion: I move that the d:onthly '~ y - ~, '''sR,Harding ~ r^.atimete for ~•aork done Suring Gngust. 1y 23 by ?~:, ' . i?er3tne .^.ompany .for Se'.ver Con- ~ Comp¢r{q paid ~ ` +~orthly stimate atruetion for $•unk Lire .5ctensions bo r_pproved, •ard ::. R. Y.er3 ire Compr_nq be allowed for ;umust ~' ~ Trur,Y. line li ~b092.40 on account of sai3 .vork, and that the Commissioner of lnbli.o Finance be ixter,sions. authorized end instructed to 3rew oheok against the 3r3 Distriot Sewer Fun3s to the amount of yi8092.40, Adopted upon Dell of tho rol] by the followinv vote; Yeaa, j; Faae, Iulliam, Tully, 'Yashinaton an3 K¢tter~ohn,-5, ' ~. q U. { ~ -~._a....., • I , i ,.~.r ivy .,. ~..,~ „.. .. ~~~ ~~ n:ir~~,oi~ b~n~,i -n:. ~, =i;:~.,i,i.o i ~. ~. ~ ~.~. ~ ~ ~igei~ii~iq, ~~~.,i p ~~ ~ ~ ~i , ~ i i-~ ~ ~ , o is ~r i n. x., .,i ~,-~~~-r ~~-~ ~e ' Ih. « ~ 1;. i L ~.r. .,. 1v y; ~ ;rry ~; -, °~~: , v ~. •W~` ^ .., ~ _ '_'~ia{a`te'. "~' ~ ,~ ~ ~ -_. ~ i 4 „ I L~~i~ral~ ; ~~.it ~i:.~ u:. ud~ n i .` .. . .. ' .. ,. . • i ~ ~ ~ ~ , ;gx ^ - - ^^eya ' ' E,R. Hord inq Co. :~ paid ESonthly ~ttmute for ` Au?uat so',ver i~ oonatruotion• ~ i Distr tat 3B-3C. '? H 'Report Riverside 'Hospital for & '!An.auat 1923. i. r: •jCemetery Lrana-; far from C.H. :,_~Andrews to E.O. ~ +;• i bteaoham. ~ ' lRoport hnbora- tory Toohnlotan -,Iof Riverside '.; E iTOS;> ital for . `;'~6ugust 19E:iw':~, fReai,*nation of ~ ,, }1xs.Osla Harmon ~ gapper as Supt. ~Riveroide. Hos- - .-,pital. ao.oepted. ' Yanoy & Johnson paid .203.02 extra pork under Contraot- Noe B. :' YC noy R Johnson , ' .,:' paid :M?.08.25 'extra :vprk undor -'Oontrabt No.7. Yanoy +t Johrinon ~l,nld i,~onthly :_' ~,iotlmato for ;work undor Oon- traot 1~3o Suring buaust. . !' ~Xenoy ~: Johnson paid k~onthly iA;atimato for ,vork dono in August un.ler Qontraot No. 7. . ,. ,..~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah.-__• ~ ____ __._192- Commissioner Pulliam offered the followina motion; I move that the 2:?onthly 3ati.-' . mate for •~+ork done on the oonatruotion of se:vera in ~iatriot 3B-3C 'luring the month of Auaust 1923, be e]~proved, and •E, R< 1lardina Oompany be allowed ~E770.22 on eooow,t of said work; end that the Commissioner of Yublio Finenoe be authorized and inatruoted to draw oheok eaainat the 3rd ~istriot Sever A`unds for said amount. Adopted upon Dail ofI the roll by the follofiir,R vote; Yeea, Faoe, Fulham, Tally,4lashington end KatterJohn,5, Commissioner '~7aahingLon offered the followinP motion; Y move that the Report of the Riverside Kospital for the month of I,urrust 1923, togethor :vith the Patient's Report for the month of August 1923, be reoeived and filed< Adopted upon Dell of the roll by tho follo.vinq vote: Yoes, Paoe,Pulliam,T7siaHimgtoir,ILattar~oAn:,+LtCommxna;soar Tully exoused by 3icyor. Commissionor '.4ashington offered the following motion; Y move that the trarsPer 'from C. H, Andreva to Ea 0, hteaoham to 7.ot 1do. 62 in Seotion 4, Oak S:rove Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the-following vote; Yeas, Baas, Pulliam, ~~4ashington and Ketter~oha,-4. •Cortcniasioner i4eehinaton offered the followina motion: That the ror•ort of the ,. Laboratory Toahnioinn of Rivornido ?toaritnl for- the month of huairwt ••19P.'i be reaoivod and flied. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the followina vote: Yoas, Yaae, Pulliam, ~ '~'.4eahinrrton and Katter~ohn,-4. ~ E i Commissioner '~4aehin >ton offered the following motion: I move that reaianation of >vSra. Gala Harmon Harper, as Supt. of Riverside Hospital, be aooepted to take effect as eoon as a suitable person Dan be employed to fill the position, and that the Com- ' " miaeioner of Fublio Property be a~rthorized to employ a auperxntendent for Riverside I , Floopital, sub,eot to rntifioation by tho Poard of Oommienioners, Adopted upon Doll of tho ro]] by the followina vote;Yoaa,paoe,Pu111am,SVaohington and Knttor,ohr,-4 l Commissionor Pulliam offorod the fol]o~•vina motion; I mo~•o that Yanoy & Johnson, be allowed the sum.of X203,02 for extra work performed under Contraot too. 6, and aooording to ostimate dated August 1923, and oonaistina of 4 shoats, and the Oommis- eionor of Publio x'inanos is horeby nuthorizod to innUo oheok for nail num and ohnrge sumo Co Now Conetruotion, ndoptod ui~on Dail 02 thn roll by rho follo.vinq voter Yoaa, ~ Paoe, 1u111am, '~9ashingtor~ and Knttoraohr~,-4o Oommit+uionor lulliam oi'farod tho fol]owing motion; Y move that Ynnoy k Johnson, Oontraotore, bo allovod the sum of w20®. 26 for oxtra •,vork performed undor Contraot I' j No: 7, nx:d tho Oommissioner of 1ub11o Finanoe is horebp authorizod to ineuo oheok for said amount and oharge to New Conatruotion. Adopted upon oa]1 of the roll by the fol]o•ning vote; Xoae, Pnao, Pulliam, Waahinc?ton ar,d KaLtor~ohn,-4. ! i Oommisslonor rulliam offornd Oho fo]]owinR motion; I moos tfi at the b"onthly j l;ettmnto 01' work dono by Ynnoy F~ John non on tho oonatruotion of utroota undor Oontraot+ ~, ~3 d;:rlna tho month of ~itiR,UNL 1923, bo approved and tho oommiostonnr of Pu>771a ~'inanos~ ~ bo nuthorizod and inatruotexl to issue Improvomnnt +~arrant for ;~399e94 to Ynnoy k i 1 Johnson, said ;399.94 bolas Gb;~ of tho •+vork dono. Adopt.od upon Dail of tho roll by ~ I~ the followina votos Yoas, Paoo, Pu]ham, i7aghington anA Y.attnr~ohn,-4. { ~ Oommieuioner Pulliam offered the followina motion= Imovo that tho i;onthly d Notlmate of work done on tho oonatruotion'of ourbs and suitors Aurina rho month o! AuCtuat 1923 by Yanoy k Johnson, Contraotoe, on Oontrnot #17, be approved, and that i Improvement 14arranLe be ienued to Yanoy, 8c Johnson, Oontrnbtore for the sum of p .~1818.G9, being Gb;d of'nmovnt due undor oontraot'No. 7. Adopted upon Dail of the roll C by thq following voter Yoas, Paoe, Pulliam, '~7ashington and Kattor~ohn,-4. } . i. .w,m ' ' J . ~ ~ ~~ t i .. ~~ ,. ' -:' - , . - ~:, .. ~ _ i ;, :.. . • Na~...~'/0':_...r,' . ". Commissioners''Proceedings,•City of Paducali_..~._~~;_:... ~.__::._~_~~192- '~ Commissioner tulliam offered the folloavinq motion; I move that the k?onthly Est+- mate of wark done on the oonstruotion of 1Surrell Blvd. (S.lOth 8t,) by,Yanoy and '. Panay & Johnson, I rstimate august ; Johnson, Contractors, during the month of August 1923, be approved ar,d that the Com- 19£3 ~surrell Blvdr paid .p9,328.44. !~ miseionor of 1'ublio Finanoo be authorized and instructed to issue Improvement ,Yarrante • j for ,~93E8.44 on eooount of said estimate, said ~9,3E8.44 being 6b;jof amount o! work -••~ ~~ done. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Puce, Pulliam, i ?~ashington and ~stterJohn.-4. • ~' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following. motion: That the E• R. Har3ing Co. , E.R. Harding Co. ~ end their bond amen be notified that the :vork on Contract 3A Ss not prooeedinA at the and their bonds i! men notified thatj~ rata called for by their aareemnnt and that the T.'evor be inetruoted to notify them, , vrork on.Contraot I 3i+ is rot pro- iI in writing, sand attach a copy of this motion to acid notification, and take r.eoeipt needing at rate called for,&o. ~ therefor. Sdopted upon sell of the roll by the Following vote: Yeas,,Faoe, Pul]iRrq, ,. ~~ tYashington and Ketter~ohn,-4, Commisffioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That Yancy & Johnson, Panay & Johnson ~i and their bonds- i! Contractors, and their bondainen be notified that the :vork on their contreete numb era , man notified that:,] work on Cortrsatsj~ 1, E, 3, 4, 6. 7 and 8 for street and curb and gutter construction is rot proceeding Noa. 1, 2, 3, 4, ~~ 6, 7 & 8 is not ~ nt the rate called for by their agreomer,t, and that the T?eyor be insLruate3 to deliver proceeding at rate galled for. ~ tbTa notifdaati,Qn, attaohSng a o0pg of tfris;motiaii'thereto ancP pbtadn n receipt'there- &a. • ~ II for. Adopted upon call of the roll by the.followinq vote; Yeea, Peas, Pulliam, h '.7ashirgton and Krtter~ohn,-4, !I , ' •y •On_amotion the Board nd~ourned upon cell of the roll by 4 yeas. . Mealed.~t~~ ,!7 If~~ .~°~Pr:<r)v"k1D .-.-.. ~F.. if II SEPT:~~.?B::R 13TH. 19E3, • . E,R.Harding Coe Communiaetion. ~,.~ „ I ~~ ~' _ At a Called L?eeting of the Board of Cornmissionora, held in the Commieafonere'., jChamber in the City Hall. Faduoah, Kortuoky, on September 13th, 19E3, at E;EO o'alo do I jP. ~. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe ,. , Tully,°a~ashington and L?eyor Katter~ohn,-4, E?eyor Ketter~ohn stated reasons for gall to-wit: To receive oommuniaetion i (Ifrom E. R, Hnrding Company, reaerdinq stopping aonstruotion on ae:ver near 19th end , ,Kentucky Avenue, ar;d any other business that might come bef~•re th,o Board. j b?ayor ;:attar~oh*: o_°Yered the followinP. motion: I move that the aommunioation i 'y from +:. R. Harding Company, dated September 13th, 1923, be reaeined end filed. Adopt-• '„ed upon aell.of the roll by the following w.ote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully, flashindton end Ketter~ohn,-4. i?ayor Ketter~ohn offered the following motion; flhereea a communication from E.R.Hardinq Co> v in9truotad to jthe 3, R. Harding Company, stating that the :vork on the Trunk Line Sewer, on 19th oohtinue the '; ` construct ion of 'i Street. bet~rreen Y.6ntuoky avenue and hrcadway, had been stopped,. I move that the E. R. , Trunk Line Sew-; era on 19th St. ;;Harding Company be inetruoted to continue with the work according to the plane, speoi- betn.B':vr.y end .p Ky. Lve, ~,ficationa an3 contract. Adopted upon oe13 of the roll by the follo•.vina vote: Yeas, ~~Faoe, Tully, `~~aehinRton and Katter~ohn,-4, , Com4r.l;aahi~Elkbon offorad the follo.vinq motion; I move that J. C. Y.aely J.O.l:poly t o ,a furnish .inspect, furnish an inspector to E. R.. Harding Oompany on the 1"runk line Severe on 19th Strest irg Co, on Trunlt immediately. Adopted upom call of the roll by the follo•xir,a vote; Yeea, Paoe, Tully. Line ~e:vors on 19th Street, a fleahington and KetterJohn,-4'. '! On motion the Borrd adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ', bArpcd Iv2.~' t1.1=.:e trc,pV":Le1.D ,. ~,.~„«. ~.».w, ,-;.. T ..Y3:~,... w ~--,...w ^"..'^?""„"':5'"',".yt ""':":?""^° ""'.' ....-: °"t'.. r~• ~`~»C~, ...~g~.:~:3@~'.`? ^t. '.,';~ >. r't".~wr~ .3 , , ~, .. ~ ,.. a, . y1 _ . ~1! ~~_ ~ r ~^:~;~'~:,.. - ...,uW~rrs «,,sr-xnra~~rr*- ~,.. ~:ErrrrxM'~see.r~+ ~ r ~- ~ ", y I ~ ~ I lilt Iada,l~,! ILI~~~~~1 ~W~.sl.ll,~a ,_m„_u~ ~ ~, ad ,t .,L ~, ~~ ! ,..,~~..~. ~,^.~, n w 14,,,. ~.y. y..... ~.,,. .,_a~... ~...u;...,._.... .~. Ateaoc.. ~ .. ..~ ~ At a Called bieeting of the Board of Comniasionere, held in the Commieaionera' ~I Chamber in the City Hall, Faduosh, Rentuoky, on September 14th, 19 E3, at 4;60 0°olook ' ~ F. bI. Upon call of Lhe roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners '`~ i~ Pulliam, Tully, 7iashington and iieyor Katter~ohn,-4. ` y ,~ b~nyor Kattor~ohn stated roaaons for Dell to-wit; To reoeivo oommunination p Ii from 11, A. 1'ullinm, Ohlef ~Hlneor, and such other business thatmiRht Dome before the i'' P Bonrd. Mayor Katter~ohn offored the following motion; I move thnt the oommunination !Communication of 1 1 i ~ '' from Henry A. Pulliam, Chief Enaireer, reEeardina faulty pointing of 'Dints end lips at H.A.pu am,Ch e : 1 ''~1'~gr. regarding ' the Pointe of blocks in Lhe Segment Bleak Sewer on 19th Street at points between Broed- eeser on 19th St.; c ;and liinkleville way and Kentuol~ avenue and .on the entire Hinkleville Road line, dated September 14th, ;Road Line. ",;,j 1923, be reaoived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followina vote; ;3 Yeau, Pulliam. Tully, iYashinR.ton and J:atter~ohn,-4. ';~"`1 Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move thnt the Oontraator, , E. i;.)larding Oompnnv, be notified that on the construct ion of Lho Olay Soamont D1ook IE.R,Harding Co.~ Sewer on 19th Street from Station 89 plus 60 southward, the City of Faduoah assumes no. ''<`nnotified of de- ' :~ ~footive work on,+, responsibility for payment for such work ns is not pointsd eooordina to Lhe sy,eaifi- 18th Ut. sewer , -.and Hinklovllle L oationo and approved b3• the iSnginoor ul~~lor the authority Riven him In the Oontraot, - oed J;1ns. ~ q - 'and for such work na presents unusuol irroqulnritioe on the innido by the forttulLion of ]ipe at the ~ointo of the blooku, or for :Work which, in nny wny, fails to comply ' with the 0ontract, Finns nn1 Spooifieations, and thnt the 0"ity OSerk bo inctruotod to deliver n Dopy of this notice to the Oontraotor, iS, R. Herding Compnily, immodiato]y upon the ad~ournmont of this meeting. Adopted upon gall of th a ro]1 by the following woLet Yeas, Pulliam. 'l'olly, 't9aehin.gton and Battor~ohn,-4, Commissioner Fulliam offored the following motion; That wh areas R. K. 271eoe .K, Nieoe resig- ' entice and sale- has tendered hie reaianation in the Engineering Department, effective after September "ry 1st half of Sspt.1923, p lbth, 1923, I mono that he be allo;ved hie salary for the let half of Soptombor, amount- 811owede R ~ ins to $76.00, payable September Ibth, 1923, and-that same bo oharaed tQ sewers. Adopted upon oa.ll of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Fnlliam, Tully, '~7ashinRton s G and Katter'ohr,-4. f On mot ion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. p Aea~lai R?i~1~~3 . ~ ~W SLrM ' srxr:l::B::a 1bTx, 192x. ` Ate Celled 2~;aetina of the Board of Oommisaiorers, hold in the Commissioners' . ~ „ Chr.mbsr in the Clty Hr-11, Paducah, Sentuoky, on September 16th, 1923, at 10:00. k o'oloak 1. Li, Uy:on sell of the roll the followina, F_1lati7HYed to their naves; .^.ommis- ~, aionera Pros, Pulliam, `Pul]Y and .+ashincton,-4. bic,yor f:atterjohn being absent from Alloy batataen ,..the City, l~;eyor Pro. .Tem. '7ashinaton presided. ' 2nd & 3r3 Sts. 1 5 ' ana Bros3~+ay an Nay+or 1'ro. Tsm. '~7esnin~ton stated reasons for sell to-wit: to reaoive bids ~ Jefferson for-the constr action of allay. in,Bloak r~9 between 2r,d.and 3rd Streets red between - $road.vay and Jefferson street. . ~ Commissioner Iulliam offored the following motion: ',7hsreas bids have bean reesived for the cor;struotion of the r~ lsv betr'een yrord~.ray end Jefferson, Street red Y' 2nd ani 3rd Streets, from Osortre '.7. Lrttor john &. Sena~for the sum of ~,1b03.41, red - Y°nay F~ Johnson for the sum of $1560448, I move that said hide be reoeivod and filed Bids recd, and ana that i;aorPe :Y. Y,etter john & Son be awarded the aorttract as the log^eat bidder, ' .filed r.rd bid ~- gf Ef:ttor~oh & ~ t ana thet'the`oertified check deposited. by Yanoy & Johnson with'their bid be returned e . .eon aocey, . . .., ,;. - __ _,. 9 i ~' ~. j i % ~ rr ~~~ ~~.y , i ,. .n '• , ~ Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah_:~_~:_~ __..._. ~ 192- Adopted upon orll of the roll by thq fo.llowino- vote; Yeas., Faoq, Iu311am,,Tully amd ~7ashington,-4. On motion the Boerd fd~ourned upon oall of the roll by '4 yeea.. nd~~id ~ 19 AF'~'ROti`~:U S^;I'Tri:'13~t 17TH, 1923. At a Celled Meeting pf the Boerd of Commissioners, held in the Commiasionera° Chamber in the City Hall,•Taduaeh, Kentucky, on September 17th, 1923, at 10;00 o°olock A, 1?. Upon Dail of the roll the following answered to their remee: Commis~- aionere Peae, Pulliam, Tully, '9ashington and Mayor Kattersohn ~b. Mayor Katter~ohn stated reeaons Yor sell to-wit: To open bids to finish third floor of Rivera,ide Hospital, and such other business that might some before the Board. ~. { n, :,,~ ~~ ~ . ., 'I Commiaeloncr Naohtngton offorod tho following motion: That a}:oreea tho opening of bids for tho finishing of the 3rd floor of Rivorside Hospital exaeeda the amount Hills for finieh~ ~ ~ ' ins 3rd floor of ~I. appropriated, that the Board of Commissioners defer eotion until 10 o'alook '8edneaday. Riverside Hos- j pital reoeived & !~: Septembgr 19th, 1923; that the bids from Geo. l:atter~ohn & Son for Contirect ~1 ' Piled, ar,3 eation~ deferre3 until '~ emourting to ,y"7644.00 and Contrast ~3 amounting to ,5793,00; also bide from b?Ilea Sep t.. 19 ,19 r.3 at ;, 10 o'clock A:,?. ~~ Stewart Contract ~1 amour.tir,g toV"4636,OQ end Contreot L}o 2 amounting to ,3315,00, a~ ~be reoeived and filed, Adop"tell upon call of the roll by the follo:ing.vote; Yeea, ~~ ~'~, p Pace. Pulliam, i^ully, i7ashinaton,-4; I1eys, Fatter~ohn,-1. ~(I On motion the rioard t~d~onrned upon Dell of the roll,by b yeas. ~~~ I Ga A~a°c 1 ~ tA,'XO Cc ii S 1TsI•'.B?? 17Tf?, 1923. u it At a Regular b'.aeting of the Board of Con`anisaioners, ho13 in t}-:e Commissioners' ~~ Chamber in the City }irll, Paducah, Y.antuoY.y, on September 17th, 1923. UFon call of the roll tho follo.•ring answered to their names; Commis:iior.nra Peoa, }ulliam, Tully, lll • i :Yashintzton and I,iawr }:atterJohr,,-5. ~ On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meatinga were adopted ~ as ro-ad and corrected upon sail of the .roll by the follo:vir g vote: Yoga, 'Foos, Pulliam ' Tully, .Yashington and Kettor~ohn,-6. 1?eyor Katter~ohn offered the'following motion: S movo that the aommunioation from E:R.Herding Co. Communication re- ;I the c. R. F.esdin g Company, dated Soptember 15th, 1923; relative to reduction in ,length letive to reduatioti in length of sewer ~ of sewer barrel on Hinklev.iTle Rgad, be reoeived end, filed. adopted upon call of the barrel on Hinkle- .i villa Road line. ~~ roll by the folio-ing vote; Yaas,Pane•,Fu111em,Tully,',7ashin2ton end Y•atter~ohn,5. ~ L.e or Y,atter ohn offered the follo~.ving motion; I movo that the oommunioation Yrom ~ 'y ~ bL R.Enrdina Co. ~ the r:. R. Harding Company, dated Septombar 15th, 1923, rolstive to pointing up the aommunioation re ;! ]alive to pointing points in the Segment Block 9ewar barrel on 17th Street, ba reaeivod and filed. , up ~ointa in sag- i~. mart sewer blooka!~ Adopted upon dell of the roll by the fo7]owina vote: Yeea, Taos, Pnllirm, Tally, or, 19th St. J 1; '7ashington and Katter~ohn,-5, , ' it Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication'from ` F].R.Esrding Co. u dated Se tember 17th, 1923, r3letiva to Class A Street Inlets comn:unietior, rela ~~ .:. R. erdir.p. Company, p tine }to change in ii design of Class Aa on sewer exter.aion division, be reoeived ar,d filed. l:do}ted upon sell of the ro17 by Street inlets on "~ se~7er extension. ~ the following vote: Yeea, Pace, Pu111am,Tully,',7ashington and Katter~ohn,-5. F ¢ 1"ayor Katterfohn offered the following motion: I move that. the report of Blanche Reno.t i?aCrsaken aourty public li cunt public Health Ilursirg Service, State Board of Health health lea~zae. ;; rerwell oY the'MoCraoken C y ;p, ~, ~,. i .. ... ~ ..' .. ... • j ....~ - - 3 ,~ ' i,ny~ r ~'i i •'/ ~«» -- _ --.~ 1,._.~._-~~- ~ ,V<„iv~~Wk~dkyLl.. ~i II _ s w~i=~ mli~~.rwilWu~. 1 wm.~i-:~, _w u_ i ~~Ld :-i ~,L_ • O.r+ .... ... • .~ ..,.. .." ~.,pF.. , i ` f .. ., _.. _. _.~ _. .. .. .~.. _. ~__. ... ._. .. ..... .. ~ .- .. .. .. .._. _.. a.~ Y~' ~. No. Commissioners' Proceedings, Cify of Paducah 192- _.. _- - sfor the month of August 1923, a reoe v e e op a upon as o e ro y ~; the followin? vote: Yeas, Yeae,Pulllam,Tully,;7eahington and Kattsrlohr,,-5. "~~ , ? Commissioner fully offered the following motion: I move that the oomr~uniaetion E J.d.Shanks ) ?aorranunication from J.•E. Shanks addressed to Hosaoe Reed, Cit Solicitor, relative to damage to ~- damage to antomo4 y bile by Street {Department tsam.~ automobile trunk by a team of the atreet.Depertment, be referred to the Commissioner .. ~' ~ of Public ;Yorke for investigation. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following ~';~ '" j ',~- ~ voSe: Yeas, Peae, Fuhiam, Tully. t7eahington an8 Katter~ohn,-b, ", ~ ~ Coimniesioner Tully offered the following motion: i move that the oommuniaation 2 `.`~, Communioation al'~d .; resolution of y and resolution. dated September 17th, 1923, from the Board of Park Commiaeionere, be park Board re]a" rsoeived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, tive to Bond ~ -' Issued. Pulliam, Tully, '~7sahington and ICatter~ohn,-b. •'`~ d.M.Slavghter ~ Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion: Y mote that the oommunioation oommuniaation relative to the Fire Chiefs' Convention held in Louis- Slaughter r'ire Ohief of J A; "''~ Fire Chiefs° , , , ° ;:(, ' Convention held in Louisville, vile, Ky., September 11th to lbth, 1923, be rsoeived and filed. Adopted upon, Dell of " ~ ~ ~" the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pulliam,Tully,;7eahington,Katterfohn,-5. + { ' Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion: 1 rcAVe that the expense ea- . &xpenaee J.M. 8laughter,Fire oovnt of J. ki. Slaughter, Fire Chief., for attending the r'ire Chiefs' Convention at Chiei,attbn~ing Fire Chiefs ~ Louisville, Kentnoky, September Ilth to 16th, 1923, amounting to the awn of ~GC.GO be ' Convention at Louisville. allowed, and that the Commissioner of Public Finanoe be authorized and instructed to i 4 , G N pay same, and to be oharged to the A`iro Department. Adopted upon sell of the roll by 'the following vote: Yeas, Pace,Fulliam,Tully,;7eahington and Katter3ohn,-5. - } - ~tl Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the 3< P.. i ,'.9 B. R. Harding Co. notified oY d Harding Company be notified of the adoption of plane for Zone 4, which neaeasitate8 a :f adoption of plan for Zone 4 tale- e reduotion in length or the 42 inch sewer on `ho Hinkleville Road line of oontreat for ~i , 'tive to reduotid in length of n Diatriot 3A, amounting to 17~-feet; and, furthermore, that said company be renvmerated ' 42" ae:~er on Hinkleville Road ~ for the transportation of the blooka not used or, this length oP the sewer. Adopted Line, &a. upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, ;7ashington and Katter3ohn,-b. Cemetery Trans- Commissions; ~Psahington offered the followinP motion: Y move that the transfer ] - far from }Ste. Lary Y.offmnn to yl from hits. Nasty A, Hoffman to bits. Nona donee of the rear half of the south pelf of . ,. ' Ms`s. Nona Jones Lot X12, Seotion "Y^, Oak Grove Cemetery. be ratified, Adopted upon Dell of the r, roll by the following vote: Yeas,Faoe,Pulliam,Tully,;7aehington and Kattersohn,-b. d Co-nmieaior,er ~7ashington offered the following motion: I move that 7Villiam ' :7illiam Roser all:ointod supt. ~+ Roeor bee ointed Su erintendent oP the C1t Light Plant 1n lase of ;7, i1. Foroe i~ PP P y P ° . . City Light Fla n. i deoeased, effective September 18th, 1923, and application of E. L. Voight cud Guy T. ~. Ap}aicatiora of ~ E.I:'. Voight and Troutman be rsoeived an3 filed. Ado tod u on Dell of the roll b the followin_ vote; p p y g 1 ,Guy T.Troutman. ~ Yeea. Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, 7fashington and Y,atter~ohn,-b. btayor Katter~ohn offered the follo".ving motion: I move that AN OP.DINANCE FRO- ' Ordinanoe prohibit ing ' HIBITI}tG THE !7EARI}dC OF EdASK3. ROByS. OR OTHER DISGUISE IN ANY BUBLIC PLACE OR PUBLIC ; 7 wearing of mask's, &a. R ~ BUILDING IIJ TH3 CITY OF FADUCAH, S~ITUCKY, be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll ) by .the following vote: Yeas,paoe,Pu111am,Tully,9aahington and Katter,ohn,-b. ~ ~ Ordirrsno'e pro- '~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: l move that AN ORDIIIA}'CE viding for Bon Inane for im- dry PROVIDING FOR ANr:Lr:CTION BY 'LZi? QUALIFIED EIWCTORS OR WT:TtS OF TF..'. CITY OF FADUCAH.. provsment of Parke. &c.. ~ K.~TUCTY, TO BE HELD ON THE REGULAR ELECTION DAY, NOV?7.:BER 6TH, 1923, IN THE CITY OF ' ~ FfDUCAH, K:iidTUC$Y, TO D :T:12biIN1+. THE CUESTION "7iET~R THE CITY OF PADUCAH SHALL ISSUE ~ , ' , P~ 1,ND Sh?.L BONDS OF SAID CITY TO THE EXTENT OF ,ONrI HUIIDRED THOUSAND 0100,000.00) DOLLARS, FOR TH5 PURPOSE OF PURCHASING LANDS FOR PARK FROp~TY i,}dD FOR TH8 I}tFROVE-. bLZNT OP' F KS NON O'i'NED AN.O TO BE ACQUI}tED'; AND 10 PROVIDE FOR THE FAY}LENT OF INr y?59T . 1 OF SAID BONS AT MATURITY, Old SAID BONDS Ab^~ 'iD C?EATE A SINKING FUND FOR THE FAYI:~NT w:,c~wr " .. Y .- ., ... ...„ • F ' __ - • ~ .:.. • ,. ... , .. , .;,. t ^ Na~~~ .~ ' Commissioners"Proceedings, City of Paducah---____._:~__,_ ~ 192- __ _ _ - ~ be intraduoed eni lay over. Adopted upon oell of the roll by the Yollo'ming vote: Yeas, .~ Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, t4aehineton and Katter~ohn,-b. ~o~ i " On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of .the roll by 5 yews. '~, f ~ as.rt~t QP~;,eN~ _,; as sprR,ov~r~ r • ~I ~.~' • ShTT:5.B:31. 19TH, 1923. ' I At a Galled 1.:eeting oY the' Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber 1n the City Esll, Faduaeh, l:entuaky on September 19th, 19?.3, at 10:00 o'alook ' • `I A. L, Upon sell oY the roll the foiloreing ans:vered to their names; Commissionea~e ' Paoe, Tully and Wasriington,-3; t.ieyor 1Ustter~ohn bein,a ebaenL Pram the City, Mayor .Pro. ' 'Tem. ;9ashington presided. Mayor Pro. lem. !7sahington stated reeaon Yor Dell to-wiL: To paes,on bide for the ii improvement of City Hospital, whioh was deterred from meetinrr on September'17th, 1923. Commissioner '~~ashington offered the following motion; I moos that the bdi of . ~ L!ilea Stewart I 2dilea Ste:vart Yor the oompletion oY ContraoL 1'0. 1 at Riverside Hospital be awarded tp. bi3 Yor oomple- tion of Contrapt ( 'him, provided he :rill immediately give bond, with some aur•ety oompany,. to the amount iFl, Riverside ~~ Hospital awarded !~ oY his bid, to-wit: .4636.00; and, further provided, •that he will enter into a Don- to him., i~ traot to start the work at onoe and complete it on or before•Deaember l•bth, 1923. ' ~ i' ~ Adopted upon Dell of the roll bq the following vote: Yeas, Face, Tully and "lashing ' j ton,-3. On motion the Aoard ads~urned upon Dell oY the roll bq 3 yeas, , ~ ~~ 11~ ~ 3~T:0~:12 PATH. 1923. i ~ '~ 7 _ • ' ~I AL a yelled Meeting of the board of Comroisaionere held in the Commieaione~e' • N Chamber in the City xall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on September 20th, 1923, at 10;b0 Lry; o'olook A, M. U};on call oY the roll the following answered to their names; Coamie- i ~~ eionera Baoe, Pulliam, Tully, goshington and t.:ayor Ketter~ohn,-b. ~~ Lleyor Yatter~ohn stated reasons Yor Dell to-wit: To el low the payroll Yo! ', 'I the Yiret halt oY the month oY September 1923, and eny other business that might ooze , before the Board. I . ~ Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowinv, motion: I move that the pay-roll i • ~ •, ~. 4 ~ Yor the first half oY the march of September 1923, amounting to X7090.98, ae per pay-roll first ! half September.. the report oP the Commissioner of Public Finanoe tiled herewith, be allowed end orde- 1923. ;• ~~ el paid and the money •appropriated from the genoral Fund to pay same. Adopted nppn • ~ ~. ,; Dell oP the .roll by the following vote: Mesa, Paoe, Fulham, Tully, 9eahington and v Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Willy offered the following motion: I move that the pay-roll Pey-roll Yirat half September ~ Yor the Yirat halt of the month oY September 1923, for the 3d District Sewer, 1923 Yor 3rd • Diatriot 3awer. ~ emour,tinq to ~4b6.44, be allowed and ordered paid and the Oommisaianer oY Public•. ~ ~ ~~ Finanoe be authorized and instructed to draw oheoka egainet the 2do. 3 Diatriot ~~ P ' it Sewer fooount to pay ease. Adopted upon onll oY the roll by the Yollowina vote: .. iI ~ Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ',Yaehington and Kntter~ohn,-Fi. i ~! On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by b,yeae: I ~~ N i. . ::~ J ~L 7 i i ' u ,. cs o.+ _. '' ,: .. ~._- -~~. ~.. .. .. ~ ,,. ,w. ~ i ~:.~m_i„i~n m i. ~'. rni i ~ nW ,~ll,.wi ~m•~is ~.u • .,W~.,~~ ~~ x.~~{. ~.p.~ll ,.,....n. ,. II •, qn i ~(c~.~i:.. i ..q R~,. _.~. ~i '.. .~•_ _. I i ~ ~ .. _i .~ . i. I a ...~, ffirt" "' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ---198- . ~ SEPT/:}:9ER 24TH, 1923. a • AL a Regular SSeeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commieaioners' • ~• Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on September 24th, 1923; Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commiesionors Paoe, Tully,~ieahington '• and ISayor Katterjohn,-4. ' "~ On motion of Comtnieaioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt ed as read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, pace, Tully,'7sahington _ and Katterjohn,-4. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: Y move that the communication ` Gao.w.Katterjohn communisation from Geo. N, Latter john, relative to sever on 19th Street et Jefferaor,, b® received relative to ~ew- er at 19th .~ Jef~ and filed, Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Peoe,.Tully, feraon 9t. . 7ashington and Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commiasioners'Chember. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the oommunieetion American Legion from the ,American I;eRion requesting permission to hold a carnival during the weak - communication requeatinF per- beginning October ®th, be recei-ved and filed and the request be granted< Adopted miasioa.to hold ' Carnival granted upon gall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pulliam, Tully, I7ashinpton,-3; Nays, Paoe and Katterjohn,-2A Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the resignation of Ed.G.Merritt, Ed li. Merritt, as City Fireman, be accepted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Resigaetion. , following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pulliam,Tul7Ly,tiYaehin gton and Katterjohn,-S. Commissioner 7Vashington offered the following motion: That the communication from •: Street Light et the•residents in the vicinity of 24th and l4ashington Street be received an9 filed, 24th & ]reshingto ' petition of resi and that the Commissioner of Fublio Property be inetrueted to briAa_ in en estimated clot dents requesting same. of installing this light and investigate vfi ether or not we Dan stand any more lights :,, on account of shortage of boiler power at the Light Plant. Adopted upon Dell of the • ~. ,roll by the following votes Y®as,Pace,Fu111am,Tully,~'tashington and Katterjohn,-5. ' • Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that AIT ORDITTATTCE FRO- Ordimnoe pro- V:DING FOR AN ::7.ECTION BY 'Q{v c~UALI'r'IP:D .4'.LECTORS OR VOT:1tS OF TR CITY OF` FADUCAII, viding for Bond ;. Issue for Farks.~ K.w:NTUCF:7(, TO BkT REI.D 011 THr: REGULAR ELEC'PIOTd DAY, NOV1:A'B;r1t 6TH,' 191'3, IN THE CITY ,.100,000.00 OF T,-DUOAH, ]iENTUOKY, TO D1sTk]2T.1INE TN:: GUisSTION i4TUSTI{.'^.'Ii THI~; OITY OF FADUOAH SHALL ISSUL A1tD SSLL BONDS OF SAID OITY TO TII% i:XT: NT OF ONI; !{UNDRI:D TI{OUSAI{ID (,100;000.00) - DO].LARB, FOR TH ~ PURPOSE' OF FURCTIASING LATTDS FOR PA12K PROF:ltTY AND FOR THiS %MPROVE- ~ ~ •, • k:•:NT OF FGRKS NO'.4 0~{Td:1:ID AIID TO BE ACCULR~, :tTrD TO FROVID FOR THE PAYT.'.isTdT• OF INTr'"R- EST ON SAID BONDS ATJD TO CRi~.ACE A 3INKITTG FU1fD FOR TFi.: Pf.YT+'.EITT OF SAiD DONIDS AT MA'PUI3ITY, be adopted, Adopted upon call of rho roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, 'ltially, '~7mahington an8 Kattorjohn,-b, it Mayor K~ttorjohn offarod th• following motions % move that the Contract and Oontraot,Hond, ~q1 and tlertiflod ~ Oonatruction yornl for the oonetruotion of a11~v in D1ook ~9, looatod bet«esn 2nd and bheok of Oeo.t4. Ketterjohn.for ~ 3rd Stroete and between Broadway and Jefferson Street, signed by G, Clo Katterjohn & conatruotion of ' alley in B1ook Son, hnd•¢porge~lY.KA4tirjolhn;Sr. bortified check for ,750.00, es surety, be approved ,(k8,betn.2nd & 3r~ and H'way, n n1 filed and.reoorded, Adopted upon sail of the roll by the fol]owing roots; Yeae, , Jefferson tit. - , pnoo, Pu111nm, 11r11y, t4ashington and Katterjahn,-b. Oommieoionor Pulliam offered the fo]iowimi motion' E move tint th o Oity 9olioi- ib'anQ Oereal for be instruote8 to draft nn ordinance amondina an ordirnnoeentitled "AN ORDI1dANCE Beverage Lioenae Ordinance to be RNIGULATI1dG THE RETAT]:IN3 OF IdALT AND O:RATAL BEVi3RAGLS, FROV1DINf3 A LIOENSr^^. THr"o...EFOR, ,amend e3. ' ATID PRL"SORIBING Fr^.NAI,'PY FOR AIOLATION T}Ir~tllOF," in such manner as to increase the latitude of the provision whoreby lioenaos may b® rovokad, and provide that viola- tior~ of the prohibition law shall bo Rrounde for the revoking of.lloensos, Adopted '-t. ~ 1.u upon on11 of rho roll by tho following voter Yeao; Paoe, Pulliam, 'd'ully and D'ashinR- ; ton,-4. Nays KotL~r~phn,-1. a.. i ~' y;, ,, `4` I ~: t; ~~_. ~.~ ' ~• ~, i i e No.!C iC~. • ' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah~___..~~__._~ 192., . • On motion the Board adjourned upon oe11 of the roll by b yeas. . ii I~ .~__. ~~'~ d~~ -,~.,x. ~ u e« t . , . OCTOB"R 1, 19P.3. ~I .. At a~RePular Tdeetin;r of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioner e' IhI{ Ohembsr in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on Ootober leL, 1923. Upon oell of the T roll the following anawored to thsir names; Oommieoionora Paae, Tully, i9aehington and I Ii tv?ayor Katter~ohr,,-4. a ~ On motion oY Commissioner Tully the minutes of the prenioua meetings were ndoptea I ~ es read upon oall of the roll by the follovrinR vote: Yeea, Paoe, Tully, ryaehington and I j~ Ketter~ohn,-4. } - ~ i Commissionor Pulliam anterod the Commissioners° Chamber. ' ,~ ?,;eyor Katter~ohn offered the follotvin~ motion: That the oommunication from E.R,. E. R. Harding Co.~! ' aommunioation ~ Hardin&' Company, dated OotoLer '1st, regarding certain wires and oab]ee, be reoeived regarding wires. and' oablse. ~ and filed, Adopted upon oell of the roYl by the followlnfr vote; Yeae, Paoo, Pulliam, ;~ i Tu]ly, 'Jeahington and KatterJohn,-b, ~. Tl?ayor Y.atter~ohn of foxed the folloroinrr motion; That the oommunioation from E.R. Harding Company under date of September 25th, 1923, atatinz that Sub-Diniaion B. and' E.R. Harding Co. Communication ' stating that f C. of 5e•ver Diatrlot if3 has been oompleted, be reoeived and filed., Adopted upon sell Sub-Division ~ B.& C. Sewer I ~ of the roll by the following note; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,.?YaehinRton end Katter Dist.,~3 oom- I ~ ohn b ~ - DletBd. i . . . i Oommieaioner fully offered the following motion: Tho sum of X37.50 hanin R been i Cemetery deed ~ paid into the Treasury, as evidenoed Y,y the reoeipt filed herewith, I move that dead exeouted to ~ Nxa.Zula Foroe. ' l be exeouted to hire, Zula Foroe for Zot X80, 'Jlook ~2 on the !forth ei3e of Ford Street, i ~ ,~ betwoen Raker & Eiiller Strcots, in OaY. (Trove Cemetery. Adopted upon oall of the roll ,' ~ i ( -b. "Jashington and Katter~.ohn Fu111rm Tully Yeas Paoe tho fo]lowing note ~ b , , , , ; , y i ` ~ . Oommio,.+i or,cr Paoa offorod the follo,vln~r motion; I movo thr,t tho reaiar~~ition of bilks Dowo11 l i Pdiko .Doe;el] be aoooptnd nn of Jo]!tambnr F.f~th, lUT.3, ,uid that the Nations] Surety reeiar~ation. Company bo rolennod on hio bond from suture linht]ity, Adopted upon oa7] of the roll , ' , i by t]ro Following vote: Yoga, Paae, Pulliam, 'Pu]ly, '~Yaahington ar,d Xettor~ohn,-6. i ~ i Oomtniasioner Paae offered the fo]lowing motion; I mono that the ai~pointment of ~ N.R. Tads ap poi- d l ' 4 '~Y. R. Tads ns Futrolman by the Oommigsl,mer of J'uh]io Safety, hq rntifiod. Adopted ~ ~ man. putro nto j' upon call of the ro]1 by the following vote; Y,;rru, ]nee, Julltam, 'rna]y, '~Yaal,inaton I iI ar,d Katter~ohn,-b. i~ Conmiesioner Pulliam offered the fol~owina; motion: ,Yhereae X1500.00 wee deduoted E.R.Harding Co. allowed ? ~ from the l:,onthly 3stimate fur June 1923 to the E. R. Herding Comrony for the oon- y^ti1500.00 whioh was de3uobed li ~ atruotion of Trunk Zine Se•.vera in Diatrlot SB-30 on aooount of.inoomplete reavrfeoing from June Estimate Diat. ;~ of sireeta; •and ':rhoreaa said streets have ainoe peon rasurfaoed,,I move that the E.R. . i 3B-3C. !~ IIardinq Oompany bo el]owed said ~p1600.00. Adopted upon on)1 of the roll by tt3e ~ • ~~ ' ~ u following vote:Yeae,Paoa,Pu111am,Tully,iYnshington and Y.atter~ohn,-b. ,: ~ E.R.Harding Co. ';I Oommieaioner Pu]liam offarod tho following motion; ''lhereae :~b00.00 was deduotoa el lowed ~b00.00 shioh was de- • ii !I from the T'.onthly aatimate i'or June 19Y.3 to the P]. R. Harding Oompe~ny for the oon- duotod from June r^.atimate I~ 4 atruotion of Trunk Zine ~Sctenaion So:rars in Diatrlot ~3 on aooount of inoomplete re. Trunk line Ex- tension Sewers. I surfaoing of streets; end l7hereea said streote have ainoe been reeuri'eoed, I move { that tho ~. R, Harding Compery be;ellowed said $500.00. Adopted upon oall of the ! , ; , ~. roll by tho following vote: Yeae, Paoe, Pulliam,Tril ly,'.Yashir,gton and Kattsrlnhn,-b. ~I ' ~ -~ :F' .. ~..,:wp ^~",'~,'. '.",1^^~~ri 5'°~ '.,.:, P°n.^~5:'j""'". ~.'gT,' :.V,.. „.., ,. d ',. 1: ~.... ,-.::t.n ~ 4... u.~ .5.. ~ a!~~&"~31,"~".~P2K.v!ItY.~t». ~ ST.:.~W. F~~iS"i~'~7~'%a!R.'4k''~"1'^~ , .. . r ~. MI „ ~ y.f'+tf~tt~ ' • .. 1 ~ ,n ~::~-. r,i I IFn »' - ~ ~.i I 11 ~~.:.I41 II ~ ~~11 ni~.._, II'' 'I 1 i _ i~l ~~:~, rii ~~,I - I .'~' ~ r,~.i. ~-: I .'.:I nI~:P.m I~i~~l ~~~'~ I l i I ~i 1 1 I. i i!. "~ i I I Pia Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah -198- Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: I move that Yanay & Johnson, Yanoy & Johnson Contrnotora, and the paduoah Railway Comrely be authorized to,uae on the remainder of ontraotors and aduoah Railway the 1923 paving aontraots the same type of brink aonatruation along the oar trao}:a o. authorized to '" se remainder ~ es has been planed along the oar tracY.e eorosa I'urroll Boulevard at Jaokson Street, f 1923 paving rooided that same be oonstruated to the a royal of ther'ngineer and eooordina to ontreats same P PP ype of briok as sad along tracks the requirements set out in the Speoifioationa, Ordinances and reaolutione,reletinq arose h!urrell thereto. adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe,Pulliam, lvd. at ,Jaokson t. Tully, :Yashington and Katter~ohn;-b. • Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that the emplo;~nor.t of alleoe ysm',enae :Ysllaoe lawrenae as Bngineor IneFootor at W17b.00 per month be ratified, and that his ployment. salary be charged against the particular work in~tvhioh he may be enaeged in the Depart meat oP Iublio Norks. ddopted upon gall of the roll by tho following note: Xeas, Pa.aei, ' Fulliam, Tully, t7eshington and Kattor~ohn,-b. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; Thnt the resic!nation of C.F. .F.Teed resigns Teed inspector of Itew Concrete roadways, be aaoepted ea of September 2E3th, 1923: • ' ioa. ddopted upon call of the roll by the fallowing vote.: Yeas', Paae, Pulliam, Tully, ' 77ashington and Katter~ohn,-6. Commissioner ',Vashington offered tho following motioni' I movo that the tronefer fr emeterq Tranefe tom blrs.t7m. bSrs. "~Yilliam Beadles t.o 1. G. E;o.rberry to tho South half of Lot ~6 in Soo.tion 2, Oak eadlea to L. ti. arberry. Grove Cemetery be ratifieda Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo~+inq vote: Yeas Paoe, Fulliam, Tully, tYaehington and Katter~ohn,-6. Commissioner Fulliam off ored tho following motion: I move that the F. R. HPrdtnq E.R.Hardinqq Co. Company be ello:ved ~22b.00 for tho use of 76 barrels of extra cement used on aonorote llowed ~EBb 00 ' se of 7 Bbls. Pipe according to order of the City made nt the time of adopting look Joint Fipo for xtra oemont. ' Trimk line dxtensione, and same ohnraed to i'runk line Ahctensiona Server Diatr}at ~3. . •, Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, 11x19y, ` 'Aaehington and Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Fulliam offered the following. motion: That the receipts for_ notices served on the r7. R. Harding Compar~g, Contreators, and the h;aryland Casualty eoeipte Yor otiaea served o Company, thou sureties, and Yanay and Johnson, Contractors, and the National Surety '.R.Harding Co. ''surety, and Company, their sureties, to tho effect that their aontraots are running behind eohe- anoy & Johnson nd surety tale- dale be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon .cell of the roll by the following vote: tide to contract . Yens, Peoe, Fulliam, !'ally, '.7&ahington and Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Peae offered the following motion: I move that the report of the sport Chief of Chief of Police for the month of aeptember 3923, b® reoeived and filed. ad opted upon olioe. gall of tho roll by the follotivinq vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,t7nahington and Ratter~ohn,-b. Commlaeior,er Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the City ity 3oiioitor Solicitor be inetruated to brine, before Lhis Board a plan of systemizing the ordi- to bring before ' ". card a plan of ~ nanoes of the City, the aolleotion thereof for binding into book form, the rapes ling ,systemizing ordinances oY of obsolete ordinanae$, the amending. combining and ao-ordination of existing ordi- .City' ko. nausea and an estimate of the amount of labor entailed and the probable exp en se there- of. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully; • ~ ~9ashingtoa and Katter~ohn,-b. " On motion the Board adjourned upon_oell o! the roll by 5 yeas. ~'y~ J ev A :E' N I-~•OgTHd:U . MJLTOR__ .- ' i i $ v o-MF ... .. ,.: '. F..Y:S : ni; ...1;v<: ' .: . r; .:-~ '... .:'...-" I ,+ "•ru -:,i",. r.4R ~, 4:w......, s. w w-. ".v.rv; ..i.;a .» .. .. _. ,. . n.W wwa»w war.. ~+E.. .b .w :a.:. '.E . .. •-~- • No. ~ ~ i Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah__ ~::..:::~~<::, :::_...._=_ 192- ' i ~ OCTOB3R 2PID. 1923. .. ;.. i . ~I . I~ dt a Called L*aetinR oY the Hoard of Commiasionera held in the''Commisaionere' i ~Chamber,in the City Hall; Paducah, Kentucky, on October 2nd, 1923, at it o'olook d.>tI. ',. ' ~~ Upon Dell of the roll the follo:vlrg answered to their names; Commieaioners Peoe, ? ~ j; Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and ?.?ayor 1'atter~ohn,-6.- - - "• "° ~ b`gyor Katter~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-i3t: To pass,ordinenoe relative to 'I -` ~NrevoklnR any lioor.ae issued by the City of Peduoeh for violation of certain leas, ~ ~I Commissioner Fulltam offered the f ollowinrr motion; Imo vs that dN ORDIN;II?CE Ordinance provid ~ j ing for revoking ~;~PROVID IIdli A'OR 'C7? R~VOKIIJG OF ANY lIC::&S3 ISS1tI;D BY 'Pfiii CITY OF PADUCAII, Y°.NTUCL'Y, TO of artiy lioenae ~; ' ~ , for violation of p AIiY F'.cRS01I, 1'IR1,i, COEtI'e1NY OR COR10$ TIOIJ B0.°. VIOI.~ITIOII OF C?f?^AI?d IA'.93 i'F THR CITY OF "''' i~ certain laws and Ip ^;' Frohibition.law, ~ I'ADUC.IE,r:Id'PUCYY, AdD 4'I? IROI?173ITIOId IA;7, be adopted. Adopted upon Hall of the roll !":i':' {t: hby Lhe followinP vote: Yeas, Paoe, lrulliem, atiilly, ',7aahinRton and Kr.tter~ohn,-b. k ij - i ~~ On motion the Board ed~ourned upon sell of the roll by b yeas. {~ 3 ~ ~'. ~~ _ --* _ :' fl -1 OCTDBR.R bTH.. 1923. - ~ ~ ~` _ ~ , Pay-roll last ha]f September 1923. ' - PaY^roll for 3rd' District Server ' for last ha1P Soi~tember 192. Speoiel Fey-roll ' Street llepartmenl r Volpm tears of .',mar ice al].o•ned X75.00. ?.'or.thly ;;atimate :ork Sono by Yancy & Joi.naon on Contract ~7. { dt a Called Meeting of the Hoard of Commiseionera, held in the Commissioners, ~ .,.. {~Chomber in the City Fall, Padnoah, Kentucky, on October 5th, 1923 at 11 O'olook B,Ita, i ~, Upon Dail of the roll the follo:vinR ar.ssrored to their names: Commiseionere Paoe, i Pulliam, Tully ami 'Yashington,-4. Mayor Kattor~ohn being absent from the City ?,Ir.,yor Fro Tom Aashir,gton presided. - '. ~ { li ?"ayor Pro Tom 7ashington stated reasons for Dell to-wit: To e]low pay- ?:' ~, ~, rolls for the last half of September .19P.3, and any other business th et might Dome I ' before the Hoard. ~ Commissioner Tul offered the following motionr I move that the pooounta ,~ lY ~3,' for Lha last ha7P of the month of September ]923, amounting to ~22076.8G, as per the s {°; report of LhA Coronisaior.er of Public b`inanae filed herewith' be allowed and ordered ~ paid ar:3 the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon ~, Dell of the roll by the following note: Yeas, Paoe,Pullism,Tully and ',7ashington,-4, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the rooounte ~'; p for the lest half of the month of September, 1923, for Lhe 3d Dietriot Sewer, as ~_. I ;; 4 follows: Fay Roll...... ..y479.79 i~i il; Supplies.:...... 31.3G, a total of ;y611.16, be allow-, ~"~ 9 od ar.d ordered paid and the Commissioner oY Iiiblio Finanoa be authorized and in-. ~.~ s.. j atruoted to draw oheoks eaainat the I:o. 3 District Sewer Fund looount to pay same: E.dppted upon wall oY the xoll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pv]1iem, Tully end ~ 6 .,7ashington ,-4. I Cor^miaaior:er Tully offered the following motion: I move that the apeoiel j~'pay-roll from the Department of Tublio '7orks, from Dot, 2nd to 4th inoluaive, emovnL- ;~ , ~ ir,g to $89.78, be allo:ved ar:d ordered paid arri ohrxged to Streets. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa,Paoe,Fu171am,Tu]]y and '~7ashinP,.ton,-4, jl 9 Cominiasioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the Volunteers 4 of America be sllo.ved x75.00' to b9 paid y2b,00 monthly for balance of the year of d '' 1923 anI same to bo aharfred to Liiaeellnneous Charity. :/lopted upon Dell of the $ ~ . roll by the follo:vine? vote: Yeas, Iaee, Pulliam, 14illy and t7ashinatoi,-4. i; . ~~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the followir,P motion: I move that the monthly ,! es.timete :or :vork done during September, 1923, on the ooratruotion of Contreot No. 7, p Curb & Gutter :vorY. on I?onroo Street, be approved and that Yaroy & Johnson, Contrsot- era, bo issued monthly lrq,rovement warrants for v~1010.41 in pryment thereon. Adopted ;~;,' ~,,, --- - i ~. ~ ~i .. .,. .u~,; .„ I I , ~ ,~;~~~r~ ,~ ,~ ~ n n,~,~i~~,i ~i-u, „,~, i~~.~wirn~~,,, ~. ~ ~~i~m~,ii~n~,i ~~ .. ,. ~ ~ ~,~~, ~ ~: , ,~ ~ i air, r-i,i r ,m. i~r,,,-r r ~ iinY ~~ F. __ ~L__. • . '.y .. " - _ ~_~_.~.uu~~1~1~,,~_L~~IIL~W~Idw~~ ~ ~i~W ulr/ ~w~u.,l~ Lyiu~Jl, ~~>>. ,: rya" ,,.,I f ~, ~~: Na _~` ,' ~ ~. • `` r , ., . 4~• ~ 192- ` Commissioners" Proceedings, City of Paducah upon Dell of the roll by the fo]lowinP vote: Yer.s, Feoe, Pulliam, Tully and ilashinR- D ~ ' ton.-4• - ~, Commiasior.er Fulliam offered the followin¢ motion: I move that the monthly _ ti Edonthly ~etinate~ " ~ -estimate for .cork done during September 1923 on the oonatruction of Contraot No. 6, , for ~ei.tember ~ x :rork dor:e by ~ ' ,lturrell Blvd: paving, be approved and that Xancy'& Johnson, contractors, be issued Yanoy &. Johnaon ~ on Contrr_ct,~6...~ ~ ~ ' •'mprovement warrants for ,10,172.88 in pnitnent thereon. 6dopted upon Dell of the roll `. ~ • by the following vote: 'Yeas, pace, Pu]liam,"Tu]ly, rrid ~dashington,-4. - Commissioner pu]liam,offered the following motion: I move that the monthly Monthly aotimate .eatimnte for cork done during September 1923, on the Don atruotion of street aorhraot ' }..for Se}•tombbr work done by ~ }}o. 3, on 4th Street- :7ashington.to Clark Strect and on 7ashinaton St, 6th Street to ' i-Yencg &. Johnson .. ~'on Contract ~3.•~ N ' -6th Street, be approved end that Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors, be issued improvement ' •aarranta for ~334.2b in payment thereon. Adopted upon,oall oP the roll by the follo•v-~ ing voter Yeas, pace, Pulliam, 'Fully, and i7aahington,-4, Commiasior,or Fulliam offered the followin¢ motion: I move that the E. R. Hrrd- L+.R.Harding Co.~ ins! Company be ello-red X15,000.00 in pr_rt payment on monthly estimate for v+ork done '. elloaed ~1b,000. in peyt payment '° . during September 1923 on oongtr"uotfon of trunk ling sewers ir, District 3&, rs~d that ~ on x~onthly irsti- k f d d d h l ' mate for ++ork ~ raw c ec or ~ erxl irstruote to insr.oe be authorize io ~ the Commissioner of Pub ~. done during ~ Sept. on Die .15,000.00 against 3rd District server Fund therefor. wdopted upon call of the roll ` triot 3d. -by the following vote; yeas, Pepe, Fulliam, Tully and '.7ashinaton,-4. ,~ ~, " Commissioner 'fleshinv_ton offered the fol]o:vinq motion: That the aommunication Yanoy & Johnson ' from Yancy & Johnson, Contractors, requesting the City to [want thin an extension of ~.oommunioation " requesting ex- ~ time on Contract ~7,•be received and filed, and that aotion he deferred until Rea_vler tenaionof time on Contraot ~7.• : iSe9ting oi' the Board of Ifondeiv , Ootober 8th. Ad Opted upon pall oY the roll by the ' .. - follo•xina vote: Yeas, Pece, Pulliam, Tully and ;7ashinatorr,-4, d' Board rd,~ourned upon oall oY the roll by 4 yeas. ~ o ti on t On m hA " ~ ~ ~ ~ , A:C•'~'tt.U V u.;~ 3 '+~. ~, M~'Ybit. ' . OCTOB3R BTH~ 1923, ``~ 7 • 8t a'Regular }+ieeting of the Board of Commisgion~a held in the Commissioners' ' ~ Chamber in' the City Hell, paduoah, Kentucky. on Ootobsr Bth, 1923. Upor, oa]] of the ,a ~` roll the followingz ar,s.vered to their names: Commiaeiorera Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,_ °i '7ashington and L;avor Katter3ohn,=b. ~~~: ~ On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the prgvious meetings were adopted '. es recd upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, pane,"Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington ar,d Katterfohn,-5, '; Commissioner Tully offered the follo~.vina motion: That five delegates be appointed Deler:ates to be 'H by" the t.'eyor to represent the ,City of Padnach at the Ohio 'Talley "Improcement :.ssoeia- eppoiraed by 1'ayor to attend ~ tion Convention to be held at Cincinnati, Ohio, on Ootober. 17-18, the, ex enae of Ohio Ve11ey,Imp. p ~sao. ConventioYi~ et Cirolnnat L .`~ rai]roai faro and Hotel bills to, be paid by the City arts oharRed to Contingent Fun3. ,.dopted upon. oall o~ the roll by the follo:cinrr vote: Yeas,;Paoe, Fullir_m, i'u]ly, ~!1 'rYSahirgtun and }:attar~ohn,-~, , Aionthly Ro}~or.t ; ;, 1.:aa~or Krtter~o},n,ui"fer,gd the fol]o++inR~motion I'move that~~,th,e monthly report far 44 foc Sept.1923 - LPublio Health , ~ September 123, of- the publio, }iealth i}drains Servioe be peootved arxi filed. Qdopte3 Nursine Servioe.~ upon Dail of the ro71•by the following vote: Yeas, ,Igoe,, Fulliam, Tu]ly, i7sahinaton ~~' ; and Iiatter~ohn,-6. " ~ .. ; :. ~, . .~..... -. •. e.~ r ..,.~ , . ...; , ~ - .. ;. ,; ,,; .. ,.. . , . . ., , , „ .r.. .... ., t ~Ynx,.MM+.c-wane, ,.,........ ~. Q ` -' i Commissioners' Proceedings City of Paducah ~ _::. . : :.;, : 192 , . --_ _ _ _ ._:.__ , - , Mayor Kattorfohn offered the fo]la~:rina motlor.: I move that tho petition from ~ Petition property A owners requesting j property owners on I'onroe Streat between 9th and 12th Street batagem Jefferson end Mad- sidecv8lke built ;~- . on 1:'or~roe St,betn. ~ ison Straots, be reoeivod er,3 filed, and thet the City Solioitor bririe in a resolution ~,,, 9th ar,3 12th betr.. Jefferson and Llad- i ,;for said improvement. ddopted upon gall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Peoa,.~ ~ ison Sta. ;Pulliam, Tully, :9ashington and Y.atterjohn,-5. `~'~*"' ~ Mayor Katterfohn offered the follo'•vinrz motion: , I move.that,.tha report of the City Rei,ort City Soli- ' ' ' ' citor relative to jSolicitor in rerzer3 to the claim of Ixa. J. l,'. Shanks be reoeived and riled, ddoptad , claim oY LIrs.J.~. '.i Shsr.ks. ;~, upon osll of the ,roll by the follorvine vote: Yeas, Fade, Pulliam,. Tully, "leahitrrton I end Y.atterJohn,-5. 1•"ayor KatterJohn offered the following motion: I move that Mrs. J. ~. :hanks ~',j ,s ].:rs.J.~.Shanka ellowe3 y15.50 it , ;ibe allowed the sum of y~15.50 damavee to automobile oceesioned by e aity trunk running damaf,es Lo euto:no'=; bile ooresior.od '! into en3 against her car, ar:d that the Commissioner of Fublio fir,enoe ie hereby , by city truck xut r nir.~ into sanre. ;~ euthorizod to issuo eheoY. to her for sail sum er.3 cherRe samo to Stroet ~epertment, ;I . ~~d3opted upon call of the roll by tho follovrinr~ vote:,Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, - :7ashir,zton an3 i:atterJohn,-5. ` ' '; lteyor Katter~ohn offer ad the following motion; I move that the. City Salloitor be. ' Citp Solioitor to :', ' bring suit against cuthorizod ar,3 directed to institute suit a~ainat 7ayne C. .$nator., C; erk lSeCraeken . 7ayne C. Seaton, ' Clerk for money lCiruuit Court, for money collected from oases appealed from the Folios Court, dd.opted, oolloated from oases ^I: pealed :,; 'upon call of the roll by the following note: Yeea, Faaa, Pulliam, :fully,. t9eshf,nrrton ' from Fo7 i ce Court ~ ' ~ and XatterJohr,,-5. , ~~ Commissioner 'l`olly offered the follo.vira motion: I moos thet the report of the i Re;ort Com'r. of 'iCommissioner oP Public F'inanae Yor the month of. Septsmbor 7523, be received, fi3ed ar.d rr^inance for the ' month of Soptem- it ordered published ir. the offiolaT riewapaper, d~topted upon, cell of the rol] by the ~~ ~"" ber L?23. 1 ' f followings vote: Yeas, keca, Fulliem, 14tlly, ,'lea.hinaton and i:atter~ohn,-5. +' ~ Commissioner Trrlly offered tho follosving* motion; I move that the report of the , L , ""` Re}ort Com'r. of ~I Conunissioner of Fulilia r'inanae of the 3d ~fetrtot lower Fur,d ~ooount for the month oY ~ - - Ainar,ce of .3rd • Distriot Searer iSeptember 1923; be reoeivod, filed and ordered published in ,the official newspaper. ~ ~' rand dooount for ! ~ 5e;tamber 1925. ;jddopted upon call of the roll by tho folla•.vinr vote: Yeas, Faoe, Fulliem, Tully, , ~' :7ashinaton and Katter3ohn,-5. Conmissioner Tully offered the follo:dina motioni T move that the report of the Resort Gom'r.of , '. snares s}co wing ~, Commise ionor of Fublia r'irarce aho'•vinP tho dpportionment, the Amounts ::xpan3ed en3 the .lpportionment, .'. • .9:nour,ta iyp~er.3e3, I Ilelarces to the credit of the various aacrnmts urdar the different dapartmente et the I belarcea, f:•o. et i er.3 of SeIt. 30, ';end of September 30 „1923, be reoeivod end filed. ddoptad upon nail of the ro]1 by 1523. °; E : tho followinP vote; Yeas, Faoe,Pulliern,Tully,:7ashina~ton and Y.atter~ojm,-5: .. r ~ f ,, : ~; Comniasiorer 'l'olly offered the follor,in~: motion: I move that the rPLort of the ~ Ro} ort Com'r.of ; Commissioner oS Fnblia r'irenoe sho'vinrt the antioiprted Co]leotions,, the Coi~7eotione `~ _' irar.ce shooing :. .. ~..• . • .,, ~ I ~ ~ [ 9 .1r.t io ipats3 Cpl- ed et tho alone of Soptomber 30th, 1523, he received. std to be aolleat Aalancas yet u end I ' ~ 7^ations, Col- ~ .• -- ~ lections'and „filed. d3opted upor. cell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Tees, Fu]lia:a, B^-ler.cos yet to ; -~ - , ., ,: , .. be col7ecte3 at T411y, ;4ashirgton and Y.atteriohn,-5. ar.i of wept: 30, ~- .. .. r ; . ~ : !. , , -, ,- ,• _ ~ ~ ~~ 197.:. I move that the cpmmur.icetion 'rully offered the followinR motion; j. Commisaioner ' , to con duct a festivel from the Col or ad .aka ar.3 Colored I'asons requestirrt permiaaton ' ~'"` Co Tun i ~t ion loins 3 Kik3 en3. j~ , .• ~ .. ! -. "~ ,. . at or near t}.e aorrer of 9th ~ Husband~a StrAets said ,eativel to be coriuoted for the ' .! ,. ' i Col o_ e3 };csgna raqu,~stin~ par-• «. , r,• - ~ ' ~ .. , . ti colored 'people and c7.arity amont; them, be received nnd' filed ant tho renrzest be's~Rnted n~i ,. ,,,5? , m. scion to con3u03~ - • • ~ ; ` fostiva] erertod..~ ^_ri the purpose of said exhibition being for charity, that no lioonse fan be required F ~. ;y~,~. ' ~ ddopte3 upon dell of tho roll by the folio.-rinq not©:~Yoas, pulliPm, Tully, 7eahinzton ~W ,i ar,d ZatterJohn,-4; Keys, 'Faoe.-1. •~ _ . , . . , ;, .,. , , S r, Commissioner Tully offered tho follo:linp, motion; I move that the aommunieation,~roa!` i,:;ai,; Communicatior, ~ _ , ~ r,7 i'~ ladu~eh ].o3es of 'the Paduceh io3ge of rake, $217, be rooeivod .an3 filed and the rsauest arr_nted p.nd the • , ;; ,<': " ~l'rs p~217 requoa - .. , t ' ' , ir,~ pormissior, to ~ Commia:J. onor oY Public 1'inaree be authorizod end ir,etrueted to tacos a liaenae for eai,d ~ " co n3uat aarnical .; •''-. ,~ ' ;rrar.ted. exhibition. i.doi~ted upon call of the ro]1 by the follo.rinrr vote; Yoaa, Pu111am,Tully, • . M. ,, , _ . . .,- , , ~....._ T. , .., .. i ~ , . ,~., ~.,,.. r. '.;'' ~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_..~~~> ~ ---192 r' ~ ;Yashington and KatterJohn,-4; Nays, Faoe,-1. b Commissioner Tully offered the f ollowinu motion: I mov® that the expense of the R:~ ense S; eoisl -0 ' ~~ Re-i:~trs:tion df ~ Spocial Registration of Oatobor 9th, emow,tinq to 294.00 be allowed ar„i the money ~, October 9,1923. i ' appropriate3 from the Genorel rend to pay same end charged to Contineent nonount. 6doptod upon cell of the ro71 by the follo:4lna vote: Yeas, Feoe, Fulliem, i'ully, . ;Yeshington,~4; liege;"Katter,ohn,-l., , ' Commission er Fulliam offered tho following motion: I move that the employment oPl Er.:iaoymont of Lson Ara3ley es`~ Leon.Iira3ley, ea inapector'on ourb an3 ~~tter oonatruotion st 40~ per hour be ratified, Irspeator on oia' and wtter aon- effeotive October 4th, 19 23. dd opted upon sell of the roll"by the following vote: Yeas atruotion. ' paoe,'Fulliam, Tully, '~iashin?ton and Y,etterJohn,-b. Commissioner Fulliam offered the followinP motion: I move that AT? ORDII?;.ICi ' F `, Crdinaroe pro-'''~ FP.OHIBITII?G ~1IiY INTOXIC_1'T~ PrRSOId OR r::RSOi:S FROM OT~dTIIdG i.I?Y 7s??ICl..'. iTFOIdl. FLR?IIC y hibitinq intoxi-. sated perabrs HIGH'L'.Y 'II? 'PHS CITY OF F:IDUCAH, KdNTUCKY, AIdD FIXING T!T:; PEHl.lTY FOR VIOI~.TiOiJ TP ~Rr^,0 ;', w from ol~eratine r vehicles on rub- be adopted,• ddopted upon pall of the roll by the follo.wina vot®: Yeas, Feae, Fulliam, ~; lio 'high:veys. Tully, ',Yashington end I~:etter John,-5. r ~ ~ "'Comma"aeioner Fulliam offered the following motion: :Yhoreee wiuanal reini'all ha: Yanav & Johnson • gs anted eaten- ~ caused delay to Yanoy & Johnaon, Contreators, in the oonatruotion of ourba er,3 nutters aion of time to oomnlete aon- ~ under contraots numb ere 7 and 8; and, Yhereas the City hnP.ineerinP De?e.rtment has not traata 7 end 8, s ourb ar,d p,^attors been oompelled to retain an idle inapootor dnrinr, delays in this work or inour other to De.o.embor 10, r 1923. expenaos by reason of said delays, I move that the City Solioitor be inatrnatod to draft a resolution granting to Yanay Fa Johnaon, Contreatora, an extor.sion of time Por ~•the comrletion of ourb nt:3 quttor contraata numb era 7 and 8 until Deoember 10th, 1923. adopted upon ealI of the roll by tho following vote: Yeas, Feae, Fulliem, i7ashinpton,- ji 3;' idays, Tully and Katterfohr.,-'~~. ' 9 Commissioner Yace offered tho fo7lo-ins motion: Y move that the Citv Solicitor City 5o11'oitor be inatruate3 to brirx in an ordinarae providing a fine and Jseil sentenoe for persona to brinrr in ordi" nanoe pr~ovi3inc ~ aorrviated of speeding upon the streets of the City of Iedncah. Adopted upon ca71 of e fine sn3 Jail sentenos; for the roll by the follo•+rin~ vote: Yeas, prae, I'ullismm,Rh°lly,'~rashinrton and Y.etter iohn,-b persons oenviat-• s3 of speeding ~~ Dn motion tt:o board ad Journed upon Dell of the roll by 5 yeas, on'publio,street~ Of Oity. .. ~ Aiatt~d "p~~,~,t,1i„.,.XY,~ rur CL.-~ A~'~tc~O V~a~ _ ,~9AVf)K ~ OCTOBER 18TH. 1983. ;~ 3, ~ :~ At a Regular Bleating of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissionere° !I ' i!Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentnoky,"on 0otober lbth, 1983. Upon Dell of the' roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners ffieoe, ffinlliam, Tully and i ~Bieyor KatterJohn,-4. On motion of Commissioner Tnliy the minutes o8 Lhe.previone meetings were adopted i' !~ j .Vas read and oorreated upon Dell 04 the roll by the following vote: Yeas, paoe, Bnilism,~ ~Tnlly and Katter~ohn,-4. '! Commissioner Tnily offered the following motioa: dt appearing that there ie due f Sohools eiiowed ii the Sohooie the enm of $4718.79 from the tar oolleotions Lo Ootober 13th, 1983, Y move i, #4718.79 taz oolleotione to ~~that it be allowed sad ordered paid and the money appropriated from the (3enea~al Fnnd to' Oot. 13th,1983. ~ , , ipay same. Adopted upon Doll of the roll by the following rote: Yeas, Faoe, ffitalliam, V Tully and itattsr'ohn,•4. Oo~mnieaYoaer Paoa oftersfl the foliowirig motioat Y move that the report of the ~ Report Chief of ~ ~ 'Farb Dspartmsat Chief of the Fire Department for the month of 8sptembsr 19E3 be reosived and fi1sQ. I: for SspL.1983. ~ ado tad a osa oaii o¢ the roll b the follows ~ i p p y ng vote: Yeas, 8aoe, ffinliiam, Tully aad ,. ,Kattsr~Ohno•4. ~ i , .., ;, i __ { h' v~~ w .. Commissioners'' Proceedings; City of Paducah~.._~._~.~_::.~___ 192- ~ Commiesionsr.paoe 0lfsred the following motion: I move that the Leaes dated f Loose batwssn ~'' City of Padnoah ~'~Ootober 8th, 1923, by and between the City of Pndnoah, gsntuoky and Hies A21oe ffioo~nan' ~ and Misa Alioe j, DToonan, rental ;bs reoeived, filed, ratified and reoorded. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the lollow 0Y Nurses~HOIDee ~ , -:ing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tally and Sattsr~ohn,-4. ~: Commissioner Paoe offered Lhe following motion: I moos that the Bsport of the Report Supt. p'` Riverside Hoe- 'Superint.ead ant of Riverside Hospital for the month of September 1923, togothsr with pital and Patient Report for the patients' Report for Lhe month of September 1923, be reoaived"end tiled. Adopted Sept.1923. r upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Paoe, Pu111am.,Tuliy and Yattsr~ohn,4. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that tho employment of 8mployment of Maitland Pieros Maitland Piaros as inepeotor on ooaoreto street work, to fill the plane left vaoant Dy ". as inapeotol, Dept.Pnb'11o the resignation of G. F. Teed, at ~1b0.00 per month, be ratified, the remainder of his 'xorka. salary to be paid by the Portland Cement Aeeooiation. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by ~ the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tn13y and gatter~ohn,-4. t Commissioner Pulliam offered the fallowing motion: Whereas, the alley between G. W.Xatter~ohn & Sons oerti- Broadway and Jefferson Street, running from 2nd Lo Srd Street, has been oompletsd, -:~;;. fled oheok , ',,,~E deposited as 1exoepL for the oaring. whloh will require about ten more days, I move that Lhs oerti ' j r bond in re;Alley betn.B~way & fled oheok deposited by G, We Satter~ohn & son, Contraotore, ea a bond for the antis- - Jefferson St. from 2nd to 3rd faotory oompletlon of this work, be returned. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the st. returrned . following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully sad 8stter~ohn,-4. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the monthly ~'~ ' .~;- ~ estimate of work done on the oonstrnotion of trunk Sine sowers in Dietriot 8A during xas ~-, Monthly Eati- :,~ ~„ ~ .. mete of work the month of September 1928 De approved, and that the dednotione, amounting to ~~i ~ i,;~~ done by E.R. ,a,-., garding Co., on $8,008. E8 on eooonnt o! defeotivs pointing and oleaning of points, protruding blooka, 1 trunk line ~=° sexers in Diet. nnolean anrtaoea said other defeats in eurfaeing workmanehlp in ell Cley 9sgment Blook 3A, during Sept. 1923, allowed. Sewers oonetruated to Ootober 1, as set out in detail on Sheet 4 .of said estimate, D• ratified, and that•the E. R• Harding Company be allowed X7,791.46 on eooonnt of said ~~ estimate, and that same b• oharged against the 3rd Dietriot sewer Funds, ~1b,000.00 ~ having already bean allowed on this eatiroate Ootober bth, 1923: Adopted upon Dell of . the roll by the following vote; Yese, Paoe, Pulliam, Tally and SatterJopn,-4. t;':; Commissioner Pulliam offered Lhe following motion: I move that the monthly '•.".' Honthly seLimata setimato of work done during September 1928 on the oonetruotion of Trunk Line Extension. '.I'.,: of work dose due- ~ ing Sept. 19 E3 Sewers De approved, sad that the E. R. Harding Compe»•v, Contraotore, bs allowed by E. R. Hard ing ', Company on,Truak $4.149.47 on eooount of said estimato, and that same De oharged against the 3rd Dis- . tine Extension Sewers allowed. Lriot Sewer Fuaxle. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote, Yeas. Paoe, 1 Pulliam, Tully end Katter~ohn,-4. Commiaeionar Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that the estimate foe r Estimate for extra work dons extra work, oonaisting of plsoinq 47b pails of mortar in the lower parts of the hannohp ' by E. R. Harding Company en the of the Cley Segment Blook sewer from Station 6 plus Ob to Station 21 plus 6E of the Hinkleville Roed ' vine allowed. Hinkleville Road line, be approved, and that the E. R. Harding Company be allowed ,~142.b0 in full payment therefor, and that same be oharged against the 3rd Dietriat Sewer Funds. Adopted upon oall of the roll by Lhe following vote: Yeas, Paoe,P1~llita, +~+ ",, Tully and XaLter~ohn,-~•. ;~;,, , On motion the board od~ourned upon aall of th• roll by 4 yeas. Adepies (~~r/rt '~'t'~ 1f P,~ LJ•G(t/.~j R e _ ~y _ n _r• .r~.t x•:..3'4 a,.;:t~ ~: cur ia.:i ~j ,.'_'_' ~ ' ~ . ~ G.Z_~.t~~.t n;t~ \. t • . tr. __~. .' ~' ' `( 1 S~ ,_. ....~,,; ,;:xm~er ~ ,.~~+.~^.^'`~...;~;,;e»~,...~.;, ..., .~""'~3;s'a6."~°fi"xS'..'?.'.'is"FF.~^.~7'~a."'~""~.,C","y','"°`;'^m'.7x"q".g'?!'~' ..<..,,.. .r... .w'°.,., :.s.. ,.. .., ~..~ . . .. ~ .. ~ a .uri r"vrn ~. .,~-, ~~.~ ~ : n' n~F~?~u i~. ~?inn u,. ni~~~..p,i rP'~I qr r~-. ~ i '~~- if?et r~iv 1111-~.-1....p ~, f, ii i ,n I I i i ,i~. i fir i, ,:."~o.- i,i:,xm~-r? ~. n ~9e ~ ;.~, I~~ ..~ .~„ ... ..... -.J~ ~ ~w ~°{{"~p'z"~y, .i~w,w,~.. 1 s- gym- ` ~'~-~-..: ~l~u~hn ' d~~ .~ ~...,, °'s ~ x~~ z..~~a ~ }i . .~.., r,.,,..., ~' ., ~ ° ,~ Na _ ~5~' ~:~ . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah __.__~____.___~_____ ._. _192---- _ _ ~ _ v. '~ OCTOBER 20TH. 1923. i - _ b,~ ~ At a CaileB Meeting o4 the Board of Comnisaionera, held in the Oommiasionera° E'~. Chamber is the C1tq Ball, Paduoah. Bentnoky~ oa 0otober 20th, 1923° at 11:2b o'oiook :! ~ ~" ~~• 1 A. lt. Upon Dell oY the roll the 4ollowiag answered to their name®; Oommissionera j . Psoe, Tnily, --aehingtoa end 3tayor gstterlohn.-4. ~ `~; j Mayor 8attsr~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: To allow the pay-rolls for , . the flrat half of October, and snob other buelneaa that might Dome before the Board. ~~.,_ x z": ~.;3 . ; ; Oommiasioner Tn11y offered the following motion; Y move that the pay-roll Yor i ~:r ~ ~ ~; ; ~' . the first half of the month oY Ootober, amounting to $6°009.88° as per the report oY ~ ;.~~; ~' i Pay-roil Yor „ ,•~~ first half oY ~ f ~ :~,~. the Commissioner oY Publio Finaaae filed herewith. be allowed sad ordered paid sad thee: ~:: ` Ootobflr 1923. -.. ~ . : - d h f ,~ -~ npon sell o t e roll money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopte by the following vote: Yeee~ Psoe, Tully, weahingtoa sad $atter,ohn,-R, ~ ~ ° Oomeisaioaer Ta11y offered the following motion: Y move that Lhe pay-roll for ~ ~j Pay-roll Yor ~~ the !fret half of the month of October for the 3rd Distriot Sewer, amounting to ~• ; ilret half oY ~ !393.00. be allowed an8 ordered paid ,. and the Commissioner oY Publio Finance be author- E October 1923 Yuri" ~ c 3rd Dietriot ~ isefl and inetruoted to draw oheoks against the No. 3 Diatriot Sewer Fund Aocoant to t c±. ' 3: Sewer. - ~~ ~ :• - ~ , p p ng vote: Yeas Paoe Ta pay same. Ado tad n on Dell of the roll by the follows ° Llyo j _ - " i ~ ~ , , Aaehington and Katter~ohn°-4. ~` i ~~ 'r ~ Commissioner Tully oYlered the following motion: That John Liadler having ~ iohm Lirdler si+: ` resigned, eYfeotive this date. I move that he be allowe8 aviary amounting t0 $28.22 ~ . lowed salary "• on aooonnt oY ~ from Ootober !6th to 20th. and the Commiasioaer.oY Publio Finanoe bs snLhoriaed and r Ft his sesignation. ~ ~ inetruated to leave oheok aryl charge same tO th• 3rd Dietriot Sewer Aoaount. Adopted{ '. 'r'irL ~.,, , ,. ~ , npon call of the roil by the following vote; Ysas„Paoe, Tullyo Washington and ~ ~ ~ -; Batter9ohn°-4. :.s ~+, ~ p, An motion the Board ad~onrnsfl upon call of the roll by ~ yeaa. xf €<k:3C~ t: ~ . ~ i R ~ i i ied~~l-"l-9.^':~ ~9*43, A~r ~ ~ti j ;i ~~}.~, .. ~ ,._, ~ ~ "` ~ `' OCTOB~t 22ND. 1923. I .`~ :~ ~ . At a Regular Meeting oY the Board oY Commfaeionert~e. held in the Commia.aioners~ "~ ~ p Ohamber in the Oity Ball. Paducah. Kentno~° on October 22nd, 1923. Upon hall of the roll the following answered to their names: Commiesionsre Paos° 9ashington and Mayor I ~.E„ ~ ! gstterfohn.-3. ~~ ~ j On motion oY Com®ieeioner Paoe the minutes of the previous meetings wero i `~! !r ' adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yesa° Pnoe, Rashington and scatter ~, ~ .yohn,-3. ~ i~ Oommieaioner Pulliam catered the Commisaionere° Ohsmber. ~ ~. , Mayor Kattsr~ohn offered the following motion: 8 move that the oommunioation f ; .. ~.R.Barding Co. .. from E. R. Harding Compnay° dated October 16th. 1923 relative Lo dsduotioaa made oa i ` oommuniaetion ~, ;in re; deduatione' 1[onthly Estimate for work done to October lat. 1923 on 3a Sewer. be reoeived an& C made on Monthly ~ - ` ~3etimate Yor work:: filed. Adopted npon Dell of the so 11 by the following wots: Yeas, PaoO° 8n11iam° ~ -'ito Oot.l°1923 ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ t ^°~~'~ E~1letriot 3A. 7aehington and Satter~ohn.-4. i OOmmiealoner Tully entered the Coflmiasionere° Chamber. F; 0 '~ Oommieaioner Paoe offered Lhe following motion: I move that the oommnnioation :; Fire Fighters ` ' Internatiaa Un- of !hs lire lighters International Union bs reoeived and filed. Adoptsfl upon Dell oY ;ion oommunioe- ~ , tion in re lOAi ~ ~ the roll by Lhe following vote: Yesa° Paoe, Pulliam. Tully, Aashiagton. Katteryohn,-b.I~ , rsias in salary „ ~' 4 'f Commissioner Tnl7' offered the following motion: It appearing that there is Schools allowed;' ~~233.16 due ~ due tho 8ohoola the anm 0f =6233.18 Prom the taz oolleotioae $or the week ending j ', _ rom ta: oolieo -;tiOaae ~ Ootobsp 20th, S mope that it be aliowsfl sad Ordered pall and the money approprietefl }; .. .. . w ma: .., .. '~Si`S wAS Si. .: i.<,r d .. ~. k. r :'-':> ~ ~.~'.5.: .. ~'. .' :::'.~'.. r./. .._.. .. _. a .. .. .. av r.i..a.a .1 ~.;.wL~ .., r a. . .... .,_ .. _ (,w ~"~>ea -=r~ra,~.~vr'",Vd'~: .,'. ;+rw..' ~~ M..i' K:a •.'w• ~~,n' ~^.r ..,.w..,.. .. ~. ~, I _ _ . ., '~• " Commissioners' Proceedings, Cit3r of Paducah._.:.,_i:.ir_~:i~~_:~~:•~ 182__ _ - _ -. _ } ~irom the keneral.Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of Lhe roll Dy the following ~, - ..., .~vots; Yoae, Paos, Fulliem, Tully, Washington and KatterJohn,•6f b ~ ~ . b a; ,, Oommieeioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that Lhe Oommiselonsr Street Gonda tc .;iof publio Finanoo be authorized to pay off, take up and oanoel Street Bonds and Couponef Coupons in City ~! r+: , ,7: National Bank ;:ia the City National Bank to the amount of $164.69 and to draw a oheok against the ~ '" paid off. 1 ~.~~.,•:~:; ~, f;9peoiel Street Fund Aooount Lo pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the follows ~'''~~°•' • :ping vote: Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and KatterJohn,.6. 1 .,,~~ Commiealonor Tully offered the following motion;- I move that the notion of the 1 Ptnploymont of ~Oommiesionor of rublio Flnanoe in appointing Henry Iiennehsxger to assist the Aeae.aeor Hoary Hennegerger to assist the !n writing up hie tax book for trro months nt a en]nry of $160.00 per month, sffeotlve • Assessor. IOotober 16th, be approved. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, i Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and KatterJohn;-b. 'j Coaanisaioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the following itemized statement of .Wynn Tully ae delegate to the Ohio Valley Improvement Aaeooiationj ~Convention"held in Cinoinnati on Ootober 17th, and 18th, amounting to $63.19. be i Expenses Wynn :;allowed and ordered paid and oharged to Contingent; Tully, delegate to Ohio Valley .II Faro to Louisville $8.13 Fare Lo Louisville ........$4.31 ' Imp.Aaao. Con- I Fullman .................... 1.73 Pullman,................... .76 vention et Cin- '.i Diener ,.. 3.06 porter •. .................. ,.................... .2b - oinnati, Ohio. i!. Forter,......." ............. .25 Lsala 3.30 ,. ~ Supper ..................... 1.3b Room,...................... 4.b0 . Fare to Cinoinnati 4.35 Fare to Paduoah 8.13 ' !i Pullman .................... 3.00 Pullman,......'............. 1.73 " '; Porter, .... ............. .25 Dinner .. .................. 3.10 ~" ... i. ' i; heals .......... ..... 8.90 Porter ,... ... ..................... .2b ~r, ~i Room ....................... 3.85 Teri-Ciaoinnati-Louisville, •'" ~{ ~ & Padua eh .................. 2.Ob " ~ I'. ''Adopted upon. Dail of the roll by the following.vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ' • IW~~hington and KatterJohn.-b. _~ • Report Henry A. ii Commissioner Pulliam offered Lhe following motion; I Hove that tike ;sport Of pu111am,Chief 9 Engineer, refs-":'Henry A. Pulliam, Chief Engineer of sewer oonatruotion relative to the work to be done Live to work to i' - be done on on eontraot for Trunk Line Sewers Dlatriot 3B-SC before sooeptanoe by the City, De. Trunk Line Sewer; Diatriot 3B-3C !jreoeived and filed; and a Dopy of ea id report be delivered to the $ R. Anrdlnq Oompany~;, before aooept- v ;, anoe. !IAdopLed upon Dell 0! the roll by the following vote: Yee a, Faoe, Pulliam, TuIiq, i ~Waehington and KatterJohn,-b. Yenoy & 'John- y Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion:.I move that A RESOLUTION eon. Contraotor e~ ' extension of , E!(T3NDIN(i.THE TILQ! OF YANCY & JOHNSON. CONBiACTORS, FOR THE CONS'QtUCTION OF CiHtB3 AND ~ " time to oompletb oontraots Nos. ,OUTTA:R9~UNDER COJ,TRACTS NOS. 7 AND 8, be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by 7 and 8. .j the following vote; Yeae, Paoe,Pulliam,Waehington;.3iNaye,Tully end KatterJohn,-8. ' ` Commissioner Paos offered Lhe following motion; I move Lhat all fireman, day ' l0~ Reiss- end night operators of the Paduoah Fire yepartment be allowed a 10~ raise in salary, Fire Department.,, r.effeotivs November let, 1983, same Lo be ahargod L.o the Contingent Fund.. ` li Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the motion grant„ !~ing an inorease of SO`~i in pay to the members of the Fine Department be amended a. '~r 10~rrales-' .1 ~'` City Flzployeae.'Ifollowe; That an inoreaes of IOib in pay be also granted Lo all other Oity Employoee ~eYfeotive November let, 1923, and thsL Lhe Oity Solioitor De lnetruoted to Dring in , "' ~!en ordinanoa granting same. Adopted upon Dell of the rol] by the fo]lowing vote; Yeas , 'Paoe Pulliam Tull 7lashir. ton 4; Na a Katter~ohn 1. '''T y. g .- y .• r The original motion of ~iir. Paoe, ae emended by tha'motion of Mr.~Tully, was .. 'ithen voted upon and adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, • h~Tully, ItnLterJohn,-3; Nsya, .~eahington,-1. Commiselon~r Pulliam not Doting. • ! ! Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion. T moos the following amend. `fr', , {~ment to Lhs motion raising aninrios of oity omployoee lOK: That inaemnoh ss the goes t, ,,. :,- ~ j ;Lion of paid raise was started by Lhs ldayor.of the O1Ly of Paduoah, thnt.he bs allo+~~4 ,lone weak to report Lo Lhn Board the ways and means of making said raise's; and that • •i r. ' ., ' -•- ~3,r. ,,. . ~ =.: ~....., :. ... ._., _,. ~;3~3'^i'R'.„`! ~ .°rn^a'.,"r,?~°7°Srp~s~.~w'°^~".?'~yn,?"4^a k~,,, R'; ~ y. ,~"".~,"-.'ra +*~'' . -- ,~ ,-a ~I qu ., :~„~.u ~. ,i~ ;.~ ~,„ ~ II'?'v Ilu:Pp.l"il V.;. nl i~, nl i~~ ~ I ~: ~:I - ' I l II a -.i -:19p IR~~I'I ~' llluq i I n i q; I I- I ~ ~: I I i i I r ~ I ;T I ~I I ~..; I- li'q'~--I Na.~.•::.~'. . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah-..__:__...______._-___-___192- notion on said motion .be deferred pending such report, &oat upon coil of the roll by j the following vote: Yeas, Peae and Ynlliam,•2; Naya, Tally; 8ashiIIgton'and Satter john-3. Oommiseioner Pulliam offered the following motion: clhereaa, illicit liquor C. B.Aeet,~2iosna has been discovered in the plaoe•of business of C. E. fleet at 12b 8onth 3eoond Street~~ ~' to sell 1Ss 1L k t ` ' Cereal Bsvsragsb~ and E. F. Snrratt hae.baen convicted for a violation of the prohibition law, I move • revOked~.•;,,+ ~, ~ ,~a . `~'~thaL the license to do buainesa.in said place oe.rsvoked; and the Chief o4 Police in- ~ a • I 'etruot.ed'to'arreet any one attempting or making s aeie~ln said piece of business. Adopted'npon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Pnliiam. aaahin gton. ``~~ rrin~'x: Band Katterlohn.-4; Commissioner Tully not voting. ,' „, f .- ,,., ~,'• On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeea. It `~ ~9 • 19 d3 A=c'YlyG'V:.Ei;_~ A+~rwed~~----_.. ~~ ~';~W., .,'a. .~,,r B.R.Hardiag Co. oommunloation relative to Sewer on 19th ~ Clay 3t.. r' Expenses of 1 F.'~N.Katter~ohn O. A. Craig L R.A.Petter & " 11.b.Berry etten '; inR Ohio Valley fmp.Aeao.Con- ' oention. ~: ~. ~: ;', ; y^ ; ~, 1 . OCTOBER 29TRp 19E_3. • AL a Regular BGeeting o4 the moard of Commissioners, held $n the Commi~sion- ere° Chamber in the City Rall, paduoah, Kentucky, on October 29th. 1923. Upon Dail ofj . the roll the following anawerod to their mamea:•Commieeioners, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, Aeehington and tinyor Katter~ohn,-b.' ••• •••. I • • On motion of Commiaeloner Pnllinm tha•minutea•of the previous mooting were j adopted ae read and corrected upon Dail of the roil•by.ths following vote; Yesa, Psae,~ PuYllain; Tully. Sattorf6hn,44; Naye, 8eahington~-1. ••,• •• Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: Y. move that the oommunioation! dated Oatober 23rd, 1923 from E. R. Harding Company relative to newer on 19th and Clayj Street, be reoeioed and filed< Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; -,Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ;7aehington and Katterlohn.-6. ! I cs~, ,_ lieyor Katter,ohn offered the following motion: Y move that the following item- ~ • :..• . . .teed atatemente of F. A. Katter'ohn, C. A, Craig. H. A, Patter and i9. L. Berry, na I ~. ,. .delegates to the Ohio Yalley Improvement Aaaooiation Convention held in Cincinnati ' • •; ,., ~- on October 17th and 18th, amounting to 204_96 b® allowed and ordered paid and oharaed..:•~ , '~ to the Contingent Fund. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by tho following vot®; Yeas° j r: h: `^, r Paoe. Pulliam, Tully° Aaehington anfl Katterlohn,-b. 1Qayor Katter,ohn offered the following motion; I move that the oommunioe- ' ~. { tion dated October 26th. 1923; iron the Paduaeh Railway Company. enclosing statement 1 • Paducah Rail- way aomnunioa N of the gross earnings, operating e~cpenaea, tones and balance for the year ending Lion enclosing ~~ ~ statement of geptember 30th, 1923; be received and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the j gross earnings &o., for yew' ~ following vote: Yeas,Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,Aashington cad Katterjohn.-6, end irg Sep t. W " .j 30;1923. ~ Htayor Setter~ohn offered the following motion: Y move that the Engineer°a '• ~' ° Estimate for the oonatruction of an alley with concrete in lilook 9. 01d Town City of ! • a Engineer Estimate for ,~t,, construction '~ paduaeh, Kentuol0~, be received. filed, accepted and confirmed. Adopted upon Dell of . of alley in ~ . ~ the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Peoe, Pulliam. Tu11y,Weahlnaton and Katterlohn 6.. ;. Block 9 07d ~ Town by G.A. ii Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: IL appearing there is dne i ~ w< ' ' Katter'ohn •. ~ ° 23 from the tax ooileotiona for the week endirue October ~ Fc° . la the sum of X9881 'th h • Schools taxea'~ for week end• . e So oo , ! ~°~` 27th, 1923. I move that it be allowed and ordered paid azd the money appropriated from ~ 1ng Oot.27th, I~ 19,E3. ~ ~ Lhe General Fund to pay eame.• Adopted upon sail of the roll by the following vote: j Yeas. Paoe. Pulliam, Tully. ;laehington and Katter,ohn,-6. ! ErrorJ.A. Kelly Oo~ieaioner Tsily offered the following motion: Yt appearing that an erro Taz excess- ~! ` ~ wen made in the aeaeaement of J. A., Kelly on Tax Bill X1946. whereby there is n j meat oorreat- ~ ed and hs :,~ ; ,duplioation of X360.00 in hie esaeeament, Y move that he be refnnded the snm of , j refnnded 8.33. • X8.33, the.amonnt;ot,taz paid ;on this double assessment. Adopted upon gall of the ~ roil by the following vote •Yeaa.Paoe.Pa114am,Tnlly.paehin ton k KatLsr'ohn,-6e ~ g s ~. i ~.~ :. F, .. r i , . . , y ,- ... ... _... ... • •. :~ ... a .. .. .. .~ .., ~ , ,. No. ~3/ ~ ~ Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah_r:+.___:~,~...:__ 192-. ~. ~ Ooimeiseioner Washington offered the following motion: I~aave that Lhe appli• ~ • „ ~ ~~~ •:: O. E.Weet appli. ~ cation of C. E. West fora license to sell malt or cereal beverages at 126 8. ~ 4 ~ cation for Malt i' gtreet be rejected and that his check for ,50.00 be returned. Adopted upon call of Beverage,Li- ~ , sense rejeoted.~, the roll by the following vote: Yeea. Pace, Pu111am, Tully. Washington and Y6ttsr- .. john.-b. ~ . .. Commission r Washin t ff d th i f ll - i • ' g e on o ere ow e o ng mot on: The enm of ~60.60 saoh Malt Beverage ~{ having been tendered, together with application for Melt or Cereal Beverage Lioenes, grant o ~! I move that license to sell Malt or Cereal Beverages, or any admizturee thereof, bs . ed to8e • • ~Yataon fanners N ~ ii R, L,Longdon ~~ gi'8nted to the following parties at the addresses eat out opposite their names, for !! 1 i A.G.3trause ~ a eriod of eiz months from June 30th to December 31st 1923 inclusive; Sam fihi to ;~ P . .. j Jack Riddle i ~ { 100 Broadw ttouvfl MoCorkle. ~ Watson ~nrnere,.......... ay ^- f C H. L. Congdon .............. 127 3. 2nd 3t. ~ ~ A. G. Strauss .............. 116 Ky. Ave. . Sam i7hite ................ 929 Finley St. d Jeok Hidd]s,.•........... 119 Broadway • I~ Howe MoCorkle, Riverview Aotel 1st & Broadway. i Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo•.ving vote; Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam. Tully, i Washington end Katterjohn,-b. i I National Sure- ~~ Cormuieaioner Paoe offered the following motion; Y move that the National ty Co. released'; gurety Oompany be released from the bonds of 0. C. Adams and J. 'A. Nelson. ae patroi* on bonds of ii O.C.Adama and i men,. effective immediately, and that the National Surety Company be relieved from J. T. Nel son. ' i further liability on es id bonds. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the 'fo.llowing ~;i vote: Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,.:4aehington and Kattsrjohn,-b. • Commissioner Pulliam offered the fo1lo~.vinP motion; G. W. Katterjohn & Scn, Alley in Blook~ Contractors. having finished the oonstruotioa of ar elley'in Moak 9, Old Town City 9 Old Town, of Paducah, Kentucky, running from ~eoord Street to Third Street, between Broadway oonstruoted by '~ • ~,~,,, • G. A.Xatterjohn ;and Jefforeon Street. by paving same with concrete, azd having complied. in all & Son accepted. • - , } reepeate, with the terms of the contract entered into by and between Bald Contraot- ;f ore and the City of Paducah, Kentucky, on September 19th, 1923, and completed same according to the plane and epsoifioatione adopted for said work, and no complaints '` ' ;having been filed, protesting against said work, I move that ea id work for said ' • ;~ improvement be eooepted and approved, and that the estimate of work dons b,~ G. W. , ' ~ ,Katterjohn k Son in oonatruoting said alley, amounting to X1680.72 ba approved. 8 ',ireoeived and filed. Adopted upon cell of the roll Dv the following vote; Yeae. j; Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Kntterjohn,-b. N.C.& St.L.Ry. ~' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion;. I more that the N. C. notified of ~ 9t. Z. Ral3way be notified that the present oor~dition of the oroeeina st 3rd to present oondi- ; •" • . Lion of cross- ~iNorton Streets dose not comply pith the franchisee of Aupuet 11, 1891 and June ing at 3rd & ~rorton Sta. i 30th, 189E, granting to them permission to aonatrvot tracks at these looatione, 'and that wooden plank or other egnaliy eatiafaatory aonatruotion should be installed iimmediata.ly. Adopted upon call of the loll by the followlnrt vote: Yeas, Paoe, !,pulliam, Tully, Washington srd Katterjohn,-b. • li CommiaeionaP Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that AN ORDINANCE •. Assessment '~ Ordinance for ';'ASSE93IN0 TlIF. ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH 9IDBS OF AN ALl1:Y IN BLOOK 9, OLD TOWN ,. 1 Alley in Iilook q CITY OF PADUCAft, KENTUCKY, RUI~RIIN~ FROM SECOND STREET TO THIRD STREET. BETWEEN BROAD. -. 9 Old Town. ~ WAY AND JEFFERSON Sat:iET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAft, KlBTIICZY, THE SUi! OF ,=2,13448 FER , !,ABUTTING FOOT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID ALLrlf S7ITH COIICRETE, AS SFDWN BY THB ENGINEER'S E3TILSAiT:, EXCEPT THAT PORTION TO HE PAID FOR BY 'THE OITY OF PADUCAft. ;KENTUCKY, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSr:33E'EtIT 11AY BE PAID FOR IIi TEN,EQUAL INS77GLL- ~ MENT3, HEiNG OI~fi3 idCft YEIR Fri A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS, be adopted. Adopted upon i •~ nail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Peoe, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and ~Katterjotin,-b. • .. ' ! f - ~ _ ~.p-.i.nn ¢p r.n r.. nq ~ .~. i,i n ,iy I `iRq,4ir'~q nib i., i~i ii„~i~i im i~~r ~, r ~~~R ^'~i 1~~~1...~ ii -i viii I '.n i ~ ~~ ~•ii ~. ~.afa~~ ,~,~p r. ~:~nr~1"'"~-' t ,,, V «„ 1 ., . ~ I ,_~~ ~ ,. ~ .,-~ ~Id L.,.,x. -J.l`.°Ir1 I Jl,lp-e~e~l. Ii~• p~.,inha~~ ~ y ;, ~:~,~;~ i l ~~.~~ulmciv~~uw , ~ ' ~ ~ yam.. ~F Na °~. °_~ ~? ~. Commissioners° Proceedings, City of Padacall _ :.. ............ .._ ]fl2 .._ ., Oommiesioner Paoe offered the following motion: 8 move that Lhs Oity Olork ,.~ be inetruotsd to notify DaatslP )iowell, James Leeueur and N. 0. Jaokeon to appear Dexter Howell, Jamoe heeueur ~'~ before the Board o! Oommiselonsrs on the 8nd day o! Bovembor 1983, at 8 O'olook PM. and N.O. Jae kson ~_ to nppear be- ~~ to show oauee why saoh o! their lioenee should not-be revoked Lo sell colt drinks or iore.of Com- mieoionore at .malt anQ oereal beverages, or arOr lioenee whioh they have to do business. Adopted E o°olook P.lie ' Nov.8,19830 ,, upon aaI1 0l the roll. by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. NaehinRtan and Kattierjohn,-ba •. a ~4 yp,.~, r ' On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell o! the rol] by 6 yeas, ~' r ~a~911ed ~ ~.T~~.-11~~ oi.t- f•• I:,i~ V:1•ii:L) ~ , 00'IVBh1t 3111T. 19 PA, ~ ; i.; ,. At a Oniled Meeting o! the Board o! Commissioners, held in the Oommiesionors° ' Cfihmber in the 4ity Hall; Paduoah° Kentuolgr, on Ootober 31st, 1983, at 10:40 0°olook ~ ,qr~ ,, 6. &I. Upon Dell o! the roil the following answered to their re-mee: Commissioners '' Pnoe, Pu111em, Tu11y, laehington and Mayor Y.atterjohn,-b. i~t_,I,., Mayor Katterjehn stnted reneons for sell to-wit; To amend the ordinnnos pro- hibtting tho wearing o! masks, roboe or other dieRViae in nny publlo plane or pub]1o K,bul7ding in the Oity of 1'nduoah, and any othor business thnt miP.ht oomo before the ,, .,Bonrd. ;, ° Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion; S move that AN ORDINANCE ' ~°''"~m'~"'"~'~ ~~ ALtENDIIIO AN ORDINANCr^". PROIiIBITINO T1iE Ni;ARiNC OF 3tA3K3, ROBE3 OR OTAER DI3c.UY3E YN " ~Mdid ,~ .ANY FUBL~.O'P].ACE OR PUD&IC BUI]DIN(1 IN 'II1F. CITY OF PADUCAH, KrNTUCXY, ADOPTED BY THE t., .,,.~ BOARD OF'+C O3'1tI33I0NEF13 ON 3r~PTELiBi:R 17TH, 1983, be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of ~ ', ~f r k;j ~~,the roll by the following vote;Yeas,Paae,Fulliam°Tuliy,Nashington and Katter john,-b. L: ~~ .. '~, x Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: It appearing to the Board of ' ~'~ ~• Commiesionere that Eugene Katter-john has been oonvioted in the Paduoah Pollee Court ~ ~ ~ ;of having in hie possession illegally epirituona liquors at 11th & Caldwell sta., `~....~..-e Rwe-k..dl:ri :. . ~~.'~ and fined X100.00, i now move that the Drug and Cigarette lioenee o! the said ,Katter john be revoked to do business at 11th & C+sldwell Street in the City o4 Padu- e ~ oah, Ky., a Dopy of judmment of aonviotion is ?sled herewith< Adopted upon Deli of S: . ~ i k-: ~ the roll by the following vot®: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. Washington end Y.atter- ,~1 john,-b. Commissioner Peoe offered the following motion: I move that the City Clerk ~ ~~Ca••~L'~~+ ~ ,bo inatruated to notify 3oott Ferguson to appear before the Board of Commissioners ~',', f on Monday, November bth, 1983, at 8 0°olook P. ld. to show oause why hie lioonee ', ~ " +' ~ , „should not be revoked• to do bueinees in the City o! Paduoah, Xy. Adopted upon Dell .j ~ ' of the roll by the following viots: Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington,-4; ~Fa `; Katter john ,.-1.' On motion the Board .sdjourned`upon Dell oY the roll by b yeas. ~t1,L~ ~ t' ~~~~r ~~ ., ~.. ., ~j ~ ~' f~ ~'ft - s q t _ i I I .: ~ ~ 4 - ' .: ~ - 1 R,.an .I .....re .., ,~ ..~ .... ., u ~. 2: .. ~. ~?... ii- ~a..~,} w,, . „ ~, w x ,.., . ' 1 r : .. ~ Na ~ 3 3 : ~, ' ~ `} ~ Commissioners' Proceedings, Clty of Paducah- " _ t "' 192.- - ---. ._ . :, ::. I ..: :.~;' •,. ~ NOV~:+.H$t 8TH. 19E3. ,. __ ` i ' ~ ~ At t Rogular LtestinR o4 the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commisaionera' dhamber in the City Hall, paduoah, Kentuoky, on November bth, 1923. .Upon osll of the ~~ ~ ~ roll the following anewared to their names: Commisaionera Pao@, Pulliam,'Tully. i~ Reahington and ttayor Katterjohn,-b. .' ~ On motion of Commissioner pu]liam the minutes of the revioue meetin we P re f~ i • ~ adopted ae read upon Dell oP Lhe roll by the following vote: Yeae, paoe, Pulliam, ' ~ ~ Tully, Wsahington and Katterjohn,-b. '' Commissioner pass offered the following motion: Rheresa, R. 0. Jaokaon has been Iioonvicted ir. the Paduaeh police Court oP hevina in hYs possession epiritupne, vinona R.0.Jaok~on - Liaense revoked. Nand malt liquors, to-wit: Xhite ahiakey, a Dopy of said judgment oP ooaviotion is filed'. "herewith, I noy move that the Cigarette and Soft Drink Liaenae oP said Jaokaon to sell + aigarettea end soft drinks et 119 South 4th Street be revoked, and the Chief of Polioa - "' ~' ~• `'~ is hereby instruoted to alone said pleas of business: 6dopted upon Dal] of the roll by •',r:%. :, " rthe following vote; Yeea,Pao@,Pulliam,Tully,.Yashington and Katterjohn,-6. Cortuiuniaetiona ~~ btayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move that the four oommunion- h..R.HBrding COs, it ' relative to ~tions from ::, R. Harding Company, dated Ootober 3]aL end November 3rd, 1923, be re- Sayer on Wayfield~ Rd. ';oeived and filed. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeae, pane, I1IPulliam, Tu11y, Rashington and Katterjohn,-b. • ;I Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum aP ~pb0.00 having ' 'been paid into Lho 'Preeaury, as evidenoed Dp the reooipt Pied herewith, I move that ,i Cemetery deed' ~';d@ed be exeouted to Collin Loyd for Lot fib, Bloak l?2 on the South aide of Hannan Street exeouted to ~ Collin >oyd. bbetween Baker and tiller Streets in Oak Grove 4emetery. Adopted upon Dell of the roll ""'"` !by the following vote: Yeea.Pas@,Fu131am,Pully,:Yeahington and Katterjohn,-b. ,!j ~ f Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearir.a that there is Sohools allowed :.due the~Sohools the sum of .~b503:94 from the Lax aollaotione for the week ending Nov. •:,, X5503,94 amount i due f!'om tax 3d, I move that it b@ alloyed and ordered paid and the money appropriated fr an the oollaotiona for week ending Not. ,General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell oP the ro]1 by the following vote: Yeea, "; 3rd.1923. • ;Peas, Pulliam, 'sully, Rashington and Katterjohn~ 5. ' Commisaianar Tully offered the following motion; I move that the eoaounts for ~ ' Aoaounta and re- +~the last half of the month of Ootober 1923. amounting to ,57086,04; ea per the report port Com'r.1'ub11o• ' Finanoe Yor lest ".of the Commissioner of Fubli'o r'inanoe filed herewith, be allowed at,d ordered paid and half of Oat. 1923. ''the money appropriated from the general Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oall oY'the • roll by the following vote: Yeae, paoe,Pu111am;Tully,Rnahington and Katterjohn,-b. ' ~' Commissioner Tully offered the following motions I move that the eaaounta for Sewer P~-roll !'the Sant half of the month oP Oatober for the 3d Diatriat Sever, amounting se follows; for last half of , October 1923, ' pay-roll...........#492.G8 Supplies,.......... 129.33, total $622.01. be sllowad and • ,oordered paid and the Commissioner oP Publio Finanoe bo suthor3zed.and inatruated to .draw aheoka against the Ito. 3 Diatriot Sewer Fund Aaoovnt to pay gem@. Adopted upon ' °~ . ~' !call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe,Pu]liam, Tul]y, ~7aehington,and '`~`~'!"- Katterjohn.-b. ~ ~,v Commissioner pane offered the following motion: Rheresa, J. Soott Ferguson fl , J.Saott Fergaeon. hen bean aonviated in the Peduoah Folios Court of having in his possession epirltnone, F,., ,•" license revoked. ' 9lnous and malt liquors, to=wit: i'lhite ?fiiakey, a aopy oY 9aid judgment of aonvioLion. f is Piled herewith, I now move Lhat the Cigarette and .SoYt,Drink Lioensa of ea id Fergs• I; ~ •"son to sell aigarettea and soft drinks at the I. C. Hotel opposite Union Station be E revoked, and the Chiai of Folice is hereby inatruated to alone said pleoe of business. ~. Adopted upon Dell oP the roll by the following vote: Yeas; peas. Pulliam, Tully. • 'Reahington and xatterjohn,-5. y .. , i ', t ',.',.'~ I ~F~I!~i1. ~~I,:j III II I ~ II 1 I; l-1 Ir ~i=t,~I I., IFA ', ~. ~....r ~,l ~ .II.. I.i i r '~ IIi I '~ ~ II-i. ipY 11 PII iI- it '~. IIi .jiI ~ n.I I ~. j i I I'.l i. ~: I'. Ill '~I'~.;.'~~I "I'~I.: R'.:I-..f + .. }~u ., ~H.,~.~m,... ~ • ~ wll~uJi ,, .~,U l ~: ~.:.e1 .m ,..~~~.,L , .. nom..-. " ~ j ' ° .r M l ~ ., :. :~ .. . Alo. °Z 3 N ° ;~; Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah__________.__.__._..__ __._. _ _198-- ~;, ~ .~. Commissioner page offered the following motion: t9hereae, Dexter Howell, hoe a ' r, ' "Soft Drink bioenas to ebll Soft Drinks at 701 Trimble Street in L1°e Oity of Paduoah, +. 2>> ~ I ~~ Dexter Howell ~~d whereas, the said Howell has been properly notified, nooording to law, to appear ==i lisienee revoksd~ •f before the Board of Commisaionere on povember End, 19 E3, but by agreement oY parties • ~eai3 ceae was oontinued until E o°olook P. M• November bth, 19 E3, and whereas, the said r•,. ~, ~ .Dexter ~Owell, hew been guilty of violating the Prohibition bew, from evidenoe heard I "•G ~' ' -~ ~~,~.before the Board of Commissioners, I now mono that the Soft Drink bioonae of the ea id ~ ; '•. i c~ Dexter Howell be revoked. and the Chief of polioe ie hereby inatruoted to oloee ea id ~; ' 'pleas of business. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoo, Pulliam, Tully. 7ashdngton end Katter~ohn,-b• ~ Commissioner Paoa offered the following motion: 9hereaa, James beaueur hsa a 4 i ~' .' Cigarette and Soft Drink bioense to sell Cigarettes and Soft Drinks at 1143 Kentucky •~ ;iAvenue in the City of Faducah• and whereas, tho said besuevr has been propor]y notified, ~ ",_ amen yesneuc~ ~ .license rs- Y ~ eooording ~o law, to appear..before the Board of Commisaionera on November End, 1923, i; soked. -, ~ r but by agreement of parties said case wea continued until 2 0°olook P. 4.1. November 6th, ~' 1923, and whereas the said Sam ee Leaueur hoe been .guilty of violating the Prohibition . .~ .,, yaw, from evidence heard before the board of Commieaioners, I now move that the Ci- _ _ ~ , ~, u gerette and Soft Drink bicenae of the said beaueur be revoked, and the Chief oY ~'Polioe ie hereby inetruoted to gloss said plane of business. Adopted upon Doll of the ~~ y roll by the following vote: Yeas,paoe,Pulliam•Tully,Llaehington,~4;Naye;Katterfohn.-1. ' ~ . i) Nayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: The sum of X16.67 having been (~ tendered, together with applioation for B!e1L or Cereal Beverage bloense, I move LhaL i ~ bioenee to sell Malt or Ceres] Beverages, or any admixtures thereof, be granted to p ~-~ " M. E. Jone a 9 , granted linen-il M, E. Jones, at 701 Jaokson Stroet, for a period of two months. Adopted upon Dell of ~ y- s : ae to eel l ii - ~ ~ Malt or Bereal'„ the roll by the following vote: Yeas,faoe,Pulllam,Tully,I7aahington and KaLter~ohn;-6. ~ i~:w- 4, Beverago@, at r 701 Jackson St. i,Ieyor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that Geo. I,yn» be granted - ~i ; ;~," ~ Hotel and Soft Drink bioenee at Y. C. Hotel opposite Union Station and Commissioner 1 Geo.bynn ,~ • '~ refused li- ~ of Pub] io r'inance be in..^,truoted to issue same upon the payment to him of Lhe amount Dense to rut- ~' Hotel and sell;: of said ]ioenae. host upon Dell of the ro]l:.by the following vote: Yeae,Katter,ohn,3,~ ` ,Soft Drinks ~~ x at L C.Hotel 1! plays. Paoo, Fulliam; 'Aaahington,-3-Co~mniasioner gully not votinp.• ,' oppo.Union @ ~. Station. Commissioner Ful]iam offered the following motions I move that extra work eeti- a: .. )S• ..9.'.. Yanoy,& Jahnao~ate for month of Ootober 1923 on contract No. 6 for lIUrrell Blvd. paving, amounting ~• ~; Hurroll Blvd. ~ to ~4b.E7 be approved and that Yanay & Johnson, Contraotors,be allowed ~'4b•27 in full 4 • eats work u for 0ot.1923. N pent for said extra work, and that erme be charged abreinst New Conetruo 'Aooount. u Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoa, Pulliam, ly, _ ~ Reahingtbn,-4; Naye, Katterfohn,-1. ~:: ` ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: L move that E• R, Harding Co •I "-be notified that the following olaima Yor extra work paymonta on the oontract 3A, ;~ E.R. Harding ;,~ sunk vine Sewer oonetrvotion cre re~AOted by the City. and Chet the Chief Rngiaeor ~ Oo. notified ~, that oertaia ~' not ' olaima for 1 does nOt approve of saii olaima, and Lhat the City hae„aseume8 and dose assume no 'extra work ...q liability whatever for payment for the Rork enumerated therein, and that same will not' re~eoted. ..r; ' ~ be Hilo,+ed: I ~ •~.,: ~\~ ~•`~ ` Oat. E+ °E3. Moving cable & Poles on Burnett 3t..•.... .• ..12.03 II • " 13. " Stopping Ivk.Sept.l3th,on Trunk bins Eat.Dist.3A, 124.11 ~ i .. •; ;:~,~ ~ ° 18, "'. Moving poles & Oablea, Hinklev.Rd.&Bmnett St....216.65 - ~ ' M+ Se t. E0, « ~ pdovin wires & Re dirinR gsa ma ins, 19th & Cie 23. E7 i ," ~ F~~p " " " Jdovina wires & poles, Burnett St.,.........•.9...139.91 1 ", ~ Aug. 8, " w " " « 10th &Burn ett Ste.....•....... 23.13 ~ "~'`" _: ~ry`- t '• " 6-I1,' " .Repair Lo traok IE A Burnett sta.......... ?f " w " " " " w •••• 73.80 July b. ................. 12.60 ~ s:; :., .~i, , Land, furthermore, that the City Clerk be,instruoted to deliver a copy of thin motion Lo? • ~ 8. R. Harding 00. and file rsoeipt for same R~~~ this Board. Adopted ,upon Dell of Lhe i - • ~ roll by the following vote: Yeas.Psee.Pn111am,Tully.ifsahington and Katter~opin,-b• „ .. .. c _ _.~ ' +'n haM'F:^:j:~ q: _'t,Y,..: i. .u ~`~: i; k.,:.:: ».. -'~r. '4 .•.~. .. c.+: .. rvr.,~..~_ ,. • ..~ :«.i .oa u'LL:.~ t. ..?..a..eti_n4i .d"s4M1"_.,. 4 ... ' •~ ~" ,. t ,::: ' ~ - ~ ~No: K O~.J'~ ... . ' Commissioners' Proceedings,-City of Paducah _..:_,...,.~.,,.~:v;:~..:..~ ~ 192- :~ ~ .. • - __ _- - ~ Comm ea oner am o er e o ow ng mo on: ova a e E.R.Herding Co. extra payment !j payment Prom E.R.Hardtng Co. for Ootober 11,1923, amounting to X52.28 YoT labor re- , $b2.b8 labor Yor ~ , ` pleoirg 12" oon- y gnired to place 12" aonneotion in 96" sewer at 14th & Burnett Streets be approved and , nestion in 96^ • se"aer et 14th & •p~ the E.R.Harding. Co. allowed ye52.50 and stone to be ahr_;qed eps•.iget 3rd Distriof Sewer ~ ` Burnett Sts. 'fund. Adopted upon asll of tho roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Fnlliam. Tully. j~ ~ ~I ~9ashington and Xatterfohn,-b. • !I Commissloner Pulliam offered the fol]owina motion; I move that the bil] Yor E87 E.R.Harding Co. ,j allowed $71.75 pails oY 1:4 mortar used as haunahinq on 19th Street Sewer, Diatriot 3A, Station 91 z Yor 287 pails !. mortar used on ; b3 to Station 107 z 91, et 2b~ per pail, amounting to $71.7b, be approved and the E.R. 15th St. Sewer " Yor haunahing. ~ Haring Co, allowed. $71.75 in payment therefor, same to be oharged ettainat 3rd Diatriot • ii Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by tho following vats: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. i9eahingt on and Katter john,-b. ,I f f' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I"move that monthly estimate 1".or,thly Estimate j No.3 for Oot.1923 No. 3 Yor work done during October 1923 on the oonstruction of oontraot 2to. 3 for Contrast ~3 for "` Strsata oonatruat^ arrests by-yanay & Johnson, Contraotora, be approved, and that Improvement WaaranL for ed by yanay & Johnson approved,i $11,298.44 be issued to Yanay & Johnson. on aacount oY said work. Adopted upon call ot- amounting to ~; ' $11.298.44. the roll by rho following vote;Yoas,Faoe,Pu111am,Tully,.9ashington and Katter~ohn,-b. ~,+:. j Commissioner Pullir~n offered tho following motion; I movo that }!onthly 3stimate "` ' 1!onthly ^stimnte • I+o.l Yor Oat. ~ No.l Yor work done Suring Ootober 1923 on street oontraot No. 4 by Yenoy & JoAneon, 7923 Contrast ~4 't • on Streets con- '; Cantraatore, be approved, er~d that Improvement t7arrant for $130.00 by issued to Yansyk struated by fancy & Johnson ~' Johnson on aacount oP said work. Adopted upon oell of the roll by the following vote: ' a}Proved, amount ii w130.00. !~ Yeas, Pase, Pulliam, j'ully, ~~ashington and Y.atteraahn,-5. ~~ , Commissioner Fulham offered the following motion: I move that Idanth]y Fatimate . Idonthly estimate ~ ~: No.4 Yor Oct. ~j No. 4 Yor Rork done during Oatober 1923 on the construction oY ourb ar.~} atrtter aontrad 1923 Cor,traot ~7 i~ w ;re Curt & Gutter. ; No. 7 by Yanoy & Johnson, Contraotora, be approved, and that Improvement '.9arrent for yanay & Johnson, n amount $1801.3b $1.801.35 be issued to Yenay & Johnson, aaaount of geld work. Adopted upon call of Lhe"~ _ approved. " ~1 roll by the following vote;Yeas,Paoe,Fu111rue,Tully,l9ashington and Kattor~ohr,,-5. " it On motion the Board edsourned upon Dell of the roll by 5 vase. • ! • _....` .. N07~:Br]? 7TH. 1923. 'l9 , :'i y4 At a Called L:eetin~ of the Board oY Commissioners held in the Commiasionere' ' Chamber in the Ctty Ha11,Paduoah,Ky., on Nov. 7th,1923,at 2:30 o'o]oak P.u. llpon ae]1 it , '`r~ of the rol] the following answered to their name a: Commisaionars Paoe, Pulllam; Tully " and I:,eyor Katter,ohn,-4. I:'eyor Ketter~ahn'stated resaona"Yor aa71 to-wit: To hear evidenoe Why eotion of •h Board of Comnisaionara should be resoinded in revoY.ina the lioense of James besueur, ~~ and ~euoh other busiresa as may some before the Board. , ~~ N Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the motion made by C.C lioense of James lssueur not + Paoe on Nov. Sth,1923,revokinq the lioense oY James Leauour be rvaoirJded. Adopted.upoA revoked. Dell of the roll by the following vote:Yeas,Faoe,Tully,Y.atter~ohn,-3 ;.Nays,Tulllnm,-1. Commissioner Fulham oPtered the Yollowirig motion:I move. that the 1!onthly. Eatime>e " ~•,~ E R.Harding Co. `! allowedy^E88bb.7H, Yor•work done during October 1923 on'the oonatrnotlon of trunk line sewers in Diatriot , on eosount work '' done Ir. Ost. on ~~ 3A be approved,and that the E.R.Hardin R Co. be allowed $28,85b.78 on eooount of es id ."r, Server Construatiora , in Diatriot 3d. ;~ estimate and that same be oharP.ed against the 3rd Diatriot Sever Fund. Adopted neon ~ ~. d r li call of the roll by the following note:Yeas,Paoe,p'i;111am,Tuily and Katter~ohn,-4. E.R.Hardina Co. N Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the }.9onthly Eeti- allo~ed y~360.25 '~ aacount work done' mate for +tork done durrd nR October 1923 on Trunk nine Sewer Conetruotion in Diatriot dnr ing Oot.19?.3 `~ ~,I`, _ on aewor oon- j 3B,-3C be 8p provod and that the a'. R. Harding Co. be e]lowed $3b0.2b on eooouuL of said. ' etruotion ir. ~ Dist. 3B-3C. ~ estimate and that samq bs oharged aaninet tho 3rd Diatrtot Sewer Fund. Adopted upon ii osll o: the roll by the following note; yeas, pace; Fu131am, Tully Katter~ohn,-4. - ,, • ;- • i i .,M....~-. .,,.,... ., ;. .. ~ r:nn a irn n.~, ~~i .: ,,i n ,n p,ipu it i~, N~~P ~'9 1~, ~i ~r~i-ilul lli ..,,r r i.i pp~P~ull~lllll cp ~~~ii 'u I li i ~ , __ ..r ~r~r.-cps-f~l-h~f~~,-.--v-.-r~l*~-~ i w ~-IM >. ,.~ I,y p... I _ , .. ir,~~--'-, Q. '::~. - ,d ,d ~ 1.:~~. ! ~ ~ Y iu~ r -I~i" I Sul l i1,4,?QCy~I a it y n:-~,-i , ~, _uai~.ri,.e:~,b.,~ : .. i / n '~ ~ Commissioner Fulham offered the following motion; I move that the oommunicatioa ', E.R.Harding Co., , , c ~. comnunioation ~ from E.R.Hardinq Company dated 'November 6th, 18 E3, acknowledging reoeipt of notice - ?eoknowledging ' ;l1reoetpt rof no---~`pesaed at Meeting of November 5th, 1923, be reoeived end Piled. Adopted upon Dell of ' {,;.1 Lice passed at ~ , , *;;9;geetir,R of ftov.' the~roll by the following vote; Yeaa, Paoe,'Pulliam, Tully end Katter~ohn,-4. ~' bth, 19E3. ; ' ;•, On motion the Board e8~ourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. AieFt®i ~--1°~!~? 1~~ riY~''RC3~i%.`~a3~ ~~ ,. .. , ~~~ _e_¢ _ .rte .t .` NOV3.'BBR 12Th, 1923. • - . s _,, At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commiagionera' Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on November 12th, 1923. Upon Dell of the ' g. ;oli the following answered to their names: Commieai.oner8 Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and ~' .. _ }layer Ratter~ohn,-4. ' ~: ~, On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adept- `" ed ea read and oorreoted upon ae71 of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Paoe, i} .~, i j'ulliam, Tully end Katter~ohn,-4. ~ ~ ..Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: Miss Blanohe Farwe]] havins re- ~ •` Reaigaet ion of'' ~•. , Etisa Blanche ~ signed her position ea Publio Health Nurse, Mise Helen 14ao}dullen is hereby appointed ~ ' ~i Farwell and ap•~ ~i rointmont of ~ Yublio Health Nurse, effeoLive September 16th. 1923. Adopted upon Dell of the roll :°~' L'ias Helen b:eo- , ~^ Mu]lon zs Yub-, ~ by the following veto: Yeaa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and KatLorjohn,-4. ss lie Heai th w':? Nvrse. ~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommuniattion ~~ " Foduaeh ,Inter ~ dated Novambnr let, 1923, from the Paduonh °'~ater Compar~v, relative to extension of Co. oommunica. ~' Lion relative t~ wnter mains on $. 12th Street from Tennoasoe Street to ~onea Strnot and on N. 12th oompletion o! t '..water mains on Street from Ltedisan Street to Monroe Street, be reoeived anct filed. Adopted upon call S.lEth St. and"~ N. 12th $t. ~ oP the roll by the following vote; Yeas,Pace,Pulliam,Tully and Ketter~ohn,-4. Mayor Katter~ohn offered the followfnq.motion; Y move that the oommunication ! •" i ~Communicat'ion from property o:vners on~h!urrell Boulevard, from Broadway to Tennessee Street, dated of.propoYty odners on S. November lOth,1923, relatiao to the paving of said Boulevard with oonorete, be re- 10th St. or 3:;, Ado}•.Lod upon call of the roll b,~ the follo'vina vote: Yeas, Faoe, f Murrell Blvd. i Delved and filed. Pullinm, Tully and xatter~ohn,-4. ~ pYoteating against Dent ~ Commissioner Tnlliam offnred the following amendment to the shove motion; Aut { ~~' of oon8truotion~ I ~ Lhe Acard of Commisatonnra dose not agree that this is n atetemnnt of the feats ea ~1 they skint. Upon call of the roll on the motion as amended it was ndopted by the fo]lowtnq vote; Yoaa, hnoe,Pulliam, Tully,-3; Nays, Y.attor~ohn,-1° Y.attor~ohn voLinR `v: ~ no beoause ho did not aonept Lha amendment. !' Mayor Katter~ohn offered the fallowing motion: Y move that the oommunioation E.R. Hard inn Company oommu- a from F.. R. Harding Company, dnted Tovember Gth, 7th. 19th and 12th, 1923, be reoeived nicationa re- { ry ferce3 to ~ and referred to the bgineer for investigation and that he report :vhat notion to take i:r.aineer for investigation a in the mntter. Adopted upon Hall oP the roll by the following vote Yeas, Paoe. ~ • .'end report. i • '? Fullinm, Tully and Ketter~ohn,-4. Mayor Kntter9ohn offered the following motion: Y move that the report of the Report River• ~~" side 8oapitel ., Superintendent of Riverside Hospital for the month of October 19 E3, together with the' LoRether with Patients' Re- , patient°a Report for October 1923, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon oall of the port for Oot. 1923. 4.ro11 by the following Dote: Yesa,Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Katter,ohn-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the ,report of the Report Oo;ry°t. ` .. Publio Finenoe~ Commissioner of Publio ~'inanoe for the month of October be reoeived. filed and ordered, ' for October ~ j 39E3. published is the offioial newspaper.. Adopted, upon Dell oP the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Feae, Pu]lism, Tully,nnd Katter,ohn,-4. ,, ' .. Q ( : r .. ' F ^ ! . ~ h. ~-:: ~. a,. ~`: ~: r 4,' ~~ ~'~ ~~~ ~,,. ~j ": ~~~. P,'~ ~r-,:„ i W : r,.m „.. i ~..~ . • •" _ No._.~ 3~_. . Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah._~..:~_.;~~_:: •,__: 192- _ . . • , ~ . -- __ .,. _ Comaieetoner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the report. of thsj .. ' Commissioner of Iublio Finanoe of the 3d Dietriot Sewer Fund AooounL for Lhs month of ~ Rsport Comps. of;. • Fnblto Finanoe ~ Ootabsr be reoeived, filed. and ordered published in Lhe ofilolel newspaper. .Adopted ' • of 3d Ddetriet w 8 d A t ~ s er Fun oo . upon Dell of the ro]1 by the following vots:Yeas,Paoe,Pu111am,Tully and Kattsr~ohn,-4: for Oot.1923. 'I Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that tM Oommtesioner Street Bonds and' of Pub11o Finanoe be authorized and lnetruoted to pay off, Laks uP and oenoel Street Coupons to be u • paid off,tskan Bord s and Ooupons !n Lhe Oity National Bank to the nmqunt of ,2021.19 and to draw a np 'and oarwelod in Ctiy Nat'l ohsok against the 8peolal Street Fund Aoaount to pay same. Adopt e4 upon Dell of the ~ ';` Bank. , •, • roll by the following vote: Yeea, paoe, Pulliam, Tu11y nrd Kattarsohn;-4. . •~ ;i Cosootselonor Tully offered the following motion; I move Lhst the Qommisstoner `"' !." Oom~r.Fublio ~1 ' of Pubiio Flnanoa be suthorizod and instruoted to take up the matter of the nnAtt of • Finanoe to em- ! ploy L'ar:viok, ~~ the eooounta of the C1.ty of Faduoah for the year 1923 with.taarwiok, iSitohe7l & Co,, 4itohell & Co.. ~ dnditora to ~ oerttfied eooountanLe and auditors of 8t, loui"s. Adopted npon sell of the ro]1 by Lha audit City r eooounLS for ~i followina vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fnlliam, 'Fully and Katter~ohn,-4. 19£3. •j y' Cortoniseloner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the Commtaaloner " . Oom'r.F ubllo ~, ' I of Iublio Finanoo be,authorized and instruoted to employ nn eddltional Clerk for Finanoe to em- ~ ploy additional temporary dutlse at a salary not to axooed X100.00 per month. Adopted upon Dail of • Clerk for t~m- `^ porary duties. 'y tho rol] by the following vote: Yeas, Pnoe, Pulliam, 'l'olly and Kattorlohn,-4. in b'inanoo P • office. j, Commissioner Tu11y offered the following motion; I move Lhat the report .of the ,,. ., •3` Report Oom'r. i' N Commissioner of Publto r'inenoe showing the Apportionment, the Amounts Expend o3 and Fublia Finanoe •_ aho"ALnq Appor- ~ the Ba]anoaa to the credit of the various accounts under the different departments at tl0nment,,AmOnnt a' • expended end v the and of October 31st, 1923, be reoeived ar+d filed, Adopt ad upon Deli of the roll yelanoes ko, to Oot.31,1923. i. ;i by the following vote; Yeas, Fnoe, Pull tam, Tully and Katter~ohn,-4. l ` Oommiseloner Tully offered the followina motion: It arnearina that on Oob. G.A,Chendler ~~ lint, G. A. Ohardler gave a ohsok Lo the Comninnioner of Publto FLnanne for Lhe sum ~ • ohsok in payment; of Oot.Eelf ~ of $61.35 on the Ohio galley Trust Rompany in payment of the Ootobar half of the tszes~ . taxes due from ; ~ 1.S.Harrison '~ due from 1. 8. Harrison on the property at 127 South 3eoord 8troet and it further on property at ~~ 127 3.2nd 3t, +I appearing that the paid ohsok wee returned marked "Inaufftolent fund e," I move that inauffiaent funds ,, in bank referred. the matter be referred to 8osooe deed, City 8o11oitor, for such nation ae may bs , to City 901101- for for action. ~~ i ' necessary to collect same. Adopted upon call of iha roll by the followina vots:.Yeas, • , ': Taos, Pullir~n, '+'uily and Katter~ohn,-4. ~' ' ~ Report Chief of 1 Commissioner Paoo offered the followina motion; I move thnt the report of Lh! • Fire Department`.i Chief of iha r'tra Department for iha month of Ootobor 19£3 be reoeived and f17ed. ' for Oot.1923. .. „ Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following rote: Yea e, Pnoa, Fulltam, Tully and . ~ Katter~ohn,-4. • 'i Report Chief of Commissioner Ieoa offered the Yollowinq motion; I move that the report of the • Poltoe for li Chief of Polioo for the month of October 1923 ba reaeive.d and,f i]od,. Adopted upon Oet. 19P3. if call of the rot] by iha following vote;Yeea,Faoe,Pulltam,Tully and ilntter~ohn,-4. ' j Commieaionar Tully offered iha followings motion;That the Chief of Foltoe bs • • Chief of Fol1 ao t~. to present all d instructed to present ail violators of the License Ordinance before the Poltoe Oourt. violetora of " License Ordinar;o~ ddoptad upon Dell of the roll by tiw following vote; Yoats, Pnos, Pulliam. Tully and ,: - ;;>,,,', to Police Court. ,. ,, ., . getter~ohn,-4. ' ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered tho fo]]owinq motion; I move that the arrange- {-,~,- Yanoy & Johnson ;~ merit ~rhereby Yanoy & Johnson, Contraotors on street pnving, have requested an extra • Contraotors' emp]oyment of ~ ' lrepeotor for llroportiontna the sand snd gravel et the foot of Monroe 9Lrnet and have xxtra Inspector ' • at tholr expenes agreed to pay said inetrotor's ealary,'be ratified by this Board, that this is not ratifiod. , !i the final inspection, and that the inspector at tho site .opera new concrete. work is ' .I being. oonstruoted has:the right to re~eot snid eared or grovel. Adopted upon Dell of • the roll by Lhe fo]lowinq vote;Yeae,Paoo,Pu111nm,Tully and Y.ntter~ohn,-4. F i. ~' f " I r w i i + _ ~' " .. q n-,~~n~~~, „ip~ gym, ~~~. ~,~ ~,i ir-nrrr•i'~~Fl ~r~i'~+~°I'~,rT(Pnmp~ra~ry~ Na ~`~ o ~.' Commiasionera' Proceedings; City of Paducah __~_,_______.__192- Engtnees'e aetij~'"'~ Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Engineer°e ~, mant for von-, . ~ etruotion of 8'. `~ Estimate for the oonatruotion of South Tenth Street, or l'urrell Boulevard, from the 10th St. or Mars-+.eouth property line of Broadway to the eonth property line of Tenr.esaee Street• be i = ell Bivd. ao- ~ •~, '_< aepted. .; ~ leoeived, filed, aooepted and oonfirmed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by Lhe follow-~ ~:~s.~t ~• ing vote: Yese, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully aid Katterjohn,-4. f •:J~; !•~ Oommieaioner Fulham offered the following motion: Yanoy & Johnson, Oontraot-! _, 'ore, having finished the oonstruotion of South Tenth Street, or livrre7] Boulevard. ~ '. t dooeptanoe of ~ from the south property line of Broadway to ,the south property 11ne of Tennessee Street.".t~ ": the oonatrnot ion ~ ~ i , of S.lOth Bt. or by paving same with aonorete, and having complied,.in all respeote, with Lhe terms of l' ` ' iivrrell Blvd. as oonetruoted by , ~ i :Yanoy & Johnson "'the oontraot"entered into by and between the said 0ontraotoe and the City o! paduoah. IIII aooepted.,, ,,", Kentuoky, on June 26th, 1923, and oompleted same eoaordinq to the plr_as and speoifi- ~•, . ?; .~ ,': ,. nations adopted Yor said wFrk, and no ooaq:lainte having been filed, proLeetina aitainet~ " i' ~•"!-~ said work, I move that•eaid aork,for said improvement be aooepted and approved. and ~ ° ~~ 6 that Lhe final;eatimate, inoludtng all monthly estimates of work done by Yanoy A i~ Johnson, Contraotora, in oonatruoting said street. amounting to X41,628.74, be epprov-!' ~. : c °~ ~ '"•~ ed, reoeived and filed. .ldopted upon Dell of the roll by Lhe following vote: Yeea. ~ . ., pane. Pulliam, Tully,-3; Nays, Katterjohn,-1. Oommieeioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that AN ORDINANOS "• " ~' ~ ASSESSING THE ABUTPINO FROPEiTY ON BOTH SIDES OF SOUTIi T3:Tli STRrr^.T, OR IEURR,'iLl; j ` Ordinanoe aeseee~" lug the property's g0UI,1~VARD, FROM Tf1E SOUTH FBOP:RTY bIltS OF a1?OAD^laY TO THE SOUTR 1"ROP~tTY ZIN3 OP' on S.lOth 3t. or . , " "> Burrell Blvdc Tr:NNr'SSEB STREET, IN I7IE CITY Ob' PADUCAH, KENTUCKY. TIC 3Utt OF ,'$6.77 PrTt AAUTTTNG ~ X6.77 per abutt- lug foot._ .; FOOT FOR THE CONSTRUCT ION .OF SAID $14tr.ET '7ITH CONCRETE, AS SH0~7N BY TH3 E[iCIN~'Jt'8~ ESTIIRATE, EXChRT THAT FORTION 1l1 Bs PAID FOR BY THE CIT1f OF PADUCAH. K'r~:TUCKY; A~ ; S ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~` : j" 71i0VYDING THAT SAID ASS.*',SS1J~17T }RAY BE PAID FOR YN Tr3J Ax:UALIASTAI.IIS'asITS, AF.TNG ONS ai+.~. ,„:~ ,; :'. EACH Y.a.AR FOR A` Y:1t IOD OF TEN Y3ARS,be adopted. Adopted upon pall of the roll _ by •,., ~; ~;ths following vote: Yoae, Paoe• Pulliam, Tully.-3; Neys; Katterjohn,-1. ~ , •;. •!t •:, Om motion Lhe Board adjourned upon Dell of the rol] by 4 yeas. " 4 ~ ~, .. Aile~eloi 'Ij'°~' i~iq ~ fY~" v/~_ ~ . , , .... any WM ~~i~"~°-st~ ~ " . HOVr^•LIDr"'tt 7.3TH. 1923. { ,~.~ Ate 0alled iSeeting of the Board of Oommisaioners held in the Commiasionera~ Ohamber in the Qity Hall. Paouoeh, Kentuoky, on November 13th. 1923• at l0 ab o•oloak t A. 16.. Upon Dell of the roll the following enewered to their;na:oee: Qommissionere ~." pane. Tully,atd Lteyor Katterjohn,-3. , Ynyor Ratter john stated reasons for oell.to-wit; To allow eaLimates owing ,, ,,;~ to. Yanoy B, Johnson. Oontseotore, on the oonetrvotion'of'"Sorith Tenth Street or Ilvrrell ~~ $oulevard, 'end euoh other buaiaeea ea may Dome before the Boasd. C, Oommiseioner Tally offered the following motion: Yt appesi~ina that the Yanoy k John- i; Ol of Paduoah is irdebtea Lo Yana k JohnQOn Qontraotors for Lhe oonatruotion of eon,oontraotora~. ~' y •. allowed for ° oonerete dtiveway on South Tenth Street or I_rurre7l Boulevard from the South property intereeotiona, +! , alloge &o. by ' ,line of Eradway to Lhe South property line of 'Penneasee Street for the following Oity x]3;044.48', ,~~ aatimatea for intereeotiona: - • " ,,., ;7.... ,,. •, Estimate. ~3 ...............~18E.90 „~ r:;.: ` ~ " Eb,............... 92.32. •. -: .:~" "*. . car ~ ~ " 28 .....:......... 9b.20 _ ~ " 43 ............... 124.Ob ,.., " b0 ............... b7.70 :," ; ~ r ... " "" : " 60 ............... 92.32 3. ', - 1~ ~ _ '° 64 ............... 92.32 Y i~ ~ . , , .. '.. ~ !! " 79,.."........ 11624.04 ~ a Lotal of " ~ .,. ........"..a .......................~32230.66,.ard for the followinrt eeti~ ' ~ ' • 1 i r '~,! ,~ .. :: . • ~r ~ •gs^ . ' .~ 2'~I ... y; y.,.. - ~'4'~'''w~a`+w.•r-~awa„~Y -. ~ M. ¢!rJr .J <n.i ~> ,- ..., ..,n .a .o-''4 ,~`,.•, I :. '.r A, .. ~. .,.. .~ ,. ... i P i R~ ! ~ .., N~.~3~_. .. Commissioners'. Proceedings, City of Paducah_~_.~::_~::_:.~;~ 192- f I i { I Sohoola allow; ed X408.66 duo from ool- leatione on taxes to Nov.; 10th, 1923. i I i t ~ , ___ mate for part of l,ot_,~l Blook ~6 Addition "it". $b3,...$813~b7, a total of ~13044.4E, I move that it be allowed and ordered paid and charged to New Conetruotion and the , . money appropriated from the General fund to pay enure. Adopted upon Dell Of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Paoe, Tu11y and Katter3ohn,-3. Oommiseioner Tully. offered the following motion: I't appearing that there ie due the Sohoola the sum of ~408.Q6 from Lhe tax oollootions Lo Nov. 10th, I move that it be allowed and ordered paid and the money approprlated from the General fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully and Katter~ohn,-3. On~m~o~t"ion the Aoard nd~ourned upon Dell of the roll by 3 yeas. ,= F:,C?zjx~ ~? f c • ,- V ~~ o ~~ ~ <-_ n_ ...~..._.._._.,"~."7 ....._.___._.... ~ l NOV.~1B^dt 16TH, 1923, ' ,I At a Called Cleating of the board of Commiaeioners held in the Commiaeionere' • ~I Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on November 15th. 1923,_ at 10 O'olook ~ ~~ A.M. IIpon sell of the roll. the following answered to their names: Commiee}onere ~uu~ Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. 9ashington and Mayor Y.atterjohn,-b. I! Mayor Katter~ahn etnted reasons for oa71 to-wit; To hear the report of the j ~f Chief Engineer on Sewer District No. 3, oleo disposition of surplus dirt on Sewer ~I Distriot No. 3, and nny other business that may.oome before the Board. i ij Commiealoner 1'ullinm offored the following motion: That the omployment of C. B, :valkar as engineer-inepeotor at .a salary of :176.00 per month, effeotivs as of Q. ~. Alalk er I~ employed as li November Gth, 1.923, be approved, and that his time or salary be aharaod against the Engineer-In- apector. i work or department he is eotually enaeged in.. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the ~ ,. ~' following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Iulliam. Tully, ,7ashin at on and Katterrohn,-6. fl Commiealoner Fnlliam offered the following motion: I move that the report ' Report Com'r. !j of the Commissioner of Publio ~Jorks and Chief Engineer, atetina that oontraot for ' Publio ~~orks dr ~l Chief Engineer•!I Brunk line aewera in District 3B-3C is not oomplete end in a condition to be aocepted ` relative to the' oo:6pletion of ij by the City, be reoeived and filed: lidopted upon sell of the roll by the following • Sub-Divisions ,I B. & C. , Server { '' '" dote: Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully. :7ashinaton and Kettar3ohn,-b. District ~3. ,' i; ~ , '` Commiealoner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the E. R. ~I Harding Company be and are hereby notified that the City dieagreee with the state- ~.R.Hard[nR Co.~i meet in the oommunioation of es id Company reoeived and filed o.n 1ovember 12th. 1928 no$iYied of i City's re~eot- ;; to the effeot that the oontraot for conatruot}on of trunk line aewera for Sub-Divi.- ion of Sub- Divlalona B.k Oe. alone B. and 0, of Sewer Dietriot 110. 3 is oomplete and ready for noceptanoe, 5ativor DiaL.~3 ` au now oomplete) and furthermore that the City refuses to eooept ea id oontraot as complete,,','` ,~ but refers said ~oompany to the several oommunioationa from tho City and from the ~; Engineering Department as to the work neoeHSary for ooml~~letion. Adopted upon ae]1 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Feoe,Fu]11em,Tul]y,l7aehir.aton,Y.atter~ohn,-b.. R Commiealoner Iulliam offered the fo]lowina, motionr I movo ttct the ifest ii i7eat Ry.Coel ~ Y,entuoky Coal Company be notified that their hopper bins conatruoted within the ` Co. notified to remove last three months extends onto Seoond Street bet~veen Ohio and Tennessee. and part of struoture on ;l City'sproperty ~! said struoture stands on property belonaine to the City of Padneah, end furthermore, on 2n3 3t. bete; Ohio and Tenn. l; that sai3 Company be and ere hereby ordered to remove such portion of the atruotnre St. ~j , : r, P as obstructs publio property. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:., '. Yeas, Fulliam, fully, ~7ashington,-3; }Jaye, Faoe and Y.atter~ohn,-2, ` On motion the board adjourned upon Dell of the rol] by b yeas. ' : .. ,1 ~/~' AA ii , a ' ^s ~. , ,~ h; °_~ p ~,<<Rrio~ ~, ,r-., ~~, ~ ~~ ...n ~ II"P~ q ~RPinq p„ to ~~i ,p~~~{i ~ ~. i. , ,~M1'P"III iP I ~p ~ i:,- ~ n i I-' ~ I ~ I 1' ~~i ~~ `--ppm'r-r i ~. ~a ~a~~ ~ • '` :. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah._ _... _.~.-__~~ __-- -.---._..._ ._ _._19B .. x p NOYkilBilt 16TH. 18E3. ~ i • ~ % AE n OaiieB Mooting of the board of.Commissioaere, heid is the Oommissionore° ~ ii Chamber lithe City Hail, Paduonh, Kentucky, on November 16th, 19 Y3, at 11:46 0°o9ook ~ a A. M. Upon oa31 of the roll the following answered to their anmee: Commissioners H Paoe, puiliam, :Yashi.ngton and iSayor Katterfohn,-4. f Mayor Katterfohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: To allow salary to C. S• ?7alker I ~ .: ' ~ for time ae Pkrgineer-Inspector oa Sewer Diatriot ~3 from November 6th to 2ovember ,. ~:, k 16th nt 12 A.M. at rate of ~17b.00 per month. ~ i~ Commiesioner Pulliam offered the following.motion; I movo that C• 3• l7alker, ,', ~ s be a]iowed ,~61.2b oalary C ~gineor-Inapeotor oa Se•ser ooastrnotlon~from November 6th, 19 E3 to 1E o°o]ook AM.. ' •November 16th, 1923, iaoemuoh as he hna been disoharaed by J, C••Keeley, Ohief Aeaiet- 9 ,~ C. S.Taiker, 8ngineer-In-. ant 3!?~giaeer, an aooount oY hie being away from the work during oonotruotion, and ~;l speotor on Sewer oonetruotion ~ same charged against 3rd Diatrdot Sewer Fund• Adopted upon oe]1 of the roll by the ' discharged. following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, AaehinRton and Katterfohn,-4. •On motion the Board adjourned upon Dal] of the roll by 4 yeas, ~; . "ylorr, 19~ 19 R3 ,~.F~R,OZ%?7~1~ ` 1 ~J ~ `` . NOVF.T,'li~t 19TH. 192'ie . ~;: - ~` _ At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiasionere° ~ „ Chamber in the City Rall, Peduoah, Kentuoky° on November.l9th, 1923. Upon Dell of th®~ roll the following enawered to their names: Commiasionere Paoe, Pulliam,. Tully, 9ash- ingtoa and Mayor Katterfohn,-b•. ,. H Oa motion of Comnisaioner 7eahington the minutes of the previous meetings ware ~ etdopted as read and oorreoted npoa Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace,I I ' ~ ~ Pulliam, Tully, l7ashington and Katterfohn,-b. ~~. ~~ G . Mayor Katterfohn offered the fo]lowing motion: I movo that t}~ report of the. ~` Report rboCrack-~I lth I ~ 1'ublio iioalth Nursing Leactuo for the month of October 1923, be re- ~ n Count k i M Or ' ; en Co. Hea ~ ' y ao e o i ' ~' or Oot. Leacue i 1923, `~ ooived and hied. Adopted upon call of the roll by the f ollowina vote: Yeas, Paoe, ~ ;. r Pulliam, Ta]ly, .7ashington and datterfohn,-b• e. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the bieyor be authorized fir ` :' Mayor to appoin two delegates t t b to appoint two delegates to the Rivera & Rarbors Congress at Wsahinetoa, D• C. on 1 ~ ~. givers & Rarbor . Congresa• ; $ .December 5th an8 6th, 1923, the railroad faro end hotel bile to be paid by the City ~- ' . ~ and charged to Contingent Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: ~ " Yeesa Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, 17eahinaton and Katterfohn,-b• y petition re- y Mayor Katterfohn offered the fo]'lowing motion: Y move that the petition re- '~queatina Der- " tain wayo of ' , a questing certain ways of cutting meat be referred to Commiasionnr ',7ashington for re- , V outt lnq. meat referred to ~ commendation cn3 report bank to board at next regular meeting. Adopted npoa ca]1 of Commissioner washington• , ~ ' i,the roll by the following vet®: Yeea,pece,Pu111am,Tully,'yashington and Katterfohn,-b. - Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the pay-ro]1 for Pay-r o71 for fir at half of ;, q the first half of the month of November 1923, amounting to $7b64.66, as per the re- ' "' ~ Nov. 1923, as per report of ~~ port of the Commissioner of Public Finanoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid ) ~ ~ = Com°r.Tully. ~ ~ ~ and the money appropriated from the 1leneral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon toll of M :~ the roll by the following veto: Yeas.Paoe,Pn111am,Tu]ly,7eahin atoa and Katterfohn,-b. ~ 3 ~ '' k i ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: T move that the pay-roll for , t',, e- '• Pay-roll for first half of. ~ " ~. the first half o: the month of November 1923, for the 38 Dietriot Sewer, amounting to I Nov. 1923 Yor • 3rd District ~ $420.66, be allowed and ordered paid and 'the Commieaione¢• of Public Finanoe be author ~ .Sower. ~ ised and inatruoted to draw cheeks against the ~3 District Sewer Fund Aooount to pay 1w ~~-;. Yeae, Paoe, Pulllam,Tully ~ same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fo110wing votee l ~ _ J ~ weahingtca and Katterfohn.-b. z .. , ~'-,-..~ ~` ti,. ~, r~; ~':. ~~ 4~ ~~~,, ~I i~ ~:~ V... v u~ 4 ..' ~. . , ..'~':. . Na.__~~~_..."., . Commissioners' Proceedings City of Paducah_..,..;:.~:.__:.:_:.:.._.~_._..: 192.- _~ Gommiaeionor Tu11y-offered the following motion: IL appearing that there is due ~ ithe Sohoola the sum of X148.42 from the tax oolleoLiona to Nov. 17th inoluelve, I move ~ . Sohoole allowed ,148.42 due from i'that iL be allowed and ordered paid~and the money appropriated fro@ the General Fund tol.,, tax oolleottone ;~ 'mow to Nov.1T,1923• ';PgY eesme. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Y@ea, Paoe, Pulliam, • ;;Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. ,. t ,~ w^ Communisation of '. Commissioner Tully off@red the followinrt motion: E mov@ that the letter dated Marwlok,Atitohell is • & Co. AooountanteNovember 17th of btartviak, lditohell & Go., Aooountante and Auditors of 9t..Louie, 2.to.. ' and Aud ttora and ' ~ Com'r.Finanoe to ;b@ reoeived and filed arxt their proposition to make an audit of the eagonnte oY Lhe notify them of '~ employment to .,City of Paducah Yor the year 1923 for the sum oY X400.00 be eooepted end the Commie- ' audit City's ' Aooounts for jaioner of Publio Finanoe be inatruoted to notify them to that effoot, Adopted upon f 1923. i i~oell of Lhe roll by tho following voto: Yeea, Pnoe, Pulliam, Tii]ly, l4eahinaton and ,;gatterlohn,-b. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I mov@ that the etatamsnt of Lhe Statement of ;i t Com'r.Finanae ~ of 3rd Diatriot -~ District Sewer Fund Aooount, ea per the roport of 'the Commissioner of Fub]io Ftnnnoe ; Sewer Fund Ao- oount to date. !;filed herevtth, be reoeived an3 filed. Adopted upon osll of the rol] by the following j 'ivote: Yeea. Paoe, Tulliam. Tully. Washington and Kattar~ohrr,-b. f i Com'r.Publio ~i Commiasioner Faoe offered the following motion: I mono that the Commissioner of 5efety to employ i~ two extra polioe.:;Fublia Safety be authorized to use two extra police. same to be oharaed to the Folios Department. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by .the following vote: Yesa, Paoe, Pulliam,,' I P; Tully, 9ashington and Katter~ohn,-5. ~ !i Commissioner Pulliam off@sed the following motion: I move that the r@port of W.F. Report q.F. Anieraon,In- ~',Anderaon, Inapeotor, on the oonditton of ins ids of Diatriot 3B-3C trunk ]ins sewers, Spector of Don- ' ditibn of inside Dopy of which r@port .having been delin@red to ;:. H. Harding Company on October 26th, of Diatriot 3B- ;1923, be reoetned ar,d filed. Ado tad u n pall of the roll b the following vote: Yeaef ' ~ 3C Trunk line ; P Po Y S@N@r• ~ . 'Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, tashington and Kattersohn,-5• E"` fi Commissioner ~4aahington offered the following motion: I move that the oorcm~unicatioi~;`„ Communisation ii i Com'r.Iublio ;j from I„ A. Washington, Gommisaioner o.f Public Property. reletige,to the claim of Harri- Property relative to Claim oY ,son Turley, be r@aeived rnd filed, eml that the City Solioitor be authorized err] in Harrison Turl ey. ~atruoted to institute suit at once for the ~olleotion of thin olaim. Adopted upon Del] { iof the roll by th@ fo]]owina note:Ysea,Taoe,Pu]11am,Tully,'Neahinatarr & Kattor~ohn,-6 d( ; On motion the Board ed~ourned upon Dell of the roll by 5 yeas. --- -~.~~ »..,........ c;.. ... NOV~•1J9:7i 22ND. 1923. ~t'.7t~P. j AL a Callod ideating of tho Aoard of Ooranisalonera hold in .the Commissioners' ' 4 ~I. Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentuoky, on November 22nd, 1.923. at 4:16 O'olook '! P. it. IIpon Dell of the roll the following anativarod to their rer.,oe; Commisaionera Peoe ,~, pnlliam, Tully. :Vashington and Idayor Katterlohn.-b. ~j i6eyor 1'atter'ohn stated r@eaona for sell to-wit: For the purpose of modify- i} ~i ing and changing se:v@r plane on 19th Street bet•Ae@n Jefferson Street end 2,!onroe Street ~. i ~i to be approved by the Board of Commieai?nsre, and ergh other buetnees that miahL Dome. j r before the Board. '~ Commissioner Pu]liam offored the following motion: I mov@ that the E. R., E.R.Harding Co. I ~ `~ notified of '',~ Harding Company be notified that the intake into the 19th Street Se•.ver about 100 lest ohenge in sewer '~ ~ ~ {'~. j plena at 19th ~ north of Jefferson Street, has been elimtnated ar.d.e 42 inoh inlet ordered to be atreot between Jefferson St. and!; planed et the a]ley between Jefferson Street and Ltonro@ Stree4.'said oh anae being 1.',onroe St. 1 approved by the board of Commiaaionera. ..d opted upon oe]] of the r o71 by the fol- ''" " , ;i lo:ving vote: Yeea, Paoe. Pulliam. Tu]Iy, :4aehinaton and Y.etter~ohn•-b'. • •. i , :~..,. s ""'Sa9u..!'"3'a.-.y ['~ ;K".,.... s- 4.++i"~s' %,.ar°'~S'9 ,. _ ., .' xa ~~~;. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Padueah_________________-.__.___192__ ' _ _ _ __ _ ~' ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; Y move that the Oommunioation; G.R.HardinR Co. atlfied of re-"from the Commissioner of Fnblio '9orka to E. R. Harding Company, dated November 22nd, ~' $eotion of per-. ~ :' tion of 36" "d1923, relative to re$eotion of 36" oraoked sewer pipe on 3B-3C Ooatraot, be ratified. !oraoked sewer pipe on 3B-3O~~ r.eoeived and filed. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vet®; Yeae, Paae, Contraot. ~ ,;pnlliam, Tully, 8ashington and Ketter$ohn.-b• . ,. ~,. On motion the Board ad$ournad upon Dell of the roll by b yeas.. ua ~'"~ lSrfd,XOpt. ~`. - Aovember 26th, 1923._ ~ - ^ Y I ~ ,' r, ~ ~ , At a Regular L!eotira of the Board of Commissioners, ha7d in the Commiaeionera° ' p.,: ~, ~Ohamber in the City Hn11, Faduoeh, Y.antuoky, on November 2Gth, 1923. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paae-° Tully, flaehington and } ., r Mayor Kstter$ohn,-4. - ' On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetinRa were f I ~~edopted as read upon sell of the roll by the following vet®: -Yeas, Pnae, Tully, rPeah- ~ ',t ~ington and Katter$ohn•-4. . ,x Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commission®rs° Chamber> ~,?: Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; Yt apnaering that there Sa Sahoola allowed i - ?;~490.13'due from•due the Schools the sum of .490.13 from the tax aollaotior,a to end including Nov. 24th; tax aolleotiana Ito Nov•24th° j move that it be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General '; ~ 1923. -~ Fund to pay same. Adapted upon wall of the roll by the following Vote: Yeaa, Paae. Pulliam, Tully, ~Yashington and Y.atter$o}u:.-b. - Commissioner Fuiliam offered the following motion: I move that eoknowledge- ? AoYsowledgemont . E.R.Hardinq Co. h went of E. R. Harding Co. of reoeipt of Dopy of motion passed Nov. lb, 1923, be ra- i, , of reaeLpt of ~' , Dopy of motion ~ oeived an3 filed. Adopted uton Dell of the roll bS the following vote; Yoas, Paoe, ~' passed idov.l5° ~~.1`12~• ~ Pulliam, Tully, S7ashington end Katter$ohn,-b. ~ ~ Co.mmiasioner Fulliam offered the following motion: I move that Special Foroe i ` yr' ~ dcaount Pay-roll of Sower Diat. ~3 emountina to x18.99 for work done on Tr~mk Line 3peoial Pa ol] ~:~"Se.ver Diatriot ~. £' $3 amounting tog Extensions ItoV. 22nd and 23rd, 1923, be alla:?ed and charged to the Third Diatriot ;, ,18.97 allowed. ;' f sa:rer Fund a• Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paae. Fulliam~ t^.. u .#. ~' Tully. '.7ashington and Ketter$ohn,-b• ,`L.A.Nsahin gton y Commissioner i7ashington offered the following motion: I move that the aommu- J "s?, aommunioation i ~;'reletive to ~ niaation from 1. A. DaahinP.ton, Commissioner of Public Property. dated ldovamber 19th, ;~ ~ inauranoe held ;~ ~;. by City in the r. 1923, relative to ineuranoe held by the City of Faduoeh with the Ohio Valley Fire & f ~`' Ohio Valley Fi'ref',. - -`r & }urine Ins. }.farina Ynaurance ComperC+. be reoeived and filed: Adopted upon sal] of the ro17 by Co. ~. the followingt vote: Yeas. Paoe,pulliam°3'u11y,9aehingtam an3 Katter$ohn,-b. Commissioner ;4aehington offered the following motioa:• Y move that Aid ORDI-. ,,~ Retention Ordi- ^ NAtdCE AAir;IdDiNG SUB-SECTIOid' ]2, SECTION 4, OF AR ORDIIdAI7CF. ITI'ITI.EID "Aft ORDIIIATICE PRO- .~nanotr emor~ ed..,, ~ - YIDITdG FOR THr: APPOIId1i:`::IdC OR ni4T:~tTIOId, BY THr, BOAP.D OL f•OIr'iSiISSYONr:?S OF iII'r. CITY OF I pADiJCAH, Ki3Id-1R7C'LY. AItD FIXING iH SIR SilA~iI33, I'017:)Ra~ ATd?) DL'CIES." ADOFTI9 BY T}ir^, BOARD ~~ -', p OF C01~SISSIONSRS ON LtARCH 27TH, 1922. be adopted: Adopted upon Dell of the roll by j '~ ~ the following vote: Yeas,Pees°Pulliam,Tully,:9aahington and`'Katter$ohn°+b. i Y ~ ~ Commissioner ;7eahinaton offered the following motlons~That the met tar of a, City Lloonse ~ ~ - ' Ta¢s referred ~ aity`lioenae tag for automob'ilse be rofnrred'to"the City Solicitor for°"report next t0 City Soliai-" _ , ~~" for for report. 'meeting. Adopted upon Dell of the roll `by'the'following`vote."Yeas, Paoe• Pulliam. t Tully, `v4aehington and Katte~t$o1in, bo `` • . ` I ,. :~ ~ - ~ .. . ,. ~ , ,. - ,., , .. . a - ? ~~. _., s„ .. ,... _ ... ~ _ , .. ., ._. ~ . ~,,'. ~ ~- .` w ~a i ~..-. No._~=_/__u~ , . Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah_~:_~~_._:::~_:: s.':_;.a~__~92_ __ ._ __ '~ tmyor KatterJohn offered the following motion; I move 'that A, bt, Niohole, attorney i •• A.1S.Niohola,Atty. ~~for Adolph fail, '!`ruatee of Reyno]de Brothers aryl the attorney for the• plainti.fls , for Adolph 7eil, . Trustee for Rey- ,'Adolph t/eil, end Reynolds Brothora, be paid the sun of ~242.t32 1n full of e71 o]ai.me,~ Holds Bros, paid !j ~24E.68 in full ~egaf.nat the City in this notion, and the Commissioner of Fub1Lo Finanoe is hereby in- ' of olaime egainat ~ City in thin eo- ~atruoted to Lasue ohook to the said Niohole for said sum and ohnrge same to Coate b Lion. j 9u it a. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the f ollowinR vote: Yens, Faoe, Pulliam, @ !iTully, ',7eahinaton cnd KatterJohn,-5. , • ;i Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion; I move that the JuAgment eanf.aet 1f. C. Seaton,Clerk• pa Sd X75.00 and ,i ~~the City aY 1'eduoah for ~7b.00 and oost of eotLon 1n oase of Q.'B..Oox ve. 01Ly of , . ooats in oase of !!paduoah be ordered paid n.nd the Oommisaioner of 1'ublio b`inanoe be nuthorLaed and in- C.B,.Cos vs p City of Feduaah. jaLruoted to pay soma to '9, C. Seaton. ^.irouit Court Cle°k and. oharae'to eooour:t of IlCoats• ar.~d Suits. ddopted upon sell of iha ro71 by the fol7owira vote; Yeas, Paoe, a • ~pullism, Tully, '.7aehington and Y.atterJohn,-5. ' ~ Ou motion the Board adJourned upon Dell of the roll by 8 yens. ' ~~ . f~-f`"3^r~ 143 ~a~ -.E'?.~G'L . ~.D fed ~ ' ~,, . r ae ~ ~'~i.~~~ rJ~ ' _ ~~ DE0~13R 3RD. 19E3. . ~l~ 4t a Regular iiasti.ng of the Board of Oommiaeloners, held in the Oommieaionerer IjOhamber in the Oity Aa11, Psduoah, Kentuoky, on Deoember 3rd, 1983. Upon Dell of the ."~ ;.,"~; •r. ~ roll the following answered Lo their names; Qommisetonera Pulliam, Tu]ly, 1laehingLoa ; ': f . ,, , ii and lsayor KatterJohn,-4. ~ ~~ . ~ '•; On motion of Oommiaeloner Tully the minutes of the previous meeting were adopted ~; a~ 4': . . '~aa read upon Dail of the roll by the foilowina vote; Yeas, pu131sm, Tully, 7ashington ~' i , 'end KatterJohn,-4. • " ~ Oommiesioner Peae entered the Ooromiaalo»ere~ 0hamber. ,r Yanoy ! Johaeoa, ! i~[eyor Y.atterJDhn oftered the following motion; That the oommuniostton from Ynnay , , ~~ oommunioation rs+ lathe. to extsn- '~& Johnson, under date of Nova 30th, 1923, relative to extension of Llme on Oontrsote ,I ~ '. i sion of time on Oontraota 1. E b '~1 E and S be reoeived.end filed. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the f ollowing vot• ~ ,,", 3• ;Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. Wsshingto n and KatterJohn,•b. ii " r Oommlesioner Tully offered the following motion; That the"eum of 5100.00 bs paid HoCraoken County Health LeaRUS ~to the tdoCraoken Oo~mty Health League. to further the oharitabls work in whioh they ors " Pali $100.00 for oharitabla work. ~enaeR,ed and same oharged Lo Charity eooount order Departmont of Publio Safety. aaeptied ' .~ rupon Dell of the ro]1 by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fullinm, Tully, nashington 4. Pend KatterJohn,-b. • Oommuniaetion Coro~r Fublio Fro- ~ ~, pommiseioner '.9ashington offered Lha following motion: I move that the oommunioa- ;I . party relative to %tion Yroro the Oommiesiorer of Iub11o Proporty relative to emending the btarket H us ' " amendLng Ltarket o e . " House Ordinanoe relative to ouLt- ~Ordinanoe eo as to allow farm era Lo out book bones and spare rib into two please, be ;; ing book bones end spare ribs. , !reoeived, filed and oonourrod in. :.oat upon Dell of the ro]1 by the following vote; ;; ' Yeas, Tully and ~Yashington,-f:; Naye Paoe, Pulliam and Y,atterJohn,-3, " City Solioitor lnetruoted to ~~ CommLealoner pullinm offered the following motion; That the City Solioitor De y bring in ordinanoe insLruoted to bring in an ordinanoe authorising the farmers who raise their o•an meat authorising the ' boneanandispnrs to out pork Doak bone err]- spare ribs in two parts for. ea]e on publio market. Adopted ribs. uupon Dail of the roll by Lha following vote: Yeas, Paos, Fulham, Tully, KntterJohn,e; ;Nays, 7nehinRLon,-1. , ~'', 2.R,Hardina Oo. ~ ~Y~' KatterJohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioatlon from 4 "1 . oommunioation rs- iative to manhole "K R. Herding Co a mp r~, dated November 87th. 1923. relative to mnnhols on 9th Street oa on 9th 9traet on larae sewer. {the large sewer, bs raoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dail of the roll Dy the follow- ^~. ". ;ins vote;Yeae,Paoe,Fu111am,Tully,Aeahinaton and KatterJohn,-b. . ~ 7j~ 1 " ~'--- " ~~ ,..~q,r~ipA..~,..,,~.,,w . „.~_~...~~. ,..I~ ~!~II ~ Ril ~9'~"IL qH ~~.:~~ ,.. U iw.n ..a ~ v ,.,a..~, i, ~~.~, ,,.~ ~~,~~.,~.,. ~.~~i,~._.~..,~,.. .~. ... ~ ~_. ~ ~ -., _, ,~, a..~ w...y,~.,~~.,~,~,.~r »~~.Mw y,,,,i~~~... ~~ ~,. ~t . Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah~______~_ ___192- ~. _ .._ _ _' .R.Hardinq Co. `! ~ `~ . Mayor Katterlohn ofle;ed the following motion: I move that the oomm~lonLioa from oommunioation re- " 4 ~ lative to eaten-a "' i" i E. R. Harding Oompany, dated November 30th. 19E3, relative to ea eztension of ninety ! aion of time to '<. complete origi- =':1 nal contract for i days within which Lo complete their original contract for the oonetrnoticn of Tank f . "~ ooneLruoticn u vine Sewers in Sewer District No. 3 De received and filed, and retorted to Engineer I Trunk bins Sew- :~ ere. ~- pulliam for further oonaideration and report. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the ~ ' ;';I :~ following vote: Yeea, pace. Pn111am,.Tully, 9/aehingLon and %atterlohn,-b. I~. ~•. '`l Mayor Kstter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommnnioation ' { E.R.Harding Co. oommnnloatioa ~ from E. R. Harding Oompeny, dated November 30th. 18 E3, ;elaLive Lo Lhe completion of tie j relative to the ~' completion of q, , trunk line extension sewers, be.reoeived and filed. Adopted upon cell of the roll byl ~~ trunk line ex- - ,~ tension sewers, „ ~ the following vote: Yeas, Pace,pulliem,Tnlly,Aashington and KaLter~ohn,-b. ~ . ; ileyor KatLer~ohn offered,the following motion; Aa authorised by motion. I have , ..'1.'. el ~ . Ooa Oraig end appointed Oon Oraig and F. 0. Ketterjohn, delegates to the Natioz~Rivare & Harbors F.~P.Katter~ohn ' ', ~ appointed dale- Oongreee. Adopted neon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, gates to Natl. I • ~•Rivers and Har- Tally. ilashington and Kstter~ohn,-b. ~ bore Oongrees. ~ • Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: The stmt of gb0.00 having been ~ OemeLery.deed paid i~o the treasury., ae evidenced by the receipt tiled herewith, I move that deed ~~ exeonted to Y~'s.Ethel be executed to ilre. ELheT Riddle for Lot #9, Block ~E on the Sonth aide of Hannan Rid31e. - i. Street, between Baker k 11111er Streets in Oak Crowe Cemetery. Adopted upon cell of i .the roll by the following vote:Yeas,Paoe,PU111am,Tully,:4ashington & Katterloha.-b. ~ Statement of Oommiasioner Tally offered the following motion: I moos T?iAT STATr3!ENT OF ~. •a, aooonnt with Oeo.Y,Ketter- AOCOUIiT WITH Or^0. il. KATTERJOHN ~ SON. CONTRAO'IOR3: FOR TAY COIiSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE ~ john de. 9orJ for . ' oonstruotion oft alley in Block AbIi:Y IN BLOCK NUi~ER 9. OID Tp17N ADDITION "A". BETMEEN BROi.D7AY AND JEFFr1130N STREETS .;, 9, Detn.Bway & ~~ AND BI;TAF,EN SEOOND AND THIRD STiIEETS, BE RECEIVED AItD FILED. Adopted upon cell of thA Jefterson and, ,; End end 3rd Ste rol2.by the. following vote;Yeae,pace,pu111am,Tully,Neahington.end Katterjohn,-6. Oommiseioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having ~; Estim tes id paid their estimates against property owner$ for the oonsLruotion oY concrete alley a pn :: '~' by property in Block ~9, Old Town Addition "A" between IIroadway & Jefferson Streata and between ?`: ownore for the oonetruotion of ,... ,. Seaond de Third 3Lreate: alley in 81ook~ ~ ~, ,,•4 9, Deta.Bwoq. 5 . Eet. ,~1 Jaa. P. Smith, Truatee,......~b8.76 ,` end Jefferson G " 11 H: & J. iPalleratein,......... 97.7b and End and 3rd4 " 3. Herman Friedman .............. 86.36 Ste. 4 M 13 A. 3. Thompeon ...............370.18 lE C. F. Rieke Est. dr L.M.Rieke,370.18 . " 8 .T, F. Brad ahaw~ ..............134.61 • " 8 Lieohanios T. & S. Bank.......-44.87 °" I " 7 Marie H. Anepaoher,........:. 44.87 ~ ' ~, 4 I . ' " 4 Ike Oohen .................... 47.01 s 3! .. " b Annie Oohea .................. 45.40 " E M. lliohael k Bro .. . .. .. 89.9E . . .. .. " 6 Y. N. ~4arren ................. 4E.73, a total of ~143E.64, Y move that the sum of ~143E 64 be allowed Ce Katt hn & So ConLra re ends T j t . ; o. . er o n. o o `~ -' the Oommiseioner of public Finance be autho:ized and.inetrvoted Lo teens otieok for • ~ $143E..64 and charge same to Sp eoiel Street Fund AoconnL. Adopted upon cell of the ~ roll by the following vote:Yeas,paoe,Pu111em,Tu1~V,7eahingLon and KnLterlohn,-b. ~ ~ ' ~ ' Oommieaioner Tully offered the foilowiaq motions The following party havlno. Ohio Valley ~ ! !!! Fire k 16arine neither paid the estimate nor signified their intention of taking the Ten Year pay- Ins. Company fa Sling to take ~ '" meat Plen for the oonetrnot ion of oonoreLe alley in IIlook ¢9, 01d Town Addition ".A«; ten year plan ~. or pay eetima-~ 'between Broadway b Jefferea~- BLreate and between 3eoond to Third Streets: ~` te, same auth• r. oriaed to be N ~P. • •~ BaL. X10 Ohio Valley 1~irs d~ Marine Ins. Oo,. X48.08, ~ t Cornea over to ,, OoatraoLora fob' ~`I move that the Oommtaeioner of Fpbilo Finanoa bo suthw feed and inatruoLed to turn Lhe oonbtrubL4d I low of said. the sbove mentioned eaLime~b over Lo uso. 71. KsLLer~ohn b Son. Oo~raotors. ~doptsQ allsr, • :•npoa call of. the roil by the following vetas Yeas, Paoe, pnliiam, Tniiy, AaehinRton "'! r~ ~.. ,, and 1Catter~ohn,-b~' .. - , i ~_.. c. .. .. , , 4 1 ~' ~ k 3~ a a ',.; i °' ` ~. 3t ~ ,.. ~ `,. ak I1, G ~. ~_. ,~ xr. ~• ~L:,. ~,-. ~' ~. ~'. .~ ~. ~: ' ~• i ~_ { ~:~ ~. "' ii a.i s~., ' M.. ~ ,. ...• ~ ~Y 4.,. ...' j~ q` I. ~. '~~~a I jI I ~d I. r ~ . •. . . ,~.., ,W , -J...~+:.t E~^,kaa mss, .,++.::.;'~+!'~y $a.-.,e„ ..~...~.~~.....uy,;.w~anae~w ~.~ G ~r*ti ; .e r.. .f ~.w•. ._. ^~.. ~ .r. - L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ., • ' ' Oommiseionere' Proceedings, City of Paducah.._.......~::,_.:;:.....:......_x._._..__198, __ { t I " i i i f i i• i _ - -- -- - ~j Oommieeloner Tully offered the following motion; It appearing that Wsii. Rath Oom'r.Publlo 81- ih Irving o! 0lnoinnati, Ohio have in their poeaeseion $18,000 of 8traet improvement nanoe to negotiate with Weil,Roth do ;;Honda o! the 01ty of Paduoah issued August tat, 1906 due August 1eL:, 19SL, drawing {~ Irving relsLive to purchase of !interest which they have offer ad to sell to the Oity of Paduoah for the sum of 99 and X18,000 of Stroot? Improvomont Bonde;noorued intoreat, I move that the Oommiaetonsr of Tublio Finanos be authorized and in- held by them. ~~ etruoted to negotiate for the purohseo of these bonds e-nd report such eotion to this ;body. Adopted upon sell of the roll b"y the following vote; Yean, paoe, Tully and ii ' iflaahington,-3; Naye. Pulliam and Katter~ohn,-E. Qommieaioner Peoe offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report Chief of Polioe for the ii Chief of Polioe for the month of November 19£3 be received and Piled. Ad opted upon month of November I„ ' 19E3. ~osll of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Paoe, pu]Siam, Tully, Washington and !Kettsr~ohn,-6. ~~ Oommiseionsr Paoe offered the following motion; That E. ~, Ruehina be ap. E.E.Ruehlnq ~', appointed extra ;!pointed extra patrolmnn for speolai duty. Adopted upon onl! of the roll by the follow. p atro lman for apooinl duty. ling vote; Yane, Pnoe, Pulliam, '1'uily, Wnshington rnd Yatter~ohn,-8, l !. Oommiselonsr Pulliam offered the following motion; 1 more that the employment ht,O.Taylor employ-~of M. 0. Taylor at $19b,00 per month to fill position on sewer and street is7apeotiori . "lmont in Deppt. Public ~'•'orka for ~,foroea mnde vacant by diseharging or.e of the ongineere for abaonoe from the work, be sewer and Street , inepootlon. ,ratified. Adopted upon Dell of the roil by Lhe following vote; Yeas, paoe, pullinm, Tully, Washington and Kntterlohn,.b. I~ Oommisaioner Washington offered the following motion; '7hereae there ie due u E.R.Hardinq Co. the E. R. Harding Company on Sewer District 3B-3C approximately $19,000.00, I move relative to Sewer District 38-3C ~thet the E. R. Hnrdinq Company be paid' ~10,00~.00 on this account end that same bs amount due them one unfinished Don- ;ioherged to Server District ~3; and that i~9,000.00 be retained until he completes some' tract disallowed. 'minor defects, ae outlined by our'City F.e:gineer. l.oat upon Dell oY the ro]1 by the following vote; Yeas, Tully end Naehiruston,-E; Ilsya, paoe, Pulliam and Sntterlohn.-3.' Ii On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. I ~ ~ At3w~icdL~-'ec'. a.--°-v.--.Ili A~~=`~v~~V.;±,i:. fI _ . ____------ DECF•MBER bTH: 19E3. At a Called Meeting of the 9oard of Commissioners, held in Lhe Commieaionera' ~; E ;Chamber in the City Ha11, Paduoah. Kentucky, on Denember 5th, 1923, at 11:30 O'clock ~A. M. Upon Dell oY the roll the following answered to their ramea: Commisalonere I r; .~ ~Faoe, Tully. Washington.-3. Mayor Katter~ohn being absent Yrom the city Mayor.Pro.: i 'Tam ;9aehington presided. Mayor Pro Tem Washington stated reasons Yor Dell to-wit: To allow pay-rolls and ~`:,~.,,. '. ~i,any other business that might nome before the Board. ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the eoooun.ta for the i; Report of Com-'~~laet half of the month of Hovembar 19E3, amounting to X16230.01, ns per the report at.: mieaioner of Public Flnanoe the Commieaioner oY Fub11o Finance filed herewith. b® allowed and ordered pall and the accounts for la at half oY ;;money appropriated from the General Fund to pay name. Adopted upon call of the roll LTov. 19 i3. by the following vote: Yeas, Psae, Tully end 'daehinaton.-3. ~' Comeiesioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the aooounta r Accounts and for the lest half oY the month oY iovember 1923, Yor the 3d Dietrint Sewer. as follows Pay-rolls for ;: last half of Idov. 1923 oY Fay ro11........~461.b1 3rd District Supplies,....... 84,06, Server. 3peoiel Pay Roll b2.4E, total $b97.99, be allowed and order+ ~~ed paid and the Commissioner of Fublio Finance be authorized end instructed to draw ~cheoka against the No. 3 Diat. Sewer Fund Account to pay same. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe. Tully and '~Yeahington,-3. i ..~ .:.: ~ r I -_. . , ;: ~ r ,,,. ~~r,~ ~i n-~., n~~-,'T~'~R~ILm~ m,~rr~~ ._,:~ . . Na ~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah --_ -192- , ~- k" ~---._ _.. ~, ,~ ~ Commissioner Pulliam e~ered the Oommisaionere' Chamber. 4J. . Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that 1Saitland Pieroe -a be allowed $24.20 for salary ea inepeator from Deoember 1 to Deoember bth, inalnaive, ;; Xaitland PieYoe~ . salary. el lowed, e:d furthermore that he be allowed a leave oY abeenoe without pay until the weather ~~ and . granted y leave of ab-. allows n reeimiption of oontinnona work on street pouring. Adopted upon Deli of the aeAOes -, ~ roll by the following vote: Yeea~ paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Washington,-4. • On motion the Board ed~onrned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. b~l~vicd~2.4~.-:.L~~ 19~.~ .~r_~.RG4•~+~'D ~_ y. ~ . p DECE6{B~t 81gi, 1923. ~". At a Called Meeting of the Boars of Commissioners, held in the Commisaionera'I " Chamber flu the City Hall, Padnoah, Kentuoky, on Deoember 8th, 1923, at 11:10 0' look " A. 'M. Upon oali of the roil the following answered to their names: Oocenisaionera paoe, Pulliam, Tally and Waehtngt0n;-4, Mayor Katter'ohn being oat of Lhe City Mayor - pro Tem 9faehington presided, I " Mayor Fro Tem Washington stated reasons for Dell to-wit: To allow pestiel " ~ payment, amounting to $10,000.00, for work done during the month of November 1923 an ~~ ~ • Dietriat 3A Third Dietriot Sewer, i S.R,Hard"ing Co.~ Coomissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that E. R. Herding; allowed partial pp eyment of ~ Company be allowed ~I0,000.00 partial payment on eaoonnt of monthly estimate for Trunk ~ g7. ~30~000.00 on j monthly sett- - Y,ine 9e"aer Constrnotioa in Dietriot 3A for work done dts inq Iiovember 5923, amd that ~~ mats for Not • ~~; 1923 Diet.3L•, same be oharged against 3rd Dlatrlot Sewer Funds. AdopteS upon Dell of the roll by ~; -~``. the following vote: Yeas Peas, Pulliam, Tully sal Washingtan,-4, ~ ", On motion the Board ad'o:aned upon Dail of the roll by 4 yeas. ~~ TK 3 ' APR©'~`;C,`~? fpor_ to 19~ DECEMBrlt 10TH. 1923. • At a Regular Meeting of the Board oY Commiesionora, held in the Cor.®isaionera° ~;; ; ' ~ Chamber in the City Hell. Paduaeh, Kentuoky, on Deoember 10th, 1923. Upon Dell of the, " § ~ roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, Weahinq~on an8 ; Mayor Katter~ohn,-4.. ~ On motion of Commissioner Washington the minutes of the previous meetings ! were adopted ea read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe.Pnlliam, 4 Ilsehington and Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Tully entered the Commiaeionere° Chamber. Y E.;4.Bagby, ,1 Y,eyor Katter~oha offered the following motion: Y move that E. W. Bagby, Chee.lieille, p ~ W.P.Aummel, ~ Ches. ;Faille, W, P. Hummel, Mrs. John J. Dorian and Mrs. Roy Katter~ohn sash be ap-• ';~ Mre.J.ohn J. ', Dorian emd t pointed as members of the Carnegie Library Board for a period of four years, efYeative ~`~ %tterjohn Deoember 10th, 1923. adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Paoee appointed mem-' r bete pf bibsa= Tally. Washington and $atterjohn,-4. Commissioner Pnlli~ not voting. 1 rq Board. ~ ~ y Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowi,na motion: W. K. Wall, Polioe Judge of ~ Writ oY prohiy the City of Paduoah and Carl Danker, City Attorney, having been notified that J. F. :: biti.on filed ' iC in 1~oCreaken ti Cummings et el have filed a petition in MoCraokea Cirouit Court for a writ of prohi- Cironit Court;i to prevent ~ bit ion from inetituting"proaeoutione"for •iolationa of the Zioenae Ordinanoe, I move proeeoutiona ~ that City Soliaitmr Roapoe Seed be advised of the fast and direoted to defend es id !. tar violations Oedi~snos. '~ Lotion. Adopted neon Deli oY the roll by the following vote; Yeas, pave, Pulliam, Tnily, Washingtoa end $atter~ohn,-b. Ij . 1 .. ~. ~. , _ ,. ,., , .. ,.. ' I i ;r: M", ~:~ x . .. T `o 3 ~,~ . •~:..., 'I i i I~a~ i ~,. F .. "n~ • .t+mQ %~e~,.ry.:;f:.; ,.~ t.: , ~. .. ,.:a,H...s k.;.~ N.+ . ..;Fix#.; a:'"p.n. ,eq x.:wc•~^aa~. ,~+,. +~ <.. ,~ ., ~,. I _ . ~ . .. N0. ~.!~ ~` .. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah~~______ _.. __~_~'~ 192- ' ' ,~ Report Comer. of ,~ Commissioner Tully offered Lhe lolloaing motion; I move that the report of ttM Finanos for Lhs ' month of Nov. IOommiseioner oY Publio Finanos for the month of November bo reoeived, filed and ordersdF 1923. .!published in the oifioiel newspaper. Adopted upon oall of Lhe roll by the iollowinq I !vot,e: Yeaa, Paos, Pulliam. Tully, Washington and Y.attorJohn,-b, „ ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion; I move that the report of the Report Com'r. of ; Finanos of 3d ,~Commiesioner of Publio Finanos of the 3d Diatriot Sewer Fund Aooount for the month of Diatriot Sewer j!~ Fund Aooonnt for ;;November 19E3, Da reoeived. filed and ordered published in the offioial newspaper. ~. Nov:; T923. '~ ' 'r Adopted upon call oP the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully, lash- ~ ~ i. !lington and Katter~ohn,-b. ~~ ~`! ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; i move that the report of the j Report Oom'r. o! '~% Finenoe,showing iCommieaioner of Fnblio Finanos ahowinR the Apportionment. the Amounts Expended and the ''~' Apportionment. Amounts ExDended,~Balanoes to the o~edlt of the various aooounta under the different depertmenta at the Balenaea, &o, to ~ D'ov,30th,1923. ;end of 2ovember 30th, 1923. be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell of ,the rolh by a e ulliam Tull 9faahln on and Katter ohn -b. the following vote: Yeas, P o P . y. 8t J . ' ;.,; Comrnieaioner Tully offered Lhe following motions It appearing LhaL thane le due Illlllj ~'y 3ohoole allowed '~ !' $284.27 due from:' the Sohoola the sum of $284. E7 from the tax•oolleotiona to and ino7udSnR Deo. 8th."._ ~.. Lax oolleotions 'i 1923, I mo w that it be el lowed end ordere3 paid an9 the money appropriated from the -- '~` 3'I' to 15ee.8th,1923. General Fund to pay same. Adopted neon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas. r' ~-' ~,j Paoe, (ulliam. Tully. ':9aehinaton end Katter John,-b. ~?; , ~:r. Bill of Al ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That Lhe bill of Al. Foreman. ` Foreman, C.C. ! 1'"" - Rose an3 R.B. ~ $10.00. C. C. Rose. $10.00. R. 8• Phillips. $10.00, Total $30.00 for appraising proper i f hillips,apprais-, ing property for;, ty for right of way for 3rd Diatriot Sewer, be allowed. and Lhe Commissioner of FubliO~".`-" 3rd Diatriot ~! Sewer right-oY- ii Finanos be authorized and instruoted to issue oheoke Yor same and oharRe to ~3 Dis- wey ellotved. I! ' triat Sewer Aooount. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following voce; Yeae. Pnas., ~,j'`i ,, ~i; Pulliam, Tully, ~4eahington and KetterJohn,-b. Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: I move that the report of the a<'i~ Report Chief of ~!' Fire Department :' ChieY of the Fire Department for the month of November .1923. be reoeived arrf filed for ISov.1923. ~; Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Peas, Pulliam, Tully. j ;, ~;; 7sahington and KatterJohn,-b. '' Petition property Commissioner '~9eahington oYYared the following motion; I move that the petition otsnera in :.Sttle- villa reouesting, of property o:vners in Littleville for the graveling oY Paxton Street from H1oom to graveling of , Paxton 3t., from' Alexander be reoeived and filed, and that acid matter be referred Lo the inoomina Bloom to Aleaen•' ~. d~.• ,administration for eotion, Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the iollowinq vote; Yeas. '~.. (, peoe, Pulliam, Tully. i9eahinaton and YatterJohn,-b. ?monthly Estimate!. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that ldonthly Estimate for •aork done ') during I1ov.1923 !i of work dove d:.ring November 1923 on the oonorete street oonetruotion under Contraot on Contraot $3 by Yenoy & ;~ No. 3, emoanting to $8,186.33 be ratified, and that,Yanoy & 7ohnson, Contraotore, bs Johnson ellowed.j issued Improvement Alarranta for 6b~, thereof, amounting to $b,320.47. Adopted upon '~ }>, Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and i 7 KatterJohn.-b. (~ ~ Commissioner Pulliam oYYared the following motion: I move that estimate for eztra Estimate for q I ~~ •~ork Sons during: work done during November 1923 on Oontreat Ido. 3 for street oonatru^t ion, oovering the ~ , Itov,1923 extra f on Contreat ~3, i! removal erri rebuilding of ourb, Rutter end sidewalk on Lhe northwest Donner of 12th at N. :9,oorner ;j 12th & Tenn.3t. '! and Tennessee Street to fit new street paving, be approved, and that Yanoy k Johnson. Contraotore, be allowed $bl.b4 in full payment thereoY, and that same be oharged ~.~:' against New Conatruetion. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote; Yeas, d pave, Pulliam, Tally. '.9ashington and KatterJohn,-b. ' 4 ~ ~, ,, ,..~:,,n.,~, ,..-,~, :~~ ,~ ~~,~ ~~ n~~F,~,i,~.Afwi,,,,i -u..,., :,,:~ i~,~ ~i~~i~ai~,: ~, , ~- ,~~i,~,~~n~ inw-+~,i~ ~~ ~ ~~,~ ~ :~~, .„~ :_, ,~ ... ....~. b . '~ ., ~o. ~y 8~ r~ Batimate ofexLrd :~. work done dvringy Nov.1923 on ~ ~4. Cortraot No.6 on S.lOth St. ~ amount 3b.09 a '~ allowed and paid Yeroy k Johnson. 7 Monthly eeLd~:nte~, work dons on Trunk Lino 9sw- ere DioL.#3 during Nov. 1928 allowed>. Reports River- aide Hospital and Yatiente" for Nov. 1923. Miss Pearl Trios appointed Aoting Supt. 'of Riverside Hoe= pltalo z` ~. tote in New Addition Dak Grove Cemetery in Blook i~14 to bs eLakeB oft. unpaid Tax bile for 1923 advertised and bought in by Oity o! Paduoat Ordinance amending b4arke~ Rouse Ordinana~ relating to the cutting of back=bones and spare ribs. l h. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah __ _T-192- Qommieaioner pnlliam offered the $ollowiag rwtion; I move that the estimate of I.. extra work done during November 1923 on ContraoL No. 6 Yor oonorete paving on $. 10th Street oovering the bnildinq of ourb to make the old granite ourb parkway at Ternea~aee Street fit the mew street ourbo be approved, n~ld that Yanoy k Jahnaon, Contraotore. be allowed ,'~3b.09 in full payment thereof, and that same be oharged against New Conatrno- ; lion. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa, paoe, pn111am,Tnlly, 7lsehington and Katterjohn,-b. • Commieeioaer Tully exoused Yrom the Comniaaioner Chamber. , Oommiaaioner Pulliam offered the following motion; % move that the Monthly ketimate of work dons on the oonetruoLion of Trunk Line Severe for sever Diatriot No. 3A during the month of November 1923, be ratified, and the S. R. Rardinq Oompany, Con-~ traotor. be ellowed $ib.800.02 on aoaounl of said estimate and that eamn be ohnrged , aRatnal 3rd Distriot Sewer Funds, X10.000.00 having already been advanoed on Chia estimate Deoember 8th, 1923. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeaa., Pao®, Pulliam, `9eahington and Katter~ohn,-4. ~ Commissioner Tully entered the Commiealonera° Chamber. Commissioner :7ashington offered the Yollowiag motioa: Y move that the report of f the Riverside Hospital. together •aith the Fatienta° Report, Yor the month of November 1923 be received and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa. paoe, pniliamo Tully, Waehinaton and Katter,ohn,-b. .Commissioner 7eahinglon offered the following motion; Owing to Eire. vela Harmon ~ Harper having resigned as Superintendent of Riverside Hospital and desired to"be re- j listed, I appointed Mise Fearl Trioeo now hand tiaras, as AoLina Superintendent. until ~ auoh a time as the position of Superintendent Dan be filled I nog move that the i notion of the Commissioner of Publio Property in appointing ?di as Pearl Trios as Aoting~ Superintendent. effective Deoember let, 1923, be ratified. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote:Yeas,paoe.Pulllam,Tully.~9aehington and Katterjohn,-b> Commissioner Pulliam axouaed Yrom Commiasionera° Chembei. Commieefoner waehington offered the following motion: 0wina to all of the iota in Oak Grove Cemetery having been sold, Y nova that Rlook No. 14 of the New Portion ~ , of Oak Grove Oemetery, whioh wan originally net aside for }?ub11o graves, bs divided into lots sad put on the market for sale as eiroh, and that the Boar4 04 Commisoionore.~ i if: they oonour in Lhie reoommendaLion, fix a prioe for these lots. Adopted upon oa11 of the roll by the following vote; Yens, paoe, Tully, ~Oaehington,-3; Nays, Katter- 1ohn,-1. Oommisoionor Tully offerefl Lhe following motion; Pursuant to 9eotion X3167 of the. Kentucky Statutes, the Oommieoioner of Fnbiio 1`innnoo did advertise for ten days ~ ~. in the News-Democrat, the official newspaper, beginning Novnmbor 27th and inoludina ~ .• December 8th, the unpaid tax bills for the year 1923, emonntina to X8492.48 on real i estate, and sold same Lo the hi2heat bidder aL 12 o9alook noon on Deoomber 10th, end I j• they were bought in by Peter Acker noting for the Oity of Paduoeh, for the amount of 1 the bills as stated ~b492.48 and Y move LhaL this notion be approved. Adopted upon Dail of the roli by the following vote; Yeaa, Paos, Tu11y.lYaehingtcn 6c KnLter,ohr,-4. Oommieuioner Fullinm entered the Oommiesionera° Ohambero ~• Oommiseior~er Pulliam offorsd the following motiom; I mote that AN ORDINANCE AaSENDIN4 AND RE-ENAOTINO SECTION 13 OF AN ORDINANCE RLATjNb TO AND REOUTA TYNO THE ~i •. MA4XET ROUSE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY. PRESCRIBING TiD'. RUL'r:S FOR THE CONDUCT TH~?EOF AND THE PENALTIES THEREUNDER, AND FIXING THE PRICES TO BE CAARG~ FOR THE R NT OF BENCRE9 AND STAL&S THEREIN, ADOPTF9 BY THR 80ARD OT' OOy.MESSI0NER9 ON DEOED'9ER 13TH,. 3923, bs adopLsdo Adopted upon calf of Lhs ro]1 by the following voto: Yens, Paoe` I f ~~ -- I ~~ +~ e' . imarw~..„. ' ' ~. ' ~^ - P+h,+ . r,'za .??i' ;?ale:.m•.,:a°.3rv. :ern., ^./:. A __ .•.~,-u,~a;y1 _,...n~t:...t ,zy~,.,_,r,.wy7.,yu"+ ~!° i ..,v+,:~-._• ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F' _ .. _ ' - -- -~ - - ~ _ . - ~ F e. N -.- ~ . • . . r Commissloners .Proceedings, City of. Paducah _~._ _w_____192-.: . :Pulliam, Ketter~ohn.-3; Nays, ?ally and Iieahington,-E, ~. .. i, i u d ha f llowin motion• i move.thet the. M t et - a i er 1 offs e t o on hl E. d Comd:i a on P 11am r g Y atimate lEonthly E ,~ oP work done dur-; mate of work done during November 1923~on 1Y•unk LSne~Estenalon Sewera'in Dietriot. ~•;-"`" y • 3 in Nov. 192 b g y "" E.R. Harding Co. ~ No. 3 bs approved and that E. R. Harding Company. Contraotora~ be ailowad X6,934.80 ~ . .. on Trunk Line _ Eatenaion Sewers {~ on eooonnt of said estimate er.d that same be aharfted eaeiast 3rd Dietriot Sewer Fands.~ Aistriot #3 `' ~~ allowed. i` adapted npoa Dell of the roll by Lhe following votb: Yees, pads, Pulliam, Tilly, '.Yeah-" ~s ington and Ketter~ohn,-b. ;' On motion the'Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. !; i ~i _ ~. ~ ~ DECEA~IBr.R IbTH. 1923., ~'. ., ~1 1 e B - ~' salons shed in th ommiasioner ~ . 6t" a Called Meeti ~ of the oard of Commd r , 1 e C a " nB ~;~ Chamber in the City Hell, Paduoah, Kentuolw, on Da,oember loth, 1923 at.lE o'Oloek A.M. Upon oell.of the"roll the,'folloaing answered,to their names: Commisaionera pans, ~' • ,~ Pulliam and Mayor Katterl:ohn.-3. ~ ,. ,{ Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons For Deli to-nit: For the purpose of Eeranting ,.~ ~~_.an eatension of time to the E.• R. Harding Company within'~hioh to aod:plete the Don , ~ _, w b y, r : w e i 1 Io 3 e he e a f e a in 3e D tr et I . nd adoh of r u Ines ae , struotion o Trunk Line Se r r s r ,. may Dome before the ,Board. .~ E.R. Herding Co., ,~' Commissioner Pulliam offered ,the following motions I move that d RESOLUTION granted-estenslon~ '~ of time to oom+ EXTENDING: THE TIA:fE OF THE E. R« "HLRDING COL AIi7( INCORPORATED .FOR .TftE CDkiPLF.TION OF , .I , :~;~> ., ate i e ' 1 Trunk. L n . !' P I ' s• i i w W IN SE"rER DISTRICT IdO. 3 'SUB-DIVISION A' FO A P:3t D OF' N. 3e era in Sewer TRUNK LINE SE ERS R IO INETY ".1:';•°,r a:- ''• •. ,. Diet.~3,,Sub- ~~~ '-r Division A. ±i I?AY3 FROLi DEC~IBER 15TH 2923, be adopted. Fdopted neon Dell of the roll by the '' d ' following vote: Yeea, Peae, Pulliam an3 KPtterfohn,.3. ~` ~ lC. Coiomieaioner Pulliam offered the.followina motion;"I, mope that A RESOLUTION ' } E.RrHard.ing .COs ~~ granted an.. ~ EXTEISDINv T$E TIJ:~ OF TH3 E. R: ftARDINC COJ~ANY, I'N^ORPORATED. FOR a PERIOD OF TRREE ~ 'eatension of time"; • to complete Trunk; MONTHS :7ITHIN, WHICH 10 COIYfpL';TA TYEIR" COti'!'?IACT FOR' TIC COItS~?UOTIOId OF TRUNK LINE Line Extension Sew ra in Sewer ~I "EXtCEJ;SIOId SE~73It3 "IH 3E"":.`R,DISTRICT N0. 3, be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by p. D1a~.~3. ",' ~ the following ,vote: Yaea, Paoe_,,pulliam and Katter,~ohn,r3,.; On motion the Board adjourned upon'oall of the roll by 3 yesa. ~ ; .~ Aio;sto+t .0±~4~ '1`~'~ 14' $_3 , '~ DEC:31BFdt 17 TR~19 23 . AML ~ `~(~ t e K .. . • `f ' At n Re lnr Lieetina"of the Board of Commisaionere held in ,the Commiasionera' ~.• „' t ii Chamber in the City Hal1,•Faduoah, Kentvoky, on Deoember 17th, 1923. Upon, call of, ,. - y ' ~ .: •:. ". ~. Lhe roll Lhe following answered to their names: Commisaionera Peae,,Pulllem, Tully,'.' } ~ :Taahington and beyor Katter~ohn,-b. ' ". s • ~ On motion of Commissioner Washington the minute~"of the previous meetings ware ~' ~ adopted ae read .upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, ' ~" Tul]y, Washington and Ketter3ohn,-b. ~ • 1 o i ea luti n R o 0 r e e to h ffered the following motion• move that a R.. OLUTION OF o t r o S M r K Jon I y „' thanks to. LW..A ~ m •Barnard Bernhei ,. . • ~ THANKS 'I'0 I. W. RND B.~N1'.RD BSRNHEIN', OF LOUISVILLE, KEIITU..KY, DOI7I:TINO A CARLOAD AF "' ' `-~:.~: for oerload of . :. x ooal for poor of ~". COAL FOR TIi:: ll3E OF TI?E POOR, ba adopted. Adopted .upon ,Oe11 0!. the roll by •Lhe fol+ . City of I'eduoshw,. , ~,~ lowing vote: Yeea; peoe, Fulliem, Tully,';7aehinat ar, and Katter~ohn,-b. "' ~. '~I %. ~ s . ~. ~ J ` ~ - ~ ~ ~ -I,^~R.A ~ ~~'~'W.uf~ ~r'~'.T'~R~"4N~RI~P~FFn^MR~~IA~I~~9~f',~IWT'~I''~ ~,; «nm .. 1 ~~~ _ila _ ~l __ , _ r ' ~ ,m :- _. , ~ ~ ..- . ~~ - _~. I 41 i= ~! uw i ~. ~u-r 1 7,~a~~ yl~,~ i }m~,w ~l l u l~ ,tt~l~~~u, _n c~ ~ .::. ~_. aces... 5i ., • ~ .. / .y Na X54 ~ .. ~~ } Exi~ari eo of F.W. Kattoraohn and n ".,Oon Oraig for lattondinq Rivors-i k Harbors Oon~ ~:,~ green. GG :1 ~ ' Si _. Betlmatse paid 'I by property `~ownsre on 8.30th~ ~StreeL, or ~ Murrell Bivda ~ ~;' .. ,i '~ ~'j( Parties taking advantage at a 10 Year Faymont ~; Plan on a, 10th >it, or Murrell ~" Bivd • t, ,~.; 3 . } r Fartiee failing to take 30 Year K. .Pnymont Plan or ~ Lo pay estimate ~: on 8.30th St. or Murrell ~' Bivd. ' Mayor Katter~ohn of forod Lhe following motions; Y mono that tho expanse of F° 14, i Katter~ohn and Qon OraiR, dslegatos to Lhe Rivnro and }larbora Oomgreeo at Waahington° Ii D. C., on JDeoomber bth ar,d 6th, 1923, nmounLinR to $EEEoEP, be nllowed nrid ordered paid; and that same be ohargad to the General Fund, Adopted upon Dell of the roil by the ~ ' following vote: Yeas, Paoe, puliiam, Tully, tashington and Katter~ohn,-b° Commissioner Tully offer ad the following motion; The following parties having paid the estimates aaeinat property owners for the oonetsnotion of oonoreta street, , i ourb an3 gutters on South Tenth 9treot'from Broadway to Tennessee Street: • Hst. ~E Mary Bur•well,...,°..°.....~923.E0 38 Snsan H.Gnrdner°..°°.$P.E7.9S •~4 Goo.Yopp,..° .............° 9E3,EO 39 9unrn H,Gs~r'1ner,°.... E2b.03 $b Geo.Yo}gyp,.......°......... E70.40 44 1?ors k Geo.Yopp,..... 9E3.E0 ~6 Nora Yopp° ................ 380.8E 6 C.A.Buttry°°.....°..° E07.7E 7 bloyd P. & Mary Yopp,....° 138.48 48 R.H.Shelton°.°....°.° 2E9.36 8 Chea. E.k G. Biohon,...... 392.3F. bl Kerth Bros.,.°..°.... b97.19 11 W.S.k Jeeaie }:toCarthy,..., 271.19 b7 F.1,t,Turner...°.°....° EIb,41 14 Amy Yopp,.......°......... 369.6b bB.J,D.Alaxnn,.........° 21b.41 16 a".in9sie G. Judd,...°.....°° 2b9.6b b9 J.D.Alamen,.......... 215.41 17 John Rainoy .............°. EG3.b0 ~ G2 14innie Oehleohlaaer,, G63.bb 18 T.S. k A. Heath,°......... E63.60 63 Henry Oehisohlneaer,..E88.b0 EO G.F.Fields ................ 190.41 66 Aanae 1.tot:arriaal°.°.° IB9.G4 • 21 AuPUat Budde,....a...e.°.. E1b.41 G6 rtnry Mo?:nrriaal,.a..° 169.G4 EE purruet Budde,........e..a° £1G,41 67 7.iznle Bondurant,.....169.G4 E3 Ida buddo,...°.°••••" " °' G4G.P.4 G9 N.F.Owenine~°°°°a.a.. 238,01 i E4 Melinda J"uther]and,......° E38,0]-. E8 Tillie btoy hvitte,....a.•. 9P3.E0 73 Minnie Oehleahlaoaor, E>`7.91 i E7 Lillis 0. t7right,......... 949.16 74 Caekoy Flowere,a°.... EE7.91 30 Robt.D.t711kine,..........a E46.E1 78 L.V.Nall°....°.°...°° 230.80 j i 33 Frnnk k F.C.Pixler,......° E01.96 77 Joe Sohmidt,......... E07.7E ~ 36 Susan H.Gardner,.........° EE7.91 78 Pad.Ry.Co....°...e.°° E98.94 36 Sueans H.Gardner,.......... EE7.91 37 8uee.n H.Gnrdner,...........EE7.81 a total of $14°886.99, I move that the evm of $14,996.99 be allowed Y!•noy k Johnean, Oontrnotore, and n aheok drawn against the Speoinl 8treot Fund to pay same, Adopted ~ ~ ', upon Dail of the roil Dy the following vote: Yoas, Paso, Tullinm, Tully, 14nehington i ~ ', end Ketteraohn,-6. Oommisaioner Tully offered the following motion; The following parties having signified their intention of taking advantnge of the 'd'en Year payment I']an for the estimates against prop+orty owners for the imi~rovement of oonoreta atrnet, ourbe an~9 msttere on ~ Routh Tenth Street from bro Mway to Tennessee Streets ! Eeta 1~9 Annie ~Y, Younq•;:..°.'°..'.:~6EI. P.3 Est.i~46 Nnry F. Hi11,..°°°°e$E23.69 a " 30 J.A, k Myrtle 'Yurts,......2G8.30 " 47 Mnttie V.Boone°...°. 2]7.02 1 " lE 2nd Baptist Churoh,...... E69.6b " 49 " " " °°...° Eb3.88 ~ i " 13 End Beptiat Chnroh,.....: Eb9.6b " 64 9.D.Bennett,°°.°..°°.21b.41 i J " 15 Wm. Lydcm,..........°...° 2b9.6b " b5 Dpi ~rdrer°,........ 21b.41 J " 19 R.7. k E.h.Henaon........ E63.b0 " 66 r^•dgar F?amilton,..... 215.41 i x " E9 R, Z. k ¢ora Varble......° 230.80 " 61 Hannr_h k L".. Bond a°.° 923.20 " 30 10th 3t.Christian Churoh, 238.01 " 71 Kate Bonnin°°......° 45b.83 ~ ~ " 3E 10th 9t.Chriatia n Churoh,°238.91 " 7E Jennie Armonette,... E27.91 ~ ~~ " 40 Viola Soott,......°...... 432.76, a 76 ihre°E.A,Myers,..°°.° 219.E6 ;f " 4E F. V, k A. C, Nahl.°°...°° 9bE.06 ~~ Total°.°°.°....... 97191.3E, jY move that Improvement sonde for this amount be issued and the City Solioitor be '~ iYsatruoted to furnish Dopy of said bonds and the rondo be advertised Por sale as re- i i ;jquired by law. Adopted upon gall of the roll by the following vote; Yaas° Paoe° i ~pulliam, Tully, WaehinErton and Kntter,ohn°-6° Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; The following parties }saving nsi~ther paid Lhe eetiantse nor taken advantage of Lhe Ten Yaer Pa;xnent Plan for the oonetruo- ' d • ~tion of oonoreta street, ourb and nutters on South Tenth Street from d~roadway to , i Tennessee 3treat; u Eet. ~1 Ella A. pnryear,.....°..<.....$E019.49 ' - " 34 Frank L. Gardner °. .. .........° EE7.91 " 41 Ella A° pnryear,.........°°°°° 2019°49 ^ bE Board of r7duoation............ 19E7.17 * 70 Alioe Gardner,......°...°°°..° E01.9b, total $6396.01° Y move Lhat Lhe Oommiaeioner of Fublio r'inenoe be authorized and inatruoted to turn the above mentioned estimates over to Yanoy da Johnson, Contraotore° Adopted upon oe]1 of the roil by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Iniliam, Tully, Washington and Katter- john°=6. . ,, z.. ~. ~. ~.. j r` i w ~.~_, ;.' ~~ :. ; r, ' ~ ,, , ' - vy~, ~~"yy,~~:a- -',>,d~ 1:1` e:w. :3r,F~:r" E';,~+.. ~ x,a.:`:.. ' 7~ ; t~ t ' <" ~' ~., h • ,- .. .. ., .. - 3 ?.. V t== rN~ x*wa,; ~.: ~b~ ~,^'c v t~~:?;,""3i~. khr~ 3 ~}&. a 4 fw. o s i y.~ _ _.-~. .,:,c,;a:~u.= ,..-.,~:.,~`iy~«u. f y=.~~.Gwik`~ ~m..o+tcai-~=u~o~rMia`' ^ ''~' ~'~" ~" ~ 1-,-.:---~.=sw.tu.....~M%Sr.- _ . . . _.. v. __ •, ,'.. No.~~1 , :. . '~i ~ , Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_:.: _Y~~.~,.~~~. t92. - - --- ~ - -- IJ.. Oommissioner Tally offered the following motion;.I move THAT .THE 9TAT:NT OF . Statement of i a w dun i oa t t h F W Y Y ZSO ON AC S 0 THE CON, TRU T O 0 Yenoy & Johnson ji ACCOUNT ITH ANC da JOHI N,. C TR TOR F R 9 0 I N F OONCR..TE STREET. ~ S. 10th 9t. or li CURH AIiD GUTTERS OIi SOUTR TENTH STREET F!20tt BROr.Di9AY TO TE]JNESSF,E. bs reoaived and Murrell Blvd. N hfiled.. Ad-opted upon dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yens, paoe, Pulliam, ~' lili Tully' lTeahington and Kpttersohn,-b. ~:. ij •,;" Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Yo71owinq a,,,=, i ~ bills oY the S, R. Hardin Com any be resented and that said Company be notified by B P f !1 s o B 1 E R. . ~ ~-~} Harding Co. ~ the City. Clerk that the City asaumae no reaponeibility or liability for the payment of re eoted ~~.~ ' • ! l ~i>. es d Dil e• '~i ,: " ;~ Nov. 14, 1983, lllatriot 3A Interest on X8008.88 deduction amountinq,Lo ~' 10.04. , ~ Nov._. 8, 19£3, Distriot 3A h;ovinrt tele],hone poled on 16th' do 19th 9t.. 88.86 { , . !I'Ooi. 26,. lU£3.,Trunk Llne Eat., provid inq Dump at lvh~,eler Ave & X4ayfisid t Road, amout,tina to,~ ............................................. 6.00 d', `. ~,Da , .+.x]:.~ Out-tinq Boil ,r Plate,on ]9cylteld Road ~, b 1983, ,'Prank Line - ,. ~o L n0 , amauk,ti 0..•......••....•••.•.. •..• •...• •e • a i •81" na .. ... .. 18 10 f if Adopted upon osll qt the rol] by the following vote: Yeea, Feoe, Pulliam, Tully,' ,'~ a~.. • ~I',9sohington and Rattersohn,-b. }t" i3 r Extra work esti.•~; Oomroieeioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that the,extra Work ~ mate E.R.Hnrdingi! ~ ' • Co. for iiov. ~i eetimnte of Nov. SUES on '1'rimk Lins Extension Sower Oohtraot be ra'tiflod'anA E, R. ~ ~: 1983 on Trunk. II Line :;xtenaion I .ycrdinq Oompnny be .allowed ,~8fi.03 in `full payment thereof and that same De oheraed ~ k~ sewer Contraot - ~ i allowed. ~ eaeinst 3rd Dlatriot.8ewer Fund. Adopted upon oall of the rol•] by the following voLe1 ;; k'XAA ry Yeea, pe:oe,,pu111am, Tully, '7aahinatan and, R'+ttersohn,-b, ; s ~~ I ,~' IJ Commissioner Pu111em offered the following motion( I.move that Llis bi11e for i. ~. Bills for extra ~ extra :vork on oonetruotlon Of Trunk Line Sewers in"Dietriof 3A; .one amounting to "'.~.y`^ work on Trunk '. Line Sewers in ~ X86.60 and another amounting to ;78.31, both dated Dot. 16,1983, be ratified and the ~~ ' Diatriot 3A due ~ '~ s' E.R.Iiardtnq Co. ~~ rl, R. Harding Ooro~~any be allowed X103.91 in full payment of bath said bills' nn4:bama ,,,,,,~:..,, a1lo:vad. ah,arged aErainet 3rd Diatriot Sewer Funds, Adopted upon dell of the re]1 by the follow .' J~ inq vote: Yoga, paoe, Pulliam. Tully; 'Yashington,-4; Neye, Katter3ohn,-1.. '~ ~ ' _ r Commissioner lVnehinaton offered the following motion; I move that the notion uu f. Miss Le Noir of the Commissioner of Publio property in appointing ]di se Lenoir Olark es Superin Olark appointed i. Supt. ltivoreide i tendent of Rivoreide Hoapitah; effoot,iva Deoernber 1Gth, 1983, ~e e:.pproved and ratified. `Y"° t i Hoepttai.. { Adopted upon oall of the roll'by the following vote: Yose, paoe;,Pullism, Tully,' II 7eahington and Katter~ohn, b. s > i4, j Commieaioner.~gaehington offered the following motion; RPa?J13,'Blook X14 in Blook X14 New . ~ New Oak Grove Cemetery Add it Yon wen originally laid off to show single grapes,. and sL '' dddition Oak' ~` '''Grove Cemetery ~i preoent the City hae;a eurplup oY eirale`.kraveq; end,.l713ereas, at the present Lima laid off into ' oamotery lots. there ie a demand for oemetery lots, and ee thore are na oemotery iota available to ;~ " N sell to the publla au the damn»d arises,. } ~ I move that H]'ook {><I4, above-mentioned, be replatteA and atnY.ed .oat eo ae to r J show thirty oametery. lots, ae is sot"'out on 'Blue Print, herewith att~:ohed aM mMe a ~ i part of this motion, and I further move that eai.d Blue Print anA prioae na shown, be F., ' ~ approved, adopted 'and filed,:, 'Phey being ns fo3lowei ' 1 . - 7 lots at ,96.00 ~ ;.a ~4;.. ~1 n a' 90.00. 3 a. ''n 8b.60 „ ~ „ -81.00 ' R ~, ~.. ,, Adopted upon dell of'the roll by the following'vote; Yene, Peioe, pu111am,-Tu11y,. w '~, ~," ,Vaehington,-4; ]Jaya, Kettersohn;-1'. `•' ' ,.~. ~ Fk,aineer'a Ea I Mayor Katter3ohn offered the Pollowi.ng motion: L move that the Engineer's: r~ timate for ,. ~' . ~- Monroe Street,: Estimate for the oonetruotion of ]fwnroe Street from the meet property line of 8th 8th to 9th 9t. Street to the east property 11.ne of 9th Street, be reoeived~ f11ed, aooeptad and qoa~• ' firmed. Adopted upon oall oY the roll Dy'the following vote: Yeas, Paae,'Pulliam.' y Tu11y, t7ashington and Katter3ohn,-b• ~~ d ' r ~ ~ ., - ., - I e..m,.. ~I. . ~ .~.. y- .. ~.~l,.lu~y~. ...xm.,lk~-ae _ u~.~ _ ..:: ~ .L~...... : ~.nd...,. ,~ 4 ~ ~ ~.~ ~~ t `Aoaeptanae of i R:onros Street. ` ;! between 8th k 9th 3t., ea oonatruoted by Yenoy & Johnson,! Oontrnotors. ~ . ~. ~i i .I ~'i <~ ', i.taaesament Ordinenoe on j ~1 ;~ , RConroe Street ~ i f between 8th k II ~:r 9th Street. ~`i~ ~..a ,{ Case of Clara ~; peters va. City of Pedvaeh to be appealed to :r i Court of Appeals yuther Graham. E2E Broadway oited to appear before Board of Corr~nieaionere on Thursday Deo. 2pth,19E3, to show asuse Ahy his lioenae• ehonld not bs revoked. Roy Hnrt, Mares ket R'seter exonerated of oharges pre- ferred by ?ire. b.fleloh. Oommissioner Pu111am offered the following motion: Ydnoy & Johnson, Contraotore. having finished the oonstruotion of Rtonroe Street from the west property line of Elahth Street to the east property line of Ninth Street, by paving same with oonorete. and having oomplied, in all respeota with the terms of the oontraot entered into by and between the said Contraotore and the City.of paduoah, Kentuoky, on Sane Ebth, 19E3, and oompleted same eooordinq to the plane and speoifioationa adopted for said work, and no oompiainte having been file8, protesting against said work, I move that said work for ea id improvement be aooepted and approved, and that the final estimate, inoluding eli monthly estimates of work ~ «~~vyYanoy & Johnson, Contraotore. in aonatruotina said street, amounting to ~ be approved, reoeived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fu7liam, Tully, Washington and Ketter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Tulliam offered the following motion: Y move that Aid ORDINANCE ASSESSITdG 'lHE ABiiTTIIdG PROPr1TTY ON BOTH SIDES OF 1~i0Tr DOE STREET FROI? TAE 4EST FROPERTY S.ITd'z OF EYGHTH STREET ra i'HE EAST PROPERTY I.II'E OF NINTH STREET. YN :'F?E CITY OF FADU- OAH. Kr';ldTUCKY, THE SURF OF $E.7E0116 PER ABUTTING FOOT FOR THE CCEISTRUCTIOId OF SAID 3TRF'.ET PITH CONCRETE, AS SHO':7Td BY TAE ETdG'IIdEER°S ESTILllITE, ERCEFT THAT PORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY THE CITY Or FADUCAH, AND PR09ID TG THAT SAID AS3ESSI.'3iT MAY BE PAID FOR YN TETd EQUAZ INSTAl;1dNTS, BEiT7G OTdE Ef+CH YEAR FOR L PERIOD OF TEN YEARS, be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the r o11 by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter3ohn,-b. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the City Solicitor bs iratructed to appeal to the Court of Appeals the Dees of Clara Peters,va. City of paduoah. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by Lhe Yolloc+ing vote: Yeas, Peoe, Pulliam, , Tul]q, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: '4hereas Luther Graham, doing business at 22E Broadway has been arrested for suffering end p~mittinF gaming in said plaoe and has been held over to the grand Jury by the City Court, I move that Luther Graham be notified to appear before the Board of Commisalonera Thursday, Deoember 20th. 1923, at 10 O'olook A. M. to show oavee whry his lioense to do business at EEE Ilroaitvay, Paduoah, ky> ahonld not be revoY.ed, Adopted neon Dal] oY the roll by the following vote; Yeaa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. 9eahington,-4: Nays, Katter3ohn,-1 On motion the Board ad~oianed neon sell of the roll by b yeas. RaTolaica ~k• ~~ 23 f3F-i`; '.'',' x,"/,v'~; c~°' ~ DECET.iFL~.R 18TH. 1923. ?':37~r'd1~, At a Called Rieetinq of the uoard of Commiasionera, held in theVVVCommiasionera' Chamber in the City Hall, Padvoah, Kentuoky, on Deoember 18th, 1923, at 100°o look Abi, Upon Dell, of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe. Fulliem, Tully, '~9ashinaton and Mayor Kr.tter~ohn,-5. Mayor Iiatter'ohn stated reasons for oell.to-wit: for the purpose of hearing or inveatiaating oharaes preferred against ISarket JSeater Roy Hurt. • Commissioner Washington offered the Yollowina motion; '9hereas the evidence noes noL eubatantiate the ohargea as preferred by Rirs. '"slob, Y move that Roy Heat be exonerated of said ohaxgeao Adopted neon sail oY the roll by the follo~inR vote: Yaws, Paoe. Tully, Washington and Katter,ohn,-4g Nayse Pulliam,-1. On motion Lhe Board adjourned upon Dell bf the roll by b yeas. Aie-tei~... t~' 2~ -19 ~. ~ ~.r~'.i"~ir'J~T~l~.• ~~~~j~~y~y~1~ ~~ Gy p.r~ ~ 1S~AYOEi. i. .. '` h' i i i 1 } t f j i I ~,. ~` I i. ~i • { i i i i ~,. R". r` . ~: ^^m,*' W ~~ ~~~ !i ~~: ~~ I :a ... ,- ... .,:,... ~.. ,..,,, . _-. -,._._. w_ ...__._- sue. ..,.:_..~;__. .ks.:au.r_y.,..-ni:$...wt..._~ .r_.....'i~-, y z. ~~ ,I ' Pay-roll for first half of f~ Deoember 1923, P F h.' ~ t ~~I I , j ' C I' Premiums due Hummel Bros. on bonds of trustees! Carnegie library Board refused payment.. No. ~~~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah-=_:~.; __...__ "~• 192-- ... _ _ _. DECA:i.Df.'N 20TH, 19E3. AL a Galled lfeetlna of the Board o* Commissioners, held in the Oommieelonsrd Ohambsr in the 01ty Iin11, Paduoah, Kontuoky, on Deoomber EOLh, 1923, nt 10:30 O'olook. •. A T on Dell of the roll the following answered to their »amea• Oommieeionara ~' Paoe, Tully, 'laehinaton end pdayor Katter1ohn,-A. ` Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit; For the purpose of heering trial of Luther ~irehem and env other business that mt~rht some before the Board. Commiaaioner Tu11y offered Lhe follo:vinq motion; I move that the pay-roll for the first he1P of the month of llevember 19E3, amounting to ;!G898.16, ae par the report of the Oommieaioner of Fubilo r'inanoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and Lhe money appropriated from the Cener~~1 L'irnd Lo pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the tollawinq vote: Ybae,Paoe,Tully,'Yaehinaton and Ketter~ohn,-9. Oommisaioner T:;lly offered the following motion; I move that the pay-roll for the first heat of tho month of Deoember 1923, for the 3d llintriot Sewer, amounting " to r~804.Ob, bs nllowed and ordered paid and the Oommisnioner of Pnblfo FinanoA be . authorised ar,d iratruoted to draw oheoks'aaainsL the 1Je. 3 Dtetriot Sewer Fun4 l.ooaunt to pay some, Adopted upon oeil of the roil by the following vote; Yesa, ' Paoe, Tully, ~YashinRton,-3; Naya, Ketter~ohn,-1. Oommiseioner Paoe offered the following motion; I move that the trial of Luther Graham be deferred until Monday, +~eoember P.4th, 1923, at 30 O'olook A. M. Lost upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Paoe and ~Yashinaton,-2; Naye, '- Tuily and Krtterjohn,-2. ~, Oommiaaloner Peoe offered the following motion:. I move that the lioenae,ot ; Luther i+raham to do business at 222 8roadwaq be revoked upon proof heard,. Lo at upon", Dell of Lhe roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,-1. Nays, Tu11y, t9aehington epd Katter~ohn,-3. Oommleaf.oner Tully votira no beoauae the evldenoe heard is not` „ euffiolenL for oonviotion. Mayor Katter~ohn seoonded the motion to brlna iL before the Ho;iae, and aL the same Lime voted no. On motion tf:e Board adjourned upon Deli of the roll by 4 yeas. ' A,irptod ~`~ f!s? D~C3.1f?Ht 24TH. 1923. :.L a Heauler ieetir_g of the Board of Commissioners, hold do the Commiseionere', Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, ILentuolq+, on Deoember 24th, 19E3. Upon Ball of the roll the followirq answered to their names; CemmlealoriArs Paoe, Pulliam,.'9ashington and Mayor Y,atter~ohn,-4. On motion oY Commissioner '~Yaehington Lhe minutes oY the previous meetings werb:' adopted as. read upor. Dail of _the roll by the fo]Sowina vote: Yeaa, Paoe Pulliam, , 9eahinaton and KPtter~ohn,-4. , Commissioner l~llr entered the Commiasionera' Ch!:mber. N..eyor Katterlohn offered the following motion: I move that the payment of the ,:; •' bonds for the Trustees of Carnegie Publio Zibrary, amow~tinq to ~6E.b0,.dne Hummel Brothers, 6gents, be allowed and ordered paid ar3 oherped to Carneale j.ibrary Fund. Zost upon Dail of the roll by 'the following vote: Yeas, Ketter~ohn,-l. i;eya, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully and ~~sehington,-4. ~,~~ j •, 4y f ~ I - r• ' i I' n...i.nl. i..q n a,q.; :n r ern II-~. ~,i II o;~ipnil. II ~: i ql ~i, lr,i ~P'I 91ie; I. is ~. i;u1719 ~'fl~llp~~-1 i.li ~~ i q. ii ~ u. I I i i I , I r I I ti tl -~::,1- r ~-pq'~~m --I-.. ., No. ~ `~ Commissioners' .Proceedings, City of.Paducah-_- ___-______192__ ~`' Report Oom~r. ofi %' Iublio Finnnoe on Commissioner Tul]y offered the followina motion; I move that the report of the a'peat Sue eooountA Commissioner of Fublio Finanoe of the past due aooounts for street and eide:mlk im- on Street end sidewalk improved men t, on 10 Year~provemant taken on the Ten Year Ylen be reoeived and filed ani referred to the City Payment Ilan end golioitor for suoh eat ion as may be neoessary to oolleat same, X1720°81. Adopted referred to .City Solioitor. ~ npon Dell oY the roll by the followir~ vote: Yeas, Peae, Pulliam, Tully, t4eahinaton and Ketterlohn.-b. Commissioner Tully offered the followina; motion: '.Therese, on Jnns 2bth,1922 ~Colleotion of .'.u the Board of Commissioners oY the City of Padvoeh aooepted a bond from the Ohio Valley ..money deposited t; ~~in Ohio Ve]ley ,Bank & Trust Co., together with.aertein individuals as sureties Yor the payTnent of e~ Bank from sure- ties on bond " moneys deposited by the City of Paduoah in the Ohio Valley Bank & Trust Co. and said #3 Diatriot Sews: Funds. ~ Bank & Trust Co. having axone into liquidation and there being on deposit there the sw a a~ of ;~2b,000 of Lhe #3 Distriot Sewer Funds, Y move that the City Solicitor be inetruot- ri ed to take suoh lotion es may be necessary in notiYyina the oureties of their liability p , ii to the City' of Paduoeh for said amount of y.2b,000°00. Adopted upon Dell of the roll ",~ ~ by the following vote: Yoea, Peoe,Pulliem,Tully,'Yeshinaton and Ketter9ohn,-b. Comnisaionsr Tally offered the followina motion: Aa reouired by 1Aw, the {{ n :l improvement bond CPommisaioner of Fublia rinaroe did advertise in the N®:~s-Demoorat, tho offtoiel ne:~s- on g.lOth St. advertised for 'sale, no bide i' paper, for three days, Deoember 20th, 21st and 22nd, offering for sa]e street improve- 'reaeived, same i n delivered to went bonds to the amount of $7191.32 for the oonstruotion of aonarete on both aides of ,Contreatora° ~! the parkway on"South 10th Street or P~urreli Boulevard Yrom the south property line of `YE.nay & Johnson: ,f ~ ~~Br ~ dway to the South property line oY Tenneaeee Streets, and no bids having been a _ ~ reoeived for these bonds, I move that they be delivered to the Contraotors, Yanoy & Johnson. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the followina vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fulliam, P ~': Tully, 7ashina;ton and Katter~ohn,-b. ~C.C.Roae, ~ Commissioner Tully offer e8 the followinar motion: Pursuant to Seotion #3181 Henry Nenneber- h of Che Kentuoky Statutes, I move that C. 0, Roe®, Henry Henneb^ra;er and H. 'Y, Ketter- gar end H. q° ,; Katter~ohn '! appointed Board i~ john be appointed members of the hoard of +%quelizetion to equalize the assessment for {of Equeliaetion.!! • k 1924 taxea° Adopted upon oa13 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pao®, Pulliam, i; Tully, tYsahingtor, end Ketter,ohn°-b. ='~`' ~ Commissioner 'Fully offered the followina motion; I move that the aommuniaa- ~` Communiontion ~ tion Yrom ~lilliam Rottarerina in retrard to an error in assessment b® reoeived and filed ~' Npi.Rottoring in regards to erro>~ Ado "tad u on Dell of the roll by the followina vote: Yeas Faoe, Pulliam, Tally, in aeaes.sment. n p p ° ~. Tashinaton and Katter~ohn,-b° Commissioner Tally offered the followina motion; Yt appearirur that Pn error .~Correotion ma3e ~" r hoe been made ~n the assessment of ~lilliam end Chnrlea Rottaerinrr on Tax Bill #3041 in easeasment !; Rottarin Chas.; for the year 1922 wherein they :vets assessed with the item Blook I~e~`'#3, Feae '#76, g• ~~ 100 x 216 11th gtreet, bet.veen Fern & Olive at $160.00. amount oY tax at X2.30 per ;, $100,...$3.46 and on tax 6111 #3101 "for the year 1923 with the item Blook krap #3 ~; Pnae #74, 100 x 216, ~t1b0.00 at X2.38 per 100,-~3.E7 and there being aril having bean 1 no nnoh property, I moos thnL the amount of X7.02, the amount of taxee paid on this erroneous easesamenL as"mentioned, be refunded to them. Adopted upon oall of the ~ ~ roll by the followina vote:Yeao,Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,i9ashinaton and Ketterlohn,-b. t~:. .. ~' Commissioner Tally offered the followin motion: Yt a earira that 2,uo ~" ~ Q Pp Y • Oorreotion made. Crutohfield woo aeaeesed~in error with a lot 40 x lbb feet on north 12th Street; in assessment ~~ of 1.noy Crutoh-- botweeti Flournoy & Terrell. " field, ,90.00 on tax bill #780 and she having paid taxes on same, :~, I'move that the amount X2.14, be refunded to her. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by !, the folios~ing vote; Yese, Peae, Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and Katter~ohn°-6. ~:.. --~.-. 9. _ Vii; . k ~• {' W: w. ~ ~ t" Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah _____ 192- ~... ~ Commissioner Feoe oYYered the follo~.ving motion: I move ;that the bill of the ~ Bill oY Reath :iReath ~gineerinR Leboratoriea, for one Reath Eleatrio Siren amounting to ~1E5.00. ~gineering Co. for Siren for _; be ello:red and ordered paid and aherged to the Fire Department. ldopted upon oel] of Fira Chief's ~ Car ello:ved, ~the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Peoe, Pulliam, Tully; lTaehinRtaa and F.etter~ohn,bi Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the communication f ~ , Peduaeh Ry.Co. : l! oY this date eddreased to the Peduoah Railway Compar~v, notifying avid company of the ~ ~ ?• ~ notified oY demerre to Brow damage done to ~Sroadwey betweer. r'irst end j'hird Streets, Paid to South Third Street ~ ' way from 1st ~ to 5th en3 S. '','between Ky, Avenue and Broad Street, by the street oar traffic on an inaeaure trsak- } 3rd St.betn. Yy.hve.."ard i way and reouestirg immediate repeira, be retiYied and ordered delivered to said aom~ Broa3 St. or. i; eceocnt in se- '!pony by the city clerk. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas., aura car traok ~~ `iPaoe, Fulliam, Tully, '~7eahington and Ketterfohn,-b. ~ i . Extra work :) Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that bill of extra done b}~ Yanay ~ work on Contreot No. 3 for the month~oY`itovember 1923 Por,filling water main trench &Johnson on Contract ~3. filling water !!at lEth & Tennessee Street, amotm tine to X30.00 be.epproved and Yanoy & Johnson. ?, main trench at be alloyed X30.00 in full payment of same and .that it be char gad to Rew !, Contractors 12th Fe Tenn. , ~ , Ste.ello~•ved, II Constrnotion. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yee a, Pecs, , ;y Pulliam, Tully, +Vashington,-4; I:eya, Y.atter~ohn,-1. ' {i Commissioner 3eshiraton oYYered the following motion: I move that the transfer Cemetery trensTer from eon and sole heir oY L;ery Slenkard, 3eoeeaed,•to E, O.Meaohem• ~ prom llervir. 5lankard Idervia Slenk- , ii Ard to E.O. ': to Lot i~51, in Section 4, Oak vrove Cemetery, be.ratified. Adopted upon oell.of the, h:ecohem. { roll by the Yollowina vote: Yeas, Feoe, Pulliam. Tully. ti7ashington and Katter~ohn,-b. t~ Commissioner '9eshtngton offered the following motion: I goys that the fire end Ohio Valley I tornado insuranae policies held by the City of Feduoeh in the Ohio Valley Fire k - Fira & L:erine !~ Ina.polioiea to be re- i•arine Insurance Company, tae turned over to Bradshaw & ',7ei1 with irstruationa that vritten by Bradahew & ;; they re-write them Por a period of three years. Adopted upon Ball of,the roll by the j~ 'affil for e ' following vote; Yeas., 3'ally, '.7eahington and Kr_tter3ohn,-3; Nays,Peoe and FulIi•an,-E. tQrm of 3 yrs. j ,;~ Commissioner :7ashington offered the following motion: It eppsaring on page 28 Dl.S.BneB~lieml1 of the Commissioners' ProoeedinPa, under a motion made by Idayar Katter~ohn, that Dr, d _' IP-akey appointr E Goodloe was attempted to be appointed a member of the Board of Health of the 4 3 : ed members oY , • ; I G Bo^-rd of when in truth and in feot the for a Period of three years Zentnaky ~ City of Feduoah z Health. , , , I k said Goodloa should have heen.appoirtsd'to Y111 the w;exptred term of Dr. C, ?, Y.idd~ ~ . ~. !i which expired on Jenuery 6th, 1923, and bar reason of eaid.mistake in appointing said • - I Goodloe for a term of three years, when he should have been appot"rted to fill the i! ur,-expired term of Dr. Y.idd, I mays that +tr. S• B. Pullirsn be appointed a member oY ~ the Board of Health of the City of Iadnoah, Kentucky, for a period of three years. ' u !; effective Jern~ery 6th. 1923, to fill the vaoanoy oaaeaioned by the expiration of the. - ' ~! term of office oY+~r. ::. R. Goodloe, which expired on January 6th, 19E3; end I ftsther ± II move that the part oY ea3d motion adopted on April 24th, 1922, and on page E2 of the ," • r~ Proceedings oY the Board oY Commissioners, wh=rein Dr. E. R. Goodloe wes appointed 1 !`; for three years, be and the same is hereby set aside and rescinded, en3 I Yurther' ~~ moie that Ernest lackey be appointed a member of the Board. of Health of the City of i PedLOeh, Kentucky, Yor, a period of three ,years effective JPnuery 6th, 1923, to fill ' l the vacancy ouoasioned by the expiration oY the terrh of T. 3. Coleman, which expired t . ;i on January 6th, 1923. .Adopted upon cell of the roll by the ''ollowina vote:"Yeea, I ! Peas, fully, 9eahington,-3; Idaye, Pulliam and Ketter~ohn,-2. ~' Commissioner 9ashinoton offered the following motion: As tomorrow is ChrSatmee City offiaee to be alosad ;i Day, I move that all city offices be closed erd that the head of e]1 departments re- Christmas Day.' lieve from duty ell employees that they poseihly aen, and that the'Board of Commis- : ;1 sinners extend to,eaoh en•1 ell the emnloyeoa best wishes for a peppy and ferry Christ- I i '~ it mae. Adopted upon cell of tho roll by the following vote; Yeas, Ieoe, Iulliam, ') _ ~~,~ ,, q n...-o~n iei ~~,~ ~. ~I m~~r~ll io :Ppl.ml Ib~'+vi n.,.p" P'p iT. i, fp if 'l ip"I q: il~~ I - ~ ~ I i .. ~. -k. ,. - -. ~,~ -. .. ... .. r.. - _ ~ ~ .. ~ !. w~- 5-~ I I,Aoosptanoe of ', -Trunk line Sewer `'Sub-Dlviaions , ~B, and Ce, Dist. 3, with oertain ,exoeptlonee t, - _ %~ ~t~ _ ~i~:' ~; ~~ . J ~ 1 , ~-~ ~ ~ ~ r , 4:~ II ! Dr. J.Y].Bailey, Oertifioate of Eleotion, ofil of Mayor° I ' ~; I i1 ~~ E.R.Bradahaw° G'ertlfioate of '~ Eleotion. City ` ~ginear. 'IIamea Coyle°. Certificate of ~~ , r';Zeotion,City Jaiierb Commissioners` Proceedings, City of Paducah- _ 192.- Tully. Yaehingtdn,-4; Itnya, KatterJohn,-1. - Commissioner 17eahington offered the following motion: I move that A RESOLUTION 6CCEPTING TRUY]K lIb'E SE:7::ItS IYI BERM DISTRYCT N0. 3, SUB-DIVISIONS B. & C. , AS COIS- STRUCTdD BY F. R. 'HARDIN(b. C01fiANY, AS CO}.gI'1.NTr;D, ;7ITR T?~ E.'ICErTION OF BROKEN FIFES IN SAID SE'vi:RS, POII]TII70 AYdD 0TH}R bTINOR DEFCTS; f.Yl'9 TPE AYlOUY•'T OF h'.OATEY TO BE ^A1D ;:NC T!?E .-MOUIST PO BE 3E.S.~tVF~, be Adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the folloatnq vote; Yeas, Faoe, Tully, 7ashington, Krttaraohn,-4; Na^+s, 1'~a]linm;-1. On motion the Board adjourned 'upon Dell of the roll b,+ b yeas. Ada+gtad ,~/~~~---11~ 1~.E= 1.~1-~~C::`CI ~:.i~ ~~---:=---~ 2~ ... . DEOE}.B:~t 31ST, 1923. ` At a Regular Nesting of the Iionrd of Comn:ioaionera, held in the Commiaaioners°. i Chamber in the City Ha11,,Paduoah, Kentuoky, on Deoember 31st, 1923. Upon Dull of th®~ roll the follo•sina answered to their rnmes: Commissioners Paoe. Pulliam, "7eahinaton and Mnyor Katter~ohn,-4. 0n motion of Commioaionor Paoe the minutes o4 the }previous meetings were ndoptod ae read upon aa11 of the ro71 by the following votes Yeas, Psoe. Pulliam, Plashington and Kattor~ohn,-d. ~ I Mayor Kutter,ohn offered the following motions I move that the Osrtifioatee oil Eleotion of Dr. J. N. Bailey, Mayor; E. R. Bradshaw, Oity Engineer; James CoylO, Oity! i Jailer; Roas Rutter, Oity Clerk; J. flee Troutman, City Assessor; J. E. Cochran, Oounoll- man; C. w. i'orrison, Counotlmni], arse 0. A. Korth, Oounoilmass, be reoeived, filed and ~ reoorded. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the following vote: Yens° Paoe° Pnllinm, Wdshington and Knttor~ohn,-4. Said Csrtlfioatee o! Eleotion, ns fol3owss j "STATi OF Ki4] TJCY.Y,) COUNTY OF MoCR&K:dr') SCT. Nov. 9, 1923, j~ i7e, A. R. Stoele, 0. I.. VanP,toter nni Roy Sta~vart, duly s authorized to onrrvaaa the returns of the Co~mty of RloOrnokon, do oertify that nt an elootion hold in onid County, on the 6th day of Y]ov., X923, Dr. d. Id. Bailey waa duly sleeted to fill ~~ the offioo of }.'eyor. A. R. STS :LE C. 1. Van}detor ROY ST.-:'?ART, Commieaioners." ~ .----oo------ °°STATE OF Kr~ITUCKY, )- ~ I COUNTY OF MoC~ACY.;N) Sot. ~ Nov, 9th, 1923. ~ ~ Re, A. R. Steel®, C. L. 7anLteter and Roy Stewart. duly ~ authorized to oanvass the returns of the Covnty of LSoCraoken, ~ do oertify that et asi nleeb?ien,hd~,ia ea3d'Couttty oY- 'the"6th dhy ~ of*'Nov.3l23j~rR«BrBdehaw,Jr. wee duly oieoted to f~ll the offioo 04 4 City Engineer. A. R. STEELE ~ 4 C. L. Vanblr".i'i:R ROY STE'RARTo CommissSoners." ~ ~, ------oo-------- ~ I STATE OF Ki.IiTUCLY, ) SCT. I ~ CCtINTY OF 110CRACKEN> ) ,Nov. 9, 1923. ~ We, A. R. Steele. C. L. VantReter and Roy Stewart, duly authorized to oanvasa the returns of the County of b4oCraoken ~ i' do oertify•that st~si- 09eDSion,-held••is1,®41d3C~anLylgnr,Rheo6!'ji~t~ey of i j 8fv'i19~ae~TBe°ea.Coyle was duly eleotod to fill the offioo of City dailero A. Re STELE C. L. VantLSTER ROY STE'.7ART, Commissioners.e (~ I N k ! ~- ~ a:,. ~~,~~~ • ' s ia~u , '~~d y. , f ~, ~~ ~, _ , _- .. - 'l ' .:,. q Na?S S 7 , ., Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_:_ _ 192- P STATE OF K?.~7Tt]QCY. ) ~ Sot. ~, 11/9/1923. COUNTY OF HoC1?ACY.EH.) :9e, A. $. Steele, C. L'. Van1.".star and ,Roy Stewart, Rona Rutter duly authorized to oamaaa the returnA of the County of CertiYioate oi~ blcCraokon, 3o certify that at an eleotion he]d in T Eleotion, City ~ said County on the 6th day oY i OV. 1923, Ross Rutter urea Clerk. ~~ ~ duly eleoted to Yill tho pYYiae of City Clerk. , ~ A. R. ST::F.LE :'z ~ ~ Cc L. Varddeter ~ . Roy Ste:vart, Commissioners." .. .. .~ I ••••a••• STATE QI+ i~NTUC$Y, ) )SCT: i ~ COUNTY OF HoCRACKEN.)) 11/9/1923. J.Tes Troutman 14e, A. R. $teele,'C. L. Vanlfeter and Roy Stewart, CertiYiaete oY ~ ` duly authorised to ~nvaee the returns of the County of Eleotion, City ~ ~ HoCraoken, do oertify that at en eleotion held in said Assessor. ~ County .on the 6th day oY I7ov. 7923, J. gee TrouLmae wea duly eleoted to fill the.offioe oP City Assessor. • A. R. Steele ~ C. L. Vanb:eter , Roy Stewart. Commieeloneree01 • STATE OF 3~'TUCKY, ) COU1tTY OF moCRAC'LEDi.) Sot, ` ".. .: ,. ;.. .', I1av 4, 1923. - _. °' _ ~ ~;_.; J. E.Cpohran, CertiYioato of li Ye, A. R: Steele, C: L. Venb'.eter end Roy•Stewart, , ~ Eleotion, u daly authorized to oanvasa the returnA of the County of ' N Cour:ailman. held in sAid„ HoCraoken, do oerti4y that st en eleotipn County on the Gth day oY I:ov. 1923, J. I:. Coohren was . duly eleoted to fill the office of Councilman. ~: A. R. 3teole, ' - C. Z. Vant,`.eter Roy Stewart, Gommissionere:" .V STATE OF KENlUC1:Y ) . ; ~ OOUIdTY OF moCRACi'.1:N. 1 Sate ~ - „ :- 11/8/1923... .. ~9e, A. R. Steele, C. L. VanJ:teter and Roy Stewart, C.7l,bforrispn, duly authorized to oanveae the returns of tho County of Certifiante of HoCraoken. do ~~rtify that at en elaotlon held Sn,said • Sloot ion, • oour~ty on tho 6th day oY ISOV, 1923, C. `,' ttorrieon was Counoilman, duly eleoted to f171 tha offioe of Counoilmnn. A. R. Steele, 1 C. L. Vanl"star ~ ~ Roy Stewart, Commiaslonore.": ATE OF ...NTUCK'Y ~ r ' bIOCRACi{ COUI TY Ob ENI Sot. 1 1/9/19 23. - O. A:Kerth, ,. _ We, A. R. Steele, C. Lr Vanb":star and Roy Stewart, Certifioate of ~ duly authorized to oesnvaAA the rNturne of fhe 0ounty of • • :~.leotion, b*.pCraoken, do oertify tint .at a-n eleotion held in said - '~, ' - Counailman. , Count of the 6th day of 1SOVe 1923, 0. A. Y.erth was duly, c e , ,.. eleot d to fill the offige of Cpur~oi]mnn., ~ A. R. Steele;. - C. L. VnnEto ter Roy Stewart, Commiealonerae" A.P.Rummel, q"q mayor latter,ohn offered. the following mationi I movo that the oommunloet.ioa Ooranunioation be reo,iv~~d and ?fled. ~doyted: Hummel in regard to Carnegie Library Bonds Yrom l9, P • in ro; Bonds , . . Trustoea Carne Rie Library ; ii upon Dell of the roil by the following vote: Yoae, Paoe, Pulliam, roaehington sid ~ Foard. • ~ $atter~ohn,-4. I :~ Fiielity & ;1 Hnyor Katter~ohn offered the follorrinR motion; I move that the Fidelity„and Deposit Co. reloeaed on ~ Deposit Ooml,any of E'aryland, be re]eaoed from the bonds of E. y. Bagby, Ohase tfellle, ~ f ~ bonla of E.t4e Bcgby,Chae. j ttie F~ ~y~ei bars. Jeeaie Y.atter~oha and bird. Y,atie 1~. Dorian as trustees of the , ~ . .701 :10,'9.1'. effeoLive Deoember Slat, 1923, and onld Fidelity do Deposit Qompstoy ~ Carnegie Library Humnoi ,b:r s. , Joanie Iiatter• john ar,d lire. ~~ of h~ryiand le hereb;• ra]eosed from any future liability. Adopted upon Dail of the John J.Dorian, roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam,7ashington and Y.atterlohn,-4. } ~f j~ , - -- • f- ~^ , •1B~li~r+?~"P~fPF'uvmzm~urR,..:~. ~r it ,.-gin ~i nv,~raP~Art ql ler~prl AP:,,cI~a9T~na:~nf-a~PT~r r~...~,-. o~.i nlil'li`gW'Iall fi ilMalrx~~~ n r~r~:~~-rira ~. n- _ II r__r Na ~ Commissioners° Proceedings, City of Padueah_...,_._~....__ _...._,...______.. _____.___192 Ceorze 1. alliaton, Cer• tifigate of Gleotion. ee Alderman. a s i I ~i; Id.J.Yopp resigns Lion as momber a°'~ of park Board. ~~'~'; W; !, ~peduoah Ry.Co. oommunimtion relative to Don-'. %' dition of B'way.' from let to bth, and 3.3rd. from Ky•Ave. t0 ! Broad gt. i F.L:.Fiaher, I Ceoil Seed, I ~~`: C. Y.Ewery, i "~, A. A. Berry and R' ~9. C. Shearer bond amen on "-`..bond of Ohio ', • Valley Beek k Trust Co. noti- f ie3 t o make ! ammunt of ~2b,000.00 due ~;` tho City on ! k_:Feb.8,1923, together •aith ' Dial Banking Coaanissioner. R.R. Hard ing Co. Comanunioation, ettsohina cer- tain bills far extra work,' reforred to Com'r.Ivblio Works. :C. J. Holman "appointed " reanlar. patrol man. SR~yos'.Satter~offi offered the following motion; Y move that the Certifioate of gleotion of George 1:. Alliaton, as Aldermen, be revalued, filed end reoorded. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Washington and Katter~offi,-4. Said 0ertifioate of Eleotlon as follows; "STATE OF KRtiTUCKY.) ) Sot> 13/9.1923. Ocnnty of HoCRACKEND re, A. R. Steele. Roy Stowart and C. Z, VenP,!eter duly authors^ed to banvass the returns of the Oounty of PdoOraoken, do oertify that at an elootion he ]d in said County on the 6th day of Itav. 1923, Ceor Be 1. Alliaton was duly eleoted to fill the o•ffioe of Alderman< A. R. Steele, C. L. Vanltotor Roy Stewart, Oommiseionore." M,' liayor Katterlohn offered the following motion; Y move that the resignation o! &TJ d. Yopp, as a member of the Park Board of paduoah, Kentaoky, be reoeived and filed, (~ and that said resignation be~aaoepted, efPeotive December 31st, 1923, Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, pulliam,:4ashington and Katter- John,-4. I i Layor Katterloffi offered the following motion: Y move that the oofmnunlaetion from; ~ the Faduoeh Railway Company, dated December 2bth, 1923, in regard t,o the oorr] ition of~ Broadway from let to bth Street, be received and filed. Ad opted upon Doll of the ~ roll by the following vote: Yeas, Taoe, pulliam, :4aahin~*ton and Katter~ohn,-4. SEeyor Katter,ohn offered the following motion: t4hereas there is ~2b,000.00 due the City of paduoah, Y,entuol~, from the Ohio Valley Bank k Trust Company; and, j whereas. F. 11. Fisher. CeoiY Reed, C. :4. Emery, W, A, Berry and .4. C, Shearer alaned~ a bond to the Gity of.Faduaah, Y.entuol~, on the i day of April 1922, as sureties, ! i agreeing to pay said amount when demanded, and said money will be due On February ~ 8th, 1924, I now move that the City C1erL notify eaoh of the above named suretia s, in writing, together :vith E. E. Bell. Speoial Banking Commissioner for the Ohio Vslloy Bank & Trust Company,. that the City of paduoah tivill demand payment of said ~2b,000.00~ I on February 8th, 1924, and Lhe Clerk ie hereby authorized to send said notioea by ~ re~iatered letter, having return card sent him, and said Clerk la to report to this ~ Board by Se.turday January bth, 1924. Adopted upon Dell of the roil by the f ollowing vote: Yeas, Peas, Pulliam, ~9eahington and Katter~ohn,-4. Commissioner Tully entered the Commtesionera' Chamber. i hayor•Katterjohn offered 'the following motion: Y moos that the aommunioetion I dated December 29th, 1923, together with the attaohed bills, from F.. R. Harding Compat~~ be referred to the Commissioner of Publio Rorke. and that said Covrsisalonal of publio~ ~4orka report to the Board before Saturday. Janaary bth, 1924, his reoommerxlationa in tegerd to same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, pave, Pulliam.. 9nlly..,naahinaton and Katter~offi,-b. 1 i• Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: Y move that the ep pointment of C. J. Holman by C. C. Pane. Commissioner of Pub11o Safety ae a regalar patrolman ~ be retlfied. adopted upon oali of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Peas, ' Pulliam. Tally, aashington and Katter~ohn.-b. ~ . ;. ~. i i t r.4M. .~ s. J~" .., .f: x~. ~Y r .. ~_, ..._... ., - ,{ . ' s'ia .~r .~ -.a.~a~,v'~`~. ! s.rt .~- u: is~L. ~-~a a~~ r ;aa > ~, +,c, ` %''.~~,'e~.~~}d.~.+'°~.^,.,-~R~~ No°t-`1~ ' • Commissioners' Proceedings; City of .Paducah~_,_ _ _192- " ;: ~ :~ ( : •""_.Commieaioner Pulliam offered, the following motion; ,I move that .the report of I ' Board-iReport~~!y the Carnegie l.ibrnry Board, Deoember E8, 19 E3, be reoeived.and_filed.. Adnopted upon .;',' ~ oall of the roll by the Polloarir~ vote; Yeea, Enos, .Pulliam, Tally, NaehinRton and- {I ' Y.atter~ohn,.b. , l Comoisaioner Pulliam o*fored the follo:vina motion; I move that the Reoord off, -~~ ', Reoord 8e:var "' ~I 9e'+gor Design and Conatruotion of Fsduoah Prom 167E to 19E4 oontaining data on e11 Desires k Con- ~ struation of known old ee~.vora of the City, noted on, tho dasian of Diatriote 1 and E ea oampiled peduoah Prom ; ,. ~ 1872-1924- . from various oily reoorde, old fetters and mieoellaneous unbound. pap era, reoord o! .. . Filed.• etudiea of the D1atrlaL TJo.,3 mnde at various ti~::es Prom 1906, to 192E whioh Have been or will. be of value to desiRner.a of future ae:vera•1n tha.City, n oomplete reoord of if the.operntiona performed and aonalueione reaohed in tho deaiRil of,19E2 aid 19.23 for i Diatriota 3A, 3B and 34 and a record of the oonatruotion of 19EE and 19E4 Snoluding ... • 1 dat~.oP" value 'to engineers, and oontraotora in estimating the oo at .of"future order „ .,, ground :vork in the City, oompiled by Henry A, Pu111am"Commlasioner of Publio '.9orka ant ~I Chief ~gineer, be ordered printed. in 200 oopiee by the Fr4ntina Co., erd oherged against the Se9or Aooount and filed with oily reoorde. .Adopted upon osll..of the roll ~~ "' ! I by ,the following vote; Yeas, Paoe,Pullimn,Tully,tTea}iington and Katter~ohn,-5. ~ Oommiaeioner Pullinm offorad,the following motion: The Oily 9olioitor having -s?surioe Ievin ~ reoommended Lhnt tho bill of D?na~riae Levan ba" raid;, I now movo thnt ,the anm of Ninety- .,, allo.ved $9L80 I ir. eettloment" . ~ I. One Dollars and ++Sahty .,Conte L$91.80) be paid to.L.nurioe. i.even" for damaaae auetained .. { ~ ~ ~, ; oP dameaea sue, ~ " trained to his "i ~ Lo hie oar on eooount of rur~nina into street whioh was,bein? rereired•ard by reason :¢, ~'~~' ° z+~ automobile ~ ~ of feSllrg.to, have proper Iiahta, and thr3t;enmo be oharged soainat. the 3.troet Depart F i p,_. `. . Adopted meat. upon dell of. the roll by the followwinR vote; Yeae,.Paoe, Pulliam, Tu11y, ," ~, N - I :7aahirgton and Knttar~ohr.,-5.- Oommi"saionor ~7eahington offarod the following motion; I,,.move„that the attaohsd : ~ ~f C~ <~,~~ , 19P.3 leNoir Oiark Suporintendent of •' ~ oommuniontion, dat~d Dooember E9 th from II1ae , i;iea 8ai;oir`,~ , . . , , . , C1ark,SupL. ~ Riverside Hoe- Riverside !!oapital, relative, to unpaid oheoka Rinon by J. D,,. Fo1oy on•Bank of Tolg, . pital, authoriz- ed'to make ored-; ~ by~~ amounting Lo 6:00,,to$ether with the i ~ ~ unpaid ohaok;of 'Iilliem lawrenoe, amourt ~ ' ~. it's on Eoapital ~ ;'books to amount' ' inq to ,~E1.14, for eernloea rerderod at Riverside Hoapital,:be, turned ovei Lo the ~ ~ " ' on aooount~of - I i City Solloitor :vith inatruotions that he,oollebt aeme,.ard I further move that 1Siae ~h " 'unpaid oheoka. ~ yeNoir 01nrk,"9upt. Rlvoraido Hoopital, be sllowod to or edit her ao:oounte to the ~~ ..' i amount oY thaoe.oheoY.e, nomeiy; ,~107i14, eo that her books will balaT~oo, Adopted upoA ~ `r" oa17. o! the roll by tho follo.vinq woto; Yaao, ,pads, T.u111am; Tu11y, ~7nahintrton and +• i ~ ~ ,~ Y ,. Ketter~ohn,-6. _ t „ r, Oommieaioner t7aohingtan offered the folior~ing motion; Imo 9e that the reaigaa,- ~f D e ~ Reeignat.ion oY lion of Dr. F. A. Jones as ity Phyeiaisn, effeotive January 6th, I9E4, be r oeived r Dr:F.A.Jonea, ns Oity Fhyai- ant filed, arrd Lhat hie reaianatlon be,aooepted.. Adopted,npon oa]1 of'the roll by r _ oi~.n. ~ ~ the followiriR vote; Yeea,Paoe,pu111em,TulIy,~7aehirgton and Kattor~ohn,-6. r '~ ! - OAmmiesionar 19aehinaton.offere3 "the Pollo;vina motions I move thnt «: J. Paxton , ~ ~'~ ' E.'J.Faxton and Dr.H.P.Lirn, ; ~ abd ~'• a• P. Linn be appointed membora of Lhe Health"Board for:a•term of.three yeara,~.`" appointed mem-. ~ beginning Jnnnery let, 19 E4 and ending January Iet 19E7. Adopted upon dell of the `~ ~• beta Board of ` ,, N 9 ' . Health.. i roll by the Po1lov~ing vote: Yeea, Paoe, Tu11y,.:Taehington,-3; 17eye, Pulliam end KaLLer~ohn,-E. , k; ' Commiasiones fully exouaed from Commieaionora' Chambor. ~~~'~~ , , ~ tiommiaeioner Pulliam offered the following motion;.'Thersae Yanoy & Johnson, i Contraotore, have been allowed' the alternative of remooing the aeotiona,of ourb end ~ t d' tt d h t d h t d ha h v d • an ons eo, .r mo gutter enumera e on. a ea e s ee avQ ro e t t de uotione ( Yanoy k Johnson, agrregatinq $E87.67 ea shown on said sheet be made from the elm due on Contreot No. 7 [ Contreatora, { given redvation ; ~ far oonatruotion of ourb and gutter a. Adopted upon doll of the roll by the following ; ,; j of ~287.b7 ob , i .note: Yeea, Pnoe, Pulliam, :Teahington and Katter~ohn,-4. 9 " ~ aoaount of Con• ' ' traot ~7. , ' ~; . . ,, • .. , , r, ~w~~~rv~m~mmr~irFl~iww~ ~-~ ~_ - ,. • , • ~ N ~ 3 ~ , a ! Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah _ ___~ _1.92 - 8ommieaioner Tully re-entered Oommiasioners' Chargber, ~ .~ ~,. Commissioner Fulliam offerod the following motion; Yanoy & Johnson; Oontraot~' ~= ~ ors, hnvina finished the oonetruotion of oonorete ourba and auttera on both aides of { t~, Aaooptanoe of ~ Tenth Street, from the north property lin® of Jefferson Street to the south property x• Curb do Outter I ~ Construction; ~ line of Pdadison Street; Ltonroe Street from the west property line of Eighth Street to i ~ '` for.1923, ea ' gonatr voted by ~ the west property line of itvelfth Street; Seoond Street fr an the South property line of ~ "`~ ':;Yanoy k Johnson., ", ! Aontraotbre. :4achinaton Street to the PJorth property line of Clark Street; 3fiird Street, from the ~ ?° north property line of L4onroe Street to the south property line of L'edison Street; 1 ~. Eleventh Street, from the north property lime of Jefferaan Street to the south pro- ' party line of LSa318an Street; T.velfth Street, from the south prapertq line of .~ ' ~ Tennessee Street to the north property lino of Jones Street; Ninth Street from the ' North property lino of Plonroe Street to Oho south property line. of L.adison Street ; arxil v' '`~ ' Eighth Street from the north property line of P:wnrae Street to the south ro .art P F y 4~ . ~ ~ line of Pdedison 9troet, and havlnP.. aomPliod, in all reapeota with the terms of the f. ~ oontraot entered into by and •botween tho said Contraotors and the Oity of Paduoah, f . t , pp Itentvoky, on June 26th, 1923, at~d' oompletAd-oafife~; eobordia~ to~•tAe"piRt~o~ and epeoifioA- . ~'~~ •F tibne adopted for skid fiork~with e1:0eption bf Lute ahdwn! on'8edabtion ePleet giasaed I~ ~ this detb, an8 no complaints having been filed, protesting aKainat said work, Y move ~ i . ~ ` ~ _ that said work for said improvement .be aaoepted and approved, with eaaeption noted, end that ~ the final estimate, including ail monthly estimates of work done by Yamy & Johnson, I { i Oontrsotors, in oonatruoting said ourba and P.uttere, amounting to ~10~926.3b, with e . ~ . fleduotion therefrom of ~E89.b9, be rsoeived, approved and filed. Adopted upon Dell ~ ` g '" of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, 'Faoe, Pulliam, ~eahin gton and Hatter~ohn,-4; ~, Naga, Tn11Y.-lo i EeF:ort OhieP of ~ Commissioner Paoe offered the followir,tr motion; Y mono that the monthly ~" ~Yolioe for month ~ • iqf Deo.. 1923. report of the Chief of Polies, C, B. Ahittemore, for the month of Deoembor 1923, be rsoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the f ollowing vote: Yeea, Faoe, : i 'Pulliem, Tully, Aashinaton and Y.mtter,ohn,-b, ; • ~:~ ~ ~ Oommiasioner Faoe offered the followimR motion; I move that the annual report ~nnnnS Report `Ohief of Folios ~ of the Chief of Polioe, C, B. 'Nhittemor®, be rsoeived and Piled. Adopted upon oall fbr year 1923e ~ , I of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faae, Fulliam, Tully, yeahington and Satter'ohn,-5, p Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that the City Sol!-.` .. ~ aitor be instruoted to draft an ordinance and present it to. the Board at a epeaisl i ''' x meeting at, 10 0°olook, January 2, 1924, providing for the followinv. inareasea in ~ i ' ~. +, wages of City employees, effeotive Deoember ib, 1923; I Firemon .................~10.00 per month Inoreeae in •' Patrolmen ............... 10.00 " " '. salary of Der- `` Lain otty amployd " Ohiefa of Fire k s Foliae De artmenta " ^ ~ p ..... 1b.00 I e~eoted. • _ , ~ DetAOtivea .............. ib.oo ^ ^ y.~, ~ ~ Street & Sever baborera, .Obi per hour. f Bookkeeper,Dept.Finanoe, 25.00 per month { ~ Chief Assistant ngin- I PPP ear Dept. of Publlo YarkB,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,„00, Inepeotar,4,F.Anderaon. 2b.b0 per dayth. ~, / • Draftamnn,T.A.Bradley, .10 per hour. ; ' Librarian, 2b.00 per month g r Librarian Aaat.'a ..... 35.00. " " it boat upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe,Fttlliam,-2; Naya,Tully, •. ~ Aashington and isatter,ohm,-3. . N 4~ ( . . •, 1 j ... .. •, ~~ ~ ~ i: ~... .... 3, i ^~„,~ i ~_i,~ 1 I !. . ; . t ~ I ' '~ lO~ No.- ___.-. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_____ __.__ 192- ~Commisaioner Faoe exoused Prom Commisaionera' Chamber. ~ ~ ;Commissioner Fu111am offered the YollowinR motion; j move that s Dopy of motion Copy oP motion ~ I of Deo. 24, 1923, re~eotlaP, bills oP E. R. Harding Co., :with oertifioata of dsliaery ~ ` ! oP Deo.24,19f3 ' re~eotinm bills i oP Dopy thereof to said Company by City C1A^k,"be reoeived and Piled. Adopted upon , of ~.R. Herd ing ~ r Co. with carts- Dell oP the roll bg the Pollowinm vote; Yese, Pulliem, Tully. :9aahington and Katter- .`~ ~ ' fioate of de- I ~~ ~ livery by City ~ Job.-4. ~ ~ i Cler k. ~ Commissioner Paoe re-entered the Commiesionera' Chembar. j Commissioner Pulliam offered the Pollo'w1nR motion: I move that the Final. and Final estimate ofj~ oompleto estimate of :vork dons by Yancy & Johnson, Contraotore, on Coatraot No. 8 ~ ~' ;vork done by ' Yenoy k Johnson, II for oonstruotion of ourD, Rutter an3 side~.vaiks on the south aide of Tennesaes Street Contreotors on Contraot ~8, Cnrbi between Third Street and River Bank. amounting to ~1196.G6 be approved, reoeived.snd an3 Gutters er.3 ' ' ' Si3oroelks on S. ~~ Piled. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the f ollowina vote: Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam. side Tenn. St. • ~ Tully, 9eshinaton and' Katter~ohn,-b. On motion the Board adjourn ad upon Dell of tho roll by b yeas. I ^ I~ .t .e ~~ u JANUARY 2nd , 1926. ? l ji At a Called iSeeting oY the"Board oP Commiasionora held it the Commieaionera' Chamber in the City Hall. Padnoah, Ky., on January 2nd, 1924, at 30:bb A. ES, Upon ;i oall oP Lhe roll the followln~ ans:vared to their names; Commie~ionera Peoe, Pniliam,. . ~I Tully, ~Ynshinf<ton and L".nyor Kntter~ohn,-b. I ~ !~ Mngor Katter~oha atcted reasons for Dell to-wit; To reoaive Tennessee Street • ~ Side:vniks, ourb nni Rutter oonstruotion on Tennessee Street Yrom 3rd street to Tenneas Rivor Bank. and any other busine:~s that may ooma before the Board: I !j Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Yanay k Johnson, Contraotora,' ~, ~ having Yiniahod the oor~atruation of oonorete sidewalk, ourb and mutter. on the eonth side oP Tennessee Street. Prom the seat interseotion of Tennessee and Third Streets ,' to the top of the bank oY the Tennessee Rivor, an3 hevinv. aamplded, in ell respects t with the terms oP the aontreat entered into by and bot:veen the said Contra"etors and. AQOeptan0e Of :vork done b,+ ;~ the City oY Paduoah, Sentuoky, on June 25th., 1923, and oomplated same eooordina to ye nay & Johnson, Contraot9rs, on j the plena end speoifioationa adopted Por said work, aril no complaints having been sidewa7k,ourb . end outlet Don. filed, protestina.againat said work, I move that said :vork for said imrrovamRnt be atruotion on s side Tenr;.St• ~~ eooepted and approved, amd that the Yinel estimate, inaln3ina all monthly estimates re3eated. y , oY work done bg Yancy & Johnson, Contreotora, in oonstruoting acid si3a:velk, onrb and II mutter. amounting to ~2.3b0866 be approved, reoeived ar,d.flled. host upon Dell of ~ the roil bg the PollowinR vote: :'Yeas-Bone. Plays, Paoe, Pulliem, Tully,-3, Commie- u sioner7ashinmton and L;ayor Y.etter~ohn not voting. lf8yor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the astimstes'Pur- Sstimetes for j Wished bg the ~girieer for work done and performed Dy Y.anoy & Johneoa, Contraotora, • curb and putter ` oonstruotion j+ for the coratruotion of oororete ourbs, mutters end dride:vays erd neoessarg intakes, Corareat Iio. 7 ' I l p6oceded ~ sewers and oatah basins on both sides of TeY•Lh Street Yrom Jefferson Street to 14e3iaoa ~ andeaj s ~ : « iahth Street to Twelfth Street; Seoord Street from .. Street; Lionroe Street Prom i ~~ :7ashington Street to Clark Street; Third Street from Lionroe Street to P:adieon Street;, ^~ Bleventh Street from JeYYeraon Street to tSadison Street; Twelfth Street from Tennessee i ;~ -' 1 ! Street. to Jones Street; IIinth Street Yrdn Lionroe Street to LtadLson St;set, an3 ELRhth ,y ~1:> Street from Lionroe Street to 1.ie3ison Street, be reoeived, fi]ed,and orn~firmad. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yoea, I'ulli.m, ".Yashington and - ~~" 1 Y I y Y.attar john,-3; ITays, Paos and 's'ully,-2. I ~ ° ~ __ ~ r.~.rra~vrn -~~i;-~i.:~ ~.,.~.~ ~~~ :,.n I~~:~p~oil ~ phl,~l:,-u,~: sir =-I~:~ ~Iol~ll„~ ~~ is ~ ;..,.~ a~Fvrt~~41~ 1111~.~i ~.i ,~ ~ q~~.ii.._.i ,~~ i .~`1