HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922 Book 16F~:tIIARY 20TH. 1922. ~ At a Calied Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommisaionere' Chamber in the Oity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on February 80th, 1982, at 10 O'olook A.M. M Upon Dail of the roll the following answered to their names; Comniasionere Paoe, Pulliam. Tully, :Ya9hinErton and Pdayor Katter~ohn,-b. :.tY.Stewart, trial! continued until Feb.23,1922 at 10 o'clock A.1S. Report Carnegie library for 1921. A.3.ldiohols, Mgr. PGfluaah aeotrio Co., communication xeaerdinp white '.7ey s*andards. ' s Retort Com'r. of ' Pvblio Finanoe, aooountn first h of Fob~uary. a .~: Rea~ort Com'r.of ' Finanoe, in re; f3 District Server Fund. Gom'r. Finanoe ' to deposit :vith City Net'1.Bank N16,5u7.00 pro- oeods of So:ver Donda, i 3 r Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit:. For the purpose of hearing charges preYerred against Patrolman ~. tt, Sterrett, end arty other business that might Dome before the Board. , , ~, Commieaionor Pulliam offered the following motion: .I move that the trial of j. ~_-'~. F. .Y. Stevrart, oharPed with drunkonneas, do o. bg oontinuod until Thursday, February 23rd, 1922, at 10 o'clock A. i".. Adopted upon call of the roil by the following vote Y`s~'`;!`.t iam, Tully. WashinaLon errl .Katter~ohn,-b, l l Yeas, Paae, Pu r ~~ ~ AdngtciJ nnr;'ZQ.19~~ osPPROV~73~ . ~-- ~, a,«k r~~n~r~n. ,. F~tU6RY 20TH. 1922. At s Regular Meeting oY the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' ; Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on February 20th, 192E, at 8 O'olooh A.M. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commisaioriere Paoe, Tully, Rashington and Mayor Y,atter~ohn~-4. On motion of Commissioner Tully the mimrtee of the previous meetings were adopted as read upon Dell of the roll by tho following' vote; Yoae, Paoe, Tully, iYaahtngton and `.. Kattor3 ohn,-4. t - ~' ~0r Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissioners' Ohamber. . }deyor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the report frorp the. Treasurer of the Carnegie 1,lbrnry, dated February 20th. 1922, be reoeived and filed. ~ Adopted upon sell cf tho roll by the following vote; Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. 6 ~ ti ~ 7laehington and Ketter~ohn,-b. `' ~ Cormnisaioner Tu11y offered the following motion: Imovo that the oommuriiao.tion ': a ; from A. 5, Nlohols, tanager of the Paducah 3leotrio Co., with reference to the :Yhite Ray standards at the corner of Third & Broadway arri Fifth & Jefferson Streets, be re oeined and filed, Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Faoe, ' Pulliam, Tully, :7ashington and Ketter~ohn,-b. Cornmiasioner Tully offered tho following motion: I.move that the accounts for the first half of Fobr.uary, amounting to ^~b769.73, ae per the rep art of the Oommie- r: sionor of Snblio Finanoe filed horo:vith, be allo:ved aril ordered pnld 'and the money ~ appropriatod Pram Lhe Goneral Fund to pay crime, Adopted upon call of the roil by the p g following vote: Yeea, Pnoe, Pulliam, Tully, tYaehington and Knttor~ohn,-b. ' Commiasloner Tu11y offered tho fo]lo.vlnp. motion: I move that the report of the , 4 Commis.aioner of Public Finanoe, of the ~3 District Se:vor;Fund, amounting to ,619289,8 on deposit in the Oity National Bank, be reoeived aril filed. Adopted upon call of th ? 'r. , w . _ roll by the following vote: Yeea,Paae,Pu111am,Tully,'7aehinaton erd Katter.~ohn,-b. ~; r Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: That the Commissioner of Fub a lio P'inanae be authorized and instructed to deposit the stun of X16;567.00 from pro- i Deeds of Se:vor Boade, to a oheokina account to be known ae ~3.Disttiat Server Fund, with City National Bank. ddopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, 4 w~ ~ Pesos, Fulham, Tully, ',Yashington and Knttor~ohn,-b. ` ~ , ~` a ~ ' ~ ,lC ~ ~r~ »- ~.~ :-. .~ ..:.:, T"i'. e'~', „r.,~~.r ~ ,...y, ,~.,. tm-~r.1^...~..-~..„,.~,n +.±,~r!!±i..-~....rtw.;m. v,'H2'S d., x..G!..fii1". "0.i`x^.1 ,:t .r,. ,,z .. .'";A° "1 ., ,. ."'`°'~":' 't~""~^; l ...., ..n`:A .. ~ .. i n ~ ~ i - - , n~-np r I ~~:I. - ,,Lr.. -~rn717-~ rr~ , i ~i.~. ~~,ri~ivo ,r,,. R,i ~° ~ i i~. 1P~rf*~91 Pirl r9 ~=lrr n, "Ifii 'lPlll f._.,r L~,~~,~Ilrll- Ir- i r pn ~- rrn ~ -r I-, ~~_ _ .,. rJ ~- ~ ~~ ~, i."k~ .f._ ~ _~,. .___.. Jam... _i •+I * ~ 1~n ~'"`7"" ~~.....dl.«~i•r)u~ltl'•W~ih~^~ ~mpc I I-a .p.. ~~L,, ,~~l.:udi w~. :,i.~„~~ ~. r~'d` tra' ...«.w......... Ilwnm., . ~ "~ 1 i ~ ~ ~ -. No. ~ 8 ' fo k~3rdoDia~ l Oommiseioner Tully offered the following motion: That the First National Bank be P y ~ ~ deeipxsated ae the depository for the ~3 Dietriot Setivor Sinking Fund, and the Commie- triot Sewer 91nk ing Fund. j; eioner of 1'ublio Finanoe be authorized and inetruoted to deposit the sum of :~E722.22 ~, I. ~~ to the orodit of this aoaount, being the aoorved interest from the proooeda of the sale of Sewer Bonds. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, +;•' It I, ~ Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter,ohn,-6. ' f1' Oommiaeionor Tully offered the following motion; 1 move that the bill of the . Hsrrie Trunt A ~~ Harris Truot & Savings Hank of ~k326.00 for Deaf of the 9ewor Honda be nllowod and order Savings Hank ;; bil7.for ~32b.00;; ed paid and the Oommisaionor of I'ub11o Finenoo be nuthorizod and inatruatod to draw a oost of the 3rd II oheok on the No. 3 Dietriot Sewer Fund to snmo, Ado tod u on on11 of the roll b ~ Dietriot Sewer p ~' P P y p ~~ # .. Bonds Hid. !; the followin¢.vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,Washington and Itatter~ohn,-b. l Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Knights of ~ Knights of Col- ' vmbns allowed ~~ Columbus be paid $2b.00 for the purpose of advertising, same to be oharrred to &isoella-; $2b.00 for ad- 14 vertiaing Charity noous Charities, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, )dinatrel. Ii 1. A.:Pashinaton to attend aon- ference at 'biemphis,Tenn. Feb,27th ani E8 oY Heap its 1 Officials for Kentuolq. Fetition from property o•.vnere on George 3t, protestinv, against side- walk Improve- ment. pay-rolls for 1 Jnnuery arx] let half of February 1922 f.or Third Dietriot 9e~ver, amounting to . ed~89.78 nllow~ C1. A. Horner . Oon saltine i~tginoe on desiana of ewer Dintriot ~3 paid *128.00 fee and oxponns Ordinanoo.auth- orizing Oom~r. Pubiio "7orke to expend gg8 000.00 in re 3r~ Dietriot r Sewers ~',: < j_ Pulliam, Tully, ~Yashington and Katterjohn,-b• Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: I move that L, A• ';'ashington, '; Commissioner of Publio Property, be sent to iSomphis, Tenn. $s the repr.eaentative of the;. City of paduoah, to attend a oonferenoe of Hospital Offioiels for Kentucky, Tennessee ,and Arkansan, which oonferenoe will be held on February 27th and 28th, and that the. expenses for said trip be paid by the City of Paduoah• Adopted upon Dell of the roll '; by the f ollowinR vote; Yoae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and. Katter'ohn,-4, Oommi~eaionor Washington not voting. Corroniesionor Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move thnt the potttion from property owners on George Street, betvroen 6th and 7th, protesting axa.inst proposed; sidewalk improvements, be received and filed, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~9eahington and Katter'ohn,-ba , Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that the pay-roll ; . Sor the month of 5anuary 1922, amounting, to ;^,648,28, and for the first half of February 1922, amounting to ~64.6.b0, a total of :1289,78, of the Third Dietriot Sewer a, be n]lo~~god and ordered paid, and the Commieaioner of Finanoe be inetruoted to draw oheoks for same ngainat the Third llistriot Sewer Fund. +idopted upon pall o.f the roll,by the following votes Yons, Pnoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Kattor~ohn,-6. , i Oommisoloner Pulliam offered the following motion: .Yhereas, the Oommisaionera '~"` have informally inetruoted the Commiaeioner of Fublio Works to bring into oonaultation tin deaipna of 9ewor Dintriat ~3, lUtr. ~V. W, Horner of St. bouis, Y move thnt h1 a em- ~ ployment bo rotiflod and that the Oommiooloner of rubiio P'inanoo bo inotruotoA to draw'. oheok in favor of i4r. Ilornor for .$100.00, as his fee na Consv.lLinq F.rsalnoer, plus I. X22.00 expenses of trip, maklna a total of X122.00, Hume to be ahorROd aaninat Third Dietriot Soryor Fund. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following veto: Ycas, Paoo, i Pulliam, Tu11y, fashington and Katter~ohn,-8. piayor Katter~ohn offered the following .motion; ,Y move that an ordinanoa ontl- tlod, "AN ORDINANOL~ AUTIi0RY7,ING AND DIRr^OTIWG TH:. OQ~iMISSEONkIt OF PU87;I0 WORKS 1b KX- j Pr1ID A SUM NOT TO'i~'JCOK:~ iiIGHT THO(J$AND v!~18,000e008 DOLIA129, FOR TNN PU:2rOSN OF ENGE- Nr.ERING, D33IGNING AND 11AKIt1G AI.L PLiNS, SPF.OYFIOATIONS AND WORKYNG DRA~7INGS FOR S1yW~t-~ AG3 DISTRICT ~3, AYdD CHARGING SAID SU1d TO TFL: THIRD DISCtICT Sa"'tr'~t FUND ACCOUNTo" be .adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yene, Faoe, Pulliam I Tully, Waehingto~ arxi Kattsr'ohn,-6. ~ i "v; ...... I .. ~ .. ~ ~. .... .. ~'t'~.. p,..~1 a ~:~„,~ w::~, ' J ' ~ { ~ .r ,. ~. ,.• „fir ~f .. ~%n,a .' ~ .. :9 kY.. ,. ,» .,-.~...: ,a ~ ,- ~ , e. , ~ ,. r,~,. M ~ ~..a., .v .....: ...:.:. .. ' •I ~ ,. _,.. -~ :: Comnnissioners' Proceedings, City of• Paducah.. .F:~RUARY 2oTg 192 E ''` ~;: . . „. , ._ .. _ ,. ~ .,., ,,. ~~ u. -1, No. S Commissioners° .Proceedings, City' of Paducah ' ' 192-.. - On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell oY the roll by 8 yeas. 4 ' 4 . jj Ai~ttd ~, •Y7s~ 19 $2 Al~P~vC~'V' :L7 !' ~ Pam„-f~rvs...e..J ~ .. ~';,~ i~ c+v cw~ I ~YUTZ ~' . i, . . i. ~ .. ~ li F~RUARY 23RD, 1922. J li - - j~ ' ~~ At a Oelled ?Seating of the Board of Commisaionera, held in the,Qommiaeionera~ liChamber in the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky, on Thursday morning ,February .23rd, 192E, • ~n~~.~. ~i flat 10 O'clock A.~1:. Upon.oell of tho roll tho iollowinf; answered to their names: Oommisaionere Face, Pu131am, Tu11y, Reahington and 1leyor Y.atter~ohn,-b. • ~i Mayor Y.ntter'ohn stated reasons for call to-'n1t: For the purpose of hearing li, the oharaes aaatnat Fntr.olman :.. 17, 3te:vnrt, filod by Commieatoner of Pub11o Safety. !~ '~; 0. C. Paco, and any other business that might Dome bofore tho Board. ;.j , ~f After hearing the evider,oo on both lidos, Oommisatoner Pnoo offeret the fol i .. lowing motion; Aa thn evidence aaainr~t ::. '.V, Sto;mrt io not auf.[loiont to dieoharae 'S.'~7.Stowart, , .. 1'utrolmnn, suspend-; him I movo that ho bo uuapendod from the Po]iac xoroe for n period of thirty days ad from Po71oo !~ ° Foroo Yor 30 days l without pny. Oarried upon enll of the ro71 by the fol]owina vote: Yeea, Paoe, Tully, without pay. ~ ! 17ashinRton and yatter~ohn,-4; Nays, Pulliam,-1: ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion;. I move that Att ORDINANCE ' !; i . i Ordiranoo deaig- ~' D:«SIGNdTII;G l"ND 1iFPOI1dTIItG 0"~?TAIii BhIdI~ Ili 10UISVIJ.l.S, Y.:StTUCY.'Y, AS D~~OSITORI^S FOR natiritt oortain h banks in Touis ; TFL? CITY OF FADUCAH, Y:I!TUCY.Y, AND AUTHORI°.IttG AND DI'?::C'CITI . THE COL'IIISSION ~4 OF vi]lo, Ky., ca ,; dopoaitori©a for ( FtJBI.IC FIA'AIiCS TO D:S^OSIT FUIIDS OF TIT:: CITY qF PADUCAH, KI:iiTUCKY, IIi SAID BANKS, be City of Fadvo~:h for '~3 Se~aor Funds: adopted. Carried upon call of the roll by the tollowtna vote: Yoae, Paoe, Pulliam, ~' u Tully and Tashinaton,-4; Nays, Y.atter~ohn.,-1. !i Oommiaeioner Tully offered tho following motion; That the sum of W400.00 ;! Yo].unteers of 'i be appropriated for the nao of the Volunteors of Amer ion .for charity work,and the Amorion .appropr!- '~ pommisatonor oi' Tublio IPinanoo bo inatrnoted to lssuo oheoJc for, nnme and oharae to ~- ato'1 :+460.00 Yor charity •.vork, ~ Oharity Aooount, Oarried upon aa]7 of the ro?] by the fo]lo~wina vote; Yoae, Fnoe, 1 "' _: Pulliam, Tu]ly, t7eahinaton and Y.atter~ohn,-6. On motion the Hoard ad~ournod upon oa71 of tho ro]1 by 6 yens. . ~'' ~ . tai 4- ms's .k .1''.l:i'. C~ ?rrt3:~.7 + ~' ~;. ~ i FEBRUARY 25TH. 192. ~` ~, .. At a Called 1.".eating of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commieaion- r era' Chamber in the City Hnll, Paducah. Kentuoky,on Saturday morning, February 2bth° 1922, at 11 o'clock A. L1, Upon sell of, the. roll the Yollowing nnslvered to their ,, ~~ names; Commissioners Paoe, Pu111nm, Tully, ~7nahington and 1,".eyor Katter~ohn,-5. { L?ayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for call to-wit; For the purpose of extend- ;~ '~ ing ttme of sitting of the Board of 3gnalization; e7 so to hear ir. Chas. C.Graesham Y regarding local bank deposits oY Se:ver District ~3 Funds, ar.~d any other business i ,. that might some bofore the Board. Commissioner Tu17y offered the follo~sina motion: I move that the time of ~ '. Board of ::qu9,liza; the sitting of the Board ofr:quallzation be extended to and inclu~iina T'erch 4th,1922. tion time of sit-„ tTra extended to '; Carried upor, call of the roll by the followlna vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tullyo erd inolu3ing c ' Aiarch 4th, 192E, ,~ ;gaehington and Katter~ohn,-5. ~ ~'•~ r'' _ _., ~;.' <<~ F,,.--.M-,•^'~ . ,, ~"''} ^,°.,,.~y^°~°'9'-.~;: -T-"x's:3; -...'.-,., , , ;r- ~a -... ,., ~:f. a., ,: k-.. ~. cz„~:+'; t ~ .. tN a..,,,~.,w~. ,M.,,m~~.--d'~'_..,r -: -' 7 _ ~ •.I Ne r _ ~ f rc ~ ~ I~ r~l.u ~.~, ~~di~eo,~, ~,ii~,~~. ,F._ ~,~ et • • ~. 4 • .) ~ r,-: a _. ... . I , . ,. _ _. . .... Comtnissionera° Proceedings, City of Paducah F.~RVAR~r £7~x ~ 1g2E~ _ ~. i ` ffer of Banks of°! ,.Commissioner Tully offer e8 4he following motion; That the offer of the Banks of ,; , ~ ~. ; ~ City of 3;6 in- !~ tereat on derosi~ , the City of Paduoah of 3~ interest on deposit of the ~600.000.00.'Sewer Bond money be ~ ' v ' of X600,000.00 I' Sewer Bond money re~eoted; and the Commissioner of 7nvblio Finance be inatruote8 to oonfer with anid Bcnk6 f ~ ' ~ i j ~ :: re~eated, and Com'r.Finanoe !` for deposit on a basis of 3~~i and report.to this body at the Regular Meetince on Febrn- I ~ to oonfer w1Lh ~ d b nk 1922. Carried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Tully~~ ary 27th S W~~ m a s on .eai a 3+'~lY basis. ~ .. ;~ . i snd Mayor Katter~ohn,-3; Nays, Pulliam and Washington,-2. I '~ ~~,~ ~ • On motion the Boarfl ad,ourned apon pall of the roll by b yeas. , 'j ~ ~ i ~/~ y V2i3~ ~ ar '4~ ...._... ~ ~ ~~ h7AYC)Ft. ~~ ! F1lRUARY £71TR. 19_££. j ~` • s i ~~ '~, ~~ AL a Rea~ilar pSeeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissionors° I 1 .,,, j Chamber in the City Hnll. Fadvoah. Kentuoky, on February 27th, 1922. Upon Dell of the ~ .' ~ i j ~ ~~ roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and , ~ ~i Mayor $atterfohn,-4. ' On motion of Commissioner Pnae the minutes of the previous meetings wore adopt- ed, as read, upon oall of the ro]1 by tho follo~oing vote: Yoas, Paoe, Fnlliam, Tu]ly • and Katter~ohn,-4. I I 1Wsyor Ketter~ohn offered the following motion: Y move that the aommunioation Federation of ! I ;7,abor oommuni-,~ of the Fed oration of 7Abor, ated February 24th, 19E2, be reooived and filed. Carried ' _ , , ' nation. , { i ,upon Dal] of the roll by the following vote:. Yoae, Pnoe, Pulliam, Tully and Katter- ,~~ ~ , Ii y 'ohn,-S. ~ ~ i Mayor Kattor~ohn offorod tho following motion: I movo that Che oommnniaation a~:,, , ~ ' YI.W.Hornor, " oommunioation. ~ dated February 21st, 19£2, be reooivod and filed. Carried upon oe]1 of yp, ~, };ornor ' in re 3rd Dis- ai , triot Sowers. of the ro71 by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Katter~ohn,-4. i ovo that the oommunioetion ti E m on: Mayor Kattor~ohn offered the following mo Fran 1: Clark ' oommuniaation ~ ` of crank Clark, dated February 24th, 1922 be referred to the City SoTioitor. Carried referroa to City 5olioitor.,i upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pu111am,Tully and Katter~ohn-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the retort of i ; > Roport Com'r. !i the Commissionor of Fublio Finaroe with referenoe to the oonforenoe vith the bankers ~ , ` Fir,enoe :vith ~~ referenoe to j' of the City regerdtnc tho deposit of the No. 3 Diatriot Sower Fund be reoeived, filed aoriference with;, ` benk~re of and approved ar3 that the ~3 Diatriot Sewer ?und be planed in the City TTetional Bank, "City regarding deFoait of #3 is Meahanios Trust ~ Savings Bank and the Ohio galley Trust Company an3 to draw interest Diatriot sewer ~I •.Fund• ii ` at the rate of 3~ per annum. 'Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: ~Yeae, Taoe, Pulliam, Tully end Katter~ohn,-4. 1 Oommisaioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Speol2l Spaniel Pay- ~~ 4 Pay-roll for Streets, amounting to X37.15 be allowed and ordered paid and the money ol] for Streets. ~' appropriated from the General Fund to pny same. Adopted upon oall of the roll by ~ ~'-,;;. .. ~' ~; the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fulliem, Tully end Katterjohn,-4. ~ ~ ? ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the Commission- ~ _,~~: f.,.,°. , • r.Finnn.oe Com to av off'tak` F * ~ I er of Publio Finance be suthariaed and inatrvoted to pay offs take up and oanoel up anc~ aenoel ~; ! i street bonds ~ street bonds end ooupone to tho amount of 671.70 in the City National Bnnk and draw i ' and oaupona in City ]laLl.BanY- a oheok against Lhe,Speoial Streot Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll • ~"° ` amounting to ~671.70a ~! by the following vote:'YeSs•~ Paoe. Pulliam, Tully and Katter~ohn.-4. !. . r ii': ¢ ~- " ~ i tea k Mu . ~,5; r .r,.v. •z: y: r „,i ,.f _ , • ... v~ :;, q . :; .., ... ~ , ~. a~.....e r.. 'r. ' .... ': , °.y °, i . , ~ ~ ~ _ .. d. ,. t i Na ~ `t . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_ • ±j - - --- -- - Commisaioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That Chea, Lieberman be Chea.liebermen reimbursed $9.68 "allowed ~y"9.68 to reimburse him for exoesa oherged against him on sidewalk improvements i e~:oess ohereed on sidewalk improve- on Broad Street, and trial the Commissioner of Publio Finance be authorized and direot- moats on Broad St. ed to pay same and oharge to Street Fund. Adopted upon Doll of the roll by the fo1= ' lowing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Ful]iam, Tully,-3; Nays, $atter~ohn,-1. '~.. ? , 3; ;; Commissioner Fulham offered tho fol7orvina motion: That 4f, '?, Horner be "~ '.4,F.orner el low- ;alloyed :~4.7b for phone oa71 to h'ew Orleans, and Commissionor of '"inanoe be authorized }. el y~4:7b, for + phone ea]1 to ~~ and direoted to pay same ar.d ohnr~e to 3rd District Seaver Fend. Adopted upon Dell of IJew'Orleana,La. ~ the roll by the follo:vinP, vote: Yeas, Faoe, Fulham, Tully end $atter~ohn,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the followinv motion: I move that "AIJ ORDINANC3 `', Ord inanco desig- ~ Di':SYGIJATIIJG AIJD AFFOINTII:G 1'}?:: CITY ]JATIOIJAl H.",IJK, MxHF.NICS i"?UST & SAVINGS BANK AIJD natinp rnd appoints 1 ~" inR City IJet'1. ~ THi OHIO VALL::Y TilUST COI.?ANY D~OSITORI3S FOi3 `iFIP: CITY OF FADUCAH, Ki'~ITUCKY FOR T!iE Bank, I:echanios F Bank,and Trust Co.~ IJL2B:.'R THi?::3 JIS'IT.ICT SE'7r.'R FUND i~IJD FIXING TFC: RLTb.' OF IIJT°,5T TO Br: TAID UFOIJ SAID an.;i others, depoe-'' itories for r3 "FUNDS SO DEFOSIT3D AID PI?OVIIITJG THAT SAID DEPOSITORI3`i 3't :CUTE A DD'CSITOT3Y BOND," ' Sewer District ;.'. Funds. '~ be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the ro71 by the following vote; Yeae., Paoe, Pulliem~ Tully and $atter~ohn,-4. !', Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; E move that AIJ ORDII.ANCE i. Ordinar.oo author- ; AUTFIOT2I3IIJG i.1J!) DIR::CTING 'CIw: I?AYOR AIJD COAa.'"I53ION:92 Ob' TUHlIC FIIJAIIOE TO AORBO~4 THE • ` iainr? and direot- ~ ~ ~ ' ir,ar I'ayor and. Com-', SU2.1 OF TIILT2TY TT?OUSAT~'ll 030,000.00) DOLLARS '•~OlE TJiT; CITI3.°.NS 3AYIIlGS 9AIA; OF FADUCAH~ mtsstoner of !! ,,,I ,~ ~ Firer,co to borro•,v ' Kr~TUCI.'Y. ATJD TO SY.3CUTrT A T'Oi':i FOR S(: ID SUI.' FOR AND ON H..°.H.AIF OF SAID CITY. ba adopt • w30,000.00 from ij ~ Citizens Savings ~~ ed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. Pu111am,Tully .~~, Jiank. ,, and Katter~ohn,-4. ;~,; ~ ; p On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas.. _ J c.~:iot .19.22 ~,s ~_ eiFF'RO~:C-ii:n:,3 `Gf/~~u ~Mel`~Oi YARCH'4TH, 198E. dt s Called Meeting of the Board of Commissionere~ held in the CommtselonersR Chamber in the City Hall, Padnoah, $entnol~, on Saturday, Maroh 4th, 19EE, at 10 0l010~ A. M. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners " Pcoe, Tully and Mayor $atter~ohn,-3. !' Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for Doll towit: For the purpose of extending i. i~ time of the sitting of the Board of Equalization, and euoh other business that might Dome before the Board, , '.i Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the time of the ' Board of ~qusliza- tion, time of sit- sitting of the Board of Equalization be extended to and inoluding Saturday,i:aroh 11th, tins e~Jtended to }~aroh I1th,19EE. •'; Adopted upon Doll of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Tully and $atter~ohn,3~ h ~~, , . .~~ On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell 04 the roll by 3 yeas. ~, - a -y,~~ ~ D ~ M_ ARCR 6TH. 192E. Ay~j~ ~' t ~~ At a Regalar Meet3rg of the Hoard of Commisaionere, held in the Commission'ers' Chamber in the City Hall. Paduoeh. $entuoky, on Maroh 6th, 19EE. Upon Dell of the ~ '' roll the following answered to their Names; Commieeionere Paoe, Tn]1y, t-eahington ~j ~' ,i t V sad Mayor $atter~ohn,-4. F Oa motion of Commlaeioner Paoe the mlrutes of the previous meetings were > ~ adopted sa rase upon Dell of the roll by the ioliowinR vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tally. ; ,. i ; .....: q _..~._.~___._.~.._._....: ._. ..-.. _ _ ... __.. .._. __ _ _.......:~. _. :...~_____...__:.. _. _... ...... ~_... Oyu. ... I i' ,... ~ ~ i "2°""..7~^::. ._. P~E°'ffi rm M ,. .~ ... ~ . ,S '"~^"'"t'2T"4+9 ;<.,'.f ;R'x'.vrl,E / rn, ,.,.. , w . ,+, r~,,,~. ~ r... .. r,r : ",sc'.'y"^ ?. ~ ... C+,'.~jSp~~^ 5' _,.r:-.,r..rr»..--, , .,.., ~,a . ,... .,,~,,.,.. , ..,.,.w.~.~w .. Iwo ..w.w.w w-- w.m. ..~w . I n.. pw. ~. i I.:L'., ;u _ f I I ,~-I i „I w., ~..~ I W1 ~ r~eaa~:+.le•~~-z~emld. ,,{.~m~e~ ~urclJl ~sli~.~.u~llrc~ w - -yv,1 ~,.~~.udmni_~o ,~~u~~~ .. ~ r w:. ~ •/ ~.' No. ~ ` Report Com°r.of Firanoe for Pay-roll for ' last half of Febrnery 19EE, Report of Com°r. Finenoe for month of Febrn- sxy 19EEs Pay-roll and nooonnLa for Srd Dietriot Sewer allowed. `--'? .-t Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of .Paducah a~eh 6th ~ fl92 z_ 5 Washington and Katterlohn.-4. ~~ Commissioner 1°ully offered the following motion: % move that the Pay-roll for ;. ,, lest half of the month oY February amonntinq to ~1b,319.1b,. as per the report of the I. Commissioner of Publio Finenoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money: 'appropriated from the General Fund to pay seme. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the i following voL®: Yeas. Paoe, Tully, Washington end Katter~ohn,-4. j !~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: % move that the report of the ICommiseioner of Pubilo Finana®, for the month of February, be reoeived and filed and { ';ordered published in the offioiel newspaper. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the ;:' foilowinq.vote: Yeas. Paoe, Tully. Washington and Katter,ohn,-4. 'f ~ Commissioner Pulliam entered the meeting. I Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: % move that the Fay-roll amount- , i ~ing to $641.00 and eooonnts em~unting to ~bb8.8E for the 3rd Dietriot sewer be allowed ; ,' i fend ordered paid and the Commissioner of Pnblio Finenoe be inatrnoted to drag cheeks i. , iagainst the No. 3 District Sewer Fund oheokinq eooonnt to pay same. Adopted upon Dell j ~oi the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tnily, 'Aashingtoa end Katter- ,9ohn,-b. ~ ~. f , I: Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: % move that the report of the Report Com r of ~, Finenoe of 3rd i; t Commissioner of Publio Finenoe of the No. 3 Dietriot Sewer Fend Aooonnt be reoeived and; . Dietriot Sewer ~i ~• I; filed. and ord®red published in the offioiel newspaper. Adopted upon Dell of the roll ', , •by the following vote; Yeas,Paoe,Pn131am,Tnlly,!9aehington "xd Katter'ohn,-b. ' ~! Commissioner Tally offered the following motion; % move that oollateral seourities~ :Collateral ;offered by the Citq National Hank, Hechanios Trust & Saviaiars Bank --nd the Ohio valley °Seourities,in ,:'rs deposits of i, Trust Coml:~any to secure the depo~it~.of the 'anird Dietriot Sower Fund, be approved and ,the 3rd Die- p triot sewer i; that the Ceehier of the City National Bank be and he is hereby appointed ,Dint ousto- Fund, approvefl. ~. ~~ iidien with the Commissioner of Publio Finenoe to take sere oY said ooilateral seonriti9e. ~. f 6 ,, ;{ i! Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the following vet®: Yeas, Paoe, Tnily,Washington,-3, f ' Nays. Katter'ohn,-1. Commissioner Pulliam having left Commissioners° Chamber. 3iayor Katter'ohn offered the following motion; I move that t^e oommnnioaLion from -.John 1G 33anR'hteY,aohn M. 31auRhter, Secretary of the Hoard of Trustees df the Felice and Firemen's Ben- °Seoretary, in ' - re tax levq of ' eion Fend, be reoeived and filed, and that s tax of l~+be levied upon all of the taxa- lq6 for Polioe ;~ 'end Firemen's i' bie property of the City of Pednoeh, Kentnoky° for ea id Fund at the seme time other ' Pension Ford, ~~ u: taxes are leviefl. Adopte8 upon Doll 04 the roll by the following vote; Yeas° Paoe, ~` ~ Tuiiy, '9aehington and Katter~ohn,-4. ^. ~ ilayor Katter,ohn offered the following motion; Y more that the attested Dopy of ~i i'; Jndament in ~udament in the ogee of CS ty of Pa~tuoah ve bI. >:ivingaton Company &o. , olosinv E!aiden ' { ease of City of: ~,Yaduoah_ve Ii• ~~ Alley be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell 04 the roll by the followingr vote; Yeas, y bivingston Co.,j; Aileing 1lsiden I Peoe. Tully, ~7sahington end Ketter'ohn,-4. y. r. Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber. - ~. is i !' Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance en- i ~~. Broadway Park' titled. "AN ORDINANCi•: AA'RNDING 3L^OTION ONii OF °AN ORDYNANCE PRORffiITING W'RYClEB OF AMf ,r- ing Ord inanoe _.1 amended. OHARACTER FROTS PARKING ON EITRLR SIDE OF BROAD'.9AY STREET HET"IEEN NIRST STREET AID F: . 4 E~~ ~ ~i 9EVENTR STREET IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KFYiTUCKY. AND PROVIDING A PF•NAd~TY FOR vIOIATION ' •~ ~ OF SAIYSE." ADOPTFY/ HY THE HOARD OF COLfliI8330t~'R9 OF THE CITY OF PADUCAII. KENTUCYY. ON '~ FY9RUARY 1bTH, 19EE°" be adopted. Adopted neon Dull of the roll bq the following votei ~Yeae~ Paoe. PniiYam, Tally and ~7ashingt ar.-4; Nays, Katter~ohn.-1. f. i~ Commissioner Paoe offered 4he following motion: I move that the report of the ~, Report Chief ot~' Ohlef of Polioe for the month of February 19EE be reoeived end filed. Adopted upon nail Polioe for Febrnar y 19EE. ,; of the.ro1Y by the following veto: Seas, Paoe, ?ulliam. Ta11y. Washington and Satter- ~ jOhny+.be ~ - .. , . ,{ ,,._ ~. , ;, ,_ ,. r ,r h. ~~.,~~ I ~-' ~~ ~~.~~ >. ~' ` ~' S2re,;.,... I ~.~n-. _. ,. ,, ..' .. .. ... n- two. a~. w.: ..~,z:•;.-a. .... _.... _.. _ _.. _. ---x _ ,. ~,y,~. a .,,. r , No. l .''i , Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ; ' 192r~: . Commissioner Peae offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report Chief of '.Chief of the Fire Department for the month of February 19EE, be reoeived and Tiled. -~ Fire Department '" y for February 19E2.s Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the to]lowiag vote: Yeas, Paoe', Pulliam, Tally, Washington and Katter~oha,-b. Commissioner Peae offered the following motion: I move that the Rnlee and ~i; D i si n of Pa lio met ns a ared b the Comm s o ~ a fo the Polioe De art n on r P y Y R Teti Pr .Rules and Re la situ P Bu tiona for Polioe ;; Department. ;! Safety, be ieaeived Pad filed end adopted. •Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the j following vote; Yeas, Peae, Pnlliem, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-5. -:« Commissioner Washington ofiered the followin¢ motion: I movo that the deed j Cemetery transfer ~ from R. H. Dowd to Hiram GoliRhtly, dated February EBth, 192E, oonveyinR the north from R.H.Do~al to !I i Hiram Golightly. '~; one-half of lot No. E80 in Seotion 18 Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon '~ r ; r x' . i as]1 of the roll by, the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and ,;„ ~t ~ ~ ( Katter~ohn,-b. '~ '~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that Lhe employ- i Employment of 1` , j g.I..Prather es ,; meat oi' H. I.. Prather as Draftsmen at $E00.00 per month be ratified and eelary ohnrged s ,., Draftsrsn, in rs ` 3rd Diatriat Sew-i to 3rd Dietriot Sewer Fund. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote: 5..•, • ~ er. ', Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. ,i `, ' ~ ' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; Nhereas, R. H. Coleman R. H. Coleman em- ployment as Com- ;; has been relieved of hie duties as Rodman, and is now serving ea Computer and In- ' ; nter and Inspeot-! or, in re 3rd speotion,- I move that the salary of said R. H. Coleman be inoreaeed from. $86.00 to ' Diatriat Sewer. ' $100.00 per month, to.beoome effeative Mar oh let, 19E2. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Paae, Pnlli~, Tully and Washington,-4: Nays, r ,•,,. ,,~ Katter~ohn,-1. , On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 5 yeas. I ! -~ !! CSC-y-i i~ic~ ~~~..,~~ ~i c q. cwt. 2~'is~i(F3XC.' ,, _, j MARCH 9TH. 19EE. i~" ~~ ~; AL a Culled Meeting of the Board of Gommiseioneris, held in the Commissioners' ' ~~ Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentnaky, on Maroh 9th, 19 EE, at E o'olopk:F. 1[. • i~ Opon Dell of the roll the follawing answered to their names: Commiaeionere Paoe, ~'`_' i Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Katter~ohn,-5. ~ ,, Mayor KBtter~bhii stated reasonb f6r Deli to•wit:. For the purpose of purohas• ing a Dodge Toying Car for the 3rd Diatriot sewer, and sash other business as may f ~~ Dome before the Board. ,~ ' ~ Gommieaioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Purohabing Pm~ohase of ~ ; Dodge Touring Car' .. for use in 3rd v Agent be authorized and direoted to purchase one Dodge Five Passenger Automobile for Diatriat Sewer, $955.00. $955.00 for use in the 3rd Distriot Sewer, and that same be oharged against the 3rd j i~ Diatriat Sewer Fund. Adopted neon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Paoe, ,,,;.~-;~,.~ j ! Hulliam and Tully,-3; Naye, Washington and Katter9ohn,-E. •r`._t.~y Etna Aooident de ° Commissioner Tully offered the follawing motion: I move that the Etna Aooideat' viability Com- 1 parry released on; & Liability Company be released nom the bond oP Brune M, Philley ea Aeok -taz Col- _ ` ' bond of Brune M. ;: ""'" phiiley ea Bsak--! leotor, as oP Deoember 31st, 19E1. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following .e.•;t,r' . • tax Colleotor. vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b< . ~,-..._ ~ Commissioner Tully ofiered the following motion; It appearing that there are `' Aoaounta due Standard 011 Go. '! unpaid bills for the year 1921, totaling $87.48, due the Standard 011 Company. I move amouritina to , $87.48 for 1921 ': that they be allowed and ordered paid and charged to Street Aooount and the money ~ . allowed aid order- ed paid. appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by - ',; the following vote: Yeas, Faoe,Pu111am,Tully,WashinRton and Katter'ohn,-5. .....,. .+rY,.....~ .~~, ...ee .:, -~y .... .., ~o,.-..T..-~,...a..._..-..~.x--^se.,.,.,~.ei'""'""-"~,--'.,,,--""-~-°.v""^„""-~n'r'-n;"".,""°, 9x~: ;~-:,a's,,. a,r . , . .. .r ?'TF3' .. ... ~ _ .- ... :y".~n~;:~7a'~i'A .. .. ., r "~ -.~.,~,,,.R ~,,,.. ,~ ~. :~.,, _m t~r.~a ~ mr.~ :u ~~ i i,:,-,r.nnm i -:, ~ i ~ ~ aresin on ~ m r. ~~~rn. i~~ ~ o n -i ~i. ~ ti ~ i.~ i ~ i a is ~r r -..i ; .: ¢~-rt^~'?~ .~ ~, ~,, .~ ;... w +. mow.,.... '~ .. I .~ -:-.. .. ~ . .., ._. ~!{ ~a~-~~ ~Ilminw~n~dlb ~ -:~w •~ ~.~~~ii~~:i.i~ w ~i ~.. .. ~ y ~.' ~ b .Y { y' ~: ~a ~. .' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah _ 192-_ ,,, Cemetery Deed to Nellie Hawkins. ~' Oemetery Deed to Mrs, Nettie . Oliver. ii.Milk 3eparator• ~ ~; Bold t0 Mree E. Davis for ~ ~i gl„ $20x00 . 1;. . ~tr~1' ~tr~; T.M.Wakeflelfl ~u~' allowed X100.00 ~ ,for borings u` #8 Sewer Die- ~ trioto +. {.. t ,. ~ `,.. ~; ;i ~3~? i' ~: is Time of sitting ': of Board of iEgvalization ;`extended. Aooount O.C. ,7eosole for painting &o. at oitd xall ;allowed. ~~. Cemetery trans- ' far from Jeffo ~' Carter to J.P. :;and Ellis Snead. Resolution nn- +thorizing L. A. ~ ~' Washington to sign applies- ~ bone for permit ~ for sloohol for ~:Rivereidd Hoe-•. x Pita 1. ~ +'' ~: .,.aJ n_ _.__. _ r..,,`~. Commissioner Tully offered the followin~e motion: The sum o4 337. b0 having been paid into the Treaenry, ea evidenoed by the reoeipt filed herewith, Y move that deed be exeouted to Ne1Yie Hawkina for Lot $31, BlooY $4, on the North side of Hank Street, ~~ ,; ``` between Ford k Hannan Streets in Oak Orove Cemetery.. Adopted npon oall of the roll by '' the following 'Vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. ~9ashington and Katter,ohn,-b. ~ Commissioner TalYq.offered the following motion: The sum of $37.b0 having been paid into the Treneury, ae evidenced by the reoeipt filed herewith, I move that deefl i• ~,' be aseoute8 to pmts. Nettie Oliver for Lot X17, Hlook ~2, on the 3onth aide of Hannan Street, between Baker b Miller Streets, in Oak Orove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dail of '? the roil by the foliowin;e vote;Yong, Paos,Pulllam,Tully,Waehington aril Kntter'ohn,-6. Commissioner Tu13y offered the following motion; The sum of X20.00 having . '. 'I been tendered Dy Mra> E. Davis for a milk separator, Y move that same be aooepted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the followingy vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam. Tu11y, !;~ Washington an8 Katter'ohn~-b. 'a ~, Commissioner Pulliam Dilated the following motion: I mOVe'that`.T:R.Wakefield ~ ; be allowed $100.00 on aooount for borings made for Sewer Distriots 3A. SB and 3C, and i, same be oharged against 3r8 Diatriot Sewer Funfl. Adoptefl neon Dell of the roll by F ~ the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katter,ohn,-6. ' On motion the Board ad'ourned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ! I'. i i ~~ ~~ .~•~ ~~~ ~ ~ Ga c~ ~vXfl?c- ~. I MARCH 11TH. 1922. ! At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commieaionere, held in the Commisaionere° .Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoeh, Kentuoky, on Satm day idaroh 11th, 1922, at fl0:4b o°clook A. M° Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their aamee: Comnie- sioners Paoe, Tully, Washington and Mayor Katteryohn.-4. ~, d4ayor Katter'ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For the purpose of extending . the time of the sitting of the Board of Equalization, and a~,v other bu~sinesa that might Dome before the Board, i i Commissioner Tally offered the following motion; I move th,t the time of silt-; , ins of the Board of Equalization be extended to afd inoluding P•4areh 1®th, 1922. Adopt-' ed upon Dell of the roll by the following vot®: Yeea, Paoe, Tully, Washington and i Katter,ohn,-4. Oommiasioner 8soe offered the following motion: Y move that the aooovnt of ' i X11.10 be allowed to 0. 0, Yeaaole for painP~noleaninR. a~ repairing at the Oity Ha11 and bo oharged to the aooount of the Polioe Department. Adopted upon onll of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully ctrl Washington,-3; Nays, Katter~ohn,-1. ' Commissioner Washington offered the followingq motion: I move.that the tran~- ~fer from Jeff Carter to 3. P. and Ellis Snead to the South Weat One-Fourth of the South One-half of Lot 366 ill 9eotion 23, Oak Orove Cemetery; be ratifie8. Adopted upon Dell; i of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paos, Tully, Washington and Kattersohn,-4. + Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: 8 move that a reaolu- ;: j lion entttlefl, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING TpTAT L.~Ao WASITYNOTON° OOE4dESSiONER OF PUBLIC j..;, ~, PROP IItTY, BE AUTHORY2EU TO ExEOUTE ANID SIGN APFLYCATION9 FOR P?RMYT TO WITHDRAW ALCO- , I~ HOL.. FREE 01P TAE, ZTND~ T%TLE 3 OF THE 11ATIONAL PROH4HTTY0R AOT. TO BE USED BY RIPER . 4. , .. .+ a ,w. rw•.P s .,.....u ...~wxw~ v,. ... • ..~ ~a4a.:4.+n .*. r• .r.>wW..,of'..timd......w.:,5.r.,.e'.i:+.r ..... A,. ...s..,W. « ,.,, ,.,. ~ a.~. ~...,. .. '1 ... , } ~y' . 5 y ~M~. i i d e 3! f 'I . ~~, t r : Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah: 192_^ No. _._.L..:_..:.. ;.SIDE HOSPITAL TRAIHINO 3CHWL FOR HURSES," be adopted. Adopted upon Doll of the roll ,, by the following vote; yeas, Paos, Tully. ltashinaton and Katter~ohn,•!. On motion the Board adjourned upon Doll of the roll by 4 yeas. a PP~,U t71t1~) ,, li ~lr rid, ' hIAYOB~ r.. ,~ MARCH 13TH. 19EE. ' At a Regalar Meeting. of the Board of Commisaionern, hel¢ in the Oommissdonsra' Chamber in the City Hall, paduoah, Kentnoky, on Mar oh 13th, 1988. Opon Dell ai the roll the following answered to their names: Commiealoners Paoe, Tony. Washington and ~.,,~ ,~ ji Mayor Katter~ohn,-!. On motion of Commissioner Ysoe the minutes of the previous me.etinge wets adopted - 'r as read upon Dell of the roll by the Pollowinrr vote; Yese, Yaos, Tully, Washington it iI and Katter~ohn,-!. +I Oammiseloner Pu111sm entered the Commieeionere' Chamber. ' itsyor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the aommuniaation Tiothare' Olub Communioatioa. from the Mothers' Club dated Mar oh bth, 1988, be reoeived and hied. Adopted upon ~, Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Wnehingtoa and !~ Katter~ohn,-b. ~' Ma or Katter ohn offered the foilowi motion; I move that the r art o! the ~ ~ .~ 1 y ~ n8 eP ,. Report'Mo0reoken County Publio Heal Mo0raoken County Publio Health League for the month of February 198E be rsosived sndl th Leagae for ` Februs ~y 1928, i; filed. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam,. Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. • iieyor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; Y move that the petition of Petition to extend i oitizens on Greer.Arenue,, between Eleventh Street and Tu-elfth Street,,aekinR that water mains on Greer Avenue, be- '~ .water mains be extended on Greer Avenue, between said streets, be received and f11edR , tween 11th & 18th r '., ~.' 3treeta. !~ and Lhat the.0lty Solioitor be, and he is hereby inatruoted to bring in a Resolution ' '. extending said males. Adgpted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote; Ysne, ~i Pnos, Pulliam; Tully, Washington and Kntter~ohn,-6. Oommieaionar Washington offered Lhe following motion; I move that the report Report River aids ~ of River aide Hospital Laboratory for the month of February 19 E8 hs reoeivad end filed Hospital Laborn- tort' for Fab. ;; Adopted upon Dell of the roil by Lha iol.lowina vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pu131am, Tu13y, ~ ' _ 1982. Washington and Katter~ohn,rb. ''. Commissioner Fulham offered the following motion; That the report or state- Report of expendl-!; ` Lures !n Sewer ;; went of Sewer Diatriot ~3, ehowin6 the expenditures up to aM inoludinq February Diatriot $3 uP •to I and including ;: ES, 19 E8, amounting to $2936.60, be reoeived and filed, Adopted neon Dell of the Fob.28,1922. li roll by the following vote; Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tu11y, Washington and KBtter~ohri,•i. Oommissioner Puilinm oiferad the 4o11ow1nR motion; Thnt the reports of the Reports of Street e Deportrrent i'or ~~ Street Department for the roonthe of January and February be reoslved and filed, January and Febru.: cry, 1922, ;; Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following.vote; Yeae, Paos, Pu111am, Tu11q, ~i 17aehdngton and KatLar~ohn,-b. ~'"'1~``^ s;v ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That Lhe b111 from Alvord 8 +.-~ ,~ , 8111 of Alvord de j -''<>~; Burdick, aervioee ~I Burdiok for the aervioee of Mr. Burdiok for one days' ooneultation regarding Sewer oY Mr.Burdiok ani , ` expenses .141.07, i; Diatriot ~3, amounting to $300.00, and expenses from Chioeao to Paducah and return, I. In re; ~ewor Dis- j trdot #3, allow- ~ amounting to X41.07, making n total of ,141.07, be allowed, and the Oommieoioner o! ed and orderod '' • paid. Pub11o Finanoa be inatruoted to pay same and.oharge Lo Sewer Diatriot $3 Funds, +' Adopted upon Dull of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, S Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. ., ..T` R :n 'r~.".T.e'~ .'n"" ..~".' wt' t _ ,.,,~,-e.•r~-,.^ „ ~. ;...gym ~. --e; ,"~.E'~..'+m'r~F."'>~"r'.^'~ g~^.y*~ni?;~~ri'i..'k ^n3'~.'=4*~5^'*r, ; J ..,. .. w..... ~'*`Y'r,~... ,'3fi°'... .. ..' ~ . u a:`d.T :,.a'. ;err -~,i ~~i~o ,,-~~. ~, ~i„ ~,_, ~ r :n II 'r~11'Plsv nq,.iir n~ Ii. apl'~- ..r r. ~ f19 I 1111 ~p i i p L. ~ ~ La :. -~,,.-„-~r.~r ~~ ' I IIP'P' ~.~~~s~aillf++r+~ ~~ ~.^'^ i~ ~+ ~vnan~ 1. ~--- tl M'~I~ur _ I rwe+a i~llm i~J ~~~d,~ ~ .~x~~,_ a_w~w,~~, .~u~~~ ".~T,, ~1~'~' I I ~L- -`'~'~ ` „~" Sc~crim~t~:t~v7G Wei ~8061~' S~kr~i~`:. rr..~^,• •~ ' ~ i '° d ,. ' .. ~:4 •~ ,- Commissionere' Proceedingeo City of Paducah ~._._-._._.._.198 - _ ~°' lteyor Kntter9ohn offered the following motion: 8 move that a roeolution rsquiringi t r Heeolu.tion re- '~ i y;. gniring Padnoah ? the Padnoah Water Company to extend its water mains on Creer Avenue from Bleventh ~ -- water Co. to sx-~, ~' tend water mains, Street'to Tweiith Street, in the City of Paduoah, gsntuoky, a dietanoe of approximates + on Or ear Avs. , s~ ~'` betn.llth ~ iZth!i ly 3t3H rest, be adopted, Adopted npon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yese, I a°;. 8treete. - ~ ~''~ ', w~ ~4,Paoe, Pulliam, Tn11y, Washington and Katteryohn,-B> ~ _... _ ~ On motion the Board ad,ourned ,upon oa]S o! the roll by b yeas. i' ~;~, ~ • AtleFSei ~a ~ .QO 19 ~. ! , ~ f "" , ~ ~ ~ . a.-~~ ~e.e.~ Al=I'ROV~iY3 p MARCH 17TH. 192E. MAY~R' I !, .; ~. . , ,¢, ~ At a Called Meeting of the Hoard of Commissioners, held in the Commieaionere° e. ,~ IiChamber in the City Ball, Paduoah, Kontuoky, on Mar oh 19th, 19E2, at 10 0°olook A< M. ', •Upon Dail of the roll the following answered to their nameos Ootmnisalonare Paoo, Pu311om ~. i ~Tuily and waohington,-4. Mayor Katter~ohn being out of tho City, 1layor Pro Tom 'flashing-i ~„'. r. f; ton presided. • j r '~ f~ Mayor Pro Tem waehington stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For tho purpose of ` k ~reoeiving and fi]isia the report of the Board of )equalization, and suoh other business ~ea maq Dome before the Board. ~ . ` Report SoerB ~ Oommiseioner Tully offored the following motion; I move that the report of of Egnaliza- tion, reoeivede~~tho Board of Equalization be received, filed and approved, and that they be relieved filed and approved. iifrom further duties at this time. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: ,~ i ~~~tYoas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Waohington,-4< JJ •~°A .. ' I I' . ~ Oommiselanor Taliy offered the following motion: The Board of Commissionore ~ :` (idealre to extend their thanks and nppreoletion to the members of the Board of Equ~liz~- r - , '' ~~tion for thou ooneciantious and painstaking work in equniizing the asaessmonte for ' ~ ;! u: ~~„ ' ;;thn yodr 192J:. We reollze tho hard work that was neooesnry to bring about n proper ~ :. . ' ~ 7ote of thanks ; f-. `~ .of tho Board of';!equaiizatlon of assessments, in view of the depreotation of voluoe of morohnndise and 1 • Commiseionors ~ i to the Bpnrd tithe unsettled oondition of tho manufaoturing and retail buoinoes at this limo, and we j of Equnllza- I lion. `' 'f know tho sif orte that havo boon put forth by the membore of the Board in ordor that a. ! litrue a ualiz^tion oauld be medo that would aloe ustioo to a9] q , parties ooncernod. ~ ±! ' ;Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Ysoo, Pulliam, Tully aryl ~ • ' 'I Washington,-4. ~+ Commieoionor Fulham offored the followlnR motions Thnt tho appointment of ~ `, Davo Cavnoil ii s pointed ar GiDave Counoil as Chain bang Bose be ratified and that polioe powore be oonferrefl upon ' Chain Lang Bosei . shim by this Board of Commissionere, the salary of said Oounail to be X68.00. ~. ~{Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Paoo. Pulliam, Tully and . !`~Ylashington,-4. 1 ~''`!~ 01s motion tho Board nd'ourned upon Dail of the roll by 4 yeas. $ 1` ,, ~'x ~,I Q~.t,r~~_/y~~~d ~ i C~.C.PT~• ,i ~~ i, ;,. ~~. ca.- NIARCB 20TH, 1922. M'AYf1R. f~ At .a Begislar Meeting of the $oard of Commissionere, held in the Commissioners' ~~ Chamber in the City Ball. Paduoah,.1[entuoky„ on h?aroh 20th. 1922. Upon sell of the t 2 j &: roll the following answered to their names; Commission era Paoe, Pulliam. Tully, ;~ I ` ~ Washington and Mayor Katter~ohn,-8. ', _ i ~~^~- Qn motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of. the previous meetinae were `L i , . I~! Adopted ea read sxpon Dell of .the roll by the f oliowina vote:. Yeas, Paoe, Yul]iasn, i Tully; ~reahington 8nd Ketterfohn,-8. ,„_ { ij r 6 ~ , < , ,;, r . .:, ..: . . , . v ,~.... ~ j,..... i r ~~ h ,: , °• . S'i <~ , . - _ 1 ' h • Na ~ ~ • , Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ ,~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the followina motion: I move that the oommunioetion I; Communication !; from Misa Dow Husbands, Fresident of the Board oY s'dnoation., enolosina oopy of Resolu-~ Presidenb Board of, tier requesting that 65~ De, levied on esoh ;100.00 of the asseasaole property of the K3ucation, ~~l~- tive to Tea levy Cit of Paduoah and a sum not exceeding 15~ Yor the purpose of areatina,e ei,+icing for Public Sohools, y i, Pund for the payment of prinoipal ani irteroat on Sohool Berra, b.e reoeived, filed aril spread upon the minutes. ddopted upon call of the roll by the followina vote: Yeas, ~ Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~Yaehingtor,-b. h Said Communication being ae follows:- t Communioation President Broad of ::~iuoation re. lative to Tax levy for Publio Sohoole. :a a ';r i I f f= ;? F 'i ':; . ...~'i Hon, F. '4. Kattor john, l~2ayor, and Board of Commisaionere of the City of Paduoah, KentuoA;;, Gentleman:- "Paduoah, Ky., Maroh 10, 1922. I am handing you herewith oopy of resolution adopted by the Aoard of :Yiuoation at their rogu]ar meetira on ltaroh 8, 192P., `.dherebq n tax of 6b~ on the X100.00 assessed valuatior, la levied upon the real and p.ers aril property of the City of Iaduonh for 1922, for the purpose of produoina the s;un neoesaary to aup- port and maintain the phblio aohools for 1922, lose the estimates amount to be reoeived Prom the State Common Sohool Fund. You will also find oopy o4 another resolution adopted at the same moe*.ing, whereby a tax of not. exoeeding l5~ is levied upon the roe] and poraoriel. property assessed for ]9.22, for the purpose of oroating a sinking fund for the payment of the aohool borra, also for raying the intoro:~t on same. You are respootfv7ly rogneated to add this tax to and iroludo same in the rer*ular tax bills of the city oontainira the orlinerv ]evy, and have same ool]oated as direoted by law, RenpootYul]y, Do~.v Huab•:nda, President Hhard of ;dducation, Paduoah, Kontuoky." and Katter~ohn,-b. ,: ~.. • Y, .. ,~,,..a ,w t.:,... .~.,.,...,....•.,~,, :--~..,w.,.~~:,•. ..a~,...wF,:..R~~..~. ~ ~,~~'^•~°`,fi°.'?!~,~'...,e'~".~ ~.~~d:r~~"~,~.. ,~l'-; w'R"~`•~as~',~;'~k:",',^,'." s ~ , • . .• " ~ Snid Resolutions boina ae follonra;- ~ 1 ' Reso]ution passed!' "B:: IT RESOlV.°:D By the Board of 3~uoation oP the City of Paduorih, Kentucky, by Board ofrliuoe. that there be and is no~,v impoae~i and levied an ad valorem Lax upon the real and tier levying a !, Personal property oY the city of Paduoah, Y.~ntuoky, nub~eat to taxation for the tax of 6b~ Yor ~~ Year ]922, of sixty five Dente t6b~) on the X100.00 valuation of ea id property, the ~• same boinr, neoesaary ir, the opinion of the »oard of :xiuaution to produce for said aohool purposes. ~!, year of 1922 the total oatim.^.tod sum neooaaary to ho raised to support and mairtain the Public :3ohools of the City of Pnduonh, Y. entuoky, ]ass the eetinwted sum to be reoeived from the State Common Sohool Fund." "B8` IT RL•`SOLY:9 BY the Board of ~iuoetion of the City of Paduoah, Kentucky, Resolution passed that there be end is now imposed and leniAd en ad valorem tax upon all the real by Bon rd of ;51uoa. end arsenal tier levying a P Property ir. the City of Paduoah, Y.entuoiq•, 9nhjeot to taxation for the. Lax of 15~ for '' Yeer 1922, of not excoedira fifteen Dente 115) on the $100.00 valuation of said ~' Sinking Fund to ~ Property, acme being neoesaary to Droste a sinking fund, Yor the payment of the bonds pay aohool bonds', of the City of Paduoah, issued for aohool purposes, dated January 15, 1920, and for,.. and intoreet. the purpose of paying the interest on an id boars Mhen and as due." ";Ye, the underaianod, Dow Hnabanda, Preai9ont of the Board of Fiiuoation of ,Faduoah, Kontnoky, and Inn Roilaton, Seoretery, do hereby oerti.Y,y that.tho for o. P going Resolutions were duly adopted by the Poard of :~:riuoation of the City of Paduoah, Kontuoky, at a meetina.oY said board hold in the City of Paduoah, Y.ontnoky, on the 8th day of 1'arah, ]92E, and acme is hereh,~ oortifiod to the 13oard oP Commisatonere ', of acid City for the attention of auoh Co:rmisatonora, as the ]nw directs. ~~'~ This i!aroh 10, I922. ' DO:Y HU23BAI7DS, PR:«"~ID1StiT BARD OF 1'~ i+TTI:ST:-r:DUCnTIOTI CITY OF PADUOAfi, Y..z:tITUCXY, I1dA ROI.LSTON, SaCR}:TARP." y ii f. j Mayor Y.atter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the communioatiou Corrmuniontion ') from James M. Lang, Count Judge relative to the Anti-Tuberouloais 9anitorium bs Jamoo 2~!. Lung, y • Covnty Judge, in I! reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeee, Peoe, re Anti-Tubercu- losis Senitorium.; Pulliam, Tully, i'leahington and Ketter~ohn,-b. CommiBeioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the City Solicitor Retert~lon Ordi- '~ be inetruoted to draft a Retention Ordinance and present same to the next regular ranee. ~', meetira of this Board. Adopted upon osll of the roll by the followina vote:,Yeea, il. Pace. Pulliam, Tully, 'Aashington and Y.atter~ohn,-b. is ~' Commieaiorer Pulliam offered the following motion: That John Torian be John Torian allowed Y22,00 j, elloaed the sum of X22.00 Yor borings on Sewer District ~3 and that the Commie eloneT for Borirga on Serer+Diet. ~3. !; of Finance be inetruoted to pay same out of the Seiner District ~`3 Fund a. Adopted ~ i upon Dell of the roll by the followina vote: Yoga, Faoe, Pu771am, Tn]]y, '.4aehinaton ~ ~~ .. ; Ne. „ ." „' Commissioners° Proceedings; City of Paducah • 198-_ ~"°~r_ a ~ .' ~ On motion the Board ed~ovrned neon Dell of the roll by 5 yeas. ~ - ~ ~ .. ~ , is 1:.,, - ~ ; ~ ~ ~ " " ~ > t ' Owl A/-9 F~,C I 'i• tee' "`` hrA VOR i I I w~:~u. ~ ~. MARCH 21ST. 1922.. ~j At a Called Pdeeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commisaionera° I Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky. on btaroh 21st, 1922, at 10 0°olook A, b:. { E Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commisaioner® Paoe, Tu77y.i 7feahington and B/syar Katter'ohn,-4. ~ _ ~ ~ Kayor Katter,oha stated reasons for Dell to-wit: To allow pay-roll for first ~ .' 'half of Maroh, and any other buaineas that might Dome before the Board. I ~ . Pay-ro.] Yor I ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the aooonnte Yor ~ ~~ ' .,first half oY ~ ~ ~ bhe first halt oY the month of March amounting to ~7b48.00, ae per the report oY the jt ueroh 1922. ~; Coin;-.iasioner of Publi® Finanoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the j,,. ~y- _ .' ~ . Y th ll ll A d e ro upon De o .. dopte C, money appropriated from the General Fund to pay seine. N 1 . , j~ by the following vote: Yens, Paoe, 'iktlly. Washington and Kntter~ohn,-4. - ~~ ~I Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commisaionera° Chamber. i ~. ' ?' Coromissi.oner Tally ofiored tho following motion: Y move that the Pay-roll Yor f. ,. Pay-roll fat- the Third Distriot Sewer for the first half oY the month of biaroh, amounting. Lo $6be.b0i ~,. ~ 3rd' Distriot Sewer for Yirst h be ello+red and the Commissioner oY Publio Finanoe be authorized ani inatruoted to draw ~~'. , ` half of IGaroh ~ oheoke against the No, 3 Distriot Sewer Fund to pay aeme.~ Adopted upon Dell oY the roll ~~ by the Yollowina vote: Yeas,Paoe,Pulliam,Tully,Washington and Katter~ohn,-5. ~, ,~ y , ?! Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the Commissioner of i ' Commiseionor, of~~ ~ Fublio Worke• N Publio ^orka be allowed $23.30 for exponae of -sewer trip to St. Louis, and.~28.44 for ; ' ,~~„~„ - expenses to~ St.Lonia and aF-expenses or tri to Louisville, makin a total of 51.74, end that the Cornnission ~ of P 6 ~. '• . LonisviTie for X51.74 ellawed, ~ ~'II Finanoo be inatruated to pay same std eh^_rge to Sewer District ~3. Itemized state- i in 8e. 3rd D1at Y I • sewer. roer,ta ettaohed. ,. ~ ST. LOUIS. LOUISVilLK. i' Railroad Fare ..............$9.83•~ Railroad Fare..........~10.8b ,. ~. Tip .... .....<....... .25• Forter ..............•.. .50 • •40 ! ... 10.43' Taxi ..... ... Rai]road • ~ ' .......... . ..., Car Fare .. . , . .07 b?eels.... ... 3.90 j ~... .... .. ' ~' 3urper ..................... 1.70 Telephone.............. .41 Taxi ....................... .70' >e.•' Railreed Fare.......... 10.88 - ' Telephone .................. Ddb' ~&:"~ Car Fare................ .07 i , ! ' r nb' Taxi...,............... 1.40 i Tip ........................ .20 f t ` ,. :. , ; ~ -~i,y,3 TOTAL........ 28. is Adopted upon oa71 of the roll by the followins~ vote: Yeas, Psae, Pulliam, Tully. I ' Y AashSngton and Katter'ohr,-5. i • ~ ~ On motion the Board ad9ournod upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. ' i i AieFtei~~ ~7 ~ 19 t?~ P ..~-~~,e.e e~ ®PPROV~Ia~ ~ ' x I; MAYOR' p~,xaa r ~ ]QARCH 27TH, 1922, AL s Regular b,eeting of the Board oY Commiealoners. held in the Commisaionera' ~ " s ~ ~ Chamber in the Ci4y Gall, Fadnaeh, Kentnoky, on Mar oh 27th, 1922. Upon Dell of the roll ~ ,~ the following anawered•to their names:, Paoe, Tully, Aaehington and b:ayor Katterfohn,4. 1 v A"R* ~ On motion oY.Comroisaioner Washington the minutes•oY the previous meetings were ti adopted as read upon`oa11 of thb roll by the following vote: ]Tees, paoe,'Tu11y, Washing-, , ~~ ~ ~~~~ jl ton and Katter'ohn•=4. ~ ~ ' jj~ q1 °~ h b • i . the 6ommiesianera am er, Commissioner Pulliam entered C 'f _ .. I . .. ;., P - ~~ F , pl ~ . '.:: i ~ + •f , .. a.,, >.. .. . ,. - ,,.,rte-. I . ~ ~ '•' Commissioners' Proceedings, .City of Paducah. ~ _ ' 192 { i 4 `use- s 1 (((y ~' .~,~ , ~ .~ ~~ .. .W- F. ~„" s Commnnioation 1!eyor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the oommunioation iicCracken Co.Fnblle,~from the McCreaken County Publio Health heaRUe, dated Mar oh 27th, 1922, relative to " Health LeaRUe re- lative to Publio ,'City Health Nurse, be reoeived and Pilod, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by .the Yol- Health Nurse. slowing vote.; Yeas, paoe, Tulliem, Tully, 9ashinaton and Katter~ohn,-5, Commissioner :9sahington offered the following motion: I move that the oommnnioa• Communioetions Dr, f ~~. '~-~~ H.P.Sirzhts and tions of Dr. H. F. SiRhta and A, I. Dopme er, Dist. Siiaineer, of the U. S, Publio ` b.l.Dopmeyer, of Y U.S.Pablio Health ;Health Service, dated 1!aroh 24th, 1922, relative to a 1 irg water for drinkinv ~a- Service regarding uPp Y p wePer for boats, ,,poses to Ohio River Vessels, be referred to the Mayor,, to take the mstter up with re~erred to L`ayor and Fedueah Water i;the,Paduoah water Company to see what Den be done in the matter, end report back to Co. .~',Lhe Board of Commiesionera, Adopted upon Dell 04 the roll by the following vote: Yeas ;Pane, Pullism, Tully, .Yashington and Katter~ohn,-5. Commissioner Tully offorod the following motion: The sun of X37,50 having bean Comotory deed to ~~: aid into the Treeaur ea ovidenood b tho rooei t filod herewith I move that doed Vorb it Steeple. , P Y 3' p '.; be granted to Verbil Steeple for lot ~r62; Block ~4, on the North aide of Ford Street, 'between Hank and Chamblin Str~eta ir. Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon~osll of the I ',roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, 9ashington and Katter~ohn,-b., v j. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That T. M. 9akefield be T. b:,:Yakofiald bellowed the gum of w201.50 for borings on seiner District 3s, 3b and 3o end the Com- ~ s allowed X201 50 _ for borings on ~! missioner of Finance be direoted to Sorer District ~3. ;; pay se me out of Sewer Diatriot ~3 Fund e. Adopte3 `'-. ~ ' j vpon'oall cf the rol] by the follovrin g vote; Yeas, .Pace, rulliam, Tully, Aashington and Katter~ohn,-5. h .,; Commissioner Fulliem offered the following motion; That the bil] or o]eim ; J.R.9ilkerson ,'1emountinR to ;20.00 from J, ?, '7ilkerson for loos of time and medioel attention on olsim referred to .aooount of in~nriea he sustained while riding in an automobile on North 16th Street, ~., ..ity Solioitor. be referred to the City Solioitor for investigation and report to thib Board. Adopt ~ `'ed upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Peoe, Pulliam, Tu11y, 9eahing- ton and Katter~ohn,-5. i Commissioner Fulliem offered the following motion: I, move that Rosooe Reed, !'; City Solioitor ' to pass upon le- gality of secur- ity deposited by banY.a to secure Third Diatriot So~:rer cc^uzds, Ordinance deoreae~ ir,a, number of employees oP the City of Faducah. Statement of the enticiFated reve- ruo of the City of le3ueah for 1922. City Solioitor, be and he is hereby direoted to.pess upon the legality oY the aeour- ity deposited by the banks to seonre the Third District Sewer Funds, deposited in said banks, and report upon his investigation to the Board of Commisstonera, 6dopted upon Dell of the roll by the.YOllowing vote: Yeea, Peoe, Fulliem, Tully, ~9ashington end Katter~ohn,-b. i~ IEayor Y.atter~ohn offered the Yollowinp, motion: I move that an ordinanoe en- !titled, ^AIi ORDIIIANCR Fi20VIDII:G AtiD A!r'1'HO?2I'.ING TTTAT TN_3 IiUt.!B.~.'f2 OF F1,'TlOY::RS, N09 ,;r3J'I'I.OY3'D BY ':'H~ CITY OF FADUCA?i, Y~2dTUCYY, B3.' Des^CRIsdS?D," be adopted. Adopted upon i ;.call of tr_e roll by the tollowinR vote: Yeas, Face, Fulliam, Tully, 9ashington and f;Ketter~ohn,-5. Commissioner Tully offered the fol]owinR motion:, I moos that "TF.° STATF.tl521T OF 'P?I:? AI'TICffATe~ R:.'V.IIU OF TH.^^. CITY OF TADUC:.~ t`OR 'CAS Y.~+.AR 1922" be rBOeiVed, ~Yiled end spread upon cne mirutea. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the rollowing ;;vote; Yeas, Peoe, Pulliam, Tully, weahington and Katter~o~n,-5. "AI:TIC IFAT':J RSVFP;L FOR 1922. !' , T.icensea. ... . ............................:40000.00 LlerYet licenses ......... ......................... 4900.00 /[uto l.ioersea .................................... .8000.00 !; Polioe Court ..................................... 8000.00 City Seeles ....................................... 1500.00 Riverside Pocpital ............................... 36000.00 I~ Oak 'rove Sa~ea .................................. 4500.00 is Oak Grovo Burials....... ...................... 2250.00 ... ' '17:erf ....................:....................... 650.00 Rental City Froperty ......................,....... 1000.00 Building Permits .................... ......... 400.00 t' ,~ '~'.. '"- ~ .'. .. ,- ',~ . „~ . _~ . ~ ~ "~' T-7~',"`4 ha.~o,: a*i;~^"~.w J~*:~.. ,. ... .c.._. .,, .. ., .:~4a.',..~,~~..':'~^'";~:..;'-•r rsw•~.~•..-.r«g~.~.. °-+*', _. ~~.:^, s.u.,:.. ;~+R .. a.. '~ _L: ~t .. ___ _.~ + , -_ -= -- I ~,,,,-~. ~,,n i ~-iro..-,.,~.~~,i~ :: ~ A ~~~~., ii ~. Pio~nq .ui qi. n.:.i:i ,p,l,il, r-. a ~ ~ ~.,.i~.a,~q~~~~,.~~i,,i i i ~ i n~ ~ - '~` I I ~i~i I, i r ~ ,I,n 'hl~d~--~~- ~ q,l~.r-r ..~.:.,r..-~;.~. ~ ^ATa ~ ~ - • •' ,. -. Comulissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah ~ 192_- . ~ . ,~ ~ M .• ,, ~ . v., . G.- Interest General Funds...........> ................$ 300.00 , ' Real Estate Sal ea and Sundry Colleotiona.......... b000.00 ~ ' Taxes 1921 ......................... 3000.00 Penalties 1921 .................................... 200.00 ~ ~ .. i~ Poll Taxes 1921 ..................................< 300.00 i `; ~' f' ~ Poll Taxes 192E ................................... 5000.00 i ,° ' p j Ponaltiea 192E .................................... 1000.00 i 2 v o t , Fr: 8 snue for 192 ' Baok Taxes ....................................... 2000.00 124000..00 ~ ~ '"' .. ~ ~ ,, . ~'~ ~ ' Aseeoeroent ...................................e.:181T1110.00 " " ' Rate ...................................... 2.30 ' - "' Loss for non o.ollaotion ............:........ 643b.b3 342800.00 ` Franohiae Tax............. ................... 26000.0 " "'~ ~ '' Sundry Oollootione .......................:.. 124000.00 ~ ~ ,;. ji: Total........... ~ - , _ , : A. ~~ ~ a " • ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that "AN ORDI}:AI}CE ~ ~ ' I " ~ FIXI}I6 TAE AFPORTI02}}:tENT OF THE PUBLIC FUidDS .OF THE .CITY OF PADUCAH FOR T}L•; YEAR 1922. ~ g, Apportionment . ! ~, " Ordlnanoe for ~. be adopted: Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the followir~sr vote:.Yeas, fee®, Tully. , 1922. ~ • ~~ Washington and Katter'ohn,-4. Nays, Pulliam,-lo I ` Ord tnanoe Fix= , Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move thot "AN ORDID'ANCE {~ ~ ' ins the levy or ii_ FIXING THii LEVY UR RATE Or^ TAXATION ON PROFrTtTY YN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, Kr3INCKY, FOR i rate of Taxationl~ f ~ for 1922. THE YEAR 1922, AND THE RATE OF T}}i: POLL TAX, +7ITH THE PURPOSES OF SAID LEVY THL`I:;iJNDr'R ~ ,? ~ ; DEFINED," bo adopted. Adopted upon Dell of Lhe roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, i r, I~ Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Kattor~ohn,-8. -: " btnyor Kattor9ohn offered tho following motion: d movo that an ord}nanoe on- ' M1 ! S 'Appointmont or i~f titled, "AI7 ORD IIQANOE FROViD ING FOR 'f}C:: APFOINTb1:NT OR Ri:'.PI~.NTIOI}. BY THE BOARD OF Retention Ordi- ~!` ~ a r nanoe far 19220 , ~ COL12I3310N:~lIS OF THE Cld'Y OF PADUOAH, KENTUCKY, AND FIXING TH.°IIIt 3ALAFt IES, PO'7ti.1t3 Ai6D Adopted, ' ,~ i ~ ~ DUTIES," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the followings vote: Yeas, Faoe,j ~ ~ Pulliam, Tully, fleahington and Katter1ohn,-b, ,, ~ - • On motion the Hoard ad'ovrned upon rill of the roll by b yeas, ~ ~,~, ~ x; " x !' py j~ Zr ~ S s .~ i . a` m... n~cexobe.• j ! ~ , , &~CH 29TH. 1922. ~ ~ At a Cal]ad }Leetirg of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commiasioners° ;. , Chambor in the City Hall, Paduosh, Kentucky, on K:nroh 29th, 1922, at 2:45 F< L;, Upon (, , ! ; Dell of the ro]1 the followinP answered to their names: Commissioners Paae, Pul]iaro, i , i ~~ Tully, flashirggton ani D:eyor Katter john,-b. , ~ }1.ayor Y.attor~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: To adopt main trunk lines of ~i ~IJ!I Sewor District ~3, and any other business that might Dome before the Board. ,i ~_ , Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that nn ordiranoe en- i ; , ~.,'Ordinanoe es- ` ~'; titled, "AN ORDLI7AI~C3 ESTAB>.ISHIIdG TH%ROUTr:S rr^OR TRUNK LINE S'„"iiRS II7 5UB-DI7ISIONS i ;') tabliahing I the .routes Yor ~ A. B. 62~ C. OF S ~'R DIS'P3ICT ~3 IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, Y.~TUCKY, AND ADr+PTIISG 6IID ~' i trunk line sew-.~ I " I era in Svb- ' .ACCEPTII;G THr: ROUTES AS OUTLINr9 AND PRr1PARr^D ON P.SAP OF CITY OF PADUCAH, KEIdTUCrY, BY k - Divi~aione A. B: - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' , . ~' C. of Seaver TAE CONLiISS I0Nr~, OF PUBLIC '7'&IKS, AS '19IE ROUTES FOR SAID 4KUNK LIN SE"'ERS OF SAID ' e' .Diatriot ~3.,,, ~~ SE.7:.'R nI5T3YCT," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following cote: Yoss, ~ ~ !~ Fsoe Fvlliam. Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. i ~r`~` ~ ,` On motion the Board adlovrned upon Dell of the roll by 5 yeas. - rf, ~ f tI~I ,. ..- ,. ... ~ ~ .. ,..... 'f .... ..... .....,.,. !` • 4 K F . . . . .. t 3. 2 .. .. 1 1f .3, l~ ~s;airtoi ~~~P----- ' u r. ... • . , ~PPRO d.SID h . ., ... _ ~~ 4R~ ~ ~ !1 ~ ~ ~t i 4 .. .... .... ... .. ~ , ~.~. -..~... .. .. ~~,,~.. ~.. ...~ ':.. .,...: r...r: .. s..w _ ....~ _:... ,.,,,. .q. ~ .. ti... ,. ..` ,. , .. .:.. .. .. x { •~ r, • i i f i i l ", s I ff I ~ , '~ COId1SISSI0N3:FtS ON FrIBRUIRY 14TH, 1922, R«'CORDED FEBRUARY loth, 192E AIID PDBLISRP.D F}IDRUARY ibTH, 1922," be adopted, Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington,-4; Nays, Katter9ohn°-1. . MA?CH 30TH. 1922. At `a Called 1!eetirg of the Board of Commissiorers, held in the Commiseionarsa~ Chamber in the City Hcll, Paducah, Kentucky, on 3'.arch 30th, 192E, at 11 0°olook A. M, i ' Upon call 04 the roll the following ans:vored to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Tully, ~dashinFton and A!eyor Katterfohn,-4. Aieyor Katterfohn stated reasons Yor call to-nit: For the pnrpoae of extending . the time of building the P. &. Z. Railroad Depot, and such other business as~may some before the Board. Communication o2 Lieyor Katterfohr_ offered the following motion: I move that the communication "+I:eoler & Hughes, !' Attys. requesting ;; Prom 'alzeeler & Rughea, Attorneys Yor the Paducah !! Illinois Railroad Company, request- er,tez.~ion of time ; Por the commence- j, ing an extension of time for the eommenoement of the bni131ng.,of the depots, be re- ment oY building depots. p ceivei and filed. Adopted. upon cell 04 the roll by the Pollowinx votei Yeas, Paoe, ~': Tully, 9ashinaton and Kattorfonn,-4, , i i'ayor Katt©rfohn oY*erod the tollowinq motion: L move that a resolution en- Reaolution extend- ii titled, "Ri:SOLL'TIOi+ ::XTr1dDII~J '^~' TL`.y `9lTF.II+':ftICli Tft? FADUGAft AIII) ILLII+OIS RAIL?OAD irg tune ^rithin r~'rich the P & i. COL.`T1,I+Y IS TO B%GiIi II+ GOOD FAITJi iER COI+STiiU0aI0I: OF C:;3TAI2+ DRPOTS IN THE CITY OF. R.R. Co, is to begLn. construction;; F..DL'C:.H, Kci:TUCKY," be adopted. bdopted. upon call of the rol] by the followir.P. vote: of 3eFote. ;' ~ p Yeas, Igoe, 'Tully, Was?,ington and Katterfohn,-4. ., i. y; On motion the Board adfourned upon pall of the roll by 4 yea a. ;.I `; Adspfe! X3"4 1l,~ ~-Ph°~?+C)~lb ~. ii ~ Y Ca..a ` MAYl1R. i. 1! 1~ARCN 31ST, 19E8. ' At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commleeionsrso !iChamber in the City Hall,'Paduoah, Kentucky, on March 31st, 1928, st 11:4b o'clock A.M. r Upon cell of the roll the following anev-ered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, i .'Pulliam, Tully, Washington and uayor Katterfohn,-b. Mayor Katter'ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit; For the purpose of passing . } a Resolution releeaing certain employees of the City of Paducah, and any other Du~l- !;nesa that mey come before the Board. , b:eyor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that n resolution en- Resolutiion re- ~ titled, "A R3SOLL'TI02I RFSIEVING C~ITAII+rt'PLOYr^.ES OF TRP: CITY OF PADUCAN. KL'NTUCKY, . , lieving certain employees of the , FROM FLZiITftFR DUTY, ',9ITIi0UT PAY, EP'FECTIV:3 APR II 1, 1988." be adopted. Adopted upon City of Paducah, Ky, ;.call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Pnoe, Pu]11am, Tut]y, Washington and Alayor Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the Tay-roll for Pay-rolls Police ~ the Folios Department amounting to .y`434.61, and the pay-roll for the Fire Depertment Depertment Y434.61 and Fire Department amounting to ,250.04, a total of .684.65, be allowed and ordered paid and the money ,250.04 allowed. appropriated from the general funds to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the ;following vote; Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and Katter~ohn,-b.' Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that 01AI+ ORDINANCTi Ordinenae repeal- RFIPFJILIN4 Al+ ORD DdANCE liNTI'PLRD "AN ORD II+ANC:i CRF.ATII4G A HOARD OF TRUST IsS OF THE ilzg Ord Inanoe Creat- ing Board of True- POLIOr2 AND b'LRrJdPsi+°S PJ'INSI01+ FUND PRAISCRIHINO Tftb; JUTI^S OF RAID AOARD AiT.D PROVID II+0 tees Of~PoliOe $ FOR A TAX TO Db2 LEVI:9 FOR TF11; 1'URPOSJ: OF ORFdTING SAID FUND ADOFTAID BY THE HOARD OF Firemen a Pension Fund. '` ' i• r[r€;~' _, ' i "~~~ T 19 I ,,,i, n ,-~r No. - ~ ~O Commissioners' Proceedings9 City of Paducah, 192_._ ' ~; ,'ltra.B.A.Wali, {i Oommiesioner Paoe offered the following motion; I move that Mrs° iI. A, Wall appointed q 01erk to Poliod 0e appointed 01erk to the Po]!oe Judge, to take eifeot Apr ii let, 19EE° Adopted n1+on Jnd(te~ it •. 'r' Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeae° Paoe, Pniliam° Tully, Washington,-4~ NeJ ~ '~ Satter~ohn°-1. l ~ ' ~ On motion the. Board ndjowrned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ ` uq. crr ~ ~" ,. ~ ,' N APRIL 3RD, 19EE. t h • ~ At a Regular Beefing of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners°I ii. Chamber in th® City Hall, Paduoah, Kentnoky, on April 3rd, 19EE, Upon Dell of the roll': i, • ~ ~ the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe,.Tully. Washington and ~~a ; a^ ~~°:: ~:_ ,.. G i Cemetery Dees d, : to W~1.1 G. ~ Biller. ~' Oemetery Deed to Clyde bdndden. '` Report Chief of Polioe for I Baroh 19EE. Reoolution ' authorizing ' oondeenr_tion of property in re;Sower Dietriot ~3. Bayor Kattor'ohn,-4. On motion of Commissioner Washington the minutes of the previous meetings were) adopted ea read° upon Dell of Lhe roll by the following vote; Yeae° Paoe, Tully, Washington and Xatter,ohn,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sun of $37,50 having been paid into the Treasury, ea evidenoed by the reoeipt filed herewith, I move that deed be granted to 1fa11 G. Miller for Lot Iio. EO in Blook No. E on the South side of " Hannan Street betweon Baker and PSiller Street s. in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon ~ ' Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas° Paoe, Tully°7ashington and Katter'ohn~-4,1 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $37.50 having ' been paid into the Treasury, as evidenood by the rooeipt filed heretivith° Y move that deed be granted to Clyde Padden for Jot No. 55 in Blook Ydo. E on the Fast aide of Eiiller - Street, between Ford and Hannan Streets in Oak Orova Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yens Pnoe, Tully, ~4eahinaton and Kntter~ohn.-4. , Oommiseloner Paoe offered the following motion; I move that tho report of i the Chief of Polioe for the r..onth of I,tarah 19EE, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon li, Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Paoe, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn.-4i Commissioner Pulliam entered the meeting. Liagor Katter,ohn offered the following motion: I move that a resolution en- ~. titled. "A Ri+,~30LUTION PROJ1b7TdG FOR AIdD AUTHORI?ING TR3 COIID'rDSNATIOId OF CiRTAITd PROPk1I-', , i TY FOR SUB-DIY [SIOTJS A, H. AT1D C. OF SrD'.71:RR DISTdiCT NUl~ffii~lt TNREL° IA' T??R CITY OF PADU- CAH° KrIIdTUOKY, FOR TT?I: PURP0;37i OF PROOURINC A RIGHT-OF-l7AY FOR TRUNK LIId: SP'7f1iS TO BE CONSTlIUCTD FOR SAID S'"rl? DISTRICT A1DNG, OVI3t AND vIT)1Tt SAID PROP RTY° AIJD D:ISIONAT- ING THE ]ROPi.RTY TO BT; CONDi1dId:iD° ATdD OVF1t ^•HIOfY SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY I9 TO P:: FROCURi)D°" be ndopted, Adopte8 upon pall oY the roll bq,the follolvinq`.voter Yeae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully° Washington and Xattor~ohn°-G° j Commissioner Tully offered the following motiom: That Lho Oommtssioner of Publio Fineinoe be inetrnoted and authorised to inolnde in the regular monthlq pny-roll f~ bills as listed Yor• Streets ...................$137.90 i $ewer8.....i.. c..Y..P~s~.i 14.75 ~ ~3 Distriot Sewer......... 166.97 ., adopted`upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yeas Paoe. Puiliam~ Tu1,ly. and I' w0.0.9°1ttC'~ht°.-0! Na0u. lC9t $IM 9hRM -7- ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~^', ._ .,. i z.,. r _...~.~..~ ~ - ~ :~u~r+ ~y~~`r3'~3,"x`O~`,y"~49L.~+*_ca~seaa~ _ _,araes~... _=.~~s. <r.. :a ;.~,.: ,r ",.F~ ~;,,,`.`` .,.. ...:.; i ,, :, ', ., ~_. .; .. .. M. f Ho. / `~ 1 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ ~ ' 192_ i ~r ~ i, ,Mayor PLattarjohn offered the following motion,, I move that the opinion Opinion of Court of the Court of Appeals in the case oP R. J. Baas ve, F. W~ KatterJohn dco., in which of Appeals in aesa of +Y. d.B886 vs. the Hospital Bond Iasne is held to be invalid, be received an3 filed. Adopted upon F. 17.Katter~ohn,in re:Hoapitai Bond ~ Dell of the roll by the followinP vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam,_Tully, Washington sad Issue. Batter~ohn,-b. f On motion the Board ad'ourned upon csa11 of the roll by 5 yeas, Aiepl~cd~,~/~l! APPRO~PTiJD /j Ht•` MA-+- YOB f APRIL 4TH. 1922. ,„ . ~! At a Called PSeeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commission- 1 'era' Chamber in the City Ha 11, Paducah, Rentuoky, on April 4th, 192E, et 2:30 o'clock !iP. PS. Upon sell of the roll the following answered to their names; Commisaionere tl Paoe, Tully, L7aehington and iCayor gatter~ohn,-4, Mayor Kattea~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit; To buy a Ford oar for j the Department of Fublio Safety, amt. any other business that might Dome before the ' ~i Board . ~! Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion; I move that the purchase ~ , ~, ~~ of a Ford Touring Car by 1. A, "'eahingtan, Purohastng AP,ent, for the sum of $488.00, ` Ford Touring Car purchased for Fo- ~: be ratified, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and instructed lice Department ~: from P.D.Herdeaty,'i to pay said svm of y488.00, and charge same to tho Police Department. and the check ' Yor y438.00. ; ' made payable to P. H. Hardesty. Adopted upon oeil of the roll by the tollowing vote: !, Yoea, Faoe, Tully, l7ashirgton and Katter~ohn,-4. i. Qommieaioner Faos offered the following motion; I move that nn ordinance ii Ordinance author- '~ entitled, "AN ORDIIdANOE AUTHORI9.ING Z. A. :7ASHINGTON, OOP,1MI83IOIdER OF PUBZIC PROP«RTY, ing l..A.lYashing- ton to purchase i TO PURCHASE 1200 Fi~IE'P OF HIGH 1ST INT1s12"'OT:31 FLR« HOSE, TO AF. U9~ BY THE F]R« D«- i 1200 ft. Piro hose' introduood and ley' PItRTt."1:YT OF TlIE CITY OF PADUCAH, ICi1dTUCi.'Yi AND D1:SIGIPATIPIG THi TRI01: TO Dl: PAID TIIFR$- - over. li FOR," be introdi~oed end lay over. Adopted upon call 04 the rol] by the following j ;; Votq; Yeea, Paoe, Tully, aeshington and Y•atter~ohn,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the fo]7.owlna, motion; I move that the account Indian Refining ~i 'of the Indian Refining Cos dated Pdovember 7th, 1921 for 50 gallons of Indian Kerosene Co. allowed X6.00 ~i fo1'50 aale.koro• ~~ nt 12 Dente, amounting to 6.00 ba allowed and ordored paid and charged to the Fire eons, nt 12~. ;~ ii DaI>artment and the money appropriated from the genern] Fund to pay Dames Adopted upoA4 call of the roll by the PollowinR vote:Yoes,Pnoe,Tully,lYnshinRton and Kntter~ohn,-4. II ~', On motion Lhe board ad~ournod upon call of the roil by 4 yeas, h. 4i Adowtcd /~ ~1!%lL APPRC7V~i~S7 Y ~7 i LC~ SrG.G~..:.~r/.5:-~-~-- X14 ~. Y(i F' y .. ' Cite CMr.~ - 1 , ~i APRIL bTH. 1922. ;~"•' ji At a Called Lleeting of the Doard of Corrmiselonere, held in the Commiesioners~: Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kontuoky, on April 6th, 1922, at 11 o~alook.A. M• i; I'; (! Upon oel7. of the roll the foil rnving answered to their names: Commisalonera Paoe, ~; Tully. Washington and Mayor l:atter~ohn,-4. h I,layor Eatter~ohn stated renaone for call to-wit: For the purpose of ellowtng " ~: `, f II pny-roll and any other buoineas that might some before the Board. Commiseior»r Tully offorod the following motion: I move that the Pay Roll Report Com'r. of for the last hnlf of Idnrah, omounting to ~19,1b1.29, as per the report of the Qormnis- Finenoe of eoaounto and pny-roll for j sionor of Public Finance filed horowith, be allowed and ordored paid ,and the money In^t hnlf oY Iiaroh,1922. I! appropriated from the Genoral Fund to pny same. Adopted, upon call of the roll by thel ~" _ :. ,;.: -- No. ~~. `~ ;;~:,~~:~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192-_ , .i Qtkk ~ following vote: Yeea, Paoe,_Tully, Washington and Kattersohn,-4. ( ~ i,~y.- y ~~. + .yr~bb~o~,saioner Tully offered the following motion: d move that the Pay Roil and u Xoooun£s~~or4the•Third Dfstriot Sewer, as follows; E, , • ..SR i t" Pay Roll ........... > ..'~ 721.00 "Pay-roll and R Aooounta for Supplies. 462.31, a total of $1183.31b aooounta for ii r supplies in re•e be a]rlowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe be authorized and i ~3 Diatriet ~ , `~rfs~Sewer. ;{,inab~}•uoted to draw oheoka against the No. 3 Diatriot Sewer Fund Aooount to pay same. -~? ~ ji Adopted neon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe., Tully. Washington and Katter~ohn,-4. r._ ,:Report ~01ty Mayor. Katter~ohn offered the follo~•ring mo ti on: I move that the report and re- i ~`'" ~Soliaitor role-! ~~~,-t~ve`~t4"olsim ~~ commendation of the City $olioitor, relative to making settlement with Frank Clark j i ^~Qf~.~rarik.Clark.~ for $178.00 fvr in3uriea sustained at 3rd and Broadway, by falling into a manhole, be ~", y 4~ be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, 1,`: aTM ~~ ~ t i~ Paoe, Tully, tashington and Katter~ohn,-4. Mayor KatterJohn offered the following motion: IIpon reoommendation of the City Solioitor, I move that the claim of Frank Clark"against the City of Padnaah for person-I Claim of Frank ~, Clark for in- (al in~uriea, by falling into s manhole, be settled for the sum o4 $17b.00, to be paid ~nriee by frill- in manhole li as follows, to-wit: $180,00 to W. A, Middleton, Attorney for Frank Clark. and $2b.00 settled se ~yg ~"' follows; $180.W to Dr. H. A. Duley for aerviaea rendered in treating said Clark for ea id inJuriee; and t0 Clark and ~:<. ^ ~ ~ , " `:$28.00 to Dr. the Commissioner of Publia Finanoe is hereby authorized to issue oheoks, ea set-out ~ '. ' H.H,Dnley f above, and charge same to Coats and Suits. Adopted upon Dell 'of the roll by the followl ~' 4 ~ •ing vote: .Yeea, Paoe, Tully, Yraehington and Katterjohn,-4, ~~ +,~ `! '~ ~ Qn motion the Board adjourned upon Deli of the roll by 4 yeas, ~ i ~; Aiepicf ~/6~ 19 ~;,, ~ " M'ATnPt- ' ` '' AI'RYL 10th. 1922. ~ •; 1 ~ s ~, eld in the Commiesionere' ~: At a Regular Meeting of the Board of 0ommisaionere, h f ~ ~ Chamber in the City Ha11, Paducah, Kentucky, on April 10th. 1922. 8pon sell of the ~'• p ~ I ~; roll tho following answered to their names: Oommissionere Paoe; Pulliam, Tully, '~ ~ Washington and Mayor Katter'ohn,-6. i. { ,( On motion of Oommiealoner 7aahington the minutes of the previous meetings were I, i, ~~ , ?"adoptod ea road upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pane, Pu111am,Tully~ ~;~ { Washington and Katter'ohn,-bo v.l ~i Mayor Katter,ohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of the , 1 iJ CReport MaCraoken;! MoOraoken County Publio Hoelth Leat~ae, for the month of March 1922, be reoeived and ! `.' Oo~mty Publio " j ;Health Lassos, ~, Yiled. Adopted upon call oP the roll by the YollowinP vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, ? r, for.Maroh,1922, i `{ ~ Tully, iashington and Katter,ohn,-b. if ~ ESayor Kattoryohn offered the foiiowimg motion: Then the latter dated April bth, Communication ofi; •' .': Roy Manchester, ~~ 1922 from Roy Manchester, be reoeived and filed and the request be granted. Adopted ii '` rel8tive t0 Boy a ` %Soouta taking ~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Bulliam, Tully. ~7ashington Dare of Fly i Trap e. and Kattor~ohn,-b. x t• Report Com're Finanoe for Yaroh 1822. ~: c^ ..~; qg' ~, Coumiisaioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of $he Oommissioner of Publio Finanoe for the month of LSaroh be reoeived, filed and ordered published in the official newsparera Adopted u]+on Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, .Tully, Washington and gatterjohn,-b. ~ ~', . . ~ ~ ~~. ( t , ' k`; . .!: ~ ~.. , .....~.~.,w lrryM, ""~~^''i'~3th*~`.~' a-'R~,' s' .~ ~ +n:' :^3. ~^,r.:,r:.. ,. •,r ~«*~' h . } ~. ~,,, .. . ." _ .: ;. .. f `i , I Na ~ ~ Commissioners Proceedings,. City of Paduca~i ~ ' 192=. 1f f ¢ _. ~ "i Commissioner Tully offered the Following motion; I move that the report~of P, + Report tlom'r.Finanoe ~r ~ of •~3 3e:ver Dis- j the Oommissioner of Publio Finanoe 04 the Third Distriot Sewer Aooount, for the ,month triot, Yor Ltaroh ~~ 19E2. 'of Maroh, be reoeived and filed and ordered pnbliphed in the offioisl newspaper. Adopt , ~` - !ed upon oell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, 19eah1ngton• .. j and Katterjohn,-6. + ~.. `~ 1 Report Com'r.Finanoe' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that. the report oY ,~ ~~ Showing apportion- menL, amounts expend. the Commissioner oY Publio Finanoe showing the apportionment., the amounts expended ~ ' ed and balances to ~ - ~ ~: or edit oY varioris ~ and the balances to the credit of the various nooounts under the different departments eaaounta under the fi. ': dii'feront depts. at " at the erd of Ltaroh 31st, be reaei ved and filed. Ado}+tad uron pall of the roll by the. + "' the end of Ltaroh, ' j. 1922. t following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, 1Yashington and Katterjohn,-5. Commissioner Tully offered the 4ollowing motion: There being no Polioe and . Com'r.Finenoe to '" ~ . refund 1~ of the Firemen's Pension Fund and it eppeering that the awn of ,~15.6f wen withheld from the ~ ,'. salaries of the ;; f r^iremen and Police-~i members of the b'ire Department and the sum of 14.21 from the members of the Polioe men ,vithhold for ~! ", ~ Polioe & Firemen's ~j Department for the first half of the month of }tarok, beinrc to oY the pay, I move that ~ Pension Fund. • ! ;! thoea amounts be paid to the various men entitled to eaine and the Oommieaioner of ~ ii Publio Finanoe be authorized and inatruoted to pay anme. Adopted uron oail of the rol .. ~~ ~! by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ',Vasriington and Katterjohn,-6. t { Commissioner Tully of4orod the following motion: It appearin2'that the sum ; Com'r. Finanoe to ;~ refund p100.U0 to of 100.00 was paid to the Commissioner of Publio r^ir:anoe by J. L:. Slaughter, Fire { ,' ~ J. L:.S1auRhtor,Fire Chief, .girt oY Yopp i Chiei', to ge to the orodit oi' the Firemen's Pension Fund, said X100.00 having been ~ •~ Seed Co. to i'iremon,; j same having been glven by the Yopp Seed Company and there being no Police and Firemen's Ponnion Fundy ' placed in the Fire- I' • - men's Pension Fund. li I move that the Commissioner of Fublfo Finance be authorized and instructed to refnnd r I = ~ { and pay over the amount to J, Dt, Slaughter, Firo Chief. Adopted uron cell of the roll ', byithe 4ollowing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fulliam, Tully, :7ashington and Kattarjohn,•6. :! . Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion; I move that the Commissioner Yolunteore o4 Amerioe allowed y400.00 4or 04 Publio Finanoe be authorized and inetruotsd to pay to the Volunteers of America !. Chnrity. .: X400.00, snmo to be oharJted to thb aooount of htisoellaneoue Charity. Adopted upon, i ;' i ,. cell of the roll by the 4ollowing vote;Yeas,Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,l7aehington snd Katter • ~ ij ' john,-b. j; ~ ~' .: Commissioner Paoe offered the 4ollowing motion; I move that the report of Report of Chi of of Fire Department 4or ~I the Chi.e4 of the r'ire Department for the month of L?nroh 1922 be rebeirod and YIIed. ?'j` Ltaroh 1922. d , ' 'I Adopted upon pall of the ro]1 by the 4ollowing vote: Yeas, Tnos, Pulliam, Tully, `a i,' ;7ashington and Yatterjohn,-b. ~ Oommisaioner Pulliam offered the 4ollowing motion: I move thnt 9. ~. Ao~}e- j `I •~ 3.3. Coyle allowed a , X40.00 for aervioee ~. be allowed $40.00 for hie aervioea, as drartaman, on Third Dlstriat Sewer Plane, ttp as drn3taman on ~3 ', c~eov== :Distriot Sewer Plans, to arcs including April 6th, 1922, the services o4 the said Coyia having terminated { '' on that date 4or this work, and that the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe be authorized i f ,` y and directed to pay anme, and charge same to Suer Distriot :~3. Adopted upon cell of !# ~ the. roll by the 4ollowing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, :7eahington end Katterjohn • ; " I! ~. !; Commissioner Pulliam offered the fol]owing motion; That the report of the i Report of Street !f , ; De~nrtmont for ldaroh' street Department for the month of Ltaroh 1922 be reoeived and filed. Adopted .upon j,, ' + 1922. ''~=' call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoa, lulliam, Tully, :7aehington and T i; !, ~ ~ Katterjohn,-5. f j Report Com'r. Publio ' Commissioner Fulliam offered the 4ollowing motion: That the report showing ~ - ,,,~.,,. ;7orks showing expea ':~ i ditures for the month the expenditures 4or the month of Ltaroh 192E for Third Distriot Sewers be reoeived ~ i of }~arbh 1922 for ` 3rd lliatriot Sewer. 6 and filed. Adopted upon cell of the roll'by the 4ollowing vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, {; '~ Tully, '7eahington and Katterjohn,-5. i~ , ~. <. K , ~ ' '~F",€' .. .. ,: ,.~- _. ,~w _ ... ... . . -r+-•~r ,,:. , t s-.. .. : ~~._ ....r Na ~ o -- Oom'r.Publio Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the Commissioner of Fublio Property to re- pair roots: on ~ Property be instructed to make aepaira to the zoof of the City Stables and the roof of City 9tablae and: ~ ,, ~1 Fire Station.' #1 Fire Station, the eapenae of same to be charged to the Contingent FnnB. Adopted upon sail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe', Pulliam, Tally end '7eahington,~ ~~ Na a Katter ohn 1. .Y a , . - y On motion the Board edfourned upon sell of the roll by b yeas, ~i i . ~ Aie'Idl~ ~, Gy~a~3-moo .c_/ - - dPPRO''d"~~i2' ew e°..r ~ I.. APRdb 17TH, 1922. "~ ,. 4; a., I :, ~, At a Regular }Seating of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioner®° i Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kontuoky, on Abril 17th, 1922. YTpon call of the roll ~' the following answered to their names: Commissioners Peoe,'Tully,':®a2hiagtoYi• -' I . t~ I; and }layor Satter Sohn,-A. ~ ~ , i _! k On motion of Commissioner Peoe the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted as m ~~ read upon call of the roll by the following vote; Maas, Paoe, Tnllt;^~19a9hing'~ ~~ ~j ton and Katter,ohn,-i° ~ ~~ IIayor Kattor ~ ' Raeir~nntion of 'j Sohn offer ad tho following motion: Y move that tho rouignntion of Dr. B. D,Pu]liam ~.~ as mombor of N Dr< S. Be Pulliam, as a mombor of the hoard of }toalth of the. C4ty of Paducah, bo j 8o and of Iioa] th.!i ~ ~ f y eooeptod. Adopted upon Dell of tho roll by the Sollowing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tn11y, ~: ~j Washington and Y.atter~ohn,-4. ~~ p Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the letter from j Communication ofi ,Ohas.I.Dawson, ~ Chas. I. Dawson Attorne Genoral addreasod to the Cit Solioitor, relative to assess-1 Atty.Ganoral, ~ . 9 y relativo to A D.~ ing tobaaoo in oseoaoiori of tho A• D. Diokorson Tobaooo Oom an be reoeived and filed'.. Diokorson Tobac p P Y. 0o Co.°o. adaoea~- j4 ' mont of tobaooo.~i Adohtod upon call of the roll by tho following vote: Yoao, Pnoo, Tully, ~7aehintrton and i ~~ Y.attorSohn,-4. ~ ~ Commissioner Pulliam encored the Commissioners, Chamber. ~' Commissioner Tull offered the followin motion; I move that the oommunioation k. Communication IIII y C r; of City Solioi- if from the City Solicitor relative to allsim of Spann for damages ba reoeived end filed. ~ < for relative to N claim of Spann. y Adopted upon call of tho roll by tho following vote: Yoga Paoe, Pulllgini;Tuiiy,`7?aehi~ig= r ton and Kattor'ohn,-6. i i. . ' Communication of~ L:eyor Y.atter,ohn offered the following motion; Y move that tY:e letter from the ;~ Btete Board of r, 1 Health of Ky ,State 1?oard of Itoa]th, of Y,antnaky, addreasod to the City Solioitor, relative to Sewer I' relativo to ~ +i• -.fewer Dist.~3. I District ,~3, be r9oelvod ari:} filed. Adopted u2•on call of the ro71 by the following i ,, ' ? ~ note; Yeaa, Peoe, Pu]liam, Tully, ',7ashington and l:ettopSohn,-b. f Collection of d Commissioner Tully offered the follo•.ving motion: 8 move that the X10.00 paid to =.bills due River-r ~ j Vii'. side Hospital by the City Solioitor b;• };ma. Paul Liethewa, }:art pa;nnent on aecotmt of Riverside t?ospital,; ;.~ City Solioitor. ~ bo turrod over to the Commissioner of Public Property. Said Solioitor having hereto- 'I '; Yore turned over to the Commissioner of Fublio Property the sum of j3.00 raid by Lars, ~a ' ~ F.'S. Allison, and ~7.1b paid by Lak§ Iseman, and X5.00 having been paid by Joe Allen, ~~ j :vhioh ,vas turned over to the Commissioner of lublio Finance. Adopted upon pall oP the } '' ~~, ~ roll by the following voter Yeas, Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,;7eahington and KatterSohn,-b. 7 Qommiasioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that the report of 'Reports: Supt. i' ~ 'Riverside Hos- ~j i E the 5uporintendent of Riverside Hospital, ahowint~ the expenditures an3 oolleotions and i pital, Private e; ~Patienta, Col- ~ the amount of unoolleoted bills for the month of LTarch to, then with the r leotiona, and ~ o Pe sport of i `~ratuoah Labors- u the Private and City Patients, together with a statement of the comparative expenditureg . tories for the ~ i month of itaroh l and oolleotions from the Commissioner of Fublio Property for the months of January, ` ,..1922. ii i~ February and idax'oh 1922, and the report of th® }'aduoah Leboratorie~efor the month o4 Martoh 1922, be. reoeived and filed.- Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following voted }. . . , . ...wx. J _. ', ,; ~'; :~~ r':; ~J.... i~ ~~.~,~ w~:~. ~:~~.~ ~ h.- __,.._, ,....,.~.~ .._.._, .. _..xy~ .._,.~.....__ ..... _ _ y;. ' ., ...,.., .. .. I f Na Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ • ' 192_. Pane, Pulliam, Tully, I7ashington end Ketterfohn,-5, Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: I mope that en ordinanoe entitled "AIF ORDIiFAI€CE AL:3+*DIP+G AI;D Rr,-~FACTIIFG S::CTIOTv 1 OF 3N ORDIIIANCE EI7TITlSD Ordiraroe relating % AN ORDI1Fr`,i:C:; 1"ROHIBITII;G V'`?ICI.ES OF A17 CIIARACT'i FR011 PA?KIIFG ON EITHER SIDE OF to parking on Broad-. c~¢y, ; B?Or'.D"'AY STREET, BEl",':.:EF ^I3ST AIdD S^~•V^ISTE STREET,. IN .THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ~I,'TUCKY, c ~~ ;: AND PROVIDTiFG A P::I+li,LTt FOR VIOI.LtTIOIi OF SAI~'.~., ADOTTED BY THE BOARD OF COTdMISSIOIFR9 f !,' OF THr. CITY OF I.~IDUCAH ON FE&?VARY 15TH, 1922," bo adopted. Adopted upon oall of th r roll by tho following note: Yeas, Paoo, Tully and gashinRton,-8; Nays, Pulliam and '; i ~ Katterfohn,-2. Ordinanoe a;:thorizing l.A, iPASHII~GTCN, Iurohasin> Agent,to ;; puroheae 1200 ft. Fire Aose, d+laMst ~~1! 2.~~ Al'PR.QV'~D i ~j --i, rT~tox. APRIL 21ST. 1922. ResiPnation oY J. 1. Johnson and cpi ointmvrt oY R.3.Ballowe cs ,~ ~, Stable Boss. P Fnlliam, fully, '7ashington erd I:'.eyor Ketterfohn,-5. iieyor Katterfohri eteted roasons Yor oall to-wit; For the purposo of 4.11owinK r! payrolls for first half of April, and any other business that might oomes before the Board. . n • Commissioner Tully offered tha following motion: I move that the Teyroll for Pay-ro71 Yor Pirst ~ the first ha]f of the month of dpril, amounting to ,4943.11, as per the report of the half of Apr 1I 192,2, } Commissioner of Pub11a Finenoe Piled herewith be ellowad end ordered Ieid and the ii ~i money apiropriate3 Yrom the general Yund to pay same, Adopted upon sell of the roll, • ~ by the following vote: Yeas, Feoe, Pull~pm, Tully, l7ashington and Katter~ohn,-5. Coc:atiasioner Tu11y offered the following. motion: P move that the Iey-roll Pay-roll for first y for the first hall of the; month of April for the 3r3 Distriot Sewer, amauntine to half of dpril 1922 for the 3rd •;~ X597,00, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner oY Fublio Finanoe be anth Distriot Sewer. J.i?.ail'rerson ~' •' e7aim for ir• furies ' IP.; if sett: ed~ for .;,20,00 ~~ ! .. ,3 ,. e P... ,` . ; Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: I move that nn ordinanoe ` entitled, "A1F ORDIhAIICE AUTAORI3I1dG I.. A. :7ASHIIIGTOIF, COx73I53I0N::'R OF FUBI.IC IROPR.RTY, TO FURC]IASE 1200 F.IET_OF HIGR TEST II:T~tBIOY.-:IF ^II?E HOSE, TO B3 USi:D BY TY3 FIRE DE- - IARTIuIs'iFT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEIFTUCICC, iaidD DESIGIFATIlIG THE PF.ICE TO BE PAID THERE-' FOR," be adopted, Adopted upon. call of the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeas. Peas, ., Pulliam, Tully, I9sahington enfl Ketterfohn,-5. On motlon the Board adfonrned upon oall of the roll by b yeas. ' At a Called I:ieoting of the Bocrd of Commissioners, held. in the CommisafonereP Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Y,ontnaky, an .April 21sto 1922, at 11 O'olook A.li. Upon oall of the roll the Pollowinp answered to'.their names; Commiaslonere Peoa, ,,.~ ,, ,, ~';'. .~ •~ ~. E: ~.. f ,:~ a. f ~', ~ . r ~;, '7 orized cnd instruotod to draw aheal;a cgeinst the 1Io. 3 Distriot Se~.ver Fund Aocount to pay same. Adopted. upon pall of the roll by the YollowinR vote: Yoas,. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,.~¢ahirigton and Kctterfohn,-5. Commissioner Fulliam oYfored the Yollo,ving motion: 19hereea, J, '7. Johnson, ~, the Stable Bosa, reaignod his position, r_nd R. E, Belloae having been eprointed in ;,. his stoad, effeotive April 4th, 1922, I move said eplointmvnt bo ratified, Adopted . upon pall of tha roll by the Yollowins vote: Yeas, Taov, Pulliam, Tn71y, :7aahinPton and Y.atter fohr,,-5. Commissioner Fulliam offered the Yollowirg motion: I.mope that J, R. '.711korson be el.lowed :20.00 Yor personal infuries sustained, and Yor loss oY time on eoeount~oY\tomobile, in which he was riding, running to rook pile on N. 16th Streot, and that the Commissioner of Fublio Finar,oa is hereby ar.thorized to issue voucher Yor said sum end charge same to Costa & Suits, upon release being aicmed and presented to him. Adopted uron pall oY the roll by the fol]o:vir.~ vote: Yeas ~.~'.,~ '~ ,,t ~' _ .~ ~. , . ~ .~~ .~~,~ ,_. m, .J., r dra,~i ,n,.r, r Aia.~_..: - . Commissioners, Proceedings; City of Paducah - ~ 192_. 1 ~ Pulliam, Tully, I4ashington and I.atter,ohn;-b. On motion the Soard ad,ourned upon call of the roll by b yeas. ~ i:~',~ ~ ..~, ~, r. h_ ~~ 1 Aiaftcd _~~~~ •~19?~~ ©PPFt~~7:N'L -- Q--~~y.oo pJ% ~ ~ ' as er.r ale~~, nzAYOte. I i ~ ,, ~ ' APR I3, 22nd. 1922a .. I ° At a Called Meeting of tho Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commissionere° ~ ~~ ~ r. '. ~.. x~ %~ i"? . ~:, "~ . Resolution i' T, providing for., ~ . condemnation o4 ~ `~ bind for right k~. of way for 3rd ~~:j pietriot Sewer. a~l ?~ Chamber in'the City Ha11, Paducah, xertucky, on April 22nd, 1922, at 9:4b o°alock A.ii. Upon call of the roll the followinP answered to their nemosa Commissioners Faoe, Pn3liam, Tully and ;7ashington,-4. Llayor Itetter'ohn being, ont of the City, iieyor Pro Tam :iashinaton preeided. },Tarot Pro Tsm 7eahington stated reasons for call to-wit: For the purrose oY passing s resolution for the oandemnetion of certain right of ways for the Third~Dia- triot Sewer. Commissioner Pulliam offered the tollowinR motion: Y move that a resolution entitled, "A RSOlUTIOIJ FRO4IDIIdG FOR AItD.AUTFiORICIIiG TER COI'DR~IATIOII OF C~1TAIi' FRO- F]I.4TY r^OR SUB-DI7ISIOIIS Ao B. AIID .C• OF SrIS":R DISTRICT NU1B:.". TIiR:.~, IIJ TIIi'. CITY OF PADUCAH, KL•'iiTUCGY, r^Oi? 1rI~ PURI`OSi: OF 7'ROCL'411:G A RIGRT OF '.7AY FOR TRIIIIL I.II.i'. S'~7~5 avE'°e '1'0 Bt: COIJSTUUCI^.D FOR SialD S:.^+1*.,E't DYSTRYCT AlCIdG, i-6~t Al1D UIID~'R SAID IP.OF:~TY. AL'D D~SIGNATIIJG T°:: F~Oi31TY TO Br COIJD:7.:11;~, AIDD OV:Ii "'RICH SKID- P.IGAT OF SAY IS TO Ba FROCUR~," be adoptsd. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, . Pace, Pulliam, Tully and t7ashingtan,-4. On motion the Board adfourned upon Dell oY the roll by 4 yeas. ~~~ ~ AJleitci _~~ l'l y7/ I ,.._,.,,,,~~~~~- A1~PP U V SID i c+a ci«t , ~~ f ~{ ji I I :_ I I i i M:i~OR- APRII. 24TH. 1922. E.l7.Baker, J.$°AORrJ: AND E.R.OOODIAE Appointed mom- bare of Hoard of Health. At a Regular Aaeeting oY the Board oY Commissioners, held in the Commissioners, Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Eentucky, on April 24th, 1922. Upon pall oY the roll the following answered to their hamos: Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, ;7eshington end Atayor Y.atterfohn,-4. s On mo lion of Commissioner Paoe the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted j as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Paos, Pn111em, 'Aeshington i and getter,ohn°-4. Commissioner Pulliam wsa excused Yrom the Commissioners, Chamber. Commissioner Tully entered'the Commissioners, Chamber. Mayor gatterJohn offered th® following motioA: I move thnt E. SY. Bek~, J. B. Aoree end E. R. Coodloo each be aphointed a membor of the Board of Health of th.e City of Paducah,. gontuoky, for a term of tl~e years, offootiee April 24th, 1922. Adopted , upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Paos, Tully, ~9ashington and gatter- ~s~r"4 Oommieaioner Pn3liam entered the Commissioners' Chamber. , r h r ~; J' ,, ~ : - .. ... . ,( • ~ f ,. . 7;: ... Commissioners° Proceedings, City of Paducah , 192.-, ___ _ Commissioner Pniliam offered the following motion:- I move thAt oaamuniontion Comsnniaetione of* ' i7. :Y.Horrer, Chas.B. Yrom :7. .7, Horner, dated April 14th. 1922, relative to Sewer Distriot No. 3, be re- BiadlaY. end Ii,A. Pulliam, in re;- ;oeived end filed; and that the oommunioetion from Ches. B, Burdick, dated February E4th 3rd Distriot Sewer., 1922, be reoeivod end filed; and that the letter of the Commissioner of Public i7orka~ • dealing with the matters su2geated in ice, Horner'a letter, De received and filed. Adopted upon Deli oY the roll by the follotiving vote: Yesa, Pebe, Pu311am, Tully, ,. ;Jashington end %atter Sohn,-b. Commissioner Pnoe offered the Yollowing motion: L move that hike Dowell and ?Sike Dowell and O. C.Adama, relieved 0. C. Adams, be relieved from votive duty sa patrolmen :rthout fey for a period of ten from active duty es patrolmen 10 'days, beginning :vlth Alrril 23rd. 1922, for sleeping while on duty. Adopted upon Dell days without pay for sleeping While; of the roll by the following vote; Yoea, Yaee, Pulliam, Tully, :7ashington and Katter- on duty. john,-b. ' • Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that Sam Howell be Sam Howell appoint,.appointed Dog Catcher, with Folioe Po',ver, for one month at a salcry of $110,00, same ed Dog Catoher, with Folios Powers. to bo char god to the Contingent Fund. Adopted upon Dell oP the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fulliam, Tully, aashington and Katter~ohn,-5. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the bills of i Bille oqf Eenrietta Henrietta Kahn, y3.00; Laura Crevea, X5.00, a total of X8.00, for .vork done is oon- Yahn .~3' 00 and I' '.. „~ d 's ` ' ' ~ ;~•3 .' ;:7, s; :;3 :,.i.. . IJSUre Gravea,~5.00' neotion with ~3 Distriot Sewer, bo allo+ed and ordered paid, and ,the Commissioner of ~ ". work done in 3rd Dlstri`.t Sewers. 'public Finsmoe be instructed to pay same and charge to ~3 Diutriot Sewer Fund. Adopt- (: ed upon Dell of the roll by the f ollo:'rina vote: Yeea, Paoo, Fulliam, Tully erd _ Wnshington,-4; Nays, Y.atter~ohn,-1. ~ ;• ~ . ~,; On motion 'the Board adsourried upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. ~.. ~ '' ) ,. I~ '4~~•• ~: Ai+~p~el.L'1==~-------t- APPRC?V'~ nKa'fOPr. ~. t fl .. {j 6PRIL 2bTH. 1922. }. ' At a Called Meeting oP the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commieaionesa' • ~, Chamber in the City'Hall°'Paaixoah, Kontuolq, on April 25th, 1922, at 11 o'elook A. M. ~1', Upon call of the roll the Yollowing answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe., 1', Tully, :7eahington and 1Yeyor Katterjohn,-9. ~ ~ , ii L'nyor Ketter~ohn stated reasons Por Dell to-wit: For the purpose of oonsidar- { ;" ing the adoption oY Flans for Sower Distriot ~3, r_nd any other business that might ~' Dome before the Board, Commissioner Tully offered the f ol]owing motion: I move that en Ordinance ~; entitled "AId OItDA!AIIC?, DSSIGNA`PII;G TH9: CITY D:HOSITORY OF TIi:~: CITY OF FADUCAA KEN- ~. Ordinance des- ignating City r ypCKY, AIdD OTFIR Dr~l.'OSITORI~S FOR SIiiCIAZ A'UT1D5 OF TIi'3 CITY OF PADUCA$," ba adopted. Depositories. , `~ ;i Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoa, Tully, Washington and • Kattersohn,-4. " Commissioner :7eahington offered the following motion: I move that a resolntion Resolution ao- ~ entitled ^RI:SOLUTIOJJ ACCry TING 'PH?~: PU:NS FCR TF.: COIJSTRUCTIOII OF TRU2:Y. LIIIS SR'A~23 IN cep ting the Plane . for the oonatruo- i' SUB-DIVISIOIiS A. B, AI:D C. OF Sw"tF.It DIST:?ICT ~3," be adopted. Adopted, upon call of Lion of trunk line _ Sewers Sn ~3 Die- the roll by the follo~,ring vote: Yeas, Feae, Tu11y,Weahington and Ketter~ohn,-4. triot Sewer. . j! ii ' Na ~ ~ , ~ . ... _, ~T .iii ~ I i , ~ I ~ ~, ~ ~ ~~ ~ , a~,. -~ n- ~ :.,.mi i„ipn ~~r,,..,~ q ., ~.~ rn ~~ iifan i ~ul:nl II n n ' Ff R r , wig-p,~qc ~~~ q~Ip~.I ~i i ~. r ' :_: I _~ .1..~, ~ -: :1:- _:1--r-"1 _w,,.,w~w w__wl*x~y.~ ,_ .,. .. i ,.~n,';:1L: :..~1~e~uwti~~ :w: _,: w n ud n:. ;I.: _. ~°F41!"ri' "r;,~°~.~ i"iw y!P!*,,,•9's~'~~ Y.~ z~,?1"~~Y,.,'~,~"`,~;y`,+~a~ "``a ` - ~. ~ .~ ,~pr~. ,.. ~, w;. ice... C Mayor.Katterjohn offered the following motion: Y move that a Resolution entif. ~~ Reaolutiondee- ~"A RESOLUTION DESCRIBING THE RIGHT OF 17AY FOR .TRUNK ]:YNS Sh^Y~tS TO BK CONSTRUCTr^D IN , oribing right i:'. OY way and Order'.=SUB-DIYYSIOI73 A. B. dPdD C~ , S:""~t DISTRYCT I1URffiI.31 THR:~, ATE ORDIItIIiC THAT SAID RIGHT ing.said right. ~' of way to be ~OF wAY BE CONDr~.Rdr'D AS FROVIDr~ BY LBO AND AUTYYORIZING TBE CITE SOLICITOR TO YNSTITUTE ' oordemned• PROCnT'D°. IIdGS TO CQID,:GiN SAID RIGHT OF 7rAY,10 b® adopted. Adopted upon Oall of the roll G Eby the following vot®: Yeas, Pao®. Tally, ~9aehington and Katterjohn,-4. ¢. 1444': On motion the Board adjourned upon oall•of"the roll by 4 yeas. ;. ... '' Aia-loi~flU..-~-~ 1!~2 - ~P~'ROV~~.7 '~ &~ MAYOR. ~ y ~ M:iY 1ST. 19220 ... t & ~ A At a Regular Bloating oY the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissionera° ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~>~ ~.Ohambor in the City Rall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on May let, 1922. Upon call of the roll ~ i ` {~ the following answered to' thoir remea: Commissioners Paoe, Tully, Y7eahington and R:eyor ~~ i Katterjohn,-4< ~ ' ," ~ ' ;3 On motion of Commieaioner ~7ashinaton the mimrtes of the previous meetings •xere ~~ ~a ~ adopted as reed upon call oP the roll by the followinir vot®: Yoas, Paoe, Tully, ,r. . . ;% ' fleshington and Y.etterjohn,-4> ~. ~ I ~~; ~ '•x$300.00 appro- Rtayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; That tho sum of p300.00 be ~~prieted from ~ j ~ffOontinRent Fund ; appropriated from the Contingent Fund Por the purpose of planting flowers and nutting ~~ i for purpose of n ~..plantina f lowera~ grans in the Parka of the City for the year 1922. Adopted upon Dell of the ro71 by the 'j and ovtting f: grass in parka. ~ following vote; Yoas, Paoe, Tully, I9ashington and Katterjohn,-4. ~I Commiasiorer Pace offered the following motion: I move that the report o4 the RBport Chief of rN Polioe for the ~-Chief of Polioe for the month of April 1922 be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell I. month oY April 1922. ~ of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Tully,;7ashington ar,d Katterjohr.,-4.. Coramisaioner 7ashington offere8 tho following motion: I move that the transfer ~ Oemetery trans- fer from T.B. k from T. B. Fairleigh to C. C. Prr.oe and his wifo, Y;~ary L. Paoe, to Tat IIo. 30b~ in ~` Fairleigh to C.C.Peoe and `! Blook Iio. 20, Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratifiod. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Rory L. Paoe. ' ~ following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Tully, Fleahington and Katterjohn,-4. w. ~ { ~: Z Oommiesionor Pao® offered tho following motion: I move that Joe Yvarlet be. ~ Joe. yverlet ap- i~ ~ ~. pointed an extra; appointed an extra poliaemsn, itif a periBB of thirty days. effootivo from this date. i r;, polioeman for. ~ ;. thirty daya~ I Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Faoo, Tnliy, '.7ashinr;ton and !; k: i '. Katterjohr~,-4. '. ! On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas.. I ' r 4. . a av c~.r • ~ //' ae . ~r. a ,° ~. 14fAYOR. MAY 3RD. 1922. ~~°+~- - , At a Called Meeting of the Board of Corranieaionors, held in the Commissioners! Chamber in the City Rail, Teduoah, Kentuoky, on May 3rd, 1922, et 3 o'olock P. M." ~ ,` Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Tully 7ashington end Ilayor Katterjohn;-4. I Mayor.Katterjohn stated resaona for pall to-wi$: For tho purpose of suth- ~ _ ~ .. ,orizing the Riuyor and Oommiasioner Of huhlic Finanoe td borrow ~1b,000.00 from the' f' Oity National De.nk, for tho use and bonofit of the 0itii~of Faduoah, and any other t. business that might Dome before the Board. ,. _ ., ,_ `s'; ]' 5. -as, "~~ ". >- h:,- . b: ~,~. i_. x, ". ,r:, •~`. s r~ ~ :, :.. w, ~~. w~,~r. ~" ~~~w, . .. .,., ,, . t Na._..~5~°. Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paduea~] „ ~ ' 192 '. '; Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the petition 'i • ;from the property holdors in the vicinity of 12th and Flaurnoy.Streets be received , ` Oto!;a Tribo IIo.GO, ~, Improved Ordor of :and filed and.that c license be grentod to Otegc Tribe No. 60, Improved Order of Red' Rod Ivan' a Carnival , dt 12th•~C Flournoy ;lion, to hold a carnival near 12th cnd Flournoy Streets, for the week of bray 8th to Streetsi. ' ~ "!13th inclusive, provided no aamblinP devices are allowed. Adopted upon call of the 'i rec. ,roll by tho following vote; Yeea: Face, Tully, !4eahinaton,-3; Nays, I{atter~ohn;-1. Commissioner Tully offered the fol7o•vinr. motion: I move that an ordinaroe City Borrow money ': entitled °AI: CRDIIdAI?C AL"PHO??ICIT:G Al<'D D17t::CTII'G TII:•. I'AYOI: A}"J CtY~2iIS`,?IOII.R OF PUBLIC ~;j ' from City 2iat tonal '. Bank. ' FITIANCS TO BORRO'•V 'FFIr, SUL: OF P`IF'Iu`:dI THOUSAND 0`16,000.00) D0~ 7ARS FROkI TII.~ CITY NA- i: ~~, TIONA]. B..IIIi OF FADUOialI, I:wNTUCIGY, ATdD TD :D(,CCTIi A NOT:: FOR SAID SUit FOR ATID ON B - , ~; „HALF OF SSID CITY," be adopted, Adopted upon sell of the ro17 by the following vote:. u: . . ;Yeas, Paoe, Tully, ',Yaahinaton and l:atter~ohn,+4. „ ' • ' Commissioner Tu11y offered the followinP motion; That the ba]anae of eaoount ~ ~ I Standard 011 Co. ,jemo:u.tin~ to x35.04, due the Standard 011 Company for the year 1921, be allowed and cllowed .~^~85.04, duo on ao•oonnL for °ordered paid ant ohar;tod to the Contingent Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by ths_) r • tho year 1921. ~! ?following vote; Yoes, ]'noo, Tulltiy, ;4ashington,-3; Nays, Katter~ohn,-1. i ~•;~ `~ Commissioner aashington offerod the follorrinrr motion: Thct Herbst & Ohastine F.erbst & Chastine !~be elloaod to make en opening in oonarete street at 25th & Broadway 3 feat square, f';, to make opening in aonorete street at i;provided that the opening; to tho bottom oP the preso.nt aonoroto be filled with con- -• 25th 8 Broad:vay. S , forete 1-4-8 mixture, aril that the six inches of the pavemont be replaced with 1-8-3} , rr.-cL {concrete reinforced^^rith expansion Points of asrhalt around tho out, all work to be Ijdone under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of ?'ub]io :Yorke, or eome+ a ,.. ;;one desi~ated by his offioo. Adopted upon pall of tho roll by the followinP vote: ~ ,. • ;Yeas, Paae, Tully, 9ashlnfrton and I!atter~ohn,-4. ,,;.~ Commissioner Paae offered the following motion; I movo that the sale of ~ q i _. ~' Chemical tank sold f by Chiof Slaughter rChemiaal Tank sold by Ch1eY Slaughter for W124.7$ be ratified. Adopted upon cell of for $124.75. i; the roll by the following vote; Ycas, Paoe, Tul]y, ;4ashington and 3{atter~ohn,-4. On motion the Board adjourned upon cull of the ro71 by 4 yeas. ~ , A~it+lai r~ if ~ pV~~ ~-'''' . '' v ~t*n~' i ~ '~ ' 1dAY 5TH. 1922. li f r - . at a Called }daeting of tho IIoard of Commissionors, hold in the Comnissionere' , i j Ohambor in Lhe City IIa11, paduoah, Kontuol;y, on L:ny 8th, 1982, at 10 O'o]ook A, Lf. i i ', Upon oal7. of t}w roll tho following ansvorod to their names; Cornmiesionors Paoe, I Ii i ~ Tully, :Yashington and 'JCayor I:attor~ohn,-4. j Mayor Y.rttor~ohn statod roesona ?or call to-wit; Nor the purnoso of al]owing ~; pay-rolls and any other businoss that might some before the T3oard. RaT~orC of Comer. ~ Commissioner Tully offered tho follo•.ving motion; I movo that the accounts for , Iublio Finance of eooormta for the ; the last half of the month of Apr 11, emoimtinrr Lo ~14838~66, afl per the report of the ~, ~ ':` ]art ha]f of April. ,'' ConunlsaiDnor of 1'ubliu Finanoo i'i]od hor.o:•rith ba a77owr,d and ordered pai9 and the "' money appropriatod i;rom t)re Gonoral Flmd to pay servo. Adopted upon call of. the ro]1 i by the SollowinCs vote; Yoas, Paoo, Tully, ',Yaohington and Y.nttor~ohn,-4• Commissioner Tul]y offerod the following motion: I move that r.he rel.ory of the , Roport of Com'r, Cormnisaioner of Public Finance for the month of April bo rooeived, filed cn,~ ordered Public Finanoo :Cog the month of i ublished in' the official novfa a or. Ado tad u on otsll of tho roll fi the fo]lo:dn I P 1' P P P y g• ~` ., April 1922. ~' voto; Yeas, Paae, Tully, 'Yashtngton cnd T:attar john,-4, ii - 1 ~ ~ , r ii i. ~ ., ,,. ~ i . ~ : nt Iii rn m i.~ i i 9 _..... „~w~ni~ p i. 111 ~„ I~,.i il. it ~: ,... i- ~iiF ~~i„~I, ~~~~I. ~~.I i '~ ~i ll. ! iii ~Tr:9R~~..~•',~:'.3i't°,aC'1"A'it~iwc'~"'.'.r~ w•i, ,, A's""R°;tn~,~",S./.!!"rte, .. , "r" . e1..s T'. '~~ . s","'F :'?r_ ' 'I /~ _„ .:._ * No. ~~ ~ • . . Coinmissioners" Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 192 1 ~h ' N - ~f Commissioner Tully off~sred the following motion: I move that the nacounts of I i . ~ ~-the 3d Diatriot Sewer, for the last half of the month of April, as follows:- , Aaoounta. of the; 3d District ~ Pay Roll ................•......~p634.60 ~ ~. ~.,., Sewer for the ~~ Supplies ...................... 111.46 ' • rYakefield for boring..... 22.50 - T0ti0 last half of ,,••, Apr1I. ~ A total of...........w7Si3~6, be allowed and ordered;. °` .r . ipaid and the Commissioner of Fublia Finanae be a utharized and instr noted to draw oheoks LL i; l • 'g!asrainat the i~o0 3 Diatriot Sevver Fund Aoaaunt to pay aem®. Adopted upon Dell of the ~jroil by tho following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Tully, ~7sahington and xatter~ohn,-4. !! Oommisaioner Tully offered the following motion: % move that the report of l Report Commi~- ~ ; ~ sionor of Pnb- ' the Commissioner of Publia Finanae of the 3d Diatriot Sewer Fund Aaoount for the month ~ ~ . lio Finanae of . r 3d Diet;iot of April ba reooived and filed end ordered published in the official newspaper. Adopted'; •• r x ~ Sever .Fund ' Aaaount for ~~ 1 upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Paae, Tully, ;veahington and Zatter- ` Apr ii. Na. ` ~' ,..~ . 1ohn,-4. i - On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. I { ~ ` j ~ is fl ' •~ ~ -~_ 7~o O O _ ~ • , I ~ aorgwlt AYOFt 1SAY 8 1922 H ~t ~ ~ .~ ' T 0 ~i-d r . ~- i ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ;. • ~ ~~ At a Rertuler ifeeting• of the Board of Commissioners, bald in the Commiasionera' ~ ~" ` ~`; i ~. Ohamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kontuolgr0 on lday 8th. 1922. Upon sell of the roll ~ ~~ ~~, c4 ' tho following answered to their namoe: Oommisaionora PaooO Fu111am, Tully and 19ashing- { ~ , ~ i , . ~ ton,-40 ASayor Y.attor,ohn being absent0 tdayor Fro Tom iYaehington proaidod, i On mdti6n of Commiaeioner'Tu11q the minutes of the provioua meetings were ~ k ~ ~ adopted as road upon onll 04 the roll by the following vote: YoaeO Paoe® Pulliam, ( , ~ ` ~ Tully and i7aehington,-40 I ' Oommiasionor ?~ashington offered the followinr~ motion: % move that the peti- r ~~ j Potition of S,. Oitizens asking ~; tion from oitisane Woking that ikl Sanders ba reinstated be reoeived and filed, and j ~ that rA Sandora h ;. be reinstated f ~ bo disauenod by the Commiasionora when all members are present. Adopted upon sell j • ~, on holioe Dept. ~ ; ~~ ii of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pulliam,Tully and lYaehington,-40 >. Report Bom'r0 `•,~ Oommiasioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Finanoo ehbw- ~. ~ ! ~ ins aprortion- ~, Oommiesioner of Public Finanae showing tho apportionment, the am~unte expetx3ed, and mant, nmounta ry' i fi exponded, and ~I tho ba]anooe to the orodit of the various aooounta under tho difforent departments . r he o t ~ ~• : orodit of the y; at the end of April 30th, 1922, be roooived and filod0 Adopted upon Dell of the roll . ' ,,; varione Depts. p ~. on Ap1.30-19220 fI . by the follo•+ving voto: Yesa, Pr.oeO Fulham, Tully, and ~iaahington0-40 ~ 'i ~~ Oommisaionor Tully offered the following motion: %movo that Z0 A0 ~7aohinRtonj~. f ' ~Jaohinaton b.A. Oommieaionor of 1'~~blio Property, be authorized to pitrohaso from the Caron Dirootory Oo.!' . Oom'r. Publio ;i °proporty to pur 1 ~! .for tho use of tho various departmonts of the Oity of Faduoah; ton Oity Dirootorioq at ~' ohnao 10 oopiao Qaron'o Oity ~ $7000 apleoe. Adoptod uron Dell of tho roll by tho following vote: Yoaa, Pane, ' Dirootory. ,, '~ Pu111am Tull and 'Naahinaton -b0 o Y a fi Oomminalonat~ Ptillinm offered tho following motions Y movo that tho foilowinrs , tYiokor ~roo. ~ Bluo Print ~, aooounts bo nliowad and tho Oommiseionor of Finanoo bo authorized and instruoted to ktaotiino wE9b.00c ', ohargod to Sew- ;4 Pay soma: '. , 's Aooounte. Winker Brothore, one blue print maohine:...0,~295.00 ~' - ~ i and .that same be ohargod to Sower DistrioL ~30. Adoptod upon Dail of the roll by ; 'N (, i; tho following vote; Yoaa, pane, Pu111am, Tully and tiYnahingtan,-40 Retort Ohiof of a Oommissianor Paoe offered the following motion: Y move that the report of j Fire Dopartmont~~ . for April 1922. ( the Ohiof of the b'ire De artment for the month of A 11 lf2R b® reoeivod and filed. ' P Pr ; ° ~ Adopted upon Deli of :the roll by the following vote;'yoas,.Pao®, Pulliam, Tully and ~. . i i Washington,-40 ` ~ i i ` • Y • ~,....:iu.;:........~.3.,~~ ..,. .. ... «n : &, vrir,: . / ~ , • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah.. ' ~ _ ' • ' 192_- '° .: ~ J, ~ •._ On motion the Board adfourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ', h° P ; ; .. ~ .:, MAYUh• ~, :; MAY 11TIiL1988. ~ ' At a Oallod J.'.ooting of tho Board of Oommieeionors, hold in tho Oommissionors a.:, `~Ohambor in tho City Hall, Iaduaah, Kontuol'y, on May 11th, 10£8, at 11:8b A. LI. Upon I ~, ~•oa11 of the roll the following answered to their names; Commissionora Paoe, Pu111am, i is + i; Tullyq ;IashinPton and ?,?ayor Yatter,ohn,-b, !r ,'; A4ayor Katter~ohn etatad reasons for call to-wit: For the purpoee of adopt- , 5 • Ding tho Spvoifioations for Sowor Distriot ,r3, the appointmont of a Ohiof iSigineer of I'Sotver Distriot ~3, and sash othor bueinoss as mi?rht come beforo the Doard. ~, Rooolution appoint '' Commissioner Tu11y offerod tho following motion; I move that a resolution ? ing 1lonry A. Pulliam Ohief ~ „ ~. r ~ Hii "~ , ~ vntit].ed, A B.:S01U'_i02! APl'OII;'iIIIG A};ll J3SIGILI~IIIC L:Y A. TULLIA21 pOL'C:.ISSI027r1R OF , ~ :' r~:gineor for Sower ~~3 Distri~t - ; i PUBLIC '10RY.S, AS C?II _:F sT:CIf;:::~t F03 3.;'•r::? DISiT?ICT IdUI"BI.~ Tlfit:'," be adopted. .idopL- i ~ , . ~ j:ed ur,on call 04 the roll bq tho following vote; Yees, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, '.lashing- I' - ,ton and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ ~ ,; ~ '~~' ' Oommiasionvr Pulliam offored tho followinrr motion; I move that a resolu- ,j ,~. ~^ Rvsolr;t Ion eooopt-~ tion ontitlod, "A I?::SUI.U'CIOI' AQO:Il TIRG AI~'D ADOT'i II?0 T)1?•: SI:702FIOAT I0I?S, FORii OF QOL'- ) ,. ~ , ing and adopting ; ' Spooifioationa, , TIIf~CT :1ttD A7r'c??;2,.1a'IC'R T~ BIDD;iiS AS 1R:.'1AR:Sll DY 'C?I: 002.7,SIS3IOT>.:2 OF )'UDT,IO ~70ItI:S i; . . ""~ , oto. , Soccer Die- triot i~3• r~ r . , . r _~?:: r n :. I, p, r r 'r0 La::D :T. CO.L51"2UCT7,_If 0. T??LQ22: Ii.}: i.:•"is.5'i TII SUB-DI 1II02•S A. B. AZID C+ is OP Sa 3 DISi"itICT T?UL:B:i TIi}?:'W," bo adopted. Adopted upon pall 04 tho roll by the !following vote: Yoae, Paoo, Pulliam, Tully, 17eahinaton and Ka.tter]o,hn,-5. h Commissioner Tully offorvd the tollo°+ing motion; I movo tTiet the sum of Cr_rnestio yibrary :! „ allo•ved tho sum • ~;vb00.00 be al]owod tho Carnegie Yibrery and tho Oonmris:iionor of rnblio Finanoo be . 04 :;500.00. ~authoriaod and instruotod to dray shook on the Gonerel I~'und to r.ay same. Adopted , ', upon call of the roll by the followir:R voto; Yeas, Pane, Iulliam, lkrlly, llashington . and Kattersohn,-b. I~ Bord o4 City I)at'7;. Commissioner Tully o4ferod the followirg motion; I move thet the bond of BanL• for yd00000. to soouro tho de- ;; "400 000 of the Cit Rational Bank for the 3d Distriot So•:rer Fiord to secure the w' . Y }or.it'of tho 3rd ! ` Distriot o:vor , do?~osit o4 the 3d Distriot So:ver b`~md, bo ar,rovod. Ado ted uron oel.l of the roll 1T }~ 1 Fund. by tho following vote; Yeas, Paoo, 1•1r111am, Tully,•'lashington and xetter~ohn,-b. r Commissioner fully offered the fol.lc:vin~ motion: I mono that the bond of, Bond of I:ieohani es ' Trust & Sevin~s ;„ ~ X100,000 of the I.'oohanigs 1'e•ust E; Savinp~a Ban1:, for the 3d Distriot So~.ver Fund to Dank for the 3rd ,'• Distriot Sewer soolu•e the deposit o4 the 3d Distriot 5ocror Fund, bo epproved, Adopted upon sell of ^ar:d to secure the 3ol~osit o4 ;~ the roll b the follo:vin. vote; Yeas Page Pulliam Tull '7ashin~ton and 'latterjo}in b Y P o + . J+~ . ' the 3rd Distriot So•:rer A'und, .< Commissioner Tully of4orod t}ro ?'ollo:cing motion; Tho City Iational Dank 'and the 7'oohanios Trust & Savinna BenY_ having oxocuted rnd delivered to the ?3oard of t ;7ynn Tully and ~'Commisaioners a Surety Bond to protect the money deposited in said banks, belonging ' , 3arkin Y.irY_lard, ' trustees, to re- ~ to the Third Distriot Se''rer Fund, ;rhioh ?pond hes boon approved by the Board of r. turn to City t! Iiatl• Bank and Commissionors and said benla hewing hr_retoforo do ositod with "h nn Tull Commi$- I' / Y. I:echanics Trust ~ ~ ~ Savir:vs Bank sionrr o4 lublie Finance, and Tlenkin Y_irkland, Cashier, as trustees, oortain oolleter- , collateral 3enoa-~i al to seci~e said de~ osits ao laced in said banks, I move that said. collateral, in itod :vitii them f> p , , to secure 3rd District Jo:•roY !: the hands of said trust~ea, bo toturnod to the City Tlatlonal Bank and the I'.eohanioa Ftmd . ' ~ Trust and Savinl;a Bank, the Commissioner of Public Finanao taking; the proper re- ioeipt therefor. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the Yellowing vote: Yeav, Paoe, '.Fulliam, Tully, "Icahington end I:attor~ohn,-b. I; i ", b' i ~. ,..• 'f ~ .~»wM. % ~rl_ J _~ V ~ e~ ~ w~ u i ~. _ u ~ ~ Lei~a_w I ' ' ~ ~ , -.. , , ~ ~ {~ u «cvFg ,~ rc+rYr^ ek¢R+ra}we ~~tYe~#u ,~rr+CF+w~y.,~^:~+~a°»^ .-+ .., i . ,w..., .,rlF',t+I'.4~""°d~"{t~,.c...-w_S~'s'~:,~::,.r...$,..,. <W, Ohre"£~~"~"~~w...a.~H+, .^.~,nt_,.r..~: ~e°d v . ~' - , e - :;1 .:: Na_d~£____ Commissioners' Proceedings, Cify. of Paducah ~ 192_ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; The Commissioner of Publio Norks is hereby authorized nrd direatod to ndoortise for bide for the oonstrnotion of trunk lino Dowers in Sewer Distriot $3, said bide to bo roooi.vozi by h1m up to 10 o°olook A. LS., Juno 10th, 1928° when said bids shall bo oponed•at a Publio mooting of the Board of Commiscionora. Adopted upon Doll of the roll by the follotiving vote: Yeas, Paoe; Tully, ~~ashington affi Katter~ohn,-4; Nays, Pulliam,-1. On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. t o* ew `I~ MAY 16TH, 1922. At a Re¢ulnr E;eeting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commiasioners° i Chamber in the City HaYl, Iaduoah, Kontuoky, on Acay 16th, 1928, YJpon'oall of the roll 'the following nnativered to their names; Commiasioners Faoe, ~~7ashinaton and b:ayor Katter-a r ~ 1 'ohn,.3, j l~ On motion of Oommissioner Nashington the minutes of the previous meetings were ~I adopted as read"upon Dail of the roll by the following vote;' Yeas, Paoe, l7ashir.(rton and! ii ICatter~ohn,-$< i !ddi Eiayor Kattor~ohn offered the following motion: Y move that the report of the Report },toCraok- f 4 en Publio Health~1 bloCraoken County Publio Health IJursing hearuo for the month of alpril 1922 be reoeived ~? yoawe for ~- April 1922. i~ and filed, ddoptod upon pall of the roll by the following note: Yoga, Faoo, t7eahing- ' ~`, j~ I .~' ~ ton and Kntter~ohn,-3. Commissioner Tully entered the Commiasioners° Chamber. Commiastoner Faoe offered the following motion: I move that Sam Ho:rell be { - Sam Ho7e11, Dog ~~ ~ Catohor dis- .~ ~isohargod as Doc Catoher, same tal;in~ o"foot iiay 12th, 1922. Adopted upon Dail of the; ' oharged. '1 1 h roll by the following vote; Yeas, Faoo, Tully, :7ashinFton and Kattor~ohn,-4. ' Commnnioation of~'~ Pdayor Katter~ohn offered the fol7owlnp, motion: Y mope thrt the oommunioation •: aitizona rol.ativ~ ~ ~ z; from oitizond3~at 19th and Clay Strout, requesting extension of i7ator I?airs, bo re- ~:. ,to oa•'ten:~lon of jl ~ "later L,r_lns on i ferred to the Commissioner of Fublie :7orks. Ado ted on Dail of the roll b the fol 19th & Clay re- ~~_ p ~ y ferred to Com'r..~ lo'ninq vote; Yeas, Faoe, Tully. :7eahingtor and Xattor~ohn,-4. Fublia ;7orks. i. , !r ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the oommunicntion;~ ~D.Harrq Jamieson of D. Harry Jamieson, Secretary of the i;xohano-o Club cf Paducah. be reaeivo3 r_nd re- -ICommunioation ' s,irelative to ~ `''.ferrezl, do the Commissioner of Iublio Safety. Adol:ted upon Dail of the roll by the ' i 19hitennd j,,yers , 'rlChautaugna with ~ follo:ing vote; Yeas, Faae; Tully. :7ashington andraltter,ohn,-4. i'~, .rxohange Clnb of,; }` Paduoah• ~ Coromiaaioner Tully offered the following motion: It appoarinc that an error wa8 w Tax Bill X235, ~ made in the assossmont of George Aernhnrd for the ;;ear 1921 whereby he was assessed on ~ tax ~'10.00.oor- ; '~";soled and re- '~,taa bill X235 :rich property 93 x 100, 6th & Terrell Sta. ,5446.00, the tax on same be- fundol to Ceo. `,'Bernhard s^stete.y ing ;~1Ot00 and this property belonging to Belle Terry and she having paid taxes on ~~same on tax bill X4$03, I move that the sum of. X10.00 ba refunded to the•estato of ii f ~ George Bernhrrd. Adopted upon oa l~of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa, Faoe ~ 1ffff 6~~ TtA ly,~Nashington and Katterlohn,-4. ~ iNational S°u'ety Ii ~ Commissioner Tul offered the following motion, Y mono that the 1lation¢1 '. ~Co. released on N _ ~', ~ Henley B~anklin " ~'e~ Comparnr be released from the bonds of the following parties: ~ ~: E. 7f. Stuart 1 . Henley F'ranklln . C ~.H.Pooro. ~ ~•. :7. Ste:vart Fld Sandora and . L :7. H. Poore , ~ Sanders and j. a.1i.Itltohell. i~ N, E+. Alitohell - said parties no longer being in the employ of the City: Adopted upon pall of the j ~ roll by the following pots; Yoas, Faoe, Tuliy~ "7aehinaton and Y•atter~ohn,-4. ~ ., ~ „ _.. M ~~ S ..+~:.u Q. ' +;: ~':.. '' 4 s, ' ~wr~~ ~~ ~' ;~~ f 'm~._.. _.. ' '~ ~: ~ r.. ,, ,, .... . ,, ... .• . " Na~ Half Itoliday '' Commissioner Tu]ly offored the following; motion: I move .that p,,ayor F. '9, Friday h?ay 19th, 192E, beginning ! jCatter~ohn be authorised to daolare•e half holiday on Friday !.!ay 19th, 1922, be- at noon. " ginning at noon, and issue his proolemation to that effeot. Aftopted upon oell of ~ the roll by the followingr vote: yeas, Teoa, Tully, i7ashingtoa end Ketter~ohn,-4. On motion the Board ad~ournad uion oall of the roll by 4 yees. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah, ' 192-~ ~~ . • , ~,.or ZSAY 18TH. 1922. " k At a Called }.:eating of the Board oY Commissioners, held in the ¢ommisaionors° Chamber in the Cfty Hall, Faduaah, Sentuo}qr, on I,I¢y 18th, 1922, et 2:30 O'olock F.k~. ~~ Upon oell oY the roll the YollowinFr enswared to their nemes; Piommissionara Fulliem, ~? • ;; Tully, '3eehinaton and 2,teyor Yxtter Sohn,-4. y F . ~. I,Iayor I:atter~ohn stated reasons for call to-wit: For the purpose of ellowipg certain bills egeinst Sewer Diatriat ~S, and such other business that might oane b.e- ~. - fore the Board. Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion:. I move ~thet the following Aoaounts oY;- ~ aoooimts be allo:ved and the Commissioner of Fublia Fin¢noa be authorized and in- L:etC»3f Ee. iYldy, , w594,56, '.7.YI•.Hor- ~ struotod to 'pay sema end ah¢rge to Third llistriot Se:vera; ,~ nor, y22G:45 and ; Bo¢aloy L'erble & + >ubtoelY and :Iidy ...................y~594.56 vranito Co. e~e.irat ';7. '.Y. Horner ..............-......... 226.4b ' . ,. So~•ver Distriot_ ~3 ~ Beasley 1'erble & Granite Co........ 30.00 >. ellowed. ii Adopted upon call of the roil by the follo:vinri cote; Yeas, Pulliam, .Tully, 7lashing+ .. -, ton and Ketterfohn,-4. Commissioner 1'eee entored the Commissioners' Chamber. F On motion the Board ad~o,aned upon sell of the roll,bp 4 yeas, ' 1 F I rKr Ur* •,q,XGY. • j~ ZEAY 20TH, 1922. ~~ tat a Called bieetinP., oY the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commissioners' Chamber in tho City Aall, Ia1luoah. Y_entuoky, on 1I¢y ?.0th, 1922,.at .10:30 O'olook A.Id. j Upon call of the roll the fol7ovring answered to their namae: Commissioners Ieoe° , Fulliam, Tully, .Tashington erd I:,eyor ;;ettor~ohn,-5. ' ~! Lleyor Y.etter~ohn statod reasonH for oall to-wit: Fir the purpose of allo;ving ~~ hay-rolls for firest half oS I[ay 197.2, and arrv other buainoos t}~t might oome before the Boerd. Report of Com'r. ', Commissioner Tully oYYered the follovrirg motion; I move th¢t the Fay-roll Yor 1, i-uLl~io Fin¢r.co oY' if ' 1.^_y-roil for let the Yirst ha7Y of hay, amounting to w6990.87, as per the report of the Commiasidner he7f of 1'a y,1922.:~ • of Publia Finanoo filed here.rith, be allo••vod ark. ordored paid and the money appro- • '' '; priated fr xn tha Gorara] Fund to hay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yoas, Face, Iulliam, Tully, ^eahinaton end 7ettorJohn,-5. Commi.asionor Tully offored tho follo".vinP motion: I move thet the T¢y-roll Iay-roll for 3rd for the 3d District :Iewor, for the 7st half of Its?, ¢mounttt•.~ to .fb67.93, also Cash Dtstrlat Savor for l t half of r for posta~o umountinz to .;]0.00, be ellowod ¢rrl ordorod p¢id ¢nd the Commis:aioror i:r:y 19 c2, !i n of Fub11a i+'in~~nao be e:ahorizad and tnstruota,t to 3ra:r oNeaks n_a¢tnst ti,e ho. 3. - i District So'aor rand 4oaount to ray srmo, sadol;ted uT;on o~7] of tiro roll by the 1i follo:rin~• vote: Yeas, Faae, Ful7lem, Tu]ly, :7¢shington and Yatter~ohn,-5. . F. F _ ` ~~. o- n~~ien .xis ,i ,o i ~ui niarn n i i ~ =ut~m inn neon u. i ' -. _i _ i~ i wni i in i - ~- - i "i __ --_._ ~ o rr-:.gar-nr..r4-~~-•- -nr~m-r~`7 ,_:~ Na3o ' ' 192-~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah :; . On motion the Board ad~onrned upon oeYl of the roll by 5 yeas. AiMi ~~`-~ y~il~~ .d~'P'~33 ~,~ a3'+~~YOa. ZiAY 22nd. 1922, M;z ~;.. i ~~:~,. At a Regul¢r 1:teeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' ~~ ;i '•i ~Rdhamber 1n the City Hall, P¢duoah, Kentucky, on Liay 22nd, 1922. Upon Dell of the roll ~j•' the following ans:vered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam. Tully, :7eahington, ~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~.,. and ETayor Xatterjohn,-b. ! , 1 ~ On motion of Commissioner Tul]y the minutes of the previous meetinao were I ' *adopted as reed upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam,Tully, ~ 1~ ~ ~~ ~ Y¢shinaaon andr:a.ttor~ohn,-6. ~ ~ 1 Communio¢tion ~ btayor Katter'ohn offered the following motion; Y move that the communication ~. from Grocer's ~~ relative to ilfrom Grocers of the City of P¢duoah be received and that the matter be referred to the ,olcsing on ~' gundny. ~rCommisaionor of Safety and enforce the law, Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow:, d I( p;` ~ ing vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully., '+7ashinaton and Katter~ohn,-b. ~~ ,. f Report Com'r. ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of i Finance rele- L ~ ~,•'tive to y531.25,`;the Commissioner of Public Finance, with reference to the deposit of interest of ~ j' interest qn " k ~ ~ ~ ,. Iaberty Bonds ~y~b31.25 to the credit of the Sinking F,~nd, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of on deposit ea jj he roll b the followinr~ vote: Yeas. Paoe Pulliam,Tu11 "7aahin.2ton and Y.atter ohn b. ' `.,i Sinking Fnnd, t y . y,• a ,- '' t, i `~. ~ ~ Con7niseioner Taoe offered the fol]owinrz motion: Y move that the resir*.nation } t.Resignation of of Lallie Sullivant, as Fireman, be accepted. Adopted uron call of the roll b~ the I,allie Su111- ~ iYeahinaton and Katter$ohn ~% vant. ~,fol3owinq vote: Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully. ,-b. ~; Oommisaionor '~7ashington offered the following motion; I move that L'r. James ! Jes.A.t•:ulliaan ji A. Idullign.n be authorized to maY.o repairs. such as papering, oto., of the old STursos' to make repeirs~i ~ of old nuraoa' }IFIomo at Riverside Tlospitai, an3 that this Board P..o on record that they will lease him {. Home. and Board !a ,..: to extend his th© building for six months more after Attaust 8th, 1922. Adopted upon Dell of the roll ~, ;lease 6 months. ~ ,j ~ ~, by the following vote: Yeea, P¢oe,Pu111am,Tully.TYaehington and Y,attersohn,-b. u ~- ,, 'i Commissioner .7ashington offered the Yellowing motion; I move thet the ro- `{. .~ Fotn•9i Street ~ C . Brill§e re-wiring wiring of fourth Street Bridge be awarded to Katter~ohn-&1o0auloy ;aectrio Comp¢r~q Por t oortraot award- ell to Xattor- ';y"247.00, as per his bid of they 22nd, 1922. and the cost of same be peid out of the john-1IcCAuley Bleotrio Cow ;.Contingent Fund, Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, ~Fulliam, Tully, .7ashington and Katter~ohn,-b, '- ,i Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion; Y move that F. ?*. Truess be f ~, F.H.Prness ?~ x. appointed as (appointed ea a fireman. Adopted upon call of the roll by the foll.o~inr vote: Yeas, f, ' e fireman. ;; f '` f; Faoe. Pulliam, Tu]ly, :7ashinRton and Kat.tor9ohn,-b. ~' ~~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that the Commie- I ~; ~~ +.. Commissioner ofh signer of Tub11o 'dorks be.authorized to ~o to Louisville 1.'ay 23rd, ¢t the City°s~ex- { Pub]io '•7orks to ~: ~ ~. go tb LonievillA penes, to be present at the opening of bids for sower construction in that. City and to } in interest of ;; ~ ~ i~. 3rd District ~}investigate the suutem of bookkeeping for cor~atruotion purposes, which has been used in . ~ $ewela• "i ~ .~ ' (;that City, and to neP.otiate with possib]e applicants for position as iTipineer Inspect- ,` ors on Iaduaeh Seger Construction, and the exT,enae ino:u•red charged to Sewer District ~ i~3 Fund. Adopted upon Dell of the roll bq the following vote:. Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, j ~ fj'Tully and ~7aehing4on,-4; Neys, Xatter~ohn,-1. Y T.iaette Sohafer~ Wayor Katter~ohn offered the following.motiom: I move that an Ordinance prorortq pur- ~ ont itled "Ali' ORD INAITCE AU THORI3IidG A1dD D IRr.'CTING F. ~7. F,A TTr1t JOH2i 1S¢yos OF THE F ohasod for rirrhl+ ? , of way for 3rd '~ .~~ District Sew- ~ CI,I'Y OF TADUCAH, K;.1~ITUCKYi Ta PURCHASE Cr'.RTAIId FROP:RTY TO BG USA AS A RIGHT OF :7AY er by ordi- ' rianoe. ~ FOR THE COTtSTRWTION OF TRUNK bIN: Sb""ERS YN SEt7F~2 DISTRICT Y10. 3, B~.Oh'GIIiG TO LIZKTTE 1 s ,- ~„ .,.. .` '`:"..'` ., -e'er°°--°- . - ,. ~- _.. `` ....a ., %...y . ~ ,..,~ a .... ... , ~ . . ,. h s;, ~:;; , . ~~, ,. ~`: W `_ pa '.. ~, 'rY`. _ ^^"""t .~ 6i~n. ~,,. - Na 3 /. • ~ Commissioners' Proeeedings,~City of Paducah . ~ 192 , :SCHAF'R i~1;D Hr.'R IIUSBAND, A. i`. SCF1~F•~, LOCAT:s`D AT 1716 ZLIDISON STR:s'ET," be intro- ducod and lay over. Adopted upon oall oP the roll by the Yollowirg vote: Yeea, Paos, . ~,~~ ' ! Fulliam, Tully, yashington and KatterJohn,-b. !, , i~ iayor KatterJohn offered the following motion; I.move that Roy Stewart and ' ~ Roy 5te~rxtrt and ~ his wife.. C. Sta:vart, be paid the awn of w2?b.00 for right oP way through property at' ' ,.. vrifo, C. Ste~:rart, ,: "~" paid :275.00 for 19th & Broadway Por right oP way Por Third Distriot Se:•rer, and oharge same to 3xd r irht oP rray thru t%:cir property at !Diotriot Se:vor l,ooount, and that F, e(, lCattorJohn be, and ha is hereby authorized to 19th & Broadway , - ' Por Sorer Dis- sign a,>reement to that eYPeot. Ado}~ted upon oall oP tho roll by the Pollorring vote; - triot ~3. ` ;Yeas, Faoe, Fulliam, Tally, :7ashington and KatterJohn,-b. • I On motion the Board adJourned upon oall oP tho roil by S yeas. i • ~ ~' N~~~ 1f ~"~ ' F ..,~P~'F„O V`Fi1T t ~ ~ !~ ~, ~ Y i ~Y~)K ~ ~I MAY E9TH, 1922. w . ;. 'I ~ 'I ~; At a Regular Lasting oP the Board of Commissioners, held in the Couaniaeionara' ~, j Chambor in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on biay 29th, 1922. Upon oa11 of the roll i "the following ans:rered to their names: Commis:rioners Paoe, Pulliam; Tu11y, iVeahington, j' and },iayor KatterJohn,-b. II Ori motion oP Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt 1 • li ed as read upon oall oP the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fulliam; Tully, • l ~{ i7aehington and ZatterJohn,-b. , • • ' y ti Layor KatterJohn offered tho following motion; I move that the. City Solioitor ' City Solicitor to „ • k i - ' tost validity oP ;~, be, and he is hereby authorized and dirooted to take the neoeasery steps in th6.11o- ~ .. ~~ ~ Section 3095-A tA G. in Courts re- ! i Craakan Cirouit Court and in the Court oP appeals oP Y.er,tuaky, to test the validity , lative to condemn ,: „~ r_tion oP property ;, oP Seotion 3095-d to G, under which the City ie prooeelino to oondemn certain private-• ; by City Por so:ver right oP way i; property for a right oP Lva;r or easoment for the oonatruotion oP sewers in Sub-Division t !' a., B. and C. in $esvar Distriot ~3.. Adopted upon oall oP the roll by thA Following ' ( 9ote; Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, 9ashington end KatterJohn,-b, - . ; Liayor KatterJohn oPPered the following motion; I move that the letting of the ~! Letting oP oon- it oontraot Por the oonstruotion oP se:rers in Sub-Divisions i,., B. and C., in Sever I tract; or oon- i~ ~ ' atruotion oP 3rd '. Distriot lp3, whioh letting has been set for June 10th, 1922, be postponed until the ~ . ' Distr~et Sewer i ` di i i ' } postpor,od, nq :vhioh the C ty, s prooee ;; City Solicitor has tested the validity oY the law under • ';; to oondemn oertain property for a ri,*ht oP way or easoment for the coratruction of i; servers in Sub-Divisions A. B, and C. in Sever District ~3, adopted upon oell of the !; roll by tho Pollorrinr~ vote: Yeas, Psae, Tully, '.7ashington and 'latter John,-4; iSays, i Fulliam,-l. i C Commissioner `.7ashington oPPered the following motion: I move that the report deport uom'r. of ~; ~' :' Fublic Iroperty ',i oP the Co:rmm.issionor of F:.blio Property of the distribution of expenses and oolleot- ~ oP eypenaes & P P th i tat t h h Collootiona o er w a~s emen o e t ions of Riverside Fospital Por-the month oP April, toPOt :livorside ?iospit-;, ~. al Por i,pril,als o; comparative expenses and ooilootiona for the four months oP 1921 and 1922, up to ~ conn~arative '~,_ statement &o. ~! April 30th, 1922, be reoeinod and Piled ar,d same be published in the OPfiotal 11ews- ! ~• ~ - ;, pap or. eldopted upon oall of the roil by the Po]lowing vote: Ynas, Paoe, Pu111nm,Tully ~. ~- ' ~ :7ashington and Katter John,-b. -,; ~, ;,.. : ~; Commissioner '•4ashington oPPered the followin~e motion: I move that the Report ~ ' Report Supt. oY ~ i~ it ivarside i?osj~tt -;~ oP the Superintendent oP.tha Riverside Hospital Por the month of April 1922, showing !~ . al Por i.pril ; . 1922• ~ the orpandituree and oolleotiona, together with the amount oP unpP.id bills and also th 4 ,' ', report e:ho~ving patients entoradr pumbeT aP hoapi~al layer etor~ be reoeivod and P1leQ~ ~ - ~`~°~'~~~ i}~,0}1 4~~~ °~ ~fi'~ }'O~~ ~'~' 1'~?P ~fl~~°4i}~'" ngtp} Y(lRR} ~e~°1 ~tl}~~°f~l T}}a~9~ - ,. a}.~ ~.~ . .. , ..o.~~,~~,y,~-":~ ""P""*?48'~39'~'S°N~ ~ M. ~.... , ..... ,~, ,w.. .a ~ &i+7r<`~F;SC„s'fi.~;?^.'~?.A"k°T'i^d~~P!41~'>'n""'f "r"a'~'~.rn~.. n wr-+7`F+z'... ; ~`.n".! ,n: ~'~Y,e~z~ ,~:u'..~%:~" ... `_ ~ - ~~„-,, ~~~~:i. i . ~ npa ll ° rl ~;:,, I;;i oi~ iI ..' -, i~:u n,~~i I~ 111' ,,. .. ,.,a ~~. `r+M;"~^,'yi I,~ . it~^ Ir-...,:., ~~ ~r~ ~ II ~ I I I I I I I I I q "' I I; o I , f I f 6 °r ~;~,r ~r 1' n ., -.. M. ~. •• ~ _ ... ,.,-. . , ~~ I '. y i - :: ... -- .. ~ . .. Na '3e? _ . Commissionel's' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 198-- °' ~i Commissioner Pulliam offered the follovrinn motion: That the report oY Sewer I „ Reports of 3e:ver +t ;, `Dietriot ~`3 ea- ''. District Ido. 3 expenditures for April 1922 and the report of tho Street Department j ~„ pon3ituroa for ~ ~; ,April; also- I~'for A ri1 1922 be receive and filed. Ado•tod u on sail of tho r oil b the followin ~ - ~' Street Dopte ii I? r. p Y g i ~~ ,! vote: Yeas, 1'aae, Pulliam, Tully, "~daehinaton and Y.atter3ohr,,-b. Copy of Socrer Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: That the Dopy of the Sewer i. ~ flans and Speoi i emu. . ficetions appaove3 plena and the Dopy of the Speoifioationa for Se:vor Diatriet Iio. 3, 9ub•Divisiona A. I by State Board. ji t. • "i4~ of Realth~ in re:~ Bt and C., returned from the State Board of Health, marked "Approved by the State ~ ~~" $e:ver District ,,~. s, ~ #3°. ~ Board ~gineer" be received erd filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the folloningl , ~ + ~ vote: Yeas. Page, Fulliam, Tully, :7ashinitton and Y,atter Johr+,-5, I `~ ~ +~ I ~ • ~ ! On motion the Board adfourned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas, ~ ~:. ~ I ~, . V .Gi ~_C.r~C,WY J~~.1J f v ~~ Report City _- Solicitor, in rep awards assessed ! ::" by Commiseionere~ rifrht of .way ~ for trunk line I sewers in Sewer + "~`~~~ Dietriot $3. i i ?;:{Report City 90- ''tlioitor in re• ~fDeeds executed y!!by T. i7,Plalior, FLaster Oommie- X`,~6ioner, &o., ~„ }in re right of wag Yor , tr tvilc ';dine seROre in ;,Sower District ~; ~ #a. ~, ,; i ~, ~; T~ . R~t.~. ~" , + .. JUYFro 3RD, 1922. At a Called F.}eating of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommissioners° 9hamber in the City Hall. Faduoah, Kentucky, on June 3rd, 1922, at 11:30 0°olook A. ai. ~ . Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their nam®®: Commissioners Taoe,Fulliam,' Tally, Yessshington and Fdayor Katter,ohn,-b. Btayor Katter'ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For the purpoao of hearing re-', Port of the City Solicitor on condemnation of right of way for sewer District #3, and any other business that may Dome before the Board, ! Pdayor Katter,ohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of the j City Solicitor, dated b'ey 31 at, 1922, relative to awards assessed by the Board .of Com- ~ _ miesioners, in the case of F.:~.Yetter,ohn, P;iayor, &o. , aos.inst Thomas .Varren, &o. , pending in the %oCra.oken Circuit Court, be received and filed. Adopted upon gall of the'' roll by the following vote: Yeas,Faoe,Fulliam,Tully,;Yashington and Kattor~ohn,-be ~~ Tuiayor Katter,ohn offered the following motion: I move that the report of the City Solicitor, dated Prey 29th, 1922, showing the number of deeds procured and exoouted by T. A. L'311or, Piaster Commissioner in the action of F• 'A. Ketter~ohn, Puayor, &c. , ~ against Thomas :Yarren, Pos., pending in the E}oCraoken Circuit Court, for a right of way or easement for the oonatruotion of trunk line sonars in Sewer District No. 3., be i rooolved and filed, and that Lhe Commissioner of Fublio Finance is hereby authorized arid. " + . directed to issue checks to the defendants, or ,7, C, Seaton, Clerk of the ft}oCraeken " Circuit Court, the amonnta hereinafter set-out, which are the amounts awarded by the Commiasionerg and assossod as damages for said right of way and confirmed by the Court.; The defendants erd the amount to be paid to each are ea follows, to-wit: j Dz;F:IIDAIdT ~ AIIOUIdT I F}.A.I}odPO and wife ,Davie }Todge,or 'A, C.Soaton,Olnrk.........e ...............$ 5.00 J.:Y.Jonos and :vifo,:7]a Jonoa, or '.Y.C.Seaton,C]ark ......................... 5.00 P,trs.Clera Iiomnin, or '7. C.Sonton,C]ark ...................................... b.00 j Forquoon Hardwood Lvmbor Co, or "1.0,Soaton,Clork ........................... 5.00 j Faduoah Igo Company, or 'A, C.Soaton.Clerk ................................... 6.00 ! Alrs.h:ary :,.>gallory and her husband,E.l.ldallory,or l7.'J.Seator.,Olark......... b. 00 ~ • Je~V.Deaaley and wife,Fannie Faasloy, or A.C. Seaton,Clerk ................... b.00 j F. H.Jones,or ~Y,C.Seaton,Clerk.......... ..................................... 6.00. i~ bleat Kentucky Coal Oompany, or '.7.C.Seaton,Clerk ............... ............ b.00 Jas. C.Utterbaok and Faduoah Box & Bsakot Co,or "A. C. Seaton,Clerk............ b.00 look-Redford Elevator Co., Kont~ioky %levator & t,Ti111ng Company,Citizerla ' Savings BAnk;or•tY.C.Seaton°Clerk ................................... 6.00 I~ Langstaff-Orm 7,umber ComPeny, or 'A. C, Seaton, Clerk ....................... 6.00 Plrs.Addie Cald:vell, or 'l.C.Soaton, Clor k ........................ .......e.. 6.00 a H. 17.Kattor,ohn and wifo,I}ellie Kattor~ohn, or 'A. C. Seaton, Clerk............ 6.00 ,' N.A.Bu.ford and wifo,9arah Buford, or 9.C.9eaton, Clerk...e.....e.....e..... 8.00 {. J,~Ye$easloy and ,vile. Fannie IIeaaley, Oscar Beasloy and wife,Rttth Beae.ley, and ',Y,l.Beaoleq and :vifo, Jeanie Beasloy,or ~7.C.9oaton, C1ork........e be00 h4ike Isoman and wife, Ameatdn Iceman, or :V.C.9eaton,Clerk ................... 6.00 Lh•c.P3innie Bernhard and i~rs.1}innie Bernhard,rxeoutrix of Oeo.Bernhard, ~q ' deoeaae8, or A. C.9eaton,Clerk.........a..e..........e.....a...e..r.... b.00 Ida i:. Jonnings and husband., C. E.Jenninas,or W.C.9eaton,Clerk ............... b.00 ! O.li.Jenningc nnd,wile,Idm 1weJenninga, or ;.YeO.Seaton,Clerk....e...a..e.ae..a 8.00 j ,_ , _. ._.. , ~,. ~. ~'• ts, ~`'• . s,' .~. . ~... ~' r' i , ~ . .. l~' I Na~>~ Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah ' ` ' 192._,: DF..~rtmaxT e~touNT ` ' ~°Daniel Chapman and wife,Annie Ohapmen, Zare.liinnle Bernhard and lire. rginnie Bernhard, lxeoutrix of Geo.Bernhard, d.eoe4aed, 4r iv. C. -~` Seaton, Olerk .. ....... ................•...........-....•.........~ ~,E.O.Terrall,or-,7.O.Seaton,0]erk . .......... ............................. 6.00 b.00 j tY.C.O'3rion, or '.9,C.Seaton, Olerk . ........... .......................... 6.00 ~ . ~.. „J.A.Drew and wife, Addle Draw, or N. O. Seaton, Olerk ....................... 5.00 ,,. J.H.Hardieon and 1w. Hardison, or.'.7.C.Soaton, Clerk ........................ 60.00 j. , F..b?otzpor,ialen 1..".etzger,w7Arrar i.?etzger,F.L. A'etz2er,Y•atie 1?etzger,Hnrry ' - 3?etzaer end Yanl ?w;etzgor, or ':7.C.3oaton,Cler k ..............:..........r b.00 f 'Adopted upon calf of the ro71 by the following vote; Yeaa, ]'soo, Pulliam, Tully, . "•laehington and KatterJohn,-5. ,•~ ~ , ' • ~ Oommiaeioner Pulliam left the Oommi9eionera' Ohamber. , .. • Doeda sot-out in Mayor Katter~ohn offered the fo]lowing motion: I move that the de eds set out report of City oitor accepted Soli and ',; in the report of the City Solicitor, dated Juno 3rd, 1928; deeding right of wasp or apirovod. easement for oonatruotion of trunk line sewers, be accepted and approved. Adopted ~ upon osl] of the ro71 by the following vote; Yoae, Paoo, Tully,.'"Yaahingt-n and Katter• + 'john,-4. h?ayor Kntter~ohn offered the fol]owinR motion: I mono that J. H. and M. J.H. amt M.Hardieon' ' ellaaed additionC 1 ;IIardieon be allowed the additional sum of y~60.00 for a right of way or easement for ~ ~ `•, anm of X50.00 for ri+rht of gray in re jtho oonatruotion of tr:u~k line ae7+oro over their property; and the Oommiealoner o! ; 3rd Uistriot Sower. ,,;~. ! Public Finance is hereby authorized Lo issue check to them for said awn, and charge uame to the 3rd Diotriot Sewer. Fund Aooount, Adoi~tgd upon calf of the roll by the "~' ~:fo]lowin+e vote: Yeas, 1'noe, Tully, wnuhington and Kntter~ohri,-4- Oommieeioner Pulliam entered the Oommiaaloner6' Ohamber. '. (~ ~ . aosor qo I. o approve triot Sewor,'he aaoepted, and the Oommiaaiorior of Pub]io Finnnoe ie hereby authorized !; and directed to leans oheo}: to George ::. A11en, Agent oP ~A,ILilarren, R-o., for the * ~ ~ ,~ sum of w]85-00, which ie in full payment for said property and charge same to the ~ , - jl Third District Se:aer Aaoount. Adopted upon call of the goal by the following vote; ~•,;;. fi Yeea, Paoe,Pn111am,Tuliy,rYaehington and Katter~ohn,-5. ,~.." ~; i' 1"iayor Katter~ohn offered Lho following motion; I move that the erereement ' • Af;r'oemont from J-A.~1~ betlvoen Dr. J. A. Aoroe anA Dlra, Dlanohe Aaroo anA the Oity of Paducah, Kentucky,, Aorao and l.xa, Dlanoho +".ogee to ~ ~ decd rirtht oi" way ~; wherein Ehe acid J, H- Aoroo and ]..rn. H]anohe Aaroe agree to axeoute nnd,Ao]ivnr to City of ]'aduonh doed to the. Oit oP 1'aduoah Y.ontuoY.y, to Lot tdo. 1 D].ook No. 1 Fountain Park for ao•:ror purposes Y • • for .1700.00. „ Addition, the purahacie price of rrhioh is X7700.00, be aooapted, Adopte4 upon call !. of the roil by the following veto: Yoae, 1'noe, Pnllirun, Tully, ',Vaahington, and Kattor~ohri,-b- ,` Agreement from Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I moos that the aEereement ,,! ' ~'.:i.Bradhhaw to R Bradshaw and the City of Paducah, Y.entuoky, wherein the paid Bradshaw ' ' ' doed right of r+ay , between ?. . { to City oP Iaduoah,' I for aa:vor purposes,,. agrees to doed to the Oity oP 1'aduoeh, Y.entuoky, for the sum of ^1Fb0.00, a lot 60• for w1250.00. feet by 170 feet, more or lase, which is a part of the homeplaae of the Bradahnwe at. 19th Street, 1f extended, and ].:cares Street, be aooapted. Adopted upon cell of the. r.. ', !; roll by the follo:vina• note: Yeas,Faoe,Pu111em,Tully,9ashinP,ton andLatterlohn,-5. Iieyor Katter~ohn offered the follo:vinA motion: I move that an ordinance Ordirerae euthoriz< ins F,'.7.lattor~ohn; entitled "AII ORDIII:;IJC/i AliTHORI9.IIJG i.L'D DIR CTIIIG F. W. KATTrl?JOHN, JJJlYOR (tF TIIB CITY ' i.:ayor to purchase prol~ert;; from OF PADUCAH, Iu.IdTUCI'.Y, TO PURCNinS?. C:'JtTdIId IP.OPr^.:tTY TO AE U3;9 AS A RI3HT OF '.9AY F()R iizotto Schafer ar~d A. r'.Sohafer for TR3 CONSTRUCTIOII. OF 74?UiJl: LIIJ:; SIs'~::RS IIJ SI•:'':1t DISTRICT IIO. $, BI;IAIIGING TO LI7.KTTy, , x3,000.00 for ao:v-. or piu•I;oaos, SCI°:•lI AIJD Iir:.' IiUSBAt`D, A. F, SCIL1Fi•~t, LOCATi9 .:T 1716 L7ADISON 9TRi:~T." be adopted. ` ` ~ ~ Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pnoe, Pulliam, Tally, - i J7eahington acrd Y,atter~ohn,-b. ' '' l Deed from ;7. H. ~' 2wayor Katter~ohn offered the fo114wing motion; I nwno that Lhe deed from ;7araan and others, t; ir. ro rirrht of way ;; tJ.H.;4arron &o., who ago the hoira and .only hoira at law of Thomas :7arren, deceased, for 3rd lliotriot !' ' a e~tod and ~ to the Oity of Poduoah Kentuolcy for property located on the route of the Third Die,. .i .~..~ ~.si,1•TR.(~,.. „.n,,. r:: ~~•~?r~r' ...~..A' ~ ~v. ... 5~"".N*ae..' '"fCMn.~' d". ..fiFY.:Y. w.. CN ~ ..r. S wl?vAT r7~'Wkdi r 7. ~~ ' :-i.:rl :~i ~ .~ ~ ; ~:-:;,~,Ipo ,~i r,p..i ~~ .. i ,i~ r~r, ii~~ll r.:Rlq'.nq 'pi.a'. ip ie, fie; iP,l i~ji;:n : I i r qp~i.-ill'1h I"P 'r ~ ~~ ^iii ~ n; I f-~ i I ,~yu ~~ Inl I "f` -~GI' ,. • w~-... f ~ r i ~ ~., .:, ....., !` Ai ~ #; ' a ' ~ Cominissionera° Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 19B__ p:. . „.;, . } On motion the Board, ad,onrned upon call of the roll by b yeas, I ~ 'I '' \T I I - s' ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~Lr ~~L~ :' li JUN70 6T11. 19££. •'' I At a Regular Meeting; of the BoarB of Oommiseionere, held in the Oommiesior,ers° i ,~`'"~ ~ ~ jLOhamber in the;0lty Hall, Paducah, Kontuoky, on June bth, 19££,- Upon call of tho~roll . d , ;'the following anowered to their names: Oommissioners Psae, Tully, Tdaahingtoxs and }•layor i IKatter~ohn,-4. t ~ , pry motion of Oommiesionor Tu11y tho minutoa of tho previous moetings worn , , , ~ ddopted ne read upon oail of the roll by tho fol3ow.ing voted Yons, Pnae, Tts13Y, '~7aehing-i ~' 4 ( ~ ton and Kattor'ohn,- . 1 . - Oommie.aianer Fu111am ontornd the 0ommieaioners' Ohamber• ! Report and lay- ~ ii Oommiaoionor Tuily,offorod tho following motion; I move that the Fay-roll for 7 of i7~nn ro Tu].ly;0om r•A4 - ! the ]cat half of tho month of P~1gy, amosuttinR to ;~®703.£0, ao }nor the re}port of the Finance Tor taut halt of Oommtotiioner of Iub11a Flnanoe filed herearith, be esllowod and ordered paid and the manoy, May,19££e ! ' I ' onmo• Adopted upon call of the ro71 by the letppropriaCad from the Oonoral Lhsrn& to pay ~` hhh +!foilo•rririg vote; Yoaa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, t7ashington ar,d Y.attor~ohn,-8• I ' Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motions 8 move that the Pay-roll for tlse PaY-rb'~~ for ;. 3rd District !!3d District Soarer, amounting to x^696.80, for the last half of the month of }slay, be ~, Se:tior for last s„ half of bdtly, !1 ~, ;nilo;ved and ordored paid and tho Oommissioner of FuDlio Finance be a uthorized ar~d in- ` 18££. !~ i ~struo.ted to .draw checks against the Special Sewer Fund Aooount to pa; samo• Adoptod lupon dell of the roll by the following votos Yeae, 1'aee, Fulham, Tu11y, l7aahinRton and ` ~ 1 Katter~ohn,-ba Oommieaionor Tully Offered the following motions The usvn Of ~b0.00 having I ~~been paid into the Troaoury, as evidenced by the rooeipt filed herewith, Y movo that llemotery doed to Mr e.Florenoe !deed be executed to Rlra. Florenae.Aurst for I,ct ~4 in A1ook ~£ on-the South Side of ' Horst. II • ~'( ~$annan Stroet, betwoon Baker ~ Rlillor Streets, in Oak Orove Oomotery• Adoptod vpon , ; ~aa11 of the roll by tho following vote;. Yoas, Faos, Pulliam, Tully, V9ashintrton and ~~Kattor~ohn,-0• { ~. i Oommisoioner Tully offered the following motions The sum of ~46t3.36 having:,beQn~~~ a.'.. 11a1t or Oeroal !ipaid into tho 'Preasury, togethor with application to sell malt or dares] bevorages, Y -. ~ Bovorage :Fioenae~ issued to Theo ;move that lioonso be granted to Theo Peters to sell walk or ooroel beverasres or any I Peters x`1040 ` ~ „~ Broadway. ; admixturea thereof, at 1040 Broadway, from June 1st to December 31st, 1922. Adopted j r~ , upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeas, Pace, Pu111am, Tully, Nashington ! I r, `ti ~ lf. ;!and Kattor'ohn,-b. i ;. i< j'jRiasaaohut~otte ~„ Commieaienor Tully offered the following motions I move that tho R",asenohu- fBondinrz a: Ins ~• o ~ ">' •• `Co. roleaaed on ~?sotta Bondinz & Inauranoo Oo• be re]oased from the bond of D• H• Oounoil• Adopted upon ; ` Bond of D H• ~ ~ Council. ~ioell of the roll by the followint! votes Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, '7ashington and ''Katter,ohn,-b• ~ Mayor Katterlohn offered the following motions I move that tho report of the '. "- ! Roport of Oity ~ ~ Solicitor in a01ty.Solioitor, in regard to right of way procured for the Third District Sorer, be j ' y regard to rtnht ' ` j~ I of way rrooimed ' :received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by tho following votes Yeaa, Faoe, i R.for 3rd Di'stria f ~ Sewer. ~iPulliam, Tully, 17aehington and Katter~ohn•-b• I " i '~ Ij Mayor Katter'ohn offered tho following motions I move that the OotEmiesioner of~ ~ ~• Oom'r.Ftnanoe to issue oheofie to s;~Publia Finance be, as'xt.he is hereb3~ authorizod to issue checks in favor of the Leok- IaokM131rg1etree Oo.,x6b0.00s ~Sin2letree Oompan,• for tho sum of 6b0.00; First National Bank 00, and James 3. ~ ~ . ~~• ~; ~. First Natl.Bank ','.$b0.00 and Jas. ,~i !i~oKee tp6.00, said oheoko to be made i» favor of the above-named parties. or to ;Y. 0, i s''S.MaKee '~6:00 `or tY.O.Soaton, (I Seaton, Olerk; and that eadsA be charged to the Third Digtriot Sewer Aooonnt•. Adopted I ~ _ Ol.erk. k - ~ . _ y, a fiupoa call oP the~~~~roll by the fo.ilowin~: vote; Y eae,r~Poo®. Pulliam, '$~ullq, ;7ashington and ~ ~ • , ~~ a, ~ .~ ',~~. r' '*: ,..~ ~' r;' Na `33' Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah ~ ' 192_ ~. . ,. Xatter3ohn, -6. ' i Report Chief of Commieoioner Paoa offered the following motion; I move that the"report of the ( Eoliee for ~N~ey ~."1,. ~" 1922, ~ Chief of Polioe for the month of ilay 19&£ be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell of `y ~; 1 ; :. . ;tho roll by the following vote: Yeah, Paoe, 1'u131am,TullY,l7aehingt~m and Eattsr~ohn,-6o ~ ~ , i Ooinmioyionar Paoe offered tho following motion; I move that the report o! the ;~;,. Ro}.'ort Cliiaf of ~ Firo Dop~•tment Chief of the Fire Department for the month of Mny 1988 be. reoeived and filed. Adopted - " for IItny 1922. ,:ii ~~ upon Deli of the roll by the 'following vote• Yeas Paoe P»111am Tull i7aehington !"' ~.. i i f ~..+ f ~.,..~:' i • e . . Y, and Kattor~ohn,r6, i. Communication from(.. Oommiaeioner Pulliam offerod tho following motion: That the Qommunioation of -.~ Byrne Brnthors 3 Oonctruotion Co, ~ Byrne Another"s Oonatruoticn Oompany be reoeived and filed. Adopted anon Dell of the ~ ' rol ntivo to Oon- !1 ,' •:truotion of So;rere ro]1 by the following note: Yong., Paoe, Pulliam, !7nahinaton and Katter~ohn,-4; }inye ~ " In Go^rti• .Ji:atriot , , t13. • Mayor Xatter~ohn offored the fol]owina motion: I move that an Ordlnenoe entitled ~ ' Ord ina:.oo t:rtJ~or- i~ !:: i!:^,' :'.nyor Y.attoc "AIt ORDIItAttC:: AL'THORI7IN0, DJ12i:0'1'IIIG :U'.D :.1T0"':,RIA'G F. lV. I:A'1'T'.^JUliid, bIAYOR OF 'PFI3 ;~ , john to ptu•ohaoe proporty from i:.R.: • ~ , 4ITY C.r I.IDUOAII, X:2,TL'O1:Y, TU PURCHASE C.I2TAIN IROP:22TY TO A.: USiID A3 A RIGI?P OP AY lira,! sha:v for sever :' ptu•po:;es intro- ~', POR TI?3 COIiSTP.UCTI01t OF TRUIiI: biliE S::'NrRS Ilt S~~"r~i DISTRIOT IJUI.:B~2 'PfIRJE, BrY.02JCIN0 _ . duced and Sey ovore ~ " TO ;:. R. BRADSNA',7, AIiD IQ10!YN A3 TILB l~J. R. BRADSHA'9 PROPTdtTY, " be introduoed and lay ~ ' ii ovor. Adopted u}-ion Dail of Lhe roll by the following vote:Yeas, pnoe, Pulliam, Tu17~• • 'i ',Vashington and I~:atter~ohn,-b. ' Ordinance etahor- ~ ISayor Y•atter~ohn offered the following motion: Y move that.an "Ordinance entitled .' j izing A'ayor Y.atter john to purohnse "wit ORDINe11:C:: AU'i'lfORL".I1tG, DIR;xTI1JG AND Elt1'O:V::~iIllG F. '~. EATT:RJOHIi, MAYOR OF THE 1 proporty from Roy !, Storrnrt nt~i tvifo CI'1R 0r` I•ADUCAH, Iii:lt'1'liC1:Y, TO FURCHAS;s CEIiTAIId 1ROP:RTY TO :~;: USIA AS A RIGHT OF for so,tor par•I~ooosA 1 First rosding, • '~7AY F(II 'lhrN COItS'RiUCTI01t OF Z!?IIIid 1IltB 5~:7:1tS ]It Sz.^7:R DIS'LRICT IdUi~:n? THRi:E. BELONG 3 ; ' i; IIJG TO ROY ST°i„RT .11ID HI5 ':IFE, Ci~Ti»'3iIltl; STE"TART, IACiaT3U AT IIINET1iEIJTH STREET, IF i:'~'I*dl~LD, AJtD BR OF,D'VAY STR::3T," be introduced and 1qv ovor. Adopted upon Dell of the i roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,:Vashington and %atter3ohn,-b. ~ ^ Ordinance author- P i`:avor Y.atter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that en ordinance izing I:ayor Y_atter. john to purahn:;e ~, entitled "diJ OPJ'IIANC AUTHORISING, DIRxTIIJG AlID ~:TO!7.°:ftIIFG F, 7,i:liTT~.'RJOAIi, h".AYOR proporty from ' EJrs.Blarche woree . OF T??l: CITY (`.^ PADUC¢H, G.z.'l?TUCY.Y, TO 1'URCI?AS:: C3??TAIN 1P.OP:RTY TO BE USA AS A RIGHT and J.B.Acroe for ;i ' setter utu•poses. ~; OF :VAY FOI? iH COSSTRUCTIOit OF T3UIi'L 1Iit3 Sr:,7~3 IIt Ss°'~ DI5'LRICT NUi'~i,'R T?'E:W, First F?oading, !' Bt3.0I;GIIdG TO I.'1?S. BII.NCHR ACR:~ AItD q'R HUSBi,I:D, DR. J. B. A~ hl, I.OCe:T:~ AT NINE- ' i TE:11TH STRaIET, IF 31CT'N'NJED, AND J'FFAIi:iUN STRi '.T," be intro~inoed and lay over. ~ . Adopted upon os71 of tho roll b;r the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Fu131am,Tully,i4aeh- ington and Y.atter~ohn,-b. ~r i, On motion the Board adfourned upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. F ~ e~ ~,::~ v-r~ , ,~ ,; g` --- a ..._.._. j; v JUKE 6TH. 1922. ~ Ate Called b:eeting of the Board of Commiesionei•s, he]d in the Com6lssionera' ~. `' 1 Chamber in the City Hall, Ieduoeh, Y.entucky, on June 6th, 1922, at 2 o'clock F. I', i Upon Dell of the roll the follo:ing enswored to thou names; Commissioners Feoe, ~~ Tully, ;Vashington and J~tayor Y,ettor~ohn,-4. r (! I..aYor I.attor~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For tho pnrrose of amending the i aewor contrast end to sat a date for the letting, ar,d any other bus.ineas that might p ' ~; I some before the Board. ~ . ~„.~~.~,~~imF~,,.i..u, i.: n. n ~.~ ~.. ii iv II ~. stn"II"~r.P~gi,nl,p~ n~~-~,i np~i~ ti.-.. ~... r --~~~~r~rl-~--~f i, i giii~ ~ i~~ _-.. _.- - -- 1 i ~ ~ ---: a or~ T r i i- r - i ~R ~r~( . ~ . ~ew.a m ~ f1^r.~wx~ . ~.: *:~ - .,ae 2 ~&, { , m I •?'~-41~r iJ Y4. , ~i ,a~li~~m~ lm-kWr ~,. L~,~ . ,. ~.uL t.i..n ...., mI. ~'.... ~ r ~.y ~ . . 1 , .v Na~ Rosol,;t ion ropaal.ing;rea-~f oindins<•and eotting aside ~ roso7a:tion E+ ' aoooptina ani adopting apooifioations ~~.&o. Sower Dis- ". triot y~3. ~~ ~:'. N i ' 'Ord ina.noe a accepting end,I~III ' adopting epeoi+~ ~;Yioationa &o.,l for sever disg Lriot ~3e ~ Oommiasfonor ' Henry A.Pvlli: ' to advortiae, for bide for j ' oonatruotion ~. of so:ver Die- triot~~3, on June 20,1922. ~. L.A:Washington Purohesing i -:.agent to have ' bAoka oontain- ing Informa- - tion to Bidder 4' '&o. Serer Dis-y .triot :#2. } .. i f,. i i 1 ;` ~, '`! i ?, Aooourita for ' feat half of Hay 1922, amount ' ing to y8219.,~#7~ ~' , Aoooun is for '~ ~.y Por the `3rd Dietriot Sewer. ~, w d=.: , ~,'. : ~~ , :_ A, Oommisaioner Pulliam entered the Commieaionera' Chamber. }~ ti l u on en- iinyor Kattor~ohn offored the following motion: T move that a Reso titlod "A RLSOiUT'[ON Ri~F.i1LIIdG, RESCIIdDINO AIdD SET'PTIdG ASIDE A RESOLUTION :1dTI'CLr9 'A 3: . RisSOLUTIOId ACCisPTIIiG AND ADOFTIidG TIIii 5Fr.'CIFICA'PIONS, FORr.2 OF CONTRACT AND I1tFORIIATI02d ~ ~'' ' Ee TO $I~D:IiS, AS FRi~aRr:D 8Y TFI:I • CORII.iYSS'IOIJER OF. PUBLIC ''+'rOfiKS, TO BE USED IN TITS CON- ~, STRUOTIOId OF TRUNK. lINs SI:"1~ 9 IN SUB-DIVISYOid3 A. B. .1IdD C. IN Si."~i~Z DISTRICT N0. 3;° ADOrTED BY TH8 BOARD OF CO1,'LiI5SI0N1:RS OYt 23AY 11TH, 1922." bo adopted, AdopLod upon I.,.,. aali of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Tully,l7nehington and Katterfohn;-4;` , Nays; Pulliam,-1. ~ Mayor Kattor~ohn offered the following'motion: I move that an Ordinance en- ~ ~ ' titled "AN ORDINANC3 AOCEl'TIN6 AND ADOPTING 'L7lE SFECIFYCATIOId3; FORI:i OF COITRACT AND ~,.. ~.,. . IIt'r'ORLiATYOId TO BIDDERS TO BE tJSi'iD IId TI?E CONSTRUCTION OF TfiUId}; LIId Sli"':1?S IN StTB- ~ t s'`° y, DiVISI0N3 A. B. AI'D C. YId SET:~i DISTRICT IdO. 3," be adopted. Adopted upon cell of the ? ' roll by the following vote; Yeaa,Paoe,Tully,iiashington and Ketter,ohn,-4; Nays, ~ ~ ~_ '.. Pulliam,-1. Idayor KattorJohn offered the f ollowina motion: Y move that an Ordinance en- i~ i • titlod "AN ORDiNAItOE ALTHORTZIIds AItD DIRxTING HEIIRY A. FULLIAii, 001~IISSIOIt~i OF TUBLTOi j k 'ORKS, TO ADV.w'iTISi; i~OR BIDS FOR THE CO1iSTiUt.'TIOId OF SE:dT:RS IN 3UB=DIVISY^ItS A. B. AND ., ' 0. IId SE'J:li DIS'LHICT IdUI.IB:Ii TIi'ii:E, AIdD TI?:: t:1lNIt:R ITd "J]iIOIi S.lID BIDS AR3 TO BF. RECEIVED j" 't be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, ~, Tully, Washington and Y.u.tter~ohn,-b. ~ i. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; Y move that L. A. ?ashinRton,~ t. ' Purchasing Agent, be authorized and directed to have printed the r,eaessary number of r books containing the Ynformetion to Bidders, Contract and Speoificationa of the 3rd • ~. Dietriot Seger. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the f ollowin?. note; Yeea, Fsae, ~ Pulliam, Tully,. Washington and.Y.atter~ohn,-b. On motion the Board adjourned upon sell of the roll by 5 yeas. em ~ ~ j ~ y x. ~~~ ~ ! ~ i~ ~ i e ~ ~XQa. SUIdE 10TH. 1922, i ~ , At a Called I:Ieeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Chember in the City Hall, Faduoah,.Y.entuciy, on June 10th, 1922, at 10:40 o'clock A. EI. j Tlpon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Bommissioners Paoe, Tully j and Jraehinaton,-3. I<Isyor KatterJohn beinP, out of the City, I::ayor Pro Tem "leahington ( ' I presided. ~ ~~ ~ ' ~`~~~ bisyor Pro Tom '9aehington stated rosaons for call to-wit: To Yellow monthly bills and any other businoss that might some before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move thet the aoaonnts for .tho last half of tho month of Iday, amounting to .',.13219.47 be ellowod and ordered paid and the monoy appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon osll 04 the roll by the follor~ing vote: Yeas, Faoe, Tully and Washington,-3. ~ ~ qua Commissioner Tully offered t'ne following motion: Y mode that the accounts far i t the mvnth of int$~; for the 3d Dietriot Sewep, amounting to ~y138.99, be allowed and "ordered paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and instructed to , draw checks against the No. 3,Diatriot Surer Fund Aooount to pay lamb. Adopted upon 'f call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Tully and 7ashington;-3.' , .. ~ w.~~ .. ~ f ['• .n ... ,.. ~' ~. ~ , '` h,. a~~.,, . I ~~~., . a ~...; v.~ M.~.,~.~'~. ~5a5~~a~S _.. _. .. yC]' Jd. if ti "~. w...,+r.. '. _ .`:M ?}:: . '.iY .' lP5 P~4~~. ,....s......,.u+id±Y•i .aa-a .".. ... .F.~. _ ..?~.ne~5 '-im. :. .: ~' .. ~:- , ., ' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ ' 192 __ On motion the Board ad~ournod upon Dell oY the roll by ,3 yeas. ;~• . ~ I^ z JUI ~ '18TH 192 #~~~~ --- ~. ~w.- i! At a Regular ].:eating of the Board of Commiesionera, held in the Commissioners' ~ ; ~i Chamber in thg•City Hall, Faduaeh, SentuaY.y, on June 12th. 1922; Upon call of the roll i , ! ;; ' ~ the Yellowing answered to their nar.:gs; Cominieaionere Paae, Tully, '+'lashington and Layer .. £ ~ ;i I;atter~ohr.,-4. - j , i e ,! On motion of Commissioner Tu11y the minutes of the previous meetings were I f ,= • adopted as read upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote;. Yeea, Peoe,. Tully, i7aeh ,! ington and xatterfohn,-4. Yf. "~ j'. Commissioner i`ulliam entered the Commiesionera' Chamber., t '~ ' i 1lsyor gatter~ohn oYYered the 4ollowin? motion: I move that•the bill of Roy ' Roy B.Speok,Clerk, pai3 :46.90 seats B. Spook, Clerk oY the Court oY Appeals, in the case of '.Y, J. Baas vs F. '.7, '1_atter~ohn, + ' in action of :7. J. t - + ._: • Base vs F.'7.detter- Layoi•, &o., :vhe'rein the validity oY the Riverside Nosrital Benda were tested, amount john, I.Ia;,~or E.a. , in Hospital Bond ing to the sum oY X46.90, be ello:ved, and the Commissioner of Fublio rr^inanoe 16 hereby Issue. ~ authorized to issue aheok to Roy B. SpeoY., Clerk, Yor said amount, and that same be • ~ charged to Costa end Suite. Adopted upon Dal] oP the roll by the YollowinQ vote: Yeas. Fsae, Fulliam, Tully, ,Yashington and Yatter3ohn,-5. t;, ~ , ,t , ii 2:ayor P.attor~o~n oYYered the Yellowing Motion; I move that F. ',9, 'r.etter~ohn, ~ ' - ContrJet bgtrreen ~ ti gayer-lord Tie Co. Layer, be, and he is hereby authorized anal direoted to exeoute the oontreot end ~on- and Cifty of Pedu- ~~ ~""°""A ~ ash, xe]ative to ''veyanoe made and entered into by and bet.tieen the Ayer-Lord Tie Company and the City `;' I, right oP :vay Yor ~I ' 3rd Distriat r of Teduaeh,.grentint* aright oY way or easement Yor the oonstruation of the Third j • ~ ` w :', Be:•rer: ~ Distriat Sewer over the property oY the Ayer-Lord Tie Company on the hank oY the I I' Tennessee River; said right of way being 345 Yeet long, 42 Yeet in width and ? Yeet ti in depth, and that when said aontraot is aoknowledP.ed by the ..yet-lord Tie Company. ~~~ that same then be reoeived and filed, Adopted upon Dell of the roll bq the Yellow- . is ing veto; Yaaa, Peoe, Iulliam, Tully, t7aahinPton and Satter~ohn,-6, i'. Ro,ort oY Com'r. Commissioner Tully oYYered the Yollovring motion: I move that the report of Iublio Finenoe Yor' • E.ey 1'922. the Commissioner oY Iublic Finance Yor the month of E'.ay, be received end filed and i. i ordered published in•the oYYia7s1 newspaper. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the ~~ Yellowing vote: Yeea, Iaae, Pulliam, Tully, Washington .end Y.atter~ohn,-5. Retort Com'r. Pub-P Commissioner Tully oYYered the Yollo:vtng motion: I move that the report of lic Finanae, show ing apportionment '; the Commissioner of Tnblio Finanae showing the Apportionment, the smounta expended ', rrnour,ts expended ~ Y emi balances to ~~ and the balenaea to the credit of t'r.e various accounts ,u-.der the diYYererit departments.', orodit oY various P' ;, ~: - " departments 1x,ay at the end oY l:ey 31st, bo received and Yiled. Adopted .upon gall of the roll by the ' 31st, 1927.. „! Yollo:ving vote; Yeas, Taos, Pulliam, Tully, '.:aahinr!ton and F:atter~ohn,-b'. _ ~~ `, ' ' i CommisaLoner Tully offered tY:o Yellowing motion; It appearinv there Se. due Schools .5207.19 ~ the Sohools the sum oY :~b201.19 Yrom the tax oolleationa to June 10th, I move~thet tax col7eations to June 10th. same be allowed and ordered paid tv;d the money aprroprieted Yrom the General Fund to - • - pay. same. Adopted .upon sell oY the roll by,the Yollowinx vote: Yeea, Paae, Pulliam, 4' Tully, ':~ashington and latter~o.hn,-5. ~ .,, is ' Sohools ,36.98 ," Commisaione>f Tully offered the YollowinP, motion: It appearing there is due= tax colleatfona Yor 1321. r the Sahoola the sum aY $36.98 Yrom the tax aolloctiona for 1921, I move that same be ~. r allowed and order e3 paid aril the money appropria.t'ed Yrom the General ^und to pay same.' r ldopted upon sell oY the roll by the following vote; Yeea. Feoe, Pulliam, Tully, { Washington and Yatter,john,-b. (; Schools .j5.29 r Commissioner Tu11y ofYered the Yellowing motion; It appearinP there is dne . Beak tares, p + .,•~ ~ ~' the Sahoole the earn of X5.29 YroTn the aolleatione oY BeaY. Taxes, I move that aline be _`. , -.~ ., r: .t .. „...x. ,~...,.,. .,,.k., ...-.,.. s~r,.,H.. ~"'wr°',.«'~.-w'"?T-,"'~'~.?."~+.'°,,'R~~...`.',"~'7•'*.~;y..,r.,-~+'" ,K~.s,~.:;~~ ,'^,"~:"'"'^~''1•~77« i. .. o i,l ~ I I ,IJ ~ ~ ~ o-! ~I ~,~ ~ndim~r ~ .a~~,~i ,. ., ,. .. q . ~ .. ,,,..... ,. ..Na erg'. • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ' 19B__ "• ~ellgwed and ordered paid and the money appropriated Prom. the General Fvnd to pay same. ~ I i. ~.' gAdopted upon call oY the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Faoe, Fulham, Tully, '.7eehing~ Nton and Y.etter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Daehington offered the following motion; I movo that the'sum oY ` . ;, {~{ Hazel Eleloan wb0.00 be paid to Etiae hazel Ideloan, out of the Contingent Fiuxl, as per aPreec;ent made ~`-,elloaed50.'00 ~jyith her this date Sor the anal sis oY not more than 250 sa lea o~ .^ater to be used Ito make analysiai,~ Y mp of water to be (j used on boats. ~~on the boats plying in and out of Paducah, and same to b® done at the direction of the I ' 'i Government au thorities, Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the Yollowinp_. vote; Yeao, PaoeJ ~'~ ' ,~ ~pulliam, :7eshinpton and Kattersohn,-4; Commissioner Tully not voting, ea he wag out oP i ~. the Commissioner°a Chamber at the time the vote was taken. , .13treet Depart- ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the Yollowina. motion: That the Street Department .~ ment report. Yor ; i 1Cay 1922.• Report for the month of 16ay 1922 be received and filed. Adopted upon sell oY the roll fb.y the following vote; YAsai Paoe;PullS.em,Tnlly,:7sahington and Katter~ohn,-b. j~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the itemizes report, - Sewer Distriot R ~ , ~a report Yor ~3hoctiing oxpenditurea in Serer Diatriat •1~3, amounting to ~2b8S.4S Yor the month oY ESey ~ ~}1.ay 1922, show- 01922 be rooeived and'411ed. Adopted u:on call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas ~ ins. expondi- i; • 2 . ; • ~, ~, tares. ~ Paae, Fulham, Tully, '~JaehS.naton and Katter,ohn,-5. p ,! ESayor Katter~ohn o°Yered the following motion: Y move that an Ordinance entitled!, a I Ord inanoo auth- I '. orizfna Etayor 1; "AIJ ORD71L',NC. AUTHORYZII:G, DIRI~TIIJG d1TD i:GTOI!rD?IIlG F. ~7, FATT:l?JOHN, ESAYOR, OF THE CITY' to purohaso `r OF FADUCAH IWIJTU0ISY TO PURCHASE ClfftTAI1J PROFIS?TY 'PO SE USi:D AS A ;?IGHT OF r7AY FOR THis' s.~Roy Stowart ,i ' ° ~' propeitY Yor ~ eewor purposes. ~ CONSTl:U0TI0i1 OF T!?U1JY. I.IiJv Si:'.f:~l?;3 Ild Silt DISTRICT 1SUi13T? 'PHHi'.E, BEIAHGI1dG TO :?OY I' ST~~rART +llID HIS ',YIFE, CATSII~.'T.?INi: STBi7ART, IOCATis'D AT IdIIJET':Z;TI{ STRr^.'s'T, IF i;Y,T~;IID~, A1JD I Ba0l.D'7AY STREET " b® ado ted> Ado tefl u.on Dell of the roll I • I; ,~ P p i' by the following vote; Yeas; & { Pace, Fulham, Tully, ;7ashington and Katter,ohn,-b, k i Ordinance Guth-I~ 1Sayor KatterJohn offered the following motion: Y move that an Ordinance entitled) orizing I;t;yor ,."AN ORDIIJAIJCE ALTHORIZII~~G, DIRiX1TIIJG AiJD 3T0":Fl?SI'.G F, ~, Y.AT'Ir~JOH2J, ESAYOR OF THE CITY `to purohaso ESra.Blanbhe ~ ~ Agree property , OF FADUCAH, KIJTUCKY, TO PURCHASE CaR?TAIIi FRO?~TY TO B. USED AS A RIGHT OF '.7AY FCR for serer par- a ' I 'poses, i THE COIJSTRUCTIOIJ OF TRUIJK LI1J3; S~'TRS IN S::':^;R DISTRICT NUFBr1? TIRE, BI:IANGIIJG TO E1RS. I ~; '~ BI.AIdCHr; ACR;';d AI'D Hil? ISUSBi~ND, DR. J. B, ACREr'., IACil'I':SD AT NIIJi:TE:1:TH ST'di::;T, IF E:CT'I;D- j - ~I~, AND JEFk71I?JO1J STi?;i:T,1/ be edoptod. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the following I i ~, ;- rivote: Yoga, Paoo, Pulliam, Tully, lYaahington and Y.atter'ohn,-6. ~ i Ordinance suth-i~ ESayor Katterfohn offered the followinP, motion: I move that an ordinance entitled; ' or,izinA I.ir~ or 1~ "AIJ OT?DINAlTCE AUTE03IZIIJG, DIRi3CTI2JG A_ID r'3.~0.u.'RIIJ3 F. l7. KAT`aaRJOHi. i.AYOR OF THi:. CITY to purchase i, ~ T ~. ` E.:..Bradahaw I property for f OF TADUCAH, Kr;I:TUCI'7C, TO Pi13CIL1'~~ C~ TAIIJ iROP?TY TO Br. US.:D AS A RIGHT OF :'JAY FOR se:~or pnrpoaea:ii, 5} ;I PH:; COIJ'LRUCTICN OF TRUlJY. LIIJr; 5:::"~?S 1'IJ SEF+~? DISTRICT 11UEII3:.'4 TH3v;;, BIAIJGIIJG TO E. R. BRADSHAD, AIiD Y.IJ0~72J AS 11YE E, v, BRAD SHAD PROFT..miTY," be adopted. Adopted upon i, • ~osll of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paae, Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and i G$atter~ohn,-5. j ~ Ij H. 1. Prather ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: L'Y'. H. Z. Frether having been ~elloaed X41.92 fjemployed in the Engineer°s Office on the 3rd Distriot Sewer plans, and having left the in re Sewer ' ti iDistriot 'r'3. (employ of the City and there being due him .^,,41.92, I move that same be ello::ed and order '1` ~ed paid end charred to the Speoirl Se.7er Fund. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the x i. ;;following vote: Yeas, Peoe,.Pulliam, Tully, Dashington and Katter~ohn,-5. ~. ;~ j . Agreement be= jj 1<Iayor Katterfohn offered the following motion; I move that a copy of the gases- j - pween Southern ~` Textile E'aoh. j~ment between the City of Faduoeh, Kentualq, and the Southern Textile 1.?aohineYy'Compa~ , C.o. and•City oY lwheroin the Southern Textile Idachinery Company e~eea to accept X250.00 Yor a right of ' ~Paduaeh, in re; (; , ' right of way fore or easement over • `.Sewer Distriot '.,,,,y ,~, property belonging to the Southern Textile Eiaohinery Compar.~y, and ~++ ~~wfiere~ly, in es~dd ttJ~eement, the Southern Textile L:aohinery Company, agrees that T. A, ' ~ IEiiller, Easter Commieaigner, Heed to the,City of Paducah said •rirht of way or easement .. ' in the notion of F., i7.,Katter'ohn, Eleyor, 806., ageinat Thomas Darren, &ab, pending in '! ,... _, .. . ~, k ie ,a.:;:-. - _' ~ tt h' i ~, ~. `;{` ' ~.' . ~",. kd ~,^. I f,._ ~41ow~. L a ' ~~~ r~! ~i i .. , .... ... ~, ,_ , _. ? , ,~ i i ,~ ,. ., i, ,.~..~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah , ~ 192__ Na ~9 ., the >L"oCraol:en Cirouit Court, be aooepted, and the Commieaioaer of Publio Fiaenoe iu. , 1. hereby authorized and direoted to pan to said 3onthern Textile );`sahinery Company, or y '` Y. C. Seaton, Clerk, said sum of y250.OD, es above, stated, and oharge same to the } ~' i" I, Third Diatriot Sewer Fvnd Aooount. The original agreement is Oiled in the eotion of F. :Y, Xatterlohn, Lieyor, va Thos. 9arren, &o. Adopted upon Dell 04 the roll Dy the , ;~ Following vote: Yeas, Peoe, Pullie.m, Tully, lYashington and Ke.tter~ohn,-b, `~~ j Commissioner Pulliam offered tho following motion: That the expense eooounta i` of the Commissioner of Fublic 1Yorka on two tripe to Zouisville, Ky., ea follows: !.. 1 Trin. End Trip, •~.E Eapenae Aooounta Railroad Fare .................~16.E6 Railroad .Fare...........~16.E6 ~ '•' of Oom'r.Pubiio Pul]~han ...................... 3.00 Pullman................. 3.76 iYorks to houie- ,i Porter ....................... .36 Taxi and Car Fare....... 1.38 ~ .~~ ; villa. Ky in re Sewer Diatriot ~?Dale...... ............... 3.60 i'eals. ................. E.80 ... 3 .0 Rotol ........................ 0 Porter.................. .ES , ' ~3 allowed . _ i Taxis ... ..................... 1.25 ~~~ ~ i ` . E ~ ~ ~ ~, be allowed, and samo be charged against Seiner Diatriot Ilo. 3. Adopted upon call o? ~ , the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ^Jsahington and Y.atter- , , ~. On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of tho roll by 5 yeas. ~P~ . C,.~..-L.~ ~ o ., .~ ~ TpK c+. m (((/// ,i JUilIy 13TH.. 19 EE . ' dt a Called Meeting of the Board oY Commiasionere, held in the Commieaionese~ ~ h Chamber in the Oity Hnll, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on Jame 13th, 19EE, at 3 0~olook J?, M. , r j' Upon onll of the roll tho following nnawerod to thou narioe: Oommieeionora Pnoe, Tully !; and 17aahington,-3. ~,Sayor Katter,ohn being out o2 tortn, Mayor Pro Tem :1°ashington , • ,? presided, L'.eyor Pro Tem t4ashington stated reasons Por Oall to-wit: To adopt n Reaolutio~ .. ..~:•.• eooepting a deed of oonvoyence of real estate, located at 1716 2adi:aon Street, from Lizette Sohafer to the City of Paduaeh, Y.entuoky, and onoh othor business as may Dome before the Board, Commiec~ionor Tully oftored the following motion; I move that a Resolution Roualu~ion aooept~ ;; " InR Dobd of Don- ontitled 10A R13Ui!J,L'TIQ]! A00:~'TINO A D:ffD OF Ct +1lV::YANCIfi t1?i' RI~AI a;7'P~iT79 JAOATAID AT 1716 . vo;~anoo from 1lzatte 1,'ADJya~N STFt:3i~~'P FI2011 J,I'~13TT1'I sottaF:.I, Atm tU:t? FNSHANll A• F. HCFIAI~'I$t 9'0 TITf~ OITY OF Sohnfor to City oi' . . . I'nduoah for y~3, 000 : ~1: ~ and Copy r.Publio PADUCAH K:sI! 7t1CI:Y ° .Aim AUTIiORI..ILG THr1 Ocd,;MISSIOIJ'„3 OF PUBLIC FIIJAIlOrI TO PAY Ta Tiff Fineman Lo pay acme en3 ahargo SALD I.IZ:ITTc! SCAAFI:R '1'H:+I SUI.C OF '~'i1R« THOUSAlm DOZ11'RS SAI.'C^ TO.B); CHARGr9 TO THS e to Sewer Diatriot ', ~3, ; TIIIRD DISTRICT s:.c•H~:R FUIlD !',000UIlT " be ado tad, Ado ~ted y , P I upon Dell of the roll b ' the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Tully aril Washington,-3, Report Com'r. of Commieoionor Tully offerod tho following diotion; i move Lhat the roport }nblio Financo;oi t}:e 3rd District ` of the Commissioner o? Pub13o Finruioo 03 the lio. 3 Diatriot Barter Aooount for .the So:vor Aooount for ZLay 1922. ;; , ~ month of 2`:ey ba reoeivod and Piled and ordored publiahod in the Offiofel newspaper. %. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following note: Yeea, Face, Tully and ' ; ~Yeshington, -3. ,, :. ~' On motion the Doard adjourned upon Dail of the roil by 3 yoae, , i p i ~ i- - - r, ~~ ~ n i° fiiT~ W - li "R'9,.m~ _.i. ~~ ~~~~~rqn lfp~~,-~~i i ~ pi n r n,-- ,:r i i ~ -c~, ,~ua~. ~~ ..i ~~~=R.~,rr"~ 1,~,.~,r,m m,. y, ,. .i..,~ue+4 -. ~; L..n ~ i ''~fi .kii~- ._ JIB. J.~,~. !~!Yli ~~„4 - .. _u~~~Wi s= ~~dl~~iluw:ul rm , i . ,~ ~.y 1 . [ _~__~.._,_.... ' Ala y d - -- - - - - - - DONE 19TH, 19EE. ~ ~_ At a Regular Meeting of the Aoard of Oommieaioners, held in the Oommisaionere' ~ c;~ j 0hambor in the Oity Hall, Paduonh, Yentuoky, on June 19th, 19EE. Upon ,oall of the roll ~ ~' ~ x,} ~ i the following answered to their names: Oommiesionere.Paoe, Pulliam, 7ashington and Mayor Y `~ -4. ~ ~ IYatter~eln I as t i ; , i ! On motion of Commisaionor Paoe the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt- ' ~ ~. ia, ~~ . ," j , ed as, read upon Doll of the roll by the following vote: Ye&e, Faoe, Pulliam, t7eahinR.ton j q av, ~ and Katterlohn,-4. '• ~, Y `~ ~. 5 :.. ~ ' ~ )yis.yor Katter'ohn offered the following motion: 1 move that the report of the EtoOracken Lo. ~a ¢Fublio Aealth HoOraoken Covnty Publio Health league for the month of Etay 192E be reoeived and filed. I ' league Report ~ ~• , ;for may 1922., l ;Adop4ed upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Paoe, Pulliam, Yashington i ! . ;`and Satter~ohn,-4. ; . i , , ~. Oommissioner Tully entered. the Oommissionere° Ohambor. ` .Report supt. ~ ~ ~, Oommiealoner,Y7ashington offered the following motion; I move that the report i { !Riveroido Noe-' ` Hof the Superintendent of Rinereido Hospital, showing l~cpondituros and Oollootions for f ? pital of expen- :.:. ~d}t:irou aTtl oolleot lone for the month of },tey 19EE, be reooivod and filed. Adopted upon osl7 of the roll by the fol-~; ~'' ::, . ~" ;.May 19E2. I jjlowing vote: Yene:Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, 17aehington and Kattorlohn,-b. it ~ ~ ' Report At}pt, !~ Oommisalonor :Yashington offered the following motion; I movo that tha report , ' f Rtveroide.itos- ~itnl for 11ay Hof the Suporintoniont of Rivoruido Ttor.+pltal, showing the nnmbor of pntientn hend].od 1n ~ JJ ` 19EE uhowing number of a- I!the lloopital for the month of blay, 19EE, 6e rooeivod and filed. Adopted upon oa]] of the r ~ p tionte trontede , I roll by the folloving veto: Yeno, Faoe, Pulliam, Tu13y,;Yashington and Kattor9ohn°-b. '. '. }. r, ~ ~ Report laborator yy Oommisaioner I7aahington offered the following motion; Y move that the report , ;' of Rivore3de Hospital for },Sq+ ~, i ,!of the laboratory of Riverside Aospital for the month of }.Iay, 192E, showing the number ~ 192f.• j of private and Oity pationto exnmined, be reoeived aml filed. Adopted upon oali of the {;' liroll by the following vote; Yeas, Faoo,Pulliam,'1'ully,dnshington affi Y•attor~ohn,-6. Oom°r.Fublio ~ Oommisaioner i7ashington offered the following motion: I move that the Oommis- W,W„ l'roparty to ]oaod t Y 0 gionor of Tublio Iroporty bo authorized to lamse to iY, 1. Yanoy E00 foot off of the ~ i ,; o . 1. Ynn oy E 0 feet off of the atr ip of land ~ I ~~strip of land><jring beteroon 6th Street and the River for farming purposes, at the rate of ~., lying betn.6th Street and River I~S.00 per sore, provided same does not intnrfore, in any way, with the oonstruotion of ? ~ ], ,, ~b.00 per sego. , jeowora in es~ror Dietriot ~3, Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: u .Yeas, Paoo, Pulliam, Tu11y, ~laahington and Kattor.~ohn°-8. ' bom°r.Lub]io - j Oommisnionor ',Yashington offered the following motion= E move that the Oammis• Ptrnu,oo to taaue, sinner of 6'inanao bs instruotod to issue n ohook to hiios Adah Smith :Cog the sum of 7hvonty . ;':` ~Oheok to hiss j , ' ~~, .Adah Smith for ~{Five Dollars to assist the family of Wra. Mead, and oharge same to Oharity Fund, said y2li.00 to help I, ~ ~ ;~dofrng burial ~!Lirs, Aiead havinR_ loot her husband and bolas in deatitt:to 6lroumatanoea, Adopted upon ~ z ,e~rensos of 11r. ,13tend, Gioall of the roll by the following vo8e: Yoae, Paoe, Pulliam, 15t17y, iYashington and ,I. ~ !'~ ~ ~Katter~ohn,-b, ~ Oommiseioner Tully offered the following motion; .%t appearing there is dne ` ~.~Sohools.duo ~ '1 ;~34b37.31 from ~•the Sohoola the sum of ar. oolloationa ,~~ $6637.31 from the tax ooileotione for the week ending June 17th,; for wooh ending liI movo thr.t Dame be allo.vod and ordered paid srd the money appropriated from the General; June 17th,19EE. '~ HlFtutd to pay sumo. Adopted upon pall of the roll b; the 'following vet®: Yeas, Pnoe, ¢I ;Pulliam, Tally, }7ashington and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ • ~ •,, ~; Malt and Ooroal ~j pommieatoner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of X68.34 having be9n .;. Beverage lioense I ;, Rrantod to "l.}~. 1paid into the 'ireaeury, together with appiioation for halt or Oereal Beverage iioense, f I ;" Dunn,Arown St. `, i ~ I near Union Sta- icy move that lioenae to sell Malt or Oeranl Aevoregea, or anq admixtures thereof, be ~. I Lion, from Juns. I; ~ ;~,,,, 1, tq Deo.31° i;granted to N. }~. Dunn on Brown Street near Union Station. i5com June lot to Deo. 31st, j 19EE>- j; , .,~:.;i 19~E8. ~-flopted upon 0011 of Lha roll by the following vote; Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, R4i11y, . _ ~ ~7Peahington end Katter3ohn,-b. ;- ~ Ij I _ I , 4 . ~! , II , . .. - , .:. _. n .~.. ,~.:.._ :.~ w~~ Cotnmissioners° Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_ _ >v,: ~.t ~~i ii.,v:. ~..: k V .C.,. . ,. e '~:, o..•vFlrv ~~$. • .w., . ::P I i r,r ! F.~ t...v ... ..:< n. .: w •f• I ~ ; I' I r• ;~' i .. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. It appearing that an error wni error in tax 'made by the Aeeoseor 1n assoasinv.J'e B. Garton,on Tax Bill ~1E95, with a house valued bill of bi.B. Ocrton oorreotod:nt ~£OOe00 on Bloom Avonue end thora being~no houae'on this proporty, I move thnt the Commissior#er oP lublio Finnnoe be authorized and instruotod to mnke correction oP the asaesmnonL on this bill. Adopted upon cell oP the roll by the PolloivinR vote: Yeas, ~Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, IYeshington and Xatterjohn,-5. Commieaionar Tulliam aPferod tho following motion; That .the follo•.ving named lrxoevating 'Peet poreone be elio,•rod the amounts set out opposite their names Por excavating teat pits vita,-henry IIarviri w4b.40; Tom Fox, along line of proposed ae•nrer construction, and the Oommiasioner of Finance be author. w9.00~ ~Vme Bucha- nan, X9.00 and '.izod and instrubtod to pay s;:mo and ohexeo ar*ainst Sewer District No, 3: ".5n. Kuyl:onda 77 , '• X3•.15.-in xe Sovror, Honry Hnrvin ...................:~4B.40 uiUtriot 1~3e '1'Om FOxeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee•eeeeee 9eOO '~Yme DUahannaneeeee ee ee sasses e,e 9eOO ~ -''.: ..~. OVm. Y.nyl:onda7l....ee........... 3 ]5 ; Tots 1.. e , ..... W'~; li6~ 'Adopted upon call oP t)to roll by tho following voto; Yoar,, 1'aoe, Pulliam, Tu11y,.,aM, :, ~; ",Nashington,-4; Days, Katter~ohn,-le C.G.'.Verner,lalk i` iiayor Kattor~ohn offered tho following motion; That C. O. r7arnor, Diilk do i'eat °' luioat Inapootor ~; to furnish nowe- Inepootor, be authorized er,d directed to furnish the newapapora of the City a cagy o! pnl~ors of City ; Dopy of his in- .hie inspootion of dairies and milk toots made by him .for the purpose of publishing same " spootion of dai- rica and LSilk ,Adopted upon onll of the roll by tho following vote; Yons, Pnoo, Pulliam, lhtlly, t4aeh , Tonta. ` !ington and i:nttor~ohn,-6. Commisetonor Iulliam ofPored tho following motion: That the employment oP John :~nploymont oP ~l'.ittlo end biller Liurray, ns aheinmen, both et the rate of 30~ per hour, be ratified. John little era - F.'i7.]er Liurray, Adopted upon cell oP the ro71 by the PollowinR vote: Yeea, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, ns Chrzinmen, :;Divot .District :Yaehin,aton and Y.attor~ohn,-G. T~ry~e ;I T4nyor huttor,~ohn oPPorod the following;rnption; I move that a Resolution entitled ROe,vlut ion re- 10A I2J;g0).UT10tt A1d~iUIi211Ju 'Chid IAUUa';11 ',Yh'l'1':!2 COI;JAIJY 'CO id?:'CP1ItD 1T: '.VA'1'1~J2 LIAINg FROL! ITII qul.r l.r,rc .Ytat.or Coe o:.tor,d i to mains lRJd:: jt)T 1,AIIS A'P 1.TJll Ill ')il, I1)'C1iR,Si;O'i'I011 Ob' IIIN1dTI:'J(T}I 1.1'D ULAY 9'1421;?"Pg, AOROgg IJINId- on li~th t1 Olny ; SSL•rooEe 'i':1d1J'PII $'t^.2Jda1'l' °:"'S'P 61lD AIi)Id0 OL1Y :3'142d'P xOR 1. DI°'I'A1a1: PA' l.ITROxIL'AThLY 300 F.I:T '7:gT pL' '17t:: "t.d.:'P IROl.22TY 'IIIJ: Ub' 1;3It.T:S:ipTti g'i42::'1', IId 'ClU: OITY fib' l'AAllOA[), KJdt>•tU0}:Y," bs . i~ ~; udoptod. Adopted upon call of the roll by tho followtnK vote; Yoan; 1=sae, fu]11om,;;~...` ~Tu11y, ~Vsahington and Kattor~ohn,-5. , Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that u rosoIution Resolution amond- ,` entitled "A RJ:SOllITI01t LIS•:IIDIIIG i'41:; SP::CIFIC.'iTIUNg FUR T?iF CONSTRUCTION OF S''"'•'.~ig IN • ing opeoifloctior.a > , .':: referding quick- .' SUB-DIVI,3I0IIS Ae B. AIID C. OF S'.:"/:,'R DIS'!`2ICT I:UIP_II:'R THRh'B, :7IiTCH '.Tc'RP: AD (ST.~D I.IiD ,,' , sand,-lost. ~~ iACC::1'T:D BY TII: DO:.RD 05' COI7''.IS~ U17.3S OA' TIi: CITY OF FADUC+iH, K.°:IITUCIY, OIZ JUI•IB 6TIi, 1922; be adopted. lost upon call of the'roll by the following vote; Yeas, Fulliem ierd '.Vashington,-2; Naya, Faoa, Tu7.ly and Katter~ohn,-3. •' Commissioner Fulliem offered the following motion: I movo that a resolution Resolution regard- ' in~7 quick-sand :obligating the City of Feduoah, Kentuo)cy, to e7.low quick send exoavatione in the {'. exonvr_tiona in Sower District „oonatruotion of Dowers in Sub-Divisions A. D, and C. oP Eewor District No. 3 to be r~3,-lost. done as oxtra work, bo adopted. lost upon call oP the ;071 by the following vote; ~Yoea, Fulliem and '.YashinPten,-2; Nays, Feoe, Tizlly and Y,attor~ohr.,-S, On motion tho Baaad ed3ourned upon call oP the roll by,5 yeas. jl ~~ f ~' 7 ,:~.,,rerz•:.w.,ya. :.'f.~''T„`?,.ex"~i4111'y",fi.'~'~"'r""I,:i'S^i i'ri~~i ~.~ ~ e.,... i .u~.u::rn ~:, ~ ~ :n.,~u .. ..~ ..~ri i. ~-~ i i, :.. ,.. ..a..~::.FS:At^ ......- ,_--, .... _ ~ i i. i P. • ,>, ~.: , ;. . 0. ~ .. ,...._ .. _..... _ . _: ,... .. _.~ __. .. .. .w...~_ .... _ .._. __ qq ~ Na~s~...;~.:. ~., , ; ~ + Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah "' 192__ • `. JU1JR £OTH. 1922. ` ; At a Oa11ad Eteeting of the Board of Oommiaeioners, held in tho Oommieaionera° ~ ~ " {Ohnmber in the Oity Hail, Paducah, Kentucky, on Tuosday June £Oth, 19££, at 10 0°olook f ~ ' ~ ~~. 'A. M. Upon call of the Ro11 the following answered to their names; Oommieaionera j i ~ ; i ' kaoe; Tu11~,194ahingtor, and N,ayor Knttor~ohn,-4. i , 'w~„u ~ ~ i Mayor Kattor~ohn gtntod roaaono for Deli to-wit: For ,the p~u'pone of reooivina) ' ~- ' i 'bide on Sewer District ¢3, Sub-Divisions 8a, 3b rind 30, trunk lino sewers, as ndv°rrtised', ,k.. ~'. `' ! and such othor buainoso ea may Dome bofore the Board. i U " Oommiaolonor Tu1]y offored the following motion: I move that the aoaounta for Pay ro]l firnC i ! hall Juno,19££~ ~ bho firot ho]f of tho month of Junn, amounting to ~G£nd.63 bo stl.]oweA and orderod paid ~ °.,, and the money approiriabnd fr~~m the yeasts] t~ur:d to pay sntta. Adoptod upon call of tho ~' ~' roll by tho following, voto; Yone, i'aoo, Tttl]y, '~Ynshington and Y.atter~ohn,-4. i ~• : ', ' '•"Oom°r.Finnnoe ! Oommieaiener Tully offered tho following motion: I move that the Oommieatoner of "' ~' ~ to take up and ,, ! ',, pay+ ofP 8troet~ Fublio Finanoo bo authorized and instruotod to pay off, take vp and cancel otreet bonda;i I "ponds in City ' , " ,National Bank p and coupons to tho amount of ws423<36 in tho City National Bank and issue a check against; fi: $4£3.3b. I ~ the Speolal Street Furl to pay ee:me. Adopted upon Dell of thm roll by the following i~ t. ' ~ ' ~ I . vote; Yeao, Pnoo, Tully, Plsahington and Kattor~ohn,-4. i ;. : ' Oommisoionor Pulliam entorod the 0ommiasionoro° Ohamber, ~" _ y. 4 . ' I Oommioeioner Tully offorod the following motions It appoarina that tho Aaneas= r or ma8e an orror in anseeeinR, the proporty of Mattis Aloxander, 1P.£7 "South 8th Stroot, ~ Oorreotion ~ on taz bill X40£3, having onterod Demo in the Anaennor°a Book as vnluo of lot W120<00, { x ' ° pill {~40£3 valuo of iml,rovomontn y300.00, total ;p4£0.00, whoa it should havo boon, valuo of lot ~ " Asst. I ~ X140.00, vn]uo of improvemont X100.00, total ~£40.b0, I move that tho Oommieatoner of i i ~. a,. ~f ~rublio Finance bo authorizod and inatrnoted to mnYe oorreotion on this bi71, Adoptod _ y • ~>a. Y 91+on oall• pf tho roll by the followinrr vote: Yong, Paoo, Pulliam, Tully, t7nahinaton and 1 ~~,LL~ I Katter~ohn,-6, i. 1',ayos Y.atter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the bids for the , 4 ,` ~ I oonstruotion of Sewers in Sub-Divisions A: B. and C.,of Sewer District ~3, :nhiah are ash ~ follows, to-wit: ~ A ~` ! .U,.OUI1T D3FOSIT::D i IIA2~ l.DDR3SS SUB-DI'T IS ICI ISIOid B&0. ; .. ~1 Alliod Contractors, Tnoa Omaha, I1eb, $6000.00 X4000.00 i r ~ i~2 Bryno Brothers Conat. Oo. Chicago, I11< 6000.00 4000.00 j ~ . ! ~ ' 3 J. Ii. Cohi7.1 louiavillo, Ky, 6000.00 No Cheok i f ' ~ r- " 4 1, .7. Hancock Louisville, Ky. 6000.00 4000.00 '_j, Bids received ~ ~b G.~7.Ketter~ohn & Son, Peduoah, Ky. 6000.00 4000.00 ' ~ y for the Don- ~ ~6 Yenay & Johnson Co. Paducah, 47, 6000.00 ~ 4000,00 aG atruotion of ' ! ~7 ''.R.Hardine Co. Racine, ~,?is, 6 00.00 • ~ 4000,00 I - I e h ' ~, , ~ 3ewera in .J. J. Irwin & Sons Groonville, Ohio. I7~d Cheok 4000,00 fi { .. . Sewer Diatriot ~ t9 Katz Conatruotion Co, Johnston, I11. 6000..00 4000.00 I. #3. , 10 lonnene & L:oIvorma Dotroit, ISioh. 6000.00 4000.00 ': 1 ~ 11 LioCormaok-Combs Oonat.0o. 9t. louia, l:o. 6000.00. 4000.00 i '" , 12 hiorono-BuoY.ham Co. St. Louis, ?,40. 6000<00 ido Chock. ~ ~ ; 13 Shoots & Can4lold Fort '',7nyno, Ind. + 6000.00 Ido Cheek. q 14 Fred C. istoraan Indianapolis, Ind, 6006.00 4000.00 ~ ' ` i 26 Oakwood Conat. Oo. Oakwood, Idioh, 6000.00 4000.00 ' ? ~ 16 C. a, Rufus 7lnoennes, Ind. 6000.00 4000.00 ~ 1I17 Jno. 1. 7alY.er & Co. Hamilton, Ohio. , !I7d Cheok". 4000.00 • :. r, 18 .1, J. ',9eaklard Charleston, '~7.°'Va, '6000:•00 ' 4000.00 ' t . be~reaeived and filed, Adopted upon Dell of the roll +b~ the`'following vote; Yeas, k ~ • Page, Pulliam. Tully, }9ashingtan end Xatter~ohn,-b. Motion to a Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; 1 move that :ve ed~ourn until Adjourn until ~ ! . £ F.M.I9ednea- ~ £ o°oloak P. M. 7edneaday, June 21st. 1922. .Adopted upon pall of the roll. by the follow- ~. day Jrata £1, ~ , , ~'. 19£2. ~ ing vote; Yeas, Peae, Pulliam, Tully, SYashington and Katter~ohn,-5. I , ~ i. ~' ~?2a2~CD~7®Ze . w 1 ~. ~. •~~-Iti t i' ~ ~ , + ~: E , ,. ' i s6 iwiCat.:d. s.x,: , .'.iA.i <,. ,M,.,,~ ~u.,:_ ~. ~ , n. . ~.:; .i 2 ~.x, ,~.M.,...o:.,.M,,.r.at ... ro.-.:.;,. ,'... :, ,. .... ....r_a +. ,... , . ,. J , , ~+ / f ' JUNL 21st. 1922. ~' At an Adjourned Called L:eeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the . i !: !a Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Peduoeh, Kentucky, on l7ednosday June 2]at, 1922, at 2 0°olook F, i,;, Upon Doll of the roll the following answered to their ! names; Commissioners Peoe, Pulliam, Tully, lPeahir,gton and t.:ayor Ketterfohn,-b. ,4:: Contraot with Chief i', s Commi.saioner '~7ashington of Per ad the following motion; I move that the Lieyor ddmiriistrat ion Division of the ~' be authorized arxi in:;truoted to sign the oontraot with the Chief Adminiatratiop Div i+ U. S.Voteran Bureau y for enterinr~ pa- ; sion of the United States Veteran Bureau for encoring patients of the United Statee • tienta into Riner- ;.• • side Hospital. ~j Veteran Bureau into Riverside Hospital for the gear July tat, 1922 to July lat,1928• • ~ • Adopted upon call of the ,roll by the followir,p• vote; Yeas,. Paoe, Fnlliam, Tully, ' ~ ~; '.7ashington ¢nt Katterfohn,-b. I: ';' Commissioner 17ashington offered the folio^~inp motion: I move that the ?.iey0r Contraot •aith Sur-. 1! _ :zaon :%oneral U. S. be authorized and instructed to ai;*n oontraot with the S,iraeon General United Staten Tublio P,oalth ii "~. ^ervioe for enter- ~ Pub lie Health Service, enterin,R. patients into Riverside F.ospitel for the year July inz patients into •, hiverside f?ospital, j! 1922 to July 1923. .Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following note; Yeas, F¢oe ,~ I~ Fulham, Tully, ;lashington and Katterjohri,-5. ' II'! Commiasianer Pulliam offered the followin~* motion: '9hereea certain omissions Katz Construction I~ • Co, ro]e~tivo to {( ooour in Itoma 98 and 99 of the bid of the Y.atz Construction Company for the eon- error 'in bid for constrtiation of ~ struotion of trtuils line sewers in Snb-Division A. of Sewer Diatriot No, 3, I now move.' ' so:^ers it Se•wor Dia l triot iii ~ ~ that said bid be rojootod es informal. boat upon call of the roll by the following ~i veto: Yeas, Pulliam and Katterfohn,-2; Nays, Faoe, Tully and l7ashin~ton,-3. ` ~; On motion of i,.ayor Katterfohn the A'oard adjourned until 4 o'o7oak P. Ei., '.'ed- ~ ~ nesday, June 21st, 1922, upon Dell of the roll by 5 yeas. •w . ~ ~~ ~ • ~ ,, ~C~~~°..~~...._ ~~ ' _ A~'k!R ~. m.r ~ 4 ~ F, i June 21ata 1922, 4 O'aloaic P.Iw. j ~ .. 5 at an Adjourned S~:eoting a4 the Borsrd of Commissioners, held in the Commission ~ , i era' Chamber in the City Hall, I'aduceh, I:entuokg, on June 21st, 1922, at 4 o'alook ~~~ P. P:. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names; Commisalonere,Paoe° li !; Pulliam, Tully, ?7ashin~zton and L!~vor Katterfohn,-5. ~ ` Katz Construction ~ Commissioner ~lashin ton offered the followin motion; I move that the aoicmu- '; g B Compenst oommuni- - ~~ ' cation° relative nioation from Katz Construation Company be received and filed. Adopted upon Deli of n~ra in Sewer; to :: ' M Dist. idt t~3. , the rol] by the following vote: Yesa, Peoe, Fulliem, :7ashington end Katterfohn,-4; ~ . i 1?aye, Tully,-1. { j Commissioner Tully offered the Yellowing motion; I move that the vote taken • I Satz Construction on the following motion; "',7herees certain omissions occur in Items 98 and 99 of the I Co., relative to ' ~ bid Sowers in bifl of the Katz Construction Com any for the aonatruation oY trunk line ae^tera in ! Wiener Di:,triot ~ • a 43, +~ 3ub-Division A. of Sower District No. 3, I now move that said bid ba rejaatod ea in- E ~, ~~ formal," be reooneidered, adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ~ •„ ` ~~ • ~., , ~~ Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, :7aahington end Katterfohn,-5. h .. , Bids N,R.Aarding Commissioner Tully offered the following >notion; I metre that the bids of :':.R. ~ Co.,Yanoy & John- ~~.~~ son and Oaknood Harding.Company of P.aatne, '.7laoonsin, Yanooy E: Johnson Company, Faduoah, Y.ontuoY.y, ~ Construction Co. lowest bidders "end OeY.:vood Construction Company, Oakwood, t.fiohiean, being the three lonoat bidders, r' '' , ' in Sub-Divtsi ono B. & C. left open .! for the ooratruation of trunk line senors in Sub-Mvi>ions D. and C. of be:•rer Dis- j triat ~3, be lo;~ open, and the cheoYs deposited with said bids retained until the ~ '' ?; ! i r oontraet is let b; the City of Paduoeh. Y.ontucky, to the anooessful bidder and bond • exeoutod, Adopted upon cell of the roll by the fallowing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fulham, . !, .: .... ~ ii.~~:ni ii inn , ,~-r ~:i ii A'If APR II' PI4i~lT. 'II- i' Il ii r!~ri~`~-rl'--~'k.-i .~'rsY-'m~:'a~~'~n~ '-~'.~ ~rrz--~.---i-...,,T.--.--7~i^;'wT .......~ ,...~.:: -' .. ~~ I''~ s ~. :.:- ... .~.., r ~:, .. .,:.e~.,.,. .~,._ ~_ .. ~,,.,_,_~. «w. ..._.a.. yrs.,.. ~~-~ ~ ' , ' ~ Na of Faduoah, in re: Sewor Dis- triot '~3, ~Reeolution ea- ;;, ~oepting deed ~frori E;rs.Blano} !' Aoroe and J.B. `°• ~Aoroe, to City' .a of Paduoah, in `'; ire: Sewer Die- {triot $3. lp . ~ 1 • i - ....y~ ._.. _ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 192- Tally, :7shington and Katter~chn,-b. - - - - _ ~--~ Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the bids of a.R. Harding Company of Raoine, :7lsoonein, b;oreno-Buokham Conetruotion Company of St.Louis, Lto., and J. fI, Cohi11 of Louisville, Kentuoky, being tho throo lowest bidders for the oonatruation of trunk line se~.sers in Sub-Division A. of SeweP District ~3, be left open and the oheoks deposited with said bids retained until the oontraat is let by the City of Iaduoah to the suao^.saful bidder and bond e::eouted. Adopted upon Dell oP the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Laos, Pu111am,Tully,'.7ashington and KatterJohn,-6. L;ayor Katter~ohn offered. the following motion: I move that the oheoks of the horeinafter named persons, bidding on the construction of sewers in Sewer District ~3; deposited with oach bid, be returned to said bidders, es follows: :~I:OtiYdT OF CHECK HAI:^r, ADDR::S3 D~~OSIT:D ''rlITH E1D. j dlliod Contractors, Ina., Otoahe,.lyebraaka, v^6000.00 AY'~D $4'000.00 j Byrne Brothers Coast. Coi Chioago, I11. 6000.00 ^ 4000.00 ~ 1. L7.Hanaock Louiav1118, Ky. 6000.00 ^ 4000.00 Geo."l.Kattorfohn I: Son. Paduoah, Ky. 6000.00 ^ 4000>00 Yanoy & Johnson Co. Paduoah, ly. 6000.00 '7. J. Irwin & Sons Greenville,Ohio. 4000.00 lennane & i;oIlvenna Dotroit, Liioh. 600.0.00 ^ 4000.00 E?aCormaok-Combs Const.Co. St. Louis,}do. 6000.00 ^ 4000.00 Sheets & Canfield Ft.,7e;me, Ind. 6000.00 1 Fred C. LSorgan Indienapolis.Ind. 6000.00 ^ 4000.00 Oalcrood Coast. Co. Oakwood, 1~iiah. 6000.00 C.W.Rufus 9inaennes,Ind. 6000.00 ^ 4000.00 Jno.l.:7elkor & Co. Hamilton,Ohio. 4000.00 7. J.Wehkland Cherleston,W.Va, 6000.00 ^ 4000.00 Katz Constr.uotion Co. Johnnton City,Ill. 6000.00 ^ 4000.00 end the Commissioner of public Finanoe is hereby authorized and dirooted to return said ~, oheoks to the above named parties. Ad opted upon oa11 of the roll by tY.e following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pu111am,Tully, ',7shington and Katter9ohn,-6.. On motion the Doard ad,ourned upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. ~- a JU^IE 23RD, 1922. y r a the bid and awarding oontraot for the oonstruotion of Sowers in Sewer Distriot ~3, 1 F 'sand any other business that might Dame before the Board., Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that a Resolution en- ;Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on June 23rd, 1922, at 6:4b P. }.i. Upon '. ~oall of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners. Faoe, Pulliam, ~ Tully, 'Jashington and Mayor Ketter~ohn,-6. ~- ~ I Mao K tter~ohn statod reasons for oall to-wit• For the purpose of eooepting ,t ~.~: '~1~;_-~ "'v ?';'' y ,; """'°^1- b~i~ At a Called L'.eeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiesior:ers° i ~~ Ei~.tled ^A RESOLUTION ACCr:PTIIIG A DibID OF CONV.'YANCL OF RrIAI. ESTA'Pl•: IDCATED AT lII1dE- TEEIiTH AIJD L:OIIROE STR::::T$ III PADUCAH, Ki4dTUCKY, FRQd E. R. BRADSIIAW TO THE CITY OF ~' '.; !~ PADUCAH, K~dTUCKY, AIID AliTHORI7,ING THE COY:J:iIS520I1~ OF PUBLIC FIIdAIdCE TO PAY '1V THE i p SAIID :. .R. B'IADSHA:? TIIE SUld OF ;1250.00 A1~ CIIARGi; SAD1E TO THr THIRD DISTRICT 3E"1Y12 i FUND ACCOUNT.^ be adopted. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, j ' i. Feae, Pulliam° Tully, 7ashington and KatterJohn,-b. I~ twayor Katter,ohn offered the following mol:ion:• I move that a Resolution entitled ^ (; "A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING .A DE'e:D OF CONVEYANCE OF 3Ellbr~TAT.; Lt.CATT~.'D' AT NIIYrTE3iTIi AYID Jrr~`FERSON STREETS IN FADUCAH, KE6`TUCKY, FROM MRS. BIAIICHE ACRD A}iD H:R HUSBAND. DR. J. 1 ,i ~~ B. ACREE, TO TILE CITY OF PADUCAH, Krad1UCL'X, AND AUTHORIZING Tflw CQL}~II33IOA~3'. OF PUBLIC: .~ FIIIANOE TD PAY TO THE SA YID 1~3. BIAtICHE ACHa.E AIID H::R HUSBAtID, DP.. J. 8. ACRrE. TI?E SUb4 ~ • ' OF $1700.00 AID CILLRGi: SAL.:^o'TO 'PH;: THIRD DISTRICT S.:P!:32 HIND ACCOUIiT,° be adopted. ~• I; Adopted npon sell Of th® roll by the fO110aing vot®: YeBS, Faoe, Pulliam, Tn11y, ~ ~~ Washington and Katter,ohn,-6. ' .; v: r -.. ~ :'T . ._.. ._ mer.,.,*K.. .. ..... Comm'issioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah . ' 192_ 1 Na~ . ~~ i i ~.,., ,~ %; • 1Gayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that a resolution en- Resolution aooept- r ing deed from Roy titled "A RESOLUTION ACC.L•FTING I, D:~D OF CONV.'•IYAITC OF RwAl ESTATK IACATED AT ITINE- 'Ste•~ar+, and wife, ~ ~ - Catherine Stewart Ti~dTH AITD BROAD'9AY S~tF.3T3 IIr' PADUCAH, K~dTUCYY; FROM ROY 3T'..'47ART AND. HIS ?LIFE, to City of Faduoah ~. Sewer District ~3, CATHFRIIdx ST.'7ART, TO 1'HE CITY 0r" PADUCA?, Y.3TTf'CKY, AIdD AL'TIiORIZINC THF. OOD~ISSION:Yt• OF PUBLIC FIIiAITCE 'i'0 TAY TO TIC SAID ROY STE"lART AND F.IS "LIFE, CATHr:.R IIdE ST~'9ART, THE SUM OF $1700.00 AIdD OHdRGE 3ARrr: TO TIiF THIRD DISTRICT Sx;'Tl~t FUND ACCOUITT," be adopted. ' 1. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Peoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~' :7ashington and Katterjohn;-b. Reynolds Bros.' ldayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the aommunioation Communication re- letive to extension, from Roynolds Brothers, Contractors, asking for an extension of time in whioh to of time to nom- .: I:le*.e oonstruction oomplete their_oontraot for the aonstruation of sorbs er_d gutters on South Idinth of curbs &a. S.9th St. & Husberd St. Street end Husbands Street, to Agguat 23rd, 1922, be reoeived end filed. Ad opted upon ~; Dell o~ the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paos, Pulliam, Tully, ~ie.shington and " Kntterjohr,,-b. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move that a resolution extend- Roeolution oztend-! ing Limo to completq ing the time for the completion of the oontreot entered into bet:veen the .City of construction of sorbs &a., S. 9th Faduoah, Kertuaky, ant Roynolds Brothers on the 13th day of June, 1921, for the ~on- wnd Husberds Sts. to =?oynolds Bros, etruotion of o~m orate sidewalks, ota~ba and nutters on 'South Ninth Street and Husbands to Au,~!ust 23rd, 1922. ~ 3treet be adapted. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the follor~ing vote; Yeae, Peoe, ': Pulliam, Tully, '.7ashingt on and Y_ntter john,-5. ' tsyor Katterjohn offered the followinn motion: 'I move that an Ordinance anti- .:. R. Hard ing Co. bid for oonatruationtled "Aid ORDINAIiC~ ACCrD,'TIIdG TY.. BID OF r:, R. HARDIMG C(Y~AIIY, INCORPORATED, OF RACINR, of ae:~era in Sub- Divitdon A. of T7ISCONSIN, A1~ A"'ARDIidG THls CO2TT4i;CT TO SAID COT.1'AI1Y FOR TIIi: CONSTRUCTION OF TRUNK Seger Distriot ~3 ~. aooopted, Ordinance I.IIdB Sr:"J:iItS FOR SUB-DIVISICIT A. CF S.:"llt DISTRICT ~3, be intro3uoed and ley over. First Reading. ,,adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote:•Yoas, Faoe, Fulliam, Tally, i7ashingt~~ and Ketterjohr,,-5. s.R.Eerding Co. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance enti- bid Sor Construa- ' tion of se:rers in tied "AIT ORDIidAITCi kCC:uTIIlG 'rTI:: Bill OF 3. R, u1~.~iDING COL'~AIdY, IIlCO.RPORATID, OF RAC.INE _ Sub-Divisions B. & C. Serer District ~JISCOI;SIN, AIlD i:?nRDI2{G TI? COId'!'I?SCT TO SAID COLII'AITY FOR T}L'-: COIIS7RUCTIOId OF TRLNX ' =r'3 aacoptod by Ordinar,ae, First ,'I llhK SB7?RS FOR SUB-DIVISIONS B. AIID C. OF St^.:~ DISTRIC.T $3," be irttroduoed and lay head ing, , .;over. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, pace, Pu111em,Tully '' :7><shir_gton and Kntter john,-b. On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. JUITa 24TH. 1922. !s: /~.I~S'ri:Y i -. ,, '` ,,;~ i' At a Called treating of tho Board oY Commissioners, held in tho Commissioners' 1' i Chambor in the City Hall, Padnaah, Kentual~, Ori June 24th, 1922, et 30:30 o4alook A, L:. Upon Dell oY tho roll the following answered to their names: Cormiieaionere r `: Faoe, Fulliam, Tully, '~Yashington and liayorrXatterjohr.,-5. ii `~ Mayor Kattorjohn statod reasons for Dell to-wit; For the purpose of 9 peering Dr. J, Aenaook, Kentucky State Board of Health, for diseuaeing Health oondi- tions cud any other business that night come before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the follow~ng motion: I move that the evm of ;26.81 appropriated, y26.81 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund erd planed to the credit of Ferka. fx om Copt inrent Fund to'Perks. ~ Adopted upon sell of the roll by tho following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, i`. •78ahington end Katterjohn,-5. r { II „ ., .,,s ~ ... ~. .n.:N .,: *..~, .. ~'+~--,K• ..' _ '~+' _ ~Pi7;'r'.!~?.#~* :~~`1 r "L tibhx~'°° y~. ,r~.x : ~„ J. _,_~+'. ., ~'G`h.- .... _,-,...,.. y~Y . 'k.~'!~'"M.+^•"""^,~7aCF'.?'"'^^.., ~~. .. ~r.°F'Y"+.., F, 1 ...w i5. ,. ,~. ~ II ~~/§l..nn -llt i III 11'iifl ~~ nT~,,:~. f-T" ilr~~liall~ 11~ I.,~II' t RI I'~' ~ r~I 'f' ~ ., ?'~'~ t I I ~f IrP I "'f` ~~~ ~~ ~~ ' .,~i m a,~~ A i~W.' ~~~e~ m~,~~~-~I. .y .. . ~ w ,. ,.T-_ _ -.- _ _ _ .. ... v. ~_ __ _ _~ .... _ .. . ~..,~ { ' " _ __ ~_ __ _. ~o. H6 ., ~. .. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 192-_ - pay-roll of Farka• Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: 1 move that the Pay-roll of ~: $~ ~' t' ~' first half of ~, Pasks, amounting to ~5b.b0, for the first half of the month of June. be .allowed and ~ , June 19EE. + ordered paid and the money appropriated 2'rom the General Fund to pay same. Adopted ` ~ ~ ~ upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tu11y,:Peahington j " . ~ j # ~ ~; and Katter~ohn,-b< f " ~i Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: I move that the Pay-roll for ~ ~``"° . s3Zp.2 amounting to .a`699s~A~ !~ the 3d Distriot Sewer for the first half of the month of Jnne la,--roll for j ~ , 3rd Distriot ! ;Sower for first. be allowed and ordered paid and the Oommissioner of Publio Finanoe b® authorized to -'~hz=1f of June, L, 19.£80. issue oheoke on the No. 3 Distriot Sewer Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oa7.1 of the ' I y~: - '. r: i. roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam,Tuliy,;9ashington and Katter~ohn,-b. j . ~ '' ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that tfie sum of ~snoo.oo allow- sd to .O.T.Allen. $3100,00 heretofore appropriated be allowed to C, T> Allen and the Commissioner of j ( Publio Finanoe be authorized and direoted to issue a oheok on the General Fund to I '. pay same. Adopted upon Dail of" the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, i : i Tully, ''iashington and Ketter~ohn,-b. ~; _ " 1i On motion the Board ad'ourned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ :,,.. - I ~:,.:~.,~............. MAYFl~iF.. ~ <, N<: 1' j I , JUNS E6TH, 19EE. ~ ~ ~ At a Regulcr 1'eetinrr of the F3oard of Commissioners, held in the Oommisaioners'j • ~,.; ', Ohamber 1n the City Hall. paduoah, Kentuoky, on June E6th, 19EE. Upon Dell of the roll; ~, 1 tF ~~ the followina ensworad to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, :7ashington ~~ ! and b'ayor Katterfohn,-b. ~! ' ~f N„ " On motion of Commissioner Tull the minutes of the y previous meetings were ~ ~ ~~ ,~ II`I( . adopted as read upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Paoe, Pu111am.Tully, j~~,, ' ry 9 7ash3ngton and $Ett@r~ohn,-6. V pbayor Kattor~ohn offered the following; motion: Y move that the bill of the i^ `~ f `~ onthern Oil & {j Southern Oil & Tar Company of louieville, Kentuoky> amounting to ;648.61.. be allowed ; ' '` " ~:' ,Tar.Compar~ of Ij 7.ouiaville I:y. f; and ordered paid and that the Oommiasior,er of Publio r'inanoe be authorized and in- ; ~ . ~` '+; , ~llowedW648.61. ji , i struoted to issue oheok for said sum and ohergo same to the Contingent Fund. Adopted i~ - }~ f upon~aall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully, :9ashington i r',. ~ and Xatter~ohn,-b. , Report Oity ~; Solicitor onoloey btayor Kattor~ohn offored the following motion: Y move that the report of the ' ~~~ ' insra doada from (j Southern Textile„ Oity Solicitor enolosinr; deedo of the Southern Teittila 1Taohinery Company, Laok Sinrele- ~: beoh.0o., Laok Sinalotr@e Oo. ~ ~ ~ tree Company and Jas. S, k;oKee, executed by T. A, btillor, blaster Oommissioner, to the ' r- ,, end Jas. S.IdoKee .right of way ~fI City of laduoah, Kentuoky, for o right of way for the oonstruotion of trunk line sowers G , ;~ ~ 3rA Distriot I Setivez•. {f in Sewer Distriot ~3, be received and aooepted, and 'that said deeds be Maned ov@r to z"~ ~ ~~ the Commissioner of Publio Finano@. Adopted upon Dail of the roil by the following vote: Yeas, Fsoe, Pulliam, Tully, flashinaton and Katt@r~ohn,-b. ! ~'~ ~i1liStokes 11, Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion; That the Oommis^ionor of assessmonL - ({ oorrooL ion.: Publio Finsnoo bs authorized and instructed to make a oorreotion in the aasosament j of ,7111 Sto]¢epp, he having been assessed with en automobile at X200.00, which said I i f" ~ alrtomobile was sold to D< F> Lampiey on Apr 11 lEth, 19 E1. Adopted upon Dell of the ! ~' ~ ~i • { roll by the following vet®; Yeas, heoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter'ohn,-b, j ` a , .. @ ,, ~ ., . i y:ru. 1 i . 'I :. ' ,a. ... k b ... r :, .; ~ . .. `:~.~ ~ . `. :. ~ : :c ' ._ . . __ . { r .., z.. , ,. ,. ,. ..,~. .~ ..• .,.. . .. ....~ ... .::i ` r f , ~~ ., _ r ,. ~ Na .1~ 7 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 192-_ ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the bond Bond Ohio Talley BenY_ Ec Trust Co. offered by the Ohio Valley Beak & Trust Compeny,Yor the ey60,000 depaeit of the IIo, S Server Distriot ~3 J Nund, ; Distriot Sewer Fund, be approved. Adopted upon call oY the roll by.the Yollowing vote: Yeea, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully. :7ashington and Eattor~ohn,-5. ~°" Com'r. Finanoe to Commissioner Tully offered the -following motion: I move that the Commie- lurohase from City ~! sionor oY Fublio Finanoe be authorized and direoted to purohase Prom the City National Iletior.al Bank Bonds Id.O.&0.3.'., 4~-p Bank for the purpose of retirement :10,000 oY N. 0. & 0. R. R. Bonds, 4~:;~, due July due July 1,1926, ;10,000.00. I: 1st, 1926, the pride oY par and adorned interest en3 th¢t a ohook be drawn on the Sinking Fund locount in the Citizens Savings BnnY. to pay same. Adopted upon Dell oY 4 the roll by the f ollorvin~ vote: Yeas, Ieoe, Pulliam, Tally, '--9ashinR•ton and Patter- ~ ', Sohn,-5, I: _ .. Gommiasioner Tully oYYered the following motion; I mope that the Cor.3nisaion- Commiea}oner of r^inanae to purchase; er oY Fublio Finanoe be authorized erd direatod to purchase from the !'.eohanioa Trust from i'.eoh¢nios ' Tru^t ~ SnvinPs '~~ ! & Savins Bank for the purpose oY retirement X10,000 of L'. 0. & O. R, ??. Gonda, x~-~u, j Ban Y. 1r,0.Ec O.R.R. Bonds, 4° v due ~ due July 1st, 1926, tho pride of par and aoorued interest and that a oheok ba drawn < i July 1,1926, I . j10,000.00. ; on tho Sinking Fiord Aooount in the Citizens Savings Bank to pay same. Adopted upon :,,~,: ': Dail of the-roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Feoe, Pulliam, Tully, '.PashinRton and ` i i Ketter~ohn,-b. I . Commissioner Faoe offered tho following.motion: I move that the Commissioner i Fnlmor Utterbaek j. of Fut>lio Finanoe, tYynn `Fully. Be authorized to pay Palmer Utterbaok $200.00 Yor sllowod X200.00 ; ' 'for Chassis Yor '; ohassis to be used Yor petrol war~on, a ni ohnrge acme to the Folios Department. Adopt- . ~ Patrol :ralron. `i od upon Dail oY the roll by Lhe Yol.lorving vote: Yeas, Peoe, Pulliam, Tully, 9ashington i and ICatter~ohn,-ba ,, Commisalonor l7ashinQton offarod the Yollo^ving motion: I move thrt the Oom- y u, miASioner of Fublio Finanoe be authorized aryl inatruoted to pay to the 1?oCraoY.en ~. Com'r.Finanoe to ~ County Fiaeal Court, out. of the Contingent Fund, ,100.00 por month, beginning July pay A4oCraoken County Fisoal ;: 1st', 1922; provided the Fisoal Court will. open the Tuberouloais Banitorium., end that " Court ;100.00 p ~ P, I month to open the Commissioner of Fublio Finanoe oontimio to pay to the Piaaal Court ."y100.00 per '{ Tubaroulo:i.e „ ;;r:nltorium; and r month Yor the romatmier of the yonr 1922, so long as thnro are any pats9nte 1n the - Com'r.IublLo Pro- '' potty to tuko thie f, Tubaronloaia Sanatorium, but with tha cuxler,+tnndinq that if thorn are no patients, i~roposition up vritti L!aCraol:on Oo+mty ! the Sanitorlum will ba oloaod urd the X100.00 par month will ooa,+o; and fnrtl,or move 1`inoal Court July ' 3x.i, 1:+F:£. il, that the Oonunisnlonar of lublio lroporty t,o authorized to Ro bafora the k'iaonl Oourt " •.I at their next meoEJnR'c July 3rd anti preleont this proposition to them. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yoaa, Fnoe, Fu]llnm, Tully and Nnahin8'ton,-4; ' ~~~ ; Bays, Knttorsohn,-l. ~• , ~! Oommisaionor Fulham ofYerod the Yollo+vin(c motion; ,That the employment of + :~nploynient R.F. lioore as Inapeot- 1;, p', L+o ore ae Inapeotor at ,130.00 per month for 3rd Die~trtot Server, be ratified or for 3rd Diatrio f, Socror. i; and pia pay be ohargod against 3rd Distriot Sevror b'und. .Adopted upon Dail of the t; , I roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, !'lsahington end Y,atter~ohn,-b. , Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; Thnt R: F, ?.adore be Travel ingrbcpensos ; ~.. 9-Y of R, r•.LSoore to allowed X14.11 na traveling expenses to Fa3uoah Yor work in the i'~+r5lneerina Depart- I~aduo¢h Sr om Ch¢mpaitm,Ill,. ; meat of tho'3rd Distriot Sewe;s and same be oharged to said 3rd Distriot Sewer F+vid,, ~ u14.11. ~ '~ ea follows: Railroad Fare Yram Ch ai ~1 ~ R'n, Illinois....>.... 0.36 + , `\ ! Tullman ..................... ........... 3.75 ~ ~ Tot¢1........... '~`'~. T Adopted upon dell aY tha ro71 by the Yollowinn• note; Yeas, Fnoe, Pu171am, Tully, ~; ',laohingtun and };atteraohn,-6. r Oommisalor,or Tully offorod the following motion: It aproarin~r there !a due Sohoola X8118.29 • tnx.oo]loot!ona Sohoola from the t¢x oo]leotions for the +veek ondinq .puce 24th the scan oY,~8118.29, for wonk ending Juno F.4,19££, i iii I move that same bo allo.vod and order ad paid and the money aplroprirted fTOm tha i .'` x „- I ~ ,. . ..:::.a~^~rr~;-'3~-'a•~":°?-'C. o-•~+?t'z^~'^.~,~r?+;,.,.:.. ., ,~~.,,._,..~ ..,.. ,. .~.N r. ,•..~... .~`;'~s2?n~•^&x.~,...>^-H"t. .~-.T`C'~':r-:--7~T".-:^.^s•.. .~... ..... .., ~ __.,_ . , ~ I R ,i.,.,,,n-.i~ip. ;~.~.,,~., I PI I if II I'.I'I lh I R i n. i ~ I i ~ I ~i f I I F r 11"? ~ Na ~ a Commissioners' Proceedings, Ci1.y of Paducah ~ 198-_ ' { i yGeneral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon onll of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, li Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, 14aahington and Katter~ohn,-6. G. ' @ Commissioner Tully offered the following motlom: I move that an Ordinanoe ' ., Ordinenoe enth-i orizing t7ynn ;!entitled, ^Atd ORDINANCr1 AUTHORIZING AITD Il.S0i7:1tING :4YIJDI TU1;I.Y, COI.IiISSIOId:~I OF FUBIIC .~ Finanoe to se11;iFIIdA21CE, TO S.^.ll; UNYT:~ STdT:IS GOSPIRIdI,yIdT FOUR A27D OItE-QUARTF~? (44 ) FI~t CHIT CON7':I.4TED Liberty Bonds, F` I~LIBr.IITY 7.O.iId BONDS, Idb.7 0'~di~~ BY TF~ CITS OF 1'ADUCAH, K::.NT[ICKY, AIIOUIITIIIG TO THE SUI.I OF ' T7r,IITY-FINS TI20USA2ID ($25,000.00) DOLI6RS, FOR NOT I.T.iSJ THAN PAR AEA ACCRUz~ INT;~trIST," ~be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following. vote; Yeas, Faoe, Pally, ~~ '~' i ~4ashington and Katter john,-4; hays, Pulliam,-1. ' ;~ ,~.'a Y.A.Berry Com- ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: % move that the oommunioation :~' l~unioation in I'~ tr rq:Stroeb Car µfrom i4. A. Herry, dated June 2Gth, 1922. rele.tive to the aaoe of the Paduoah Railway 1 ..b'ar'on litiga- ~+ s`~tion. f0ompany vo Citq of Paduoah, pending in the Supreme Court, be reoeived and filed. Adopt- ~ed upon sell of the.roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, i7aahington '~ „ I and •Kattor john,-6. Oommionionor Tully offorod tho following motion; Y move that an Or4lnanoo Ocd l nan oo em- +f ploying ,V. A.: ,I entit led. "Aid ORllIItAldOi TROVID LIDO .rOR TH:; r^d,~'J.OYI~i!';tdT OF ~7, A. H:~RY TO AS IST T11I; OYTY Henry to nesistr ' ' .City 9o11oitor ~~SOI.IOITCR IId F2AND3.IIdG TH$ CAS:2 OF TIIr'. PADUCAII RAI1',7AY 001.0.'ANY AGAINST THS OITY OF PADU- ' in Street Oor ~ fI~ ~ Fare J.itigatien~iCAH, K;•:NTUObY, NO'.4 I'FIdDIIdG IH i'IIE SUFR~.IS COURT OF 'PIIE UNITr2D STAT:S, ',7IIP~P•,IN T}IE PADU- Ii'IRST READING. ~• q CAH RdIl+dAY C011'ANY SEEk:3 TO S}IJOIId THH iyNFORCr;t,?F.IIT OF AN ORD Tiidl'C ];I}.tITII1G THS FRICR { I~OF FARr:S ON STRSr:T CARS, AIiD FIXING THE CO}uIi';NSATION OF SAID ATTOR2dSY I~'OR tiIS SrJtVIC:,S,JO ;_ ~ 1'be introduoed and ley over. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, i; ; ~' Paoe Pulliam Tully and 7ashin ton 4• idaya Kattor ohn 1. I • . g o- . o , o- ~~ On motion the Bound adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. A6a~IM~~1YR,,,~ •1°'?~S,OY~il:e ~~r.. ~~~ _~V,~ JULY 1ST. 1922. ~i: At a Oa11od Booting of tho Board of Oommissioners, holfl in tho tlommiestonore' - I. ~ , f Chnmbor in the City FIttil, Paduoah, Kontuoky, on July 1st, 1922, at 10 o!alook A. }:t. i ~ ., . {; Upon Dail of the roll the following answered to their names: Commisst.onors Faoe,Pulliamj r. , {f Tully; i7aahington and 1.Uiyor Y•attorJohn;-6. ~ .' hlnyor Kattor3ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For the pvrpone of awarding { i ! ' ~~ oontreot for the oonetruotion of Sewers in Sewer Distriot,~3; and any other busineso ~ t r -If thnt mircht Dome beforo tho Aoard. Id' Liayor Katter~olm offered the following motion: I inow thct an Ordinanoe en- 'Ordinenoe ea- I', ` oopting bid, of li titled,'"Aid Oi2DII1dN0E AOC~ TIIIG TIU; BID OP Is. R. }LIRDIIdG C^I.4'AI'Y, TIICURFORAT~, OF t z.R.IIarding Co. ~ ~ Snb-Division A I RdCiNE, WISCOI1SIId:, 11I1D A17ARDI1dG TNr: COI;132ACT TO SAID COhlANY FOR TH.~. CONSTRUCTI02d OF So•.ror Diatriot I~ ~ #3; adopted. f~ ii;UNK lINs Si:;:1tS FOR SUB-IDIVISI021 A. OF SFT?c$ DISTRICT ~3," be adopted. Adopted upon ;i Dell of tho ruI] by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully, i7ashincrton and Kattor~ohn,-4 ~~ hays, Pulliam,-1. ` Ordinaneo ao- i~ IJlayor Katter~ohn offored the following motion: Y move that an Ordinanoe en- oepting bid of ,;~ G.R.Harding Co. 4! titled, "A1! ORDIILINCI•; ACOi,'pTIIdG THE BID OF E: R. FIARDIIIG OCI:'J'AidY, IId00RPORAT'r~, OF ~ Sub-Divisions ~' 1 .H.&C. $ewor Dis-~ =2ACINE. flISCOifSIId, dIID AS7AR7}II1G T}G; C01°1'it.1CT TO SA3D CORiTANY FOR TIL; CONSTRL'rTIOI: OF I . `• ~;; triot ~3, ~ 1 I`'> `Adopted. II `~~'D' y~l%+ Sa~.~'t;;RS FCR Stffi-DIVISYU1dS B• ~11~'D C. OF 5:;~7;~2 DISTRICT ~3," be adopted• _ ~~ ' ?~, !~ Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. Tully, t7ashingtan and ' ~ Katter~ohn,-4; Nays, Pulliam,-1. ... I Oommunioation ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; That, the oommunioetion of the ~ :Com~rP'inanoe i, relative to eale~ Oommisaioner of Publio Finanoe with referenoe to the eels of >;iberty Bonds ,^p26,000.00 '{ op 'Liberty. Bonds 1 be'reeeiced and filed. Adopted upon oe1T of the roll by the follorrtng vote: Yeas, • I ' .-.., ,..,;. ~ ,. ,.: I, ,. J Na ~~ , Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah ~ • 192_a m~, .. Ii 'I , ~~ i i ~' r+ +~.-E~IP'R037~ J? ~.,._ . JULY 3RD. 1922. .'1 ~, At a RoF-ular 1'eetin:-; of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiasion- ers' Chamber in tl~e City Hall, 1'eduoeh, Xentuolgr, on July 3rd, 1922. Upon Dell of i {, the roll tho followin¢ ana•.vered to their names: Commiesionara, 2aoe, Tul]y, Washington r, i~ erd I:evor XetterJohn,-4. i;. „ j On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were I! • h aaontad as reed upon Dell of the roll by tho followinP vote: Yeas, Faoe, Tully, ~: Plashindzton and XetterJohn,-4. ~I Ifryour ICatter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the oontrect.made ~~ 'xyor-Lord Tie ~; and ontorad into on tho P.6th day of June 1'J 22, by and bot:^oon tho Ayer-Lord Tia Company oontreot, rvlativo to rirht i:. Oompany and the Oity oi' Taduoah, Xentuolq/, be rooo.ived, riled, aooapted and ratified, of :vay for soc,~ora. ;; , ij. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the followinn vote: Yoas, Faoe, Tull,, '.7eshinoton endrettar~ohn,-4. 'r• Ifayor Xetter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the report of the Report City, Soliaitor rolativa~ City Soliaitor in regard to the m:mber of oases handled by him, be rvaeived and filed,. of oases handled by him for City. ~!`~dopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yees, Faoe, Tully, Washington and I:etter~ohn,-4. ~/ Communisation Commissioner 'l'olly offered tho followrinrr motion; I move that the oommunioe- Com'r.Finanoo re+ j~ lative to Y~urahese~ tion from the Commissioner of Fublio Finance cith referonoe to purchase of ,^y10,000.00 o: II:O.Q~ O.R.3. Boni U from John I of : , 0, E: 0. R. R. Bonds i'r om Jahn ~r. F:eiler Fc Son, be reoeived and filed.. Adopted i:oilar & Son, ."x'10,000.00. Ii upon Dell of tho roll by tho Yollovrinp~ vote; Yoas, Faoe, Tully, Washington-and ~: Xetter~ohn,-4. ~i ~' Cosmi:nloetior, ~ Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the.oommuniag- Oom'r.Firanoe re- f , _ letiva to purohesel' ;ion from the Oommissione¢• of Publio Finance with refeconoe to the purohase of j ,;~ Eords from l:eahan- +', y10,000.00 YI. 0. E: 0.°.. 3. Eonds from the f'eoheniaa Truflt & Sevt,nra Bank be reoeived : ice '!•rnx;t & San- ~, irPS Bet3:,~`,]G.000. +,! cnd filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the follo•r+insr vote; Yeae, Faoe, T,i]ly, j '.Washington er,d Xatter~ohr.,-4. ~ - ~;. • Oommias.ioner Tully offorad the follo:vir.g motion;. !lheroae the City itetional j" + Bank, the L'eohaniaa Trust & `Savings Bank end tho Ohio Va11oy Bank Fr Trust Oompeny ere ~.,"' City Dvpositoriva,r So:^ar r,iu~d Bor.•da ~' the depositarles for the Thir3 Diatriat Sonar F~mda and havinr~ ali and oeoh oi' them or~:asted ani colle-!. tvrcl deposited iexeouted bonds which have bean approved by this Board in lieu of the oollatoral rettaned. • seouritias vrhioh .were deposited -'ith :iynn Tully, Commissioner oP F.ublio Fineme ani " } !' tho Ces'rier of the City lfetional Bank as ouatoiiens erd said oollatoral seourities I ' havin? boon returned to said banY,a end rooeipts sinned by them Yor eaid.seouritiee, ii ~;v+hioh sro tordored horoin, I move that safd reoeir,ts~be filed and this motion be ~!rooordod. Adopted upon oe]1 of tho roll by tho followingz vote.; Yeas, Faoe, Tu]Iy, P , V '~ • Paoa, Pu1131Rm, 'Tully, `.7shington end Xatter~ohn,-b, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that en Ordinenoe en- '. titled "AW ORDIIfl,IdC9: i~LiTIiORI?ING, DIR:CTLYdG AYdD :~.A'OW^ItIIiG WYIitf TULLY, COk2".ISSION~t OF ~~ FUBLIC FIliAIICE, TO TR::TdSF13t FOR 6ITD OYI D~'IIi~IF Or THE CITY 'OF FADUCAH, I~IdTUCXY TO TAE Liberty Loan Bonds, .'"p2b,000.00 ~; CITI?SNS SAVIIiGS BGIIY. OF FADUCAH, X~:IdTUCI:Y, UNITBD STATr.S GOVs13Yl3wYdT LIBr'RTY B~YdDS Bald to Citizens Savings Bank. ? ItOS. 81315 to 81339, IISCLUSIVE, Bss^IYiG 4ap COIIVr1?T:~ L1B:RTY LOi~1 BOfIDS.OF 1927-1942, ~^ B lOY+GIY?G 'PO TY_: CITY OI' FADUCdIi, •Ki:I"PUCXY, ALfOUY:T DIG TO T?L: SUYd OF T~9rSITY FIVE TAOU- i' ~ISI:IID (y~2b,000.00) Dollars," be adopted, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the tollo~ !ing voto: Yoas, Paoo, Pulliam, Tu11y, Washington and Xattor~ohn,-b, ~~ On motion tho IIoard adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. j '~ Ad~/ed 'C~~y~~y g- \ f t. ' ._ 'a:"';",^'.^'?A'S,5'.°'.k.3k^'."'.;°u.':.g".'„" -~'~'ilt:`"~l^~"~•'S! -.... «,. ,..wt,. „m. w., ,~w.W .u ... .C~.."~'"91R'FA^(fiT'r"..~'A".t3~.. uT"iro'.'".",?s~wC."r;"37^,:in"T+,:. r ;:+^"',mZ~•'e"+";~.r.: ~' F..~~.R4' T~ .y}~° a,.,f.C i~+F',tss "S i"7i` ~~-r~r.:~,~.ia~vu.,.. i,~i,~ ~ ~.~ n. ~~~=o-r.gi.~a~nq p' m i PT9I ,- -, ~ a~~ I~"I III,}~~i i i ~ ~ .:, .. k,.. .. ;;,. ,~ ~~ .:ate ~ w ~ .~i ~d ..,, ~, ,~~ ~ ~,~~ . ~ , .~ ~ '.~ . , _~:. t I -~ .. Na ~`a .. ,. lverlott I.ai.'oore~ Beverage I,i- aer,se. ~~,. Cemetery deed to Lrs. T. C. Brysn. ~~ ~ ~ . ' , ' I Cemetery deed ° ` to John T. q'hurman. ` ~~ 9troet Bonds and ooupona paid by Com'r. Fublio Finsnoe in City Iiat~1. Sank. cJ'~' ~ Frana}aae taxes due Schools, p•966.72. . ~` 5ohoolrs, taxes to end of June ;,28515:b9. `~, ' `Report Chi of of 44.Folioe. '`' Is' i., ~",SOuthorn Beads Comrarsy,to re- .:.pair Bitulith- `1io Streets. k, ,. i, -~ Ed.D.Hannan ~ hose box for. ', ,%o lb Fork. 'a]. C. Seaton, Clk. Deets in ro: :.,'„ F. ;i.i:atterjohn &o, va Thomas re Sow r Diat. #a. ~'. Y Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah , ' 198-- yeahingten and Katterjohn,-4. e Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The slam. of $50.00 havinP been tenderod together With applioation for malt or oereal bevorap~o liaenso, Y move that a lioense to sell malt or oereal trevereves or any admixtiu•ea thereof be ?ranted to pn~ ' Ivor]et^I,al::ooro at $933 South 3d 3treet, for the six months beginning July 1st and ending Dooembar 31st, 19 22. Adapted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Faoe, Tully. °Jaahington and Y.attorjohn,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; The sum of ''p37.b0 having been paid into the :r'reaaury, es evidenoed by the reoeipt filed herewith, I.move that deed.bq oxeauted to L'rs. T, C. Bryan for lot X49 in Slook ~2 on the north aide of Baker Street, between Ford & Hannan Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Tully, :7ashington and Katterjohn,-4. Commissiener Tully offered the f olloivinFr motion: The sum of y37.60 having _, .been pa id; .into the Treaoiu'y, as evider,aed by the reoeipt filed horewith, I move thst 1e93 be exeouted to John T. Thurman for Y,ot ;~18 in Blook ~2 on tl:e South side of Hannan Street bet:reen Baker EoL?filler Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon sail of the ro]l,by the follo:rinc vote: Yeea, Faoe, Tully, '7ashin?ton and Y,etter john,-4e Commiasionar Tu].ly offered the fo].lorvinR motion; I move that the Commission ~ of Iublio Finanoe be e~.thorized and instrnatod to pay off, taY.e up and oanoel street bonds and ooupons in the City National Bark to the amount of 4615.60 and to drain a oheok eaainst the Speoiel Street Fund Aaoonnt to pa;r aamo. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following note: Yeas, Taa®. Tully, t7aehington and Katterjohn,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing' there is due the Sohools the Brun of ,966.72 from the aolleotions of Frar:ohiae Taxes to June 30th, I move-that it be e11o:~ed end ordered paid and the rnoney appro~~riated fT ao the General i~und to pay same. Adopted ui:on call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Faoe, Tully, 7ashington and Katterjohr~,-4. ~ F F ;~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing there is due tl - i the Sohoola from the tax oolleation:. to the ernt of June, the aiun of ~2851b.b9, I move i that sarco be allo;ved acid ordered peid and the money appropriated from the General Frv,d~~ to pay ar_me. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the folloivin?? vote: Yeas, Faoe, Tully, i i9ashinpton and Katter john,-4e Commissioner Pace offered the follo:ing motion: % move that the report of the Chief of Police for the month of June 1922 be reoeived ar,d filed, Adopted upon i oell.:of the roll by the following note: Yeas, Faoe, Tull",:7ashington and Y.atterjohn,4. Commissioner .7ashinp~ton offered the following motion: I move that the pro- poaition of the Southern Bosch Company by Harbert h. 7arren, Second 7io®-President,, i 'tor the repairs to the Bitnlithlio Streets of Paduoah, be eaceptod r_nd that i's.'?Tarren j be notified to ship his plent bore as early es possible. Adopted upon Dal] of the I roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pe.ae, Tu11y, :7ashington and Katterjohn,-4. , i ~ Commiesior,er ~7ashington offered the fo1lo~ring motion: Y move that the attached i f~ bill of ::d D, IIannan for one i,ew hose box for ]:olb Fork be paid ~,d ahar~ed to' Parks I and the money appropriated from the Continuant rand to pay same. i.dopted upon sail of the roll by the followin~* vote: Yeas;Paoe,Tully,i7ashington and Katterjohn,-4. ~ ~' ~ • j ItayO~`:lfatterjohn offer e$ the following mot3.on: I move that the bil] of ~'T.C. i Seaton; Clerk. of the LoCraoken Cirouit Court, in the ease of F. i7, Katterjohn, Ptayor, ', V &o. va Themes lParren, &o., amormtinP to the sum of j896,00, be allowed, and the Commis ~: , I~' `sinner. of=~Tazblia Finanoe is hereby eutharized and dirooted to issue oheok to ~.9.C.Seatorf Olerk, for the sum oP ~596e00 in payment`of said- costa, end oharge same to the 3rd j ~iistriot' Server Fund':-' Adopted upon call of the roll, by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, I ,. is ~ r ,~• ~~~,.. ?. :. .. ~` h , '. ~..- :~. 'o rr,~ i I , q r ~~. .. i 59tr-7 Na S/ Commissioners' Proceedings, 'City `of Paducah ' • ' 192.:. - - - - - ~Tully, :'leshington and Katterjohn,-4. ' + Commissioner Tully ofYarod tho following .motion; I mope an Qrdinanoe nrovidinR 7t.d.IIerry employed Yor the emplo,»nent of '.7, d. ~3orry to asai^t the City Solioitor in handling the oaae or to assist in oaae of Feduoah Hail:zay 'the I'aduseh zzaileiay Compare against the City oY Paduoah, Sy.; now pending in• the Co. vs City, it re; I ' Strout Car Fsrea. ':.Supreme Court oY the United States, wherein the Paduoah Reil:7ey seeks to enjoin the 1 enforoement oY en Ordinanoe ].imitin~,the prioe oP fares on attest oars and PSxir.R the ~~ ' aompensetion of said dttornoy for his servi.oer~, be adopted, adopted upon oall of the • ~~roll by the Yollo:wine; vote: Yeas, Igoe, Tu11y and 9ashingtion;-3; pleys, Eetterjohn,-1, t '~ On .motion the Doard adjourned upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas. l 1, aP P r~ -" i . .'I ~ CM•+. ~ ~~ JUlY 6TH, 1922. ~ } ' J` - j! At a Oa11ed IrIeetinq oY the Board o! Oommissionere, hold in the Oommisaionare' ~~, Chamber in t}:o City Hall, Te~luoah, Eantuol)I;y, on July 5th, 19EP., at 2 O'olook I'.. i'. p! !i Upon oall of the roll tho.follo:ving answered to their names; Comml.eHi4nere.Faos, Pulliam, Tully end :7ashin?ton,-4; Mayor Katterjohn be.inR out of•the',City,')4layor Fro (~ .. . ~f Tem ;7ashington presidod. '~' ~'. };Ieyor Fro Tem '.7aahington stated reasons Yor oell to-wit: For the I.urpoae of li ~~ allowing ~sy-rolls erd any othor businoas that might oome before the 5oard • !~ } I - r' Commissioner Tully oYYered the Yo17o•ain~ motion: I move that the }:ay-Toll !` Yor the lest ha]Y of the month oY June, amolv'~tinc to ,°`j1321?,8,.38, es per the report Fay-roll last 'i ' halt June,1922. ,;!. oY the Commissioner oY Publio Finance fi?ed here~~ith, be ellox~ed and ordered paid and ~., P; , i the money ap}roprieted from the Goneral ^nnd to pay same, ddoptAd neon oe71 oY the ('. ' • ~~ roll by the Po'.loninir vote; Yeas, Ta.oe, Su7liam, TnTlp, and '7ashington,-4. ~ Commissioner Tully o,YPered tl!o foliocring motion; I move that the Tey-ro17 Yor `. the 3rd lli:;trict o::~er for the last halt of the month oY Juno, emountinP to •j65E.58, }•-ry-roll Last halt Jzva 1922, i- be allo'~ed and orrterod paid and t):e Commissioner of Iuhlio Fincnoo bo enthorized ~ '' 5rd District ' Se~aor. ~' and irs.truct to dracr ohooYs enr_inst the Ito, 3 Distriot Sector F~:nd dooozmt to-}:ey same. i; !. Adoi-'ted upon oall oY the roll by the Pollorring vote: Yeas, Iaoo, lulliem, Tul]y and.-..'- :7ashir.5ton,-4. ~ Commissioner Tully ofYarad tr:e follo:ring motion; :7hereas there hcs heretofore ': boon allo'~~ed pay-rolls Yor the iio, 3 Distriot Sorror, cinvuntin~ to w637,42 and same Sower Fund `_ has boon ohargod to the Speoial Sewer Ftu:d, S move thet,tha gum oY •637.42 be Sorror Distriot ¢3. f! ello~ned and raid from the .Ito. 3 Distriot ':ie:4er Fund and the Commissioner .oY Publio ~. , Finanea be er,thorized and~direoted to issue r. cheek for game and deposit to the oredt ~~ it of the Speoial Serror Fund, ado}tad upon oall oY the roll by the Yollo~rring vote: t Yoas, Iaoo, Pulliam, Tully, and aashington,-4. • t Commissioner Tu17S+ offorad the follo:cing motion:, The sum oY ,-",50.00 having been trndorod to;rethor Sri th apr.lioation :for mr.] t or oAroal bevera!-o ] toanae, T move Tuol: I.o:re frrerted I'alt or Coreal II! tT:et 71oan::e to se71 malt or oared bevorer-ae or any admixtures thereof, be prented to' Bovvra~o License:. !' Tuok Sowe et i~500 South 7th Straot, Yor the pezt•idd of six months, beRinn}na July 1st, i h and ending Deoemhor 31st, 1922. ~d optod upon oell oY the roll by tho f0710'ai11R 70te; ' Yoaa, Teoe, Iulliem, Tul].y er~l ',7ashington,-4, ' i On motion the lloard adjournod u}on oall of the ro]] by 4 yeas. ' ~~ ~ -~ ~- ~,, t , .. _ ,m... m.~^s~ ~, .., ,:. _. , _,,:: ~. ..,, ,. s .~.E., ...,..cc.:: .., ., , N'.'~*JT^M.^'L.^rT~?Z'fi•.:*^ ..... ~ .. ., .:.~.•:: ,. . ,~rM < , .E;~?'a,"'4?.. _ -yam, . -... ', , s I'Ifl. ,i~-n,ryli:aii,f~pa,;.~l I i rylll i. Iii I I I ,,IIr ~, ~I,~ ~,_~ 7{r:n ~' ~ ~~~.:~::rgn~q „n-n.i 1. i. i' i ~ -rn ~.,.rg111 ~.i ~17P'Ip ul: p~ rl II VO ~''I ~ .. ~~ n P!, ,R7~Vpi5p~P~gg ~t )~ ... F PIa- . S fir,:,: N,,. _' • Commissioners' Proceedings, .City of Paducah 192--_ ~~ i .: ! JULY 8TH. 1922, I At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commiasioners held in the Commlesionera' (a !; i Chamber in the Oity Hallo Paduosho Bentnoky, on July 8th. 1822, at 10 O'olook Ao M. ~~ i I a ~ I ~. !,Upon Deli of the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Paoe° Tnliyo ~~ ~: ~ ` i ' ~i 7faahington and ~B4ayor Satter9ohn°-4. ~ w_~~• Y ~ ` ~ j 1 ff ~ Mayor Batteriohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For the purpose of allowing I ~ =. i ~bille° and any other business that might Dome before the BQerdo N Commissioner Tn17y offere8 the following motioa: Y move that "AN ORDINANCE, ! P )"' A:.: iAUTH~tIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND WMMIBBIONER OF PUBLIC FINANCE 10 BORR04! THE :, _ Sosrow.lioney. 11'-SUM OF FIFTEEN THOUSAND ($150000.00) DOLLARS FROM THE CYTY NATIOHAL BANG OF PADUCAH° :y ' ,~ I j%ENTUCKY° AND TO E3(ECUTE A NOTE FOR BALD SUM FOR AND ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY°" be adoptedi.~ , I, ~IAdopted upon Dell of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeeao Paoe, Tnily° Washington and i. ' ~? ~ ! ~jKatter~ohn°-4. ! ' - !j Commissioner Telly offered the following motion: I move that the sum of $275.00 ~ !! ;2RSo00 interes ti~ I oa note of I ;intereat on a note of ~ib.o000.00 this day executed at the City National Bank, due i ~ib°000.00 at ` !j - City Net'l.Banl[.;,November bth° be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General i i ;~- ~; ; .. !Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the 4ollowing vote: Yeeao Paoe° f !`Tully, iPaehington and Katter~ohn°-4. ;. Oommiasiaaer Telly offered the following motion: Y move that the aooounta for ths,~ ~ ~~last half of the month of June, amoiu-ting to ~b94B.2b, ae per the report of the Commis- ! ~ ~ ` ~. . > AoaOnnte fOP y ~ ? ~iaet half of "eioner of Publio Finenoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money ap- ~ _ ` June 19220 i, j, propriated from the General Fund to pay 9aieeo Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the ~ ~ . _ following vote; Yeae° Paoe° Tullyo Washington and Katter'ohno-4o ~ . . 1 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move Lhat the report of the ,~ 1Report Com°rb ~!Commiseioner of Publio Fiaanoe f6r the month of June be reoeivad and Yiled and OPdered '~ ` I Finanos for G, '~° Jane 1922, ~publiehed in the oYfieiel newspaper. Adopted won call of the roll by the 4ollowing • 't ;:vote; Yeea, Peoe, Tullyo Washington and 8atterjohn,-4. :' ' }: I ~'; Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the Commissioner of ~~ $16.000.®0 al- ",Publio Finanoa be authorized and direoted to draw a aheok on the 3d Diatriat Sewer Bond ' ~ I lowed aryl drawn ;': , from 3d Dist. 'Sinking Fund Aaaount in the First National Bank for the sum of $16.000.00 to pay the semi- . Sewer Bond Sink-' Fund to pay aem ir,annuei interest due Jnly 10th on the x'600°000.00 b~, Sewer Bonds outstanding. Adopted ~, " anneal interest joa Sewer Bond a. rupon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Peoe, Tully, Washington and %atter- i,~ohn,-4o Commissioner Tull offered the follow! y ng motion: The following parties having I titerxlered the sum of ~SO.o00 eaoh° together with application for tD~lt O1' Cereal Beverage ~ ~ .. ~ ~Liosnas, I moss that license to sell Mast or Cereal Beverages or arg~ admixturs• thersof~' : Lioenae to sell ;bs granted to them at the plaoea set out opposite their names for the period of aiz , ~ i[elt or CsreaS ! , ;Beveragee des.. ' I !:months, begiaming Jaly lato and ending Deoember 31st° 1922: ~ _ ~ ; issued to:- jl , ~ Jaok Riddle, Jaok Riddle, 119 Broadway ! ~~ ' 119 Broadwsy0 ehko f D1at 00 ji Rehkopf DistYiDui~nq,9p•10b South 2nd St. ' ~ ;, p . o lOb S. 2nd 9to o ,! Ho Ia Oauae, 906 Adams 8tresto ° j H. L. Onuae, 706 d H ~ I ~ ,,, y. A ams 8t. ~ ~1Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the followinp; vot®: Yess, Paoe, Tully, Washington and r^;s }~ ! jilCatter,ohn.~do i , On motion the BoarB afl,ourned npom call of the roil by 4 yeas. ! .. ! ~ ~~ ' Adepe6l .~~fi~ @ 0 19 ,~R O~i'~' JAS.: F rCi~: !; Ct?~,--~_c.~. Gr~ ~ • s it ~r os {~ ~ ' ~. a.:.w .....,...o ~a,. _,._-r ~;_;~, - .~-.., ,. , r. ' ~, ~ • k ~ r u- ., k..: n r ,'~a": w. +h*,:'~~5',J^.^, ~tm ~ ,:.~ - •., .. ~ ~ . • . ~ ~x;a,wa S,Y r,ap.. ;~ ,4' ~ r'3 r ro :~ }~ ~ ... .. ..._ .. z...,,,, •. Na.~3, • Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah... , ' ' 19B_~ _._ i .._ _ __ _ ___ _ _ . - -- ___ - - - -- -- - - , JULY 10TH. 19EE. .,~-a~~ • dt a Regular Cleating oY the Board oY Commissioners, hold in the Commi~~ion- I ~ ''ere' Chamber im the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentnoky, on July 10th, 1928. Upon Dell oY / '!,the roll, the Yollowing answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Kayor Katter~ohn,-b. ~ ' ~ Cn motion by Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were ~ ', adopted as read upon Deli oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tally . t ~ ~; Washington and Sattar~ohn",-b. Commissioner Tn]ay oiiered the Yollowing motion: It appearing there ~ie due Schools Tazes. ,',the 3ohoola the sum of X3264.06 from the aolleotlon oY current Lases, I move that it be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated Yrom the General Fund to pay ?, same. Adopted upon Dell OY the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, ~ " ;. Tn11y,.Washington and Ketter~ohn,-5. • Commissioner Tully otiered the Yollowing motion; I move that the Commis- - .. Street bonds ~ • and oonpons at ;' eioner oY Publio Finance be anthoriisd and directed to pay oiY, take uP and cancel • - City National Bank taken up. ~ street bonds and oonpone in the City 2ietionel Bank to the amount oY $E146.16 and draw ~ ~ ' s check against the Speoiel Street Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll ~;by the Yollowing vote: Yesa, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully. Washington and Satter3ohn,-b. Commissioner Washington oitered the Yollowing motion: I move that the City Light Plant employees, employees oY the City Light Plant. who have been in the sesviae Yor one year, or more„ _ gCBntad 19549 oY absence. be granted a leave of absence Yor one week with. pay, same to ba charged t0 the Light ,,,,, Ylent. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~ ' ' '~ ;Washington and Katter~obn,-b. t { ; Ciayor Satter~ohn offered the Yollowing motion: I move that an Ordinance ~ , , j Ordinanoa to "TO PREPENT THE SPRr^.6D OF 1/EN:d2EAL DISr:11SRS," be adopted. Adopted upon sell of Che prevent the . spread oY ,. roll by the Yollowing vote; Yaes, Paoe, Pulliam, Washington and Xatter~ohn,-4; Nays, venereal die- ease~. Tully,-1. Commissioner Tul]y oYYered the Yollowing motion: Whereas at a previone melting oY the Board oY Commissioners, the Commissioner oY Publio 7~orka made the ' statement and deolaration that in oonneation with the letting of the oontrant Yor the ',No. 3 District Sewer, there had been some crooked work done and more politioa played than he had ever seen, L move that the Commissioner oY Publio Works be required to Statetr:ent and ' deolaration. produce the evidence to prove his etatementa and eseertions or in the event oY his made by Com'r. Publio Works , Yailura to do so, that he withdraw said statements and aesertiona and make an apology ~. in oonneotion t ~ , with the Lett- to the Board oY Commiesionera. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: ing oY aortreat ~ Yor Se•.ver Dist. Yeas, Peoe, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-4; Nays, Pulliam-1, ,' ~3 Commissioner pnlliam offered the Yollowing motion: +Yhereae the prase rs- ` s'• • . • ~ ports oY the awarding of the contract Yor Sewer District No. 3. have made iL seam that f . • I. Sewer Dist.$3. the Commissioner oY Publio -7orke hoe accused the members of the Board oY Commis~ion- ~ miaunderstandr , '~ ing corrected, "ors oY playing politioa in the said award, and whereas the Commissioner oY Publio ?' Rorke speaiYiaelly stated to the contrary in the meeting oY that date and raiteretes ~, on this date that no auah ellnsion or insinuation was intended ox• made, I move Shat • '. ~ the eiplanation oY the Commissioner oY Yublio "lorka ba eoaepted as olariiging the j misunderstanding. Adopted upon call of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Paoe, ~.~~ " "; Pulliam, Tully. Watahington and .Latter~ohn,~-~e~~y~r r,~,». ~ ~-1«~!»;y • Commissioner Tully r. ' - ilayor Katter~ohn oYYered the following motion: I move that the City City Solicitor Solicitor be authorized and directed to take the necessary legal steps to compel the . • to take neoes- ' eery steps to 'Paducah Water Company to install water mains on Cley Street beyond 19th Street, ae oompe3 water Heins laid on ' 19 ar_ lei ,. _;-,--~,°~sa!„ _ ,..ter ~ ~.: .,. „~. _" ... .... ..~r4^,~.... .. _ ... .. ^:^~^-r s -ZT . ~x'..... ^-~-. -,~~ ~ .~~, ,~q ~~qp , ~~,~--. ~, ~.i ~ iP ~ q.ign p ~ ~ql it n I ~l'~ ''IFf'lf ~ q '~p~m cv~i~ III i nip i pl i - i i i -- I i ~~ i ~ i ~.~-~~~ :~. ~m~~, -. i. -:F~1"r~'~ __.. I. -. ~ ~ ,, `y ~ ~ { w - -, . j r ..:.. ~ ... .y ~ ..... _. _~._._.. _- 'e1 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Padua;ah . 192-- eet,out in Resolution adopted June 86th, 1988. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the j tollowing vote: Yees, Paos, Pulliam, Wsshingtoa end Katterjohn,•4. , On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. ' j• ~/epN ,~ E ~~ ~,,.:, I. g JULY 11TH. 1928< ' P ~ ~ it a Called BEeeting of the Board of Com®iaeionera held is the Oommisaionere° ~ Ij ~ ~Y ~ ~. $ `i j Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on Jnly litho 192Eo at 6 o°oiook P. 9[. ~ ~ ('-. ... i ~, on Dell of the roll the following. answered to their names; Commissioners Paoeo ~'° Pulliam, Tully, and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. . Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for oall to-wit: For the purpose of intraduoing an a ~ ordinanoe appropriating $ib00.00 for the oontrol, prevention and treatment of venereal diseases in the City of Padnoah, Kentuoky, and any other business that might Dome be- j ` ., ~ - fare the Board. '@ ~~ Magmr Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinenoe entitled ~ 1 ~ Ordinanoe appto- - printing ~1b00.00~i "AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUFI OF FIFTEEN HUI~RED (~1b00.00D DOLLARS, FROM THE {from Contingent Fend to treat ~ CONTINGENT FUND, TO BE EItPENDED FOR TftE Rr'~dAINDER OF THE YEAR 19EEo FOR THE PREVENTION,; Yeneresl Die- .. 'eases. ~ CONTROL AND TRr:ATkrIiT OF VEItLRsAL DISrr1S:;S IN TAE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY," be adopt- -, { ii~ ed. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Paoe, Pulliam, and . IC Katterjohn,-3; Nays, Tally.-1. , °~ ~ ~ BEeyor Katterjohn offered the Yellowing motion: I mw a that an ordinanoe entitled i ' " YenePeel Dis+ ~ "AN ORDINANCE AliTHORIZIIiG AND DIRECTING F. W> KATTERJOBN. MAYOR. TO ENTER YNTO A CpN- + . ^^^^^* ;eases, oontreot fi end Ordinanoe. y TRACT DATED JULY 11TH, 1928, BETREEN THE STATE BOARD OF E~ALTH OF ICaT~fTUCKY Aim THE CITY' ~~~ ~ ~pF PADUCAH IQ:NTUCKY FOR THE CONTROL PREVENTION AND TREATiTENT OF VEIOEREAL DISEASES IN' 1 ~ w . . ~ ' w~~n•' THE CETY OF PADUCAH, KF2ITUCKY," be. introduced and lay over. Adopted upon Dell of the ~ ~i roll by the following vote: YeeaoPaoe, Pulliam, and Katterjohn,-3; Nays, Tully,-l. On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. h. . i ~l ~~ s ~'°~: '~ f~ f'~ 1: . , P. JULY 13TH. 1928, a ~ ~ ' , i . ~ G; At a Called Meeting of the Board of Oommiasionera, held in the Oommiasionera' ~ ` Ohamber in the City Ha11, Pnduoah, Kentucky, on July 13th, 1988, at 11:48 O'olook A.M.; ~ , f • ~ A Upon call of the roll the following nnawered to their nameas Oommiaeloners,PaosoPulliouo ~ {I Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-B. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For the purpose of selecting Lhe 0 - alternates in Did of E. Re Harding Company for Bub-Divisions A.o B. and 0. of Sewer ` ~ ~ Dietriot ~3, and auoh other bunineaa that mLaht Dome before the Board. ~ . y { C Report Oom~r. ~ Oommiesioner Tu11y oflarsd the following motion: I mono that the etntement of ' ~N Finanoe showing !~ the Oommiesionor of Public Finance ehoaing the antioipnted revenue for the year alntioipatod rev- I' . ~ enne,oolleotions, &o. first hail {; ooileotions !or the first half ending June 30th and the baianoea nnoolieoted, be re- ~ year 1988., ~ ~ Delved and filed.' Adopted upon Dail of the roil by the fallowing vote: Yeas, Paoeo ~' pulliam~ Ta1lyo Washington and Katterjohn,-b. ~ u,,,~„I i~ , ,,,, . , :. _.._ ... { ~ " t,. ~ __... ,s. r . ~ ~... ;e'se~i m+iatC, i;=.,:aw. _. ..., z,o, ~.'#.,,..,.. .d. . u ,,...a. .. ,w. b Na~.~.a~. <~ Commissioners'. Proceedingd:~ity~of. Padueah ; 4•,,, , , ~{, , , „~ :"=~ X192 :~. Report Com~r,Finanoa Commissioner Tnily.offered the following motion: I move that the report of ' ' Showing apportionment, - ! amounts expended and I the Commissioner of Public Fdnenoe showing the Apportionment, the amounts expended end balanoea to credit oY f various Depts. at end the balenaes to the credit of the various departments at the end of June 1922 De re- of June 1922. Delved and filed. Adopted upon Deli of the roil by the following vote; Yeas, Paos, Pulliam, Tully, rashington and Katterjohn,-5. ~'*: Report Com~r.Finanoe Commie$~,pner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the report of • o~ ~3 Diatriot Sewer Checking Aooount for the Commissioner oY Public Finance of the ~3 Diatriot Sewer Checking Aooount Yor the June 19 ZQ. month of June, be received and filed and ordered published in the offloiel newspaper. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, S9ashington and ISatter~ohn,-b, Report Com'r. Finance showing Commissioner Tully offered the Yollo:ving motion: I move that the report of Colleotiona and Dis- bursements of the the Commissioner of Fublio Finenoe of the oollootione and Diaburaemante of the Special Spooiel Street Fund Street Fund to the end of June 30th, be received and filed and ordered published in the offialel newspaper. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yese, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, 7Pashington and Katter~ohn,-5, e • ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following. motion: I move that ,the Commi~~ion+ Interost paid on Sahool Improvement ' er of Tublic Finance be authorized and directed to draw a check against the Sahool - Bonds. l °Improvement•Boad Sinking Fund in the Citizens 5avinga Bank Yor the sum of $617b.00 ', 'to pay the semi-annual interest due July 15th on the ."`y247,O.00.00 b~ School Improvement • Bonds now outatending. Adopted. upon cell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeea. ' `Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, wsahington and Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; The sum of $b0s00 having Malt or Cereal Bever- been tendered together with application for i~slt or Cereal Bevereae Lieenae, I move .age License granted to Steinhauer & iLhat license to sell Malt or Cereal Beveraires or arty admixtnrea thereof, be rrranted Y7hite. to Steinhauer & white at X119 North Fourth Street for a period of six months, from (July let to December 31st, 1922. Adopted upon cell of the roil by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, i9ashinaton and Katter~ohn,-b, , Commissioner 8ulliam offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance Ordinance eeleating . entitled "AN ORDINANCE SET.I:CTING AND DESIG2dATING VITRIFIED CLAY SE'.7r'It PIPE TD BE USED Vitrified Clay Sewer ~ - P1pe for Sub-Divi- "IN 1iiE CONSTRUCTION OF TRUNK LINE SE"2"R3 IN SUB-DIVISIONS B. AND C. OF SEl7ER DI37RICT siona B. and C. of Sewer Diatriot ~3. NUI,'d3ER T•?RA.E," be adopted. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the following vote; Yeses !Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Neahington and Katter~ohn,-b, i Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinanas ~. Ordinance selecting ~ entitled "AS7 ORD INANCE S3LECTING AND DESIGIJATITiG THL~ TYPE OF S.S!7'.yt AND KIND OF MATERIAL f type oY .newer &o., !: Sub-Division A. Of TO BE USED BY THE OITY OF PADUCAR, Kr3dTUCKY, IN THF. CONSTRUCTION OF TRUNK LINE SEwi3t3 ~ Sewer Diatriot ~3. , 'FOR SUB-DIVISION A. OF SE~Tr.R DISTRICT NUhIBER THItEE, kS CONTAINA9 IN THE BYD OF E. R. HARDING COMPANY OF RACINE, :7ISCONSIN," be adopted. Adopted upon cell oY the roil by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, flashington and Ketter~ohn,-5. Certified checks Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the Commieeion_er of filed with bide in . Sewer Diatriot ~3 Public Finance be authorized and directed to return the nix certified aheoks to the returned to bidders. bidders on the ~3 Diatriot Sewer, Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote ,~~"{i Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Rashington and Katterfohn,-5. - t ~, ,. On motion the Doard ad burned upon cell of the roll by.b yeas. . E i 4 r t~.F•' P.FI~CJ'~ 3~.;. > AIe'led ~_ "'~1t R2 ice- ~ . ~ ~ = `~~ ~~ .~._. i s~.2~L-e ~1 f . r,:hr ri...~' ~ 'j ,; • ' ..,. ...~ ~. '''.'•'.""i°,~,..3:L'P:?~~~..t '~'y°",';~nmrAe.u .«_ ,koa ., .. , , ,. .... .. ,~"' ... , . ~: 1 ~ (s_._.. .., ~ .. n..^..t'ta.aET~`e+~3TSr• _ ,-,r : y ; r ~ ~ ~ ,• ~• Na ~ . ~il~tT118810AeT8' ~1'OCeet~ln~~~(~~$~rtih~~.`1LLq `?'tAQni~~~rYl~,'1 z` , .. " ~ JtJI:Y l7TH. 1922. { t .. , , , At a Regnler Meeting of the Board of Oommteaionera, held in the Oommissionera° Ij Ohamber 1n the City Hall, Paducah, Keatuaky, OII July 17th, 192E. Dpon Dell Of the ro11~ y, ~ ~ ~ the following answered to their names: Oommiasionera Paoe, Pu111am,~Tally, Washington ~ ~' and Mayor Katter,ohn,-b. j w ~~ On motion of Oommigaioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings mere ~". p . adopted as read and oorreote8 upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, ~ j Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-6. ~•' m Report Supt. of ~ ng motion; That the report of the Sup- Qommisaioner Pulliam offered the follows Streets for ~ . Jane 1922. ,f erintendent oY Streets, Construction and Maintenance for the month of June be received i ~~ µ ~ and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the r011 by the foilowing•vote; Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam, ii ., ~,• ~ Ii Tully. Washington exd Katterjohn,-5. _ ~.. . . Report Com'r. ~ Oommissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; That the itemized report ;~,.• ' `'~' Pub13o Norke ~ oY expenditures I~ showing expenditures of Sewer District $3 for the month of June 1922, amounting to ~ j ; of Sewer Diet. $3 for June. $1086Q.11 be received end filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: ~± Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter,ohn,-6. ; ; ~ Charts showing ~ dommisaioner Pulliam offered the following motion; That the charts showing ~ unit prioee and , ',totals of each ~ the unit prioee and totals of each bid receives on June. 20th, 1928, for the oonetruotion bid recessed IG June 20,1922, ~ of the trunk lines for the 3rd Diatriot Sewer be received end filed. Adopted upon deli , ;:Sewer Dist.$3. 4 i of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,Waehin gton and Katter~ohn,6. ~ ~• f '; ltayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: Y move that the park Board be ' . ~i Park Boyd el- ff allowed ~ $150.00 to out gr~-ss and take ogre of the needed shrubbery, and that same be 'lowed $150.00 , li . . i to out grass. r appropriated from the Oontingent Fund. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following i ~ . ~ vote; Yeas, pace, Pulliam, Tully; Washington and Katterjohn,-5. ~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner ~~, • Oommisaioner i~ Public Works to ;, of Pubiio Works be authorized to go to Indianapolis, Indiana, to investigate the Amoo ~ , go to End ienn- . ~; poise, ind., ins; Block and Monolithic concrete sewers, at the expense of the Qity of Paducah, and that regard to Sewer ': Diatriot $3. „~ same be charged to the, 3rd Diatriot Sewer Fund. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the li following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Washington ani Katter'ohn,-4; Rays, Tully.-1. l ''` ' Ij !; , Qommiesioner Paoe offered the following motion: I move that the report of the , , $eport Ohief of " Fire +lepartment !, ' ~ ~ ~ Ohief of the Fire Department for the month of June 1922 be received end filed. Adopted- ' for Jnne,1922. ;'~ upon na11 of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington ~ eaY Katter'ohn,-b. ~ . Mayor Katter'ohn offereu~ "~e following motion: I move that the Oontreat, j ` li 4 Oontreat beta. ~j dated July 13th, 1922, between •:.~a dity of Paducah, Kentucky, std signed by F. l7, j • ~Oity of Paducah;; I and E. R. Harding;i Katter~ohn, Msyor,Por and on behalf of the Oity of Paducah, and E. R. Harding Oompany • P Y. !! oonstruotion of,~ of Racine, Wieoonein, for the oonatrnotion of trunk 14ne sewers in Sub-Divisions A. j . sewers 'in Sewer j~ , ,Diatriot ~3. ,( B. std 0. of Sewer Diatriot No. 3, be received, filed. approved, ratified, and that :aPProved and '; recorded. Is said contract be recorded in the Oontreot Book. Adopted upon Dell of the roll. by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, tashington and Katter,ohn,-6. ~ , i. ,; ~ ltayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the Bond executed ~; ~ Botd~exeauted blr'; by E. R. Har,~ling Oomparyy, as Principal, with the Maryland Casualty Company of Balti ~ a. . -• E.R.Harding Oo. ,i 'Sub-Divisions ii ° more,.ea $yrety; for the oonetruotion of trunk line sewers in Sub-Divisions B. and 0. • 8ewer Baled. ~ ~ Diatriot $3 j'; of Sewer Diatriot Ro. $, for the sum of $64,014.76, be accepted, approved. ratified andj ', ! approved. !! , ~ recorded, together with the power cf Attorney hereto attached. Adopted upon Dell of w.w. .,, j; thi roll'bythe following vote; Yeas, pane, pnllimn,.Tnily;.Weahington and Katter;ohn-Sa I • {~ ~' ~ r '. ., y , r_ , ; . I ;. .. ,, _. . ~~. , :. . :•. ~, , . :~ , t - _ j ~ ~ . ~ F , ~ ,f ... ' ~ _ .. , , .. _ _. Commissioners' Proceedings, City'of Paducah ; ' 192__ , ~. .~ •_ .. s s . Bond executed by Mayer Katter~ohn offsrsd.the ioliowdng motion; I moos that the Bond ezsouted L^.R.Harding Oo., by E. R. Harding Oompany, as Principal, with the Maryland Oasualty Oompany of Baiti., for Sub-Division °' A., 3ewor Dist. ~ more. As surety, for the oonetruotion oY trunk line sewers in Bub-D ivied on A. o! . ~3 approved. Sewer District No. 3, Por the sum of $183,878.64. be aaoepted, approved, ratified and recorded, together with the power of attorney hereto attached. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Paoe~Pu111am,Tully,l7sehington and Kstter~ohn,-b. !. r Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the dyer-Lord Tie Co~pany be paid the sum of $b.00 for a right of way or easement for the oonetruotion` Ayer-Lord Tie Co., P.& L R.R.Oo. of trunk line ee•.vers in Sewer District i~3, along, thr ough and under the property of and N.C.& St. L. Ry., each paid 'said Company on the river front; and that the Paducah ~ Illinois Railroad Company "~b.40 for right _ of way for Sewer ~ be paid the sum of ,6.00 for a rift of way or easement over its property; and that District ~3. the 2d. C. & St. L. Railway be paid the sum of $b.00 for n right of way or easement along, under and over its property, which some have been assessed by the Oommiesionere appointed by the MoOrooken Circuit Oourt in the action of F. W.. Xatter'ohn; Mayor, ' doo., ve Thomas t7arren, doo., and ~udgoent rendered for said amounts, and that the ~~, Commieeionor of Public Fincnoe be, and ho is horoby nuthorize~ and 4lreoted to issue { checks to the Ayer-Lord Tie Oompany, or W. C. Seaton, C].ark, Paducah & Illinois - Railroad Company or ~J. C. 9enton, Clerk, and the N. C. & St. 7,. Railway Company or ;t. C. Seaton, Clerk,. for said some, as above set out, and charge same to the 3rd ', llistriot Server Aooount. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, '. Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and I9atter,ohn,-b. • it Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $b0.00 haveing Malt or Cereal ~ been tendered together with application for Malt or Cereal Beverage License, I Beverage Lioenae granted to move that license to sell 1.':e1t or Cereal Beverages or any admixtures thereof, be A. T. Bohannon, X111 S.3rd St. ~ granted to A. T. Bohannon at X111 3. 3rd Street for a period of eia months from 1•~ July 1st to December 31st, 1922. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following yobs: ` ;Yeas, Page, Pulliam, Tu11y, FJaehington and Xatter~ohn,-b. Oommieeioner Tully offered the following motion: I mope that the Commissioner Fred & Emma Walker Tax B111 'r of Public Finnnoe be authorized and directed to correct an error in the assessment ~ X3681 error corrected. ~ oY Fred and Emma ;talker on Tax bill X3681. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Peoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Xatter~ohn,-b. ,~,. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that victoria ~,',''~_~ ` Baliowe was assessed with property 40 x 197, 7th end Boyd Street at $396.00 for the ~' Victoria Bnliows ; ~~~' Tax Assessment g ' oorrooted and she year 1921, taxes amountin to $8.89 and the year 1922 Tnxee amountinP to $9.08, and ,. refunded $17.97 ;this assessment having been in error, she nevor having owned mid property, but it for taxes paid by her. belonging to J. Len Jones, who has paid the taxes on it, and victoria Balloae having ' ~~ also paid the taxes, I move that the sum of $17.97 be refnnded to her. Adopted upon • call Of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pa.ae, Pulliam,Tully, Washington and ~ i t;KatterJohn,-6. I, On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeas, . ~. r ~ ': ' ~' ~~„r.i¢tiV ~~~ ~~~. ~ ~..,. ~ rfi:. ~~~• ~~ ~.. li `~ u - i ~ - G ,.. ,;. Na Connmissionere' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ ., ~ ~ .. JULY 20TH. 1922. { •" ~. ~ At a Celled Meeting of 'the Board of Oommieaionere, held in the Commisaioners° .. i. N Ohamber in the City Hail, Paduoah, Kentucky, on July EOth, 1922, at 2 0°olook P. 14i, (. , ~I Upon call of the roll the following answered to their namaa: Commiasionere Paoe, Tully f p C ' rand lPaehington,-3" Mayor Katter,ohn being absent, 1QayoY' ~Pi•o~ Tem Neahington presided. ~ ,N i 11 Mayor Pro Tem 4Peahington stated reasons for call to-wit: For th® purpose of I ii allowing pay-rolls for the first half of the month of July, and any other business that :. pP might Dome before the Board. ° Report of Com°r,( Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the payroll for public Finance ~ payroll first R the first half of July, amounting to y8?14.16, ae per the report of the Commissioner of Half July j 1922. ~ Public Finanoo filed herewith, be allowed and ordored.paid, anfl the money appropriated ~ ~Ilfrom the General A'und to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: ; , ~ ~ Yeae, Paoe, Tully and ~4sehington,-3, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the payroll for Payroll first 1 f half Julq ~ the No. 3 Dietriot Server, amounting to ~"b07.16 for the Pirat half of the month of July,i 1922. Sewer Distrlot #3. ~' be allowed and ordered paid, and the Commissioner oP Fublio Finance be authorised and +; ~ directed to draw shacks aSa.inat the No. 3 Dietriot Sewer Fund to pay same, Adopted 'i ~ ' upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully and ~7eahington,-3. i , ~ ~ Cemetery tranal Coromiasioner Naahin~ton offered the following motion: I move that the trans- ' Per from Mra. ' ~. N>J.Edwarda to far from Afire.. M. J.rJdwarde, sole heir of E. 3, Edwards" deceased, to Y. 0. Towell, of ~N.O.Poweil. tho front one-halt of Lot X114, in Section "J"° Oak Crrove Cemetery, be ratified. .. Adopted upon call of the roll by Lhe following vote: Yeas, Paoe° Tully and ti9eahington,3: i~ On motion Lhe Board adjourned .upon Deli of the roll by 3 yeas. y ~. J ca, cww.. MA'T(f?t. i P' JULY 242~,'I `19E2, t ~ 1 ~ ~' Oarl A.Denker, Oity Proebout- ing Attorney, Yeoation. Roeooe Rood Olty Sol.loi~or Yaontion. 0. m. Woo9 license to sell Malt or Ooraal 8eooracoe. At a Regular M®eeing of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiasionera' i i . Chamber in the City Hnll, Paduoah° Kentucky, on July 24th, 1922. Upon call of the L .. roll the following anawerod to their namaa: Oommiaeioriers Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, j Nashington and Mayor Katter~ohn,-b. I On motion of Commissioner ~-eahington the minutes of the previous meetings were y i adopted as read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Paoe, Pulliam, f Tully, 1Peahington and Katter'ohn,-b. ' Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioation }`, from Oarl H. Danker, City Prosecuting Attorney, ask.ing for a leave of absence for the i week beginning July 31st, 1922, be received and filed, atxl that said Attorney be granted a leave of absence for one week beginning with said date, with full pay. ~~ .. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol]owing vote; Yeas, Pece, Pulliam, Tully, ' {' 1Paahington and Katter'ohn,-6. ' ` i iv;ayor Kntterjohn offered the following motion: I move that Roaooe Reed, City Solioltor, be granted a vaoation for a poriod of two weoks, boginninq with Saturday ~ July 29th, 1922° with full pay, Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Paoe, Pulliam, Tully° fi9ashington and Katter~ohn,-b. Oommiseionar Tully offered the following motions The sun of x$100.00 having been ! , tondorod, toa~othor with application Tor malt or cereal boverngo license, I movo that Sioonao to soli Ata1t or Oereal Dsverngoe, or any ndmixt:u°•~ thereof, bo granted to i 0• L. lPoet at 32b 8. 2nd Street for a period of one year from January 1, 1922° to December 31st, 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Pooe°! . ,_.~ { r r , ,- _ ~r^, `i • I ~' ~ ~; :. i "~ n;,; ~: ii I s, ,~ _~ 1 ++i l f . i ".: `:.. <, . i i 3 i I ,. ~ ;,, 1~:s w. W. w 'i .. ' No...-~ _~~. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paduoat~ ' ~ ~ 192: ~x. ~~~ -- -- • ;'Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. Oommissioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion; 'The sum oY X50.00 having „been tendered, together with application Por malt or cereal beverage lioenee, I move C. B. Baker, License to sell 'that license to sell A4elt or Cereal Beveragoe, ar arp~ admixture thereof be Rranted to Melt or Cereal ' Roveragea. ~C. B. Baker at 83E Ky. Ave. Por a poriod oY six months from July 1st to.D4oember 31 et, 'd19E2,~ Adopted upon onll of the roll by the following vote; Yoas, Pnoe, Pullfam,Tully, ;!Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. r Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; It appearing there is due 9ohools $1848.29 'the Sahoola the sum oY $1848.79 from the collection oY taxes, I move that the amount due from oolleot- ion of taxes. sbe ello•sed and ordored paid and the moneg appropriated Prom the general fund to pay isame, Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulllam,TUlly;.~ ,; :'rs ;:;7ashington and Katterfohn,-b, Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion: That the Citizens Savings u p74.37 allgwed :'Bank be ello•ned the sum oP $74.37 to correct an error in the credit to the Sinking Citizens Savings Bank to oorregx "Fund Account Por the returns from the sale oP $25,000.00 Liberty Bonds, and the Com- error in re Liber- ' ty Bonds Sale, ~ misaioner oY Publia Finance be authorized and inetruoted to issue a check on the , Sinkingr'und. .~ ~' Sinkingr'und Aaaount in the Citizens Savings Bank to pay same. Adopted upon self qY ''the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Ratter~ghn,Br `• .: ,. Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion: I move that the Commissioner ' Commissioner oP ~ of Public Property be authorized and inetruoted to purchase repairs Por the Drinking Publio Property to purchase re- ~ Fountain at the corner of F1Yth and Broadway, end have same put in proper condition Yaa- pairs Por Drinkingi Fountain 5th & the use' of the publics. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, B'wey. ;'Face, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-5.. ~~ Couunisaioner Washington offered the Yollowing motion: I move that the Fin&n- Financial State- f aiel Statement oY F~penditurea and Collections of the Superintendent oP Riverside ~ , went, Patients Report and Labors- ,' Hospital Por the mon*h oP June 1922, together Rith Patients Report Yor ,June 192E and ~, tort' Reports Supt. Riverside ~ Laboratory Report for June 1922, be received and filed. Adopted upon osll of the Hospital Yor June "roll b the Yollowi vote: Yeas Peae Pulliam Tull '4sahin ton and Ketter ohn,-5.' 1922. Y ng e e e Yo' g. .~ P.!e•,•or Katter~ohn offered the Yollowing motion: I move that an Ordinance Ordinance authoriz-, entitled, "AIt ORD ~dA1dCE AUTHORISING AIID DIR::CTIIIG F. .Y. XAT'I':.RJOHN, L"AYOR, TO ::NTr"4t ing L:ayor to enter into aontreat, f YNTO A CONTRACT D:. TED JULY 11TH, 1922, BET"t.-y'~Id TIt'S STATE EOARD OF H::AITH OF KyIYTUCK]( relative to treat- " } meat of venereal ^ didD THE CITY OF YADUCAIY, K?NTUCKY; FOR Tt?Ts C^IdatOL, PREVFddTIOId A1dD TREATLSENT OF YIiN1:- ~ , diseases, :vith ' State Board of REAL DIS::i.SES IN TH3 CITY OF FiDUCBH, I{Etd'!tiCKY," be adapted. Adopted upon sell oY I?oalth, ~ ',, ,'the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, 7ashinP,ton and 'latterfohn,-4; ~ , 'Nays, Tu11Y.-1> ,,' + '+ Commissioner Pulliam offered the Yollowing motion: I move that a Resolution ~ ., Resolution provid-' ing Por oonetruc- ;entitled. "A Rr:SOLUTIo2d FROVIDIT:G FOR TTr: COIdST3UCTIOId OF AN ALLR7C IN BLOCY. X10 ADDI- tton oY alley in ' Blookvenne andeen ;, TIOTd "A" OlD 1C1"'N CITY OF PnDUCAH, Y.ENTI'C1Y, B'GINI:IItG AT ?'I?E I•'ORTH F30F:1?TY LITdE OF `" '~ Kc:TITUCI:Y AV::17UE, B::T"'LEN TH:: PROPERTY OF TH.: E, G, BOONS ::STAY::..^.TID TFr: PROPERTY OF Pnd Street. ` First Reading. - FRAM{ H. JONES, AIdD F.L'ITIIIdG ITd A TtORTH!~tLY .DIRRCTION 173 FEET 3 ITdC?i^:S TO THE PROI4.'RTY BELONGING TO 1'LSTTIE C. HAlc; TH:YICIs AT °IGHT l,itGLS TO THi3 '7.:ST FI20PERTY LITtE OF ' 5 ' SECOItD ST<23ET. IN THE CITY OF~ P.IDUCAH, L'r:IdTUCKY, AT THE COST OF TH3 AIIUTTIIJG 1'ROP~tTY O;:ITdcT23. AID PROVIDING THAT SAti". 1:nY BE CONSiRUCT:~ UPON THE T5N YEAR PAYL:ENT FIJiN," be introduced and ley over. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, ]'sae, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeas. i; - ' ow eti.a ~'4i` ~. Y I~ f i • - .., ~` Y .. ,..~.-q"°°frT°.,3s'lY?+nGs~+:'.^,"~!i::,S.F."'"°~~rs.. <. ~.,. x.. _.....::., ; .+... ,.""w ~,., .<.r £~'axsa ... -,. ~., .r,7, ,..-.e.. ~.... a,. <. .a ,.. _ ~._._ ~ ,:~.:;;.iwipn ., -,.n„ ~. ,,. i ~~ i n'-I~:.~. nrp ~;:rPa~:~ii.~ pr;e :psi ~.~n ip.l ill i u i. _i a'I P'~q.,-q~~1j1V.y i A n I I-: ~ i ~,m,.n. ,~ `- ,~~. ~-.~uV,s ~ru?~cu:;.;luzac,~wr~J4J~li.lal~r~Wwllnr,IwnlYW,ud~~~iJ~ ~.1.,~ ..::.ud,~.i~, ,i.~,1. . ~ i ( . ' ' a I .'_ ,. ...., ~ i .. ~ ~~ ~ + ~ Na l0~ .. ' ColnYnissioner>s' Proceedingay City of Paducah ~ 192-~ ~f ~. _. ~ . F { . ! JULY B1ST. 1922. ' • " At a Regalar Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oommieaionera° ~ ~ ;; i ~' ~ , kq, on July 31st, 1922. IIpoa Dell of "the roll i ',Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah Kentuo i'~ " ` ~:"- I ~ +the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoee Pulliam, Tully, Washington i; ~-/ , Ii and Mayor Ketterjohn,-6. ~ '' ~, ~.,. • On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes o$ the previous-meeting was adopted ' I i,ea read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tullge ~ ~'' ~ '!Washington and Ketterjohn,-b. ~ z;"~` i ( ~ ' Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: That William Chesterfield q ' I~~ ~ , ~be granted privilege of cutting into aonarete street st 2bth & Broadwa ur ose of i for ~' , •, y p p 7Pilliam Chester± field to make II ' opening in i;aonneoting with water main; thenoe tunnel in a souther5y direotion to the grass plat on,i . r. Y ", A i aonorete street(; near 25th & ':South side of Broadweq; thenoe in a diagonal direotion to 8 feet west of the East pro- ~ ~, ~ .• Bwaq. to ~on- 5th Street; thenoe Southwardly on 25th Street to within 16 feet of the ~ neot with party line of 2 ;. ;: . water mains. ~ ~ , ! South line of Kentuokq dvenue; thence East on Kentucky Avenue about'60 feet; thenoe t E ,, ; "" (, j!at ri¢ht antrlea to the grass plat on south side of Kentucky Avenue, all work to be done ~ ~ ' ! 1 " under direotion, of the Commissioner of Public Works. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by i ~' ~" ~ _ ;the following vote; Yese, Paoe, Pulliam, Tnllq, ~7eahington and Y•atterjohn,-b. ~ • ! H.P.Hummel ~( Commiaeioner Tully.offered the following motion: I move that the communication from " ~ communication ( ~ and p90.00 to I; H. P. Hummel, Adjutant of ChieY of Peduke Post X31 of the American Legion, be received i bee en4e3 by ~~ Cityx'or bronzej~and Piled, and the Alayor be authorized errs instructed to expend the sum of x"90.00 for a~ ~ Semorial Tab- j~ (• let American the placing of a bronze Memorial Tablet as requested, said amount to be charged to the ~ ~' Legion Fost ( ~: $31e ~:Contint~ent Fundo Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Peoe, i s, " • ~~Pulliam, Tully, Weahington and Katterjohn,-5. vacation Citq ~ Mayor Katterjohn offered the f ollowing motion: I move that lt3rs. pfattie Herndon, ' etenorzrapher, Matti, Herndone~jCitq Stenographer, be planted a vacation for a period of two weeks,. beginning August ;, 7th 1922, crith full a Ado tad e p y. p upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, , ~ wow. N' ! }Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~Yeahington and Katterjohne-5e i , Colored Fair ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the communication from the' " & Racing Aaso- ~ ; oietion oommn- Colored Fair & Racing Association be received and files. Adopted upon Dell of the roll • aioation. ,... •. ~F':" ;by the following vote; Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tullge Washington and Katterjohr.,-5. ~ • Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move Chet the Communication .! fI .Henry Dioh1 Gfrom Henry Diehl be received and filed and the Commissioner of Public Finance be euth- ; ' .tax assessment j ~ aorreoted. (;orized and directed to make a oorreation in hie assessment. Adopted upon call of the ! ' i ! roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-5. , !~ Commissioner Tully offere8 the following motion: The awn of X50.00 having been ' 13a1t or Cereal tendered totrether with appliaetion for ri:elt or Cereal Beverage license, Y move that Beveraie li- G ~ Dense Granted ~~lioense to sell Melt or Cereal 33everagea or anq admixtures thereof, be Granted to D.. F. v-; , to D:F.Tempel ~ at L O.Hotel iTemple at the I. C. Hotel on Brown Street, near the Union bepot, for a period of six Brown St. ~monthe, from July let, 1922 to December 31st, 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by i, ithe following vote: Yeea, Paoee Pulliam, Tully, i9ashingtem and Katterjohn,-b. .- f. Coruaisaioner Tully offered the following motion; Y move that the CommtedionAr of ~" Com°r.Publio (;Fublio Finance be authorized and directed to pay off. take up snd aanoel street bonds "''~ Finar,oe to i Lake up.pay ';and coupons is the City iational Bnnk to the ,mount of $4b3.21 and charge same to the • off and cancel j, Street bonds jSpeoie.l Street Fund Account. Adopted upon Dell .of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa,.j end coupons in City National .:Face, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-b: ` i Beak 453.21. 1' ~ .; Commissioner Naehington offered the following motion; Thet the communication from ~`° Capt.T.J.itoore Capt. T. J, x;oore be received and spread On the minutes an8 a letter of thanks be . oommunioatfon regarding fur- written by the Clerk on behalf of the Board and maile8 to him. Adopted upon call of j niehlnq room at!j Riverside Hoe~~,,;,;th9 roll by the following vote; Yeae, Paoee Pu111am,Tnlly,Washington and Keettarjohn,-b. j pital. 1 i _n t.Zi+°i _._ _ _. , .,s"... .. , .. , :. ~ r p• , r ~.:. ......., ~. .. . .. .._. ' Said communication is ee ftlilows; T~~~ ii ...~ i. «;~..{ i ~.~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah : ' • ~ • " ' ` ` 192_ ..y.~.'m.' . t.,,.. :.4~.•,f.r ...K,.,.,~ ...:;.:. SJ"?'"Si^, .v"^'~°T3~:°4 Tf 'r... ,, ^1 ',^' (£ %.,~°:' -_ -armt,~;{ ^ ,m; *.sy . ~ ?,r""'"^""A:,.:;,::.. ~.,..,~:• ~.. +~ + r• ~ .v?7t+:T'7W'~T'~'%=S>"a2.: ... as '"'".=~~"2';~'.cQ..~ r , ... .... x '4 .; r~.:r~~`~' ~ 1 , '`` ' , . o- I r.:ri .: rrtr.~.xm+ad_h "July 28th, 1922. ;.? ' • Communioetion t fir. L. A. 19ashington, Commiasioner,~ . i : t Capt. T.J.1Soore. ~, F~sduoah, Ky. i': Dear Bro. yashington:- I em enclosing you roy check Yor ,~1b.00 payment on my room ~ ?~ ¢ in the Riverside Hospital. I do hope some one will get es much comfort out of the use oY it ae it gives me pleasure to f:~nish it. %. i You, no doubt, will recall I spent more them two weeks in the J. R, Smith room end every .one was so sweet to me, I feel that I • ii should do something for some one else end the City of Paduoeh. I em r-: ~ ready at ell.times to help DeeleOl.d Pednke in er~y way I Dan. ,:±; ~, • ~ Do remember kindly to 1:".ra. 7lashinP,ton. , , !! Yours truly, j'. r T. J. b400R~. " i . C Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the report cf the -~ Report Com'r. ~! Commissioner oY Fublio l7orks on inveeti~ations of sewer material in Indianapolis ba j, Public :7orks on k inveatL~tions oP ~: received and filed. Adopted upon Dell oY the ro71 by the follo~ring vote: Yeas' Paoe, •' sewer material in ~; }` Indianapolis. ~ Pulliam, Tully, 7eshington and KatterJohn,-b. ~ ~` ~ li Commissioner Fuhiam offered the following motion; That the employment of ° ~ #' :}nployment A, 3. i A, S: i?adding, as Instrumentme.n on 3rd District Sewer oonatruotion at ~1Tb.00 per . • i;addinq; as ^. j e. Inatrumentman on i month be ratified. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, pacs~ 3rd District Sewer '; i Construction. ~: Pulliam and Yleahington,-3; Iteys,Tully and Katter~ohn,-2. :'fi% Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; .I move that a Resolution `~7' Resolution p ovid ~. entitled, "d R$SOLUTIOIt FROVID IIIGs'OR TI'iI CO1tST3UCT IOII Or^ Alt dL><Y IIt BLOCK X10 - # ~ ing for aonstrua , x, tior, of Alloy in Add ition "J>" OlD TO"-TI CITY Ob' FADUCAH, I:r1tTUCKY, Br.CIitIiIIJG AT i7iF 170RTH FIIOPGRTY bIITE Bloak r~10, from Id. 1 ins1_y.Ave. !' OF X:iliTUC'l.Y AVr'IIUE, B1:T'•`/Bu''tt THi: I'IIOY:RTY OF Tfi!•I G. BOONS .^.3'PAT.^. AIID 'PH^ PSOP RTY ~ ;=; to 2nd St, ~ ii OF FRANK H: JOIt~3, w'1tD HUIII+ING IJt d D'03TH3?LY, DIR:'.OTIOIi 17$ F:IRT $ II:CFIRS TO TH5 1 , - .' PROPr.'RTY B.IA1tGIItG TO LTATTII'I C.HAL.~J; THi~tC AT HIGHT Af>G-rS lU THr^. "l3ST P??OFBRTY ~ , `; LILw OF S:iCOI.'D STit:IET, IIt i'HS CITY OF PAllUCAH, 7J:IiTUCYY, AT Tl*.d, COST OF THfi /':AUTTIIJG f d " I'ROP::.RTY O':1::'~t3, dl'D FROVID II:G TW>i^ Q,AiO~: J:2Y BE CO1tSTRL'CTr:D UT'Olt TA± Trr^.N YS6R PAYt r'!'1tT ~ ~k PLGN," be adopted. Adopted anon Dell oY tho roll by the following vote; Yeas, Pace, , Fulliem, Tully, Ylashington and Ketter~ohn,-b. ~ •' ! On motion the Board adjourned upon sell of the roll by 5 yoga. • ~; A/~Mee i1i ` . If ~ ,p,.~/~_i y . m~ ~1r-~fjr .. Mni,Q ~ r '- AUGUST bTli, 1922. ' . At a Called iieetir,q oY the Bperd of Commissioners, held ir, the Commissioners! ~; Chembsr in the City Ha 11, Faduoeh, Kentucky, on August bth, 1922,, at 11 o'clock A.b.. , Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Paoe; ~ ' Pulliam, Tully and l`syor KatterQohn,-4. - IIsyor Katter~ohn stated reasons for nail to-wit: For the purpose oY allowing ' pay-rolls and such other business that might coma before the Board. ~ •* Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance entitled, "dI7 ORDII;AI;C?.AUTHORI2II:G AI,'D DIR:iCTIIIG TH311E,YOR !>]ro COL2•fi33I0It:34 OF E ~.. IUBLIC FIII,1iiCF. TO 1:ORROlY'17? SUL? OF T"'r1tTY THOUSGIID ($20,000.00') Dollars FltOi? THR CITY UATIOIIAL BA1tY. OF I'ADUCAH, Y.:1tTUC1Y, d1tD TU I:Xi?CL'TrI !i 1:0 Tr FUR Sf>TD SUM FOR. i AIID Olt 9EP.,'>iF Or^ SAID CITY," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow ing vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Y.atterlohn,-4, Commissioner Tully offered the Y ollowing motion; I move that the accounts for the last half of the month oP July, amounting to X18887.88, as per the report of the Commissioner oY Public Finance filed herewith, be allo:ved end ordered paid and, the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oell.ef the ' ~k a i i Borrow i'oney. Accounts Yor last half of July ;18887,88 allowed ,,. ~ .~., .,.;.a "h ,~ .... ~ .z;; ~ i, ~:;~ .r..,-emu 1 x.uJ?nJ~n ~L: s:. b ~ ,.'~, ~k L,.,L - Ilya - y~ ~wl~ q+ ,. ~ ~. y. ~ ud ~ : e I. . -., .. r ~ ~ . o ~ ., ~ - ;~ r ,_ .,. ,.,. ~ .. ,'. . No. ~'v Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah • 192 _ . - - - - - -- f;roal by the following vote: Yeas, PBOe, Pulliam, Tul].y axed Katter~ohn,-4. j ~ , , " 8eport Com'r. of ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of i .. Fin.¢noo oY the u `Collootione do a the Commissioner of Fublio Finanos of the Colleotions and Disbursements for the month Disbursements j'; ;for July. f of July. be reoeived and filed and ordered published in the offioiel newspaper. Adopted f} upon Dell of the roll by the following vot®; Yeas, Psoe, Fulliam, Tu11y, ~~ ~ ~ and KatterJohn,-4. i9 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I mole that the accounts of ~,Aooount.e ~3 ?~ the 3d Diatriot Serer Emounting to $124.39 be.ellowed end ordered paid std the Com- ~ District Sever ~ ,, ~ .:amounting to ''$124.39 allowed ~~misaloner of Publio Finance be authorized and instruoted to issue aheoka on the No. 3 la ., -and ordered -~~ Diatriot Serer rr^und Aaaovnt to pay same. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the follow- - paid. '~ing vote; Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully and 2{atter~ohn,-4. r 'Fey-roll for Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; That the payrgll for th® 3rd.. ' ~#3 Diatriot ~Distriat Sewers for Ju amountin, to b93.10 be ellosed and ordered aSeaer for July ~ ly 86th-31st, 192E g $ , 116th-31at,1928 '` paid and the Commissioner of Publio Finance be authorized and in struated to draw checks, ~,. $693,10 8110weds~j i against 3rd Diatriot Sewer Funds to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the 1 followiIIp vote: Yeas. Paoe. Pulliam, Tully and 'Lattor~o'hn,-4., j Commissioner Pulliam offered the Following motion: Y move that a Resolution !{ { a:entltled "A RESOLUTION PEOVIDY23G FOR TH:; G023STRUCTIOT3 A23D R?A023STRUCTIOT3 CF fi0RT3i 21I21T7{ E Resolution pro- 5TR3ET FROM TH5 I30RTH PROP::,RTY LIRE OF JEFF~tSOI3 S•C?rWT 10 TH_; SOUTH FROP:RTY LII3s OF , vid ing for a on- ~ ? ': strnotion of ~ k:ADISON S1Rr'.ET; A1S0 NORTH EIGHTH ST?~?T FROM{ T2? NORTH FROFE?TY LIi:' OF J,-~rFPatS^Tt ~ ~' R. 9th St. , ~ it ' ~ Hr 8th St. do ~' STR%"%:%T 'i0 TI2r'. SOUTH PROPEi1"! LII:E OF F.41iDISOI:~ STR'r'.ET; A7S0 1:;02330'x', STR'T FR('?: TH:~ .T ST I' Hoiaoe Streets Pii'st Reading.- ~ :TROF:.?TY Lit;;; OF NIPI'P?I S ~'?3iT TO TFL'r RIGHT Ob' AY OF 'P?tE ILLI230IS Cr~TR.1L RAIIP.OAD ' ,~ ' ~ CObGIA21Y; hi`D 67.50 LfOT3R0P; S:'R:.:;T 7~'R~)Id TH'r.' ;r,ST TAOPiIITY lIi3E OF 11IJJ1'H STR:'riT TO THE' F?i3ST PAOP~2^tY 7.II3E OFr:iGHTH S1'R:;rfi. IN TH'^'. CITY OF PADUCAH, Y.r~3'1[.'CE.Y, AT T1Ir. COST ~ ^^"`^^i ~I ~ (I OF THE ABUTTIIIG PROF11tTY 091s~3, AI;D FR07IDII3G TNl+T SAI::E I•J-Y BE COI3STRUCTr;D UPON TH3 }I TEI3 YEAR PAYh;:•;P3T FLAN," be introduced and lay over. Adopted upon pall of the roll - ~-~~~ by the Yollo:~ing vote: Yesa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Katterjohn,-4. f~ } j Commissioner Tully afferod the following motion; That the Sinera'Big Fun Show ~ Sines Big Fun ~~ 'Show allowed i~ be allowed license for the ~^eek of August 14th to 21st, with option of one week and the; license for ~ Commissioner of Fublio i'ir~nce be authorized and directed to iasu~ said license after ! Reek of August - 14th, to 21st, 192E ~ the payment of the sum of $00.00 per week by said show, the application for said ~ , j license is filed herewith. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote; Yoa~, Face, Fulliam, Tully, and 'hetter~ohn,-4. ~ Commissioner,Paoe offered the following motion: Y move that Chief Jo1in M. ~ ' •, ,( i Fire Chief John r! 31auRhter be and he is hereby instruoted to attend the Fire Chiefs' Convention to be L;.Slanghter to go to Fire .held at Louisville, Kentnoky, in October, and tfiet his expenses for said trip be paid ChieYS' Con- vention held in ij by the City of Paducah, Y.ontuoky, and same be chArged to the Fire Department. provided '; ' ' Lou18v111A,Ky s in October. `~ exp enses do not exceed $60.00. Adopted upon call 04 the roll by the f ollowin? vote: i Yesa, Paoe. Pu131am, Tully and Katter'ohn,-4.- - ~ - I~ ~ On motion the Board adsourned upon call 04 the roll by 4 yeas, i ~. '_ ~ ._ • ) ,...lc ~ ~vG) ~ S~IJ h ~ I "'~". ., _.. . ~~ , u ~, ~ I . ~ ~ { , ~; . -.: ,. ...;. :. ~ ( - ~.r~ ¢ .. ... . ~. k ._._ j .~ - • ~ °.. - .. ., • ~...._.._ ,_..._... r _ _ . _ .. _ , ._. .. ...._ _... ~. .~,,~, f 1 ~ ~ .. No.~• ~ Y Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ' -192- ° . , ~.: i AUGUST 7TH, 1922. > - ~ ~. i-~ s ~: At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commiseionera, held in-the Commission- ~~ ~;, s ~, ere' Ohamber in the. City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on eluquet 7th, 1922. Upon Dell., ,i , ' i ii of the roll, the following anowerel to their names; Commiseior,sra pace; Pulliam, ~~,; ~ `^'" ~ :Yaehington and 1,".eyor Katter~ohn,-4. ~' !' On motion of Commissioner Feae, the minutes of the previous meetings were • ~ ~ adopted as read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Face, ;; • j; Pulliam, :Yashington and Kattor~ohn,-4. ~ ~~ Mayor Katter~ohn offorod the followin motion: I move that the Communioe~ Communication from 8 ~ ~~' Cleuesner Hosiery ' , tion dated Au 3rd from Claussrier Hosier Co be received end filed. Adopted Compar~y received 6 g• Y ml'~Y and filed. • upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, tYe+.hington and ii Mayor Katter~ohn,-4. j ~' Commissioner Paoe offered the fohowing motion; I move that the report Report Chief of 6 1'olioe for July ;, of the Chief of Folios Por the month of Ju].y 1922•be received and Piled. Adopted 1922 received and ; filed. ,j upon sell of the roll by the Pollo,eing vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Steshington sYid '' Mayor Katter~ohn,-4. ~ ~j Commissioner Paoe offered the PollowinR motion: I move thtxt the report ~ ~° Report Chief of i' oP the dhldf of the Fire Department for the month of July 1922 be reoeivel arrl Fire Department ~ ; for July 192P, re- i~ filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yecss, Faoe, Pulliam, ;+ coivod and filed. } is .Ysshirgton and lfayor F:attsr,~ohn,-4, ~ j I Oommiselonor 'Yaahington offered the follo•.rinq motion; I move that the ~,t ~ Home Telephone I extensions to 717 IIome 'Pelephone, in the offtoss of the Mayor; Commissioner of ~ ~ ~' 1 extension:: to 71.9 be discontinued. ~' Fublio Property end Commissioner of Fublio Safety, ba discontinued, and that the ~,;•_ -~ i and Com'r.Publio i Property instruct-~, Commissionsr of Public Fi'operty is hereby authorized and instructed to notify ~ ad to notify the . Feduoah Iiomo Telo- the Paduoch Home Telelhone Company to remove said extensions to 717 Home Tels?-hone. phone Co. to re- move semo. Adopted upon Dell oP the roll by the following vpte; Yea R, Faoe, Pn]Ilam, ~! "+exhington and D4ayor Katter~ohn,-4. ~, ~: 1~ Commissioner Tully entered the Oommiesionsrs' Chamber. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; L.move that the • Troy Downs. Rodman'i salary of Troy Dome, rodman, Department of i'ublio Norka, be increased X5.00 ~_ Depert:aenb of ~ Fublio .Yorke, per month, making his remuneration ~'90.U0•por month, ePPootive this date and sal cry increased ~, to X90.00 per mo. ~. that the salary of Fred Nnderson, rodman, Dsit. of Public ',7orks, be changed from X3.00 per des to X85.00 per month effective thin date. 6dopted upon . ;; Dell oP the roll by the Yolloaina vote: YaeR, Paoe, 1'ul]iam +~nd '.Y~shinxtorr,-S; ' t Bays, Tully end hetter~ohn,-2. ~ r ~ ? , n Commisslonsr Fulli.am offered the Pollowinx motion: I move that the h i. 5 ''' e~.'pense eooount, amounting to tr41,20, of the Commiasior,er oP Pub] io ".'orkR Por f :° r";• cpense account of ;j ~ ' Com'r.Fublic 7rorkslS trip to Indianapolis of July 20th, 1922 be allowed and ohargsl to the Third '. for trip to Indienepolis's- ~ District Se.vera. mounting to ;x'41.20 :! ~ ` clloaod en3 orler- ;i R. R.........7.3.46 03 paid. +:, Fullmen & Tina........ 8.00 l ~ ~ ~ 1.Seals ... ... ....... 7.80 .. .. , i `: ~. r - ..tea i'axio+'b & o~,r Errs. .94 i ~. 1 Lj Adopted upon or.ll of the roll by the following vote; Yees, Paoe, ~, `"°""" ; Pulliam, '.Yashington and Kattorfohn,-4. Itcys, Tully,-1. ~' ~, n Commisaloner~Fulliam offered the following motion; I move that report Report of Street ! ~. Department for P of Street Department for July 1922 be received and Piled; Adopted upon Dail of, ' July 192E. ; . s the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, '.Nashington end- ' i bieyor Ketter3ohn,-b. ", { ~ ~eY ._ y.."~jy ^' ~1+!-R°"?' ~..z1, 9,*; j,y` .. r.s +..,.~. .~I. .M1 .,..w. ...,... ~' ~~'d, ~...'. C:w'.°1..4 ~ .,,..$"'g/.,''°'ME;Y+"u1.k~'~g.f.'~?k4;hT.S'~'r~.:'"?'^'.".~ro:AU,'^'~'".#~,r'• r... ~ M I i :~I ~f'T '~I ~~~ a :. ,~a ~ y g~ '' Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah ` 192_, • ~' `~ it Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; Y move that a lioenae be granted ` 4Horton Broa. -!Shows for Carni-~~ to Horton Bros. Shows for a•C^rnival on South 3d Street on property of the Fir et val on $ 3rd St. ~i !granted ldoense ,j National Bank for the week ending Aug. lEth, upon the payment to the Commiasioner• for .veek ending- ~I ~Aurruet 12th, !' of Fublio Finanoe of the lioenae fee of ;~2b.00 per day. Adopted upon Dell of the, i• i 19£2. I 1 .: i~ toll by the following vote; Yeas, Faoe, Tally, ',Yeshington end Ketter~ohn,4, i _ ~ Commissioner Pulliam not voting, as he wee exoused from the Commissioners Chamber ~ , by tho ifeyor. I i j~ Commiasioner ;7ashington offered the following motion; I move that the ~ ~' } Com°r.Fubldo ij Froporty author-~ Commissioner of Fublio Property be•authorized to negotiete with Atiea)Taloan ~ , ized to negoti- ;~ ~ ete with trilsa (('i' to aralize atZy t:pooimons taken to her by llr. yynn, Hoalth Officer, until linloan to anellze ;any opooimons ~ arrangomento for a now oontraot be nntored into ar~d the same bo oharged to ' taj:on Co hor by ~, ~Dr.Linn until ~ Sanitary Fund. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the following vote: Yee s, Faoe, ' oontraot to en- {' ~tered into. - Fulliam, Tu11y, ~Ycshington and Katteriohn,-6. i ~ ~, f Commiasioner Tully offered the following motion; Y move that the report Report.Comor ~I i Finenae showing li of the Commissioner of Fublio F'inanoe showing the Apportionment, the as oimta j ~ `Apportionment jamounta oxpendedj4 expended and the balanoea to th® oredit of the various aaoounts under the I .. `.sand belanoea to different de oredit of variou~ pertmenta at the end of July, 192E, be reoeived and filed, Adopted I departmonta a ';' aoaounte. !j upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yena, Faoe, Fulliam, Tully, "dashington, and Katteriohn,-b, +~ I . Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; Y move that the report of I~ ,. ,Report Oomor. cfii the Oommtsaioner of;2ublio ~'inanoe of tho No. B Distriot aarror Cheokin• 6ooount Fublio binenoe 1~ R a >,. iof ~3 Dietrlot j ~,Seaer Oheoking !', for the month of July be reoeived and filed and ordered publiehe,i in the offioiei ~ II 'Aooonnt for July f1g22, ~' newspaper. Adopted. upon pall of the roll by the following vote;. Yerae, Faoe, 1 I' 4 Fulliam, 'Fully, ?lsahington and Katteriohn,-5. ' r Commiasioner Tully offered the following motion; The sum of ;p37o50 having ,111, ~~ been paid into the Treasury, as evidenoel by the reoeipt filed here:vdth, I move I gCem~tery Deed to I! I , • bRra. Clara: Smiths! that deed be executed to " s> Clara smith for hot v40 in Bloak ~2 on the '.lest side i !( for Lot X40 in. IBlook ~2 Oak ~ of H=ease street, between Baker & ]Biller streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted ~• Grove Cemetery. ` i !i upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Faoe, 7ulliam, Tully, '.Yaahington, i; . ~~ and Katteriohn, -b, i, I >. ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion;. The sum oY w37,50 having ,' ±_ ~. ii boon paid into the Treasury, ee evidenoed by the reoeipt Yiled herewith I move that Cemetery Decd to:~ J. T.Stokee for i~ , doed be oxeauted to J. T. ,Stokes for •hot X48 in Blook ~2 on the '"oat side of Hannan ~ l.ot y42 in Blook ~ . ; ~E Oak Grove i Stroet, between Baker & Dfiller Gtroats in Oak Grove Cemetery, Adopto9 upon oall ~i of Lhe roll by the following vote: Yea, Faoe, fu111em, Tully, '7s:~hington and ~ i( ' i I Katteriohn,-6, I • t `, { ; Commissioner Tully otYered the following motion: The sum of v37,i~0 hevinR i ~,~ I .. t't been paid into the rre~aury, as evidenoed by the reoeipt filed herewith, L move that ~ ;.. Cemetory Deed to~i ~ ' floretta Hooka foal! deed~be o;:eouted to boretta Hooks for Lot :~94 in Blook ~2 on the Itorth aide of Ford ^. . !lot ;~94 in Blook!j •#E Oak Grove ij Street, between'Baker & ISiller Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. .Adopted upon Dell ~ ', ,Cemetery. i{ of the roll by the following vote; Y9ss, Faoe, Fulliam, Tuliy, ~~lashington and _? ~~ Katteriohn,-b. i ,~ Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion; •~fhoree;: the IBayor has i ' •• ?Roynoldo Broa. ti approvod of bill of Re nolda Broa. for hauling and laying sewer pipe on Husbands ;eliowed ~G6.00 i, y `. ;for hatQing and ~ laying, sewor pipe; `Stroet, I move that Reynolds Brothers be allowed $GS.00 for hauling and laying ~ ion Hnebanda St. ;during the. year sewer pipe d~~ring the year 1921 on Husbands Street and same be oharged against P New Oonatruotlon Fund. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Il i ~. I! Taos, Fulldam,•Tully; 1Yashington end Kattoriohna-be ,' X~, .. • ~~ ? • ...._. ~ _ ., .. i I~,u r p ` rI` I m.._,. __ . ; a t ,, . ,, z ., ' y:..~.,.._~ .... , . ,.r._ _._ ~~ ~, ~~ ,~' ., .. Na_:_~~,_..,: ? , Commissioners° Proceedings, City of Paducah , ~ ' ' 192~:- ' ~ Oommisaionsr ~'Pashington offered the following motiong 1 mow that the Oametory trnnefar transfer from R. 0. 3a1s to Ohae. 8ohmitt to the rear one-half of th4 North.. ~ ; ' from t3.0.3n1e to ,. ~ ~ . Chsa.3ohmitt. ;: one-half of Lot X417, in 9eotion 89, exoept grave on lot whioh shall not be ~+ disturbed, Otk.Orove Oemstery, bs ratified. Adopted upon Deli of the soil .'.` ~t ~, by the following votes, Yana, Paos, Pulliam, Tully, 9Paehington and ' ti ~ %atter~ohn,-b. , ~' j; On motion the 3oard adjourned upon Dell 0! the roll by b yeas. ~i A~i~}Ia1Q."y~.r~p,,..~/i~"~~~. .. ~C.'.•~1.i,i/iJ I1 f~Aw~I+•../.,.F... Fr~.w~`._ }n.\...,p..e ,~'n'~~~I /Y~..~~~~, ....•w°+.n ~ „~ nw sww MAYfYtr n - ,~ '( ;I • Auavst 11th: 19E2: ' - • `, At a Regular Resting of the Hoard of 4ommieeionera, held in the Oommiealoneret •. ~' Ohambar in the City Hell, Paduoah, %sntuoky, on August 11th, 1988° Upon Dell '. ~ of the ro13, the following answered to their names= Oommiaaionare Paoe, Pulliw, '~ Tully and 17aehington,-4• ~ Rayor %ntter~ohn bsinR out of the Oity° Rayor"Pro Tem ~~ wnshington presided. ,, • On motion of Oommieeionar Tully, the minutse.oi the previous meetings were ` ~,~ adopted se amended upon Dell of the roll by the toilowing vote: Y6na, Paos, Pulliam, Tally and t9ashington,4. I• ~ , ~j Commissioner 'Aaehington offered the following motion: I move that the Oommuniaetion of ' oommnnioation of the residents in the vioinity of North 14th Street antrnnae , residents in vioinity oP N, '~ to Oak Drove Demeter be reoeivsd filed and referred to Oommineionsr of Publio 14th 3treot 'i y • _ .`~'.ntra~oo to Oak {' Property for attention. Adopted upon Dell of Lhe roll by the following vote: Grovo Cometery, i Yeea, Peas, Pulliam, Tully and waehington, -4. Repot Com°r. " Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that the Fublia :7orka of ~` Itemised re Se~x:~r Distriot port of Sewer Diet, $3 far the month of Jnly, 192$, showing ir3 for July 1922.; mieoellaneona a enditurea be reoeivsd and filed. Ado tad ~ Rp p upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and '~7ashington,-4. a ' Dommisaioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y'move that the Eoard visit pro-~' Board visit in a bod the ro art of J. A. Dosaett at 24th k Washington to potty of J. d, y P P y Do~actt at 24th ~ deolds on the neoeseity of oonetruotin oulverta to drain ro Deed nets buildl ~ 7Jaohington Sta.j 6 P P ng to deoido on sites. Ado tad ~on:etruotion of ! P upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Paoe, Pullin, aulvarts to drain Tul am ~tashin on, -4. proposed building ~ ~ site3, ' Dommisaioner Nashi , ngtoa offered the following motion; Y move that L. A. Contrast to be 7Yaehington, Rayor Pro Tem, be and he ie hereby guthoriasd and direotsd to eater entered into ;I ^rith Razel into a oontraot with Hsael 1lsloan dated Augnet 14th, 1922:, for the purpose of kialoan, dated '~ taking ogre of oity laboratory work for the CS of Peduoah Kentuo durt:at 14th,1922 '' ~- 14'° ~aP~ City E.aboJetogy u on Dell of the roll b the followin vote; Yeas, Paoe Pulliam Tnll and .7orY. i'or ity p y g • ° Y of Feduoah. ,: 14ashington, -4. Dommieeioner Pulliam offered the following motion; Y move that.ths Ordinrnoo to be ; 3olioitor be inetruoted to rrepara an ordinenoe for the purohase of a oornsr '/ ' proparod for tho;;, ' purchaca of pro-;: strip o! ground at Tennessee ~trset and Guthrie Avenue from Fill Yanoy under '- potty at Tonri.~te BaLLGuthrio Jve, terms to be passed on by this board but in no Dees over $80.00 and to be ohnrge8 bolonring to '.Till . Yancy° ~;. ._ _...,~.,,..... ,.*,. ._,~-Z -".wxq,.-v~a;^?;.±rq~,~~•~.,-J,'-'r,7, ,.,; ... ,-. . a'°"~,'.;,~°S°+'~?~"'~e.~.'°,^E.°rr,~,._ ~.,~-,".a:- "T'f;-°crr•^.,.y' ;J*x;.^°~' ,. t ~~. - `_"..~°.?!'. ~\ ~ ~ , :. Na_ri ~i Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah _ ~ .1Q2__ ~ to the street sooount. Adopted upon•oail oP 4he roll by the follovriaP vote; Yens, + ~ H Paos, Pullism, Tully and Waahingtosi,-4. i 9~,- ~: ~ Commieeiansr Tully offered the following motioa; Y move that an Ordinanoe ~ ~ repealing an Osdinanoe entitled. "AN ORDINANCE TG PREVENT THE 9PRTJlD OF VENEREiL ;Venereal Diseaso~ DISEASES," whioh'°~ae adopted by the Board of Oommissionsrs on Jnly 10th, 198E, be ~i '~'°"'~ ' ~, i i ~ adopted. Bost upon Dell of the roli by the 4ollowing votes Yeas, Ta11y,-1. I ii' . Nays, Paos, Pu111am and Washington,-3. ~~ ~. II Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motions E move that a Resolution p entitled, "p RESOLUTION PROVIDINGb FOR THE CON5IRUOTION OF THF. DRIVE',VAY AND PROVIDIN3 Resolution pro- FOR THE OONSTRUCTION OF COIiCRHTE Cili?BS AND GUTTERS AND ALL NECESSARY DRAIN PIP&S ON 1 vi,iina for Don- ~ ~struotion of the~~ NORTH NINTH STREET FROM THE NfH2TH PROPERTX LTNE OF JEF>!'ERSON STREET TO THE. SOUTH ~ ; driveway and aon4 'orate ourbe & k PROPERTY LINE OF MAD,TSON STREET; ALSO NORTH EIGATH STREET FROt4 THE 1!ORTH PROPERTY ~ Gnttero on N.9th" $t., N.Bth St., I ~ i . LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE 50UTH PROPERTY LINE OF MADItiON STREET: ALSO MOA'ROE and Afonroo Sbroo ~•Firet RoadinR. ~ STREET FROM THE ~6EST PROPFi%TY LINE OF NINTR STREET TO THE :~d1ST RIGHT OF ~'AY LINE v': ~. ( .f; OF THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAIIROAD OOMPANY, EXCEPT THAT PORTIOIt HERETOFORE IMi'ROVED M.:: KITH CONCRETE CU?~B3 AND GUTTERS, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST '; _ ~,, OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS AND PROVIDING THAT SAME MAY BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT ELAN," be introdnoed and ley over. Adopted npon Dell of the ° ~ so11 by the following vote: Yeas. pace, Pulliam, Tally and Washington,-4. ~, Co~isaioner Pnlllam offered the following motion: Y move that an Ordineaoe,`, Ord tnanoo pro- j entitled, "AN ORyINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTT%uCTiON Or' AZ; ALLEY IN BLOCK #10 viding for the i. °' oonetruotion of ADDITION "A" OLD TOWN CITY 01~' PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, HEGINNYNG AT THE tiORTH PROPERTY alloy in Biook ~ X10 Addition "A" Yrom Ky LINE OF KENTUCKY AVr,NUE, BETWEEN THE PROPERTY OF THE E. G. BOONS ESTATE At+D THE i ~ , Avenue to Snd PROPERTY Or' FRANK H. JONES AND RUIJNING 1N A NORTHERLY DIRECTION 17B FEET $ INCHES • ' St.-First Read- ing. ~ ~ TO THE PROPERTY BELONGING TO MATTIE C. HALE: THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE WEST , Y' ~W ~ I PROPERTY t.INE OF SECOND STREET, YN THE CITY Ot~ PADUOAH, KINTUCKY, AT TAE COST OF 4 f" ~' ! THE ABUTTING PROPF1tTY 0"NFdtS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAME MAY HE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE i ". I" TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN." De introdnoed and le0r over. Adopted npon Dell of the roll E by the following vote: Yeas. paoe. Pulliam, Tully hnd Washington, -4. i, - ~ On motion the Y°oard ad,onraed upon sell of the roll by 4 yeas. ! f ~ ,i foil' ~aG1~M~I~i~. Ci/~p~"c'.1 - ~ .k _ ~~_3SpJ . ~~~ ' "`°_=-' .G.LwC~_'.,,~242 ~i _ i r M'%1'YCf'R ~YO ~ f . AUGUST 16th, 1922, ~ . . ~ At a Calle3 Meeting of the Board of Oommiasionere,.held in the Commissioner°e ~ 1928 ;? ~ ( Chamber in the. City Ha11, Paduoah, Kentnaky, on Augaet lbth,Aat S o°alook P. M. j ~ Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their nrmea; Commissioners Peoe, i j ~~ Pulliam, Tu11y axd Washington,-4. Mayor Katterjohn being out of the City, Mayor `j '` ~~ pro Tem t^aehington presided, ~ ~ ~ . ~; Mayor Pro Tem r~aehington at^.tsd reasons for oall to-wit: For the purpose p~ ti '}' of notifying the. E. R. Harding Oompony 40 oommenoe work on Sewer Diatriots 1, 8 d° 3 ;• , ~ within ten days oY date. ~ , E.R.Harding Co. if notified is ~ ~ 1%eyor Pro Tem Washington offered the following motioa; I move that L. A. ( i Washington. Mayor Pro-Tem. be, and he ie hereby authorised and directed to notify ~. writing to Dom- nenae work on ~, - ~ ! in writing the 13. R. Harding Company to oommenos work on enb-divisions A. B. de C. ; ~ ~-. I ~~li~ sub-divisions ~~ A. ,Hr Zb C. in' ~~ in Sewer Distriot #S within tend ~ . aye from this date nnd.that the Oity Clerk is ~~ 'se~xer Distriot it #8. ~ hereby dirsoted to deliver in pao~eon said notifiontion to the said E. R. Ha;ding Company.. f " f 'Ado ted'~ oii'~a~1:Dt tiherxoll'b thi P . qP ~ y" ip3:loei~ fote;:~:Ysae,; Pg~ae,Pulliem, Tully ani ' . Washington,-4. - :€ ' pn motion the Board ad~ournod upon Deli of the roll by 4 yeas. ;: : .... _,. .~ .._,,.. ,... _.. _.. ~.~..L:::::~ _ ...._. ... a ~.:~ ~ . ~ ~ ,-,__ Na ~~. Commissioners' Proceedings, City 'of Paduoah' ' ~ - 192.:^ . _,.w, _..p~,,...r. _.._._. .._.~.~-~,.~ -----~-~-~- ~'~" ~ err ~w TOa: G~• AUGUST 21st., 1922. {: ,. C At a Called Mesting oY the Board oY 0ommiaeioners, held ~ the Oommissionerd° ,' ~w.~ Chamber in the City Hall, Faduoeh, Kentucky, on August 81st 1928, at 9:30 0'"olook '' ~~ A. bt. Upon Dell oY the. roll the Yellowing answered to their names: Commiasloners ~ ~. •~..~ Paoe,..Pulliam, Tully e~ ',7ashington,-4. '- !i btayor KatterJohn being absent btayor Pro Tom ~Yashington presided. ;~ ~: j bteyor Pro Tem iYsahington stated resaons for Dell to-41t; For the purpose of ~~ is allowing pay-rolls for the first halt of August 1922, and any other business that .,,i' 1 t3 • is might Dome before Lhe Board. .~, ~~ Commissioner Tully oYYered the following motion; I move that the. Pay-roll for ~ i s half of the .month oY Au~uet amounting to X6688,66; be el lowed and ordered ~': Fay-ro411 for let '1 the f r t half elugust amounting to j; paid and the money appropriated Prom the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell ' X6682.66 allowed • and oxkdered paid.',i oY the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Nashington,-4, ~ ~: ' Commissioner Tully offered the Yellowing motion: I move that the Pay-roll 1, ' rf pay-roll Yor ~3 for the ~3 District Sewer for the Brat half of the month of August amounting to i District Suer !E I far 1st hai!' oY ,j X526.43, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance be author- ~ AuRUat,$526.43 '' allowed and I( ized and instructed to draw oheoks on the $3 M etriot Sewer Fund to pay same. Adopted ordered paid. and ^Pashin / • i~ upon sell oY the soil by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. g- '' ton,-4. Commissioner I9ashington offered the .following motion: I move that the Pny- '- Fay-roll for 1st half of roll for the prevention of Venereal Diseases for the first half of the month of Avgust amounting! to x75,00 for i Augnat, amounting to $7b.00, be allowed end ordered paid, and the money appropriated prevention o3 ~ Venereal Diseases Yrom the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following allo:~ed and or- dared paid. vote: Yeas. Paoe, Fulliam and "leahington,-3; Hays, Tully,-1. Ori motion the. Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. l ,, ~~ AUGUST 21ST, 1922. At a Regular bleating of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Coamdseioa-: era' Chamber in the City Hall. Paduoah, KentuolCV, on August 21 at, 1922. Upon Dail of the roll the following ana~aered to their names; CommiaeYonera Paoe, Pulliam". Tally and ~7sahington,-4. ' h b i t f th Ci Ida or Pro Tem "Yeahington presided. i. P.eyor Katter3o n e ng ou o e ty y `~' On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes oP.the previous meetings were adopted, as read, and correote'd, upon pall of the roll by the following votA; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, and ;7ashingtan,-4, Commissioner '7ashington offered the following motion; I move that the Finanolal State- ': Financial Statement of the Superinterdert of Riverside Hospital for the month oY meat Sunt.River- ' side hospital & July 1922, together with the Patients° Report for July 1922, 'be reoelved and filed."' Patients Report for July 1922. ~ Adopted upon sell of the roll by the followinP,, vote: Yoae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and '.Yeahington,-4. j Commissioner tYaehington offered the following motion; I move that the oon- Hazel Lteloan ~ treot entered into on Auvuet 14th, 1922, by and b~t~•veen the City of Faduoah and ,Hazel Contract with City of Paduoah. Lteloan, as Technician for Riverside Hospital, authorized by motion of Autruet 14th,y 1922, be received, filed and approved. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the follow I Yi . . ~. r .; .. -" ..: ,;: ~'G%'^ . S~ T uw T '' '^ k s , .. ~ , ~^.P+'w w,'.;h^~.~.,R.~~.".r:, _.„ , „ ."°!r"?"L~'T ,.. ,; ^,ry ~r,~^, ~-.-^';~ en ,.• 1 0, .; ,... r ..... ,'s,~,": , . . .. ~ .»,: . . ~, , . ~ . i _ ~ . . ... . , _~ , , ..___.__ ._.__ .. _. t ~ } No.-~ X '' ~~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 19B__ r~ ,ping vote: Yeas, Faoe, Fulham, Tally end. ;Veahington,-4. ' Cot,md;Baioner Washingtsr~ offered the followiY~g"motion: Y move that the report of ~ ;^ Report Razel !i !N~e]oan,Teahni- ;!Hazel %eloen, Technician of the Paducah Laboretoriea Riverside Hospital for the month oY _cian Paducah 7 Laboratories ,July 1922, showing ana3ysis of 66 private patients and 26 city patients, be received and! , •: Riverside Hos- ~; ~ ~ ?pitel for July ;;filed. Adopted upon cell of the roll by Lhe PolYowing vote; Yeaa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully ...922. ' , ~iand :Vashington,-4. ' { 'iRilie Corbett O .Commissioner LVashington offered the Yol3owing motion: 17hereae.Yillie Corbett reeianetion. ~' i ~ihas resigned the position of Elevator Boy. and the Commissioner of Public Property has ~ '. ~` ;Clarence Tooley n employmeirt as Gappointed Clerenae Tooley as Elevator Boy, I move that same be oonfirm3d, Adopted upon ! Elevator Boy. ,i~ ~oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pulliem,Tully and ;Vaehington,-4. I ~ Commissioner 7eahington offered the following motion: I move that the com- ~ + Cross Creek un- =ip~~te of aansanitary conditions of Croaa Creek, made by surrounding property comers, bed sanitary condi- P bona referred (referred to the Commissioner of Public Yorks for inveatiiration, ana to take such action to Commissioner I - ,, Fublio :9orke. ~as he thinks necessary to abate said nuisance. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the I, ~ (following vote; Yeas, Paoa, Pulliam, Tully and ',9ashingtaa~,-4. ~y ~ E.R. Harding I~ "Commissioner 7eahington offered th.e following motion: I move that Dopy of Letter Dopy of ~ ~` "!.filed in re: Metter delivered to 3. R. F.arding be received and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll i ~~, ;Sewer District ~ 1 ( #8. ?~11by the fallowing vote: Yeaa, Peae, Pulliam, Tu11y and ?7eahington,-4. ~~,} I " Commissioner Pulliam offered the follow in. motion; Y move that a Resolution I~ fi ~ ('.,' entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE COIIST:?UCTYOTi OP Tfi3 DRIV::VAY :,TID P:?OVIDIIdG F~2 Resolution for ~ I oonatruotion (~ THi; COIdSTRUCTIOTI OF COliCR::TE CUP.BS AIiD GUTTr"'EtS AIIiD ALL NECESSARY DRAIN PIPES OTd 11TORTB l driveway and a~aba & Gutters ~NITdTH 3TRr:ET FROLi THE TiORTH PROPERTY LIIr'E OF JP:FFr1TSOTt STREET 4U THE SOUTH PROF ERTY LINE On N.9Lh St., jl N. 8th 9t. and !(OF },TADISON STRr:'ST; ALSO IiORTH EYGHTH STR...,aT r'ROT3 T}Tn NORTH PROPyRTY LYTIE OF JEFF:ITSON Honroe Street,- q ADOPTEtD. ±; STI?r:ET TO TH SOUTH PROPERTY LII1E OF IdADISOId 3TRF.ET; ALSO }dONROy 3TRL:.u:T FROL: TFis :VEST i i ~PROF.EtTY LINK OF NINTH STR::GT TO THE FAST RIGHT OF 7AY LY}iE OF TH.ti'. ILLITIOIS CENTRAL '.~ (;" . :. ' ,' ~;RAIIROAD COLff'A}IY. EBCEIT THAT PORTION H~ETOFORE IhiPR09iD PITH CONCRr.TE CURBS AND ~ ". p ~ ' 'PII~UTTdR3, IN 'CIG: CIS OF PADUCAH. KTiTUCKY, AT THE C03T OF 'PHE ABUTTIIiG PROPERTY 0:7N;~S YA}ID PROVIDITG THAT SALIE biAY BE CONSTRUCTS UPON THE TL'N Y:AR PAYL'IvTdT PLAN." be adopted. IIII i _ uAdopted upon cell of the roll by the .following vote: Yeaa, Paoe. Pulliam. Tu11y end i~ I; .~i.'~'BT$ngton~-~. ~ ' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; Y move that an Ordinance C, .. ~ t Uentitled "AIi ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THECOTdS~UCTICII OF ATI AlL'a'Y YII BLOCK 10 ADDITION Ordirenoc Y r ~ P :. ,oonstruption of ~!"An OLD TO'~VN CITY OF PADUCAH, K:~iTUCKY, B::GYNNITIG AT TiT'r IiORTH FP.OPL'D.TY LYTIE OF K~iT'JCI{Yj ,iliey in Block" #lO. Addition'Aa ~"pq,piJgo BET'"EEN THE FROPEdTY OF THE E. G. BOONS ESTAT:a AIT) TiiE I30PERTY OF FRAIi$ H. from Ky. AYe.; ( to 2nd 9t.;- ~ d0I2ES, AND RUIIRIIJG YN A TiORi'IirZ4LY DIR..°.CTION 178 FE:FT 3 INCH:~:3 TO THS FROP~ITY BELONGING `ADOFT~. ~ ~ 1b }kATTIE :. HdLs;. THEIICE AT RIGHT ANGLr'.S TO TH3 '+IFST PROPERTY LYNE OF S.L:COIdD STRUT, ~ _ ~; ' ITJ THE CITY OF PADUCAH, Kr1iTUCKY, AT T'dr COST OF T}I;: ABUTTING PROPERTY O'.7IirRS, AND FRO- u ( (~ VID IIiG THAT SANE BiAY BE COIdSTRUCT::D UPON THE TEN YEAR FA7IIl,ENT PLAN," be adopted. ~ ' it I '(;Adopted upon cell of Lhe roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and . y:7ashington,-4. ~. ~ Commissioner Pulliam offferod Lhe following motion: That E. R, Harding Comlany '~ ~'T.R.Harding Oo. `be allowed to nse 86" cast iron pipe weighing 67 pounds per linoel ffoot lase than re + ~ " e1.loAed to use i~ I 86" asst iron squired by the speoifiaetions, T>rovid.ing that said 1;. R, HardinP Company encase. said ( pipe- Sewer ;~ i District ¢8. pipe at its own expense in Class A concrete of at toast 6" thickness With no obligation ~.: ? - ( doY the City aY Paducah to pay for the concrete ec used. Adopted upon call oY the roll ~'by the following vote; Yeaa, Peae, Pulliam, Tully end i7ashinRton,-4. - - '~ .., Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the Purchasing Agent ~f .Ford Roadster ~be authorized to,purOhese one Ford Roadster'Por the use oP'the surveying crews and + to be purchased a. ' ,by Purchasing sthat same be charged to Srd Diatridt Sower'1~'nnd. Adopted upon cell of the rots by the ~~ Agents for Setter,; , DietricL #3i .<. _.. ... I 1, ~ r., ' ~ i+ ~ ~ ~~ ` .. No.~2 ~' " ' Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah 192:- ~ , ~ ~~ 1 ..... . Ii 1 t i j ,~ • r, s ~~ i following vote; Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam affi l9ashin gton,-3; Tdays, Tully,-1. i. ~ y yeas, • , F !~ On motion the Board ed corned upon Dell oY the ro11.b 4 • ? '' .~~ xz q ~a.,~~e,~ i9._... •~ ~ s~~ ~ . ~~~~~~' AUGUST 28TH. 1922. At a Regular t.eating of the Board of Commisaionera held in the Commiasionere~" ~:. f ~, Chamber in the City Hall, Faduoah, Kentucky, on August 28th, 192E. Upon sell 04 the ,, ~ roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and i7ashington,-4. itayor Katterlohn being out o4 the City Eayor Fro Tem t7aehlnaton F.resided. ~' On motion o4 Commissioner Pece the minutes of the previous meetings were 6 ~~ adopted e8 read upon Dell 04 the roll by the 4o~iovring vote: Yeas, Peoe. Pulliam, ;,.,:~; ~: Tully erd '.7ashington,-4. ' p I!etiorel Suretylj Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the National Comperry,- a Hugh Garrett ~ Surety Company be released from bond o4 Hugh H. Garrett, he being no longer in the Bond released employ of the City as patrolman. Adopted upon call of the roll by the 4ollowing vote: jj Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and '.7ashington,-4. 'r: Commissioner Tully o4fored the following motion: I move thet the report of Retort of Supt. " YeY.el 04 aeah received end ~; the aesh received and disbursed by the Board of rduaetion o4 Faauoeh, be received and '~:" Diebur'Sed by ~'; Board of 73uoe-, filed. ddopted upon call 04 the ro71 by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulllam, tion. ~~ Tully and ~~a.shin gt or, ,-4. Commissioner T~rlly offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner Street bonds &;~ of Public rinerce be a~rthorized and instructed to pey off, take up er7d oenoel street coupons in City ]:etional Bank ;bonds and coupons to the emount o4 ~i18.18,.in the City Rational Bank and a check be paid off. drevn ageinat the Special Street Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call 04 the roll by E the 4ollowing vote: Yeas, Feee, Pulliam, Tully end '.7aehington,-4. 0 ti CoTMmiasioner Faoe offered the following motion; I move that Flint Sellars, Llint Sellars o Ch1~~4 L':eohenie for the City be arrnted a veeetion of four days with pay, beginning ", I:eahenia, Vacation. i; September 5th, 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo^rinq vote; Yeas, ~' Feoe, Fulliam, Tully effi Bashinftton,-4. Commissioner :lashin?ton offered the Yellowing motion: I move that 1. A., . {. !~ :7eshington, Zayor Fro Tem, be, and he is hereby enthoritied and di eoted to enter iota Contract with i; Joseph Compeen'~ the written cor.traat, as prepared by the City Solicitor with Joseph Compaan, dated . " ~ I'oat ??0U9@ . Ferm 1•roperty August 28th, 1922, Por the purpose of giving permission to the sai4 Joseph Coq~pean burial ground.; ~: to bury his wife on the burial mound located on the Fcst House Farm.Proper•'ty. Adopt- • i~ i. ed upon call o±' the roll by the.f ollowing vote: Yeas, Paoo, Pulliam, Tul]y and . i; ~! :lashingtor,,-4. ~~ Corruniasionm• Fulliam offered the following motion; That the Commieaionere of ~ ~ -.,. Com'r.lublio ~~ Publio.:7orks be authorized ar,d instructed to prepere a final oatim+°te for the pey •.7crks. to " re- '! pare final msnt of P.eynolda Brothers, Contractors, for sidewalks, curb and R+rtter conatruotioa estimate for j ' aidowal's eon- on the South side of Husbands Street bet•.veen 7th & 9th. and on both siaee of South struction by ' 9th Street betcreen Husbands and lizabeth Streets, deauetinp therefrom 20;~ in lien Re;rnolds Eros.;. or. S.9th St. ', 04 requiring said oontractora to tear opt e.ri replace work not done in aaaordence ~ Husbands. - with the speaificationa, and deducting 20 from the construction~asseasment o4 each ~:, !i Property o^mer abutting this work, all to be done,"iS with the consent of all parties concerned. Adopted upon call of the roll by the Pollowirg vote: Yeea, Peoe, Fulliem~ Tully eni :7ashington,-4. { ~, " ~. .. ~-!~ :~. __._ --- - ~ M ' c ~ ~ ;I a K ~ t . .. . - _ _, ,g ~; Nam Commissioners' ProceediYags, Ciiy. of Paducah ~ 1.92_^ ¢- . kt .That H. A. Yoiaht be allayed ~.. Commissioner Pulliam offered the Pollowinp. motion, ~,. $36.60 for in Juries elleaed to have been sustained to person and damages to automohi]e ; t H.A.Voight,olaimi '.for X36.60 for 'upon the presentation by the said Voiaht of a relerae drawn by the City Solioitor to injuries suritain "=ed. ! the Commission^r of Fublio Fir~anr®~ r.nd that same by oharaed to streets. Adopted upon ! ii ~ oall of the roll by the follo:~ina vote: Yeas,Faae,Pulliam,Tully and ',7ashin[?ton,-4, j ' I. ! ~ ~ On motion the Board adjourned. uron oall of the roll by 4 yeas, ( AdeRted ,P1-~",r/~~ 19 ~ ; ! ~i r ' =' . .. ]~ rti.U ~ L?1.. ~ ~ ~ ~ SEFT~tBER 1. 1922, ! r . ~ ~' ~ At a Called Cleating of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissionera° ~' ' ~ ~ Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah° Kentuoky, on September 1st, 1922 at 12 O olook A: M. , Upon pall of the roll the following answered- to theft names; Commissioners Faoe,Pulliam ( Tully, '~7ashitVeton and Mayor Katterjohn,-b. I • i Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for pall to-wit; For the p~poae of adopting and "' ~ Ordinanoe prohibiting persons from using or traversing the Streets oP Padnoah between fi ~' ( tho hours of 9 o'oloak P. M. and $ o'olook A. M.. and suoh other business ae may come ~ s`"', :, , ~ l+ before the Board. ;~ ~( Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: Y move that an ordinanoe en- ' Ordiranoe pro- ~' titled "AN CRDINATICB FROHIBITIIdG AIJlt Pr:RS0I1 OR Fh'RSOTdS FROTS USITIG, TRA'7?CtSING OR B~IATG i hfbiting per- sons from being it UPON TIC ST3EETS, THOROUGHFAR.:S OR.PUBLYC FLe1CES OF TIC: CITY OF PADUCAH, KSI'TUCKY. on streets aftert ' 9 0°olook P.Y. r BET'°7~EN THE HOURS OF 9 0°CI.OCK P. M. A1'D b 0°CLOCK A, M., APdD F?iOVIDID?G A F~IALTSf FOR ~ ~.` i~ THK VIOLATION OF AIdY OF TH3 PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDYNAI;CR," bo adopted. Adopted upon - i! oall of the roll by the following vote; Yeas Paoe Fulliam Tully t7ashintrton and 0 _ ° ° ° i Katterjohn,-5. j i~ ; ti Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinanoe en- i i Reward X1,000 i! titled "Alt ORDIIiAIICE FROVI7DITdG r^OR &ND OFF:^.'RII3G A REtYARD, BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH. r~I- for oonviotion i' or evidence °1!tICKY. ALtOUi'TING TO TH3 SUIu OF ONE THOUSAND (,1,000.00) DOLLARS r^OR TH: COh'VICTYOT7 OR leading to Don- ii viotion of per-'j EVIDEtJCE LiADING TO TFrG COIIYICTY0T1 OF ANY P3TSON OR PFd2SONS GUILTY OF, OR CONC .RYIr9 IN sons guilty pf i using dynamite. ~~ THE, DYTdAMITIIIG. OR THE USS OF OTHrlt HIGH ~C'LOSIP.-:Sq YN THE DESTRUCTION OF FROPS'4TY OR &o '! 'a ~~ IIIJURY TO F~ISONS YN TIC, CITTY OF PADUCAH, KEITUCKY," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of '. ~. .I the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Paoe,Pu111am,Tuliyat7ashington and Katterjohn,-5. ~~ ~' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that an Ordinanoe G ; ~~:< ~ ~' entitled "AN ORDIIuETIC'd PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTdUCTIOTI OF THP.' DRIVrl.YAY AND PROVIDING FOR i I~I Driveway 80 8ud:b~1 THN: CONSTSUCTION OF CONCRF:Ts CURBS ~1TID GUTTEgTS °1TID ALL Ns'CESSARY DRAITI PIPES ON NORTH ' and•.gutter,e on ~! N. 8th 3t., ~, I~jYNTH 3TRcB:T A`R01t THE NORTH FROF:RTY LYIdE OF .Y::F'FTiRSON STRi:::T TD TIIE SOUTH TROFIIiTY ~ N. 8th $L.~ ard~~ ~ Monroe Street: ~ LINE OF I,'ADISOIr' STRr:ET; ALSO NORTH ::IGHTH STREET FROM TITr NORTH PROFbD2TY LIIJE OF J:~FL'R=; 1!irst ReAding. SON STRi:ET TO TIIE SOUTH FROP~TY LIddn OF 1ADYSON STREETo ALSO i•?OYZtOI~ STRr:ET FROPv THE '; 6 r'EST PROP.IiTY LYN;: OP TIINTH STRA:ET TO TIC EAST RIGHT OF '•1tAY LINE OF THE'ILLINOI3 CEN- 'r ' , Ij TRAL RAILT20AD COLiPANY,'EXC~T TAAT PORTYON H:JtFTOF^RE YI,~~OY~ "'ITH CONCRETE CLLRBS ATID a: ~, GUTT~,tS, EN THE CYTY OE' PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT Tl~ COST OF THi•. ABUTTIIIG FROF'rRTY O'7TdRS ! ~~ i - I( AND FROYISIIIG THAT SAbt:: R:AY BE CONSTRUCTS UPON THr: Tr.N Y::AR PAYI.;r'.NT FL~3I," be intro- ' ~~ dusted and lay Duet. Adopted npom oall of the loll by the following vote: Yeea, Pao®, } } Pulliam; Tully, I7ashington and xatter9ohn,-6. ' 1I 0n motion the Board adjo~lrned upon oall of the roll by F yeas. V u- ~• W ., ~ A~°~ ( i ;fit . r ... .2.A t ` p L ~w'.' . ~.~°• .. f . - Na ~~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah . T 192-~. S~.'Tr~.ID:'~t End, 19EEe At a Oeiied Meeting of the Board of Oommiseionere, held in the Oommiseionere' Chamber in the City IIs11, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on September End, 192E, a! 11:30 o'bloak i d. M, Upon Dell of the roll the folloc:ing answered to their names; Oommieaioners Paoe, Tully, •~7ashington and hayor Katter~ohn,-4. ' -r ~~ i, Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons fos Dell to-wit: ,For the purpose of elloviii#g ~; pay-rolls, and suoh other business as may Dome before the Doard. ' ! Oommiseioner Tu11y offered tho following motion: I move that the pay-roll i. l•ayy.roll 3t~et ~ for the last hn1P of thu month of Aug11aL, amounting to ~8079.b1, no per the report hnlf of August ;' ' 198E, i, of the Oommtsaioner of Tublio Finanoo, bo allonrod and ordored paid and the monoy , i? appropriated from tho ueneral Fund to pay same, Adopte4 upon oa7.1 of the roll by , 4, Lhe following vote;.Yoas, Paoe, Tully, '.Yaehinaton and Y.attor~ohn,-4. j ~; Oommieaionor Tully offered the following motion; b'onday, Soptember 4th, _. ~ being Labor llay and a Segal holiday, 1 movo that the offiaos of the Oity be o]oesd 1,abor Dny.OSfiooe . olour,d. ~~ Por Lhs day and all emp].oyoeu of tho Oiby, nu fur us polwible, he gtven a holldtay. ~~ Adopted upon Dell of tho roll by the followingR vote; Yena, Paos, Tu11y, ~Yashinp;toit ~ ~! and Katter~ohn,-4. C~ Oommiostoner Tully of?erect the following motion; I move Chit the Pay-roll for tho +~3 Di•striot Sowor Por tho lnst hail oP the month oP Auguut amounting to Pay-roll (~3 Dis-, , triot Sewer leaf;: 6bb.4b bo allowod and ordorod laid and the Oommisuioner of i'ublio Finanos bs half August19E2. ' ~ 2 ;~ !! nuthorired and irlstruotod to draw ohsaks arm tnsL the i~3 Dletriot Sewer b`und Aooount to a s~:me. Ado tact '. p y p upon onli of tho roll by tho f ollowinR pots; Yoau, 1'noo, !i j Tu11y, ~laahinrtton and Knttar~ohn,-4. ~~ Oommisstoner 1Yashin~ton oi'fored the followinrt motion; i move that the „ Oontraot beta. ~~ oontraot ontorod into on August EBth, 19E2, by and betwoen the Oity of Paduoah, Oity of Taduoah ;j and Josoph Com- Ker.tuoky, affi Joaoph Compilan, nuthoriaed by motion of.Auguat E©th, 19EE, be re- peon,-]'oat xouse'~ I~`arm,-Burial ~; Delved, filed, approved and reoorded in the Oantanot Book. Adopted upon Dell of gr ound. ' the roll by the following vote; Yona, Faoo, Tully, ~Yashingtan and Knttor~ohn,-4. I'~ Oommissioner Igoe offered the follo,~ring motion: I move that the petition° I Buainoss Men !' of the business men listed below, be reoeived and filed. /ldoptod upon call 04 the p otition relative to nsri;ing on ~ roll by the following note: Ye6e, Paoe, Tu11y, ~lashington and Kotter~ohn,-4. I~ ~ B'rray botn. 4th .. ; bth Sts. On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the rol] by 4 yeas. , I • Adegt~t ~ ~~`"~ lY 8~,, I , .. ~ ~! - $r~'T.J.,B.~t 6TH. 1922. dt a Regular Meeting of the-Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' "-;~•, ` g 4 ~ Chamber itt the City }Tall, Paduoah, F.entuo}q, on September 4th, 1922, Upon Dell of ~ ~? i the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, Tullyt j h Weahingtcm and I.:q+or latter~ohn,-5, • I.Sayor Katter~ohn offered the following motions On cocolmt of today being a , ~~ ! Legal Holid ay, I move that the 3egular k.eetinq of the Board of Commissioners be r ' adjourned until 'E o'aloak P, I::. om Tuesday September 5th. 1922. Adopted upon Dell r. ~- ji of the roll by the followinr; vote: Yeas,Paoe,Pulliem,Tu].ly,'~4eshinp~ton end }_etter- i- - 3Ohn,-axle t• ~ Ar71't e~e~ ~~-.4-~t0 Z~' N~ i. , ~. ~. .._ ;.,~.-,. ,.. .;.'~ .,.. .. v,.. ..~ .: ~.,'. ,. .,.~~. ~,.b H, ._..„,w.....,.»~„~.* .. ..~..~m..~~w~,.~'+?~'°'"Tm""m!'r.^^'~,~y~^'""''"^"'+.".^a.4 _~'~'~~ t~lr;....,~:~'C•~ `.G,?";FS85??;~"5", ,eie:",,'. .. ~ i~ i i' to ~ il..il[i mnt 1 :-.-P i ~ n'.I tm. l'T.' 'I '~'1iI.Rl11'ilTI111R~1:'~ll .. I ~I 'Rlli-." ~ -. ~ ~. ~°. yroporty belong- ~ ~~ing to Oity of '~ =~ Faduoah rented. ,_:`j to August chaffer st ' £6,04 nor ~ month. Automobiie r Parnde :',opt. 6th. 1988. r, ; I Fay-roll and Aoo•ntnte of ` ~ Venereal Dept., ..~ for last half .,,..:11~ Auguwt,l9££. i` Oemetery Deed t~ Arthur Lehrer. Oemotery Deod to A1rs. G.W. Staple e. ,~3b.00 appro- ~ priatod to harks. Report Chief of folios for August 1982. Aionthly soli- mate ~1, Sub- Division ;~3A .Sewer Diatriot. ~3, X8,153.80 paid c.R.Hard-. ing Co. CoEnmissionera° Proceedings, City of Paducah_ 192-_ S1TT1~~2 STH. 198$0 ?.; At an nd~ournod liot~lar A:s.eting of the Noard of Oommiasionars, held in the ~ ~ >. ~~.; Oommlpwionoro° Ohambor in the City Ha11° Faduoah, Kontuo]y, on Tuoadny, 8optombor 6th, .,- ~.. . 1D ££, at £ 0°olook P. Ad, Upon oa11 of $ho roll the following nnaworod to their namo e; Oonuniowlonorr l'aoo, 1'~nllium, 'P°iliy, 'rVawhington and Kattor~ohn,-8. ~ ~ w,~,. On motion of Oommiasionor Paoe the minutes o4 the previous meetings were i adopted ea rend upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pu131am, Tully,1 ~ . Washington arrl Kntter~ohn,-b. ' ~; Oommieaionor Tully offered the following m®tion; That the propert;r of the city of i ~' Faduoah, now oooupiod Uy August Sohaffor as a reaidenoe, be rented to him by the month i ~ ~:.. at a rental oP :j£6.00 par month, anid Sohaffor to vacate at any time upon thirty days written notion, Adopted upon oa11 of the roll by the following vela; Yean, Faoo, I ~., Pulliam, Tully, "~nwhlnP,ton and ltattoraohn,-b, j ~.r lfayor Kattor~ohn offered the fallowing motion; E movo that permission :Cor parade j <<. from 6:16 to 3:00 F.AI. in downtown diatriat and also pormioaion to nao corner of Gth '{ ;•) ~ " .and Jefferson from 6:00 until 8;30 F,Ad, for uao of dit:playing Automobiles and nutomobile ~'" parts, on September bth, 19£8, be granted to vorett Holifield. Adopted upon call of ! , ~~ ~". ro]1 by the following •rote: Yeas,Faoe,Pu111em,Tu;ily,~7ashington and l:attor'ohn,-b, .. ' hiayor Katter~ohn.offored the following motion: I move that the Pay-roll for the ~ t ,- ., lost ha ]f of August 192£ of the Venereal Department, amounting to the sum of •p99.00; ~ k'" ~: " a; and aooounta amounting to $lOb.l3 be allowed and ordered lgid and that same be ohargad , to the Venereal Department. Adopted upon nail of the roll by the following vats: yeas, ' Paoe, Pulliam; Washington and Katter~ohn,-4; Nmys, Tully,-1, ~ .~,~,. Catreniaeioner.Tttlly offered the following motion: Tho sum of y37.b0 having boon i . - paid into the Treasury, as ovidenoed by the receipt filed here~+ith, I move that deed be ~,,,,r~~ exeouted to Arthur Lehrer for 7.ot '~19, Block ~E, on the :lest aide of Hannan Staoet, between Dakar and faller Stroete in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon o411 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,1'aoo;Fu111am,Tully,l4nahington and ]:attoraohn,-b. i , Oommisoionor 'lKtlly offered the following motion; The sum of x`50.00 having boon ~ , paid tnto the Treasury, no evidonoed by the reooipt filed herewith, I movo that deed bo exeouted to, hire. Go ;7. Staples for 7.ot ~`ib, Block ~4, on •the north side oi' ford Street,{ , bet.~een Hank &,Chemblin Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted ui:on ogll o.f the roll , i .. by the following vote: Yeas,P'soe,Pu111am,Tully;"i~eahington and Katter'oh.7,-b. j ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the sum of ~3G.00 i bo appropriato3 from the Contingent Fluid and planed to the credit of Parka. Adopted upon o~ll of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paae, Pulliam, Tully, ?7ashinRton i ' and Katter~ohn,-5. ~ - , Commissioner Paoe offered the followin¢ motion: I move that the report of the r Chief of Police for the month of August 1928 be received and filed. Adopted upon call i ti of the roll by .the following vote: Yeas,Paoe,Fu111ara;Tully,l9ashington end KattorSohn,-5.i Commissioner Pulliam offered the Pollo~ing motion: I move that 7:Ionth7y estimate ! . No. 1, fur work done during the month. of August 19£8, on the construction of trunk line ! i , aeaaro of Diatriot 3A to the amount of ~?9,1b3,80, duo to ~. 8. Harding Company, Con- . I i u ~,:- ' . ~ ~ i v`. ~"_ " tractor, be approved and allo:ved; and the Oommissioner of Pubiio Finance be aitthorizat and directed to pay seine aid ohargo namo to 3rd Diatriot Sewer Fund, and that a copy of acid %stimate be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoga, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. r '~ H• xe. 7~3~ • Commissioners' Proceedings, City 'of Paducah ,' ~ ~ ' 192_'_ , ,~,,;,~ .. ~~• 4 .. ~~ ~, i Oommiaeloner Pulliam offsro4 the following motions I move that Monthly Eati• Monthly $etimate ~ mate No. 1 for work dons during Lhs month of Auquat 19t:3, on the oonetruotion of trunk Novi, Sewor Die- ; line sewers of Diatr.late SH-30 to the nmount of 4 884.80 due to E. R. Aardtnq Oom• trtot ~3, 3nb- ~ ~ • Divisions 3B-3C, ;; p~-y. OontraoLor, bs approved end allowed and the Commissioner of Public FiruAnoe be ;4,864.80 paid tc :1.R.Narding Co.. authorised and directed to pny snore nrxi charge same to 3rd District 8awer.Fund erd Contractor. . ~' that a copy of said batimate be rooeiveA end tiled. Adopted upon call of the ro]1 b~ • ~ the following vote; Yoas, Paos,Pu111am,Tuliy,Trnehirsgton and Katter,ohn,•6. !~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following, motion: Y move Lhat nn Ordinanoa Ordinance provid-''entitled, "AN ORD INAI4CE PROVID [NG FOR THE .^.ONSTRUCTI0II OF TNR DR IYPPPAY9, AND TROVID ING ing for construe-' andnaurber&vauL9e j FOR THE OON37TtUCT10Id OF DONOR $T$ CURBS AND GUTT?:I29 AldD ALL NROES3ARX DRA IN PIP$3, tore on N.9th St., MANHOLES, AND INTAI;$S ON NORTH NINTH STR:;FT FROId T°A? NORTH PROP}«tTY LIN? OF J$FFI~90N N.Hth 3t., and honroe Street,- 81R}~«YP TO THE SOUTH TROPr3tTY LI1dE OF MADISON 9TR$?:T; ALSO NO??TH FI!:HTH 3TR37~'T FROM THE FiraL goading. „. h NOR'PH FROPA2tTY LINE OF JL~P'FA~2SON STR?? T m0 TITE SOUTH PROPATtTY LIR?+ OF MAT1I90N 9TR:~«°.T; . -; :-;;,';';, j~ AIt') AL30 MON:TO$ 9'1^.t!':$T FROM TITS 1"kS'P 1'ROFAJtTY LINE, OF NINTH 9TR'E$T TO TH?S $flST FRO- h PARTY lINiS OF THE ILLINOIS C~tTRAL RAILROAD C(MPANY, IN TH$ CITY OF FAOUCAH, K::NTUOKY. I is AT TH$ COST OF TH:; ABUTT ING PROPERTY 01vN:R3, AND FROYID ING THAT 9Ab1$ MAY BS CONSTRUCT- ~' . s ED UPON TH:: T$N YAJ1R PAYAs.NT PLAN; PROYIDa^D; ,R01q$Y3t, THAT NO CQNCR?:TF. CURBS AND « ,. GUTTERS SHALL BE CONS'LRUCTED ALONG SAID STRE$TS '"H$.RE THER$ HAS ALRF.6DY BT+.,EN CONSTRUCT '; ~~ CONCI?ETE^. CURBS AND GUTTA3i3 OR' GRANI'Pr,` CURBS AND GUTTA1t3," be introduced end lay r, over. Adopted upon cell oP the roll Dy the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, :YashingLon and Kattorfohn,-5, ,. 't On motion. the Hoard ad}corned upon gall o! the roll by the following vote ~I Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~9aehington end KatLer~ohn,-IS, -~ -' ~' c7 ~a ~` . „ y i'; ...',.~ j' 3:lf'TA3dB~t 8TH. 19EE. ,. ~i ' ¢ •-' h AL a Oe11ed. Meeting of the Board of Commisaior.ere, he]d to the Commisaionsre ~~ i Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on September 8th, 19RE, aL 10 o'Olook ~j A. M. Upon cell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commiesionera '; Paoe. Tully, ~Yashington and Mayor Katter~ohn,-4. • `i Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for eel] to-wit: For the purpose of allowing ; ji monthly bills and any other business that might come before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts Report Com•r.oi ~ for the last half of the month of August 19EE, amounting to $639E.19, as per the re Finance of • eaoounta lest half.Auquat ~ Port of the Commissioner oY Fublio Finenoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid ..~ 19E2. ~! and the move a ro riated from the Caneral Fund to u y pp p pay same. Adopted upon .cell, of ,j the roll iiy the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully, ttaehington and Katter~ohn,-4. i ti Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move_thot the accounts Aoaounta feat hnlf,; for the last half of the month of AuausL 19EE, for the 3d DistrLot Sewer amounting to August 192E for • 3rd District Sewer, X691.47, be allowed and ordered paid grid the Oommieaioner of Public Finance be authors •° lead and instructed to draw cheeks against the No. 3 District Sewor Fund Account to i ~~ pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yoae, Paoe. Tu11y, j; ~YashingLon and Katter~ohn,-4. ` A".alt or Cereal ! Commissioner Tully offered the Yellowing motf.on: The sum of $50.00 having Beverage Lioenee beer. tendered, together pith applioatlon for I,:elt oT Ceres] Beverage License, I move granted to Diok ~ Penn' `~ that license to sell Malt or Cereal Beverages or any admixtures thereof be granted to K Dick Ieru, at 1st & Broadway, for a period oY eia months, from July let, t0 December ~; 31 at, inclusive. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yese, Pace, t Tully, Washington end Katter~ohr.~,-4, ; ~,n:,.:~u,~~ ,,, i ~ ,~ ,~rip~~Fiq.~n,,,i u,~ n,i,pi ~1r191~„ .,p -, ~"'I'Ppr'gn~~pi,~~ ~ ry~r ~ ~~ i 4. n ~. ~~. m u 1 ~,:-~:; n ~ a v2 u; JY tl.a.; - " "mwt~am:,=duxc~~Wc,~hl.l}m~Ib~'^,Wm~,..,JJ~e x~~J I . ~~ . ,Ly ,ud a w, o- ,1 . . , ~~ - ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~17 . Ii~! .. , , :f ' .. ;~~ ~,P ~,.. ~£ ~~ Na_ ~~ Commissioners` Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ _. _ PP m Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion; I move that the aprointment of ~ B.F.Mitohe]1, :, L.D. Tate, ~B. F. Mitohell, L• D. Tate, Clifton C. Paoe, Riggs Aehbrook, J. R. Langston, Ebb Lynn. Olifton C. Paoe Y~ RiRRe Aehbrook, ~';T. A. Griffith and A.. T. Ysughn, by the Oommieeloner of Fublio Safety, ae extra polios- J.R.lnnaeton• Ebb Lynn., T A. "men, for the City of Faduosh, Kentuoky, be ratified and oontirmed• Adopted upon Dell of ~: Griffith and A.'1*: Yaughn, a~s the ro]1 by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Tully, tashington and Katter john,-4a 5.,~ " polioemen•:" ~ p ~~ Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion; Y move that tho report of the ~ Rarort Chied of Chief of tho Fire Department for the month of Au~eust 19EE be reoeived and filed. Adopt-, Nire Department~ed upon ~aa11 0! the roll by the fo11oe1nR vote: Yoga, Paoo, Tu11y, ttaeh9naton and f.or AuR~:bt ~9Ee. i jKaBtorjohn,-4• j; Oommiseloner Paoe offered the following motion: I move that the rerorL of the Report Police ~~ I Department. `Folios Department-for the past eight months be reoeived and Y11ed. Adopted upon Dell ~!of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe. Tully, Washington and Ketterjohn,-4, j'"; Commnnioation ~ Commission em Pace offered the following motion: % move that the oommunication j W. J.Ai11a, re- i{dated September 6th 1922, from W J. Hills, be reoeive8 and filed. Adopted upon Dell ~ ,.lative to"ap- i~ pointmont T J. ~of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paoea Tully, 9ashington and Kattorjohn,-4• potter ae ;; .. Speoiel Yolioe.~` Commissioner Yeoe offered the following motion: I move that the appointment i T. d. Potter of T. J. Potter. as Speoiel Patrolman, by the Commissioner of Pub11o Safety, b® ratified " appointed as {~ oonfirmed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pao®, Tully, Speoiel Police-! °~' j~Washington and Katter john,-4. ~ Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that the trans- ~ , farefrom Hrans '~fer from H. Knight Haire to J. T. Kibler and Sone, W. P. Kibler and W. G. Kibler. of Knight Heirs to " ?1T.Kibler,~- pa~;the South one-half of Lot ~E08 in Seotion SB, Oak Grove Oemetery, be ratified. Kibler end W G. !Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe. Tully. Washington and' i " Kibler. IKatterjohn,-4. ~ ~ h ", F. L. Thompson. ~{ Mayor Katter john offered the following motion: I move that the letter from Chief ~gineer ;F, L, Thompson, Chief Engineer Illinois Central Railroad Company, dated September bth, ~ t L C.R.R. Com ~ j mnnioation in ~192E, in regard to right of way for trunk line sewers, be reoeived and filed. Adopted ~ ~. regard to ~on- traot for right upon rill of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe. Tully. "/ashingtan and Katter- i of way #3 M s- y triot Sewer. jjohn,-4. ~ {} IIayor Katterjoim offered the following motion: I move that F. W. Katter john Hagar tc sign 'Mayor be end he is hereby authorised and direotod to exeoute the oontraot dated Jul oontract.betw- y een Chioago, !14th, 19EE, for and on behalf of the City of Fad nosh, Kentnoky, between the Chicago, 9t.I. de N.O.R.R.',, and ICRR Co. "St. Louis and New Orleans Railroad Co an and Illinois Central Railroad Co an and the; aTii City of mP y mp Y Paduoah right-Oity of Paduoah, Kentuoky, wherein snid Railroad Compe~ny grants a right of way or ea~e- of-way ~drd ltite- d triot Sewer.,, moat to the City of Paduonh, Kontuoky, for the oonetrnotion of tr unk line sewers along .i'. sand under said Railroad Company's property. Adopted upon otll of the roll by the follows ,; ~ ,.king vote; Yeas, Paoe• Tully, Washington and Katter john,-4. ~ ;, t. >:~ ! Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance f I. ,Repealing an Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANOE PROA]BITING RNY P ~t30N OR PERSONS FROM Cnrfew Law '; ' Repealbda'- -USING, TRAYr~tSING OR BEING UPON THE STAETS, THOROUC.'HFAR?S OR PUBLIC FLAC=3 OF TAE CITY t i ;OF PADUOAH, KENTUCKY, BET"tE1Ri THE HOURS OF 9 0°CLOCK P. M. AND b O'CLOCK A. M., AND PRO- ~ , . ;i . VIDING A PP;NgLTY FOR TAJ~: YI07A TYON OF ANY OF TAE PROYISYONS OF TAIS ORDINANOE." hdopted' '. ;~3.thalBpArd of Commissioners on September let, 19EE, be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of $ 1 ~ths ro1T by the following vote: Yeae• Paoe. Tu11ya,Waehington and Katter john,-4. ," ~ On motion the Board adjovrmed upon osil of the roll by 4 yeas, ,.. ,. ~ - I , ~~ i , `.. ;, : , ~ . w e,..~ , . . .. .: .... `, s ~, ?. aS" ~~,..; f•. if ~il.li_u .r.r~t... . 1.tW~~M. p gi ir:d^1 'a"A_ ~` ? ~ i .F':r~~,~,~ t, '. ^ } Commissioners' Proceedings,>City of Paducah ...:, ` • 192_'_ P.oport ~om'r. o] r3nanoe nho:ring ap per t 1 o sx:,en~t ,' amounts o:~per,ded &o.'at end of August 1922. t Report Com'r. o] Fineroa for the month o~ AuFust 1922. SII'T~.'lB:~i 11TH, 19EE,' _ At a Regular 1.4eeting oY the Board oY Commlasionera, held in Lhe Oommiesionerer ,~~, Chamber in the City Ha11, Paduoeh, $entucky, on September 11th, 1922. Upon sell of the >~ roll the following ans:vered to their names: Commisaionera Faoe, Pulliam., Tully, t4abhing •,•,;_ ton end Jlayor Katter~ohn,-5. r . ," „~ On motion oP Commissioner Tully the minutes oY the previous meetinsra were. ~ adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Feae, Pulliam, Tully, ~7ashington and Y.atter~ohn,-5. ~ '; Commissioner Tully offered the Yo7lowintr motion: I move that the report oY the Commissioner oY J'ublio Finaroe ohorring the Apportionment, the amounts expended and ~~ the balances to the or edit of the various eoeounta under the different depertmenta at r. •...~, the end of August, 1922, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the ""9' . Following vote; Yeas, Ieoe, Fulham, Tully, :7ashin?ton and xatter~ohn,-5.. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Commissioner of Iublio Finance for the month of August, 1922, be received, Yiled '~ ,~ and ordered published in the official newspaper. Adopted upon cell oP the roll by the ~: Pollotiving note; Yoas, Faoe, Fulham, Tully, 9ashington and Katter~ohn,-5. 1:,,i' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report oY j the Commissioner of Public Finance, of the Speoiel Sewer Fund, be received and filed ~ ~` ',and ordered published in the ofPiciel newspaper. sldopted upon Dell of the roll by the ~` " following vote: Yeas, }ace, Fu111em, Tully, "/ashington rnd L'attor~ohn,-5. ~;', Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of ~ ~'": the Commissioner of Fublio Finance, pf the Sinking Ft:nda in the various depositories, 1' ibe received end filed and ordered published in the official newspaper, Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Paoe,Fnlliam,Tnlly,'?ashington and ~. Report Com'r. oP Finance oP Speoiel Serer rand, ~m~,., ~ Herort Com'r. oP Firance oP the Sinking rtu;ds in • various depoaitor- i ie s. I',Satter~ohr.,-5. j Commissioner Tully offered the Following motion: I move that. the retort of Report Com'r. oY 'I rinarco of Colloo-;,the Commissioner of Fublio r^inanee of the Collections erd Disbursements of•thar bons ar:d Dis bursements of ':, Sp eeial Street Fund for the months of July and Au ~xst, 192E, be received, filed and Si ecial Street ` Fund Por July and !;ordered published.in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll by the. august 1922. i Following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Fu1T1am,Tully, `.7aa hington and Katter~ohn,-5,. ,. t; Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the offer .ot Offer of °7ei1, !::fell, Roth & Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio, to sell the City oP Faduoah a X1000.00 Street' sloth & Co. to sal] the City a j1000. !i Improvement 4p bond, dua,ixugust let, 1934 at 98 ar;d eocrued interest, be eooepted end:. Stroat lmhrovemar,t: Js~nd at 98 and !;the Commissioner of Fublio Finance be authorized and irstruoted to draw a check on the accrued interest accepted, r',!~Sinking Fund iooount in the Citizens SavtnPa Bank Por the sum of X984.44 to pay same, ~'it being X980.00 Por the bond and X4.44 accrued interest Prom .,u~ist 1st to Sept. 11Lh, ~, 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the Pollc•.ving vote: Yees, Faoe, Fulham, Tully, G"•lashinRton and fatter~ohn,-5. ' Commissioner Ieoe offered the PollowinP motion: I move that the enpointment Api:ointmont es j, fireman of lloyd ,; of ]:1oyd Cobb as First extra end Bob Jtreutzer as second extra as firemen, appointed . Cobb and Bob j i:rautzer, by the Commission er of Fublio Safety, be ratified. Adopted upon call oP the roll by ~ the Yolloainrr vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, '.9aahir,Pton arri Eatter~ohn,-4,- Commissioner '~ Tully having been excused by Ltayor to"leave Commissionera° Chamber. ,'. Commissioner '1lrlly entered Commiasionera' Chamber. • i inar.cial Report ~'' Commissioner l7eahington offered the following motion; 1 move that the Finan. & Fetianta " Hi wrside FIOapit- i; Dial Statement Prom the Sup orlntendent oP Riversids ??capital Por the month of Auavat al i'or i,uguat ^ 1922, showing the expenses of operating the Hospital for the month oP bupuat of 1922. u , ~3,2T3,29, and total collections Por the month oP Y3,271.E6; together •+ith the petientei~ „ report Por the month oP Au?'ust, 1922. be reaei,ved, and filed. Adopted upon cell of "the I •. No:~.-. =~ Commissioners" Proceedings, City of Paducah fl9B__ _-- ro f- y !e o ovr ng oo e: ~ese,-_noe, -u --¢m,--u -y, -as n, on en-__-er n n,--.~- _ ! i ." Report Com°r of°!. Commissioner Tully offered the follo:vina motion: I mooe that the retort of ' Fin¢noe of ~3 Distriot Secret +: the Commissioner of Fublio Finar,oe of the ~3 Diatriot Sever Fund Acoount for the month ~•~ Fiord "coount ford disgust 192E. of .luwat bo reoeioed end filed and ordered published in the offiofel newspaper. Adopt= ~~ ed upon oall of the roll by the Yollowing Dote: Yeae~ Paoe° Pulliam, Tully, '7ashington i '! end Kattor~ohn,-5. Oommissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: I mooe that the petition E ^.Fetition Froper-~. o:mers on Ninth ~ of property o:vnora residing on itinth Street bet:veen Husbands Street and Elizabeth Street betn. ~' II Husb¢nda & ::liz-~ Streets asking the City to accept the sidewalks; curbs aryl ~xtters constrnoted by 4 , abeth, ¢sking ~ ~ - that eidev+alks ('• R•eynolda Brothers, be reoeioed er~i filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the follo:~~ &o aona`tructed b~ Reynolds Broa.be~' ing Dot®; Yeas, Taos, Fu111ran~.Tully, Washington and Katter'ohn,-5. j ;, ;~ accepted. ` ! Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Th¢t the report of bhe I I 4~IReport Street ~ Street Department'for the month of 6uPUSt 1922 be reoeioed and filed. Adopted upon ~ Department for I~ August 1922. G oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, F¢oe, Pulliam, Zhxlly, :Iashington and ~ NN Ketter3ohn,-5. Commissioner Pulliam offered the folloca ng motion; Y mooe that an Ordin¢nee q,. entitled "nIJ 03DIIL1IdC:; IHOVIDIliG FOR Ti?H CONSTRDCTIOII OF Tl?ii DRIV::"7iaY. A1dD PROVIDING I .. ~ IYJR TiI:: CONSTRUCTION OF COi;CR::Ti: CURBS Al{D GUTT:.RS AIID AI,i Ni•~SSdRY •DRAIN FII::°.o ELAN- j '.Ordinance Fro oidinR for the HOI,.33 ::I~ II7TA::ES ON NORTH IlIIiTH STRr:'r.T FROM. THr'. I;ORTH PROP3ITY 1;INi: OF J3FF:.'4SON ! '. Construction of . ' Drioeways and ^ STR:.±;T TO Tlii; SIXiTH PROF:RTY 7.IlIB OF EADISOId STi1:.aT; AI;SO IIORTH i:IGHTH ST3?w.T FRCEI TH3 ~ ourbs E: Gutters ~ ! on I1., 8th, WORTH PROP:i1TY I,INs OF J:::i"r.'RSON Sir:i:T TO Tii:: SOU TA FROF:RTY lINx Or^ ]l"ADI.S`I: ST3:T; , III N 9th and Sion- 1100 Stro.et.- i Ak'D uIjO 1:OI.'I:O.s' STt?r:i:T FR OE: TH:; ;/i•:ST IROPi~TY I.INr: OF IIIIdTH STR?isT TO TH::r:AST TROI:ii- ~ 2nd Reading.'. ~ ~ TY I.IlIi3 Or Tf?:: Ii^;~II10IS C:1+7RAL RAIIl10AD COS:ffdNSt, IN THr.' CITY OF IADUCAH, b:.'1rTUCiCYo ~ AT THG COST OF THi: ABUTTIi:G PBOTrRTY 0':?Nii2S, AI1D T30VIJIIIG t^H!>T SAI':: 1:AY B COi:STRUCTED , UIOIJ '17I:; T:iN Y:;e1R Pi>YI:.;IdT Plulld; PROVID,:ia,ii0°d.:Vrr'3, T?+J.T I'0 COIdC:'i:T:I CURBS AT+D GUTT:~S i SIL1I Z Bi: C01'::TiZUCT::D diC.1IG Si.Ill Sii1.:.iT:i .i'H:;R:; uT,~„'Tl 'I?A3 AI.fi rADY B:EIVT COliSTRUCT;:D CON> ~~' C1i:iTli CURBS AID GUTT:I13 OR GRnIdIT:: CURBS AIdD ^>IiTTr:RS,"' be adopted. Adopted upon c¢ll of the'roll by the following vote: Yeas, Face, Tulliam, Tully a '7ashington and j i Katter~ohn,-5. ~ On motion the Board adjourned upon oa 11 of the roll by 5 yeas. ~ . • ~ Si~TEESBi12 16TH, 1922. ~1 ~~ At a Called Ideating of the Board of Commisaionera° held in the Commiasioners° i Chamber in the City Hall, paducah° Kentucky, on September 16th, 1922 at 10 o°alook i I A. M. Open Dell of the roll the Yollovring answered to their names: Commissioners ~ Faoe, Tu31y, :9ashington and Iieyyor Katter3ohn°-4 hisyor Katterjohn stated reasons for oall to-sit: For the purpose of allowing ~. ~ ' I sewer pay roll at Osk Grove Cemetery for extra men. +! Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move.that the pay-roll, it amounting to X70.20, for oonatruoting nevv ee:ver to new portion near I:anaoleum in Oak iq t ~ Fay-roll nee 1 !'. eexer portion '~ drove Cemetery, ba allowed and ordered paid and. the mosey appropriated from the General, near Etanaoleum in pak Grove. Fend to pay same. Adopted upon oall oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, f Cemetery. t gaily, Yashington and Katter~ohn°-4. - i , ° y .i~ a On motion the Board adjourned upon oelY oY.the roll by 4 yeas, .. .. ^ ; ~:i " i iz ' ~ i ;*s1~ .i: .. ~ t Ij Aie}1si ,.: ... , I~ cio' ~ ~ '{ ;~ .~; k, ', ,'~ _.. . ~_ a r ~; ~_ ~',. ' ~, ~, _' ~` w.. ^ ~, r.....ri ~;;.'~. ~? `' r'~~ ~= .. ~.~, ,,, , ~. q., ~. ~, r. ., :...., ..: .. ,. ., }, ___ ._ ..._ . _._._ _--- --...._.. _._.~.~. _--...---.--.__..~._~..._.__.._..~_.__._~..~~____~~..~ ..,~~,w _., f ' No,~ , ,~ C©mmissioners' Proceedings, City of .Paducah , 192-~: ~ ~ ' ~. •~/~ j ~' .'. ~~ ' SrD'T~ffi31t 18TH. 19EE. " t At a Regular L:eeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commieaioaers° `~~ 'i ' Chamber in the City Eell, Paducah, Kentucky, on September 16th, 19EE. Bpon Dell of z' the roll the Yollowing ansr~ered to their names; Commissioners Peas, Tully, Washington ~: •,, ' 9. and 1".eyor Katter~ohn.-4. 0n motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes oY the previous meetings were ' . adopted as read upon oe12 of the roll by the Yollo~ring vote; Yeas. Face, Tully. i9ash- ;~, ington and 7y:eyor fa.tter~ohn,-4. ,i ~ ' .,~. Coimnisaioner Fulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber. "s.. ~: Street Imp.BonB Commiseioner Tu11y offered the Yollowing motion; I move that the report of ,a ~.. #23 purchased ~ +. Yrom Neil?oth ~: the Codasloner of Fublia Finance in regard to the purchase of street .Improvement `j;' ?~ Co.. and Report ' of Comr,Fineroe ,Bond $E3, be received and filed, ddopted upon Dell of the roll by Lhe following ~' ~ relative to saT.e. ' ;vote: Yeas, Fece, Fulliam, Tully,7ashington and Katter~ohn.-5. ;°.~ Gervis Akers, `~ Commissioner Faae offered the Yollowing motion: I move that Garvia Akers, Cliftbn Pace, L.D,T~te,J R. 'Clifton Feae, i, D. Tate, J. R> Langston, T, d. Griffith, A. T. vauahn, George Rolling Leri~ston,T n ' i Griffith,: T , and R. Ashbrook be released end disaherged as extra policemen for the City of Padnoah 7 _ 'la::ghn, Geo golfing Fc R. '' °; Kentuol~, ddopted upon call of the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeas, Paoe, fulliem~ ! r '; Ashbrook extra g + Policeman ra- Tu11y. :iaahin{;ton and Letter~ohn.-5. ~ ; , loasad. ' ~ ~' Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion: I move that the Commiealoner Za h IIr:ant o of Finance be euthorizefl to ~` pay Zaoh Bryant ~,E5.OO and same be charged to account of ' , ello~re3 Y25.00. Police Depertm ant. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeea~ Faoe '; Pulliam, Tully, '~9eshington and Katter~ohn,-5. ~ 344.00 collected r ~ Commissioner ~7eahington offered Lhe Yollowing motion: Z move that the sun of , from ::u>ene Cent „ delivered to X44.00, collected by the City Solicitor, from ^augene Canny be delivered to the Commies ::upt,?iveraide ~, ", ??capital. ~ aioner of lublio Property, then same be delivered to Supt. of Riverside Hospital. ~' ddopted upon gall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, k :7ashirgton end Kettes~ohn,-b, `d 1., .~ 7.,' ~, , , iyassaohusetta Cotrmnisaioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion; I move that the n!easeahnsetts Bonding. & Ina. Co, released on ~' Bonding & Insurance Company be released on the bonds of Garvia Akers, Clifton Igoe, , ' bonds of Garvia :; Akerp,Clifton !; L, D. Tate, J. R. Langston, T. d. Griffith, A. T. vaughn, George Rolling ark R. •' Teao,Z.D.Tate. J.R.Zanrston, ~; tishbrook. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Faoe, Pulliam, T.:,.v:•iffith, ` ... T. -Jnnahn,Geo. Tully, '7ashington and l:atter~ohn,-b. brook. Commiaeioner :7ashington offered the Yollowing motion; I move that en Ordinance Or narce regn- latina edmissiori:' entitled "dL' OF.DIZ;i`.a:C P30vID SdG THi: 1~:Iild?.R 121 '.THIGH CP.r.RITY F:.TIr^.ItTS SHALL B3 ADZTITT of Chcs ity Fa- tionts to Riner-'; TO ".IVr1tSIDR EOSPITAL, etl~ID FROVIDIi~G P`OR FLEE ~ B F,~P.ID BY SoID CF.ARITY PATIRNT9~" be sido ??ospitel. f adopted. ddopted upon Dell 'of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, '.7aehirgton and Katter~ohn,-5, ;: ;:4~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the. sum of '$100.00 De " Ferka X100.00 appropriated flrom tl:e Oontingont A`und and pieced to the credit of Pnrke. Adopted upon. dpproprietion. Dell of the roll by the following note: Yeas; Paoe, Pulliam, Tu11y, ~leshinRLon and '; Y.atter~ohn.-5. ' ~' On motion the Board ed~ourned upon Dell of the roll by 5 yeas. i' 1' ~ AieFiei .L¢--1~ ~ ra~'':RG'Cr:~'x' ~ ~ ~,xorr. .. ~ ~~~,; } r;? . _~ .-.%M^"F'~"i5'.S^p^T Y~T^"~'Q°Rt . t .. u-e w .•~ i ~. '~~ ~'- {A ~F':. .~'4.'. 'fir- ..l ~. •.. v ~.+'~..''C"Pv*'a.'~HT9T,~i?~Y"'re:m'+m%ly,.~;.. T.%','~~T .. ... i"Ai'rv„~i.. ~.,zr. y5n a v',"~Mi?'n.'1~i. ~', ~e.i~~eo i- '.r n'ii:ii~Tl .ma i -.off, I 7llii'f,i t , : '.f: I 'dilRrtl'i.i lT.llllil.+II I~ I ql"li - I Iii I I I.I I ~ .11'~i ~r ~ I. „i . ~T~~...n I Q0... L. 4c I ''j:~~ ,~-~ r Aoooptanoe of 'I ;work ,done by ', Reynolds Bros. ; `'; Contraotora, on ~ ~! 8. 9th Street; ., Huabarida and' dilasbeth. j i i ~~ l •. 1''• ~~ ~~ g . I i Rstimate oY world, done by Reynolds; ' ~ Bros. , on S. 9th '' Street, from Elisabeth St. i and Husbands 8L. _. Assessment Ordi- nanoe on 9. 9th Street; from •Rusbands to Elia abeth and on S. aide' 01' Husbands Street.. • ...~ Comtliissioners' Proceedings, City of Pad~lcah 192-_ i~ ~, . T._ _ --- -- -- --- _ _._ _ - --_ ---- -------------- - _ _-- ---- _ • SEFT~B~2 19THe 1922. I • r.. At a Called Meeting of the Board of ComIDiasionera, held in the Commissionera° I ~ ';; ~. Chamber in the City Aell, Faduoah, Kentucky, on September 19th, 1922, at ll o°olook ~ '' A. lYi, Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners i '. ~. i ~ ~'~ Paoe, Fu111em, Tully, :7eahington and 16eyor Katter,ohn,-b, BSeyor Zatter~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For the purpose of receiving ~~u., the work done by Reynolds Broth era Contraotora, on South Ninth Street and Hueberida ~;,. Street, and any other business that might Dome before the Board, ~ ws Commissioner Fulliem offered the following motion: 'i rr~REA3,~;sll except two property owners abutting on both aides of South Ninth Street fp ~ the South gutter line of Ruebenda Street to the IJorth prop arty line of Elizabeth Street, if extended, and on the South side of Husbands Street frotti the Reat ' prop arty line of Seventh Street to the East prop arty line of Ninth Street, in the City; of Paducah, Kentucky, have filed a petition with the Board of Commieaionere, requesting ~` that the aidewalka, ourba.and gutters and alfl manholes, intaY.ea, sowers, driverraya and oatoh basins, oonatruoted by Reynolds Brothers, abutting on said property, be eooepted by the City of Fadkoah, Kentuokyg and ' • IRHEREAS the time and plane having been advertised for any oomplainta avsinat': the eooeptnnoe of aeifl property, .arut no oomplairte having boon filed protesting acainet said work, anal on nooount of said petition filed by said proporty ormera, nr.d on ao- i count of no oomplainta having been made, said property owners thoreby rmivinrt tho re- oommendetion of the Commissioner of Fublio lYorka that said work bo not aooopted reith- out certain ohan~*es to comply •,rith the apeoifioations,- Inow move that said work and . said improvements be accepted, es oonstruoted by Reynolds Brothers. Adopted upon Dell', of the roll b the fol]owi y ng vote; Yeea, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, S7eehington and Katter- john,-5, ' Commissioner Fulliem offered the folio-ring motion: I move that the final estimate ~`"' fuimiahed by the Commissioner of Public :Yorks°, for :rock done and performed by Reynolds Brothers. Contraotora, on both sides oY South Ninth Street, from the South gutter lines of Husbands Street to the North property line of Elizabeth Street, if extended, and on the South aide of Husbands Street, from the Ueat property line of Seventh street to . the Feat prop arty line of Ninth Streat° be received, filed and confirmed, Adopted j'. upon Dell of tho roll by the following vote; Yeea° Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~4aehington ~ I and Ketterjohn,-5. '~ Commissioner Fulliem offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinanoo en- ' • . titled "A1J ORJ[Id.'.IdC:: AS~rIS:iIiiG '^HE ABUTTIIQG F30Fr11TY ON BOTH SIDES. OF SOUTH 1tIISTR i STREiT, FROIt THE SOUTH GUTT9.R' LYilE CF HUSBi~ND3 STR:T ~ T?? NORTH FP.OfERTY I.IIdS OF ELIBAB::TH 5TRc3T, IF EYTr1iD:~, AItD ON TH3 SOUTH SIIDE OF F'USBANDS STRnET, FRO1S TH ;79.ST i i FROFr1tTY TrIIZi OF Sr:VP',I.TH STR::ET TO TI?r; E&ST PROP-RTY 2INE OF NIIITH STR.u T IN TI?E CITY , i ~ OF FADUCi,R, Z~7?UCKY, TH SUi' OF $1.86 4/10 F~ ABUTTII7G FOOT, r^OR TR3 COIISTRL'CT ION OF • • CONC3.TS SIDn:YAIYS, CURBS &N7 GUTTr~RB, l.NID AI,1 NECESSARY P.tANHOL:s'8, INTAi;sS, S"r?.RSo ~ y CATCA BASINS AIiD DRIVr:'~9AYS TH~217~O1i, AS SRO!'.IJ BY THd ENGIII::B'R°S 3STI]~.T3, E!CC~T THAT FORTION TD BE FAID FOR BY TH CITY OF PADUCAH, AND PROVIDIIIG TEAT SAID ASSiSSL:r3+T D'IAY I ' ~ B,E FAID FOR YN Y Id EQUAb II1STAl:ii~~'y~NTS, BEING ONE E&CH Y..nR FOR A F~IOD OF Tai YE.:RS,°' be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Paoe, Pulliam°'~' q Ta1]y; 8eahington and Katterjohn,-bo ~I On motion the Board adjourned upon Dais of the roll by 5 yeas, ~ a^~= , .I~ AieNei .la~Sy.lt$~ ; r .. ,:. ,~ ~~ r .> ... ... . .. ,, -: ;, :. ~. '. .. . - Na • 79 . Commissioners' Proeeedangs, City of Paducal>- - - 192_, -~ SII' T~3iB~ EOTHiI9 22. - ~ -. At a Called Cleating of Lhe Board of Commiaeionera, bell in the Commissioners' - ,. y oky. on September 20th, 1922, at 10:10 o'oloct °r'I~! ~ ~` Chamber in the Cit Hall Faduoah Kentu i ~ i;A. Ll. Upon call of the roll the follo~ring answered to their namee:.Oommieaioners ;``4~ ., • Paoe, Pulliam, `Fully, ~Yaahington and 3layor Kattor~ohn,-b, ,,, r'"~ ' 1.:nyor $attar~ohn stated ree.eons for onll to-wit: For the purpose of ellorring + pay-rolls for the first half oY the month of September and any other business thnt i On motion the Board adjourned upon Doll of the roll by 5 yeas. Ad~Fled ----- cW i~"- rdTMR. k ~~ r. I. ~..~ ~ ~C~.~~ •. ii .. 'd `!might comes before the Board. Commissioner Fulliam offered the Yollo'41nR motion: I move that the employment :employment of ! of Thomas Bradley, as stenographer in the Department of Publio :Yorke, at the rate of Thoe.Bradley, Sten.oaraph m~ ;i X2.00 per dny, be ratifiod. .ldopted upon Del] of the roll by the Po]lowing vote; Yeae Iublio ,Yorke. - 'r Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, ',Yashington and Katter~ohn,-b. Commiaeior.er Tnily offered the following motion; I move that the accounts for. . " Fay-ro]] let ha1f~ the first half of the month of September, amounting to $b606.73, ae per the report of Sept., ea per report Comer of ;~ the Commissioner of Fublio Finanoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and' the Publio Finanoe. ' ~i money approprlated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon pall of the roll by r ;, the f ollowing vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pu131am.Tully.'7nehington and Katter~ohn,-b. ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay-roll for Fay-roll let .halt ; the first half of the month of September, Por the 3d Dietriot $e•rer, amountinP, to Sopt. of 3evrer llistriot ~3. I," ~497.1G, be allowed,nnd ordered paid arxt.tha Commissioner of Publio Finanoe be authors I~ ized and itstruoted to drar+ checks ngainet the No. .3 Dietriot Sewer Fund Aooount to pay same. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Pooe, Pulliam, j~ Tul]y,,',7ashington and Katter~ohn,-b. ~! Commissioner 7eahington offered the following motion; I move that the contract tease betaeen 'i and lases entered into on July 1st, 1922, bF and between the City of Paducah, Kentuo~, I City and t7. L. Yanoy. "and ~l. L. Yanoy. authorized by motion of June 19th, 1922, be received, filed, approved (i and recorded in the Contrast Book, Adopted upon cal] of the roll by the follovdng vote ; r ` !'~ Yeas, Paoe, Fulliam, Tully, tYashington and Katter~ohr,-5, Oommiaeioner Tully offered the following motion; That the r'eyor ap}~oint five ' Nntor Raya Con. ± delegates and alterrntos to attend the iYater ;Yaye Convention to De held at Louisville,, vent ion to be - held at Louisville Ky. on Oot. 3rd and 4th., the City of Faduonh to pay the railroad fare and hotel bill Dllayor to appoint •. 5 do]egatea. li Yor the tyro days, some to be charged to Contingent Fund. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,l7ashington and Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner `Aaehington offered the following motion: That the City :3iaineer Concrete founds. ,..be authorized and lnatruoted to put in a concrete foundation over the earner and under lion to be laid ,, ~ ~°,orccr~~a over se:ror at the aunways of the i,:arine :Yeys, leaving a span of 2 inches bet:aeen the gor-treet and P:arine ;lays. ,+ the top of the server, if, in his opinion, the concrete should not be laid directly li upon the top of Lhe sewer. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,' ~ - 'i Peoe, Tnl]y, ~Ysahington and Kntterlohn,-4; Nays, Pulliam,-l. '~<'i Y'..P%P'.~*T~ . nM.! . W~.A.L ~.d. <.Y .. ~~ .~+.~~.'. w'~ A~~~!RF"w'}YM, ^'.^M'~~..e~F., aS iWtnt^r>~ ~ %k."..".~R'w ra!'N . ~'~e ~ n.l;.. i .~.'~~An.p~.n ~'M%..;'. ~ '~i'.11~1 IRl ilrr,il ~ I. ' 'i '. f1119~1>f III i llfll~l ~"II I . PI II-" 1 I II I .. I I.I I i. I'. l~~ ".I. ?TT 1i r "~~~ ~` ` 'fie ° ' ." ~ ~ ` ~ '...aa~.... . , a~,x. Sr~TiZIBrlt 22ItD. 1922. ! ! i ~ ~ At c Called Lieeting of the Board of Commieaionera, held in the CommieaYonera' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on September 22nd, 1922, at 11:30 0°olook i A. 3i. Upon call oP the roil the following answered to their names: Commissioners Fnoe -Pulliam, Tully, t7ashington and 3layor Katterlohn,-6. 1;ayor Kattor~ohn stated reasons for call to-wit: For the purpose of ap>,roving , plans and epeolfioations for the improvement of public alley in 81ook SO Old Town i fl dddition "A" and the improvement. of 8th, and 9th Streots, between Jefferson and i:adi- eon Stroot and on htonroe 3treot from 9th Street to I,O.Railroad right-of-way, and any { ~' ~ ~ othor busineao that may come before the Hoard, ;, ~. # iiayor Katter~ohn offorad tho following motion: I move that tho Pay-roll for l Venereal'Olir-io the Yenoreal Olinio for the fir et half of the month of September, nmow:tinR to ;76.00, Fny-roll .for :.~ Set half Sspt. be aliowod and ordered paid and the monoy appropriate4 from the Oenoral Fund to paq same. Adopted upon call of the roil by the following vote: Yoas, Paoe, Fulliam, t~aeh- ington and Kattor~ohn,-4; Nays, Tully,-1, I Commissioner ~laehington offered Lhe followinn motion; Y move that the matter I; ~ of over-assessment of Chas. Lawronae, be referred to the Oommisaloner of Pubiio Finanoe~ Chae.bnwrenoe ~ over-sasses- for inveoticatlon, and if he finds aorreot, he is hereby authorized to make the oor- ! ' moat. ~ • Yootion of hie 192E 'Pax Bill, and also to refund any amount that may be due him on his ~ 1921 Tax Bill. Adopted upon oal~ of the roll by the follo%ing vote; Yeea, Iaco, Pulliam, Tully, ;Vashington and Ketter~ohn,-b, ~' Commiealoner Pulliam offerod the follo:ing motion: I move that the plane, i ! epooiflontivns, Imformation to liiddore and Oontraot, prehafed for the oonetruotion of j.'. ~ drive'naye and for the oonutruotion of concrete curb and concrete gutters and also all i( " - Plane, Speoifi cation k.o. N.Bth ~, i~ necessary manholeo, intakos and drain pipes on .North 8th Street, Itorth 9th Streot f N.9•th ~, Lio nr oe, end AlIey'in ~ between North property line of Jefferson Street and the South property line, of D'.e.dieon ; ' Bloat: 10 Old .Town, adopted. i~. " ' ~ Street, and also ivonroe Street from '."set property line of 9th Street to the Might-of- ~ ' ~ ~ way of L C.R.:t. near Tenth Street; and that plans, epeeifioetione, Infor;rction to ' k Bidders and oontreet prepared for the oonatruction of a public alley in Block X10 Old Town Addition "A", be approved and adopted. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the fol- f ~ to wing note: Yens, Faoe, Fulliam, Tully, 17ashington and Kdtter~ohn,-b. ~ Commissioner Fulliam offered the followink motion: That the Commissioner i Advertise for ~• ~ of Public tYorka bA euthorized end instructed to advertise for bids for the oonatruotion ? ~ bids for N.Bth N.9th & iionroe, Q ;t of driveways, curbs and nutters on N. 8th and fi. 9th Street between Jefferson and Medi-~ " and alley !n ;Stook 30. for ~ tt ~ eon, and 1lonroe Street between 9th and 10th Street, and for the constrnotion of alley .,Sept: 30,1922, ~ I ~! in Block 30, Addition "A" O18 Town, to be received Saturday Septomber 30th. 1922, nt I~ ' ~ 10 A• M. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa, Paoe• Pulliam, p y, ~ " I '~ Tu11'y, ;Yeohington and Kntter~ohn°-6. s ~ On motion the Hoard ad~onrned upon Dell oP the roil by b yeas. ~ , I ~, ~ ,:, ' - } ~ AdsFlsi ~' +.°~~~ 1!i$ $: ' :s~?'.b=:iZO V'Lrl: I ~ ~ ~ :, ~ ' .. ~; i%~ayp~ ~ c~.r A ~~ ' .. r.. .' ~ ~ ,.~ r..:' .. ,,...;~,.v <~4.v '., r, '.~,,. ...,Fel t.:,; .. .....,. ..~ .. ~ ~ xw. .1 irk r 'L. .n e.., n.b r„ ,.. .. ~ ' '1- s ~ u. .~ n.. N • ~ ' •. ~n ,,~ ~' i. .. ~_ Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah " 192r . _. _ _ J 5..1'TiZ:B:~i 23RD 19 E2. j; At a Called Lasting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiealonera' l Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky. on September 23rd, 1922, at IO o'clock 'i A. M. Upon Dail of the roll 'the following answered to their names; Corrmasionera • ~~ Face Fulliem, Tully, 7ashington and i,.~syor Katterjohn,~5. , ~, , -/~ ; "" ~j i Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For the purpose of allowing I~ pay-roll Yor Oak Grove Cemetery New Sewer and any other business that might come ` before the Board, .~ ~ ! Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion: I move that the pay-roll for ~~ New Sewer Oak ~; department oY Fublio Froperty, for the P1ew Sewer in Oak ~rrove.Cem~tery Addition, Yor, Grove Cometery p • pay-rill. ' the weeY, enling September 22nd, amountinP to $270.40, be allowed and ordered paid and . ~: ~~ the money appropriated fr om the General-rand to peg same. Adopted upon call of the i, ` ~ roll by the following vote: Yeea,Paoe ;ulliam,Tu].ly,3ashingt9n erd Katterjohn,-5. ~ ~ ~~ ~ i Commissioner Pulliam offered the followings motion: .Tact the U. S. :oar Depart- ~ ~ • U.S..9ar Dept. ~,' ment permit, blue prints and letter oY 6u2ust 3, 1922, for the aonstruotion of the ' Fermat &o. to construct outlet°; outlet Yor Sub-Divisions B. & C. Sever District No. 3 at foot .of Jeffersor, Street,be Sub ~iv.B. & C. ~ ~ "~ . 3e.ver District received end filed, the date oY beginr.i'ng said work having beon for~+rerded to the ~3 in Ohio River'. D; iouisville OYYiae by the Commissioner of Fublio "forks. Adopted upom call oY the roll ~' by the following vote: Yeas; Feae,Pu111em,Tully,~7ashington and Katterjohn,-5. ' :' ~, w: Commissioner Fulliem offered the following motion: That the Commissioner oY Progress Pia- ~; Fublio ,7orks be ev.thorized end instructed to file with City reaorde the prorq•eaa ture~ of con- '' . struation Sowor G pictures that are being made oY 3rd District Se:vor Conatruation. Adopted .upon call . ' District z3. ~ ' , of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa,Faoe,Fulliem,Tully,';4ashington ar,d Katterjohn ~ ` J. .. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeas, . Oak ,vim,,( S:~T3ffi~t 25TH. 1922. ~ . ~~ Ate 3eP..ijlar Lie9tina of the Board of ~ommisaioners, held in the Commiasionera' ', Chamber in the City Hall, Feduoah, KertucY.y, on September 25th, 1922. Upon call of ' '' ~i the roll the fo]lo.vina. ens:vered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Fu].liam, Tully, `, ~ ~~ ' Ylsahington and Mayor Katterjohr.,-5. ~ r ~i ~~ On motion of Commissioner .IfeahinKton the mirutes oY the previous meetings ware. adopted ae read upon call of the roll by the fol]owing vote; Yeas, Faoe, Tu7llam, ' I~ Tul]y, :4aehirgton and Katterjolrn,-5. • `~~ Commissioner Tully oYYered the following motion: It appearing that.Lhere is dne ~ !~ F.T. & ;,, Rcfund-! Ootobar 1st the sum of ;;1950.00, being interast,on vGb,000.00 F. T. & A, ReYunding inp* Bonds Int. " duo Oot.l, 1922. ii Bonds, I move that same be allowed and ordered paid and the, money appropriated from ello,zed and order; ed paid. t; h the General Fund to pay same. .adopted upon call of the roll by the follosvina, vote i y yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, ,7ashington and Katterjohn,,5., ~~ ,~ Comraiseior~r Fulliem offered the Yol]owina, motion; ' I move Lhat th'e ~r~ineer'e ~i (~~~. order for the plaoirg of extra materials. on the outlet oor.strnotion of Sewers for - :~:xtra.materiels-, ~: Se•vors for Di s- '' District 3b, as Follows, be ratified: ,•`~ . tract 3&. i Concrete 5.3C ou,yda. ~ ~14.00.........$Tb.32 Steel Reirforoemont 3G3 pot:nds ~' lbyl... b~1.45 umber in Foundation 250 F.B.1:.Ci x50.90-12 50 Total.. .. $ 4 • ~ 'H and that s,^me be inolude3 in the nest monthly eatimrte for this work. Adopted upon - .. , call of the roll by the following vats: Yeas, Faoe, Fulliem, Tully, t°lashington end, Y.atterjohn,-5. d . ~ , . _ s^"^°P•,~+~ro,.r;~-^,~+.:•,.,,--,~.:~„---z^°_":..:.~'ra:~`~.°..'~~.x ,zk~w~s ....,.z°c:~„~.,.c;.:.:,.:~.•r i . pnn.,,,~i.~n'i ,.r, ,.~q.. , ~„~,, ~.ri an ~. ~~~nx p~~.~y~nq u^ •il ~~"~'P'I.91r ~ ~ "~~'IPI7 ~'lia ~~p.~,.~i i ~ qi.n ~ in jl.,~.l. EEW4'" ~ ,,. i 1M.. v. I i v i.u •M • ~ fSia+WiLWr~J' {~.~.. ~'i l YW t ~ . ,.+:o ~ bi • ~. ~y ' • . ,. i - . I ~ ' ./' ^ I • I ..~ ~ •• ......N -~_ _. -_ ~~ Na ,,, extra work Triinl ~~:: line Sewer Dis- ij •triot 3B-3C. i i ,... p ` Charles Blook + ' Patrolman, I I. $eaiatietion. • • Joo Iverlett, '- ~{ Appointed Pa- rolman. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~_ ~ ~ ~ 192-. Commissioner Puiliaro offered the following motion: I move that the ~ngineer'e order for Lhe planing of extra work and materials on the trunk line oonatruotion of Seger Distriot 3B-3C, s~ follows, be ratified: j r,:ctra work passing the ~Pashington Street storm sewer. ~ Extra concrete where top of sewer meets surfeoe of i gr oimd under F'oaer wall, 3xtra oonarete for protection of P~arine :Papa. It is furthermore moved that the oost of said work and materiels, or of as muoh es aro oomPleted, be reported :vith the next monthly estimate for this work. Adopted upon call i of the roll by Lhe following vote:Ye{ss,Paoe.Pu111am.Tully,~9ashington er~d Katterlohn,-b. ; f Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the resignation of Charles Bloak'as Policeman be accepted, and that the National Surety Company be releaseai • from his bond. Adopted upon oall of the roll by Lhe following vote: Yeas, Paoe, k. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohr,,-5, Commissioner Iaoa offered the 4ollowing motion: I move that the appointment df i doe tverlett, as Patrolman, by the Commissioner of Fublio Safety, be retifio8, Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, '7ashin gton and Katterlohn,-b. ~ a Commissioner Faae offered the following motion: I move that the reei oration of! Stratton S, ~~Pilliams, as Firemen, be accepted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the I following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam., Tully, ~7eshington and Katterlohn,-5, ~ i Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion: I move that the appointment, of Clifton C. Paso, by the Commissioner of Public Safet;-, as Fireman, be ratified and i oonfirmed. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following. vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterlohn,-5. 'i Commissioner Tully offered the followinP motion: That the City Solicitor be j authorized and instructed to take anoh steps ^.s may be neoessary to protest the inter- eet of the City of laducnh in the action of Beulah Johnson vs. City of F'aduoah, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following note: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam, Tu11y, 'l~ashinaton i end Katterlohn,-5. • On motion the Board adjourned upon pall of the roll by 5 yeas, ~;. ~:' 'Stratton S. yilliema, Fire-•iI .man; resigns- I~ • tion. !<Clifton C.Paae,~ ,< sppointe3 Fire-!{ mane ~' II ~Qity Solicitor ~! to proaeoute, ~~ eotiori Beuie,h ~ ~ohnaon vs. ~ City of Paduoah~l~~ ,j . ~ 1 i' I • ' '. I i Pay-roll Oak Grove Cemotery ,~: New Severe Iaduoah '.Pater Oo. fWater 8entale. t ~_ . ~. n P; t~ _. ~ ° SrTT~3BrR 30TH.1922. MAYCIR f f' At a Called Feasting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiasionera° I Chamber in the City Hall. Faduoah, Kentnaky, on September 30th, 192Eo at 10:40 o°aloo}: A. b".. Upon Dell of the roll the following. answered to their names: Oommisaiorera Paoe, Tully and L:Syor Kattpr~ohn,-3, i A L;ayor Katterlohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For the purpose of alto^ing pay1 roll for oak Grove Cemetery, ar,d any other busiresa that mirrht Dome before the Board. '' • ~ Commissioner .Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the pay-roll for the llepartmont of Pnhlio Fropertr•, for the New Sewer Oonstruotion in Oak Orove Cemetery. for tho woek ending September 29th, amounttnr to ~429,1G; bo allowed and ordered paid y ppropriated from the General rand to pay same. Adopted upon oell•of Lhe and the move a roll by the following vote: Yoas, Paoe,,Tully end Katterlohn°-3> Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the bill of the ~ Paduoah t7ator Company for hydrant rental for the-~quartor ordinR September :i0th, amount-~ • ing to $3737.50, be allo•ned and ordered paid anti the money appropriated from the Genor- elr'uBd to pay scorn. Adapted upon oall of the roll by the fo91ow1ng vote; Yeae, Paoe, ',. Tully and Katterlohn,-3a j ., ... ~ ! z ~,,. . ~'~~,~. d, ~::. l r' ,. .. .. l ~ ~ - „ ti--_J- M... . Commissioners' Proceedings; City. of Paducah,-. "~ - -" 192~~ - u - s - '. k j . ,Y - t Na g`3 ~. On motion the Boar~d /ed~ourned upon Dell oY the roll by 3 yeas, j O,~TOB~t.2ND. 1922. ~` At a Called i!eeting oY the Boexd of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' ~ - , ;I Chamber in t}:e City Hall, Faduoah, Kentucky, on October 2nd, 1922, at 30 O'olook A.bi. !Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, - F ;Pulliam, Tully, :leahington and kayor Katter~ohn,-5. ' i' 1!eror Katterfohn stated reasons Yor sell to-wit: For the pur~oae of reoeivinR Ii ;,bids Yor ne:v street aoratruotion on north «iahth, I:orth Ninth and I!onroe Streets end ' ';also alley in 31ook u10 /.dddtion "n". - Bida of Yanoy & ~` Commissioner Fulham offered the Yollovrirq motion: That the bids oY Yanoy &• Johnrwn, Southern , Roads Co., Geo.~7. ',;Johnson, Southern Roads Co.; Geo. :7, Xatter~ohn, Jr, and II, «. Stone & Co., for the Xatter~ohn, Jr, arid ~ ' I3.:i.Stone & Co. Yor ' oonatruotion oY streets, curbs and nutters on Itorth 3iahth, North I1dr.th end Monroe construction of I+,Bth,l,9th,& iionros Street:: and alley ir. IIloek 10, Old m0'.7n, be received, and the Commissioner pY Fublio Sta. and alley in f - ~ Blook 10,C1i Tuvn. ".'orka be instructed to extend ford oerves sane, to be"reported to ,the Regular iteetinR ,,: `'~ -" '° oY the Board at 2 F. 2'_, this date. Adopted upon oall oY the roll by the following - ~' vote: Yeas, Peae, Pulliam, Tully, -Aashirpton and Y.atter~ohn,-5. ,.. On motion the Board ad~onrned upon aell.of the roll by 5 yeas, a r Ad~ptsi ~'~a~ 5~~~ ~~ ~ • i~/ /J.PQ~~ - Giq CW. ~ ~~~. OCTOB:~} 2ND. 1922. , At a Regular I::eeting of the Board of Commiasignera, held in the Commiasionere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on Ootober £nd, 19£2. Upon Dell of the ~~.roll the follo:virg e,navored to their names; Commisaionera Paoe, Ful]iam, Tu17y, { '~7ashirgton and I:ayor Xatter~ohn,-5. On motion of Commissioner Tu11y the minutae of the previous maetinas were ' ~ adopted as read upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paae, Pulliam, !i Tu11y, 19aehinRton and I:atter~ohn,-b, !! Commissioner Tulliam ofYored the following motion: I move that the bide of - - Yenay & Johnson ~ yanoy & Johnson, emountinF Lo X1200.94 Yor the oonetruotion of an alley in Blook 30 arardel aor.traot i; for oor.struction bet.reen Kentucky :.venue erd Broad',vey Street and Seoond end Ad3ltion "A" Old Town oY alley in Blook , ; 10 Addition "::'. Third Streets, ~^ith oonarete, be eooepted, Adopted upon ce31 of the roll by the '~; YollowinQ vote: Yeas, I'eae, Pulliam, Tully, Raahir.r_ton and Katter~ohn,-5. 1 L:ayor Xatter~ohn offered the Yollowina motion: I move that the bids oY Yanoy Bids of Yanoy & Johnson,Southorn jj & Johnson, Southern Ronda Coml,any, Geo. '~7, I:etter~ohn & Son, ant N. «. Stone Company, . Por.,'1s u.,Goo.".° ~ ~ for the oonstruotion oY driveways and oonorote ourba and auttora on 27orth Ninth ohn & Son, I;attor S IJ.:.:itor,n Sar i' tl ., gtraat North ;;ichth Stroot arn1 tionroa ;;traet, be re~eotod; and the Oomminotoner o! . ;, .on o oonutruu i;,9th,N.BCh Er r:on- i' Fln~r~oo bo inatruatod .to return oortifiod aheoka. adapted upon pall of the roll by ro~aatod :;ts roo , rn1 aorti{'tod ton and Kattor ohn 4; Nays Pulliam 1. the follo:vinq vote; Yoae Paoe Tully 'i'uahir. ' Er ~ '- ' '- cheol:.; reti:rrwd. - ° • ° Commissioner Tully offered the fo].la~.~inq motion: I move trr't the aooout,ta t ,' Yor the feat half of the month of Septombor, 19£?., amovnLir.a to ,7727,50, ae per the ~+OOJtatta ;'or .last }:clf oY Soptembor ! ';; report of the Commissioner of Iublio A`inanae filod herevrith, be a11o•ved and ordered ~~ - ~ , ]9££, ' ~! paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pulliam,Tully,9ashinaton and Y,atter~ohn- ,. ~ ~ ~, y.y.,..r,.. . ;:;rc t ~ i-,.::.,-.min ,> ,~.,i_.~ ,, ~.~ ~ .gin ~ip~.q,o ° Pf~i,ui. u~ ~iir.~,.~~.i ~p'I~~f~,,~ ~.~ , IR~f'"'~' 11~"i.;~li n ~ ~i~~~ i ~.~~. i ~~ r; f No. ~~ dcco:mts vast half September 192£ ~e~er Diet{ ' '., ~ 3. I 1 i f: "employment of j _ ; Geo.Oehlsohlae-' gar to assist..u. Assessor. i '') ~~ E Cemetsry Deed to itoah Smith. ti'. . 1' s.R.Harding Co.~ oorrmuni aati or. in re; Cement for .'.rd Dist. ~I Se•,vor. j Raport Supt. of 84roete, in re:Bitulithio Street repaira.~ ~.R. Harding Co. ii to oonatruot ; outlet of trunk{I line se~era in ~i Sub-Div. 3B-3C on basis of an I elovatt,n minus(. 6 feats , p.;aya~r to rte to ~ Ohioago oondorna in-r proourina I • '.railroad •onrs I '. for bement. J 'for Sewer Dist.l #3 ~. I '' t.' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducall~ 192_ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the eoootmta for the lest half of the month of September, 1922, for the 3d Diatriot Server, amountfnz to ;~i80.14, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Fublio Finance be author-4 ized 8nd instructed to dra:v checks against the No.3 Diatriot Sewer Fund Aoaount to pay t same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pu113am,Tully, j 8ashingtoa and Katter~ohn,-5. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the temporary ap- i pointment of George Oehlsohle9ger, at a salary of ,125>00 per month, to assist the Assessor in compiling his book, be ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol-i lowing, vote:. Yeas, Faoe, Fulliam, Tully, +7ashinaton and Katter'ahn,-5, i Commissioner Tully offered the ~ollowinP motion: The sum of }^y37.50 havinc been i paid into the Treasury, ea evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, I move that deed i be executed to Noah Smith for yet i~b2, in Bleak ~2, on the 3ast side of I•iiller Street, between Ford and Hannan Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Paoe,Fu111em,Tully,7eahington and Katter~ohn,-5. Commissioner Fulliam offered the follovi~,ne motion: That the letter of r,, R. Rardinq Co. of Obt. 2ni, 1922, oonoerning lacking of cement for work on trunk line ~ sower of the 3rd District be received and filed, eldopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Faoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~7ashinRton and Katter~ohn,-5. i Oommisaioner lulliam offeroA the fol3oroina motion: That Lhe report of the ~. Superintordent of StroOta,oonoorninR Bitulithio Strsot repairs, be rooeiveA and filed. i Adopted upon call of the rol] by the following rote: Yeas, Eeoe, Fulliam, Tully, ,7sahington and Katter~ohn,=b. ~ Commissioner Fulliam ,offered the following motion: I move that 3. R. ftarding Company bo authorized, directed end instructed to oonatruot the outlet of trunk line eewars in Sub-Divisions 3B-3C on c Basis of an elsvatian minus 6 feet, es per in- structions by tiie Government; and I further move that 3. R. Harding Company be paid, for their services in making sai3 ohan ze from elevation of manna 3 to an elevation minus 6, n rear:orablo sum upon proper estimates 11;rniahed by the flom~niasioner of Fublio ::"orka; said estimates to be approved by the Ho°md of Commissioners. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Paoa, Pulliam, Tul]y, ;7ashington and K~tter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: That the 1Cayor b© authorizedi to Ro to Chioa?o, at the pity°e expense, to intorviero railroad officials oonoorninR the; soourtr,g of oars for shipment of cement for the Third Diatriot Se^rnre, an•1 the expense of the trip bo charged to the 3rd Diatriot Se•wor Fund. Adopted upon call .of the roll,?. by the following vote; Yeas, Faoe,Pulliam,°fully,'.7ashington end.Katter~ohn,-b. '. On motion the Board adjourned upon cell of the roll by 5 yeas, ,~,,~ ~ i ~~'.t,l~ aTx~•Aat. :. i OCTOBr:R 7TH„ 19:'2. j At s Called Meeting of the Board of Commmisaioners, held in-the Commiasionera° ('Chamber ir, the City Hall, Faduoah, Kentucky, on October 7th, 1922, at 10:30 o°olock ~ , i iA. M. Upon cell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Faoe. ! Pulliam and 1Sayor Katter~ohn,-3. ff ~; I '. hayor Katterjohn stated reasons far Dell to-wit: For the purpose oP eilowing Special pay-~r011 far ,the laying of storm ae•aera in Mausoleum Addition Qak Grove Csme- tery, and ar{v other business that might Dome before the Board e • ~- ~ ' ~ ~ i w,.,.„. ;~, ~`,' ~, ~r. 4:. ~;.'. {Y. ~, r..u .. ,., .. ; Na~~~_', m~ i ~~ ~~ • Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah ~ ~ ` 192r ~ ; }:'ayor hattorJohn oPfere3 the following motlon: I move that the Pay-roll Por " the Department of Fublio Property, for I?ew 3e:~er L?euso]evm Addition in Oak. Grove Fey-roll I?ew ,'Cemetery, for week enflina Oat. 6th, amountinir to $532.10, be slloved and ordered paid sewer tlausoleum l,ddition in Oaks and the mo}~ey appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon soli of Grove Cemetery. , ii the roll by the follo:ang voto: Yaes, Face, Pulliam, and Eat ter John,-3. ,• On ~m~o-tigo~n/the Doard adJovrned upon Doll of the roll by 3 yeas.. f OCTOB3t 9TH 1922. . M11Br~ ' At a Regular Leetirg oP the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' `~ Chember ir. the City ??all, Peduceh,:Y.entuoky, on Ootober 9th, 1922. Upon call of the ~ i roll the Yolla:+inP ar.snered to their Homes: Commis;ri onsrs Pane, FLaliam, Tully. j e ~: 'ldashington ar.d ICeyor 1:etterJohr.,-5: t', ` On motion of Commissioner .7ashington.the minutes oP the Previous me etinae •xere - ' adopted es rea3 peon Dell of the roll by the follo:zinp vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, i i ~~ ~ ; ;~ Tully, aashington and yatterJohn,-5. 1 ' Clausaner Y.osier ~ L'ayor XatterJohn offered the. followir.R motion: I move that the oommunioetion y ' Company co,•~nuni- ~~ . action in re sido from Clsussner ??osiery Compeng, dated Ootober 3rd, 192E, be reoelved er•d filed. :valks. ; i.dopted upon Doll. oP the roll bg the Pollo^ring vote: Yeas, Laoe, Fu131am, Tully, s ' ashir.~ton erd betterJohn,-5. '~' Commission or Tully offered the Pollo•.rinq motion; Thet the oommuniaation.Prom ' tcoOrecl:er. Co. f' ~x}.osition ;asn• the ?COCrecker. County ::xposition assooiation be reoeivod and referred to the Commda• commurdcetior„ t sinner of Pablio Safety for attention. adopted uron 4x11 of the roll by the follow- ' ing vote: Yeas, Faaa, Pulliam, Tully, ',9ashirgton and gatterJohr.,-5. ' i i;ayor getter John ,offered the Pol]owing motion: I movo that the oontraot mode Contraot beL:veen ar.3 entered into.bete^eer the City oP Faduoeh end Yanoy & Johnson, Contreotora, for City r~r:3 Yanoy & ; Johnson Por nor.- tho cor.atruction oP an lals;~ in Plonk 10, Old Town, l,331tlor. "A", whioh hes been .dnl struction of alley Y in 32ock 10, Old ~ executed by the l:ayor, be reoeivei end filed. Adopted uFon Dell oP the roll by the To.vr, n3ditior. , • ":.", filed. following vote; Yeea, Faae, Pulliam, Tully, .7aahineton andLatterJohn,-5. { btayor XstterJohn offered tho Pollowinv_ motion; I move that the rs}~ort of. the la]::cah??ai]~sy Com2r-ry ra}ort i Ta3uaah ?fail:^e;; Compeny, showinx the Gross :srnir:as, Operatina• ::xpensos, Taxes and ::hortin3 :^roas `'; galanoo for the veer erdire September 30th, 19~: , bo reosiced Ord filed: adopted upon - oarr.inas for year ~ri,~ing 3opt.30, r Doll oP the roll b;:. the fol]o',~ing vote; Yeas, Ieoe,Pu113am,Tully,'.4ashinaton and r gatterJohn,-5. ' a w Commissior,or Tully offered the follo:•11ne motion: I move thet the expense oP the ,4 ';, ~; =xper.se five ' five delegates to the Ohio Vallej Improvement bssociation Convention et louiavi]]a, delegetes to Ohio;; Valley lr..~prove- '.! y],~ on October 3rd and 4th, emountinP to ;y197.57, be allo•red and ordered paid and men t ..sso. Concen-: ~k tion at :.ouis- ;j oherged to Contingsnt Fund, adopted upon Dell of the roll by the. following vote: i villa, iy. E Yess, Feoe, Pulliam, Tully, Asshington and ~atterJohn,=5, I Commissioner Tu11y offered the Yollo^:ina,motion; I move thet the bill of F. "J. . } - ^'xier,se F.iY.Latter,-;:attorJohn, Layor, Yor ex}:enaea inourred ir. hie trip to Chioa~o to errer:ae for aerw 'sohn to ..hiasr3o, ^- in re: cars for ae;r:ent for thv L'o. 3 Distriot Sower smo~mtina to "42.57 be allo.rad end >`~' "Y~ ]oedir,> ce^:ert for loeiin> , .~ , for,e~r3 Distriat ordered } sid and the Commissioner oP Ttiblio Finnnae he authorized eri iratrvoted to issue aheok aceinst the i`o. 3 District Se•~er ?und Account to pay same, adopted upon wall of the ro'_1 by the Pollowin~ vote: Yeas, Feoo, Pulliam, T::Ily end ~7ashington,-4. i'cyor ;:etterJohn not votin¢. ' . } E ,..,. ,, '~ ' ~.,~ ~~ i, ~n ~i.:~ar.. !ooo.~ i, ~~.i..ni iir,i, ~- i. r anrt.-inii a n:-i..,.n i i ~i ii i iii i i i i i ~.r ~I?~. r ~~ ~ Na ~~ ~; ,. ,. ,y I. eooo~mts for i~ " ~8eptefiber for 3rdU ~~ Diatriot Sewer. b 't f i ' { ;xpendas for Supplensntal Registration I ', Day., Oot.IAtL -, '; 19EE. . i Heport Chief of j ` loliae for Sept. 1922. I i Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah, 192_. "Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the aoaounta for the month of September for the 3rd Diatriot Sever, emountinP to ,~22b.b7, be allowed and j order ed. paid and the Commissioner of Fublio P'inanoe be authorized an3 iratruoted to draw] j. oheoka aaairst the No. 3 Diatriot Sever r'und :.ooount to pay some. adopted upon sell ~ i " of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paae, Pulliam, Tully, ;7ashington and Katt~r- i john,-b. Co:rmiisaioner Tully offered the following motion; % move that the sum of j X294.00 for the expense of the Supplemental Registration Day on October 10th, beinz X2.00 eaoh for four offioora at eaoh of tho thirty votir,a preoinate...~240.On and f ~E.00 hones runt at t~.venty eevon voting plaooa,..;~b4.00, totnl"~E94.00, bo al7owod and ordsrnd patA and ohargod to Contingent fund. eLdoptod upon Dull of the roll by the ',i following veto; Yoau, I'aoo, I'ulllam, Tully, 1Yaohington,-4; ITaya, Itatterjohn,-1. Commieaior,er Paoe offered the fol]owina motion; I move that the report of the i ChieY of Polioe for the month of September 19 22, be receive3 and filed, Adopted upon { . Dell of the roll by the following vote;Yena,paee,Pnlliam,Tully,Yashintrton and Katter- john,-b. ~~ 5. x ' +: ~~ ~, ~: i ~ Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion: I move that the report of the; `t fieport Chi of of ~ ~ I~~ i Chief of. the rlre Department for the month of September 1922, be reoeived and filed. Fire Depertspent 19EE,eptember ~Ibdopted upon gall of the roll by the following vet®: Yeas, Igoe, Pulliam, Tul]y, ? i ~4ashiraton and Katter john,-5. i " r , ~H Commissioner iisoe..offered the following motion: I movo that the bill of the j Chiefato~attend-~ rr^ire Chief, amounting toy60.01, exlenses ettendinP: Fire Chiefs° Btate Convention et .~ 1 inc- Fire Ghiefa' Convention at, E~ Louisville, Ky., be allo,vod and ordered paid,. and that acme bo ahargoa to. the Flre ~ 7 boviavi7le,iiy: ~ ~ DoTartmont. adopted upon Dell of the ro31 by the fol]owing vote; Yoaa, Pnoe,.lu]liam, ~. Tully, Tlashingtor, and Kattorjohr,,-b. !{ Commissioner Faoe offered the following motion; .I movo that the sum of !~ lto]nnteera of •i' X400.00 be donatefl to the volunteora of imerioa for Charitable pure aces, and for the j ' dmerioa donated $400.00 for ~ OhDrity pvrpoage~j,I:urpose of Lakin P• Dare of llisoellaneous aharitioa oP the City of Paduoah, an3 that the ~ " ., ' ' ' ' ~ "C}~Bommieeioner of Fublio Finnnoe is hereby author.izeR to pay to the Yolunteera of ,lmeriaa I t- ~ ~ said sum end charge same to the aooount of oharitios. adopted upon asll of the roll by j ~~ ~~ the follotivirg vote: Yeas,Peae,1'ull'iem,Tully,',Veahin2ton and Zotterjohn,-5. ~! +i Commisaiorer Igoe offered the.fol].owing motion: I move that the resisrnatio~n ;. • E ]:. C bb i If dr: netior.. res r?- ` of .s. 1. Cobb, as Operator in the Fire Department, be reaeived~ filed and ccoepted. J " adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Iaue, Pulliam. Tul]y. ' ~ ? ~asshir.Kton end Katterjohn,-5. ~, (i Commissioner Ialliam offered the following motion; I movo that the rate of E.ii.Coleman ~ pay of :i. T7. Coloman, of tho +lepartnrent of Iublio ,Yorks, be ahanaed from 100.00 per salary ohcn ad. ~', ~ {{ F •.. ~~month to yb.00 per dny for eaoh work day, offootivo Oatobor 1, 1922. Gdopted upon Dell f ' } ti of the ro]1 by the fo].lowirg veto: Yeas, Paae, Iulliam. '1'ul.ly and KatterJohr,-4• T'ays, t f 4. . Rashington,-1. n i„„~ Commissioner Iulliam offered the following motion:` I movo that the monthly ! F. ?vonthly 3at'imatei; ~', ~ u, ~2.,3.R.Iiarding estimate for Septombe; 1922 of the E.. R. Harding Company, Contraotore, for work dons on ~ ' Co. Sub-Divis- ~~ Trunk line Se.vera in Diatriot 3~1, amourtina to `9 835.80, be a roveR and the Commis- ' ion 2~A Sever ~ ii . PT '~ Diatriot iii. ~ aioner o£ Iublia Firanae authorized at:d instruoted to pay sr:me and aharge to the 3rd • ~ .. ~ ~ 4.. 4DietriaL Se,ves Fund, and that a Dopy fo aaid estimate be fi]ed. Adopted upon Dell of F ~;~ the, roll by. the following vote: Yeea, Yeoe,.Pnlliam, Tully, ~7eahinptin and K~tter- ~ joAn.-b• ~~ ~~ _ ~ .~L I' !('~i y3 u :.:.. .. ...... _.;.,.., _.....: .,.ctl.._:.._ ~. .......a, .: ,..• __........:.w .wa,. -.::Y .... :..c.,..n~.. ... .ca - =~d6+etitif'YS'u. ..;,:.T.ww.a..w .... tt _ k 1 Lvu j ~~,~ ., r. .~ n~ S { '~. ~ Na..~~.~.:. ~ommissionere' Proceedings, City, of Padueah '~ ~~ ~ ' ~ 19B_~, Commissioner Fulliam~oPPered the Yellowing motion: I move that the,l?onthly . «stimato for September 1922 oP the :i. R. Harding Company, Contractors, for work done :climate w2 .i.R. i ISirdinK Co., `. on trunk line saaers in District 3B-3C, amountine to ,~10,b90.52, be approved and the District 3B-3C Trunk line 3a::•ors~ Commissioner of f ublia r^inanae authorized and instructed to pay same and oharae to thQ 3rd 'Se-ror Dis- j trict, r.3rd District So:ver Fund, r_n3 that a copy oP said eatimete be film , Adopted upon sell I r of the roll by t're YollowinP vote: Yeas, I'eao, Pu]liam, Tully, S7eshin?ton end Ketter- ' ,~ ohr. , -5. ' Commiesioner ,7ashington offered the follosrin? motion; I move that the City City 3a]laitor toy SolioitOr be inatruotod to acquire the ri,*ht-of-way fora Forty-Foot StreaL from naq.uire right of j; xey for 40' St. ;'. Cald.v01.1 :.venue to Bro••vn.Streot, and to institute oor.domnatton prooeedinae, 14 neoes- from ~a13 7011 i' ' µva. to Bru.m St,!~ eery. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the fo]lovrinP vote: Yeea, Face, Tully, !~ ~.7ashirgton erd Katter~ohr,,-4; Commissioner Fulliam beinq~out oY the Commissioners' i Chamber ••dhen note ~xea teY.er,. Com'r.Iubiio 'lurks to enforce :i,0ctibn 3 of :;lootriaity,&o. ?rar,~i:is0. '.F..?erdin~t Co. oommuniaetion in ro; 30" so:ver • on Husberds St. •t Commissioner ?7ashirr~ton offer ad the fol]owina motion: I move that 't he Com- missioror of Iublio .7orks be authorize3 and instructed to enYoroe Section 3 of an Ordinance E;rer,tir.,q a frenahi$e to the Iaduoah rleotrio Compe.ny for the purpose of 4ur- niahing eleotriolty, 11ght and heat, which requires them to .put the streets in ea coed coriition as they erere before they exoav tad said streota for the hurreae of lryina,' pipes, &¢, ddopted upon sell oY the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Iace, Iulliam, '`~' Telly, :7ashington erd i:atter~ohr,,-5., ~ ' Commissioner Iulliam offer 0d the following motion; That the letter from. .:. :?. Flarding Compatw oP October 9th, 1922, ooncernir.rz the ]eying of 30" sewer on , 1?usbends Street, be received and filed. adopted uFon call of the roll b4~ the fo]]o:v- ' inR vote; Yeas, Feoe,Iullir.m,Tully,:7eshin8ton andfattor~ohn,-5. On motion the Board r3~ourned upon call oP the roll by 5 yeas, A~1Mtu1 ~'''z' ~G 1-t~ ~ OCTOB:Ii 13TH, 192E. '~~'P`}f'~ i ` i c 1 i f "'t at a Called Z?eating oY the Board of Commiasionera, held in the Commissioners' . ;i Chamber in the City Hall. Teduoeh, Kentucky, on October lath, 1922, nt it o'clock 6.114. • ii;Upor. call of the roll the following enawored to their names: Commissioners Pnoe,' r ~,Iulliam, Tully. :7ashington and Layer Kattor~ohn,-b. f `~i Mayor Kattor~ohn stated reasons Por call to-wit: For the purpose of ellowlnq ;; !;bills for the month oP September 1922, and nny other business that mi?ht coma beYore ~ ~ ~ the Board. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ` Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I moor, that the eaoounte for :.ooourta feat 'the last half oY the month of September, amounting to Y14879.85, as per the report of half Sept. 1922, rmo;:rtinp, to ?the Commiesioner oP Public Finr_nae Yiled herewith be allowed and orderod'Teid end the X14879.85. money appropriated Prom the general Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call oP the roll by . f~the Yellowing vote;Yeas,Iaae Pulliam full 7ashington and Batter ohn 5 y.~ ~ .-~. Commissioner Tully offered the Yellowing motion: I move that the report of Rer~ort Com'r. of ~~,, Finance oY Col- 'the .Commissioner oY Iublio Firanoo oY the ColleatYOna and lliaburaoments Por the month l0etions ~ Dis- +" - bursements :'or oP September be received, Piled and ordered published in the oPfioial nawepeper. Sept. 1922. i':Adopted upon cell oY the roll by the following vot6; Yong, Faoe, Full ism, Tully, ;7ashington and Ketter~ohn,-5. ,, ~ .. . ;: i. it ~, ~ ~ ~, ,. ---...... ...-a- .•'T" ~.,,. "."";" ,, .:.ate.'°~~".'~+ ~. .... -.. fir-..:.:..., ~ i _._..:c_._ ' ».: .... -, .,,~ ,. ~.,.. ~ ~~ , ,> k„°G, :..:. ~~"'~ t~a~!.a~",r..+^r . ~"v,"'"s,'g??"."~: ~as„"'~y;"i"."":'~:.tF ~.r.R,,:.,.3ts~"^Y.:A". ""y'9.s., ~: rr~fi.r.'k~3~;- r,..F , .. ._ .. _ _. _..... I ~. ,~ ~ n i.r. ux mw--ii ::u i. io..ir,i nil n.~,n~ i nnonn ~:nn nnm r:~~,ii i ~~ ai i~-.- i rn i i i i ~ is ia~ i i.~.:.i, c.-~ i l-P.~. ,, ir--~. ,. ,i . I ~ :•r ~. .. - ` FLS w~ .±~ d i ,,u•. ~~M .. ~ Aia ~~ & .~ ~- , Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah . • 192-_ ~-:: h Oommieaioner-Ilashington offered the following motion: I move that a resolution ~ ~ j ;,~. ~,~. ;j requesting the S7ar Department to make a thorough inveetigati.on in rogard to construct- ~ ! g.' a Rooolution ro-~; ing s.look and dam below Paducah, and with the view of locating acid look end dam below! ~ 9 larding Look x: ;; end Dam below ;;.the City of Iaduoah at or near Broo}.-port, Illinois. be adopted, and that a Dopy of eeidj ~ . Faduaah.' " ~ i ~~ resolution be sent to Gen. Lansing H. Beaah, Chief of.sngireera, i7ar Department, t7ash- ! - `;. .. I ington, D. C. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, ~ ~"°°' '. ~j Tully. 7ashington and Katter~ohn,-b. '« ~ ' Commissioner t7ashington offorad the following motion; Y move that the transfer ~ i. Cemetery tranri- ~ from 7P. T. Read to hick Schmitt, of l,ot X88 in Block ~2 on Baker Street, bet~~een Ford ~ ~ fifer from ~f.T. ~ ~'gead to DSiok and Hannan Streets, Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified, ,ldopted upon pall of the roll by '` Schmitt. the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully. 7ashington and Katter~ohn.-b. " On motion the Board adfourned upon sail of the roll by 5 yeas. j 4 ~ x , OCTOB::R 14TH. 1922. j' ~f • i : ;~ ~ ~' At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' ~ Chamber in the City Hall, Faduoah, Kentucky, on October 14th, 1922, et 10:16 o'clock ~ , ~. I A. L'.. Upon Dell of the roll the following enswered to their names: Commissioners i • Paoe Fulliam and Tull -3. Y. ' ~ ~ Yn the absonce of t.;ayor Kattersohn, and 2.ieyor Pro Tem Z. &. ',7ashina_ton, i~ s .. , the Board elected Commissioner Tully to preside et the Called i;eeting. a x,, Commissioner Tully stated reasons for Dell to-rit: For the purrbse of is ~ ,811o~rirg pay-roll for n®~+ ae,~er construction at Oak Grove i!ausoleum 6ddition. .Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the Fay 3011 ~' ' ij for the Department of Fublio Froporty, for tho 21e.7 Se•.ver Construction in Oak Grove ~ ~'~ {~ Pay--roll Hew 1! Cemetery for tho seek ending Ootobor 13th, amounting to X364.95, be elio^+ed and order-~ Server. Conntruo~ h ? Lion Oak Grove ~~. ed paid erd tho monoy appropriated from tho General Fund to pay same, adopted upon 1' ~' ` Oemotory for '~ ' ; week endi , ~, ng p Gall of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas, Face, Pulliam crd Tully,-3. Qotc 13, 1922, ~ ~ r ; , ' ~ On motion the Board ad'ourned upon call of she roll. by 3 yeas. ! ~~ OCTOB~t 16TH. 1922. •MA`Pn~' - i. , . - ~~ At a Regular 1..eeting of the Board of Commisaionera, held in the Commissioners' ; , ~~ Chamber in the City Hall, Faduoah; Kentucky, on October 16th. 1922. Upon Dell of the i !! Vii. roll tho following answered to their names: Commiasior,ers Paoe; Pulliam,, Tully, • Ij 7ashington and Mayor Ketter~ohn,-b. ! ji On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes cY previous meetings were adopted - { i! j: na read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yoas, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, 41 ;7aohington and Kat9;er~ohn,-bo Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the', ~. ~~ Report Comer. h Commissioner of Fublio Finance of the 3rd District Server Fund Aooount Yor the month of `' `' .~ Finance Sewer ~ c-District ~3 G September 1922, be received, filed and ordered published in the official newspaper. ~ Fund. l` Adopted .upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Peoe, Pulliam, Tul]y, ~. - I! ~ashin on and Kat ! ~ ~ ., t w,y~~ C ~ ~. ~ ,. ~. ;.. ,: ~..,, `~ -.,.~.. y :.~.~...,,..~:,. • ~ .. a ..~<. .~.: ~ .. .,, -,,, .. e h'• ~ i ` 'i • . . .. t 4 ' i i r i ..I Commisoioner Tully offorc+d tho follovrintr motion; I mono tihat tho report of Lhe '-~ r :ioport Com'r of 'I Commissioner of IuUlio Fin~noo ahotvina tho rlpportiorvnont, the amounts expended e7,d the r^inanoe, ahovin~ J'~pportionmont, 'balanoea to tho orodit of the nariouo aooounta under tho dlfferont departments at the amours s ox}ended j~ &o. at end of ",end of September 1922, be reooivod and tilod. ddoptod. upon oell of the roll by the Sept., 1922 ~`• .'.following note: Yona, Floe, Fulliam, Tully, :7aehin~ton and Katter~ohn,-6. Commiaeionor !'ally offered the Yollo:vintr motion: T move that the report of the ' ?teport Com'r. of ;!Commissioner of Fublio p'inanoe math roforenoo to the pt~ ohase of i~erket ??Ouse EDnd ~39~ , i~ Fins nae ro]ative '', to purohnse of !!bo reoeined, filed and approved. P.dopted upon sell of tho roll by tho following vote: Liar}:et House t' ~ .. Boni ri39. °i Yeas, Faoe, fulliem, Tully, :7ashinrttan end Eatterfohn,-b, , ~~ ~~ a Commissioner Tully offored the following motion: It appearing that the sum of :y3b951.10 duo :3b951.10 ie due the Sohools for tho tax oolleotiona to Oot. 14th., I moos that it be ~~ Schools from Tax ~ `1 Co77votion+s to ;allowed and orderod pnid end tho monoy appropriatod from tho General Fund to pay same. Oot. 14, 1422. ddohtod upon oall of thv roll by tho fol7o,vinrr vote; Yoae, Iaoo, Pulliam, Tully. , ' .7ashinFSton and Y_attor~ohn,-5. i'~ Commieaionar Taos offorod tho following motion: I *".ove thet sbb Iwtin be released ebb Lynn, extra "and discharged as extra policeman for the City of Faiuaeh, and that the Kaseaohusette policomr-n 31s- ', oh~rged ani bond :IDonding & Insurance Company be released on his bond. ddopted upon call of the roll by of ..:essaohusetts q ' 3ondin~ Co. re- .:the following note: Yoas, Iaae, Pulliam, Tully, .Jashingt ar; and Y.attor~ohn,-b. ]cased, Cotmissioner Ftaliam offored tho following motion: That •rrheraea the OaDtraotor 'on 3rd District Se,vor has started ar. additional force and ntaohina for pipe le~ina on ~:+uloymont of J. C.~:re7ory, in ?Ausbanda Street, I move that the amploymont of J, 0. Grogory, as Inspaotor end Drafts re: ue.ver Dis- ' triot3'3, ;man, ate erlery of X130.00 por month, be retifiod and that he be el-lolled Y14.48 for i trein Yare from Charleston, Q. Va., and *.he Commis8ion er of Finance be authorised,and ~, ;instrnated to pap same ant chera,,e to 3rd District. Sower F?md, adopted upon, sell of the. ., roll by the follo~ring note: Yeas, Iaoe, Fulliem, Tully and "Iashington,-4; Mays, jKatter~ohr,-1. • ~: On moti~~ol1~"n~~th~ Noard a~l~ournod upon oa]7 of the roll by 6 yeas. .li ,hdu~elcd P'ctit~c3 19 ASL ..,.•.4: '.Z,C:~' • n U it i L'atimato ,~1, Johr Bryant, for Imi~rovvmgnt on S,4th & Hue-~ bar,da Stroet oorreotod. . t I ay-ro77. 3rd lltstriot Svwor Jat i:alf of Ooto4vr, 14°Q. OCTOB:Ii 20TH. 1922. :.t a Called i?oetinF, of 'the Board of Commlaoionora, hold in tho Commisslonera' Chambor in the City Hall, Paducah, l:ontuoky, on October 9.Oth, 14?2, at '3;40 o'clock F. 2:. Upon call of the roll Lho °o]lowing ans+verod to thou namve: Oommiasiorera Icoe, Tully, :7ashington and liayor Y.o.ttor~ohn,-4. 3?ayor Katter~ohn statod roeaona for call to-wit: For t};o ] ur?~oee of allowing , pay-rolls for fir et half oY Ootobor, aryl any othor buainn+a that may same before the ' i Board. Commissioner Tu11;~ offorod tho following; motion; That tho F,nginoor's-I:atimats ~1 of John Br,•unr. for the i,provemont.on tho Jouth vide of iluabrtr~ds :argot bot,voen 7th and 9th Stroot he oorrootad ^.r.t tho ohnrre of Swb.00 for drain pTpo be elimtnrted, t};1a itom not having boor: irroludvd in the oor.treot of 8ovro]•ls }iroa., and tho totnl , 6' j; amount of Reynolds tiros, oortraot be ^ado ;y7774.98. Adoptod upon call of the roll y,. !; by tho fo11o',vinu vote; Yona, I'nao, Tn1ly, t7aahington and Eat ter~ohn,-4, i. Oommiealor;or Tully of.foreA tho fo1]orrlna motion; I movo that the I'a!r-r.o11 for , ~; tho 3d Diotrio.t Svwvr Sor tho firut half of the mont}, of Ootobvr, amourtina t0 i. ~' y1G4G.b3, be ul]owed nr:d ordored haid and the Oommissioner of *nblio Finanoo be author- i 1-rod and [natruatml to draw chocks agair:ut the }io. 3 Aiatriot :3error A'm:d Aooount to ` ;, pay acmo. ddopted uhon on11 of the roll by the fol]owinq vote: Yeas, laoo, Tu11y, '~lushington and I:etter~ohr.,-4, ~.. __ _~...,,.-r^-~ra7^^" `e-~a,~rn^'^p ;.fit.,.e#"~'r=-:. .. :.. . c . .. ~ ... , s u '+?C~"~=,~~'~""P:P.,, .~. a.. ,'n~+~'3;"~s'L'?~^~~. r ~ ::.r,~n..n,rFr ,....:.:.I ,,.. ~i ,.~~,ii ~in,P~r~P,pnpl'fnq u.~: i~~rq`~~p'I9I'";~ I. i ...,r,.nlPl!I'^IIi.1~IIr~.P,.i R•ii, I ~n ~ : I:, ~ :il.~.r~ ~, Iap., ~.~. . w~` ., ~ y, ~ -_..., ~ _ .. - ~ ~.sl J - ~ pd,. SwF ~ ~ '".~ ~• u.m-~+~L J~yddlawvV~u'~1.u.+d4k~ .. -~,:1 ~4d4i.r~i i~u:.~, .: • ^ ~ .,` ~ ',r ~ '. ,. . .+ .~ __. . No._~ o Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ Oommisaioner Tully offered the following motion; I move 4hat the Fey-roll for :' ' ~Ropor.t dom'r.. tho,firet half of the. month of Ootober, 1922, amounting to ~G031.96• ae per the report ~. :'tnnnon of 'c~+-rolls 1st " r i ~ of 'the Commiesioror of Iublio Finance filed hare:vith, bo allowed and ordered paid and hc~f. Oatohor it 1922. j j tho money appropriated from tho General rand to pay sarm. Adoptod upon oel] of the j II roll by tho following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Tully, '~7nahington and Yctter~ohn,-4o ' Commieaionar ',Vashington offered the following motion; Thet tho pay-roll for Pay-roll for oonstruotin~r aewors and drainage in the I:ausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cometery for sewers 1Lauso leura Addition ~ tiveek ending Ootobor 20th, 1922, amounting to ab44.00, bo allo:~ed nrd the Commissioner ~ Oak Grove Eeme- . .' I , ; terq. of Fin.noe re i~ atrr.oted to pay same rnd eherr?e to Oak Grove Cemetery, Adoptod upon ~ i ~ oall of tho roll by the following votes Yeas,Faoe, Tully,Tashinaton and I:atterlohn,-4. '.On motion the Aogrd adaourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ,,ry~~~yytt a 1 ri4rgiad fY~f,~ a de3 i! ~ ~.i~_:= _~,Q t; ,~ ~ } :' . ~ ~~~ ~~ -~ .~f_~~_ _ ~ cxr c°.Kr i1{AynR „ i ' ~~._ OCTOB:~ 23RD, 1922. j i . A a Regular hosting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commission- ~ era, Chamber in the~City Hall, Faduoah, l:entuoky, on Ootober 23rd, 1922; Upon pall ~ f. 'of the roll the follo•vi answered to thou names; Oommiasionera Faoe° ,7ashinaton f n6 h I ~ 1 and L'.ayor Y•ntter3ohn,-3. ~ i On motion of Commissioner Washington the minutes of tha'previona meetings i , wero adopted na road upon call of tho roll by tho following note; Yeae, Faoe, ~~, i ~7nahington and K4tterfohn,r$. blayor Kattor~ohn offered tho followinr? motion; I move that the oontreot ! i + Oontraot both. I o~:oouted by and between the Ohioago, 3t. louie ;md itev{ Orlonna Railroad Oompany, . Illinois Csntral ~ > R.R., C.at.i. & ~ and the Illinois Control Railroad Company, as 7:osaeo of the Chioago° St. iouis rx • N.O.R. R. and j ' Andr a:v Hnmhurg ! Idew Orleans Railroad Company and Androw T, Homburg, and the City of Feduoah, I{on- `ar,d City of Iadu ~ ' ooh, reletigo to ld tuoky, date3.July 74th, 1922; bo received, filod, approved and reoorded, Adoptod Salvor Diat.~3. ~ upon oall of tho roll b, tho i'ollowtnrr vote; Yone, Proa, 'JashinRton and I:^.t.ter~ohn,3.~ ' ~ Oommieaionnr lulliam encored the 7ommiesionera° Ohamber. j • Oommisaionor '3aahtnpton oftore4 the followlnrt motton; 8.move that tho Ro}orta 3uht. ' ~ "Suparintoz,nont°n rei~ort of Riveroido itonhital, ahmrinrr the oxpenditrreo for tho ; ~ ~ ~ Itivurni~lo }!oa- ' l~ital .who:lna, ~ .Hodritni di,ring the month of ~eptomber, 192£, to~~ether ~~jlth the Fntionta' ??sport and i oa7':nr,~i itnrea, . .Iatianta~Roport laboratory Report for soptembnr ]922, bo rsoeived and filod. ;.'ldoptod upon oall of & laboratory " ; ~i the roll by the f ullowin2 voCo; Yeas, Faoa,Iu111am,~VaahinRton rnd knttar~ohn°-4. J . '1 Oonamiosioner "Iashington offered the follo:vinR motion; I move thct the I,n.,ror t o s i an I! ' applloation and i;:ayur bo ai,thorizod. and direotod to oirrn Applioation rnd >'ermit for.i+ttnohmonts by i ' Fermat by. ~ Oumbarland Tol. ~ tlumborinnd 'Po7ephono Z;; Telegraph OomparLv, as oca,tainefl in tho A2reamont for Joint ; • & To1.Co. Joint - " ' ~ Uag of I'olos. ~ , Uso of lolea, a~eouted b;+ and Letwean tho Oity of I'rdnoah, I:ontuol~+., and tho Cumbor- L ' V. 'N icnd Tolophono ~ 'Pelopraph Cortq~a:4* on Ydovombor 10th, 191G, Adoptod upon oall of the', J ' roll by tho folloving vote; Yeaa,Paoo,Pulliam, Washington and Kattor,ohn°-4. ~~ ' Oommisaionor tloahington offered the following motion; I mono th^t the Oom- 7f.Fi.'•7heo.lor to ~ pia•ohaae 4•Tilo ~ mission er of Fub]io Property bo allo:ved and authorized to soil to "i. H, ',7heoler 130 Poet of , ' ]aft odor at p ! Oak Grove Oeme- h 4 inoh tile, left ovor nt the Oemetery, nt Five-OonCa par lineal fooL,; to ho turno3 j tory. 1j ovor to the Oomntiaeionor. of A'innnoo and oroditad to Or,i; Orovo Oomotary. A3o1~toA npon,~ j oa77 of Ehe ro]1 by tho,i`ollowi,nR voto! Yeas, Taoo, Pulliam, ^,°asi~ington anA ~ ' ~ , . . ~ Xattnr~ohn,•4. ~ { .' '. ~ U ° >; E ... ~+ ~~ Win c~ ~.- - r--, ., .. . ,. ~ .. . , • Commissioners' Proceetiinga, City of Paducah , ' 192~~ - .~ . Commissioner '7nshir',aton offered the follo•sin4 motion: I move that the appoint. r~nploynrent of "went of :7n]ter Colemrn, es "'iceman at the Iaduanh Licht Plant in plnoe of T. "!. Timmons 7nlter Coleman - ?iram~n City be ratified. i.dopted upon oall'of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Faoe, Iulliam, Light I1nnt. 7nahingt ~n ar:d L'atter~ohn,-4. ConrJisaionor Tully entored the Cor7rniaslonars° Chamber. „' . Commissioner Iulliam offered the following motions That Lont}ay 3at.imate 2to, 3 2~onthly 3stimate. y3 sa:roc oon- G for Trr;nk line serer oonstruation oP ~istriot 3B-3C be apnr.oved and the :,. R. F.erd ing struation fist. ' 3B-3C, an3 3.it. iCompany be nllo::^ed y131.41.on avid estim^te nrd that some be ahar.~e~ to 3rd Dlatriot ?ier3ing Co. allo•a, ed .p13~.41. Se'~or Fund. ddopted upon oall of 't'he roll by the following wote:' Yeas, Pnae, Fulllera, Tullye :7nshinaton and Gat tar John,-5. Commissioner Iulliam offered the following, motion; That ::xtra "cork estimate . mete far 5apt. ;for September 1922 on trunk line fle~.rer eorstruotion for 3B-3C be approved .and B. R. sa~sor s Dist. 39-3C, and ?:nrd- '-' }iardinrz Com);any be allo:red X764.24 far said extra ^ork and same be crnrP:ed to 3rd ir,? Co, alloa~od , y?b4.24. t Distriot Se•.ver Fund. ddopted upon oall of the roll by the follo~~ing vote; Yens, Peas, 'ilulliam, Tully, :7ashinoton ardG^tterfohn,-5, Commlasionar Pulliam offered the °ollo;rinq motion; Imova t}>at the doed of oon- Rood from T7. i. vo;=anus from .i. 1,. Yanoy ~!C., to tho City of It:duonh,, 2:ontnoky, ocrvoytnR property for. Yanoy &o., to ;. City of laduoah i atroet purposes ar~d roaitir:r~ a oonaidarntion of X50.00, be raaeit•ed, filed, approvod i'or stroot par- } o:;a3, and 71.1.. ~, ar^d aonfirmed ar.d delivered to tho Commissioner ,~~' Inblio Finenoa for the' purpose of yen c;: pe id X50. '~,j roc sa^~o. r raoording same; and tho Commissioner of ?'ublio T.'inanoe is hereby nrthorized and idirnated to iasre oheak to tho said '.'1. L. Yanoy for the sun of $50.00, whioh is in~ ~~fall pay~nont for said property, and oh srge same to Streets. ddopted upon oal] of the, ~~ ' roll by the fpllowin~ voto: Yens,Fnoe,Fu113nm,Tnlly,~7aahir,?ton,-4;2:nys,ln'ttar~ohr.,-1, ,: Commissioner Tully offar•~d Lhe follo•:ring motion: It appearir.R that thsre is Schools nllo:•red i; iua tho Schools the arrm of X395°.il from the tax aolleotiona to Qatober 214t, I•move y3957.11 from tar. collaations that it be r.llo~.re3 and ordere3, paid and the money appropriated from the General ?'und to pct.21,1222. !` to pay same. ;;doptad u.,on call of th9 roll by the following vote; Yeas, Fnoe, "Fulliem° Tully. '.7ashirgton nrdGntterfohn,-5. ~' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; It appenrin~ that '.'rr Rorie C. • L'er~orie C. Davis~~ a:assan:ent our- ~ Davis is sronRPully =:ssosced •rith a pieoa of propdrty.on 24th Street, but:^eeri Zindsny rooted. ;i & Trimble Streets at•~y100.00, I move that the Convniasionar of I'nblio Flnnnoo be !' nr;thorize3 to make oorrootior, on her tax hill and to reSund tar-os paid on this lot for ~; the 1=eels 1920 nrd 1921 ., ddopted upon oall of. the r ill by tho falloaintr vote: Yeas, xaoa, Pnllinm, Tully, •~shington and l:cttar~ohr.,-5. ii Commissioner `f'ully offered the following motion: It nppnarin~ that 71. C. ase,~e ,meat aor- ~!, 0°13ryan is as::essed on his tax hill with' n house on Bro:+n :itraet, whioh ses destroyed motel. " ' i by Yire in July 1919, ar.d that theca rxa some othor'erroro in his aaaa.sament, I move k that the Commissioner of lriblio k'incr:oe be authorised to m»):a oorraotior.• ar.d to xefttnd ' suoh portion as is incorraot on his bill. ddopted upon call of the roll by the Yollo:r iz.~ vote: Yens,Pnco,pulliam,i^rtilly,;7ashin~~ton and Y.attcr~ohr.,-5. - }.:a;•or a{ctter~ohn offered the Yollowir,g motion: I move that the deed frpm,'7,C, ` Doad from :7. C. O'Bryan to City y C'Bryan to the City of Faduonh,r.er.tuoY.y, dated Oatobor 23rd, 1922, for property near Dart;; on Bro:m. >; Brorrr: Street, for :;.trout- prsr;osos, he ^_coeptad, approvod nT;d confirmed rod, turned over otraot for :;trout. iur~osas. ? to the Commissioner of Publia ="'inanoe for the purpose. of hnvine seine reaoxded. Adopts ~' upon pall of the roll by the Yollo•ning vote: Yons, Faoe, Pc;lliam, Tully, '.7eahington ~, r.nd I~tter~ohz,;-5. ' j! Or. motion the Board rd~o.rrned upon on11 of the roll by 5 ;~sa, r Aiegted ~..3~ 19~.g-• .;~"-= ,tv 4 _Fi:;±~' .-c~ ', ' tiG.'~.~.~ .... ~; c:y tk;,~t kiA4C~F~ 0 - t ~ ~,.;.~,:~~, i~ im -~ i ,,,~ ~ ~~ rrF.i q ~rt~-n~ :Ii+:, PI irr~r,~.Trn~ ..-.r~-~u-n~!-1~'•-'1=~t7.. --~.-.~-'-,.gin-a-,-, ~'.w _. ,. , Aio. i ec. OCTOB:Ii 30TH.1922. ,~ .. i . At a Reguler iiaetinr of the Board of Commisaionere held in the Commiasion•ers' ~ - ° ~dhamber in the City Hall, Feduash, Kentuol~, on•Ootober 30th, 1922. Upon Dell of the !I, - roll the following enswered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Fulham. Tully. Dashing- u ' • Eton and iiayor Katter,ohn,-b• On motion of" Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings mere i -adopted as read upon call of the roll by b yeas. •' Communication ~ iiayor Ketter~ohn offered the following motion: I move thet the communication, i. ' from •17ar Dept. j - in regard to dated October 25th, 192E, from the ~7ar Depertroent, in regaa•d to the location of bock andl location of book and Dam ~b2-" ,p Dam tic. b2, Ohio 3iver, be reoeiced and filed. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the ~ Ohio. River. 9 ~ • ~fO1TOwing vote:, Yeas, Faoe; Pulliam, Tully, 7aehington and Katter~ohn,-5.• ~ u ~, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The aura of X58.35 having been Beverage biaense~tendered, together :vith application for l.talt or Cereal Beverage I.fasnse, I move that issued to Del Dowdy. ~ lioonse to sell ialt or Cereal Beverages, or any admixtures thereof ,. be granted to Del Dowdy at X300 South 9th Street, for the period of June lst to December 31st, 1922. ~, - Adopted upon.oall of the roll' by the following vote: Yeas, Paae, Pulliam, Tully, :lash- ; ii incton erd Katter~ohn,-b. i ~ ~ Commissioner Tully offered the followinP motion; The avm of ;~b0.00 having been ' ~ Beverage bi- a ~ - i tendered, together with application for halt or Cereal average iiaense, I move that i Dense iasaed to Sam.',7}iite. ! license to sell Malt or Cereal. Beverages, or any admixtures thereof, be ez°antod to Sam ~,~. ~iYl;ite, atr`926 Finley Street, for the period of July 1st to December 31sti 1922. Adopt- ' t' E„ ed.npon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, psos, Fulliam,,Tuliy, i7ashington ,i' ~-"• ~ and Katter~ohn,-b. - Commissioner Tully offer ad the followirg.motion: It appearing there is due Schools allow- ~ Sohools the ewn of ~lOb8b.34 from the tax oollootious to Ootbber 28th. I move that it I • -ed ~;1Ob85.34 I from tax oo]le-~ be allowed erd ordored pa13 and the money Eppropriated from the General Fund to pay `. otiona to Oot. i 28th, 1922. ". ;; same. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Faoe, Ful ham. Tully { t7ashington and Kutter~ohn,-5. ~ :, ' ' Commissioner Tully offered the follo•.ving motion; It a~-earinr_that Robert G: ~ - Robert G.Tinaley Tinsley is aE,sessed :vith an automobile. and it being a fact that he does not now and ` eseeesTent on ~ ~ automobile oor-'' never hsa o,vned an. automobile ar,~i the assessment being in error, I move that the.Com- ` reotel. ~ i • missioner of Iublio Finanoo be authorized and instructed to make a correction on his i ~' r',• ~': ~:. ~~ r, ~. r: l 1 w ~u t ~ tax M11, giving him a credit by Lhe amount of the assessment x;150.00• Adopted upon 1 , ~•oall of the roll by the following vote:Yeas; Faoe,Pulliam,Tully,;7ashingtcrn ar~d ~~ $ Katter~ohn,-b. ~ • F` Comroiasioner Feae offered the following motion: I move that the united States . k:.: U. S.Fidelity & i!Ridelity & Guaranty Company be released from the bonds of the following patrolmen: I, Guarant,• Co. ~~ i released on ~ E,b,itiller 3.R•Smith borda of Fatrold B•F.iuitchell Athel Sheppard - Blen,:.. L. i.,i ller , i ~ B..f•;itchell, ~ b•H.~uarrlea A..A.Bowling ;, l.. H.L[uarrlea ~i H.H,Face bLS:0ak1~ ~ , " ~T.~f.Iaoe, dam ea :7hitiedge Lonnie Rudolph J.~.S'7ith,Athe1~ Adopted upon call of thg roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe. Pulliam, fully, '7ashin~+- .. Shephard,A,A. 1 Bowling,L:.S• ~ ton and Katter3ohr.,-5. OaY.ley,bonnie Rudolph. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that 36 inch stand-j. - Clay Pipe ard.atrength clay pipe be used from about Station 36 & 50 to Station 46 & b0 -on the river ` 36 inch Stand- ~ line of Distriat 38-3C, provided that same be baokfil]ed •:a th 1:3:6 oonarete ontirely ~ ~" and Strength ~ w,-~u.~ ". to be used in below an elevation of"6 inches above the spring line. at no additional expense to Lhe Distriat 3B-3C ~ - "Sewer Dat.~F3. ~ City. Adopted upon-call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Faoe. Pu111am,Tully, y ~Yashingtan and Katter~chn,~b. - - _ s - , - ,: . _" ,.. , `- . Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah= 192_1 C h" . H,, ~ ,. _ . a ~~~~ .,... , ..... ~.: _. , ~ri~.~~~+rrrr~r.r+irriwn.rrgrrrr~rrtlrrrrYwlrl~wrt+rr--- `' 3 ~~ - '. No.:, Comtriissioners' Proceedings; City. of Paducah . '' 1'D2..°,a , a On motion the Aoard c:dfourned.npon.oall.of the roll by 6 yeas. i <« . I! r N09ILYffiffit 1. 19EE. ' At a Called Fleeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Sentnoky, on November 1st. 19EE. at 11:36 q'o1oo1[ ~: A. M. Upon oaTl of the roll the following ansarered to their names:•Commlesioners ii Pulliam, Tully. Aaehington and Mayor Xetterjohn~-4. ~ ;,,;;-,. Mayor Bstterjohn stated reasons for Dell to-wiL: For the purpose of allowing j •,_ Spepiel pay Roll for pertain street employees laved off, and any other business that p might Dome before the Board. ~ i Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the 8peo1al Pay Roll of Speaiel Pay-roll !i Street Department; the Street Department Yor men disaharged~ amo~mting to X76.50. be allowed and the of men disoharged: , I` Comnieaioner of Publio Finance be authorized and instrnoted to pay same immediately end oharge to Street Fund. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, , '' Pulliam, Tully, Nashington and Sattar9ohn~-4. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the employment of Misa Mica Charlotte yawrenae employ- ;i Charlotte yawrenoe, ea oheoker on aonarete work at the rate of $2.00 per day be went. approved. Adopted upon pall oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pulliam. Tully, f -. L i4ashington and Katter~ohn,-4. -~ Note of City of Commissioner Tuhly offered the following motion: E move that the Commissioner ~ , Paduoah in City ~; National Bank of Publio Finenae be authorized and direoted to pay oil, take np and oanoel s note of Yor ~Z0~000.00 ~ taken up. the City of Paduoah Yor X20.000.00 in the City National Bank and the money De nppra- "', printed from the General Fend to pay same. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the fol- }~ ;i lowing vote: Yeas Pulliam. Tully. geahington aid Batter~ohn~-4. On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. ".;~,;_~ ~; Ain~fx8 y1.o~1; ~ !9 A X. i i'~'~C:d ~~":.-, ~ P i A cu, cww T~jft i; NOVrAlB~t GTHj 1922. • I At a Regular Fleeting of the Board of Commisalonore~ held in the'Commipyioners' Ohamber in the Oity Ha11. Paduoah xentuoky, on November Gth. 192E. Upon pall of the • r: roll the following sasmered to their names: •Oommiesionere Peoe. t9eehington and Mayor ' Katter,ohn.-3. ~ !! Cn motion of Commissioner Paoe the minutes of the previous meetinae were r ad op tad ea read upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Paoe, V-sahington • it end Xetter~ohn,-3. Com'r.Publio Pro-~~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move Lhat the Commissioner party to furnish room in basement ;~ oY Publio Property be authorized. and direote3 to furnish a room in the basement of the of City Ha11 for . Venereal quaran- ,; City Rail Building for quarantine patients and the same be oherged to the Oity Nall tine patients. , I Apoovnt. Adopta3 upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, aeshinR,ton • ? and Y.atter~ohr:,-3. f Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: i move that the report of the Report Chief of Fo]i;ce for Oot. Chief of 8oliae for the month oY Ootober 1922,be repeived and f11ed, Adopted upon pal '' 1922. ~! r; of the roll by the following vote: Yana, Paoe, '~YsehinRton and Katter~ohn,-3. ' Commissioner Pu111am entered the Commissionera° Chamber, .~~y. ~f {{; I~ u`.~ri...~.%FI3-. A xa p y .. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah . 192_ " - ,t . Commissioner Plashington offered the following motion: I move that the transfer Cemetery trans- ier from k6ra. ~ j fYrom %r e. Nellie Jones to J, W° 6 gnew of lot No, ib in Section 48 Oak Grove Cemetery, , • ~ ~ ~~ ' Mollie Jones to Agnew W J +be ratified. Adopted upon Dell of th® roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paos.Pulliam, ' . , . 1 y Washington and Katter'ohn°-4. i {F Commissioner Washington offered the following motion; I move that the transfer ~" '~ Cemetery trans- from R. iD. Blackburn to Charitq Skaggs of lot No. E in Section E. New Addition Oak Grove c~., " I fer from. R.D. Blackburn to i ~~ ~ liCemetery° be ratified. Adopted•npon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeea° Paoe°I . ' Oharity Skngga. lipulliam. Washington and Katter~ohn°-4. l ` - Commissioner Weahin ton offered 4he follows g ng motion: Y move that the Appli- j Cnmb. Te1.A T61. Co. Permit for nation and Permit for Attaohmente b the Cumberland Tele hone do Tele II ~ y p graph Company for ' ",uLtaohmente on poles of City ~ Dint nee of ' ~ poles of City bight Flant, be, received and filed, Adopted upon Dell of Light Plant. the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Paos°Pulliam,Taahington and Katter~ohn°-4+ ~ ~ Commissioner Aashington offered the following motion: Aa it is impossible to i install more liahte, owin to the lsok of sufficient boiler g po:yer at the light Pl,.nt at ;. y ~.. } Street light !this time. I move that the petition from the people on Cley Street for the installation I at 11th k Clay Streets. if of a light at llth~k Cley Streets, be referred to the Commissioner of Pnblio Property j to install this light early in 1923, provided that we are successful 1n R_etting a new "boiler for the light Pleat, Adopted npom Doll of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. b i ~~Paoe, Pulliam, Washington and Katterjohn°-4. • r`• i Commissioner Tully entered the Commisaionera' Chamber. ! ,. - jj Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that monthly estimate Y Nonthlq &atimate~ ' ;~3 X. R. Rard ing ~3 for October 1922 oY the E. R. Harding Co an Contreatos° for work done on trunk ~ mP Y . 1 Company Diet. 3A Sewer Diat- ~fline sewers in District 3A amountin to 24 1b0.b4, be e ' I g $ pproved, and the Commissioner ( r. lot #3. '~ I Hof Fnblic Finance authorized end inatruoted to paq same and charge to the 3rd Distriob „- f !{Sewer Fund, and that a aopq of said estimate be filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll ~ '; ~~by the following vote:.Yeea, Paoe.Pu111am.Tully°Aashington and Katter,ohn,-b° ~"°` ~ ~ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motions That Special pay-roll of ~ ' ' 8peoial Street Pagrroll. ~ 'men discharged from the street De artmont amounting to ~1'l.bb, be a h p pproved° and the ' (~Commisaioner of Fnblio Finance be authorized and inatruoted to pay same immediatelq° Adopted upon call of the roll bq the following vote: Yeas, Paoe° pul]iem° Tuliq, ;9ash~ z- ington and Katter~ohn,-b° i; Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: %t apps^.ring that Ada B. Rou~® ;. Ada B.Rouse esaesament re- I~was esaeesed in. error for one automobile for the ear 192E... 2b0.00 and Navin id the y ~ q pa I letive to auto-ltsaea on same, I move that the amount oY ~b.96 be refunded. Adopted upon Dal] of the ;mobile oorreot-,; i °ds ~roll~bq the following vote: Yeea. Paoe.Pulliam~Tully,~9ashingtan sad Ketterjohn.-b. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the eaaounta for ~ Aooounta lest ~~the last half of the month of October emountin to 40E4b.E7° be allowed and ordered ~ N g ~ ' I half October 1922. r ' ;;.paid and the money appropriated from the ~%eneral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of " the roll by the following vote; Yeas°Pace,Pnlliam,Tully°Washington and Ketter'ohn.-~. 1 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the payyoll for , pay-roll Sewer i;the last half of the month of October, for the 3d District Sewer, emonnting to ~6E7.39 1, Distriat ~3 Yor ; 192E half Oct. jbe allowel and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Pnblio Finanae be authorized and ing` ~etruated to draw oheaka against .the No. 3 Diatriot Sewer Fund Aooount `o pay same. ~ j . Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoea, Paoe° Pulliam, Tully, j !. i ijWashington and Katter3ohn°-b. ~~Repor.t Com'r. ' Commissioner. Tnily offered the following motion: I move that the report of the ~' w~~n Finance relativd~Commi~~ioner of Public Finsnoe with reference to the mprovement + to pmrohaee of~i purchase of 9 street I ; 9 Street Impro-~Bonda° be reoeioed° f11ed and approved. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the following i •vsment Bonds. I. ; vote: Yeea° Paoe~ Pnliiam, Tnily; Aashington errl Katter~ohn,-bo .~ j n ~, - •Jrl .±~i~nJ a ~..#,;~ >;:. ra,.:.; 4. '! ~~k;:.-~, ,~'~+~.T,~°~'~ . ._ . . r.,,,, ~. , , „n ,;ns,: ., .r„ ..., ., _ .. ~.... ~ - ~, _~ ;~ r I , I .-;.: -. .,„,ra<~•?M~,,,, ~v¢~.t'. ~.;h ..:alt~M.~'$?'. ~. P•"Ri'~~`~"e'8r ,,~3: , -? ,~; T.' "./ a7~ ,~,.~. . t _ a _ - A .. w ._....~,..- ... rc .. _ .. , :.. i .M~e~l~~e~l~~l~ - - • ~~ ~5}~' {.. f e~~~W~ U ~. ~ ~ ~ .. Na q_S .. ' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah . ~ ' ~ ' 182..=:~ '; ;, Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: IL appearing there is dne ~Sohoole from the tax oollsotions to Nov. 4th, the sum of $4b49.87, I move LhaL 16 De Sohoole allowed ,$4b49.97 from taz !,'allowed and ordered paid and Lhe money approprinted from the General Fund to pay somse oolleotione to ' Nov. 4th,19EE. AdOpLed upon Dail of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pn111am, Tully, ryash» ~~ington and Katter~ohn,-b. ~I Commieoionar Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $37.b0 having Dssn . Oemetery deed ~pa1d into the Treasury. ea evideaoed by the reoaipt filed hsretrith, I move that deed be exeouted to O.R. ~ '. ~Yellsoe. ~exaoutod to"Q. R. ~9e11aos for Lot X63, Blook #E on the South aids of Hannan Street, fbetReen Haker A Miller Streote in Oak Orove Oemetery. Adopted upon Deli of the roll ~Iby the following vote; Yeas,Faos,Pu111am,Tully,'Maehingtoa and KatLer~ohn°-b. Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $87.60 having bees _ 'paid Into the Treasury, ae evidenoed by the reoaipt filed herewith, I move that seat br Cemetery deed exeouted to J.]f. exeouted to J. R. Nalisoe for Lot bbl, Blook ~2, on the South aide of Hannan Street, ~7a1 lane. between Saker k Miller Streets in Oak Grove ®Innetery, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vole; Yeae, Pane, Pulliam, Tully, "7ashington and Ketter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; The sum of $b0.00 having been 'paid into the Treasury, as evidenoed by the reoaipt ailed horewitti, I move Lhat deem be Oemotery doed "exeouted to Loraine L. Lows for Lot :f10E, H1ook ~E, on Lhs tlorth side of Ford 9trest, oxeouLed Lo Loraine L. Lows. 'between Dakor A Miller Streets in Oak Orove Osmetery. Adopted upon onll of the roll by 'the following vote: Yeaa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, S9aehington and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; The eum of $37.b0 having beep • °paid into the Treasury, ea evidenoed by the reoaipt filed he;e:rith, I move that deed be Cemetery deed exeouted to Frank Boatwright for Lot ~63,BlOOk $E,On the South side of Hannan Street, exeouted to Frank ~ ` • Boatwright. ,,between Haker & Miller Streets in Oak Grove Cemeter y. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, ti9ashington and Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Tully bifered the following motion; The sum of.$37.b0 having been • • Cemetery deed 'paid into the Treasury, as evidenoed by the reoaipt filed herewith, I move that deed pe, . exeouted to Nellie Cornett. exeouted to Nellie Cornett for 7At ~b0, Blook ~E, on, the South aide of Hannan Street, • ':between Baker & holler Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by `, the following vote: Yeaa, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; That Setimate No. 4 of E. R. ' Hstimate ~4,E.R. Harding Co. Sewer Harding Company for work done during Ootober 192E, on trunk line sewers of Distriote Distriot ~`3, Diatriots 3B-3C. 3B and 3C, amounting to $10,9EO.b7, be approved, and the, Commies inner of Publio Finano p '. be authorized and inetruoted to pay same and oharge to 3rd Diatriot Sewer Fund, and' tha t ;. a Dopy made of this Leatim~ae be filed, Adopted upon Dell oY the rol] by the following ~'-.:_ ~ ,vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. : ~ Board adfourned anon Dell of the roll by b yeas. Op motion th ~j ~ . _ ~~J r, ..~.7 '.. ,h#hp.tt=m 1.([Q'1f.~3 19 a~ _.. ~ s ~ ~ ~ _._ NOV~.~~2 10TH. 19EE. ;: j `: ;: 1 At a Called Meeting of the Soard of Commieaionere, held in the Commissionere° 1 Chamber 1n Lhe OSLy Ha11, Paducah, Kentucky, on 2dovomber 10th, 19EE, at 11:40 O'o]ook ~ A, Me Upon Dail of tho rol] the following answered to their names; Oommiesioners I: ~1 pane, Pulliam, Tully, t9ashington and Mayor Kntter~ohn,-6. ~':,", ' ~ "~ Mayor Kstter~ohn staled reasons for Dell to-wit: For the purpose of allowing bills for the month of October +utd any other business that might Dome before the ` • ~j Hoard, i; ~' i1 ' ti .. ..:~u ... ,~, . Mrc~*,,. .,-~^rrt~,r•~-za~s=^~~^."r~w°,r - r j , , i , ~ ~ asa~tzes~ara, , z:nrm..~c,~»,». ; .. *~•^r r~..x., n..: ~ ~.'~+~~~ ~?~^+•~~~ :~I; ~" ~, ~.r.~on ~ .~ ,,,r :,~ n 11'i~~'I i. P~q tq in: vii '1n i X991' ~~ ~'~ ' I'ffi'fll 9111 I r~ N n... I ~~. - __ ~ I r ~ i .a I ':~.r psi ~~c ~'~n-r i' , , / .. `a i', ,. Alamo ;.-.; ~ . } dooounts for , last half of ' '' 6otober,198E, as per report Commissioner of Finance. Accounts ior. last half . oi. Ootober,1922, 3rd Dietriot Sewer. ;. ~ , ~ ,' Report Com°r. Publio Finanos -for month of October, 19 E2. Report Cam~r. Finance of the 3d Dietriot Sewer Fund Aoot. for Oot ober 1922 Report Com°r, Finanoo of Oollootione d, Diehuroomonto Speoini Street Fund for Sopt, and Oot. 1928. Com'r.Finanoa t take np note at Oltty Natl. Bank Street bonds A. Oouponn jy ,;•~,;,•~, c, t~~.,c ,o. ,li~l. ~ ~I „; y ~ ,. li s.,udlmd. i~ wV~.~ .,. =r.: J~+• Oommisedoner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the aooounts ~ 4 Yor the last half of the month of October, amounting to ~6002,b9, ea per the report of ~ ,4 g,~; the Commissioner of Fublio Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the ~? '. money appropriated from the c3eneral Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dal] oP the roil byi, , the following vote: Yeas, Pnoe, Pulliam, Tully, Raehington and Katter'ohn°-b. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the accounts for j the last half of the month of October for the 3d Dietriot Sower, amounting to $270.72, be el lowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Iublio Finance be authorized and ~;' instructed to drmw checks against the No, B Dietriot Sewer Fund Aooount to pay same. ;Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, {~ashington and Katter~ohn°-b. i On motion the. Board adfourned upon call of the roll by b yeas, /J, RiH~C)R- NOVrl'UBF.R 13TN, 1922. (/ At a Regular Sleeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommissionere° Chamber in the City Nall, Paducah, Kentucky, on November 13th, 1922. YJpon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Coroaissionars Paoe, Tu71y, lHashington and ;, Slayor Kattar_john,-4. On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt-II ed ae read upon call of rho roll by the following vote: Yeas Paoe, Tully, laehington. 1 and Katter,ohn,-4, f ' t.. Ootmnisedoner Pulliam catered the Commieaioners° Chamber. j" , Commissioner Tully offered the following motions Y move that the report of the Commissioner of Pub71o Finanos for the month of October 1982, be reoeived, filed and '' ordered published in the Official Newspaper. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following votes Yeas° Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ ~' ~, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the report oY the Commissioner of Publio Finanos of the 3d Dietriot Sewer Fund Aaoonnt for the month of October 1922, be reoeived; filed and ordered published in the Official Newspaper. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam° Tully, Aashington and Katter.,ohn,-b- Commissioner Tully offered the following motion$ Y move that rho report of the i Commisoioner of Publio Finance of the Oollootions and Diabursomcnte of the Special ! ~.:. SLreot Fund for the months of September and Ootobor, 1928 be reoeived, filod and order- . sd published in Lhe Ofi0191 Nowepapor, Adopted upon nail of rho roll by tho follow- ing vote: Yeas, Paoe° Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter,ohn,-6. `: Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the Commissioner _ `"} of Publio Finanos be anthordaed and instructed to pay of f° take up and cancel Street id: w. ,~~~i ~:~ Sonde and Ooupoae in the Oity Notional Bank to the amount o! $1861.83 and to draw a check against the Speainl Street Fund to pny same. Adopted upon Doll of the roll by ~~ the following. vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully° Washington and Katter~ohn°-6° Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $37.b0 having been ~ I ii `paid into 6he Treasury, as ovidenoed by rho receipt tiled herewith,, 1 move that decd 'u~.~,,. bs sxoouted to 11re..Noilie Jonse for Lot 141, 83ook #B on the South Bide of 1~nnnnn } Street, bsywssn 8akar b ilillsr Streets 1A Cnk Grove Demeter y, Adopted upon~oell of ~ 'ii; the roil by Ehe lollov,ing votes Yeas,Paos,E'ulliaa,Tully,WmshinRtoll and BaEtsr~ohn,-b, 'j i , I I , ._.~:.: _ _ . _ ~. ...~.,..~.w:.~... ~` ~, ~ ro ~. ~ Na Q ~ ' `.- ..: ~ Commissioners° Proceedings,. City-of Paducah, . 192-. ~~,,. ^ T ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: 'I move that the rapost of ' ~Lhs Commissioner of Public Flnnnoe with reference to the purahaoe of Street Improvement Report Oom'r. ' Finanos in rs: `Hond #bi for the purpose of retirement. bo reoeived, Tiled and approved. Adopted neon purohaoe of Street • imT~rovement Bond 'call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Pnos, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and dbl. ,, Katter~ohn,-b. Report Com'r. of ~': Commissioner Tu11y offered the following motion: I move that the report. o! Finanoe,ahowing apportionment, the Commissioner of Public Finance showing the Apportionment, the amonnte s:pended apd ': amounts oxl~endad and be~lo.noos to the balances to Ehs or edit of the various accounts urd ar the 'tiffsrent departments, at ";'''' or edit of differ- ent departments tho end of Ootobor, 19E8, bs reoeived end filed, Adopted upon call of the roll by the at end of pot. 19E£. '~,followinq vote; Yoas, Paos, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Ketter~ohn•,-b. Oommissioner Paoe offered the following motion; I move tihat the report of Report Chief of Fire Department ,the Chief of the Firo Department for the month of October 19EE, be reoeived and filed.. for Oot. 19E8. j Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. I Washington and Katter~ohn,-b, . Oommieeioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that THE 9TATEi1ENT Statement of account with !! OF ACOOUNT :PITH REYNOLDS IIROS.. CONTRACTORS, ON TITR SOUTH SIDE OF HUSBANDS STRF,ET• 7TH Reyno]ds Bros., , ¢.,,, in re: aide:vnike T0~9TH AND IIOTH SIDES OF SOUTH 9TH STR::ET, FOR CON:,TRUCTIOIT OF COITCRETE SIDEr'AIJC3, ko, S. 9th and Husbands St. !~ CURBS AND GUTTIR S,.be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the follow . ing vote: Yeas, Peoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties hav- ing paid the estimates arsalnst property owners for improvement of sidewalks, curbs and ,, Property owners j ' paying their getters on South side of Husbands St. 7th to 8th and both sidee.ot South 9th Street: estimates ~~ain- st proporty own- . ors for aide- walks &o., on S. 9th and lTus- banda Street. oonstruated by Royno]da Bros, and Royriolda Bros. paid ~3899.b9 amount eo paid. ,~ , .~„ L .. ,, r+r . ,v.. .-.. ~ :. .. ..,. .. ... :7L", nAP`,TV"`F"4,.1b ~ .. ',$"'a'F.'?'F) :'JY+.m. 'JuX•c . ~ ;"?Lt ~ u: .~ i i:::,, ~~~rr -, ..,i , ~ a „I ~fTii ~wi~,~i ,,~, „i~ i^i 'Pi 11 •. ~ r ,~ t~^ii llii I P i i i I I Eet. #1 Jno Hryant ................~143,98 Est. 3? J. G,Haoker...........'867.68 " H Ohrist Steinhauer......... 166.68 " 38 Oatherine ~Yllaon..... 303.68 ," 8 Oscar boibsl .............. 360.13 " 40 Ollie Nsnery.......... IE8.08 " 10 Oeo.F.IIeoker .............. 848.89 " 41 1!nttie Alexander..... 64.67 11 3E Gao.F.BaoY.or .............. E78.18 " 48 Fred Smith........... 66.Eb " 13 Amelia Smith...:.......... 96.OG " b3 Geo.Saffer..........• 90.07 !} 14 Geo. F. Bnoker............ 3.73 " 66 Joe. Neibel.......... IOE.39 " 16 Mary Mallory .............. 91,70 " b7 Tony Yogt............ 90.07 " 19 Kate 14. Backer............ 74.b6 " b8 T. A. Miller......... 49.07 " EO Dezzie & Alma Bahntin...... 77.4E " 59 .Willard F.Dean.:....• 46.01 " E1 Maria Washington.......... 8E.4E " 60 ?:. .9. BRker.......... 137.06 " EE Albert W11 isms........... 8E.4E " b6 Mr e.Ed.G.Griffin..... 10E.39 " E3 Geo. Harris ............... 8E.4E " 6i. Minnie Bornhard...... 106.04 " Eb Harry MnQlure ............. 8E.4E " 6E Tur]ey Burkhart....:. 77.6E " E6 Estella iiumphreys......... 4b. 14 " 66 ~7in.3affor............ 8E. 6E " E7 Clarence Vogt ............. 4b.1¢ " 68 A.D.Hughos........... 8E.6E " E9 Julia Terduo .............. 46.14 " 69 S.A.Wetherington..... 77.6E " 30 Theresa Zellare........... 81.87 "~ 71 Jeeae & M.~Yelker..... 6b.88 #17 Addis Cald:vell....... 99.7`b a total of $3899. b9, Y move that the sum of ,~3899.b9 be ello~.ved Reynolds Bros,.. Con- traotore, ant a check drawn against the 3pooiel Street Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call o! the ro]] by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, tYaehinaton and Katter~Ohn,-be , Property owners '! Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties hav- takina advan- 'v' tags of 10-Year ! ing signified their intention of taking advantage of the Ten Year•Tayment Flan for the payment Plan for.; sidewalks &o„ ! estimates against property owners for the improvemerrt .of sidewalks, curbs and gutters on 3. 9th and Husbands Street•~ on South side Husbands St. 7th to 9th and both aides ' South 9th Street: and bonds executed Est. #4 Hazelip & Schulte..........#lb6.b3 Eet. #46 Jno & Alice Young...#88.80 " b Cora G.GarretL Burtch..... 196.03 " 49 Henry Dillehunt..... 88.03 '~: " 18 J.C. & Pearl Shorr111.•... 189.Eb " b0 Hoary Thomas........ 49.66 ~' " E8 Frances Rooer ............. 4b. 14 " 63 Dnve Iinil:.......... 77.6E " 31 T. F.Herrinq ............... 103.b1 " 64 Cecil W,Hughea...... 8E.6E ., " 3E T. F.Herring ............... 9b.07 " 67 ',Y:S.MoCarthy:....... 79.b6 " 33 W. S.MoCarthy .............. 301.01 " 70 Jno. J. We1ee.......EE1.39 i' " 3b Elizabeth Danker.......... 308.79 ?, " 36 Mary J. :talker............ 303.48 " 4E Ottoe.~,. Gross............ 187.b9 ' " 46 Jno. & Alice Young........ 44.07 c a total of ~E616.79, I move that Improvemont Bonds for this amount be issued and the ti City Solicitor be instPuoted to furnish copy of said bonds and the bonds be ndver- tined for sale as required by. law. Adopted upon onl] of Lhe roll by the foi]owina ;. ^-. - ^•• ':. ., ,; i;-., .~. I y ,a ,.. I1V ;Pr .i -J III Ibl {I1 vu V I Rk r_il,~ t ,ud w il= -- .. ~ , .. • ., ~ ' i A .X ,` - ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~a. 98' ... ~ ., ,., ~7 Cotnmisaionera' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_ _ lroperty owners~i failing to take!, 10-Year-Faymentj Flan and fail- ( ing to pay their~~ estlmstea for ~ sidewalks &o. on 3.9th St. j and Rnabarda i St., estimates 1` turned over to ~ Reynolds Bros.. ~ tlontraotore. c' getimatee against proger- , ' ty for alley { in Biook 10, _ . -f Old Tows. ' I • ~, , ~ ,. ~pp ~r vote: Yeas, Faos, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Ratterjohn,-b. ~ ' Oommiseioner Ttlily offered the following motion: The following parties having ~ ~, . neither pall the estimates nor taken advantage of the Tsn Year Payment Plan for Improve-~ ;; 1 mont of sidewalks, ourbe and gutters on the South aide of Husbcnde 3t. 7th to 9th and ~ ',:. . both aides of South 9th 8troet: • ~ Eat. ~8 L. D. Sand ere.....o........~339.01 I .,, - " 9 L. D, Sanders .............. 94.E7 f ~" E4 City Lot Inv. tlo...'........ 84.b6 ~ ' " 44 Jno. H. F?arris ............. 6E.71 " 48 L. D. Sanders .............. 169.88 " bE Birdie Jones ............... 8E. 6E I ,,,~ " 64 B.W.Bond Heirs ............. 90.07. s total of ~9E3.1E, Y move that the Commisaioner.of Publio Finanoe be authorized and im= ; .'`y. struoted to tarn the above mentioned estimates over to Reynolds Bros., Contraotora. i Adopted open Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pao®, Pulliam, Tully, Taeh- I . ington and Katterjohn,-b. ldayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that Estimates arrainat , property owners for oonetruotion of alley with oonorets, looated in Biook 10 Addition "A" 01d Town, between End and 3rd Streets, be raoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell :of the roil by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe ,Pn111am,Tully,Waehington and Katterjohn,b.' On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ A4eFstQd ~~~ -U~ ~ ,1~i.r-,~- </ v ~.y~~~ ,...mss LRf LWY NOV~ffir~i EOTH, 19E2. WYAFnt2. 1 ~~~~ „t.~ At a Regular Fleeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' i. Chamber in the City Ha11, Paduoah, Kentucky, on November EOth, 192E. Upon Dell of the ~ roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, Tn]ly, Sash- f I! . . •~ ington and mayor 'Ketterjohn,-b. ~~~ Om motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of tho previous meeting was adopted i ~• ea read upon Dell of the roll b,7 the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Wsah- ' ,~ i ington and Fdayor Katterjohn,-b. '~~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the Pay-ro71 for Pay-roll for '~ 'the first half of the month of November, amounting to ~71b4.01, as per the report of f let half of ': November. and ;`` the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe filed herewith. be allowed and ordered paid, and ; Oommisaioner ~~ of Finanoe !~ the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay some. Adopted upon Dell of the roll Report. by the following vote.: Yess, Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,Washington end Katterjohn,-b. i ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move tho.t tho Pay-roll for' pay-roll of I " the first half of the month of ld®vember for the 3d Diatri'at Sewer, amounting to ~' . 3rd Distriot Sewer Yor first $77E.71, ba allowed and orderod paid and the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe be euthor - , . helf of Nov. 1922. ~ ! V ized and ir,etruoted to draw cheoks against the No. 3 Dietriot Sewer Fund Aoaount to } ! '. u ; pay same. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, peas, Pulliam, i ' ij Tully. Washington and Kattorjohn,-b. ~ .. I'. u Commissioner Tully offered the following, motion: I move that the notion of {; . Remington Type'; the Qommiseioner of Publio Finnnoe in tranaferrina one Remington Typewriter No. writor tranafef- red from Dopt.;; { 406E60, ffom the Department of Fublio Ft.nanoe to the Department of Publio property. I Publio Finanoe~j to.Dept,pro- for nee at Riverside Hospital, be approved.. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the fol-! party for nee ~ at Riverside ,~ ~ lowing vote: Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam, Tu11y, Washington and ltatterjohn,-b. i Hospital. ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner; . !, of Publio Finanoe be authorized and inatrnoted to pay off, take up and oanael street Oo~one ia.C3tyj, pnupone in the City National Bank to the amount of $916.76 and that a check ~ . bonds and Nat' 1 Bank paid ~i , soft and taken ' be drawn against the 3peoiel Street Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Deli of the roll ~ np. ~ ~ j. ". by the following vote:„Yeas, Paos,Pu311am,Tnlly,Weahing~on e~ Katterjohn,-b. i 4' t t;. ,; ~~ ~~j F~ i ,i ^bi .. _.. ;. ~~ ... r ~' 3 .. :. T+ 6 ./ t. ~. .. L • ..~._ F Commissioners' Proeeedings;. City of Padacab - ~ 19B~T { No. 99. ` Commissioner•Tully offered the following motion: It appearing there is due ~ ' Sohoola Yrom the tax oolleotions to Nov. EOth the sum of ! Sohaole allowed ~49b.47, I move that it be ~ 496.47 taxes ,; slloaed and ordered oollaoted to Nov. paid and the money appropriated from the General Fumd to pay acme. ~~ 20th. 19EE. ~~ Adopted upon pall of the roll by the follo~iving vote: Yesa, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. 1 Washington and Katter3ohn.-6. I; Commissioner Tully offered the following motiom: It nppeerina there is dns 7 ,, ~ . Sohoola allowed ! Schools Yrom the oolleotions oY Franohiae taxes to Ootober 31st, the snm of $E7.64~ I ,27.64 Frenohise taxes to October ~ I move that it be allowed end ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General i 31st. ? Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, ',j". .-~ Fulliam, Tully, Washington and Ketter~ohn,-6. I~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing there is due ~ , Sohoola allowed Sohoola from the oolleotions oY 1921 taxes to Ootober 31st, the sum of ,24.74. I move (f ,..:. ~E4.74 due Yrom ',. that it be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund taxe8 t0 Oot. I, ~ 31st. f: to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam P. li Tully, t9sahington and KatterJohn,-b. ~:_ ~ • i ~' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: IL appearing, there ie due , Snhools allowed i, Sohoola from the oolleotions of book taxe8 to October 31st the sum of X8.37 I move ~p8.37 taxes due ~ ' from bank tax aolleotiona to ~' that it be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated Yrom the~Genera3 Fund ~',•- Oot. 31st. ~ to pay same. Adopted upon Doll oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Face, Pulliam Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; Whereas, the Oommiasioner of Refund to .9. C. ~i ' O'Bryen on taxes Publio Finance has heretofore been authorized by the Board Of Commissioners to oorreot . paid by him. !! en error in. the assessment of .9. C. O'Bryan and to se4und the exoess payment in hie ~, "9'.. ~~ taxes, investigation reveals the amount to have been ~1G.73, I move that the payment ~• '~ of said amount be approved. Adopted upon Doll oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and ICattor~ohn;-b. ~` Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: A refund of ey33.38 havihq Ij '`;: Refund oY X33.38 i' been made to the. Illinois Central Railroad Company on a shipment of pipe from Kley from L C.R.R. Co. !; meyer-Klutey Briok & T11e Works and said amount havinie been deduoted from the innoios~ on shipment of {; pipeaSlewed to I move that the a ment oY same to Kle ayer-Klutey Briok & Tile Works be a oved.. Kleymeyer-Klutey I' p Y ym PPr' Briok & Tile :9orke. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Feae, Pulliam. Tully. ,; is 19ashington and Katter'ohn,-b. V' Commissioner :9eshington offered the following motion: I move that the Super- ~; Reports Supt. ~ intendant°e Report oY Riverside Aoapita 1, showing the expenditures Yor the Hospital . Riverside Hospital, patients Report i during the month oY Odtober, 1982, together with the Patients Report and Laborator y and Laboratory Report for month ?' Report for the month of October 1982, be received and filed. Adopted upon Dell oY oY Oct. 1922. +: the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully. Washington aril v Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion;, I move that the report of 3oport Com'r. j, a enditures of the 3rd Diatriot Sewer Fund for the month of Ootober 192E be reoeived. _~`~? Iublic '.9orke oY ~ expenditures of ' and filed. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam,; 3rd District Sewer Fund for the Tully, ~9ashington and KatterJohn,-b. month of October 1922. ~ i On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas.. ia-r-. 1 i .. • i ,` . . ~ ... ,. . i i pp l . _. ~s,,.m~ , NaJOO~ _.. , Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 198-- ftOY~,ffi:Hd 27TH. 1922. ~'; ~ , '6, ~ i~ 1~,.,A i At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioner a' ~'~ Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kantuoky, on November 27th, 1922. Upon Dell of the • 3 ~ roll the f ollowing answered to their names: Commiasianera Peoe, Pulliam, Tully'. Washing j ' -~., ,' ` ~ ton and Mayor Katter,ohn,-b. ': ` • a,`-. ~ i On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were ; " adopted an .read upon Dell of the roll by the following vot®: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully; " " Washington and Katter,ohn,-b. I , ~4 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; "That the P,?eyor and C. W. ; $ivera & Har- :. hors Conventio ~ n Crai bee ointed dale etas to the Rivera & Harbors Convention to be held at Rashin ton g PP g g at Jashinaton. R " F. J.Katter john Y of the tri to be oharged to the Con- D. C. on Deoember fith and 6th, 192E the a ens® . ~' P A C. W. Crai g i deleaa tea ~ ~ _ tingent Fund. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Peoe, Pul]iam;, " . . ,. f Tully, Washington and Katter,ohn,-b. i Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: % move that the Reao j . ~ Resolution lution authorizin the Cit of Paduoah to ay 100.00 er month into the Count Tress- g y P ~ P y' authorizing th City to Pay to e ~ .)) ; , nry, ea its share of the cost of maintaining and operating a free 3anitoriwn for the ~ i MoCraoken Co. Fisoal Court isolation and treatment of citizens suffering with tuberoulosia, be adopted, and that ~< $]00.00 per •~ ' ~' month" to re- a o0 of said Resolution be delivered to the Count dud a for submission to the Fisoel~ "; Py y g ~ open Anti- . Tnberavlosie ~ ~ , Court of b4oCreaken County, said resolution to be s read u on the minute book after the P P ~ ' ;. Sanitoriun. j ' eooeptanae of same by the r isoel Court of P.rtoCraoken County. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoo, Pulliam, Tully and :7ashington,-4; Naya, Katter-~ • , . ~ ' john.-1• , . ~ . , ' , Sald Reaolut ion is as follows:- i - , NHrII.'s.A3: That the Anti-Tuberoulosis Sanitorium in LfoCraaken j County hsa been oloaad by the lLOOreaken Fiscal Court beoauae its mein- j, tenanoe, as a free institution, was a greater burden than the County j oould bear along -and ' 7fiIai3:A3: It is now shown that suoh pleoe, or some pleos, of •} isolation and treatment of affiliated persons is a oryinP and imperative -~ need in this City and County, and the public is demerdinP that said "RE90LUTION ~ Sanitorium be re-opened to such persons of o~rr community. ' ^ ' ' ANTI-TUB~tCULO- THa~ a..EFORE: Br: I P Rr:3~LYr:D BY TE I:AYOR i+i:D BO:+RD OF COL?lSIS5I0!~3l3 ~ _ - hh '. SIS SANITORIUM. OF fADUCAH, Zi:1~TUCKY, 1n offiotel session assembled, that if the MaCraoY,en ''iscal Court wi]1 re-oxen and orerate said Anti-Tuberenlosia • Sanitorium in ell resreota 1n aaaord with a oontraot for its operation, 1 ,,. ~ , government and control in co-operation with the City o3 Faducah, Ky,, ~ ' ~ now of record on the minutes of said MoCraoken Fisoal Court, which was • ~ duly approved and entered into in mood faith by said City of Taduoah 4 ~i .and said Fisoal Court et that time; bePinnine Deoember let, 192E, the j said City of Taduoah horeby binds and obligates itself to pay monthly ; . ., the sum of One Hundred Dollars into the County Treasury, as sr.id City i of Iaduaah'a share in tho coat of maintaininP, said free Sanitorium for the isolation and tt°eatmont oP our oitizens •aho will avail themselves of t • ~ its bonofits. i Be it further resolved that this avreement and oontraot. after its :vritten eaaeptanoe by said B'isoal Court shall have been received by' d. `the City, shall be spread upon the rrinutea of said City of Paduoah and ~; ~~ the roaords of tho Fisoal Court for a porrnenent reoord,tard that this ~` aprooment and oontraot may be terminated by either pert theroto aivina, the othor oontraoting prx ty six months offiotel notioe in writing, of svoh i G desire, and not otherwise. j N Dono at Paduoah, Kentuoky, this 27th day of ltovember, 19 29„ ; I L. A. +7AS9IlJCTON ~ ~ ~ omm as oner o u o Proper y. ADOPTr:D NOVi~.03r~t 27th, 192.2., C. W. BSLL, City Clerk, HrKVRY Ao PULLIAM ~ Published Nov. 29, 192c,' omm es over o 'n a ', or s. ~ ~~- ' Approved and aboepted by the MoCraoken Fisoal Court end spread • upon its reoorda this 27th day of -Ilovember, 1922e , ••d I MoCRACEEN FYSCAL COURT I !i (SEAL' Syo JAS. Ma LANG, CO. J'^'^~' 1° n ~ ~ i1 li ~ .. ~.. i 1' ' c' ' ~. F k E ~""^I . ,I {:' ~~~, ~. ,y W 60~ 1 .. ~ ~ ' , w i i .,~. ., <t-. { ~. ' , ., .'_ - ~ ; r- R ,:,, ,. , _. _.. _ _.._., _..s._ - -. .. fu .~'"~. I ._ Na ~e~ . ' Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah `~ - ` 192_. - Commissioner ":eahington offered the f ollowina motlon: I move that Wynn Tally. • ~'Commieaioner of Tublio Ninenoe, be, and he is hereby authorized to pay to the Fiaonl `Court of itloCraoken County Kontuoky tho sum of $100.00, whioh sum ie the amount the 01ty Aisti-Tnberculoale ; Ssnitorium to be 'of Paduaeh afrreee to pay sash month for the maintenance and up-keep of the Tuberoulo- paid 100.00 p~ month by City, cis 3anitorium, ea provided in resolution thin day adopted by the Board of Commisaion- .ers, said sum to be paid by the Commissioner of Fublio Finance on Deoembor bth, 19EE, and said payment is for the month of December 19EE. Adopted upon pall of the roll by • the following vote: Yeea, Pane, Pulliam, Tully, iYeahinaton,-4; Nays,Katter~ohn,-1. is .: ` ~ Cbmmiaeioner Fulliam offered Lhe following motion: Yeney & Johnson, Contraotore, ,,~'`` ;~ a having finished the aonstruation of an alley in Block $10 Add itian "A" Old Town City `: of Paduoeh, Kentucky. beginning at the IJOrth property line of Kertuaky Avenue, be- ' ! tween the property of the E. G, Boone Estate and the property of Frank H, Jones, and ,.• Alley ir. Block X10 Addition "A" running in a Northerly direction 173 feet 3 inches to the property belongir_g to IEetti• Old To rm , son- ~ a . strueted by C. Hale; thence at right angles to the ~.9eat property line of Second Street, by paving yanoy & Johnson, :, ~~; Contreatora, ; same with oonorete, and having complied, in all respects with the ordin£nae adopted eaeeptod, and authorizing said improvement, and hsvina, complied, in ell respects, with the terms ~:, {, ': of the eontreat entered into by and between said Contraotore and the. City of PeduOah, ~ Kentucl~, on October End, 19EE, and completed same eooordirg to the plans and speoifi- I .` ,! . cations adopted for said :cork, and no complaints having been filed, proteatinR against 3'~' I; said :cork, I move that said work for said improvement be accepted and approved. ,i.: " Adopted upon Dell of Lhe roll by the following vote: Yoae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, :Yaahington and Katterjohn,-5. Commiasion•~r Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the EnRireer'a Engineer's i:ati- '; Estimate for the aonatruotion of an alley with oonorete in Block $10 Addition "A" mate for the oonstr notion of ", Old 'town Qity of Faduoah, Kentucky, whioh catimato was filed on November 13th, 19E1:, an alloy in Block;; ' X10, .+ddition "A"~, be acoeptod end confirmed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae~ Old Town. ' Paoe, Iulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. , ' Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance en- ~~ titled, "AT1 ORD 1NANC3 iaSSF.SSIIJG TF.S f.3liTTING PROPsRTY OIJ BOTH BIDES OF AN ALLEY IN 6ssesament B]DCK $10 ADDITION "A" OLD 1'0:7T7 C]TY OF TADUCAH, KElJTJCSY, BF,GITJNIIJG AT 'PAE iJQtTA ~ Ord iranae Tor ( PROPERTY LIIJ:3 OF KBIJiUCKY AAE:NUE, B:`i "aEN THE PROP:.'RTY OF TH.w2 3. G. BOON:i :STATE AND' , ~ aonstruotion of ,~ i en alley in ,~ ~; FROP:RTY O)•' FRAIJT: H. JO1t3S, A1QD RUIJIJING IIJ A T10RTHEF.LY D.IREC'PIOId 173 FEET 3 j •~ B]ook X10 Addi- ,: tion "A" Old ` INCHIiS TO TIiE: FR OP~ITY BE:LOIJGIIJG TO I:ATTIE: C. RAZE, THE SUE! OF $E.3615 FBI ABUTTING Toum. i:, FOOT, ATJD i.SS3SSING THEI FROF~ITY ON BOTH SID33 OF SAID AZZa^Y, FRt~I! TH:: TROP HITY BE- „- ZONGIIJG TO ISA?TIz: C. AALE, AT RIGHT ANGiES TO THEI '73ST PROPERTY LIIJ:: OF SECOIJD STRF.F.T, ,,~ ; . ~ IN 'Eli: CITY OF PI:DUCAH, K::IJTUCKY, TH SL@:! OF X2.1093 I'ER ABUTTING FOOT FOR THE OON- .}. ~'~ ' f; STRUCTIOIT OF SAID AZ1,E:Y "IITH COTJCRE:T3, A8 3A0'7IJ BY TH:i EIJGIITEF.R'3 ESTII:ATE, Ea!C3'T . F +i TF.~.T EDRTION TO BE FAID FOR BY 'fHr CITY OF TADUCAA, Y^IlTUCKY. ATJD PROYID ING TART SAID ii ASSESSL'SNT I"AY B FAID FOR IIS 1'%N 3(:UAZ INST..ZZT"'$ITS, BEING OTJE :ACA Y?:AR FCR A PER- . • 1' IOD OF TETI YE.1RS," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the rol] by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Fulliam, Tully, :7sahington and Katterfohn,-5, i Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: That the special pay-roll of • Special pay- Street Department, amounting to $10.80, of employee leaving the aorviae of the City, ' roll Street Department.. be approved and the Commissioner of Fub11o Finr_nao be authorized and directed to pay , w aeme.,Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Feae, Pulliam, -~~• ; Tully, :7aehingtan end Katter~ohn,-5. '~^rTV . ~'~' i . - _ i ,,..~rPq,r~ii,ni~.~ p Rig . ~. ~ :ti - ~ +e~v~ .~-{"`.r zS "' >,: ~. - i.. iL L lu.l..l it l.. i,. :~ I n , .. .. u i . _ _ . _... v _. .x __.__.1 _ ,:~ No. l 0 2 Coffimissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192-_ r Hayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinanoe entitledy ' I'"Atd ORDINANCR D3SIGIiATIiJG THr: HOSFITi1L QUSRT'rY2S OF TtiLr CITY JAIL. IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH6 Ordinenoe desig 'noting Hospital EuarteTe of City;KLTtTUCKY, A3 A FLAC3 OF 4UARANTIN3 FOR P~tSONS WHO ARis' SUFFrIiING AITA SYPHILIS, GO7dOR- ' sail ae pleoe of Cuarantine r. y - RHEA OR CHAIr'CHOID," be adopted, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: ~:• Veneroal Die eases. '+ fl { y' ' Yesa, Paoe, Pulliam, 9ashi.r~g'Con and'%attet~ohn4-4j-Nayao.Tully,-1. i $` ~ ; ' ~ ~ - . ldayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that F. ~Y. Katterjohn, ~ ~ 7dayor, be, and he ie hereby authorized and direoted to institute a petition ex parts for' ' ~ Yeneron7 Dia- {I 1 t t t t Oi it C ti' ease Ordinanoe { our o ea i ron and on bohalf of the City of Faduonh, Kentuoky, in the LtaCraoken . validity of to. be tesQod by ~~ .the validity of "an ordinrnoe to prevent the spread of veneroal dinoasea," adopted by ~ i suit.- , {j the Board of Commissioners on July 10th, 1922, and the City Solicitor, upon direction ~ f{ from the ea id F. ~Y. ICntterjohn, Ltayor, ie hereby authorized and direoted to file said ~ auit as above set out. Adopted upon Doll of the ro]1 by the following vote: Yaea° " ~ Faae, Pulliam, idnshingtOn and Kattorjohn,-4; Nays, Tully,-1. ~ i 'L'syor to adver-.I~ Commissioner Tully offered the fol]owinq motion; I move that F. lY, Kattorjohn, tine for sale of S1de:ralk !~ ~~ Mayror, be, and he is hereby authorized and direoted to advertise the eels of South ffiint}i ,_ - Improvemont Bonds for S.'' { •i~ StreeL Sidewalk Improvement Bonds as presoribed by law, Adopted upon call of the roll .,9th' ate ,. 'I 7Jashingtoa and Katterjohn°-5. Faoe Fulllam Tu11y by the following vot®: Yeas ' , J , , , , Commissions; Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that J. Li. Cross be ! ; J. LG.Creae al u ellowed X6.10 for damage to automobile, on eoaount of running into defeotive oulvert, lowed x`6.10 aemagea.to aut0aj ,and.that the Commissioner of Finanoe is hereby authorized to pay same and charge to mobile. NN ~ ~ ' Street fund. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam,, r Tully, ;7ashington and Katterjohn,-b. On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeea,' ~~ Feoe, PuT71em, Tully, iYashington and Katterjohn°-b. ~ ~ . r--. .. E u , ( i ~ D:9CF;fF.B~i 1. 1922. { ~~ ~. i ~ Ate Called ideating of the Board of Commissionors; held in the Commiasionera° ~ I ! Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on December lot, 1922, at 12:10 o'c7ook i ~ ~ - j ; A. Li, Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners, 1 ' , ~ Pulliam, Tully and :Yashington,-3. Ltayor Katterjohn being absent from the City, idayor F : ~ i i f Fro Tem 'Aaehington presided, I i ' ' w Ltayor Fro Tem ~9ashington stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For the purpose of i[ P allowing special paq-roil for Serrer Diatriot i~3, eaaount of "Foroe Aaaonnt" 3B-3C, and • it I~ any other business that might some Before the Board. u. Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: That the apeoial pay-roll, , i 1, Speaisl.pay-rol. {{ ~ amounting to :~85.67.for "Foroe Aaoo~mt" work on BB-3C Sewer Diatriot, be approved and ' Foroe Aaoount' 3B-3C Sewer ~+ , ~ the Coromisaioner of Iublio Finance authorized and inatruoted to pay same and charge Diatriot ;~3, ` ~ ' ~ N, against 3rd Diatriot Sewer Fnnde Adopted upon sail of the roll by the following vote: ~ . iIi - I{ Yeas, Fulliam, .Tully and ~Yashington,-3. , ~ ~ ~~ ,.. On motion the Board adjourned upom sell :,of she roll by B yeas. fi. :~ I ~ •~~ :` :I ~ '. 1 9 • i "~ i Y ,' . ~.f ;. ~[ ~, i ~. r , ~,,~m~ Commissioners' Prooeedtn6re; City o4 Paduoah 192.0 D:~R1.fIIl~t 4TR. 19i:E. f , . ~ At a Regular Mooting of the Hoard of Oommieaionere, held in the Oommieeionare° ,' Chamber in the Oity Rall, Paduoah, 7:entuoky, on Daoombar 6th, 19E>:, Upon Dell of the t ~ roll the f o23owing anowerod to their names: Commi9eionere Pnoa, Pulliam, Tully and it 1 :~ '~4sahington,-41 Mayor 7:atLer~ohn being out of the City. ldeyor Fro Tem ;Yaehington pre- aided. - !~ On motion of Commieeionor Fulliam the minutes of the prevlova meetings were .. `~ !i adopted ea read .upon Dell of the roll by the followinq vote; Yeae, Paoe, Pulliam, j .k! ,j '. ~ "; Tully and ;4aehington,-4. _.. ;`1 , " ~` Oommiaeioner Tully offorod the following motion; It appearing that 8. Y.. Rnl ;' ~, ~' pnid an nutomobile lioenao $1631 in tho sum o.i ;jb,00 from January let, whop it should 3 S.X.!Ynle rs- Ij + funded q~8.G0 ;! have boon ,~P..bO from July let to Deoombor 31st, I mono that tho sum"of ~>:.EO bs;re+ ; . - pe-id on Auto- ,~ ~`1b31o Linonse j~ funded to him. Adopted upon Doll of the roll by tho Yollowing vote: Yeas, Jnae,i~ullia 4 Tully nrd ',Yeshington,-4. - I: ~i Oommieaioner Tul]y ofYorod tho following motion: I move that oommuniaation 1:nrwiok,Mitohell,' from }.'arwiok, 1,".1*.oholl & Co., dooountanta and AuBltora of 8t. Louie, hto. be reoeived ~"• & Co., to audit ~ and filed and that thoy be employed, in aooordanoe with the terms set out in their ~ " nooounte of ~ . City oY lnduoah. letter, to make an audit of tho aooounts oY tho City of Paduoah for the year 19EE. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Peoe, Pulliam, Tully and ~":,.j ' .# (; ~Yashington,-I{. I! Commissioner }Yaohington' offered the following motion: I move that the Oity ' ': of Paduoah apl:ropriate $60.00 to purohaao Red Orosa Saela, and that~the flommiaeloner Rod Cross Sea18 ,~ of I°ublio P'inanoe be lnatruoted to iasuo ohaok to Ltiae Sarah w. Dook, Chairman of the 1 ' ,^ };urohnaod to d amount of yb0.00; MoCrnokon Oounty Publia Renlth Leaftue for the amount oY "60.00, and that same be g ...~ ~i ':; oharged to hiieoellaneous Charitioa. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following voto: Yeaa, Pnoe, Fulliam, Tully amt :4nehinRton,-4. y ` i~ Commissionor Tully offered the following motion; The South Ninth Street Sidewa]k Improromont Bonds, Sories V., totaling ~E616,79 hnvinR been advertised Yor South Ninth Street sidownik ~ aaleo na roquirod by law,. and no bids for same havinrt been resolved, Imova that the Iv>?~r ovemei+t bonls do]ivored °' Oommiasioner of lublio F'lnanoe be authotized and direotod to dolivor theao bondo to to Reynolds i Aroa, i Reynolds Brothers, Contraotora, for said improvement. Adopted upon onll of the roll by tho Yollowing vote: Yeaa, Peoe, Pulliam, Tully and !Yaehingtan,-4.' I' " h Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion: The sum oY ~37.b0 honing • is " Cemetery deed ! been paid into the Treasury, ns enidenoed by the reoeipt Piled herewith, I mono that-- ' to Oaoar Bryant.;, deed be exeouted to Osoar Bryant for Lot •~G4, B]ook i~2, on the North side of Haker ii Street, between Ford A Hannan 9tr~eta in Onk Grovo Oametory. Adopted upon ball of the. ` jl roll by the following vote: Yaae, Peoe, Pulileun, Tully and ',Ynehington,-4. • jj Oommieaioner Tully offorod the followinq motion; 'Phe 9:un of $37.60 hnning ~i, boon paid. into the Treasury, ea evidenood by the reoeipt filed herewith, I move that Comotary deed ;i deed be exeouted to A'. }.'., Horde. for Lot X44, Blook ~4, on the North aide of Ford " ~ to F. St,Herde. ~ Street, bet:veen Hank &Chamblin Streets, in Onk Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dell i; i' of the ro]1 by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Paoe,Fulllam,Tully and `.7ashington,-4. j t Commissioner Tully offered the followinq motion: The sum of X37.60 haninR ~~ i. been paid Into the Treasury, se evidenoed by the reoeipt filed harowith, Imone that Cemetery dood to Floronoe '' deed be exeouted to Florenoe Diokarson for lot X42. Book ~4, on the North aide of Diokorson. `! ' Chamblin Street, bet•.veen Ford & Hannan Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon, ;, Dell of the roll by Lhe followink vote: Yeas, Paoe, Fu111am,Tully and ;4ashin gton,-4. " ~+ Si far is ,~y'- ., _..__-__.._..v..._-_. ___. ,._..~..----......_.. _...~._...._~._...._....,,. .- "' . . ". .._ ~-s ;. .: », ,~ ,~a:.gases,~,,~srxrz~-'!:^M;°^a~a.::~q",~,.'~,",;;r..rx~° ~v„ ;~..;. !~~*.,~„~.~~'°> . :.~~ .. "'`SF?'g^F"~'w?!Y,=.',T:i y~M14'T~i ~•'- .. -.. ... 2' :h K.:. ~2. W..'.i~jtF ~, ,::~~~pR.-,,,,.I ~ ~n I~...p,II?~gl:~,l.uo- ~nn,~ri,III~ -•..._.I>..- Ip~ ~,I~III ~I` q ~~r ~~. I air -:r qfr ~ I ,~.iwz.6li s ~'" ,., mY ~ "~e~" ~. "1 ~ .,...,. ~_.~, 5 ' i'~. ~llm,~ y~' ,.I~ vll ~ I i~ ~~ .s ~ t ~ ~,r ~ a ,~{ - ,i .„ i :~ Oometory Doed Lo Rinok lteni- too. Oamotery deed to J. T.Sledd. Etonthly Eati- .,mate ~4 E.R. =Rarding Co., for Dietriot 3A Sewer Dlat. ~3. 'f' lSonthlq ~eti- mate ,fib E.R. Herding Co., Dietriot 38-3C '' Seger Dietriot #3. ' R.H.Faoe dis- ~ohargod as nn 'extra patrol- man. Jemoa :4hitled~ appointed as an extra pa- trolman. Report Chi'ef'o Folios for November 19EE. `Reg ort Chlof of Fire Dopt, for November' 1922. Spooiel pay- roll Street Department. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ ... _ Commissioner Tully offered the fo]]owina motion; The aum of ~G0.00 hnvina been paid into the Treasury, ao evidonood by the reoolp~: filed herewith, Y move that deed be exoonted to lilnok b'.onifoo for Lot ~3, D]ook ~3 on the 'lost oldo of ITannan Street, bo- j twoen f+ill]or & }(nnk streoto in Oak 6rovo Oomotory, Adopted ug+on onl] of the rot] by ~ ~ the fol]o~aing vo~ts: Yoao, Paoe, Puilinm, Tu17y and ti4aohington,-d. Commissioner Tully offered the fol]owinq motion; The aum of $G0.00 having boon paid into the Troaavey, as ovidenood by the reooipt filed herewith, I move that deed bsj i oxeoutod to J. T. S]edd for Lot ~4, Aloak ~3, on the South aide of Hannan Street, be- tweon.Ranx & E;illor Stroete in Onk Orove Comotor y. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the fo]loaring vote; Yeae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and ~4ashington,-d, I Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that 1!onthly :somata No. 4 for trunk line ae;ver oonatruotion of Dietriot BA be epproved, and that E. R. Harding Company be_allo~rvod X18,689.61 on acid Eetimnte, and thnt same be oharaed to 3rd Dietriot Sewer Fund. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the fol]owin(c veto; Yeaa, Peoe, f Pullinm, Tully, 'Nnahington,-4. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Y move that Pdonthly :;somata k No. b for trunk lino sever oonatruotion of Diatriat 3B-3C b® npproved, and that i. R. i. ` Harding Company be alleged .~y20,329.88 on acid Estimate, std that anme be oharge~ to - +' 3rd Dietriot Sewer Fund. Adopted upon Dell of the roll.by the following vote; Yosa, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully and "lashington,-4, ~ , Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion; I movo that H, H. Faso bo dig- II oharged as an eztrn patrolman. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; ~ %eas, Paao, Pu)]iam, Tu13y and :4nahinRton,-4. Commissioner Paoo offered the following motioni I move that James t4hitlodae be eppointed ~ i ea nn extra patrolman, to take effeot upon exeouting the proper bond. Adopted upon ~ Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe, Fu131am,Tully and '4aehinpton,-4. ~•; Commissioner Paae offered the following motion; 'I move -that the report of the Chi of of Io71oe for the month of November 1922, ba reoeived and f31ed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by Lhe following vote: Yeea,.Po.oe, Pulliam, Tully end '+4eshtn~rton,-4,.~ t Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion; I move that the report of the j1 J Chief of the 1''ire Department for the month of November 192E be roaeived and filed. ~ '. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully and ~i Waehtngton,-4. !" Commiae.ionor Fulliam offered the following, motion; That the apeoial pay roll of i 1 8troot llop~tmont. nmoimtinq to ~E.70, ba npproved atxl the Oommieeioner of Fub]io i. i Finanoe be'-authorised and inetruoted to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the rol] by the ji fo.ilowing vote; Yesa, Taos, Fulliam, Tully and ~4ashinaton,-4. II i On motion the Board adjourn®d upon Deli of the roll by 4 yeas, i ~., u AdeiRle~1 ~'~ 11 if ~, . '. .. 1 .. .. t ` . ,. li ` ~ i i y - ;;„w; 1 g~• 9 ~.. I `"'~~ .~ ;,~~~,~ { i { •3 `:. ; ;~: s,i.. - ~~'_ -i i w~,.,~ ~'~ -~~~ / ~ ' Sy' ;.:) .. :.,; '.:. ~ .r:i: ^. ;}"F4::':~ h:. " Y ..:'. A.tiyl+ ~ s.. i.ae.. r-n .~ re... « w .w. k..n k. - 1 ',• - - - `~,, 7 ~..~~..~ ~,.,~ ., No.-~:; , Cotnmissionere'. Proceedings; City `of `'Paducah", '• 192_r i D::C:l:iBl? 5TH. 1922. At s Called liseting of the Board of Commiasionore held n~ h ' ~~, i t e Commissioners ~•Chamber in the City Ha11, Paduoah, Kerauoky, on Deoember bth, 1922, ,at 3:45 o'elool[ P. M. Upon sell of the roll the following answered to their- names; Commissioners ' } - _. iPulliam, Tully and ~Yashington,-3; Idayor Katter~ohn being out of the City, Mayor Fro •• ` ~iTem :YashinRton presided. •p 5 Mayor Pro Tem :7aahington stated reasons for oall to-wit; For the purpose of allow- .~ . king pay rolls for the lest half of Iovember, and arty other business that might Dome ~,i before the Board. • ~ Commissioner Tully offered the Po11o{ving motion; I move that the aoaounta Por the , I; Aooounta for ,;;last half of the month oP November, amounting to $1474b.87, be ellowe3 and ordered las-t half oP ~~ November 1922. ;paid and the money appropriated from the General b'und to"pay same. Ad opted upon Dell • 'of the ro],1 by the followin note: Yeas Pulliam Tull and ~Jeahina .~ ` ~i g . . Y ton.-3. Commissioner Tully offered the Following motion: I moan that the eooounta for ~~ ~tho last help oP the month oP November, for the 3d Dietriot Sewer, as fol]owe; ~~ bnoounta Tor ~~ Pay Roll.................... ~~ ...$678.17 i lest half oP i! Aooounta ...................... 217.49, a total of $89b.66, bs _., Idovomber 19 22 ~: Sewer Distriot '!allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner oP Publio Finarpe he authorized and in- ~3. ~,atruoted to dra:v ohedka against the ho. 3 Distriot Sever Fund Aaoount to pay same. ~ #.: iildoptod upon Dell of the roll by the fol]owinP, vote; Yeas,Pu111am,TiII]y and 7Jaehing i,; ;.ton,-3. 1 . 'i ~~ ~~ . Commissioner Tully offered the follo~.ving motion; I move that the report oP the n y „', Report Com'r. ?Commissioner oP Publio Finanoo for the month of Aovember 1922. be reoeived, filed and { Publio Finanoo r'or Novombor ', order „d publishod in the oPfioia] newspaper, Adopted. upon oal7 of the roll by the ' 1922. ;following veto: Yeae, Pulliam, Tu]ly and lYashir:gton,-3. ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report oP the ,~ , Report Com'r, ~Commiasioner oP Publio Finanoo of the 3d D.istriot Sever Fund Aooount Por the month of ~,, I'ub11o Flnanoe; for Novombor !,Novombor be reoeived, files ani oniered publishod in the ofPioiel newspaper. Adopted 1922 Sower Distriot ,~3 ;,'upon oall of the ro]1 by the following vote: Yeas, Pu]liam, Tu11y and ;Yeahington,-3. ,,°~-, . ~' Commissioner 'Fully offered the Following motion: I move that the bill of i , Illtnois Con- ?the Illinois Central Railroad Company, emountinr! to yb4.OO, for oar of Deal, be allowed tru} I?ailroad Com~~any"bill ".and ordered paid and"ohaxgod to liiverside Ho apital. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by of w59.U0 al- ]o:vod, ',the Following vote; Yeas, Pulliam, Tully and :Yashington,=3. ~ ' Commissioner Tully offered the Pol]owing motion: GeorSe Jr?, Oehlaohlaeger hcving P[nishod the duties Par whioh ho hea boon temporarily employed in the Department. Goo. A:.Oohl- aoh]aorer peid''of Publio Finanoo, I move that the sum of :~P.0.1G be a]lowe9 him Por sorvia'ea to date. ;;;20.1G uorvioee to date. ;Adopted upon oall of the rol] by the following vote: Yeas, Pulliam, Tully and '7aehinq- On motion the Board ad ~ournod upon aa] 1 of the ro71 by 3 yeas. ;, ' ' 19 ~. . ~~~~• DbxFa.'IDr]? 114'H. 1922. ~, 4; dt a Regular Meeting of the Board oP Commieaionere, held in the Commissioners' '; Chamber in the City Hesll, haduash, Kentuoky, on Deoember 11th, 1922. Upon oall of the roll the following answered to their names: Conaniseionera Peoe, Fullierti, Tully, .i ;7ashington and &sttor~ohn,-b. On motion of dommiasioner Tally '. he minutes of the previous meetings were '~ ~' ,~ adopted, as read, upon Dell of the roll by the f ol]owing vote: Yeea, Faoe, Tullien, h '; ii . ~ ' ~.~ 1 ^„tia~'S~F,~„•.~c,. ~>,:ar*t l..~r-,.:~fi'' uF ~x,::.a~w~ P?w,ro°" w~..W'': Commissioners' Proceedings,' City of. Paducah, 192__ __ . _ 'Tully, ~7nshington and Katter~ohn,-b. ii ~ ( k4. Mayor Katteirjohn offered the following motion: Y movo that the expenses incurred ' ~`- j~ i Expenses of ~by F. .9. Katter'ohn and C. '~7. Craig, delegates to the Rivers and Harbors Congress at r'. ~7.r:attor~ohn a . and C. ,9. Craig, j]:veshington, D• C., on December Gth, 7th and 8th, 1922, amounting to $240.84, ns shown by Rivera & Harborer, Con~tress at !itemized statement hereto attached, be.allowed.and ordered paid, and charged to the i s 7lashinaton,D.C. ~ I~I ~~~-~ ~ " allowed. Contingent Fund. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the fallowing vote; Yeas, race, 4 i ; iirulliam, TnI]y, iashington and Katter~ohn,-6. ~ i RoT,ort of Com'r~ Oomr^iseloner Tully offered the following motion: 8 movo that the report of of Iublio Finer de ' Sale of Del in- !the Commissioner of Yvblio 1'inanoe, with reference to the sale of the delinquent tea ~ , querit Ta= bills G ; ~billa, be received, filed and cpproved. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the f ollowina~ ' ~~vote: Yeas, Yeoe, Pulliam," Tully, +9shington and Kmtter,ohn,-5. ~ `f Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; Th® sum of ;50.00 having been I "` halt or Cereal tendered together with application for I~ia1t or Oereal Beverage license, Y move that ~~ Bevoreae lioona~ ; - • granted to Roy +~lioense to Dell i'm3t or Cereal Beverages, or any admixtures thereof, be granted to Roy .i, Rudolph at 1310 Harrisam hRudolph at X1301 Harrison Street for n period of eiz months, Prom July let, to Dooem- St. ~ber .31st, inclusive. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Feoe, I ~pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katter,ohn,-b. ~~ Commissioner Tull offered the followin motion: Yt a ~~ ~". y g ppearing that there is a ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ . g Schools ~277.02f~due the Schools the sum. of X277.02 from the tax oollcotions~to Dea. 9th, I move that iti s; due from tax I.aol7eotions to nbe allowed .and ordered paid and the money npprorriatad from the General Fund to pay Deo.9,1922. I~ ~jeome. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tul]y,i Y~Yashington and Y.atter~ohn,-b. ' i! i , • I' Commissioner ~Ysahington offered the following motion: I move that the ;Super Reports Supt. ~ ~ Riverside Hos- `~intendents' Roper: of P.iverside Hospital, showing the expenditures for the Hospital a ;' pital, Patients ~~ I ., '~ ~and Laboratory,]+during the month of Novsmber 1922, toocther with the 1"atiente Rorort and laboratory ~. ~ for Nov. ,1922. ~? ~ ~ ~ liReport for ilovembAr 1922, be received:and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the ~ 1L1j° ~;! ~ following vote: Yeas, Faoo, Tuilinm, Tully, t4aahington and Ke.tterjohr~,-5. ~ , . ~. ry ~ Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: I movo that F. W. Katter- Contract betn. ~ john, Einyor, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract dated ~ - '' N.C.& St.l.Ry.' ~ ~ -and City of ~ December 11th, 1922, for and on behalf of the City of I'eduoah, Kentucky, between the i, raduoah, right ~ '>.of way for 3rd ~ Nashville, Chattanoo~ and St."louts Railway and the City of Taduaah, Kentucky, wherein; District Trunk ii ~ ~ " line Sower. i~ snid Railroad Company itrnnta a right of way or easement to the City of Paducah, Ken- j . tuoky, for the oonatruotion of trunk line sewers along aril tmdor said Railroad Companyee iI'I i ~lproporty. Adopted upon cail of the roll by the following vote; Yoae, race, ]"u111am, Tully, ~Yashington and Katterjohn,-b. H Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That Speoia 1.Pay-roll of ~ . ~a ~ ~ ~ ,Speaiel rag roix!Street Department, amounting to X20.90 for employee omitted by error from the payroll ~ Street Depart A,' r•mente, ~ for the ]est.half of I:ovember, be approaed and the Commissioner of Public Finance ~ ". !(authorized and instructed to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following, ~ . vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pullir~n, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn,-5. On motion the Board adjourned neon omll of the roll by 5 yeas.. ~ ~ ~ j; j. . .. - k ~.. fl - . I ='~ RG ~ :wJ.3 j ~ Aiegfsi ~4c...1~ ~ 19~ :,. ., _..... a~ -~3 ~"`"~'_` ' .. ~ .. ' '... ". '. ` .. f y .. .. . ,. ~~ ~ ~ .. `' i ~ `'. ,. p.. ., ,. ` d'a?3,5 r .: ,. .. c -.4.ai•a ~ .s:r~ ., .. n. ...,~ .. p.,.~mc. r.~. .,.. , . .., .. ~. • t ',. ..~ ...oua... ~a..w. s.YV..--•- i.r...~ u. ~. ~Y-i ~..,. ~.~~ ~, 6t a Regular A.4esting of the Board oP Commisaionere~ held in the Oommieeioners' ~ , ''Chamber in the City Ra11, Yaduoah. Kentucky, on December 18th 19EE. Upon oe1] oP the ~~ •- roll the following answered to thou names: Commieaionere Pace, Pulliam, Tu11y, I9ash- ~ . '~ ington and Meypr-Katter~ohn,-5. R ', ~On motion oP Commissioner Tally the minutes of the previous meetitlge were j adopted as road upon cell of the roll by the followingz vote; Yeas, Feoe, Pulliam, Tully, l9eshington and Katter'ohn,-b. ' l Mayor Ketter3ohn:oPfered the following motion: I move that the aommuniaation Volunteers of C from The volunteers oP Amerioe, dated December 15th, 1922, be reoelved end Piled. dmariaa Communi- cation. i!Adorted upon call of the ro]1 by the following vote: Yeea, Faoe, Pulliam, Tally, ' :7ashington and Katter~ohn,-5. ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report oP •. Report Com'r.Fub-! the Commissioner of Publia Finance, showing the Apportionment,.the amounts ezpetded lio Finenoe, ahowinq dpportion' and the balanoea to the credit oP the varloua eooounta under the different departments merit &a. to Ilov. ! ` • 30, 192. i; at the end oP ilovembor, 19E2, be reoelved and Piled. Adopted upon cell oP'the roll by • " the Pollowing vote: Yeas, Peae, Pulliam, Tully, I9ashington and Katterfohn,-S. '~ Commiasioner Tully oPPered~the following motion: It appearing that there le ~~`, .f.' Sohoola paid dne the Schools the sum of $74.93 from the tax aolleationa to Deo. 16th, I move that X74.93 due Prom ~# .tax ool]ectiona it be ello:ved and ordered paid end the money appropriated Prom the General Fend to pny ,.~., to Doa. 1Gth, same. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, >: ; Tully, :7ashington and Katter~ohn,-5. ;; Commissioner Peae was excused from the Aleeting. it ' it Commissioner Pulliam o.Pfered the Pollowing motion: I move that the Commie- Street Pey-rolls "~ sinner oP Public Finenoe be authorized and directed to pay the Street Pay-ro]Ie. for Por 1st ha1P of ": Deoembor 19EE~ ~ the fir at ha]f oP the month of December 1922,. amounting to~`741.19, and ~43E.97, a el lowed and p ordered paid. !i tote] of o"504.16, and charge anme to the Street ~+ooount. Adopted upon onll of the roll by the Pollowing vote: Yeas, Pulliam, Tv]ly, vleahington and Katter~ohn,-8. Commissioner Paoe re-entered the iSeeting. , Commissioner ~7ashington oPPered the following motion; I move that the lease lease between City of Faduoah dated November 17th, 192E, entered into by and between the City of Faduoah, Kentuai<y~ .and J. "'.Jeffords property et 17Fi6 by Z. A. ".'sshington, Commissioner oP Public Property, and J. ~. Jeffords, whereby " A'edison St. , known as SohaPfer;; the City of Peduoah leeaoe to J, :9.~Jefforda, the proport known ea the Schaffer pro- . p2'Ur.erty, h " potty, located at X1766 Madison Street, for the period oP Pour months from November 17th, 1922, be received, filed, approvod and recorded. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the Pollowing vote: Yeas, Faae, Pulliam, Tu11y,.:9ashington snd Katter~ohn,-5, i. iSayor Katter~ohn offered the Pollowing motion; I move that the Commissioner - of Iublio Finenoe be, and he is horeby authorized end directed to pay the ~udpmenE, Judamont and costa in notion of amounting to the slur. of iW100.00, rendored in the notion oP Benlah Johnson va. City of ' Boulah Johnson vs. City allowed Peduaah, to Reed & Burns, Attorneys of Record, upon the oxoaution of the prop er re- and ordered paid.', , ~, oeipt prepared b;+ the City Solicitor, which case ^ves tried at the November Term oP I the McCracken Circuit Court 19EE, and the Commissioner oP Fublio Finenoe is also ~~ authorized and directed to pay to :9, C. Seaton, Clork, the sum of X38.46, costa incurred in the above-styled eation, and that s^me ho oharaod to Costa end Snits. `',Adopted upon gall of the roll by the following vote: Yees, Paoe, Tulliam, Tully end ' :9ashington,-4; Nave, Katter john,-1. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the Commissioner L'an employed ~ oP Publia Finenoe be authorized and dirooted to emp]oy a men temporarily for the pur- temporarily for _ help in colleo- ~; pose of helping with the oolleotiona oP delinquent lioenae, et a rate of ~salery not to ; ., tions of delin- quer,t licensee. p ~~. t t ..._ ~~ ~,:;,~~ ~~ e~ -,. ~.. ;~~~~ ~ -.n i rn~, mn m u,~ n r r~i -ni~rrn ~ , ;~ao«ri m; uo~. ~, u i wn ~ i it- _ r ~a.._ rc.m...._ ~~ .~ to eaoeed x`110.00 per month. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the followirq vote:: . ' ~ a Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, 1°ully, Weahinaton and Katterjohn,-b. .. ', On motion. the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. ~ ti ~/~ pp ~ AY•L'L'i~ aClO 19~ ;s+ ia~ ~ ~ „r i t,r - efy ee.k' is - •. i .:. ~ ~ DECEY:B,~. t 20TR. 1922. ~ 3 At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' ~ ' ' ~ Ohombor in the City Hell, Faduoeh, Kentucky, on December 20th, 1922, at ll:0b A. M. ~ . ~ Upon onll of the roll the following anataered to their names: Commissioners Paoe,, f Pulliam, Tully and S9aehington° ldayor lattorjohn being out of the Oity, idayor Pro Tem .~ '' ~ , NnahinRton presided. Mayor Pro Tem t9ashington stated masons for gall to-wit: For the puri~ose of allow-' ~ •ing pay-rolls for the first half of December, and any other businosa that might Dome ~~ ~ before the Board, _ r ~ ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Parr-roll for y Roport Com'r.of ( the first half of the month of December, 1922, amounting to ;^r6392,E8, as per the report { ',.~ t Public Finnnos ~ ,, , .: ' of pnq-roll fate of the Commioaionor of Public b'inanoo filed heroroith, Ae allotted and ordered paid and , ~~' ' ' ~l~t half Deo. ~~ { ,' the monoy appropriatod from the 0oneral Fund to pay eamo. Adopted upon Dell of the i ~,. ~ roll by tho following vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam. Tully and 7sahington,-4. ~~ , s ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: E move that the pay-roll for Pay-ro1]e Sower ~ +' ~ District i~3 the first half of the month of Dooember, 1922° for the 3d District Sewer... for first ha 1$ ~. of Dgoembere ~ Pay-roll.. ..~719.29 ~ ` , e+•..s..O1.••. " " ., 31.60 ' " " ' ` :' `' ` . ..............< 2b.60 i Cash for stamps........... b.00, a total of ~fi781.49, b® allow-, rt - ! ed and ordered paid and the Cmmmiaaionor of Fnblic Finance be authorized and instructed: " . ~ to dpay checks aP-ainst the No. 3 District Sewer Fvnd Aooovnt to pay same. Adopted upon=' . I. ;' h ~ , call of tho roll by the following vot®: Yeas, Pnoe° Pulliam, Tully and ~eahington°-4. ~~ 1 ~ On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 peas. , ~~~3 %~ ~ , rk Ci ~ CE e~w~ + q , ..o- ~ ~{ ASTE7 .u . DECi~uB:li 26TR. 1922. ~ , d As the Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners poonired~on December 2bth j c`- ' ~~ and Christmas Daq, no meeting was held, but a Called ideating was had to transao$ the ~. ; :?eguler business on December 26th, 1922, at 2:ib 0,clock P. M. in the Commissioners ! ~ .t Chamber in,~the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky. l7pon Dell of the roll the following ,' it ' answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Pulliam, Tally, 7ashinrton and i:ayor ~ Katterjohn~-5. - ~ ~ ~~ On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutsa of the previona meetings were i °`' ~ adopted as read upon call of tho roll by the following vote: Yeea° Paoe, Pulliam, ~' Tully, ;9ashinaton and Katterjohn,-6. ' ' i""° ` I! a! Commissioner Tnlly offered the fo73owinR. motion: The avm of X50>00 bath '~' !i , l having been deposited .tith the Commissioner oY Fnhlio Finance ant a verbal apnlieetion i Malt or Cereal ~ Beverage daaense granted to:- having been made for idalt or Cereal l3evereae licena®, Y move that 4he money be re- j ' M.L. Magary, Snyder & Tilson oeived and license to sell i?alt or Cereal Beveraf!ea, or any admiatures thereof, be (! - ~ ard Brother - ' granted to L'. b. Magary. Snyder & iPilson and Brother Hayes, from Jnly let to December HayeaJ ~„ ~ - 31st,-inclusive, 1922, Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ~ ' -. Paoe, Pulliam, ~TuI]y. 79ashingt:on and Katterjohn,-b. ' _ " 1 :`~ i ~ .. , .- ~~ ~ ~ r. . l 1 ~. ~••„ ~I w_u«~dJ , E ~~ r y .. ~. -n.~ ., . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah , ~ " ` ' 192: -~ ..... Na~ , ' i .' _ _ _ __ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; 'It appearing that the City of Paduook. is indebted to Yanoy & Johnson for 5.atimate X13, Block ~10~ Addition "A" 9.78 z Ynnoy & ohnaon el]oned ~y23.02 for. 11.4E feet, interaeotion oY allay at $E.361b per running foot, a total of ~E3.OE for interaeotion of alley in Block Lhe oonetruotion of alley between $eoond & Third. Streets end Broadway and Kentuoky X10 AdCition "A", e'lloy betn. ': Avenue, I move that said amount be allowed and ordored paid and aharaod to Streets Y.y, Avo. & 2nd St. for eooount of New Conatruotion. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the fol7owinG vole; ~ ~ Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, 17ashingtor. and Ketter~ohn,-S. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that C« C. Rose, C.C.Rose, ~ George ES. Oehlsohlaeger and Bruoe h. Philley be appointed ea memhera of the Board of Goo.5i.0ehIsohlae-i' nor and Bruce 1I. :-:qualization for the year 1923. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Philloy, membora Board of isquali- ', Yeas, Paoe, Tully, ;7ashington and Kattor,ohn,-4; Naya, Pulliam,-l. nation for 1923> ti Commissioner Pulliam offerod the following motion; That the Street Departs Lemo I'u]e in a mont be authorized and instruotod to sell a lame mule for $50:00. Adopted upon Dell ' Street Dopt, to be sold for oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Feoe, Pulliam, Tully, ~leahirgton and Katter- y50.00. '~ john,-5. ;~;. On motion the Board ed~ourned upon oall of the roll by b yeas. ~ toil ---~19 ~ ~ • k aii~ '~_~ :iY.tii°R~3~~3t1 ~~ .......r+.."~•`..... Cit. CM+~'k ~+~~~~ DsRI~1~t E9TH. 19EE. (j AL s OalleB Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiseioners° ~I Chamber in the City Haii, Faduoah, Kentnoky, oa Deoember 29th, 19 EE, at 8:00 o°81oak , ~, P. M. Upon Dail of the roll the following answered Lo their names: Commissioners , ':'. Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Katter~ohn,-5. ~ • ~' Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for dell to-wit; For the pmrpoae of paeainR the '. 19E3 Lioenee Ordinanoe, and any other business that might Dome before the Board. ~ , Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move Lhat nn ordinenoe an- t ! titled, "AN ORDINANC.'+. FIRING AND REGULATING TR? LIC?,ttSE TAXES. AND !"ANN?Ct AND FORL! OF~ is is GRANTING AND ISSUING SAP.'? ON TAE Y'9IOUS LIN_°.S OF BiIS11v?SS3S; OCCUI'ATION9, PROF33SIOHS LIC'+..A' `33 ORDI~ NANC's' FOR 19E3. ; TRADES AND CALLINGS IN TIiF CITY nF PADUCAH, KFdaT°JCYY, AND I'ROVID ING Px..l"tALTIES FOR NOA- PAYM3:NT THs.RFAF, AND FOR V'I07.1TION TH::RiOF, AND iV+P.iNG IT UNLA'9FUL TO ENGAG? IN ANY 1' SUCH LINr.S OF BUSINsSS13S, OCCUPATIONS, PROFESSIONS, TRADES AIID CALLINGS WITAOUT'FIRST ± FAYING TH.'i LICsNSE TA% ANll PROCURING LIC~S3ES A3 PROVIDE H..~REIN," be adopted. ~~ Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Faoe, Pulliam. Tully, Washington and Katter~ohn,-b. Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommnnioation W.P.Hummel Commn- from 9. P. Hummel, in regard to bond for the Cumberland Telephone a Telegraph Rompany t nioation relative Cumberland Tele- for One Thousand Dollars. to Guarantee replaoemsnt o± exoavntion made in streets-and phone ~ Tel. Co. regarding stroet sidewalks, be reoeived erd filed; end that the Bold enoloaed, ezeovLed by the Rwaber- exoavations, 80. and bond wit h land Telephone A Telegraph Company. with the Fidelity & Deposit Company of ~larylard, Fidelity & Depos- it Company, ea ee Surety, be reoeived, filed and reoorded. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Sm sty, Yollowing vote: Yeea, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and 8atteT~ohn,-5. ~. aommiesioner ]Inehington affered the following motion: I move that F. W. Katter- •' Citizens Meeting Sohn, Mayor, be, and he ie hereby authorized and dlreoted to eat aside one day in to be held witb. Januar Yor the City OYfioiele y Purpoaa of oalling.toaether pertain oitizene ai Paduoah, Kemuoky, in January 1923,; Lo d.isouea and outline plans for the operation of the City Government for the year 1923, and Yor the purpose of offeriria the oltizena of Padnoah an opportunity to enter into a disousaion in regard to the City Affairs, and to make anageations in re~eard to' i "„'S3r'~,R~'~,'°s . ,w ~ a!a';'Y ' ~.~F>:'~F'^7S'"' , "'".s°er";?"7' l +e , . ... .v .. ~ '~'a`o+°.t'.X33 1: Tf 1:,,'T'r .,~ ~ ~ ~.... ~. ~ ,~ ~ ~„~ ~ z . _ .~~ .~~ .: r':~ R 3 Q~ , r'X ^"^ . ywM173... * ~Ph~'" ~ .....: 4., f .+pau+w: , i ;, .~ a -. ;~ ~ ~ ~ r ... I S. ~ ~ i j ~. ,, ct +A aw ..,. `;~ . 'Citizen6 ~teet- 'wii Atthse City ;~Offioials in January 19138, U y'ssd Anflereoa~ s Ogler' ohange4. i ",~ • ~~ Commissioners° Proceedings, City of Paducah 192 eaonomioelly operating the City Government; am , I further move that the Mayor notify the Rotary Cinb, Retail Merchants Aaeoola- Lion, 1,loaa Olub, Ezohange 01ub, Romano Clnb, Paduoeh 8oar4 of Trade, American aeRion, fi i Professional Business t4omens Olnb, Oentrai 7.abor t)nion and the ?.~iniaterial Aeeooiatian i to arpotnt one member eaoh from their organization Lo meet with the officials of the i{ i Oity of Padnaeh, Kentucky, on the day so named br the Mayor for that purpoee; ard, i d further move that the Mayor appoint two members from the citizens at larR_e Lo be present at acid meeting so designated. Said meeting to be held in the Corimiseioners° Chamber in the City Hall on the date to. be set by the Mayor. The object oY the meeting . . is to discuss generally plane for operating the Oity Government in nn efficient end i, eoonomioel.manner, and for the.purpoae of planning ani disonseing the making of im- !, i provements generally in the City of Pednoah, and for the purpose of discussing the general welfare of the citizens of this City. Adopted; upon call of the roll by the i following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tally, t9ashington e:d Katterjohn,-b. i Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Thal the salary of Frefl Ander- son be changed from $8b.00 per month to $4.00 per day for eaoh work day, effective January 1, 19E3, being at work on 3rd Distriot Sewer. Adopted upon Dell of the ro]1 by! the follow[ng vote: Yeas, Peoe, Pulliam, Tully, "laehiagton and ICatterjohn,-b. i On motion the Hoard adjonrne4 upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~~ Ca•s rbrY ~a~':E'RD G _ ~~? _: 'i~~/ DECi~!B~t 30TH. 19 2E. E ~) At a Called E4eeting of the eoar8 of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' +I Chamber in the City Aall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Deoember 30th. 19EE, at 11:Eb o'clock 6. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners ~~ Pace, Tally, Tashington and idayor Xatterjohn,-4. u ~ Mayor Katterjohn etate8 reasons for oe71 to-wit: To allow the bill of the d ~; Paducah Rater Company. and any other business that might Dome before the Board. ii ~~ Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: I move that the eooovnts of 'Accounts of i! Deoember 30th, ~ Deoember EOth, amounting to X13877.00, as per the report of the Commissioner of PubIio 19EE, allowed and ordered ~ Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from paid. +; i •~ the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; l j Yeea, paoe, Tully. tiashington and Katterjohn,-4. ,~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the payroll of the 3rd Account A. 3. g Distriot Sower for A. 3. Madding. emovatfng to ;84.68. be allowed and ordered paid. Madding, ~el.68 t Se:oer Distriot !f and the Commissioner of Pnbiio Finance be authorised end instructed to draw a check #3 allowed-.and ordered paid. ~~ on the 3rd Distriot Sewer Account to pay same. Adopted upoa call of the roll by.Lhe ~; following vote; Yeea,.Psoe, Tully, Aashiagton an4 Ketterjohn,-4. .1,~ Oa motion the Board ndjourned.upoa Dail of the roil by 4 yeas. ~ ~ ~ ~, ,., •~ t ~t9rY r. ~ 'r ~ ~~ ~'. ~~ { ~, - ~..,. ~. x - , ~ ~, . '