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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBobby L. Jones~~,soLv7zo.~ ~1'resented In .7fonor of ~o66y ~..~o~s ~CE~EAS, Bo66y ,ones, throughout Fiis Cfe, devoted Fiis talents to the development and mentoring of our community s young people; and g~ ~fE12EAS, Bo66y ,ones started Fiis own workcareer participating in the CE7A Program, Ll! ' a CocaCgovernment-based program whicFi provided workopportunities for young people; and ~XE1~,EAS, Bo66y ,ones began as a supervisor in the city's Summer ~2'outh Corps program in 1998; and ~fE~EAS, after his promotion to ~1'aducah Bu6lic Facility Maintenance Supervisor, Bo66y ,ones served as the coordinator of the Baducah Summer ~2'outh Corps program; and ~fE1~EAS, from his management of the CityYouth Corps program to his community service as Chairman of the 2'aducah Board of Education, Bo66y,~ones e.~empC~ed the qualities of adult leadership that all young people should aspire to; NOZV, ~CE12EF01~E, BE I2'~~,SOL~E1n B~Y~IE MA~'01~A~VI~ ~lE BOA1~~ OF COMMISSIONE<1~,5 OF ~lE CI7~2'OF ~AI~vCAgf n as the Bo66 ones 'll hence orth 6e now m rYouth o s ~'ro ram wz ~Cliat the Paducah Sum e C rp g }~ ~, y 9 Summer Youth Corps Program, and hereby direct the City Clerkto make this resolution a part of the permanent records of the City of ~1'aducah as an expression of our appreciation for the workBo66y ,ones didfor the youth of our community. Cep Mayor ZVillzam F: Comm ' 'over Gerry ntgome ~ J~°L- Commissioner David Guess r /a. ~~.~ 1~o6ertA. Coleman Commissioner Buz Smith Adopted May 2S, 2004 1~ecordecf 6y 7ammara Brocl~ City CCerk 336 .-r