HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO # 1173129 MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. 1173 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, RATIFYING THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE SUCCESSFUL BID FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (POLICE AND FIREFIGHTERS PENSION PLAN), SERIES 2005, DATED NOVEMBER 1, 2005. WHEREAS, a publicly advertised solicitation of bids for purchase of City of Paducah, Kentucky Taxable General Obligation Bonds (Police and Firefighters Pension Plan), Series 2005, dated November 1, 2005, has heretofore been undertaken in strict compliance with all legal requirements, and WHEREAS, all bids received for the purchase of said Series 2005 Bonds from the City have been duly considered and are attached to this Resolution, and WHEREAS, the matter of which bid is the most advantageous and with the most favorable net interest cost to the City of Paducah, Kentucky (the "City"), has been sufficiently considered and accepted by the Mayor in accordance with the parameters of the City of Paducah City Commission, and WHEREAS, the City of Paducah City Commission desires to ratify the action of the Mayor in accepting the best bid, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION - OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the acceptance by the Mayor of the bid of J.P. Morgan Securities, Inc., for the purchase of said $6,160,000 principal amount of City of Paducah, Kentucky Taxable General Obligation Bonds (Police and Firefighters Pension Plan), Series 2005, dated November 1, 2005, is hereby ratified, accepted and confirmed, said bid being at a price of $6,127,413.60 for said Series 2005 Bonds, plus accrued interest at the rates set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto from November 1, 2005 to the date of delivery of Series 2005 Bonds and that all other bids are hereby rejected. The principal amount, adjusted bid price and maturities of the Series 2005 Bonds shall be as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. 2. That said Series 2005 Bonds shall be delivered by the Mayor and/or other City officials to said purchaser(s) as soon as the Series 2005 Bonds are printed and ready for delivery in accordance with the Ordinance authorizing said Series 2005 Bonds, and all of the proceeds of the Series 2005 Bonds shall be used only as provided in said Ordinance. 3. That said bid is accepted subject to the condition that such acceptance subjects the City to no liability if for any reason the City is unable to obtain the final approving legal opinion of the firm of Rubin & Hays, Municipal Bond Attorneys, Louisville, Kentucky, as to said Series 2005 Bonds and the purchaser(s) shall not be required to take delivery of said Series 2005 Bonds without the final approving opinion of said Attorneys accompanying said Series 2005 Bonds. 4. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and instructed to execute any and all other instruments and to take any and all other action which they deemed to be necessary or desirable in carrying out the plan of financing set out in the foregoing instruments, including, without limitation the compliance with all applicable Kentucky statutes and court decisions and with a view toward assuring the receipt of interest on such Bonds will be exempt from all Kentucky income taxation and such bonds will be exempt from all Kentucky ad valorem taxation. 5. That all Resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby amended or canceled to the extent of such conflict, and this Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its adoption. 130 Introduced, Read, Enacted and Adopted on November 8, 2005. CI LIM Attest: By � ,lfAwck i City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, Tammara S. Brock, hereby certify that I am the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, that the foregoing Resolution is a true copy of a Resolution introduced, read, enacted and adopted at a properly convened meeting of said City on November 8, 2005, signed by the Mayor and attested under seal by me as City Clerk, as shown by the official records in my custody and under my control, and that said Resolution appears as a matter of public record in the official records of said City. I further certify that said meetings were duly held in accordance with all applicable requirements of Kentucky law, including KRS 61.810, 61.815, 61.820 and 61.823, that a quorum was present at each of said meetings, that said Resolution has not been modified, amended, revoked or repealed, and that same is now in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand as City Clerk and the official seal of the City this November 8, 2005. (Seal of City) City Clerk Maturity November 1 2025 EXHIBIT A Principal Amount $6,100,000 The total principal amount of Bonds to be issued is $6,100,000. The adjusted bid price of the Bonds is $6,067,731.00 Mandatory Redemption Interest Rate 5.35% The Bonds due on November 1, 2025 shall be subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption prior to maturity (said Bonds to be selected in such manner as the Paying Agent may determine) at a redemption price of 100% of the principal amount thereof to be redeemed, plus interest to be accrued to the redemption date on November 1, and in the years in the principal amounts as follows: November 1 Principal Amount 2006 $175,000 2007 185,000 2008 195,000 2009 205,000 2010 215,000 2011 230,000 2012 240,000 2013 255,000 2014 270,000 2015 285,000 2016 300,000 2017 315,000 2018 330,000 2019 350,000 2020 370,000 2021 390,000 2022 410,000 2023 435,000 2024 460,000 2025 485,000 (Final Maturity) mo\bond sale-PFPF 131