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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupport of GNEP649 Resolution in Support of GNEP McCRACKEN COUNTY FISCAL COURT PADUCAH CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF GNEP This resolution is brought before the governing bodies of McCracken County, Kentucky, and the City of Paducah, Kentucky, on the matter of supporting the f efforts of the Paducah Uranium Plant Asset Utilization Task Force to secure one ~~ or more projects associated with the Nation's Global Nuclear Energy Partnership. WHEREAS, the Paducah Uranium Plant Asset Utilization (PUPAU) Task Force was chartered to show the region's state and federal elected officials that the community supports the use of the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) site for the location of facilities that are complementary to the site; and WHEREAS, PUPAU, as part of its charter, is focusing on ways to determine the potential of Paducah, McCracken County, and the western Kentucky region to be a site for the location of a project or projects associated with the Nation's Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP), an initiative that seeks to develop worldwide consensus on enabling expanded use of economical, carbon-free nuclear energy to meet growing electricity demand and that will use a nuclear fuel cycle that enhances energy security, while promoting non-proliferation; and WHEREAS, Paducah and McCracken County, Kentucky, are in a centralized location and are within 600 miles of 50 of the Nation's operating reactors, and the region has land, water and air transportation modalities, which significantly reduces the Department of Energy's spent fuel and product transportation; and WHEREAS, Paducah, Kentucky, McCracken County, western Kentucky, west __~ Tennessee, southeast Missouri, and southern Illinois have a fully qualified and Nuclear Regulatory Commission experienced workforce of 2000 people; and the region has the only operational uranium conversion plant in the United States located just two miles across the Ohio River in southern Illinois; and WHEREAS, the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant is the only operational uranium enrichment plant to recycle recovered uranium from the Consolidated Fuel Treatment Center; and WHEREAS, PUPAU is conducting a fully transparent informational and educational campaign to inform and educate the public during the siting study period about its efforts and the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership; and WHEREAS, PUPAU has the unqualified support from the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Ernie Fletcher, and the GNEP initiative has bipartisan U.S. Senate leadership support in Kentucky and Illinois through Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) and has multi-state Congressional support in Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri; and WHEREAS, the PUPAU effort to secure GNEP projects has "world class" corporate partners in CH2M Hill and Honeywell and outstanding community ~" leadership support through the PUPAU Task Force, which is co-chaired by Paducah Mayor Bill Paxton and McCracken County Judge Executive Van Newberry; and WHEREAS the GNEP project or projects would bring 5000 construction jobs and 1000 permanent jobs to the region and enhance and improve the economies of western Kentucky, west Tennessee, southern Illinois, and southeast Missouri. ~__::_;iu~-. ._::_.._ ~ k __._ _.~. i is ~ ~ _ ~ i 1 i ~ ,__.. ~.: i_..i ~, ,. .•l' 1 1 :.u,~~~il l,. :.. i._:: ~. _._ _. _.... ~~~ i ~ ~ i : :a. .,i~ -._-: 650 Resolution in Support of GNEP THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the McCracken County, Kentucky, Fiscal Court and the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, concur with the Paducah Uranium Plant Asset Utilization Task Force efforts and urge the U. S. Department of Energy to anchor one or more of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership projects at the U.S. Department of Energy's federal reservation in McCracken County, Kentucky. ~. f ,,. 7:t v,,, E ,~ i t `~ ,~ ~~- Van E. Newberry, Judge/ e William F. Paxton, Ma r McCracken County, u City of Paducah, Kentu ky Date -3 --/3 - t7 7 Date 3~/3 - n 7 ~~ I ,~ ._ y' 2