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No. 324
Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah duly -24, 1989
(Wilford Dismissed)
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Coaunissioriers held in the Commis -
sign Chambers, City Hall, at 9:30 a.m. , on July 24, 1989, Mayor Montgomery
presided, and upon call of the roll., the following answered to their names:
Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Keeling, Leeper and Mayor Montgomery (5).
Commissioner Coleman offered motion, seconded by Commissioner
Gruniley, that the executed copies of the Notice of Called Meeting to be held at
9:30 a.m., Monday, July 24, 1989, be received and filed. Adopted on call of
the roll, yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Keeling, Leeper and Mayor
Montgomery (5).
The meeting was held for the purpose of hearing charges against
Patrolman Terry L. Wilford, brought by Chief Robert L. Patterson.
Wilford appeared in person, with his attorney,, lion. Todd Megibow.
Hon. W. David Denton and Hon. Jill Finch represented Chief Patterson.
Detailed testimony was taken by court reporter Shirley France.
Mr. Megibow reque's3ted that the hearing be closed.
Mayor Montgomery read the charges against Mr. Wilford.
Mr. Megibow offered motion in limine and asked that Counts II B. Cf D
& E of the Statement of Charges be eliminated. After discussion and a five
minute recess, Count II E and Exhibit A were withdrawn from the record.
Commissioner Grumley offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Coleman, that Mr.
Megibow's motion to withdraw Exhibits B. C & D be overruled. Adopted on call
of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Keeling, Leeper and Mayor
Montgomery (5).
By agreement of both parties, Western Baptist Hospital records for
Mr. Chesher and photographs of Mr. Chesher after the incident were entered by
By agreement of both par -ties., the Manual of Rules and Procedures of
the Paducah Police Department which were in effect at the time of the incident
were entered by stipulation.
Mr. 'Denton called the following witnesses:
Rain Thomas Chesher
Lt. Bill Bruce
Capt. Weatherford
Asst. Chief Dowdy
Asst Chief Grief
Chief Patterson
Mr. Megibow called the following witnesses:
James Waddell
Officer Artis
McCracken County Deputy Ashley
officer Galloway
Officer Reynolds
Proceedings of
Officer Alexander
Officer Wilford
Board of Commissioners
Mr. Meg.ibow and Mr. Denton presented closing statements.
City of Paducah July 24, 1989
Conunissioner Grumley offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Coleman,
that the Board of Commissioners go into Executive Session for deliberations.
Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Coznrnissioners Coleman, Grumley, Keeling,
Leeper and Mayor Montgomery (5).
At the conclusion of the Executive Session the Board reconvened in
the Commission Chamber, whereupon the Mayor announced the hearing was back in
Mayor Montgomery read the following Findings of Fact and Order:
"Froin the evidence presented, the Board finds as follows:
"That the defendant, 'Terry L. Wilford, on April 15, 1989, violated
rules adopted by the legislative body of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, by
striking Rain Thomas Chesher in the head with his flashlight, and that
Wilford's action constituted misconduct and a violation of Rules 3.14 and 3.5,
Section 2(f) of the Police Procedures Manual, adopted on October 141 1986, and
revised on January 13, 1987.
"That the defendant, 'ferry L. Wilford, is guilty of having exhibited
a pattern of judgment and misconduct which is unbecoming a police officer and
is further a violation of Article VI of the Police Procedures Manual.
be terminated as a police officer for the Paducah Police Department, effective
July 25, 1989.
"ADOPTED: July 24, 1989."
Commissioner Grumley offered motion, seconded by Commissioner
Coleman, that the Findings of Fact and Order be adopted by the Board of
Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky. Adopted on call of the roll,
yeas, Commissioners Coleman, Grumley, Leeper and Mayor Montgomery (4).
Commissioner Keeling voted nay (1).
Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
ADOPTED: July 25, 1989
City .Clerk
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