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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPaducah Renaissance Agency233 RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, INSTRUCTING CITY STAFF TO MOVE FORWARD WITH THE CREATION OF THE PADUCAH RENAISSANCE AGENCY WHEREAS, on February 11, 2008 City Manager Jim Zumwalt distributed to the City Commission a Proposal to Create Paducah Renaissance Agency; and WHEREAS, in the ensuing weeks City Commissioners and staff have discussed the Managers proposal with Paducah Mainstreet Board, Downtown Merchants, LowerTown Arts District Association, LowerTown Renaissance Association, LowerTown Artists not affiliated with LTADA, Convention and Visitor's Board staff, Paducah School for the Arts Director Harvey Sadow, and other interested stakeholders; and WHEREAS, the Paducah City Commission desires to give instruction to staff and to move forward with creation of the Paducah Renaissance Agency. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: 1) The Renaissance Area will include downtown, LowerTown, the riverfront, and the civic center area as shown on the attached map. 2) The City will create and appoint members to a Renaissance Board -- a) Renaissance Board Structure: i) Like other City Boards, the Mayor with the consent of the City Commission will appoint members of the Renaissance Board. ii) The Board will have 5 to 9 members including at least one City Commissioner. b) Renaissance Board Responsibilities i) Govern the City's Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District(s) ii) Serve as the City's Redevelopment Agency and in that capacity: (1) Develop, in conjunction with the City and other stakeholders, a downtown development plan and serve as the "flame keeper" providing long-term perspective to assure its implementation. (2) Acquire key parcels of property necessary to control development in the Renaissance Area. (3) Request, when necessary, City funding to supplement TIF revenue to fund major development agreements. (4) Execute contracts with developers of major projects. (5) Support the riverfront development by actions like soliciting a contractor to invest in and operate the proposed marina. 3) The City will appoint members to a Zone Board a) Zone Board Structure: i) Like other City Boards, the Mayor with the consent of the City Commission will appoint members of the Zone Board ii) The Board will have 12 to 21 members. iii) Initial appointments to the Board will balance members with a predominate downtown perspective and members with a predominate LowerTown perspective. b) Zone Board Responsibilities: i) Administer the Artist Relocation recruitment program. ii) Administer the targeted business recruitment program. 234 March 25, 2008 Page 2 iii) In conjunction with the Paducah-McCracken County Convention and Visitor's Bureau (CVB) conduct a coordinated marketing program that supports artists and businesses in downtown and LowerTown. iv) Manage events and festivals in the Renaissance area including BBQ On the River, LowerTown Arts & Music Festival, Second Saturdays, and Saturday Night After Dinner. v) Serve as the Mainstreet Board implementing the traditional four-point Mainstreet Program (1) Design: Focuses on the aesthetics of the area by encouraging rehabilitation of historic buildings, works with partners on long-term planning and sensitive design management. (2) Organization: Creates political will by building a consensus and striving for cooperation among the many groups who are involved in the revitalization process. (3) Promotion: Markets the district's assets to consumers, investors, new businesses, local citizens and visitors. (4) Economic Restructuring: Strengthens the districts existing economic base while finding ways to meet new opportunities and challenges. vi) Manage the Farmer's Market. vii) Oversee maintenance of the floodwall murals. viii) Expand Mainstreets cadre of 100 volunteers to support the whole Renaissance area. ix) Administer the Downtown Fence incentive program and expand it to the whole Renaissance area. x) Administer the LowerTown incentives program for artists moving into the neighborhood. xi) Support development of the Paducah School for the Arts. xii) Conduct fundraising events to support activities in the Renaissance Area. xiii) Maintain continuing communication with artists, businesses, residents, and other stakeholders of the Renaissance area. 4) Staff of the Renaissance Program a) The Renaissance Board will select the Renaissance Director in consultation with the `` Zone Board and the City. b) The Renaissance Director will select other staff members in consultation with the Renaissance Board and the Zone Board. c) Steve Doolittle will serve as the initial Renaissance Director. d) Current Mainstreet employees David Boggs and Pat Scholz will continue as members of the Renaissance staff. e) Monica Bilak, who is serving a temporary appointment as the City's Artist Relocation Coordinator will join the Renaissance staff as a temporary employee and will compete for appointment to a permanent position. f) Administrative arrangements will be made so that the Renaissance staff members are eligible to participate in the City's health insurance program and in the CERS retirement system. g) The Renaissance Director and staff will serve as the point of contact with City staff coordinating services by City Departments to the Renaissance area and events in the area. 5) Budget & Finances a) The Renaissance Director will prepare a unified budget for the program in consultation with the Zone Board and the Renaissance Board. Revenues in the budget will include funds raised by Zone Board activities, TIF District income, and City appropriations. b) Use of funds raised by the Zone Board will be prescribed by the Board and incorporated into the unified budget. c) The Renaissance Board will revise and adopt the unified budget and will request an annual appropriation from the City. d) The Renaissance Board will request, separately from the unified budget, City financial support for specific redevelopment contracts. e) The Zone Board will request, separately from the unified budget, City financial support for specific Downtown Fence incentive projects. 235 March 25, 2008 Page 3 f) For the next few years the City Commission anticipates providing financial support to the Renaissance Program at approximately the same level as we have supported Artist Relocation/LowerTown and downtown programs over the last few years. A TEST: Tammara S. Brock, City Clerk ~\ ,i i a Mayor Adopted by the Board of Commissioners April 1, 2008 Recorded by Tammara S. Brock, City Clerk, April 1, 2008