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HomeMy WebLinkAboutComcast Cable181 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Comcast Cable has filed a petition with the Federal Communications Commission to be relieved from the burden of FCC Regulation, and WHEREAS, Regulations that Comcast wants to avoid include: • FCC Regulations that prohibit Comcast from forcing its customers to subscribe to expanded basic services or some level of digital cable service before a customer is permitted to buy HBO orpay-per-view movies. • FCC Regulations that require Comcast to maintain alow- pricedbasic service tier. • FCC Regulations that place limits on the charges that Comcast can impose on customers for various changes in service • FCC Regulations that prohibit Comcast from imposing negative option billing on its customers • FCC Regulations that require Comcast to maintain a uniform rate structure throughout the City of Paducah franchise area, and WHEREAS, Brian Grogan of the law firm of Moss and Barnett has advised the City that if no action is taken, the Comcast petition to the FCC is likely to be approved quickly and automatically, and WHEREAS, the Data that Comcast is using to justify its petition is provided by ,.~ a market research, data collection and reporting firm, whose information is not audited by the FCC and is not available to local governments, and, WHEREAS, in order to protect Paducah cable subscribers from possible rate increases, the Paducah Cable Authority has proposed to file a response in opposition to Comcast's petition to the FCC. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Paducah City Commission endorses the proposed action of the Cable Authority to file opposition to Comcast Cable Communication's petition for exemption from FCC regulations. AT EST: Q~~/~~v( Tammara S. Brock, City Clerk Adopted by Board of Commissioners, January 22, 2008 Recorded by Tammara S. Brock, City Clerk, January 22, 2008