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~~~:~ ~~ ~~ ~ p ~- d ,~ ism t .a.u+~' ee' ,~ K~ ~~. ._ .. ... w'.'a~,$6~(~''*~'t°•r<-~!~p`}~'Ty.'~5'~w' ~'_° _ ' .:.,' ..z~ ~ ,.4.... ,s: ~"_ ... . xog~_ • ~ ' Commissioner's P_ roceedings, City of Paducah 191_ P AL a Called fleeting of the Hoard of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners' i` FChamber is the City Ha11, Padnoah, gentmty, oa Deoember 28th, 1920, st 11 O'oloot ~.Y. i rUpon pall of the roll Lhe following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton. E i'Tnlly, Williams and Msyor Satterjohn,-4. ~ •''' p ,, j ~ Mayor Satterjohn stated reasons for odll to-wit: To adopt motion to grant W.H. ~' 1. - G ~. ~4Begs1 peitoit to install spur-Lraok on Borth 9th Street. - ~ .Mayor Satterjohn offered the following motion: I move that W. R. Bngei be granted •~W.R;Bagsl per- mit Lo put in .'~a permit to pat 'in aids-traok on B. 9th Street, nt their plant on Binth Street, betweeni "' BSpn Lh 8tk an ;~Hnsnstt and Boyd Ste. se per plane. Adopted npoa oall of the roll by the following. ( . 9 '' i!irotss Ysas, Eaton, Tully, Williema and Sattsrjohn.-4. ~' 'P.. i; On motion the Board adjourned npoa Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. I ~, ~ ~, .Ada^1ne~C~~Y9'2,..(, - i, ~~;;b . P ~ ~, JAI~IIARY 3rd. 1921. ~' At a Regular fleeting of the Board of Commissionese. held in the Commissioners ~ • N ~ h Ohambsr !n the Cit Hall Padnoah Sentno ~ y ky, on January ;rd, 1921. Upon oBll of the i ~~ ~~ roll the following aneaered to their names: ¢ommiseionere Eaton, Esker and Tally.-;. {! t . gp Mayor Pro tam W. Y. Eaton, Presiding,in the abeenoa of Mayor f;aLterjohn. p; On motion of Oommieeloner Tally the minntae of the previous meetings were. k 5 adoptefl ae read., npoa oall of the roll by Lhe following vote: Yens, Eaton. 8aksr, ~. Tully,-;. - 1 Commissioner Tully offered the following motions i'hat Lioenee to retail ftalt 'a.T.Bohe»fson "~ or Osreal Beverages or adml:tnrea thereof, be granted to A. T. Bohannon at ilI S. ;rd kalt or'Cereal Betisrigs Lim` ' Street. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the following votes Ysae. Baton, Entes, ~oease. ~ n Tally,.;, On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 10 O'olook A. M. January ,5th. 1921, 4'• . y upon oall of ,the Ro11 by the fo110wing vote: Ysae; Eaton,' Esker. Tnily,-.;. „`, ~ Afle Iei.~,1Q„_lf~_ _. ~~'PROVA3]7 ~ •- I' JAIiUARY 5th. 1921. d F' At an Adjourned Meeting of the Board of Coamiasfonera, held in the Commisaion- ' ~ ere' Ohamber is Lhe City Hall, Padnoah, Sentnety. at lO;o'oloot A. M. January 5th, ~,. 1921. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Esker. Tally. ililliame and Mayor Satterjohn,-5. '.h Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: Thal the petltiaa from resi- 'dents in the Vioinity of 6th 8 Husbands Street for n light to be plaoed on that oor= tzest Light at th 8 Husbands. F ner of the street be reoeived and. filed, and the Co®issioner of Pnblio Works be in- ts. ~ etrnated to. have said 11ght installed as soon sa poeslble. .Adopted npoa oall of the '' s roll by the ,following roots: Ysae, Eaton, Enter. Tally, Niilinms and Mayor Satter- ~.. x, john.-5. .f . Cooimisaionsr Tally offered the following motion: That Lhe raQnesL of residents treat Liglft aL r is Lhe vioinity of l;tii & Jefferson streets for n street light Lo bs plaoed on that 3th • Jet't•rson j s, oorner bs granted and the 0ommiseioner of Pnblio Worts be inetrnoted to have enfd Might, iaetalled ae soon ae possible. Adopted neon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Ysae, Eaton. Eater. Tally, Wfllisma sn8 ftayor 1Cbttesjohn,-5• j. ~i ', . , f i i L•. ~. E' y .. ~~. w*. :. . ~ I is • 1 ~. ~ ~ .y °~'~F.'MJt;i'WrA »w.,85%:._~' = '.ate wMk' .,. ^t .c s+r _. .. a..ay :µw b:.:~K~ ~ w: ,,,a;nn j ., ..><.~++;. ~ . • ~ i t' ~, • • 1 .... .w... .~..---..-w.= ..~i~3ty ~n,-dam ..• .si. r n s . ..; ~ .. i \ ~ ~ ~~ • • :•t . ~ ~ •. . ' ,. • i No.~97 ,~ r .. • ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ • ' Ilait or Oeseal Oommissiones ^aully offered the following motion: I mope that iioenaa to sell ' Hs~esage Liosnea 11s1t os Coreai Beverages. or any admixtures thereof be gssnted.toT • to Jaok Riddle, 71aeh i'uraes, and ~ Jaok Riddia, 119 Broadway - Jamos Powell. Nash Turner, 1q 29 South ath l I James Powell, 116 gentuoky Ave, F 1; • Adopted upon Dail of the roll by tho following vote: Yeas, Baton, Hakes, sully, . ;~ is , • Nllliams and MayPr:Katter~ohri,-5. • ~ Cosoiasiones Tully vfiered the following motions That the aoaonnts for the last " ;i . Rs port of Com'r. of Finsnoe of aooonats , half of Deoember 1920,. amounting to $326;1.06, sa per the report of tho Com'r. of ,, for feet half of Deoember 1920. ginanoo ailed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid, and the money appm priated from ~': . the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote:,+~{i{qp °~~} ~~ Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and 8atter~obn,-5. ~ ,, •_ ~ - ! Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the report of the Cam'r. ~ Report of Oom'r of of Finanoo for the month of Deoember Ig20 be reoeived and filed, and ordered publish- ~ Finanee for month of Deoember 1920. ed in the Offioiel Newspaper. Adopted upon Dell of the ro71 by the following vote: ~ ' Yeas, Eaton, Esker. Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-5. • ~ • • ii Commissioner au12y offered the following motion: That the Commissioner of Publio j ~• 3trest Bonds 6 ~; Finanoe be inetruoted to pay off and take up and oanoel the $treeL Bonds end Coupons ~ Coupons due Jan. 1,1921 paid Ae '; sue Jan. 1, 1821 at City Ilat'1 Bank amounting to 166341,60 and oharge same to Spsolel .I. oanosllod. ~ Streot Fund. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the, following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker,;, !! i Tully, Williams and Kattor,ohn,-5. ; , Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I moos that the Annual Report Anneal Report of . ! oY the Chief of folios for the year 1820 be reoeivcd and filed, Adopted upon Dell of j ` for 1 20.Yolios • 9 ~,; the m ll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams Bud Katter~ohn,-5.~ ,• ~~ Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the Annual Report j Annual Report of Chief of Bire ~ of the Chief of the Fire Department for 1920 be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon !' ' Department Yoe 1g2o.. " Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaten, Esker,.^,ully, Williams and . ~ Satterjohn,-5. 7. On motion the Hoard adjourned upon Dell of the roll Dy the following vote: ~. ~ Yese, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and ICattss~ohn,-5. 'f 4~- 19 3.! 1 Aie}le ~ .~PPR017''S1I~ ~, 1 ~ ~ ~~. ~ '~. Y ~ ua ca,r MAYOR. ~'} ' ~ '•' " • ' 4' ~ - fN '! JAI~IIARY 10TH. 1921. ~ .. ~., • 4 { ~ ~ ~~> ~; At s Regular.Meeting of the Hoard of Commiesionare, held !n the Commission- .~ !',era' Ohamber in the City Hall. Padnoah, gentvoky, on January 10th, 1921. Upon oell.o! ~ - • ~: -~ • '.the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Esker, Tully, ~ •' ' ilfilliame and Mayor Katter~ohn,-5. ~ ~ On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings.were ! T t • ~iadopted ae read and oorreoted, upon Dell of the mil by the following vote: Yese, Eatoq • 'IEaker, Tully, Williams and Katter3obn,-5. ~' . ~ Cosaniseloner.Tully offered the ioliowing motion: I move that, the Mayor be {{~ • i ~, ;:authorised and empowered to expend not to exoeed $150.00 pas month for the months o! January, February and Maroh for the meintenanoe and support of poor persona, by die- `~`~.,' :150.00 per month, t { . foe January. Lrlbuting same to euoh persona himself. or by distributing same through any person, i F°F Febsnasy do MarOh for Charity. orgenizatlon or aseooiation bundling auoh eub~eote of oharity: said expenditure to , ,T„~4;; oontinue until the regular Apportionment Ordinanoe ie adopted for the year 1921. • il. ~. ` ~ Adopted neon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton., Esker, sully, ~. willieme and gattar~ohn,-5• ~'•: ~, , ~~ .. I M • • ~, • , ~ ,;' L t 1' we ..,..:.,_,:. ~......:, ~ ~ .may. ..... i ........~ ~,,:. w...i~.... . i., .~ .~. a. ~, ~_ .. ~ .... ... ar. ~ - ~' .r • Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 191_ Cenral Labor Union Oommnni- llagor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the obmmnnioation cram 1 ;' i nation. ':-the Oentral Labor Union De referred to the Oity 8.oiioitor. Adopted upon oell of the i . ':.roll bq the following -ots: Yeas;;£aton, Sakes. Tally, 111111ama and Sntterjoha,-5, Ysyor Yatter~ohn offered the~follbwing motion: I move that the oommuniaation from ' ` ?F.A.Berrq, Oommnnioation, ' ' ~ !N. .A. Harry, Attorney,•dated Deoember 29th, 1920, wherein he seta out in full sn itemised In re: Paducah Rai]waq Oo. YS Oitq bf Paduoah ~;etatement of hie bapenaee from Paducah, geatnokq, to Holton, Mssa., amounting to the .~ + ~ 'sum of $247.98, which money was expended on behalf of the City of Paducah in defending ;!the suit of the Pednoah Railway Company va the City of Padnoah, be reoeived and filed. ~. I further move that the check enclosed by W. A. Barry for $2.02 be turned over to ~ • jthe Oommiseloner of Finanoe tb be credited to the eo t f O t j . oonn o oe s end SniLa. Adopted _ +, £npon call of the, roll by Lhe foliowing.vots: Yeae,.Eaton, Esker, Tnily, ifilliame and • iCetter~ohn, -5. ' '. `• ' Oommiseioner Telly offered the following motion: The sum of $100.00 having been paid .: J.A.Rndy ~ Sons ' • Lioenee Lo sell ;into the Treasury bq J. A. Rudy A Sons, Y move that Lioenee to sell Malt or Cereal Bev- fait or Ocreal C Beverages. •sragee, br sdmiatnrea thereof,~ia Lhe sear iobbq of Lhe City Eationai Henlt Building, at; • i;the corner of 4th & Hroadwaq, be granted to aeid J. A. Rudy A 9ons. Adopted upon call ^;of the Roli by the following vote: Yeae, Satan, Esker, Tully, lilliams sad KatterJoha,=S. - ;; Uommieeioner Tully offered the following motion: TDe sun of $50.00 having been ~ ' G: R. Scott Lioenee to eell '.paid into the Treaeurq by 4. B. Scott, Y move•that. license to ea11.1[elt or Gerasl. Bev- ' i , YnY6 or Cereal 'erages,,or admiatures thereof at 212 Bentnokq Avenue be granted to said G. H. Scott. . Beverages. i Adopted npon calf of the roll by the following vote:.Yeas, Saton, Esker, Tn11y,,Wiiliami Viand Katter~ohn.-5. . .. Oommiesioner Tully offered the follawing motion: Tha enm of $37.50 having been ~ K =paid lato the Treasnrq, as evidenced bq the receipt herewith, I move that deed be sae- • ~ . F.. Berge: • OemeLsry Deed. ~. :anted to W. F.' Berger for lot No. 43. Biook ,~2 on Lhe North aide of Baker Street, be- !tween Fbrd and Hannan Street.a, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted npon sell of the roll by~ ~. ,the following vote: .Yeae, Saton, Esker, Tully, Williams end Batter~obn,-5. { . Oommiseianer Tully offered .the following motion: I move that. the Oommisaioner of i ~Finanoe be in atraoted to pay off, take np and oanoel Street Bonds and Coupons due Jams-{ Street Bonds r and Ooupoae Ja du 1 1 21 erq 1, 1921, at the 01ty•National Hank, amounting.to $554.80, and charge name to 9ps• •~ ~ e 9 n. , pay off, take bial Street Fund. Adopted npon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Eaton. t • np and oanoel. a Faker, Tully, Williams and KatterJohn,-5. J j Commleaioner Tully offered the following motion: I-move Lhat Lhe Commissioner of • • Todd,Proteoto- Finance De authorized to puroheae from the Todd Proteotograph Company a cheek writer graph Check `` ,at a cost not to sensed $125.00. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: f' 1lritbr.r :.Yeae, Eaton, Faker; Tu11q,.Willieme and Katterjohn.-5. ' Oommisaioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner of . i `Finance be authorized to pu mhaee from the Burroughs Adding Maahine Company a late Burroughs Add- ; ing Machine. Model Adding Maahine at e•oost not to sensed $540.00. Adopted upon rill of the roll bql ;the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Faker, ^sully, Williams and Katteriohn,-5. Oommiesioner Williams offered Lhe following motion: I move that `the report of the ` Report Seaton Sexton of Oak Grove Cemeterq for the month of DeoemDer.1920 De reoeived end filed. i ~! Oak Grove Ceme - ' terq for Deb. ~ Adopted npon cell of the roll by the following vole: Yeas, Eaton, Fates. Tally, ' 120. ~ - .. PIi111ema and Katter'ohn,-5. . ~Oo~iesioaer Nilliame offered the following motion:. Y move that the transfer from Yre.M.Hanae an T.M.Nanoe bq Q Mrs. M. Hance and T. Y. Hence, able heirs of. H. G. Nanoe,_deoeaesd, bq Guy Naaoe, Attor~ Quq Nance Lo ne in-Pant y- . to 0. P. Scarborough, of Cor. 1/4 Lot Ho. 9, on the•Esst aids of Faith , .- O.Y.Saarbosaugh venue p Oemetery • and between 011ve Street and Cgprese 8treeL, be ratified. Adopted n on call off '~ . Traasfsr. ,: ,the.roll b Lhs follows vote: Y ' i y nB sae, Feton, Esker, Tally, Nillieme end Katteriohn,-5, • 4 A h a, t n.: ' 6 .. h. • ~ t y r r. - •-°, . '~ ~. ~~, ~_,_~; s r ... ~.. _i `,.~,~'~ r~ t ~ . _. , . No. 5.91 ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 191_ '~ Ooam:issioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the Fituw:olnl ~ ': linataial 8eport ;Report o! the Riverside Hospital for the month of Deoembsr 1920 be reosived anQ,iiled.~ . Riverside Aoepit-; 1 sl for Dooember Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, 1920. Williams and xattarjohn.-5. OoIDmleeioner Nilliame offered the following action: 'I moos.that the Patients' ~ Patients Report ;Report of the Rivereids Hospital for the aanth of Deoembsr 1920 Ds reaeivsd and Yilsd• of Rivereids Hos- 'pital for Deo, i Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Eaton,'Eaker, Tully, 1920. Nilliame and Katterjohn,-5. ~ . f • 1 Oommiesioner Williams offered the following ac rice: I move that the Anneal Re- ~ • j port of the Riverside Hospital for the year 1920 be reosived and Tiled. Adopted upon Annnai Report , ~ 1 Riverside Aoepit-.; Dell of xhe roll. by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Esker. Tu11y, W1111ame and sl Yor 1920. Ietterjohn,-5. Coueaiseioner Eaton offered the following action: I nave that the report of the ' .C1ty Solicitor regarding the claim oY the Medoro Cigar Co. !or exemption from tasation~ Rs port City ' Solicitor 1n re: ~ i Olaim of Medoro i for Yive years be reosived and filed. Adopted upon call oY the roll by~ths >'~1lowing 'Cigar Co. for exemption from `vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, William and Katterjohn,-5. taxation Yor 5 years. On action the Board adjourned by 5 yeas. . - ~ }I ' JA ~JAHY 12TH. 1921. AL a Oellsd Meeting oY the Board o! Coaaleeionere, held 1n the Oommiesionerr~ Ohamber in the 01ty Hnll, Psduosh, Kentucky, on January 12th, 1921, at 2 o'clock P.M. IIpon Deli oY the roll the following answered to their names: Ooaaeisaioners, Enron, °Eaksr, Tully, W1111ame and Mayor gatterjohn.-5• Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for Dell to-w1t: For the pnrpoes oT receiving. • I and filing the Anneal Report oT the Commissioner oY Finance Tor the year 1920. snd• ', ;!snob other bueineae that may Dome before. the Board. Commiealoner sully offered the following motion: I move that the annual Report • Annttel Report ! of the Coaaeieeioner of Finance Yor the year 1920 be reosived and filed, and ordered ' Comer. oY Finance !!1111 <' z for 1920. ! published ae required by law. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote r . ~ Yeas, Eaton. Esker, Telly, W1111ame and Katterjohn,-5. ~' ~ - , .. Commissioner fully offered the following motion: I move that the report oT Report John D. John D. Smith, Aooountant, regarding the audit of the hooka and records oT the ~. 9mith.Aooountant, r7 `,",;." ' in ra: records. finances of the City of Paducah for the year-1920, oovering the period iTOm Janus ~`• of finatcee oT the pity of Pedn- let to Dooember 31et,inolusive, be reosived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll a '.. oah for 1920. by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katte'rjohn,-5. f. Hayor Katterjohri offered the following motion: I move that Aarry P. Linn and ~~. .~, Harry Y. Linn and ' Bred Speck ap- ' Fred Speck be appointed members of the Board of Health Yor the time, commencing Jsnn• I~~; • pointed membe re `-~ ; - of Board of cry let. 1921. Adoped upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Health. ! Eater, Tully. Williams and Batterjohn.-5. ~ ' i; On motion the Board adjourned by 5 yeas. ~ 4 ;'•' . ~ 6 ,;i"".;. ,. j '~%' . {i ~ ~ " :. yyt ~ 7 - .9 ~ .aP.t'~,.OV~~J f . i t,~;~lgd ' !' «~~ ' i. - ~_ 6itr CLrY ~ ~~~~~- f s I: ' ~ G e _ ... 1 i. Y ,~ ' - , r '. i f - ~ ' i ... .. ~, . , ._., ~. M.. ... .. ,... ... .. ~ '.w.~.~!-.ems .' i.. n , ~ ,- ' .~ . ,, ~. i -. - .. -.: '.. ~ ~ .-......r~~.w -.. ~ ~ ~ _•- ~~~ •~y No. ~ ~ ' • ., .. "~' Commissioner's City of Paducah 19,x_ . . 'ii At a Called )Seating of the.Boerd of Commieeioaers, held in the Commieaionere~ + ~' ' ~Ohamber in the Oitq Hall, Yaduaeh, Yentualp, oa dsauary 12th, 1921, at j: j0 Odoiook °, P.ii• Vpon Dell of the roll the following answered Lo Lheir namea: Commissioners Eaton, Tu11y, Ni111ama sad %atter~ohn,-4. Yeyor Katter~ohn atnted reasons for oall to-wits a^o adopt a motion authorising ,Commiaeioner of Finanoe to pay the interest dne-January 15th, on the $247.000:00 of .. ~. s °8ohool Improvement Bonds now outstanding. j • a Commissioner Tally offered the following motions I move that the Commiaeioner of s tj8lnanoa be inetruoted to pay the sum of $6,15.00 into the Sohool Improvement Bond Sink • + ing Fnnd in the Citlaene Savings Bank, and that the money be appropriated from the Fels-~ ~6,175.0o In- . tereat due Jen• ileral Fund to pay same, and that he be farther inetrnoted to draw a shank against the ~ 15.1921 on ~. ;~ Sohool Improve= ~y8ohool Improvement Bond Sinking Band is the Citisene Savings Bsak for the sum of went Boars. $x,175.00 to pay the interest dne January 15th, on the $247.000.00 of Sohool improve- ~ ' ~ ,. ment.eonde now outstanding. Adapted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,i~ ';Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-4. .( On motion the Board ad~onrned by 4 yeas. i • ~,' " Adop~cd ~ 19~L P~'ROV317~7 , ___, j ~. _ ua ct.~r MATO~.' ~ I ~. JAtlUARY 14th. 1921. ~~,. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiseionera'~ `,'~ Ohamber in the Cit Hall Padnaah Bentria Y ky, on January 14th, 1921. at 12 O'olook noon.i `~'~ Vpon gall of the roll the following answered to their namea: Commieeionere Eaton, 1 :.ia•,, i Tally, Williams and %atte~riohn,-4• + . G ,,•:~ 1leyor Katterjohn stated reasons for Dail to-wit: To introduce an ordinanoe w i ~y~,h ;providing for Lhe administration of miscellaneous oharity. } Mayor %atter.~ohn offered the following motions I move that an or8lnanos en- ~,' Ordlnanoa pm-~ ~:'viding for the ';titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TH3 ADltIt7ISTRAi^IOH OF 1i18GELI,AitE0U8 CHARIil, d2dD ' administration,; i of :Ileoellane•;1fABINF SUITABLE PROVISION FOR THE NAINENANCE AND SUPPORT bF POOR PERSONS," bs intro- ~ . one oharity, "duped and lie over until the neat regular meeting of the Hoard of Commiasionere. 'Adopt± • 'ed upon Dell of the roll bq the following vote: Ysae, Eaton, Tully, N1111ame and IKatter~ohn,-4. . ~~ ~ On motion the Board ad Darned n on Dell of the roll b i p sae. y 4 y ;~ .'~•~ lade e4 198.5• - } nTA4l~Ft • JAUUARY 17TH. 1921. • At s Regular 1Seeting of the Board of Commieeionere, held in the Commissionere~ j ,,w: Chamber in the Oity Bail, Padnoah, Kesituolcy, an January 17th, 1921. Vpon oall.of the ro11 the following answered to .their names: Oommiseionsra Eaton, Esker, Tully, giiliatss~ • '.Y and Mayor Katter~ohn,-5. p;; aOn motion of Commissioner Tally the. minutes of the previous meetings were :adopted as read nposr aali of the rnll by the following votes Yeae, Eaton, Esker.. Tnlit.,~„ Rilliame end tatter~ohn,-5. Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: That the petition of the proper-;. Petition Pre- ,; ~ -party oanere ;,ty•awnere oa Tennessee St, cram 5th St. to 12th Streets bs reoeivad and flied: ~dopLed; on Tenneeege 8t. ! ~, from 5th to 12 upon Dell of the soli by the'followiag vots:.YeaB, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Nilliame tiaQ Ste• ~ , .~,iKatter~ehn_-5. ~ ~ . _ _ .. ~ ': ~...~ ..~ .~.~ i ' • Commissioner's .Proceedings, ..City of Pad ucal~ • ' l91~, : - ' Resignation Padn- Oommissioner Tally oYYerdd the fallowing motion; That the resignation of the i' ' . oah Evening gun as' Official Newspaper ~ • Padnoeh Evening 9nn as Oifloial Newspaper ba aooepted. Adopted neon Dell of the roll i; { .. by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tnily, Williams and Kattarjohn,-5. i f Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum oY X50.00 sash having f Yslt or Cereal Desn .paid into the treasury se evidenoed by the reoelpte filed herewith, I move that 1` Lioenss issued toe E. H. Pgil, Lioense to sell Malt or Cereal Begera es or a admizturee thereof De ~ B nY ,granted toi ~ W.E.Ham d: Sons st. Co. eh R ,, . E. H. Pell, 7;~ North 8th St. i 7 M. Hall rl. E. Ham & 3one, 936 Borth 10th St. Steinhauer d: Wttite. Rehkopf Distilling Co., 105 9, 2nd St, ~ ,..;~ W. M. Hall, 1006 S. 5th 3t. , Steinhauer & White, 119 N. 4th St. { ' Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakes, ^,uliy, ~ i . iilliama and Batterjohn,-5. '~ . + ? ~ Co~mniesfoner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that a Poll ; .~ Chna HsU poll tas~ ~?~ was oharged and paid Yor that year 1920 on Sax Bill 13905 Chas Hale, and said :~ ;;•;:F „ for 1920 refunded lax Bill 13905. ' Chae Hale not having been a resident of this City Yor several years, but residing in ' Toledo, 0., I move that the sum of X1.50 be refunded. Adopted upon Dell of the roll ' ~ bq the following vote: Yoae, Eaton, Esker, Fully, Williama end Katterjohn,-5. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing on Taz Bill !• N.L.Yansy refnndad $11.9; Ta7[ Bill 3584 that a double assessment has been made, the property deeoribed ea 6 A. Ede ~ , ~ 13584 double easesemeat bth d ~ Harnett, veined at {x540.00, bein the same ~ B property as 200 x 1390 6 ~ Barnett va]nsd Harnett Ste. ~ at $540.00, I move that the sum oY $11.93 be refunded to N. L. Yanoy Lo oorreot said ' double assessment. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, { . ' Esker, Tully, Slilliama and Katterjohn,-5. ! i Mayor Ketterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Report oY Lhq ! . Rs port oY Asslth Board for Deo. Health 9oard for Deoember 1920 be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll { 1920' by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williama and Katterjohn,-5. E ` • Lleyor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner or { Com'r. Safety and ~ Public Safety and the Chief of the Fire Department be authorized to visit the distri~ ~ ,~ "' Fire Chief to visit distriDnting bating please of the Amertoan LBFranoe Fire Engine Company and the.Seagrave Fire En- .j plaoea of American LaFranoe Firs ; gino Company at Chioaeo, Illinois, and Columbus, Ohio, at their planes oY demonstratio»,.,,~,~ ' EngAno Co. and Seagrave Fire En- ~ and such other points ea may be necessary to inspeot tl:e fire engine egnSpmont of eaid,~.~-~r. gino Co.. pompantee, and that the expense of suoh trip be oharged to the Fire Department;, euD- •. ~' s jest to the approval of the 9oard of Commieaionere. .Adopted upon Dail oY the roll by ~ ~ ~^ the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, fully, 7Pilliame and Katterjohn,-5. ~ `-'"~ Mies Alice Noonan' e Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that Mies Alice 1loonaneq Publio Health Nurse services ~ ' eervioea ea Public Health Nurse be continued. Adopted upon Dail oY tho roll by the - ~ , .'. •, continued. ';following vote: Yeas., Eaton, Esker, Telly, Williams and Katterjohn,-5. { r Commissioner Williama offered the following motion: I move that the Annual ~ ' ~~•-,.. ' p x Annual Repozt Supt ~ . ' Report of the Superintendent of the Riverside Aoepital for the year 1920 whioh was j , Riverside Aoepital , , Yor 1920 ordered published. !'reoeived and filed January lOth,•1921, be ordered published in the Offiolal liawepaper: ~ ' ' h ~ Adopted upon well of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker. Tally, ~ ". ' ~, Williama and Katterjohn,`-5. ~ • Commissi.oner Williama offered the following motion: I move that the Annual Annuli Report Board oY Park ',Report of the Board of Park Commieaionera for the year 1920 be reoeived and filed. ~ ' Commiesioaere for 1920. ,Adopted upon Dell of thq roll by the following vote :. Yoae, Eaton, Esker, '.^nlly, f ~ Williams and Katterjobn,-5. Commissioner Williama offered the following motion: I move that the opmmunioa~ Commsnioat ion of }' dated January 6th 1921 tion of the Board oY rark ComWissioners be reoeived and % ' Board of Yask , , , , l :, Commiesionars. ~ filed, and eotion thereon deferred. Adopted. upon Dell of the roll Dy tho following ~~ •~~ ',.vote: Yesa, Eaton. Esker, i'ully, Williams grid Katterjohn,-5. n t .a..-- ... ~ - ~` ,.. ~.. ' . , .. ~ ~ fi'''r , a '• e rte' ?4aw~ ~~a.~~ •r~" _ , r.... ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ Park Board ?~ Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the oommnniaa- Cortmiseionere' ,; 't ion of the Hoard oY Park Commieeionere; Hated January+ 8th. 1921, be reoeived nad ~oommunioation. U. filed, and aotion thereon deferred.' Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following ~ ' '~ vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, fully, Williams and Batterjohn,-5. Commissioner Esker offered the ioilowin motion: That the re rt of Brown Street '.~ Report of Brown. ` R po St, Bridge and grldge, and the report of the street Department for the month of Deoember be reoeived r" ReporE of Street Dept. for Daa, ;,' and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton, Eek~er, ~ 1920. Tully, Williams anfl ffatterjohn,-5. f - . i' Oommisaioner Tully offered the following motion: That the report of the Commie-` Report Comer. Finanos regard- ;' sioner.of Finanoe re mount with Yanoe ~ dohnaon, re rd in Lhe oon- ing Aaoount with; garding the aoo- y ga g i . in re:~Ngl4th n ~^ etntotion by grading and graveling of North 14th Street, from the Nortb property line + 8t. Bonds.. ,' of Monroe Street to the South property line of C1ey Street be reoeived and filed'8nd +~ !!! ' =~^ that the Commissioner of Finar~e be instruoted to tarn over to Yanoey A Johnson the ;. G bonds on the i0 Year Plan as follows: S ~ `~ ~ Seriee C. Bond ~1, due July 1, 1921, $12.21 1 ' ~~ Seriee C Bond }2, due July 1, 1922, 12.21 • p Seriee 0 Bond }3, due July i, 192;, 12.21 -. P Series C Bond }4, due July 1, 192$. 12.21 • h ' Seriee C Hond } due July 1, 19255, 12.21 ` ~ Seriee C Bond ~, due July 1, 192b, 12.21 f:, n Seriee C Bond /i7, due July 1, 1927 , 12.21 Seriee C Bond ~ dne July 1. 1928, 12.21 ` ~ Seriee C Bond ~j, due July 1, 1929, 12.21 ~. h ~ series C Bond #10 dne July 1, 19{{0,. 12.21 • ~ . • `.~i.Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eatoa. Esker, Tnliy, ~ • i ~~ Williams and Katterjohn,-5. ;. ~' Mayor Katterjohn offered the .following motion: I move that the resolution en- f 9. 5th st. reso 1 iution for son ', titled, "A RESOLUTI01~ PROVIDING FVR i'ITE CONSTRUOTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON SOUTH FIFTff etrdotion of driveway, from ~~ STREET, FROId i"HE $OVTH PROPERTY L11iE OF KENTUCKY AVENUE TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF. By.Ave. to i Clark SL• ~ 07/pRK STREET, BEINC APPROXIISATE7.Y 7rj9 LINEAR FEET, Iii THE CIiY OF PADUCAH, KEN1'OCKY, u ~. ' ".11T THE COST OF i'RE ABUTTING PROPERTY HOLDERS, AND PROVIDING THAT 3Alt1E biAY BE RE- i ' ~i; ... ti z,''' " OONSTRUOi"ED UPON THE i'Elt, YEAR PAY1~lE1iT PT.AIi," be intrnd~ed and ley over for one week. i ' r Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Willie:tle "and Betterjohn,-5. Wayor Batterjohn offered the following motf.on: Imo roe that a resolution entitled; Resolution for "A RE90LUT1027 PROP]D11dO FOR THE COIISTRUC^a ION OF i"HE DRIVEWAY ON BROADWAY, FR01f i'HE ~ oonetruatfan of ' ~, ` driveway on EASa P1i0PERi'Y LINE OF SEVENi'EEIiTH STREET, {OR FOUNTAIN AVENUE) TO THE WEST P!~PERTY t.. , Broadway from ";LINE OF TWENTY-FIFTH Si'REET, BEINC APPROE211ATELY 3210 LINEAR FEE^i, IIJ THE CITY OF 17th Lo 25th.:., !, i - PADUOAH, KENiU08Y, A'i' THE COST 'OF i"HE ABUTTING P1i01'ERTIt HOLDERS; AND PROYIDING THAT ~ SA1dE KJsY HE RE-QO1tSTRUCTED UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYfdENT PLAN," be introduced and ley over; "one week. Adopted upon Dell of the roil by the following vote: Yeas. Eaten, Belcel, j . G Tully, Willinme and Batterjohn,-5. << Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: i move that the Resolution r j. ' Newa-AemooraL ',deeigaating the Newe-Demoorat as the Ofiioial Newspaper for the City of Paduoah, Ben- . Otfioiel Newe- i paper for 1921.' ~~'tnalq+, for the year 1921, be adopted. Adopted upon sail of the roll by the Yoliowingi. •~• vats: Yeas, Eaton, Eakei, Tully, W111iame and Katterjohn,-5. f. ~~ liegor Batterjohn offered the following motion: I move-Chat an ordiaeaoe entitled, Ordinanoe psv- " + '. vidfag for w ~ ORDINANCE PROVIDING FUR i"RE AD1dINISaRATIOH OF YISCEbLANEOUS CHARITY, AND 3SABING ~ '. administration o! SUITABLE 1?ROVISION.ROR THE l1AIliENANCE AND SUPPORT GF POOR PERSONS, " BE ADOPTED. misaollansoue ~. Oharity.. Y ~"Adopted upon osll of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,,Eatan, Esker, roily, `~ Y. Williams and Battsrjohn,-5. • ~ ~y F" . 1. +: , i ~y , I ~' ~ '~~ ._ - .. 1 '~ -~ ..,: ~ ..- r ,.. ., -~ ~' ~ J e _ _~! • "_°r, ' :~. .",.y:v iY~k.,:.tii., v, ..m•4;.:{~ ~ti.; iNa' bn.e+ -r: .. :e+.+rt,. ~ oe~,c .. ,. ,2~ a. ~`u ~.:*.ad ~.,,.~ . • ~,..~~ ~~~~ ;. b No.~ • Commissioner's Proceedings, Cify of P$ducah ~ .191, llayos %atter~obn otfered tho Yollow ing motion: I move that an osd inanae ant itlad', " =~ !'.eAN O RDINANCE CRE9^aING AIiD ESTABLISHING'SEWER DISa^RIOT H0. j, AND DIVIDING SAME INTO 1 ,~ •' Sewer Dietriot 8UB- 1 - }; Ordinance. DIV1SIOlIS A. H. AND C., AItD PROVID111G TRtRt% LINES, AND ESTABLISHING aNE MOUTH,: ~' !~ OIITLET OR OUTFACE FOR THE TRUN% LINE OF SAID SEWER DIBi"RICT,"' be adopted; Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, a"uily, Williams and !• ICatterjobn.-5• • Adotsl ~ ~ ~' 19 }f _.~-1-.r'.(-2,Q V .ii1_U f • , sd ~.__._. ~ • JANUARY 20TH. 1921. ~ ~11 • • 1 At a Called !testing of the Board of Commissioners,, held in the Oommiaeionere' i i ~Ohambes, in the City Hail, Pednoab, 8entuoly, on January 20th; 1921, at 10 O'olook A.M,~ IIpon Dell of the roll the following anewered,to their names; Commissioners Eater, iTnlly, Williams end Mayor Katter'ohn,-4. i , Mayor %tter~ohn Stated reasons for.oall to-wit: For the purpose of allowing i •. ;the Pey Roll Yor the first half oY January 1921, and auoh other business that may Dome ! • ibefore the Hoard. Commieelones Tully offered the following motion: That the aooounte for the fired • , • Report Qom'r. of half of the month of January, amounting to X9.949.02, ea per the report oY the Commis- Finance of eoaounte for 'eionsr of Finance filed herewith, Ds allowed and ordered paid and the money appropri- i riret half Jan. ~ 1921. 'ated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dail oY tho roll by the follow- ;ing vote: Ysea, Esker, 1"ully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-4. ' ;' On motion the Board adjourned by 4 yeas. C~.E'1'ly' O V'$93~ ~ . ..,. Adop ei ~°? ?ar ~~ rrC.l~..C + cis. cw~ ~-Z'QI4. ~ .~. , ~; JANUARY 2e~TH `1921. j , ~. At a Regular Meeting of the Board oY Commiaslonere, held 1n the Commiseioaere' ~'. 'Chamber, in the City Hall, Paducah, %entuolcy, on January 24th, 1921.. at 2 O'olook P.M. • ~`IIpon Dail oY the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, ~ `~Eakes,•Tully, W1111oms and Katter~ohn,-5. J ' ' ~ On motion of.Commiesioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt. 'sd ee read, upon Dell of the toil by the following vote: Yese, Eaton Esker, Tully, • • !,Williams and Ketter~ohn,-5• .~ i. . f Oommleaionar sully offered the following aatlons The awn of X50.00 each having • '.been paid into the treasury ee evldenoed by the raoeipte filed herewith, I move that , {1loenee to sell 16s1t or Cereal Beverages ox any admixtures thereof, be granted,tp the halt or Cereel ~ following parties: '~~" Liosnee to:- A. L. Redmon, ;00 s. 9th st, ! A.L.Rsdmon J. H. Elrod, 110 S. 2nd St. `~ - • J.H.Elrod ? C. E. West, 125 S• 2nd st. °' ~• C.E.Weat ?- Dan Galvin. 933 S. 3rd st, Dan .Galvin. .• .Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, . • CWilliam~ and Ketter~ohn,-5. •, lieyor %atter~ohn offered the following motion: I nave that the annual report .' • Report for 1920 . Pnblio Aealth ioY the Public Health Department for 1920 be reoeived and tiled. Adopted upon Dell of ~ Dept. ' the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and .Katter~ohn,-5. ~ :..,:• s Mayor ICstterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioetion, andi $eport for 1920. - f Carnegie Public 'annual report of the Carnegie Public Library for the year 1920 be reoeived and tiled. i ,, . Library, and sl.eo i' ~ oommunioation. FAdopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote:,Yeae, Eaton, Esker, a^ully, I • ,.Williams and %atter~obn,-5. ' i i ~.~~ .. r ,•,~ . v~ .. ~No.~~ .. ,... «. .: __ .~ .. ~.. .~.~L._..~ ~.. .._.~. ......~.... >...~.• r...... _~.~•r~~_ .....~~ •... _. _.~..... ... _. .._n irn i ~ ~ ._ . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ lteyor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: Y move that the report of the ~ ' Report Com'r. NO Public Safety ommiaeioner of Yublio Safet W. V. ~ y. Eaton, regarding trip to Chicago, Columbae and In re: trip.to ~ y ~ Chloago,Colnmbne Lexington to inapeot fire equipment, bs reoeived and filed, and that the a:peneee • d Lexington to, , . •inRpeot firs ;amounting to ~17i.68 be allowed. Adopted upon sell of the roll bq the following vote: equipment. yTeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter~oha,-5. I • Commissioner Wi111ams offered the following motion: i move that Lhe Oity 9olioi- i Pawn.Brokar , :;tor be directed to bring in as ordinance regulating the lioenae fee of pawn brokers is License Ord. the Oity of Padnoah, Kentnoky. Lost upon call of the roll by the following vote; '!Teas, Willi@me,rlr Nay e, Eaton, Esker, Tally an;1 Satter~oha,-4. : ' Oommissioner Eater offered the.followiag motion: I move that the anaael report Report W.B. Foros,Snpt., ref W. A. Force g pa ~ ~ , 9apt. of the L1 ht De rtment for tha,year 1920 be reoeived and filsd ~ . Light Dept...: . ;i 1y20. ~•;:, Ado t 9• P ed apex Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker Tnll FWilliams end Katterjohn;-5. i ;, Mayor Katter~ohn offered the Yellowing motion: I move that a Aeeolntion entitled ` ~ Ree01nti0n for . "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR i'Y.E COI3STRUCT1UYi OF TAE DRIVEWAY ON 30UTH FIFTH STREEa^^ ' oonetrnotioa oi , i ; driveway on 8• '_' FRDM THE SOUi'A PROPl:,RTY LINE OF KGiJi^UC$Y AVENUE TO TAE IJOaTH PROPERTY LINE OF CLARK 5th 8t• ,' STREET, BEING APPROXIMAT~L~ 759 LINr.AR Ft.ET. YN THE CIa^Y OF PADUCAR., KEI7i'UL"KY, AT i'I.TE ' i; 009T OF i^HE ABIJi"iING PROYEYJ:iY HOLDERS, AdJD PROVIDIIJG TAA^t 3A1SE MAY BE ~RF.CONSiRUCiED UPON THE i"EN YE6R PAY6~IJi PLAN,." be adopted. Adopted neon sell of the .roll by the r . .:following vote Yeaa, Eaton, Esker, Tally, Williams and Katter~ohn,-5. Ilsyor Katterjoha offered Lhe following motion: I move that a Aeeolntion entitled ;. Aeeolntion fo! oonetrcotioa . sA RESOLUTION PROVIDING. FOR i'AE CONSTRUCTION OF i'AE DRIVEWAY ON BROADWAY, FROM i$E EAST of Broadway f from 1'/th to !PROPERTY LIIJE OF SEVEIJTEEI7TA STREET, (OR FOUNiAIIJ AVEIJUE) TO TEE WEST PROPERTY LIIJE OF i 25th Ste. ~ TWEtJTY-FIFTH $i^REEi, BEING APPRORII~IATELY j210 LINEAA Fr^.ET, IN TAE CIi'Y OF PADUCAA, ~ ' 'KENi"UCKY, Ai" THE COST OF i'HE AHUi'TI27G PROPERTY HOLDERS, AND PROVIDING TEiAT SAME MAY BE {. ~'~RECONSiRUCiED UPON TAE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN," ba adoppted. Adopted upon Deli of the . droll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Esker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn.-5. !'. Mayor Katterjoha offered the following motion: I move that a Resolntion'entitled,~ L iReBOlution for . "A RESOLUTION .PROVIDING FOR TAE COIJSTRUCTIOIJ OF THE DRIVEWAY OIJ SISTH AND 3EVENTA oonetruotion of driveway Ori' '•$TREET9, FROM T??E 30UTA PROPF,Ri"Y LII~ OF KENTiJCSY AV.IIIJE TO TAE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF h eventh ' ~ m St6 L N yrA9AIIJGTON Si^REET, IN Y'AE CIiR OF PIiDUCf±H, KENi^UCKY, AT i'fiE COST` OF. TAE ABUTTIIJG PRO- ~ Avenue o ash '~ !. ington St.,. 'PEATY OWNERS, AND PROVIDING THisi" SALiE b7AY BE CONSTRUCi'ED UPON TAE i~N YEAR PAYb~ENT PLAN" be intzo.duoed and ley over for one. week. Adopted upon call oY.the roll. by .the follow-!.. .ing vote: Yeas, Eaton; Sewer, Tally, Williams and Katter3ohn,-5. 1 • .Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that a Aeeolntion entitled„ Reeountion tor' :"A AESOLUi'ION PROVIDING FOR i^HE OUNSTRUCTION OF THE DRIVEWAY ON WASHINCi"uN STREET, FROM` oonatruotion of driveway on THE WEST" PFi0PEI2TY .LIIJE OF i'fiiRD Si^RF.Ea^ i0 i"HE ~4t:ST PROPERTY LINE OF SEVENTH STREET, AND Washington St. from j;d 3t.' to ' ON FOURTH STREET .FROM TAE 30UTA PROEEIi'i''Y LINE OF KEYITUCKY AVENUE i^0 TAE NORTH PROPERTY i• ~ ~th St• ~ i LINE OF VYASHINGi'ON STREET, iN TAE CITY OF PADUCAH; SENTUCKY, Ai a^RE COST OF a^HE ABUTT- .F . ~,1NG PROPERTY OWN?R8; AND PROVIDING THAT SAME 31tiY' 3E.COIJSTRUGi"ED IIPON .TAE TEN YEAR PAY- j IflENT PLAN;" be introduced and ley over for one week. .Adopted.npop call oY the roll by •, Ithe following voter Yeas, Eaton, Esker, i"nlly, Williams and Katterlohn,-5. ~. y Hayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: Y move that an ordinance•entitled,j Ordiriaiae isen- .,"AIJ ORDINAJJCE ISSUING BONDS FOR'i"HE PITRPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING .AND MAINTAINING SEWER3 IN ing Bonds for : .Sewer Pnrpoe~es., THAT PART OF TAE gIi'Y OF PADUCAA KHOtYN AS MBCAANICSBURG, BOUNDED BY ISLAND CREEK ON i'HE • , NORi'A, MILL 9i'REET ON as^HE SOUTH, TENNESSEE RIVER ON i"JU; EAST, AND THE CITY L1YIT3 ON TAE' ~ . WEST; AND ALSO IN THAT PART OF iAL'' CIi"7f BOUNDED HY BONES 9i'REET OIJ.TAE NORa^H, YSLAND j • CREEK ON TAE SOUTH, TENNESSEE RIVER OIJ i"AE $AST, AND i"}TE CITY LIMITS ON a^AE WEST, FJI-' ~ OEPa^ING OUT OF SAID TERRITORY THA^a PORTION SOUTH OF BONES STREET,EMHRACED IN AND N01I' I , ;.~ . • . ..:... ,. ~ .. .. ~ -. 1 ._. S . 'v..;e4y h•. - .~,_~ , -_~ . r ~~ . i -< J =i• .. , ., .. .. ~. .. ~~ ,. .. ~ -. - , '~• it w ~., r ~. _~,xs..~,.: f we",nrR~w . NQ' Q' d' :::•i Commissioner's .Proceedings, City of Paducah - ' lql_ w TAKEH CARE OF BX SEWER DI$i°RICa9 OtdE AHD i"CVO, AID ALSO IIi SE'trER DISiRIC'i l~dBER THREE, '' AS 9EOWH OH TEE YI~fia^ FILED IH i'F.G OFFICE OF i'HE CObatISSIOHER OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE i Ordinanoe issuing ', • Bonds for Sewer C1i'Y OF PADUOAH, AHD i"0 PROVIDE FOR THE PAYIIEH^, OF INTEREST ON SAID AONDS AND TO OREATE~ pnrposse. A SIHgING FUND FOR THE PAYIIF.NT OF SAID BONDS ki' MATURITY," be introduoed and lay over 1 'one week. Adopted upon osll of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, ;.^anlly, Williams and Katter~ohn,-5. f Oommisaloner 'Fully offered.the following motions That the Oity 8olioitor be ' Stealp boiler .granted further time within whioh Lo report on steam boiler ordinanoe. .Adopted upon ~ " Ord inanoe. :~ • !osll of the roll by the following vote: Yeee, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and I • 'Katter~ohn,-5. ~ : On motion the Board adjourned by 5 yeas. ' :~ •L~FRUV F3:D Ads{ cd 14 ~~ ~~ Ciry Clw'4 1': . i! JANUARY 29th. 1921. ;; 4 At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommieeionesa' ! . `: Ohamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on January 29th. 1921,. at 11 O'olook A. ! .~°: `:~ c H.' Upon oall of the roll the Yollowing answered to their namea:•Commieeionei's ' ~N~ Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and 8ayor Katterlohn,-5. ~ ~ , } Mayor KatterJohn stated reasons for oall to-wit: For the purpose of adopting •~ 'a motion a=tending the time of sitting of the Board of Squalizstion. - .6 Qommiaeioner Tu11y offered the following motions I move that the tine of Hoard oY Squali- `: sitting of tk:e Board of Equalization be extended for three weeks from this date ' nation e:tendod . ~ three weeke.~ ~ Adopted upon oell of the roll by the following motion: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, sully, . Williams and Katter~ohn,-5. ~ On motion the Aoard adjourned by 5 yeas. t" ~ Adapt~~yy:1 3I 19~! AP ~ROV:~J~ , ~ y Cn" COen , ~ raAV~.~tr j I • JANUARY ;let, 1921. ~ ~' At s 8egular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' !i ~ i ' Ohamber in the City Hail. Paduoah, Kentuoky, on January ;let, 1921. Upon oall of Cho i t. '. roll the fallowing answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Eaker, Williams and (;, •. ., • ;Mayor Katterjohn,-4. i (,.. `:_ . On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the .previous meetin.ge wers~ adopted as read upon oa1T of the roll b the follows y ng vote: Yeee, Eaton, Eaker, ~~ Williams and Katter3ohn,-4. ` Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the oommunicatl9n ^~~. j ~e~", • ~' from the owners. of the 11H1TE WAY on Broadway from First to Fifth Street, and ,on Seoond ,lf ` ~ -, NHITE pAY deli- .; Third, Fourth and Fifth Straete, between Kentuoky Avenue and Jefferson Streets, whereb y -< 'i Dated to Oity.of '~ i . . Paduoah• Lhey dedioate said WHITE YIAY to the City of Paduoah, be reoeived; filed and oonourred 1., .. in, and that the said WEIa^E WAY be eoaepted, and that the 0ity of Paduoah henoeforth " ~. ~;• . • ,.operate same in eooordanoe with the proposition so suggested in said petition. Adoptedk upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeee, Eaton. Eaker, Wiliiame and Katter- 1" • ~~ohn,-4. Commissioner tYi111ama offered the following motion: I move that the report ;,, Report Com'r. ,. :~ . Williams in re: ;pertaining to ir:euranoe polioies, end the amount oarriod on City property be reoeived (':~-._`' Ineuranoe Poli- + Dies of City. ;and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, j• " ; j.Williame and Katter~ohn,-4. t,; !~ ~; No. ~ ~L ' ~. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ ~ . ".lTayor Katterfohn offered the following motion: I move that the salary of Yra.I ' L're.iiattie iltattie Herndon, 0lty Stenographer, be inoreaeed from $110.00 to $125.00 per month, ' Herndon, City ? _ salaograispsher,,effe.otive ae of January let, 1921. Adopted upon os1l of the roll by the following s ' Dres d. ?,!vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker,"YYilliama and Katter~ohn,-q. „F!. y. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: NHEREAS on the 25th day of ~;Ootober, 1920 the Oommieeioner of Public Fi . nance leaned to D. Harry Jamieson oheok .of ( ;;the City.of Paducah for $1 0.8 3 3. ~ ~ " {" AND WAEREA9 eai8 oheok wen issued pursuant $o inatruotiona of this Board, ` - ~direoting the Oommiasioner of Finance to pay said Jamieson in fell for hie services to ~ - ;;date and whereas said Jamieson has an notion e di i t C I p n ng n he ourt of Appeals of Ken- ". !tuolp+ to recover Pram the City of Paduaeh oompeneatioti claimed to be 8ne ender aontraot~ ffor drawing plena for a nurses home; , ~. D.Harry AIJD WREREAS the above mentioned oheok is in payment of balance dus ender Don- }" •Jamieson ; .: oheok, in re;iLraot for drawing,plana for es id nurses home end the amount due ender said aontraot ie ~ ,r Nnreee Home. u • in dispute,- , i ' ~ I move that said Jamieson may aaoept and•oash-said oheok without pre~ndioe to ~ - 4 f;any riirhts.he may have in the entice now i" pending is the Court of Appeals of Kentno~• ';Ado pled upon Dell of the roll by the tollow.ing vote.: Yeas, Eaton. Eeker..and'Katter~ohn~ 'i - ' 3, Naye, Alilliama,~l. ~. ii . ' ~ liayor 8atter.~ohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance en- ~" " "titled, "AN ORDINANCE.ISSUIIdG BONDS FOR i'HE PURPOSE OF CON3iRUCING AND L4AIIdTAI1iING i. M i`SENF.R9 1N THAI PART OF i'HE CITY 0'F PADUCAN KNOYIN AS 11ECHANIC99URG, BOUNDED BY ISLAND ! ' f ~OREEK'ON"THE NORTH. bfILL STREET ON i'fiE SUiJTH.' TENNESSEE RIVER ON i'BE'EA3T, AND TFE CIi7i ' Ordinance i:L1HIT3 ON 'THE N1EST, AND AL90 IN THAI' PARi^ OF THE CITY BOUNDED HY J0A'E3 STREET ON THE issuing bonder . ~~ttoi=pa88eer NURiH, ISLAND CREEK ON i'BE SOUTH, a~iNE38EE RIVER OId THE EAST. AND THE CIiY LIbiIT3 ON ''' t3rd Dietriot.'Tyg,;pEST, EAOEPTING OUT OF SA1D TERRITORY THAT PORTICit SOUTH OF JONES STREET EItHRACED ` , ~,~'N AND NOW'TAi:EN QARE OF BY SEWER DI3i'RICTS ONE AND TWO, AND ALSO IN SEYIER DI3i'R1C^a ! " . I . ~NU1dHER 'lHTiEE AS SHOWlt ON THE PLAT FILED I27 THE OFFICE OF i"IIE CO11MI33IONERS OF PUBLIC ~ . • VYORK3 OF THE Cli''Y OF YADUOAH, AND TO PROVIDE FUH i^fiE PAYAiEI1T OF' INTEREST Uti 3A ID HOIdD3 ~ • . ~ •, 'hND i''0 CI?EATE A SINGING FUND P'OR THE RAY6iF.Na^ OF 3A ID BONDS Ai' 1ViTURITY." be adopted. { ""Adapted npon.aell ai the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Nilliama and 'Katter~ohn,r4. ~ • OommiaeSoner.Tully enters the meeting." , . t " Oommisaioner Telly offered the following motion: It appearing that an error wad made L.S.DuBoia „in the neaeasmeat of L. 9. DuBois on tax bill }850 for the, year 1920. he having been ~~ ' ' Refunded on ~ . Tax 8111 +85p ierrnneonely assessed with one lot 160 z ;60 Cairo Road at $865.00, and he having paid $19.11. tax on earns. I move .that the amount of ~1g.11 be refunded. Adopted upon.oall of the ~ _ ' droll by the following votes Ysae, Eaton,"Faker, Tuliy, W1111ame and Katler~ohn,~5, 6 " ~ ", Commiaeioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that a poll tazr • . for the year 1820 was pnid an tax bili $291 on property of W. h. Hooker. deceased, and "! Poll ^,ax re- "edict W, E. Hooker havin been ckead.several ~ • funded Lillian. g years", Y move"that the amount of $1.5o bs s " Booker .on refunded to Lillian Hooker, a~idow. Adopted upon call of the roll b the followin votes. W.E.Bookor, Y g Deo aced. ~ ? Yeas, Eaton, Faker, Tully, Williams and'Katter~ohn,-5. n~: °" Commiaeioner Tully offered the `"following motion: The ama of $;7.50 having been, I' ~ pnid into the treaeury,ae"evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, Y pave that a deed ., ..". W.O,Atterbury, be eaeauted to W. G. Atterbnry"for,lot "128 Block f2 in Oak Orovs Cemetery. Adopted upon Cambtery Deed. •• • • Dell of the roll. by the'"following totes.Yeae, Eaton, Faker. sully, Williams and Katter~ _ ~~` ti..i 'john,-5• i , : ,, j ~ r 1,, " _ . ~ , , • .,__. ;wt , ..r t No.SI_i[,L , Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 19~_• • ':"" Oommieslorier,i'ully,oiferad the following motion:.ahs sum of X50.00 enoh having ;been paid into the.treaeury, se evidenced by the reooipte filed herewith,,I move that ~ ; 1lelt os Oereal lioenee to sell L'elt or Cereal Beverages or any admixture thereof, be granted to the Beveragee,d~o. j 1 granted to: following parties: i ~ Home Supply Co. ; i took Lowe ~ Rome Supply Co., ~Ol 8. nth St. y~ . ;. ~ Henry Cause fuck Lowe,, 500 S. 7th St. ' Ro.~y Rudolph Henry Gauss, ~Ob Adams 9t. _ ~ ~: C Ro Audol h 1301 Ha ri St ` Di k y p , . .... r son o ereoa Peter Bolger C. L. Diotm reori, 109 N. 4th 3t. • 9.A.:YomDle. Peter Bolger, 161'/ S. 4th St. 3. 6. Ylomble, .115 N. 4th St. .i ;Adopted npoa Dell of the roll ~y the following vote: Yeas, Eaton; Eaker, i'ully, ~iRilliama and Eatter~ohn,-5.. '.. Commissioner ~ully offered the following motion: The sum of ~P100.00 enoh knit or Cereal 1~ having been paid into•the treasury as evidenoed by the reoeipte.filed herewith, I move Beveragea,~o. '. granted to: ;that lioenee to sell i:alt or CreaT Beverages or any admixtures thereof be granted to A.Harooffaky ',.~ wen U.Flowere. !the following parties: ~ ' , A. Larooffaky, 901 Nsahington. ~ • . Wea 0. Flowers, 134 3. 2nd 3t. f . Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote:,Yees, Eaton', Eaker, iu]ly, ~'ailliame and Katcer~ohn,-5. _. ` Mayor Katter3ohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommuniaetion,.~.__.. .' ~ ~ Brioklayer'e :from Briekleyerte International Union be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon sell of the ; ; International i ~ IInion Coamunioa-:.:;roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker. gully;. Nilliams and Kattor'oh~;-5. ' tion. e ' ' I Commissioner r'`.aton offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioe- ~ ~ - ;tioa froci Aosooe Reed, City Solicitor. in regard to an ordiname providing foe the Communioatioa "' City Solioitor, ~ 'operation of boilers and steam engines, be reoeived and tiled, and referred to the ! , Roscoe Seed, In ` re: Ordinenoe Y'syos. i.dopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, iully,~ providing for operation Boilers ~Yiilliame and Ketter~ohn,-5. and steam engines.. On motio n the Board adjourned by 5 yeas. "f'RUVa+3L? ! • , ~ -. jaV'aFr. ~-~-~i9 ~-~ ~~ _ ~ f • ~; C:h Cfua l• ' + IBHROARY 615, 1981• b ,. ~ Lt a palled meting o! the Hoard of 0om^Sesioaers. held is the Oomd.elone~a. ' ~, • ~OhemDsr~ in the Qity $ali. Paducah. Le~noky. oa lebrnsicy 6th, 1981, st 1130 1. !!• tlyon call o! • the toff the lolLwiog saeweraa to Chas nawa ; Come>isalouers Batoa~ i ..lolly. williama and Ysttss~ohn,-d• Ysyer Ysttes~oha atateq rwoas for Dail to-wit: to allow plari~d sad' ffiu ggepost 00 •r o! 'sooomts toe tho last. of January 1981. sad any other bnaineea that may Dom befose ihaj. i ?iaanoe a~ se- . aonnta a:od saL- eoard• ~ rice last ffiit f January, 1981. 0ommiseioner lolly offered the following motions '1'hst the sooonnte tar the . r " ' 'Let halt of the monnth of January amounting to ;19.498.08 ar pas the report ~t the i.::~' ~ ~ ''y""~" • Commieaioaar of Pinenoe tiled herewith be allowed end ordered paid and the money ` 1, • approporL-ttd from the general toad t0 pal acme. ldopt6d upon Dail of the roll by the ; , , . ,~~v lollowirg vote; Yeas. IIatoa. lnliy~ Miiliame sad Sattsr~oha,-4• ~ j ` Oa motion the Board adjourned npoa call of the roil by 4 yeas. ~, ~-,:.' 1 ~ ~ `' ~ ,. . I! ~ Aie ei .. pf x p ~ C ~_~~~ ' ~-e tLO~~ _ b4A'!O)!C- i' ~, • ; - r ,~ ... .. . ,. . ~ . _____.,__,~~.... ~ } n '.i~'.i`a'~~.` ~, - . . , .-;~ . ~...~bw y, .-... No.~ -~, "~:m. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ N ." y8DRW1RY.7TH. 1981. ! • ~~ tt s Hegalar Yaetiag o! the Boasa o! Oomd,rsionars, herd in the Cornisrioaerr~ " I ., °Cheaibtr in tba City Half, paawoah, 8sntaoky, on pebraary 7th, 1981• Upon Doll o! thri ,. soli the toilowing answered to their namgr Ceemiraioaarr Baton, !oily, I~lllismr and ~ . ~Ysyor iatfes~oha,-a. ~ '~ On motion o! Commirrionsr Baton the,minnter of the.pmeHonr meetings were l ; '~ tadopted se read, aeon osll~o! the soii~ the loll { . I by oN#ng refs: Ieu, $afoa, Tally, ; ~ta r ;81111ama aaa sFttsr~oha,-S• . " Coaimiealona~s Baker entered the meeting- ~ I~ `', Commiseionsr Baton o!lerea the lollowiag motions 11$$@58, L Civio Toms of ~. ~;snrope it !o bs made by rspressntativea 6! Amsrioan basiners",men sna atnaents o! ia- f _ Anrtrisl end eooisl reletioar, laoinaing City planners, honeiag eapsrtr, City ezson• ,. ',.fiver and sooial and sanitary anginesre,.dnring t1~e montlu of Jane, iniy and the early ~ .. part o! Angast, 1981= and, ! - 11g5S518, the City ol~Padnoah hoe been in-ltea to dssigasts a reprerentafivs for '~~noh Oivio Tour= and, Mayor Bhtter• i . lobo anthOriaed ~ wB5@5-8, the ![ayor o! the City o! padnoah has oitsred to aeisay his own e=panrer fo go to Bnropr los rata trip it he it deal nt-t~a ar a re ee~ntstive !os the Ci oa Oivio Toms . 6 pr 1d'i and, ' u represanta- ~ fire o! psanoah '; NSSRS-8, it ie greatly is the interest o! the City o! Paanosh to M thtul ss- af hie own rspeire• 'prirentsd in said Tenr•- i. I now cove that thi Honorable !. w. Ssttsr~oha, Yeyar o! the City o! Yadnoah, be~ 'dgignstea sna appointed by the Does o! Coesilrrionsre o! said City, with lnli power ~' :, :' and snthority t• represent said City at any and all oonierenoes o! snob espssta, and to';~ make raid Tom sr the repreasntstive o! the City o! Ysdaoah, and that his o!!er to delsay his atpeneee on said trip M aooepted dad oononrred in, and that he be granted. '~'raoh leave o! abssnoe ar may be nsosaeary !or him to make aria trip. ~doptsd upon Dolls' o! the roll 6y the following vote: Ysae, Baton, Baker, Twliy, Mliiame end ~ttsriohn-Oi Beporf Chie! o! ?; Ooaadseiaasr Sston ailared the loilowing motion: I move that the report o! the '~ polioe for ilea. 1983. Ohie! o! polioe !or the month o! Jaamury 1981 be reoeind and !ilea. laopted neon Doll, ' ot.the soli by the loilowing votrt 7esa, Baton, salter, Tn11y,Nilliams and 10atter~ohn,-0i Commiseionsr Baton oltsrad the toilowiag motion: i mole that the repast o! the , I Beport Ohie! o.! Ohia! o! the pine Department !or the month o! Jsansry 1981 be rsosived and !Sled. ~ Aire Department for Jan. 1981. ~doptea upon Dail o! the roil by tha lo2lowing votes less, 8stoa, Sabr, Tsily, Niilisme sad Hsttes~oha,-6• t 1lsyos Satter~ohn oiisrsa the loilowing motions i move that the City Soginssr - be iartrneted to prepare plans, speoilioatioas and make all mesanrsmentr end estimates .°•• • Curbs aaa flatters-plane- neoeresry !or the bnilaiag o! onrbs aaA getters on raoh parts o! Twellth Street frost ~ lEth Sf~ !sour loner Street to Caldwell 8trset, sad !sour Twellth Street oa Caldwell 8traat oontinnoar,! ' Jonse to Cald• well 8t.. sad { from 18th on ~ly one Caldwell Street and Caldwell lveaaa to the right•oi-way o! the 11. C. i St. L. Caldwell fo Hdilwsy at the,Un~on 9tafion dad to er=oapt saoh IIaioa 8fatioa• „ , parts thereo! as ors not leaeibie !os raoh oarbs and getters. daopted apon Deli o! the roil by.the lollowins •ofes ?era, i Baton, asksr~ Telly, Willismp aaa >l>stter~oha,•8• '"• Oommiseioner !ally oltered the 1o11owisg motion= Thsf thr rrporf of the Ooastis• Report Comer. r o! pimaoe !or"rienes of Hasnoe !or 'the month o! iannasy be raoeivad and !ilea and ordered pabiienea • iaarss~ 1981• is the oitieiai newspaper. adopted npop dell o! the soli by the loliowi~ voN: Yeu, . Baton, safer, Tally, 11lll1ar sad bffosioha,•6.. ~ ' r ~ • ..1' ~ f' ::3 b i ~ ~ "4/ ~~ ..~ ~ ~~ ~~ . ~, i. '1 s ' ~/ k~' ~.. ~' ... ... ~-~ r .,.., -. mow. ,._,_ . ....M.._~ ~.~F . f. . . ~ ' . .;:~ . eC:.iiW f Y ~ H vy:: '::l . ...C'.^ ' ,. . . . ... i ~ _ _ ..~, ~. ~....+ '~iV'~+.v~.a.'.. ~`.'~..i:::...a...r.~wi...'..:rJ..++:a:.r~E'rl J.. +.w~+"~-`..W v~W.uxria..u..a.u. A':Ly.!N•~+...••":r.; «.:»,.. ....~....~v .~ ..,:..a. La.,+.3u~.+-rwaYV. ,, .:A ,,«,,,. f .Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ . • Oommissioner Tn11y offered the following lotion= The enm of X100.00 Daring Dena ~ Asia auto the lTeasary 1s evlaenosd by the reoeipt !ilea herewith, I don that lioenu !. `:+" . Yait es Cereal Beverage bioanse to sell malt or oeraai beverages or day admiatorea thereof, D• granted to Ernest Yarbso'. ' granted to 8eneat + '. ~~• at 986 Washington 9treet• adopted npou Deli 0! the roll by~the toilowiag votes Ysas, Eaton, Snloes, Tully, Williams sad Battsr~ohn,•6• CommUsioaer Tally offered the following motion= Thst the lotion o! the Oommia !:.•' ~.• z Street Iweeonme~ atones o! Publio 7laeaoe in psrohaelag street impaonmsat bonds #109 and X185 at 95 ~ '~~ Ronde #109 end ~].8i ~ porohased at 99 sad • and aeorwea interest be appTOna• adopted upon Dell of the roll~by the•foilowing vote~~. . ~' waerned interest. • ' Yeaa, Eaton, Eater, Tnliy, Williams and &-tter~ohn,•6.• CoHSiselonsr Tally offered the following motion: That the aotion o! the Oommis- ~ Empioymeat o! llrs• sionss o! 7imnoe is employing ltrs. Turner at a salary of ;100.00 per month to desist I • Turner to resist in arkiag Tar Bills, ya.~ng the Ta= Bills and pnoh other duties se msy be assigned to her be approved. eto. adopted neon sell of the roil by tho following vote: Yeas. Baton, Baker, Tnliy, i W111lems and 8atter~ohn,•8. • lfayor•Batter3ohn offered the following motion: I moos thst ap ordineaos entitlsa,~ ,'. "~ ORDIHAHCE PR01tIDI11G FOB THS COH$TRIICTIOH AHD RECOH$TRIICTIOH OF THS DRIYSWAY OH ~ Brosaway, 17th is 86th-Coastrnotioa '; 8R01DW-Y, lR01[ THB LAST PROPERTY LIES OF•$&VSHTES9TH $TRE6T, IOR FOIIRTAIH AtIBNIIB) TO ~ ` o! Driveway Ordineao• Brat ~ ' ~ g~gg WEST ~OPERTY LIHE'OF TWENTY-717TH STREET, BEIHG'APPR08ILTATBLY 8810 bIHEAR 788T, { Reading. j . IH THE CITY 07 PADIICAH, IQ:HTIIC&Y, aT THE COST OF THE ABIITTIHO PROPERTY OWNERS, IHD ~ PROVIDIHO THAT SAID IMPROVENEHT SHELL BB MADE IIPOH THE TEl1 YEAR PAYlIEHT PLAN," be in•.~ trodnoed and lay e-er for one week.: adopted npou Deli 0! the. roil by the following • !~ vote: Ysae, Eaton, Esker, Tally, Wiiliamr end Satter~oha,-6. ( ~ • . f ibyar'tDtitter~.aha'olf~sed the fo~.loMring aotion: I move LDat an orainano• entitlea~ ~ ' ~ ~ "AE ORDIHAHC$ PROVIDING !Oa TH8 OOH$TBIICTIOE AHD RECOHSTROCTI09 OF THE•DRIYEWAY 0!f ~ . ', SOIITH BI7TH STREET,;7R01[ THS $OIITH PROPERTY LINE 07 EE11T1JCKY AVEHIIS TO THE NORTH PRO+ j ,,, South 7ilth 9lseet~ from jy avenue to .,.PSRTY DIES Op CLARg 8TR$8T; BEIHO APPROIIYATELY 769 LISEAR 7SET, IH THE CITY OB PADII. ' ~ Clark St•, reoon- etsnotion of drive.. : ~g 'YEHTIICYY aT TSB,CO$T OF THE ~BIITTIB(i PROPERTY OWNERS, a8D PROVIDING THI.T SAID ' ' wayOrd lasnoe 71st Reading. Il[PROVEMENT $B6LL H8 YADB IIPON THS 2EN YE-R PAYtdSNT PLAN," be latrodnoed dad ley ovir ~ ~. !or one weak. ldopted npoa Dell o! the roll Dy the tollowiag vote; Yeas, Eaton, EnkeT~ '; Tally, Williams and~EStter~oha,-N• + . x, Commiseioaer Eaton otferod tt~e following motion:~I move that an oralaeaoe enti• fled,'"AN ORDINANCE 4IITHORIZING THE"LfAYOA Tp AD9ERTI9F FOR BIDE, aND TO RECEIVE SIDS Qsalasuoe antheris- BOR x,000 OIIBIO ~S•OF CRUSBB9 STONE TO B8 II$SD IN THE.CONSTRIICTION AHD RECON$TRIICTI01 ing Ysyoa• to ad- • vertise and reoeiq p7.$TREBTS AND OTHER WAYS WITHIN TBE OITY 07 PADUCAH, aND'PROYIDING FOR THE SIGNING 07 bids for ornehea ~ , stone. •~ COHTRaCT FQR~$AytE YND PAYlO:NT THERE08," M inlaoAaoedsaa.lay.ovir !or one weak., ~~ adopted npoa Dail o! the roil by the tollowiag vote; Yeas, Eatoa,,Eeker, Tu11y, ,,,~ ; ~, Williams dad, l~attsr~oha,-g. ~ ~ ~ 5 .~`~ Board ad~omraed upon Dell of the roll by 6 yens. the • On motion // y L~19 2 ~ •.bPPRO'4''F~D ' :~'"" ~'' :, Ai• tb . S. . , . • ~ ' K ;RF.?i?U~1??Y 4th, 1921. ~ ~ ' 6t s Rogulrr ?,Rooting oP'.Lhe noard'oC Commissioners, i:elal in.i;Y.o:Commiseion •~. • jera~ Chambor in tho Cit;~ Hall, Pe du ah,,,Korituc`k;7, on F~bruar-. lGth, 1921. U.Pon Dell. { ! ' :. ; • ~;ot the roll the loll-0r.•in~''ri.nse~ered to th©i~• names; Commissioners i~,atpn, ;;e):or,; TrQ3„q, ~ i; ,~ • • ;'~lilliams and lieyor K^ tter iohn,-fi. • { • On motion o4 Commissonor Eeton tho minnto:, oT tho provioi:^ mootinga a~oro f • ~~adontod as rued upon Dell ~oP tho roll by tho 4ollo~ring vote; Yoe , ~iaton, 1:Rkor,T~illy, - .• ~;','lilliams end 2.~:yor Kattor~o}:n,-6. i; • • .~ :~ _ ~;~., ,, ,:;'.. ,, . ~ .~~, ~!~,~... "~ • • •.~' . • ~ , .f ,=ray r ..,, »...~„ m,~. r;. No. /~a ~„... , . ~ ~., ~ ' ~i0?YIIri133101ICf'3 of Protest againat4 Comniasionor.Tully offered the Following motion; That the petition from the 'improvement of f 9th St. both. ;property holders protesting against the improvement of 7th Street botrreen Eontneky Aver i Ky.Avo. and { 1'lashington 5t. Viand Yleshington street be received and filed. Adopted upon call of tre roll by the s ? ";following motion; Yoas, Eaton, Esker., Tully, t41111a~na and Xatterjohn -6. j , „ Comoieaioner Tuily,oftored the following motion; That the petition from the ~ Protest against` 'improvement of ,,property holders protesting against the imrtt~ovoment of Nashington Street from 3rd St. [lashington St. 's to ,7th St. be rooeived and filed. Adopted upon oell oY the xolI by the,Yollovring vote; _ from 3rd St'..toi. 7Lh St• ~ 1yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, [~lilliams an8 I{attoxjahn,-b. ! ' r Y Oommiaeloner;Tully offered the following,motionl That the petition from the I Petition of property hold- ! ;property haldera on Harrison Street batheon 19th and 22nd Sta. regarding the oonditioa ~ ~' Vera on Harriaon~of the streets be received and filed and reforr.ed to the Commissioner oY Pnblia Ylorka ? St. tietn. 19th k. 22nd Ste. lfor..attention. Adopted npon,aall of the roll b the followi y nq vote; Yoas", ~;atpn,. + f ?:Faker, Tally, 171111ams and Kattorjohn,-b. :; ; ~ u Comaisaionor Esker offered the Yellowing motion; That the report of the ~ • Street Dent. •reporti for ~ :Street Department Yor tHo month oY January be received and filed. Adopted upon cell } ~; January .1921, Hof the roll by the following vote; Yeea,.Eaton, Faker, Tu].ly, ?811iema and Kattarjohn-bi. ~ Mayor Kattor jo;;n of Pored the followi `: nq motion; I move that an ordinance en- - ~ titled, "dN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TIii. CONSTRUCTION'AIJD i?ECOIISi'RUCTiOid OF 'fEir, DRIVE- ~. , , Ordinance for + ~ i'!AY OI1 BROA.DlAY, FROhI T}I"r. EAST PtZOPa,'HTY LIIT~; OF 3EVENTE:3IITE STREET; (OR FOUNTAIIl AVE- improvement oa Droadway from ~ ~~, TO T1+I~'efri T PI2pP~;RTY LIiTd OF T'~lEt+fiY-FIFTH STRH7:T BEING APPi?OXIMATELY 3210 LINESR ~ ; . " 17th to 26th Ste. Adopted. ~. yF1vET, It~~TI?:; CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY,-AT 1'liiu COST OF THE A?3UTTING PROPydTY OiJNERS, i FAND PROVIDING THAT SAID IIIFt30Vr.~'[INfi . Sv.ALI. P;E 1"AD~ UPON i'$E. TBN' YEAR PA31n':;IdT PL;.N," 23e ! , ~ adopted. Adopted upon oe1LoY the r:oli by. the following vote; Yosa, Eaton, Esker, ? . " „. Polly, vlilliama and Katterjohn,-6. ~ ! ,„ ~ Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move that am ordinance en- .} Ordinance for .titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THi's CONSTRUCTION AI1D R~COPTSTB-bCTIOii OF TAb DRIVE- .. improvement on' South Fifth St. •iwAY ON SOUTH FIFTH STREET; FROM THE 30UTH PROPr~tTY LII;E OF KEI2TUCKY AVENUE TO THE NO$TB: i • from Y,y Ave.. to Clark St. . ;PROPcRTY LINE OF CLARK STREET, BEIitG APPROXIIiAfinLX.769 LIIIEAR FSET,.IN T~ OITY OF ! Adopted. ~~YADUCAH, KENTUCI;Y; AT THE COST.OF TH.~. ABIITTII;G PROPi:'RTY O~rH:y1S, AND PROVIDII3G'THAT SAID ' gI3.iPROVBki"i',IIT SN1LL ~; 2,tAD8 UPON THE TEN YriZ pAY;;;EI;T PLAN," bo.ado»ted.. Adopted u»on ,. ,. ;;call oY the roll by the Yollovring veto: Yeas, Estnn; Eakor, Tully; '~-Jilliams and ~Kattor john,-b. ? f,,,"' Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance en- i riitled, "AId ORDIIANCE AUTAORIZIIIG THE hViYQR TO ADVr^,RTISr: FOR .PIDS, AIiD TO RECEIVE .BIDS j , Ordinance auth-~, ~ orizing ElayoP tbiOR 6,000 CUBIC YARDS OF CRUSHED•STONE TO $E USED Iid TH3 COIdSTRUCTIOId AND RECOI4ST3IICTIOIt -" , ~ bidarfor~ for . OF STRsETS AND; OTIiER '.7AY5 t7IT?iIN THE CITY OF PADUCAA, AND PROVIDING FOR THB SIGNING OF ~ orushad atone. Adopted. _ `CONTRACT lOR SA;:~, AND tAY;.~NT THL'T4EOF;" be adopted. Adopted upon cell oY the roll by ? ^ ~. the following vote; Yeea, . Faton, Eakor, Tuliq, [7illiams .and Kattor john,-b. ~ ` Commissioner Eatan.oYYorod the following motion; I move that the Chiaego , ~~ ~ k InsRaCoonding Bonding Rs Ineuranoe Co., as surety in the.Offioial.bonde of Mike Trilliama, Commission- ? released ea. surety on offi- er oY Pnblio Property, and H. V. Eaton, Oommisaionor of Public Safety, be relea.aed Yrom! '' cial.honda :of Mike 1lilliame. p~.thor liability, acid Commiasionors havi ~ ng eKeonted hem bonds with the National Snrety~ .and ?t,V.Eaton,. AompAny of ldow `fork, as surety in eaid.Official Bonds. •Adopted upon oe11.oY the rolh by, National Surety , Co. of. N.Y. ; .having executed;the following vote; Yoa.s,Eaton, Eaker,'Tully, F(illiama and Kattorjohn,-6. ,I ~!. ai .ofiioiel~ bonds r ' ~. On motion the Board adjoaaned.upon call. of the roll by b yeas. •s. f s Ai.}fed f ~• r~ Fp oCr' o~-lt.~i ROV ly]I~ •~ ~s- e"~ ey.r ~ !.~-~ I r . ~ EiAYUR. ~ ~ ~ s. _, '. ' ~ .. ,. .. a .. ~ ,: ., .. .. . ~ . .J . _- ~i ' F d z t a ro ~: ~' t L. ,~. _Y.. j N Report C.om•r. ' Finance of pay ', Ro11 for first half of Feb.1921, sioner's:Proceedings, City of Paducah 191._ ' Ft:BIiUA:~iY 19th ~19'.3l . ~ At B Calledtveoting o! tho I~oard of Comaiasionora., hold in tho Commiasionere• 1 nambor,•in the City Esll, Paducah, Keni;uc)cy*, on Fobruary 19th, 1921, .at 10;30 o'clockf 3S. IIpon call 03 the roll the following answered to thou namos; Commissioners iton, >;akor, ^_'ully, dilliems and hatter john,-5. 13syor.l:attorjohn stated roeaons for call to-wit; To allow pay roll for .the first half of Fobruary, 1921, and any ol:hor businoss that maj~ acme before the Board.• Gommissioner Tully offerod tho following motion; That the accounts for the first halt of tho month of 'r'obruary amounting to X6145.18 ae per tho roport of the amnissionor of Finance Piled heravrith'be allotirod and ordored po.id and-th8 money I ppropriatod from the gonoral fund to pay same. Adopted upon sell of bho roll by tho A .~, ~ '! following vote; 'toes, ~:aton, ;;akor , Tully, • filliams and Katter john,-5, { ;, + . Camniseionor'~ully offored tho following :notion; That• tlr.o timo of sitting of + Time of yitting j oP iiquulization 'r tho Board of i:quelizution bo oxtondod for ono ',rook :Prom this dato. adoptod npon Dell Board oxtondod ono crook. ~, of tho.roll by tho follo~rrin~ voto; Yoa3~r;aton, kel.or• Tully Williams and S:attor- ~~ john,-b. On .,otion tho L'oard~adjournod upon call of tho roll by tho follo~'ring vote: Yoas,~ ~~; ~'aWn, jskor, Tully, 'ililli:ma and 1Catborjohn,-5. ( " „ `~ ~, )~ '. Adr3! d.d`-t~ 2 ~ y9 z ~ ~ !1~r'PROV.67D .'; ;:. , p lRHR11ARY SLt~ 1981. ~~ ~! a Hegnlar Meeting o! t4be Hoard o! Cosn+iaeioasre, hold is the Coas;iesionera~ j "' Ohaabar, in the City Hall, padnoah, Bantnaky, on F~brmary Slat, 1981, at 8 o'clock P,H,~ ., 'Y • 'IIpon sell 0! the roii the ioliowiag ansorered to their nameat Conmiasioaere $aton, ~ ~,",, . Raker, i'aily, Williams end Mayoz Sattsr~ohn,•8, I . .. '~ On motion of Oommissioner Raton tlu miantee o! the prwiona meetings here j adopted as read upon sell o! the roll by the lollowiog vote; Yese, Baton, Rakor, Tnlly,t Williams and Battor~ohn,-B. ~ ~I Heaianation o! llsyor I~ttor~ohn oiiored the loilowing motion; I awva that the resignation o! ` Dr.C.R.Harkey Y Dr. C. R. Harkey. ae City Physician, be accepted, slYeotiva February 88th, 1981. ' City physician accepted, t Adopted npon Deli o! the roll"by the loilowing voto; Yeea, Raton, Raker, Tn11y,Wiiliama' , • - 'and ~atter.~ohn,-6. . Da,.Bdwrd Adam• 1lsyor %stter~ohn o!lered the following motion; I move that Dr. Rdnard Alamo bll appointed City appointed City Physician, slieotive ss o! Mnroh 1, 1981, to serve at the pleasure of P'hysioian. • • ,.!.the Hoard o! Commissioners. Adopted neon Dail o! the roll by the loilowing vote: Yesa,~ ,. °--~;:. Rstotl, Raksro lu11,y, Williams sad ~attsr~ohn,-8, • Mayor >Oattsr~ohn otisred the loilowing motions I mows that the Report o! the ~'~ ~;~ ' aepost McCracken ; ;a`~'`';' Connty Health Health Hoard for ~aansry 1981 be received and filled. Adopted npon Dail o! the roii by ,q ,;+;;°; 1981a tdr ~~ the loilowing vote: Yeas, Raton, Raker, Tully, Williams and Ksttsr~ohn,•6. '~,,:,~,~;. r ~• Commissioner Tally oiiered the loilowing motion= That the Commissioner of Com'r. linanoe ,p~IIOe be instrnotsd sad authorised to pay oil, take np and oanosl street Improvement ~ ~r~'' aJ ,, inetrnoted to pal ' o!!, take np and oonpoiu amounting to ~tiC.PA is City Rational Beak. Adopted npon Dail o! the roll by ~ ..; oanosl Street the lollowi vote; Yeea Raton Baker Tally Williams and Satter~ohn 6. Improvement ~ • • • • '- 4 oonpona. Cn motion the Board sd~onraed by b yeas. t ~~ . ' • ~ i .ems 14 19 7.L. ,•', ,r ~• 'Fu0`Cr~]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Adopted ~-- J~(.~~y(/ ~'"* , '~ ~- . ~, ~'; , a ,, :f e: 4' • ~,.,, .. .. 1 I ~~. No. /// .; 1 • -r% Comrnissioner.'s Proceeding, City of Paducah 191 78ffitIIARY 86th, 1921. _~. '.~ At • Ca1Ld Meeting of the Board of Comoi..ionere, halo ia.the Comais.ioner.'.i „ .'Chamber in the City Hail, Padnoah, gsatnol~y, on lebrnary 8ith, 1981, at 10 e'olooh t.Y.{ , IIyon call of the roll the lollowiag ans~ered to their names; Commissionere,Baton, !Wily; 'and 14yor Batter john,-8: . i . j Mayor Bstterjoha stabd reason. !or call to-wit= To estend the $ime o! attina , ''o! the .Board o! &4nalisation: ~~ ` Oomrideioiler !Wily oflsred the tollowing.motioa; Y more that the time ot. ~. lime o! sitting, o! Board of ,acting of the Board ot.Sgnalisation be ssteadsd to and inoindiag Ysroh 7th, 1921. j =gnalisa0lon ~ ~ . ' e:tended. iLdolEed alon call o! the roil by the loliowing Yote=. Yas, Eaton, Tnlly and ~attsr~ohn-*. ~F On motion the Board adjonsned apon otii o! the soli by the loiio~ing vote: ~, E; Yeas, 8atpn, Tnlly.aad ghtterjohn,-li. , ~ ;: ~~ , t e hdoylc . _. ',;~ ~ .! ;, ~ FEBRU6RY 28th. 1981. I ` al ~ •' Y ~t a Coiled Meeting o! the Board ot,Commiseioaere, held in the Commisaoners' ~ .. ~ 4 Chamber in the City Hall, Padnoah, geatnoky, on lsbrimry 88th, 1981, s4 li o'oiwk A.Y.; . Hpon Dail o! the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Eaton,Esbr,{ .. Tnily, miliiams and 1[syor ~ttsrjohn,-6. ~ Mayor Battsrjohn stated reasons for call to-wit; !or the pnrposs o! rsoei~ing I ' I '~e~nd filing Mde !or the aoastrnotion and rsoonstrnotioa of Broadway s~ Sonth lift! j • ~ "i8treet, and any other bneinAes that might come betors.ths Board. ~ F Mayor ~-ttsr~ohn oilseed the following m~tlon:.I movs.thst the bide Yor the ., ;,oonstruotien sad re-ootutrnotion•o! Broadway'snd South fifth Street, submitted by the (. `'loliowiag bidders, to-wilt ~ 'Bids o! Ysnoey f Ysaoy m Johnson te.Joheeon, G. W. ~tterjoha a Son ' p.W.Itatterjohn ': $. &. Stone a Company ~ .• a Son y, A. Washington a Soa sad Pulliam Brothers, and ~ N.E.S~one b Co.`, Pulliam 6 Nashingtm ~ .. B.9.Waehington ~, b Son, and be.reoeivsd and Hied, sad action on snore bs deferred nntil,ths Regn]ar Pasting at ' Pniliam Bros. ~ '; x, :. • Y~iiliam • 8 o'clock P.' Y. on lloaEay lebraary 88th, 1981. Adopted npoa call of the roll by the ~ . Washington, for oonetruotion lollowi~g vote: Yese, Eaton, Baker, !Wily, l~illiams and. Batter john,-6. o! B*way and ~ 8. Filth St. Mayor Batter~ohn otlersd the toliowing motions I move that the bid of 0. W. f. • ' received and !lied. s:Battsrjohn b Son for 4,000~Cnbio ZarAs of ornshed areas b• reeand and tiled and. ? ~'"` ~ ~, notion on same bs deterred mtil the Hbgnier Yeetiug at 8 oblook lelirnery 88th, 1981. ! , • ~' Bid' o! tiw.W. r adopted upon. Dail of the roll by the toliewi:og vote: Yeas, Baton, Baker, lnll~, ' ICattsr john d ; • eon to inrnish `Wililau and Batterjobn,-6. . Crushed Rook :, reoeitied ana Cn motion the Board aajewsaed upon call e! th. roil by B yeas.. ,,~. . died. .; s .. ~ ~ 'n1:_~3.'letc a cw~a ,. MAYOR l • ~. ~ ~ ;r . ' {, .. .. .; • . ~ ~' ~ r .. j i' ... . .. ~ • < I G7 ,' ,. ,.. ,, . .. ... .. - } n ~ ~. ~. . ~° .r:~~' i,.:_ , .~ ~< r ". ' ..' .. ` f f , • Commissioner's Proceedings,. City ofPadueah i9i,..:. ~ - '~`k~ '~ FSBRIIARY 88TH. 19E1. ~` ~ ; .~ ; . ,At ~- Regales keetiag of the Basra of Oommissioners, hale in the Ohmrissioaers,+~ • Ohamber is the Oiby Haii, Padnoah,.Banbnoky, on February 88th, 1981, ab R o~olook P.,1t,.~ ; ^ • _ IIpoa Dail at the roll the following aaewersd to their namsb; Comniseionsre 8ston, '" Eskers Tnlly~ Wi11Lms and ldeyor Battsrjobn,-8. ,; • On motion et,0ommissioner Eatoa the miantee o! the previous msebiags were i ., i i ,., aaopWa w read upon Dell 0! the roil by the following rotes Yeas, Eaton, Eaksr,Tnl~rli Williams sna Betterjoha,-8. ~i . ~ ' Mayor Egttsrjohn otisrsd the following motion: I~move that the reporb o! the ' ,~ Report o! Cit ' Engineer on b~aa =1 qty Engineer oa the bide for the oonetrnotion aaa rsoonatrnotion of West Broadway sna ~ ,,'i • -: reosina !or ooa- struotion o! Byway 8onth Filth Strsst be reoeived sna filed. Adopted npon•osii of the roll by the lolls -~ ~ ~,~ and 8. 6th 8t• lag vote; Yeas. Raton. Saker, Tully Williams sad $atterjohn~-B. ~ :, i 1(syor Battsrjoha offered the iollowiag motion; It appearing from the Dide ;,~ this day reoeived !or tho oonstruotion end reoonetrnotion of Broadway from 17bh Streit { i ' , to 88th 8treet~ iaolneive~ and South Fifth 8traet, from the South side of Sentnoky ' Awnne to the North aids of C]srk Strsst, that the bide of Ysnosy & Johnson are the ',~. ~. " lowest and beat bide for said street work; end it further appearing that the oonetrnoL-~` ~,:;"< . ; ' • ioa in oonorets is maoh the ohsapsr and is more aeeirable~- ~" bids o! Yraoey i Johnsoa tort • ~ I sow move that the bide of Yanoey do Johnooa !or the oonetruotion sad reoon- ' Broadwaytead of ,etrnotioa of Broadway from and inoiuding 17th Street to 86th 8trset~ end 8onth Fitch f 8. 8th Bt. . adopted. Street, from the 8onth side of Eeatnoky Avenue to the North aids of Clark Street, to ~ bs oortetruotea wlth oonorete~ so .per plane and speoitioatione aooompeaying Baia bide, ~ . bs approved end soosptsd, end that the Nayor bs inatrnoted to enter into oontraot wifi ~ "'' said oontraotors~ !a ell respeote~ as requires by ordiaanos, sod aooordibg to law. ~ :i Y 4. . Adopted upon Dell o! th0 roll`bythe~tollowing vote: Ysae~ Eaton, 8sksr~ Tully, ~ Williams and Satterjohn~-8. } 1[eyor Batter john otisrsd the following motion= It appearing from the bid o! I Oeo. W. Yatterjoha A Son this day reoeived sna filed that he will sell to the City d E• ,~, Bia'oeO.W.Eattes'- „ '...lohn b Soa to { ~~~h'.ornat-ea root in sooordanoa with the ordiasnos heretofore adopted, providing loss nrnieh City of padnosh Crashes obese of S 000 onbio ds o! Crushed Rook at the ioe of 1.10 sr ton f.o.D.d ths~pnr . yar . pr $ p , Rook sejsoted. . Cedar Blntt~ Keatnoky; and it appearing also that said prioe le reteonable, sad the • 1 •• 1, , ipwest prioe obtainable,- I now cove'that the.Ysyo; be inetruotsd~to safer into a ooatraat with Oeo. W. } Batterjoha &Soa for the purohase of not s=Deeding 4,000 onbio yards o! Crushed $ook, ~ .. to bs inrniehed to the City of Padnoah daring the,year 1981 at suoh times as may be ~ • orderod by the Ysyor~ in sooordanoa with said bia. Lost upon sell of the roll Dy the 1 following rote= Yesa, Eetoa end Batter john,-8; Nays, Esker, Tully- sna Willlams~-8.' ; ,. 1 . Mayor gstterjohn otisrsd the following motions i move that the oertilled ~ oheoke tendered with tAe bids of the nasnooeBaful bidders oa street work this day De 4 '` • 5`"." • Oert1llea oheoks . ~ tendered with attest isporove- retnraod to said bidders., Adopted epos Deli of the roll by the tollowiant vote; Yeas, ! meats bids re tmrR- 1 • ed to uneuooeoa- Ettoa, Rak..r, Tully, Wiiilame sea Batterjoha,-8.• , ~ • inl bidders. Ysypr Batterjobn offered the following motioa=. I move that the oommunioatioa Isom Wheeler 8 $nghes, •ttoraeye for the Padnoah 6 Illiaoie Railroad Company, request. Comannioatioa Wheeler 3r HnghN ~. ing an e:tenaioa.o! time for the oommeaoement of. the building of the depote~ together 1 I • I Attys. P. do I. R.R. Co. relative with sesolntion providing for spme,~be reoeived sna filed, end aotion thereon deterrsd. _ , . f .. .. .. _.: ~, ~ ; S fie,.. ~;~ ' ,• ". , ,•y .. ,.. .. '' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ 1[syor Hattsr~ohn offered the loiiowing motions I move that s Resolution entitled, ' `' I !, . i P. 6 I.R.R. "RE80LUTION,H7ET8NDINp TS$ TIIi$ WITHIN WHICH THB YADIICAH 8 ILLINOIB.RdILROAD COYPAN? ISI resolution " ~ i ;extending,time. TO BTpIN•, IN p00D FAITS, THB CONBTRCCTION OF CERTAIN DBPO'18 AND OTHER IMPROYBI~FITB IN • I~ TSE CTTY OF PADUCAB, K6NTUOKY," bs adopted. Adopted npon•'oall o! tha roll by the toi•~ loving vote= Yese, Eaton, Eaker~;•Tnliy, Williams and Kattsr~ohny-8. ~ ~ . . I p; ~ Commiseionor Tnliy.otferea the following motions That the petition from psopert~~ ' 4 .. .. Protest•irom'. ." holders on Bl=eb Street between Kentnolsy Avsnne and Washington street, protesting ' '~ ' ..'property owners; ion 6th 84 .been. against the improvement o! said street be reoeiv~d end files. tdoptsd upon oall o! thsl ' ~ tydvi aa~ wash-, i ton 8t. `roil .4. f ~ II by the lolloeing vote: Yese, Eaton, Esker. Tally, Williams and Satter~oha,•8. i. ~, . ~, . ~' Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: That the oommnniostioa from ~ i ., ~Commnniostion ~~ the Irvin 8. Cobb Cigar Co..regsrding a=smptioa from tssation be received and filed anA Irvin B.Oobb ~~ '.Oigar Oo. i, fifes and referred to the City Solicitor, to report back at the neat regular msetiu~. ~ • !`j ~~ Adopted upon rill of the roil by the loilowing votes Yeas, Eton, Saksr, Tally, .. ., ~ . j ~ • f willisme'`asid Ketter~ohn,•8. ` ~' Commissioner Tully eltsrsd the loliowing motions I move that the oommuaioation ~ . Commnniostion ,". from Salteman, Csve A Reed bs reoeiveQ and filed. Adopted np~s call of the roll by Halteman,Cave i '.. • ' Reed. 'i. the following vote: Yese, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katteriohn,-8. i j! Commissioner Tully oiiered the toilowing section: That the sum o! $16.00 be i . ~Relnad o! $16•aD;, refnndsd to Saiteman, Csve b Reed, they having paid this amount !n error on license ! to Salesman, ; Cave b Reid on ; $1080 !or the Natianal Ins»rsnos Company. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the loilowr ` License $1030. ; ~ ing votes Yeas, Eaton,,Faksr, Tally, Yliliinme sad Kstter~ohn•-8. ~. ' I! Commiseionsr Tnl1y o!lsred.the loiiorring•motions Ths ram of $37.80 having been Oemstery Deed !' pain into the Treaesry as evidenced by the rweipt iiisd herewith, i move that area bet, • to 1Crs.ltianie .~--, ~Bd• '''eeontsd to Ib:e.•Minnis Ramsgs to.LOt 93, Block #8 oa the south side o! Miller 8trsst • ~!; beewsen Ford end Hansen 8trsst in Oak prone Cemetery. Adopted upon call o! the roil by ?' the following votes Yese, Eaton, Saksr, Tally, Williams end Katter~ohn,•8. i ~ . j Commissioner WiiiinIDe o!lered the loiiowing motion: I move that the reparte of Reparte !or !~ pred English, 8extion Oak Grove Cemetery, for the months o! January and February 1921,E . Jannsscy end Feb. ~ i. ~o! Fred 8nglish, bs received ant. tiled. Aaoptsd npaf rill o! Lhs roii by the foiiosing vote: Yeas t Ss:ton Oak prop,, • i . '.Cemetery. Eston,Hakar, Tally, Williams end KatLsr~ohn,-8. ~ . ~! Oommiseioner Esker oiiered the loilowing motioni The! the~Commisetoasr o! Pnblid works bs iaetrnoted to order one Adams.Roaa Patrol Ssrsper. Adopted upon osii of the Aflame Rota patrol 1 8orsper• i[ roll by the following rote; Yeas, Bakes, '2dlk ma Wiliiasss,•3= 11sye, Futon ana ~ r better john • -2. ~ . On motion the Board ad~oerned neon salt o! the so13 by 6 yeas. . ~, ~ ][ARCH bTH, 1921. MAXOR ~ ~! '~ . ~~ ;1 At a Called Meeting of the Board of Conmsisaianmre, held in the Cominiesioiere' .. ~; Ohoanber in the City Ball. Pndrioah, Kesrtuoky, on March 6th, 1921•, at 1f> o'clock A. ]t. ~:: Upon pall of,the roil the following answered to their names: Comsrisaionera Eaton, j ~"a S„ R~al].y, Williams-and Mayer Katter3ohn,-4. ~•• Mayor.Ketter~ohn stated reasons for call to•:rit: To allow pay roil foi' last huff ! ~. of February; and s;aoh other business as sr~sy coins before the. Board. ~• i. - ~ F .~~ ~k •Commiesioner•Tully offered t}ya following motion:. I move that the Ysyor and Com- City to borrow; x20,000.00 ;, miesioner o! Fineaoe be authorised to borrow from the Citizens Savings Ban1c, for the j ' from Oiti zene. ;; . 5avinge BAnk. ~, nae and benefit of the City of Paducah, the sum of $20,000.00 payable July 6th, 1921. ' ?t pledging. as eeonrity the good will sad credit of the Oity of Padaoah and the taxes ~. ` ~~ to be oolleoted during the month oY June. Adopted upon call of the roll b the ' d Y t . . ~ - , • 1 ' j ' ' ~ ! • de~bli/$do W.{`~1p.`' 4k3~:,rou R (~' >e. n. F'' f ~, ~. ~ , ~...~, . . . Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Padneah 191_ • .following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Tully, 191111ama and Katter~ohn,-4. ~ " Oommissioner Tully offered Lhe following motion; I move that the aooounte for ' the last half of the month of February, amounting to $18,986. B9, se pat' the report of .. Report Com'r. of ~ the Commissioner of Finonoe tiled herewith be allowed and ordered paid and the money. Finance of sooo:mte Yor last hnif of ;appropriated fr an the general fund to pay same. Adopted upon oe'.1 of the roll by the February, 1921. following vote: Xoao, Eaton, Tully, t9lliiama and Katter~ohn,-4, I !i Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the report of the: Report Oom'r. of `, Commissioner of Finance for the month of February ba reoeived and filed and ordered'' Finance for the is month of Fab. :!published in the offiolai newspaper. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the following • 1921. vote; Yens, Eaton, Tully, 1Yi111ams and Katter~ohn,-4. • ~i On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll bg 4 yeas. • j Aieptel-~~ly z! ii O1C. ~;. ~ ?dARCR 7th, 1921. ' ~, ;i. At a Regular L~feeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in tho Commlesionera' i ti ~; ;'' Chamber in the City Rail, Paducah, Kentuolpr, on Llezoh 7th, 1921. Upon call of the • `; roll the Yoliowing answered to their names: Commiaaionera Eaton, Esker, Tully,7~illiams~. `, ' j and Lieyor Katter~ohn,-b. ~ •, ~i j. ~ j, On motion oY Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the prenioua meetings were adopted ~•..•'' . ~. as read; upon_oall oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, ~': Nilliama and Kstter~ohn,-5. ' ~; btayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the oortununioation of Oeoar Danker ( Oscar Danker be reoeived and Yiled, and the request be granted and permit him to oommuniontion !~ .. , permission to tap„ oonnoot with sewer. Adopted upon cell oY the roll by the Yollowtng vote: Yeas, Eaton,i on newer 18th do Trimblo Ste. ~, Esker, Tully, t71111ame and Y.atter~ohn;-6. • ~ Oommissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I mono that the report of the ' Report Chief of , ~. ,r Chief of Polioe for the month of February 1921 be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon: Polioe for Feb. , , 1921. 03 tTie roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Nilliama and ~ /r ~ ~_ ~~Katter~ohn,-5. ~ Report Chief of ~ Commissioner Eaton offered the Yoliowing motion: I move that .the report of the Fire Department for Fab. 1921. !ChieY of the Fire Department for tho month oY February 1921 be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Eaten, Esker, Tully, ~. ~~17illiama and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ j Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the tlotioe to requirs ~ Rotios to Ed. .Rent in re: Li j Ed Yteat to show cause why hie license to sell iSalt or Cereal Severageo,.or aT~V odmiz-.. l aenae to sell Mnit or Cereal :•,; tares thereof, at his piece of buairieaa 125 South Second Street, should not be revoked _ • ' BeveTngeEf, eto.,~:, ~~d~elso his requea$ that the hearing upon same be postponed, benow reoeived and • • revoking. ;.filed, and that the trial of Bald notice and motion be set for 2 o'clock P. ?A, on ' `t iYedneaday, LSnroh 9th, 1921. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: ~ ~i"t ~ ' tsi ~ ~ '.~ .i Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter3ohn,-5. ~°; ~- •'L'. ~. 1 t "'`'~"'~ Commiaslonor Williams offered the following motion: I move that the City Engineer ~1•,`'"' •~;'~ City Engineer to ' be instructed to asoertain b actual measurements the n proximate amount of crushed ' "~+'" . asoertain approxi- y ' p ~~' mate amount oruahsdotono`thnt viii be nooooonry to r;:nfaoo and rooonatruot tho drivowny from. the Union • atone nooooonry ' to surface dzive- Stntion to 12th and Joneo Stroot nlonJe Oaldwol7 Avonuo, Caldwoil Street and South 12th way from Union Station to 12th Stroet, and to proaare bide and prices on the quantitioe and gradoa of o~uohed atone t & Jones; also V prooi~e bide on ''.that will be necessary in said etroot construction work, and also obtain bids and prioeo .~ atone and oil. on the oil, and estimate the quantity thereof thnt will be neoooeary in eo reoopatruot-I .. ;king said drivowny, and to roport same to the Board of Commiaeionere ae soon ao.poasi- ' `ble. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Faker, Tully, , ~, ~. ~, ~.~ .. k:. .. - .. ,~,.,.--,..sip, -~~~e,.,.,m a ~No;.~~~ - E Commissioner's Proeeedin~s, City of Paducah 191 Williams and 7Catter~ohn,-6 ,~, Annual Report, Oot®ieeioner Esker offered the followine~ motion: That the annual report of the 5treot DEPT. ~ and ordered published in bffiaial Newspaper. for 1940. ~ Street Department for the gear of 1920 be reoeived and filed.^ Adopted upon oell oft { q 4 roll bq the following vote:.Yeaa, Eaton, Esker, Tnllq, Williams and Katter john,-b. .~, (k ~, .. Magor Katter john offered the following motion: I move that a resolution anti- f. Resolution for; 41ed, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING F(T'i THE CONSTRUCTION OF COIdCI?ETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND '% sidewalks on E. 1 7th 9T., from GUTTERS., AND ALL NECESSARY MAN$OLES, INTAKES., SEt"r'li3 AIiD CATCH BASINS OIi BOTH SIDES OF `~ daokson St. to ~ , '' Jones St:. J SEVENTH STREET, FROM THE SOUTH CURB LIitE OF JACKSON STREET TO THE NORTH CURB LINE OF ~~ i 'JO1tES STRItET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCA$, KF4ITiiCKY, AItD PROVIDIIG THAT SAME PLAY HE PAID ~ FOR UFON T1Tv T;..N YEAR PAYL~I7T PLAN," be introduoed and lag over. Adopted upon oell of + ' the roll by the following vote:. Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tnllq, Williams and 8atterjohn,-b. ': ' Magor Katter john offered the following motion: I move that a resolution anti- f ii " ,. . iteeointion '', tled A RE90>;UTIOid PROVTDiNG'FOR THE C077STRUCTIOIt AND RECOIISTRUCTIOit OF DRIVEWAYS ~ .for oonatraot- i! ~ I ion of.driwwayertIT17IN THE IitidER-FIRE LIitIT3, INC7S7STVE OF T7~C STREETS B03DERTI7G TH~?a^OIt, TO-WIT: ON within imter- „ { Fire .Limits. WASAIitGTOit S~'REET FROLi TI7E i7EST LII7E OF TI7IRD STREET TO THE EAST LIME OF FIFTH STREET, it ~, ~ ' I~ AND OIt FOURTH 3TI?1';ET FRO:.: THE SOUT$ LIRE OF KENTUCKY AVEItUE TO THE. NORTH LIRE OF i ?JASHINGTON STREET, A7tD ON MOI'II20E STREET FR O}3 T77E WEST LIRE OF SECOItD STREET T0, T17E ,, ~ WEST LINE OF FIFTH STREET-, AitD ON THIRD STii7:ET FRO:' T7ii: itORTII LIRE OF JEFFE.430it STREET FPO ~I THF°, 30UTH LINE OF bt01tR0E STREET, APtD Oit FOURT$ STREET. FROEi T$a IiORTH LINE OF JEFFERSON h. a STREET TO THE SOUTH LII1E OF MOIdROE STRP:ET, AIiD ON FIFTH STREET FR073 THE IlORTA LIPi OF I { JEFFERSON STREET TO TSr: SOUTH LINE OF MOIdI?OE STREET, lit THE CZTY OF. PADUCA$, KENTUCKY, i ' ~' AT THE COST OF ABUTT71tG'PROPERTY OWIt~tS, AND P730VIDIIdG THdT SA1iE 73AY BE CONSTRUCTED i AND REOOIISTRUCTED UPON THE TEN Y"r,AR PAYe.~1tT PLAN,"-be introduoed and lag over. Adopted. upon oall of tho roll bq the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tullq, Williams and Katter- ~ - ~ :u john,-~; Nags, Eakor,-i. O.ommissionor Tullq offered the following motion: I move that a resolution i Resolution h entitled, "A RESOLUTIONt PROVIDING THAT BIKE iYYLLirJ.IS; COLtFSIS5I0IiliR OF PUBLIO PROPERTY, providinrr that ' Mike Will.iame'';;BE AUTHORIZED TO EXEOUTE AND SIGN APPLIOATIOitS FOR PERILIT TO t7ITHDRAW dI.00HOL, FREE OF I be nuthori~ed ~ 1 . to sign nppii-. TAX, UIiDi~ TITLE 3 OF T17L•' I7ATIOItl:L PROHIBITION dOT, TO BE UiED BY RIV~R3IItE HOSFYTAL nations to with j draw aloohol ;; TRAIitIitO SOHOOL FOR ItURSES'," be adopted. Adopted upon oall of the roll bq the follow- i. for iIospital. ~, - ~ing vote: Yeas,. Eaton, Esker, Tullq, Williams and Katterjoh»,-b. { Oommissioner.Eaton offered the following motion: I rtio`ve that a resolution ~' ''entitled, "RESOLUTION) REQUESTING THE FISCAL COURT OF•MoORLCY~N .COUNTY TO COItSET7T TO TAE Resolution ro- que~ting Fisoal', EkO'ROVE1.s~iJT OF C~ITAIIt STREETS IIt THE CITY OF PADUCAH, SURROUi:DING THE COUNTY OOURT- Court of 730- , Oraoken Oountq :HOUSE, AItD REQUESTING T$AT .TfIF: FISCAL COURT OF SAID COUISTY PROVIDE FOR THE PAYI.~i7T OF i to oonsent to improvemont.of~' 50 EIUCH OF SAID II.;PR'OVE1.~1JT AS 13AY BE APEORTIONED TO AitD ASSESSED I,GAINST THE COUNTY streets aurroitnQ- ing Courthouss.i,COURTHOUSE PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON SAID IMYROVEh~TiT. ATdD AS PROVIDED BY bAW," be adopted ~ Adopted upon pall of the roll bq the following vote: Yeas. Eatonr Esker, Tu11q,Williams': - • -ii and Kntterjohn,-b. i , 6 i . Oommiasioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance i Ord7nanoe pro- .u entitled, "AIt ORDINAIICE IROYIDING FOR T7~ ERECTION kitD COilPLETION OF Alt EXTEliSIOit AND ~ ' viding for erection nnd.ooid~-DDITION TO RIV-r.RSTTE HOSfITAi, AND.APPROPRIATINC :AIi.;Y THFRF.FOR, AitD AUTHORIZING THE ~ pletion of ~ ~. ' extension and . tt MAYOR .TO SIGit AIL CONTREOTS itEOESSARY IN PROCUR]1tG T7~ COItSTRUCTIOIt OF SAID EATr.NSION 'j ,addi.tion to F ;Riveref6'e Hoe- NAitD ADDITION," be introduced and lag over.; Adopted txpon.osll of the roll bq the Yoliowi jpital. i .. ing vote: Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tnllq, Williams and Katter john,-b. 1 • .,, i 4,,+ r On motion the Board ad ourned ~ A ~. j upon call of the roll nt'rtil,Wedneeday, Marsh 9th, , i 1921, bq tha Follpwing vote: Yeae, Eaton. Baker, Tnily, Williams and Katter john,-b: s. Z ~ 1. ~,M. A~Alti7~.19~~ ~ C - ~ 'mo'd. //1~ /~~ ~..~ v~.Qi~d~-r I j . k Cl.ek __. ~ I +r , _ . ~. ,; . ,. ` T _. ,-.. ! .:,• ,. - ,.. -°.`' i ~ ,;J a . - 1 . ~ • ' _ .- - rxC y'' :.. Y . s t ~ F' +. r-., a3e~aexsrls ~ w: ~`ra-b ,. ~ ~ •~ ' ' ,•, r .:~ V .., i lh' . , .. ., .. . . ,.:'.<- •"^`:~°m°A": Yrrm!s_ °¢^ 1t# Y±x,. Y7WK+ c;'rxY, t. • ~ No. ~~ .? F.' c ~:_ „ 4 b Y •, F. T i h 4 Commissioner's-Proceeafings; City of'Fadireah • ~" 191L. itARCH 7thi1921, j At a Oslled ZSeeting oY the Board oY Oommisaionera, he18 in the Oommlaelonere' • 'Ohamber 1n the.0lty Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on 2Saroh 7th, 3981, at 7 O'olook P. M. 1, Upon oA13 oY the roll the Yollowing answered to their names; Oommieaionera Eaton,Eaker~ Tally, i91111ame and. Llagor Katter~ohn,-b. ?Savor Katter~ohn stated reasons Yor calf to-wit: To oxterid the Lime oY sitting. . ~! ~oY the Board oY Equalizatlon. , +, • j Oommisaioner Tully o4fered the following motion; I move that the time of the Board of Equali. ;sitting oY the Board of Equalization be extended for one week from this date. Adopted zation time extended. !upon call oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, R'illiams and Katter~ohn,-b. f, f . • i• On motion the Board adjourned, upon cell oY the roll by b yeas. i. ' f • ~; Adaptd ~19'~' .iF'PROVb1D f !I ,~& ~ - z ~~ tdtt,-Y02La • ~, 1SARCH 9th „1921. I , ~~ At an Adjourned bloating oY tho Board oY Commisaionors, hold in tho Commie- I` ~, 1 . • {' stoners' Charsber, in the City $all, P.aduoah, Kentuo}y, on t:.aroh 9th, 1921, at,2 o'olodc' .«•.• ii `:; P. 1:. Upon call oY tho ro71 the Yollowing answered to their nemos: Commisaionere ,~ :,Eaton, Esker, Tully end P__*eyor Katter~o~n,-4. Commiasi~ner ~rilliarrs ontered the meeting. Commissioner Eaton oYYored the Yollowing motion; Tho respondent, Ed i9est~ !.having requested that the charges and rule be not acted upon, ponding nn inveatiga- Gtion in Covrta on the question oY his guilt or innooenee oY the charges contained in Charges against Ed West oontinued.~ the rule heretoYoro served upon him,- ~~ I move that said notice and rule be allowed io remain ponding en.undiepooed ~. , -~oY, witil such time ns it mny scam proper, in the judgment eY the Board oi' Commis~ion- '.era, to proooed :rith the trial thoreoY. Adopted upon "oa11.oY the roll by the Follow- , i ' ~,,ing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Ear:er, Tully, i71111ams and Kattor~ohn,-5. . ~; On motion the Board ad~ournod by S yeas. .i i ' Ada tad ~~ ~ ~ _ . j ~hr ~ I r MARCH 11TH, 19E1. i • At 4 Called Meeting oY the Beard oY Commipalonera, held In the Commisaioners,~ • ~OHamber, in the Citq IIall, Paducah, Y.entuoky, on Earoh 11th, 1921, et 10 o'clock A.K*. ~ Upon call oY the roll the Yollowing answered to their remee: Commisalonere Eaton, ~ _i EaY.er, Tully, 19111iama and ldayor Katter~ohn,-b. ~ r Mayor.Katter~ohn stated reasons Yor calf,-to-wit: For the purpose of reoeioingl °;, ~ and Yilix~g the Report oY the Board oY Equalization, and such other business that might {~ ;. come before the Board. r ''• Commissioner Tully oYYered the Yollowing motion: I move. that the report oY .. {. •;' Report Board of ~ the Board oY Equalization be received, approved and Yiled and that they be relieved Ilk Equalization re-'"' ooived,end ailed' Yrom Yurther duties at this time. Adopted upon call oY the roll by .the tollowing.vote:• end Board die- ~misaed. Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully, 171111 ems and Katter~ohn,-b. ~, On motion the .Board ad3ourned by 5 vase. G 1 --..~..-~.q ~n-~ , ~ ~' ~ . •: ~~p~ , 1110 ~ :?~. i . • .. "` (:ommissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah 191_ ~ ~ .. ' • ~ MARCH 14TH. 1921. ~ 4 At a Regular i:eeting of the Board of Commissioners., held in the Corsniaeionere q Ohamber, in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentnoky, on March 14th, 1921.. Upon pall of the •, ;roll the following answered tq their acmes: Qommiseioners Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams, . ".and Mayor KatterJphn,-b. I On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were ' '_ ' adopted as read upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, as^aton, Eaker,Tully, ~W1111ams'gnd Katter John,-6. ? '' 6 1leyor Katter john offered the Yollowing motion: I move that the report on Unio n 'Report of Engi K9tation Depot Streets of Engineer Mitchell be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon call ofi :near AIitohell qn . 'Union 9tatLon ;the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tu12y, Williams and Katter john,-ba ~ Depot Streets. ~' Qommieaioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the petition ' p ~roteat of pro-~ifrom the property ownsrs on north Third, 2dorth Fourth and Horth Fifth also on Monroe .arty owners on i. H. 3rd; N.4th, r. Street, requesting postponement of the proposed improvement of aid t $ s reets be re- N.bth and ldonroe; . •9troete against Noelved and Yiled. Adopted upon cell of theroYl by the following, vote: Yeas, Eaton, street improve- ment. ~Eaker; Tully, Williams and Katter john,-6. Oommoieaioner 171111ame offered the following motion; I move that the Finanoasi Financial State-~, f I wont Riversids ~;Stateinent of the Riverside-Hospital for the month of February 1921 be reoeived sad ~ Hospital f.am . Feb. 1921. ~filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,-Eaton; Eeker,Tully, e ~ . i;W111iama and. Katter john,-6. .~ 1 ~ .. Oommisaionor Williams offered the fallowing motion: I moss that the Patient' ! i i ' s at ent s Re- J. .port of River- GReport of the Riverside Hoepito;l for the month of February 1921 be reoei d ~ • ve and filed. aide Hospital P.' for Feh.1921. iAdopted upon cell bf the roil bq the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, ~ - Williama and Katter john,-b. ~ ' • - . • h.. Mayor KattorJohn offered the following motion: I move that the Street Ymprovet , + ' ~ment Qontraot and OonatrutltYon Bond, for the oonstruotion and reoonstruotion of Fifth .9treet Improve- 5 r ~ went Qontraot s',Stretlt., from the South. .property line of Kentnoky Avenue .to the Itorth property line of and Conotruotion` • bond for 6th ~sOlark 9treet, between the City of Paduoah, Kentueky,.and Yanoq & Johnson, Contraotora,.~ 9treot reoeived ' .and fi]od. datofl L:uroh let, 1921, 'and aloo that the Power:of=Attorney authorizing J. Morton ilorris l Yanoy & Johnson~'of louispillo, Kentucky, to sign the name of the National 9uret Oom art ae suret onj ~oertifY ed chock l y p y. y. ~. . of X200.00 re- ksaid Oonetruotion Bond, be reoeived. filed, approved and reooriled, an8 that the Qom°r. I turno d. r of Pubiio Finance be authorized to. return to.Yanoy & Johnson their certified oheok of by~200.00. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker. j • !~ ,Tully, Williams. and Katter john,-6. , i ~ ~ , Stroot Improve- ' Mayor, Katter John offered the following. motion: I move that the Street Improve ment Contract ~' . and Conatruotiori~ment Hond, for the oonatruotion and reoonatruotion of Broadway, from 17th Street to Bond for :Broad- ' 44 k ' way, from 17th :~E64h 9treeta,.between the City of Paduoah,_ Kentnoky, and Yaney ~ Johnson. Ctlntraotore,, to 26th Sta. ; j • reoeived and ,,,;,;.dated Marbh let, 1921, and slag that the Po:~er-of-Attorney a~zthorizing J. JSorton Morris filed. , . ~.of i;onisville, Kentucky, to sign the name of the 1ational Surety Oortiparp+, as sarety,. Yanoy & Johnson ~ -• j ~ 'certified oheok}',on said Conatruotion Hond, be reoeived, filefl; approved and recorded, and that the of y200.00 , t . returnod. ~Oom'r. of Public Finance be authorized to return to Yanoy & Johnson their certified I • ~~,ghook of X200.00. Adopted upott call of the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Eaton, ~Eaker, Tully, Williams and Katter john,=b. ii Mayor Katter john offered. the follows Underwood Type- '' ng motion: I move that the. action of f ~ ~. writer purohesed'the hiayor in purchasing new Underwood Typewriter, gt on expense of $77.b0, ae per state- by Mayor. ~ ~ment here:vith, be approved and allowefl, and that the Coamiiasionor of Public Finance be'- ~ { :authgrized to pay the same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote:-Yeas, Eaton, Esker; Tully, Williams and Katter john,-b. lotion against •~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the City tiolioitor poisons in aQ- I i ` votes posaoaeion'he instructed to immediately institute action against all ers i p ona n the adverse pgaeea- of Boyd.Hurnettr:~•. ; . sad Flournoy ats4:•- ~., f,~ :. .: .. ,. ~ .. i ' 1 ~ (, z.. ~~ t ~ - ~ Na ~.~_ .._. f `; eion of Boyd, Burnett and Flournot Streets, east of Sixth Street, to reoover the ' Eset oa Sizth Street. ~,poeaession of said Streets on behalf of the City of }tadnoah, and to oust said persons eo in the adverse possession thereof. Adopted upon oe11.oY the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully, 14111fame and Katter~ohn,-5. , Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; wherens Speed & Kearney, oon- . a- 9peed & KearneyH sulting engineers of i`.emphis, Tenn. have heretofore deposited r~ith the Commiesiore.r of . refunded $60.00`:ipublio Finanoe. the sum of $50.00 as guarantee of the mfe return oY the Sewer plane for}. . deposit as guar; ,. i `'; . antes of safe c raturn.o~ sewer'. Sewer distriot ~3 and said plans having been returned to the Department of Publio Works' plans for a in good order, I move that the Commissioner of Finanoe;3~e epthorized and instruoted t0 Distriot.~3. ~ s 'return to Spood & Eearnoy the above mentioned denosit of ~b0.00. Adopted .upon oall of ,• `,,the roll by the following, vote; Yoas, $aton, Esker, Tully, Pilliams and Katter~ohn,-6. Commissioner Esker offered the following motion; I move that the Atonthiy ro- AEonthiy Report ~ ~' of Street Dept. ; fort of the Street Department for February 1921 be reoeived ane filed. Adapted ul:on for Feb. 1921. ~ oe11 of xhe roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, EaY.er, Tully, Williams and Katter- :~ john,-5. ~.. j; L'syor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that a resolution en- , Y titled, "A RESOLUTICid PRCVIDIIIG FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AIdD?tECnIdSTRUCTIOtd OF D?tIVE7lAY3 Resolution pro- ~ °lITI?Iid TI:E IIRSER-FIRE lIL'.ITS, I1dC1L'SIVE bF Tl~ STRETS DORDF.RING TI{S12EON, TO-WIT: ON viding,, for oonatruotion of HASHII`GTJ21 STRF.::T FROA: T?~ l7EST LIIdF. OF THLRD sTRFi:T TO TIC: EAST LINE OF FIFTid STREET, driveways in „ Inm6t-Fire i! AliD OId FOURTH STT_?E1•:T FRC2u TFL'•: .SOUTH LIidE Or 1'.E.''PUCYY AVF1?UE TO THE NORTH LINE OF Limits. Sooond ~ , Reading-Adopted ~ASHII+'GTON ST_~i::ST, A1dD OId ?~OIdROE STRP;,ST FI?UIS TIH: '7/EST LINE OF SECOIID STHEF.T TO TH?: "'EST LII1:: OF FIFTH STRFIsT, AI1D Old THIRD STRIiET FROId THE IIORTH LIKE OF JEFF::R901d STR?'~T !I TO TIL: :OUTH LIKE OF tiOiII?OE STREET, END OIi FOURTH STRE::T FROli TH^. NORTH LINE OF JEFFER'- ', SOiI STR«:~:T TO TH7. SOUTH LIVE OF LiOI,'80E STN:iET, AIiD ON FIFTH S'14~E^T FROld TII^ NORTH LI1dE 4i OF JE-aF?:'RSOld STREET TO TH' SOUTH LIt1E OF 1.'.OI1HOy STR::ET, IN THE CITY OF PAD'JCAH, KEld- ~ ' y I'~ TUCY.Y, LT T?TE COST OF T1LI: AEUTTIIIG PR OF?•RTY 0,71d:R3, AI1D PROVIDTNG TiIAT SA9T: 1.1AX BE r 11 ;~ COIdSTRUCTSD AIiD I?ECOlI;iTRUCTED UPON TIiR TEII YEAR PAYIE'ddT PLAIi," be adopted. Adopted ;f upon oall oY the.roll by the following vote: Yeea, EAT+JI1, EaY.or, Tully, Williams and a Katter~ohn,-6, f ' ,; ~; ~-yor F.atter~ohn offered the followi.nt! motion; I move that a resolution en- ~ ,• ~i titled, "A RESOLUTION PRWIDII?G FOR THE CnIISTRUCTIOId OF COI?C:'.ETz: SIT.E'.7A/1:5,.'CUItA:I AIdD Resolution a providing for !' GU'PT:,'RS ANA ALL IiECESSARY 1a,1dHOLES II1TAr.T:S 3E.lF12S AIID CATC!d BASINS ON BOTH; SIDES OF sidewalks, eto.i? ' •• - on 7th Street ;~ SEVEIITH STR:.i:T, FRCIS TTY: S~L'TH CURB LII1E OF JACKSON STi2:'ET TO T?II•: I10RTH CURB LTN OA` ~ - tram JnoYson ~ ~ to Jones. [ J011ES ::TR1:ET, Iii THE CITY OF PADUCAH, K,~.dTUCKY, AIiD PROVIDING THl:T SAr~: ?'.AY HE Pl:ID ~^~ Seoond goading ;; Adopted. `; FOR UP 021 TIC: TEii YElLR PAYL:nIdT PLAN," be adopted. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the ~~following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eei:er, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-6. ` ~`~'" ti '~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that a re~olut//ion entitles, "A RESOLCTIOII. I'ROVID "?dG F'?R' THE COUSTRUCTIOid OF C0I?CRi:TS` Ci1RBS AIlIS atPfTERS, , - Resolution pro-i; ;4,D A~ id'rAL.53~LRY 1'.~IIHOLS, I1dT.1!?•:3, Sis:'°Yt.i AN?) CATCH BASIli3 ON IIOTH S'I??E:i OF QENT$ viding for i. oonorote ourba ~ ~ ~~~' and gutters is S1"_?F.°T, T1iI:tTEFddTH ST:?~sT .lldn F'`U.~tT.~:_IiTH STk'~.•:T, FROL': TLS"' NORTH, PROFL~f'?TY LINE OF . on 10th St. ~ BROAD'.7.:Y TO B?E SOUTH T:IOI-'rRTY LIKE OF JI.'~'F;:?t3CN, 9R~:r`WT, IN Tl?.°. CITY Or^ PADUCAH, ,KEH. =- 13th St. and • e. 14th .Street. ^ TUCIa(, dI1D PROVI?II1G TF_ST S,'1.U: ?,'AY BE P1.ID FOB lP_:'UIi TIC TF.id YEAR PAYS~IdT PLAN," be First Reading. - introduced and lay over. Adopted upon os11 of the roll by the following vote: Yoas', ~'~ t. ;Eaton, EaY.er, Tully, t'dil]isma and Y.atter~ohn,-5. Commissioner Tully offered the,tollowing motion: I move tint a resolution 4 ~ ~, Resolution pro-" entitled, "A RE30LU52011 L'ROVIDI$G O?I TrI' CUNST??UCTI012 OF T11E DRIVE'"AY9 ON T?liTH, viding for . oonatruotion ot.~ ELE'lr1iTH, T:7ELFTH, THIRTi:EI?TH, FOURT^Fd?TH AIdD SIXTSr32T?i ST3'c:.~:TS, FROi4 TFL IIORT?i PRO- drivewaya on 10th, 11th,l2th~F:t^ftTY LII1F: OF BROAD:7AY TO' TIIF. SOUTH PROI'FRT't LIKE OF Jz:FFI:?SOId ~ST?IFET, IN TT?F: CITY OF 13th, 14th and 16th Streets. ~ pADL'CAH, I~.~:IITUCKY, AT THL' CO :'T OF TAR ABUTT3IIG PROI'FRTY 0:7IfERS, AND PROVIllII1G THAT First Road ing. ;; ~~ 3AL'Si ISAY B1• CONSTRUCTED U1 ON T•N_~: T?';iI YEAR PAY1.~:IiT PLAN," be introduced and ley over. r. t ` No.~ . Commissioners` Proceedings, City of Paducah L4aroh 14th X92 1 ' Adopted upon oall of the roil bq the following vote;.Yeae, Eatoh, Esker, Tnlly, Williams and Katter,ohn,-b. f Oommieaioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that an ordinanoe I • Ordinance for sreotion and entitled, "AN ORDIIJ!'iNCE FROVID4JG FOR THE ~t%CTION AND CONLT'I.F.TI017 OF AI7 EXTENSI^N AND completion of extonsfon & ADDITION Y'0 RIVERSIDE HOSPITAL, AND APFROPRIATIitG MCNEY Tt~23FOR'., AitD L~THORI7,ING TAE ~ addition.to Riverside ;• MAYOR TO SIGId ALL CONTRACTS NECESSARY IN PROCURING THE CONSTRUCTIOil OF SAID EXTENSION ~ , Hospital. `• A27D ADDITION," be adopted. Adopted upon oeli of tho.roll by the following vote; Yeae, ~ Eaton, Eaksr, Tn11y, Williams and Katter~ohn;-b. ,' i . . On motiari the Board a8fourned to mast Tuesday March ibth, 1921, at 2 0•olook ~ P. M:, upon call of the roll by b yeas: ~ ~ ere~~er ~ i9RL . . ePPROVbJD .. MARCH 15th, 1921. . ~. i At an Adfourned-Pdeeting.of the Board of Commissioners., held in the Commission-1 ' sere! Ohambor in the City Ha11,.Paduoah, Kentucky, on Maroli 1bth, 1921, at 2 o'oloak a ' ' P. 1t. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners F Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Llayor Katter3ohn,-b.' ~ ~.`, '. Pnduoah Slater Mayor Katter;ohri offered the Yollowirig motion: I"move that. the communiaatiotl ' Oo: Oommunioa- of the Paduoah ~7ator Co a } mp nq, dated February 1Sth; '1921, reiative to.rentah of fire- Lion In rei Fire Hydrants, I ~ • drama, be rooeived and 1Y led. Adopted upon oa71 of the roll by the following vote: ~ L Yeae, Eaton, Esker,. Tully, Williams and Kattsr~ohn;-b. Mayor Katter~ohn offered the folloiing motion: I move Shat Lho ocminunioation ~ ~ B1'own Strset Water Maine ~ ~ , from residents on Brown Street, requesting eRtenaion of water mains, be received and extension. Piled, and the Oity Solicitor be instraotod tb brin in a resolution for.euoh' i 8 p spoaa, ~ es provided .in Sebtion 4: of the Franchise Ordinance of the Y'ater Oampar~r. Adopted upon . • ~, onll of the roll by the following trots; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and ;: ' Kattot~john,-b. ~ I `„ „ ~~ Oommieaioncr Tully offered the following motion: I move tliat the oornmuuioation ~ ~. Boca d of Eduoa~ tion Oommuni-. dated Feb. 3d, 1921, from the.Board of Education of the City of Paducah,.Ky: be reoeived~; ontion. and adopted. an8 made part oP the records: Adopted npon Ball of the roll by the follow- ( . ing vote: Yosa, Eaton; Faker, Tully, Williams and Katterfohn,-b. ' ~ (laid Communication being 'as follows, to-grit: . F.S7.I:attor fohn, biayor; and '"Paduoah, Ky. , Feb. 3, 1921.. Board oY Commissioners of Paduoah i ,. Paduoah, Ky, ~ Gentlomer.; - i A resolution was adopted at a meeting of the. Board of .~ ~ ` Eduontion of Faduoah, held in said City on Februar ' 1. 2 1921 . y , ; levy- irg a tax of sixty five con+.s on the Ono Iiundrod ,Dollar valuation. ~ of property ir. said City.nf Paduoah for the year 1921 ' ' , piu suant to the ni;tY.ority ninon by the Stntute Law of Kontual~+ in such . j oases made and proQidod, same being nooessar i th ~ ~ Board of Eduoa-. ti on Oommiu,ioati y, n e opinion of said Boaril, to produce for tiro year 1921 the eatinGatbd suin to ~ n' be raised to auprort and mairitair th . e Public Sohoole of the Oity, ` , lean the estimated stun which will be reooivod from the Common $ahool Fund of the Stat e, and said resolution, certified by said ' Board as required by law, is hereto attached. You are reapeotfully requested to add same to and ~ _~ inoludo same in the rogul!u• tax bi] l t . a of he City, containing the ' ordinary levy, nrid have same aolleoted as the law direota. ~ _ - ~ ' ResP.eotfully submitted, ; •: • - Attest: J• T. REDDTCK, INA ROLLSTON, Secretary. Pres:Board of a^duoation,Paduaeh; Ky. } ~, i' A# a meeting of the Board of Ednoation, oY the Oity ~ of Pafluoah; Kentnalgr, held in the Administration Buiidin ' i '~; . gw i . ~~.,~- ~._....a„ ...3-__-'._....,~i~tr[~'~`'•b•x'r yaq+ -1:4~'~,"~cYj~q}'r hS.Fat,. ~ , a ~~' as ,5, _ .~ .. -:~ . ..; ..r. ...., ,-. ..,-.,. •s i . . ~~y. '~ F 1 '!"""!'"'!~1 Na.~L~ 5 ' Commissioners' Proceedings;. City of Paducah- ~ 192_' -- --- __ _.. _ _._ - __ - -- _ _- - - - -- - -- Tenth and Clark Streets, in Faducah, ~y., on February 2nd, 1921, ii u the folloti7ing rembors :sere present Dr. J. T. Reddick, Atiss ~oc~ Husbands, Ls,.. Anne Sanders, Dr. I , ~teinfeld, and Ir. J.L.~ariner. ~ It :ras s:oved by A'.ics Husbands that the fol),oviing ~! resolution b6 adopted:- t ' ~i "BE IT 3;:Ii0LVED; By the Board of "ducation oP ~ ~ , t !' Faduoah, Koutueky, that there bo and is noti~ impeded and , lovied an ad valorem tax upon the real and norsonal property Board of Education. ~j in the City oY Paaueah,lentucky, sub~eet to taxation for " the year 1921, of sixty-five.cents (65~) on the. One }lundred ~ - ` r; Dollar 0300.00) vsluetfcn of said property, the same being - ii necessary, in the opinion of said Board of ^ducation, to 1 . produce for said year of 1921 the total estimated sum 1 !i neoessary to be raised to support and maintain the 1'ublie '; Schools of said Citg oY Faducah, Irentucky, less the estimated ``'` 'i \ sum to be received Yrom the ;;tats Common Sohool Fund." ~ ~~ ~ This motion rrna seoondnd by Dr. StoinYeld, and l b ' " " ? or vo ;od , and t upon roll oa7.1, os.oh more Yes r:e motion SlAa oarrisd. ` "Br: IT }?i;S07.V:iD; By the Board of Educcaion of Paducah, ~, ~~ Y.ortucY,q, that thorn be ar,8 is novr ir;.posed rnd lovied an ad valorem tax upon the real and peruona]. proportp in the CSty oY Paduoah, - Yentucky, aub3eet to taxation 1'or the year .1921, of Sixty fine N • Cents (65~.~ on the One 7?undred Dollar (;100.00) valuation oY said j property, the satr.e being necessary, in the opinion oY said Board r .' ~ ~ of ::ducation, to proP.uoe i'or said gear oi' T9?.1 the total estimated sum necessary to bo raised to support and maintair. t}:e Pub]ao Schools - ~ o° said City of Faducah, i:or.tr:oky, loss the estimated sum to'be re b ocived Yrom the State,Common Sohool Fund." y y • i. i7e, the rndersirr~ed, J. T. ??eddiok, President of the BocQd ~ 1 ~ oY Education,'and Ina 3ollstor, Secretary, do duly certify thet•the,fore- ~i goir_g resoh;tien :^ras adrJpted by the Board oY Eduoation oY the City oP :;' ' ) Faducah at a regular meeting? held i.n said. City oi' Iadnoah on I'ebruary ., . „ 2rd, 19?.1, and is certii'iod to the Board oP Commissiorerr3 of said City { 1 " • ~~ Yor the attention oY cuch Commissioners, as the 7.aa direots. {{ ,~ ~, ~~' This 3r8 day of.Februery, 1921. 1 ,d q ' i:TTi:ST: President Board. o£ education,l'advcah, by ) „ •. II ILaI ?OLLSTOA, Seoretery. , P > ~~ Conacissioner Tully offered the Pollorrine motion; I move that, the oommuni- '!nation dated L'aroh 8th, 1921, Yrom the Board oY Bduoatior! oY the City oY Faditceh, Ky. Board of Educa- 1' tion CommunieatioIIbe'received and adopted and made part of the records. .Adopted upon anll of the roll by the follo:~ing vote: Yeas, Baton, Esker, Tu71y, .7illiams and fatter~ahn,-5, p ~ ,'; ., II ~~ Said Communioation being as follovrs, •to-vrit: a ii "Fadu,cah, Ky. ,' L?arch 8, '1`327.. f~ . ~' Hon. F. ~!.latter~ohn, A?dyer, and Board oY Commissior~rs of tl-_© City 1i of Paducah, Y_ontuoky. Gentlemen:- ,. _ i `,, ~s I am hafidin~ yon herevrith oop~ of resolution adopted ~ by the Board of ~dueation at their re 1~' ~•• :.;noting ~n Alapch 2, 1921, ~ ', ' vrhorob;• a "taz of. not exoeodir.~ tefenty e~nts per one hundred dollars' ~~ valuation is levied upon the retil ar.d personal property oY the City ' of Fadvcah, Hont..ely Per 1921. Yor the purpose of creating a sinkine fund for the r rout oY the school bonds. Also Yor the rrr o'ae of . Board' oY eauca ,; P -Y ~• P P tion Communica i~ payir_!; the interest on sam©. tion. I You are respectfully regvested to add this tax to and :' • ~ include it in the regular tar_ bills oi' the Cit3-, containing the ' ! ordinary levy, and have sa^o collected as directed by la•.7, `~ a ;I , T.?espeetfu7.ly, . • ~ J. T. 3IsDDIC;t, ., ?~ Fre;:ider.t Board of education. ' ~ ° of Paducaht Y.entucly ~'' ~ ~' RES^L"TTOII. ~~ " ;- ~ BE IT :? SOL'T D by the Board oi' ::ducation oY Faducah, lentncky, that there bo and is no~.r imposed and levied 'an ad- ' valorem tax upon all real and personal pr opox•ty in the City oY Fadreah, Lent~.icky sub feet to taxation Yor the year 1921, of not exceeding Fifteen cents {15y!) or. the X100.00 •raluati~n oY said • pr orerty, t'r_e" same beings recessary to eceato a sinkir.s fund Yor ' ~ the pa3Tment of t?:e bonds oY the City eY Faducah,. t_ertnc'.:y, issued . ~ for school purposes,' and dated January 15, 1920, ar:d for the pizrp.ose + " of pa~'ing• the interest on said bonds when and as dvo, ~~ p }!` ) , ~) , }' ` ~ ~ ~ ~~ t ' +^°,. ? 1 ~ ,~ ter-- .<,,,,,.,,,.,,..~-^^;~•_r.:.'~.~,. .. _:~°.~~,~~a;~~«~`~x`sr~:tf•-:xt'~..,,..~i.ror ~„cr:,~;<~°^~sR,. ?'"`~"";`~";sl~?~:"r~'s,.~._,.. i?.~~rs.~' c~^;:r?;~'~w.,, . a ,., ~'~. ~,::~_,.. ids ~ ~..'. ~ ~ i i'~i: 1 i~ .7[:x~nLik . , ~ . .y~~ ~ ~ , 11~~ -' ;, ~ ~ , , ~. WYJ`iPb+~~'+Yf i~~a'-'i~as '1~e1~ ~3Y '~YYWs~ai~d!ac ._.:.yhY.i•..las- .,. ~r»I . , f ~ ~ N i i •.. np .M. ~4h M ~ r •. . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ]92-= ~_ Yle, the underaimad, J. T, ReddiaY., President of the Board .---, { ~ of Education, nnd.Ina Rollston, Socratrry, do hereby certify that ~ j `M.~ t the foregaing Resolution :vas duly adopted by the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, Kor_tuclp, at n meeting of said Board h61d in ' ~ ~, ~; said City of Paduaah on the second day of P~Inrch, 1921, and same is ~ ~ ;. } ; . hereby aertifiod to the Board of Commissioners of said City for the '. attention of such Commissioners, as the law dlreata, _ ~ ~ . t This FFarch 8, 1921. ; f . ,~ i J. T. REDDIC$, i • President Board of Education of j rf '' ATTEi;T: the City of Paduaah, Y.ontvoky. ; ' ~ IliA ROLLuTOIi, Secretary." ; ' . a' ff t ~' '. ` AT?OItTI0i1- Oorrmiaaionor Tully offered the following motion: Y move that Ali Oi?DIlU+1tCE ' . ] 'IXIIIG TIi:: APl'ORTIOITi~ITT OF i'IiE PUBLIC FUIIDS OF THE CITY OF P UCA F R i 1 ii'isldT• ORDI- r AD H O TItI YEAR 921 ' IiAL'CE FOR bo adopted. Adopted upon call df the roll by the Yollovring vote: Yeas, Eaton Ea.kar ~ ~ ~. 197,1. , , 1 . Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ I Commissioner Tu11y offero8 L•ho following motion; I rnovo that Ali ORDDIAI1Cfl r^IXIIiG T1iF.' LEYY UiR RATE OF TAXATIOIi OIi PRUPJ~?TY Ili THE CITY OF PADUCAH, Y.FiiTUCXY, FOR • ~ : bevy or Rate 1 Taxation Or di Tlir, Y'rIAR 1921, 111D Tim RATE Or THE POLL TAX, tYITFi THE PUtd' OSEa OF SAID LEVY TiiE.'i.UiTDi~xl j . `• nnnae for I . 1921. :: . DEFIITED, be adopted. Adoptofl upon aa11 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, . ~ Esker, Tully, Williams and i{atter3ohn,-b. ~ Commissioner Eaton offered the Yellowing motion: Y move that a communication t , Library from pertain citizens regarding extension of Library privileges rxa., be received and ~ " extension ~ ~ '' •-'for colored filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Xeres, Eaton, EaY.er,Tully, people, ' ~ Williams and Y,atterfohn,-5. ; ~,.~ On motion the Board adfourned upon call of the roll by b ;ions, ~ ° ! ~ 3 ~~ 1~'t-~U~V'F~ii ~ ry ~ ~ , _ . . l • ~ .'- i Gtr Ct.a }sAYC.IP.. ., f ISARCH 19th.. 1921. ~ > ` ~ . ~ • At & Called I~ieeting of the Board of Commissiorera, held in the Commissioners' ~ , ~ ` Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, KontueY,y, on P.Iarah 19th, 1921, at 1G o'clock A. 1~, ~ ; ; Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, raker,:, ; { Tu11y, W111iams and I,tayor Katter~ohn,-b. ~ j Igor Katter~ohn stated reasons for ca7.1 to-wit: To Allow Fay :?ell for the i first half of Larch, and any other business that may come before tY.e Board. ~ Commissioner Tully offered the f ollorrin~r motion: I move that the accounts for i j Report Corr'r. the first half of the month of 1:Saroh, fmountinr to ~f3197.47, as per the report of the ~ ~'inanoe of { . j Accounts for Commissioner of Pfnance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appro-~ first half of ~ Idareh,1921. griato8 fr:;m the General Pond to pay same.• Adopted upon call of the ro71 by t're follow` ~ inP vote: Yoas,Eaton, Ea::er, Tully, Williams and Y.atterjohn,-5, ~ I I Commissioner Tully offered the folIowin(r motion: I move that the Commissioner I ' •• • 1 ~. . - Street Imp of Finnneo be authorized and instructed to pay off, taY.o up and oaneol street improve- ( ` "'` ; , provement Bon ;r•,.and Coupons ~ `bonds Ord aaupons, nmountina to w60.26 in the City,Iiational Bani;. Adopted upon ca71 of s in City Iiat'l - ~• , ~' Bank. W60.26 the roll b'y the following vote: Yeas, Eaton; Esker, Tully, Williams and Y,atter~ohn,-b. ordered paid. i ,. On motion the Board ad'ourned,upon call of the ro 11 by 5 yeas. i i ',' ~,} • . 1 { Aieyrlei ~jpeee~21':~' 1'1a.~ .' ~ APPROV'~JD • `~r ~~ ~,La~e~ i i i ,.. ,. ~ - ;. . ~~ r~ w ,. .. ' ;_~ .. ,' - ,: ,, Y :. I \~ Commissioners° .Proceedings, City of Paducah- ~•=ah 21st 1921 p. ~ Na.~~~ I~ t ~::,.>: { { a { i i { J ' _ _ _.. _ 2~}ARCH 21ST. 1921. . ~ . , ' ~ 6 At s regular 2'.eeting of the t3oard of Commissioners, .held in the Commissioners i .~ `bhamber in the City Hall, F2duc2h, Sentu~:y, on 1:tarch 21st, 1921. Upon oal7. of the ;ro17. the following ans:verod to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Esker, Tu7.ly, Nilliams ~~and }'.2yor KattorJohn,-5. ' On motion. of Commissioner Eaton the mintttea of the previous meetinrs mere , is i;2doptod as rosd upon oa7.1 of the roll by the follo:•ring vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker,Tully, . !. ifilliams 2nd Y.atterJohn,-5. , ,, j Commissioner Tully offered the fol.lo:ving motion: That the petition of the Nest 1.y. Indus- f trial College. 6 Nest Ky. Industrial Collo~re bo roooived and riled. Adopted tip on oa7.1 oi' the roll by _ Petition. i, j; the fo).lowinlr veto: Yeas, Eaton, Ea}:er, Tu]ly,:'1171is.ms and KntterJohn,-G. ' P»ayor KatterJohn offered the follo:vinr* motion: I move that the report of • 'I. Publie Health 2durse for Februar 1921 be reoeived and filed. Adopted u on oall of ltenort Public ~; the Y p Health ;iurso for !~ Fobrua~•y 1921. the roll. by the following vote: Ycias, Eston, EaL~u•, Tully, Nilliams and KatterJohn,-5. f - - ~1. Commissioner Tully offered the Pollo:vit:r~ motion: I move that the petition ~; • , Eetition from 1 from the property o`mors. of West Jefferson Street, requesting improvement of :lest propert~• o':rnera ij or, 17.Ji~i'i'orson St ~! Jefferson frog, Fonntair. Ave. to City limits :with some form of modern improved street, from 1' untain ~ Ave. to City G matarial, bo rooeivsd and filed. Adoptad upon Hall oi" the roll. by the'fo].lo•trin;z vote lilnits. ~, Yeas,Eaton, Baker, Tully, Ni].liams and i=attorJohn,-5. , Corn,niasionor Tully offered the following motion; The, stun of W37.b0 hsvinrr . ~; been,p2id :Late the Troaury, as evidenoed by the receipt filed horor+ith; I move that L. D.Childrosa, ~~ • Cemoter;; Dood. ;; deed be oseouted to ?•. D. Childroo:r for Lot if5h in Blool: ~ on the East sl de of u Chamblin St., botr:oen ;?ord E. Hannan Sts. ir. Oak Grove Cometary. Adopted upon oall of t the ro':1 by the foll.o:ving dote: Yoaa,Eaton, 3a1:er,Tully,:Yl7.liams and Y.att.erJohn,,-5,.' Commissioner Tully offered the fol.lo:•rirg motion: The stun of •,~.37.b0 having ~i boon psid into the Troastrry, us evidenced by the receipt fL7od herewith, I move thet N.1~.Childress j Cemetery Dood. i deed be exeouted to 77. Lt. Childress for lot X55 in Dlock' u+i on the Eaat aide oY Chamblin St., bet:veen Ford and Hannan Sts.. in OaY. Crone Cemetery. Adopted upon call' o - s t}:v roll by the following 4Ota:YeaG,~.'..^.ton,Eakor,Tu)1y,1"171iams 2nd ZatterJohr.,-5. ' !~ Corunisaiorer Tully offered the following motion: Tho sum oi' W50,00 havirr bee 1.'ss.J.ll.Potter, '' paid into the Troasttry, as evidonoed by the reooipt'filod herewith, I nova thct,deed Cor..otory Deod ~~ bo oooutod to Lirs. J. ?, Totter for iot r~100 in Dloc}; u2 on the 'Jest side gf,Ford I, `;trust botr:een Baker &•}Ci].ler Sts. in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon oall. of tha roll by the foilorring vote; Yo2d,Eaton,r:a::er, Tu1.ly, ':'!i].7ioms and 1:attrrJohn,-5. '~ 'r.:ayor 1CatterJohn offered the followin!* motion: I mown that the nommnrcieation & ~1'eCracken Cotmty ~ from the }~:eCraokon Oounty Fisnal Coitrt, dated Licroh kith. 1921, rolzitive to the re- ' 1`i ac!:1 Cuttrt j oommunioation. j oon:ttruotlon oa the streets immediately around t}":o Court rouse tiqu!rrv, bo reooivod and Y i i' fi].od.. .idol.tod upon oall oi' the roll. by thn i'o])o:vinr veto: Yoa~, Eaton,, :.w}:or, " Union Station Dr ive:vay,. t. __.. 1 Tully, ':;i)liams ar,8 I:attcrJohn,-b. !' Commissioner iJi7liams offered tho.followinP motion: I movei that thA Commis- ~. ;; sionor of Iublio Ai'fairs bo instructed. to proceed ,litr the improvornnnt of t}:n drive- :yi fi way from the 1.. C. & St. 1:, rail^ray Crossir.r•.• e.t.t7:o ;;nLun (altion to the inter!!oction of Twelfth arul Jonen Fitrnnt, by rra;% 01' C+.tld;rvl7..'.vonuo, Cn7d:vol]. :}trout sad Terolfth R Jtrnnt, as :ihorm in .the r.n}tort oaf the City ,nri,nnvr dn~t!r~t }:'arvh 'Jth, 7~;:7, :rr,t t}.r.t j~.hn bo, cir,d~ hn is 1:oreby ant}torir.~?t •,nd orry,vrror+rd to order •:nd nr.n ire :xtiA oonntruotl~in a tsvi'i'io~Lor,t amout,t o•f aruohad .at.rne anal oi], at l:r~},ooa not axvcvdtrag thocte tsL'ritvd in ~ . ~'! thn rvr~grt oP t?:n C1.t;,* iinginvor, to-sr1t: :,".7.43 per L•rn t'•.:r oru!:};gd utorw, f.}:oludt nR, j, doli.vory to Iadooah, ai,d .1.4~ per ?nl]on .'cir nrti8. street nil, c:rd th+ci; ho turn 7o4r all ^;ahor, maohinery Anct toe::nn nvoosaar,y t.'or raid ;t~,rk, e<n1 t}2t srz4d oxponnnsi by o},araefl, fir~`` b"'@tm~!~"~'q~, .t ..... ~ , ~ .. 7@Fa'&'vEAtA9"+Q:fiRu1L~?7.A~a"...?tk"" "~.°.°'.~.~°4'~"'R'.p.;?,R3:~t{w 4fP~"~!"; °Fw:~i~?«r+~d x;i~:., :~ ~ s, ,'u`rn:;?'. ' ~ .. ~ ,c-, ~ .... ' Na~ . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ;rgr~h ~ ~ , • • 19211 • to the aoeount of Engirooring and Improvements. Adopted upon call of the ro'_1 by the j. fo]J.o•,rinr•; vote: Yoas, Eaton, EaY.er, Tully, 1"illiam,a and Katter3ohn,-5, lt:ayor Ilatterjohn offorod 4he follo'.ving motion: I more that a resolution on- titled, "A F,330LUTIOI7 T30VIi~II:G l'OTt THE COIISiRUCTIOII OF COI7C??ETi: SIDE"rGTl'S, CU:?BS AI'D Sidevra7:Is, ~ Cnrbtt and. Gutter GIJTTI:it:i, AI1D ALL i7 Cii:i$eLR? 1'1>Z;H~: ES, IS7TAi:1:5, Si:'.71;IiS !,'L' CATCH BA~iII7S OI7 BOTH SIDES OF ~ IL 9th St. from ~adinon to Clay i70~iTIi i7II7TH STi;_:5'T, FRU1wt i'Ili: GUT'Pi:i2 LII7E Oil T1~ 1101?'lH SIDE O.F 1:SADIS017 ST:-i:::i^ TO THi: I and 3L 9th St. ' Clay to Trimble. FiiOTiItTY L1I:1: Oli 'i^I~ ;;OUTii SID:: OI' CIr1Y :iT3Ii::T, AI7D 41;30 OId THl•: "~r.:ST SIDa^ Ur i;0i?TII I7IIiT1~ aTii:i3T, Fii(A~i Tfih T70iiTII FROF:itTY LIiIE OI7 C1a1Y S'i3c:ET TO THE G'JTTui LIIdrl Oli TIIIs SUUTIi ~ IfTUI: Ul' TiillriDll~: I:T1~i:1~;T, TI7 TILT Ci'1'Y UIi` I'A.DUCAIf, Y:i'1ITUCt:Y, AT Tliri COST OF TI!E AIl'J'i'TIP;C I'IIC'II:i;TY,U'ii1:;I2:1, .i17D 1'aOVIDiiJG TI41T wildl: LiAY Iii: i'AID 1~'Uli i1"iOtl TITi; Ti~21 YEAi. PAYI:isi:T aL1i7}" t bo introtU)nod cnd lny over. Adoptod' upon oall oi' the roll h; the follotivin,~* veto: Ycao, Eaton, EakLn•, Tu11y, 17i11iams and I:attor3ohn,-6. 1 I ' Commissigner Tully offered the following motion: I move that s resolution i ., • entitled, "A' c~EJULUTIOii I OV1~li7G FOi2 TIC COliSTHUCTI0I7 OF CO77CiiETy CUHBS dIID GUTTiu35, ~. Curbs & Gutters AI7D ALL I1ECi:::Si;BY JS1~liHOLES, I17TAScS, SE,7 R3 Ai7D C1.TC1I Be1SI17S OI7 BOTIi SIDES OF TE77Tfi Tenth St. + 13th St. and 3TRi:isT; TfiIlt1"r:I:1dTT3 STi21si:T A17D i'OUi2i^EF.I7Tli u1n~~ET, FROI~i Tis: I;()i~iII Pi20Ti;nTX 1.IirI~: Or^ .14th St. SF7Jny C t0 Jefferson. Bi?()dD.7QY TO TiIi: ,iOUTH FiiOPia"2TY LIIdi: OF JI:1~'F:R:IOTd STi?s3T, II7 TI?a~CIi"1 Oi PADUC:1Fi, ,i;r~id- PUCk'Y, Iu;D 1'1?UVTDIIdG TIu1T S.II.:i:.'.AY Bi; i.;ID FO?2 UPOI7 TIIi; TI:Id YEAR FAYL;I.I7`i` F,islT+," bo adoptQda Adopted upon onll of the roll by thb fo].lowinq voter Yor.n, Eaton, F,a1:er, ' , Tully, Idilliams and Y.ntter~ohn,-b. Coruniontonor Tuil;r offorod the follo:vinr• motion: I move that n rosoliition entitled, °A iii;u01,UTI0I! Ii;OVI1)IIdG Ft)Ii T:1 OOI7Sx^RUCTIOIi O)•' TIs DRIV;17AY?: Oif TiaJTT.'., Drivovmyn on lOth,llth,lfth, E7,EV:Iii1[, '1"iV1:I,1~TH, 'I'IIIIIT:isil'PII, k'UURTisi~:lvi7i, Ai7D :ilY.l'.~i:17Ti1 CiT:i;i:l'ti. i!'R02i ^II:: PIO;t'Pn rI20- 13th; 14th and 16th Sto. »~tay 1'1•aT] LTI71: ~:1' 13it0.1L'~7AY TO Tlfl: ,:OU:t'II 1a01'lI'1'X 7.TI! Uk' Ji;1.',I':at1li)N S'I':Ic;:T, IIt 'L'Ir; CT'1`Y 0!~' to Jefferson St. PADUCAlI, %k~117TUCi:Yy r1T i}IP. C03'1^ GP' 'i'ilis' A13U'PTTiIG 1'aU13:ii1'1 O~7Id:;IiJ, A17D FitOVill (IlG TI(AT :;luI: LielY J3E CUi:STiiUCTi:D Ul'0:7 Ttli~ TisI7 YEI,R R1YI~:I:IIT Plr1II," bo adopted. Adoptod upon pall of the roll by the follorrinn veto: Yoas,, Eaton, Eaker, fully, i'lilliams and Iiattor~ohn,-5. ~ Commissioner Eal:or offorod the fol7owin?.motion: I mono that a resolution i ontitl:od, "A RT•:SOL'JTIOI7 1'ROVIDII7G FO:: Tlli G:17STHUCTIOI7 OF COItC_iET7: SIDiT.7.ILI:S, CL^?BS APID ~ ' i GUTT';i2U, A17D A1.L Ill:Ci;L'SAiiY I~.AIIIIOL't:`.-:, II7TAE1sS, SF,':li•:c'iS AT7D CATCH BASIlIS OH DOTII :;IDi;S OF ' Sidewalks on 4th St. i'rom 1'OUi1TiI STRi:i:T c301,I 1'lI: I70RTII PiiOI'%?Tl' LI17E OF Il$Oi,D STdia:T TO T?Ih' tiOUTII CUTT;;R LI1:E OF Broad to Elizabeth St. - ;;iIZABi;TIi :;T:-I13i:T, III TII;•: CITY OP PADUCAII, Y.i:l'TJC1Y, AT TII C05T Cr^ TP.i: ~lI3UT'[iiI7G S'rtOri3'PY I4 U"•iiii~tS, t1I7D PROVIDIi+G THi~T S1J'.:i'•. BL'~Y BE FAIR iJi; UPOiI TI?Fs 'il^',II .Yiv'.ii PA'fl.~:i7T FLAIL" be introdnood and lay over: Adoptod upon onil oi' the roil by the fbll.o'sinr* veto: Yoas, Eaton, Enkbr, Tully, i'7llliams and Xattorfohn,-5. • Nnyor 1Cattoraohn of`f'ered t'he follovrlnrr motion; I ma'o that an brdinanoo on- f titlotl, "Al( O;il)IIL11IOi': FRUV1,0'IIIO' !r')ii 'Plil: Ot~'^:.";'iiliCT[OII Uk' CC!I70ii:t5".: ;111)iil71;LI::;, CUii13S :U:D Sidolmlks Ori Jaokcon teem ~ GUT'P:i2S, AI,7D l,il. I7EC1:,',SAiIY L:AIilI07LS, II7TAI:}: ;, Sr::7lJIF; l.I7D C.1'1^CIi Bi,5II7S ON BO'"II SIDl31i UP Jones. j ;:i?,Vi'T7TII STRli3T, FHOII, TIIS SOUTH CU?B LII7E OF J1iChS0II STiii'IPT TO' TIII: lI0?iTII CUi2B LIME OF ! . ` JJ17:3 ~'["?i:uT, II7 TIL''s CITY OF PADUCIsIi, 1:EI7TUCI:Y, AIdD PiiOVIDTI7G TIV;7.' SAI.u 7iAY B'r: IGID FOR UI Oi7 TITii T~:I7 YL71u2 FAYJ,i:I7T I'I.i17 ," Do intro duaod and lay over. Adoptod upon oall of i ' the roll by the foll.owLng veto; Yoas, Entono Eaker, Tu13y,lPilliams and. ;CattorJohn,-5. ! ' I Convniaionor Eaton offoro~l.tho followingt motion: I move that the veto by whigh~ the ordlnanoo to provide for aonntruoting sidoivalks on South Seventh Street ryas intro- Sido:vnikn on i 7th St. fro dared, be reaonnidorod. Adopted upon oa].1 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Jaokson to ~•° Jones. ~,~~Eaipn,"'Eakor~ Tully, Nilliame and I:attor~ohn, bo ~ I~ , { t: ., . '~. r . 1 k .i a 't, i NalQd..~..: • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah irtaroh 21st,.' ~ 192_`.x• . '' Comnissiorer Tu11y.oPPorod the Pol]oainA.motion; I move t}iat an or.ditreinoe entitle • "AII 0?~II:.:ICE iROVIJII?G FUI? T?::: I' YTI?G OR RISLAYIIIG OF GAS AIiD °i.T.^.,.R PiP.^.S '."ITII t?Eii •~ - ' l'u:T::T?I.;L, iat10 i?OVI:iST;'% 'r'OR S:iI'.IT:.??Y-IIOUS. SI:'!I:I?::GE LI!^ STCITLi-17AT ~R SE' r'I?AGE COI?IIEOT- • t K 1, J ~! ^ ^ 1 ~! c ~ D n "~ Goe and water , I02?S OTi ;:0.?T.. I'I~`TL.STR,.nT, FR~I,. T .. OUTli F., O.L:.TX LII~: OF l~.IITLiCr:Y AYEI?L~ TO TI?E pipes to be re- l . laid on S.bth St Y I:03TH £ROF RTY LI1 =: OF CLe;RI: ST33 T, AII] OII B30AD'.7:.Y, r^R02.' T°_'•: EAST PROFS TY LIIJ;. OF . and B'7ny, Prom ~'' 17th to 25th St i. SEY::1?T'3'r:iITH ;;TR::a:T^C T?L'~: 'G•:::T P:?07-w?TY LIIT?: OF T::~IT.'PY-FIFTH 92!?F.^:T, IIZ Tli.L.''CITY 0?~ •. I~ , ~G F:_:iUCiaH, i:.iil:'tUC1U[, TO B^ COI?STRL'CTED AI?D RECOT?,:TRUpTED Lit.'D3T? 0??DIIi:~'CT:I F?20VID?IIG fi0R •, a Et,ID 1:.:'30Sf'.'.?:I?TS," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell oP the ro]1 by the Polloxin~ vote: ' ti ' ~ Yeas, Eaton, 3aker, Tully, t71111ama nr.8 Y.t?tter~ohn,-b, ' On motion the Board adjourned upon Doll oP the ro7.1 by 5 yeua. } . '/'1'L. ~.o.. A:PI'ROVFJD A . ' ~n> G~~ pp .1A l'tt • c niAI?CH 22nd. 1921. ~ y•' • At a Called i:eoting oP the Board oP Commissionora, held in ,the Commissioners' '! ~~ Chamber in the City Hall, Faduonh, I!entuoY.y, on Ziaroh 22nd, 1921, at 2 o'olcok•F. 2!. d • p Upon Dull oP tho roll th8 Pollovr}ng answered to thou names; Co.:miaraionors Eaton, Ea}:er, Tully, 17111iams andlatter John,-5. ' FI Llayor I:atterl~hn att~tod xeasona for oa]1 to-wit; To oonatdor ;7}~ito '..ay, Contraot and auoh other buaireatt att may oomo boi'gro the Board, • •. ~ Iiayor Eatter~ohn oYPered the Pollowtng motion; I move that a resolution entitled+ { ;, "A ?..:SC:.UTIU: A'T?i03IZI1?G TIIL'` 2.L1YOR TO IGII A COT;TRE,CT BET:''z:x:It T'r?E CITY OF PADUC1iII 11 • ~ 1.1?D '1'313 FADUC;.IT ELi:CTRIC C•'.1.Ti11Y, II:CO'.?T.^.?.nTED, FOR Fi;.:I4II?IIiC .^.L:^•.CiT:2T.C CU?'.?.r,~I:'P Al(U ' 1TFiITE QAY v "..'All?Tr.II?II?G AT:D I:~iIG II? OP.RATII?G COT:DITIOII A S:fSTIC:i 0$ i'.IJT.?ICIPAL LIGi1TII'G UF02?. • COITB:,CT. ii i • u CE'TATS} ST3~:TS, A5 SIi0".n.Z III S.ID COI?Ti?ACT, AIrD DESIGI?ATED A° 2??E ""'IfITE "'AY" IId~ SAID r CITY", be introduced and lay ovor :}even Days. Adopted upon Dell oP the roll by the. i b Po],1o;~1ng vote: Yeas, Eaton, SaY.er, Tully, rI111iams and Y.attor,~ohn,-6. • • &+ayor Y.atteraohn ofiorod tho Following motion: I move that n resolution on-, , tiled, "A :?'.:BOLL°j17Otr 3ECUI??IFlG TIii; PAD'JCnIi 7ll,T:S? COT,ff~P.I+Y TO IiY.T.TID IT5 C?A`P.`R P:'AI118 w Faduonh :Pater Co.i ~?~( Ci.I~:'I::LL ST3:S'T TO AI?D wIYJIIG BI?0 °}( ST:i::ET TO A ; OII?T OPFO'.> TTI; T}r,F, i•:1tD OR C';OSS to extend Sts ~ r - later mains Prom fI ;~i ,„1 ~ ~, , , ,~ r^c n Caldsell St. to C:.i.! B3IJGE, A L'IS1A.,C5: Cie AI'FROXL.'u.i LY 2600 r:..T, be adopted. Adopted upon Dell grown St. &o. ~ oP tho roll by tho Pollov~ing note: Yeatt, 3aton, Eakor, Tully, giliiame and Y.ntterfohn,~' ` ~ 5. ' G Commissioner i"illiams oi'Perod tho Pollo;vin~ motion; I move that the proposal of. ` ~ J.B. Gardner 1. B. Gardner Par in^ta]ling a Fairbanla Horse Scale, in nooordanoe with said proposal - propoa^.1 to , inst^_ll Fair- !; furnishing all materiel, lebor and oaid soa]e oomplote, end to be inatelled complete ben}:a 1'.ortte ~. Soalos Por City. r for V2,OG7.45, be rooeived and riled, and that said proposition be aooopted bq t}io. Board oY Conmiaoionore. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the Pollo::in~ vote; Yeas, . Eaton, Eakor, Tully, TTilliams an3 Yattorfohn,-b. ~ • On motion the Board ndjourned upon call oP the roll by tho Po7lo;vina vote: Yeast • x ' ~~ Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Yatter~ohn,-S, i; ~~ Al~~te~ ~~ ~~ 19Z.~. APPRQ~s~r., ~ ~ • . ~~ cH, cwr '. u • _ ~ - . z- E , .~, ,. ;,, . .-, . , •.i' :~:~, w . .,: .. No. , Commissiotters' Proceedings, City. of Paducah ' Maroh 2eth 1921:. ' • ~ ~ mnn~n ao1"n, lyGlr ;, At a Regular Meeting of the .Board of Commisaionera, held in the Coammissionera' Ohamber in the Citq Hall, Paduonh,, Kentuokg, on kiaroh 28th, 1921. Upon oall of the ;iro71 the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Esker, Tu11y. 1Pilliame~ ' and Mayor Katter3ohn,-b. ~ On motion of Comaiiasioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetings were `adopted as rend upon oiill of the roll by the followring vote: Yesa, Eaton. Fake;, Tully, ~' • Nilliama and Katter~ohn,=b. Mayor, Katter~ohn offered the, following motion: I mono that a resolution entitled ' ' "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING ]'OR TIi~; COi1STRUCTIOA OF COIdCR:TE SIDE7Ai.;:S, OURBS AItD GUTT~3, III Sidewaika on . hidD'AIZ 27ECESSAF3Y I,SANIiOI,ES, INT:L;CES, SEA dRS AldD CATCH IlASiT7S ON BOTH SIDES OF NORTH { ~ • N. 9th St. NINTH 9TR3BT FROM'TFII: GUTTER LIFT OIJ THE ItORTii SIDE Or kiADI5011. STREET TO THE PROPERTY Madison to Clay .. and Clay to LIiiL OF TFIr; BOU'PH SIDE OF CLAY STREr^.T; AIdD AL50 OIt THE 'TEST SIDE OF IJORTFi NIN2'H ST12EI;T, • Trimble. ' ' FROM TH1: NORTH FROI'ERTY LIME OF CLAY STREET 1'0 TIFr.. GUTTER 1;ilIE Ol! Tx$ SOUTH' SIDE OF I TI2IM73I.E STREET, IN TIIE CITY OF PADUCAII, I~IufiUCI.'Y,. AT '1n3E COST' OF TFiz; ABUTTING Pi30P~TY I O'.7IIER3, ellJD 1'i'09IDIlIG THAT SAliT b'.:Y BE PAID F]R ON Tiir..TriN.Yr:GR PAYI.SFdIT FlAll,," be ' adoptod• Adopted upon oall of the roll b y the following vote:"Yens, Eaton; Eai;or; ;. Tully, 1Villiame. and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ Commiealonor Eaton offered the following motions I move that a roeol~ition on- •" titled, "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TH; N,AYOEi TO STCii COTITRACT Ai'D IEOT~S FO:i TF?r` PURCFiA57's Purohaee of i OF A TYP>• TEN TRIPLE dOMB.IlIATIOI~T PUMPING Ch'L;.;ICAL $liGI111; .Ai;D"L'CSr PSOTOR CAIi F7I9.1? THE ~ ' ,• Fire Trnok• AIdERICAN-LaFRANCE FIRE .P.II@73<^^~-COR~AIdY Ili ACCORDAitCE 7ITH I'ROPOSA7; SUBI~;ITT;~D BY SAID 3 • Amor iodn-La-, a •• Franoe Fire iHi ritG.thE d01;t1'1d~Y ". be ad tod. Ado tod u on on 11 of the roll by tho following vote: ' Engtno Co. :. . ~ p p ~ . Yoas,, Eaton; iakor, Tully, .17illiuma and Y.atter~ohn,-b. Commiasionor Eaton offered the foilor~ing motion: Y move that the letter Troia Ky..Aotuarial Bureau addroosod to J. k;. Slaufihter; Firo Ohief, be reooived anfl filed. .. K,y. Aotugrial Ado tod u ~ • - Bureau oommuni- ]? pon oali of tho roll by tho following vote: Yesa,. Enton, Esker, Tui]y, t7111iama; . ootion rolntlvo i„ to'Fire Puamor. and Kntter~ohn,-b.. . E : . Commiaslonor Clilliama offered tho following motion: T movo that a resolution ' orititlod, "A FiESOLU'P IOid IFiOYIDIIFG FOR TF1E OOliSii2UCT'IOE1 Or" dONCRETI; :CURAS tl1iD GUTTr~3, j . , AYIT) 1~.I,% NEOi:SSAi?Y J+LIIIHQIS;S, IIFTAI:i;3, SisJl;iiB AItD dATCIi BASIIfS' ON ^e F7: l7;rST SIDE nI..BR~Ab . SidewtLlka,ourba , • . I BOO. l'd.Sido BrOrditST•'iEET. FiZ01d T1i:1 INTrt'?SLOPIOiI OF i~`^URTx AIdD BROAD STHF:ET• IIICLUDIIIG 'Pi?% I21TE':RSi~;CTI0l7 AT ~ ' St. to Pottor R property; and hFOLI;TN AIID BNOAD 5!PRii:;T, TO TEIE DIiTID:'1tG LIi: AE.T;"E~,r~I TFTi: ]:~?OT~TY OF? CTLlz'iLOTTE RUF'~, E. 'aide Brosd fAlID TFi3 I:•~QTE•y TY OF BARBARA 'P};TTFR; AISD l:LSO PROYIJ)ITiG r^'1R TF'E C~1tSTRUCTIOi: 01'~COIiC^•,i'•.Tr^. St. to N. o:u`b,,~. ', line Of Bridge ~alDnPlA7a;5, CU$B5 iiIdD GUTTr~S, AIdD ALL IrECESSARY Iilla'HOLt;S, ,iNTAY.ES, SE°l.~;RS AIID'CATCH St. ' .' ~~BASIIi;i Olv'. TiiE, i;A1;T SI111s OF` BitOAD STRI:t;T, FROI:t TiIF, iNfi;sliSi;CTIOi: Oi` F.OURTIi lS1D BiOi.D '!'II ` ' ~STdRN;T ~,,;pli3s' lt^pRTx CUR]3 LII.% OF BRIDGE STREET, El.CLTTING dLi COi;CRI:TF, SID]•;,7! I/:S. CURBS ~ 'AlID GliTT'.sRS FIO;Y COI::,I~UCT'i7D TIIi~:3E0N,• IN THE CITY OI' Pt1DUCAH, Y.ETITUCI.'7f, AT TL'E C03T OF •, ~Tx; ABtiTTiII.G PROI'i•v4TY' O'~JIF:;RS, iIND T?120vIL iIIG THAT SJS.'iFl M,I,Y BE P.t ID FOR UPON TIv TEN YEAR ~ • JI • 1'=XI."~adT PIr1N," bo "introdnood and lay ovor. Adopted upon Dell of the. roll by the fo116w- i. • ing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaton, Tully, 1Gi111ams and Kattorjohn,-b. ComIDiasionor iYi111ams oi'ferod tha..foliowing motion: I move that the oontraot t r dqr;yx'eot for botwoon the City of Faduoah, Kentuol:y, by F. 14. Ysttor3ohn,, mayor, nna 17. E. Gore, dated R1'Yeroide ~ HOarital ].Satoh 20th, 1921, for the oonstruotion of an addition to Riverside Hospital, be reoeivedj ,lddition bete. City of Paduoahfiled, aooepted and appro4od and reoordod. Adopted upon gall of the roll by the 4 ar.3 S4.E.Gore,,~. ~o].lowing vote: Yesa Eaton Eakor Tul ' ' . . . ]y,"Uilliame and Katter~ohn,-b. y ~ ,` ~ ' . IP~ k ~~ ' r ,i ..,` , L::.:y.....~. w: ~_,~._:.~.:.. ~+. s b.: ~ , . . x ~ ,.. .; . ..~ . _.,; .,. .. _Y i~ ' '' 1 ~;' } '. _~. ' , t ~ Nal2eL!____'' Paducah Mtiroh 28th 19211 Commissioners' Proceedin Cit of ~~ Y , , . >a _ _ _ __ Cocunisaionor itilli~-ms ofYorod the Yol.loaing motion; I move that the transfer Cemetery Transfer ~~ x ''mom }.}' Y. Cherry to tho East portion of lot v37 in Seotion 0 Oak Grov Oe et i t )1. V. Cherry to V.B. , e m e y, o. Ilor. ' 9y. D. Iler, be ratified. Adopted upon oall oY tho roll by the•Yollowin~ vote: Yeas, 444 '. iEaton, EcY,or, Tu11y, :7111iams and Y.atter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Eakor offered the Yollowink motion; I move that a resolution entitled, "A 3ESOLUTIO]} _30VIL'~IhO FOR Ti':: COhSTRJC~!IOId OF CONCRETE SIDL7ITAIY.S, CURBS 3ldewa.lkQ ko. j", ANll GUTTi:RS, AIID ;:LL NECES::,f.3Y bLli:}iOLES, II}TAY::S, 3v',~^.'.BS A1TD CATCH BASIIIS Oid BOTN SIDES Fourth Street from Broad to Elizabeth ~~Qi' FOURTH ~TR::3T Fl?Oltii TI'i: I}ORTIi F30E??TY LIIy OF B30AD STR'r:ET TO T}s' SOUTH OUTTER LII}E ; ; • . ',~ ~j OF 1-I2ABsTH STR~c.T, ?N 'PIC: C?TY OF PAL`UCAE, KEIiTGCYY, AT TI?r C03T OF TiL': ABIITTII.G ' • PROF:.".?TY 0"•Idr'.BS, AliD PIZOYIDIIIG T}}AT S:!"..^s 1:..'.Y B}; PAID FOR UPON Tu^ TI:II YEAR PAY''?•',ITT . ~ ~fLSII," be adopted. Adopted upon oell of the roll. by the Yollo:ring pots: Yeao, Eaton, ii Eakor, Tully, 17111iams and Katter~ohn,-5. idayor ]:atter~ohn oYYored the followin^• motion; I move that an ordinanoe en- • :,titled, "AI} ORDiISANCE FROYIDIIiG FOI? Tlil CO1tST!;UCTION lS1D REOOI:ST:•?UCTION OF T!?]; D~IVF.- ~?7AY3 "tITHII} TIC: !1}IT:Ii-FIRE ].IlAITS, II}CIl'SIVli OF T4'_ STREIiTS BORD:IIIG T}I.'~tEON, TO-17IT: COlI5'i'RUCTIOli OF Inner-FIRE limits ~OlI 7!ASIIIIIGTOIT .`,TREET.FR(P.'. THE':7::ST LIIIE OF THIRD ST?ta:E'P TO TI}E FJIST LINE OF FIb'TII Drivoways. fi ..TRI:]:T, AIfi OI} FOURTH STR!:r"P P'RtT.t T}I:: SOUTH I,II y OF I:,;l'TUCY.Y AVi:1NE TO T!{E NORTH LINE ~ ,~ : ' (u OF 17ASHAtGT' ~Id STR~'.a:T, AI"D ON ldOlr•iOLa STR'_~:ET FROlI i'HE 4f;::iT LI1 ~ OF SE0014D 3TitE!3T TO 1'ItE ~ . • ~".7E9T LIITIi OF FIFTH ST3'.^.i.T, AlID OIt THIRD ST$."•b:T F1202S 'Piii: liOiITH ].IItri OF JEFF.~i80N ~ ' N T:iS::T TO TH'•: SOUTH TINE OF P.}Oi:^.?OE STRi:ET, AIdD ON FOU';TH aTREI'T FR01:: TI1E NORTH. LINE'OF N "' ' G J^:I'r^^~ t3:?II ~'i7il:iiT TO 'P}r: .iOUTH I.IITE' OF 2.i0E:10E Silt'.ET, AtdD ON b'IFTH STREET P'R^D? T}}E NORTH ' ~ LIlIE Or JI:Fb'.w..R2::UIt S'P:Z:~'T 'PO 'PHI: SOUTH LII;E OF i~4]}!'i0E STREET, Iif TI}b: OITY OF PADUCA}}~., i. ' r, F.EIITUCI;Y, AT TIC`. COST OF THP. ABUTTIIIG PROP>•:~TY O'AJI~LR3, ATdll P30VI3)}IIG T1iAT SAIL" I:AY BE ~ IiCU1l:3TRUCT 11IID RECOIdSTRLCTED US ON Tti!~: TrR: YElu'2 PAY}}::IdT PLAli,~' b0 introduoed and lay. Hover, Adopted upor oal). of the,rol). by tho fol]owing vate:'Yeas, Eaton, Tully,}~illiame N ~an¢ Kattor~ohn,-.4; I}ays, Esker,-1. ' ~ _. 1 tcayor Kattet~ohn oYYored the following motion;,I move that an ordinanoe ~ientitled, "Al} ORDIIi.,I[C<r' FROVIDINO FOR Tik: COIISTRUCT1013 OF COICRETE SIDE!gAI.K3,. CURBS ' ' Si.de:vall:s, &o. on ~ nlrD GLTTE.R3, A1ID Ail, i!F.tl]3SSARY 1:..L}HOLES, INTAI+7;S, SEiJI3RS Aid CATCH BASITdS qN BOTH SIDES Seventh St., from ~OF S1:P!ITH STRE::", F!20I: T!I' SOUTIi CV.?B LINT. Oc^ JAC:::iON STRE'r:T TO T'.iE I;O:?TH tlURB LTIIE ' • Jaokaon to Jones. ~ OF JOIIr^.S S1T2i::T, IN T ~ OI TY q?' 1'ADL'CAH, ImIiTUCI:Y, AND PROVI')I;O TF}AT SA}'R i,'AY DE PAIR' ' FOR UPON Thw' TS:II 1^:.AB P.".~}EI;T PLiN," be introdaood and lay over. Adopted upon oall df the. rol]. by tre folloo~_n~ vote; Yeas,' Eaton, Eal:er, Tully, 'itiliiams and Katter~ohn,-6; ~.: ,• • ~ On motion the Board adlolu'ned upon oall 03' the roll by 6 yeas. ' • p N G ..... ... .. _ 4 A4AYUR.4 APRIL End. 1921. ' At a oalled meotir_g of the Board of Commissioners, }ie].d ir. the Commis:~ionere' • ~ Chamber ir_ the City Eall, Faduoah, l:entuoky, on April 2nd, 1921, at ]0 o'elook A. 1~7. Upom oall oY the roll the Yollo•aina answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, ~ ', • hh Ea7cer,. Tully, 17111iams and L,ayor Katterfohn,-5. 4! lnyorlatter~ohn stated reasons for orll to-nit; To allow bills and suoh other business that mi.xht cone boi'oro tl:o 3oard. ~~ Cormnissibnor Tully offered the followinF;rlotion; I move that the aooounts. Report Com'r. of ~ for I}ew Canatruotion wort: amount in to x'1041.89, as p Finar,oe of acoounta R v per the re ort of the Commissioner for ne:~ oonstruo- '' of Publio Finanoe, filed here:rith be ri].loered end order©d rend and the mono a tion vac•k, ~ Y pPro-' l ~~ priated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oa11 of the roll by the .. following. veto: Yeas, Eaton, EaY.or, Tully, "..'illiams anti ;rattor~ohn,-5. ' - ~ . ,~ . ,~.a,.,.~,,~o~m.,T. .... ,~.,.~..,,. ,..,.,. .,...,...,.,._~,,.~.,. ,.,..-..-.---_.. _.._.._.r_,.._._. ' ~ Nu lOo~3 r .. ' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah " ' ~ ' ' 192_i • Oommiseioner Eaton offerod the following motion: I move that the resignation ' Roai gnation of '•° •'•• Vallontine, a Patrolman on the Faduoah Folios foroe, be reoeived, filed afld of i•. .Val]on- noaeptod; and I furthor move that the curet 1n the official bond. of satil ratrolman tiro aooopted, y and Ilation-.1 a i t)uroty Oompany ~1.. 3. Val).entine, to-wit: Thq I:utional Surety Company, be relosagd Yr:m ali Ytiu•ther reloaded on hia,~~liabif~it offioial bond. y."aa ouoh surety, from and aYtor this date. ddopted upon oall of the roll by 'the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Wil]aams and Latterlohn,-b..' - ,. On motion the Board adJourned: upon.oa?7. of the roll by b yeas. . APR I]; 4th, .1921. II~. At a Regular iieeting.of the Board of Oommiasionera, held in the Commiesionerar Ohamber in tho City Ra17., Paduoah, Kentuoky, on April 4th, 1921. Ypon oall oY the ro11II' tho following answered to their names: Commiasionera Eaton, Esker, Tully Williams and ~' .> f Mayor-I{aftor~ohn,-b. On motion of Commiaaloner.Eaton the minutes, of the provi.ous meetings were ~ ' adoptod tic road upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Eaton, Esker, Tully 1?illiamo and Kattor~nhn,-b. ; "Mayor Y.atterlohri offorod the following motion: Y movo .that the communiostion ~' Immanuel Bap- tist Churoh Yrom the Iam~anual Baptist Churoh, dated Iarch 30th,, 1921, be reoeived and filed. ~' Oommur~i oat i on. Adopted upun oa11 oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tu12y,Williamsi " and•Y.attorjohn,-6. f. Mayor.Katterfohn offered the following motion: I movo that the petition Yrom i Petitioa.of.':••,, property otimora,on Broadway, requesting the Faduoah ','ater Company to extond its mains ob •.pro»ert~or±ner d Broadway Yrom Seventeenth Street to Itineteonth Strout, be reoeived and filed. Adopted asking •Yor. . • water' mgtna,,to ~• upon oa)1 qY the roll by 'the followinc* vote: Yeas, Eaton Eaior, Tull I7illiama and { be dxtended •on , y, Broadway from . Katter'ohn,=5, 17th "t0 19th: Idayor Kattorjohn offered the followinr~ motion: The Faduoah ;later Company 1 Mn having tendorod a bt¢temont for N372b.00," whioh it olaima is its oharges for water Paduonh.'.9atgr Oompany state- "rentals against tho"City iar 600 hydrants Yor tho first quarter of 1921, I move that wont for • '. ~,"p372b.~0 for ' ~312b.00~be allo~rod and paid to tho Paduoah ~lator Company on said water rentals, and iVater Rontnls ~ ' on Yiro hydrantlp-that the balanoo oY said olaim be. hold up pending investigation by.4he,City 5olioitor". ~ as tc tho logality thereof. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yee.s,l Eaton,. Ea;ror, Tully.; "Williams. and Katter~ohn,-b. j Mayor I:atter~.ohn offerod the followings mo+.ion: I move that the stat.omort of Faduoah dater ! the Paduoah Wator Com»any oY its oAaargoa anexinst tl:e City for :~372b.00 for water rontald ''+'Jator Rontals ~ ~ Yirat auartor li Yor tho first uartor of 1921 be reooivod and filed. and reYorrod to the City Solioitor~ ' 1921. ~ q for opinion, in writing, on the question as to,rrhother tho City is liable Yor the y t exudes over and abovo" the rate. that-has been paid to thd""ater Company durina_tho past yet-r, and whether the Wat9r Company has the rir~ht, of its own motion, to restore its • '~; rates as claimed 3n its statemont. Adapted upon-oall of tho roll by tho following j ' 'i vote: Yoars; Eaton, Eaker,.Tally, ~7111iams and f:atter3ohr,,-5r " ._ I Doinmissionor Tully~oYYered the following motion; I"move that the i:ayor and" R Citq to Borrow Lloney the,Commiasionor of Fnblia Finance be authorized to borrow for the rise and benefit of City national , 'Bank the City of Paduoah; the stun of X25,000.00 Prom the City Iational Bank, payable duly bthi, r ~ 1921,'plod2ing as soourity the .good faith and credit of the City of Faduoah and the. taxoa to be oollootod during the month of Juno. Ad ted op upon call of the roll b,- the i f.ollowin~r vote:: Yoaa, Eaton, Ealcor, Tully, W1113ams:and Kattor~ohn,-b. .• I _.r - I L _.~ ;.,N.w " ,. ~ .. ,. . .• ~ _ 1 ~ r Na~ Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah , ~rRI>; gth ~ 192_? -- - _. i, ~:; i Com*nissior,or Tully offered the follo:Tirn• motion: The sum oY y37.50 having I . ~~been paid into the i''rcasury as evidenced by the reeaipt Yiled here'.~ith, I move trat Cemetery Deed ~' deed ba erecnted to Sylvia I::cClure for lot X46 in Bloek Ito, d on the north. side of F.ank ~ - Sylvia }dcCl xe. r,+ '~, Street bet:reen ..ord ~ IIannur_ treats in OaI: Grove Cemetery. Adoptod upon call oY the i roil by tha follo:vi.rg• vote: Yeas, Eator_,i:ai:er, Tully, Williams and Zatterjohn,-5. " ~' Corunissioner Tully oYferod t}le following motion: I mova that the acoounta for "' u, Ro;ort Com'r, oP ;the last half of the month oY 2':aroh, amounting to x;21272.41 as per the report of the Finanoa of aaoountaCocrJissioi>or oY public Finance Yiled horovrith, be a1l.orrod and orclarod pai~9 and the men-~ for le at half of Iwarch 1921. ~ !:ey appropriated from tl:e General Fend to pay anmo, Adoptod upon oe?]. of the roll by the follor'in~ vote; Yeas, Eaton, Ea}:er, Tully, Ctill.iams .and` Ilatterjohn,-5. {; Commissioner Tully offered the follorrirfi motion; I move that the report of i f~the Commissioner of Iublie Finance for tl?e month of ',.larch bo reoeived and Yiled and R„port.~om'r. oY ~ ' • Finance i'or month ''ordered published in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll b,~,= the o^ i3arah 121. j~ollorring vote: Yeas, Baton, Ea]:er, Tully, Williams r.nd Katterjohn,-5. , r ' u . Cor•unissioner Tully offered the Yollorrinz motion; I mova that the report o.f ,~; t; - !ftho Coz,misaiorer of Fublic Finance of the speeie.l street fund account Yor the quarter Rc?port ~Com''r.. oY ~ycar ending }:zrrbh 31st, be received a-r,~~ filed. Adopted upon call oP the roll by the Fine.nce of Special~~ Street Fund G follo~rir_g vote; Yeas, Eaton, Ea}:er, Tn11y, Williams and Y_atter john,-5. Accannts for ~ ' , ~uartcr oudin~ ~ Commissioner Tully offered the fol].o:ring motion: I move that the report oY !i the Commissioner of Public Financa shorrirg the anportio2unsnt and amaiuit of e~~onditure , ^e}fort Corn'r of ,land the balance to the credit oi' the different aaaoants tinder the different dspart- i i.r,wrce showing apportion^.ent & ~r~ents, bo received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by, the` fo7]oaing vote; :::~endit•.ses of €~, east: do}~t. Yeas, Eaton,I:aker, Tally, :dilliams and i'atterjohn,-5. '~ Commissioner Paton oYYerod the follorrinR motion: I move that the Quarterly Report Elentrical :'Report of the Fslootriaal Inspector for the 'irst quarter of 1921 bo rooaived and filed. Inspector. !~,c?opted upon oa11 of the roll by the fol].o~ainr veto; Yeas, Paton, Eal_or, Tully, j . l:Yilliams and ;:attorjohn,-5. ' I', `. Commissioner Eaton offered the folloerin~ motion: I move that the report oY ~. , i?erort Chief o~ the ChioY oY th© Fire Department for the month o~ L?arch 1921 be reoeived and Piled. f ' `t'ire Dent. for I„dopted upon call of. the roll by the Yollorring veto; Yens, Batons Ba::er, Tully, ' arch 1.."l. ~;Wil].iams and Y_atterjohn,-5. ,_ ~~ Commissioner 3aton offered the foll.o:rinr: motion; I move that the report of the ~~ ~' e~ ort Chi c_° :,f ';ChieY of Police for the month oY' 1,Iareh 1921 be reoeived rind ,filed. Adopted upon call Ioliee ;or l:arah It 1921. yoP the roll .by the PallouinA vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eal:er, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,b~ Conuniasioner Tully offered the Pollorrin• motion; I mova that the City Solioi i 'Etor bo instructed. to b-ring.in a Resolution for the improvement of l:orth Sixteenth Stroe~," It. futh St., from %',froz, the Ilorth property line oY Jefferson Street to the South property linr, of Trimble ,III ~~ Jef_^_::on to ,~ Trircbla. Sts, ,;;street, with concrete siderrallcs, ourbs and l-utters to theT faith all neaessnr- man- ~ 11 sa j!holea, intaYes, servers and catch basins, ldopted upon pall of the roll by the Yol]oi~,~~~, ~,s, { ' ?!inh vote: Yeaa, Eaton, Pa1:er, Tully, Williams and Y.atterjohn,-5. ~ {~•.. d ~ ,:, II Commissioner Baker offered the folio^ing motion; That tke action of the Com- Ford Truck for ii ,~ Dept, oY Riblic i,missioner of Public l7orks ir. buying a Ford truck at an sx_pense of ;f500.00 be approved "orks. ,Adopted upon call of t're roll by the Yol].oranp; mote; Yeas, Baton, SaY_er, Tully, i~ ~. }Williams and Katterjohn,-5. ii , ~ , .*. i 0 .% ; 7 7 ,., . Na ~~ .. ~. Comtnissaonees` Proceedings9 Citr of I'adi>+cah. April 4th- .192^?., _ ~ ~ . ~ N[ayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I movo that a resolution en- 'titlod, ^A RESOLLiiOTI PROVIDING FOR THE COI7ST3UCTION OF COTCRETE CURBS AIiD GUTTERS, AIdD ~ _ ~:. ~ I~ ~ '. t.S.9th St. from 'IL'L ArECESSARY EIA.T:HOLE:S, IIITA}:BS, SEA,+~,RS AI?D CATCH BASINS ON BOTI3 SID;•;S OF SOUTH NINTH Husbands St. to ;;STRr:ET, PROt: nT~, iOUTH GUTTY? LII~ OF AUSBI.B'DS STREET TO TBE TdORTH PROP::?TY LINE OF ;' "` Elizabeth St. .' ~ ~ELI2AB::TH. STREET, IF E;iT'::N'_FD, IPI THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KET;TUCXY, AT THE COST OF THE -+ ~i~I3L~I'TII?G F:-20Pr::iTY OtS1;,:i3S, AIID PI?OVIDIIIG TFL1T Si.I,IE Ir,AY BE PAID, FOR UFOId TTY TEII lEAR ~' ' rAYi2iIdT PLAIt," be introduced and lay over. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the follow-I 1 a~ o ~ • ~; ng vote: Yo s, Eat n, Esker, Tu11y, illiams and iiattor~ohn,-b. liayor Ksttor3ohn offered the following motion: I move that a resolution ei:- I Fnduoah iVator titled, "A RESOLU'PIOII REQUIRING 'I'fL PADUCAH 17AT'r:R CCtuZ'ANY TO EYTEND ITS WATER Te11IT1S ON 1 00a:polly to B30AD'"7LY, FRtObt SEY:•:I?Tii:~IT}T STI2I:E'P TO I?INx:TT:FddTH STRI•:ET, A llISTAIICE OF APFROXI}.LATELY 800 • oatond its m3irs on B'17ay FLET," be adopted. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, ~ ' from 17th to. _1 i9th Sts, ?Esker, Tully. Williams and Katter~ohn,-be ~ " ,:{~ ~ Commissioner ?illinms offered the following motiozi: Y move that a resolution entitled. "A RESOI.UTIOII FROYIDITdG FOR TIII' COIdSTRUCTIOI? OF CDT:C3ET': CURBS AIID GUT TBS. {II Broad St. , AND AlL IIECESSeuZY L'u1I'YHOLES, IIITAKES, SF.ii~S ATIDCATCH BASII?S OI? TIU: 1'IEST SIDE OF BROAD i , from 4th Ec ,~ Broad to Petter~~STREET, FROId TFL: iI?Ti:RSECTIOT: OF FOURTH AIID BROAD 3Ti?EET, II'i(I. UDING TIC 1SIT'RSiCTI0I1 propertyy{ also I~ Broad from 4th !f ~ _ ~ - to .Bridge. AT ~OURTH AIID $RO:,D oTRr.ET, TO THE DIVIDI].G LII,E B~T,TEI^.II TF?E PROPr~TY OF CH?~RLOTTE RUFF (~ ~ST?D TIIr^, PROP~•~i.TY OF BARBARA. FET^iI~2; AITD ALSO PROV'IDIIIG FOR Tiff CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE ~ i - ~SIDi:'•V.,Ii:S, CURBS .iT+D GUT'T:~'25, AIdD AI,L TIECESSAi;Y }SAIdIIOLE$, INTl-1.F.S, Sr.;i:H2S AI?D CATCH I;BASIIdS OIi THE B:,ST SID'r: OF B??OiiD STRi:ET, FROI'S THH INTFF4iSECTIOII OF FOURTH isT?D BROAD !i i ' t +ST3::ET TO TIT,.c's 1I0::T:; CURB LIT13 OF BRIDGE STREET,EY.CEPTIIIG ALL C!'T?CRETE SIDE:i'AII:S, CURBS PP~~ITD GUTTi:i?S I±0'.if COTISTitUCTi,D TI~RI•:ON, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, K'..f'iTUCKY, AT Tf~, COST OF ~ E 4 ITHE 1,BUTPRdG PROIi~13TY O~dT?:125, AIID Fi?OVIDING TITAT SAI.:^r, I.'i1Y Bi: PAID FOR UPOII TI*~•' TETT YI;.1R ' ~ ; ~ 1 IiFAY1.~rTtT PLAIT," bo adoptod. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following note: Yor_s, .,~ I~ston, Ea}.ar, Tully, ;7111iams and Fattor~ohn,-b. ' ~; ` I( Commissioner P7illiams oirorod the 1'ollowinR motion: I movo that a rosoli,tion ~~ontitlod, "A I2TSSOLUTIOII I'ROVIDITIG FOR THIS CONSTRUCTION OF COIIC'3ETI: CURSio AIID GUT T.~RS, I ~.~ i~1:1:D Aid, TIrAEtiSARY 1vL12aI0iES, INTAi:z;5, SE';1ERS AT+D CATCH BASII7S, AS FOLLO'.IS; OTI BOT}i SID3S ~ Teach ,Avenue from I?. 10th ~:,~ I.i31:CH AVET:UB FRO}.? TILE I'iiOPi::iTY LITIE ON TILE SOUTH SIDE OF TiORTH TEI,"CH ST3E T TOTlii: t0 11th'$t; and~UTT'~,R LII?c. OII 71II~iT I'OULD B3 Tllii I?OI?TH SIDE, OF ELF.V::i?TIi STR.:i:T, TIIihTI II.U':?OV D; ALSO BOTFI 1 o 11th St c n to Burnett. . ~ !SIDL'':i :)F ,I,EVI':I?TH STREET, FR'Ycl TFIi: GUTT,:R I.iI;' OF TH:~: ITdT::RSECTIOI: OId I/IIAT "'OitI.D Bt, ^'HE ~ i ! ~7EST SIDE OF .LEECH AVi3I,'ITF., IF II.~ROVFID, TO TIi'S EAST GUTTrHt LIIr' OTd BU:?TIETT STiI:ET, ITd- I~LUDIIIG THI; IIITERS:CTIOTIS OI? S,1LD :iT'ai:TS, IN TFTE CITY OF FADUCAH,s0•:IITUCKY, AT TAE COST '' ' +~~F TIli 1.BUT'I'II1G PH0^i:IITY O"!II}SRS, ,llID IROVIDIIIG i^IIi"`i^ SA}ad': i'AY RE PAID FOR UP Old TIP.: TEII 11 ''~1:~ll2 Zr~YLSTTP PIu11I," bo introchiood and lay over. Adopted upon sell of the ro]1 bti~ the ' 1 . { I. ~~'ol]osrinlr vets: Yoao, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, 171113ams and Itattor3ohn,-bo ; i 11 Mayor Katt©r3ohn offered the follo:ing motion: I movo that an ordinance en- '! titled, "ATI ORDITIAi?CE-PROVIDII?G I'0 TTUd COT'iSTRUCTION OF CO1dCRF:Tr: SIDEF/AL}:S, CURBS AIID ! ~! GUTT=1i S AND .,LL T~fi.CE:iSAPiY T,1IIIHOI:E5 INThi:ES SE:I'T »RS AT?D CATCH BAS IIIS OT? BOTH SIDS OF S. 7th, daok , , , . . so ~ , to lonof3 St. ~' Si:YI•.IdTH STRriE T, FRO,'.? T}IE SOUTH CLc'?B J III bF JACKSON STRr'.ET TO TILE TIORTH CURB 'LIRE OF ! ' JOi1'r'.5 STRis::T, ITI TITS CITY'OF PADUCAIi9 KEI?TI;C}Ot, AND Pi?OVIDTI?G THAT SA}.~ LIAY BE PA IV FOR I i I i UPOTd THE TEia YI',r"ui PAYIdi;I? T PhAIr'," bo adoptod. 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the 'i ljfollowing vote: Yoaa,Y:atori, Ea}:or, Tully, "Jilliams anct Kattor~ohn,-b. b:ayor Katter3ohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance on- Inner-Fire ;,titled, "AN ORDIT;ATICE ^rROVIDIIIG FOR THr^. COT:STRUCTiOTJ AT?D RECONSTRi3CTIOIt Or^ THE DRIVE"IAYSI Limits: i ~itIITHTI? T}L: ITITTr12-FI?E LIPITTS, INCLUSIVE OF TILE .S"I'?EETS' BORbr^.RIIIG TH :2EON, TO-~IIT: ON i; ' ~;JASHIIdGTC1I STRr:r'.T FROL1 T1iE l7EST LIT7E OF TH]RD STREET TO TTIE FAST LINT: OF FIFTH STREET, I - iiAtdD ;'Id FOURTH'STIi:»T:T FRiYE'TIIr: SOUTH. LITs4 0~ I~'c.TdTUCKY AYEIIUE TO THE TdORTIT LINT: OF "lASHIIdGZ ' TON STxish'T, AND ON IdONi30E STRiw;T FI?0}:t THE Ci^3ST I,IIiE Or SECOT`D STItF,cT TO THE C7EST LII~ OF u .: to n~ 1 ~ ' d' t ;<: ,. - . -. A .. _ -~ _ ~...TLa ' _ ~ ~ ~ . -0iffi:•i+aa 4.~~-1:'` •='~~P!+~~:ri. `{a', .Y.Yl R4~. ~Y rY.i~ '~t'~ .. k l.M1n ... ', d,e,' . .. - . . ' .` ~ ..-.....-_n..._}rr.l.--b°'rr:11f4•+w+'ML•u.+•,'.:. w. +-,..Yr-.•a..«. ~au:a.~. rww•+.0. +ar,.Y .s y ... _...W+."eV-n..: ' .. .. ' r^ , . - . ... r:. wYt,Mp+gge.... ,.. ' - Nam Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah. ~ 192; FIFTE Si''?:::^.T, ATiD OIi TI?IRD ST??.^.?.T FRO1S TE:~: 110::TH I:FIy OP J.;FF:~T?SOI? STREP•.T TO TITS ,; - SOU'i?I :.T1+E qi' 1101i!?OE`:T.°.::.'T, :1ID C~ii FOUI?TIi STREET I'TtObt THi: I?ORTH J:ITdE` OF JEFFI:R30N i ' ~ 5T<?'F,T TO TI?:: SOUTH lIIT` OF I.=0IF30? STREET, :iIlD OIi FIFT}i STRb:ET I'BOE: Ttr~ Ii03TH LIME .OF • - Inner-Fire Limits. r, ~''F'+'~-HSON. ST3R.~.T i^0 TI?:: 30UTH ZII:.^'. '!? 1.':OIT30B ST??i:3T, IId TP._^. CITY OF PADUCAH, .7':TTTUCI!Y, - . Improvement. ~~ ,~ r u ur t*r r r•._ ~I'~ ' r : , . T t 6r Ai :L. CC,;T 0_ i..::L3UTTL.,, RO_ ;??TY O':..:14S, isi.D P304IDI1iG THAT SAL4: IiAY 'h COT.ST!?:LCT- i ED iil:D R::C I:STRUCT'~.D U?'OI? Tl?E Tr:Il YEAR P:iY1sI?T PLAII," be adopted. ,Adopted upon oell ~ ''~ ~ oY the roll by the following vote: Yeaa,Eaton, Tully, 1411114ma and Katter~ohn,-4; xaye' I Ea1H r,-1. 1. ;., .• ~, Commioaionor Tully of3orod the follov~ing motion: I movo that an ordinsaoe en-. N titled, "Ali Oi?DI1;IJ:Cr; F30VIDI=dG F~•i TI13 COI:STRUCT'OII OF CO1dCRET:,CU??BS AI•fD GUTTII?S, • - ~ Alit 1..I 1?F.C 3SEtI?Y lliliHO::::S, IIdTAF'..x:S, , 3 '7r:RS d'I1D CI.TCI* BASIIIS Oli $OTE SI1l::S OF T.w:l;TH. . ~ c - 10-13 and 14th a STR::i:T, THIR'PEi:TdTH ETR:.::T :,IID F'XiRT~ 1"PH Si t:~;:T, i!^?Ol: TIC TIORTE TT.tOFP'.1?TY LINE OF Sta.. Broad.vay to ? ,:~ ,' JePfaraon Curbs and BRO:>D'~"i~Y TO TI?^ 80UTLI ?''?OFziRTY LII?:: OF JI^F:."?SOI; STl?.:ST, Ild TE^ CITY OF rADUCAP., KEN- Guttors. 1 TUC~7(, 61:D P3CVIDIliG THi.T Si.L::: iuiY BE P:'.ID 0I? IIFOIi T5E TI:1? Y~iR PAYI,~l?T PI.AI?," be ,• e ~ '., _ ~ introduoed and lay ot*or. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the Yollorrint dote; Yesp, - ~ Eaton, ;:alser, Tully, ~tilliame and Y.atter~ohn,-5. - - -,li Cor~i.asionex Tully o~fered the ioilowirl; motion: I move that an ordinan0e ~~ ' i. , entitled, "liIt,t'I?DII:'l11C;: T_i?07I'JII'.G FOR TFn' COi?STRUCTIOI? Or TT?3: DRIV':`7AY3 Ol? Tl.'I?TH., - Drive;rays on 10th- ` - 11th-12tH-13th-14th"~ E~%V'1:'.'1?, T•.'«LFTH, TEI?T::I:TH, FOUi?T.i:I?TIi >TID STX'!'.'_i2.'TH Si":2?•;.?TS, F't?Qt" TI?:; I?03T12 FRO- " and 16th from B'wayo~. to JeYforson. P~:?TY :.T_ifw.OF. B?0.'~'.?.'.Y TO Tl~ SOUTH F30]'S:?:'Y I.II,~ OS J::FF~"?Sni; STR.°.'r.T,' IIi TI?i: CITY. OF T.',DU^.-.H; Y.~'TI;CKY, AT Tll C03T OF T1T_:i ABUTTII?G P30r^i'RTY 0:"I,^'RS, AIdD T:?01rI?~T.T?C:-THAT . '. ..^ 1.aY b COl?STRUCT.:D Ui'OI? T1L' T::Tt.YElix? FAYLiei?T PLAN," be introdnoed and lay over. ~~ Adopted upon pall of the roll,by the following vote: Yoaa,r^.aton, Eakor,. Tully,' 7 Ct1111ama and F.atter~ohn,-5, • ~ On motion the Board adJourned upon osll of tho roll b 5 ~ ' y Y Yea e.. ~; • ~ Al:tIL.7th. 1921. - , C • At a Callo-d hooting of the Board of Corm~iseioners, hold in tho Commiesionora' • i Chambor do tho City Ball, 1'actuoah, Y.ontuoly, on hpril 7th, 1921, at 3 O'olook P. 1`.. 4 Upon oall of tho roll.tho foll.owin~ anu'.~orod to thoir namos; Cceamiaoionora L~'aton, 'r:akor, Tully, i'lilliama and mayor Kattor~ohn,-b. ' 1'agor l:attor~ohn et^tod roasona fur. pall to-'.rit; 'To ox-oouto Dood to A. A".. Odorlark fir lot Tr, OaY, Grove Comotery~ and any othor busineoa that mi?ht oome~baforo ~ the Board. f • e, ' Cor^.mixsionor Tully offered tho fo)lovring motion; The arse of x50.00 having boon ' ,r Cemotary sod +paid into the Treasury as ovldonaod by the reoeipt filed hArerrith,.I move that deed bs r'_aLOdorkirk. e:ceouted to ,;, li, "OderkirY, for Lot x103, Bloolc i2 on tho north aide o^r'ord Stroat, t r. ~i ' ~betwoori BaY_or & hiller Stroat:: in Qal; Grovo Gemotery. .'adopted upon oaf] oP the roll by R tho Pollo.•ring voto: Yoaa, Eator., F.a.Y.or, Tully, Ctilliama end l:atter~ohn,-5, ~ ~. ~• :~ Co.:,missiorer Tulle offered tho Pollowirg motion; Tho s:un of.:V25.00 having .boon ;;paid into tl:o Troaaury e.^, evidorood by tho roeeil~t filod harorrith, togatiiar with aplili- • I1elt or Ceroal';action °or L'.alt or Cereal Bevorare 7.loen^e properly a1E~'sod, I movo that lioonee to Bavorage iioer.ao r~rantedsgoll malt or oorael bevera~e¢ or ••^ny admixtures thor~of bo ,axanto8 to J. A. Soru~gs at to J.b.Sorugas..i! { 481301 South 10th Street, from April 1st to 3une 30th, Adortod upon oa7.I oT tho roll I Eby t.*.e following voto; Yoaa, P:ator., al:ory Tully, "fillioma and lattor~ohn,-5.. • ~ , ...r+~ _ r ~ ~ - r • -..... • ~ 1 .. ,: _ _ ._..... _._ _... ._..,.m,., ., ~.... w.,,. _~ ._..,.. ,,--~.-, ..,.,, w •• ' xo. ~-~ • Commissioners' Proceedings,. City. of Paducah ° ' • ~ 192_: ' " " ~ Commissioner Williams offorvd the following motion: I move that tho report Report Frvd oP Fred i;ngliah, Sexton Oak Grone Cemetery, of interments for the month of }Batch 1921 ~'nrrliah- " Oak Grove ~ be reoeivvd anti filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll b.y the following note; Yeas, Comotary," Eaton; Euker, Tully, Williams and KatterQohn,-6. • CorrJraacianvr IYilliama offered the following motion: I move that the transfer Cemvtory from }tr s. Oatherlne Roberta to lot a~17 Blook Y on Feat aide of Etagnolia Avenue, between transfer lira.. 1 ~ Catherine `~~ }5yx'tle Strout and .Roan Street, Oak Grose Cemvtvr;r, to A. F. Evans be ratified. Adopte~ Roberta to AaF.Evana. upon.oall of the roll by the following vote; Yvaa, Eaton, Ea'rvr, Tully, :Yillieme and ~ Kntter~ohn,-5. • On notion the Board adJonrnod upon oall,of the roll by b yeas. • ~f/~ APPROVTiiy ~ , AFRIb 9th. 1921. MAXOF[.. • ~ At a Called 1,toetinq of the $oard of Commiasionora, held in the Comniasionera' ~ ""• " Ohamber in the City IIall,-Paduoah, ;ientuoky, on April 9th. 1921, at 11 O'olook A: ii. Upon Dell of the roll the following anaworod to thou names; Commisalonore Sot on, Tully I and Williams 3. Ma or Pro tem W. Y. Eaton j • ,- y presiding. Mayor Pro tom W. Y. Eaton etate8 reasons for Dell, to-wit: To allow ray Roll for the ltew Constrnotion work for the week ending April 8th, 1921. " " Oommisaioner 'Pul.ly otfoi•vd the following motion: I move that Pay Poll far the • i New Oonatruo- New Coriatrzwtion :work for the weak endin{r, April B+.h, amonntinp• to k355.15 be allowed.• tion Work Paq doll for wvok and ordorad raid,"and the money appropria.tod fr an the Cenoral Fund to pay"same. "ending April 8, ~. 1921•. Adopted upon Dell of the roll. by.thv following noto;.Yoaa, Eaton, Tully and t7illiams,-3. • On motion the Board ed~ovrned upon Dell of the roll by 3 yeas. ~. ~. • .. ea.*roi ~ ~~~ .t9~L - ~ . ' lu ii IL llt h ..19 21. ~C.r•~.:y.~~ CI 7~,'fOR• j . l At a Regular lSaetin~ of the }3oard of Oorrmiacianars, held. in tho.Coiviieaaonere"i .. • • i Ohambor in the City }call, Paduoah, Kantuol~; on April 11th, 1921. Upon call of the ~y roll the following amwrorvd.to their names: Oomminaionora Eaton,, Ea;rer., Tu11q,i7i11iama • rand ttayor I:attor~ohn,-@. i" • ~ On motion of Co:rmiasionor 'i:aton the. minutos.of ±he previous moetinga srero ~ . adopted as road upon call of the roll by the follo•,71nF voto6 Yoas, Eaton, :,ak.vr,Tully. ~ ' I~( . ~; Williams and Kattar~a}m,-5. ,I lay Jtreet ~ro- P 1~ayor Knttor~ohn oi+forod t?:o following; ^rotion:• Y movo that the rotition,of j ~orty ocrnorn rotoAtina nrrxin-~ proprirts~ o:vnara'on Olay Strout Ua raooivad any} :"ilod, and a' Dopy of said lsotitiari bo •~ st alRnbanrd pf ~ aunt to UttorbaoY, Advertiairi Oom a r y t. Uttarbao;, Adnor- g p ny. Adopted n or, aall.of the roil b th© followir.I; tiding 00. ~ f " veto; Yoas, %aton,.lwnkor, Tu11y, Williams and 3:attor~ohn,-6.. ; L;ayor Kattor~ohn offered t11v folloviizig motion; I movo that the Report of the . Ronart lSoCraob;•, MoOraol:on County Fublio fiea7th eervfoe be raooivvd and filed. 1ldoptod upon Dell of the on Co, i~ublio (roll b the followin? veto:. Yeas Eaton Ea}:er Tull T'3111ams and Y.ntter ehn 5. iIoclth Jorvioe y . y, , ,- f. Commissionvr Tully offered the following motion; Tha sum of ,^-,25.00 havin~• } • +~ boez•;, raid into the 'i'reaeury; ns enidonoed by the raoeipt filed heiorrith to~othor with I 'Boverar~o ; ioon.zo arantod Flnrdin & application for malt or oervnl.bevorage liaonsa duly aigno8 as required by ordinance, f'uarlea it107 i~(. 4th St. ~ • I movo the liaonae, 'to sell malt or aoroal~ bonorar~os Ar :an, admixtures thereof, be •f 4 gzanted to 8adin w ~uarloa at Iio. 107 idorth 4th Strovt;.from Aprii.lat tq June 30th, ~ _ ~. 1921. ,Adopted upon Dail of the roll b the followi y ~3 votv;~Yoas, Eaton,• Eaker,Tully, ~ ,. . . .. • ~ . • ~ • ~. I .. ti1.L;~a "`E. R i+,i.:" Yx'':ti."' ~ /.'.r 3, . ~' ~ w. ~ vv r ' :.~d. . f ,... .. ~ . • a ~ .. ~ '~I ,.,: ... Na- ~3 Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah ' 192-.. T _ _ _ _ _. ~filliar:s and l:atter~ohn,-5. ~' . ~ Commissioner Z:`illiaas oPfero~t the follo'aing motion: I movo .thA,t the transfer Cemetery transferk Yrom Claude Iaoe to the rear 10 Yeot b3 15 Yeet oP the South half aP lot ~8 in Seption Claude Faee to ;:~ r^ L.B.Alexander. ~ 1, to L. }3. Alexander, bo,ratified. i,dopted upon oall oY the ro12 by the Pollo:~inr • ~ veto; Your, Eaton, ?AY_er, Tully, 7111iams and Iiattor~ohn,-5. ~---- ;`~ ~ G Commissioner Ea:er oPfored the followira motion: Thet the report of the • Report St. Dept. j Street Dopartr..ort Yor the month oY i.;arch 1421 be rooeiyad and Piled. Adopted upon , for i:arch 1421. ' ' ~ oall of the roll by the followinm vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eal:or, Tully, "Jilliame and , ~' Y.nttorJohn,-5, ~ ~ ~~ IlnyorL+atter~ohn oPfored the following motion: I move that.a resolution en- titled, "A P.ES^LUTIOiJ F30YID:i:G i0?? TPn3'COIISTRJCTIOA OF COIIC:?ETE CUc4B3 AIiD GUTTr323,.. r 30uth 9th SL., '~ AIID iiLL IfECESSA3Y !,:,I;+301ES, IIJTiu:ES, SE:'I~S i1IJD C.iTC?i'BASII:S.CII BOTH SIDES OF SCUTH ' from I?ucbrr,ds to Elizabet}! St. IJIIJTII ST:?r T, FRS' TI?« SOUTH GUTiT«l? LII~.i CF INSBnI!D:i ST<?EwT `CO TIC ll0i?TJi PROPERTY LIrE Curbo & Gutters. ' ~ OF ELIZA:3::TII ;iTI?E T, In EY.T:'tDED, Ilr TIT_? CITY OF .PADUCAfi, i;laIITUCY.Y, at the ooot oY'the ABUTTII:G T':?0?~~•?TY C:71+~ S, i.IID FR-0YIDL':G T!?i~T SAP.I;', I:nY Bi PAID ^OI? UPOII TIIL TAI! YuLR . ~~ FA7C':If, Phild," be adopted. Adopted upon pall oP tJ:e roll by the following vote; Yoaa, • ' u ' • r Enton, Ea::er, Tully, :7111iams and I',atter~ohn,-5. r • ~' - ?iayor Sattorlohn offered the following motion; I move that a resolution an- h ' ~ titled, "A RESOLUTTUIi Fi?OYIDIIJGr'OZ TI?:: GOIZ:fiRUCTIO.J OF COI:C_R TF. SIDE'7A1w3, CURBS • Clay St. south :,IID GUTT:~S, i~tlD i~Ll lP«C:ISSial?Y D'1L'?PIOL'3S, IIIT.L':ES, 3$~Ill?S i,I:D CATCH BASK?S OII THE SOUTH. side from ;4, side ~ ` of 17th St. to SID:: U? CLAY ST3«.'~T, ^'20I,i Ti1:: I'I?OPEI?TY IIIIE ^lJ TIUI .YL''wT SID''. OF'SEVEIJTSEIJTH STREET TO • " .: ide of 19th ~i m•r. r,n in. ,• m ru m ~ t St.'Sidewa]:;s, ;, l.:a: G„iT'3 LIIi:: Cli T._:.I,ST SID 0? I(IIIE~:IiIJTH STRs..T, IIJ aHE CITY Or I'ADJCAIi, J:EN- ' oiu•ba an8 mutters' ' ' T TUGi:Y, AT T:•?.^'~ CO:;T OF '?!I« ABUTTIIJG Fl?OP«::TY O'iJIJ:1?S, AIJD °II07IDI1IG THAT P.Ah7E A'.AY BE H P.iZD FOI? L1'OIJ TIUi T,"II Y.i.l~? Fi.YI::i1JT PLAIJ," bo introduoed a:uP lay over. Adopted upon . ' u ea11 of the roll by the Pollowinr vote; Yena, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Nilliaq:e anA ~ ~" kattor~ohn,-5. , .r_ ~. Commissioner Tulh oPfored the Pollowin motion• I movo that a reao ution r~ ~i / Q ~ 1 • ~ entitled,, "A R$S!'~LUTIOIJ 1':?OYIUIIIG FOR TIIE COlISTRUCTI03J OF COL'ORITE SIDEI7ALF:S,'GU?;BS , ~~ ' I!, 1Gth St. , Prom a iJID GU'P'i:.'RS, AIID ,. LL ;JEOESSARY Lii,I!HO1:PS, IIJTiII'r3, SI~,7;LR3 AIJD GATCPP BAST: s J1IJ AOTtI • Joffar::on St. to ~ ~ . • Trimble St. ~ rID3J. OF 1t0i?TIi SILT«':i'TII S'1?'?::1T, ir'ROI~: T1?~,' IJ0:2T?? GUTT:~'»? LII,".•I OF' JI.'Fn:RS~II f1TT.iI:1;T. TO Tf(F, ' SOU'!'IP GL'TT`.:I? LII:E'OF TRI=B1~ ,ITI?:I::T, 1It TFL•; CITY Olr PADUGAH, Y.1;I'PUCY.Y, AT THE Q03T OF, p . ' ' ' ~ TX. ABL'TTIIJG TRCP:.'RTY C:913RS, AIfiD PI?OYIDIIJG TFAT SAI.?•: P:dY BE TAID FOR UPOIJ TIii: TEED .i .. n Y:~:lLR PAYI•i«IIT PLAIJ," be introduced and lny ovoi, Adopted upon oall'oP the roll 'by th4. ' ~ following veto; Yona, Eaton, EaP:er, Tu11y, 1Y1111nms and Y.attor~ohn,-5.. , " Commissioner Eaton oPfored the 4ol~.owing motion; I movo that~.a resolution ' ~ providing Por the oonatruotion of the driveway en Jefferson Street, Yrom the "teat • ~Iproperty lino oP Seventeenth Street, or Fountain Avemro, to tiro Meati property line Of ~~ T^{onty-fifth Stceat, being approrlmately 3110 Linear Foet, in the.Gity of Paduoah~ ' Jefferson St., ~, , .. fro:r. 17th to QSthi~ KontuoY.y, ut the cost of the abutting property o;~nare, and providing that same may be ~ ` St. • • ~ oa'istruatod upon the Ten.Yoar Pay!aont Plan, be 3ntrodupod and lny over. 'Adopted upon ~' t.,. ~; call of the roll by the follo:ing goto; Yoas, Exton, Esker, Tully, lS'il.liame and f~ Kattor~ohn,-5. ,. . • ~ Cor,~issioror, ~Jilliams oPfored the Pollo•.vinr motion; I move that a reaolut lon'. " ~ entitled, "A I!ESOI.UTIOIJ T20YIDIIJG FOR T??« COIiST.°.UCTIOIi 0.' COIIC',ET,CUP.BS'i.I'D G'JTTr.^?S, . ~i 1tii~D i~T.S I'CSST.:?Y I[Ai;IIOI::S, IIITf~:S, S'~^.•Mi.S i._ID CGTCII ~i3II'.5, A5 FOLIA'115: OIT DOTH ' Loeoh Avenue, frets SID::S OF I~.:i^vl? A'f'!Na ;:?Ri Tif:•, P;?OPi-?TY ?. "'r': n"i .I I'OBmn TL;L~ c•,, IIJ 0:~ i.... .:C.. i P `3 DE .~^ PII S i4?.. "T • 10th to 11th, era 11th to Burnett f ; TU TIPS GUTTs3 LII ~ 02! :'(IPAT 'IUUlD B: T?u: :?Oi?T?t SID:: OF EI:3`l:I`TII ST_°.I? T, r'IC^.I' IP,~aOV::D; 7 i,LSC BOTII SID3S OF EL_iV«i:TH Si: 'r T, I"?01^I2i4. GUTa'?,~ LI??`.:' OF T?? L';T?::?S~.CTICl PIP "'fPnT . • ~ :40ULD °E ''I?E "^r:ST SIZE OF L::::CII Y_."LT', ZF II.~^OV:iD, TO TE:: Ei,3T ~UTT.:i? I.I!:f. OIP ~ ~ BIi'?N:'TT. ST3a:T, IIJCIUDIIJC TI? IIP:_?SSCTI`!T.T:, DI', J4ZD STi?..«T~, IIJ TiII~' CITY OF PAllUOGII, -, '' ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ,- !. ' ' r i s ._ ., , .7 ~~W~~:.__._ .: ~~ ' .~'. Nam: _; ~. . t r,~ +xG wrx. ,~.., x f ,' ~~~~~ , .... _ » ...._. ,..,..,.,. a......w~..~_.......... y/'~rx, Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah , ~ ~' - ~ -, - ' ~,g~ 'Y.i:II'i^UCiB(, AT Tlii`. COST OF TH? ABUTTIIlG P30PP;RTY 057N.RS, Afl~? PROVID>i!G TI?AT SAi'3 Ef:17i BF'. PAID FOii UPON THi; .T:'d! 1BAR PAYI.:isllT PLAIl," be adopted. Adopted upon aall o£ the roll by~ the. £ollorrinG vote: Yops,l:aton,Ea'.:er;Tully;;73111ama and I:attorsohn,-S. i , Mayor Y.attorfohn o££ored tho.£ollorrinQ motion; I move that nn ordinanoe on- •' ' titled;, "AN ORDIIlAIJCE PROVIDIT?G FOR TIi C02lSTRUGTIOI? OF COIlCRETr^. SIDrirt:I.Y.3~ CU3BS nfiD hndison £ro II'Orth 9th, ~ 'GUTTr''33, ANb A7~ IlECESSARY A~AIfHOI,ES, IHTAY.ES, SE7IERS AI,!D CATCIf BASIIlS ^I! BOTH.SIDES OF: 07 t~! to Trimbi O1&y. and n].so 2lORTH NINTH STREET, FROfZ THi-0'GT7TTi.'~ 7.IT?i; OI1 TfiE 2lORTf? SID'r: Or f:°~LDIS'^i! STRUT TO Tiia Ii01ERTY LIiii; uI! Tiii: SOUTF: SIDE OF CLAY STiii:ET, AilD ATSO 6Ii TL:i o.TST SID:i OF l03TH ' .' 1lIIi'i'H STRi:ET, IIiOI+i TfFd IlORTH PROP~"iTY LII!r: OF CLAY STrz::ET TO ygr~ GUTTER LII,n Of! TIiZ ~ - SQUTH SIDE Or TRI1:l3I.E STREET, II! T2~ CITY OF PADUCAH, IG;iiTUCi3Y, AT Tf~ COST OF THE - ABIJTTI2lG POFk;ciTY ,OF7I~tS, A4SD PiiOVIDiTlf3 TiIt1T SkiiE I3llY B$' P-AID FO,R OZ! TYE' TEI! YEAR PAY- I,IEIlT PLAN," bo introdnood and lny over. AdoFtod upon aall o£ the ro11 by the Follow- ' ing veto; Yoas, Enton, Eal:ar; Tully, 7Filliams and, Y,attar~ohn,-b. , Oommiesioror Tully o££oro$ the £ollowin~ motion: I move that an ordinance ' entitled, "AI! ORDIIii.ilCE PROViDiiiG i:'Oi3 TFrd C02SSTRtiCTIOIi 0'F COilCi?ET C:,?iB5 AID GUTT'r:RS, .. :~1iIl ALD .ALC ;S'SnRY ISi.i.'IIOLES, ISiTAY,i;S, SE":RS. biiD CATCH BASiilS Oii EC1^I'. SIDES br^ 1r.I:TH 10th, 13th & STii:r.T, THIRT.i"1:TH STRei:T ki'~r'vUR'I~?iii!'PI; STi21:I;T, I':?(I,:'T;iE ilORTII I30Pi.~TY L22~,~: OI` Broadcycy to 14th Sts. h'Om BROADCiAY TO TIL^;.:,OliTH FiiOPiia'iTY LINE Or^ ~i;n'FEiISOIi STr2EFT, II! TIr CITY OF FADUCAH, I~I!- Ja££ereon St. ' Ourbs nnd. TUCI{Y, AT- i'*f~; COST OF 2HE ADUTTIiiG FROIr.RTY O',72~`I.RS, 1Jt;) PROVIDL'G THAT S~UyiE LiAY B r Outtorn. 1'elID FOR OI! Tfili 'PEft Yis'AR FAYi."Will FIAIt,+', bo adq~tod. :13ortod. upon aal7 of the roll by the i'allowing vote; Yoas, Eaton, F.aY.ar, Tu11y, t7illiams and I{atterJohn,-5. • Cortmniesionor Tully o££erod the,£ollorring motion: I move that. an ordinance entitled, "AIl ORDIIdAIAE PROVIDIIIG FOR TFiE COilSTRUCTIOIt OF T?l; D:iIV:i"'ti?5. 02,' T.?.I:ifii,. .10th, 11th, E11:VciIlTH, TYELFTH, 'IiIIRTz:i:IlTH, FOURTEiitlTH dflD SIY.T;!:L';iTfi ST:ii: iS, F'ii0i'. TIC %O:ITH PiiO- 14th ant I6th 12th, 13th 1'l~'i'Y I.IIlii 02' Ei40ADi7AY,T0 T?is SOUTH PHOIri&TY I,II;E 0? JEI'FzI;x011 :;TR?.I:T, IIi TIW CITY OF' Sts. fk'om Broad # r+ay't0 Jo£forno °'1'ADUOAIf~ Iti2lTUCY, AT 'i'IIE COST OI' i"Hi; ABUTTIiiG iROi'rt3TY 0:72i:;.^tS, AI~T7i £:COVIDIIIG THAT Driveavye. 5AFni: I.ViY BE P:~ID I'Uii .UF01! TfIE Triif Y"r,AR FAYliilP PI:AN," bo ndoptod. . i.dopted upon oall ~~, of .the roil by the £ollorring vote; Yana,.Eaton,Eakor,Tully, 7illiams and Zatter3ohn,-5, ~ - '; Commissioner Eaton o££ered.the £ollorring motiono I cove that an ordinance ~', ' or.titled, "AI1 ORDIIi1lIlC PiiOVIDIIdG r'CR T;-lE RB~PL6CIIlG MID $UBSTII^UTIiIG 0. ,GAS AIID i4ATER ~ , Gaa, ',7ator anA PIPE COHIL•iC'i'IOitS i'lITH i?i','t i~r.ATERIAL, l'.ilD FiIOVIDIIlG x^ wR SAIlITAi?Y HOUS:; STi;AGr; COI;LLCT- ~ Soti7orngo oon- rieati0np re-' IOII3'TO BE i.,;Di: Oil' /iLL ST:3E%T5 iiIlli .Di7IVi;'AYS ITi TI>i: CIT7t OF PAD'uCAH, iCisii'itiCiOC;'"1HT,CH planed or aub-" atitutod Ord. ~II.Rr;.BEIilG C.OIISTIiL'CTiiD, OR F7HIOII I.iAY $FI?i:ielFTr`R $E COI?STHI:CI~D ;;ITH I3.acROVr^.D PAVIAG OR I~ !~ STiiii:.'T,BUIi.DIi1G ii.ATiS3ZAL, AIID FROVIDIllG PEfiAS.TI S FOR. VIC~TIOii ,ifi~i:OF," be adopted. j Adopted upon call o£ the roll by the £ollowin~; vote; Yens,~ia.ton,-Eaker; iully,`,~illiams fund Eattorfohn,-ba i - Commissioner Eoker offered the £ollorrinH motion: I mono that an Ordiranae on- ;j - titled, "AI! OnDIi1,',IlCE P'iOVIDTiIG F03 THr~ COIlSTRUCTICIi OF' COIlC:"ETE SID::'7G~:S, CURB:; :,IiD f 4th St. , $'om GUTTP1iS, AilD A7d. I7NCESSA:;Y B;AIlH.Oiu'.S, IIlTP,l.~i, 5:.~,rc :; ~II:D CATCH BASIL?S tai! BOTH SIDBS OF Brodd to Eli2a- ~, bath, .aidotiyalks, k'OUf2'~H STREET FR CIS TH:i ROi2TH'PROF$:iTY LIIlE'OF BROI~D STRi:BT TO ""• n ' doC. _ l.i., SOUTH CUTT':i? LIi;r. Or j isLIZABr:TH :-i'I".tl;~?T, Ii! Tfi:; C1'I'Y OF iADUOAH. ~:llTUCn.Y, AT :i'f.~ CO;;T OF Tt~^ ABifi''^tlilG P:?OPER^tYj - ~ OMl::~S, Airlll PZCVID iZiG 71IAT SAi~: I.r~Y Bi: PAID FOR OIl T&!. T%Il YEAS P.iYI;:::Iii' Pbl~7," bo .intro- l duaed and lay over. Adopted upon asll o£ the roll by the £ollorrine vote: Yeas, ,^Eaton, ~ . _ I:al;er, Tully, :'lilliams and iiattorsohn,-S. On motion the Hoard udJourned upon call o£ tha ro11 by b ;reas• ,. Cit7 Ck. a - - .. ~... ~ ___ ___ .. ~ ....,..v ' ~ ~ ~ • • ' _ . - v .. '~ t '~ Y f ~,. ` ~ ~ ' .. _ _.. ~+u~wr~~ ~- , ~ ,. • IW Commissioners' Proceedings, .City of Petition oiti- zees ir, vicinity • lEth Fc Trimble protesting a~.in- at Carnivals in that vicinity. Transient and Itinerant I or chant 9 Liconas Ordi- y nanoo.. , 'Report Com'r.'oP ' Firaroe oP Fay rol • Riverside ??capital and I'ew Canstrun.,a tion Por :rook cnd~ ing ::pril 15th. ;' - A ... :_,.:_192_x: wwwww~w • ~ ' . G~~ ~ • Na ;~ aFRIL 15th. 19E1. . At a Celled b;eeting oY the Board oP Commis0loners, held in tho Commieaionera~ hamber in the Ci•t;~I?all, Faduoah, Kontuoky, on april]5th, 19E1, at x;30 O'olaok I'.M, pon call oP the x011 the following answered to tholr names; Oanunisslonera Eaton, 'ully, ~tillinms az"d I.Iayor Katter.sohn,-4. i'.nyor Katter~ohn atatod roaaons Por call to-wit: To adopt a motion to ~eoeive and Pile petitior, of property ormers in the vicinity of TEth ~ Trimble Ste., ~rotosting against the holding o3 carnivals ir. that vioi.nity, and any other business ;hat may Dome before the Board. ISayor Kattor~ohn oP3ored the following motion: I movo that .a oommuniaation 'rom citizens rosiding in tho vicinity o3 lEth Fa Trimblo Streets, protesting apMinst, the holding of carnivals in that neighborhood, be rooeived and P17.ed, and that the' 7ommiasionor o4 Public Finance bo instructed to not issue any license to any one authorizing the holding of u vnrnival on the vaornt lots ad~aoent to lEth Fu Trimblo Sta. adopted upon call ofi tho roll by the Pollo:ving vote; Yoas, Eaton, Tu].7y, ' ;tilliumq and I':atter}ohn,-4. Commissioner Tully oPPorod tho tollowintr motion; I move that an ordinnnoe. enti'tlod,,."aI; ORDIIial1CE DEFIIIII?G, R,~.~GL'IATIIIC, LIC?'diSI11G' i1tD Ta?:IIIG TRANSIEIIT aIlD ITIIIJ.n.I:IIT,Ly:RCP.iliTS 1~I-'.D V:iItDORS, a1IID PROVIDIl`,G FL'IIdLTY FOR VIO7.i~TI01d TH1~:Rr'.Ob',!' b8 , adopted. ,Gdoptod upon call ofi the roll by the Pol7.owing vote;Ycas, Eaton, Tu11y, ';til7.'iama and Y.atter~ohn,-~1. • On motion the Board nd~oiu•ned upon Dell oP the roll by Q yeas. " AiAZOkt: AFItIL 16th, 19 E1, ` i at a Ca11od klooting o1' the Board ofi Comm~.saionor:;, held ln.the Commigbion- era' Chamber in the City ??all, Paducah, Y.entuol:y, on aPri]. 16th, 19P.1, at 1]. o'olook~ ,1. .'.f. Upon oa7l ofi tho roh.tho 3ollos^ing onsworod .to thoir namoo: Commiq:3lonorA' , Ea$or~ Tul7.y, '~tilliums and I:ayor Y.attor~ohn,-1. • Mayor Ka*.tor~oTut atatod seasonq fior onll to-wit; To allow Pay Rolls oP,,. Rlvoru.tdo 1?capital and Bert Oonstruoti ~n "torY, for .tho wnok ondinr April 1Gt,h, 79E1, Commissioner Tully oPPerod the Yo7lo:ving motion; I movo t}nt the part rolls Por the weoY. ondinP.alr: 15th, amountir,2 to X543.93 ea par tY.o report of the Commis-, . aiorar of Fublio Finance Piled herewith be allowod and orderod raid, and the monoy appro~riatod Prom tho Ger:eral Fund to pay same>, adopted upon pall of the rol7,by the Pollilv7ing vote; Yoas, waY.er, Tully, :dilliaina and' Kattor~ohn,-4. "' ~~,,O~~n_"~'m~~o~ti~~on tho Board ad~ournod upon pall of the roll by 4 yeas, Ab~l~~ ~:.~If $L, A PPROV:~dI3 f ' • ..w..~ ...r..,..~'t~ ~ 4 . f .. ~1 u ~ ~awu uuur~aa~mnti.w• . ' r ~~ .. .. .,/ •~ ' ~ 9 - ,yt.+i :. T, .,~ CommiBSionera' Proceedings;..City of `Paducah ~. - ~' ' 192;'. ' - --- - ___.---- - - -- - GF.Il 18th. 1921. alt .a Regular }Jesting of the }3oard of Commissioners, hold ir, the Commissioners' . ~ ' ' Chaarabor 'in tho.City Hall, Iaduoah, Zontuoky, on April 18th, 1921. Upon call of the roll ~ Lho i'ollowing ansrrored to their names; Co:rsraisoionera Eaton, Ea;cer, Tully, 7illiama and :FSayor Katterfohn,-5. On motion of Commiosionor Eaton the minutes o3 the provious meotinga crere adopt-~ ,. _.' od,as'read upon aali of the roll by tho follosvins.voto; Yeas, Eaton, Eakex, Tu11y, ~ , •171111ama.and Katter~ohn,-6. ( - Cormnisaioner T•,atori oYfored tY.e follo:~in?• motion; I move- that L•he aoammiraaation Rarort •iosooe lieod, City fror,± Roaooe 1?eod, Oity Solicitor, recardinq ratoa of rental of fire hydrants to the .. So}ioitor In re:Fire Hydr¢n Pa<~uoah 'r7ater Company, be roaeivod and filed, ¢nd thn_t nation thoroor. bo deforred. , to Rental Taduorh 77uter ddopted upon o¢11 of the roll by the followin€~ vote: Yoas :atop Esker Tall ~ . ~ y 1; ' Co.. 'dJilliomp and Katl;or3ohn,-b. . . . a L[a;ror Katter~ohn oft`ored the following motion: I move that .the aommimioation fros y .' ~7.kf.kiitaholl t `q' 1"• ~itcholl, City I;n~;inoer, dntod April 18th, 1921; relativ© to estimato of vrork Cityr;nrineer report in re dono,and performed by Yanoy Fi Johnson, Contractors, on Broadway anal on rifth Street,be ~ , }sroe.dway ¢nd r'ifth St: rvaoived, filed ¢nd approved:, Adopted upon aa11 of the roll b the. T I , y allo wiii~; vote; Wor$• yeas, Eaton, Eakor:, Tully, ;7illirima and Kattor3ohr,,-b. . .. ! rSayor %at.terfohn offered the following motion; Tho L:ayor haying purchc.and a °ordl•. Ford Chadsis Chassis Prom Johri Doyle for the sum of y400.00, I.move that the Commissioner of Tublio purahaaal of John Doyle r''inanoo ba instruatod to pay John. Do,Tlo the sum of X400.00 for acid 1`ord Chassis, ' and' IIorr Conatx'uo- , Lion ~ Engi,noo aamo to ba ahnrrod'to the acaount of ilo:i Con~truation and %nt~inoorinP,, ¢nd ghat said j , " it;~t Dopt. ~ .. . p>.mchaae be approved.. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the followiri~ veto; Yoas,Eaton, I iafier,. Tu11.;+, ~li].liams and iattor~ohn,-b. ~ • .. J Cossmaissioraer ,~illiams offorod the, fo19.o:ane• motion: .I more that the F:fnanaial f liojnit¢lda Stdtomont oi' the etivaraidd Hospital for k;aroh 19.21 be roaoiied and filed. Adapted upon l:'insnoial St¢toment. i oa}.] of the roll b;- the follo:rinc veto: Yoas, Eaton Esker Tull ... y,^illf.^ms ar,ri i Kattor~ohn,-6. I ` ~ , Commiesionor 'ililliaana offorod the following r:otiont I move. that -the Iotiorta' ! rntionta ?e- tort ~ivoral$e Report of tl;o i?iieraide lioapital for t.;arch 1921 'be roooivod and filed. .Adopted +~por, Ho.apital. ~ • oa]l~oi' t};o ro}.]. b•r , the rollowinr iota; Yeas, raton, ;;n;:or .Tu1].y ;}illiams and f , , • l Y;ai;tor3ohn,-5. - Coramiocionor Eakor o~ferod the Sollowinr.motion: I move t}:at the ~ proposition froia I i~:fl.D.Hann¢n ~ Ld' D. }lannan to lay 4bb foot oi`,12 inch sower pipo on Rro¢d:vay, botwean i:reiaty-third ; proposal Lo ].a.^ ;~e^ar pipe ~ , i slid 4':yonty-fourth Stroot:; bo reooived and filed• and that ssicl proposal to farnis;h j ii ,. { or, Broadreq, icfr.2- ,, ;,; laUor, dig ti:o tro;ioh and lc.y ti.o 12 fnc}~ .Ce:zar pipo. and to baal,--~i1.1 the same, .said • 22th a0oo'pbod+ I wort; to.bo Coro under the. dl.rootion of the ~o:ror Inspoatrir, at 150.00 i'or said ontira ~ : fob, tho.Cit}r. 'to .'u:ni:;h the co .or nipo.and ;li other Tatexxa}.e noaoasarf.for latring ' - caid pipo, bo aooeptod,~ar.d t}: t the, Ooamiscionex of riablia Mork: be instruoteR to em- pJ.oY- sa.R ~.d. D. Hannan to lay.aaid so'.•rar pipo, all the ao~ts ar,.d oaponsos inaidont to ~ saws h.o oharto:d to • the _ Spoo ial Serer 'nand, and that tha .CO^irna...,ionor of i~nblio Tinanao I be a,:thDrirod aid instrt;otod to ra}•'far all said r^ato+^ia.]:a ar.~ anrY, ^r.~t .c}2 chex~os +, • ~' ~ fnoido7at tharoto; nr;d to dra.r a77, ^rr~rrant^ And ohool:s xioooas;nr-. iri .na;~.^.ot?t tfir'oo' ' rz:?a3rast..oaid :;pno~l 3o•:ror r`ani1.. LBoptod, i:pon ocill at the ro'_]. b• t:ho ro=lo:zinm I, ' • •. .. :' l tote: Yoas, l.ator,, uaker, Tu11y, '7illiaine and lattorlohn;-fi. ' I .~ ' ~ . ~ «, ~ . I' ;. .. - ~~~ ,,, . ...~ ~_ ~. ~. '_ _ _ ' .. :. ~. ,.~ .. , , I . , ' .. , . Na ~c~`J - Commissioners Proceedings, Gity of Paducah •~ ` 192"T Co:rr.!iasior_ur ::ator Oa1'Orel t):e _ollo.•rir,, t;otlor.; T1:o 1,ayor havir.,~ reported to ' ~~ the Board o-^ Co~'.rrtscionors that ho 3xaa ornployod :i. ,:. Bradsha:r, Jr. to mork tnmpora- ~.Bradaha:~, Jr. ~ rily fir. the En~ineorinR D:;partraont at the rate of vQ0.00 por rroe?:, acid 0. C. Duvall an ct C. C. Duva ].1 ;; employed tempera-;! as In:,noator of Construoti~n on Ctseet~r~(~. :jido'„ai?:3 fork temporarily at the rate oP rily• ~i y30.00 per rrocY., rrh.lo zior/:ir.*, I ~:ovo t)w.t ca id tomnorar;; omplo}snnnto, on said t©rm, bo rati"iod by the BoarO oP Commiesaonors, ldopto•? anon oa17. of the roll. by. t'ho ~`~ • fo1lo::in,~ veto :YeaJ,Eatan,:.'al:ar,i'ully, w'illiama and Kattor~ohr,~-5, ,. ' IIa;;~or ~atter3ot:n offered t%:o.Pollo:rin~• r.:otion: I,rrovo t?:at `.ho, Corr:mie:aonor of ~. - I^:provemont Tar- ~ lublio ?•'inance, be a ~t)_orized a:,8 inatrnotod to issue rn Improvarnent d7arrant to Yanoy & rent issued to r Johnaor,, Contractors, for :rorlr dor;o ar;d ]~,erPormod on ;:fifth Ntreet; unitor oontr^nt data Yancy w~ Johnson, a Contreotors~fror Ij gr,:,rnk: let, 1921, for the tiur; oP Y2705.34, boinr G5~~ o:P t'r.0 ,rorlc, as por .the re}-ort of ' ~2705.3h, 6J'p' ~ o: :•roc3: F?or:o on ~ the Bn?ir:cor °ilod oi' thi:. (fate. Adopto,~ u»on Dell of the roll hp the follorrirf* veto;, • Yoa3, c:uton, Ea?:or, Tnll;;, ~lilliarns and ItdttorJului,.5, l~yor I{attcr~ohn ofPorau t):o foll.o:•rin:?• motion; I move t?fiat the Rommieaionor,of• ~ ' •bli "i b rt~ d a'^d in^* ~• tod t i a a Imn o nt !a •a t t Ya I~ -~ r , i _ .~~ _u o _ r.-nee o ai .zorr.zo .. ....r..o 0 a uo n ,,rev mo ~ rz n .o. noy • r ,. •: Im;rot~er.,ont Clan- Y ;~ w ,7o?uaon Coraraotor3, Pur :rorL• dcne and performed on Ilroadrva;~, under oontrant dated ,~ r'.r.t i :c:rOd to Yincy r Jo~nacn, r iiarch let Por the su.~ of V1253,61. being GJ~s of the rrorY., as per the report.of 1921 Cor,trnotora for , , , r ' Y1S53.G1, 55;o ' gp. t~:e Win.-inept Piled oP thi:: date. Adopted upon a+zll of t}:e ro1]. by ,the Po1lo~rin S veto: ' Oi 'JU r i, done Or= , . , f• Lroapaa.y• • ~ Yeas,.::aton,. _.ai:or,. Tu11y, :lilliar,:u ar,dLa.tter~ohr,,-5; . .. , ~ . , ~ }.Ia;;or E,atterJohn offered the follo:vin? r.:otion: I move that a r.eaolution•en- . • ' 4! titled. "A 3ESOiL'TIOII Za0VID1iiG FO)? :rfi;•; COSISTi2UCr'IOII OF COI:C:i3T;:. SIDF.'."iii_',. CL'?.B3 :illD~ li GUT :~IS, :iI:D 6LI. Ili.C:s':i:iri:?Y I~1i^iCI:::S, Il'T~1i1sS, Si:'':":I2:3 i1JA CA`i'C?I BLSIIIS.OII I10TH 9Ii'L'S OF ' ' S. 9 tis St. , SOUTIi I:IiITE ST?.iis:T, F30}.. TF.3 SCL'Tli vUTT:R I,Ili 0;, IIUSBAl;DS ST:?'r:i•,"f ,i'0 T}I5 IJORTII I'30ZiTi- °rom 7?u:;bc.nds St . torlizabeth, .~ T'1 lIi: Oi' :aIZAB3TII ST:4i:::T, IF r:::T'_?l';$:D; r.I.D Oi? Tli:i SOUTH SID; OIL IiUSBi.Id ~ DS ST);FsET, ~ ' •,nd frgar ?'u::b~xd^; p. Y' II'B I. °r(~•. 7th dt, t0 ~j r.:0:." 1??.. P:Z'ST 1'30Ii.._iY 1I1^'C9 Si; SI`,TFi STits:Z:T TO':il.'.^.' iiGST 1'IiOi.'ia'P `7. 0^' IT r7TFI 9th "t• ::os l~aion first Ij 5.,-1.;;•T III •:tr• CITY 0?~` 'I'RDUCiJi, Yi;:;TUCI.Y' AiT 'irL: CO;:T OF 'Plfi: A9UTTIi:O TiiOI'y1;TY 0"lE*r':tS ~ ~' readinz. ~i! AI:D I'iiOVIDI3;C i'..T ..,.1:1 1::>Y Ss ): el ID '03 UFO:: TII:: Tr7: Yii~;t TG:Q::::I(T :I..tiTd," bo introd.v.aed d , • end lay over, Adopted upoz: Dull of the roll by the follovrinrr vote: Yoga, ::aton,Eakor; • • ~ Tully, i7illiama and I:atter~ohn,-5. fi Ilayor Y.attor~ohn offered the fo11o•~in3 motion: I move that a roso3ution en- ~ ' ~'tltlod, "ia I'iia:OL?;'Ili.` F 07IliL:G .C3 TLS. CO:;'3t^iIUCTIUi: Oi' COi`OP.F.T). SIDs,7A]I:S,CUi;BS ;,2?D :. • X S.Sidc oD C'av ~ ~ Gi;T1":::?::, :.!:D i:i:l I.^CII::S_a:tY I`I~I'.IiOI:+S, IlIT.'~~"3, S~":"'c'.:?S AIfD CATCH 3ASIid8 OIi.'1'IT.c:, $CUTH St. Pro::• 3 line oP 17th St. Y ~ aID:: 0.' Ci~Y ST:?::~:'T, 1r-:CD: 'PIU: Y:30F.:;2TY 7-I::, OI: i''F'~. 3Si SIll'^:i' sr'r'I"t~'•1:TI1 ST!?i:F:T TO to '. ci de ... 19th ::t r ~]I'~ ' c ~ ,17"•'::"' tr,r ,, L ~ +Iu. ..UTT::3 :.II::. 0:.. ~ ....~,.; SZJ Ci^ T1II T.:::1'TE ..L i, IPI T. CITY UI ZA'uOAH; I:I':II- ,. ;or;.,i.,, L-,n ,~„,r,,r ,~ ;o,~Pla r'~ . , , , ,,., , . ,. ,.,;,~ . ,. F, m *~ t` U ~! 'i'uoky, A'I' ~~;G; L4~•lr (~,,' ll..; :J-L'i'Ili'~3 e„ l:, ,l. ~~-,.,..P 3, d~~gl3 I;iQ, l UCHU i ~.s1 ..r,l.~ ,~~ttiY 13.E .~I ~ l~;.l.r :'a': u; ~7; ;`f'.: ','la. YI:.... In'tl':;Il~i' S~hilt;" bo a~1n3~1,nA, A,1o?etc+d n,?+nn orv7.7 ot"~i;I:ro roll • :~ by the fa7]o:•rin~ vote; Yoaa, Eaton, J:a?:or, Tul1:•, ';11111cuau and Kattor~ohn,-5. Commiaoioner Tully oPto;od the follo:'rinr~ motion: I move that a roao7irtion on- ' F g titled, "A `.?ESOlUTIOII Ii?G7IDII AOI: THE COl'S5:'IUCTI021 0?'' COI'Ci:PIC SIDIS:,'A7LS, C!^tBS A::D t ".15th St.,Prom ' ~ GUTTr:.?S, :utD AI.I. I;EC:::;;:Ai?Y I,:AII,'.OI.c:S, II:T;u:cS, S'"::i2G Al:il C>iCF °A`:IiS nit RO'PIt slilf'.3 , ' Jeffc;r.^.UY t0 %iml;]e .it. ~i I ':?I I c.-,-,n jP~ T^ I,n•~ a rr. 7 tr, m. ?., ~, r~•rh ~ 0= ;OIi'PIi .:I:iT:':_ TI ..",1:.:... ,. 0.: ,7... . TT. .U'I'.:..:? .L.,. U J' F ._t;:0li 5'i].. '='0 i SOUTH ~ ' ::eo~]n ion ~e- t ~c~rid 3o=~'Ir?_, _ ^'T::' .:. "~' a ,:,, ~r ? ^"n; ~ GCa .3 lIl: C:' iI:._. 51..:iT, II: fI'.:•. C_'PY G. ]AD:'Ctl.., I'.:'.r.,CI:Y, AT. CO:iT O_ T}." ~Anpptn'. r iiIsUTTL':G I30)r:'TY OAR:',??S, I[D I':3~VIDI1'G :TAT SLR: i~tY's,; ii. ID ?'C:: 6IO:i "'[?:~ T;:i; `LI?1L? F 'rAf",,11T Il:',IS," be adopted. r.dolt©a upon gall. of t).o roll t; 7, the fnll.a,^ind vnte: Yoae, i ,, w' Eaton, Sa'.or, Tully, Zri111arr:N c:z,d i:atter~ohn,-5. • c F Co::mla3ioner Eaton offered the follo:ring rrotlon; I move that a reso7.irtion .en- JefPer::ori .°it., a t fro^: 17th ;titled "A ::I:SOhU'ZO:: i'07IDII:G i'03 Tiy' COI:Si":UCTIO:I OF Tl[L•' lItZ;/s'"e1Y OI( J.ti'.F"r".ISOIt o ;~ . . . 2Lth ~t ?^: ' ;ion '~o- . ~ SRR:::."P, F:?Oi: _,.. .,.i3Y I Oi"".1 7.I:`;: OF S.T:Vi:i;'i'i:Ii11TiI S_'?:Ii;:TR OR ~`~'C`Ui"2AI1: A7:11J':•:, TO 'f'}'7i'. ,gyp. a?~ +o~'. ....,,_ I?OI':.':`iY LIIt.°1 Cr^ T::::I;TY-Fifth street,. B:II:.,, 1J'::iOYII';.F:i.Y 3110 lII'EA8 17:a"i', II.' • ~ • ..,. ,. ;. . ,~ y . _~: =~,. ~d .,~ _, - .._ -, . "'Af • '~ :~,. .. f .. No._~~ .,,>e . ' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah (~{]~ ~ ~• ~, `; ~ THE OITY OF PADUCAH, I{c'T1TUCaY, AT 4'I)y COST Ol' Tii:I ABUTTIiTG P$OPE3TY C~Jn--Tt 5, AIJD iR0- ' ~ YIDI&G THAT 6!'.1;;& T~;AY BE COITST4L'CTED UPCYd ,THE T.^.It Y~Afi F..YS.r:1IT F7Ta7." be adopted. J. ~. ~~Adopted upon.oa11.o3 the roll by the .f allowing vote; Yoas..Eaton, Eaker, Tuily,7illiams g, i {.. ' and,Y.atter~.ohn,-Ti. ~' t, a ~:' 16ayor gnttor'ohn o~ferod tho follosvin~ motion; I move that an ordinnnoe en- ' ~+ ~ ' titled, "AYf ORDIITAliCE PROVIDITiG FCR TFW COI:ST.°.UCTIOiT OF COTSCRETi: SIDSTJAi%S. CUBS AI:D • ~ GUTTSi?S, A1dD AlL Iti:C3SSA3Y TSAI;IIOS.~S, IIdTl,};i;8, SF,Clr'i?S i,FFD CATCH $ASIITS CId $OiF. SIDES OF ~ , ' YtORTH ITIId.II 3Ti?,:.'•'T, FI?OT i'Hi: GUT'%:T2 LI21i OI: 't'fi:T IFO:? i"II SIDE OF IT.nDPSOIT ST:?I:,^,T TO TIII; ~YI 9th 3t.., fr,om ~ • ~~Ia'adi~son to Clay Y'ROF~'rTY >,IhE. OTT 'c~iE SOUTH SIDI: 0:' ChdY ST':'v T, .liTD .;iSO OII Tii:; 'tTv~'3T SIDS OF 3TORTH Viand Clay to tTrimbl9. IZINTH STi;EET, :°nOI.: T?•.: TdORTu P30PERTY ZII~ Or CLAY Sits^IT TO.THF. 1.;Tii.:t I.IIT^ OT; TITE F Ordiranoe Adopt- ` ~#} • ~~ , ed. SOUTH SIDr; CF Ti2 iT,'~31, S'ZL''Lt^, Il' 1"FH~', CITY O PAD'JCAH,.ri~.Ii'PUCt:Y, AT ~'~r: COSTuC T ~ ~ ~., " ' ABUTTII:G P$OPEB^tY O~d1t Si?S, ATtD PZOYPDIIFG TII:zT SAI.~ i~iiY Bi. FAID FOR OSI i'I:~ T'r,'iT Y.AR ~ ~ YAYL`WIZi. I•LiYt," bo o.~iopted. Adopted upon oall of the'roll by tho. follo~.rin~ voto; Yeaa, j Eator<, Eokor, Tully, tVilliams and %atter john;-b. ~ ~:~ '~ •• ~ Comminaionor Nillieme offer©d the follovrintr motion: L move that an ordinnnoe f L ~, entiticd, "AII Oi;DI1TAIiCL T!20VIi):I:"v i'0:>, :;-~: COIF;,1^3':CTICT: 0~' GO::C3:'".i': Ci':$:i :,iTD G;;T~:3S, s AIIli ALb Idi;Cr:S~w1i2Y Fdt FHOir:S, "•.>' .'., h ~ `~ U iir1:,...,5 S.l,;Ti:i 1, r r~; -y,••, Broad Streo4, ~, •m ..,I :ID OF $R~AD' ,~ k 513::}x., Y'20I, .t iIi TIIT<:RScC':'IOId OI? FOUltTl- ''J 13ti~AP Si??::i:i`, IY:CI.UDII.G T::r: IlT3S;:CTYCIJ ~trom 4th & Aroad t0 Srldge St. :iT :'OU1i1mi ,~::> D:iOiiL ;iP;i::IiT,. TO tt Y :CI4..i)IiFG ~ I $i T r ~ i. is I".iOI'::3T'i OF CHLR1.0:':1: f ~~Firet Road tnrr , f Ordinanoe. RUFF tii:D 1'H.•; Ii:OPi•:ItT'1 CL' ~ ' t ,.,, I . 3..itB,~.?.. Pi:1 s,:.3 J AIs:J .t,:..~D & >ilYi ~ I'G ?'Oii TI : C^':S'.:?UC1'IOi; OF i ~~ `' C()i';C:iET~ STD.; 11...15, CU7il i,;D Gut'Tr:R" r,• c ~ •~ .y~ :iIlD i,i,I. L~.CE,,.k,.,Y T.a:::HODI:S ^ •.,.. i ~. It t f S, ., iL 5 j .illD ^ul~'?CI: '3nf}Ii'o Ot '! .., :.~a.., .;ID:. i' '^!;~ ' ~ ~ 0 }3:i0AD S ,:i:T, ;i?~~2F 'i' II:':;?S C 1,I7 ~ r ';?._. + I ~.tTi, i.'.FD ~ B l IJ~..g1 Si'- +i 1T.i0AD .. I;O:;i"i Cli$ _ r:ii31", F.;fG1~TIIJG AS.h ~JIiCHl~ SIDE- ~ `~ "d.i1~5, CL:2$., ,ii'D GUT~T".:u'u i:0;d nr r :;are^tT ~ ~' COi:3T;iii•,,i1,D 1 _ ,;~., , ITT Tn« CITY Cr PA7~UCAH, T1:I;TUCYY, AT # ' Ti?i; CO•;'i Oi :'i~: ~L3uT'YII., I:iOI'i::iTY O'.i:Ic,.tS, t,I;D ii?OYII)Il'G i'i~eii' N1.L1; i:hY Bi: TAID ^OH UTOId' ` ' 4 ,~ ~ k THS TiiI1 Ys;,it T:,Y.:,.i,.,' i i,iYd," be' ir,tvocl~:oed and lay ovor, fidonted anon call of, tha roll '~ " ~' ~ _ ~ ~ by t-ho follo:rinn voto:.Yoao, Baton, SaT:or, Tully, ~+illiar,.c and I:atterfohn,-o. ~ ~ ' 3 ~ ~ „a t , Commissioner Ealer offerod tho follotirinS motion:.I movo•ttat,~n ordinanoo ~ ~ j t ontlt.lod, "AId O:~DIILlI1C'r: a:i:OYIUTT;G' FO$ TIIE COI1STitUCTIOI' OF COIdCRIiTc,, SIDSPTAlii5, aUi?B3 ~ ~ _ _ _ i}} ~' r i ,~ ~ t ',' Fourth St., AYdD GU'lT:Ii?S, AYID AI,l TusCuSS:.:iY tL1Tt1TO1.isS II1iAniyS, Si:U1;RS A D Ci,iCIi $A:,I/~ OTI FiOTH S 1^ I. ~ 's' ,:.from $road . _. ... ..., ~ ILr.S ~ . ~` .~,~; ~. 1,o c,7lzaboth OI'.,ii'OUi3Tri :ii?3i:::T i'RCi.I~1'IC:•Id9tTTH P;i0P3RTY 7.Ii:r, OF $ROAD S^i:::r:i^ 'PO TI1:; S^UTH Gi1T:TMi 7:II::: ~' Ardinaroo Adopted. 0r' s.I:IZAD::TII STRi:i:^, IId TiT~~' CITY ~OF I'ADTrCAli I{r;TtTUCT:Y Ax :.~: COST C,~ ~1 ~ 7 ' I'ROPT;:tTY O.II+r'.iTS, AYV`'i) P:iOVIDIIi•G 4'IIAT .:t,T::.r. I;,,,Y DS PAID 'CIi T1,i•OI: TITr, Ti•:I; YBAR PA~iidT PlulYdj" ~ ., . • ` a b® adopted. Adop.t.od upon Dail of the ra11 by'tho follorrinw, vote; l'oa.t, $At4n, Sa::or, i r : ' ..,i n'.' Tuhq, tVi111amo and Y.atterjohn;~6. 1 , , . ~+, On motion tho Board adjourned Upon,oa71 of the rill Ay b ;•oa,. 6 ' v. .A~io~te 6~ ~ ~9~.. ' ~ t , ,~. 'r, i.. ~ APPRO'PE1I3 i ' ., ~, /~''1 .e. .. ~ ! ' ~' • as c~w~ I • MAXCIR ~ . ';L r' ~ .' ` i .. ,. ~ ~ ~ ~ , • ~' ~ ` C ~ . .. { ~ , :; ( i ; r i 91j ' ~ ~' ~ ~ ~~ • I ~1 . . .. .. ,. .. , ., ... ._ , ... .. _ ,. ... 1 r. ~.~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~. ,. '~ ~. /. .. +.wKa. ~ ,. .. Na 639 . ; . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah, 192__ • APRI>: aoth, l9El. h w At s Oalied sleeting of the Board of Oommibeignera, held in the Oommisalanera' ~Ohsmber in the Oity sell, Paduosh, sCentuaky, on April EOth, 19E1, at 10:30 O'olook A.H. . n Dpoa Dail of the roil the following answered to their Aemss; Oommiasionera Eaton, ~. i;Tuliy, Williams end Mayor Batter~ohn,-4. • ' ~ Hayor s:atter~ohn stated reasons for nail to-wit: To allow pay roil for the [first half of April 19E1, and any other bneiness that may some before the Board. •. ~ . Oommiesionsr Tally offered the following motion: I move that the aooonnta Report Oos'r. 01 p p !or the fir et hail of the month of April amounting to $9E9E.89, as per the report o! Finanoe of to- Donate for fir et ~ Lhe Oommiaeloner of Publio Finanoe, filed horewith, be allowed and ordered paid and bait of April 19E1r ~ ;:the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dail of the ~ 9 roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Batter~ohn,-4. • g Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: 1 move that a freight bill O.B.1Q.R.R.Oo. ~ . I ^ dns the 0. B. & Q. Railroad Oompany in the sum of $69.68, for s oar of sewer pips `'I ! i '~~~ ~ . FrsighL $b9.68 for oar oY sewer u I I for nee is oonetruoting the sower on Weat Broadway, be allowed and ordered paid anQ ! ~ ,. ~' pipe !or pest Broadway. I~ the Oommiaaioner of Pnblia Finanoe be inetruoted to draw n oheok against the Speoial ~^ ii Sewer Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ~ ~~, Eaton, Tully. Williams and Katter~ohn,-4. Oammiaeioner Tally offered the following motion: I more thnL the Oomnitelonsr it -. Oom'r. of 8lnanos of Publio Finanos be authorised and inetruoted to pay oft, take up and oanosl street ' .~ t'' ~ . instrnotod to pay :bonds and ooupona in the City National Bank, amounting to $436.00 and that a oheok be of and take up and; oanoei Street Bondo drawn on Speoial Street fund to pay same. Adopted upon oell.of the roil by the foliow- and Coupons in City Nat'l Bank 436.00• ~ ing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Ratter~ohn,-4. ~ i I Oommiaeioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that GiH.pillow I • has produoed a oheok for the aam of $18.60 dated June 30th, 1916, made payable to Dos '; P.Harton, Oommiaeioner of Finance in payment of tazee for the year 1916. said oheok G.H.pillow taxes for 191b. wing been cleared through the Oity National And Oitiaena' Sevinge Hank on July End, ~a ` . !! 191b end it Snrther appearing that the second half of the taz bill against G. B. ,;~ ,,~,., pillow amounting to $8.60 remains in the tax book in the panda of Hrnos M. Phillsy, ' t' 7 a , delinquent taz oolleotbr and same having been paid, I move that Bruos H. Phillsy ~ I: ~ ' ~;~ .. . . . ~~ dslingnent taz collector be inetruoted to deliver said taz bill to G. H. pillow. I ~'• .a Adopted upon Dail of the roil by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams end • . ~~ Katter3ohn,-4. is 4 On motion the Board adjourned to meet at E o'clock P. M. April EOth, 19E1, I~ ~ upon Dail of the roll by 4 yeas. ~ ,. Aic~le ~1! ~ i~~7~'~~ MAY4T't. . Qi! 0..4 APRIL EOth. 19E1. ', .~I ,. :::~ At an Ad~o~nsd Heating q! the Board of Qommiaeibnsrs, held !n the Oommia- _. ~ ... ~~~ eionsre' Ohambar in the Oity Hali, Padnoeh, Kentnoky, on April EOth,.19E1, at E o'clock j'; P. H. IIpon Dail of the roll the following answered to their names; Ooswitelonsrs .. .N Eaton, Tully, Williams and Hayor Yatter~ohn,-4. Oommiseioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that a resolution Reeolntion author-ail authorising the lLayor La si~oa a oontraot between the Oity of Paducah and the Paducah !sing Hayor to ~ glsotrio Oompany, inoorporatsd, for furnishing electric current and maintaining and sign contrast. ;! betn.0ity of Pain-~, oah de Padnoah N keeping in operating condition a system of municipal lighting upon certain streets, Electric Oo. foz `~ ea shown in said oontraot, and designated as the Whits pay, be sdopLed. Adopted upon lighting WHITE WAY. Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton,Tnlly,pi111ame and 8atter'ohn,-4. e ~ - , __:a-.- ~ - . ,. v y~ ~ • .>y, , . m 'r i -~, . ~~.v~.'u.1 ......wL.v Ju.... c.. ..+r .lv.. i.......ra •... ..r W.. .... .... u.,v.....i.,.~....,m.s+~. s./,{.~_.....aL ..xl..a~.~? Na~ ., ___~ Q ~ Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah ' ~ ~ 19~- On motion the Hoard ad~om~ned upon Dail oP the roii by 4 yens. w`,~. _ , ..~ ~6 K 14 ~l .AI'PROVEI7J ~ . Ai•rt~a _ av ATtOR. u ~ ~ aPaIL 83rd. 1921. ~.~.~ It a Oslied 1[setiag of the Board of Oommigsionere, held is the Oommiaeioasrs' ~. a Ohembsr in the 01ty Hali, paduoah, Bentuoky, on lprii 83rd, 1981, at 9 O'olook 1. Y. ~~ Vpon Dail of the roii the foliowing.anewsrsd to. their names: Oommieeioasre Eaton,Esker,~ ~. ~„ ". k ~ Tally, Aillieme and 1(ayor %ntter~ohn,-6. ~ 1[eyor Katter~ohn stated reasons for Deli to-wit:, For the.purpose of inreeti-1 gating the oherges against patrolman Yiks Dowell, and euoh other buainees se might ' Dome bsiors the Board. ~~ Oommissioner Eaton offered the following motion: Y more t In-estigation o~ hat the Board of ohargss preierrsd0ommiesloaess prooeed with the lmestigation of the oharges relating to Patrolman 1[ike ~ against patrol- ~ ~• elan Yike Dowell i Dowell, ldoptsd upon nail of the roll by.tihs following Tots; Yeas Eaton Baker Tnl y Grand fury. " ~. ~ • ~ , ~' ~ '. ~1-illiams and Betterfohn,•6. ~ ;~ ,.' ~ Oommiesioner Eaton offered the following motion: it appearing to the Board of ~ '. - ~ Oommiseionere from all the evidenoe of witnesses heard on th i t ~ i „ • Y ~ e nves igatioa of ohargea a y atrol~a Yits well e:honosat ~ gax•aet Patrolman Hiks Daweii that there is absolutely no evideaoe to eaetain nny ~ ~ oharge of any misoondu L i t .` ~ f o aga ns said Dowell, sad no svidenoe ttiet he wa c sTer guilty ~ • '~~~~ :' ~ ~, .,t .. of nay improper or immoral relations with Ethel bear,or anyone else,- i move that :: Y: ~:.F said patrolman 1[ike Dowali be ezhonorated from any and nil said ohergee, and .that it i ~ ~, .f ~ ie the opinion of tihe Board of Oosmiesioaers that the~indiotment against him which : ~ '`~~ ,' ~ ~, ~ r - ~ ~ ~~ ~ , I was rst:aned by the Grand Jnry at its present term was mnlioiouel y procured. ldoptsa ~ ~ f ~ ~, npoa call of the roii by the following vote; Yea.e, Eaton, Esker, Tally. wiliisme and ~;~ j .;, ;, ~~ Oommiseioner Tally offered the following motion; That the payrolls !or the ~: a: i Payrolls of '~ ew Oonetruotioa i week ending lpril 23rd, amounting to X383.97 for the following depertments3 ( ~~ , a `.. d Riverside Hoep itsi for .,;~ weelt.eneinngg ' Department of Pnblio ltiaire.-Ass Oonatrnotion....~278.78 +~ '~~, Department of Public Property-Riverside Hospital.. 105.2E { `. ~ lpril 23, 19810 - TOT/b........,........ ~383:87- _ `" be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Faafl to pay ~ ~ • ~ ~~ <-~~ '~ ~ same. ldoptsd upon call of the roll by the loiiowing Tots; Yeas, Eaton, BaYsr, Tally, i ~ , ~~ f Iliiliame and 8atter~ohn,-6. ~ s . .t afi. •,~~, .; I On motion the Hoarfl s8'om~nsd upon Duff of the.roil by 3 yens. y ~ • Aiepld ~~~ 19~ A. ~P~E'ic,O V17D 1 ~/A ' - ~ ~ ar cw.. ~'~.eP~•~.T.~~ 4 ' MAYOR. ~'_. 'v 1PRIL 86th.. 1921. ~ ~ ,~ Lt a Oelied Besting of the Board of Oommiesioners, held in the Oommiseloners' ~ ~ °" ~•,~~ Ohamber ia:the Oity Hall. Padnoab, Sentuoky, oa lprii 26th.. .1921; at 11 o'clock /. Y, ~.., s.:w^,:r!~: ~~ vpoB call of the. roil the following answered to their names:0ommlesionere Baton, Eaker,F ` • e;:;.~ .Tnily,.Ailiiame anfl Mayor Yattsrjoha,-3. ~ Mayor Battsr~o:m statea.reasoas tor•eaii, to-wit; for the purpose of reosiTing °, ,, iixi.,ar' bide on street oonatrnotion, ss advertised, and eneh.other business that might Dome ~ . z ,,,: ct+~ ~ =.r ~ ~ bsiors the Board. i - ~. ;•.. ,.Bayer 8atter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that"the bids for the Don-~ - .•n ,., ,atrnotion and rsea~atrnotion of the dri~swsys within the.Inner•Fire biaita; aabsittsa ! ' j ' ; , . ~ , ; •,'by the..iollowing bidders, to-wits. Easy ~ .. . .. .< ! . ff .. •: y . ..,. . . ... .. ... ~; • .. y. ~ ... ~, ;i . v w ?~' 1. i."~Y.,;„u ''. r , ' ~, ~~ . r Yy a .} i ., .... . :.. n I _ • i. ' ~ , *.r q rui~a ~:v;~.dy 'r h~ ...we,+rrv« r +~, n r*'.1.-. : ~....:; t r rc , , .•,,, . ..__ , . ..~. ~' :..u....`~.-~~~v'.-.~....:+.~r~z, rho.'.:-..a-..~, .:... ~;-;;...:...+i„ti.~+.:...::. ~...a~_...~ - . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_ Limits ~. '` . . ;r, "A. Rids o! B.A.Pnllia Yanoy & Johnson, L.A.RsahingRop 6.fl.SatterJohn i Son and Andrew •ephait Paving Oo. R~oeivsd and filed. 8. 9th St. !from '' Jaokaon to Jonse. Bide o! G.R. ~, Satter~ohn & SOn, Yanoy & Johnson. S.A.Washington & S and Reynolds Bros.;: Reoeived e~ Filed.. ~e ~. ,~,-~-.. .~ ' No. R. b. Pulliam , ;, ; J Yanoy de Johnson I( ._.. 0. W. 8atterJohn # Son ~:~.,. • Androw Asphalt Psviag Qo, . ,. ~ ? ; ;• ,:: , . ., ~ . be reoeind and filed, ana aotion on same deferred watil.the Re6uiar wetrine at d ;.`,'; o'olool: P. LI. on Monday April Ebth, 19E1. Adopted upon, Dail o! tpe.roll by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tui7.y, R1111ams and Satter~ohn,-b. 1Qayor Ssttsrjohn o!lered the lollowing motions I move that the bide for the oonstruotion o! oonorste aldswalke, o:aba and guttsre~ et;o., on Seventh Street, from „ Jaokaon to Jonas Straeta, submitte& by the following bidder a, to-wiL: ~`. . ~ G. 14, Satter~ohn & Son Yaapy ~ Johnson . L. A. tashington k Son 8eynolds Bros. be reoeivsd end filed, and sotion on same deferssd ntatii the Regular gseting at 8 • 0•31ooY P. Y~ on Monday April 2bth, 19E1. Adopted upon oali o! the roil by the following vote: Yana, Eaton, Esker. Tully, Williams and Sattsriohn,-b. On motion the Board ad~ourued upon pall o! the roll by 6 yeas. , Ab}te/ ~ /9R~~ as cti.+ . • ;' 3 y:~~PROV;5i1)~ -r'~-~ 1.TAlt• ~ ,~ ~,.,' ,,II APRIL~6TR~19E1. • At a Rsgnlas Meeting o! the Board of Oommisaioners, held in the 0ommleelonsrN , , h Ohember !n the Oity Hall, Padnoah, Fantnoky, on Apsi1 8bth, 19E1. Upon Dail 0! the y roll the following answered to their nnmss: Oommieaionsr Eaton, 8aksr, Tally, Riiilamel `. 1j and 1lsyor Yatter~ohn,-b. 6 • •~ On motion of Oommiselonsr.Eaton the miuntes of the previous meetinge hers i, • ,- ~~ adopted ae rend upon Deli o! the roil by the following dote: Yeea,Baton, Esker, Tnliy, ,~~ R1111ama and Katter~ohn,-b. j' Mayor Sattsr~ohn o!lered the following motlnn: Ths'Oity Engiaesr hsYing pre- Reports O! Oity Saginear on bids !! pared reports on the bide o! the various persona bidding on the street and ailswalke •,;~,; rsoeived on Inner-;; , Firs Limits and M lmprovemont o! the Inntor-Firs Limits and on South 9th Street, as shown by hie re- ~ <~ ~ 8. 7th St., rs- ~ r~ r~,., ~ ' Delved and filed. !~ ports, I move t}at hie reports on said bide be reosive4 and filed. Adopted upon Dail . of the roll by the following vote. Yeas, Saton, Esker, Tnily, Aiiliama and Satter- , , ~ Cahn, 6. • ltayos Satter~ohn offered the following motion= It appearing from the bids Chia day reoeivsd foe the.oonetrnotion and rsoonetrnotion of the streets and driveways s ' ,;.~ withia the Inner-Flee Limite;.on Rsshington Street from the Rest line of Third Street ~. ~,i! to the Eeat lino of Filth Street; and on Fourth Street Isom the South lino o! Sen., ~, r~, ; tuoky Avsnne to the North line of Raehington Street; and 'on Monroe Street from the ~~ • E Rsat line o! 8eoond Street to the Rest line o! Filth Street; and on Third Street froms ~ ic';~, ' ; ,_~ the South line o! Monroe Street to the North line of Jeiferaon Street; end on Fourth ~ Street from the South line of Monroe Street to the North line o! Jetierson Strsst; h. •'~`" Aooeptsnoe o! bid, and on Fifth Strsst from the South line o! Monroe Strsst to the. North line o! Jefler.. ~ ,"~s ; ; of Yanoy A Johasoa:; eoa Strsst, that the bid o! ianoy 16 Johnson to oonetruat said streets and Qrivewsya, on Inner-Fire.. ;; ` . Limits ImproYremeat. k in oonorete, ie the beat and lowest bid !or said street work; ; dud it appearing that the oonstruotlon, in oonorste, ie the oheaper and more de- l i elrable; ~ ~ ~. . I now move that the bid.o! Yanoy 8 Johnson !or the oonetruotion and reooin- ' ; • I ' etrnotion o! Lhs driveways and etrsote in the inner-Firs L1mltes on Washington Street • _ ~„ 'j, ' 6• 'ti„ .. ' ~'~~,. No: /~'`f`o2 Commissioners' City of Paducah 192__ .. ~t•~ ~irom the Weat line of Third Street to the Eaet fins of Fifth Street; and on Foyrth {+ '' ;Street from the 9onth line of Sentu ~ " . looeptanos of ~ Aze>4ue to~ths North line of Washington Street; ' ,. ` Bid of yanoy 8 .land on ltoaros Street from the Weat lies b! 9soand Street to the West fins of Fifth ~~' Johnson On r, -- M1= Inner-.Firs Lim• ,i Street; and on ,Third Strsst ilroaj the South line of iCom~os Street to the North line o! ~ • , a. _'• its Improzsmsnt..' t ~ Jefferson Street; and on Fourth Street from the South fins d Yonros Street to the NortD' •x ''; line of Jefferson Street; and on Fifth Street lrcm the Sonih fine of 1[anros 8trsst to ~ • +~~° the North line of Jefferson Street. to be oonetrnotsd with oonorets• as per pisne and :;_. „s epeoitiaationr sooompanying said bid, bs approzed and sooeptsd. and that the Nayor bs f., d laetruoted to enter into a oontrao$ with avid Oontraotore• in sli reepeots.,ae regnissd i • by ordinanoe and nooording to inw. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following Trots p ~ "7sas. Saton, Baker, Tnily• Williams end Kattsr.tohn,-S. ~ ~ ~~ .,, s. 1[syor ftietter~ohn offered the following motion: It appearing iron the bide lhi~ ~; ~~,pp~deV rsosized for Shs oonstrnotion of oonarete eidowaike• onrbe and gattsrs. e~ all ,: ~w'tlnsosesary manholes, intakes, esware and oatoh brains oa both aides of 9szsnth Street ~ . .from the South otab line of Jaokeoa Street to the North ourb Tina of Jones Street, in looeptanos of tM Oity of Padnoah, be oonatrnoted with oonorsts; ~. bid of 0. W. lnd it further appearing that it is more deeirabis that the onrb shall be , ' Battsr~oha i ~. Son for aids- peonatruoted.. in all.reapeota, ea prozidsd in the :walks on e. epeoiiioationa calling for and rs- 7th 8t.• from :~quui~ Ornahsd Rook in snob oanatruotion• and that the bid of 0. W.Batter~ohn a Bon i t Jaokeoa to .Jones 8t. 'is the lowest and best bid for said work,- i I now more that the bid of said ci. W. Katteriohn a,3on for the oonstrnotion "_ •;M„ ~,~~~ of oonorete sidewalks, curbs and - • gnttere, and all naoessary manholge• intskea, sewers %. ,,~i ~t~.~and oatah baeine,on.both aides of Seventh Strsst !from the.9onth ornb line o! Jsokaon i - ~ A; ~ s~r~;3lf3 IStreet;to the North onrb line of Donee Street, as per plane and ji~ speeifioationa aooompany-; ~~ ~ ~ j e ~ing said old. and providing that oruahed rook ahail be used is the oonorete ombs..be ,y ,,riappro9sd and soaeptsd. and that the itayor bs fnatrnoted to enter into a oontraot with ~ ~. ` ,~~rF,M .,peaid Oontraotore, in all rsspsots, ae required by ordimnoe and nooording to law. k, Jdopted upon Dail of the roil by the following zote;:yeaa+ Eaton, Baker, Tully l/iiliama ~' I' r ,and $atter~ohn•-5. { i }• ,`osrtlfisd oheek~i Mayor Batteriahn offered the following motion: Y move that she oe;tifi.ed oheoka ` ,oi naauoosae- ''tendered with the bide of the uneuooeeafnl bidders on the Street and sidewalk work, { fvl bidders '~i rsturneQ, ywith bide thie.day received by the Board of Oommiaeionere. be returned to said uasnoosssi '~ful bidders reopeotively. ldo tad • j k, p upon Dail of the roll by the toliowing rots; yeas Eaton. Baker. Tally, Williams an4 Battsr~ohn•-S. ~ Oommiasioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the petition from' Petition pro bpioperty holders on,Bsrnheim !Deane between Twelfth and Thirteenth 8treste rs .party owners on , • , greeting ' Bernheim lve.,,. to have pavements laid .on the South aids o! Beraheim lyrennb,.betwesn Twelfth and Thin- I -beta. 18th a 18th asking for ~itsenth Streets, bs reoei~ed and filed, and the Oit ' `• sidewalks. atld ;~ y ~+Solioitor be inatracted to bring. Oity 8olioitar "in an ordinanos for Ehs improzement of Doth aides of the street. ldoptsd upon Dell of ',inatruotsd to br~lno.,ia ordi• ,~the,xoll by the following rots; Yeas, Eaton. Baker, Tally, Williams end 8stter~ohn.-b. Oommiseionsr Tnily offered the ioiiowiag motion: I more that the Notional ~ National 9ureti '8msty Oompaay be irsieaesd on ,the bond of Bd 8andgra e~oeoutsd by them on Feb. PAt;b. Oo. releasdd ~! ' on bond of 8d.. 1919, hs having sssouted a new bond in the esms eompany dated Yaroh 80th,-1980. ldoptsd j ' Sanders. .,!upon osii of the roil by thn lollowiag rots s Yeas• Baton, Bakers Tnlly._W1111ame and ~ - Yattsr~ohn•-b. I... ;; .. ~. ~ Oommiseioner Tally offered the ioilowing motion: Ths.iollowi •A ` ~ na par4lse hsTiag Richard Be11 pnid_the estimates assseesd against their property for grading sad 6rrniing on Osdar j allowed $458.68 8tr~et and Lincoln Azenue amounting to i:total si ~488.b6 { aid for i •ing and graze!-~ {~; ,;a :.,- rK, - ,;; :Y =~:~ t ~r ~. ,.,.. ,; .. linooln.azenns• ~. t . _, ,. ~r Y i ';' s i q ~, .. ~< ~Y , .. ~ ~,~: ~': ~" ~` . , ~ .. .. Commissioners' .Proceedings, City of Paducah . 192_ ~ ~ (~ 1 1 9 , Ha ~o'y3i • d - __- _-- Ceear St. and Lin-,` s ima e S Iva Soopes....•....... 184.00 ooln Ave estimates " B Minnie Bean............ 28.7b '"` paid as follows; " 7 Walter M. do-Emma Sather Alva Scopes, ~~~ land...... 67.60 ' ,, ?uinnie Bean, ~ e ~8 Jno. & Ruby Morgan..... b'l.b0 Walter M. & Emma i! 30 J. N, Moore...:........ b7.60 Sutherland, ! ' 17 Albert T. Moore.....,.. 48.50 `-., .' ,.., Jno. & Ruby Mor- ;~ ~ ~433.bb, e~d~Albert Toore I I move that the slim o! ~433.Sb be allowed Richard Sell, contractor, end`s check drawn Moore. ;! a inat Lhe ga Special Street sooonnt to pay same. Adopted upon cell o! the roll by the ~: following vote: Yens. Eaton Faker, Tu11y~ Wiilinma and. Satter~ohn;•b. , ~' Commissioner Tut o!lered the follows ly ng motion: I move that the stntemsnt i Report Com'r. ~~ of the account with Richard Bell for the oonatruotion by the grading sad graveling o! Tully of state- ~~ Cedar Street and Lincoln Ave. from tha Enst pro art line of. the Mayfield Rond to the meat of~' account P Y with Richard Bell ~ East ro art line o! Linooin Ave. on Cedar Street from the North curb line of Cedar Ydr Cedar St. and " P P Y Lirooln Ave. it street Lo the South property line of Cox Street, be received and filed. Adopted upon onil of the roll by 'the following vote; Yoea, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Wiilinms and ~' `:! Satter~ohn~-b. Oommieeionsr Tu11y offered the following motion: Y move that the City Soli• Honda for the ~ i', lmprovement o! P oitor be instructed to furnish copy for the bonds to be executed !or the improvement Cedar Street and '„ on Cedar Street end Llnooin Avenue. Ad tad Lincoln Ave. op upon onll o! the roll by the following ' vote: Yens, Eaton, Enke~r, Tul1y~ Williams and Satter~ohn~-b. Commissioner Tully olterad the following motion; I move that the bill of the L C.R.R. Freight '~' Illinois Central Railroad Oompany,for X67.44 for height on oar of coal delivered to on oar of coal '(.Riverside Nos stns on April 21st be allowed and ordered aid and the mops a ro- Qeliver to River- P P y PP aide Hospitnl ! riated from the General Fund to n enure. Ad tad April 21st, P P y op upon call 0! the roll by the !ol- $b4.44. lowing vote; Yesa~ Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Knttsr~ohn~-b. Mayor Satter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that a resolution en• i titled, "A .RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEW6LKS, CURBS AND Resolution for GUTTERS AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAZE3 SEVERS GND OATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES sidewalks, etc. on S. 8th St., ~ OF SOUTH EIGHTH STREET FROM THE SOUTH PR O~RTY LINE OF HUSBANDS STREET TO TIC NORTH -Prom Husbands St. . to Bachman St. '.CURB LINE OF BACHMAN ST:?EET, IN THE CITY OF PADIIQAH, RENTUCSY, AT THE COST OF THE f ABUTTING PROPERTY O;7NERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAME MAY BE PAID FOR UPON T$E TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN," bs introduosd and soy over. Adopted apon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae..Eaton. Esker, Tully, Williams and Satter~ohn,-b. ~' Mayor Satter John oYYered the following motion: I move that n resolution sn• h titled, "A RESOLIITIOIi PROVID IIiG FOR THE CONSTRUCTION O.F CONCRETE SIDEWALK3~ OURB3 AHD .Resolution Yor GUTTr:.R3, AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAL'E3, SEWERS AItD CATCH BASINS OD BOTH SIDES sidewalks, etc. OF SOUTH NINTH STRr^..ET FROM THE SOUTH.GUTTER LINE OF HIISHaNDS STREET TO THE NORTS on S. 9th St., from Rusbanda to !'PROP~TY LINE OF ELIZABETH STREET IF EKTENDr~ AND ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF HUSBANDS Elizabeth, and S. . aide oY Rusbanda STREET, FROM THE i7EST PROPERTY LINE OF SEV::NTH STRyET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF St. from 3. line of 7th St. to E. ,NINTH STREET IN.THF...CITY OF PADUCAH SENTUCKY. AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY line oY 9th St. Ol7NE'IS, AND PROI/ID IITG THAT SALIE MAY BE PAID FOR UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYbTENT PLAN," be . ndopted> Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, ;, Tully, Williams and Satter~ohn,rb. Commissioner Williams o!lered the following motion= I mode that an ordinance Ordinance W. Side entitled. "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR•THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS, of Broad, from 4th'. to Charlotte Ruff AIID ALL NECESSARY MANHOZE3, INTA$E3, SE7lER3 AND CATCH BASINS ON THE WEST SIDE OF BROAD and Barbara Fetter property; and on STR3ET, FROM THE INTE.RSEOTION OF .FOURTH AND BROAD STREET, INCLUDING TAE INTERSECTION Brid&eBSoad to AT FOURTH 6ND'BROAD STREET, TO THE DIVIDING LINE BET~7EEN TIC PROPF1tT7 OF.CHA??LOTTE g 'RUFF 1.WD THE PROPERTY OF BARBARA PETT1iR; AND ALSO PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ~ . CONCRETE SIDEI7ALBS, CURBS .'AND GUTTL'R3, AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES. INTAKES. 3E'7E.R8 , AND CATCH BASINS .ON THE EAST SIDE OF BROAD STREET, FROM THE INT~SECTION OF FOURTH AND ..~ ...-. ~.v-..tya~'Y~"} E'<#n`~^" '.~•:n'".'~'3 ^~Am.'! _ W ,.f.... .~..... ..._ ~ i +^~. a..v-~'~^,...sT"`a-':f a'^~"'&':P.4~iN'~°:~T 1$Y.. ~. ... ..~ ,. /. ... : YA; :,d.:k'.; +'1,. .., .. ,, M.. .. ,. "P"!"4~~.. '"»f. ..~ ... ., .. ~....:x~lucx~ elnm9se~'t~-'A^t. i:_..~ .. .. ~. i ... _... r-~vs~n~._. i I ~< .. _. '~ ~ - y. 9 .. ~ ~ f Y a _. '1~ , ~ ' ~ y. i .; ., .: xa~ ~~: Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192-_ _ _ _ __ ~;B80AD STREET TO THE ftORTH CURB LYNE OF BRIDGE STREET. E%CEPTIHO AI,L COHCRETS 3YDEW&I.ZS,~ ~ ,_, i y OURBS AND GUTTERS NON CONSTRUCTED 1'IIER~N, IN T8E CITY OF PADUOAH, KENTUCKYo AT THE C034j ,,_1i ~~ OF THE ABUTTING ~PROPEk2TY'0~7HEcZS, AND PROVIDING TACT SAME B6AY BE PAYD FOR UPON TBE TEN ~ ..; l YEAR PAYMENT•PI~[N,^ be adoptefl. Adopted upon Dell of .the roll by the following vote: , ' ~Yeaeo Eaton, Esker, Tnliy, Williams and Katterjohn~-b, ~' Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that an ordinanoe i' ~ ` w entitled9 "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTEOft OF C~ftCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERSo ' p .., ~i .+. s ~ _~ ~•T~AND~LL NE~BSSdRY l~AN80LES, %ftTAKE3, SEWERS AND CATCH BASINSr As FOLIAWS: Oft BOTH SIDES i Iwsoh Avenue ~ OF LEECH AV'+..ftUE ~ • from S. Bide of ,FROM THE PROPERTY LINE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF ftORTH TENTH STREET TO T88,;i - _ H. 10th St. t0 GUTTER LINE ON THAT WOULD BE THE ftORTH SYDE OF f ft. aide of 11th. -i ELEVENTH STR~1'. WBEft IMPROVED: ALSO i~ ' ~ St; and also f;llth St. from 'iBOTH SIDES OF ELEVENTH STREET, FROM THE GUTTER LINE OF '!SE INTERSECTIOft OH i4RAT iFOULD f i,•West side o! ~~i f..' ~Lesah Avenue ~BE THE 'TEST SIDi OF LEECH AVENUEo YF IMPROVED, TO THE EAST GUTTER LYNE ON BURNETT to E. 'sine On ~` . 8u0astt St. .~STREETo iftCLUDYNG T8E INTERSi:CTYONS OII SAID S1itEETSo Ift THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, ~ . 9J1T THE COST OF THE ABUTTING-PROPrRTY OigNr'RSQ ANY1 PROVIDING THAT SAISE MAY BE PAID FOR ~ ~NtJPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAfto" be introduced and lay Deer. Adopted upon Deli of the . ~roli by the following vote: Yeaso Eatono Esker, Tally, Williams anfl Katterao~:no-b. x it On motion the Board adaourned.npomm Dell of tho roll by 6 yeas. -s ~. ~ ~ ': ' ~ •) and ~qiY 3:~PRO"V ~ Ai•~:•J, F1I7 •~ ~ i ~~ ,• ; . MAYOpt. a .. APRIL 28TH., 19E1o ! s,,, ~, i i' '` '``'~~ " ' Ot a Called Meeting o4 the 'Board of Cornoisaionerso held in the Oommisaionera° ~ "~J ~.: ~ ,' ~ Chamber in the Oity Hallo Paducah, Kentucky; on April Seth, 1921 at ffi o°olock Po M. ~ ~ -, + ~''=~j'Upon call of the roil the following answered to their names; Commiaeionera Eatono ~ ~,~ `' ~`.Tuliy, WSSlinms and Mayor Katter'ohn,-4. ~ -,,_~.+' Mayor•Kattariohn stated resaons for call to-wit: To adopt a resolution endors- i ^`j,iiag isgialation on behalf of the American Legioa, and any other business that might ~ ,~~ ~ ~ 1 ' ,, -"' ~ oom6 before the Board. • '`~~ Oommiasioner Eaton offered the following motion; Y move that resolution sndore- lmerioan ~ ~?~ ing legislation on behalf of the American Legion be adopted. Adopted upon call of the Legion Hes0- 5 Iution. y roll bg bhe following vote: Yeas~'Eaton, Tui]y; Williams and Katter~ohn,-4. i , "~~''' On motion the Board sdiourmed upoh Deli of the roll by 4 yeaa> ~` ~~ 4. --~ APr_FoOVED 4,... cur cr:a ` , •.; ~. .~ ~ ,t ~. APRIL 30THe 1921. s° `~ At e~Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissionere° i „ ' i ''~ Chamber in the Oity Hall, Paducah, Kentuolq, on April 30th, 1921, at 10:30 o'clock i ' ' r i ••~i A. M. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names; 0ommisaioners. ~ ..~'° ` Salon, Tul1y,'W1111ama and Mayor Katter'ohno-4. ~ _T-~, ~' 9 i' ksyor Katter'ohn stated reasonA for call to-wit: For the p~poeo of allow- ' Payrolls of ing payrolls fdr the week ending April 30th, 19E1.' and any other $usineea that may i ' New Conetrnotio~ ~, ~ ,,; and Riverside +,~'oomb before the Board. ~ • Hospital for } week ending ,.;,;;~;,, Oommissioner Tail offered the follow# motion: That the !' April. 30th. Y ng Payrolls for the ~,. - week ending Api: 30th be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropr.iatsd from the ~ F"; ,;~ -° ' • f~ General Fttnli to pay eame~ ae Poilowe: ~ ~;`. . ~k . DEPARTL~t4T .OF PUBLIO AFFAIRS. j ,~ ~_ .. , -.. ftew'Conetrnotion......: ...........:.... ..206.90 - ,'` ' N ' ' I&;PARTINENT OF p[TBLIO PROPERTY. t a ! - ~ ,, _... _. , „ ,. .. ount brought forward ............................•• E06.70 :, '~..m_, TT,e vtrrt Ij 11AY END. 19E1. , ~, •t s Regular Resting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' ~~, ;Chamber in the Oity Hail, Paduoah, Kentnoky, on Ray End, 19E1, at E o'olook P. R• '~'~~ j,Dpon Dell of the roll the tollowinq answered to their names: Oommiasionere Eaton, ~`~' `,+,:+. v •- rEaker, Tully, Williams and Rayon Katter~ohn,-b. ""M. On motion of Commiealonsr Eaton the minutes of the previous tryeetings were adopted ' ji ae read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, •~~'`•~• ~: IN71111ema and Katter~ohn,-b. ` P Rayon Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioation from • Communioation of Padnoah Water Oo• jithe Paduoah Water Oompany, dated April 17th, be rsoeived anA filed. Adopted upon Dell `~~" in're: Fire Plugs ; •• ':'~ 8'wny beta. 1? de i~o! the roll by the fallowing vote: Yens, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Kattsr- .19th Sta. and 6th '~ '" St. bete 8'xay A. ~~ohn,-6. •. Jelfe;eon.. e o er• our een an 3 sent S nee e, su miffed y the following bidders, to•wit: john & son, L.A.Wnehington de son f. 0. W. Katter~ohn s Son E. C.Enker, _ L. A. fieahington. s son Yanoy & Johnson on ,i E. C. Esker driveways on Tenth. !! Yanoy & Johnson ' Eleventh. Twelfth, Thirteenth, be rsoeived and Tiled, and eotion on same be dslerrsd until the Regular Resting at E Fourteenth and sizteenth streets. ~o'alook P. R. on Londay, Ray End, 19E1. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the fo11oR. rsoeived and filed. 'ing vote: Yese, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter~oh»,-b. ' 'f On motion the Board adiournsd npon Dell of the roll by 8 yeas. ~ ~~ ` 4 n'~ Aioptei 1! 11. Ea P' ~2,C7V7~7D •L. A. Washington L. d. i?ashington • E. C. Esker on ~ E. C. Esker . eonstruotion of ovrba and gutters on.be rsoeived and filed, and aoticn on same deferred until the Regular Reetiag at E Tenth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth ate. ~`o'olook P. R. on Ronday, hey End, 19E1. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following rsoeived and filed. i avote: Yese, Eaton, Eakar, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. I; Rayon Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the bide for the Don- . ;etruotion and reoonatruotion of the driveways on Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Bid f O W Katt F t th d izt h t t b b :: .. ; Riverside Hospital .............••~ 9E.09 '. , j! TOTAL............ • . ~l6.~/'/ .. ; , ; jj Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yese, Eaton, Tu11y~ Wiiliamq and . r, • ~ Katter~ohn,-S. ,, , Y Oa motion the Board ad~ournod upon Dell of the ;oli by 4 ysae.~ . ~, , s. • ~' Rt1Y(11( .~ RAY End. 19E1• ' ,~ At s Oa11ed Meeting of the Board of Oommiaeloners, held in the Commissioners' •'a+: i . ~ ',Ohamber in the Oity Her11, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on Ray'Ead, 19E1, at it o'olook A..R. ,,.' ~ITpon onll of the roll the following answered to their names: Oommleeionere Eaton, FEaker, Tully Williams and Katter}ohn,.b. ., R • . n Rayor Katter}ohn stated reasons for Dail to-wit; For the purpose of opening,' ' ;~ :•:' ~reoeiving and saoepting bids on street improvement and sidewalk improvement, as advsr• ,,~ v~tised, and any other business that may Dome before the Board. `Y-F' Rayon Katter'ohn offered the following motion:~I moire that Lhs bids for the -• ' " ~yoonstruation of oonorsts ourba and gutters on both sides of Tenth, Thirteenth and '.Fourteenth Streets, submitted by the following bidders, to-wit: Bias of G.1/.Kstter~ john & son ,, 0. W, Katter~ohn & son Yanoy & Johnson Yanoy & Johnson .~.; ' Reynolds Bros. r Reynolds Bros ' i w. i' _.._._.:...:.a ~ . :. Ifegmr %atter~ohn offered the •following motion: The 01tq Engineer having prepared ... ... i . ~~reporta on the bide o! the various persona bidding on the oonatruotion of ourbe and s ~ getters, together with ail neoeeearq manholes, intakes, samara and oatoh basins on both ~ ;!aides of Tenth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets, from She Aorth propartq line of ~ Eeport bf Oity Engineer on bida ~Broadwaq to the South property line of Jefferson Street; and.elso on the i ~~ mprovement of the d i , •~ roaeived for work on 10th 11th 1¢th ~3 li r veways on Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth an8 Sixteenth Streete,~. ~ ~~irom the North .property line of Broadwa t th • , th h and i~th o :+ y e South property line of Jefferson Street, a ~ BS~ e shown by hie reports, I move that his reports on said bide be reoeived and filed. I I~' 1 ; Adopted upon oell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker. Tul milli s! ~nnd %atter~oh b ~~ n,- . E I ~y~' Katter~ohn offered the following motion:. It appearing from the bide thin days reoeived for the aonetruction and reoonstruotion of the drivewage on Tsrrth, Eleventh f ~ Aooeptanos.of bid f , iTwelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and 3lxteenth Streets, from the North property line o! ~Brondway to the south pro ert li e f o Esker m Storris to oon- p y n o Jefferson Street. that the bid of Esker ~ Storrls~ •to etruot drive- ~ oonetruot said streets and drivewa a is oonorete, ie the beat an8 lowest bid for 6 y , , .wags on 10th 11th, lt:th f 3" 14th and libth ~ PP g ~aaid street works and it a earin that the oonatruotion, in oonarete, is the oheapar ~ Ste. with oon-. orste• and more desirable.,- I sow move that the bid of Eakar do 3torrie for the obnstrnotion ~ ~ ~~d reoonatruotion of the drivewaga on Te th E ' , n , leventh, Prrelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth,( ~` Viand Sixteenth Streets, from the North propert line oY + Y Broadway to the South property •; dine of Jeffers St 111 on reet, to be ooastruoted with oonoreto; as per plnne and apeoilioatioldr ' ~laooompanging said bid b , e approved and aaoepteA, and that the Mayor ba instruoted to ~ p i enter into a oontraot with said oontraotora,•in all reapeots, ea required bq ordinanoa end sooording to law. Adopted,upon os11 of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa Eato ~ ! n p %~ . , faker, Tully, Williams and iiatter~ohn,-6, M` .. y; 1 ~ Mnyor Battar~ohn offered the following motion; It appearing from the bide this da j _~ y reoeived for the oonatruotion of oonorate barbs and getters, and all naoesanrq manholes ! ~ f' , intakoa, sombre and oatoh basins on both eldea of Tenth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth t Aooeptanoe of Streets. fraao the North g~roperty line of Brondwaq to the South property lino of Defter- f ' Srotheresyrnolds i ~aon Streets, in the Oity of paduonh, 8entuoky, be oonatruoted with oonoreta; and it t s •, oonetruot barbs and gutters on h end ~ p PP g 4, ufurthor a earin that it is more desirable that the barbs ahnll be oonatruo.ted,.in nll ~~. gta 14th Ire.opeota, es provi8ed in the speoifioationa balling for, an8 requiring brushed rook in I ;euoh oonatruotion, and that the bid of Re ~ i.'. ynolds~Trothoro is tho lo:oet nn~l host bid for ~ Ii said :cork,- I now move that aha bid of Reynol8e Brothers for tho oonatruotion of oon• 1 ` +!oreto barbs and guttora, and all neoeaenrq manholes, intakes, sewers and oatoh basins { ;.on both sides of To nth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Stroete, Prom the Aorth property line I j.of Broadway to the South property line of Jefferson Street, as per plane and ~ epeoifion- tiona eaoompanying said bid, and providing that brushed rook shall be used in the oon- 1 ,orate aurba, be approved and eooepted; and that the Mayor.be instruoted to enter into a . uoonlraot with anid oontraotore in sh re epeots, ae ragniraQ by ordinanoe and eaoording to law., Adopted upon oeli of the roll bq the fohowi ~ • •; n6 mote; Yeas, Eaton,'Esker, Tully, i. 7fiTliama end Katterfohn,-6• teport Fred Oommiesioner Williams offered the following motion: Y move that the report of Fred } snglieh, Sextbn fak 4rove Oeme- ~liah, Sexton, of interments in Oak Orove.0smetery for the month of April •1921, bs } ~ery fe»• April •;reoeived and filed. AdopCad upon ball of the roll by the following vole: Yeas. Baton, 1921. i( Ii Esker, Tilly, Williams and 8atter~ohn,-6. I; I Oommiseioner.Wiiliame offered the follows motion: I move that the transfer Prom Mr ismetery tranefer~ n8 Yom Hre.Zoretta:Iyoretta.Hooks to Bsrnard,Hise,,, tranefering 8-eE/100 it. by 7-77~•ft. of the northwest looks to Bernard a liBe• ,oorner of loL X17; Blook 48. Oak.Orow Osmetery, be ratified. ido tied. 1 ~~ p boa bell o! !hs I ~roli by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Tnker Tnl Wii r 1Y• liaIDe and Sattsr~ohn•-6. .~ .: .` .. .. ~ ,~ . ' ..... ~u.w•.....,... ..:......:.._ ^. , ... :way ,6 ; ~..~ a . -~ '. ~ r_:' ~ '~ ~ . . . • Y~~ 3 a r 3 5 i. i a ,~ Y t i . i 1 ;~ . "~ •. ~F • ~' .. J'rar :..fit pa .c ri.•,..4.,.'. ~ .,„q:. .. . ~ /; ` Y r j t ~ "~""'.""'"'"1 : . c~ ~! .,T, . '.;~ . ':. .~ • ,t. h~. . 1 .. 1 t 1. No.~e..y..~: Commiesionere' Proceedings, .City of Paducah .-..~192_~ i~; Oom-aieaioner Williams oflered the lollowing motion; I mow that the tranalsr Oemetery trans- 1; ~'om Bernard Hiae to Mrs. boretta Rooks of sot #17,•83ook #4E; Oelc Orove Oemetery,es. !er lrom Barnard Ries to Mra. ~ Dept 8 feet by 9 last oil of the northwest corner o! said lot, bs ratilisd. Adopted Igretta Hooka. ~ upon Deli of the roll by the fallowing vote; Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tu11y, W1111aroa and. • .. ~ Kattsr~ohn,-6. ' ~: , Oommiesioner Williams ollored the lollowing motion= I move that the plane and • epeoifioationa for the erection and oomplotion o! an extension and addition Lo Rivsr• ~~ 6a • ~ aids Hospital Ds accepted and adopted, sub~eot to the foiiow.ing szoeptione, to-wit; j ..• let. That the word "ARCHITEOT", wherever same appears Lhereln, be eliminated lrom i. Adoptida d! Lhe speollioations, as prepared by W. E. Oore, Arohiteot~ end the word ^ORR~i" sub.' p]sne and specs- , ~.. ' fioationa pre- etltuted in Ste place and stead. rl.. ppored Dq :Y.i;. 9 Eud. That Artioise EO and E1 on age 4 0l the rintsd lane end a soifioatione Gore for erection;; P P P P , and completion ; se re arod b said Architect bs eliminated entire! and said lane Bnd ~'~ of Addition to ~ P P y ~ yr P epsoiiloa- ;~, , Rlverslda Hoe- tione eo modified are hereb aces tad ado tod and a roved. Ado tad ~ '~~' pitai. ~ ~ y P r P PP P upon Dell o! ~~ . ' the roll by Lhe lollowing vote; Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Y.atterlohn,-6. is Mayor Jfattsr~ohn oflered the following motions I move that the certified Certified checks ~ checks o! d. W. Katterlohn d: Son, Yanoy k Johnson, L. A. Washington and E. C. Esker, ~• • of G.W.Katter- "` john & Son., ~ f4 enclosed with bias for construction of concrete curbs end gutters on both sides of • L.~A~'y7pehingtonn' !j 10th, 13th.and loth Str.sete, be returned. And the gertifisd checks of G, W, Fatter. . E.C.Saker enoloae~ oho & Son I. A. Yaehin ton & Son and Yano & Johnson enclosed with bids for ~on- with bias on 3 • g q ~ •1A-11-1E-13-14 dr~~ etruotion o! drivewn s on 10th i1Lh 1Eth 13th 14th and 16th 9treeta De rsturnsd~ 16th Sta. return-' y r ~ ~ • ~ , ed. Adopted apon Dell of the roll bq the lollowing vote; Yens, Eaton, Esker, Tully, R • I z Willinma and Katter~ohn,-5. I f Oommiasioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of X37.60 having been i.. Cemetery Deed ~ Paid into Lhe Treasury, ea svidenoed by the receipt !Sled herewith, I moos that dssA to Ltra. J.~7.Ford ~ be executed to Mrs. J. W. Ford for Lot #6E in Block #E on the north aide of Hekse LoL #6E in block ,, #E' H 9treat, between Ford do Hannan Streets, in Oak Orove Cemetery. Adopted upon call o! h the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Wiliisma and Katter~ohn-6•' I~ ,; ,;::;: . .q Oommieaioner Tully offered the toiiowing motion: The sum of $66.67 having been '. , 1:alt or OereaT ~ Paid into the Treasury. ae svidenoed by the receipt filed herewith, together with BeveraEre lioenao granted to the ~ aPPlioation for lioenao to sell malt or cereal beverages or any admixtures thereof, Stnndnrd Groosry ro erl signed ae required b ordinance I move that a license to sell malt or cereal Co., 1301 Clny y-P P Y Y St. ~ beverages or any admixt~ea thereof be granted to the Standard Orovery Oo., inoorpo- I, rated, et 1301 Oley Street from the ,End day of Mttq Lo the 33 et day of December in- 'i ' ~~ elusive. Adopted upon Doll of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Faker, h~ ' j' Tully, W311iama and BnLter~ohn,-B. ' ~ Oommiaeloner Wiiiiams oflered the following motion; l move LhaL the Mayor Ysyor Lo adver- ij advertise for bide for the erection and completion of the sxten,eion and addition to ~ , tine !or bids 'I);r;ivereida Roe ital ea er lane a eoifioations drawin a and working drawings ' for erection and P P P • P . g • Prey completion of k arod b architect 14. E. Oore. Such bide to be sealed bide submitted on or before ' Addition to P y . Riveraido Hoapita1,10 o`clock A. ii., Tuesday, May 17th, 19E1. Adopted upon pall o! the roil Dy the fol. , lo~ring vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Hatter~ohn,-6. Oommissionor Nilliame offered the following motion; Ths City Solicitor having `'~?'' 'r; ' Wnter Rentals ~ 81ven to the Board hie opinion, in writing, that the City is liable for the lnoreaee ~< +~; of y300.00 e11ow-, . sd Faduoah Water.i in water rentals to the Faduoah Water Company for the year 19E1, in sooordanoe with ~` " ' • Oo' ~ the notion heretofore served upon the City by Lhe Faduoah Water Oompany on February ' G loth, and the Board of Oommiasloners having oonsidereQ the matter with the Padnoah ' Wnter Company and arrived at a compromise of said increase, by which said increased u rentela are to continue throughout Lhe balance of this gear, from the 16th dap of • a d....~.~n#:.~ !!~! ~ .~ i < , ~ - - ly rM- , ~. • , ,, ~ ~ ~~ -- Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ ~ ig~ ~. ' _ _ _ _ _ - _. ,~' F6bruary, 1821. and the Paducah Water Com an havi de p y ng ren red statement for the in- - ~ ~ , ~ crease of water rental~,- ~ ~ Water Rentals I now moos that in oo romiss of said,olaim, that the Paducah Water Oo allowed Yeda- ~~ • °~ mpany b' i oah Water Co. ~ paid the sum of X300.00 in settlement of its water rentals from enfl inolud m ing Februory a 16th, 1821, to April let 18E1 and that same be char d to the ~ • • ge apportionment for Water ) ~ ~ I l '.Rentals. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Baton, Eakar, .z ~ Tully Williams and Katter ohn .b. - .~ . i ~? _.~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that $.resolution entitled I ' )i~ 5 ,,. y ~~ V "A RESOLUTION PR09IDIIdG FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEi7ALES, CURBS AND GUTTERS, .~ ~, '~ . . , t , a s fi AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, SEWERS AND Ci.TCA BASINS ON BOTB SIDES OF SOUTH I ' '~ 'Adoption of + i~ SIfiHTH STREET, FR014 THE SOUTH PROPERTY LING OF HUSBANDS STRE Resoluti f , on or ; ET TO THIS t70RTH CURB LINE 4,ment on S1 8thve ~ ~CIIbAN STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH.~~NTUCKY, AT TIC COST OF TF~ ABUTTING PRO- y~ i ~8t, from Huebandll PERTY OWNERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAKE MAY BE PAID .FOR UPON THE TEN ~^ ~ St. to Bachman q YEAR PAYL:.ItT PLA11. j ~8t. ii be adopted.. Adopted upon Deli o¢. the roll by the tolloaiag vote; Yeas, Eaton, Baker, '~ 1 Tully, Williams and Katter'ohn,-6. '" . - ,~ Commieeioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that a resolution en- S t II titled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWA333 CURBS AND 1 ~ ~. , aj8ldewalk improvey GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, YNTAKES, SEr'7'-..RS.AItD CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF merit on Bernhsim~ ~~• ~ %~dvs fk~om N. ' BERNHEIM AVdNUE, FROM THE WEST SIDE OF NORTH TWELFTH STREET TO THE EAST SIDE OF THiR- , ;,18th 9t. to ~, ; iBuratt 8t. !' ~~~ STRr.ET AT THE INTE.4SECTION OF ~BURNETT STREET, INCLUDiItG ALL INTERSEOTIONS IN t ~ ' Y ~ , THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KisNTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY Oi7IJERS. AH'D PROVID- I .- ~ ING THAT 3A1TE MAY BE PAID FOR UPON T~ TrFI YEAR PAYi>ENT PLAN," be introduced and ley ' ! ~ over. Ado tad p upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Eaton.. Enker, Tu11y ! ~ ~ , F ., 1i Williams and Ketter,ohn -b i , , . f. $ ~ kayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance en- ; f` "titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOH TiiE CONSTRUCT 0 ~' 4: I N OF OOIJCRETE SIDEWdLY.S, CURBS AND ~ ~- ~ r Sidewalks 1m- ; CUTTk~t9, ~,~ ~,LL NECESSARY MdNHOLE3 INTl~3 9 Z ~ ~ ~ , , E+r 3 :: rovement. on ~ ~ ~ • 1D CATCH BASINS OIt THE. SOUTH ' 8., aide Cl6yy St.' f SIDE OF~ C],AY STREET FROM THE'PROPERTY LINE d E ~ ' ° ~ , OI7 TH ram 17bh 8t. toi -~ ~ ~ i7E$i SIDE OF SEV-AiTEEiJTH STREET TO ' 1 ~~ 9YiIJ 9t• 'THE GUTTER LINE ON THE EAST .$IDF. OF ItIItETEENTH STREET, IN Ti~E CITY OF PADUCAH, KEt7TUCKY;,' ~ T ' f AT THE CO5T OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY Oti717E~S, AI1D PROVIDING tHAT SA1^ 1iAY BE PAID F03 UPO$ .; ~ITHE TEN YEAR PAYIJ~NT PLAN," be introduced and la over. Ado tad f Y p upon call of the roll ~ - , ~~by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Enker, Tnl]y, W1111ama and Katter,ohn,-b. f ~ Commieeioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance en- ' ~. titled, "AN ORDIIdAIiCS cc^OR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALY,$, OUR83 AITD GUTTERS, i ' 8ldewalk Im- I rovenent:.on N. AND ALL NECESSARY MAIdHOLE3, INTAKES, SE'~7i;RS AIdD CATCH BASINS ON BOTH .SIDES OF NORTH i . 16th St., from ~gI%TE'rYtTH STREET, FROIY: TAE NORTH GUTTER LIRE OF.JEFFERSOI7 STREET TO THE SOUTH CUPTFUt ~ Jefferson to ,9 , Trimble 8t. LINE OF TitII~Li. STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ~ttTUCKY, AT THE COST OF 'THE ABUTTING 'PROPERTY ORI7EIt3, AND PROVIDING THAT SA1~ IBAY BE .PAID FOR UPON THE TEN YEAR.PAYLENT.PLAN,',~ ~ be Sntroduced and la over. Ado tad i Y p upon Drill of she roll by the following vote: Yens, ~ ~ ~ ., jEaton, Eaker,,Tully, Williams and Hatter'ohn,-6. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: 1 more that an ordinanae sn- ~ I .titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING F(3R THE OOItSTRUCTION AND RECOItBTRtJCTIUN OF THE DRIVEaAY ;. I . iveway oa jON JEFFERSON STREET, FRODI THE WEST PROPERTY LIIaE OF SisVFZ[TEIIiTg.BTRE2T.'OR FOUNTAIN f Jefferson St., r,. f oa T7th St. to AVENUE TO THE WEST LINE OF T7ENTY-FIH'TH STREET, BEIItG dPPROSILL:TELY 3110 EZNEAR FEET, 6th St. ~IN THE OITY OF FADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT THS 008T OF RTlE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS. AND PRO-~~ ': . ,jYIDING THAT,:3ALus ISAY BE CONSTRUCTED UFOH THE TEN.YEAR„PAYISENT.PLAN,", be introduced and ~ p j r.. play over. ddopt ed upon Dell of,tha roli.by the followiag,TOte; Yesa,.liaton; Baker ~ . '!Tully; Willfama and Katter,oha •b. ( ~' , ' ~ 4i . i t - .~ "'Y ~ .. - ~ c . _ t _c... ~~. , ., .. .V .~ '. , .' .'. .~ .~ ., .. 1 ` ~ ~ • 4 jai t f. ' ' 42 ~`'~j'iVNA.Sr° Y^.`- .ta~h'a6'k:S r M' W w • ~ Commissioner Williams offered the following motion; I move thnt an ordinanoe entitled, "AN ORD DYANCE PROVIDItn3 FOR TAE CONSTRUCTION OF OONCRETE OURBS AND GUTTERS; ,~,;;_~ • .. ii 4 AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, INTAKES, 9E>7ER3 AND CATCB BASINS, AS FOLIAWS: ON BOTB SIDES . ; ' ~ i~ OF LEECB AVENUE, FROM T~ PROPERTY LI2tE ON TAE SOUTH SIDE OF NORTH TENTH STREET TO THE i U •I GUTT..R LINE ON ~7AF.T i40ULD BE THE NO_RTA SII~ OF ELEVENTH STREET, WREN IMPROVED; ALSO ' ~~ Lssoh Avenw, from A. 10th St. ~ BOTB SIDES OF ELEV:1TTH STREET, FROM THE GUTTER LINE OF THE INTERSE.OTION ON WRAT WOULD to N. 11th St., .! and from N. 11th ~; BE TBE 7.s.'ST SIDE OF LEECH AVENUE, IF IMPROVED, TO THE EAST GUTTER LINE ON BURNETT St. to Burnett gt, ~ STREET, INCLUDING THE INTERSECTIONS OH SAID STREETS, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAA, KENTUOXY, , 1;~ ';~' AT THE COST OF TAE ABUTTIDTG PROPERTY 03NE33, AND PROVIDING THAT SI.T.~ MAY BE PAID FOR ~ UPOZt THE TEId YF..AR PAYMENT PLd2t," be adopted. Adopted upon call of thQ roll by the r following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, 1Pi111nma and Katter~ohn,.b. ~ ~ ;,~ ldayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: The new oonorots driveway on ,~ • ' h North Seoond Street, lr~m the North property line of defferaon Street to the South ~ •. `~ '. h e t ins of A:onroo Stroet 1n the Oit of Paduoah Kentuoky having been oomplete ~, prop r y 1 , y , .~ .• Aoaeptanoe of j and finlehed by 0. W. Katter~ohn ~ Son, Oontrnotors, aooordtnq to the termo end oondi• , driveway on N. ~; End St., from "Lions of their oontrnoL and an ordinance passed relative to this improvement, and no ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ J6fferson St. to k Monroe 9t., Don- q: protest having been made by ark of the property owners, I now move that same be '.` ,~ ~ ' struoted by G.A. Batter~ohn & Son µ eooeptad, and that the Ergineer'e estimate of the oast of said oonetruotion be Don-' { se per estimates r. of City Engineer. firmed, and that said estimates be turned over to the Commissioner of Finanoe for a r h oolleotion and that the Oity Solioitor be inetruotod to prepare an ordinanoe aeaeseing d . said property. as shown by the Engineer's eetimste. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by' , t~ the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,EeY.er, Tully, ~Y1121ame and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the oontraot bs- • ~ j tween The Paduoah Eleotrio Co., Inoorporated, and the City of Paduoah,'Kentuo~, C.ontraot for lighting White E dated April 30th, 19E1, for lighting of the White Way, be reoeived, Piled, eaoepted, • -~ Way, between Paduoah Eleotrio ?approved and reoorded. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Co. and Oity of ~i. Paduoah. ~ Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. '' On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ;~ A.~?hROV:6]I7 ol~l9~. Atlupt p u'e J t~G~~~ X19? 4 y ~ n . . ~ . . - - 49 • `qI t1q Clw•. 1SQ C3 . ' .. jf ' ~ Y6Y 4th. 1921. _ At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oomniieeloners~ r Chamber in the City Hell. Paduoah, Ker~tuoky, on May 4th, 1921, at 10 O'olook A. M. ~ , . i; Upon Dell of the roll the following anar~erod to their names; Commisaionare Eaton, Esker, Tully, Ai111ama and Ketter~ohn,-b. Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit; To oonsider the iseuanos of ,. }~ Lioense to Carnival.. r. Commissioner Eaton otfared then following motion; I move that the Commissioner r of Publio Finanoe be lnatruoted to not issue anp~ lioenae or to aooepL any lioense fee • Ossnivals oi- y Broadway pro- ;; from any Oarnival to exhibit on nt~y property abutting upon or ad~eoent to Broadway • hiblted. ti ~ ~ Street in the City of Yaduosh, Kentucky. Adopted upon Dell of the roll. by the follow- ' ~ ing voter Yena, Eaton, Williams and Katter3ohn,-3; Nays, Esker and Tuiiy,-1. !!! On motion the Board ad~ouaned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ t ~ • .~ ~ .. p r~~ q~ .: ~ r> ~apro.•bD M1 • ~ c.., :. MAY02C, F r •," : ~ -.....~..z.~.......~... -r: ... 1 .. J • j .. ~~~ ~ .,.. , , . , a: -« .... , ~ ' ~ . . { t: , • w ~, t .• .y. • .M ~~.,~~ - Na~;1:~ ..,~ I aeawwo,Wa r •~ ,. ,,., ':.*tr t ~. ~' .1' ,. _ , . . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ ~ 192:. _. ~ At a Oalled.Meeting of the Board of Oommieaionera, held in the Oommiasionere' 1 . 'i ± s ~~ Ohamber in the Oity Hall, Padnoah, Kentuo s j ~~ ky, on 2iay bth, I9E1, et 10 0 clock A. M " ~ ~ ~ . ~~ Upon Dell of .the roll the following anarvened to their Haman: tlommisaionere Eaton Esker+ ~~ , ' , ~ Tully, Wiliiame aril Mayor Katterjohn,=6. ~ Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to-wit: To allow .pay roll for Lhe.last ~ o` hnlf o•f April 19 E1, and say other buaineae that may Dome before the Board. ( ~' Oity Borrow tloromiaeioner Tully offered the following,motion: I move that the ldnyor and Oom- i, ~• • & ~- ~ ~ $E0,000.00 isom';I miasioner of Publio Finance be authorised to borrow frgia.the Oity lia$ional Bank the ~';' ! Oity National. BanY. ,. y9 sum of $E0000.00 pnyable June E6th, for the use and benefit•of the City of Paducah, j s pledging ea security the good faith and credit of the 01ty of Padnoah a~ tho- trues to ~ ~ '~, } ._ be oolleoted Burin the month of June. 'Ado tad i g p upon oa]1 of the rbil by the following ~ ; cote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Ka.tterjohn,-6. ~ i• , s .`"' Report Oom'r. Oottmiseioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the aooonnts for the ;; t: Finnnoe of p last half of the month of A ril amounting to.$19E67.81, ee per the report of the tlommie~ :., a f ,eooounte for last half of . ~ eioner of Publio Finance filed herewith, also the sum of $376+00 interest on s note fors ~ :April 19E1. $Eb,000.00 dated April 8th due Cit National Berik be sllowed and ordered ~ s` y ~ paid and the s ~^ ~ • 'money appropriated it as tho General FunB to pe~v same. lidopted upon sell of the roll by ~ ~• the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully, Williams,-4; liagor Katterjohn not voting, r-~,. '< ~ ~ Report of Oom' Oocm:isaioner Tully offered the following motion: I. move that the report of the {: of Finance for month of April (OOmmieaioner of Publio Finanae for the month of April be received and filed and ordered•i f1• 'i` , ,' 19E1. ilpubliahed in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call of the.roll by the following. fi ; ivote; Yeas, Eaton, Eaker,.Tully; Williams end Katterjohn,-b. r Oommieaioner Tnily offered the following motion: .I move that the adoount of E. tl.? ~' a E. C. Terrell a count of Terrell amounting to $337.49 for materiel furnished the street department be allowed and r : -• • R~, ~ 337.49. ~ o dered paid nad the money approprinted fs as the General Fund to pay came. Adopted upon ~ ll ~ ~ j ,, oa oP the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and 8attar- ~ ~ -a .~ ~ john,-b. ~ ~ ~ '` ~' Accounts of • '•r bomiaY6sion¢r Tully offered the following motion: I move that the aooounte for ! ~ : .o -~ i Gso.W.Kntter- john & S New Oonstruotion amounting to $E888.48, as per the report of the Oommisaioner of Pnbiio ~ on, and L O.R.R.Oo. UFinanoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated lrom the New Oonatrnotio : ~ n ~ ,. i,Genornl Fund to pay same, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yana, ' ';,Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams,-4; Mayor Katterjohn not voting. ~ 1 Street Improve Ydayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Street Ymprove- . +~ - • ~ ~ , , ment Oontreot ~,mont Oontraot nnd the Oonatruotion Bond between the tlity of Padubah and d. W. 8atterjohnc and tl'onstruotion~~ ~r „{ Bond of Geo.W. A Son for the bonetruotion oY concrete sidewalks, ourbe and gutters, and all neoeseary i. Katterjohn A 8on~! N 8.7th St. Isom Jaokaon to ~~manholee, intakes, sewers and catch beaine on both aides of Seventh Street, from the ' i - ' Jones. ;South curb line of Jaokaon Street to the fiorth curb line of Jones Street, dated April . , f ' ~EBth, 19E1, be re.oeived, filed, approved and recorded. Ado fed ~ ;;~ p neon call of the roll • ~ . ``~ ~`~ ' „ ;by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton., Esker, Tully, Wi131ame and Katterjohn -b, i ~ ~~ , , ,I Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitled I ';'` Aeaesament OrQinnnoe for ji"~ ORDINANOE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY Oli BOTH SIDES OF NORTH SEtlOND 3T3ffiT, FROM; ~ N. End St., fsom e t ~ °:TiOr N03TH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE 300TH PROPERTY TINE OF LSONROE STREET ! " lioarob 8t. o . hIN THE OITY OF,PADUOAH, KENTUOKY, THE SUM OF $7.9601 PER ABUTT IIiG FOOT FOR THE REtlON- •.. IjSTRU0TI0~t OF SAID DRIVEWAY, WITH OONORETE, AND PROVIDING THAT TF~ C08T OF tlON3TRU0TI0N OF SAID DRIVEWAY BE ONARGEABI,E TO AND ASSESSED AGAINST TfiE PROPERTY RECEIVING THS BENEFIT •y , ~ ~. + i}OF SAME, AS SHOWN BY THE ENGINEER'S ESTIMATES. ON FIIE IN HI9 OFFIOE, AND PROVIDING THATi• '~ i ~. . " ,, E' ~ ID ASSESS};ENT I:AY BE PAID IN TEN EQUib INSTAI.ll~NTS, BEING ONS EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD ~° fOF TEN YEARS," be adopted. ldoptdd upon Dell of the roll by the following yots: Ysas 1 ~~ jV a ~ ~atori,.Eaksr, Tully, Wiiliame and Katterjohn~•6• c ,., ,. , : ~ ~ . , ~ .. ~ . ' • i .. 1 ~ '~ . ~ ,.' • . n ,i. . , ... ~ ~ ..w. ,..... j` ,~ ~ ~ :. .. ... ._ Nam Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah 192-~ ~~ j On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ • 9~ -~ . ~.-, : '. ti' Aieytei '' -Y4~-. A PPROTI'~ j a..~ . ~ ~ A,YC)P{. • l~ MAY 9TH. 1921. , ;. ,_ ~ , • • At a Called 1Ssating of the Board of Oommieeionera, hold in the Oommieeionera' ~~ Ohambsr in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoiq-, on May 7th, 1921, at li o'clock A. M. • `~ Upon call of the roll the lollowing answered to their names: Commiaaionere Eaton, • Tnlly, Williams and Mayor Katter~ohn,-4. f • '. G' Mayor Katter~ohr. stated reasons for call to-wit; For the purpose of allowing. pay rolls for the week ending flay 7th. 1921, and at~y other business Lhat may Dome n before the Board. • a Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move they the pay rolls • for the week ending 1Say 7th, amounting to `262.70 for the following iepartmente.... r Wsekly payrolls ': Rivoraide Hospital ................. .$ 97.36 Riverside Hoe- ! New Construotlon, Union Station Route 163.74 pitaT and ~ • New Conatruation'~ New Construction Engineering......... 11.60, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund t~0 pay same.. .Adopt- . ed upor.~ Dell of the roll by the folio:7ing vote; Yeaa, aton, Tully, 17iliiame and , f: ~~ KatterJohn,-4. ~; Ooeaniesioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the account of 83aokmer & Fost ~ Blackmer & Iost F1pe Co., amounting to ,309.68 for oar of sewer pips be allowed and F1pe Co. $309.68;1 ~ Sewer Iipe. i ordered paid and a check drawn against the Special Sewer Fund on the City National 4 Bank to pay same. ddopted upon Dell of the roll by the fol3oYring vote:. Yeas, Eaton, i• Tully, tlilliame and Ketter~ohn,-4. 4 ~ I r On motion the Hoard adjourned upon call of the•roll by 4 yeas. i; Aieytei 9~ I! ~ ~ PPROVZID ~ . L~G~ ~• ~ ~~ . --- ~, ~~ nae.~ozt v MAY 8th 1921. ~" At a Regular iSeeting of the Board of Oommieeionere, held in,the Oommiseionere' ~ . x'!s Ohember in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on May 9th, 1921. Upon call of the roll 4 the following answered to their names; Commiasionere Eaton, Esker, Tully, W111Ysme i and 2Sayor Katter~ohn,-b. On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previone meetings were adopt- ~; .~ ~" '; sd sa read upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully, ~_ ~ Williams end Kattar~ohn,-b. • ~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move. that the oommunioaLion Immanuel Baptist • Church Oommunios• ;: from the Immanuai Baptist Church be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll ~' tion. by the following vote; Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn -b. ~ , • ~ ~ ~ Atayor Kntter~ohn offered the following motion: I moos that protest of oitisene Oarnivale at 6th ;, against holding oarnivale at 6th & Husbands Street be received and filed. Adopted ~~ ~ tb Husbands Street'.,. ~ Protest. ~ upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Enkor, Tu11y, Williams and ~; Katter~ohn,-b. . • Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that Odd Fellows pstitio ~ ° • Odd Fellows' Pe- tition for 11- ~ for license to hold carnival on South 3rd 3t. be received and filed. Adopted upon oel l~ ~ ~~ Dense to hold a , carnival on S. F of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton,Eaier,Tully,t91111ame and Katterlohn -b. 3rd St. , ~ . Protest against ;; Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that protest against • oarnivais on S.- 3rd street. ~: holding carnival on So. 3rd St. be reoeive8 and filed. :adopted upon call of the ~ •' _ } .. . • .. -::parP0.R '~~T-- ..1~aYb~..~'Y: ~.'~ 3 1 ;ti ~,. ~ to a . Y ' ' r,, ` Na~ ... Commissioners' Proceedin s, Cit of Paducah _ ~`'^ ' ., 192- g Y _ - -- _ __ _ -..: _:_ _ _..-__ _ " ~ roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker,.Tully, Williams and %atterjohn,-b. ~ " . w ; ~ tlommisaioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the report of the ~ 4 • Report Ohl e! of~ tlhief of Folios for the. month of April 19 E1 bs ;eoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell { ~''::~ Polioe for April 19E1. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-6. ; I' Oommiseioner Eaton offered the Following motion;.I move that the report of the `. ,.' i • " ~ Report Ohief of j; Ohiet of the Fire Department for the month of April 19E1 be reoeived and filed. Adopted" AS Fire Department. ~;` April 19E.1. ,upon osll of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tnily, Wiliinms and ` i ~ ~ ` Batter~oha,-8. j , . ~; ~ . Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the Street Impr wemsnt ~' Street Improve.- tlontraot entered into by and between the City of Padnaah and Yanoy A Johnson, dated ~ ) meat Oontraot ~ w' , ,~ Conetruotion {April EBth, 19E1, for the ooristruotion of the driveways within the Inner-Fire Limits, i ,; ?~ Bond, Power- i ~~. x' ! of Atty., in re, and the Conetruotion Bond for the performanos of said arork, exeouted and delivered by ~ ^;,~ Yanoy k Johnson .' a for Iansr+Fire Yanoy & Johnson with the National Snret Co an as suret and the Power-of-Attorney Limits. Y mP y. y. ~~ ; eaeoute:d to A. M.. Foreman, be reoei~ed,.filed, eooepted, approved and reoorded. Adopt- ";'r- # ~ ed upon Dell o? the roll, by the YoTiowlag vote: Yeas, Eaton,"Esker, Tnily, Williams sad ~~' ` iSatterlohn,-b. ~ ~ , ~ i tlommiseioner, Tuli offered th `" ''. y e following motion; I move that a resolution en- <. . ~ ~ &; ~ titled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTIOI7 OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND g, ~. 8srahslnl 4ve.,~ GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY itANHOLES,.INTAKES, SEWERS AI7D CATCH .BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF ~ Frbm M. lEth . to Burnett, ~I~RN~IM AVENUE, FROM THE WEST SIDE OF NORTH TWELFTH STREET TO THE EAST SIDE OF THIR- ~ ~ ~~ H ~, ~' . ~ ~. 'TEE77TH STREET AT THE INTERSECTION OF BURNETT STREET. INOLUDINti ALL INTE.RSECTIOIIS, iN ` ~. ~ ~ -, "THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUOKY, AT TAE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 0:4NER3, AND PROVID- I ~., ' .. ~ • ' " '1'NG T$AT .SAME MAY BE PAID FOR UPON THE 'TEN YEAR PAYi~NT. FLAN," be adopted. Adopted ~ ' ~ `" ~ ~~ upon oall of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and ,. i ~ '. Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that an Ordinanoe en- j titled; "AN ORAINAI7CE PROVIDING FOR THE CCNSTRUCTiON OF CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS AI7D ~ "_° ~ ~ GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY MANROLES, INTAKES, SE:Pr~S AND OATCH BASINS ON THE SOUTH SIDE i ~ " R . tliayy Street rOF OLAY STREET, FROM THE PROPERTY LINE ON THE WEST SID:: OF SEVENTEENTH 9T3EET TO on 8. 81 de from ' + THE 17th t0 19th ,GUTTER LINE ON THE EAST SIDE OF NINETEENTH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADUOAH, KENTUCKY, AT i 8t. ~ ~ TH$ OOST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS, AND PROVIDING THAT SALIE 17AY BE PAID FOR UPON I "'" ~TRE TEN YEA', PAYMENT PLAN" bo adopted. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the folioviiag ~ - ~~vote; Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams an8 Katter~ohn,-6. ' i. 4 Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinanoe en- ~; ~ titled, "AN ORDINAI7OE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF OOT7CRETE SIDEWALKS, OURBS AND ( ^ ~IGUTTERS AND ALL NECESSARY ilANHOLES + 4;.. • , jNTi.KES, Sc:7ER9 AND CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF ' • 8. 9th Street !;SOUTH NIDTTH STREET FRDM THE SOUTH GUTTER LINE OF HUSBAt7DS STRE3T TO THE NO from Ruebands ;~ • RTH PROP~tTY ~ to Elisabeth ~yl~ OF ELIZABETH STREET, IF EXTENDED, AI7D ON T7IE SOUTH SIDE'OF HUSSaNDs sT3EET, FROM. ~ •~ street. { ~ . '.THE :PEST PROP~TY LINE OF SEVEt7TH"STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY ~• ~ LINE OF NffiTH STREET, IN ~ - " `II THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTLIG PROPF1tTY OWNERS, AND PROVID- ;f ' r~ ' .. ~ING TRAT SAME. MAY BE PAID FOR UPON THE TEH YEAR PAYL~NT PLAN," be introdnoed and lay i ~;`,~ ~ hoer. Adopted upon osll of"the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tnily, x ~ Willisme and Katter~ohn,-b. Oommiseioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an ordtnanoe en- ~ ~ • ~ t, ~~~titled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COI75TRUCTICN OF CONCRETE SIDEIALKS, CURBS AND ' ! '' r~ ~ `,GUTTERS AND AI,L NECESSARY MANHOLES E ~ , , INTAKES, SEWERS AND CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF { "" N: 16th Street i ~ ¢ . NORTH SIX TEENTH STREET, FROM THE NORTH GUTTER LT1tE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE.SCUTH ~ ~ from Jefferson d , ,~' to Triable 9t.5:~GUT7~ER' ZINE OF TRDI~L& STREET, . IN THE CIT7 OF PADUCAH, I~NTUCICI, AT TRB COST OF THS } ! . UTTLNG PROPIItTY OWNERS, AND PROVIDIN4 THAT SAIiB t'~AY BE PAID FOR UPCN THE TEN YEAR + ;P ~~ -~~*~;'' AYiCNT YtrIN. Adopted upon oeii,of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa, Eaton,Esker,. ~ ^ ; , { • " 1 ~: ~~.:.. _.. _ _ _.... ... ... ,_ r. .. 4_ ,_ + . :. s ~ ,..,~,~~ :~~ ~.r, ,.,., ...::.:,, • . .. , _ .. ,~ ...y_...•ww•ww'M+~1.:.wri:... Ww:i%•"r~.w w::+Lw-La,. «.-.+..aw•.rw~+'iJ.u.~r+l.],..+i:u.a~:.w- L.w:..if.".+..~.....u.uti•.~.~.-v:-«~'».e~ ..~..:.~..-..-+'r.•M. F,. , L...a- ' 'i s . _ ~ ~ I ..F n' i ,, r I _..... ._. __. ___ .__. .... _. ...~... .. . _. .__.__._._...__.__. .. _.~. ~___... _._.. wsu, . Na `, ~3 'I:~ . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducati ' 192_ ~ - Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-5. -, ' i' Commissioner Tully offered the ioliowing,motion; That•AN ORDINANCE RECUTATINO a TEE LICENSING OF CARNIVALS AND STREET FAIRS, PROVIDING A LICENSE THEREFOR AND PRE- Ordinanoe regn-: !sting Carnivaiq SCRIBING A PEN~.LTY FOR VIOLdTION THEREOF be adopted. Adopted upon tail of the roll .~ by the following vote; Yeas,Eaton,Enker,Tully,Williams and Battsr~ohn,-5. '~, li Commissioner :Yilliama offered the following motion: .I move that the City Engi- '~' ^.~ _ i1 nesr be authorised to purchase 360 tone of crushed rook, this amount being necessary. ~~ for completion of the oonstluotion of tho street on Caldwell Street and Caldwell Avenue ~ , City Engineer .+~ authorised to from 12th Street to Union Station. Adapted upon cell of the roll by the following piaohase 350 ~ ~' tone addition- ~ vote; Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williema and xntter~ohn,-5. ~ ' al Crush Rook Union Station ~ Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance en- Road. ' 7i ~~ titled, "Ab' ORDINANCE F30YIDING POR THE CONSTRUCTION 1ND RECONSTRUCTION OF TNE,IPtIYE- 4 IN iYAY ON JEFFFRSOi7 STH'r:ET, FROI:'THF WEST PROPFRTY LII?E OF $EPENTEFddTH STREET, OR FOUII-„ ~ ' k TAIN.AP'INE, TO THE "LEST LII:E OP T"~..ItTY-FIFTH STR':ET, .BEING APPItOXIt+1.TELY 3110 LINEAR '• ;a . Jefferson 9t., ~+ from 19th t0 ~ F3:ET IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, i~I^I'UCYY, AT THE COST OF TPE !.BUTTING ?ROFERTY 0'°.NER3. 25th St. ' AND PROVIDING THAT SF,I~ Il:.Y BE C~2iSTRUCTED UPON THF.. TN YEAR PAYC13NT PLAN," be non. I;lf introduced and be oonsiderod in lieu of an ordinance of the same title, which was ?: Eµ introduoed at the lent Regular !.'.eating of the Board of Commieaionere on May 2nd, 1921, Ij and that acid ordinance lay over ono crook. ~ :1,. On motion the Doard adjourned upon oa31 0! the roll by 5 yeas.. . I'~ , Me-y 13a 1921. ' At a Called Meeting of the Doard of Oommiseionere, held in the Oommieeion=. ere' Ohamber 1n the City Hall, Pnduoah, Kentucky, on May 13th, 1921, at 10 o'clock ~~ ", ~ A. M. Upon cell of the roll the following answered to their names; Oommieeionere ,_,,, ~ Eaton, Esker, Tully, Wiiliame and 14ayor Katter~ohn,-5. { Mayor Kntter~ohn stateA reasons Yor cell, to-wit; For the purpoos of I eooepting the driveway on South Fifth Street, constructed by Yanoy & Johnson, Oon- . .~ tractors, and any other buelnesa that might come before the Doard. ~; @. Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the Engineer's Report City `±, Engineer of wor><'. Report of work done on Fifth Street by Yanoy & Johrioen be received and filed. Adopt- , on S. Fifth St. by Yanoy & h ed upon cell of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa, Eaton,.Eaker, Tu11y, Wiliiam~~ Johnson.' ~~ , ,,, and.Katter~ohn,-5. • ~~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; The new concrete driveivny "~ •~ on Fifth Street, from the South property lino of Kentucky Avenue to the North pro-, '. '" ~ party line of Clark Stroet, in the Oity of Paducah, Y.entuoky, havin'R been completed and finished by Ysnoy ~ Johnaca~, Qontraotora, eooordino to the terms .and oonditionq , Acceptance of ~ of their contract and nn ordinanoo passed relativo to this improvement, and no S. 5th Street A' as oonltruoted ~ proteoL havihR Deen made by any of the property owner~,- Dy Yanoy & John• ,; ' eon. ! I now move that same De eooeptad, and thnt the Engineer's estimates of the . 1 cost of said oonatruotion be confirmed, and that ea id satlmates be turned over to the '~ Commissioner of Public Finance for oolleotion, and that the City Solicitor be !n- r. etruoted to prepare an ordinance aeseasiDg said property, ae shovm Dy the Engineer's tI estimates. Adopted upon onll of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton,.Enker, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-5. ,~, .. .._ - :.~ . ' . ., ~ . ..t~ .~ I :' Na ~~.,y ...;' . ~~~~ Wit.: . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 19~- • ,, ~ f' ~ti.' _ -- -- _ _ _ _._ __- ---- - ~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinanoe entitled, ~ ~~ "AN ORDIIr'ANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH FIFTH STREET. FROY j ~ THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF %EDiTUCKY AVENUE TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF CLERK STREET i . { ~ ~ . BEING APPRO%IMATELY 7b9 LINnAR Fr ET. IN TFiE CITY OF YADUOAH, $ENTUC%Y. TBE SU5' OF •s ~~ ,~ ,;. South F1fth y '$4.4976 rEFt ABUTTINb FOOT FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF SAID 1HtIYERAY WI ~' Street . . TR CONCRETE, AHD Aseeeement ' PROVIDING THAT TAE C03T OF CONSTRUCTION OF SAID DRIVE7AY BE CFlARbEABIE TO AND ASSESSED + Ordinaltos• ' ,~ AbbINST THE PROPERTY RECEIVTNb THE BEItEFIT OF SAbfE, AS SHO:YN HY THE ENGINE.4'S ESTI- ' ~ ~ a~ `~ L'.ATES, ON FILE IN NIS OFFICE, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSESSL~ENT E1Y BE PAID IN TEN ti~ EQUAL INSTAISAfENTS, BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEII YEARS." Be adopted. '~ ~, Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Eatoa, Esker, Tn11y, Williamd ~~ ~' and Kntter~ohn,-6. t 4~~ Mayor Batter,ohn offered the tollowiag motion: I move that the Street Improvemen ~ ~ Oontraot entered into by and between the City o4 Padnoah and Eaker.& Storrie, dated ~ ~ Street Im- y 10th, 19E1, for the oonetruotion of the driveways on Tenth, Eleventh. Taeitth~ ': provemont Dontraat & #~ Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Sixteenth Streets, and the Constrnotion Bond Yor the perfor- + ' Bong of Eak-! er & storrisi. canoe of enid work, axeouted and deiivered.by Esker & Storrie with Ohns. B.:9hittemors. ~ ~~-? wltjt Ohae.B.!~ ': Whittemore i ~ and E. D. Thurman, ea surety, be reoeived, Piled, eooepted. approved and reoorded. ,~ ~ ~ °` - ' do E. D.Thur- !' man, .e~aetieA Adopted upon oall of the roll by the folloaing vote; Yeas,: Eaton. Eaker~ Tnlly~ Williams r ' 10-1i-18-13-l and Katter~oh» -6. ~ I4 de ld Sta. ~ , i F. t ~ Mayor.Ketter~ohn offered the following motion; I movo that the demurrage. bill of"~ I the L C. R. R. Oo. Yor month of April be allowed and aid and h d t p o arge o New Oonstruo- € ~ L0•R.R•00• mnrrags tion,. amount of $60.00. Adopted upon Dail of the roll. by the folloaiag vote; Yeas h ~B0.00 allowed. .' f ! tan, Esker, Williams and Kattor~ohn.-4; ltays~ Tuily~-1. ~ t On motion the 8oard'ad~onr»ed upon Dell of Lhe roll by S yeas. ~ + QY14 ! ``~~~ • • MAY 14TH. 19£1. ) x At a Oallsd Meeting of the Board of Oommiasionere, held.ia the Oommiseioners' ~ ' q. Ohamber in the.0lty Hnil, Fndnoah, Ko.»tuoky~ on May 14th, 18E1, at 11 O'olook A. 1S. i ~ ~~ ~~ Upon Dell of the roll the. following answered to their names: Oo~iseioners Eaton; ; 4 • Tully and Williams,-3. Mayor pro tam, W., V. Baton, preQiding. ~ ~ ~ ` t' Mayor Pro tem. W. V. Eaton stated reasons for oali to-wit: To allow pay-rolls for ~ ~' • ' 'Pay-rolls for week ending . t the seek endin Ma 14th. 19 E1 ! B y . '. Mny 14th, 19H1. R Oommiesionor !ul offered the iolloain motion; Y move that the Pay-rolls for the ly g ~ :_ iverside Hoe- . •, pital and Nba Ooastruotion. Week ending May 14th, emourting to,~`E90.E6 for: the following departments-- ~ Dopa:tment of Publio property, Riverside Hospital ~10$.6B ! Department of Publio Affairs. New Oonatrnotion... 184.60 ; ` '. . ~ =:be ailoaed end ordered paid ar-d the money appropriated from.the beneral Fend to pay ~ ! 1 E same. .'Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following voter Yeas„ Eaton; Tally, and ~ ~• ~ l Williame,~3. ,. ,._. ~ ~ • ~ ! on matio» the Board sd oura6d ~ ~ ~ upon Dell of the roi] by 3 yea8. ~ ~ ~. . a... ~ x ' y~ .S.pPROV'~i7D. ~. i °'~~ ;' sZ + :,: ~ ~, - .. ~ is ~ ~ ATO1C ~ .. • s s ~ !.. `.d . ~ s^ ~ ~ . ;: a ~ ' ,. .,. - ,.. _. • _. ~ • .. . .,. . ~"- ~, . ~ Ip' ~ ~ `" ~ • btllY 16th ~ 19 21. • ~ N at a Ca11ed,DSeeting ot• tho Board of t36mmieaioner8"]Feld in the Coaueigaionere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, }:entuoky, an x'.ey 16th, 1921, at 11 O'olook A. a4, Upon oell of the~roll the Following answered to their names; Commissioners Eaton, • ~~ ^ Esker. Tully, Willinms and; Llayor Katter~ohn,-b. • ., ' S.a ggg~ b!eyor Katter~ohn stated reasons for oa11, to-wit; For the pnrpoae of opening; • ~ Reoelving and tiling of bids on Fourth Stroet and i?inth Street improvement, and auoh ~~ other buslnesa ea might oome before the Board. + ~. b!ayor Kattor~ohn offered the following motloa: I mode that the bide for the • ,p oonstruotion of oor{orete sidewalks, ourbs and•gnttera, on both aides of Fourth Street Bide on Fourth ~. . •Stroet sidewalk ~ from the North property line of Srond Street•f~'the South"gutter line of Elizabeth SmprovemonL, from ~ ' Broad St. to ,! Street, submitted by the following bidders, towit; Elizabeth 9t., to-•N1t: Enker & Storrie EaY.or &Storrie ~ G.~I.Katter~ohn & Son ` ' G. Y.Y.atter~ohn ~ ~i Reynolds Bros. ~ ' Son and Reynglde Bros. ~ be reoeived and tiled and aotion on name deferred until the Regular~L!eeting at B O'olook I. M. on ltonday, I!ay 1Gth, 19P.1. Adopted upon oe11 of the roll by the follow- . ~, ~11'. ing vote; Yeas, Eaton,Eaker,Tully,~lilliame and Katter~ohn,-b. 5 Mayor Kattvr~ohn offered the following motion; I move Lhat the bide for the r: oonstruation of oonorete sidewalks, oiubn and guttero on both aides of }forth Ninth Bids oa N. 9th ~; Street, from the patter line on the 2?orth side of Ladison Stroet to the property line St. eidewalY.e from Ladison to !' oa the South slde of Clny Street, and also on the lYest oide of North Ninth. Street Clay and from Clay:; to Trimble St. t: from the North property lino of C1sy Street to the patter line on the South oide of , to-sit: EaY.er & Storris ~! Trimble Street, submitted by the iollowin~5 bidder a, to-wit; G. U.iattor~ohn do f' Son and ~ Baker do Storrie • i}eynolde Bros. ~ G. "!. }:attor~ohn & Son Reynolds Arothors ', ~. be reoeived and •filed and aotion on same deferred until the Regular Meeting at B o'olook P. M. on Londay, i!ay 1Gth, 1921. Adopted upon oa11 of the roll by the follow. . p, ing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Ea}:or, Tully, Williams and Kattor~ohn,-b. On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. ' k ddoptei---~-- ~P ~ If ~/ E~ ~PROV~il17 • .~ ~ ~ - j LSAY itiTH. 19E1. ' I At a IteEular bleating of the Board of Oommlgsionere held in the Oommigeioners' ' ~ Ohamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kontuoky, on May 16th, 1921. Upon oall of the roll • ~ ;the following answered to their names; Commissioners Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and ,, Mayor Katter~ohn,-b. • ~ On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minutes of the previous meetinRe were '; ~ adapted as read upon oall. of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Eaker,Tully.,, ^ ~ Williams and Kntter~ohn,-b. F bfayor Kritter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the Street Improve- Fment Contraot entered into by and between the City of Pnduooh and Reynolds Broe., Aooeptanoe of - Reynolds Sroe. ;dated E!ay 11th, 1921, for the oonetruotion of oonorete oiuba and gutters on Tenth, Street Improve-~ mont Contraot Thi"rteenth and Fourteenth Street, and the Conetruotion Bond for the.pertormanoe of . end CBnetruotior~ Bond: In re; Hasid work, exeontea end delivered by Reynolds Bros. with the National Suretq Company, loth, 13th & 14th Sta, troen sae surety, and the f over-ot-6ttorney exeouted to Gao, D. Heaton, be reoeived; tiled, Broad'any to . Jefferson St. i;eooepted, approved and reoorded. Adopted .upon oall of the roll by the following vets; • P:Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. ' '~ y 9 - ... '` - +, 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' r .. ,, ~.. ; Comtnissianers' Proceedings, City •of Paducah 19~_ - '~° '' ;;~ . ~• Mayor Itatterjohn.ofi'cred the .following motion:.The Oity Engineer having pre- , s,. pared reports on the tilde of the varioua persona bidding on the oonatruotiorr of oon- +~'Reports of Oity orate sidewalks, ourbe and gutters, and all neoe.esary manholes, intnkea, sewers and ~:nginoor• In re ~ Bids on ~th St. oatoh basins on both aides of Fourth Street. from the North property line of Broad <; from Broad to ~` Elizabeth; and Btreet to the South gutter line of Elizabeth Street; and also on both sides of North •.alao N. 9th • ° St.: from Joadi-, • Ninth Street from the North side of 16adison street. to the property line on the South son St. to I ~Trimbie St. ~;:. aide of 018 , y Street an8 also..on the Aeat aide of North Ninth Street from the North property line of Olay 3traet,to..the gutter line on the South side of Trimble Sliest, ~ I move that hie reports on said bide be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the . roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eat on,Eaker,Tully,Ailliams an8 Katterjohn,-6. • "~ I7ayor Katterjohn offered the .following motion: It appearing from the bide • t?ila day reoeived for the oonetruotion of ooaarete sidewalks,. ourbs•and gut.tera,.and • ell nooesonry dianholes,.intakeo, sewers and ontoh basins on both aides of Fourth Streets - ~, • ~ from the North property line of Droad Street to the South salter line of ElizabetA " Aooeptenoe of bid of .Reynolds .Street; in the Oity of Paduoah, Kentuoky, be oonetruoted with oonorate; and it Further Bros.. 4th 8t., from Broad ta. • ~' appealing that it is more desirable that tho ourbe shall be oonstruoted, in ail re- Elisabeth St, apeote e& provided in the apeoifioationa aolling for and regurinir oruahed rook in ~ • euoh oonatruotion, end that the bid of Reynolds Brothers for the oonetrnotion of oon• • .orate sidewalke,,6urbs and gutters, and ei.l neoeseary manholos, intakes, sewers and _ ~,.,,,: ~ ontoh basins on both aides of Fourth Street from_the i7orth property line pF Broad ,. ' ~ Street to the South gutter line of Elizabeth Street, as per plane and speoifioatiope aooompanying said bid, and providing that oruahed rook .shall be need in the aororete , I: ` ourbe, be approved and eooepted, and that the ISayor be inatruoted to entei into a oon• '~ , t traot with said oontraotora, in all respeots, as required by ordinanoe and sooording to~ ~ • . f law. Adopted upon Dell of the ro1T by the following votA;.Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, . ,. Ailliams and Katterjohn -b. ~ 9 , ~, _ .. 4 ldayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: It appearing from the bids ~; • 1++ this day reoeived for the oonetrnotion of oonorate .sidewalka,.ourba and sutlers, and ail . neoessary manholes, intakes, sewers and aetoh basins on both aides of North Ninth t, Aooeptanse of bid Street from the gutter line on the North side of ldadieon Street to the property line • ~, of. Reymolda * Bros. N. 0th St. from 3ladi+ on the South side of Oley Street, and also on the ~7eat,aide o4 IJorth I71nth Street from ~ ~ f sor. St.to Trimblo St. .the North property line of Clay Streot to the auttor line on thA South side of Trimble . . I ' Strout, in the Oity of Paduoah, Kentucky, be oonstruote8 :vith oonorate; and it further i ~. ~ N appearing that it is more desirable that the ourbe shall be oonatruoted, in all re= ~ ~. ~ ; • ~ apeota ae provided in the speoifioationa oallina for and requiring oiushed rook in anoh ~ t < ` ~~'oonatrvotion, and that the bid of Reynolds Brothers for tho oonetruotion of oonarete t sidewalks; ourbe and gutters, and all neoeasary manholes', irtakos, sewers and oatoh ~ .,• ~ bneina on both aides of North Ninth Street, from the gutter line on the North aide of I 4 ~ 14adieon,Streat to the property line on the South aide of Clay Street, and also on the ~ ~ 1I j , t llYoat aide of 17orth Ninth Street from the North property line of Olay Street to the gut- i ' ?' ~ ~ter lino on`tha SonLh sifle o#' Trimble Street, as per p1anA and apeoifioatione eaaom= ,; ~pnnyina said bid, and providins that.ornahad rook shall be nse8 in the oonorate ourbe, r. bM appr.ove8 and aaooptod, and that tho L;ayor be inatruoted to enter into a oontreot :~ with ea id oontraotore, in all reepaot's,.as required by ordinanoe and aaoording to lsw. 4 F ~ Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following'voto: Yens, Eaton, Euker, Tully, i. • 1fi111ama and Y.atterjohn;-b. i Oorrespondenas Oommissioner.Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the oorrespondenoe ~ ' betwoen Oity • Engineer and ~botween the,0ity Engineer, bearing dato of I::ny 12th, and A. A. Gardnor, by his attorneys 1Y.A,Gerdner, in re I,eeoh Avenue i~Hendriok & Burns, boarin~ ddte of flay lath. regarding private drivewnys on beech Avenue, { , ~ ~ s be reoeiwe8 and filed. - $loptod upon oxIl of the.roll bS the f621owin4 vote: YE:~SJ ~ • ~ SATON 8~. TObLY ~II.LIJUiS AdD SAT'1'SRiOHB - .y:, • ~, 3 '~ , _~ 7 ~: <.:~ ~. ~'. ,', ~" ~' t. • i i ~ ~ r. _` ~ • fi ; ~• ; F . .. .~ ~, 3i. ~--~ ~.._ '~ `! y C ~ r .,.,_ .; ... . , ... ,. ~~: µ. ~W. ~ ,1 .• . . 1;f; Na~.,.. Commissioners' Proceedings City of Paducah " • 192_.:_ ~~ I ry Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion: I move that the report of ' the Commissioner of Fublio rinnrce, shoivina the apportionment, expenditures and balnnoe r.Inb- Report Com lic Finance of to the credit of the various anoounta under the difforent departments at the oloee of. apportionment, expenditures and 4 the month oY dpril, be received and (ilea. ddoptod upon cell of the ro]1 by the foi- , balanooa oY differ- ' lo:ring voto: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, A'i121ams and Latter,ohn,-b. ent depts. at oloee `,;. of dpr11,19£1. ~ Oommiasionar Tully offered the fo1lo~:iinR motion; I movo that the roport of Report Cold'r.fub- ~ the Commissioner of Pubilo Firanoe, tivlth reference to the deposit of interest to the `~. '~ lio Firanoa in re ti deposit of intoreat'; credit of the SirkinR Fund, be reoaivod and Piled. ddoptod upon.oell of the ro.]1 by " ,. y ` to orodit Sinking g~,d, tho following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esser, Tu13y, iVilliama and KntterJohn,-b. Commissioner Tu.11y.oYiered the folioerinr, motion: The sum of Y50.00 having a • been paid into the Treasury, as ovid,noed by the receipt filed here^+ith, I move that Oemetery Deed >;eoie Hudson. deed be esoouted to Laoio Eudaon for Lot $72 in Block ~4 on the South side of Ohamblln ~ •, ~ ~i Street, bet•rroon lord and Ilannan Sts: in Oak Grove Cemetery. BAopted upon cell of the " , hi roll by the follo:vint* vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esser, Tully, ~7illinme and I:atterJohn;,-b.. • s . I'' ~, Commissioner, Tully offered the follovrinry motion: That the Com'r, o.f Public . • ~ ~ . ~, r; Finance be ihatruoted to dollver to cortraotor Richard Ao11 the Improvement Bonds ` Improvement Bonds delivered to 31 issued 4or the improvement of Cedar Street and Lincoln dvanue, as follows: $iohnrd Bell, in re Cedari Street ~ fiord ~ 1 Series D. y~129.7E due Ju 1 1921. • ;y and Linoo?n dve. ~ " 2 " D. 129.72 " " 1, 1922 " 3 " D. 129.7E " " 1. 1923 q " 4 " D. 129.72 " : " 1, 1924 • • b " D. 129.72 " ° 1, 1925 ~ " 6 " D. 129.72 " " 1, 1926 ; ~, tt " 7 " D. 129.72 " " 1, 1927 G " 8 "' D. 129.72 " " 1, 1928 ` a " 9 " D. 129.72 " " 1, 1929 " 10 " D. 129.72 " " 1, 1930 `.' h ddoptod upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoea, Eaton, EnYar, Tully, . 'dillinma and ICatterJohn,-5. h Mayor KattarJohn offered the fo?losing motion:. I move that an ordinance en- `~ titled, "dG ORDu:dP:Ct?. IHU7I-N(i FOR TI?b' CUI::iT~OCTION OF COI:CRETE SIDL`"'7dIY.S, OURBS ' a1:D GUTTE:?S, d1;D 1,i.L 1.'::Ci::i.:~i.?Y 7w".P+HL':.i:S, II:T:.1:1:5~.',E:7t^.RS dND C~1TOH BkSIN$ OP! DOTH SIDE ~` GF .iCIITIt 1?I11TII, yTR::rT, x:301: TP.E :iOUTH GUTT''t I.Il1E OP HUSBi,IdDS STR::ET TO THE PtORTH PRO• S. !th 3treet sidewalks, from ~ Yi:ITY LIIw OF ELIZdL'::TI1 STH::::T, IF LXTEIfD::D, dND ON T!!E 30UT11 SIDE OF 1iUSBA12DS STREET, •. IIuebanAs St. to Elisabeth Street; ~ ~; ~~ TI'•= '~!r:ST P OpP.'R:Y LI1tE OF S::P::1:T1: 5'i t::ET TO T1~ P:AST PROPT..''tTY LIP(F. OF NIPtTH , and 'a, line of 7th St. to E. ~ ST.R:::•'T, IN THE CITY OF PdDUCdH, I::iI"^UCxY, dT TH.~' C03T OF TH dBUTTf IiG P110PL'4TY 0".lNEIt3, line of 9th St. Ordinance adonted . ~ dI:D I-'•OVIDIII^. T:?6T SS~:~ "dY B:: PdID FOR WON TIi^ TEN YF.dR PdYAWNT PLAN," be adopted. dBopted upon call of the roll by the Yollo:`ring vote: Yeea, L'aton, EnY.er., Tully, • ~ 17111iams and P:atterJohn,-b. ~ Mayor Y.atterJohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinnnoe ' entitled, "dN 03DIP:d1'OE 1'ROV~D£NG FUR THE COlISTRL'CTIOPI OF OOIICRP:TE 3ID.F"11LK9, CURS di1D GUTTE~iS• dN- dLL EECI:SSsi?Y I°AN!iOLES, II7T.+Y.ES, Si'.'~'~3 al!- CdTCH BASINS.ON 30TH S• 8th ~ 3treet, ~~ SID: S CF ;;OL'TH 3IGHTH STR3::T, FRO1S T?I« SOUTF. PROPERTY LIlIE OF HttSBLI:D3 .~PR'...RT TO TIC ~ • Prom S: line of I?uabards St. to § NO:iTH CU?B LII~' OF BACH1dd1i :;T3~..T IN TI[ CITY OF Pd-L'CAH, KEIiTU01iY, dT TIH: QOST OF i • N. curb lire of Bachman Street. ~ m ~, ~ ., ~ r ~ r^ ~ •~ r •• n F r L dBUTTIdG ..ROIl;`4TY 0:7I>~'R.., dill IROVID.S.G T!..P Sllw I. Y BE dID OR UP021 TtL~: T..N Ordlnnrce intro- duoed. CC e .YE6R PdY2~.":T PLc::," be iraroduoed and lay over. dflopted upon cell of the roll Dy'the YollotsinR vote: Yaas, Eaton, Esser, Tully, 171111ama and EatterJohn,-b. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that nn ordinnnoe JoYfereon Street s ~ er,tltled, ".:Pi ORDIlidL'Ci: PROVIDING FOIL THE COI:.iT1tUCTIOL' dND .RECOT:STRUCTiOA' OF THE from 17th St. to !".verty-fifth St. ~ ~ ARiVs.':7dY OH JEFFE.RS^N STR'3T, FR011 TH.T; "!;:ST PR OPT.-'RTY LIRE OF SEVEi~'TF.EItTH STREET, OR Ordinance adopte _ d.y FOUI:T6II: dVE1fL'E, TO THE 1T.'sST LIKE OF T:73I!TY-FIFTH STR::ET, BEII?G dPPROXIL't.T^cLY 3110 LIIic.'+':? F.:T IN ':I~ CITY OF PdDUCdH, I4 IiTUC1:Y, dT T?*: CO a'T OF T y dBUTT IIIG FROE•: RTY O:lh'3R8, dII- Ti?OyI-IIiG TF.bT S~,t~ I;dY BE COI:aTtUCTED UPON TIr: TEI1 Y^d11 PdYt',.P:MT FLdN," ~ ~ • . which was introduced nt the Regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners on h'ay 9th, i -. ~. ~~ a ~'+ ' I •9 ., No. G 6~`~ ' ~ ~' ,. , ~,i :' Comlflasionera' Proceedings, City.of`Paducah ~ ,. ',192__ ~ '. ~~ u Oheoke returned to unanooesa- ful bidders on S.4th St. and M. 9th St: work. ~.. , W.1[.Katnes i gon W. F.Owsa. Jack Oo1s ' One bookwood ;~ O.W.Kattsr~ohn i 80n. r 19El,.ae a eubstituto for en ordinance bearing thti aeme title; which wae,introduoed on' Ltay•2nd, 1981, .be now e$opted.. adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote:. Yesa; Eaton, faker, Tu11y; Williams and Katterfohn,-6.' • Oommissioner•Eaton offered tho following motion: Y mo4e that checks deposit ~ '~ od with bide on South 4th sad North 9th Street work by the nnauooessful bidders be re-• { .° turned to them. adopted upon call of the roll by'the following vote:,Yeas, Eaton~Eaker~ Tully; Williams and Katter~ohn,-6. ' • f`., On motion the Board adjourned upon call oP the roll by b yeas. y.~,, .., ' AI'C)R YAY 17TH. 1921. at a Gelled ldeeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Oommission- ere' Ohamber in the City Hall, Paducah; Kentucky, on ]day 17th, 1921. at 10 o'clock A.1t.j.. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton~'Ta11y~ Ai111ame and Mayor Katter~ohn,-4. ~ ldtyor Katter~ohn stated reasons far Dail to-wit; For the purpose of rs- ~ Delving and filing bide on proposed Mew addition to Riverside Hospital. end any other I . business that may ooms before the Board. ~ Oommiesioner Williams offered the following motion: Y move that the Yo11oM~g ~, bide for oonatruotion of Riverside Hospital addition be received and filed. to-wit: ~ W. M. Karnes & Son..:..... ~ ........$26,b00.00 pins $400.00 ~' W: F. oven ........................ 26`.6oi.00 i i Jack Cole ..........:.............. 87,711.00 plus $416.00 ii Ous lookwood.....x ..................86,463.00 " 381.00 0. W: Katter~ohn & Son .............84~998.00 ~ .and that notion on said bide be deferred till the next regular meeting of the Board of I Oommieeionere on May 83rd 19EI. adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:~ i Yeae~ Eaton; Tu11y~ Williams and Katter~ohn~-4. p Oa motion the Board ad corned i j upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. ~ - ^~ , Ai~plcd~~y~~ ~3-- 'i'~ t9 ~„ B.+E'j~'~tL~_C~dVyr~:1~ ~, cr.. naex i MAY 20TH. 1981. ~; ,. i At a Galled Meeting of the Board of Oommieaionera, held in the Oo:m:ieaionere' Ohambor in the Oity Hali~ Paducah, Keatuoky~ on May 80th 1981~'nt 10 o'clock A. M. +},Upon Deli of the roil the following answered to their names: Oommisaionere Eaton, Eeker~ Tully and Wiliiame~-4. E I~ ;~ Mayor Pro temp W. V: Eaton Presiding. ~~ Mayor Pro Teb, Eaton~atated reasons for oall~ to-rrit: To allow payroll for the { j~ first half of liay 1981 and any other business that might ooms before the Board. Oommisaloner Williams offered the following motion: That W. B. Gore, Arohiteot~ ~9.Ex0ore, allow-~ bs allowed the sum oP $860.00 ender hie oaatraot and credit on acoonnt, and the Oom'.r. sd $860..00 under hie oontreot i~ of Public Finance be instructed to pay same and charge to the eooount of Addition to" ~ Ln re:addltion 3lveraide Hoe- II Riverside Hospital. Adopted upon call of the roil by the following votq: Yeaa~ Eatoa~ pital. 8aker~ Tully and Williams,-4. sport Com'r. ,Oommiesioaer Tully otlered the following motion: Y move that the accounts for the 'inanoe of pay- first half of the month.oi Yay~ amounting to $8180.E8 as sr the re ort of the OomIDie- roll first bait . p p fay 1981. ,.. eioner qi Public Finance flied herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money ap- propriatsd from the Oenerel Fund. Lc pay.eamex Adopted epos Dell of the roll by the .; :.., .: _. SSiwrw~ ,. ~~, .. Riverside Hoe- pitai addition fide, to-wits . •.; ~: "` ~. i- , ~~ -a .;.. ~;~ ~ ~, .y ~~- <' j ', s ., ~' t e ~~~. , ,/ ` ~ ;,._ ,d ' ~s ,. _. w C .'~ ~;, _a. ~,~ _4 • ' " `_ . .: 1 .Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ' ' 192_x: ~~~ ' .. following vote: Yses, Eaton, Esker, Tully nad Williams,-4. . Oommiseioner Tully offered the following motion: I uave that the Oommiepionsr ~~`.' ~of Pubiio Wor>GS bs authorised sn3 instruoted to order a Lank of oil for imtnediats > Oom~r. Publio ~ delivery, Yor the purpose of oiling streets, from the 9ta-.•..^.rd 031 Oompsny st the works to order ~! Street oil. ~prioe quoted of 6} Dente per gallon, same to be available for property owners and others who pay Yor same. adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following. vote: Yeas, ii Eaton. $aY.er, Tully and Williams,-4. `_ ' On motion the Doard adjourned upon Dell of the roll Dy 6 yeas., ,~ . _. "' MAYCIR.~ IfAY 8384 1981. ,'; ~ ,. pay-boils far week ending May 81st, ]few Oonstrnotion ana Riverside Hospital. Oity Engiaesr instrnotsd to order 0000 gal. oar of Tasvia 8 , 011 Yor nee on Onion Station Roots. ~~l `Y ~~~ffiffi •r'Y% _ 1T-~~ 1 Bids on 4th ~ Brand Stssst sidewalks, sta. At a Oslisa fasting o! the Board oY Dommiealoaera, held is the Oommiealoners' ~~ ' Ohsmber is the Oity Hali, Padnoah, Ksntuok9, on May 81st, 1981, at it O'olook A. Y.. , ±` >>pan Dail of the roll the following answered to their names: Oommiesioaere Eaton, ':~ ` ~ .. ?ally. #1111ame and Mayor Satter~ohn,-4. `! lfayor %stter~ohn stated resaoas Yor Dull to-wit: To allow Psy-Rolle !or week ( ending May 81st. 1981, o! Riverside Hospital and New Oonstrnotion Work. `.L. .Ii Oommiasioaer Tn11y offered the following motion: i move that the Psy-Rolla for i . week ending May 21st, amounting to 860.69 for the following departments-+- ~.) DEPARTlAENT OF POBLIO AFFAIRS New Oonatrnotioa...........~16f.06 ARPARTA.E" NT OF PUBLIO PROPERTY Rivereld~ Hospital......... 98.6{ r ~ ~"'^' • b} showed sad or.dsrsd paid and the money appropriated from the General Fnnd to pay ' same. Adopted won Dell of the roll by tho following vote; Yesa, Eaton, Tn11y, Williams and lstter~ohn,-4. ' Oommiesioaer Tnlig ofterod tho following motion: That the Oity Engineer be ,,.: ~,; inatrnoted to order a minimum oapaolty of 8000 gelloa oar of Tsrvla B 0!1 for use !n finishing the Union Station.Route. and beisnoe to be held sub~eot to further orders •~' ' of the Board of Coaoaissionere. Adoptod upon Dell of tho roil by the following voter Yeas, Eaton, Tully, 111111ems end Katter~ohn,-4. ' oa motion tho Board ed~ouraed upon oe13 0! the roll by d yeas. " ` ' ':; ., s. Auoptci ~~~!'019~., APPR•4'G'~7]i7 . ~~~•~` f MAY BSrd~ 1921. 1 1t s Osiled Yeotiag oY the Board oY Ooseaiseioners,hsld la the OommissionerN . Ohamber in the Oity Heil, Padnoah, Ksntuoky, on May 28rd, 1921, at 11 o~oloek A. M. • Opon Dell oY the roll the following answered to their names: Oommiesioaora Eaton,. a Baker, Tully, Williams and Mayor Setter~ohn,-!i. Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons Yor pall, to-wit; To open, reosive and rile u bide Yor the ooaetrnotion oY sidewalks, ourbe end Gnttere oa Fourth and Broad Street. d lfayor Sstter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the bids for the oonetrnotion oY oonorete ourbs and gutters, and ell neoeesary manholes, intnkse, esw. ~~ ere sad oatoh Deains on the Wsat side of Broad Street, from the intereeotlon of Fourth i? end Broad Street, inoluding the intereeotion at Fourth and Broad Street, to the divide, ing line bet~eea the property of Oharlotte Ruff end the property oY Barbera Patter; end . I 1 . `~ " "./ Na'~ ~d.. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_. d,. . . aLso.for the oonetruotioa of oonorQte~sidewaike, ourbe and gnttera, and all neoeseary ~` ~ manholes, intakes, sewers and eatoh basins on the East aids o! Broad Serest, from the Bide of. Reynolds Broe,'~ latereeotion of aourth and Broad Street to the Borth ourb line of Bridge Strast, sy ~.W.L'etter~ohn a Son, and. ;, oepting's11 oonorete sidewalks. ourbe and 6uttere now oonstrnotsd thereon, enbffitted b~ Esker do Storrie for eidewalke,~ the following biQdera, to-wit: eto: on Broad ' ~~ Street, west Reynolds Broa. <; aids from jth fi.W.Satter~ohn de 3oa y.°t• k .Broad to Baker b Storrie t:,: Patter property -f. Bast aide fromr be reoeived and flied, and adtioa on same deferrefl until the Rsgnlar Meeting at E o'eloe ~4f 4th 8 Broad to ~ ~ ~ , ~?' ffiidge 8t• P.M. on Monday MaY E3rd, 19E1. Adopted upon eall.of the roil by the. following vote: &~ - Ysae, Baton. Esker, Tally, Rilliama and gatter~ohn,-6. ~ .4f On motion the Board ad~ourna¢ upon tali of the roll b y S yeas. -~ ~-'YROV~~? ~ ~ -----. !~l,TOa MAY. E3sd. 19E1. ~' At s Regnlar Meeting of the Board of Qommiaeionera, held is the Oommieaioners•~ • ~ Ohamber is the Oity Hall, Paducah, Bentuolq, on May ESrd, 19E1. IIpon Dail of the roll 9 ~.~ the following answered to their names: Oommieaionere Baton, Baker, Telly, Aillisma sad ~, .. ~' ~ Mayor Satter~ohn,-8. i ~, ~ j .: On motion of Oommissioner"Tally the minutes oY tl}e previous meetings were "~ ado tad as rea8 i k.. P upon Dell ox the roll by the following vote: Ysae, Baton, Baker, Tnily. Williams and %atter~oha,-b. ?; ~ ~ . , i Mayor 8atter~ohn offered the foiiowing motion: I mots that the petition of x` Pstitian .oi pro-I property owners oh Bentnoky Avenue, between E3rd and EBth Streets, relative to the Don-' ,.petty owners' on Sy.Ave., ~ etrnotion of gutters, curbing and re-goading of same, be reoeived and flied and referred between ESrd i E6th Ste, to the Oity Engineer for report. Adopted upon Dail of the roil by the following vote: t", Ysae,. Baton, Baker, Tn11y, Williams and Batter~ohn,-6. Oommisaioner Tally offered the foiiowing motion: I move that the petition of the eitiseas sad property owners protesting against the improvement of sidewalks oa South -,~,~ 9.8th St., betn.~ Hnabande and Ii 8lghth Street, between Haebaada and Bookman Strseta, bs reoeived and flied. Adopted . Bookman Ste. '.: Petition of ~ upon call of the roil by th6 following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Baker, Williams and Batter- "; property ownere:r i . Cohn,-4; Oommiesioner Tully not voting, being oallad out of Ooemi.asioners' Ohambar. _~ Oommiasioner ~illiama offered the following motion: I move that the transfer Oemetery Trans- i~ from T. i. @andiif and Biala Otmdiff to Oyathia A. Williams to Lot #Eb, is Bjook Hnmbes far T. J., and El• . ale Oundlif to .j~ Section E, Oak Orove 0emetery, bs rstilied. Adopted won call o! the roll by the follow- " Oyat his A. is Williams. a ing vote; Yeea, Baton, Baker,"Tully, Williams and Batter~oha,-6. :' Reports,-Pinsa- t~t. Oommieeioner Williams oiferad the foiiowing motion: I move that the following ! Offal Statement i, and Patients,. ,j. reports from Hiveraide Hospital be reoeived and filed, vie; linanoial Statement for the Riverside Roe y month of A " pital for April „ pril, 19E1; Patients Report for the month. of Apr 31 39E1. Adopted won Dail of 19 E1: Y the roll by the following vote: Yeea. Eaton, Esker, Tul]y,"Wiliieme and Battsr3ohn,-b. • ~ Mayor 8attsr~ohn offered the"following motion: I move that the report or the MoOraoken Oo. ~~ Pnblio Health ~ MoOraoken Oounty Pnblio Health Horsing Service for the.moath of April 19E1 be reoeived t Horsing Servibe ~' sad flied.. Ad tad r Report for ~ op upon call of the~roii by the foiiowing vote: Yeas. Eaton, Esker, April 19E1. r~!! Tally, Williams and Battsr~ohn,-6. dd Mayor 8sttsrfohn offered the foiiowing motion: Y move that the report of the ~ Report Oity t Enginoer of worth Oity 8aginssr of the work performed by Yanay dr Johnson on Broadway, fro^ April 18th to performed by i! May Elst Yano9 A Johneoa . inoineive, be reesivsd end filed. ldopted upon sail of the roll by the foi- 1, on Broadway, ..April 18th to lowing vote; Yeasy Sston, Baker., Tally, ~lilless~aEd Battas~ohn,-6. . ~7 81et,19t1. ~ .~. :' ~ r •. d ,.: ,. ; ,. , ~t 5 .. ;.: k ....,, . . ._ a ..sa' ,. a , ,. ~•~ ~~ ~" .. r. .... ~~ .~. 9`~ "' ,, 4~~ =1 i .~ i h"' i >:~~ ~: ~ ~ '~" ~. . § ". ~;'. ,~ '. ~." ~~ ~y • ~': s i ~" ~_ • ;r ~. ~. ~~' ~4 ~> ~ { . 4. I { ~.. ' ~. .•. ~„ .,. ~..~. Oontraot between r yo g = a o n rao s a e wadeworth Luprovse pebrnary E4th, 1913, made and entered into between the wodeworth Improvement Oompeny . meat Oo. h Board , o! Park Oommie- i ~d the Board of Park Oommiesionass of the Oity of Psduonh, %entnoky, whereby the sionera, dated ;~ Feb. E4, 1918. a wadeworth Improvement Oompany agrees to oonvey to the Hoard of Perk Oommiesionere the a. r `, ground ]mown as Forest Park, be reoeived, filed and reoorded. adopted upon oall of . Oertifisd ohsoka 7 of Esker A Storrie and 4. r. %attar~ohn & Soa, snolosed :rith the Dide for the ~on- retnrasd to i etrnotion of aoaarste ourbe and gutters on the west Bide of Broad Street, from the } (i.w.Katter~ohn h j; Bon sad Esker b .~ interaeotion of Fourth and Broad Street,,inoluding the interaeotion at Fourth.aad "~ Storrie. in re bid on Fourth b ~ Broad Street, to the dividing line between the propsrLy o! Ohariotte Rulf and Bnrbar~ ' Broad St. ' ~.Petter; and also Yor the oonstruotion of oonorets sidewalks. ourbe and gutter a, sto., ;; ~ on the Saet aide of Broad Street, from the interaeotion of l*onrth and Broad Street to the Borth anrb line oY Bridge Street, be returned. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by ~, Y>~,. . !the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,Eaksr,Tully,williame and %atter~ohn,-6. ~. ~i lie r %atter~ohn offered Lhe followin motion I move th t the o L t d t d f,i -. Na GG/ 12_ f Pad a Commissioners Proceedings, City o uc h , . 9 _ _. • ~ r lfsyor =atter~ohn oflsred the following motion: i move that the Oommiseionir oY ~ Im~rovemsnt warr-' Pnblie Haanoe bs authorised and inetrnoted to issue an Improvement warrant to Yanoy i t l d t an eane o li Johnson. Oontraotore, for work done and performed on Broadway, Hader oontraot dated ` Yanoy i Johaeoa, • X49?8.96 work on ~i Earoh 1st, 19E1, far the emu of ~697S.9Q, being 66~ of the work,ae per the report o! Broadway from 19th'9t to Ebth. ~~ the Snginser filed of this date, as follows: 6b',$ of ~ESOE.00 being ~id96.80 end l ~~ . ~ Bbd of ~88b0.E6, being $5477.66. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the following vote; , ~~ Yeas, Baton, Eaksr, Tally, willisme and %atter~ohn,-6.. . Export Oity Engi-f! Itayor %atter~ohn offered the Yollowing motion: The Oity Eagiaesr having prepared near on olds for I~ report on the bide oY'tha various persona bidding on the oonetrnotion of oonorets onrDa sidewalk, eto. on Fourth 8t.,aad;; and gutters, and all neoeseary manholes. lntakea, sewers and oatoh basins. on the went Broad St. too ~ . Bridge Street. ~ side of Broad Street. from the interaeotion oY Fourth end Broad Street, iaoluding the ,! .. ~ interaeotion at Fourth. and Bross Street. to the dividing line between the property of ~, u Ohaslott6 Ruff and Barbara Patter; end also Yor the oonstruotion of oonorets sidewalks ourbe and gutters, on the East side of Broad Street. from the interaeotion of Fourth d and Broad to the North oaacb line of Bridge Street,. ea shown by his report, I move that k hie report on said bide be reoeived and Yiled. Adopted upon osll of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas,Eston,Eaker,Tnlly,williame and %attar~ohn,.5. • P Mayor %atter~ohn offered the Yollowing motion: it appearing from the bide this ~, ' day reoeived Yor the oonstruotion oY oonorets ourbe and gutters, and all neosssary mari ~ I ~. ;; holes, intakes, sewers and oatoh baslas, on the west aide of Broad Street, from the Aooeptanoe o! S • Bid of Eeynolde j interaeotion of Fourth and Broad Street, inoluding the interaeotion nt Fourth and Bros. Yor side- ;: • walks, eto. oa Broad Street, to the dividing line between the property of Charlotte RuYf and Barbers Fourth k Broad ~ St. to Bridge ~; patter; and also for the oonetrnotion oY oonorets sidewalks, ourbs sad gnttera, end' Street. a ' '! sli aeoeseary manholes, intakes, sewers end oatoh basins on the Esat aide oY Broad Street, from the interaeotion of Fourth end Broad Street to~the North onrb line oY ~ ' ~; Bridge Street, exoepting all oonorets sidewalks, onrbs and gutters now oonstruoted " thereon. is the City oY Peduoah, %entuoky, be'oonetruoted with oonorets; and it Ynrthsr . ~i , appearing that it is more desirable that the ourbe shall be oonatruoted, in all re- ~i epaote, as provided in the speoifioatione oelling Yor and requiring oruehed rook in • ~ N snob oonetrnotion, and that the bid of Reynolds Broth are is the lowest and best bid Yor said work,- I now move that the bid oY Reynolds Broth ere for the oonstruotion oY B ~~ said street, as par plans and epeoifioatione nooompanying said bid, and providing that • ~ ~ oruehed rook shall be need in the oonorets ourbe, be approved and sooepted, and that. ji the Ltayor be inetrnoted to enter into a oontraot with said oontraot ors, in all rs- ,i ' • ~; apeote, ae required by ordinanoe and eodording to law. Adopted upon oa11 of Lhs roll r ~4by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tally, wiiliama and %atter~ohn,-6, r liayor %atter~ohn offered the following motion: I mono that the oertified oluoke ,.. . GG~ ~ . No. i ~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah . 192__ . _ _..... _. _. .. . .~~ b~ ... the roll by the following vote: ieae, Eatoa,Eaker,Tnlly,Rilliams sad KsLtsrjohn,-6. ~~'~ ;e: Mape eketahse ~ Mayor %atterjohn offered the following motion: I mole that the mope, skatohss. • c•i , , eto. in Rs.' Foreat Park. ~ detailed drawings and epeaifioaLione, as.prspsrsd tnd dseignbd by Lhe Amsriann Park ' Buiidera 7.andeoaps ArohitsoL of Ohioago, Iiliaois., far"the oonatrnotion of Foreat Park. t, ~~. be rsoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell oY the ro]1 by the following votes Yeas, .. ,i i Eetoa, Esker TnI ].y, Williams and Yetterjoh:},-6. 1 ~{ , I' llleyor Satter john offered the foliewiag•motion:'Y move that the deeds from the .I ~,. Deeds from ~ Wadsworth Improvement Oompeay to the BoarB of Park Commiaeionera of the Oity of Padnoah~ Wadsworth Im• provemenf Oq. Hentuoky, oomeying oertain iota in Foreat Pert, and :Vhioh deeds ere dated: July E4th, ,:~ ; to Board of. Park Oommia- 19E0; July ESrd,. 1919; Jttjy End, 1918; Jn1y End, 1917; July iEth, 1916; July End, 1916= ) ~ _ Y-. elonare, in rs: Foreat Park. ; Yaroh lE.th, 1916; Angost EBth, 1914; June lOLh, 1916, ba reoeived end filed. Adopted f y ~; upon Dell of the roil by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaksr, Tully, llilliams and ~ • 1 L _ ~ Oommissioner Tully offered the following motioai Y move that Yanoy A Johnson ~ ti i Si j` be allowed the anm.of ~E69.7b, Deing Estimate Fnmber l6 paid by F. W. a bissle KatLer- ~ ; ;;; Via F.W. A Eizsie , Satter john ~ .john for the oonetrnotion of oonorete driveway in front of their property on South Fifth ~~ F. I Estimate ,~18. . ~~ 9trset and the Oommieaionor of Publio Finance be inetruotsd Lo draw a h k i ' ' tEb9.76 allowed a eo on Lhe , . Ii ' Yamy & Johnaon in re Fifth ~ 8peoiel Street Fund Lo pay same,, and:eame to be credited against and deducted from the 8t., from I~. Aven.to Oiark: Improvement Wsrrant heretofore loaned for void work. Adopted upon Deli oY the roll by ~ ~ , ~ the following vote: Yahe,Eaton,Enkur,Tnlly,Willisma end Sstterjohn,-6. j r Oommieeioner Eaton offered the following motions I move that the Oity 9olioilal~ ., ' :: , Oity 8oiioitor bs~•laetrnoLed to fits nn notion at onoe in the Qirouit Coma for and on behplt of, Lhe ~: $~ instructed to' ~ file notion. Oity of Paducah to proovre a judicial eonstruotion or an ordinance providing for the ~" ~ . :in rs- Oonetruotion ire-oonetruotion of Weat Jefferson Street, eo ea to .determine whether eaid,ordinenos is ~ • ~ ~` of West Jeffer- eon SLroet f I valid and enforceable and to proeeoute said oase.on appeal to the Court of Appeals, ., -;~ . and that W. Y. Eaton, Oommisaloner of Publio Safety be authorised to appear with and ~' `, ' I ~ assist the Oity 8oiioitor in handling said liti{tation. Adopted upon Doll of the roll s ~ `' i iby the following vote: Yoas,Eaton,Eaker,Tully,Ri131ama end Sstterjohn.-b. ~' Oommisaioner Williema offered the following motion: It appearing that all the ! ,- I~bids submitted for the oonatruotion'of an addition to Riverside Hospital are largelyr I . , ° Addition River- I in eaoeea of the amount of money appropriated and available for said improvement, and ~~ Side Hospital .. Bide rejected, ilthet the Oity would not be enthorised to aaoept eutiy of said bide on said aooount,- ~ ~! and certified oheoks.return- I now move that s11 bide for the oonetruotion of an additive to Riverside Hoepitai here' '! ed to: 'tofors presented by W. M. Barnes & Sone, Jaok Ooie, Gua bookwood, G. W.Katterjoha ~ son, W.1i.Karnes do Sod Jack Dole, Gua Lockwood I; and W.F.Owen, be rejected, and that the certified oheoke deposited by said bidders rs- ~' ;; G. W.Katterjoha A Sqn and l'speotivsly be returned to them. Adopted upon Dell of the roil by the following vote: ° •W. F. Owen. ~IYeae, Eaton, Eakor, Tu11y, Wil2iame and Keitterjohn,-6. ~ I Ooa®lsaloner Williams offered the following.motion: Bide for the oonstruotion of, ~I f ~ ~ hen addition to Riverside Hoepitai in aooordanoe with Tana, apeoifioatione and drawings t, .. '~ i (,prepared by Arahiteot, W.E. Gore, having heretofore been sabmittsd and found to be large- " . addition River side Hospital -41y in eaoeea of the amount available for enoh oonetr.uotion; and it further appearing Lhst y lisyor and Oomir lthe sreotion of sat a l Property to e s one and improvemeate to the Hoepitai ors urgently demanded, by j u . go over Lhe 'reason of the aongea4ed oondiLion of the Hoepitai,,- I move that the Mayor and Oommiesion+ plane, etc., sa8 - rsadvertiss Forti .bide. ~ er of Pnbiio Property Ds SnstrnoLed to go over the plane, speoifioations and drawings t ~ ~I ior said eztenelon and additive to Riverside Hospital and eliminate therefrom enoh ~ parts; . ~ ~; i o ~thereof as thereof ae Dan bs properly done, for the purpose of enabling the Oity to ss-.~ , k "A. t ~ ~ advertiss for bide for the oonstruotioa of anoh addition to said Hospital at a pries i ~ • i { within the amount appropriated for each purpose. Adopted spon sell of the soli by the ! . - :a F ioilowing votes Yese, Eaton, Esker. Tnily. Williams and ltattsrjohn,-b, .. '- + .. , ~ kJ65.' ~ IcYw $'.b'r v'+Mr efi ~bK;iL,~? r ti . r ... . 'r 5iom..l may. ` ~F' ~ ~ ' ,~ t ~~ ~~ .3 .. ,~ti '? k ~: , ... }. ~ _ No: ~Ol/~ ~~ • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah '~192_r __~._~., i ' i a . ti ;'; VISING AND RE-ORDAINING SECTIONS E AND 11, AND REPEALING SECTIONS 8 and 16 TtffitFAF,. r. be adopted. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakee, ~'~ Tully, Williams and Ssttsryoha,-b. ~i Commissioner Tnily offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance sntitL "AN ORDIAAACS PROVIDING FOR TSE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIIILn9ALK9, OURB3 AND GUTTERS Bsrnheim Avenue, from N.1Eth to ! AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOISS, INTAKES, SEWERS AtiD CATCH BASINS ON BOTH SIDES OF BERN- 18th k Burnett, Sidewalks, eto. !' HEII[ AVENITE, FROli THE 'LEST SIDE OF i(ORTA TWELFTB STREET TO TAE EAST SITE OF THIR- i Ordinanoe intro- dnoed. '~, ~~~ STREET AT TAE INTERSECTION OF BVRNETT STREET, INCIUDING ALL IATERSEOTION9, IN .. THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF TAE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS,. AND PRO- P. VIDING THAT SAiOr MAY BE P:.ID FOR UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYh~AT PLt.N," be introduoed and my over. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote.: Yeas, Satoh, Esker, '~ ' Tully, Williams and Katteriohn,-b. . • ' C Yeyor Satter~oha offered the following motion: I move that the Street Improve- Street Improve-~ ~ meat Oontrnot entered into by anQ between the Oitg of Paduoah and Reynolds Brothers, . meat Oontraat ~ dated l[sy E3Q'd, 19E1, for tho oonstruotion of oonoreto sidewalks, ourbe sad gnttese, of Reyaolde Bros.; in re: N. 9th Street, from ~ sad all aeoeasasy manholes, intakes, sewers and oatoh basins on both sides of•North - 1Sadieon to Trim- ~ Ninth Street, from the gutter line on the North aids of Madison Street to the pro-: ble Street. k aooepted. ~ party iine.on the South aide of Clay Street;•'end also on the West aide of.North Nintl 6. ~. q Street, from the ~foEbh property line of C1ey Street to the gaiter line on the South ~' ~! Oommiasioaer Esker offered the following motioa:'That the rspart of the Street 8trest Dept. He- port for April li y, Department for the month of April 19E1 be reosived and filed. Ad0ptsd upon oaii of 18E1. ~ the roll by the toilowiag voter Yeas, 8ston, Seker, Tally, Wiiliame and Sattss~ohn,-8. Ysyor Katter~oha offered t#~e following motion: I move that an ordinanoe eatitisd, ~ "AN ORDINANOE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF OONORETE SIDEWALKS, OUR83 AND GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY 1RANHOLES, INTAEES, SEWERS AND OATOH BASINS ON BOTH 9IDE8 OF SOUTH 8onth 8th St.; from Husbands to ~ EIGHTH STREET, FROG THE SOUTH PROPERTY LIRE OF BUSBAND9 848EET TO T~ N08TH OURS Bookman St. Ordinance adopt- ! y LIB OF BACHYAN STREET, IN THE OITY OF PADUOAH, KEHTUOKY, AT THE OOST OF THE aBIITrING. od. ~ PROPERTY 01YNER8, AND PROVIDING THAT MAY 8E PAID FOR UPON TAP: TEN YEAR PAYIU•NT ~ PLAN," bs adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas,Estoa, ~ : Esker. Tu11y, Williams and Kattsr~ohn,-b. Yeyor Katter~ohn offered the tollowiag motion: I move that an ordlneaos amending Padnoah 8 Iilinpie ' an ordiaanoe entitled •AN ORDINANC$ GRANTING TO THS PADUCIH AND ILLINOIS RAILROAD OOIt- ~. Railroad Oompaay Ordinanoe grant- ~,PdNZ, ITS SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS OR LESSEES, THE RIGAT TO CONSTRUCT AND EIAINTAIN RAILROAD ing right-of-way, TRACKS, OF STANIURD GAUGE. IN THE CITY OF PAItUOAH, KENTUCKY, AND OPERATE OARS, TRAINS sto. d AND LOOOLtOTIVE3 THEREOYER, FROM THE EAST SIDE OF FIFTH STREET ON OR WITH NORTON STREET r EASTERLY TO THE EAST SIDE OF THIRD STREET ON THE NORTB SIDE OF TH8 TRACKS NOW OPERATED ,; 4 BY THE NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA AND ST. IQUI9 RAILWAY; THENCE IN A NORTHERN! D IItE0TI0N AND BETWEEN SECOND STREET. T!' E%TENDED, AND THIRD STREET, CROSSING TENNESSEE. OHIO, li JACKSON, ADA1[S, OLIIRK, 11ASAINGTON, KENTUCKY, BROADWAY, JEFFERSON, MON.ROE, 1iADI90N, . ~ HARRISON AND CLAY STREETS, BL~T3LEN.SEOOND hND THIRD STREETS; THENOE ACROSS THIRD AND TRIMBII: STREETS, AT OR NEAR THE INTERSECTION THERF.Op; THENCE .IN A. WESTERLY DIRECTION ACROSS FODRTH STREET, IF E%TENDED, THROUGH THE BL00& EAST OF TRIt•BI~ STREET; THENCE TO TAE RTG$T OF WAY OF THE INDU3TR LiL TRAOK OF THE IF E%TENDED H TREE , S AOR089 FIFT T. ~` OBICAGO, ST. LOUIS ABD NEW ORI~EARS RAILROAD CCNIPANY. OPERATED SY TAE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAITROAD COMPANY; THENCB A0:=03S,CAMPBELL STREET IN TAE BLOC$ NORTA OF SIXTH STREET; THENCB ACROSS THE AIJEY IH THE BIgCK BORTH OF SIXTH STREET AND WEST OF OANPBELL ~.` STREET, AND OH SIXTH STREET BET`NEEN THE A?bEY IN THE BLOCK BET~9EEN OAi1PBELL AND HARRIS STREETS AND TO TSE EYTRELtE NORTHI7EST LIMIT OF SIXTH STREET $T TAE CORPORATE LINE," WHICH WAS ADOTTED BY THE BOARD OF C0dA[IS3IONERS OA l[AY E9th 1916 BY AMENDING RE- ._._..~.~~~= j . d. ~, ~. ,. %,~ .side o! 'N'imble Street, and the Oongtrnot#on Bond l.or the perlormanos o! said wort, i. ,'•' easonted and delivered oy Reynolds Erothere with the Rational Surety Oompany, ag Suretyf i and the Power-ot-4ttorasy easonted to Albert 11. Foreman and Ernest Laotey, bd reoeifedory ' ° ~, `" 4:t ~! !fled, aooepted, approved and reoordefl. Adopted upon Dell o! the roll by the follow., _ ~ ing vote: Yeas, Eatots, Esker, Tnily, Williams and Katter~oha,•8. ```~~~II ~ I, Mayor Satterlohn o!lersd the !allowing motions I move that the Street Impro»• ~ ~I `~' went Ooatraot eaterefl i t ~.'? ,' n o by and.bstwsen the Oity of Paduoeh and Reynolds Brothers,. ~ . "18treet improve. ~ dated l[ay 88rd, 19E1, !or the oonstrgotion o! oonorete sidewalks enrbs sad ~,ment Oontraot A ~~ . gnttsrs, !,. ;.;Bond, Power o! ~ and all lsoos®sery manholes, intatea, sewers and oatohbaaina oa both aides o! Fowrth .'' i ~4ttorney o! ~ ' fReynolda.Bros. ~~ Street lrom,ths North g operty line o! Broad Street to tlss 8onth ~ ~ `~ i in rss Fourth 6 if . g'attsr lias,'ot E11sa- ~ ,iBroad $tresta, ;bath 8treey and the Qonstrnotion Boad !or the sriormsnoe o! said wort ezeeuted and ' 8ldowalke, eto. ~ '. ? ks Aooeptsfl.. ! dsllvsred by Reynoiae 8robhele with the Rational Surety Oompany, as 8nrsty, end the' `IPowsr-ol-4ttorney easonted to filbert N. Foreman end Sanest Isotey, be reosivsd, flied, ~ ` ~ ~!, ~ tooepted, approved and reoorded. 4Qopted upon nail o! the Pell. by the lollowiag vet6s ,-:''~ °.. +~ Ysse Eaton Esker Tut . , ly, 1illiams end %attsr ~ohn~.6. -.i t ~• On motion the Board ad~onrned upon Dell 0! the roll by 8 yeas. r' ~ I , Ai.p• -~H~! B. PFG ;341. ' ` s . ~ ~ a. ~~ ~ s, o ~ ~ ~ a4 C7wr /1 Q _ ~ ~ ', NAY EBTR, 19E1. '$4 F i fit a Oalied.Yeeti ~ ~ ag o! the Board'oS 0ommisaionera he14 in the Oocrmi,aeioners , r Ohamber in the Oit Ralf Psiduoah %entuo y ~` Y , ky~ oa Na EBth_ 19E1 st 10 0 olook 4. N. ; a °., i . ~„ Upon Dell ol.the roil the loiiowing answered to their names: Oommieaioners Eaton, Snkerj. I . ~+ Tnily and Williams.-4. Mayor Pro Tem W. V. Eaton, presiding. ,,~, ~~: Mayor Pro tam Eaton stated reasons for Dell to-wit: To allow pay-roll for . U;; ~~the week ending !day EBth, 1981, ae follows: New Oonatrnation.Work and Riverside Hospital. a~: Oommiseioner Tully o!lered the following motion: That the pay roll !ar the week ~ ~,. .. ." ~ ending Nay 88th, amounting to $SZ4.87, as follows: >~ aagg 1 way E8n1981 ~~~~~ OF Pi1BLI0 4FFAIR3. ' New Oonatruotion .............#167.80 ~ • a { ~ New Oonetrna .~ ]8P4RTMENT OF PUBLIC PROPERTY t Lion. and Riverside Hospital............ 87.17 Riverside Ros i • ~~ , pits]. . ~' ' ~ ~ -'~' . ij bs allowed and ordered paid end the money. appropriated from the general lnnd to pay I ,, ' ~~ same. 4dopted upon Dell o! :he roll by the following votes Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, k ~ I ~ •.<' . • I~ and tlilliame~•4. t ~~ I On motion the Board ad~onrned upon Deli o! the roll b 4 a I y yeas. ~i ~f Ai.rteA ~°~ 1~~ .B.PP~ -V. i, II ~~ . ~i~, r... ~ ~~ I{ _,.; N4Y SOTR, 1981. ~: li fit s Regular Nesting o! the Board of Oommissionere, held in the Oommiasionera' !~ 4" Ohnmbor in the Oity Sell, Padnoah, gentuoky, on Ndy 80th,. 19EL upon sail of the roil; the loloowing attswersd to their names: Oommiesionera Eaton, Safer anfl Williams,-4: 1[tyor Pro tam W.Y.Saton presiding. ~ ;~ ~ Oommieeioner Williams offered the loliowing motioa: I movie that the Rsgnlnr ~! ~. ~~ `; a' Nesting of the Board o! Oommiaeioaere ad~oura 'till 10 o~oiook 4. N. on Tueeday Nay I ~ - ,,.~ _ i 81st. 1981.. 4dopteQ upon Dell aP the roll by the 2oilowing vote: Yeas. Eaton, Sakar ~ '~ ,;Y ~ K~' ,~` aaA Wiiliame,•8. Aie}tei~` .N~, .~ $~'~'RtOV133. ~ _ s. ';,, '? .• .: - ~ ua a.r ,.. , . , .. .. .. ... .. l ' f •7 f~33. ~ I~` ' .` ~. .. a u+xc+w~ . lT `p .:F M_ ; . ,, 4kk4;; r - • Y _ .. 22MM'~M1M.n'~i+Y.l.#.;~" 3i`A.~~~'*Fn ,n DN..1.1W+'m~'Y'~'C .. "F} ~}~.. ~^ • ~'~' ...: .. .....~..~..:+...-~.'riw.JL.y-++'.~as'+.+w+.~t4+~..+.+.~:~»..wv-•~.-...:'~aJ ~'r:1:A..~J,.~....:..a...Y.Y..~.L.~-~G_~r'..`.-_n: ~.r~.•-~.~:i..a tee. w-r.. ::. t._..u-,.-*ilY:i...R Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah :. " 182: ~: i -:~, . '% <~' 'r )&&.Y \~ It-Y 3flet, 19E1. hhh • it an An~omned rissting of the Board of Oomsiu~oners, held la Lhe Oommiasioa~ - ~ srN Ohsmber 1n the Oity Hail, Padnosh, Yantuoky, en Tnssday, Yey 81st, 19E1, at 10 ., o'oiook A. Y. npon Dail of the roll the toilowing snewsred Lo their acmes: Oomaeis~ ' ~ aioaera 8atoa, Eelar, Tniiy sad lfiiilama. ~[syor Fro tam A. 0. Eaton Preoidtng. :± Oa motion of 0ommiaeioner Eaton the miantas of the previous meetings were i ~ >' , adopted as read upon oa31 of tho roll by the following vote; Ysas, Enton,Eaker, Tnily and Ailliama,-t. ,$., '•.'', Oosmiseioner Tnliy offered the following motion; The sum of $66.67 having bees " i • ~ paid Sato the Treasury, sa evidenoad by the reosipt t11e4 herewith, together with, ~ ~. halt ~ Oereal 4 eppiioation to salt malt or oerani beverages or say admirtures thereof duly signed s4 • Beverage Liaenee;~ granted to H.A. ;~ required by Ordiaenoe, I move that lioaasa to sell.malt or oereal beverages, or any • SohwaLe 1500 ~ admirtiase thereof be anted to 8. 1t. ltonsos fit. ,~ , gr 8ohwalm at Number 1300 Yonro,e 8trsat, from ~ lGay Ebth to Deoember Slat, 1921, inoluaive. Adopted upon Dell of the roll.Dy the ~ ' ~ ~ li following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully and Ai111ama,-4. ~ • • Oommlealoner Tu11y offered the toilowing motion: The sum of $8.3b having been ,~ paid into the Treasury, as evidenoad by the reosipt filed herewith, together with lfait ode Cereal Beverage Lioensej appiiontioa to sell malt or oereal Deveragae.or any admizturea thereof duly aigrled as granted to T.A. Clark k Son, ~ required by Ordinanoe, I move that lioense to eellmalt or oereal beverage e, or any `R L C.Hotel near Union Station, Y admirtures thereof, be granted to T. A. Clark & Son at the property known se I. 0. . ~ Hotel near Union Station, from June let to June 30th, 1921, inoluaive. Adopted upon, Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully and Ai111ame,-4. , ~i Oommiseioner Tally oYtered the toilowing motion: The oum of $68.3b having ~. h been paid into the Treaeva~y, ea evidenoad by the reosipt tiled herewith, together ~ 1lsit os Oereal Beverage Lioense '! with epplioation to sell malt or oereal beverages or any admirtures thereof, duly • granted to Root Bros. 700-702 ;, signed ae required by ordinance, I move that lioenee to sell malt or oereal baverngas, Tennessee St. ;'. • r or any admiztnrea thereof, be granted to Root Brothers at Number 700-70E Tennessee ~~ Street, from June .let, to December 31st, 1921, inoluaive. Adopted upon Dail of the -~ roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully and Ai111ama,-4. ~~ Oommissioner Tully offered the toilowing motion: I move that the sotioa of the ~ ' ~ • ;; Oommiasioner of Publio Finance in purchasing City Hospital Boad No. 88 for $600.00 snd I , j Oity Hospital Bond $88, $b00.00 Street Improvement Bonds No. 96.77-98 for $1000.00 eaoh, a total of $3b00.00 at 98 i " Street Improvement and soorued interest, be approved. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the toilowing • Bonds #76-7?-78 for $1000.00 eaoh vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully and VPilliama,-4. pnrohaaed ' Oommieeioner Eaton offered the following motion: The Commissioner of Publio , Astaire having heretofore employed Harvey Allen, as Inspector on New Improvements, . Harvey A11en, c temporarily, at the rata of $30.00 per week, I move that said temporary employment be As Inepeotor o! ~ New Improvement temporary employ-', ratitiod and approved. Adopted npon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, meat ratified. Esker Tull and Ailliame ton 4 E ,- , , y . a r ~' Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion:•It appearing that the Inde- ~! pendent Ioe A Cosl ggmpany hen oYtered to pay to tho City $800.00 Dash for the remod- Jeffery Trnok G Fire Station #4. sled Jeffery Trunk, whioh.wsa ta~Cen from Fire Station $4; and it further appearing sold to Independ-ii . ant Ioe &.Coal ji that this is a ialr price for said trunk- I move that the Commissioner of Publio' Oo. for X600.00 ~ , j. Saisty be anthorfsad to make sale of said trunk to the Independent IDs d Ooai Qompany; 4 r II and the said Independent Ioa•de Cosl Compartiq having tendered Ste oheok for $600.00 • ' 1n payment of said trunk, I move that said oheok ba received and delivered to the a • ;'~ Commissioner of Publio Finance, to De oreditod to the aooount of the Firq Department. 9 . II Adopted npon Dell of the roil by the following vote; Yesa, Eaton, Esker, Tully and '. • ~. i . ... ~ ...-.:.a,~~: No. ~• r~ ~__.:: _"Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ ' 192__ ~ Resignation y: e: J.B.Rndgena of Fire Dept. eooepted. Robert Bonnin . employed na .. Fireman. leyotte Jonsa empiayed as f Fireman-Elso= trioiaa. ~ _~', 5.. ~,~ ~t. , ~ , 8113e Dra. ~`~ 0. E. Pnroell ~; ,, and W.,O.Eu- , ~ ~~{ banks, for ~~ serrioes ren- dared Ohief 9f Firs Dept. tar in~uriee. aligwed paid. ~~~ . s ,: ~ ,~ Oommieaioner Eaton offered the foiiowing motion: I move thnt the resignation of J. B. Hudgens for the Fire Department be reooived, eooepted and ailed. Adopted boa ioall of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tully and WiTliame,-4. C ~` Oommissioner Eaton offered,tha following motion: I move Lhat Robert Borman bs jsn~loyed as Fireman of the Pednoah Firs Department, and that Fayette Jonsa be employed ., ~. ae Fireman-Eleotsioian in the Paduoah Fire Department., Adopted upon oeii of the roll ~Iby the following vote: Yesa, Eaton, Esker, Tully, iPiiliama,-4. i, ' Oommieeioner Eaton offered the following motion: It appearing that the Chief ;' of the Fire department wen in'nred by having his hand etrnok ngainet the bar or arose pieoe in the top of hie oar while going to n fire, said aooident,bei ~~ ng osuaed by his hoar atriking.a ~depresaion in the street, and it having been aeoeasarq for him to be treated for avid injnriea by dootors 0. E. Pnroell and W. C. Enbanka, and the dootore ,j having rendered their bills far said aervioae,- I move that the b111 of Dr. C. E. pur- i ~ooll, amounting to $E1.00, and the bill of Dr. W. C. Enbanke, amounting to $16.00, for ~seirvioee rendered to the Fire Chief on aooount oY the ia3uriea aforesaid, be allowed i Viand ordered paid and oharged to the eooonnt of the Fire Department. Adopted boa Dail i ljof the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, and Williams,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an ardinanoe ~ 'entitled, "AN ORDINAttOE PROPIDING FOR'TBE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE 3IDEWAI.BS; CURBS AND n{iOUTTERB, AND ALb NEOESSBRY MANHObES, INTAKES, 3EWEEtB AtJD CATCH BASINS ON BOTH $IDE9 OF w ,~jBERBHEIM AVENUE, PROS[ THE WEST SIDE OF NORTH TWELFTH STREET TO THE EAST SIDE OF TNIR- ~I~TEENTH STREET AT TEE, INTERSECTION OF BURNFTT STREET, INCLUDffiG ALL INTERSECTIONS IN It.- , r~'THE CITY OF PADUCAH; BENTUCBY, AT TAE C03T OF THE ABUTTINti PROPERTY OWNERS, AND PROVID- . ~INO THAT SAME MAY B8 PAID FOR UPON THE TEN YEAR PAY1iENT PLAN," be adopted. Adopted wponi ,Dell of the rill by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton.. Esker, Tnily and William~.+4. On motion the Board ad~onrned upon sail of the roll by 4 yeas. j~ I Ai~pta ~i~~. BPPRO `"' "'` ~` o~+++ n~wxoR ,~. JUNE .189.. 19E3: ._'~ ' ~, ' ' ~ '. ~ ~,~ ~ II At 6 Qalled Meeting of the Hoard of Oommiaeionera, Held in the Oommisaioners' ~~ ~ ' II Chamber in the City Hall, Padnoah, gentnoky; on Jnne Sat, 19E1, at 1C o'olook A. Id. II ~DOn Dail of the roll the following answered to their names: Oommisaionera Eaton, „ 4 ~~ Baker, Tully,-S. Itayar pro tam W. V. Baton Presiding. R ~;, ~' Mayor Pro tam Eaton stated reaeona for Dell to-wit: For the purpose o! ' ~ reoeiving, filing and approving oontraot and oonatrnotion bond of Beynolde Brothers `~ far the oonatrnotion of t3idewalka, eto. on Fourth and Broad Streets, and anoh other ' ~ business ae may Dome before the Board. ~; j' .. '~ Oommieaioner Eaton offered the foiiowing motion: I move that the Street '~ Improvement Contraot attd the Oonetruotion BoaB between the 0ity of padnoah and Reyaolde~ Aooeptanoe of ~ Brothers, for the oonstrnotion of oonarete aidewalka, onrbe and gnttere, and ell naves-; ' Street Improve- , wont Oontraot ~ eery manholes, intakes, sewers and oatoh basins on the West aide of Hoord Street, from ;' and Oonatruotioft Bond of Reynoldi the intoreootioa of Fourth end Broad Street, to the dividing line between the properly i Bros. for dth 8k of Charlotte Ruff and Barbara patter, and on the Eeat aids of Broad Street atom the Broad 8ta, ,t! ~ 11rEereeotion of Fonrth and Broad $tr'eet to the Iforth ourb line of Bridge Street. ezospting all ' ~ oonorete eidswalka, onrba attd gnttere now oonetruotsd thereon, dated May 88rd, 19Ei, bed , ~~ ~ rsosived, filed, approved and reoorded.;~ tdoptsd.npon oaii of the roli by the follow- !, ing voted Ysas, Eaton. Baker end Tnlly,-3. . ,. +. i .:`~ , -,;~ .. ` rk? ' c ~- ~: ..;.„ ` .. ~: 2 ~~ . `y' ~ ~. ti .. ~~ { I ~f ~ ~ S ~j 1 i~ {~ (, ~~~ LL. ~ 4 - 'w ' .. k ~ .. i , ., , ~ ~ ~, - .. .. .. .. 1 ..~X Na lOG? Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 192__ Oommieeioner Baton offered the foliowi looeptanoe by " ng motioa:_I move that the written • Ppdnoah A Illiaolel~ eoosptnnoe of tbs amended iranohiee ordinanoe by the Paduoah A Illinois Railroad Oom. "~ ~ Ra i]road Oompany ii • of amended .Fran-. ,i pant', bs reoei~ad, filed, oonourred in and reoordsd. Adopted upon Dail of the roll Dy - ohiae Ordinanoe. ~i j~ the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, 1Saker and Tn11y,•3. ,,, ~' Oommissioner Tn11y offered the f oiiowing motion; The ewe of $68.86 having • ~ been paid into the Treasury, as svidenoed by the reoeipt filed herewith, together with • ISoanss to sell ~ applioation for lioenae to soil mast or oeresi beverages, or any admizturee thereof, 1lsit or oeresi .. beverages granted ."! dn]y signed ae required by Ordinanoe, I move that lioenae to sell malt or oeresi , to w, M. Dann on ~; ' Brown St. I~.beveragee or any admiztnree thereof be granted to A. M. Dunn on Brown Street near f.~^., Union Station from Juna 1st to Dee. Slat, 1981. Adopted neon Dail of the roll by the • h following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, and Tully,-3. i~ . n' On motion the Board adjourned npon Dail of the roll by 3 yeas. • q Aiepted 6~. 1!~ AP RO 'a'- ~ M AY(1R JUNE 4th. 19 81. ~ ~ ! At a Called Meeting of the Hoard of Commiseionere, held in the Commlesioners' ! ' Ohamber in the City Ha11, Paduoah, Kentuolq, on June 4th, 1981, at it o'olook A. M. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners Eaton, • ~ ~ Esker, Tully and Pfiliinme-4. Mayor Pro Tem w. 9. Est on presiding. • ~ Mayor Fro Tem Eaton stated reasons for Dull to-wit; For the purpose of allowing ,. pay-roll for the last half of the month of May. 1981 and suoh other bueiaese as • ~ might ooma before the Hoard. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the aooounts !or - i! the lest half of the month of May, amounting to Q16943.18, as per the report of the • Report Oom'r. of `i ~~ • Finanoe of Ao- I~ Commissioner of Publio Finonoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the oounts for fast ' 'half of May, 1981.= money appropriated from the General Fund to .pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll i . ., ~ .by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Esker, Tully and i41111ama,-4. , Commissioner Tnily offered the following motion: I move that the pay-rolls for the week ending June 4th, amounting to $793.30 for the following departments--. • weekly pay-ro118 ; Department of Publio Property;- Riverside Hos- Riverside Hoapitnl...........$104.69 • pital and Hew d , Conatruotion. ~' Department of Publio Affnirs, Itew Conatruotion Pay-Ro11.....~18b.66 , New Conatruotion Supplies.... b68.96, ' be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund. Eo pay sums. Adopted npon call of the roll by the following vote: .Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully - • ~'~ ~ and Ailliama,-4. '' . h Oommieaioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the 1relRht bill F '~ L O.R.R. Freight ~ o! the Iliinoic Oentral RallronA Company, nmountinq to X13.88, for manhole onotinga . ;Ff Dill, X13.88 for j~ •. manhole oastinga shipped from South Bend, Ind. and used on the Sewer on Pleat Brondway, be allowed and .4 ~ for sewer on Rest Broadway. } ordered paid and the Commisaioner of Publio Finanoe be instruoted to draw a oheok ~ aeainat the 3psoiel Sewer Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the ,~ N "following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tu11y and Ailliama,-4. ' On motion the Board ad~ovrned upon os11 d the roll by 4 yeas. :!~: ,~ APP O D' ,~ N • ~ Ads*fe4 Vii! °u~.L ~ ' y CCCJJJ MAXOx r~ C ~ , ' t ~ 6 ~ .. t. 4 ~ t P I .i • f .. i , (( ,' '' t ~. ~!• ~~, . ~ ~ . - ~~~ - - nr's~f.L.t-._ ~. ~ ... pa ~b lS • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah " ~ ~ 192__ ~~ ' JOBB 6th. 19E1. ^ -----. - r. At s Regalar Meeting of the Board of Commfasioaera, held in the Commiasionere' 1 ;. . Ohamber in Lhe Oity Ralf, Paduoah, Yentno~y, on Jnne 6th, 19 E1. Upon Deli of Lhe roll Y!! ~ the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton; Tully and Williams,-3. ' ,j ~I Mayor Pro Tem W. 'Y. Eaton presiding. • On motioa of Oommisaioner Eaton the minutes oP the previous meetings sere adopted!I . ~~; ~ ae read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; YeBS, Eaton, Tully and Williama,a.i_ Comniasioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the report of the ' Report Chief of Fire Depart- Chied of the Fire Department for the month of MtLq 19E1 be received and filed. Adopted meat for .May. i 19E1. upon sell of the roll b th f 11 wi ~ y e o o ng vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully and Williams,-3. - ~ ='1 ' Report Chief of Commiaeioner Eaton o#'Pered the following motion: I move that the report of the ! '~ ~:: `~ Pollee for May 18E1 Chief of Polioe for the month o~ May 19 E1 be reoeived ana filed. Adopted upon oall of ~ . ~ the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tally and Williams,-B. ~ ~ . ~? ^~i Co~iaeioner Eaton offered the•follo~ri j ng motion: I move that the report of the ' Report 01ty Engineer: In re ~ City Engineer of the work performed by Esker & Storrie, Contraotors, on Twelfth Street, r ~~ oonatruotion of. , between Broadwa , y.and deffereon Street, be reoeived and filed. Adopted won gall of th !.12.th 3t. by e ' Esker & Storri.e: 'roll by the .following vote: Yeas, Estozi, Tully and Williams,-3. ~ ~ ~ *~ Coueniasioner Eaton offered the following motion: i move that the Commissioner of ~~' f Improvement ,: Warrant isc~ued . Public Finance be authorized and instrnated to inane ail Improvement Warrant to Enker a I _ ~ ,~ ~, ,~;, to Esker & btor- rie ~ !j 8torrie, Contractors, for work done and p~.formed on Twelfth Street between Broadway . i ~~{ a~l , 1n re: lEth St. Betu. Jeff. d ~ v~ ^!and 3effareon Streat• under. oontraot dated flay 10th, ].9E7, for. the emu of $1794:98 ~ . an H way. , being 6b~O of the work, ae per the report of the City Engineer filed of this dater .. a'..~ i •Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the.follo:~ing vote:YeoeaEaton, Tully and 1Tilliama -3 ~ , r.. :'`. Report City , o Commieaioner Eaton offered the following motion: .T mo~ethat the report of the ~ - r , i , ~ ~ Enginear; In re . ' ~Oity Engineer of the work performed by EAY.or Ee.Storrie, Contraotora; on Sixteenth ' ; ~ oonetruotion of 16th St. by Esk & t ~ ~. { ~ Street, between Broadway and Jefferson Street, be rooeived.and filed. Adopted upon a all ~,' ; . 'j er S orrie. ! f t . , ~ ~ io he roll .by the .following vats: Yeas, Eaton, Tully and Williams,-3. F ~ Improvement ~ Oommiesioner.Eaton offered the f oTlowing.motion: E move that the Bommissioner o4 ,j •; ~ Warrant issued to Esker do Pnblio Finance be authorized and instructed to issue an Ymprovement Warrant to EakeP { ~ . :~ . . Storrie,.in re:.. 16th St. beta. de Storrie, Contreatore; for work done end performefl on Sixteenth .Street, between Broad- , ~ . f. Bdi~ey and Jeff.' Iway and Jefferson Street, under oontraot .dated May 10th, 19E1, for the,s~ of $698.98 ' ' , ,being 66;b of the work performed, ae per the report of the City Engineer, filed of this ~: ' 1 i.date. Adopted upon Dail oY the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Tully and ' ~ . ,Williams,-B. ,` - dommfsaioner Eatori offered the following motion: It appearing that there has been ; ~ ~ ~' A'ly Traps nM Bennie Lofton no appropriation made to•oare for the a ease of handlin F1 Tra a duri ~ g y P ng the summer .of' , . employed to" ears !or same.. _, I~1221 and it further appearing that the public health',and.general welfare demand that thb ~ Fly Tra s horat f di `n-' ; p o ore stributed and oared for by the Oity daring the summer months, ~ ,~ ` ~ :should be distributed and oared for during Chia summer,- Y more that Bennie Lofton be. ~ ~; v,-' - ' ;,appointed as r1y Trap lnapeotor, and that he be anthorize.d to take oherge of, place,-. j c ~-..,- ~ ~!oare and koap all the City~s Fly Traps in proper oaaidition, and that he sat under the , it , idireotlon of th Chi f ~' ' Y , ~~ ~ . e e of Polioe during., the .sum of 19E1 and tmtii farther ordered, and ! a s "' t ,> • that his. a ~YOr auoh eervioes be set at the rate of 76.00 er month and ~ P y +~ P • Payable ae ~ ~ ~ • other City Employees, and that same, together. with the expense of progiding supplies ford a " " :y 9 said Fly Traps, be charged to the Aoo onnt of Miscellaneous Charities, said employment. to~ start of . . ,. . ~ as. June let Adopted upon Deli of the roll bs the following votwe vAAC ~ ~ 1 ~ 'A ~~~ . ' '~ f N 1 ...R. ;~;,. a _ Commissioner Eaton offered the,follolving motion; I move that the olaim for dam- , ~agse to the Pire trunk #1 Station, oaused by its being driven into by s taxi-Dab, owned Olaim for dam- a and operated by the 174 Taxi-Cab Company, be referred to the Oity 9olioltor with in. ages to ~1 Fire ;, Station Fire ti etruotions to prooeed to enforce the City's oiaim Por damages: Adopted upon Dail o! Trunk against. N ' 174 Taxi-.Cab Co. 5tha roll by the Pollo:ring vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully and lfilliems,-3. referred to City Solioitor.. ~ Commissioner Tnlly offered the. Pollowing.motlon: I move that the report of the Report Com'r. of n Finnnoe for ~Oommiasioner of Fnh11o Finn me showing Colieotiona and Diabureeroenta ?or the: month of 11ey,1921. , !;;^May be reoeived and tiled and ordered pnbliahed in the offioisi newspaper. Adopted upo ~ ' $: S(oell oP the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Tully and Williams,-3. ~_ of , k Coromiseiomr Tully offered the following motion: I move that the eotion of the y ~;Ooamiasioner oP Publio Finnnoe, in puroha~ing Y6000.00 City oP Padueah Kentuoky bonds ~b000.00 City oP ~! Paduoah Ky. "4} due July let, 19E6 at 94 and eoorued interest for the purpose of retiring same be bonds 4i due ° ' ' July 1et,19E6, approved. Adopted upon pall oP the roll by the Pollotirint; vote: Yens, Eaton, Tully at 94 and eoorned; intereat,pur- and i11111ams,-3. oheaed by City u of Padnoah. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; The following parties having ;!,paid the Eatiroatee against their property abetting on Fifth .Street for the improvement ;from the South property line of Kentuoky Avenue to the North property line of, Clark r ;',.Street Dy oonatruotion oP oonorete driveway--- - Estimates of* k` A.E.Cole, ~ Estimate No. E...A.E.Cole .....................~f779.Eb ~ '~ Trustees IOOF Si " " S.:.Truetses L O.O.F ............. 260.7b ;., Jna.:.Smith, r' " " B...Jas.1'.Smith, Truateo......... 778.2b ' Trustee, ~ " " 10...Jas.P.Smith,Ereoutor......... 734.26 Jea.P.Smith, ~• " " lE...Jos.N.Roof ................... 181.39 Exeoutor and 's total of .............................................. ... $ 7t . Jos.H.Roof, ~ ••• . paid and ~27E4.90~2 move that the Coe®ier.ioner of Publio Finnnoe be inatruoted to pay, to Yanoy do Johnson, allowed on Imppoveasnt yar- ':Oontraotora, the sum oP ~E7E4.90 to be credited against Improvement Warrants on this • rents of Ynnoy ~: Johnson; 1n re 'work heretofore issued to them and that a oheok be drawn agninat the Spacial 9traet. S. bth St. , • '.Fund to pay same.Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yana, Eaton, • ' ±Tully and l9illieme,-3. • Commissioner Wf111ems offered the following motion: I move that the report. of , Report Fred ~Pred English, Sexton, Oak Grove Cemetery, oP intarroente for the month of May 1981, be $nglish, Sexton, ,, Oak Grove Came- [reoelved and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the"roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Lary Por lday 1921; of interment e. ^.Tu11y and Williams,-3. ` On motion the Board ea~ou;ned upon oaTl of the roll by 3 yeas. p r Adsfted,~~~~.-.-Il~, AP:PR D ' tt~P7.4~ . ,~ - {; C' r 8lvereide Hoepi nl and Hew Con- etruotion pay- rolls. MAYOR. JUNE 11th. 1921. ~ ' At a Called L!eeting of the Hoard of Commisalonera, held in the Commieaionere' Chamber in the City Nall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on Jura 11th, 1921, at 11 o'oiook A. M. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commieaioners Eaton, Faker, Tully and 141111ama,-4. Liayor Pro Tem W. 7. Eaton.Preaiding. lisyor Pro Tem Eaton stated reasons for oa1l.,to-wit: For the purpose of allow- ing Fay Roll for the weak ending June 11th, 1921, and enoh other business that might Dome before the Board. ~• Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay-rolls for . the week ending Jane 11th amounting to ~E38.31 Yor tho following departments-•- ~ , Department of Publio Affairs, New Conatruotion...........$1b0.81 ' Department of Publio Property, Riverside Bospltal.....:... 84.60, be allowed and orderod paid and the money appropriated from the Genera; Fund to pay name. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton,Eaker,Tully and tilliams,-4. ,:, a.v - - ~' Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah ~ ' 192__ __ _ _._. x:. - _. ,. r4„ . ~' Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion:•The sum of $60.00 having {' been paid. into the Treasury, as evidenoed by the reooipt filed herewith together with j °- Beverage li- ' applioation to sell malt or oereal bereragea,dniy„signed as required by Ordinanoe, I Dense granted to Del Dowdy,i~ move that lioense to sell malt or oereal beverages, or_any admixtures thereof, be ;, ,. #701 Trlmbls ~~ .. . St. ~i. granted to Del Dowdy et #701 Trimble Street, from January let, to June 30th. Adopted. k ' k u upon Deli of the roll by the following note: Yeas,Eaton,Eaker,Tuliy and Williams,-4• f `' ~ i ~ . k Coromiseioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the statement of !. ~ ' '`r Statement of the eooount with George tt. $atterjohn &Son, !or the oonatrnotion of the oonarete dr19eL' ' aooount with `~~ Geo.W.Katter- 1 way on North Seoond Street, between Jefferson and Monroe Streets, be reoeived and flied: john a Son in re: N. ~n'd i adopted apon Dell o? the roll by the following voter Yeas,Eaton, Esker, Tully and ! • 8t., beta. ii Jefferson and ~ W11116tms;-4. `. 4 Monroe Ste. ~ . ~ .. + Commissioner Tully offered the following motion.: The following parties having ~ ' "'`~ • paid the estimates assessed against them for the oonetruotion of the oonorets drive- i ~' way on North 8soond Street, between Jefferson and Monroe 8treeta, abutting their pro- ~y ~ potty: ~ . %~. N• End 8t• EstiNate 3 Kolb Bros• Drug dp••••••••••.•••,•••,•~E73.96 ( . b Noble A. Overby..... •....•.....:...•,. 864.80 k. Estimates of. e 8 Western Dist.l7arehouee Oo.....•..••. 1838.78 + ' I Kolb Hroe. a total of..••......... 'B$ri7.Ti~J' ' ~ i Drug Qo; Noble & Cveib ~ 2 move that the Commiesioner.of Publio Finande be inetruoted to pay over to Gaos W. and Western k~ Dist. Wars- ~ Katter~ohn ~ Son, Oontraotore; the sum of $E969.b4 and that.a oheok be drawn against the house Oo., I , paid. ~ 8peoiel.8treot Fund to pay same: Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following foist %i Yedy,&aton; maker, Tn11y and Williams,-4. ; '. Oo~isaioner Tully offered the following motion: The following,parties having} ~5. ~ h failed to pay into the City Treasury pr take adveritarre of the Ten N. End 8t•. I~ Year.Payment Pian;, ~ Estimates of the. estimates assessed against their property for the oonstruotion of a oonorets Er1ve.~.• Paduanh.Eleo- trio.Co. and "way on North 8soond street; between Jefferson and }.~onroe Streets;; ., O. Stab.&N.O. ~ ~ ~_. ~~ deli not p~id,`• Estimate E, Padnoah ESeotrlo Co.... $1697 49 s a ~. e oared o ~ e •• 4, Chioago,Bt.Lou. & N..O.R.R. ?9.60 { -' ~~+ G.W.Kattor- ~ ~.. john & Son• I move that the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe be'inatruated to turn: these batimatea Contraotore• :over.to Geo.. W. Katter~ohn A son; Contrdotore. Adopted upon Deli of the 'r oil by-the following vote: Yesa, Eaton, Faker, Tu11y and Williams.,-4., l - 7 Commieaioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the 'City Solioi- ~ Bond "' ~ for be inatruoted to furnish the Commissioner of Publio Fineaoe with e o of th b n in re. opY. e o d~ N. End 8t. ,, to be iseuod for the oonstruotion of the oonorets driveway on North 8soond street. be= ~ betn.Jeffereon and Monroe BtsL' tween Jefferaon.and Mom~oe 3treete. Adopted apon Dell of the roll bg the following. j P, 4 i. votes Yeae, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Wi111nma,.4. ~; ~~ ~ Commissioner Faker offered the following motion: That the report of the ~ Report 8troet ~~ Street Dept.. for the month of May be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll Dept. for May 19E1• ~ by the following vote: Yeaa Eaton Eager Tul ~ • • . ly and Williams, 4. + ' On motion the.Board adjourned apon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. ~. . . ~ ,fy1.-- A'iF-te.~ . ,AYF i .. e ~ Qti• CITY .. ~ ~. ,~rl~R ~ ^ ' • ~ , y ..~ . k ... j, ,, ~~... , f • i ~ ~'~~ y [ ' l _- ,~ ,. i! JDNE 13th,`19 21. " ' j At a Coiled Meeting of the Board o! Commiseionera, held in the Oommieaionerp' Ohamber in the City Ball, Paduoah, Sentuoky, on Jana 13th, 1921, at 11 o'oiook A. M, '~ p Upon.oail of the roll the following answered to their names: Commiseionera Eaton, " i.! Faker, Tully anQ Williamp,-4. Diayor Pro Tsm W. V. Eatoa preaidlag. ~ • f • .~ ~ Mayor Pro Tem Eaton plated reasons for oaii towit:- For the purpoee of opening i ~,.t .. reoaived and filing bide for the oonetruot.ion of oonorete sidewalks on ftorth Sixteenth 3 • I, Street, and other streetp, and snoh other business as might oome before the Hoard. °;~ ' • ~ Commieaiorier Eetoa offered the following motion: I move that the bide for ~' the oonatruotion of oonorete sidewalks, ourbs and Batters, and all neoesoary manholep, • Bide on Sidewalke~ intakes, sewers and oatoh basins on both sides of ftorth Sixteenth Street, from the eto. on ft. 16th ~ North gutter line of Jefferson Street to the South getter line of Trimble Street, ;~. 9t, betn.Jeffer- • eon and Trimble ~; 1 •. Ste. by G.fl. `, submitted by the following bidders: • gatteraohn & Son h ~ " Yanoy & Johnaon,~+ G. fl. %atter~ohn & Son i; Esker k Storrie ~ Yanoy & Johnson '! ?'• ~ Faker & Storrie i. Reynolds Bros. ii. ~. ti Reynolds Broa.," ~~ ~'; • ;G be reoaived and ailed, and aotion on same deferred until the Regular Meeting at E [; ' ' ~ O'o3ook P. M. on 1SOnday June 13th, 1921. Adopted upon aali of the roll by the follow. .~. ing vote: Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully and Williams.,-4. ,' . Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the bide for • Bide on eidewelke~ ~ " eto on Clay St. fl the oonatruotion of oonorete sidewalke~ ourbe and gutters, and ell neoeaenry manholes,; ~.: ' from 17th to 19~h~ lntakea, eewera and oatoh baeina on the South aide of Olay Street, from the property " - Ste, by Reyz-o]ds Bros. ~ line on the 19est aide of Seventeenth Street .to the getter line on the East aide o! • Baker & Storrie. {h, i Nineteenth Street, submitted by the following bidders: ' ~~ Reynolds Broe. - - • ~ Faker & Storrie, be reoaived and filed, end aotion on same deferred until the Regular ble.stfng at 2, o'olook P. 21. on Ltonday June 13th, 1821. Adopted upon oall of Lhe roll by the follow. •, • ~~ ing vote: Yeae,Eaton, Faker, Telly and 4Pilliama,-4. • ~ Commissioner Eaton offered the following r~otioa: I move that the bids for N t Bide on sidewalks,' the oonatruotion of.oonorete.aidewaika, ourbs and gutters, and all neoesanry manholes, ~ eto. on S. 9th St.? intakes, sewers and oatoh baflina on both sides of Soukth Ninth Street, it pn the South". • from Husbands to Elizabeth, and"&up gutter line of Hnebanda Street to the North property line of Elisabeth Street, if " bands to 7th St. r extended. and on the South aide of Husbands Street, from the °leet property line of _ ti Seventh Street to the East property line of I'inth Street, submitted by the following , .. ~~ biddora; • t Reynolds Bros. G Faker & utorrie, ~. be reoaived and flied, and aotion on same deferred until the Regular LSOeting at 2 • ~ o'alook P. }II, on Monday June 13th, 1921. Adopted upon oeil of the roll by the follow- ' ing vote: Yeas,Eaton, Esker, Tally and 9illiams,-4. Commissioner Eaton offered the lollowing motion; I move that the bide for ,. Bide on Iseoh Aver the onstruotion of oonorete ourba and and 11th St. by gutters, and all neoeeeary manholes, intskee, Reynolds Bros. and`.r were and oatah begins on both aides of Leeoh Avenue, from the property line oa the Faker & Storrie South side of Iforth Tenth Street to the gutter line on whet would be the North aide of Eleventh Street, :when improved; else both sides of Eleventh Street, 1Y'am the gutter line"of the intoraeotion of what would be the 19est aide of beeoh Avenue, if improved; ' ~ i to the East gutter line on B~mnett Street, inolu8ing the interaootion on~esid atreota," • ~ submitted by the following bidders: • ~ Reynolds Bros. • • ~ Eakar & Storrie, "~i ~ ~. :x, 1 •, ; ;. ~~ . ., . ~ - - • .~,. . . ,9 Na.v. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah • ~g~~ ~~ - be reoeived and filed, and notion on same deferred until the Reg;.lar Heating at $ ~ - - o'olook P. M. on Monday June 13th, 1921. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the follow i, ing vote: Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tully and Williams,-4. ..' • ~ ~ On motion the Hoard ad~ourneII upon Dell of the roll b .4 ~ Y Yeae. ~'~" ~,: ' r'~~_-' ~~y... At•~rl~i ~If~ ~ '~ ~ ~~ ~ rw~' ~~~ I ~ ~ . ., June 13th. 1921. ~ ~ `,~ C At a Regular Lteeting of the Board of Co~ieeioners, held in the Commissioners' •"~ 5 Chamber in the City Hall, Padnoah, Bentuoky, on June 13th, 1921. Upon oa11•of the roll i . ,~ a ' ff the following answered to. their names: Commissioners Eaton, Esker, Tnily and Wi111ama -4L •'~' r°; G , 1[ayor Pro Tam W.Y.Eaton Presiding. - _. { t~",, On motion of Oommissioner Tnily the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted ~" g,~ ~~ ., as read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker., Tul]g and ~ ~ , .. ' II Williams,-4. g 1 Petition"resi- l ~ Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion:.Y move that the petition of reef-j ; ! dents .on S.Bth, ~ S.9th and Haoh- I + i"dente of t}ie vioinlty of South 8th, South 9th and Baoliman Streele relative to br in • idg g i" • man Ste. tale- ! tivo to Iiridgo G oreek near. 8th and"George Street, be reoeiveII and filed, and notion thereon be deferred ;" ~ over oroek noar~ - 8th A George St.~; until same Dan be inveatitzate.d by the Board of Commieaioners. Ado tad p upon Dell of the ~~ V ' i roll by tho following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Taker, Tully and Williams,-4'. ~ t t i Report City. ~ Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: Tho City Engineer having prepared " Engineor qn bid on N 16th',St ;repart on the bide of the various persona bidding on the oonstruotion of oonorete aide- ~ • ;• beta Jefferson and Trimbi•§ 8trl { ~ •xe~ka, ourbs and gutters on North Sixteenth Street, between Jefferson Streot and Trimblei - • ' '" I Street, Y move that hie report on said bide be received and filed. Adopted. upon Deli of; a i i the"roil by the following vote:, Yeea, EBton,Eaker. Tn11y end Williams,-4. ~ ~ '~; . Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion:, The City Engineer having prepay- j e; ' ~" ' Report City ed report on the bide of the various persons bidding on the oonstruotion of oonorete ` Engineer on bide on 5.9th sidewalks, ourbe and getters on South Ninth. Street, between Husbands and Elizabeth ~ ~ 1 St. beta. Rus- b~nd~ & Eliza-. { ~ , ;8treeta, and on Husbands Street between 7th and 9th Streot, I move that hie report on 1. ~. - ~ bath; and on _ Husba~de betn.. eeid bide be reoeived.. and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll bq the following vote: ~ ';~. 7th 80 9th Sta. ~ + Yesa, Eat an, Esker. Tully and W1111ams,-4. ~ ~. '': * C , Commissioner Eaton offered the follomin motion: The Cit En Sneer havin ~ g Y B g prepared ~' ~ Report of City Engineer on report an the bide of the various parsons bidding on the aonstrnotion of oonarete onrbs ? ~ # ! bide on Leeoh ivenue and 11th ;and"getters on beeoh Avenue and. Eleventh Street, I move that hie .report on said bide be 8t. ireoeived and filed. Ado tad ~ p upon Dail of She roll by the following vote; Yeea, Eaton, `, ~ ' ;Eaker, Tully and Williams,-4. ~ -"~ {{ , Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; The City Engineer having prepared; Report of City Engineer on ) ireport on the bite of the various persons bidding on. the .oonstruotion of oonorete aide- ~ _ ` ~' ; - from 17thlto SL j , walks; ourba and getters on Cley Streot, between 17th and 19th Street, Y move that hie -' '~ `: i9th Ste. ureport•on acid bide be reoeived and filed. Ado fed ~ u on ell f th b I p p D o e roll ~ y the follow-I wing vote: Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tully and Wiiliama,-4s + ii '~ Report HoOraok• i Ooaaniaeioner Eaton offered the following motion: I~move that the report oY the ~ ~.>• en Publio Hea1tN Nursing Service MoCieaken Publio Health Nursing Servioe for the .month of Hey 1921, be reoeived and~fiisd'. ;, for Man 19E1• . ~ Adopted upon,onll of the roll by the tollowing vote': Yeea, Eat an, Esker, Tully and { l , ' i e • ~ ~,• _ • k t '.;y~• r .' ~4' ~ ... ,. _. r ~ ~ ' 1 ~. • y .. _ _. • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ } ~, ~. ~ ,. 'alg:FiyxSMdaMg, ..,x5a:,. ~.~ ~. t .. .. .x µ d+::y w .,. ,.~. ~... ., ... ~E Ii ~ 1 . v_ 'j !. . ,. ,.. .. - • .. ..... '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •. k. k„q.. r~ fir."1„>w ~'~4:?l^„"i'}`^.+.~'~~ry~•~ Y,!k;.t U' Sf3.~ {?may-'.may." "" y'., W~ i ~ ~, t .. - ~ , a A • j i ' ~ ., ~ .. • i ,,- ' suuCiLu'~.e..`r:~..~~ '• .--iv-.:-...i~+wM* .+-ks. w:-[a+Yr+...w.c.r~..:...]Gx•'+i+%-'.w/..a.:r+.4 ' " ~ Y. ' ..~.. • ~ .. , .. .. • , •~ . •~ __ ._ Y.. _.___. __. _..._._._.__..__ F ,~w~ • G ~3 Na • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ' 192.:~w" • Qammiseioner Eaton offered the follotixing motionq It appearing from the bide j! ' r= ~ this day reoeived for the oonatruotion of aonoreto sidewalks and gutters together . ~ 1 s • ~ with oonorete ourbing and ali naooasary manholes, intakes, catch basins, sewers and ,',•~ ~~-- ', ~ driveways therefor, on both sides of North Sixteenth Street, it an the North gutter ~~ ' looeptanoe of bid r • of Reynolds Broe. ~. line of Jefferson Street to the.SOUth gutter line of Trimble .Street, in the City of ~ .~ ~ ' for sidewalks,, eta., ~ ; ~ on N. 16th St. !j Padnoah, Kentucky, be oonatruoted with oonorete; and 1t further appearing that it is. ;;,'~ from Jefferson to ' Trimble St. ~' more desirable that the ourba shall be oonatruoted, in all reapeots, ae provided in ~ , the speaifiaations oelling for and requiring orushed rook in tho oonatruotion, and ~'~ ~" " . " the bid of Reynolds Bros. Se the lowest and boat Did for said work, I move that the " b1A of Reynolds Dros,. for the oonstruotion of said work, as.por plane and specifics- ~ • .: ~ 3 Lions nooompanying.said bid, and providing thnt o^ushed rook shall be used in the ~ oonorete ourba, be approved and aooepted, and that the Iiayor be inetruoted to enter ,' into a contract with said contractors, in all reapeots, as required by ordinance and u ", ~ ~ according to law, Adopted upon call of the roll by the Yollowing vote;"Yana, Eaton, ~ " • ~, Esker, Tully and flilliama,-4." ~ ., j ; • Oommissioner Eaton offered the following motion: It appearing"from the Dids ~ '" • this day reoeived for tho oonstruotion of oonorete sidewalks and guttora, together ' ~• -' . ~ with oonorete ourbing and ail neoessary manholes, intakes, catch basins, sewers and • driveways therefor on the South aide of Cley Street, from Lhe property line on the. ' r Cleat side of Sevonteenth Street to the gutter line on the East side of Nineteenth .Street, in the City of Iaduoah, Kentuolry, be oonstruotod with oonorete; and it fur- I; Acceptance of bid ~ ther appearing that it is more desirable that'the ourba shall be aonstruoted, in all • , of Reynolds Bros: ~ °:• "for Sidewalks etc reapeots, ae providAd in the speoifioationa oelling for and requiring orushed rook la on Cley Street from _., ..~ 17th to 19th Sts.. ~~ the oonstruotion, and the bid of Reynolds Droe. !s the ioweat and beat biA for said i~ • ! work, I move that the bid of Reynolds Bros. for the oonstruotion of said work, as per . ~ plans and apeoifioations eooompanyinx said bid, 6II d providing that orushed rook shall " ! ~ N~ be uaod in the oonoreto ourba,, be approved and aooepted, and that the tdayor be in- 'i etruoted to enter into a contract with ea id contractors, !n all reapeots, ae required • ~ by ordinance and according to law. Adoptod upon call of tho roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully and flillinms,-4. • N ~ '. Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: It appearing from the bids • p this day reoeived for the oonstruotion of oonorete gutters anQ ourba, toRethor ~vith • A oggppLonoe of bid 4. all neoessary manholes, intakes, catch basins, sewers and driveways on both sides o! o~ Reynolds Bros. ~ for oonorete ourba ~ beech Avenue, from the prop arty line on the South e1dQ.of north Tenth Street to the • and'gattera on ~ beeoh.Avenue and. x gutter line on what would be the Ttorth side of Eleventh Street, when improved; also ~ • , 11th Street. both sides of Eleventh Street, from the gutter itne of the intersection on what would • ~ 'De the "teat aide o! beech Avenue, if improved, to the East gutter line on Burnett • ' ~ Street, inclu8ing the intersections on ,said streets, in the City of.Paduoah, Kentucky, ' , be oonatruoted with oonorete; and it further appearing that~it Se more desirable that . u • !~ .the curbs slm ll be oonatruoted, in all reapeots, ea providod in the speoifioations • ~ calling Yor and requiring orushed rook in the oonatruotion, and the bid of Reynolds ..~"~ ~ Broa. is the lowest and Dest bid for ea id •~ork, I move that the Did of Reynolds Bros. ` / . for the oonatruotion of said work, as per plane and speoLfioations accompanying said ,~ ~" bid and providing that orushed rook shall be used in the oonorete ourba, be approved ~' and aooepted, and that the Layor be inetruoted to enter into a contract frith said con - ' ~ trantors, in all reapeots, as required.by ordinance and according to law. Adopted •~4 N upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas,Eaton,Eaker,Tully and Niliiame,-4. ~ . ;, _^` ~ r ~ ~. r . ~ , + { a ~ { z ,., . n. . .~ .. .. ::Na6~~ Commissioners' Proceedin s Cit of Paducah <::~-~ ' ' g ~ y 192-- ; -- . ,•:- _ .-- : _ `~ „n Oammieaionor Eaton offered the following motion:. It appearing from the bids .t e ~' Nday reoeived Por the oonstruotion oY concrete sidewalks, gutters and curbs, and nil neo ~ ~.~ hesearq manhole's, ~atakee, pntoh basins, sewers and driveways therefor on both aides oY ~ = `~ ++South Ninth Street, Prom the 9onth gutter line oY Husbands Street to the North propert ~ - r ~ . y ( ° .p `" 'line of,Eliznbeth Street ii extended and on the South aide oY Huabande"Street, Yr m- I ..`-. ;Acceptance oP h. f ~bi1 oP Reynolds i ' Brae. for aide- ;the West property line of Seventh Street to the East property line,af Ninth Street, in . r;:aalka, etc. ~om~the Oity of Paducah, gentnolgr, be constructed with aonorete; and it f~acther appearing, ~..~ ~ y k 8. 9th St. , f' } , ~, a,,;Hnebande to Shat it is more desirable that the ourba shall be constructed in all re ~ jElizabeth, and epeata. da.pro- on Huabande SL. vided in the eoilioationa Dallis for and re uiring ornshed rook in the aametrnation ~ " from 7th to .9th ~ ~ g q ` , 8ts• 'e M the bid of Reynolds Bros. ie the lowest and beet bid Por ea id work, I move that the,; . ),( bid of Reynolds Hroe. for the aonatrnotion of said cork, ea per plane and apealfioatione~ ~ i +~: aooompanying said bid, and providing that ornshed rook.ahall be need in the concrete f I. " ovlbs., be approved and accepted, and that the Mayor be instructed to enter into s son- I~ ~~ i ~traot with eaiQ oontraotore, in e11 respects, ea required by ordinance and saoording to law." bdopted upon call oP the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton,"Faker, Tully ! • ." 'i and Williams; 4. } ::` ,, ~, Oommiaeioner Eaton 'offered the Following motion: I move that Ehe certified ~ ~,' CertlYied oheoks'~I" ~,. returned to yoheoka oP Esker & 3torrie, C. iV. Katterjohn & San, and Panay & Johnson. enclosed with 4 vnauaoeasYul I„I ~.. biddere~ Esker a.~;their bide for the oonatruotion of sidewalks, ourba and gutters, they being the nneuooeas-" ~~,` ` Storrie, G.W. ful bidders be returned to them. Ad tad y ng Katterjojtn & 9oa~ • op upon oe11,oF the roil b the follows vote: i Yanoy a J.ohnaon.IiYesa, Eaton, Esker, Tully en8 Williams,-4. ~ +° ~ ~ "~ ~. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; The awn oY 60.00 having been f =` ~ Oemetery Ooed PpaiB into the Treasury, ea evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, I move that deed be ~ ' to Will Barber, ~ . "~; Lot ~k66 in +exeouted to Wiil Barber for Lot ~#66 in Blook~,~~4 'on the Rorth aide of Hank- Street. be- Block ~4. tween Fbrd & Hannan Streeta,.ia Oak Crove Oemetery. Adopted npoa call of the roll by ~"+ ,• • ~ ~;; the Yollowing vote: Yeae, Eaton, Faker, Tully and Williams,-4. ~ '; Commissionnr Eaton offered the folloaing~motion; I. move that the report of the i ~~ I'Re ort Oit City Solioitor recommending a aettlemont of the aaae.oP Otis Roaoh and Rudy floors vs i, '.' Solioitor is re: i s: Oases o! Otis Oity of.Paduoeh, Ky., now pending in the McCracken Circuit Oourt, for the sum of $2b.00 ~ ~ ' Roaoh sad Rudy " in esoh sass be reoeived and filed. Adopted # ~ Moore va. 01ty. ~ upon call of the roll bq 'Che_ Yollowing vote: Yeae, Zaton, Enkor, Tully and ~Jilliama,.-4: ~ _ ~.`:`~ ~ Oommiaeioner Eaton oYYered the following motion: Y move that the Deese of Otis'i , ~r •, Roaoh and Rudy Moore va the Oity of Paducah, now pending. in the E:oCrea;`en 0irouit Oonrt,f ~ Nbe settled Por the sum-of 25.00 in eeoh case; and the City Solioitor is hereby in-. ~_ • ~. Oasee:of Otis ~ ~ ' `Roaoh and Rudy .!~etruatod to draw the ro er release, end n on ;eaentatioa of same to the Commissioner ~ '" ~ ' Moore vs City ' P P p p of Paducah, of Pablio Finance ro erl ei ed and.exeouted, he is hereby authorised and directed i "settled. P P y ga f { ~'• :; 'to..pay Frank 2F. 'Burns, Attorney 'for Roaoh 'and Floors, said sums, and charge to daaount ~ `' g t of Oosta and Suite. Adopted upon call oP the roYl by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. P.°''t Eater, Tully 'and Williams,-4. E ~ ~ ;. On mation.the Board adjourned upon Dell of. the roll by 4 yeas. l ~ ~' f ' ` j ~ ~, a a a ~. ,VL, 7~C1~Tt7R. ~ ,,: , JUNE 7.4th. 19 21. • - ! r :. ~ : ~ ~' At a Osiled,Meeting of the. Board of 0ommiaeionere; held itt the 06nimiaeionera' Ohamber to the.0lty Iia11~ Paducah, %entaokq, on June 14th, 1921. st $ o'clock P. H. ' ,•. Upon Dell of,the rail the Yollowing anewered`•to the.i; Nainea: Commissioners Baton, ? • i Tully and Williams;-a., Yeyor pro 1'.em W. .4. Eaton Presiding: ~ ~: • l[ayor"Pro Teio Eaton stated"reasons for call, to-wit: For the purpose oY hlioaing {' .:'~r '~• , .. ~~ : , _ , . .. . .. ,. ;. .... " .. ~ .~ .. . f . .M. Fii'.Nn ,.:G":{a~ ~Ae .. ... ... * uw~ .x*f; 'v'im. ~,, h' 4 ~ ~ ~ : .. ~ .. Z . . $8638.20 allowed ' Wadworth Improve- ment Company far deed to Forest Fos k. :~ ~. ,~< ~~- . i $3b38.20 to The YJsdeworth Improvement Comply, and euoh other business ae might oome before the Board. •, - ' Oommissioner Tu11y offered the following motion; The Wadworth Improvement Oo. ~ ' having eaeouted a deed to the City of Paduonh for the property known as Forest Park and the awn of $2800.00 with interest from the 24th day of Februar y, 1913, amonnting to ~R1038.E0 making a total of $3538.20 bainq due and wnpaid, I move that the etlm of $3b38.20 be allowed Wadworth Improvement Co. and the money appropriatefl from the Gener• el Fund to pay same and the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe be inetruoted.to issue a oheok in payment and oharge same to the Park Aooount. Adopted upon Dell of.the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Eeton, Tully and 17311ioms,-3. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The 0otober half for the year I • 1920 of tax bill p2397 assessed to 1Eary G. Palmer & Sinter.for property on Clark Street betwoen 10th and 11th $troets, amounting to ~90.b1 Originally, being past due anQ un- .~`. '^~."' jpnid and payment of this bill having boon refused by Lre. Palmer, I move that said bill, .~t^ ..kt Abe pleoed in the hands of the City 3olioitor with inatruotione to take euoh eotioa as ;,,~' ~is neoessary for the oolleotion of same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow- ~ ' a . Ging vote: Yeas, Eaton, .Tully and 171111ame,-3. •,~. ". 9 On motion the Board nd~ourned upon Dell of the roll by 3 yeas. N . Q ]Sary GT Palmer ~ Sister Ootobar half for ?9~0 Tnx 8111 2397 referred o Ci~y Solioi for to take ' necessary stepb to oolleot same. ,L ~ ~ i' __ Q,~ r" ~ . t 1~[ATl1R G JUDi$ 16th. 1921. I t i ~~ At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Ca~mvissionera' Ohamber in the City Hall, Paduonh, Ifentuoky, on Juns 15th, 1921, at 11 O'olook A. M. ~~ Upon Dail of the roll the following answered to their namoe: Oommiseionera Eat an,. ~; Tully and Plilliams,-3. ldayor Pro Tem R. O. Eaton Presiding. !. a Zsyor Pro Tem Eaton stated reaean6 for Dell, to-wit: To 11. A. Berry, Speoiel ~= Counsel for the City of Paducah in the ones of Padnoah Railway Coropany against the • o- City of Paduonh, X500.00, to be or-edited upon eooount of his aervioee. .. ' Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion:- I move that the oommunioation i' ~'. fr an 41. A. Berry, 3peoiel Counsel for the City of Paduonh, Sn the ogee of Paduonh C.A.Berry, speola ll' railway Co. against the City of Faduoah be reoeived and filed; and that there. be • ~~ oounsei, paid on eooonnt for ser- 4 allowed and paid to said 1Y. A. Berry the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, to be~,ore~di~ted • vioos is sot ion of .aduoah Ra[1- '~' upon,acoount of his aervicoa in said eotion now pondinq in the Distriot Court of the way Co. vs City, $600.00. United States for the .7e stern Distriot of Eentuoky, said allowance to De oharged to .. • ;j Acoonnt oY Coats and Suits. Adopted upon Doll of the roll by the following vote: Yeas ~" Eaton, Tully and Williams,-3. On motion tho Board adjourned upon oe].1 of the roll by 3 yeas. w Aa•~IK-~-~~ H ~ ~. :. M CF-1~ .rr ~~~ ~' AYtJR, ' JUHE 18th. 1921._ ^+ AL a Called ?fasting of the Board of Commiasf.oners, held in, the Commissioner e' Chamber in the City Ha 71, Saduoah, Sentucky, on Juno 18th, 1921, at 11 O'olook A. }d. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commieaionare Eaton, Tally and 1T1111ams;-3. idayor fro Tem W. D. Eaton presiding. TSayor,Pro Tem Eaton stated reasons for Dell,. to-wit: For the~,purpoee of e11o pay-rolls and euoh other baoineas that might oome before tho Board. " i .' ~~~ ..~ . .. n'i • . 1 ". •/ @ , .. _.: .. ., •` • 'j~YP'SV.2~P., 4~IU'IC'PA....Y•!!.M1^wa ~n, •' ~ _. .- - • • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192-1 _. __. _ ..---- -. _. j _. --- _ _ _ Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion: f move that the eooounte Por Roport Com'r. ~ the Pirat half oP the month oP Jnne aroountin to ~"SOS3.90,:aa per the report oP the of Finanoo oP i 8 v f '~ aonotmts for Commissioner oP Pnb1la.Finanos filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the mone~ •~ first half oP . June 1921. appropriated Prom..the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon ae1X oP the roll by the ~ ;,~~ ~following.vote; Yeaa, Eaton, Tu11y and'fti111ama,-3. ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Pay toile Porl .~ ~~~ r r the week ending June 18th, Por the Following departments--- q ~,, i Weekly Pay- Department oP Publio Pro ort ~ ' "rolls, River- p y ~ • { sidehoepital Riverside Eospital........:..~ 93.2b . ~ and Street Department oP Pub11a Works, apt, Repairs to Bithnlitio Streots 30.00, a total of ~ "~" •I ~123.2b.,.be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated $ om the General Fend to G ~ i ` . pay same. Adopted neon Dell oP.the roll Dy the Pollowin~ voto: Yeas, Eat m, Tulle and j ', ~' Wiiliama,-3. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f. ;, ~ Gommiaaioner Williams offered the Following motion: I move that the amendment iI6 ~ '. k to the lane and `' t'. " ~,~: Amendod plans P speoifioationa Por the oonetruotion oP an addition to Riverside 8ospit-~. and apeoiPi- al, whioh has be.on prepared by W: E. Gore, Arohiteot, be reoeived, Piled,. adopted and ~, nations; In re i ' ;. Riverside Hos- made a art.oF the on inal lens and ~: •~- pital Addaion~ P g P speoifioations Por said addition to said Hospital, ~_ Preparod by ~ and that a o0 of said.. lane ~ ~, g . - W. E.Oors. PY P , speoifioationa, drawings and blue print be filed and ~ • made a part of the rooords of the prooeedinge of the Board of Commissioners. Adopted ` ~ . upon Deli of the roll bq the Following vote; Yoas, Eaton; Tully and Williams,-3. ~. Oommissioner Williams oFferod the Following motion: I move thr.t the tfayor be. ~ x ~ ~' inetruoted to ir:anediately advertise for bide Por the oonatruation and oompletion of the ~ ';r? addition to Riverside Hoapital,•in aooordanoe crith plans, speoifiaationa and drawings ~' 3layor to ad- ~h"eretofore adopted by the Board of Commieeioners and that bids, be nailed for aoao ~ ~~•'` • vortiee Por ~ rd ~:-bide on addi- ~ inp, to"the original plans, drawings and epeolPioatione and separate bide aoo.ording to ! • tion.to River-~. •~ side Hoapital,•~tho plane and spooiPiontions, as amondod by the 4monded plans this dny ndoptod, and that' on plans nnfl ~ apeoifioationaiieaoh and evory b~ddor bo roquired•to submit with.hia bids a,oertified oheok in n enm f - as amonded, and ' as original. ~~equal to Five (b~) per sent of his bid on the amended plans and speoifioatione, and f • °'whore the bid is anbmitted on the on final lane and ~ Ei P speoif.ioationo only, the .certified ', • ~ ~oheak nha11 be.in a sum equal to Fier (b~) per oont of said bid. Odopted upon Dell of " the roil by the, following votes Yoao, Eaton, Tully and Williams,=3e . ~ , On motion the Board adjourned upon oall.oF the roll by 3 yeas. 6 (~ f .., , i . JUItE 20th. 1921: . . i 6t a Regular bleetin~ of the Board oP Cormoisaionera, head in the Commieaionere' i. ',Chamber in the City Hall,`Faduaah, ~entuoky,, on June 20th, 1921. Upon Dell of the roll] ,the following anawored to."their names: Commioahorers Eaton, r^.akor, Tully and 3311iams,4.j • (! ~bZayor,Pro Tom, ft. Y. Eaton, presiding. , On motion of Commissioner Tully the minnteo,oF she previous meetings,were adopted{ as road upon Dail oP the roll b the Follow i; Y ing vote: Yoaa, Eaton, Esker, Tully and h.ftilliama,-4. ~ . j ~ Commi"asioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the proposal of ~Eakor a Storrie., Oontrnotora, Tor the oonstruotion ~f a oulvert at the inteiaeotion,oP - Baker & Storrie!` to oonotruotSeventh and Husbands Stroets,,in aoaordanoe with plans and epeoifioations submitted by ~ oulvert at Streetsusbande`~tfie Oity Enginoor, at the prise of $104.00 oomplete, be reoeived, Filed and sooepted. I~ and that said Contraotore be authori,aed to preoeed immediately to oonstruoting said, oulvert.• Adopted upon Dell 04 the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker. Tully ~, ;,,.,; and dlilliame,-4. ~.~- ~'i • j .. ~` j •A; •` ~.. ' ~i r>.': •: ::3' h F' ..~ rv. y .. Na.,G~_.` ` . ' Commissioners' Proceedings, .City of Paducah ~ ~ 192_7 . _ _. a Co+mnissionor Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the Court Cost ' of $39.16, due the Clerk oY tho Court of Appeals of Kentuoky in the Dees of den, Ke13y L.,...- ,~. :~, o! the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eekar, Tully and S°illiame,-4. ' " Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the oommunioa- n tion from ~:'. IS. 211tohe1l, City Engineer, reoommending the purohaee of s new Transit I i i ..~ Commissioner of Publio Affairs be authorized to purohaso said now Transit Instrument h from Z. A. Washington at the pride of Throe IIundred Dollars, an8 that same be ohargeA to the eaoount of Mew Construotion and Engineering. Adopted.upon Dell 04 the roll by i a the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, EeY_ar. Tully and Yfilliams,-4. ~~ ~! Commissioner Tully Offered the following motion; The following parties hav- ~{ ~' ing paid thn outlmatea anuonood a m+inuC thnlr property for the improven,ont on Fifth Ooo.Kellyy va F.W. ', vs. F. :T, Katter~ohn, iieyor, be approved, an8.the Commissioner of Pubilo Finanoe is Katter~ohn L'ayor, i Court Costs of hereby ordered and direoted to draw a cheok 1n favor of Roy B. Speok, Clark, for.eaid Court of Appeals, in re: Sewer Di s- ~' sum, and that same be charged to the aoaount of Costs and Suite. Adopted upon Dell , Triat ~3. Report City Engi- neer relative to {; Inatrwnant from l.. A. Washington, be reoeived and filed, and it appeerintr that the new Transit In- strument, puroheaed! Engineering Department is in need of said Transit Instrument,. I now move tl+at the of l.A.;7eahington. South Fifth 9t. Driveway Estimates ~; gtreot, between Y.ent.uoky Avenue and Clark Street..•... paid by Trustees %~ German Evangalioal '!. ,gstimate 7,.Trusteea German 3vangelioel Ohuroh...$611.70 Churoh. Delia ~ ~ „ 11..Celie En(alert ........................ 338.09 Englert, Corn E.' n 13..Cora E. •IIubbard ...................... 259.76 Rubbard and H.A. ;; " 14..H.A.petL•er ........................... 259.7b, patter. oheok for :i a total of ..............................:........:.............$ 1469.29, I move that $1469.29.ello+vod Yanoy & Johnson,Yanoy & Johnson be allowed the stun of $1469.29 and the Commissioner of Fubiio Finanoe Contiaotors. , ~~be authorized to draw a oheok agcinaL the Speoial Street Funrt to pay same, Adopted upon Dell of the roll ty the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,Eaker,Tully and Wi111ame,.4, ~, plommiseioner Tully offered the follo.•ring motion; The following parties hav 1 ing signified their intention of paying for the improvement on-Fifth Street abutting South Fifth St,' ~~ Driveway estimates t the-ir property bet:reen Kentuoky Avenue and Clark Street on the Ten Year Iayment plnn „ on Ten Year Iay- H went plan by 'i Estimate ~4... nary E. Yeissr .................$ 627.36 L'ery E. Yeiser, ~ n b... I:irs. C. K. FJheeler ............. 779.26 Mr e. C.K.tYhoaler, K G... Chris. Anralambo ............... 167.b4 Chris. Hara]nmbo enQ n Y7.,, Joe A. Gardner....• ............. 259.75, Joe A. Gardner. 4, • ~! a total of .......:...........................................$1733.90, I move that the f' City Solioitor be lnstruotod to furnlah the Oorronissionor of Pvbllo Firuinoe dopy of the bonds to be issued for this improvement. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the follor~. ~' ing vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eaknr, Tu11y, and "til].iams,-4, 4 Oominiasioner Tu11y gfforod the following motion; I move that the statement ' Statement of eo-. ~ ~-• oount,with Yanoy A ~ of eooonnt with"Yanoy & Johnson for the oonstruotion of the driveway or. Fifth ytreet Johnson for oon• i, struotion of drive-r;between Kentuoky Avenue and Clark Streets, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell o: way on South Fifth St, q the roll by the fol]owing vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eel:er, Tu11y and 171111ams,-4, f! Commiealoner:Tully offered the following motion; I move that ,the last street i Street lamp on M, .~ lamp on north Eighth Stroet be moved Farther North and planed near the interseotion. of 0th Stroet moved . near iutereootion d the road orossing from Eighth to Tenth Street. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the of orossing 'from u 8th .to 10th St, ~i Yellowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully and t7illiams,-4. I.. Finanoisl State- n Commissioner Ailliems offered the following motion: I move that the Finenoie meet of Riverside ~ gtatement of the Riverside Iioapital for the month of 11ay 1921 be rooeiveQ and ailed. . IIoapitai for biay ~;. ' 1921• ~ Adopted upon Dell of the rgil by the.following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eal:ar, Tully and' Patient's Report @ Comalseioner ~41111ams oftored the following motion:. I move that the Patient' Riverside IIoapital ~ ' for tray 1921, f Report of the Riverside Hospital for the month of }4ey 1921, be reoeived and filed. Adopted won Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eakor, Tu11y and :71111ama,-4. ~----".~..~t a~• ,,, ,: ,,:: n rt,...,~ .,,,,~ a , , ,T:~~~, ~ , ~ ~; Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ ~'~ r>: _ - ;. ,,, Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that in advertising for bide for the aonstruotion of an addition to Riverside Hospital, and in awarding,oon+~ '~ ~ traot ender snoh advertisement, that the Contraotor or suooesafnl bidder be regnir.ed to ' ., furnish bond. Buaranteeing,the faithful peiformanae of the oontraot and payment oP all ~ - obligations arising thereunder, in a avm equal to 60~ of the amount of the oontraoto f Addition to Riwreide ~.whioh'bond shall be aeoured by a surety to be approved by the Megor, and that the suaoesB- Roepital.. -~ i Pul bidder be required to ezooute hie oontraot and bond within ten Jaya from the award- ' ~ .ing of said oontraot, and that.hia oheok deposited with hie did be held by the Oity un- tit said oontraot and bond have been duly axeonted and reoeived and nooepted by the Citq~ ~ . , and that all oheoke deposited with the bide of the unauooesafnl bidders be returned to ~ the reepeotive bidders upon the awarding of oontraot, or re3eotion of bids, and that the ' ~`, ,, oheok of the euooeasful bidder be forfeited to the City if said bidder should fail or { '~~ _ I , ,. 'refuse to exooute his. oontraot and bond within tea days after the awarding of suoh oon- i ~ traot. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Sol7.owing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker Tully . ~ ~ . , ~ and Willis me,-4. l ~ On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. ~~ ~ `.. ' 1a•ru~~N ~. APP'" D[A'~~. ~ ~' JUt1E 26th. 1921. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commiesionel9^ ?. { , ` ~ ,, Chamber in the City As ll. Padnbah; 8entnalq~, on Jane 25th 1921, at 11 o'aTook t. M. .l ' t' ~ Upon Dell of the. .roll the following answered to their names: Commisaionera Eaton, f ~ 4 Esker, Tn11y and Williams,-4. Mayor Pro Tem, W. Y. &ston, Presiding. . j Mayor Pro Tem Eaton stated resaona for-Dell, to-wit: For the purpose of allow- ing Pay Rolle fo* the week ending June 2bth, and euoh other business that might Dome + . ~ before the Board. i , E, ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the-aooounta for Report Qom'r. '. Finanoe of the week. ending June 2Gth amounting to $201T0.66 as per the report of the Cosmieatoner sooounta for - i week endinngg ~oi Publio Finnnoe filed herewith be allowed sad ordered paid and .the money appropriated! Juns 26th,1921. from the general Fend to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by .the followinE; votej Yesa, Eaton, Esker, Tully and Williams,-4. ! On motion the Board ad~onrned upon Dell of .the roll by 4 yeas. E.'. , ~ , ' ... e,.YP j~ ~ .. ` ~ ~ ~ o~lrr.- j JUNE 27th. 1921. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commieaionore, held is the Commissioners' Chamber in the 0ity Hall, Paducah, gentuoky, on Jane 27th, 1921, at ll o'o~ook A. M. IIpon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Cotmnisaioner~"daton,Eaker.. Tu11y and Williams,-4. Mayor Pro Tem W. V. Eaton•preaiding. 1Eay~r Pro Tom Eaton ~ateted reasons for.aall, to-wit; For. the purpose o4 receiv- ing and filing bide on oonstruotion work. on South Eighth Streq~~and Bernheim Avenae,. and anoh other business tfiat might some before the Board. M'~, Oortm:iseioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the bide for the. oonstruotion o! oanarete side:va]ke, ourba and gutters, and ell neoeasary manholes, in- takes, driveways; aewera:and oatoh t~asina on both sides oY Bernheim Avenue, Prom the West side of North Twelfth Street to the East side,of Thirteenth.Streot at the inter- aeotiea of Burnett Street, ittoluding ell interaeotiona, in the. City of Padnoah~ %entuo~ .. _:. .. +r1. ... ... .._ .. - , a. t Y.; ~ ~- '~ ~., ; ~~, ~,~ ~. ~ . ': n ' ~: , ~:; fi.. 4: ~: .°1: p- L. ~' ~. ~+ ~• r. { .. ~ ~ \ k ~ ~ 4~ ,~ .:,, i ~.• ,. • .. .. , y • Bid eto ;~ Ave 13t ~a "' Ea Yes ~~ B1 on Au Bn Ee; an . Jo x Commissioners' Proceedings City of. Paducah , •' • 192__ " ~~ submitted by the following bidders, to-wit; a on aidewalka,~! . on Bernheim ~; Esker &Storrie, bot:voan 12th !', Yanoy & Hohnson h Sts., by a ker k Storrio, Pc' be received and filed and notion on same deferred until the 8egalar Dieeting at ;± noy k Johnson. •~ o'olook P. ?1, on 1Sonday, Juno 27th, 1921. ddopted upon oall of the roil by the 2ollowing vote; Yeas, Eaton, ,rat:or, Tally and ?Pilliams,-4. j Oommiasionar Taton,ofiered the loilowinir motion; I movo that tho bids .for ~+ } tho canstruotign of oonorete sidewalks, ourba.and guELers, and ell naoeosary man. de on sidewalks S• fith St. fro holes, intakes, driveways, sewers and oatoh basins on both eidep o! South Ei;!hth , abanda 3t. to" ohman St., by ~19treet, from tho South property line of Rusbands Stroot to the North ourb line o! •er S Storrie , d Yanoy & ~ Baohrr$n Street, in the City of Paduoah, KetrtuoY.y, aubmitte8 by the fo]lowing bidders, hneon, ~: 'H to-wit; • Esker & Storrie, Yanoy & Johnson • be reooived and filed and notion on sarno deferred until the Regular !Seating at 2 , • ~ o'olook P. 1ri. on 2londay, Juno 27th, 1921. adopted upon oall o! t}io roll by tha.iol- ~; lowing vote; Yoas, Eaton, Esker, Tully and xilliams,-4, On motion tho Boord adfournod upon oa11 of the 'roll bq 4 yeas. ,! ' • f q~ N~ APPI V7~A /~~, • ~ Aie-t ~ ~j' JUtdE 27tha 1921.. . At a :tegular !'.eoting of the DoorB of Oommieaionere, held in the Oommiosioi~ora~ . ~ 9Chambor in the City Ilall, Faduoah, Kentuoky, on June 27th, 1921. Upon oall of tho'roll i •_ ~ ~ 5the followinn anslver.ed to thou names: Cor.misaionera Eaton,Tully and 17111iame;-E. ~~ ~ ~?Sayor Fro Tem .7. V, Eaton Presiding. •• ~ ~ On motion of C.ommiasionezr.Tuily the minutes of the.previoue meetings were . y . • as ea u on el t e 1 b t followi p• ote••Yeea aton Ttt 1 ado Led r d c 1 of h rol ha n, v E 1 and P P Y Y h r • ~!7illiama,-3'. • ~+ • {; Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; I movo that tho oommunioation Oommunioation of G! Geo.Bernhard and ~lYrom George Bernhard-end othors be reoeived and filed and"eotion thereon deferred till • othors in re"open ,~ ing of betn.I:y. i~the neat ?leteular :e.eting of the Board. 1>dopted npan Dail of the roll by *he Following Sve. end LC.:?.B. .C Property. Cvote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully and A1111ams,-3. • ! ~ ~ Oommisaloner.Eaton offarod the following motion: I move that the petition from Petition Property ~proparty owners"on :7ashington Street, East o! Seventeenth Street, for the extension owners in re Ax- '~ tension of avatar .,~of '•7ator ?.tams; be reooived, filed and roferred to the City Solioitor to investigate mains on ;7aahing-~ r ton St. Test of sand report with ~oaolution, as provided in Saotion 4 of tho Peduoah l7ator Compcu~p~s ' 17th St. i • ~F'rtlnohia0 Ordinanoe. ddopted upon oa11 of tho roll by the following vote; Yons, Eaton, F; , • Tully and :'lilliama,-3. 1•" Commioaionor Eaton offered the 4ollo:ring motion; The City Engineer having pre- ' ~ Retort City Enai- ;jpnred report on tho bids of the various porsona bideirg on the oonstruotion of oon- noon, ~n bids for N,. eidevfalk aonatruo- pareto aide,vali:s, otu•bs and Fntttera, and all neoossary manholes, intaZ:ea, sowers and. • tion on Bornheim, a " ~ Avanve, betn. 13th ~oatah basins on both sides of ?ernheim ~lvenua, Yr~7m the 'feat side of North TwelYth . "+ and 12th Sts. ~Streot to the East side of Thirteonth Street at the interaeotlon.oP Burnott .°.treot, ?~inoluding all interseotiona, as shown by his roport, I move that his roport on said '~ 4bida be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the fol.lovring vote: . ~ `•.Yeea, Eaton, Tully and :71111ama,-S. .. • `--- ~ Conmmiasioner Eaton offered the following motion: It appearing from the bids . i, this day rocelred for tho oonstruction of oonorete sido:mhs, oiu•bs and guttora, and .iooeptanoe of bid ~:;ai.l nooeasary manholes, intaY.oa, drivo:vaya, sewara and aetoh basins on both aides of.' ~' of maker do Storrie 'j ~. for sidewalk oon- iBernheim Avenue, from the cost silo of 2lorth.Ttzelfth 3treot to the East side of • atruotion on Bernh-~ elm dV~. it f~ --% .~.,~ I ,~ .~ ,. °~ ~.~'. ~~,,<a Na.. Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah ~ ~ 192__ _ _ _- ._. _ - `Thirteenth Street at the intvrseotdon oP Burnett Street, inoluding all intoravotions; itl~. -- w`.~ ~ litho City oP Paduoah, Kentuolq, to bo oonstruated with aonoreto; and it Further appear- ~ ~ ing ±hat i.t is more desirable that the ourbs shall be oonstrnoted, in all reapoota, aa' $ i ^ „ 'is provided in Svotioa 11 of the Speoifioations for the aonatruotion of the gutter and ~ ~ ~ ~ E y.requiring the use oP gravel instead oP oruahed stone in such bid, and. that the bid oP ~ • ~ faker &Storrie Por the oonstruotion oP said work being the lowest and best bid, I move j ~ ~ that. the bid of Esker &Storrie For the oonstruction of said work ea ~ Pte' Plans and ~~"`" ` E .. speaiftoations acoompar~ying said bid, and providing that seal shall be us ~ ed is the 4 oo.natruotion of the oonorete ourbs, be approved and aoaepted,.and that the ilayor be ia- ~ ,~ ,,; l atruot9d to enter into a oontreat with said Contraotors; fn all reapeota, as required bpi ~ s • ordinanoe and aooordin to law. Ado tad ~ ~ g p upon call of the rol, by the Following vote:. `' • Yeas, LYiton, Tully and Williams,-3. ~ : ,~ "" ~ : ;•„z ~ ~ Oommisaivner Eaton oFFVrad the following motion: The City Engineer havfng , ' s` Report Oity Engineer on PrePared report on the bids of tho various persona bidding on the oonstruation of o i on- ~ ~ bide for aide- l walk aonatruotion ~ orete sidewalks, curbs and ~uttvra, and all neaeasary manholes, intakes, sewers and • ;on S. 8th 5t., `` between HuebanAar oatoh basins, on both sides~oP South Eighth Street, i~om the South property line of ~ • and Baohman St. Husbands Street to the North curb line oP Iisohman 3tr'eet~ in the City of Faduoah, Ken- ~ _ r' 1 ~• ~ Ituo2tq, as shown bq hie report, I move that hie re rt on said bid Po. a be reoeived and- j • Filed. Adopted upon oal.1 of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tally and ~ • p41111ama,-3. ~ ~.'' ~ t I Commissioner Eaton offered the Following motion; It dppearing Prom the bidal ~ ' j rl ~ f + - this day reoeived Por the aonatruotion of aonorvte aiderralks,..ourba and t*uttera, and ellj ~ iqq` ~Aooeptanoe oP '~ neaeasary manholes, SntaY.ea, dri6eways,, sewers and aetoh basins on both sides oP South • . ;'bid of Eakor da 'G Storrie for eider' ~ Ei hth Strvat Prom the South. property Iine oP Husbands Street to the North curb line oi~ walk oanetruatio~l ~ 8°ohman Street in the City oP Fadu h K ~• ~ ~on S.'8th St., .~i Prom Husbands i , oa , vntnolgr, to be oonst;acted with oonorete; and ~ it Purthvr a I ppoaring that it is more deairablo th t th ' ' I Ito 8aohman St. ~ . a e ourbs shall be oonstructed, in 4 " j . ~, oll rvs Dote as fa ! P . provided in Seotion 11 of the Speaifiaations For the oonstruation ~ ~ i loP the gutter and requiring the rise of Gravel instead o£ crushed stone in suoh bid { { , ~nn~t~that tho btd of Eakpr & Storrie f h ,,; n or,t o Dora truotion of said work being the lowest ~ 1 and"bodt'bid, I mono thpt t]io bid oP Enker &_5torrie'for tho oonatruotion oP said work, 1' ~ •: • I ~ a Pox plans and apeaifioationa aoao I mpar{yin~; said bid, and providing gravel shall be ?~ :: + S uaed in the oonstruation oP the aonarote ourbs, be approved and avaepted and that tho' ~ ~. ~ rk ~ , _ I ~gor.be inirtruoted to enter'"into a oontraat with said Contraotors, Yn all racpeota, as ~'. , 4. ,vequired b~; ordinanoe and aooordin}; to law. Adopted apon~~call oP the'rgll by the Follo~~ l n vot Y ^ .; g er eas, n aton, Tully and lYilliame,,•3. °~-. .: ;!Certified oheoke Commissioner Eaton offered the Fol].owinq motion; I move that the certified 1 4 w !~anoq & Johnson - eturned. i. oheoka of Yanoy & Johnson, enolcsed with.thoir bids For the construction of concrete i ~ - ~ }. idewalks, ourbs and in;tters, on Dernheim lvenue Mad Svuth Ei~th Street, they beirrr; the-~ ~..; . unauooessfnl bidders; be returned to. them. Adopted upon oall of the roll. by the Fol- i.. . "'` • y ~ . Towing voted Yvas, Eaton, Tully and.i7311iams.,-3. . ~~`,j .~, Commieatonar Eaton. offered the Following motion; I move that the Street ! ''` •.(Aooeptanoe oP Qontraot and Con ~ , y .. Improvemen.t Contraot and the Conatruotion Bond between the Cfty of Paducah and Reynolds ~ truotion Bond. f. Reyno].da Br os., • M;Brothore; 3or the aonatruotion oP aonorete ourbs and,guttera, and all neaeaaary man- 1 ~,. ; . or Sidewalk onstruotion on ~ t~holes, intakes, sewers sad ontoh basins on both aides of beeoh Avenue'from the property j w ~ _ ech ddenue. ~ i Ii line ott.the South side of Aorth.Tonth Street to the getter line what ttould be the North aide oY 8leventh St t e r k ' ree , wh n imp oved; also both s3aes oP Eleventh Street Fr ao N ~ j • ;tho getter line of the interaeation on ghat would be the i7eet side a4 7,eeeh Avenue, if ~ ,~~ • 'improved, to the Eaet a~ttter,line on Burnett Street inoludin~ call inter@eotiona on said ~ ~ ~` ? ~etreeta, dated June 13th, 1921; be reoeived, 'filed, approved and reoorded. Ad tad fi op upon ' ~ 4 ,s '•,: ,, .~ • ~ j ~. ~'- r s ; _ ,. , ... ;, ,. ~, ~.,; r• _ ~.. ~_ ; t I ,:...... ~, Ir. , ,'~V b - ~ R-« a ~.,,.-- Dell of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeaa,Eaton,.Tully and 191111ame,-a. ~~ Commissioner Eaton oYYered the Yollowing motion; I move that the Street `; Improvement Contraot end the Conetrnotion Bond between the City of Paduoah end Rey- 6oaeptanae of Con- traot and Construo-° nolda Brother a, for .the oonatruotion of oonorete eide~mlka,.ourba and gutters, and all tion bond of Reynolds Bros. for side- is necessary manholes, intakes, driveways, sewore and oatoh basins on the South side of ";a -,ralk oonatruotion i' , on Cley St. from ~ C1ey Straat, from the prop arty line on the :feat aide of Seventeenth Straot to the. 1?th to 19th Sts. i ~~-~ gutter line on the East side of Iiineteonth Street, in the City oY Paduoah, Y.erituoky; ~ .,y if dated June 13th, 1921, be reoeived, Yiled approved and reoorded. 6dopted upon Dell of ~ _;~ , ~' the roll by the Yollowing note; Yene, Eaton, Tully snd {7ill.inmo,-3. '; . • ~ Commissioner.«aton offered tho Yollowing motion; I move that tho Street Im. i. ' ~ provement Contraot and the oonatruotion bond between the City of Paduoah and Reynolfta •i i 6ooeptanoe of Con- ~ Brothers, Yor the oonatruotion oY oonoreto aidowalka, ovrbs and guttera,.snd all,; traot and Con- • struation Bond of ~ neoossary manholes, intaY.es, driveways, savors and oatoh basins on IZvrth Sixteenth 3ecnolds Bros. for aidowa7k oonstruo- ~,Stroet, Prom the Aorth gutter line of JeYferson Street to the South trotter line of t.ion on II: ZGth St. from JoYYeraon ~~ Trimble street, dated June 13th, 1921, be reoeived, filed, approved end reoorded. to Trimble St. ~ ~' 6dopted upon onll oP the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeea,Eaton, Tully and "lilliama,-3 • ~ Commissioner Enton oYYered the Yollowing motion; I move that the. Street • ~ Improvement Contreot and the Construction Bond between the City of Paduoah and .Ttey- nolda Brothers, Yor the oorietruotion oY oonorete sidewalks, ourbs and gut tare, anct all • ~. neoeasnry manholes, intakes, drivevays, aoprera and oatoh basins on both eiftes of 6ooaptanoa of Con- ~ ~ '., traot and Con- ~; South Ilinth Street, from the South Batter line of Husbanfta Street to the ';Itorth Ir op.ar. i i `~!I! . strvotion Bond of .j };esmolas Braa, f~sr. ~ 4y line of Iill+:nboth Strout, iY oxtan~toQ, and on the tiouth aido of Hue~bands 9traet • 3, 9th St. flr~xn ~ }lvoburds to Sliza- ~ from the ^eat property line of Seventh Street to the East praporty line of Idinth both, end on 7th St..to 9th St. ~ Street, in the City of Paduoah, Kentnoky, dated Jiu~e 13th, 1921, be reoeived, filed, ' d aprrovod and reoorded. 6dopted upon Dell of tho roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeae, . ~' !; Eaton, Tully and ~7i111ams,-3. 6 + • Commlasloner Tn11y oYfored the Yollowing motion; That the aommunioation Yrom. 8eyrolds Broe. ,, de algnating Earnest1N Reynolds Broa, with ref©ronoe to'Earnoat lao~:ey, Trustoo, bo reoeived and filed. •, 7.aeY.ey, Trustee, in re sidovmlk ~ 6dopted upon nail of tho roll by tho Yollowing vote; Yeas,. Eaton, Tully and Cfilliatoe,- ., oonatruotion work. G On motion the Board ad~ournod to meet Juno 28th, 1921, at 3 O'olook I'. li.,. ~~ upon Dell. oY tho r all by 3 yeas. A ~ ~, ~~. ~ Ads/ ~~1 " ~-'" 'll[AYOlt. . aw c~ JUIJE 28th. 1921. Ro ort City r^.ngi= noon of work done by Yanoy ~: JoY.n- eor. on :cost IIroad- a~ny Yancy L- Johnson issued imi;rovoment :larrtir•t for worY_ dano ^n ::eat Broad- 7ray for $1b,98G,13. .. • . 6t an AdJo;sned I'eeting of the Board of Co~maissionera, held in the Commie- aionere' Chembor in the City Hall, Paduoah, Y.entixoigr, on June 28th, 1921, at 3 ' o'olocY. P. I}. Upon Dell oY the roll the Yollowing answered to their nvmea; Commissioners Baton, Tully and 171111ama,-3. Lleyor 1'ro Tem :7, V. Eaton Presiding. (t\ Commissioner Eaton offered the Yollowing motion; I move that *.he report oY ~, the City En~ineor of the :vork performed by Yanoy Pc Johnnon; Contraotors,~on i9aet ,' Broadway, be reoeived and filed. .6dopted upon Dell oY tho roll by tho Yollo:•rinq, ' vote; Yens', Eaton, Tully nrd Uilliams,-3. ' Commissioner Eaton offered the Yollowing motion; I mono that the Commisat.oner of Iublic 51narae be authorized and in~truoted to issue an Improvement :9nrrant to Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors, Yor :vork done and performed on ~7est Broadway, under oontraot dated i:arch 1st, 1921, for tho sum oY V1S,98G,13, being 6bo oY the work '. performed, na por the report of the City Engineer filed on this date. 6dopted upon veil of the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yoe a, Eaton, Tully.nnd Williams,-3. , s K i _ - • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of .Paducah ~" - ~ 192-~. ;.,~r ~ Commissioner Eaton offered the followin motion; I move that the report of the t j Report. City gyp` g Entrinoor of "City Engineer oY the work erPormed b Yano & Johnson Contraotora. on :7aehinaton Stree~ ~ vrork dono by ~ P y y . Yana;; Jc John- + son on gashing-I'bstween Third and Fifth Stre3ots, be reoeived and filedo Adopted upon oali of the roll 'ton St. botn. . 3rd and bth Starby the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully and 7illiams,-3.. ~ Inner-Fire Lim-j~ Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion; .I move that the Commissioner of its. i j, NFublio Finanoe.tre'huthorized and inatruoted to issue an Improvemorit 'YJarrant to Yanoy & • ,', { Improvement ,. JohndorP` Contraotors 'for work done and ~~` '•' Garrant isavod ~ ~ • performed on Washington Street, between Third ' to.Ynnoy & John i ~•~~"son for ~682.SOjand Fifth Stroots, under oontraot dated April 26th, 1921. for the sum of Yb62:b0, being,] ~:''r work on Naah- €` '6b~ of the work performed ea ~:,~ ington St. bot~j • per the report of the City Engineer ailed on this date. j 3rd and 6th ,Ado ted o ~ ~ y . ~ Sts. Inner-r'iro P uP n oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas Ent on Tull and Williams 3. °'•3~ Limits. Commissioner Eaton.offored the following motion: Y move Lhat the report of the '`'-f •' Reiort City, ,City Engineer of the work performed by Yanoy & Johnson, Contraotors,. on South Fourth Engineer of wor;Street between Kentuo~ Avenue and Wa3hi ton Street be reoeived and filed. Adopted done by Yanoy ~. ng , '~''; & Johnson on '"!. S.4th 5t.botn. upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully and 17illiama,-3. j.Ky.Ave. & Nash- Commissioner Eaton offereei the followin motion; I move that the Commissioner of '~ I-. ington Sta. g Inner-Fire , himite. Publio Finanoe bo authorized and inatruoted to issue en Improvement ^arrarit to Yanoy & Improvement ~Johnaon, Contraotors, for work done .and performed on South Fourth Street between ~• Nnrrant issued ppPPP ' ~ Yanoy & John- jKentuoky Avenue end TJashington Street, under oontraot dated ,April 28th, 1921, for .the j son for ~341.2b~( i `work on S.4th sum of $341.26, being 66~ of the work.,performed; ea per the report of the City Engineer St.botn.Ky.Ave.~filed on this date. .1do ted u on Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas., Eaton. 1 • and i7e.shinaton P p ~ 3ta.Innor-Fire ~~ Limits. iTully and '~7illiame,-3. i Oommiasioner Eaton offered the following motion; I move that the report of the 1' k Report City City 8olinitor,witb reforenoe to olnim of the City of Paduoah against 174 Taxi-Cab j Solidi.t.or in . ~ i regar8.to o].nim C°mpany for damages, to sire trunk, be reoeived and Tiled, rnd that ho be instruoted to 1.; of City al;alnet i• 174 Tazi-aab~ Pilo Wait against.the; 174 Taxi-Cab Company for damages to the truok• .Adopted upon.onll ~ truok•s to Tlr° of the roll by then following vote: Yens, Eaton; Tully and ~?iiliams,-3. ? 9. • Commissionen' Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner of Com'r.Finanoo P'.ib11o Finenoe be inatruoted to turn over to G. t7, Katterjohn & Son, Contraotors. the ~ inotruotad to turn ovor to bonds leased under the Ten Year Payment Flan for the oonatruotion of the driseway on Coo.CJ.Knttorp .•,geoond Street botiveon Jefferson & JSoni~oo Streote, amounting to ~G00.99, as follows: is john fc. Jon . . • Ton Yoar Im- ~ .`+provo;nont Bonds Bond 1 Series E, dne July 1-19?.1......~G0.10 in re. drive- " 2 " " " " 1-1922......wG0.10 ;. way on Sooand " 3 ." " " " 1-1923...... 60.10 _. Jtroet, betn., p " 4 n n n n 1_1924....... 6'0.10 '' Jefferson and '' 6 " " " 1-1'J25...... 60.10 ',. lionroe Sts. " ~6 x x « x 1-1926.....E 60.10 • " 7 x n ". x 1-1927...... 60.'10 j{ w x 6 n• n n n 1-1920...... 60.10 !. A' ~ " 9 " " " " 1-1,929: 60.10 ..... " 'i~10 M x n n. 1-1930.. 60.09 : ~, ~Adoptea upon oall of the roll by•the following vote:Yeas, Eaton, Tu11y and CJ111iams,-3.; ~ dommissionor Tully offered the following'motione I move that the Commissioner of ~ • Oom!r. Finanoo f. inst.ruotod to ~Fnblio Finanoe be instruoted to tt:rn ovor to Yanoy'& Johnson, Contraotors bonds issued tarn ovor to ~ ~ I Yanoy E, Jotnsonon Dhe Ten Yoar Y'ar the oonstruotion.of Lhe dribeway on Fifth Street, botiveen Kontvaky Ton Yoar Im !Avenue and •C1ark Streiet amauntin to 1733.90, as follows: , ' prouomont Bonds • g ,~ ,in re: drive- was on S. bt]: ~ Bond 1 Series F, due July 1-1921......173.39 j, St. botn. Ky.' t~ " g x n n x 1-ltj'22...... 173.39 ~Ove: and C]ark i. " 3 x x x n 1-1923...... 173.39 ~ St. I~ n. b „ „ n n 1-1924...... 173.:39 :. i. 1-1925.....,. 173.39 + b. ~ " `G " " " " :1-1926:..... 173.39 ~ " 7 x n x x 1-1927. ' a " A x n n, n 1 knee ti f. , ~~P ~~ `z - ;, 7 .. ~. ' ~ . .. '` _.a_„ j i ~ .._:J ~' .~ Y. ~ 1 '' ~` -~' ' •~ •, ~ . ~.. '~ • ;j. • ~~ ' ~ ; ~~ ~. (v,, ~~ ~~ • • ,.._.... ,. , _ ,.. . ~ _.: •. , .-. • No. G ~3 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah • ~ 192_x. Prom Emma 3. Iienley to lot ;~1G2 in Section 11, Oak Groge Cemetery, to Li].iie :°right, be ratified. bdoptod upon call of t21o roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Tully •~ and 17illiams,-3. , On motion the Board adJourned upon cell of the roll by 3 yeas, ':~, . +.~, ' '.~'.: i ,r ~.:. ~.. ~. ,~ , •.~ ,~~..~ 3 „1 ~ j ___.r.----~ . ~Z~~' JULY 21dD. 1921. At a Called kieeting of the BoarB of Qommiselonera, held in the Qommiesionere' ' Chamber 1Y, the City Ha 11, Taduoah, I:entuo}y, on July End, 1921, at 10 o'c]oak A. ki. 1 y ~ Upon call of t}~e roll the following ansMOrod to their Idamos; Oommissioners Eaton, . I RaY.er, Tully and Yi111ams,-4. k'.ayor Yro Tem ?l. V. Eaton pre3101ne. ~ l.Iayor Fro Tem Eaton stated reasons for call to-:vit: For the purpose of receiving and Piling bide for the oonstruotion of an ad8ltkon to Riverside }ioapital, and such other business that might come before the Board. ~`' N h Oommiasionor :71111ams offered the following motion: I move that the bide for the oonstruotion, ereotlon and completion of nn addition and extension to River- 91de for addition ~ Eo Riverside IIoa- aide Hospital; submitted bg the fol.lov+ing Mddore, to-c+it; pita2 submitted by ' ' sus lookviood and 6~ .{. L ettvr John, Gus look:vood and Cvo. _ Geo.:;.IdatterJohn~ } ~eoeived and ~ oeoh bidder having submitted +v1th hie bid a certified oheok equal to bA of his mini-; filed. ~ mt~ bid, be reooived and filed, and said oheoY.s dollvorod to the Commissioner of Pub- 1 1 lie Firusnoe. Adopted upon call of. the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eai:ar, Tully and i71111ams,-4. " ,; - Coiraniasi.onor Tully offered the folloving motion: I mono that the aoaonnte Report Comer. of h Finance of avoountej amounting to y48,©63.08, as per the report of the Commissioner of Tubl.to Finance filed for :voek ending July find, 1921. ~ herewith, be ellowed and order~a paid and the money appropriated from the Gorieral • -- •~ ••~i Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll~by the following vote: Yeas, Eatcn, .~.akor, Tully and i71111ama,-4. Oommissionerr'.rston offered the folloe~ing motion: 1T. F. Owen having tendered " , Bid of 7. F. Owen t< , . for oonstruotion ~ a bib for the oonstruotion and erection of the addition and extension to Riverside of ad8 i !:: on to Riverside Lospitul ~ $ospltnl, for :vhieh bide wore advertised to be received on trla data, and havin(t fail- • rvJootod~ on ~~ aooo~mt.of not a ,ed to comply :vith the rvgniromonts of the spooifioations and the advertisement, by not ercloaLn~ certified; o};oo}; ;rith bid. ~ enclosing certified oheok, I move trot said proposed bid be not reooived ae a bid, but that sold paper, purporting to be said 61d, bo Ellett, Adopted upon call of the roll by the fo?.lo•w1n~ veto; Yoas, Eaton, EaY.or, Telly and t71111ams,-4. • Commissioner Eaton offorv3 the following motion; It appearing ft.om the bide i Bid of Gus look- ` this day reooived for the ereotlon of the extension and addition to Riverside f?osliitai wood for oonetuo- ~ tion of oddition ~thnt the bid of Gus locl:aood, amounting to y1E3,899.00 to complete sai8 additlon to 3lverside Eos- I pital aeooptod~ w aocordina to the amended plans, is the lo:~ost and boat bid, and that the next low and ::ayor authoriz-4 i ed to enter into ~ bid is that of G. l7, 1:atterJohn & Bon, amounting to v?.O,b00.00,- I move that ertid contract vrith kf Contractor. ~ bid o4 Gus lock:vood be eocoptad,and that the ktayor be inetruoted and authoriaod to ~~ enter into oontreot with ecid bidder, ir..sll rocpeots as require? by law; and in ' r; sooordanoe with the require:renta of said bid. bdoptod upon call of the roll uy the { follorrinS volt: Yvsa, iaton, L•'al:er, Tully and :7111iame,-1, ` r Oertified oheok of (; Cosmuiosionor Eaton offered the fo1].o:ving motion; 'I move that. oerttfiod G.:{..,:attorJvhn & h ' Son. unauooossful ~ oheok subroitted by G. ~{. iatterJohn L; Son for w1,025.00, by rotnrnod to said un- • biddora for River- ~ ' di- side i'oenital ad 4 auoooosfnl bidders. wdontod upon call of.tho roll by the follo~ainrr veto: Yoas, Eaton, ,:,, , tion, returned. ~ • raker, Tully and ;7klliams,-h. • ,~ p Cormr3aoloner sfilliama offered the following motion; I move that the transfer :,,, , . , - E _,.y,,.._ ~ +. I • y T. w ~• "~ ' .y. S. Na ~ ~ ~ ~. ; Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Padut;ah ; '" 192__ ' j `t Cemetery Trans= for from V.B. ;,~ I1ar to Mra.S.T.! .{Rand1®. ,from V. B. Ilor do ]~ira. 9. T. Randle, to the East portion of lot X37 in Seotion C, .~ being 16 feet on tl;rpreea Street and running batik 21 Poet, in Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratifiod. Adoptod upon odll of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Faker, Tu11y and i7illiame,-4. f tlommiasionor Wi111ama offored tho following motion: I mono that the roport ~ of Frod Engllsh,.Sexton Oak Grovo Cemetery, for the month of June be reoeived and, filled. Adoptod upon oall of the roll b;, tho following vote; Yeaa, Eaton, Faker, t Tu11y and 173111ama,-d. j On motion the Board adjourned upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas. Af~~t as a.,~ . ~,~/p~y ~olvtiu/ ", I JUbY 4TH. 1921. At a Regular Meoting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commisaionora' ~ ' tlhamber`in the 01£y Ha11, Paduoah; Kentuo]~+, on Jnly 4th, 3921. Upon gall 04 the roll ; ~ the following answered to their namoe: Commissioners Eaton, Eakor and ]7illiama,•g. I~I Mayor Pro Tom, W.. V. Eaton, Presiding, I_ f Oommiaaionor Nilliame offored tho following motion: On aooo;int of toRay being a Regular iieot- ` ->.~- ing ad~ournod i Y,ogal holiday. I move that tha Regular Mooting o4 the Board of Commissioners bead- till Julyy 6 1921 at 2 0=• ~ournod till 2 O'olook P. ;d. on Tuesday, July bth, 1921. Adoptod upon oall of the roll :. ' olook P, 1i. by the follotiping vote: Yeas, Eaton, Faker and,]7illiama,-3. • f I Aie~t•t ~ A1~pRO I ~..b~ ~ . C ~~ .~ ~, ,. ~_ .` . r ~3 k '7 1 • _ ~ f ~ • ,JULY 6th. 1921. . At an Adfournod ifeoting of tho Board o' Cotunieaionnro, hold in tho Oommi.aoion• G ,1`. `' ors' Ohambor in tho City Hall, T'aduoah, Kontiuol:y, on July .6th, 19^l, at 2 O'olook p.3d ! ~ ~ ~ •~ ~ p,;; Upon oall of tho roll tho following anaworod to their namos; tlommisaiorera Eaton, • ~. ` Tiihy Lind ~~il]iams,•3. Mayor Pro Tom;' ... J. Eaton, Frooiding. t r On motion of Commissioner Tu11y tho minutes of thn rrovionc moetinra gore _ . ~ ~''`e8optod as road anti oorreoted upon oall o° the roll by;tho follow in a, vote: Yens ~ " , Eaton, Tu11y and':7111iams,=3. i ,. i ~ ' ',. tlommiasionar Eaton offvroS tho following motion; I mono that tho L'.~root Improve-~ Aaooptanoe of Contraot and s "wont Oontraot AnQ tho Oonatruotion Bond between the City o4 Paducah and.Eaker ~ Bond o3 Eakar 8o 3torrie for P.""gtgrrio for the,oonstruotiori of oonoroty aieewalke orrbs and `y gutters and all nea- i . sidowalke oto. on Bornhe~m " , ~; y . . essay ina2il~olos intakes sewora anti oatoh basins•on both sides o° Bernheim Avenue ~ r Avo and N.12bh Fit. • ' from tho Cloat 3i.de of idorth Rtvolft]i Strout to the EASt ,ido..of lhirteonth Street at V ~ £]ie intoreeotion of Burnett Street, inolading all intersections, dated Juno-27th. ~: 5 ~ 4 -!1.921; be,reooivo-i. .filed, approvod ar,d reoorded. Adopted upon.oall o' the roll by the¢ ' fohowinn, vote: Yeaa, Eaton, Tully and Uilliams,-3. '' Aoooptaneo of :.C t ' Oo:mnissioner Eaton offerod the Following motion; I move that the SPraet Im- V . on rc.ot And provement Contriiat'aad the tlonatruotion Bond betaeon the tlity of Padnoah and Faker 8e ' Band of Laker k S#orrie for .. i• ~ sidowalka on Storrie, for tho oonstruotion of oonorete,sideaalks, ourbe and ~rtters, and all neoea- ~S. f?th 5t. betn s~,y ®onholea ir-~>~os, sowors and oatoh beaina on both.sidee of South Eighth Street-~ Hnabande St. and Baa '> ' higats St. fYom the 8onth, property line of Husi~ands Street to tho I]orth otirb, line of Bachman 5troet, dated ,June 27t}i, 1921, be reeeived i~iied a ~ . pprotred and reoorded. Adopted ~ i s ::;' upon oall of the roll by t~-e following vote. Yvas Eaton, Tully and ~iTlisraa,-3. " • .,, ~a ,, .. .. ....W, ,,. ~. ... ,, ..:.:.... ,tom. ,.. ` s ,.,.,i,.~,a ~~I ,, . I . ~. .. .. . ~. ~ an ~.+ ~... a, ti's. ... ~~ i ~ / ~ ~ c r' ' ! . '~ . ,,, :, .. .• , • . .' . ,, _..._.__.__ ..._._____._.~.~..._......_.._..__...._..__.._._~.__..._..._.____.__.__._, f Na ~ ~~~ • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ' ' 192_ ' Corrrmissioner Eaton offered the fallotiaing motion: I move that the report of the Report Chief of ' . Fire Dapt. in ro:~Chief of the Fire Departn~nt, as to his disposal of oartain dunk and old tires, be ~, oertein funk and old tiros, dig-y"•"• reovived and filed, and that the a3G.63 realized therefor bo paid over to the Oommis- ~, ~ ` • ... nosod of for Y3G.G3. ~ aioner o4 Yubliv Finanoe, to be oroditvd to the sooount of the Fire Department. Adopt {, ' ' jj ed upon Dell of thv,roll by tho following eoto: Yeaa, Eaton; Tully and rrilliama,-3. •• - .• w'~. ~ Commissioner Eaton offered tho following motion: I move that the report of the ,, Rei ort Tub ]io Health ::urging ~ Publio Hoalth Ihu•se for the month of Jame 1921, be reoolvod and filed. Adopted upon" " :,ervioe for Jtmo . 1521. ~ Dell of the roll by the follo~:rin~r voto: Yeas,. Eaton, Tully and 19illiams,-3• , . ., jj Commissioner I:aaton offered the Yollotiving -gotion: I•movo that the Haport of the Chief of Folioo for the month of Juno 1921, bo raveivod and filod. AdoptoA upon Deli Report.Chivf of ' • i Iolioo for June f 19:1. ~ of tho roll Uy tho following vote: Yoas, Eaton, Tully and tlilliamg,-3. ' .. ~ ~iii Oorvnisaionor Tully offered the i'ol]owing motion:,Tho stun of ~37.b0.having been ~ • ' „V " paid into tho Treasury, as evidonoad by tho roaoipt filed herewith, T move that deed Oemetor; Deed to ~ be exeputed to 0. E. Childers for Lot x'84 in Blook ,~2.on the Ilorth aide oP Bakor . ' 0. C. Childers ; ,for Lot r8'! in Streot, betsroon Ford and Hannan Strvots in Oak Grove Comotery. .Adopted neon eall.'of Eloo1: yd•2. the roll by the fol].ovring vote: Yeas, «aton; Tu11y and "lilliama,-3. , ' ~) Commissioner Tully offorod tho following; motion; The dum of ~37.b0 havin{5 bean fi p~ld into the Treasury, as ovidonped by tlb roeelpt filed horawitli, I move that deod • ' Comotory Deod to " S, it. !"!1).er ~ bo o:~oonto~i to :.. fi, I,iil7mr for Lot u2w in Blook ~£ on the t:ast eido of Hannan StrvoL, • • •aor lot X22 in Blov2: i}2. .N Botwoon Ba}:vr E:lvillor Strvetg in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon.oall of the roll • ~ b;,' the following vote; Yeas, 2'raton, Tu11y and tlilliamo,-3. Couvniasioner Tully offered tho follo•ainr motion; I movo that the oommuniaatton • Conmunieation. ~ from J. !.. Gardner ro]ativo to tho aasosnmvnt on ht,s proporty c.t 333 South bth Street, • , J.a.~srdr.or rela-t{~ ' tivo to a'saast~- ~ be reoeivod and ailed,. Adopted upon Dell 04 the roll by tho following voto: Yoas, m~~nt' on his pro- 1 :ratan, Tully and 'tlilliamg,-3. .` vrty. ~ I I y. ~ Commissioner Tu11y ofaarod the following motion;,I movo that.tho appiioation o! IG . for position of Oity iioat~ bilk and Livo :;took In:q~ootor, by rooef.ve t;.Yatog ' j~ Dr. V. '.T. Yatoa Dr V , . . al:plioation for . r rositiun.of City ~ •t:nA fried. Adoptod upon Dell of the gall by tho Pollowing vote; Yoas, l:atoxi,>Tul~y , ,,.oat,L_i.lY. and Diva :nook In- K and 17111iams,-3. • epootor, ' ? ~Commiesioner Tully offered the, following motion: Tho gum of $b0.00 ea.oh having i • ~ been paid into the Treasury, ea ovidvnood by tho rvovipts blvd herewith, together. I " i Liovnso to sell beverao-vg,. milt ~ vrith applications to sell malt or oorval hevora6es or any admixtures thereof, or ooreg.l Ss>uod, ~! signed ag required by Ordinance, I move that iieense to soil malt or oorval beverages ter 1 ' RehY.opf Dist.Oo. ~ or any admixtures thereof bo a~•antod to the following parties at the addrosaes set. Diz-io Orocvey Co.~ , ' '„ Ja}.o Eiedorrrszn !~ out opposite thoix• names. ' . , Crp. Co. . i :~ Stv nhae:c~r & Rehkopf Dist. Co.; 105 South 2nd Street„ . 7laty, ! Dixie Gro~o:y Co. 1000 Ilorth 8th Street. ; , 1g.~;.L's7.1, I Jako Biederman Gro. Co., 30b-307 South 7th Street. - • Jacl:.3id^.l e; ~ Steinhaur & ;lliity, l19 Ilorth 4th Streot. • ~ T?o}: Lowe, ~ ";~. Li. IIali, 100G °outh 9th Strout. ` i o?.'r L J?er, ~ Jao]c Riddle 119 Broadway t h 7th St ~0 reo . • 0 Sout ~ A:.T.i;ol•:annan end ! Tuok Lowe, " I 1+'. Iowoll. G Fetor Bolger, 1G17 South 4th Streot., . A. T. B.ohannan, 111 South 3d Streot. ^ ~ Il. Iowell, 11G I'y. Avo. , • ~ ddopted.upon call of the roll by the fo7.lo:vinc*,voto:, Yeaa, Eaton, Tully and: -,.,~'~ ~ ~ • tlilliamg,-3. . , I • 'rI Commissioner Eaton ofaorod the follo~.vin~' motion: I movo that the report of.,the u Report City Er~i-~ City Engineer of the ^ork performed b,~ Esker ~- Storrie, Contractors, on Elavonth revr of work done'; • ', by 3aler & Stor- p Street, bet,7eon Broadway and Jefferson :,trevt, bo reooivod and filed. Adoptod upon --- rio on 1•:Iventh ' ;:t., ratn.E':vay ~ call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tally and ifi111ama,-3. and Jefferson :a.>. . n B ~>> ~ ' ak'~ ~ ~ ' • , • ti ~ • .. ! . I • .. j ., ..tea ... .. a .... ,.. ,r'».b•., .... ..... ...~ ~.~''~ n~ R°v.~~'~4'Y9 • • 1. ~ ~ ' ~ `Na"G~ -.. ~ '~_r~. y~: ' ~-. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah -• ` 192~~ .. _ _ •: ~; _ ~ Improvement.War• .__-._ _ _-_.. - . ~ ~~ Commissioner Eaton offered the Pollowin motion. I move that the Corr®isaioner g , `rant israuod.to ;•~Ear.or & Stoxrie $ • of Publio Finnnae be authorized and inatruotod to issue an I i mprovement Warrant to Eaker . ,. !,.or rrorY. done on F]ovr+nth „t.,tiatr ~ ~ g, Storrie, Contraotora,•for work dorie'and performed on Eleventh Street, between Broad- i ~. P'wa;,• an8 Jeffnr~ vom St. for ~ way and Joffsreon Stroot, under oontraot dated t!ny,llth, 1921 c ~ for the sum of ~1626 34 , y1b26.34. , . ,~ ba2ng 6b~3 of Liss ;vork p,orfo.rmed, as per the report of the Gity Enginaor 411od on this ~ ~k,,l date. 'Adoptod upon oali of the roll b y the following vote: Yona, Eaton, Tully and . iYii~iams -3.' ~ , ~ ' I 9r Aeport City ingi Commissioner Eaton o#fored the following motion: I move that the report of the4 . ~ -~~`~ t hoer of wor~ don by Eakor & „tor- ~ , City Engineer of the work performed by Esker &Storrie, Contrixotora, on Sixteenth ~~~~ ' rio~on Six~oanth ~ 'St. 8otn.D vray gtroet, twtwsen Drondrray and Je~ferson.Streot bo raaeived and filed. Adopte8 upon Deis ;; ;an8 Jefferson ~ St. r ! of the roll by the following vote: .Yeas, Eaton, Tully and Wiliiame,-3. j. ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ." Commissioner Satan offered the following motion; I move that the Commissioner ~ Improvement War- rant Sasuad to of Pvblie Finanoe bo authorized and instructed to issue nn Improvement Warrant to ~ ' ~ EuY,er &Storrie 'for work done on Esker & Storrie; iontractors, for aork done-and j performeB on Sixteenth Stroot between Sixteenth St. 3~.jbetn.E'way and" ~ , ; ~"" Broadway and JefYerson Stroot, ender oontraot. dated b?ay 11th. 1921. for the sum of ,;` =;~Jeffer©on St. fo~ ~8bb.b$,. being 6b~ of the work performed, as.per the report of the City Engineer filed ~ ~ ~ ~on this date. Adoptod upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully ~ " and Wil],iama,-3. ~ j Aoport City Engi' Cormaiasioner. Erston offered the folloMin~ motion: I move that the report. of the neor of work ilon by Reynolds Eros :0ity TngineAr of the rtork orfo.~a~d b Ro f 4 ~~ P Y ynol~s Drothere, Contractors, on Thirteenth ~" on Thirteenth. -est. Betn.E ray ~, # Stroot, between $rogdzmy and 3efforsan Streets, be reooived and filed. ldopted upon ~ ~~ ~,4Jofforeon.St. oa11 of the roll by the followin vote; Yeas g . Gnton, Tully and ~7311iama,-3,' Qommiasionor Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner } 'Improvement "War- ~lrant isc~uod to ' of Yub1lo.Finanoo be authorized and instructed to issue an ~' _ ; Zmprovament :7arrant to Ro;moLd~Droo. ~ for work done on f Reynolds Drothors' Contractors fox work done ,and ? ' • performed on Thirteenth S*raet, be- 13tU 5t. bete. Way and Joffor twoea Broadway and.Jofforson Stroot, under oontraot dated L'ay 11th ; 1921 for the sum son St. and de- lirerod.to Er» , , of X421.69; boing.6b~ of the work erformed ae ~ " P per the report of the, City yngineor t t ., nest LaoY.ey, Trustee.' . ` filed on this. date, said. Improvement Warrant to be. delivered to moat back ( ~ as eY ' ~I . ' Trustee. Adoptod upon Dail o~ the roll by. the following vRte: Yeas, Eaton, Telly and ~ ~ ~ I~ i Williams,-3. ". sport Oity ia~giJi f Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the report of theE _? ~. eer o work Aon~; Re~mold~+ Brood n . Oity :ngineor of the aork performed by 3e ! ynolda brothers, bontraotore, pn Fourteenth i " o 14th St. botn~l 'way and Jef°er~{ gtreet bot;veen Broadway and Jefferaon.Streot; be reoeived and filed. Ado ted ~ ' p upo Dail ~ .son St. ~! n . of the roll b,; the following vote: Yeas, ;atop, Tully and 7illiams,-3. j a " ~ ~ ~ Commissioner Eaton offered the followingJnotion; I move that the Commissioner ~ 3 Improvement War+ ant iep;ted "to of Publio :inancv be authorized and"instrueted to issue.-nn:,Improvemsnt Warrant to ~~ ~~ eymoTdo Bros. or v+ark done on~ Ro :olAs Er.othors Contractors for work ; ~ • . d'ono and performed oii Fo»rte~:;ti, L'treot ~ . 14th St. bete. 8'vray 9: Joffor• , botwoor, Droad~my and Joffox;coi~ Stroat,•.imcior oantract ~ ~ dated L:ay 11th ] 921 for the avm . son St. and do- "~ ~livored to , . , of ~y402.10, being 6bN of tho,work performed, as per the report of the City Engineer j :" . Erhast Usokey, ~Trustoei filed on thin Sato, end said Improvement Warrant be"deli.verod to rnect Lackey ~ Trustee. H . , Adopted upon Dail of thv roll by the following vote: Yeaa;^.aton, Tully and ftilliams,-3.~ ~< , On moti.or. the Board a3Journed upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. j ~ ! : Ai~~lei H~w~ dpp' - t ! __ ~ p' ' UR` :- /. ~ ~ , ,, ., ,; ..,:.. '. ~ .. ( n ~. ,. '...... ' . ~ >. ..•, ' - ~ I~' • .. ~ + ' - j ~ . y .. 1 .. ~ ! . j ~,~.. _ - Y ~~ ~ t . t.~ - . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ' 192- ~~ f .I ~~~. < i 1 dULi 7th. 1921.. • . ~ 6t a Callod 1:oetinU of thr, T~oard of Cors:iaaiorora, hold in the Coumtiosionors~ Cl:::mbor in the City Fall, Iaduaah, i:ortuol~~, on duly 7th, 1921, at 10 o~alook A. L. • ~ Upon call of the roll tho followin4 ana:':ered to thoir names: Commiadonors Eaton, j fully anc!7.'illiama,-3. i!ayor. Pao Tam °;. 7. Eaton prodding. ' ~~ 2layor Yro Tem Eaton atatod reasons for Dell, to-wit: For tho pttrpase of ' 1 rooeiving and fildng oontraot of Gua ?.ool:wood for tho oreotion of en addition to ~~ Bivoraide iIo gtital, and auah other businoss as might oomo beforo the. Board. ContrF:at and Bond;! Corsmissionor L•'aton offorod tho followinn motion: I movo thet the oontrnot Gua 1oal:~rood for „nd the Constrnation Bor.d, bot~roon tho City of Fadnaa)t and Gus 1:ooi^,~oad, dated Juiy oreotion of addi-: tion to 3ivar- ~ 2nd, 1921, for the eraotdan and aomplotion of an extension end addition to Riverside aide P.os~ital. Eospital, bo reaoivod, filed end rooarded. Adontod upon Dell of the roll by the fol-; t .N lorrin.; voto,: Yeea„ Eaton, Telly amt ?7i111ama,-3. I' Commiaaionor Eaton offered.tho fol].owin~ *!otion: I move that the oontraot Cantraot betn, Oity and •~`t. ~' bot•rroen tho City of Faduoah, ;;~., and ';1. i:. Gore, Arahitoot, dated July Gth, 19?.1, voro re. Addition~i t> !?ivorside '~ bo roooivad, fS.lod anc! rooordod. Adoptod.upon Dell of t):n roll by the follosrinR,, l.oanital. ~ • ' ~ voto; Yaes, Eaton, Tully and 7Jilliams,-3, Commissioner .'B'aton offerod tho follo~ring motion; I move.thnt the report of Rc.ort Chief of ` ?fro Po,,nrtraoiit i the Chios' of tho ^iro Doirartmont far the, month of Juno 1921, bo reooivod'nnd file8. . °ar Jtmo 19^1. ~ Arorttod upon Dell of the roll by the follorrinrr vote: Yor.n, Eaton, Tully and t'i111nms,3 Eeport Com'r of " Cammiasianer, Tully offored the following motiona.I move t.hnt tho aaaounts ?rinanae of ao- ~ por tl:o.laat half of the `month of dune amottntin~ to.^yfl1988.41, as per the rarort of co,.nt4 for last ~ •• half of Juno, L~ tho Commiaeioner of ^ublio Fincnoo filed hera:aith, bo all.o•:red and orderod pd d and thee, 19:.1. y monoy appropriated from tl:e General Fund to pay samo. Adoptod upon Dal? of tho roll F by the follozrirg vote: Yoaa, Eator., Telly and '"i]lier.,s,-3. ~~ 6 ` ~ 1; Cormtisdonor Tully offered the Yoll.o,~ing motion: I move- that tho: bills of . ~ • Eilla of South ~ the Jouth Bend Fot:rdry Company for Y129.?3 and tho Thon;pson Tranafor Company ftir. , end Fottrdry Co. F Y3.00 be allowed rrd ,ordered paid and ohar!-ed to tho Spoaial .o:+er Ft.nd Aooount, Y129.73 and ^hocpnor. Tr*nefor boinr '?or tho atom;, aowor oonatruotoc! on.!;oat liroaderny betrreon 23rd and f.Ath .Streets. C~., x3.00 ..ar . `;a,ror an 7!• ~' A•tvi^toct up„n Drell of tltca' roll. by tt,e, 1'ollocrin°.eoCu; Yottt;, i:atiuu, Tn?la~ an,i "J1,11.iamr,,4, Ltronderay. N . Commisalonor «aton offorafl tho follo~•;^ing motion;.«a}:c+r F~ Storrio havtin6 3al:erAw "torrie ~ oormlotod tho oonotri:otion of tTo oulvnrt noroca .:;overith Streot, ors tlio Eonth. aide of r held Y1C4.00 0. for eonatrvdiona 'gusbr.nds .;treat, in all roapecte aceordirg to sot;+.rr;.ot, I move thnt'thav be allar~ed • of oulvert a- crooa S 7th St. $104.00 in paymont ttxreof, as providod in said oontraat, and that the Commi.asioner and llusbanda St. ;, • ~ of ?'t;klio ri.,n°nae be antrorized to issue nheelr. in paymoni: tharoof, end tlrtt same be char god to tho account oT Sewers. Adol;tect upon sell of tho roll by the fallowing : ~~ vote; Yoa3, Eaton, "_'t:lly e.nd :^,i111am: ,-3, • . `~ Cotnmiasiorer Telly offorod tho foll.owlr.~ motion: I movo that tho eommnnioa-• irro.t lackey .^ructoe, for h ' e:o ar.R bcrefit ~ tion from ~^neat l:cltey, ^ruateo, for t}:e uno and benofit of Roynoldo Broa. and of '?a;-r;jlde Brow .Sdolr~h 71ei1 .rith refaranoo to oll Ln rovecent '7arrnnta Ton Yoar Im ovoriont Bon~la erd :,doplh :".nil p ~ ~ ° Dot:atructi~n. i{ all non~ty nrct o11 ahosos ir. notion of ovary ~in+l is:nod ant oollnatod far ,^r~,rk done ar.d rcrrfarmod ::r,dor acaarr.oLc: ,tit?: t7=o City of Padu.oah for f,ho aor,atruotian of 31de- »... . .. a wa'•ka, nurbo and trattars, be roooivod and filed. Adopted open Dell of tl:e roll by l the follow:n:^' vote: Yoas, Eat m,. Tull] ^_nd i7il.liama,-3. k ' On motion rho Eoard ad~ottrnod upon Dell: of tho roll by 3 yosa, a.d.~tsi 1~1~, 'A~'PRC7V ' .. .. r ~~ ._ _ • ~ ., i ~~_ ~~. ~~ ~ ~ . X11 ~. ~ , ~_ ~•, ,,a s^ .~ ~ •.~ • r ' ~ +y2*~!F '. ~"'~ ... sue......,. ~ -. ~ .Ar ~ .i.i:.. ...~. ~- • Na~R-~ r ' _ ~ ~. ~ ~ Commissioners` Pt~ceedings; City of Paducah. • ' 182~s . a. . ~ '.t ~ JULY 9th. 1^7.1. a ',~ ~ i At a Oa11od Meeting oP the Board oP Commissioners, hold in tho C:ommissionori' • ~ Ohanbor in the 01ty Hall, p2dvoah, Eentuaky,'on July 9th, 1921 at IO o'olook A. 1:. :~ Upon call oP the roll tho Pohowing answored to thou names:. 0omniiasionera Teton, j '.~ . `I• Eukor, Tully and. 7ihiams, -4. Y,ayor Pro Tem•'A. Y:• Eaton presiding. a a ~+ i Mayor Tro Tem Eaton stated reasons For the gall of the meeting towSt: For.: 1 . ~ ~~ %~~` the ur oao. of reoeivin and Pilin and orderin p ~• ,~ ~ P. P g. H g published tho're ort oP the• ~ • ~~' •Oommiasioner.oP Publio Finanoe for th9 month oP June b:nd suoh other business as ~ ~.~ ~, might oomo bofore the Board. j i, E ~ 8o:nm.irisioner Tully ofPerod the Following motion: I movethat.the report Of •`~ ' ~„ Report Oom'r.' Finance, Por ~ the Cbmnissioner oP Publio Finanoa Pdr the ~ontii:o~ June bo: xeooioed and Piled •and •- f,•- .: month of Juae ! or.derad pnl>liahed in tho oPPioial.n©wspaper. Ado ted p upon call oP the-roll by ~. `~;,, , tho following vote: Yens; Eaton, aaIcer; Tully and i7illiama,-4 i ', `'a f ~ - Commiseionor Tull Offered the Pollowin_ motion: The anm oP Y50. Y e 00 aaoh; A. ,'~ t ll ,. ~ having been paid into the Troasisy, as evidenced bq the rooeipts Piled herewith, ~~ ElooneA to Ael~ toaather with a liostion to sell 1Salt or oereal beoera s or a admiaturoa thereof ~ beperagee,maltr PP 8e f'iy or oereal teeued ! - ' to: - signed as required by Ordinance. •I mow thst license ,to sell m:.1t or oero8l boo?rages i z '; ~ or any admixtures therooP t5rom July tat to Doaember 31st, be rrranted to the Pollowingi • D. F. Temple 4 n~,,.' partie3 at thO addrosses set out opposito their namOa; ~ ' ~;. Henry 6nuee; D. F. Tom lo' at tho' ro.ert knorm as I C. Hotol near Union Sta`ion. i and Y. E. Ham ~ P. . P T Y ~ ; & SOn• ~ ~ Horny Gnuso,..706 Adams Strout: ~ 1 ~, i7. E. Ham & Sons,_93G T3orti: 10th Street. ~ j ~. Adopted upon osl'l•oP tho roll by the Following vote: Yens, Eaton, Esker, Tiilly and ' ' { Nilliams,-1. i. ¢ ~, ~ Commissions Tully oPterod the Pollorring'motion:• I move that the accounts j •~ Report Oom'r• i Por'the woak ending July 9th amoimtin~ to ~~5097.G1 ~ Flnanoe o2 , . , as per the report oP the $- . aooouttte for Commieaiorer oP Publio Finance filed herewith, be allowed rnd ordnr~d paid anfl the week ending i July 9th, 18E1.~ mono a ro riatad Prom the 6aneral Fund to Y PP P pny acme. i.dopted upor,• cal] of t1'~e roll ! . ! .. . by~thc follor+in~ cote: Yeas, Tatori, Esker, Tully an8 :rfliiarrs,-4. ~. ~', ,~ Oom'r Finanob j Oomnfssioror Tully oPPerod tho following motion: I nioce that the Corc asioner ~ ;' _~ ~ z'. to pay ofi, ' ,, ~ r take up and , oP cubiio Finanao be authori.aod.and instructed to p:~y'cPf, tn];e vp an.1 nanoel atroot ~ ~:•'. oanosl etrse t ~ ~ ' bonds and p bonAs ane oox~pona to the amount OP $341'x.74 in the City I;.^-tionwl Bank' nr:3 charge u^.ma ? 'ti .~ ~ • `,. • boup~oae ~; to tho Spooial Strout Fivid Aooount. Adoptsd upon oa]1 0° the roll by the following f ~ vote: .Yrn::, Tcton, iyaker,.Tu11y snd ~Ji113ame,-4. E' Ot; motion the Iioarct adfourned upon call oP ti,e roI7 bg d ;;e^o. , •~ a Ai• led - ')21~ 9~pIvOV Q~N ~ I ~~ ' : ! . , ~ `'' ' ~ ~I i •~ ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ • a . ,, I, ~ . . ~ ., •' ~~ ' i F N" ~~, • ~~ ~ .. ' ' 1p ; .. t .. i .. ~ {;~ ~ „ 2 ~ ., -. ., ' ~ ~ ~ : a ''; .- 1 '~ . • • i f .. ~, h m ' `. j - No. Commissioners' Proceedings; City- of ~ Paducah , ' ` ' 192_= j ~ -, ~.>_... ,y i i• ~ . i n ~ /~ ~• ii N i ~j July l7.th, 1921. ,~ ~. ' B G at a F.e~tlar l'.oetinr o4 tho 3oarA oP Coi7mi3aionera, helot in the Commia:~ionero • ` Chamber in tl•,e City 3x17 , Fos9ucalt, Ecntuaky, on July 11th, 1921: Upon oa ]9. of the K ~t. roll, tho following Mnawored to their namos; Cor.:miaaionor:} Eaton, Faker anA Tu11y.,3- ' +', is Jayor £ro Tors, ;;, 7. ~^•ton, prenidir.g, ~ i~ On motion of Coc~r.risaion~ Tully tho minutes oP the previcns maotinga were ~ { adopted as rood tenon o^11 oP the roll by the following voto: Yea:;, ;;atom. Esker ~~, P and Tully,-3. '• ' Commissioner .^ton otPerad.the PollotvT.nG motion; The F~Aacah?ioalty•~.~ C ,, ') k Dsad t0 Zota 2loa. Comleny r::vir.g tendert:d to the Cibj of Paducah its deod to Yota Itumbers 1 arwl 1Q ~ 1 and 18. Blook ~ #E, Fountain Parka in Blook 3cmbor 2 ?'ottntain Par}.. ,.ddition to the Citg of padixah, I movo thr.t snid ~ ' ;~`~ ,lAdition filed. ' deed be reooived, Piled', ~ooentea and approved c:nd that soma bo ordaroA reoordotl• ';• F i~ 6dopted upon c~-11 oP the ro77. b; t}:e Pollo:•rin~_ vote; Yoas, Eaton n}: or end Tn11.y~3- ~, , F ~~ Co.*.u*.isaioner Tu12y offered tho following motion;. (.~Jillieme enters) Tho { i stun oP Y50.00 eaoh hrvir:~ bean pr.id into tho Trey:-tzry, r..~ evidenoed by.the raooipts y ~, bioanee to ae.1 N Beverngea, malt Piled herr.rith together with epplioations to sell malt or ooreal bavore;too or any ` .nnd ooreal iasnnd:~ • to: ` r.dsirtures thereof, duly signori :ts re<luireA by Or~iincnoo, I move.thet lioanae ~ •.~ q ~ to x11 melt or eerera bovorr=?;os or any r_dmi:atxos thcroof be 2T^ntod tp tho ' E. H. Psll, ~ Dan Galvin. and, po1lo:~in~ pc:rtion at the addreaae:; a~>t out oprosite their named----- •.'~, F.. L. Redmon• ;; E. ??. Tall, 737 IIorth Cth~tront. • i; 933 South 3d "treat. ' Dan Gr.'!vin „ , ~. :.. e3m~m,, 3U0 ::attth 9th yt„ for a portod of nix months from , ~ , July let to Deoarbar 31st, 19^l. adapted ttpan Doll oP tho roll by the Pollorring ~ r i s ti vote; Ye+is, ~~aton, «'n!:er,. Tully r_nd '"illiams.4' ~• Commisaionar'Tul1y aPCo^aA tho Po21o•:"l.s:E motion; :9, L. Dorr~> h~.vlnr ~!`~ ~ h refused to ra,+ tho Octobor hslf oP his tax bili Por 1420, tho oriJ*,1n~1 amount oP '~°'K~"°` '~$~~. ~ ~rhich ::mss X227.08, bill Iiumber ?4B, I movo that this bill bo Given to tho'City ~ aolialtor witTt instruetiona to tale such a•.otion as is neoesars; Por the oolleotion ?l • of sass, adopted upon call oP the ro11'by tra fo27.o:•ring vote: Yawn, Eaton, . maker, i'u12y and ">Ji3.linms.4-. ~~. Commisaianer ;`117.1ems.oPParod th° Po7.lowing motion; I move that the Oetn~tsry lranaisr from • •i tr~rru~lor frVill j{lllr~• yU1'7]it: to ?tub;• C~~muutt: tp k1,o ",'au+t 0}to-1h111' off' S,ot t~wnhotr A , Ruby Boalin to in Eootion aa, Oak Grovo Comotory, bo ra.tifleA. AAi,ptoQ upon Dull a° tho ro7.7 ; ' Ruby OannQa. ;i, .r . by tho fo1lo~.rirr, vote; Yen ;, ;:c:ton, .~.u;:ar, Tu7.1y nnd t71111aam, !~. '` On+~,otion the 3o^r.} sd~ournod upon sell of tho roll. bg.rF.yocis, ~ • 4 .. ...... , ~J• tai i!~ ` . . ~ . .. .. .,SP'E~ TZ,O "Fli . J ~~ r . u ~ - ~W ,~xQ}~. ~ . .. - ~ ~. ~ .. ~ - , ._ ,. . .. , f'~ h ~ .,. .. , .. Rio. ~:r Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__- - __ _ _. _- I ~ `~ ~ G J1Tl~Y 18th. 19E1. -- ~~ '. ; At a Gelled Meeting of the Board of Oommieaionere, held in the Oammiaslonere• ~ s:;~ ,~~ ~ { ` Ohamber. in the Oity gall, Peduoah, %entuoky, on July 18th, 19E1 at 8 o~oiook P. M. I ` ` ~ ~ Upon oa11 of the roll the foliowing answered to their names: Oommiseioners Eaton, !!!! ;~ ~ Tully and Williams,-8 Mayor Pro Tem W. 4. Eaton presiding. . • !~!,.~ ~ Mayor Pro Tem Eaton stated reasons for the 08.11 of the meeting town: !Dr o ~ r~l N ~ the pm~poae of fill ng report of the Oommiasioner of Publio Fi~nenoe of Ooiieotione I ~ '"~.'( ~ ~ ~ : and Disbursements for June ga1f.19E1 and suoh other business as might Dome before • , ~ the. Board. I~ ~ Oommieaioner Tully offered the foilowin motion: Y move 6 that the report o! VyY ;, Re or ~ ~ p t Oom r.i~ Publio Finanoe~~ ~ the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe of the Colieotione and DiaburaemenEe for the ( f Y for eiz moathe ending fans 80 the siz months ending June 80th, also ehowin6 the unexpended apportionment to the ~ ' ` oredit of sooounta under the various departments, be,reoeived end flied and ordered publi3hed is the ofiioiei newspaper. Adopted upon sail oP the roll by the foilowing~ . .. ^' vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tn11y and W1111ama,-8. ~ , ~. ~ ;- i Oommiasioner Tully offered the following motion: I move•that the Oonmoieeioner _p.,Q,,~~ ~7 of Publio Finanoe be authorised and instructed to draw a oheok on the Sohooi ~~~~ o~-•~ tl~tt Improvement Bond Sinking Fund iri the Oitiaene' savings Bank for the sum of $617b.00 .~ ~~ YS /9j i to pay the semi-annual interest due Jnl3r 16th, on the $E47000.00 Sohoot Improvement i " _ ` Sonde now outstanding. Adopted upon oa11 oY.the roll by the following vote: 7eae~ r• Eaton, Tully•aaq Williams,-8. • motion a and ad Darned ~ ~ . Air ttld ~~~~, ~ upon.oaii of the roll by 8'geae. . II .dP:PF C~ ":ED : y ... .. ... ~,- n... _ ti; JULY _ 16th. 19E1. At s Galled Meeting of the Board of Oommiasionere, held in the Oommiseionar~• ~ Ohamber is the Oity Bail, Peduoah, %entnoky, on July 16th, 19E1, at 10!o~oiook, ~ ' . A. M. Upon dell of the roll the foliowing answered to their names: Oommiaeionere .: j , ;" Eaton, Tully, Esker and Williams,-4. Mayor Pro Tem W.4. Eaton presiding. I ~ Mayor Pro Tem Eaton stated reasons for oa11, to-wit: For the purpose of 3 Bllowing Pay Rolle for the week ending July 16th.snd euoh-other business that ` might Dome. before the Board. ~ ' Weekly Pny-rol . e Oommiseioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Pay-Roils' : for Riverside k goepital and ~! ~ , ~ for the week ending Jnly 18th, for the. following departments----- } '~ - Street Depc. Department of Pub11o Pr ` operty Riverside gospitai ................. 99.9E $ Department of Publio Worlts . ~ streets .......:.................... 80.00 ~ ~ a total of. ........................:."..$1E9.9E bs slloeed sad ; . ordered paid end the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. ( ' ' Adopted upon oa1l of the roll b the ioilowi ~ y ng vote: Yeas, Eaton Esker, Tniiy and f ~ i G ~ I Wihiema,-4. I ~ y ;, .. ~,.. ' Ooruaisaionsr Tully Offered the following motion: I move thdt the sum of ~ $60 0 a . 1 . 0 eaoh h ving been paid into the Treaem~y, ae svidenoed by the reosipte Lioeaee to eels beverages, filed herewith together with sppiiaatione for Mast or. Oersal Beverages Liaenes, malt or oereal' leaned to: ~' I move that Iioeaes to sell halt or Oereal 8everagsa or any admiztures thereof from July let to Deoember 31st,, be grunted the foliowing p'ertiss st the eddrsees• G.L,Poplln, ~ est out opposite their namse,~-... ` ~. ' Harem & Quel3 . ! hsr i#. L. Poplin, 116 Borth 4tII Street. ~ - t ~, • ~ •. Hardin i Quariss, 107 iforlh •th 8trsst•_ k • .:. <. , ... ,,, .; .w ,: _. m. ... ~,. ~<~i `1 ~. :y ~ .~ ~. °~ ~ :: ' i1 ~.~~~~. ': ~~ 1. _:;d '_ ~, ";` 1 • 1 .'y. .C,' ., ,,' ~.: ..~«-<._,r::l:.at...:::.+al-.-o~.~ ..+.'.,,.,,w,..v_. .. . ,.-+:s...--wa ' } _,..,_,:,~.:J,r:;_,a- ;_i,;6._c, •;«;:,~.•,.•,.~ . .Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah , 192_. , ~~ Adopted upoa Daft of the roll by tlu tollowlag vote; Yeae~ Eatoa~ &akes, Tully ~: and 111111ams~-4• • . C , . I~ Commissioner Eaton offered the followiag motion:' I move that the , ' Rapoit o! oommuniostion from the City Engineer, in wt~.oh he states tho smonnt and value City Engiaear '~ `(. of work done by of the oonorsts iloariag work done by Oontraotore faker and Storrie at ~ Fire '-~°~' Baker & Storrie • at ~4 Fire Station, be reoeived and filed. Adopted won Deli of the toff by the following I statioa. • ~' vote: Yeas, Eatoa~ Eaker~ Tui]y and williams~-4• , ~; Coomoissioner Eaton pfiered the followiag motion: I mono that it `~' ' ~' ~ ; appearing from the report of the City Engineer this day tiled with Lhe Hoard + Esker ~ Storrii of Commisaloners that Esker and Storrie have wade the oonorste floor and driveway ~,` allowed and door ledgeA and steps at #4 Fire Station oontaining 2224.842 egnass feet at $333.73 far work done at ~4 26 Dente per square foot amounting to $333.78 and said work having been inapeotsd Fire station. r' by the Board of Commiaeionere~ I move that said xork be eooepted and that Esker„ ', and Storrie be allowed 333.73 in full settleMent thereof, same to be ohergsd to , . ~r ~ !• ~ ~~ the~eooonnt of Repairs to Bnlldinge• Adopted upon osll of the roil by the • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ` ~ following vote Yeas Eaton Esker. Tully and williems~-4• Commissioner Esker offered the following motion: I move Lhat the , • Report of i~ report of the Street Department for the Month of June be reoeived and filed. .Street Dap't• N Adopted upon Dail oY tha~roll by the following vote, Yeea,- Eaker~Eaton~ Tully • I~ sad williams~-4• • ~ On motion the Boerd ad~ournedn by 4 yeas. , .. " i,ie~l 19,2.x., ~•.r"_E'12, ~ V _t+~l) ~ • . ~ ~ - . ~ ~ MATOR:r ~. ~~. ~ •. ~ ~ yN1Y 18th. i9S1 It / t . At a Bsgolar mooting of the Board of Oommissioner e'~ hsid in the • ~ ~ N Oommiseionera' Ohamber is the Oity Halls Paduoah~ Keutuoky~ on July 18th, 1821•. ' •~i • ~ Dpon Dail of the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioaers Estoa~ Esker, Tully and fli111ams~-4• Mayor Pro Temp t9, v. Eaton presiding. 4 On 1[otion of Oommiaaion#r Tully the minutoa of the previous meetings f';; ~ ~ • were adopted sa read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas Eaton, q ;~. Eaksr~ Tully and villiams~.4. P , Oommiesionsr Enton offered the follo9ing Motions I move that the • .. ~ petition requesting the oonetruotion of ourbe and gutters on 14th street fr as ~~ Jefferson to Monroe be reoeived and ailed and eotion thereon deferred. Adopted' '.~" ' ~ upon Dail of the roil by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eske7l~ Tu11y end •~ I . !+ ~41111ams~-4. • ~~ Oommieaioner Tully offered the following mottos: I move that the • Street Light to be~l;, Commissioaer of Publio ~9orka be entAorizsd and lnatruotsd to have a street sight plsosd on North 8t'h pissed at the Oit limits on 2torth Ei th Street and at the interaeotion of street ann at interim y ~ oeotioa of B'way ~ Broadway end 26th Street. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote:' and 2~th Street. • ~ Yeae~ Eaton, Eakar, Tully and ~71111ams~-4. '• H Commissioner 9liiliams offered the following motion: I move that the 9tstsmsnt of finanoiel statement of Riverside Hospital for June 1921 ba reoeived and filed. Riverside Hoapitai• .Adopted upon oeil of the roll by the following vote: Yeae~ 8aton~ Esker., Tally ~ • i; , ' ~ ~, end Rilliama~-4• ~, ti • • a. ~ • 1• ... . .. , ~.-!r.. .. c*yv. ...~?~iF°6"~i'rti5.. :., .:5 k :3' Y-v"cVarn-.ww....,...na .-..~..nr - - -- :. ~.,,,~ ~ y ; , ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ .,~, ~ ,~. ~ ,,,v .~ "~ ' ~ ~.y .,.,... :~ , ' Commissioners° Proceedings, City of. Paducah ~ ~ - ~ 192-_ Reppor;, P Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that. the Patients ~ °' atients, ;Rieeraide ~ Report for the month of Juas 19E1, be ;eoeived and ailed ~ ., ddopted.upon Deli of the t - `• - ; -~' ,Hospital . for Jnns , ~ roil by the following vote, Ysaa, Eaton, 8sker, Ta11y and Williams,-4• ~ . ' 19E1 On motion the Board sd~ourned upon oaii of the roll b 4 y yeae~ ~~.,:. ft: :, .P.. V .. .. ~` ~ ~ -~~~ 5 - ~~~. c~.. .. Ntexba i -~~ • JURY 19th. 1921. j, !! 1. ~ ~ At s Oailed Meeting of the Hoard of Commiseionere, head in the Commieaionere' ~ oChamber in the 0ity Hall, Padnoah, Kentnoky, on Jnly 19th, 1981, ,at 8 O'olook Y.Y. ~ =. Upon oaii of'the roll, the following answered to their aemea: Commisaionere Eaton, ~~ Esker, Tally and Williams,-!. Mayor Pro Tem W. V. Eaton presiding. ~ ( 1[ayor Pro Tem stated reason for oaii of the meeting, To-Rat: For the purpoe• .. ~ • j of allowing Semi-monthly pay-rolls. and auoh other business as might Dome before the {. ` Hoard. f : ~ .. Report i Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: Y move that the Pay-roils l ` Oom'r. Finanoe~ ~ for the first half of the month of Jnly~ amounting to ~1096E.81, ss per the report of sooounte ~ ~:' first half of ~ of the Oommiseioner of Public Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid ' Tuly . , } and the money appropriated from 'the Aenerai Fend to a same. Bdo Lea P y p upon call of ~ # ,'.~ the roll'by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakero Tally and Williams,-4. ;: Oommieaioaer Tally offered the following motion: I move that the sum of bioense to :`. ' ' ; (60.00 having been paid into the STeaemry, as per the reoeipt filed herewith, together j sell beverages , :malt or OePeal; ; with appiioation to sell malt or.oereal bevers or ; ge any admixtures.thereof duly be #eeued to ~ d. E. Wee! signed ae required by Ordinance, I move that license to nail malt or cereal beverage ~ or any admiatnree thereof, from the fat of Jn1y to December Siet be granted to O.E. j .~ a beet nt #138 South SeoonA.3treet. Adopted upon Dell of the roil by the loi]owing j vote: Yeas. Eaton, Faker, Tn11y an8 '.gilliams,-4. I ~` ~ ~ Oa motion the Board adjourned upon oaii of the roll b 4 ' ; y yeas.. A ~ - Ai•p i ..9~~1'E1.~_ j,pPROV~1] , 1viAYOlt ~ :. ' ' or C~ . I ' JULY FEND. 1921. ! •.~.. ; ~ ., .,,« ~' '~ At a called meeting of the Hoard of Coemeieeionere, held in L}e Commiseionere~i '• Ohamber is the Oity Hall, Faduoah, Kentucky, oa Jn1y 2End, 1921, at~11 o'clock A.K. { ~ - ~; Upon ae21 of the roll. the following answered to their names: Qommiasionere, Eaton, u. ~ ~ ~~ Esker. Tully and Wi111eme,-4 Mayor Pro Tem W. V. Eaton presiding. ' ; ? ~ f~ 1Cayror Pro Tem Eaton stated reasons for the Dell of the meeting to-wit: To ~' " ~ u hear ob~eotioas to receiving new street work on West Sroafiray from 17th Street to ~; Ij E6th street, and such other business as mia_ht some before the Board. i w Oommiealoner Eaton offered .the following motion, I move that the . Estimates ~- estimates furnished by W. M. Mitchell, City Engineer, for work done and performed ; .. City Engineer • n' for work by N by Yanoey and, Johnson. Gontraotora,.on Broadway, from the East property line of 17th f . Yanoey do John• ~ .~ son oa B'Way ~ ~ ! Street, or Fountain Avenue, to the West Property line of Ebth Street, be received, f +, ~ ,between 17th ~~ ~ ~ ~ :Y; and E6th..Ste. ~I filed. and confirmed. Adapted upon Dell of the roll bg the following vote: Ysaa. Estoa,~ s~~ .. ii. Esker;. Tully and Slilliame,-4, ,~ r ... .... . ~,_ a ~^_ ~ 1 ~,,,, .~ ~' i '1 ;, ,, °" ,1 -,. ~ ~*. ~--, I~~ ,~: H Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion, I move that the final ,~. ~~ estimate` furnished by A. M. Mitohell, Oity Engineer, for work done and performed i, ' • ~ ~ by Yanoey and Johnson, Oontreotore, oi~ Broadway, from the East property .line of 17th ~ street or Fountain Avenue, to the west property line of Ebth Street, ba reooived ~' ~ filed and oonfirmed. Adopted upon Dell of the-roll by the following vote, Yeas,, .? I; Eaton, Esker. Tully and Williams,-4. ; . ~j !~ Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion, Yanoey and Johnson, oontrao- ':: + ~~ ` ~ ~ tore, having finished the driveway on Broadway, by paving same with oonoreta from Broadway from the Eeat property line of 17th Street or Fountain Avenue to the we at property line ! , 17th St. to Ebth~! ;.: St. by Yanoey sad of Ebth attest; and having oomplied in ell respeots with the ordinanoe adopted and ,; ~ ;~ JohIISOn. . ~.~ eooeptad• ; authorising said improvement and having oomplied in ell reapeote with the terms of • '. the oontraot entered into by and between, said oontraotora and the City of Paduoah~ ~ ~ ,,~ c Kentuoky, on, the let day.oY Marsh., 1921, and oompleted same sooording to the plane ,; ~, • Ij and epeoifioation adopted for said work, and no oomplaint.e having been f11eQ pro- '~ " testing against said work, I now move that said work, Yor said improvement, bo aooepted and approved. Adopted upon onil of the roll by tho following vote, Ysas~. ' Ij Eaton, Esker, Tully and Williams,-4. ~ !j Commissioner Tully offered the Pollowing motion, I mono that the oommnnioa- Oommunioation ~; ' .from Mra. Virginia Lion from Mrs. Virginia Bradshaw, and W. F. Bradshaw, Jr., by John K. MoDOneld, Atty ' Bradshaw, end W.F.S Bredahaw, Jr. !j dated July Elat, 19E1, relative to aoaopting work done on Broadway, .from 17th Street • j or Fountain Avenue to Ebth Street, be received and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the ~ roll by the following vote, Yesa, Eaton, Esker, Tully and Williams,-4. ~i • Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion, I move that an Ordinanos !~ . i~; entitled, " AtJ ~tDINABCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF BROADWAY Aseesemeny ' .' Ordlnan00 far j• FROPS TAE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 17TH3TRFET OR FOUNTI'iItd AVENUE. TO TF.E1^F.9T PROPERTY Broadway, from ;! , • 17th St. to E6th ' LINE OF EbTH STREET, BEING APPROXIMATELY 3210 LINEAR FEET. IN TFTr CITY OF PADUCAA., ' . St. adopted. li ;< KENTUCKY, THE SUPS OF $4.76E4, PER ABUTTING FOOT. FOR THE QONSTRUCTEON OF SAID DRIVE ,, V WAY, PITTA COtdCRETE AND PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF SAID DRIVEWAY BE u CAARGABIE TO AND ..SSESSED AG:~INST TIIE PROPERTY RECEIVING THE BEtiEFIT OF 91~.'D± AND a ' AND ASSESSING THE PADUCAA RAILWAY OOL~ANY, THE SUM OF ~E.816.OE, AS REQUIRED BY LAw ' ;, '. AND ITS FRANCHISES? AS SHOWN BY THE ENGINEER'S E9TIPP:~.TE3 ON FILE IN AIS OFFIOE, AND t • ~ PROVIDINGi THAT SAID AS3ESSt~NT MAY BE PAID IN TEN EQUAL INSTALLMENTS. HEIItG ONE EACH • u YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEtt YEARS," ba adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the s following vote, Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tully and Williams,-4. r Commissioner "~'illiame 6ffered the following motion, I move that tn8 deed o! F ' Dsed of oomey. oonveyanoe from L.= M. Bell, to M. G. Sale, dated July E6th, 19E1, oonveying the North anos from E.Y. Be11 to M. G. hone-half of lot X417, in eeotion E9, of Oak Grove Cemetery, be reoeived filed end , eels. .. a ratified. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote, Yeae, Eaton, Esker, • .~ Tully and Williams,-4. ' i; On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. , . • ~ • . ;Aie~lei 1! ~'° ~'-PPROti'~;1j <a~~~ c~., ca,.. MAXOR h. r 4 ,. ;~. ~ ~ Commissioners' Proceedings, Cily, of Paducah, =' ' ~ ~ 192a `. ~ JULY E3rd. 1921. ~ ~ ~. _ r.~ dT a Oelled Meeting of the 8oarfl of Oommissionere, held in the Oommisaioners~ Ohambes in the Oity,Haii, Paduoah, Ky. on duly 23rd. 19E1, at 11 O'olook A.M. Upon gall I of the roll the following answered to their names. Oommiesionere, Eaton, Esker,. Tully i "' f' and Williams,-4. Mayor Pro-Tem W. 7. Eaton presiding. ; • Mayor Yro-Tem Eaton. stated reason 4or'oaii of the meeting , to-wit: For 1 ~+ 'the purpose of allowing the Weeklg pay-roll and anoh other business that might Dome - ~,i before the Boer d. _ ,M ~ ~ ~ 'N Oommiseioner Tnily offered the following motion; I move that the Pay-roiiaf Iv 1 Weekly Pay..,b~lfor' the week ending July 23rd, amounting ., $604.78 for the following departmeals'.--+ ,: rolls, for f Riverside Hoep~ Department o4 Publio Property, _,, • „.. Street Dept. - Riverside Hospital ...........:......#104.74 - and eohooie, ~ Department of Publio Finame, .. 9ohoole .....................::..:... 370.04 , '' Department of Publio. Works, j streets ..........:... ~.:...........o~wR It ~` . ~ ~ ~ • f bs allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fend to pay- ~~;-~ ~: same. Adopted upon Dell of.the roil by the following rote; Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tully ~~ and Wiiliame,-4. j ~~ Oommieeionere Tully offered the Yollowing motion: The sum of $b0.00 snob t . ttoenee to sail ; .. malt or oereal~; haling been. paid into the Treasury ae evidenoed by the reoeip is !lied herewith togethes{ _, beverages ` - ~ . issued to Ij with applioationa for malt or oereal beverage lioense, I move that lioenae to~eell ~ e' i i >, f! ma]t.-or oereal beverages or any admiatnres thereof from the I!t of Juiy to Deoember 31s4. ~; / !j be granted to the following parties at the addressee set out opposite their names ---•..i_ . dash Turner, ;~ j • Soott & Ohandler (2)~ Wash Turner. 1729 South 4th Street. J.H. 81rod. I~ Soott d, Chandler. 127 South 2nd Street. ~ Soott & Ohandler, 212 Kentuoky Arenne. ~i J. H. .Elrod, 110 South 2nd street. Adopted upon os A of 'the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker. Tully and ~ , !~ Williams,-4. _ f. . ~' Oo:mnieaioner Esker offered the follows up = Street 7+ight!~ ag motion: I move That the 9 t. ~ . to be plaood i` of the Light Plant be inetruoted to install a street light at the intereeolioa of End. Int: of 2nd ''I , aL, and Medieon. '. and Madison street. Adopted upon oeii of the roll by the following vote, 7eae, Eaton. Esker, Tully and Wi}!fame,-4. ~ ' • jj ~ Oormniesioner Eaton, offered the following motion: I move that the re- p ~ 4. -Report of ~~ port of 01ty Engineer, whioh is approved by J. M. Rouse, inspeotor, stating that i Oity Engineer ;>. ; for Tturvia ! 4000 gallons of Tarvia were used on the-Union station drive. be reoeived and flied, need oa Union~il ~ ~ r.8tatioa drive.' nnd.that 4000 gallons of.eaid Tarvia togethor with freight thereon, making a total ~ ;, ~ {I ooet.of 14~ per gallon, or X5.60.00, for said Tervia, be oharged to the Union Station drive and that 4000 gallons of said Tarvie, at 12y1 per gal],oa, bo oharged to new oen•`.•si~ . q etrnotion, the freight thereon having been paid.Adopted upon oeii of the roil by t]» !- • if, following vote, Yeaa, Eaton, Eakar~ Tully ttn8 Wiiliame,-4. j • • ,; On motion the Hoard edjournsd upon Dail of the roll by 4 yeas. ~~ ~ , `~ 1! ~. w ~ 4ie~tei ~ "~ZO'V~1i ~`~~ i ~t It•~- ~ i . ' • Y Me~+eeR ~v.,. f ~. . '; ~ x 4.. .. ~ i. ~1 a • ~ ~. _. • ' _ • ~ Na~.~ . • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ ~ ` 192__ "''•~ { • i ~! JULY E6th, y1921. .' • i, ' ~ ~" At a Rsgnlar maatiag of the Board of OommiesSoasra, held in Lhs.Commisalonsra . , ,,,~,•_; ~ ~ Ohambsr in the Oity Hall, on July 2bth, 1921, Upon Doll of the roil the following . r ''"' ~ answered to their names,. Commiasiousrs, Eaton, Esker, Tnily and 1-illiame, and Mayor , ,' • r;ICatter~ohn,-b. I ,,a On motion or Commiealoner~Eaton. the minutes•oi the previous meetings wore ~ ~ • '~ ~~ adoptod upon Dail of the roll by the following vote;- Yeap~ EsLOn, Eaxor, 4"u11y,u:•? ' •' ,~ . ' ;~Nilliams and Kattsr~ohn. . • ~. Commaniostion'! Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion, I move that the oommunioation ~ from. Board of . Ednoetion ii from the Board. of Eduoation of the City of Paduoah, Ky. together with the Auditors ~ "report ox the finanoiel eottdition of tho publio sehools oY the City of Paduoah, %y, • iDe reoeived and tiled. Adopted upon osll of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, !:,Eaton, Esker, Tully, Ai111ama and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ • Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the petition • Petition.from from the Order of Redman witn rererenoe to a oarnival near 12th and Burnett Street Badmen, re- I ~, garding Car- be reoeived and.flled and eotion deferred. Adopted upon'osll o! the roll by She •` ~; rival. ifollowing vote, Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tu11y, 141111ams and 8atter~ohn,•b. ~' j., j Commissioner Tully offered the following motioa: I move that the ; Com'r Publio ,Commissioner of Publio Finanoe ba authorized and inatruoted to pay off, take up snd ' Finanoe to pay f off taY.e uP oanoel Street Bonds snd onupona to the amount of $218.rQ7 iil the Oity National Bank, and oanoel street bonds. ,,and oharge same to the Speoiel Street Fund Aooount. Adopted upon Deli of the roll ~by the following vote, Yeas, Ee.ton, Esker, Tu11y, Vlilliame, and ILatter~ohn,-b. ~ Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the Oom- , • ~ Coimnunioation munioation of Brossland and Crossland, Attorneys, regarding the ereotion of plant for from Cross- land end Cross the Benzol 011 Company, be reoeive8 snd filed and referred to the City 9olioitor land, referred to City Sol. Yor hie oonaideration. Adopted won Dell oY the roll by the following vote, Yeas, ~~Eaton, Esker, Tully, i4illiams and Katter~ohn,-b. On motion the Board ad~oianed upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. , . ;A~•~1 i ~c~..l.a.~llli. ~'PROV~3b vv .II Cx, c~rr ~~MATOIS. r • '' JULY 26th. 1921. u • ~ At a Oailsd Meeting of the Board o! Oommisaione¢•e, held in the Ooaaniselas• ' ~ Pere Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Sy. July 26th, 1921, at 11 O'olook A. M. ;,Upon Deli of the roil the following answered tob their names, Oommissionere, Oom- • rEnton, Tully, Nelliams and Katter~ohn,-C. . a bisyor Ifatter.~ohn stated reaoon for Dail of Lho msstin$; For the purpose ' J.loenae to ; • hold oarnlva2 at '~of granting lioenae to hold oarnivai near 12th Street snd suoh other business as • 12th and Burnett St. issued toY " might oomo before the Board, • the order oY I" ~ • • ~- Connniesioner Tully offered the following motion: Application having • i Rsd fan. ~ .herstofors been made to this Board for 1loenae to hold s Carnival on Burnett 9trest __ _ {:near 12th Street, by the order of Red Men and no protests having been mado against the ~ .. !'granting of same, and the awn ot'a150,00 having been deposited with the Commissioner ; • Hof Publio Finance, I moeo that iioenae for said oarnlval on Burnett street, near 12th ' retreat be grsntod to the ordsr-of Red Men from Angast let to Augast 6th, inolueive, • • h , I ~I lih .. • i , ~ • ~ ' ~ t • 1 ' •.n ~ ., ..:.;....... -. .9R~e'i76~',SCF+kT'°.4fP"x'-9„'M°n.~..~+ '~C". `9!~'R%F'. • , .. . y... .. a .. • _ ' • :. .. :.~?, ;, ,. `, ~. y • ,.• . w .. . 5 r w.f . • ~•~,~~ • ~` ~ _ • ={{ '' Na~ y . J r Co ' P d' License t0 ' sell malt or cereal beverage leaned to.: Roy Rudolph; `'+ 1301 Harrison S1 ~; i mmissioners rotes lugs, City. of Paducah ~ . ~~~ Adopted upon Deli of the roil by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tnily, Williams and Katterjohn,-4. • Commissioner Tnily offered the following motion: The sum of $60.00 having been paid; into the Treasury as evidenced bq the receipt riled herewith. together with application for Malt or cereal beverage license, i :gove that license to sell malt or . cereal beverage or any admixtures thereof be granted to Roy Rudolph at #1801 Harrison street, from July let to December 81st. Adopted. upon Dail of the roil by the following vote, Yeas. Eaton, Tnily, Williams and gattsrjohn,-4. On motion the Board adjourned upon Dail of the roil by 4 yeas. le*Iei Slaas -1s~L.1! ~r •~='hROT!':~D ~ ~ ~ ..~ ' a"' `"'` hrezm~.~ ~.. • . ~ r --- ! I i K At s Called Meeting of the Board of Co:mnisaioaere, held in the .CommiseionO G: ~! ere Ohamber is the City Hall. Paducah, Ky. on July 30th. 19E3, at 11 o*alook A. M. ~ ! oa cull of the roll the fohowi Dp ng answefed.to the a Co isaiones Eton ~` .: ~ laayor~t~er~ohn mated reaadn ~or deli 0!~ • !'Fakeer; Tully, Williams end Satterjohn~-b. the meeting, to~Bhow pay-roll and such j {~ other bnsirieas ae,might come before the Boetd• , j ;' Oommieaioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay-rolls i I ~ ! Report Oom~~',for the week ending July 30th, amounting to $114.67, Par the following departments { Finance for I ' pay-roll oi!' !)epar.tment of Public Pro art Week endlag !' P y-- ' Julq 30th. i~ Riverside Hospital .................$109.67 i Department of Public Works -•-- ! streets- .......................... 6.00 be allowed i and order paid and the .money appropriated from the Oeneral Fend to pay same. Adopted ~' ,•}~ upon Deli of the roll by the following vote, Yeae, Eaton, Faker, Tully, Williams and N{ Katterjohn.-6. ' ~ ~ i Commissioner Tully offered the following motion, The~~eum of $b0.00 each •i Lioeaee to ~ having been paid Into the Treasury, ea evidenced by the receipts filed herewith to- sell malt or (; ' • cereal bever-; gather with applications for Malt or Cereal beverage Lioehee, I move that lioeaee to .ages issued to: ~, sell Malt or Cereal Beverages or any admiaturee thereof, be granted to the following parties at the addressee set out opposite their names, from July let to December let, j T.M.Peaa !' inolnsive. "T. M. Penn;.#100 Broadway, -- -Home Supply Co., 701 south 7th 3treeL."• . Home supply Co.' -- Adbpted upon sell of the roil by the following votes Yeea, Eaton. Esker, Tully. Williams. ~~ and Kstter,lohn.-6. ~,, G Oommiaeioner Tull offered the followi ! i y ng motion, The Interstate Chero- ~i oolp Company having enjoined t}:e po:mniasioner of Pnbllo Finance to prevent the oolleot~ Oom~ of Fin. i ,; to settle Tax ion of the tazes assessed against said company for thec.year 1919. because of a disputed! .. bill of I Interstate ~- amount in the aaeesement and they now offering to pay the sum of $1E9.30 in lull Ohero-Oola Bot. • Oo.. settlement of the taxes for the year 1919 based on en aaeesement of $3000.00 at a rats of $E.10 being $63.00 for the year sad for the year 19EO based on an aaeesement of {.-: ~~ $3000.00 at the rats of $E. E3 being $66.30 for the year or a total of $1E9.80 for the ~ . '~ years 1919 and 19£0, I move that the Commiaaioaer of Public Fiaanoe be authorised nod inatruated to aaoept said sum of $1E9.30 in fnllaettlement of the tezea for the sears k !, -, ~~.mentioned. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote. Yeae. Baton, Esker, ~ Tu11y, Williams and Bstterjopa,-6. Oommiaeloner Eaton offered the following motion:: I move that Arthur ~~ (; Martin. who was appointed Folios Judge, Pro=Tem..om the EOth day of June, 19EQ..be Arthur Marti: i a~7.ioarwsd.reg. }.allowed pay at. the regular rata of .pay for Yoiioe Judge. during his sar~ioes as snob. 4. y ~i Ado tad on Dail oi.the roil b the fol2owin vote leas Eaton EnYsr T111 p uP 7: g . •' . . y. Williams sad Kstterioha,-6• ~.. ., : .. .• ~.. .,. ~ ,., ~, 'R '? ~ • ~.. ~. `.;) {, :! J ..; ,: a `~ i t ~; .. . . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah , ` ' '" • -• 192-~= . ' ~ Commissioner Eaton oiferadbths Yoilowiag motions I move that Mre• Mattis Aeradon, , Vaoation Yor ~ OYYioiel Stenographer, be granted a vaoation of two weeks, oommenoing duly i7th~19E1 ''r ° Steno s her ~ gr P . ~ ~ ~ '. ailowsd sad ending July 31st, 19E1, Saolueive~ and that Mrs. John Balthaear bs employeQ ae eztra stenographer to work during the -soatioa oY Mrs. Aerndoa• Adopted upon Dail `-•-•• of the roll b the follows vote Yeas Eaton Esker Tul] Wiliiame and Katter~ohn 6 . y s ng y. .'T • •, j. •. ~ Camniesioner Eaton offered the following motioa: I move that the b111 of ' u ~~ ~ . Yanoey and Johnson, Contraotore, for extra work between street oar traoke on Beet Yanoey dz Johnaoa ' Cont. allowed ! Broadway amounting to ~ib6.9b be allowed and ordered paid. Adopted upon Dell oY the ' "' paid for work between street •i; roll by the following vote, Yeae, Eaton. Esker, Tnily, Williams and Kattersohn~-b• oar traoke ;: Commissioner Williams offered the following motioa: I move that Oue Eookwood Contraotor; be e'liowed X4000.00 as per oertiYioate of W. E. Oore, Arohiteot, of work ..j • ; tius Lookwood . r '.: t Coat. allowed ~ and period of work and materials furnished is the oonatruotioh oY the extension of ey4000•00 on work et Riverside C~ Riverside Aospital. same being the first payment on said oontrao!• Adopted upon Dell Aospital. ' oY the roll by the following vots~ Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tu31y,Wi111ams, and Kattsr~ohn, 6• - ' ~ On Motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. • ~a. Ai•'id 1l4,t:, 6PPg,OVbID ~- ~ MAX02G • ~ .~ cwt-~H~~ , k AII(3U9T lat. 19E1• > At s Regnlar Meeting of the Board oY Cownieaioners, held in the'Oommiseioa- ~; here Chamber in the City Aell, on Augnat late 19 E1, Dpon os11 oY the roll the follow. ling answered to their names: Commiasionera, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Mayor ' Katter~ohss,-b. ' !i `' On motion oY Commissioner Tully, the minutes or the pretioue meetings . wore adopted as oorregted uposi Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, g Esker, Tuliy~ Wiiliame and Kattsryohn~-b.• 1"8yor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the Slue B1ne Priate of prints of the Seven Stetse Produot Oo., and the oommunioation dated July E9th, aigasd ' 7 States Produota Oo. end Oo~mnunios:-by A. J. Aodge~ be reoeivod and Yilsd• 'Adopted upon osll of the roll by the ioliowing tion or A.J.Hodge reoaived-tiled. i vote; Yeas ~ Eaton, Eaksr, Tully W1111ams and Katter~ohri.•b• ' E Mayor Satteraohn offered the following motions I move that the report Report of City ''of the Oity Engineer of the work performed by Esker end 3torrie, Oontrnotore, on Engineer Yor work Tenth ~:~y,lrteenth sad Fourteenth Streets between Broadwa and Jefferson Street be • performed by Esker. ~ -F ~ 'Y . do Storrie Cqn. '~ ; . on Tenth,fihirtearitlxreoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following votes Yeea, Eaton, ~; ~4-h Sta. bets~eon Eakar Tully, Williams and Katter~ohri 6• ' 3 way and Jefferson r- -w:. Mayor Kattar~ohri offered the following motioA:, I move that the 0ommise-._ , loner of Fubiiq Flnarwe be authorized and inatrugted to issue an Improvement Warrant, Improvement Warrant issued to ,to Esker and Storrie, Coatraotora~ Yor work done and performed on Tenth, Thirteenth •c;'~ Esker & Storrie Yor end Fonrteenth between Broadwa end Jefferson Streets under ooritaaot dated May 10th cork done on 10th. . y ~ - 13tn and loth Stet 19E1 for the sum oY ~3bB3.Ob being 66gb of the work erformed as per the re ors of between B way and . ~ p ' p Jefferson. the City Engineer tiled on thla data. Adopted upon Dell oY Lhe roll by the following ;vote: Yeae, Eaton, Eaker~ Tully Williams and Katter~ohn,-b• i, Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I moos that the report ="'° Report or'City• oY Oity Engineer oY the work performed by Yanoy and Johnaon~ Oontrnotora, within the ' Engineer Yor work ;Fire Zone be reoeivad and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following done by Yanoy and i~ . Johnson, within p gets: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully Williams and KatterJohn,-6• Fire Zone. Mayor Kstter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the Oommis- ;.,~` ;f -. ~, ~ -~~:zE~' _- l`iar' "'9 .VIII Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192.:_' ~' - __~ - - Improvement p eione; of Publio Finanoe be authorized and inatruoted to inane as Improvement Warrant 1 -j garrant issued ~ ta.Yano and dohnaon Contraotora for work done end erformed on the Streets within '~ Ito Yanoq & John- y + p ~ eon for work ~~ r~ i Bono within thbj? the Fire Zone „ender oontraot dated ?day EBth, 1921, for the enm oY $12991.08 bei:fg 66~ • amountirg'to j of the work performed, ea per the report of City Engineer filed on this date. Adopted • ~ $12991.08. y f ~ won Dail of the roll by the tollewing vote: Yeas; Eaton, Esker, Tnlly,•Williame and • ,_~, G~ Kattdr~ohn,-b• ! I ~.:~ k Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the Report of the' r. `- i Report City; r ' r Engineer Yor ;City Engineer oY.the.work performed by ReynoiAs:Bros. Contraotora, on Tenth, Thirteenth •- work on 10th -i 13th. 14th; stet and Fourteenth Streets between Jefferson apd Broadway, and on Ninth Street between ~ , ~' ~ between Jefferson and B'wsy--Nintli Madison and Trimble Streets, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by j St. between ~ ~ 1~ Madison do Trimbl'e;he following vote: Yeas, Eatgn, Esker, '1'it11y,.Williama, and gatter~ohn,-b. j ,..tbq RegnolA BrosI, .I ~, Mayor Satter~ohn offered the following ieotioa: I move that the Commieaioner _~' Improvement }i of Publlo.Finazge be authorized and inatruoted to ieane an Improvement.Aarrant, to Warrant ieeuod.to'.Reynolda Broe,_Oontraotora, on Tenth. Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets between ~ Regnold Broe. i . I -for $1b96.7b;' ~~ JeYYaraon and Broadwa and on Ninth Street between Madison and Trimble Streets, under for work Aone oh y lOth,]3th, 14th ' oontraot dated May 11th, 1921, for the smn of 1b96.76 bean 66 of Lhe work erformad ~ +; ~ between Jeffersoh $ 6 ~ p and 8'way -Ninth bet•~een N.esAleonG as per the report of the Citq Engineer filed on this date. Adopted upon Dell of the ~ '' and Trimble. y roll b the followin vote: Yeas Eaton Esker. Tail ~ ~I y g , y. Williams and Katter3ohn,-b. ~ ,. ~ Mayor %tter~ohn offered the following motion: Y move that the report of ~ Report oY Citd~ flit En y y Engineer of;" Y gineer, relative to the amount oY Cement need b Yanoe and Johnson Contraot-; .Dement used by' Yanoy do~Johneon o~'•e.•in the driveway on ~7eat Broadway, between Fgnntain Avenue and 2bth street, be ~ • oaW. Bwa y ~ receive.d and filed. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Faker, Tn].lq, Ai111eme_,and %atter~ghn,-b. The sum oY'yi Commissioner Tally offered the following motion: 'I move that the ~om- $100.00 allowed`! manioution from the Colored Fair, Reaing and Athletlo Aeaooiation be reoeiveA and the polored '~ filed and the Cit ~ • Fair, Rnoing ands q Sglioitor be inatruoted to bring in ea ordinanoe appropriating ±• Athletlo Aeao. • ~ $100:00 Yor the purpose of eAvertising in oonneotion with the Fair and Raoes to be •~ gYven Augast 9th, 10th, lath and 12th, 1921. AAOpted upon Dell of the roll by the Yollswinp, 'ote: Yeaa, Eaton, Esker, Tullq, Williams and 8atterloha,-b. ' Deed exeouteA Y I Co~iesioner Tall offered the following motion; The sum of $37.b0 having " to. 81! 3andere ' for lot 1a i; been pa1A into the Treasury, as evidenoed bq the reoeipt filed herewith, I move that Oak Orove Oem-• ~ eterq, i~'deed be eaeouted to .Eli Sanders, for 74t •~21, Blook ~E on the Weat aide of Banana Street •~ between'Baker ahd Miller Streets in Oak Grove Cemeter .. Aflo tad ? " q p upon Dell of the roll ; bq the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Faker, Pnliy, Williema and Batter~ohn,-b. Oommiesioner Tally offered the following motion: The sum of $b0.00 having F. Lioenee to .been paid into the Treeaurq, as evidenoed by the reooipt filed herewith together with sell Malt or ~ Cereal BeverageA application for Mnit or Cereal Beverage T.ioenae, Y move that license to sell Malt or issued to , y"Qereal Beverages or er~v admixtures thereof, be granted to C. b. Dickerson at.~109 Northi O. b..Diokereon; 4th Street 309 N. 4th 9t. ~ ,from July ist to December 81st inclusive. AdopteA upon call of the coal u bq the following vote: Ye&a, Eaton, Faker, Tullq, Williams anA %atterlohn,-b• .'j '.`{ "Oommisaioner Eaton gffered the follgwing motion: Orville Haverty having ;-" Old Indian i! offs;eA to pay $8b.00 for the old Indian Motoroyole, anal it sppeeriiig that thin is s Motorogole sold ~~air rice for eame~ I move that the Commiaeioner oY Publio Safetq be enthorized to t to Orville Never p for $38.b0 ~ ii make safe of old Indies )dotoroyole for $3b.00. Adopted upon oaf] of the toff by the i •~ following vote: Yeea, Eatgn, Faker, Tally, Williams anA KatterJohn,-b. ? i. Oommiseioner Eaton offered the .following motion: I move that s4. 0. • ~ Rickman be a p ~ p : ,~ -~. 0. Rickman .. ppointed se atrolman 6Yfegtive lnly pith 1921• Ado tad won Dell of appointed patrol the roll by the following •qt~-: Yeas 8ston' Faker' Tul Williams sad Batter~ohe~+8• • man. . ._ lY• ' ' i. .. , ,, z, , ,. . g y~~. `~'.' ', ~";.i M,`' ~; •,i Y~. f. ~ - , ~,. m.. . q f`' .~ 1"~:; ,' d ~; .- ~ '• , ;: -°^,' I ~~ . ~i ~:-~~ ~. , •.~ t ,.. 1 .. . .,. `~ .. .. ~~ 1 .. '. ! a •~ • t +4~,~ .~ ;En;A f,iV .;. , .. a.J, +Nw....Y+J...++... ,._+-i t'..,:4.i¢ iw!.-,uo-:.r+ ~- ...:,ti__._ _._......~J1+. . .. ' r .. .. • ~. • n r .. 1 • • . .'. • •' ~ I .. NaS7.L1..~= • i f P cah • 192_. ' '• C o au din Commissioners Procee gs; ty d . Commissioner A1131ams offered the following $otioas I move teat the deed ~-- .., 'from Adoiph Weii, Jeees Weil, Lee Weil and Mrs. Barnard. Weil. only heirs o! Jaoob, i. Demetery ? Nemy and Barnard Weil, to Mrs. fours Weilio and Mrs. Ruth Rart, for the following . '~,..._ Deed from . Adolph Jeoss ana'deaoribad lots looated and iying in Oak Grove Cemetery in~ths Oity of Paduoah, Ky. Ise ne;l and Mc a. . Bnrnard Weil to to-wit: "South 1B X 80 Ft. of Lot X68, • Mr e. Lanza Wallis Seotion D. and and Mrs Rnth Nart North lb X 30 Ft. of Lot X69 . Seotion D. Oak Grove Ceme~ery," be rsseivsd, filed sad ` 1 ratified, Adopted upon Dail of the roil by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakor, ', . ~•, rTully, Williams and Katteriohn,-b, ,..~ '~ Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: The Garden Olub of h '~fPaduoah, a Civio Organisation, having for its purpose, beautifying and rendering . Resolution ;. ' adopting offioia Lnore attraotive the'City of Paduoah, having adopted a resolution designating oer.taia flowers of • Paduoah. flowers ea the oYYioisi flowers of Paduoah, and having tendered to the City of Paduoah ;ia Dopy of said resolution, I now move that said Resolution be reoeived, filed and a • ~ i~reoorded in the minutes and that said Ylowere, to-wit; the Daffodil, .Iris (flag) '', ... h . . ?Pseony, Dorothy Perkins Roses, and Chrysanthemum be deolared the.oYt'ioisl.flonere of ~:Paduaeh, Adopted upon call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Estop, Esker, ' ''Tully, Williemd and. Katter~ohn,-b, ~ • Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the re- ' Report of ~ 3 Interments in'port of Interments in Oak Grove Cemetery Yrom July lot to August let, be reoeived and Dak Grove. p • ;filed, Adopted upon Deli oY the roll by the following votes Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams end Katter~ohn,-b, , Commissioner Eaton offered the following Motion: I move that.sa Ordinenoe Ordlnanoe. rog= entitled !' AN ORDINANCE F[HtTHER REGULATING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES OF EVk'RY KIND WITN- f. ulating parking or vehiolea in IN THE INNER FIRE LITdITS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAR, KENTUCKY AND PRESORIBING THE PENALTY • • fire zone, ;; ~ . FOR :VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF SAID ORDINdIdC&," be adopted. Adopted ' upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker. Tu11y, Williams end ~, • ~ On motion the Board adjourned upon Deli of the roil by 6 yeas. I! . ' ~ -~ j, ~ ~ •ohr fin' ": 1 • ~ ;~ . p AUGUST 4th, 1981. .~ ` ~ r... P: . ,,6 At a Ca~.led Meeting of the Board of Oommidaionsre, held in the Dom- • t•miaeionere Chamber 8t the City Rail, Paduoah, Ky. On July 4th, 1981, at S. O'olook . d P. M. npon'osli of the roll the following answered to their names: Commiseionere, i Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-4, Mayor Katterjohn stated reason for Doll of the meeting, to a11ov ' ,( • ~ paq Rolla and suoh other business ea might Dome before the Board. • ~ Commissioner Tu11y offered the following motion: I move thst,,a.rie • Aoponts for ~ ~ °-~ . last half of ~ aooo~:nte for the fast half o! the month of July, amounting to $88316.90, e,e pbr the Juiy ordered ~; paid. `i report of the Coraalasioner oY Public Finance filed herewith, be elloweA.and ordered N .F pnid and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call. oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and 8attsr~ohn,-4, ' Commlasionef Tully offered the following motion: I move tbat the #'e- ~•. Report of port of the Commissioner of Fubiio Finanos, for the month of Juiy, bs received and Oom. of Finance `fiisd end ordsre¢ published in the official newspaper. Adopted upon Dail of the roll bye for the month of July 'the rollowing vote: Yeea. Eaton, Tully. Wtlliame and Katter~ohn,-4, • '•M k 4 _ ± _~ ~. ' ~ .. ~ :. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '.. . ,. .. .~ ,;. •~ ,~- ,~ ... .. ,. ~- ..~„~ ~, x .,..., .. - r:.:., ,.. r u, ,. ~ N~,, ~ 0 :~ ~; ~. . ~, t- '« ~ ' "_ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ ~ 192__ ~ ,r, ~ • r Oit to ~ ~ Oommiaeioner Tally offered the following motion: I move that the Mayor ,~+' ti borrow money ~ and Oommiesioner of Pubiio Finanos by authorised to borrow, in antioipation of the taz ' Yrom tlity ~; ~ • Nat'l Bank,.. oolleotion, from the Oity National Bank for the use and benefit of the Oity of Paduosh, ~'I• E $3b,000.00 ,.~ the suy of $3b,000.00 payable Ootober Ebth, pledging ne saourity the good faith and I~ oredit of the Oity of Padnoah anA,the tease to be oolieeted curing the month of Ootober. ~' ~ { _ ~ :- Adopted upon oe11 of the roll by the following vote: Yeea,,Eaton, Tn11y, iliIliame acid a Kattsr~ohn;-4.. ~ i ~.,• ' On motion the Board'ad~ourned upon oa1Y'df the Poll by 4 yeas. ~ ' • ~ ,F ~ : . ~~~ ~ • . ~ ~ . Augdat bth, ,9E1. ,;,. t ~ At a Called Meeting of the $oard of Commissioners „hold in the Commieaisnere, ,.' Chamber, in the Oity Rall, Paduoah, Ky. on IngRSt-6th, 1921, at 11;30 A. M. upon oa]I •. of the roll the following answered t» their names: Yeas, Eaton, Esker., Tally, ifillinma {~ x•J I and Katter~ohn,-6. ,, ~ ! z,. Mayor Katter~ohn eta~ed rgeon for gall of the Maltting, to aooept the I~ Amerloan Lafranoe Fire Engine Pumper. and auoh other business as might oars before trek ` {' Board. F~ ', Oommtasioner Eaton oxYersdNthe following motion: I move that the Oontraot j for the ~nrohaee of One type TO Triple Qombination P ~ ~ ~~ ~' Oontraot fo; ~, umping, Ohemioal Engine and Roes f ," pnrohase of .I~ Motor Oar, between the Amerioan LaFranoe Fire Engine Company and the Bity .of Paduoah, I ' Amorlaan La= . Franoe Pumper I y 1 , ,, exeonted on the EBtn de of Maroh 1921 be reoeived and filed, e„d tact Bald oontraot ! ~ `j; be reoorded. Ado tad 4444 ' H p upon oell of the roll by the :following vote: Yese, Eaton, Esker, j ~i Tally, Williams and Kstter~ohn,-b. - i~ '" a i „~ .. Oommiasioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that an Ordinanoe t g.. !; entitled."AH ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $100.00 TO THE COLORED FAIIt, RACING AND ATHLETIC 1 ~. t ~ Ord. a rorri ~ P tolthe~Qo1.00 I A3800iATI0N, FOR ADV&RTI3ING TRADE, C01dMERCE, Mr.NUF/.CTURING AND C0;'~RCIAL RESOUROEB, i Fair,Raoing and OF THE QITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopted upon os11 of the roll by the Athletio Asea?I . following vote, Yeas, Eaton. Esker, Tully, Williams end Ketterloiin,-b. ( ~ ',-:' • Oommiseioner Eaton affereA the following motion:. I move that the Re- F ' i ~ , ~~ oommendation of the Fire Ohief ea to the servioea of the new One Type 10 Triple Com- } ' I 4 1" - it bination Pmm,or be reoeived, filed and oonourred in• Adopted upon oall pf the roll by;~the.following vote: Yese, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Wiiiiame end Kntter~ohn,-b. ~ ,i ' Ooweiaeioner Naton offered the following motion: I move that the One { ~, Oom'r of Finan6eT,ype.Triple Combination Pumping Ohemioal and Roae itotor Oar, which has been deiivered j inetruoteA to ~flfl' . issue oheok f to the Oity of YaAnoah, by the Amerioan LnFranoe Fire E ins 4o a l ' i ~ ;. '' for $1760.00 '~ nB mp rqr,. unAer its payable to the~~ 0ontraot with tha Oitq, beating Bate of Msroh EBth, 1921, be received and soaepted ahd American 7,a-F• ~, ~ ,,.; `~ Fire Engine Ooi that the Oommiesioner of Pubiio Finanoe be instraoted to Issas oheok ~ • .payable to the , ' !i American LaFranoe Fire Engine Company, for $1760.00 in eoaoraenoe,with said Contraot , ,~.._-, and that th'e Mayor eadoute the City's note for $9b00.00, payable within six (6) monthaj ,.from date•hereoi, without interest, for the balanoe pt the said puroheae prioe of Bala ~ ' oont;cot to be oharged La tha Fire Department Aooount. Adppted. upon osll of the roll i ~ '. '°° ~' Irby the following vote: Yese, Eatom, Esker, Tnliy, ilillieios sad Katter~ohn,-b. `"+ ' Oommisaionor Tally offered`the following motion: i move that the eooountal. Report of Oom' t 4 Finanoe for '; amounting to $E3E0.00 as per the report of the Oommieaioner of Pub1lo.Finanos Piled . 's aoeounte. ;; ~ ~ ~.. {, herewith be allowed grid ordered paid aiad the p~oney appropriated from the General Ftmd ! •- ~ to pay same. ~ ~ .. ~: ,', . _ +1111 { 1 f .. ,,, Ls«fiyx.~`.r5e`w~+a.,pt': ~:c«.:•F,r~'f "a '.. K.:: ~.. X .. ~ v.. .,.., M s'. ...n .. ... N t~...~ • .. ~ ,. • ..- _ ~ ~Y~ ~ (!H% '' Na ComTnissionere' Proceedinge~ City of Paducah 192_^ ', ~.r Adopted upon oell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Wl11 and Katterjohn;-B. ` ' ~ On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the,roll by 6 yeas: .. • ~; Q.J. AUGUST 8th, 1921. Department upon cell of the roll by the following tote; Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tully,t~illiame and ~ ~ • ~ ~ Katterjohn,-d. ~ ~• Commiseion~ t~illiems offered the following motion; T move that the report • , . •• Rep rt of " o ~ .of w. .E. Gore, Architect, dated August 6th, 1921, recommending certain changes in the wL:E. ora as t --airing at River. eleotrio wiring at River aide Hospital and the addition thereto be reoeived enA filed. t aide Hoap. t and that the eleotrio wiring sa recommended by the Architect and set out in hie repor i of August Gth, be approved and that the Commissioner of Public Property by authorized ~ i f ~ ' to aeuse ea id addit'.onal wiring to be done at the prices indicated therein and tha i - jl t same be ohargeA~to the River aide Hospital Aooount. Afopted upon call of the roll by ' a the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter john,-B. Commisioner Williams affered the following motion: I move that the deed :7. 8. Poore '' of W. H. Poore and his wife. Nora Poore, Bated August 8th, 1921, for lot lying in deed to Mre. leery, Renz for lot 6n ~ Oak Grove Cemetery :vhiah is as follows: , Oak Grove Cemetery "Fr ant 20 ft. Of South one-half Lot X52, in Section ~4,"~ be reoeived, Yilsd and ratilisd, departments at the end of July 31st, be receives and filed. Adopted upon call of Lhe . i'~ " roll by the following vote, Yeae: Eaton, Esker, Tully, +Yilliame and Katterjohn;.6. , Bommieaioner Tully offere8 the following motion: The awn of ~j60.00 having Deed to ,'i been paid into the Treasury, sa evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, I move that Mary B.Merri- ~ deed be ezeouted to ytary B. Merriweather, Yor Lot X76, Block #3 on the North aide of • weather for ` ' lot in Oak t Ford Street, between Miller and Rank Streets, in Oak Grove Oemetery. Adopted upon Grove Cemetery,: ~ call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully Nilliama and Katterjohn,-B. `' Commissioner Eaten offered the following Motion: I move that the report of ~ ' ~; ~1 ' Report of the Chief of Police for the month 4i Juiy, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon cell Ohief of Police of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully,111111ams attd Katterjohn,-Q. • Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the report of ' ~ Report of ~ the Chief of Fire Deparhrnent for the month of July be reoeived and filed. 'Adopted ~ ., Chief of Fire .a ' ~ to their naaue, Oommieoloners Eston~ Faker, Tully, Nilliams anA Kattsr~ohn~-6• ~•~ On motion of Commissioner o! Tully, the lSinutea of the previouo meetings were if' • •;' adopted ae read upon oeil of the roil by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Esker; Tuliy~ • ~ ttiliiama and Katter john,-B• . ;, Mayor Katterjohn offered the following Motion, I move that the report of . • Report o! ; MoCraokea County McOraoken County Fublio Health Nursing 9ervioe for the Month of July, 1921, be reoeive~ , Fublio Health •, Nursing Servioe. ~' and filed. Adopted upon oall of the roil by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Esker ;~ ~ . Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-B. ' ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Stntement of • Statement l the Commissioner of Pub11o Finance showing the apportionment for the year, the amount of Com'r rinanoej eho:ving spportiop-expended with the balances to the credit of the various accounts under the different ment for year. ®PPROY3Q~ MAXOlG .- ~, • ~ ', At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Oommit~sionera,heid in the Oommiesioners Ohamber at the Oity hail, on August 8th, Upont'oali of the roll the lollowing ansRSred ~ .,• ~_-~ ,~ -..~.. -~r,~--r'' .: -~ ' ~':r.` _,~ ri ". .~~m.,w.: ... . "°~ ` ' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ ~ • _ -____ _ . " "• ~ Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following"vote; Ysas• Eaton, Esker, Tuliyj ,' NWi111nme anA Katter~ohn••b• ... ~ Commissioner Sdker offered the following motion; l move that the report of t j{ Report- Ot I' I '"" ~ street Dept•;~?the street department for the month oi"July be reoeived and filedt Adopted upon ash otj • the roil by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton, Esker, Tuliy,..ttiiliams and Kntter.~ohn.-b. '.~.'. s, On motion Lhe Board ad~ounned upon Dell of the roll by 8 yeas. " c~a c..+. s30Pt _ ,.. ~ i ,.~:: ,..x.: AUGUST 10th. 1921. i - At a Galled Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held bn the Commissioners w °, Chambsr,.in the City Hall, PaAUOah, Ky. at.li o•alook A. M. on Angaet 10th, Upon oiil~ ~'_"~. of the roll the followings answered>1D'their' names: Commissioners, Eaton. Esker. Tnily f • ' t~' Williams and Mayor Ketter~ohn• .'Mayor Ptatter~ohn~ statod reason"for Deli of the Meeting; For the purpose of ~ Co:mnuaioati "n' ! `s fQraom Ynd.Ry! reoeiving aommuniaetion from the Faduoah Railway Company and eaoh other buainea$ as might Dome before. the Board. ! .r,"" Comroiaeioner Eaton offered the following motion: The Paduonh"Railway Compaty . ~' by A. S. 1Piohols, P:,anager, having this ~1ay presented its petition asking for per- ' s mission to operate its oars over the new~e concrete streetipn"ilorth Fourth Street, bs j ~, ,,,, ',twcen P[eftereon and Pdomoo 9troot and agreeing to keep n man at the baraoades to pre- ~ ' '~ ~ +.' ~ • vent other vehioles fram passing over. the street until the baraoades are removed by ' ~. ~. order of the Board of Commieeionere,-.I move that the said aommnnioation from the , Oars per-" j panuoah Raxllrag Company be reoeived and filed, and that it be permitted to operate its! ~ ' mitteA to ~ ' rue over oars over said .North Fourth 8treot on oaadition that it will keep a man or men at the '.. 4th St. i ~ . . ~ boraoades to prevent other vehioles from passing over said street until suoh time .:~ ,. +A ~ ~ i 1 as the baraoades ere removed or said street 1e.opeaeA for general traffic. Adopted; ~ -, ' I ts. d .upon Dell of the soli by the, following tots: Yeaa~ Eaton, Esker, Tnliy~ Wiiiiamd sn~ 4' i cif d Katter~olsn,-b. ~, ~; . ~ Commissioner Tully .offered the foiiowing motion: 1 move that the petition r_ 3 'from residents of Ellie Street be reoeiveA and ailed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll ' ~efl;;ion from.ree- !•. by the foiiowing vote: Yeaa~ Satoh, Baker, Tully, Williams and gatter~ohn.-b. ~ ~A ideate o~II 'Bills St.~ ~; On motion the board ad~ourneA upon oull.of the roll by 6'yease" •- ',' i ' i ',,. nti c~..• i P![A-ZC8 ~ { ~ .. ~ .. ~ , 3. , . r ~, ~, •` ~. , . j '' ., i ~ . '~ . ~ ~,.. ,,. • ~ ;; .• ., ... , • f ~ ~. .. . i ae ' .'. i; 4 ] I !. ~. i. V . ~ jj ~, ` . ~. ~ .. ,~, _ ,y ,; . ! • ~ ~ i • .. i. t : ~ _ .. } ~ " \ ____ _ ~. •".~:, I ~ k. ~• ' ~ .. ~'~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. .+.a ~ ... ~ .+.vti..._.......-..~~:..a:':...wu+`...:-.s:;w..wr+.uti.iw...e'•aamr.,...:...•...:.w:..:.i~. ~ ! ~ . , . No..~ ° Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paduca ~ ' • 192:: _. _ _ _ .~. .. AUGUST 13th. 1921. ~ I ~ ~' . At a Regniar tdeeting of the Boara~oi CommieQloners,,held in the Commissioners ~~~ • Chamber, in the City Hall, Peanoah, Kentucky, on August 15th, 1921, Upon Dell oY the .~•,' roll the following answered to their names: Commies,ioners, Eton, Esker, Tully, Willis ~. ~ ~ ~ .;and Katter~ohn,•6. ~. p ;i On motion of Commissioner Tully. the Minutse of the previous meetings were . f saoptea as read upon sell of the roll by the following vote, Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully ~ i ~wil~iama and Batter~ohn,-b. ~~ Commissioner Tully offered She Yollowing motion: The following,partise having paid the estimates against their property on West Broadway Yor the construction of s V Eattimntsa ss- ~ ' (concrete driveway Yrom the East property line oY Fountain Avenue, to the west ~Moperty oeivsd !or G'. driveway on •!i line of 25th Street - - - - west B'wa ~; Sigmona Rossuly, Estimate X34 ...................$476.24. ~ ~. • 9. Roaenly • ~~ _t ~ Dr. '.7,'J. Ba e,on~ " 43 ................... 476. E4 Q. L. Shelton ~; • W, d. Bae9 ''. Louie ~ Liattie Herndon." 57 ................... 2.313.12 Louie & ]~Eattiei, Sophronia M.Kiskpatriok," X61 - .................. 238.12 a total of . ' Hermon, B ` Sophronia M. "$19M.96, I move that Contractors Yanoy & Johnson be allowed the sum of X1904.96, and . Kirkpntriok. s "the commissioner oY Iublic F`inanos be instructed to draw a check against the Speoiel . • j, Street Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker. Tully, Williams and Katterlohn,-b. •``+• i a Commissioner Williams offered the following motion; I move that the ~ , Report of ~Finanoia 1 Statement of Riverelae Hospital for the month oY July, be reoeiveA anA filed.) . ~+. Financial Stnte Adopted upon Dell of Lne roll by t„e Yollowing vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, wi113amq . menL of River- • sLee Hosp..for °and Kntter~ohn,-b. ' month of July. • ?~ Commissioner Williams oYYered the Yollowing motion: I move that the Patients ~~ •. Patient report Report of Riversode Hospital, for the month of July. be reoeived and filed. of Riverside HOSP. FOR. JULY, R At a.0ailsd Resting o! the Hoard of Commieelonssa, head in the Oommiasioasra • Chamber, in the City Hnil, Paauoah, Kentuoipr, at it o~olook'A, H, on August 18th; `. • ~ ~ 1921, Upon Dail o! the roli the Yollowing answered to their namaas Oosm-iseioner a , , ' ~ Eaton', Esker, Tully, Ailliame end tdayor Katter~ohsi~-b• , ' ~ ~ Lreyor Hatter~ohn states reason for oa17 of the meeting, to-wits For the ~ ~ pnrpos9 of allowing Psyroii end such other business ae might oans.belors the Board. '~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motions I mo9e that the pay-roll "`'~ • • ' weekly pry-roi • tyr Riverside l ~ 4 for the week ending Anguet 13th, . ~.• • Hospital. '~~ Department of Pubilo Property. !1 Riversiae Hospital, amounting to .•...~10E.40, Ds allowed .• ,,j ~ ! °t sna ordereA paid ana the money appropriates Yrom the General Fund to pay same. Adppisd * ' ~ ~~ upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, w1111ema and -= • ltattex~ohn~-b. ~ ?~a r ICatter ohn offered the following motions I move that the sup lemental yo ~ P • •8uppiemental Oon. ' tract for work on t; tl oontraot•betweea the City oY Paduonh and Esker and 8torrie, for work to be porformsd ~. , ~Bernhein Ave and Lorth 12th st, ~` on both sides or Bernhsi~ Avenue from the Wset else ox North 12th street to the east • ~ alas of 13th street, nt the lnteraeotlon oY Burnett street, lnoluAing all intereeotione - ' '~ in the city of Paauoah, be reoeived, files and recorded, Adopted upon onll of the ' - : ' + roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeas; Eatoa, Esker, Tuiiy, wil]iams end Katter~ohn,-b, li , , i}_ • ' On motion the board ea~ourned upon call of the roll by b yeas. ~ .,_l~-• Af~ yppkUlTT1]:? . .: - ~ ' ~ c`~a ewe MAXOA• AUGUST 16th 1921. i 4 q_ ~, ^~ • ... • y r . ~. ~. __ _>,r . '; .Adopted upon oell.oY the roll by,thd following vote: Yeas., Eaton, Esker, Tnl]y, Williame~ and Katterjohn,-b. ~ ~~ Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I•move.that the Reaolntion ~~ _ ~ ,, Resolution forHentitled, " A RESOLUTION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE sYDEWALKS, TOGETHER WPPH ALL Concrete side- ~; ! E~: iNECE83ARY.MrNHOLEg INTAKES SEWERS AND CATCR BASINS ON THE WEST SIDE OF BROAD STREETo ~ ~ walks 'on Weet ~ '. ; etas of Broad: iFROM THE INTER SECTION. OF FOURTH AND BROAD sTREET~ INCZUDING THE INTERSECTION OF FOURTH y street i . AND BROAD STREET, TO THE DItiIDING.LINE BETWEEN THE FROPERTY OF CHARIATTE RUFF AND BARBARL ~PETTER IN THE CITY OF P ADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT THE COST OF THE GBUTTING PROPERTY 0~7lfStS ; • . AND PROVIDING THAT SAME I~,1Y BE FAID FOR UFON THE TEN YEAR.Pi.YMEtiT PLAN;" bs introdnoad . iJanA lie over one week. Adopted upon osll oY the roll by the following vote: Yeea,.8atoa~,. •. ,, '. a, ~iEaker, Tully add Williams, -4. Nays; Satter John.-1. ~ ' ~`,. , ' j Commissioner Williams orYered the rollowing motion: I move that an Ordinance ~ Ordinance rag-i~entitled. " AN Oi2DINANCE REGULATING THE CHLRCE3 TO BE MADE BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, elating charged • for weighing }!KENTUCKY, FOR 17EIGHING COAL ON THE CITY SCALES" be eaoptea. /ldopted upon call of the .~ coal on city scales. ~~roil by the following vote: Yeas, Ea tan, Esker, Telly, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: Y move that as Orainanae ~ i entitled, "A:; ORDINANCE DIHECTINU AND EEdF'O~PERING F. :i. SATIERJO~. MAYOR TO SE3.L PROP- BrAinanoe em ~~ powering the ,~FERTY BE7QNGING TO .THE OYTY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND BElnu 1,UT3 #E1, 23, 2b, and 270 Mayor to sell `iN ROBARTSON'3 ADDITION TO. SAID CITY,"AND THE AMOUNT FOR WHICH SAID LOTS ARS TO BE SOLD,'! .iota-and amount ` for whioh are be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Eaton. Esker. to be sold. ~ ~Tn11y,.Williame and Katter~oyn,-b. I~ tlommieaioner Tn11y offered the Yolldwing verbal motion: I move that the City Oity solicitor i instructed to ~;Solioitor be instructed to bring in a Resolution for the oonstruotion of sidewalks on being in Reaolntion Y~.~!Goebel Avenue. AdopteA upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae~ Eaton, Eaker~ ylAwalke on Goobel Ave., ;Tully anA Williams,-4. Nags, Satter,ohn,-1. ~ ~ ~~ ~; Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the reoeipt Rooeipt tram 'deigned by Olara Romain, dated Padnaah, Ky. February 27th. 1893, wherein she reoeived they Clar~ Ro oin ;sue of $80.60, from the City of Paduoah, Kentuo for ~. ~ ky, for property oonAemneA by the City of oondemnedrfor Paduoah, Yor street purposes, on Elizabeth ,and whioh amount wee adjudged to her in 't et7}~{et nr case P B y p psaid condemnation rooeedin s b the Paduoah City Court, on the 20th day of September ~ 't 1892, for her life interest in a strip of ground oondamnaA by said City, whioh paooeedings . ~} ,. ~!ae of record, in the Peeuoah City Court reaora book, be reoeived, Yiled and recorded. Ito-wit: Paduoah. Ky. ,' ~ ~ Reo'd Yrom the City of Paduoah, $y. the sum of Eighty and SO/100 Dollars, ~ ~ amount aA~uaaed to be Aue me by the FeAUOah City Court on the 20th day oY `, .. September, 1892 for my life interest in a strip of ground aonAemned by said i Oity for street purposes on the dny aforesaid as appears of record in Paduoah City Court Reoora Book. paw , it i ~n Thia February E7th, 1893: (signed) C1ers Romain. ~ "~ I!Ado tad ' ~. ,~ ~' p upon cell of the•roS.Y.by the following rote: Yeas, Baton, Esker. Tnily, Williems~ • • - anA Katter~ohn,-6. ~ • `~ Mayor Katter3ohn offered the followi E Rooeipt for y ng motion: I move that the reoeipt signed b Olara Romain ~ $269,60 ei8nld '; y .Guardian, for Frank, Fred. and Clara Romain, dated Padnoah, Kq. by Olara Romain!February 27th, 1893, wherein she reoeived sa said Guardian, the Sam oY ~269.b0, from the OAn, of Frank, ; FreA anA Clara ''City of PaAUOah, Kentucky, for ~ ' property condemned by the City of Padnoah. for street 8omain for ~ ; property con- ppurpoeee on Elizabeth street ane whioh amount was ad~ndgeA to her as said Guardian, in ~• emned y Oity :, Yor street pnr•~ealA oondemnat.ion prooeedinge in the Padnoah City Court, on the 20th Aay of September f poses. 41892; for the remainder interest of Frank, Fr.eh and Clara Romain, whioh prooeedinga as ~ qoY rsbord in the Padnoah.0lty Court Reoord.Book~ De reoeived filed and reaordsd~ t0-wit:"; f Paduoah, Ky. I ~~ Reo d from the City of Padnoah, Ky. the sum of Two Hundred 3lrtyo Nine and b0/100 Dollars ($269.60) emoant ad~uAged to be des Frnnk~ ~ .. ~ ~ ,, Frsd and Olarq Romain or to.esoh oY then 089.83 1/8) Eighty Hins •. ,. ~. x~ - ~, .. A _ - F ..r ` ~ . ; , ~: , 1 e .' j ~__ ~' ~ 1 s. ' fi` ~.:, ~ .. ~ . i ~. Lk k" ~' • ~ , t' ~ ! . ., • - ~ ~ ~ •• 4. .. ~. ~ .. t ', • Na~.r~. :'.. • Commissioners' Proceedings,~.City of Paducah. 192-, • and 831/3/1:00 Dollars by the Padnaeh Oity Oourt on the EOth Aey oY 9eptembsr• . `~ ! } 1B9E, for this their remainaer interest in a strip of ground ooa- . , damned by Baia City for street pnrpoees on the day aforesaid ae . •. ~ ~ appears of•reoord in Paduoeh Oity Court ?teoorA Book, page _ This February 87th, 1893. ~ ~ ~ (9lgned) Clara Roma in, adn. . ~ for Frank, FreA and Clara Remain. ddopted neon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully William , • ~ end ICattor~ohn,-b.. . ' N 3iayor Satter~ohn oYfered the following motion: I move that the pint showing • ~l the property ooneemned by the City of FaAUOah between BroaA Street and the Tennessee . '. Plat showing y property Don- ;.River anA whioh belo~lgeA xo the Romein heirs, nnA whioh wea reoatvad anA fi1sA by Aemned between'' the BoarA oY Councilmen in 1893 be now Broad and Tenn , epreaA upon the minutes of the BoarA oY Qom- Btet• , missionere anA that a page oY tha minute book be set apart for the oopying oY said ~~plat thereon. AdopteA upon Dell of the roll by the Yellowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker~ ,' , Tnily~ Ai111ame and Katter~ohn,-b. ' d • ~ ~ On motion tha SoarA eA~ourned upon Dell of the roll by 6 yens. • • r • ,. j N ~ . IA/~ la~~~nyt~~e APPROVI~D • ~~~ .'//~/ ~u•'+-tom - ~'~""~ ~~ w!O!t • h ~, a .* . ~ ,~ i E q • • t ;~ , ~- . r • •. • ~ i~ .. .• • •. W ~~ ,... ~ ~. ~. • ~ ~. ~ .. ~~ • ~ ~ - ~. . ~ ~ ~ ', :. • , _ ._ ,.-. •. , , . .. ~ . • ~ ~ , _ ~ . . :' .. _..__ ~ , ~, ~ ~, • ~.. ~, i •N I ? • .... ~.. .'.x Y . - ,. ? ' • A + ~ ' T ~ 5 I t _.. ~`~; Fn .. .. .... ,,, j~au!Aa~.S;t"~"*e we~t~RF~r,,~.w~-s,!sr+fa.r^~„•~r.:~...v,,,"..~."~gfrt~n~.~4xr~~:,:~%~s+nawsw~.r~w :ww;;+i~wa4i~yt~i'~.v.;~RY~~9a t ~~. . ' } f . ~ • F ~ , A ~q ` 4. ,.~+ . 1' , 9 ,_. J ~, ~ata~ .. .'.vi utiyr ~. .a~~H. . „,~~c a `,~+4~-. „gin: S - ~., •:~.~~.u~x:x,.~:• . ;/ .` r. ~ ~ ~....... .f~~ • ~ AIIGD9T 19TH, 19 E1. , ~' . ~ • r At s Called Meeting of the Board•of Commiasiopera~ held in the Comouiseioners d • N Chamber, at tho City Hall, Paducah, Ky.. on Aagust 19th, 19E1, at the hour of 11 o'aloo 6 ' ~ A. M. Upon Dell of the roll the YoTlowing answered to their anmes, Oommiesionere i , Eaton, Esker, Tully, willioma anA Mayor Katter~ohn. ~ '. i[eyor Yatteraohn e~teted,reason Yor oe?3 of tho me9ting .to-wit: for the purpose of allowing the pay-rolls for. the fir et-half of the month of 6ngvat, and such • f other business ae might Dome before the Board. ' ~ •' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: ~I move that the pay-rolls p i ! Yor the first half of the month of Au et amountin to $6647.E4 as er the re ort Report of ~ Pn 8 . P p Com' of Fiaerigs ~ of the Commissioner of Fublio Finance filed herewith be allowed and ordered paid for pay rolls Yore Yiret half oY and the money appropriated Prom the,General FunA to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of monthnof Augaet. q the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, ailliams anA Katter~ohn,-B. Coommissioner Tully offereA the following motion: Tho following pertt-ee having, f. paid the estimates against their property on west BroeAwaq for the oonetruotion 'of 4 • Eati:~tes paid ~~ concrete Ariveway from the East property line of Fountain Avenue, to the 'g'reat property on driveway of west Broadway. ..u-line of Ebth street ----- i ' ~ Est. E B. B. Hook . .....................$33.34 i„ " b Katter~ohn & Bradshaw ........ 9b2.49 " 6 I77r. J. N. Bailey .............. 714.37 " .9 Huacon 2aoClure ............... 28b.76 " 11 Alice B. Nenoe ........... 238.12 ' . " 12 HarAy and Luia ;7arfora,......, 234.12 ' 4 " 18 h~sa. Lizzie Shelton,,......... 238.12 "` . I~ " 23 F. E. Golightly ............... 357.18 ,, -:. ' " 46 J. ".. Doasett .........:....... 1190.61 ;? " 47 `haraby B. Dosaett,......... 238.1E • ~; " 55 J. Harker ..................... EE3.83 " 60 J. P. Pearson ................. 238.12, s total o! $~ 48.1'/, t I move that Contractors, Yanoy & Johnson, be elloweA the sum of~$4948,17, sad the Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to draw a check against the 9peoinl Street FunA~to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton; Esker, Tully, wit lams and Katter~ohn,-b. i. • ti Commissioner `.Yilliame offered the following motiots,L I move that the . Itemised 11at o! chemicals to '~ itemised list of chemicals to be used in the Clinical Laboratory at River sire Hospital be urea in Oiin, ~ ' Ietb. at Riverside;! be.reoeiveA, filed ana approved. Adopted upon calf of the roll by.the following JHoepital. ?~ , vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakar,'Tully, wi111ama anA Katter~ohn,-6, ~~ • fi Commissioner ti".illisma offered the fallowing motiori:~I move that the esti+ Estimates of mate® mates of Gus Lockwood, Ed D. Hannan, I3ltohell 1Saohine & Eleotrio Oo., anA the PaAUOah Gus LookwooA, Ed ;; Eleotrio Co., for inytalling tna Clinical Laboratory at Riverside Hoopital, be receive Hannan P.itoheii ; Elec. ~o anA Fadn, and fi1eA and that the oommisaioner of Public Property be.arthorized to cause the • cah Eleo. Oo. for inainlliria O71n, inntalletiog of eniA laboratory in aooorAnnoo with o~~.1A proposition. AAoptaA upon lab. at H. Nosp. ' ~~; call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Raker, Tully, wil?Same and ~~!I ICatterlohn,-b. ~i Commissioner Williams olYareA the following motion: I move that the 4 r; oommunioation end proposition from Hazel Sieloan, Clinical laboratory Teohnioian, be ' Communication & ~ received, filed, approved anA sprees upon the minute book anA that the Idayor be proposition from ; Hazel }[slosh in t authorized, empowered ana instructed to enter into a contract with the egld Hazel re Clinioel Lnb. .. Teohnioian. ~! t T:eloan, in eooordanoe with the ea1.e proposition: AAopteA upon,:gsll oY the roll by the r, M following vote: Yeas; Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams ana Katter~ohn,-b, y Psauoah, Y.y. AuRVat tenth 192 L To the Honorable I3eyor , ar.A Boars of City Cor:en~aaionere, .Fadnoeh~ Xentuoky. Gentlemen: - Complying with your regneet i am submitting herewith a proposition. for operating a olinioel laboratory et Riverside Hospital, ' e;. L ±Ca~~.«.^ww,~rw•r~sr..a„~.n~w<k rm4,k•~,.v-.?.krt r'ix^wa.i.~;,q~., r va*ti:,as,:m~Fk ...c;.,r~.a~t W~: -~i~:mi :....; 31°v^f.a4r. .,,. . ~+„~,.b!r+r~.!o^~ksw~.+,.~...,a~o^ie.»s!+avt .r.,_~..,g,,..,......,*a.m ,~•ii ~ 3-.~.,no.>mr1=`w+~wa t„ . , ~ ~ .. j ~ ",- ~ ....,........, tR ,'. ~, ~..» ~ ~ '. 4+ ..._.i n. 1~. J • ~ .Y' Y q .. M • ,T~. '•_.~... ~:-~..`. ..._.. •. mow. ...:.:.:... - ~.n...._......e. v..._..'a......~. c_.._[~.. ~ _r. ~ ~_. .. .... _. ,. .... ., rl.e 5 _4. ~ , '~ . l}« . '" Commis ioners' Pr din Cit f P d ~ s gs; ocee y o s uoah ._ _ _. _ _._ _ _ - .......... .lfter the City has installed necessary equipment .Y agree to take oharge of ~ . { laboratory anA do all laboratory teohnioal work required on the following basis ~ ~ ' ~ . . i; All work requireA by physioiana in oharge of the oity patients in the hoepital~ f' to bo done without oharge, my remuneration to oome only from private atients f h. p re erred 'I by Physioians. ' • '' In addition to laboratory equipment the oity is to furnish ohemioals for oity j ,oases only, mA to furnish all ohemioels used in private work for whioh oharge is made. { ~. I won1A suggest that it wbnld be impossible to oarry separate stooks of ohemioele and an arrangement should be made oovering this point that would b t ~ r;~ ~ ' . . e mu ually . eatiefaotory. ,,; Reapeotfnl.ly submitted; ' . Hazel hie loan, Clinioel J.t-boratory Teohnioian. I. • ~ } ~ On motion the Board aA~o~ried upoa.oell Sf the roll b b Y Yeas. ~ +Wwa ' se ' ~ crw .. ATOLY: ~' ` , ~ i AUGUST 20th. 1921. ~ f ~, ~ G { +{ At a Cal],~t iteeting of the Board of bommisafonere, helA in the Gommieaionene ' • {Ohamber at the Qit .Hall PaAaoeh ~ '~ ~~_. • Y , , uy., at the hoar of 12 0 oiook . M. Upon ball of . . litho roll the following snowered to their na s I ~ mes: .Commi sioners Eaton; Esker, Tully,- , Uilliame and Hayor YdtterJohn,-6. ~ } a F i` Mayor Katter~ohn stated reason for oa11 of the meftittg to-wit; For th ~ a purpoed v!of allowing weekly a -roll ~ " '~~ p y and euoh other buaiaesa ea~mi~ht Qome before the Board. h . Oommiealoner Tuily'bfPered the following•motion6 I move that the Payroll 1~ II mPay-roll far 1,'for the week. ending Anguat.20th, for the'Department.of Publio Pro ~ . I Per t9, Riverside y' .. week ending. '~Hoapital, amounting to $104:00 be allowed and ordered paid aryl the money appropriated i. ~r ' Ang. 20, 1921. from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oe11 of the. roll by the following S-ot ~ e; ~ ~Yeda, Eaton, Esker,, Tn11y, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b•, ~ . ~ ; . ,, a''~~ -~ . ?- (' On Motion the Board ad onrned ~.- ~ a upon oall of the roil b b .~: N"~ ,r,.; ., Y Yeas. ~,;. ,;,( Ave .dry, .~:29 ~:~1 ®FP.L-ZC~ ; ` is :_LS.:'.. ~ b[I~YOIt. ~• .. AUGUST 22nA, 1921. ~ ,: ,; .:.". ~. ' `- ! At a Regalar Heating of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiasionerep ~ " ~ Chamber, in the City Hell, Paduoah, Ky on August 2EnA 1921 on oeli o { 1i , + Up i the roll the,. ~. : . I! following answered to their names Commissioners Et:ton, Esker, Tully, Ail]iams and ' ~# Ma,ror Kntter~ohn. r ~I On 4Gotion of Commissioner Tully, the minutes oY:the previous meetings were [~ adopteA ae read upon oall of the roll by the following vote ; Yeae, Eaton, Esker, Tnlly~ , Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: Y move that the affidavits of ? ~~• ~i G C. E. Jennings and Henry Katter~ohn, two members of the BoarA of 9npefvisors, Acted ! P,, 9~n Anguat EEnd, 19 E1, relative to the assessment of property belonging to John G. Rehkopf Ii r'' ~.:7Li~, be reoeived anA filed, and that the gesesament made by the BoarA of Egnallzation, j ~ ? n~ assessing the propert^ of John G. Rehkopf, looateA at 20th and Jefferson Streets for. ~:: - i ~See..se,.,~ { the•sum of $18,626, as shown by the returns bf the Board of Equalization, when in trnth~ ~, j~~,(~} anA in faotaaiA BoarA of Equalization intendeA to anA a1A assess sa1A ro ~tM.for the { ~[ ~~" ' y I ~ P.. P ~~ eam of $16,b8b.ae is shown by their memorandum on the BSook Map of the City of Fa+hioah,; .i • ~' enA for the reasons abooe stateA.and on aaoonnt of the affidavits flied herewith, i •i '~ move that the Coronieeioner. of Publio finanoe be instruoted to aorreot sa1A assessment ~~. f H ~. ~ „ eo that said property will be aseeseeA for the sum of $1b,826.~Y ae shows on Blsok l5ap, ; f~ ,~~, ~anA.oolleot tgxee beseA upon the tux rate and on e+sid amount; whioh motion was Aaly ~ { ~~. ~ eeoonAed. ~ ~•; {~. a'. H Thereupon~Commisaioner Eaton offereA the following motion: ,I move that ~ ~ ~~~ ~.~~= ~,; 3 the,aoasiAeratlon of.the pending motion be postponed until the next regular meeting ~, p . I'' { anA that said pending motion bs reterred;to fhb 03ty $oiioitor anA that•he make his ~. ..~ • • (report thereon in writing. AAopted upon cell o! tho roll by the following vote: yeas h .Enton, Eaker, Tully, ~91111ams and Katter~ohn,-6. ~ ii Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the final ostimete furnished by N. M. Mitohell, Oity Engineer, for work Aone BnA performeA by ', Binal Estimate o! Eaker anA 9torris, Oontraotora, by oouetruoting oonoreta.Arivewaye on Tenth, Eleventh , -~ . work tuns on 10th ii h 2 h 13 h 4~ ~ , t ,l t , t ,1 h tlTwelYLh, Thirteenth, Fourteenth.anA Sixteenth etroete, from the north propsrLy fins o! • nnr 16th eta. by Eaker & Storrie. • ~~BroeAway to the south property line of Jefferson Street, be reoeivsA, YlleA enA oon- • I~ ~;Y1rmeA. .AAopted upon os11 oY the roll by the f ollowinq votr. Yeea, Eaton, Eaker, Tully ,. ;~ ~ftilliame and Katter~ohn,-b. • ~ Mayor Xatter~ohn offareA the following motion: I move that the satlmnted ' ufarnishsd by W. l.4. ESitohell, Oity Engineer, for work acne am performsA by Eaker abA f , ' ~9torrie,oontraotore, by oonstruoting oonorete drivewoya on Tenth,'ElavenLh, Twelfth, ., I ' ,. ~Thtrteenth, Fourteenth am lirteenth streets, fpom the north property line of BroaAway , e e e a Ilto the Sonth proper ty line of Jefferson street, be reoeiver, fileA ens oonYirmed, . rAAOpter upon enll of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, '~91111am ~ ~ ' i;en',Katter~ohn~-b. Mayor Katter~ohn offereA the foiiowinq motion: Eaker ans.Dtorris, Oontreotor ~ ' • %i i~having finiaheA the rrivewaya on Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and ~.. ~ li ''SSxteonth,Streete, Yrom the north property line oY Broarwey to the eouthe Property lino f ~Improvemeate by ~oY Jefferson Street, am having aompiie~ in all roepeota with the orAlnanos adopted ~, , . maker m Storris,0on.' "anA authorisiag avid improvements enA having oomplied in all reapeots with the tarma olt 5 • ~ tlaotors. for work on • • lOth,ilth,l2th,13th, =Lho .oontraot entered lnto•by anA between ea1A oontrsotore anA,the Oity of Paruoah, oa ~ • 14th enA iGth.Ste, !'~ths 10th nay oY A:ny, 1.8,21, anA having oompletaA same aooorring to the plane anA eooeptar, ii . • `;;apeoifioations aroptoA for said work anA no oomplninta having boon !Sled, protesting ~ag~anst acid work, I now move that sacs improvements be aooopted anA approved, AdopteA • ' ~Hpon Deli of the roll by the follo~xing vote: Yeas, Eaton, E•~ker, Tully, ft1111ame.nnd " • .. ~, Mayor Xatter'ohn offerer the fo13ow1na motion: ReynolAa Broa. Oontraotora I; • Improvements by I'having oomplated Tenth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth etroete; lrom'the north property , ReyIIOlre Broa. on 10th ':line of Broarway to the south property line of Jefferson Strnet~ by aonatruoting . •' 13th'enr 14th Sta. .nooeptes :oonorete oi:nba am gutters thereon, ens all neoaasary manholes, intakes, sewers shd • ~=;boatoh basins am having eomplleA 1n elf respeata with the orrinanoe aAopteA, and author rising asir improvements enr having oomplies in ell reepebta with the terms of the oon- I .`, traot enterer into by am between ea1A oontreotora am tho City of Paruonh, Ky. on the ' • '11th ray oY May 1923, and having oompieter same eooorsinR to the plane ens apeolfioatiori e'' • I;sAOptaA 'for said work ens no oompleinte having been YileA protesting against said work, ' .~ ~,I now move that sair improvements be aooepteA anA epproveA. AAOpter upon Dell oY the. • • Troll by the following wote: Yeea, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, ftilliams enr Katter~ohn,-6. ~ • Mayor KatterJohn offered the following motiot-~ I move thnt the estimates ` ~! I,Yurniehed by N. L:. Mitohell, City Engineer, Yor work Aono anA performeA by ReynolAe. ~. Estimates o! work 'Bros. Contraotora by o.onstruoting oonorete ourbs, guttore, am n11 neoeesary manhole e, , tone by ReynolAe.Broa. ~• • ;,intakea,,sowera am oatoh basins, on both e!Aes oY Tenth, Thirteenth enA Fourteenth !.streets, from the ,Uorth prop orty line of Broarway to the oouth property line oY , Jefferson, street. be reoeiver, filer am oonfirmeA. Adopter upon Dell of the roll by r • ithe following vote: Yeas, Eton, Eaker, Tully, ftillinms am XatterJohn,-6. ii ' . '' 1!syor Ketter~ohn offerer the follo:vinq motion: I move that the final estimate !i ' • Final Estimates o ! ;Yurniehen by ". M. Mitohell, City Engineer. Yor work Aone enr performed by Reynolds ~rork on 10th, 13th do ,`Broa., Contraotor^, by oonstrnoting oonorete ourba, gutters enr all_neoessnry manholes, 14th Sts. by Reynolr ~` Broa. e !intakes, sewers ana oatoh basins on both sires oY Tenth, Thirteenth enr Fourteenth K ,,~- ., 4 a t i ... .. ~~ . •'.~. `y M ,~r YNa Commisaionera' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ ' 192_ ~ . . streets, Prom the. north property line of Broadwe ,to the south r ~ y p operty line of Jefferson • i street, be reoeived, fileA gnd,aonfirmed. 9dopteA upon Doll of the rpll by the ~~ ' following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker. Tully, !71111ams anr~Kattergohn,-b. Dr. Ki~~ to ~ Magor %atter~ohn offereA the following motionL Y move and reao-:nnend that f111punexpirsd+~ ~'~ C. $. Kidd, be nominateA to fill the nnexpireA term of Dr. Parsons. on the BoarA } term of Dr. '1' ' Parsons on r.'of Health. Adopter upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Esker, i`. BosrA ot.Heaith: Tull Williams anA Katter~ohn,=b. ~ Y:' TLayor Kntter~ohn offered the following motion: ~ ' ,..;, I move that the oommunioation, dateA August 20th, 1921, from, H. J. Harris, ` ' Communioation ~ Fire Inspector of 'the State of Kentuo ~ ky, be revolved anA filed.. Adopted upon Dell . from H. J.Harri of the .roll bq the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams anA Kattergohn,~b. . }dagor Katter~ohn offereA the following motion: I move that the osmmnunioation i . Communioation from 0. 7V. Emery, dated August 19th. 1921. be reoeived and fileA. AAOpted upon Dell :from C. i9.Emery of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams sad Katter~ohn,-6. Liayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; Y move that the aommuniaetion i p fr an Jaoob iPalleretein, dateA August 15th, 1921, be rooeivee anA filed. Adopted upon d Oommunioation.~ from J. Wa11er~ 'oall of the .roll bq the following vote: Yeas, Eton, Saken, i'nily, Williams anA ~ stein.. f. ~•, KatterJohn,-b. Communioatiaa ~' L4agor Kntter~ohn offereA the following motion: Y move that the"communication .. ' 'Paauaeh Eleotr~o fr an the PaAuoah Eleotrio Compa~r, Anted August{9th, 19:1, relatlvs to the White T7ay Co.,. be reoeiveA and filed. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tu11q,-Willi.ama and.Itatter~ohn,-b. 1 .. ~ ~ - .. ~ Commissioner Riiliema offereA the following motion: I move that the petitions ' Fetltion for 'i. adAresaeA to the Liayor an~r Board o2 Cormniaatonera, asking. that an orAinanae be eaopteA rAinan a for ~~.aubmitting to the voters of~PaAUOah, Kentnakq, at the next regular eleotion the question Y~"`~rovey . manta at River4 of. a Bone Ieaue, for. the pnrpoae of making oertain speaifio improvements anA extensions else Hospital.,+. ' pia BonA leans' to riverside Hospital, inclnAing n ohemicnl anA biologiael laboratory, X-ray laboratory, _ Ys,undry, Ympro4ement of contagions ward; nun parlor, Boiler a1IA buil~ing, anA to finish anA equip. the new aA.Aition to Riverside Ho ital eaiA $P petition being ei~eA by,bet~+een ' seven Q.uP aigttt hunAreA.gnalifieA voters of the City of Fa~uaah, be reoeived anA filed. 4 i, AAOpted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Eaton. fiakar, Tully, Williams, Katter~ohn,-b. Commissioner Williams offereA the following motion: . 3 move tffit an Ordinenoe ' Ordinarioe for ~ entitled; "AN ORDIITANCE PROVIrING FOR T1?Er.LBCTION BY THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF TT'.E Bond issue fori! CITY OF PADUOAH, KEItTUOKY, TO BE HELD ON THE iiEGULAR ELi:CTIDN D..Y, NOYEI~ER 6th, 1921,E the purpose of making improved YIT THE CITY OF FA1?UCl.H, KENTUCKY, TO DET~TL`.INE THE QUESTIOIi iJHETHEt~ THE OITY,OF ! merle to River¢.1Ael,~DUC:1H SHELL ISSUE AND SELL BONDS Or Si.ID CITY. TO THE E%TENT OF ye60,000 DOLI.i1iS, Hospital. +' FOR THS PURPOSE OF Lv1k:IITG C~Ti~YN SPECIFIC ILIP:TOVET.7;ITTS AND EXTENSIONS TO RIV~SIDE i ~~ HOSL ITAYy INCLUDING THE PURCTIASYNG AIdD INST.J.LING TTiF. NA7CESSARY EQUI'L~:N'2 FORA ' „ I CHr~iIOAL AND. BIOLQGICAL 7JlBORA'lORY, AN X-R.lY LABORATORY, A LAUITnRY, AND FOR T'tTF PUR-' POSE OF YLC`ROVING AND EQUIFING TI?E CONT6GIOU5 17ARD gliT? c n H , OR THE'PURZOSE OF BUIL IN(i I ,AND ERECTIidd ASUN PARLOR, AIiD FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINISHING ANn EQ.UIPYNG T1:? NEi9 + ' ADDITION TO. RIVERSIDE HOSPITAL, AITD rOR THE PURPOSE OF EIILARGING AID EXTF.NnING THE ~ BUILDING YN CiHICH YS YAC1,7£D THE BOILERY AT SAI?1 HOSPITAL AR'D TO PROVITIE FOR TAE PAY- ' L';EITT OF INTEREST ON SAIp $ONDS AND TO CREATE. A SIb'Y.ING FUND FOR TILE PAYL~NT OF SAIdF..» ~1! 'be introAuoed anA .lay over. Adopter,upon sell of the roll by the follo:vinR votes Yeaso Eaton, Eaker,Tullq.and~Williame,-4. Nays, itatter~ohn,.i. Commissioner Williams offered the following. motion:, I move that the oonEraot; Cositradt be-.•.~ between the Citq of Paducah, anA Easel L4eloan; dateA August 19th. 1921. for the ' i tween Hesel ! f. Llelona an+~ Oityl', appointment of.itiverai~e Hoapital,Teohssioi9a, be reoeived, filed anA reoorded. `~ r> i L, ,J. i ~°°--, ~...d T .., -~ . .. •. . , ~. . ~ ~ Commissioners' Proceedings •City of Paducah ~ 192__ Na~~ ,~ • `Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Yollotring vote; Yeea; Eaton, Esker, Tn11y, Willitai ', `and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ • • ~~ Commissioner TTilliame offereA the following motion: I move that the '~ z ~ -' • ~etimate AetaA Au guat EOth, 1921, Yrom Robart L. Tyree; Yor paintinganA Aeooratiltg the , Estimate from Robert L. Tyrse•Yor interior walla and oeilings of the Oarnegie Library, amounting to the sum of X438.26 ' ' , painting and deoorating th ll f i ~ ' e inter or wa s o be reoeived and filed, ~ and that the trustees oY. Carnegie Library be authorizer and ~ . Carnegie Library. n • ,empowered to have sold work roan at Bair price, and oharge to the Carnegie Library ' ,eooonnt. Adopted upon Dell 03 the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, • i1 Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ '~ ' • ~' Qommlaeioner Esker offerer the following motion; I move that the ~ ' Petition Yor atreettetition signed by the residence and property o:znere in the vioinity of 22nd. and ~ • light •a 22nd and ` • _~ Linrsay stet: ;linbsey street asking Yor a street'lamp to•be installed at the intareeotion oY E2nd and ;~ if bindaey stroeta, b e received and fihed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following . :,., '. ii~vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, s4i11iams.anA Katter~ohn -b. ;~ . , ~ Commissioner Luker offereA the following mtltion: I move that the Super. •. ' y • Street light to be ~'intendent oY the City Light Plant be inatruoteA to install and aro street lamp at the ,•, plnoeA at 22nd and ;~Intereeotion of 2£nA and Linrsey streets. Adopter upon Doll of the ro]1 by the ~ • L1n+'aey sta. ;; . rfollowing vote: Yeas, Eton, 'e'sker, Tu]ly, Williams oast Katter~ohn,-b. .. ;, • Commissioner Tully offerer tiie following motion; I move that the ~; • •.~Reaolution entitler, "A RESOLUTION PI?OVInING FOR THR CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE sITEWAId:9 • A Resolution Yor k ' CURBB AiID GUTTERS AItT ALL IIiCESSA: :Y 2:T1.IIHOLES, It1TA>l.ES, SE.fi'RS Aim O=TCE BASIIis Ott TAE oonorete sidewalks, • eto., on Goebel Avenue.;,iT~ST SIDE OF GOF:B::L :>VEItUE, c^RO1:S TN.E E:^.ST PF.OPE:-tTY LINE OF GOEB::L AVENUE TO IA POINT • , YWHERE THE SOUTH CURB LIttE OF F10RT...tt'S AVEI1[JE, IF F7ITENDED, t'10ULT INT::RSF.OT TAI WEST '~ ' ' I ~FROFERT LI 1E OF GOEB I L ^ • 2 Y k AVEI UE, ALSO THE .AST SIDE OF GOr .BEL AVENUE, FROId A 3TAY~E SET i,OFPOSIT$ TI1i F30I1T OF T,~s. BUILnING N0:7 OCCUPIET. BY THE UIIION ^RUG STORE, TO THE SOUTH , E'CU''B LIRE OF "OP.TEN'S AVENUE, IN 'PH'r: CIi'Y Ob' PATUCAH, KEIITUCKY, AgD PROVInII1G TH'.T SAIY,E • ~I:.AY BE P:.ID FOR UPOtd T;IF. TEN YE:R PAYldRItT PLAtt" be introruoeA and lay over. AropteA. ~ f ' 4;upon Doll oY the roll byvthe,following.vote: Yeea, Eaton,.Eaker, Tully, sue Wi111ems,-4I Nays' Katterjohn,-1. ~ Commissioner "iilliama offerer the following motion; I move that the I A Resolution for ''Resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION FOR TH3 C02iSTRGCTION OF CONCRETE sITE"7ALK3, TO~sETHER ; _' • oonorete sidewalks on ;;WITH ALL NECESSA37! I[ANHOLES, INTAKES, SE'.7EI?3 AI1T CATCH BASINS, 0 I1 THE !!'RST SIDE OF ~ Broar Street ' • iBRO'.D STREET, FROId T?~ INTERSEQTlCN OF FOURTI'. AND pROAD .STR_E.F.TT, INCLIInING.TItF. INTE.RS$C= ~~TION Ob` FOURTH AItD BROAT sTREE7ti, Ta TIC "IVIDIIIG LItiE IIET".'E$I1 THE FROPE??TY' OF CH'-RLOH'TH pi 1 •• • i,RUF$ Abfi THr. P30PI'.'RTY 'OF BARBARA PP:TTER, II1 THE CITY OF PATUCAH, KENTUCKY, AT TT;S'C09P ~ .;>• ~OF THE ABUTTING PROPER`PY OWI1ERS AtiD FROVIPED TPAT SAID MJ,Y BE FAIT FOR UPON THE TFI1 i ~^ YE-°.R P:.YE~NT PLAN.," be ar~teA. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Easton, Esker, Tu1ly.anA Williams,-4. Nay's Katteriohn,-1. ~ ' • ~~ ileyor Katter~ohu offered the following motion: I move'thaL an orrinano 4 e~ Aaeaa::ment Orrinanoe entitled, "AN. ORDIIIANCE t.SSF.SSIIIG T?L~: ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTFI SITES OF TENTH, THIRTEEN TH • , Yor propert y on 10th, ~AtiT FOURTEENTE STREETS, FR01; THE NORTH FROP)i'S?TY LIIE OF BROAn1PAY To THE. SOUTH PROPERTY T sta. 13th oast 14th . ~.IItE OF T'FFER5021 S~?EET IN TI.~'. CITY OF FATUC!iH, KENTUCKY, TI?F S1Rd OF ~. 9729b, per ABUTTIIG FOOT FOR TILE CONS'P::OCTI02t OF CONO??ETE OURBS, ANn GUTTERS ANT AL NEOESSARY ~ ~1At1Ii0LES, INTi>I:ES, SEitF.RS, CATCH BASI1iS AND TRIVENAYS THRREOF, AIt~ PROVIDING TH]CT SAID . AsSESSI:r^.ItT J.tAY BE PAID IIt T°.-t1 (10) EQUAL IIiST:.LL1:~I1TS, BF.IBG OttE EACH YEAR FOR A PfiRIOT , ~ , 0;: TEI1 (10) YEARS," be aropted. Adopter upon Dell of the roll by the folloe4ing vote:, ~ ~ • Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, tlilliama am Katter~ohn,-b. " i ~ mayor Katter~ohn offerer the following motion; I; ~: .., ; ~ . .-, F , .,._.. , ~... • i ' - .~ y .. ..x, .•r • Na~_a •~ Commissioners' Proceedings„ City of Paducah 192_ ;• Assessment I Or~inanoe ~; ! i move that an OrAinanoe entitled, "AN ORDffiAI7CE ASSESSING THE~ABUTTII7G PROPERTY i ~ ' Yor property j • I iON BOTH SIDES OF TENTH, ELEVENTH, TWELFTH, THIRTEENTH, FOURTEENTH AND SIICTEEI7TH.STREETS,i ~a ~ on lOth,llth, l2th,13th,14t ~0~ ~Hy. NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF BROADWAY TO THE SOUT:? P30Pr1tTY LINB.OF Jp..FF~gON STREET ~ ? ,! an+~ 16th Sts. ~ ~ IN T:;i:'CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, THE SUM OF X2.1822 PER ABUTTYNSi FOOT FOR THE CONSTRUCTK ~~ • ~ TION OF SdID nRIVEWAY WITH CONCRETE ON TENTH STRr^.ET• 1 "'' ~4.1Ob6 ON ELE~EI7TH STREfH'; $3.8211' '. ~ • • ON Tt7ELFTH STREET; $3.8732 ON THIRTEENTH STREET; $ 1.8b38 ON FOURT1~E2iTH STREET; AND j °. -~ ~. • ,.,, , a , $3.2021 ON SIRTEENTH„•;STREET AlID PROVIDING THAT THE COST OF COItSTRUCTION OF SAID TiRIVEA WAYS HE CHLRGEABLE TO AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE PROPERTY RECEDING THE.BENEFIT OF SAl'~ ASS rti i SHOWN BY' THE ET~GIiTEr^RSS,ESTIEIATE ON FIY.E IN,RIS OFFICE AND PROVIDING THAT SAhC; MI!Y BE PAYD ~~ ~1 l IN TEN (10) EQUAL INSTALLMENTS, BEYNG OItE EACH YE:.R FOR A PERIOD OF TEN .(10),YEARS, " j ~ Abe aAOpted. 6DOPTED UFON CALL OF THE ROLL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: Yeea, Eaton, Eaker ~ is f Tully, Williame,•gziA~Katter~o&nr-S.' ~ ,,; '. ~. J Commisa~oner Eaton offered the following, motion: Y move that an Ordinanoe entit~.eA OrAinanoe ~ ~ ~ "AN ORDINANCE_DESIGIJATING KENTUCKY .+VENUE, BROADWAY, AND JEFr^ERSON ST&~.TS I7 THE CITY ~ keys Agm;iBg~~ ~OF PAPUC:>H, AS BEIIdC EQUAL %N YidPORTANOE TO BOULEVARDS ANn FURTHER REGULATING T'i$ USE ~ ae Boulevardei . OF VEHICLES THk"ftEON, AND PRESO IHINO PENA711'IE$ FOR VIOLATION TAEREOF, be alt opted. enA regulatiag AAOpteA.upon nail of the roil by the Pollonving vote: Yeas, Eaton. Esker Tu13y Wiliiama vehiolee h , , thereon. anA Katter~ohn,-b. ; / .: ~ • • f `~ Qn motion the Board aA~ourned upon nail of. the roll by b yeas. j Ai. r i S PPR0~7`It3D . ~ ~~~ !~ • ~7. ~~c~ ,t _ _ _ ~ 5f~-1~w MAYOlC' ! • . . ~ AUGUST 24th, 1921. ~ .. ;~1. At a Ca11eA Meeting oY the BoarA of Commieeionere,:}~eh in the Commissioners ~• • ~ '. Ohamber in the City Ha 11, PaAUOah, Ky. on tugust 24th, 1921, 'at 11 O'olook ,t. !i. Upon , ' ;~I 'l •; . ~. :~. • Ioell of-the roll the following anemere~t to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Tully, ~ •' ,:`I. ` °'~ i1Yilliame and Mayor Katter'ohn,-4• 1 is 1: ~., : Mayor Katter~ohn stateA reason Yor nail of the meeting,to-wit: !'o authorize ~ • ahs Mayor_to negotiate with soma oompetoLt.Civil Engineex aq to omployment for speoiai ;• ~ , ~ i+. k 'engineers anA auoh other business ea might oome before the boar A. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~• ~' Commissioner Eaton°offereA the following motion:.I move t)nt the Mayor be Mayor authorise' E j to negrotiate ~ suthorizeA to negotiate with some oompeteLt oonsulting Oivi1 Engineer, for the purpose :with Oivil Engineer e4 to !~of proouring a proposition Yor emplogment as Speoiel Fmgineer.to make a enrvey for the ! ' :employment ~~ for..aeper work. j'laoation, planing an~.oonetruotion of ,e sanitary or Combination Sewer, (Trunk line).,-. ~' 4 . :. , ~~in §ubAivisiona B. anA C. of the ThirA Sewer Dietriot, ea now oonstitnter by O~Ainanoe ~ • din the City oY PaAUOah, anA make report thereof to the Boarr oY Commissi"opera,. all .expense ' 1 . -' I~inoidenL thoreto to bo ohargable to .the Speoia7, Sewer Fun A,. A+~opteA.upon nail aY the roll. ;Y~ ' 114by,the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Taliq, Williams an+~ Katter3ohn,-4. ~ ~ ' ,v • ~ ~. Commissioner Tnily oYfereA the following motions I move that the Board tenses;. ;, !juritil 4 O'olook P. Id. toeay. AdopteA upon nail of the roily bq the following vst'e: Yeas; ~ ;Eaton, Tully, Williams ana Katter~ohn,-4. ~ j..,.. ~• The Board of Commissioner^ reoonvened at 4 0~olook P.•ld., Augast 24th, 1921, .!. ii .: ~` in the Commissioners Ohahnber iri the City Ha11, Pa+tuoah, Kentnoky, pursuant to the fors- ~ s. ~ 1 jgoing reoeas• Upon nail of the roil the following an wereA to their names, Oommisaionere,'_ # ~ '~ . ~ iEaton, Tnliy nnA t9111iame and lUiyor. Katter3ohn,-4. ~ ~ ~ ~+ ~ J,. • ~ ?, ., ~ !tj I~p,1' .w .'~.. . ,,~ :: .rd ~ i..~ '~ ~• r ^•• ~ ., ~ ~ ~ .. ~~ 1. . ... .. - .. .:_ . .... ~... r .i J .. . ... V ... ~' ; N' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ • . . .. ,. ,~ • ~ , .. • ~ , , j a,' ; ~ r , '. 1 ... .. c '. Commissioner Tully ofierea the following motion: I move that the 9TA'P&NNIENT.OF ~ ' ~ ' STATEIL~NT OF 'TgE CONTRACT t7ITR YANCY AND JOHNSON, CONlRACTOR9, Yor the bonstruotiort oY s oonarste COIITItACT WITH YANCY do JOHNSON arlveway on Broadway Yrom 17th Street to Ebth Street, be reoeived ex,a filed. Adopted • . .FOR CONSTRUCTION , OF 1RIVEWAY ON upon oe11 of the roil by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tully, !9illiame aria Kattor~oh n~•~ BROAn~7AY FROM , I L7th to Ebth St. Commissioner Tully offered the following motlon: The following parties having ~ ~ ~ ~"~ ` paiA estlmates against property owners on West Broadway Yor the oonstruot.lon oY a oonorst ;: ~ e ; ~rriveway from the. East property line oY Fountain Avenue to the 19est property line of ~ . 'i. ~ . 'Ebth Street..... ~ ~ i I + ? .. ;;>; •. Estimates agairet Estimate ~13.. Freddie R. Dumaine...$ 476.E4 ~ 37.,A. L.&Lee LivinReton..$ E38.lE1 .. property on " lb.. L. S. Dubois......... 1088.E2 ,~ 38,.Stanaerd 011 Co.of Ky. 238.72] • fleet B'way.peid~ " 19.. A.F.deEmile I,eyere.:.. E38.1E 44..L.A.& Annie Mason..... E38.1EF . ~ • ,, " EE.. Sarah Burnett.......... 714.37 b1..John Aell ............. E39.12~ ~ " 28... hest Imp. Co.,......: 283.37 62..Mrs.Il:aryChauaet....... E36.12° • r " 31.. Fannie Stanley.,..... E76.22 ~ b4..J.C.,C.L.,&Cy Bennett. 176.E1j n " 3E.. Annie L. Bass........ 438.14 ~b8 ..R.E.&Ora B]anka ...... 238.1E' ~ ~~ ,. •? ~• YaauoAh Ry.Oo., E316.OE • j • • "a total of $7436.b3, I move that Ya my & Johnson, ^ontraotors, be allowed the sum of ) ~. ° • ~ • • t';$?436.63, and the Commissioner or Fublio ~•inanoe be inatruateA to craw a oheok against ` ':~ ' • the Speoiel Street Aaoount to pay same. Adopted upon aaTi oY the roll by the following :~ .: , vote: Yeea, Eatpn, Tu11y, Williams ana Katter~ohn,-4. `= , r • ~ Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowirg motion: The following pa'•ties having Estimates v a stalled to pay the estimates aeseaseR against their property or to take aavnntege of the' ' ~ • property on W. ;' t , B'wgy turned ," Ten Year Plan for the oonstruation oY a oamorete driveway on Broadway, from 17th Stree over to ~ Yanoy de dohnson'to Ebth Street..... - .; . • j~''-•Eetimete #3..'~Geo. Barnhard.........$ 681.03 3b.. J.O.&J.R. Gray.........$ 746.24 " .. W.F,kvirginie Bradshaw 1421.58 40.. Jno.Rarper (balanoel... 14.29 • ,. " 8.. C. T. Allen........... E38.12 b9.. 11oCraoken R.E. & M. Oo. 238.12 "~ , , N " 17. Mrs. E. Palmer........ 714.37 e total of $3783.7b, I move that the Commissioner oY Publio Finanoe be last;uoted to . • ~~ turn over said estimates to Contraotore Yenoy k Johnson. AAOptea upon Dell of the ' ;!roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tally, lvilliama ana Katter~ohn,-4• ~'~ Commissioner Tully offered the following. motion: I move that the City Solioitar i ' ~ Qity 3olioitor ? beoinatruated to fru•nlah the Commissioner of Iublio Finanoe a oopy oY the Bongs to b6'•. • to furnish Com'r .' issues for tho lm~irovomant on Broadway by oonutruotinR a oonoroto arlveway Yrom s7th aY Tublio iainanoe oopy of Bonds to ;Street to 2bth Street. Adopted upon Dull of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, be issued for ' imp. on W. B'way; Eaton, Tully, ~91111ams ana Katter~ohn,-4. ;, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: it appearing there ie sue the x d in . • Com'r of Finanae !, Sohoola from 1919 taws/settlement of the suit of the Inter-state Ohero-Cola Qo., again st'' to pay over to ~ Fir at 2tat'1 Bank ~ the City of >•eauaah the swn oY $19.b0, I move that the Commissioner oY Publio Finanoe ;19.b0 from taxes ~ •.°•.;.;,. ~ oolleot4d in suit. be inetruotod ta.pay said amount over to Lhe First National~ank, Treeaurer. AaopteA • ,ve•Chero-Dols Co.n ~ ^~~ ` $or Sohoola. ~ upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,Tdlly, Williams ana Katter~ohn -4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that there is flue ~ • Com'r of Finanoe ~ to pay over 'to ;the Sohoola from the oolieotion of 1920 taxes the e~ oY $77.63, I move that the Com- ': irat l:at' 1 Bank , • =•77.63, for sohoolgniesioner of Publio r'inanoa be inetruotea to pay over to the First National Bank. Baia .from tax oo1.19E0* ~, amount. Adopted upon Dell or the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tu11y, Williams anA Katter~ohn,-4. ~ '.; ~ • ; • • y • Commissioner Tully offered.the following motion; It appearing that there Se Aus Com'r of Finanoe ' • to pay over to !; the Sohoola. $184.21 Yrom the 1921 tea iolleotion, I move that the Commissioner of i ~'` First Nat'l Bank ~164JE1 Yor sohooleYnblio Finanoe be instruetea to pay over to the r'irst National Bank, Treas:aer, eniA !?, ' Yrom taz Co1.19E1~ amount. Adopted upon call or the r~li by the Yollowirg vote: Yeae, Eaton, Tully, ~,. • 71111ams ana Katter3ohn. ~~' , I - ~, On Ltotion the Board ad~ournea upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. `~;__ . z °-:'"iJ .SPPROTr'~39T~ ~ rte` J~! c~~T riK. ,7AtX. Ii: _ . ,. __~._..~~..l. . __ __~ ,_ , ; ; . • ~° ~E~ ,. . • . . +_. '.>y. . - r,:. ~. • ~ ,~ , ~~, m ~~,~. ,, ~;,., s-_ .7 , No. Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah. -19~~: AUGUST E7th, 1921•. ~ At a Called M~bting of the BoarB of Commissioners, helA in the Oommieeioaers~f ~ j v~ OhambeP in the Citq Heii, August 27th, 1921, at 11 O'olook A. M., Upon Dell of the roli 66 '" ~ q the following ansaiereA to their namees Commteeionere Eaton, Tu11y, anA Williams, anA ~ i <,~S Mayor Katter~ohn,-4• I ~ ' ~ iyayor Kdttersohn etate~ reason fam Ball of the meeting, to-wit: For the • ~ ~ purpose of slloaiing the meekly pay-roll ahd sash other business ss might Dome before i • : ~ the Boar A. ~ • ~~ : • 1 .. .. ~ Commissioner Tn11y.oYfereA the following motion: I move that the Pay--roil k Pay-roll Pvr, .for.the week enAing.Angast 27th-.- 4 . ' ,,,, .Department of.Fublio Property, ~ . week ending River elAe Hospital, amounting to $126.2b, be elloweA' ~• Augast 27th. ' '• 8 y . n~, orAereA pa1A an A. the moaeq approprieteA from the Generai FnnA to pay same. AAopteA ' ' upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton. Tully, Williams any Katter~ohal,-4•', Commissioner Tally offered the f ollowiag motion: The follo~ring parties ~ - 8stimate paid ,. f ~ having laid the estimate against tneir property for the improvement of W9 et BroeAway by ~ a ' or work on i ~ . West HroaAwar• ! the eonetruation of s oonorete Ariveway from 17th street to 26th street -------- ' Estimate X24. • surburban Real.Eetate 00 .: .............•...$1190.6fJ,~ ~~~ '•~ " ~ ~ I move that Yanoy do Johnson, be.alloweA the sum of X1190.60, am the Commissioner of i •. Pnblio b'inanoe be inetruoteA to Araw a oheok against the Speoisl street Aoconnt to pay i ~ 'a (ea e. AdopteA upon Dell of the roll by tae.following vote;.Xeas, Eaton, Tnliy, :Tiliiamd, - anA Katter~ohn,-4• ,. G On motion th,e BoarA ad~ourned.upon Deli of the roll by 4 yeas. i ! 1 '' ~ ', d~ .co ~ MA1'Olt. t • . AUGUST' 29th. 1821. '` • ~ At 6 Regular Meeting of the BoarA of Commissioners, held 1n the Com- ;. H miesioners~ Chamber, in the City Hail, Augnst.29th, 1921. Upon Dell of the roil the '' ~ . ~followil-g anewereA to their,namest Co.:missioners, Eaton, Esker. Tully, anA W1111ams,anA ~ ' _ . - , I lieyor Katter~ohn;-b. jl On ?notion of Commisaioner Tully the minutee oY the previong meetinge, were teA ~Yeae, GaAopteA ae oorre o upon Dell of the roll by.the following sots: Eaton, Esker, Tnll.y, W11]i.ams anA Katter~ohn,-b. `' , +. ~ Ma~yorKntter~ohn offerer the•foliowiag motions I move that the oommunioation Communioation from Alvord & Burdiok, Engineers, bearing Rate of Aur;ust 2bth, 1921. eAAreaee~ to the + A1vorA & BurAiok _ .k ~: - Eng..aY to tMayor of PaAuaah, relating to a proposition of oompleting survey far the ThirA. ~istriot survey far ,: sewers. ~ sewer, be reoeiveA ant fileA. anA publieheA.i~ the official newspaper. AAOpteA.upon ae11~ ~ 4 .of the roil by the following votes Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tu11y, Williams anA KetterJohn,.bi '" j ffiayor Katter~ohn offerer the following motion: i move that ,the Resolution! ~~•' ~ Resolution for °entitleA "A RESObUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTI':t IidTO A CONTRACT WITH ALVORD AIt'b ~ ~~.n Idnyor to Dater into aontraot '!BURDICK. ENGIt1EERS, TO ,•.ikKfi A SURVEY AND TO FUR]dISH SUCH 1I2AW INOE, E]CHIHITS, MAFS; AND ~ ,., A'' with A1vorA & BurAiok; Eng. R1;PORTS A3 MAY BE NECESSARY FOR .THE PR~Ia~[IIiARQ P70RS IN COhfiI~ETIId4 TiiE TFIIItD DIS ~RICT ~ Y ,. ifor making a ,~sEW~t AND APPROPRIATING Lt0i7EY TO PA St THEREFOR." be introdnoeA gnA Icy over. A~opted ' survey.. for 3rd ,~ . distriot sewor. ,Lnpon oall,of the roil by the.foliowiag 6oteE Yeas, Eatoa,,Eaker, Tn11y, Wiliiame anA 1 .- ~ y f iKetterjohn,-b. ~ r }, ~i Commissioner Wil1la~-s offereA the following motion: I move that the Dom- ~ 7, ~Oommualaation 'r !munioatioa from W. E. Gore, Arohit.eot, AateA August 6Lh, 1921, approving bills of Ous { ° ` ' . E. Gore. ' itemizeA etate~4o.~sA amountt~ng to $b04..02 for,a~ritional founAation work onRiverei~s Hospital Aanezj meat of Gus .. ~i ~ ~" ~ , ~ ookwooA fo ri~ ~ ,, _ ~, '•' r wo am mate i l t be reoe~veA anA 1 11eA „ anA i mope th t ' ~ r a a riwereine hoep•. a ,~ the itemiaeA statement of 6ne Eookwood, showing ' ~'~ a r., ~:_~„ ti... , : • '' i ~ • <. .~ , I 4 ; .+ -1" ~ •Y° • ~ ~~. Na'. 1 , Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah;.. ' 192; • matsrisl furnished and the cost thereof, amounting to tib04.02, Yor work done anA per.. 3 ,~ u t Rt i Hos ital Ann x b ei d fil th ~Aiti al f dati A a d d 1 f .vers p ,, e s on o n on a Ae e reo ve n e orme on e • hand the Commissioner of Finance be authori2ed anA directed to pay to the ea1A Gns '` !'Lookt~ood, said sum of $b04.02, same to be charged to the Riversi~e.Hoopitat Aooount. ';~ Adopted upon cell of the roll by t~,e following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakor, Tully and ~ ' °Wiiliama,~+4. Nay's Katter~ohn,-1. Commissioner i:aker offered the following motion: I move that the 8uperintenden • "r , 9upsrintsadent ~ ~ .:~ of Light plant tp of the City light Plant be authoriteA to plane a street light on South 3rd et. ,between ~ ~, place street • light on 3. 3rd ; Tennesase Street and Norton Street. AdopteA upon cell oY the roll by the following +:~ ' • " , St., ;,V9te: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully and "lilliame,-4. Nay~•s Kntter~ohn,-1. s •} ', Commissioner Esker offered the Yollowlmg motion; I move that the bill of E, D. ~ ~ ~ ~ T Hannani for con-;iHannan, for $340.80 for aonst;uoting a sewer on Broadway between 24th auA 26th streets, ' ~ { etruating sewer be allowed and the ab~' amount ordereA aid and same be charged to 3 eoiel 9ewere ~ on B vay bet:vosn ~ p p ' E4th de E~th Stst.Aocount. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eater, for the sum oY $340.80, ordered ,;lolly and Williams,-4. Nay's Katter~ohn,-l. ~ ~ ;j paid. •~~ ~! Commissioner Tully oYfereA the following motton: I move that the Resolutlori. , ;entitled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONS ~2UCTION OF CONC''.ETE SIDF.WAIX3, CURBS ~~ Resolution pro- ' viding.for sire-,;.AND GUTTERS AI}D ALL N3CESSARY 15ANHOLFS•; INTAY.E9, 9E^.":RS ANT CATOH BASINS ON THE REST `~ •~ walks on Goabel ~ Avenue. u SIDE OF GOEBEl AVENUE, FROPd THF. EAST PROPERTY LINb: OF GO':BEI. AVENUE TO A POINT WHERE r " h ,. ' ~ ~,TILu: SOUTH CURB LIIdr^. OF ;IORT:.N~S AVENUE, IF EX'PEIdTED, '?OUCH INT..RSECT TFiE WEST PROpEftTY • ~ LIKE OF GOEBrL AVENUE, ALSO THE EAST SITE OF GOEH_:L !,VENUE, 1'RO}d A STAKE SET OPPOSITE NILE LRONT ENE OF TI>E BUIL^iNG N0:7 OCCUPIED BY TRE: UNIOII DRUG STORE, TO THR SOUTH OURH ~ ; LINE OF 710RTEN'S AVEIdliE, IN THL'. CITY OF FADUCA$, XENTUCK7f, ANA PROVIDING TP.AT SA?.~ MAY . CBE PAID FOR UPON THF. TEN (101 YEAR PAY1~1J'P PLAN," be a~opteA. Adopted upon call of ~ ;i • ;the roll by the following vote:,Yese, Eaton, Esker, Ti;ily, and '71111ame,-4• Nay'e ~ ; ~Katter~ohn,-1. 6 _,~ ?j Commiseioner'I~illiams offered the following motion: I move thdt an ordinance ' j . !~ untitled, "AN ORDIIIANOE REGULATIIJG TFI:OHARGES TO •BR }dADE HY TIiF. CITY OF PATUCAH, . ,. ' An ordlnanoe -~'L.h~ITL'C<Y FOR '.7EIGIIIIIG HOGS ON TH:: CITY SCAIx:3 AND PROVIDING A PEIFALTY FOR THE VIOLATION regulating ohar`~ gee to be made i~'~.:R~OF " be ad tad. AAO tad u on pall oY the roll b tho following vote: Yeas Eaton • welshing hogs . ~ p p y ~ , on City .eoelos.;,Eaker, Tully, ',71111ams and Katter3ohn,•6. • ~. Commissioner :Villiame offered the Yo1lo:ying motions. I move that the Ordinance , Or~innnoe pro• ;entitled, "AIJ ORniIIANCE FROVInitiG FOR TI'E •r:LECTION BY T`F. ~IfALIFIET F.IFCTOR9 OF THF. ,~ ' viding for bond :CITY OF PADUCAH i~i1TUCXY T0, BN HF.I.T ON THE REGI!L<1R ELSXJTION n1.Y NOVR}.~DFR 8th 1921 lesue for im- . . . ~ pprovements m 6 Riversiae Hosp. ''IN T::E CITY 0. PAPUCI.H, LrEIiTUCKY, Ta A^Ti~2I4IN:? T:'..^, ~UESTIOld "'fiFTAER TIC CPPY OF PAnUOP•H • ~~SFALL ISSUE AND SELL BONDS OF SAID CITY TO TIiS EI!T~dT OF SIXTY THOUSAND ??OILtRS (~60,OO ~ O~.I ., FOR THE PURPOSE OF k'l.KIItG C~TAIB ~ECIFIC I}:O'ROVEI.'!ED'TS AND EXTENSIOYS TO RIVERSIDE . hHOSFITAL, INCLIIDIBG THE FU.CHASING AND INSTALLING T?~ IIECFSSARY .El'UIPLiENT ;FOR ACHE}eIOA " , !AND BIOLOGICAL LABORnTORY, AN X-RAY LABO?tATORY, A LAUIdIRY, AND FOR T!iE PURPOSE OF i . ,, ~+I?.'fFROVING AND E^UIPING THF. CONTAGIOUS WARD; AND FOR TIC PURPOSE OF BUILDING AND ERECTIN 6 4 • • 4'3DN PARLait3t: AND FOR THE FURP'OSE OF FINISHING AND EI'UIPIIIG TILE NE"t ADDITION TO RIVER- ` . ASIDE HOSPITAL; AIiD FOP. THE PURPOSE OF PURCII.~,SING A ItE"} BOILER AND ENLARGIIIG AIJD EXTEND. , j; ~I2JG T°E BOILS ROOM, AT SnID HOSPITAL, AMID TO PROVIDE FOR THE PGY}IENT OF INTF.RFST ON i~ !SAID BONDS AIID TO C3EATE A SINKING FUND FOR THE PAYMENT' OF 3Ai;E;" be introduoeA anA . ley over. AdopteA upon call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, ' • ..Tully, and Williams,-4. I1ay's Katter~ohn,-1. • n ~' On motion the Hoard eA~ourneA upon call oY the roll by 6 yeas. d ' u . ~ ~ • . .p ec .. ~_19 li CHr C/xk ~, ;. s, • s Na~l ~..~~~ s~ u~ Lam, ~, ~~,~,~,~~ _. ~ , ;~ . »~ , _-----~- .. AuavsT slat, 1x21. i . At s Called Meeting of the Boars of CoTmniasionere, hale in the Commiaeioner~ 'Chamber, in the City Rall, PadvoAh;•dKer~thoky, Angaet alai; 3821;..at 11 orolook A. M. I. Upon oall of the roll the followinS• anaere~l to their names: Commiaeionera, Eaton, Eaker,~, ~Tu11.y, anA Nilliama,.and Mayor Katter~ohn,-b. Mayor Katter~obn stated reason for oall of the meeting, as follows, to-witi "`+ ijFOr the purpo6e of reoeiving work on Bernheim Avenue, bettroeri S'welfth ane,Thirteenth Stet 1 ern cosh other business as might oome before the Board. C M~ror. Kntter~ohn ,.offeree the. following motion: Esker do.Storrie, Con- ! ~traotore,,, having finiehee the, oopetruation of oonoreto eieewalka, ourb are gvttere are { . yell.neoba'u~y manholea,~intekae, aewere, are oatoh Dasine, on both e1Aea of Bernheim ~ Nork on". ' Bernheim Ave.',Avenue, i'rom the 'feat nice of North Twelfth Street to the Eadt siee of Thirteenth Street« from lEth to 13th St., per- ~at tho Intereeotion of Burnett Street, inoluein all int formes-by Esker) 6 oreeot'ons, in the. City of !~ dc,Storrie, Cont1'aduoah, Kent~,~aky, are having oompliee in ell reapeota with the Oreinanoe aeoptee are ~ eoadpted and ~ ~ spprovee, euthorizAag saie improvesente an° having oompliee in all respeote with tho terms of the i• o6mtreot enterer into by are between saie Contraotora are the Gity of Paeueah, are having • . ~oomPletee seme~eoooreing to the plena are speoifiaetione aeoptee for;saie work are no - ., o anplainte having boon filer protesting against eaie"work, I now move that eaie improve- j. 'marts be 8oaepten ere approveda Aeoptee upon oall of the roll by the .following vote:Yeaei, lEatan, Enker, Tully, Williams anA Kntter~ohn,-b. ~_ ;, ~ liayor.Kntter~ohn offeree the following motion; I move that the estimates ` Estimates furnishes by ". M. Mitohell Cit En ineer for work cone ana i ` furniehee.by y g Per,orme~ by Esker are { City Engineer. ,Storrie, Contraotora, by aonatruotna oonarete sidewalks, avrba are .gutters, are all ' for work on Bernheim Ave „ ~neaeaoary manhole:, intakes, sewers are oatoh basins, on both a1Ae of.Bernheim Avenue I! i. from the "eat nice of North Twelfth Street to the cast aie© of Thirteenth Street, at the • ~interaeotion of Burnett Street, imolvring nll interaeotiona, be•reooive6, fileA are oon- ~~firmee. Aeopted upon oall of the roll b~y the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams ere Katterjohn,-b. • , Mayor Katterfohn offeree the following motion: 1 move that the Final Estimate ~furniahed by N. M. Mitohell, City Engineer, for work eons are perormee by Esker & Stonris., Find Estimate° for work on ~OOntraotora, for the oonatrvation of oonarete sidewalks, ourbs ana gutters, anA all neo- Bernheim Ave., t; oeaeary munholea, intakes, aewere are oatoh basins, on both aidee of Bernheim Avenue. from j: i the West eide:of North Twelfth Street to the East aiee.~~f Thirteenth Street, at the Inter{ Iiseotion of Burnett Street, inoluding ell intereeotione, be reoeivee, files are oonfirmed,~. ' ~Aeopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eato , Eakel,Tully. Williams ~ ,,,,~ne Katter~ojm,-b.' ~ •~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; Y move than an Orainanoe ntitie'; °AN ORTIIUINCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTIlda PROPb:RTY ON BOTH SIDES OF;.BE?t1J1~I~ AYEIJUE .F Asaeasmont CrA.~ROM~~TIIE WEST SInE OF NORTH T17E>;F'TH ST:iEET TO THE EAST SIDE OF THIRTEE']ITR STREET, AT THE'. for property.„ ; i on Born~oim dvoYTjTERSECTION OF BUR NETT STREET, INCLUa1TNG A7Z INTERSECTIONS, IN THE OITY OF PADUCAH, ~ from 12th to ~ 13th. boing ~CENTUCY,Y, THE SUM OF ~r2.02b, PER ABUfiTIIIG FOOT FOR T1iE COST OF CONSTRUCTiNO COIICRETF, j ~2.02b per ~ abuttl~g foot. '~~'IDENil1.K5, CURBS AND GUTTERSp~ AND AI,L NECESSARY 1;L'.Pi]iOIES, INTAY.ES, 3E!'lE-:S. OATCR BASINS j 1PND DRIVENAY9 THhREON, AS SHO'?N BY THE• EIJGINEERS F.STIk1.;T};,•• EXCEPT THJ'.T PORTION TO HR FAiD• . FOR 8Y THE OITY OF PADUOAH; AND PROVIDING Tn, T SAID A93ES3MENT ]BADE BE P:>ID IN TEN EnUAL INSTALLMENTS, BEING ONE cAOH YLAR FOR A, PERIOD OF TEN YEARS," be aeopte+]• Aeopted upon , ~~:•. ball. of the.roll by the following pots:: Yeae+ 8eton, Eager, Tully; IPilliame.anA Kattsrfohn,-b. ~ ~ b r ai, ~ ~ ~ ~ . I ~ •~ , \.,. i .. i ~~~, ~~ ~ ~ .R..wn;.gc. y», 1..;.. ~ ... ~.p.»..'_, '•.~v .., u'..,r .... ......o.... :_._. .. ,.~,.7x+r-~?':~ ~..»..r~.., `~ - ~ r. , . ~{ ` ~.. ~. 1 ~, :. P- i 4 J ~. ,~ ~'f .i ~ ~' ~~ ~ • 3 ~ ~. i i j~~', ~_ __~ h 1 3 • •-~ +n./,-:,.o-..~.-..ca..-: ..~rc'~-~. / .,....«rc,.c.w+,.i.~ r+.'i.~1.awn.u>rd'7+x".i4+ni3 -r -..._:i+`r .~.y+:,i~. • .N~ry~ -----•....,r t r `Y7w/' Commissioners' .Proceedings;' City of Paduoah ' 192_x. Imo,, due LookeooA, alloweA $7,000 for work gone and perYormeA at RiverPi~e Hoap. same being ~nA ' .payment. Report Com'r. of Finanoe of so- oounts for the last half of duquat; 1921. Oity Borrow"from Oity Nationnl , Bank $20,000. pnyable Ootobor 31at~ 1921. Payroll anA eoaounta Yor the week ending Sept 3rA, alloweA. Esker & Storrie; Contraotors, ellowea $b03.68, eorY_ performed on 10th, 11th, 12th,. 13, 14th e 16th Ste. 1 ,, pa ~~ Commisalonar "~illiams offered the following motions I move that Gus LookeooA, oontraotor, be.sllowad $7,OOO,.eo psr oertifioate of R. E: Gorq,,Arhhiteol, Anted August 6th, 1921, Yor wort. done an+~ performed enp„pmteriela furnlahoA by.ealA•••~~ LookeooA, in the aonetruotion of the extension oP '.iiverside Hospital; same being the seoond payment under the teree.of hie oontraoL end being oertifioete #R. an~`~sa1A oertifioate be reoeiveA and filed,, AAOpted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yea e, Eaton, Enker, Tully, R1111ams'snA Ratter~ohn;+6. ~ "'r~ .' On motion the BoarA'nd~ourneA upon Dell of the roll by 6 yens. .~~'teA .~~ lY ~ -~PROV-Fi;L~ • ay cr.-• MAXOi4. SEPTEIABER 3rA~ 1921. ~ ., '~ ~ At a onlleA meeting of the BoarA of Oommiasioner:~, helA in the Oommies~ionere~ I Chamber, in the City Hall, PaAUOah, Kentuoky, on Sepltember 3rA, 1921, at 11 O'olook ~ • ~A. Lt. Upon Dell of the roll the following enaeereA to their namee~ Yeas, Oommigsionerq ' Eaton,. Esker, Tully anA btayor Katter~ohn,-4. Mayor Kntter~ohn atateA reason for Dell of. the meeting, as follows, to-wits ~ ,.',~ For the purpose of allowing the itonthly sooounte and payroll enn sash other business ~~ ksa might Dome before the HoarA. G Commissionea' Tully offereA the Yolloeing motion; I move that the Mayor anA ~~Oommiseloner of Publio linnnoe be nnthorized to borrow from the City National Beak, jifor the nee and benefit of the City of FnAUOnh, the sum of X20,000, payable Dotober ij ;;31st, 1921, pledging therefor ea oeourity the good faith and oredit of the City of !Paduoah and the taxes to ba..oolleoteA raring the month of Ootober, AdopteA upon Dell F h, of the roll by the following. vote: Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully and Katter~ohn,-4. • l Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion: I move that the aoo~~unts ~! Yor the last half of the month of August, amounting to X22,339.94, ae per the report of the Co:smisaioner of. Publio FAnanoe filed herewith, be allowed and orAereA paid enlf ~ the money appropriateA Prom the General FunA to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the ~. roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas;'~aton, Enker, Tully anA Kattar~ohn,-4. . i~' !~ Cornmiseloner :"ally offered the following motion; I move that the pay-roll y ~1 ';' anA nooount for the week ending September 3ra far the following dopnrtmenta ---- Department of Publio Property .... n Riverside Hospital ..............°~113.62 ?; Department of Publio Finanoe ... ~~ q Interest on note of $20,000 due Oity Nrtioaal Batilc Ootober 31 et, 1921 .......,mi193.33. . °~ a total of $306.8b, be alloweA and ordereA pa1+1 and the money nppropriateA from the. ~, General Fund. to pay enure. AAOpteA upon.aall of the roll by the following vote; Yens, I... Eaton, Enker, Tully and Katter~ohn,-4, ~~~~~{"~. ' It appearing that the City of Paduoah is indebted to Enker d. Storrie, Con 1 traotore, on the oontraot for oonorete. Ariveways on 10th, 11th, 1?.th,, 13th, 14th anA v 16t~t Streets between. Broadway and Jefferson Stroete Yor alley interaeotione.ae follows: AA Eet. ~ 4 .... 10th Street .................$57.82 r " 12' .... 11th " .................217.59 a " lb .... 12th " ..................101.26 ~ ~ < . " 18 .... 12th " ................. 63.04 .. " 21 .... 13th " . ................ 63.91, a total of $603.68, I ~,..,~.' s i;spove thnt EeY.er & Storrie, Contraotors, be allowed the sum oY ~b03.62 and the money appropriateA to pay Dame Yrom the General Fund out of any money not otherwise appro• S priateA. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vatei Yeas, Eaton, Esker, , Tully anA ;fat*_er~ohn,-4. ~.. Stf i ~• .. ~.. No.~, • ., ;.. • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah. , • ' ' - 19~_ ` ~~~' ! ~. Reynol~s.Broa. ~ `" %'Commissioner Tully offerea the followin motion• It~^a g ppearing that the City of t• ellowe+~ ~ $119.67 for pa~+noah is in~ebted to ReynolA Broa: Contraot~re, for. interseotiona on the oontraot for !! work performeA~ un~er oontraot,, the oonatruotion o4 oanorete ourbe, gutters anA Ariveways on 10th, 13th and 14th etreete~ . on 10th, 13th . i between BroaAway and Jefferson Streets { ' ana 14th Sts. ...... ~ . ', Estimate X13 :...... ...... $119:67, same ;, .. ~ • ' ! being for eliey on 10th Street .. .........:....$46.1b .,~ ' ', 13th St t • ree ................ b8..95 Intereeotion.l4th & Jefferson Street........... 16:67, a total of ~119.67~ Y move that .j • ; ReynolA Broa..Contraotore, be nlloweA the sum of X119.67 am the money appropriates ''" - from the General Funs to pay same ont of arm money not otherwise appropriateA. AAopteA ~' . - upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa Eaton Esker, Tull ~ ~~ . y, and Katter3ohn~4. ` Commissioner Tally offerea the following motion: It appearing"that the City i ' ` Esker ~ 8torri~ of Paduoah is in~ebt d t E allover $60.301' e o sker & Storrier;Contraotors on the oontrao*. for'the Don- f for work per- ~ forme+~ on 999 ;strnotlon oY Oonorete aiAewalka, ourba anA gutters on Bernheim Avenue, between 1IIth anA ~ ~~ , •Bernheim Are: ,.1 13th Streets, in ,the sum of X60\30 .. .. -' "° Eet3mate ,'~14, for elle;r in Biook 34, Y move that Esker anA 3torrae, be allowe8 ' } '' 'the euni of:~60.30, anA. the money appropriate8 from th r l n e *enera Fn A.to pey same oat of any money not otherwise appropriateA. AAOpteA upon Dull of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully anA Katter3ohn\-4. 1 ' ; r p~ ' q On motion the Boe:rA eA~onrned upon Dull of the roll by 4 yeas. F ` .. c+~+ cl... ~ . ' SEPTET~J~t 6th..1921. i -- . • ` ~ " At a Regular i4ieeting of the BoarA'of Commiasionara, helA in the Commiaeionere', '~ '~ Ohamber in the Citq Rall, Pa~uoah, Kentuolq, on September 6th, 1921. Upon Dell of the. rc j ~'`- roll the following anavereA to their names: Copomi8aloners.Eaker, ~ Willlame anA f. r Mayor Katter~ohn,~:, , `I ~ ~ . j Oommiesioner Williams offereA the following moti`o~~.~il`~~avnt of toAaq being ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ~~ ! a begal RoliAey, I move that the Regnlar.bieeting oY~the Boer~t~ f ~or:.misaionera be aA- ~ .; d P ~~ ~- p~ ~ourneA'.till 2 0° a'look P. ?S. on Tnea+~ay, September 6•th, X1921. t ~I~aopteA upon Dell of ' ~ ~, ` j the roll bq the following vote; Yeae, Eaker,~OlmtXt,¢;.141111dme anA Katter~ohn.-8. 1 ~ .. . AIe'td L7 ~ 11~. - .~ . C Q ~~~ h APPROV_QD 1I __.1ZS7. 'F'YI ..b1re__ii.~ - 1 l .. 9EPTE~SBER 6th; 1921: IKA ~' 1 ~, ~ } At an Ad3ourned Regular Meeting of the-Board of Commissioners, held in the ; ~ ~, ; `Ih ~. ~ OOmmissionera' Ohamber in the City Ral1,,PaAnoah, %entuoky, on September 6th,. 19E1, ~ - ,"~ ~ i ` ' ~ nt 2,0'olook, P. M. on TuesAay. upon oell.of the'roll-the following answereA to their ? ~ ' ~ ;' ~.natnea:-Commissioners Eaton; Esker, Tally, Ailliame am Mayor Ketterlohn,-6. ,' I " • •.i,t y ' . ~ ~ On motion or Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previone meetings were ~; •., ~ ,I aAOpteA ae reaA naiori Dull of. the.rDil by the following: vote:.Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tnily\~ `: ~ Willieme enA Katter~ohn,-b. ~ , ~ ' r „ ~ Oommunioation • eri+~ge Street 1 ~ . ..... ~.' Mayor Katter~ohn oifereA Lhe.following motion: i move that the oommnnioation ot. . 1j • ,~..~ ~ voters in re . . ~ Bridge Street voters be zeoeiveA anA. hied. Aj1opte+~ upon Deli of the roll by the ; + , . _J , Street biRht.~ ~ , ~ ' following vote: Yeae.., Eaton, Eaker,..Tully, Willieme anA 8atter~ohn,-b. ~ T ~ Communioatione Ea~a.AParoe anA - Mayror gatter~ohn.offereA the following motion: I move that Lhe oommuaioatiors of ` ~ ~ ~ ." Isbell in re: Oity Patients ~.~.AAama anA Iw. Iebell,.anA Re ort of Pa ere aAmitteA to RivereiAe Ho itai be rs- j ~ iF ~ p nP aP , ~.RiverafAe Hoepi ai. t- ~ oeiveA ana, file'd.'\AAO eA 1 • p't upon Dell of the roll by the followin tot ~~ g e Yesa ,:;• .Eaton. i ~ ~. ,. ;,. - :~ ' _ `. G . • l i . _ ~.. , x :v &. ,,s . . am ro, ~ .n: ~ ' -w::a>.+~,c,.. .e1 w ±:~:;;.; ... : ham; ,,;., r..;:.;.~~ .j. h --.._ .-..~... _..__.~...._.~~ ___~__........_.~_~_,_.-,W..s~.. .._.. ,...__._~ _.._..._ -. ~_ ~._-_ .. ..._. _w. - , Na ~e.9 ` Faker, Tully, 141111ame, anA Katterjohn,-b. ' 1Sayor Katterjohn offereA the Yolloxing motion: I move that the monthly eeti- Improvement Warrant mays furnished by 1'+. M. Mitohell, City Engineer, for xork periormeA by Reynolds eroe. Reynolds Eroa. for xork periormeA on on BroeA Street, between Fourth anA Sizth 9treat, be reoeiveA anA filed, anA the Com- BroeA street, betn. 4th anA Gth Sta.. missioner of Publio Finanoe be inetruoteA to issue Improvement Warrant for X498.48, Yor $499.46. being eb9(i of the xork periormeA. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Yolloxing vote;. Eaton, Faker, Tully, Williams anA Katterjohn,-b. '' }Sayer Katterjohn offereA the Yolloxing motion: I move that the monthly eati- • Improvement Warrant mate, furnished by R, 1Q. Mitohell, City Engineer, Yor work perYormeA by ReynolAa Broe. Re;rnolAa Broa, Yor f on Fourth Street, between Elizabeth anA Broad Streets, be reoeiveA ana file A, anA the work performed on 4th St., betn, Commissioner oY Publio Finanoe be authorizer to issue Improvement Warrant for ~jb27,63, Elizabeth anA BroeA sta., Yor being 6b~ oP the work perYormeA, Adopted upon pall oY the roll by the following vote: $b27,63, ' Yeas, Eaton, Faker, Tully, '.41111ame ana Katterjohn,-b. Mayor Katterjohn offereA the following motion: I move that the monthly seti- Improvement Warrant mate furnished by 14, M, 3fitohell, City Engineer, for work perYormeA by Yanoy & John- Yanoy & Johnson, ~' son, Contraotore, on 1Sorroe Street, between SeoonA anA Fourth Streets, anA on Third Yor work on D:onroe 3t., betn. 2nd & Street between Jefferson anA Monroe 3treeta, be reoeiveA anA YileA, anA the Commie- . 4th Sta. Inner-Fire Limits., for ~ eioner of Fublio Finanoe be inetruoteA to issue Improvement Wa:rant Yor $6468.38, ' $5469.3G. being 66~i of th~~ work perYormeA. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Yolloxing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Enker, Tully, Williamo nnA };attorjohn,-b.. ~ It".ayor Eatterjohn offereA the following motion: I move that the monthly eeti- Improvement °~arant mate furnished by W, M. ?titohell, City Engineer, for work periormeA by G. W. Katter- G,'7,3:mtterjohn & Son Yor ark per- john & Son, Contraotore, on Seventh Street, between Jaokaon anA Jonee 9treete, be formed on 7th St., botn. Jaokaon k reoeiveA anA filed, anA the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe be inetruoteA to issue Jonee Streets Yor $1484.57. ~ Improvement 'Tarrant for $1484,b7, being 66,°~ oY the work perYormeA. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,Eaker,Tully,Williame anA Katterjohn,-b, ' Report Com'r. of Cormniealoner Tully offereA the following motion: I move that the report of Finanoe for month '~ the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe for the month of Anpust be reoeiveA ana filed anA of August 1921. t ', ordered published in the official newspaper. Adopted upon Dell oP the roll by the '; following vote: Yeas, Eaton, EsY.er, Tully, Williams anA Katterjohn,-b. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $37.b0 having Cemetery Deed ~ been paid into the Treaenry, ea eviAenoed by the reoeipt filed herewith, I move that. •~~.,, T.M.i.iller. AeeA be eaeouteA to T. if, Miller Yor Lot ~7E in Blook ,~2 on the north aide of ForA Street, between Baker & }.tiller 3treeta in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dell of ' the roll by the Yollo:ing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Faker, Tully, Williams anA Katterjohn,-b.~ g Commissioner Tully offereA the following motion: The elan of $37,b0 having Cemetery Deed ' been paid into the Treasury, as evlAenoeA by the reoeipt flied herewith, I move Lhat J.F.:7right. ~ AeeA be exeouteA to J. F. Nright Yor Lot ~E9 in Blook #2 on the south aide of Aannan ~ c Street, between Baker & }.filler Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dell o! ~ w the roll by the PollowinR vote; Yoes, Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Williams anA Y.etterjohn,-b. G; Commieaionor Eaton offereA the following motion: I move that the report of deport Chief of Po]!oe for AuRUat the Chief oY Polioo for the month of Auw et 1981 be reoeiveA and fi]eA, Adopted , '• 19P.1. '~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, EaY.er, Tully, Williams anA Katterjohn,-b. Report Chief ~f Commiaeionsr Eaton offereA the following motion: I move that the :sport of Fire Department the Chief oY the Fire Department Yor the month oY AuRUat 1921 be reoeiveA anA filed. ' for August 1921. ~, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Faker, Tully., t41111ams anA Katterjohn,-b. ~ a -- -- i Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_ • 192_ u ~~ , f ~,r. i~.Rr ~ ,,,~, ~ ,~ .,w. a~ r ~"1 Yom. 1 ./• • . T, a • ... ~~~~ ,. N' ~ Commissioners' Prooeedin s'Git .. of Paduc ~ `~ 1 ~. . ` g ~ Y ~ ~` ~ 192-- ___ ___ ' ~~ S.S.Williame en ' ~ ~ ,. Oommiasioner Eaton offereq the following mo4lon ; dove that- S. S.-~iYilliama an++ ai ; t ,~ w a^, ~ p, _.. L _~~ 6 i b A f H i t ' ' ` ~ Guy Harris ny . arr s s appo n e iremen, to fill to-o vaoanoies oanse+~ by raeignatione in the .~,_ . t„~ ~, ,_,,~ x s ' empl0,yed ge firemen in Fire.;i ~ + Fire Department, said S. 8.,Willi~s and Gny Harris having anooeeafully paeaeA exami- ~ + Department. ~ i nation as re uireA b ordinanoe. AA ted y g ~ ` q _y op upon tta11 of the roll b the ~ollowin vote; i .. '~ i '~ ': Yeas, ,Eaton, Esker. Tully; 171111ams anA Katter~ohn,-b. ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~; ' • r~ ! ~~ Commissioner Eaton offerer the following motion: i move that J. M. Slaughter, ..i ~.~ J. M.Slaughter Ohief of Fire ~ ~ ' Chiei of the Fire Department, be authoriae~ to atten~ the Fire Chiefs' Coirvention to 1 a,a ~ ` Department to ~! attenA Fire r be helA at Lou'iaville Kentuo on the 13th 14th anA loth of Se tember 1921 anA 1 ' . ky. P I Ohiefs' Oo>aven- f xhat hie n a a f 1A t i b a tion in Louis- ~ eooss epees r or ea r e shat e to the.eooount of the Fire De art-+ y aP P B p "; Vi11e,Ky. Sep t..li ' ' 13th, 14th rb 16th~ .ment. AAapteA upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Eaker,.Tully~ I ~ William~'anA ICatter~ohn,-b. ~; Commissioner Williams offereA the following motion: I move that the Report of ~ '. Report FreA. ~~ Fre+~ Engllah, Sexton„Oak Grove Cemetery, of interments for the month of August, 1921, ~~ F.nglieh, Soxton ~ ! ' OaY. Grove Ceme- be reaeive~ an+~ file+~. A~opter upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ' tery for' August 1921 of Inter- ! { Eat On, Esker, Tully, Williams ann Katter~ohn,-b. ; ' mente. ij ~ Mayor Katterfohn offerer the following motion: I move that a resolution en- ~ Resolution ~ titleA, "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZT-NG THE MAYOR TO F.TiTEB I1iT0 A CONTRACT t72TH ALVORD ATiD ~. . ` authorising the ~ Magor to enter • ;t BURDICK, EIJGII1EFli3 '~O kiAKE A. SURVEY AtiD TO FURNISH SUCH DfiA~tINGB EXHIBITS MA43 ATtD ~ • ~ ~ ' . into oontraot ~' with A1vorA & ~ I' , . i ` fiEPORT9 A3 TdAY BE NECESSARY FOR THE PRELIiiINARY 170?tK IN C01.iPLETINC THE' THIRD DISTRICT HurAiok, Engra. In re; Sewer ~ j ~' SE'iER• ATdD APPR01'RIATING h10NEY TO PAY THEREFOR," be adopted. AflopteA 'upon Dell of the s zi Diatriot ~3. ~~ q ! ~a roll by the following vote: Yeea; Eaton,'Williame anA %atter~ohn,-3; Nays, Esker anA ~ ~ ;~ Tu11Y.-2. ~ ~ `~ . I ~ ~ ~ Oomnisaioner Williams offereA the following motion:. I move that an Ordinance ~ ~ ''~ • OrAinanae pro- ~ ` . #+ ~,utitRe~~ "AN;~ORD4IANCE. PRO'IIDITiG FOR T}?E ELECTIOid BY T1tE QUALIFIED 1;LEOTORS OF THE { ' vi~inq for eleo- tion on River- E4~OITY OF PArUOAH K2~:t1'UCKY TO BF HELA OTI THE REGULAR EJS:CTtON DAY, N07^:T.iBER 6th,' 1921; ~~ ~ eil+9 Hospital onA Issue for" 60 000 00 IN THE CITY OF PADUOAH, KENTUCKY, TO DETERMIidE THE QUESTION :'1ftE;THr~ THE C1TY OF PADU- E , . . M.y,. OAH SHALL ISSUE ANn 'SELL BOTdD5 qF SAID CITY, , TO iRI: EXTLIIT OF SIXTY THOUSATiD 060,000) • t DOLLARS, FOR TH1' PURPOSE OF b1AKIN(1 CERTAITI,SPF.CIFIC IMPROVrl'FF.1dTS AND ;•;YTENSIOTiS TO ~ +~ "~ t '~y RIVERSIDE HOSPITAL.. ITiCI;UDING Tfir^^. PURCHASITiG Ai:D INSTALLING THE NEOESSAFIY EC'UIP1.r'TdT ~ ; `, - ~' a FOR A OHEMICAL AND BIOLOGIOAI. LABOTtATORY, AN %-RAY LABORATORY, A LAUTIDRY, AND FOR TH:? ~ a ~„ ~ ~'~ . i•PURPOSE OF'I1C.'ROVING AND EQUIPPING THE CONTAGIOit$ WARD, AND FOB -THE PURPOSE OF BUILD- ( i. ~: - ~ iN0 AND ERECTING SUN PARLORS, .AND. FOR THF. PURPOSE OF FITIISRIIdG AND EQUIPPING THE T1EW j ' ~ ADDITION TO RIV~25IDE HOSPITAL AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF EURCHASINC A T1E17 BOII.ER.AND EN- ` ~,. ~ "-• LARDING AND EXTENDTNG.THE BOILER ROOM, AT SAID HOSPITAL, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYS '~ ~ .. MENT OF INTEREST ON .SAID BO1dDS ATdll TO CREA•iT: A 32T~iKING FUND FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAh1E,^ 4' ~, , {: ~ ~ be ,aA teA; AAo teA y ~ • ' ' (.' op p upon.oall of the roll b the foiiowin vote: Yeas Eaton Esker .. tixti ~ { '' j Tully an+t Williame~-4; Heys, Katter~ohn,-ir" ~ ~ ~ ~ '. On motion the Hoor.A aA~ourneA .moon nail of the roll by b yeas. ' • f Aia~teQ • ~~ 1l~, . ; f pp An ~, -.~ i- '~' MI,XOIL . ~~ ~ ' ~ _~ ' I ~~ ~, , t f 3 - ' , ~ ~ ~ .,. ~ ~ ., - ~ , 'r. ~ i ~ ;r :, ~ ~ . - .. } . .. ..,. ~_. t 4S' .,y + ' ~ ~ ; . . '. '~ ..~ 1 • _ ,:~d ' ~ .. ~ e;h.'~y. &C+h,: rl::S w..a?r:r^~ ' ~,> w ..+ri•;. ', we .. , +.re . ~ h' ~ I ,,, - ~, _...r..+,t+:e-~?-..:..w:-.3....>.eti+iw+.- ~-~..~1~+..w......~w.s... w~,J.{a.r:m- •..L.. ~ .+«.__ , t • No. _/ Comm r c .. C • - BOnAa Yor Ten Year; Payment Flan far Driveway on iT. N BroeAway, Prom i 17th to 25th Ste. AelivereA to i Ynnoy & Johnson. 'I ;`, I' Ratter~ahn,-3• ' On motion the BoarA eA~ourneA upon Dell oY the roll by 3 yeas. • AC.~te4.G~-.1ldL B,PPI~OV:9D . ~~ ~- i ~ AXOIS- issioaers'. Proceedings, City. of Paducah 192_ - - 9EPTFd.'~Fdt 8TH, 19E1. At s Ca11eA a4eeting of the BoarA of Commissioners, helA in the Oommiseionars Chamber in the City Hall, PaAuoah, Rentuoky, on 'PhuraAay, September 8th, 19E1, at • a 2:30 O'olook P. Ai. Upon Dail of the roll the following anawereA to their names: "~ 'i Conmiasionere Esker, Tully anA b".ayor Kattor~ohn,-3. ='i 1Sayor KatterJohn etateA reasons for Dell, to-wit: To inetruot Commissioner of Public Finance to Aeliver Street IiaprovemenL Bones Yor West BroeAwag Iagmovement ,, to Yanoy anA dohnaon. ~ 1111 Oommisaioner Tully oYYereA the following motion: That the Commiaeioner of I, , public Finance be SnetruateA to Aeiiver to Yanoy k Johnson BonAe unAer the Ten Year Payment Plan for the Improvement on heat BroaAway of Conorate~+Miveway, Yrom 17th to ESth Streets inclusive, as follows: BonA ~1 Series G Aue Idnv. 1, 1921........864.88 w 2 n w n w 1 192E 864.88 " 3 " " " " 1 1923 054.88 " 4 " " " " 1 1924 864.87 , " b " " " "' 1 192b 864.87 " 6 n n " " 1 1926 864,87 ,, n q a " w n 1 1927 864.87. ,. n 8 n w n n 1 1928 864,87 f a y n x n. n 1 1929 ~ 864.87 " 10 " ° " " 1 1930 864.87 • Total of........ $8648.73 dAOpteA upon Dell of the roli by the following vote: Yeas, Esker, Tully anA 9~TE1.".HFdt 10th. 1921. G At a Oslle~!lSeeting of the BoarA of Commlesionera, helA in the CommlaaionersA ~, I~ Ohembar in the City Hall. Pa~uoah, Kentucky, on September 10th, 1921, at 11:30 O'Oloo . - ~~ 'A. M. Upon Dell of the roll the following anewereA to their names: Commissioners ~~ Eaton, Esker,. Tully enr t71111ams,-4. Jfayor Retter~ohn being ebeent, Mayor Tro Tem fi • A, 9. Eaton presiAeA. ~ • • hsyror Pro Tem Eaton atateA reasons Yor call, to+tivit; To allow Pay-Boll anA •~ accounts Yor weeking September lOth,.19E1. ' . j Con~issioner Tully oYYereA the following motlon;.It appearing that a poll ' Fannie Baugh re- y tea Dill Yor ~"1,b0 wa8 a98e8a0A to Fannie Baugh on tax bill X194 far the year.19E1 funAaA $1.50 Poll G " Tax Yor 19E1 pnid;; anA she having pa1A eama an+' not at the time oY osaeasment,a realAent of Fa"uoah, I an tax bill X194. ~ move that the sum,oY 41.50 bo reYunAe" to Fannie Baugh. AAOpteA upon pall oY the • ~ •roll by the following vote; Xaae, Eaton. Eakar, Tuliy anA ;Yillieuna,-4. V Oommiaaloner Tully oYYereA the Yollowing motion: It eppeaxing that a po12 ~..~L,. ', Alice Grogan ra- 'L tax was aeoesaeA to Alice Grogan anA oolleoteA on tax bill •1240 for the yenr 1921 , YunaeA ,~1.b0 Poll !' Tax for 19E1 pa1A anA aha not having been a reaiAent of the city at that time anA not entitleA to pay , on tax bill ~1E40.t ~ s poll tax, I move that the sun of X1.60 be refunAeA to hea. AAOpta~ upon Deli of the roll by the following vote; Yeaa., Eaton, Esker, Tully anA 4tilliame,-4, ¢~ Oommiseionor Tu11y oYYereA the following motion; It appearing that A. Y. A.Y.Martin refunA oA taxes pnia for ii ldartin has been wrongfully eeaesae~ Yor the year 1920 with the following pieooe oY 1920 on two pieces • 02 property, t property:- • wrongfully easeae-; Block L4ap 1 Page 99...708 South 8th Strost;....... 440.00 eA. ~j~ Book hap E Page 9...lOth & haAison Sta.......... ;E36b.00, this being a • ~,. n Anuhlw aaaaaamwnt hw hwninc.AtwnnaaA of thw nrm~nrty 70A 9_ Ath 9t_ to A•Ntta~llnnnwr Na~ Y .. . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah, _ ' 192_s ~ . the property. et 10th 8o-tlaAieon Streeta having been eolA to John de Beatrice RuaAer and t { ... . ' ~~ they .having pa1A the taxes for 1920 on tax bill X4873, I move that the swn of ,~19.b6 `~ be refun+~e+~ to A. Y. piartin being the amount of the taxes with 10~ penalty ae pai+~ by ~ ,I him. AAOpteA,upgn onil of the rgll by the f o7lowing vote; Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully ` , ~~ anA Williams,,-4. `.~'. ' Corniniss~.oner Tully offereA the following motion: It appearing,that a Rouble ,~ °~ W.O.Riokmnn re-" assessment has been mare on tax bill ~E860 where W. C. Riokman wes &asesaeA with pro- i ' .. funAed ~11.E6 Rouble assess-. ' pertq on Flora Ave. gnA Benton RoaA at X600.00 anA he having pai+~ taxes on same for that .~ merit Tnx Bill ~ 1 :. ~E860. year 19E1 an+~ he not owning this property but taller & Paoe being the owners anA it ~ having been Sa9ea9eA to them anA the taxes paiA by them on tax bill X2304, 1 move that 'the. sum of x`11.26, the amount paiA by W. C. Riok®an on this property, be refun~eA to i him. AAOptoA upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Baker, Tully j.. anA Williams,=4. Ooranisaioner .Tully offerer the following motion: It appearin:; that an error in' aeaeesment having been made on tax bill X3763 whore John A. }9illiams was assesseA with f John A.W1111nme • refunAe~ ~E.47 s lot 60 x lE6 at.0ox anA Ce+~nr Straeta,•~110.00, anA there being no auph property brit error in:neaeea- ' merit. one lot 6- x l2b on ClevelanA Avenue on tho enme.tax bill anA taxes on both assess- `~ merits having been pa1A by him, I move that the snm of ~yE.47 be refunAee to eai~ John A.I - Williams,- .AAOpted upon oall oY the roll by the Following vote: Yeoa, Eaton, Esker, ~ Tully anA Williams,-4. ~ • Commissioner Tully offeree the following motion: I move that the eoaounts ~ ' Re}iort'Oom~r.oP ..for the week enAin So Comber 10th. emountin to 2E91.22; as g p g ,~ per the report Of the :: Finanoe of. II aooounta for t Commiaeioner of Publio Finanoe filer herewith, be el2oweA anA orAereA paiA•anA the i week ending 8ept.lp~i821s~. Inohey appropriateA from the Oenerel FunA to pay same. AAOpteA upon oa11 of the roll by the 4o11owing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakei, Tu7Iy anA Williams,-4. 4 On motion the,BoarA aA~ourneA upon oa11 of the ,roll by 6 yeas. ~ /~ • A~ 'Isf {9~.. ' ' O~X,.~ APPR0~~33 ~ ! r+b cwa 1 ' SEPTEMBER lETH: 19E1. ~ ~ j At.a Regular Meeting of the Soard of Commissioners, helA in the Commissioners' j Ohamber in the,City Hall, PaAUOah, %entuoky, on September lEth, 19 E1. upon oall of they roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Esker. Tul7.y, Williamej- gnA Mayor itatter~ahn,-b. :• ~, .:w- •~~ ~ j•. ~' On motion of Oommisaianer Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were ; ' aAOpted as read upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yosa, &aon, Esker, Tally,!. ". Williams anA 7:atter~ohn,-6. ~: i d ttayor Y.atterJohn offered the following motion: I move that the oorreaponAenoe, inoluAing letters anA telegrams between F. W, ICatter~ohn; Mayor. anA A1vorA d~ Burdiot, ~~•~ -,' OorresponAenoa Engineers of Ohioego, Rated as follows: September 12th, 19E1; September 6th, 1921, E `` relative to ! ' Sewer Di s- September 2n+~, 1921; August Slat, 1921; Augnet E9th, 1921; August Ebth,. 19E1 anA Augnst1 triot ~3 Sucvoy~ E4th, 1921, whioh oonetitute the oontraot between the City of PaAUOah anA Alvord k ~ . oonatituting r ' oontraot beta. ~,, ~ , City of paAUOa1~s~.Burxi.ok,'for the survey of Snb-Divisions B. anA C. in Sewer Distriot ~3, be.reoeiveA j anA Alvord & '" Bur Aiok, ~~ an.+~ filed anA reoordgd in the Contraot Book.. AAOpted upon Dell of the roll b9 the ~ I following votes Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams anA Katter~ohn,-6. ' ~ ~ " ~. Mayor Katter~ohn.offereA the following motion: }; move that the petition from + {. ... ` Trimble Street 'oitizena eeiAing on the west ei'e of Trimble Stroet, between 16th anA 16th Streeta.. ' bete. 16th & r 16th, aitizene ~ relative to oonAition of gnttera, be reoeivea any file+~ an+~ referreA to J. W. Eskers i petition rela- ~ t ' Live to oonAi.': Oommiaeioner' of Publio Works, for attention. Aaopte+~ upon oa11 oY the Yoll by the ; t' Lion gutters.. ~ • following Vote: Yeea, .Eaton, Faker, Tully. Williams anA Katterjohn,-6. ! ,~< :: ,,.,:'.~:. .. T.s......:.~..~...~~ .... ,: .; ~ r~..-.~. .. ~~•~•' a ., . .. , ', , _. xr •'. , .~~:^ ,era... ~~ .. s. w.~ . / ~ ~,~ t F. ~+ ;;,. ~~' . ` ,. ! i I i ft 1 ,r""',I u :_ ,.~..1 .. ,.:. / z .Y>... ~ ,. k _. - .~i.3~i~s°~..'i.v.;~''ti~".dn x-~tSS~'eta~SR•r --tror~ra.mr*th ;:a.. 1 .:. ~~' 'C~~i_ * _ ^._~:Y ,.w 4 I~ , .. ~~ No. 7 ~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ ' 192_ ~, .. ___. - - - - _ y------ ...__ __ ___._. __*__ - g - Ida or Katterfohn offered the follotvin motion: I move that the report of the: ?2eport D cCracY.en Co.Fublic Health ` IdoCracken County Publio,Health Nursing Ssrvi.ce for the month of august 1921 be'reoaive "ursing Service Yor AuPUSt 1921. ;;and Yiled. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, , Tully, FJilliams and L'atter~ohn,-b, i Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that there is dug ^aY.er £c Storzie, "Eaker & Storrie, Contraetora, the sum of y48.03 for Estira:ate X33 for alley on the Contractors, al- '~ , lowoa .^~~48.03 for k i~rovement on 16th Street, between Broa~way ana Jefferson Streets,. h move that Esker Estimate '~33 Yor I; , alley on 16th St. & gcorrie be allowed the sum of $48.03 and the money appropriated from,tYie Genersl"~ Lmprovement, betn.,; B':vay ~.n' JefPer- ;; Fund to pay same out of aT~y money not otherwise appropriated., Adopted upon Dell of son St. "the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Eaton, Eaker, Tully,Ylillisms and Katter3ohn,-6. .i ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of ~"33.3b having been License to sell a Paid into the Treasury, as evi~eneed by the receipt filed herewith, totrether with malt or cereal r application for malt or cereal beverage license, I move that liosnse to sell malt or Bevorage issues toi Sny~er & !7ilson, ~ aereal beverages, or any admixtures thereof, be.Eranted to Snyaer Ec 1711eon at $116 #116 S. 2nd St. ~ ' '! South Seeona Street, from September 1st to ~eoember 31st. ,Adopted upon call of the ('~ roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,Eaker,Tully,:7illiama and Y.atterfohn,-5. ii Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. x'450.00 having been paid to Purchase of City ~ the Commissioner of Publio Finance by '.7i11 Berger for lots Nos. 21, 23, 25 ana 27. in . property by "fill ;i P~rgsr=~!enexeoutea i; Robertson's Addition to Paauoah, Kentuoky, I move that the.Eleyor exeoute deed and i' b- blcyor. ~ deliver same to him. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton Eaker, Tully, Milliams ana Katter~ohn,-5. j, Commissioner Nilliams offered the following motion: I. move that the Finanolel Finanoial State- ~'; Statement ana Patients' Report of Riverside Hospital for the month of August 1921, be ment an+' Patients'G received any Yiled. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Report Rivorsias ?iospital for ;:.Eaker, Tu11y, Williams and Xatter~ohn,-5. Au~uat 1921. g lleyor Katter~ohn offered the following moticn: I move that an ordinance en- s titled, "ATt ORTIINATICE PROVIDIIdG FOR AIt ELEC'PIOly' BY T??E QUALIFIED &LECTOR9 OF TIiF CITY Ordinance pro- vi'ing for an 't OF PA~UCAH, EF.NTUCT:Y, TO BE h~.I:D OTt TN.E RI'GI~LAR ELECTION 114Y, NOVA~'IDER 8th, 1921, IN _ election by voters of city of Faauoah TIC CITY OF PADUCAH, S,T:NTUCI:Y, TO DET::.R;.".ITdE THE 2UESTION 411fETHER THE CITY OF FAIRJOA$ on Sower Bones !' l~ovemb~r Eleotion:i SFALL ISSUF. AItD SELL BOTdDS OF SAID CITY TO T?T"^. EXTEIIT OF SIX FUNtaRED THGIISSND ]~ov.8th, 19£1. First ::eeaing. ?' 0600,000.00) DOLil'LR3, FOR TEE PURPOSE OF COTtSTRUCTIE'G TRL'tIY_ LI21E SEIT~?S III SIIB- + DIVISIONS A., B• l,TID C: IN ST~'"ER DISTRICT ~3, SO AS TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SF'7E.RAGE FOR, TITS ETITI:tE CITY OF PADUCSH, I:EIIPUCYY, AIdD TO PROVIDE FOR T11E PAYT:tRTtT OF INTEREST ON SAID EUItD3, ATID TO CREATE A SIIIIiIIIG FUTiD FOR THE. PAYL".EIIT OF SAID BONDS AT ?,tATURITY," ~` be intro~~uced and ley over. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; '" Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-5, C Bommisaioner Tully.oYfered the following motion: I move that an ordinance Or~inanoe pro- ,r' entitled, "Ah ORDITIAIICE PROVInING FOR TSIE COTtSTRUCTION CF COIICRETE SIDEI7ALK3, CURBS vi ling for side- wal'rs on Goobol ;i A17D GUTTE?tS, AI1D .4LL IJECESSSRY I:.ItHOLES, II1TA1>F.S, SE`7ERS AT.?i CATCH BASITtS OIt TILE WEST Avenue ana "for- i ten's Avenue. f SIDE OF GOEBEL AVETRIE, FROIS TNx: EAST PROPERTY LITtE OF GOEBEL AVF.ItCTE TO A POIIIT '•7FW.RE '. First 3ea~in?.. ~'; THE SOUTIT CURB LIRE OF 'I03TEIt°S AVENUE, IF F.ICTE'.:DED, "COULD ITtTP~?SECT T?IE l7EST PROPERTY ji .. LIT` OF GOEBEL AVENUE; AL50 THF. EAST SIDE OF GOEBEL AVEItUE, FROE` A STAI'.E SET OPPOSITE i THF. FR `NT Or^ TH E Bl:ILDITiG Ito^f OCC'JPIEll BY TILE UItI0I1 DRUG STORE, TO TF.F. SOUTH CURB LITIE OF '.70RTETt'S AVER UE, IN THE CITY OF PADUC_"_"-.H, ZB?'TUCKY, AT TI?~ COST OF THF. ABUTT171G I'F.OPERTY 0;711E3S, SLID FROVILIIIG T?IAT SA1"E I;L4Y BE. P 7D FOR UPOTt THE TETd YEAR PAY1.!;F?tT PLF,N," be introduced ana lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following n vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker, Tully and Williams,-4; Naye, Xatter~ohn,-1. s;.T ,. ~~~ , !- , ~„~. :a -- - - ~ - --- - .__ , . _....__.~.~ _ _. ... __.. ..t __ ___ ..f ' ;.. -. ` Q:ommissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah _ '.. X92-= • _ . _- - - --._ Oovnnisaioner Williams offereA the following motion: I move that an or~inanoe j ~ g entitleA, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR '~.' COIdSTRUCTI0I7 OF COI7CRETE SIDEWALKS, CURBS ~ u j AND GUTTERS, AI1D ALL IdECESS6~tY MAIZHOLES, INTAi~$, SEWERS AI1D CATCR BASINS ON THE WEST S~DE ~. OTAinance pro viAinA'for h .OF BROAD S7.REET, FR 01:2 TAE II7TERSECTIOId OF FOURTH AIdD BROAD STREETS, TO THE DIVIDING ~ j . concrete siAe-? ' walY.s, etc. LINE BETWEEN TAE PROPERTY OF IAUYS PETTER AT7D FRA1tK PETTER, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ~ on ?. siAe of ~ ~ . I~ BroaA St from KENTUCAC, AT THE COST OF T1~ ABUTTIPIG PROPERTY OWNERS, AND FROVIDT~dG THAT SA1:~ EZAY BE intersection ' ~' ,, .' of 4th & Broar' PdI~ FOR UPON TAF. TEit YEAR PAYI,~INT PI,AN,° be introAUOe°1 anA lay over. AAOpte~ upon ~: ' to Fetter pro-~ 'party. First ~ cell of, the roll by the following;: vote:Yeae,Eaton,Eaker, Tully anA Williams,-4; iisys, "L ' Reaping. ~ „- Katter~ohn,-la Mayor Katter~ohn offereA the following motion: I move that the communication J.77.Agnew ~ communication.: of Sept. 12th o4 Jo W, Agnew be reoeiveA ana fileA, ana referreA to Commissioner of ~ relative to arrest of Jas: Public Safety. AAOpteA upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, ~ Walter EnglanA.j Esker, Tu11y, Williams anA1Katter~ohn,-b. i r".- policeman.'. On motion the BoarA aA3ourne~ upon call of the roll by b yeas. I -~~YROV`Et3:U G~ ~ ~. ~GZ_ SMAXQ r t z, * ~ SFd'TEB9ER 14th. 1921. ` ~`~ Yllt'9 CalleB Lieeting of the BoarA of Commissioners, helA in the Commissionere° ~ tl Chamber in the City Iia11, Pa'uoah, Kentuol>;y, on September 14th; 1921, at 10 o'clock A.L4.; i Upon call of the ro1l..the Yollowing answereA to tneir names: Commissioners Eaton,Eaker ~ ~ i f anA Tully,-3. ldeyor %atter~ohn tieing absent, mayor Yro Tem W, V. Eaton, presiAeA. ,_.,, Mayor Pro Y'em Eaton etateA reasons xor call, to-wit: To allow an account Aue ~ i ~ ~~ j Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors, xor work performeA on r7eat BroaAway, (, Commissioner Tully offereA the following motion: I move that the report or the' City Engineer with reference to thtl•account ox Yanoy & Jonnaon, Contractors, for extra j Report City ~ ~ Engineer rela- h work Yor getter anA Driveway in front of #5 Fire Station on West BroaAway, be reaeiveA . tine to saaounb ~ i, Yanay & Yohnson~''en° Yilee, -A+~opteA upon Dell oz. the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker anA ; ' ' eatre work on 1 t W.B'way. Tu11y,-3. '1 Oormniseioner Tully offereA the following motion: It appearing that there is I I ~~AUe Yanoy & Johnson, Contractors, the sum of b0. . Yanoy & Johnson I~ ,~ 70 for butter any Ariveway work in i' allows+~ ^~b0.70 .'front of No. b Fire Station on i7eat BroaAway, the same being extra work anA not in- ' extra work on IYf W. B'way. I~o1nAeA in the original contract for the improvement of concrete Ariveway on BroeAway, i ` (;bgt:vsen 17th ana 25th Streets, I move that the sun of X60.70 be al loweA anA orAereA ~ ~ipaiA Yanay & Johnson anA the money be appropriateA from the General FunA to pay same j 'ont of any funAa not otherwi3e appropriate. AAOpteA upon Doll of the roll by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker anA Tull ~ ~ ffri motion the BOarA BA ourneA f upon Dell of the roll by 3 yeas. I ~L~~ _ ' "~ NV CMek ~.iY`~4 ~ ~ A70?L ~ f ji SEPT3J.iBER 17TH. 1921. ~ I ,. j At a Oa11eA Meeting of the BoarA of Oommissionora, helA in the Oommiesionora° N Oluamb'or,'in the Oity Rall, PaAUOah,, Kontuaky, on September 17th, 1981; at 10:30 o'clock ~ • 1.,,, {'A. M. Upon call of the roll,the following answoror to their names: Oommiasionora ~, ' iEaton, Tully an+' Williams;-3o Mayor Katter~ohn being abpont adayor lro Tom W, V.haton, ~ ~ prealAOAa Ij 1~?ayor Pro Tem Eaton atateA reasons'for call to-wit: To allow pay rolls, an•' such i ' h other buaines.a that'might, home before the Boar A. a n .. . .. _. ..~. , • ~* , Y \;~ ,~.r a .,.:y~...:.r..e~,"M4,i.x,.:wu'ui+rr W. yv: wu.+-,. :..~.n ..~r.rM a....-r .r... k.~:h, +a. r •.:rv...a u.'r. "w. '..4.W .a-.::,:;:w~::~.»,.. 4 rv.. ...a. r....fv Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ' 192_ ...~ i + ~.,, No. 7.25- ^.~ __ _. Commissioner 3~ston oPYere+' the Yolloving motion: I mono that-the sumo ,x66.0 E+" San+'drs' nnrae bill, $66.00 eilov-`; for extra nurse hire Yor attention to patrolman E++ San~era, who was in~urs~ while p r ae ai ~ in tha pertorruanoe oY hie ^uty, be allowa+~ an+~ ohargee to eooount oY Polioe nepart- went. a~opte+' upon Dail oY the foci by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Eaton,. Tu11y one ti Wiliiams,-3. ~~ Commissioner Tully oYfere~' the Yoiloving motion: I move that the eooounte, Report Oom'r.l'inanop aooo::nta Yor Yirst amounting to $6R08:b1 as per report oY the Oommissioner oY Pubiio Finanoe Yile~ here- ha.1Y SepteL~bor, 19EI. ~ with be allover an" oraere+' psi" an+' the money appropriates from the Generai Fungi t0 r !. pay same. A"opte+' upon Dail oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully `p an" .7illiams,-3. '' Commissioner Tully oYfere~ tho foliowing.motion: I move that the Pay Roll 'Yor, •Payrol7 Riveraire " Hospital Yor Steak h the weok enPing Sept. 1?th--- ]?~AP.2R:~fT OF FUBT.IC I?iOF~TY, Riverei~e Ilospitnl, en+'in6 Sept.17, A i t ~ Yr th G Her' 1 Fun+' ;~ it S '~ . •.~ ~ .'' 1921. $111.2b, be allover ana or"ere+' pair an the money appropp e e om e e a •~ p to pay same. A"opte+' upon Dail of the roll by the folloving.vote: Yeao, Eaton, ,•~ ~; Tully any lYilliams,-3. • • On motion the Boars a"~ourne+' upon oali oY the roll by 3 yeas. '~ • ~; ~' Ade'I i ~ 9~}9 ~ APYROV5a1) '~. '~ i ~ .. _ { - d .; p uv c~ AXc7it: 7 }A SF.PTEJ.BER 19TJi• 7921. ~ ^`, At a Regular L?voting oY thv Boars oY Commisaionars, heh in tho Commissioners' Chambor in tho City Jrali, Pa"uoah, Y,entuoY.y, on Soptomber 19th, 1921. Upon Dell of ' ~•the roll the following enarrere^ to their namos; Commiaeionera Eaton, Eakor, Tully, "!il]iams ana L;ayor Ka+.ter~ohn,-6. ~ r ( On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of .the prvvious.meetinga were;' a a+'opto++ ea sea" upon Dail 04 thv roll br the following2 note: Yoas, Eaton, Eakor,Tnlly, ':' i?illiaTns an" Y.atter~.ohn,-5, ` . i..,~. ~'. LByor Y.e.tter~ohn offere+' the following motion: I movo that the oommunioation •• from "-. B, Yenne+'y reear"ing error in paymont of taxes for tho year 1920, bo rooeive~- 7"B,Eenne+~y oommu- nioation rerarainR Yilea an" reforroA to the City Solioitor, ^+ith instruoti.ons to report, Ln. writing, on error in taxes t (• for 19E0. on ;. tho faota an" law rear"ing the morite oY sai+' olaim. 6"opto" upon Dal] oY the roll tobaooo, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ by tho following vote: Yoas, ,eton,Eakor,~itl7y,"11111ame an" Y.attor~ohn,-$. ' t , L:a.yor Kattor~ohn offereA tho fo7.lovinf~ motion: I move that the aYYi"avit of dYYi"avit E.D. ~ B. Johnson, of Yanoy & Johnson, Contraotors, relative to the work porforme~ by " Jo.',,nson, oY Yano,~ a Johnson, them, un+'er oontreot., for tl:e oonatruoti.on ar." reoonstruotion of +'rivewaga within the ir, ro:Innor-r ire ~ ' Limit. j Inner-'B'iro Limi.ta; bo roooiver an" fi7.o+'. bropteA upon Dail oY tho roll by the Yollocr ~;~ ing vote: Yvas, Eaton,. Ea}:er, Tully; ~"illiama an" Kattor~ohn,-5. L?ayor Katter~ohn offere+' the following motion; I move that the report of the Report City ~:gr. n City np;ineer of the amount of ooment use+' by Yanoy !c Johnson, in the oonstruot.ion oY ~ ." of oer:ent uso+' by Yanoy ~ Jo}maon G oonorety "rivowaya on the Inner-Piro Zone Stroots, be reooiver onA file+~. .6"op1<e^ „,'` in re:Inner=. ire '~ Li!eits. ~ upon Dell oY tho roll by the follo•.cing vote: Yvas, Eaton, Esker, Tully., t91111ama ana. • ~~ Y.ro.ttor~ohr.,-5. • ; Commissioner Tu11y ofYore~ the follm:rin~ motion: I movo-that tho City Solioitor • d Ctty Solioitor to '1 be instruote" to write Jtitohall ~ Tunaran at Clay. Yy. with rofvrenoo to thv balnnoe write L`itohell 80 Bunagen, Cley, Xy.G sue tho City of Fa"uoah in ooal on thv oontraot botrroen thorn ar.+' the City~of Pa"uoah, relative to ooal p for City pus?~osos.?; for f~aniahing goal. Aropter upon Hall of the roll b,y tho 407.7o:vin(' voto: Yeas, :.ton; Ea}:vr, Tully. 'Ai].ilama an" I:attor~ahn,- b. .. Ro; ort Oom'r. oY 'I Oommiaalorer. Tully offoro+' tho Yo11a.•+irr~ motion: I movo that the re}port of .~ Fina~ioo showing epportiori:.ort, "r. the Commissiorer of Fublio Finanoe ahoning the apporttonmert, tho amount expenae~ any , o~:po^aituroa ar.~ balc.noee various 9 the belanoes to the oro"it oY the various aooounta un"er the ~'iYterent "epartmonta at septa. ~ ' u ~- ._ t • -•..,. ~ ; - ~ -~ i ,~~~ v ._- 9 ~ ~ :'W. . - ` ., w T ~'h ... ,. •, t9'iw. _ .. .. ,a b~d~".''.'.~~F~Gii.~..T'A.3iu,"!Mve~.+~i ~~.ti.,.~?trsm8 y8n ~ ./ ... ..... ..., ...... i. i I 1 I' ~ ' the en+' of August 31st; 1921, be reeoivoa anp files. Aaopta~ upon Dell of the roll by ~ the'4ollowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, 77i11iama ana Kattor,fohn,-b. . OrAi.nnnoe Yor an ~ ~y01' Katter~ohn"oi'fored the following motion: I move that an orainanoe entitle~•; oloation on Sow- "AIt ORT3k7AI70E FROYI?~IDU FOrZ AI7 1SLE01'IUa by '.ftE [Y7AI;IFIED EI,r^,CT~?S OF THE CITY OF PA1AT- er Bonae at l}ov. 3leotion 1921, ~ OAH, IiE[7TUCISY, TO BE HELD ON THE REGUTAR E7ECTZON DAY, IfOY:1.'Q3~t. 8th. 1921.. IN TI}s^ CITY i . . OF PALUCAH, KFI7TUCICy, TO DETI'R?,iZifE THE EUESTI027 17iL•~.THER TIIE CITY OF EAi)i}tlAH SIiAIZ I33UEl ' i AND Si's1.1, BOI7D5 OF SAIti CITY TO THE .r"i..CTEIdT OF SIX HUI7~?ED THOUSAND. 0600,000.00) DOIIAR3 j; .., ,. ~ ' FOR TIIE PUR.IOSE OF 00}TSTRUCTING TRUI7K 7.IIfE Sr,^~S IN SUB-DIVISI0213 A, B, AI7D C. IN } SEIYFi? DISTi?I OT' ~3, SO AS TO PROVIDE ADEQIIATE SE"r;;?dGE F03 THE iu7TIRE CITY OF YADUCAH, ~{' ICi;I7Ti1CIt'Y, Ai.i) :CO r^ROYIiJE FOR fHE PAi3,~d7T OF I}7Tr~?EST ON SAIA BOifiS, Ai7L TO CRBAi*i;' A ~ ~; Ip' I "~ SIN%II7G'FUND i'OR TIFF PA'lIr'L;17T OF SAID BOI7L.5 AT Z,ATURITY," be adoptea. AAOptea uptln 1 • Dal] of tho roll, by the following voto: yoga, Eaton, Esker, Tully, ?Tilliams an' ;tatter-~ , •, ~ john,-b. ~ t;. tlommiaeioner Tu11y offere.a the followi.na motion: I movo that an orainanoe OrAinanoe pro- entitles, "AN OR11II7Ai7CE PROVIDIAGr'b3 THE COI7S'I4?L'CTIC)i7 OF COI7C3r^,i~' SIDEifA]1{S, CURB;; ~ vi'ing for Dori- AIiD GUTTE:?3 "Mill AI,1', IfEOESaARY 2.WI'HUI,$$; II7TA'CriS. 9El7ERS A:;.;) C.tiTC3 BASISS 027 TI7c, ~7EST ~ • `~ atrnotiori s1'e- f ' ' on Qoebol Ave. ~~ SIJns' OF GOEBEI. AYEifUE, FR~b: i}Ii7 El:.;T PROiEi?TY LIIfE OF GOEBEL AYEIfUi,' TO A FOIi7T ~;T,~"r3E :. an.+ 1Vorten.AVO; ~ n • ,.' i NNN AII~; SOtiTH OURB I.ii~^r, OF ;70'.T3I7' S AYt.;itUE, IF EXT NDr•D, 7JOUI.D 'I}FTr~S~CT THE .~r.ST FROPr~TY ~ :~ ];IIfE OF GOEBEI; AYr^.}fUE: ALSO T}G:r'.e1:;T 5IllE OF GOrTDEi, AYFdiZTE, r O' A STARE SET OFPOfiITE TAL FRONT OF T1Ci BUII,DIi7G if0?V OCCUPII':D BY '!'iT.~, UifIQT{ LL?UG SfiO~~, TO ;R ,` SOIiTA CUi?B T.IIy ~F ,... ~ .VORTE27~5 AVi:IfUE, IP7 THE CITY -0F PAllUC.1H, 'I,F.I7mi1C2tY, AT TF3 COST OF "Hr: A ^ ' , BUTT Ii7G PROPERTY i 0"rTdERS, AI7D PROVIDII7G T3L1T SAir; }rAY BI`s FA'ID F02j U7'OI7 7fiF, mIT Y:7AI? ;AY;:~d7T PIAN," be ' ~.','a ` adopteA. AAOptea upon Dell of.tne roll by the follo:~int~~wote: Yeas,, Eaton, Eal:ar, ,:i Tully ana t71111.ama,-4. Naye, Itatter3ohn,-1. ~ , Oommiaaionor 1711Iiams offoroa the following motion: I movo that an orainanoe ' Urainanoo pre- entitles " ',~ viaing.for Oon-~ +'.R17 ORnTI„~IdOE PROVZDiI7G F08 1'aE CO:7t;TRUCTI0i7 O1' COi.Ci?E1": aI1>'„lAIF_9, OURHS AI7D ' etrUOt Ion ai+~e- ~i GUTTLc"?S, Alfil AI.1+' IfE0E8SATtX EL1}fii0i.i'S IIdTi;7~ S, S}:;~~5 A2;~1 CATCI7 BASII7S OI7 'iriE "}EST SIDE p+alka, eto. on ' ~ . :' > ~ VV, airo oP OF $c 0All 5TR r;T, FROiti T1iF, Ii7Ti:RSiCTI0I7 Gc^n'0'J:?TIi it?;D Bi?OdiD STREETS, TO T1TE JiIYIyIi7G .t Broa• St. from .i intoTeeotion 4t '.,),IIfE BET'.VE;i7 Ti[ii 730Prc?T''i OL' LOUIS PETTE:? i.I;D i:?.1IiY. P.x:T'ii~ct, IN TH CITY OF FA~UCAH, i & Brow to ~ ` Pottor property 1~;Iii"UOICY, AT a^?iy CO8'1' Oi~'' i';IiS iYBliT'.i'II7G PROPFeiTY 0"r7i•.I?S, AIi~1 1`80YIilII7G T??AT 'SA:.i,' L'JlY BE ~ if ~. Pi,Z~ I'0:? UF017 TI G. Ti':17 YEAR PAYIi:;2t~p p].fili,n.bo adopted. AAOpteA upon Dell oS the roll ~ ;~ f , by Cho following vote: Yoaa, Ent on, Eakor~ Ti:11y ana' 17i11iama,-4; Nava, I:attor~olm,-1. j ~j tlommiasionor Tu11y offoroa-tho followin;; motion: I movo that tho report of the ', ~Roport City pity Solioitor with rePorenoe to the asaeasnont oP John C. Ro Solioitoa in re , h}.opf Sor the year ,1927., ". ~ Aceoorr,:ent John . G. Rehkopf for'.'i be ro.oeivo+~ anA files. AaopteA upon oa11 oT th© roll by the follo,rinp, vote: Yoaa, ,• 1923. Eaton, Esker, Tu].ly, ~711liama ana hattor~ohn,-b.~ j • tlommiaeioner,Tully offerer tho foT1o'.ririg motion: I movo that the Commissioner i • ~ tlorreotion in N i. ' ~ aoseaamont John ~' °f Publ.io Finanoe bo a±:tharizeA any instruote' to maY,e a oorrootion in the asaoaamont off. '~ G. Rehkopf for i tho tax bill of John G. Rehko f for tho + 1 ~ You' 1921 p ,your 1921. A•'opte• upon Dell of the roll b authorizea. 1 the.follo:vin vote: Yeas Eaton Faker Tull ~ ~ ~" ~ g . y, lVIIllama ari.•.Katter~ohn,-b.. 1. _. ~ tlommiasionor Tully offoroa,the follodring mot,ton:. I.movo that the rop6rt of the Roport City ~ tlity Solioitor with roYorenoo to the aaseasmont .a;~,r~inat 1s e. }.fargnrot B. Owen fort Solioitor in. re ~~ ho ~ ~ I asooaomont }.~a.. ~f yon, 1221, bo re0aiY9A,an'' filOA, `AAOpta' 11 r.arFteirot fi.Or7nn {I pon. oa71 0£ tho roll by the followinP vote: i • for yoar 1921. it ` ~ Yoas, Eaton, Eaicor; Tully, Williams anA Itottor,(ohn,-S. j~ .+ ~, Oorvniosionor Tully offero+~ tho follov3ng motion; I movo that tho tlommiacionor i,. Oorrootpdn in ~ ' , ~ noaeoelmont I:4x`9, )~ of I:nblio linanoo be authorizes ana instruoto?' to make.m aorroation in the.aasessr.:ent o~i ' ~R7aritnrat B. Owen ~~ tho tax.bill of E:ra. A!argarot B,. Oven .for the yens 1921, anA that the oheok of ~b4.19 t • authorise+~, 4 ~:tonaerea bo'aobopto~, J`,aopte.a upon Dail .of ,the roll by, the.foilowing motion: $eaa, ~ • ' ~' Eaton, Eakor, 1'u17.y, ~C1i111amC an" figttor fohn;.b.. ~ '+ , ' '. ., ra. .. _ ` r ' ,w,,.v. M ,r a: _ . , ., •~i • m `y ~'r F• " Na_• Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Padueah_ ' 192.:x. ~. 4 ~~ On m~ot~i~on the Board adjourned upon Dail of the roll by b yeas. ne~ttad~=~^~`-~-+-°~~ ly,~/~ ~,~.]C~ROV:.E1D ... r,.-. • w ..q•111 3EPTEitBER 21at~ 1921. •" '. At s Called Meeting oY the Board of Commissioners, held 'in the Commieaionere' ` • ~ Chamber. in the City Ha11,,Paduoah, Kentucky, on September 21st, 1921, at 11 O'olook r A. M. Upon Dell oY the roll the following answered to their names; Commissioners i,' 1 Eaton, Eel:er, Tully, 491111ams and ]layer Katter~olut,-b. li" 2leyor Katter3ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: To eooept improvement oY the ' f driveways in the Inner-Fire Limits, ea oonstruoted by Yanoy & Johnson, Contreatora, J ;! and euoh other business ns might Dome before the Board. s ~. Mayor Katter~oim offered the following motion: Yanoy & Johnson, Contractore~, N having finished the eonstruetion of the concrete driveways within the Inner Fire ;;,'", Aooeptanoe of Limits, inoluaive of the s*.reeta bordering thereon, to-wit: On Washington Street from a oonorete drivewayei?.the t7eat line of Third Street to the i':nat line of Fifth Street, and on Fourth Street as oonatruoted by w onnInnerJFire n a Yrom the,SOUth line of Y.entuoky Avonne to the 2dorth line of Washington Street, and on ~. ~' Limits. ~Lionroe street from the t'deat line of Second Street to the West line of Fifth Street, " ;and on Third Street from the north line of Jefferson Street to the South line of ~` ~Ltonroe Street, and on Fourth Street, Yrom the North line of JeYferaon.Street to the Foouth line of ilonroe Strect, and on Fifth Street Yram the 2dorth line of Jefferson • i Street to the South line of Monroe Street, in the City of Paducah, Kantuoky, eltd i;having complied with the ordinance adopted and authorizing said improvement, and hav- 41ng complied in all reapeets vrith the terms of the oontrnot entered into by,and De-~;~' ,; tween said Contraotora and the City of Paduoeh, and having completed same eooording,to the Plana and Speoifioationa adopted for said work, and no oomplainta having been ' filed, protesting egeinst avid work, Know move that said improvement ba eooepted, • !:Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yosa, Eaton, Enl:or, Tu11y,Ylilliatn~• • Nand Y.atter~ohri,-b. ' ," ~ ldayor P.atter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the estimate furnish- • Report of City ~ed by t4. ?a..ititohell, City Engineer, for work done and performed by Yanoy & Joluteon," ` Enalneer,W.21• ~;Contrnotors, Yor oonatruoting oonorete driveways within the Inner-Fire Limlta, inolu- ' ,..itohell, for work y done end erformed ~"sive oY the streets bordering thereon, to-vrit: on Washington Street, from the West line ' by Yanoy & Johnson s for constructing aof Third Street to the Eeat line of Fifth Street, and on Fourth StreaL from the South oonorete driveways ; within Tnrer-Fire ',line oY Y_entuolgr Avenue to the iJorth line oY Washington Street, and on tAonroe Street Limits, ;from the Weat line of Second Streot to the West line of Fifth Street, and on Third r • Street from the 2dorth line of Jefferson Street to the South line of ktonroe Street, and `'^~- on Fourth Street, from the Siorth line of Jefferson Streot to the South .line of Monroe i~Stroot, and on Fifth Streot from the 2torth lino of Jefferson Street to the South line is ;; of Lfonroe Street, in the City o4 k'nduoah, Y.entuoky, ba received, filed and oonYirmed, t}."°r':" 'Adopted upon osll,of the roll by the Yellowing vote; Yens, Ent on, E¢Y.er, Tu11y,Williame `r. ' ° and 2:ntter~ohn,-b. ~, " Final Estimate for `~ Mayor xatter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the Final Eetirtwte", , work done and per• ~furnishod by ';J. 1i, 2'.itaholl, City Engineer, Yor work done and performed by Yanoy & Yorr,.ed by Yanoy & , Johnson for the kJohnaon, Gontraotors, for the construction oY oonorete driveways within the Inner-Fire ' " • oonstruotion of .,,~ • oonorete driveways !'.Limits, inclusive oY the streets bordering thereon, to=wit; On Washington Street, Prom within the Inner- Fire Limits, fur- tithe West line of Third Street to the Eaet line oY Fifth.Street and, on Fourth Street n+° had by "!.?1. ~ ' . *.litcheil, City ''from the South line of Y.entucky Avenue to the ldorth line of Washington Street, and on' EnRSrteer. ;; ' ~llonroe Street from"the Weat line of Second Street to the West line of..Fifth Street; ~~ ~ ..`...4 ~ 5 .. ~~ ' _- ~... .,-.. ..,r.,,__T-. ,. '~arae'a ..'Lc ~ ..~J~C'~ u .'_':..~,~yf x.r ilu:il:~ ~'J.. ~.y._. ~ ~, n .. J i ~'_ - . . • r R, wi t: . y,. ..y ~ ~ t~~, 6P'''R~' ~1Ti ~`i~'SI"'7rS'F~,.,u..in_•r'' ..L..._.•_ f , Na~°~ ~ ~`! .. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah , 192_, ~'~' r, - -:.:WNend on Third Street from the North line of Jefferson Street to the South line of Idonroe ! ~jStreot, end on Fourth Street, from the North line of Jefferson Street to the South line 'iof Monroe Street, and on Fifth Street from the North line of Jefferson Street to the ~Soutii iirie of Monroe Street, in the City of Paducah, Kentuolq,. be received, filed .and ~ •. ~ . ';confirmed. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following. vote: Yeea, Eaton, Esker, ~. ~Tuily, Willlame and Ketter~ohn,-b. ,• ~ Commieeionor Tully offered the, motions I move that an ordinance entitled, ; • • ~"AN ORDINANCr ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PIiOP:iiTY 023 B0"H SIDES OF WASHINGTON STREET FROM i THE P!dST LIRE OF i'HIRD .STi2c:ET TO :PIP' MAST LINE OF FIb'TH STRi:ET, AND ON FOURTH 31Ri:ET, ''FROM THN SOUTH LINE OF :~;T3TUC_77[ Aw•;I(UE TO THE I30RTH T,I23E OF V(d33I27GTON STREET AI3D ON . , ~. NMOI3ROE STREET FROf3 ~'HE Y3EST LIRE OF SEC023b STREET TO THE VdES'T LINE OF FIFTH STREET, A23D jl ON THIRD ST12F:ET FRO?<i "i'IPr: NOIti'H LIY3E OF JI;FFER5023 STREET TO T!iE SOUTH LIME OF ASOI3ROE k?~ Aseosement Ordi-STREET, A1JD ON 1'OURTH STREc^,T FROId TIC 230RTii LIKE OF' Jr^.FFrJ2SOIt $T' ^ ^ !-- Hance for son- !; ~:Ei TO ~'HE SOUTH L]'T3E i. • atruotlon of, +~OF ].;023ROE STREET,: THE SUi.i.OF j4.4t;621 PFR ABUTTING FOOT, A2(D 023 FIFTH STR'r:ET FRORi 172E drivewayg with- ~ in Inner-Eire 4NORTF( LIItr'. OF JEFFi~,RS023 STRi:ET TO TIII!: SOUTH LII3L OF aIO2i$OG STREET THE SU1I OF ,~$4.468b3 ! . •, '~ `jLimite. PER ABUTTING FOOT,. I13 THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ';^rddTUCY.Y, FOR Tim. COI3STRUCTION A21D.RECOI3- ' ! ' , ~ ~STRUCT,ION OF 40NCRN;TE DRIVEV/AYS, A/iD ,1SSE55ING ^?IE PADUCA?i RAILYIAY COIdPAtdY TIIE S:IIS OF I~I~1E68.36 r'Olt, CAR TI2ACIC BABE OI( FOURT?i Sfilt"'ET, AS SHOt'A3 BY SRIN E13GII31:ER'S ESTIISATE, i ' 1~F.7CCEPT THAT PORTION TO BE P1ID FOR BY TFI~: CITY OF PADUCAH, AI3D PROVIDII3G TAAT SAID j ~ P " ~ SSE9S21Q:NT 1,;AY BF PAID IN TE23 EQUA2 I23STA]:LE~r;NT.S, BEING ONE EACH Y1;AR FOR A Pf.RIOn OF. ' ~. ~ ~ ~ '{ ;, ,..iTBN YM;AR9," be adopted. Adopted upon aali of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,.. ' ~atanr Esker, Tully, 1Villiame and I:atter~Ohn,-b. ' •,I On motion tlzo Board nd~otirned upon onll.of the roll ry b yeas. . ~ ~, ~ CN, CIrM MAXO2t. '; d SEPTi'x'ID~2.24th: 1921. i. At a Ca11eA Besting of the Boars of Oommleolonera helA in the Coromisaionere' ~Ohamber in the Qity Ha 11, Peauoah, Kentnoky, on September 24th, 1921, at.ll o'alook A.2S. •Upon cell of the roll the following anawere++ to their names: Commissioners Faton, Enlcor,~ { Tully anA ~ii111ams,-4. Bayor Katter~ohn being absent, Bayor Pro Tem W. V.Enton, preai+~e+4 ~, Mnyor Pro Tom Eaton stuteA reasons for call, to-wit: For the pur?pose of allowing ~~the Pay Roil for the week en+-ing September 24th, 1921, anA snoh other bnsinees as might acme before the Bonr+i, ,,~:-. Pay-roll for w9e1~~ ~`: Comoit~sianer Tully offereA the following motion: Y move that the pay-roll for the ~enAinR 9opt.>:4, N wee)F en~-ing Sort. E4th for 7:e partment of Public .Propurty...Rivereide gospital, nmounl~rig 11921., Rivorei~e IloapiteL.. ~.to ;~I16.60, be elloweA anA orAere+~ pair anA the money appropriates from the General 1-unA~; ..`'~' ,'~~to pay same. AAOpteA upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton Esker ,,'l'olly, nnA. Williams,-4. ~ - Commissioner Tully offere+' the foilowin :3tntement:of ea- R motion: I movo that THE STATrJi~tT OF ~OOUnt with'.~ker''~` ACCOUNP ~3ITH EAI:rIt & STORRIE, OONTRACTCRS, FOR TI2is GOI3STi2UC`PI023 OF C03ICR;:TE 11RI>~:TlAY9 & 5torrie, in red; Oonorete Arive- f OI3 10, 11, ' 12, 13, 14 and 16th 3TR::GTS, Bi:TtPE:I( BROAl17AY A23'L J~F~?SOI3 STRE,.TS, be re- ly way on 10,]1, 12, II' ~ ' "'.13,14 anA 16th yj.oeived anc file A: AAopteA upon ae].l of.tho roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, 't Sts. ` j k! Inner, Tully anA 1illiams,=4. Comroiaeioner Tully offereA the following motion: The followin r ~Eetimatea pa1A g parties having ~ Eby property o•~t--~~ paid the eotimatoe against property owners on 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th enA 16th ~ orate fh'iveway " Streets, between BroaAway and Jefferson Ste. .for oonatruotion of oar+orete Ariveways... d ~14 $OA10,12,13, ~, , ~ n 16th 9ta.i) Eet. 1 Bra. Ells Puryear :.................... 378.07 2 Br e. Ella Puryeare. .. s....'.........• 378.07 `,, „ b Louie F. Kolb ..................:..... 349.1b ''~ ~ °. _ 6 ];oeb-Bloom Realty Co...+ ............. 399,47. ~ ~ ,fly, ,.. . . r '. ,. _ - •..,.r .. ,,.<~rµ . ~.... , - ;. . t ~. . ~ j. ,. w ~:_ r , ----,; ~_.J. ~_~_,~ __. ._ ,. . j ~.. ~ , • .. . 1 ._.,yT.:i--+•:--.wr..J.u/n+.•vu=~-~:..s.y...a.r..:.s9u'r••..xv ~~uJUi~:..w,_ ]......a~:w.~. ~:-•%-+w.~wa~_1 ' .. .: ..' »q re;.~cra r, ~,?;. ++;* k., ^"~; 9!xrn a~+;;m . ~' a a~~xwk, t ' • No. / v~ 9 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of .Paducah. 192_'_ • ' Est. ~9 Anl~ew P. Humburg,Yor C St L.do M O.R.R. 468.45 • •~ " •~11 Loeb-Bloom Realty Co.. .. .......,• 222,16 ' ~ ~ " 16 :7.P.Overstreet ............................ 611.38 .,. j~ " 17 nary B. Roe•ora ............. .............. 630.48 • r estimates paid by property ~: " 19 1.`.agt,ie A. Giison .......................... 630.48 owners on 10th llth,l2th, i~ i~23 Luoy V. Overby ............................ 671.03 29 27b 13th;14th and 6th its., anA;, „ 26 ~ I4vid & Olga L. Bullmor ................... . EaY_or L Storris allowed the h 29 Flora S, Boyd ............................• bb4.76, oum of $bb68.78. F, i t' t s be allowed tho awn of Proporty owners failing to pay estimates on lOth,llth, ~ 16th Streets, bet:veen BroeAway anA JeYYeraon Ste. Yor oonatruotion oY oonorete drive- 12th,13th,14th and 16th sta., end Com'r. Finanae ~ ways.... authorized to turn over to F Est. ~7 Ohioago,St.Louia & New Orleans R.R..........~ 72.67 :.~e}car & Storrie, sa1A uA- G ~ ~ i#8 M 11" n u n ,"," "' • • • • • ~ 188,45 , paid estimates. ~~ X10 ........... 249.87, h I move that the Commissioner oY Fublio Finanoe be authorized and instruoteA to turn ~i ' over to Contraotora Faker & Storrie the said unpaid estimates. Adopted upon oall of , ~; the roll by the Yollowing vote:.. Yana, Eaton. c}nker, Tully and ~Iilliams,-4. , • ~ Commissioner Tully offereA the following motion: The Yollowing parties hav- `, Proporty owners take ad- Ii ing signlfieA their intention to take advantage of the Ten Year Payment P].an for tho vantage of Ten Year Payment ~~ Tian on lOth,lith,l2th 13th ~~ improvement on 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 16th Streets, between.Broadway and 14th anA 16th Sta., anb {, • :, ,. .• City Solioitor iratruoteA p JeYYeraon Streets, Yor oonbrete driveways..... to furnish oopy oY bond ~ .. to be issued. Eat, $3 }.ary iTulvin .. .. ...... ....... 349.16 • ~ " 13 J.A. Gar Aner,Trustee•.•..••.......•••....6b9.90 ,, " 14 Luay «. Foster.. ... .. 611.38 h " 20 Cesare S Fo~.~ler .......................... 639:08 • ri a total oY X5568.78, I move that ~akor E: Storr e, oon rao or , i ' $5b68,76 and that the Qommieaioner of Publio Finanoe be authorized and inetruotsd to d draw a oheok against. the Speoial Street Fund to pay same. adopteA upon dell of the, , ~~ roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Ee'rer, Tu11y and 9illiams,-4. ~ i'• Commissioner Tully oYYered the Yollowing motion: The following parties having ~~ (~ tailed to pay the estimates against property owners on lOth,llth,l2th,13th,i4th tuiA e: • ~• i.~ __.:_ • 4 i I " 22 Slavie bTall .............................. 639.08 . h " 24 Irene Cox Gar dnor ........................ 671.03 " 2b ellie S Lander .......................... 367.06 . i= " ~ 27 Jno.S.lawrenoa ........................... 321.17 • '~. n 28 John B. R:via ............................ 321.17 ' • .:. " 30 .C.~ena . ... ........................... 192:13 " 31 Lule Austin .............................. 362. G4 ~. ~ " ~ ., " 32 Virginia ',:. Brr.AShaw ..................... b30.76 •. , 34 Virginia 'A. Bra ~ahaw,,................... b30.76, a total of - .. a; , ' ~ $619>r.EB, I move that.Imi~rovomont Bon ds be issued Yor this amount, anA that the Oity , ~; Do7laitor be Inntrnu6eA to fiar}~Init n ooP;l of the bo}~A® to re i.~euoA for unme, AAOpbeA , ~, upon oall of the roll by the fo]lowinFK vote: Xone, Paton, Pnkor, Tu]1y anA T7lllioms,4. • , q ~ On motion the Boar A aA~ourned upon oe11.oY the roll by 4 yeea, r. ~~f~~ d x.-.t' ti.CJ V TJ:D oter cw. • ~ sEPT'r:J:IlIFR 26th. 1921. 1etA?4}R .Ate ?togular LToeting of the Boa;d of Commissioners, held in the Comrnisaion- ~, , ers' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Y.entuoky, on September 26th, 1921. Upon only.,'..' • ~ ~ ~ ~! oY the roll the Yollowing answered to their names: Commiaeioners }:atop, Eaker,Tully., , a ' } Williams and L:ayorlntter~ohn,-5. ~ .. h ~ On motiori oP Commissioner Tully the minutes oY the previous meetings.were '. ~ adopted ea read upon pall of the roll by the Yollowing vote: 'teas, Eaton, Ee::er, Tully, Williams and I'atter~ohn,-5. ., ~~ }Sayor F_atter~ohn offered the Yollowing motion: I movo that the petitiori 'of aitizene in the vicinity oY Fourth and Elizabeth Streota,,requosting the install~- • d Street Light at' ~! tion oY a street 1SRht at that street interaeotion, be received and Yiled and referr- • Interaeotion of 4th Pc Elizabeth Sts ed.to the Sunerintendora of the Light Plant, with inatruotione to investigate and N report to the Board. Adopted upon cell of .the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, F.akor, Tully, tililliama rand F_atter~ohn,-b. , ;~. ., x. . _ .... ....... . •,., ..: .. ,r.....p~rpa~- I . ~ tic ~'v,L cw.x,^~xamrpr.-~:.,haa~,: , ~F- r. ~, , :'.,.~ a Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah - 192_ }Sagor Y.atterjohn offered the following motion. I move that the petition of '' Street Light Ninth k Cley citizens in the vicinity of Ninth and Clay Streets, regneating the installation of e.at~lreet Stroete. ~ ` ' light at that street intersection, be received and filed and referred to the Snperin- ! ~ tendent of the. Light Plant,Vwith instruotf.ona to investigate and report to the Board.. ~. ~, 1! Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Eaton. Esker, Tully, ". Williams and }tatterjohn,-6, I ~', ,~ - Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the proteat.of J.A. , J.A. Gardner, Gardner a sinst the eooe tanos of oonorete sidewa~.k curb and g p , gutter on South 7th'end proteet!.against ~ leooeptanoe of, Jackson Stroets, Southeast oc'rner, be rnoeived and filed. Adopted upon call of the i oonorete side- f ~walke, etc. on roll by tho following vote: Yoas, Eaton, Esker, .Tully, Williams and F,atterjohn,-b. -. ~9.7th.d~ Jaokeon '" Ste. Commissioner Tull; offerod the following motion: I mode that the communication from hire. Martha L, Fo~rler re rdi Mre.Idartha L. , 8'a ng the error in her tax assessment, be received and• `i Fowler.oommuni- 'filed. Adopted upon Dell of the ro1T by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Ee:;er,Tully, ; ',cation regarding,; , + tax assessment• tigilliame and Yatterjohn,-b. i. Commissioner Tallq offered the following motion: I move that the communication f C.E.Jenninge & ~A.W.Y.atterjohn from Q. E. Jennings and a. W. Katterjohn, members of the. Board of Equalization with -:communication ~ ;;regarding tax` reference to the assessment against the property of idra, btartha L. Fowler, be received i easoeament bits. "iLtartha >r.Fowler. and f31ed. Adopted upon call of the roil by the following vote;. Yeas, Eaton, Esker, f. :;'' °;j ;:; Tully, Williams and Yatterjohn,-b. i'. '`: ~~:. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; .I move that the Commissioner of j Mra.tdnrtha L. `~Fotvler oorreat- Public Finance be authorized and instructed to make a eorreotion in the assessment for ~ ' Lion in as~es~- 'went for 1921. the year x.921 against bits. Llartha L. Fowler. Adopted upon call of the roll by the ' 'f ~followi vote :. Yeas Eaton Esker Tul I. `,,~. ~ • . ].y, WiTliame and Katterjohn,-b. i.' Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: G. 71. Katterjohn & Son, Contrast- j ore, having finished the oonatruotion oY the oonorete sidewalks ourbe and { gutters, and' :~Aooeptanoe of ,. all necessary manholes, intakes, severe and catch basins on both sides of Seventh oonorete aide- walke, etc., se . Street, from the South ourb line of Jackson Street to the Idorth curb line of Jones `. aonetruoted by ,~G.tV.Yatterjohn 3troet, in the City of Paducah, }:entno ,and havi " & ion on 3.7th FR' ng complied vrith the ordinance adopt- ~St. from Jaok-, ed and authorizing said. improvement, and having.oomplfed in. ell respec.ta vrith the terms! . ;eon to Jones St• ~, of the oontraat.entered into bq and between said Contractors and the City of Paducah, . _, and :having completed same according to the Plana and Speoifioationa adopted for said work, end no oomp191nta having been filed. protesting against said work, i now move ~. that said improvement Be socepted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Faker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,-b. . Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move Lhat the estimate furnished Estimate of t7bt ` Ltitahell,Citq by W, bt. biitohell, City Engineer, for work done and rformed b G. W. }tatter ohn.dc Boni Engineer of vrork ~ y ~ per-lormod by ~ Contractors, for constructing oonorete sidewalks. enrba and gnttera, and all necessary :, G.'r'r.Y$tterjohn ~ • ~ Son on aide- manholes, intakea,'sewera and catch basins on both sides of .Seventh Street, from the ~ walks on S..7th `. St. from Jaokaon,j.3outh ourb line of Jaokeon Street to the Iiorth curb line of. Jones Street, in the City ~ :' to Jones Ste.. of padueah, Kentuokyr, be•received, filed and confirmed. Adapted upon call of the roll j bq.the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Ea:;er, Tully, i71111ams and Y:atterjohn,-b. i Final Estimate Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Final Estimate, . tiY.id.lditohol3, Citq,Engr, of Yurriiahed. by t"i. Lt. btitohsll, City r^•ngineeY; Y~r work dons&nd performed by G. PI. ?,atterl work performed by G.W._:atterjoh~ john Fr Son, Contraotora, for the oonatruotion of oonorete sidewalks, ourbe and gutters,.] & Son on eidewaiYe. , on-S.7th St.Yrom~: and all necessary manholes, imtakea, savors and oatah basiaa on both sides of Seventh ~ 3gokaon to Jonssi ~ ,_ Sts, ~ Street, from` Squtt~ garb lime of JaoYson Street to the. North curb line of Jones {. f' ~! Street, in th ity~~.Paduoah Kedtuo]gt, be.reoeived,filed and aonfirmed. Adopted upon ` N Dell of the ro7~l bq ttie.Yollowing vote: Yeea, Eaton,EakereTU11y,7Jilliame and Katter- . ~~. john,-6. , ~' ~~ ~ ~ -_-_ «: ~ 1. o .;; fd ~. i ~, i ~_: v,, • ' „ -. ;~ Y;s' 3h^R?~AwL ~a.7'fiAarxR~xslK .a.s.6K4ewam4+~°,aG.Rk^"'t""M~ of y' ~-~...~r~~r • - ~ , r~ uwy~ ......... _ .., ... •biaG ~5 ....,: . -i ~~..._ ...._....., ._. -..~_. .. ~~,-r....- .,-•..~-..mac......-...a.c~.:-~ ~..~~.s~rii - ~ _,.... ~..~ac^ .~:~v...~.~..' ..~ _..--ur..r.+-..~ . .' ,. - ... . . .. .. ~ - :~ y .. r .. .., .. No. 7~3/ ' ' ~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192-_ "" 1 - - - - - - - - ---- - - -- - - - ------ ~' Mayor I:atterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinanoe entitled,,' ` it "AId ORDIIIAIdC:: ASSI;SSIIIG ^IIE ABUTTING PROPi?RTY OId BOi^H SIDES OF SEV11dTH STREET: FI203S ,~~ :., { OrdlnanOe ASBea9- ;: T}~ SOUTII CURB LIME Or JACi:SOII STtiIS:T `:0 `i'}H: Td0$TH CU28 LINE OF JONES STREET, Bd THE ing property on '! CI^Y OF PADUCAH, I~iIITUC!:Y, THE SLrJ:i OF X2.037368 per ABUTTING rr^OOT FOR THE COIdST$UCTIOPI both sides Seventh! ~Wj-•~- St. from Jaolson ' t0. JaneB St. ! OF ~>QIICIt~'i`i: SIDE:L~L::S, CURB AIID GUTTI.iiS, ATID ;.LL IIECA:SSI,RY ?,dr_I3IIOLP,'S, IIIT~S, SESYERS, ' !j CATCIi BASINS r1I+~D DitIYEl7AYS T!Il:RTsCId, A3 S}}OIVN BY TFIB` EIdGIIZ$$Pi'S ESTI1~11'PE, EXCEPT THAT ~{ FO}?TIOP? TO BE _°AID FOR BY T}vZ: CITY OF PADUC.4H, AIdD P?30VIDING' T!iAT SialD ASSESSLII+:IJT .29AY ~~ BF. P?.ID FAR IN TEII ERUAL IIZSTALLI,.'I'IdTS, BEI}dG OIdE EAC}I YE1iR FOR ?. PERIOD OF TEIi YE<1l?S," t ~~ ! '~ be adopted, Adopted upon call of tl:e roll by the following vote;Yeas, Eaton, Ea::er, s ~ ? '; . F; ~~ Tully, 'Ailliams and I:atter john,-5. Statement of so- ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move'that TIC STbTEl:~NT OF ~ count with Rey- ~; I ACCOUNT 'YlIT}{ REYNOLDS BRUS., CONTRACTORS, FOR T?iE CO?v$TRUCTIQII OF COIdCftETE CURB, p nolds Dros. for ! work per~Pormed '; GUTTERS AT_.TD DRIVEPlAYS Otd 10th,. 13th and 14th STRETS, BETPdEEN BROAD~1fAY AIID JEFFERSON i on lOth,l3th & I, fi 14th Sta. bets. u Sm~h;rTS. be reoeived and tiled. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote; ;~ ,', Broadway and (' - Jefferson St. !~ '~ Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, 411111ams and I:ntterjohn,-5, ~ ' I Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having ~~ Estimates paid !I i oaid the estimates against property owners on 10th, 13th.aixl 14th Streets; between ~, by property own ;; - ' P era on lOth,l3th !~ Droadwey ~ Jefferson Streets, for the construction of concrete curb,,gutters and driv9 ~ and 14th Sts., i; • bets. B'way and ~~ ways.. Jefferson St. ~! Estimate 1 tdrs• Ella. Puryear ....................178.52 ! !! " 2 ISrs. Iilla Puryoar .....................177.38 1 ;: Ii n 4 Louis 1'. Xolb ........................155.67 ~i 7 Luc;/ 'J. Overby .......................168.56 ,, " X10 llavid ~ Olga L, Bullmer...............144.48, B total of Reynolds Bros ,~ X824.61 I more that Reynolds Bros., contractors, be allawed 'the sum of X824.61 and• allowed 824 61 ~ w 1., ( for erork porform i the Commissioner of Public Finance be instructed to draw a oheak on the Special Street _ ed on 10th,13th ! ~ and 14th Sta, betnq ~ B'way and Jeffer- Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Eaton, son St. ~ Esker, Tully, "Iilliama and Yatterjohn,-5, ` ~' Commissioner .Tully offered the following motion: She following parties hewing Parties taking signified their intention to take advantage of the Ten Year Payment Plan for the con yI advantage of ten I `! year payment plan ~~ struction of concrete curb, gutters and driveways on 10th, 13th and 14th Streets, be for abncrete curbs' tween Broadway & Jefferson Streets.:.:.. anti gnttera, etc, ;; 1 _ :. `: I on lUth,l3th and ~i Estimate• 3 1?cry I4ulvin ....................r..~155..67 ,. 14th Sts, bets. q n ,.5 T,aura L. Fowler.............••••••• 160.63' Broadway and '.; " ~6 Slavie hinll .....................•,• 197,35 „efferson St, Ij n 8 Irene Gardner ..............::...'...168,56 and Bonds issued. n 9 Allis S, Lander.................... 207.93 , ~~ " X11 Jno, S. Lavrrence .................. 183.04 • ~, " ~12 Jno•D.Davis ....................... 205.29, a total Of ~. q a ~1?.79.17, 2 move that Improver:wnt Bonds be issued for the sum of ;1297.17 and the City Solicitor be instructed to furnish cony of said bonds. Adopted upon oall o~ the ` roll by the following vote: Yeas, F.aton,Ea%er,Tully,71111iams and ?_atterjohn,-$. ~ ' r ` ij Commissioner Tully offered the•followirg motion: It appealing there is due the 8ahoola allowed I ~. '. X1074.18 due from t~ Sohools the sum Of ia1074.18 from the collections of 1921 taxes, I move that same be collections oY ~! allowed and~ordared paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. ', 1921 taxes. 6 ... I' Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Ea'r_er, Tully, ' ii ,/illiams and Yatterjohn,-5, ~"' j ~! Commissioner Tully,offered the follrnving.motian; It apnearinR there is due the Sohools allowed 'j; Schools the sum of u2889.20, from the aolleations of 1920 taxes, I move that same be $2889.20 due from i collections of 1920 taxes. ~ h allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General rand to pay same. ,. Adopted upon call of the roll .by the f ollcwing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, ' } ~ tlilliams and Y_atterjo~n,-5. r ... LL f• - + '~' • A ~ f C ... .~-~,r,~na-~+x+a, - . .,r v.c !'q~. `.`v"~y~~'. ~. m,F,n,P4:~7~~'•JS;;"~c~~'` Y r 1h 1 s. v'`k"~ .~ C .. , ' ! ' v .. ' ~ .' _- _ , :: . ~ . ~, ... ` .. st .. ,. .~ aw`~ - ~:, ' - Commissioners' Proceedings, City' of Paducah ~ 192_- Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that an error has - ~ ; • -r I been made in the assessment of R. S. Wright Por fife year 1921 on tax bill X3827 wherein ' R.S.Wright ~j ! ',' - refunded !! he has been assessed with a house and lot on Block Eiap 1, Page 67 on bth Street, be- i ,y:: .^p18.16 Yor " over-sasses- ~± tvieen Clsy ~ Trimble Sts. at $1100, also vrith a house and lot adjoining said property ~ :. ~;, meat in pro- +;" i perty for. ~' at $886.00 and it further appearing that there is but one house at this location, the'. („ 1921. ' i) ~ i ' !j other lot being "vacant and the sum of $b8b.00 in asaesament being an error as the assessment a ~~ should be $300.00 for each lot and x^800.00 for the house on the one lot, a total of I! j ' ~~ $1400.00 and the assessment as made being $198b.00, an over-assessment or an error in " ~ assessment or an error in assessment of $58b.00 having 'been made and said R.S.~iright j i ~ having paid his taxes for +:he year.1921, I move that the sum of o-~13.16 be refunded to oor~oet the error of :1b8b.00 at the rate of sp2.2b per hundred. Adopted upon Dell of (, ~ , t` the loll by the .following vote: Yeas, Eat on,Eaker,Tully;'~71111ama and Y.atterjohn,-b. ! ' ~ ~, Commissioner F.aton offered the following motion: Patrolman Ed Sandora having ; ' C,,, ~ . Patrolman ~d ~ heen'brutall.~ses~saulted and partially paralized in consequence thereof, while in the w' "o Sanders grant`, 'erformanoe of his duties and be in thereb rendered incapable of ! ed indefinite , R g y performing any ~ leave of ~ sorvice, and in consequence of vrhich he will be indefinitely inoapaciated,- ~ ' abaenae with full pay on ' i f ~, sooount of ~. I move that the said Patrolman Ed Sanders be granted an indefinite leave of j `~ in juries sue- ~ ~ . _. tamed by him absence vrith full pay until further ordored by the Board. Adopted upon call of the roll wFiile in per-I; b the follow in vote: Yeas Eaton Esker Tull Williams and Y.atterjohn 5. j formance of y g + + . y. ,- , hie duties. ~ j " On motion. the Board adjourned upon pall of the roll by b yeas, ~ 1 nd .. ~s ~, t~.~~.. ~zav~r~ ~ 3 ~+•~te~ ' `~i ! SF:PTEI:iBER 28th, 1921. ( '~ ' ~} At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commisaionere, held in the, Commissioners' ' , t ~ Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah,.PCentuoky, on September 28th, 1921, at 4 o'clook P.id.~ • , n~ Upon Dell of the roll. the following answered to their names: C ommiasionera Eaton, Tully; ~a~i Williams and Mayor xatterjohn,-4. ~ ,~ ~, Mayor Y.atterjohn stated reasons for Dell, to-wit: To elloav aocount of Henry ~ }' x.' ' ~ BOngena. i. ,. ,... j. , 4! Cofimieaioner Williams offered the following motion: Henry Bongeno having erected:,.. jj , { a garage, store-room and anal houses at Oak Grove Cemetery. under the directions of the°~ " Account of Henry' Commissioner of Patblio Property, at an. agreed prioe of $168.00,- f Bougeno el Lowed for er"eoting ~ I move that the Commies inner oY Pub11o Finance be autho razed and instructed to ! garage,etore- ! i room and coal ~.iasue check to the said Henry Bougeno for the sum of $168.00 in payment for said se;•• houses at Oak ' , .- `Grove Cemetery. f`: vioea and acoount, and. charge same to the aocount of Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon i . ,! pall of the roll by the .follovrinR vote: Yeas, Eat an, Tully, Vl111iama and Eatterjohn,-4.! -- On motion the Board ad Darned u on enll of the roll b 4 ~ fi j P y yeas. ~ " ___,. - ~~. ~~~ a wr a..~ ~AXCJ14 ~ , OCTOBER iet. 1921. i i; ; ' ~ At a Cal1eA Haeting of the Board of Commissioners, heh in the Commiseionere° i i • F Chamber in the Oity Ha11, Pa'uoeh, %entuoky, on October let, 1921. at 11 orolook A.M. ;~ ~j • ~ Upon pall of the roll the following answered to their names: Commisaionere Saton, I ~ - ~; Tnily+ Wiliiame and Ysybr %atter'ohn,-4. ~. _ ~ Yeyar Satter~ohn etatel~ reasons for Dell, torwits To ellaw Pay Ho11 for week j. ' ~ en~ing October let, 1881, en+~ any other business thet might Dome before the Boss. ,, ~. ~ ~ ' V . ... :.. ~., - , ~, .. ' . • ~w,~ P''' ' ' '~.~., u_ _.. • ~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah . ' 192_ rr~~ JJ ~~~ Na_L Oommiseloasr ?ally offsre~ the lo2lowing motion; I moos that the Pay-roll for the ' payra11 for wsek,wssk ending Cot. 1st, un"er the 3EP~RTMSHT OF PUBLIC PROPERTY, Riverside Hospital, , en"ing Oot. 1. ;amounting to ~lll.~t1, be eiiowsd ane orAerse paiA an" the mousy nppropriatsA from the ' 19E1 Hiversi e . , Hospital. General FunA to pay seas. A~opteA upon Dell. of the roll by the following votes Yess, • '::Eaton, Tully, Williams an" Katterlohn.-4. Commissioner Williams offersA Lhe following motioa: I move that the ltemiasA L~Tyree,~b b~Eli,~faoaount of Hobart L. Tyree for painting, "eoorating an" repniring at the'Oarnagis , cos painting," ',.Library, amounting to $biB.Eb, bs ellowsA an" ohergeA to the account of 0arnegie Libra. eoorating an ~- sspai>)ing at ry, an" that the Commissioner of Pubilo Finanos bs authorlaeA to "raw check in payment • . Carnegie Library. thereol. i-'opte" upon call of the roll Dy the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, • ~:Ai111ame anA ICatter~ohn,-4. On motion Lhe Board aAlourneA upon Dell of the roll Dy ~ yeas. ' '.{ ~~ . ;i Ade led~- AF.i-.tz.OVF~D ' ~ k cur caa ~/L._.__.-"'-`~„ , MAZUB ~' OOTOB~ 922 D, 19 E1. t~ {{{ u -t a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commiesionere, helA in the Oommiseionere' '~ ~' jl Ohamber in the City Hall. Pdauoah, Kentucky, on October 3rA, 19E1. Upon Dell of the '; roll the following answeree to their names:Commissioners, Paton, Faker, 81111ams and ' )] Mayor $atter~ohn,-4. rt u Oa motion of Oommiesionor baton the minutes of the previous meetings were a h a"optsA upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, t-illiame sn~ ~~ Batter~ohn,-4. • !~ Mayor ltatter~ohn offereA the following motion: I move that the receipt from 8sosipt L.S. ' IUrrett,0onnty a L. ~. ~iirrett, Oounty Court Olerk, showing that he has filed Hospital Bona Or"inanos Court Clerk, in rs Hospital BonA~ . be receive" an? file". A'opte" upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yess, , . Or"inanoe. '' Eaton. faker, Nilliema anA Katter~ohn,-4. ' Receipt of L.E. "' ~ I:~ayor Yntter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the receipt from Durrett, County ;i ° Court Clerk, ~' ` L. E. Durrett, County Court Clerk, showing that he has filed Sewer Bond Ordin¢noe ' ir. re: Sevror ~ Bo:ul Ordiwnce. ~ be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Ye¢e, i~ Eaton Esker Williams and Yatter~ohn -4. 1 • . ~ Commissioner Tally entered CommiEisioners' Chamber. Stato^,ent of ~! llaYor %atter~ohn oYYered the following motion: I move that the statement of gross earnt.igs, ~' rose earni s o erati a erases and tazes of the Paducah Railway Company Yor twelve &o. Padueah I?e:il- g rag P nB %P Way Co. Yor lE months, ending 9pptember 30th, 1921, be received and filed and action thereon geferr-~ • r9onth@ Brding'. Sept.30,15?.1. ^ ed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, ;~ Williams end l:etter~ohn,-b. Aooowrt Paducah p E2ayor Hatter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the Peduonh Eleotri Electric Co. Yor ~ Co be allowed the euq of b3E.b0 Yor electric service Yor lighting the White Way~• $532. b0 lighting ~ »~~4Y- ~ ' • 'tlhi to :fey, from et 31st to i from August lbth to September 30th, 1921, and that said sum be charged to the White . . A}:~+u - Sept. 30th,1921, r Wsy Account, ¢nd the Commissioner of Public Finance ie hereby directed Lo lssue u f ~ voucher Yor snid eame.Adopted upon call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, P $aton, Enlcer, Tully, Willinms and Y.atter~ohn,-5. G ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that THE STATEI;:EI1T OF Statement of ao- ~ 1 count with Ee'rer ~. TIIE AGCOUIdT ~YITH EAI:ER & STO:?I?IE, COIF!'I?ACTORS, FOR TIi$ COIIST3UCTIOIi OF SIDE^PlAL;:9, !r 4 3tarrie for work ~,~ hI:D GUT G:?S OII B'itl'lIIEII,i ATi:IdUE, BP:TilEEN 12th AL'D 13th STRi:ETS, be received and performed on side- wnl:ca or. Eernheim: ' Ave. botn,l2th k filed. Adopted .upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Eerer, 13th Sts. `' Tully, Williams and ~atter~ohn,-5, ~. . '~ . t :^ • r , .,_.r_.___..,_ __,, __.___, _.__,_._ _ - ~' .. 'r. i ,. c- .~.~^wccn~n.s~.:aRnt¢~,..,q~... yo...Fi... ~.,,.~iyx=vu.l i li ~`. __ `~• ';~ , ~ .y 8 ' - .., :, ?ry.~~ ~yN-~, x NiMartNY^tq'A+rwdrTlR`+" T:_ ~- ' i ~ ~ 1. Na ~ ' p Commissioners' d'roceedings, City of Paducah ' 192-_ ~ f - .. __ { Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having i, ~ " , ~ I paid the ea$imates against property owners for the avnatruotion of aidewa7lka, ourb and ~ ' r istimntea paid W .-~ ~ ncatnst property` ., ~ttera on Be:dfheim Avenue, between 12th and 13th Streets....... ~ - , o:vnera for von I ~` •'` .;truction of Eat. 1 D. S. Iiolland ....................$ 31.70 • cidowra7ka; &a. 3 8. JS. & L4nry Smith ............... 188.07 - ~ on Bernheim Avo.. 'Ibotn l? th and ~ ^ 4 Paduoah ldothora Club............, 89.69 ~ • .,_ .. .. 6 Ira C. B w ye rly • 46 69 _ .. , ,13th Streets... .................... . ••••• 6 T. J. Frazier.. ............. 46.69 ..' sker ~ Storrie. , ,. . " 7 ti. J. Gallagher........,. ..:v ........ 89.69 ~ 8 Geor i ... 89.b9 ~~ ": «' n g ana Beyer ............... joontrnotora ~ 9 Afary Ellen 7togera ................ 94.69 allowed ~787.6E. " , 10 Emma C. Potter ...:...........r... 84.69 ' .f " " - 13 Ida Id. Thomas.. ...:..::..........: 26.92, a total of $787.6E,~ • "~• . , S move tAat Ea::er &Storrie, oontraotora, be allowed the sum ofy787.62 and the Com- l ' ;',~ misaianor of P:zblio Finance be inatruoted to draw a aheok ap~ninat the Special Street ( - Fiord to pay same., Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, ' , Enker, Tu11y, iYilliama and lattvrjohn,-6. i. ' I .. , Qommissioner Tully offered the follrnving motions The following parties having Proparty owners ion Bernheim Ave. signified their intention to take advantage of the Ten Year Payment Plan for the eon- ' ~ ibvtn.l2th and ,.;.18th Strevta etriiation of sidewalks ourb end r gutters on IIernheim.Avonuo, between 12th and 13th ? ' -";take advantage j ' Hof Ten Year i streets..,.: 1~• - jPagment Plan, an ~ Est. ~2 I. li, Tinaleq ................~ 89,69 . ,improvement " it J, I. Leseuer ................ 220.78 ' " ' ;Bond for ~839,12~ I . "16 Flora Foreman ..:............. 110,46 ,a " ,. . ilsaved to Esker { .. 16 N. H'. Cashon .:........:...... 110.46 le Storrie. " 17 E. C. Terrell ................ 307.76, a total"o! ^839.12, i ' ' ,,y , 1 move that Improvement B.onda bo issued to the amount of $839..12 and the Citq Soliaitor~ rj , , be inetruoted to"furnish aopy for said bonds. Adapted upon oa1T of the roll by the i ~;y ' I ' j ~~ following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, t?i111ams and intter~ohn,-6. { ,_: -~ :{ Commi~sionar Tull offered .the follongi ~ ' • y ng motion: The following party having c~ ""`°'"' . {Georgia Ellen-. ~ neither paid the eatimate,againat propartq owners, nor taY.en advantage of the Ten Year ~ '" ~ ~'•, wood failing ~ I . , ~ + ~ to ~ny estimate , ~ Payment Plan, for the oonstruotion of sidewalks, ourb and gutters on Bernheim Avenue, i `.~ "" or ai:e "advnn- " teAe of 7.'en Year~ , 9 y between 1?,th and 13th Strvvto..... z, i , .`' .Payment Plan, ; , , ~ ~ ' j said estimate k ' ~ Eat. ~k12 Georgia E1lenwood.....,...$387.93, 1 move that the ~ . • turned over to ' E¢Y.er fc Storrie. ~ f ' ~ Commiasionvr of Publio Finanve be authorized and instruvted to turn said estimnte over ~' +~ - ~ U ~ to Contraotore Ea;:er &Storrie. .Adopted npon,aall of the. roll bq the following vote; ~ r '. ~ , , Yo4s, Eaton, Enl;or, Tully, Yi111nme and }:attvrjohn,-6. • I (~ ~• ~' w Commiaeionor Tully offered the,'foll rnving motion: The sum of X60,00 having been s-1. Cemeteiv Deod'}o • 'Jae. E. prsRfly~a: ~ ;; I p31~I".into the~l~asury; as evidenved by the reoeipt filed herevrith, I move that deed bey ,:#. - ~ j exeouted.to Jas,. L. Grubbs for Lot X72 in Blook #3 on the South aide of Hank Street; w'~ ~ ~, ~ i between Ford and Hannan Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon sell of the roll ~ ~'~~ : ~ g: '~ by the following vote: Xeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, ;Yilliams,and Y.atterjohn,-6. ! ~ r'~ I. Commiasionvr Eaton offered the following motion: "I move that the report of ~ ~~;:~ bleport Chief of ~ Pollee. for month. the Chief of PoSioe for tho.month.of :ioptomber 1921 be reoeived and filed. Adopted upom `~!1: of :Sept. 19?,1, ` ! sail ~f the roll bq the foliowi ~~ ng vote; Yeaa, Eaton, Ea'rer; Tu11y, Ylilliams and Y.atter- .. i , ~ ~ "- ~ ~ r•~j~ ~ ~ ~ Ro'port Chi of .of i Commiaeionor Eaton offered the following motion:: I move thAt:the report of ~ Fire Departrmnt ' ~ , for.mont.h.of ,_ the Chief of the'"r'iro Department for tiro month of September 1921 be reooived and filed: `~ Sept. 19?a.. I ' Adopted.izpon oall of the roll. by the following vote; Yeas Eaton Esker Tu11 Ylilliar . , , , y, na ~ ; { . 6. and ;:after john,=6. j ,,.~,~„ ' ~ Commiaeionor JYilliams .offered the £ollovring motion: I rove that Gua boa:.lvvod, f ~ G~78 LOGiLlV00d, I. { Contrnotor allow Contraotor ~ ~ } , bo allowed x"4,000.00; as per aertifiaate of W. E. Gore Arahiteat dated r # ~ .~ ed X4,000,00, ~?8 {' + per Certifioate. ,Sv tembor 24th ~ P , 1921, ,for work done and performed and materials furnished by. said Loak-t ~ of W.L.Gore, , i fi wood in th tr ti ~ ' doted :iept.24, e oona ua ~ on of the addition tQ Riverside ?ioapitah,.same being the third . • `~';' 1921 for work. ;; end matertvle, n nt under the forms of his aontradt and bei ' tI p Y~ . ng oertifivate No. and that the Com-~ ~ 3 furnished in. , , ;I i • ~ aonetruotian ~ . missioner. of Publio Finanoe is"hereby direvted"and inatruated to pay said evm to said f ~ Hospital additio T ' ~ , ~.~ , .• 3 , ,: • , , • . - {. - { , • ti. " -. .. ~ 'i ~ ~ - , ~ .., ~ ~ a kµ',.gY l Wf,; ` ' O ~.' ~. . r ~. ` ~ .,,4 --,: ~__. 'r I. • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ ' 192__ - _ __. _ _ _ • !; Loosvood, and oharpo anm+ to tho Rivorodde 1?oapitnl Addition Aocount. Adopted upon !' onil oY tho roll by the following vote; Yoas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, '~lilliame.and ti 3enort of Paduoah C; Cor:uniealoner,Wdlliams oYfexod the following motion:, 1 move tlmt the report o,f Laboratories for thy, month of 5opt,.1921.;j the Paduoah Laboratories for the month oY September 1921 be reoeived and filed. .l,,dopt • s, • ~i ed upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Will isms •, { and Y.atter~ohn,-5. ~. . L . , l Commissioner PHlldame offered the following motion: I move that the report, of ,~• Report of Fred U, ~ Engllah,Seaton Oak rI Fred English, Sexton Oa'r. Grove Cemetery Yor the month oY September 1921 be reoeived ari + • Grove Cemetery Yor ~ ' Sept. 1921. ~ Yiled. Adopted upon pall oY the roll by the following-vote: Yeea,.Eat arr, Esker, Tully Williams and I'•attor~ohn,-5. + •. ~~"r Lnyor Y.etter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the monthly eatimato. "'.~ ' Monthly eatimato !i.Yurniahed by the City Engineex Yor rrorlc performed by Reynolds: Bros. on Broad Street oY City Enginoer Yor work performed ~ during the month 'of September bo reoeived and filed, and that.the Co;imriasionex of. _,' , by Reynolds Bros. n • ~ on.Broad Street, ?ublie Finanoo be nuthorized to issue Improver.~ent Ylnrrant for the avrtl of."~1848,60, amounting to, :;1048.40 ". and Improvoment fi being 65~ of the wgrk performed. Adopted upon Dell cY the roll by the follovrirtg vote: , ',fr_rrant issued, !~ ~ ! i~ Yoea, );atop, Esker, Tu11y, CHlliame and l:atter~ohn,-5. ~~ ?.1ayor ?:a.ttor~ohn offered tho following motion; I move that tho r:onthly eats- 1!onthly estimate off: City Engineer fora ;{ mote by the City Er~ineer Yor work performed by '.?eynolds Broe. on N. 9th Street during worY_ perfo~med by { '.Z©;+nolda B_os., on I!. the month of September be reoeived and filed, and that the Commissioner. oP Publio' il. 9th :;t. , nmount-1 ' in!5 to :930.30, and' Finance be authorized to issue Improvement ;!arrant for the sum oY y930,00, being 660 Improvement ''far- rant issued. ~ oY the wor:c performed. Adopted upon pall oY the roll by the folloving vote: Yoee,' ' ~~ Eaton, Esker, Tully. 171111ama and Yatter~ohn,-b. 1{ 2Sayor.Eatter~ohn offered the foll~:wtnlr motion: I move that the monthly estd~ ISonthly estimate of , City $nPineer Yor j, mate by the City h:ngineer for work performed by Earer & Storrde on South 8th Street , work performed by j!• ~r.'r.:cer 8: 5torrie on ~ during the month oY September be reoeived and Yiled, and that. the Commissioner oY S, bth St., amount-;'' . ins to ;;1553.50, ~. Publio Finanoe be authorized to issue Improvement Warrant Yor the sum of ~~1b53.50, • end ?mprovement :7arrant issued. ~~' beinp~ 65 of work perfo Hoed. Adopted upon pall oY the roll by the Yollowing.vote; ,, ' !~ Yens, Eaton, Es'rer, i'txlly, :'11111nrna and F:attor~ohn,-5. ~` ji On motion the Board nd~ourned upon call of the roll by b yeas. r" ' ,; Ade~led.i~..~Q~ 19~. AP)~:R.O'V'R~7J ' e,.,,+ ' 4 u~r , . , , , r , • {' OOTOBFrR 4TH. 1921.. At a Qe11ed Meeting of the Board of Oommisaionere, held in the Oosimieeionere' • '~' Ohambor in the Oity Hali, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on Ootober 4th, 1821, at 11 O'olook t. H. ' ~ Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Oomwiesionere Eaton, ' u Tu71y and lleyor Katter~ohn,-3. ' • IL ' ! Dtayor Ketter'ohn stated reasons for pall, to-wit; To turn over Bonds to ' Bonds delivered @' Saker & storria, and any other business that might Dome before the Board. . to EakBr d:°Storrdq. Oo~lealoner Tully offered the f ollo+ving motion: I move that the Oommissioner Yor oonstruotion '~~ • of driveways on ~; of Pnbl.io Finance be authorized and inetruoted to turn over to Esker do- Storrie, Oon- ~r 10,11,12,13,14 b j' ' 16th 9te., betn. Creators, the bonds issued Yor the oonorete driveways on 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, Broe3way and tl Jefferson St. ~ 14th and 16th Streets, between Broadway &.Jefferson Streets as follows: • 1 Series H, due Nov. 1st 1921......619.23. k 2 n n r n n+ 1922...... 619.23 , 3 n n a m ~~ 1923...... 619.23 4 a +~ n " " 1924...... 619.23 b a n n n +~ 192b...... 619.23 6 „ n n n " 1926...... 619.23 ~ n n n n „ 1927....... 619.23 6 a n n n n 1928....:. 619.23 9 ^ a s n n 1929...... 619.2E 10 " n n n n 1980...... 619.22 ...r . ~ ~ .... .a~-- --- { • ldopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote:Yeae,?aton,Tully rod Katter,ohn• i. 6 ,.. .~• ~ ~ ~/ , __ - L~ ~,,:,z i, ~u a; ~ .... {~ ' ,. ^, . ' ' ° '.~ ~ ~ • . .. ~ • ,,._..r, __u~__. __ _.._ ._.~ _ _.... _.. •. ..... ., ~ No.L~.,.._ . . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah. 192-_ "?` -' „~ __..- .. a .--- - Oommiesioner Tully offered the foliowin motion• I move that the Qommiseionos l + *: • ~ of Pnblio Finanoe be authorised and inetrnoted to tarn over to Reynolds Bros., Oon- traotors., the bonds iasned for the oonetruotion of oonorete onrb ya ~ , gaffer and drivewa I' ~ E~ oa~lOth, 13th and 14th 9treeta.... ~~'' Bonds delivered j; j .• t to Reynolds Broe'. 1 Series 1. due November 1, 1921.......$127.92 f ,p` ;ifor oonetruotion: 2 " n a „ 1, 19E2....... 127.92 ii ~ ~, of ourbe and ~ 3 1, X923....... 127.92 gutters On 10th,:. " ^ ^ ^ I, 1924....... 127.92 I 'i 13t2..do 14th 8Le.P, b " " " " 1, 192b~...... 127.92 I ~ ' ~ ' ~ betn.Broad b ~ 6 * " ^ w + ~y pp •^ n w w 1. 1926....... 127.92 I Jstfereon'.8t. N, 7 1, 1927....... 12?.92 • _ g w n n w I 1928....... 127.91 t ~' ^ w w n 1. 1929....... ~ 127.91 ~ ~~ ° ° « " I, 1930....... 127.91 ' Adopted upon Dell of the roil by the following vote: Yeas Eeton,Tul ~ { ly and Kettes'ohn-3.! i• ' Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: The sun o! $2b.00 having ~ ' '~'~ Lioenee to sell .been paid into the Treaeury,'as evidenoed by the areoeipt filed herewith to ether with j • " ; Pelt oar Oereal g i i Beverages issued aPPlioatlon to sell Malt or Cereal Bevorage, Y move that a lioenee to sell Ma1L or ;.to ~.F.YoPP. ;,r 9th 8 Oaldwell Oereal Beverages or any.admistures thereof, be granted to d. F. Yopp on.the North-east :'. Ste. oorner of 9th & Caldwell $treete, from Ootober 1st to Deo. 31st, 1921. ldopted npoa ! .. ., Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas.. Raton, Teily and Katter'ohn.-3. On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 3 yeas. ~ ~a ., CH, CIKM 3t OCTOBr:Et bth, .1921. !uAYO]'t. t~~; • AL a Oelled Meeting of the Hoard of Oo~iseioners, held in the Commisafonere°~ ~, ' Ohamber in the Oity Aall, Paduoah, Kentuoky, on Ootober bth, 1921, at 11 0°olook A. 1L. ;. Upon Doll of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton,Eaker,, ht ~ ~ Tully, i-1111ame and Mayor Katterfohn,-b.. j "s.9, Mayor Katterlohn stated reasons for Dell, to-wit: To allow sooounte for the i .~ _ ~- m last halt of the month of September, 1921. + ~•: a Report Oom°r. o! Commisaioiaer Tully offered the following motion; I move that the neoovnts for{ ~ r ,a Publio Finenos the last half of the month of Septembor, emonnting to $30.187.61. es per the report of 4 i . of soaonnte for + ~ t . ' last half o~ ~ the Ooamniseioner of Publio Finanoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the '4 • Septembsr,1921. ~` money appropriated from the Getteral Fund to pay came. Adopted upon Dell of the roil b + ~•~ _ y1 ~,ths following dotei Yeee, Eaton, Eaker, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ •~' - , . On motion the Hoard ad~ournsd upon on11 of tho roll by 6 yeas. ,' ~~' ' t' Atis tcd ~ !) ~ ~ R ~, . ---~~ 19~ - f r . ~ PPROV~'~~ ' . , ~ ~ , k ..rn~ror~. j ,~ • d OCTOBF2t 8th. 19EI. .~ lhi It a Calied Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioner ° I I ~ ~i:'i ~~ Ohember in the City As11, Padnoah, Kentnoky, on Ootober 8th. 19 21, at 10 0' olook A. M. ~ „ i ~ i a;~ ~IUpon Doll of the roll the following answered to their.namea: Oommieeionere Baton, 4 "r `f . ~Wihiame and.Tnlly,-3. Mayor Katter'ohn being absent, Mayor Pro Tem Eaton presided. ~ ~~''~' Mayor Pro Tem Eaton stated reasons for .Dell to-wit; To allow pay-roll for ohs ~ ~'~~~' ~ ~.,. ~ week ending Ootober 8th, 1921. PAY-ROLL Riv- ~' Oommiasioner Tully offered the following motion: y move that the Pay-Roll for the ` eraide Aoapit-~ f •. . al for week !; week, ending Oot. 8th, for the DEPARTtdENT OF P~LIC PROP FRTY...Riveraide'Roepital, amount] ~~ '~~`°'~ ending Oot. g ' ~ ~ ^, 8th. 1921 'ling to X113.87, be allowed, and ordered aid and the none + ~~~ P q appropriated from ~ the General ~ ' ~~ ~. h s i~i'~Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Doll 0# the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Baton. ! v~ °_ c µ z • .. (, 9'ttily and Wi211nma,-3. ~ . i .. ~, ~~ • On moticn th6 Hoard ed'''//Darned upon•oa]1 of the roll by 3~.~eRO43~~ ` ~w ` ~ ~ Aieaei ~~~ ~1la~ ~ t tx. eu • AYOR • ' + ..,_ L . ,. .:'r , r ~r~ • f 4 FF ' i .. •, ~ ~ .. ,. .._ r,~~~ s~ -. , ~, .r ..~ 'o+ 5 •. , ~ - - . r. .. ~~ ~~ OOTOBrR 10th. 19E1. ~~' At a Regular Meeting oY the Boar4 oY Commisaionsra, held is the Oommiaelonera~ • ~Ohamber in the Oity Hall, Yaduosh, Kentuo~, on Ootober 10th, 19E1. Upon Dell of the jlroll the Yollowing answered to their names: Commieaionera Eaton, Esker, 9-illiame and Mayor Katter~ohn,-4. ' ~, ~ On motion oY Commissioner Eaton the minutes oY the previous meetings were ~ r .. . _,. ndopted ea read and oorreoted upon Dell oY the roll by the Yollowing vote;.Yeea, Eaton, f . . ' ~E4ker, Willinma and Ketter~ohn,-4. ~ 'i • • 6 d Oommiaaioner Tully entered Lhe Connoil Chamber. g Mayor Rattor~ohn offered the Yollowing motion: I move that oommuniontion Yrom • Oommuaiodtion Ohiei Paduke Poat ? 4,ths OhieY Paduka Poat N0. 31 Amerioan Legion, dated Ootober 6th, 19E1, be raoeived, ¢31 Amerioan Le- • gion. ~~Yiled and referred to the Commissloner oY Publio SaYety. Adopted upon.oeil oY the roll ,~ ' Eby the Yollowing vote; Yeas. Eaton,Eaker,Tully,Riiliama end Katter~ohn,-b. • F Mayor Ketter~ohn oYYered the Yollowing motion: I move that the oommunication Communloat ioA of s '' Mooquot do Berry. '.Yr pn Mooquot & Berry, dated Ootober bth, 19E1, relative to the saaeasment oY the in re: Assessment ,oY Southern Tez- „ Southern Textiie Maohinery Company, be reoeived and Yilod and referred to the Commie- the SSaohinory Oo . . r aioner oY Finanoe and City Solioitor. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following `;vote: Yeea, :atop, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. Mayor Katter~ohn oYYered the Yollowing motion: I move that the oommunioation Communioetion oY . Mooquot k Berry ~~ ' Yrom Mooquot & Berry, dated Ootober bth, 19E1, relative to oontraot between City of ' ' in re: Contraot ' betseen City and ,,Paducah and Geo. E. and C. T. Allen, dated April 10, 1916. regarding sewer Yrom Jeffer- •- . '. Geo.. and C.T. Allen, regarding `eon Street to Broadway, be received and Yiled. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the sewer Yram Jafier- Don St. to Broad- ',Yollowing vote; Yeae, Eaton, Enker, Tully, Williams and Knttor~ohn,-b. way. Mayor Kattsr~ohn ofiorod the Yollowing motion; I move that the report oY the , - Report McCracken i !MoOraoken County Public Health Leaqua Nursing Service Yor the month oY September 19E1 Co. Tublio Healt League•ltureing h ; ' ` be received and Y11ed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeae, . Service for Sept 19E1. . Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. E; Qommissioner Tully oYYered the following motion: ,I move LhaL the report o.Y the Oommissioner oY Publio Finance Yor the month oY September be reoeired and Yiled • report Com'r. oY Publio Finance '4 and ordered published in the oYYioial newspaper. Adopted upon call oY the roll bq '. Yor Sept. 1921. 1 ? the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, 3aker, Tully. Williams and Ratter~ohn,-b. ~ • Commissioner Tully oYYered the Yollowing motion; It appearing that there is • 1 ., ~ Schools elloised . ,~ due the schools from the~colleotione oY 1921 taxes Yor the week ending October 8th, , ~ , $3449.b7 due it Prom the eolleot-".the awn oY x`3449.57, I move that it be allowed and ordered paid and the money appro- ions oY 1921 taxes Yor :veek ~ printed Yrom the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the fol• ending Oct.B, • 1921. r w, lowing vote; Yeas, Eaton, Enker. Tully, fliliiama and Katter~ohn,-b. ' '~ Commissioner Tully oYYered the Yollowing option: I move that the expense Yor Expense Yor Spa - a special registration day oY Oot. 11th, 1921. amounting to ~E94.00 be allowed and order - . Dial Registra- tion day oY 0ot. ed paid and charged to the Contingent Fund and the money appropriated P7roo the General . ~ •- • ll.th, 1921• amoun~- 1rg to X294.00 ~ Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,: t , allowed. i. Esker. Tully, 7Jilliama and Katter~ohn,-b. ' ~, ~ Commissioner Tully oYYered the following motion: The Yollowing parties having ~ • Parties paying . r ~ paid the estimates against property owners Yor the construction oP concrete driveways • • estimates Yor oonorete.dtive- ~ on the streets within the Inner Fire limits ani the streets bordering thereon..... :rays on the Streets ^iithin ~i Est. ~3 Jas. A. Glauber......... $777.E4 - (j • ~c • the lnrer-Fire " 16 Jae. P. Smith, Truetee...~616.16 ~ . Lirt:its. i `, N " 19 Jea, P. Smith........... Eb9.08 ~; " EO Gip Huabrnds............ E24.31, a total oY $1776.49, ~' • ~ ~ ~ I move that Contraotore,.Yarxiy & Johnson, be allowed the sum oY $1778.79 end the ` Oommiaaioner oY Fublfo Finance be instructed to draw a check on the Speolal Street Fun d' • i to poy anme. Adopted upon cell o! Lhe roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeae, Eaton, Esker, , f" _ , .~t. :' Kf• ' s ~ .. 1 .. .~,,, .. ~.1 ;, Y c> • ... ~J T ~ ~~ "c~"R54i.wryf ;'~4 "7I .. Na73 . ~~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ootober loth , ~ 192-1~. ' ; - -- . , ~ ' . __ .. _ - -- ~Ta11y, Nilliame and Katter~ohn,-b. -- .~ ' ~Oommissioner Tully-offered the following motion: The following parties having ~. h ,. ;,.Paid the estimates against property ownea~e for the oonetruotion of oonoreta sidewalks; .. hiourb~e sad gutters on South Seventh Street irom'the South ourb line of Jsokson Street to ' ~~~the North Ourb bins of Jopee Street..... i.. ; ` James & Oe11a PJ, Eet. 16..Jamea 4 Oelia P. Orawford.....$91.79. ~ ~~; ' Orewford, and ~, " 21..Margsret Umbsugh.............. 63.sb, a total of ~ ' ~ ~ Mar garo t Uro- ,, . + bough paid esti+ $lbb.64; I move that Oontraotors, G. W. Katter~ohn & Son be allowed the snm of $ibb.64 ! ~ mates against ~ .. their property ;!and the 0ommissioner of Pub1lo,Finanoe be inatruated ao draw a oheok on the 9peoial . on s:7th St. i~gtreet Fund to from Jaokson to!i pay same. Adoptod upon Dail of the roll by the following note: Yeas , . Jones st., sit d •;I O, W.Katterjohn,I~Eaton, Esker, Tully; Williams end Batter~ohn,-b. ~16bnB411owed ;~ Oommieeiorier Tally offered the followi ' $ ng motion': Y move that the Improvement ~ ; _ Bode issued for the improvement .on Bernheim Avenue of oonorete sidewalks, onrbe and ~ 1 Improvement •I gutters from the West aide oP.North 1Eth Street to the East aide of 13th Street st th6 .E Bonds for im- ' provament ~n • ~interseotion of Burnett Street be delivered to Contraotors Esker & Storrle, the bonds ~ Bernheim.Ave. ;,bein as follows:- `~ delivered to ~ B ' ~ Esker A Storris~ 1 Se„ies q. d„e Nov. let. 1921....'.....:$83.9E t . ~ , i ~~ 2 1922.......... 83.9E , ~ 3 •? . " ^ ^ n N „ 1923.......... 83.91 ; 7.924.. ........ 83.91 ! f 6 :s <'`r . I n n n n n e n n w n 192b.......... 83.91 j. 6 192b.......... 83:91 ~ ±, . ,_ 7 n n n n n 1.927.......... 83 91 ~ i - .~ ~ 8 n n n n n 1928.'......... 83..91 , ~ t y '~ . , n n n. n n 1929.......... 83.91 .. _ ! $10 ^ n n ti' n .1930 ....88 81 ....... ". ` a ~ Adopted upon Dell of the roll b the f ll i •` ~ y o ow ng vote: Yeas, Eaton. Esker. Tully, i ~ ~ . ~~ Nilliame and Katter~ohn,-b. i. e ~ , ~~ Oortm:issioner Williams offered the following motion:' I move that the Financial, f(, Finamial State . y moat Riverside sp statement .of the Riverside Iio itai for the month of September 1921. be reoeived and t Hospital .for filed. Ado tad u ~ ~ .! September 1921. P pon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeaa Eaton Eel;ex, Tully ~ ~~ ~~ Williams and Kattorlohn,-6. ~.. .. = : . ~~ Oommissioaer Williams offered the following motion: I move that the Patients' i c , Patients' Re- .'1 , • port of the (iReport of the Riverside Hospital for the month of September 1921 be received and filed.i ' Riverside Hoe- ~ - pital for 9ept.N Adopted upon oall•of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tn11y~.Williamd ~ 1921. II and Katter~ohn,-b. .. ~ . i 1 ` 'i ' Oommissioner Esker offered the following motion: That the Supt. of the City ~ ,i . Street Lights ~ ~ ~; to be inetnlled~; Light Plant be authorised to install atreet'Aro lamps at the folloc+ina locations to- ~ . . ; , nt: i~ 1 Bridge St. {' wit: ~ (1) On BF41ge Street, Between Heys amt Tipple Traok. V (. • ' bath Hsys and ;; f2) Eleventh and Greer St. Tipplo Traok, ~- f3) 24th. and Kentuoky Ave. Eleventh & i; Ib) 4tH. and Elizabeth Street. Oroef 9t. ~ . 24th k Sy.Ave. ~ Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Esker. Tally and 4th & Eliznbeth~ ~ , Nillieme,-4; Nays, Katter~ohn,-1. ~ ' ' ., .. . ~ Oommieaioner Esker offered the following motion: That tha report. of the street ,l i Report Street Dept. for firet~ Department for the first nine months of 19E1; ending Se tember the 30th b ~ p . e reoei sd; .~ 9 months of ~' 1921, ,~ filed and ordered published and oharged to the Street aocaunt. Adopted upon Dail of • i . +f the rol], by the following vote: Yeas; Eaton, Esker; Tully, Williams and Setter~ohn,-b. ? ~. •. `P ~ On motion the Board ad~oi~rned upon sail of the roll by b yeas. I ~ j. x . I Aie:atei I'1~ I>~~ APl?~R(/O~V~:f~-iJ' /J». ~ 7y/.., d-t,if/ ._ ~~~~'__._C 14FfA.,'y%OYLr I . ~ . ~~ . . ' t ^~, ~.. -. ~' . ,. • it .. ~ . ~ l , • .• 1 ~~ ... ' '~ •~ ,~ ~,:., i • Na.1~...... Commissioners' Proceedings. City of Paducah.. 192-: ; _ _ __ _ _ _. ' OOTOBER 18TH. 1921. •. • It a Oelied Heating of the Hoard of Oommisaionsrs, held in"ths Oommipeioner's . 'r' ' j, Ohamber"in the City Hall'. Paducah, Kentucky, on October lbth, 1921, at 11:80 O'olook ;:~~ u Y A. H. Upon call oY the roll the following answered to their names; Oommieeioners "~ Eaton, Eaker~ Tully, Williams and Mayor Katter~ohn,-6. ;I~ , ~ Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for Dell Lo-wit: To allow pay-roll Yor the -,;i '~ ;~ " •j • h week ending October 15th. ,ti Oommieaioner Tully offered the following motion: i awve that the pny roll Yor ;; "i. ~ .,~ • Fay-roll Yor ~` the weak ending Oot. 15th Yor DEPARTi~tiT OF PUHLIO PROPERTY... Riverside Hospital, i,• week ending Oot. ~ ; 15th. Rlvereids amounting to $111.00, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the Hospital, $111.OQ General Fund to pay same. adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,~ " p Eaton, Esker, Tally, Williams aryl Katter~ohn,-5. ,., ~' Ori motion the Board adjourned upon Dell oY the roll by 6 ye8e. .;• . Adr}tei ~--"'" -^-_' (t-t.l~ :~..k~ i•' RO V HILL , 4 1i.4Y0E ~ , i OOTOB:~It 14TH:. 1921. ' At a Oalled Meeting of the Board of Oommiaeionera, held in the Oownieeioners' Ohambar in the Qity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on October 17th, 1921, at 11 o'clock a.M. { Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Oommiaelonere Eaton, r Tnily, Williams and Mayor Katter~ohn,-4. • ~ Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For the purpose o! opening, -~ q receiving end filing bide on Broad Street and Goebel Avenus, and such other business that might Dome before the Board. ' Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the bide for the Bide reoeived for ;!construction of oonorete sidewalks on the :lest side of Broad Street, Prom the inter- oonetruotion of section oY Fourth and Broad Streets to the dividin line between the property of sidewa]ke an 4th . g k Broad Streets, ;{ submitted by Louie Fetter end Frank Patter, submitted by the following bidders, Lo-wit; G. °I.Katter~ohn do ~' G, W, Kattor~ohn de Son Son; ?.aker & 8torrie and Yanoy k John• ! Esker & Storrio eon, reoeived and Yanoy & Johnson filed. ';'be reoeived and Yilad, arui aotlon on aeme aeferrod until the Regular Cleating at 2 "o'clock P. M. on Monday October 17th, 1921. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the .following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, !9illiama and Katter~ohn,-4. Mayor Katter~ohn oYYered the following motion; I move that the bide for the Hills reoeived for - oonatruotion of oonorete eidewolka, curbs and gutters, and all naoeseery manholes, . oonatruation of siderra]ka on Goe- °intakee, sewers and catch basins on the West aide of Goebel Avenue, Yrom the Eaet • bol Avenue, auD- mitted by Yanoy & ,property line oY Goebel Avenue to a point where the South curb line of Wonten'e.AVSnue, Johnson and ..aker & 3torrle, reoeiv-cif eeten<ied, would intersect the "teat property line of Goebel Avenue; also the EaeS " ell arrt filed. aide of Goebel Avenue from a stake set opposite the fro nt oY the building now occupied by the Union Drug Store, to the South curb line of Worten'e Avenue, .submitted by the following bidders, to-wit; Esker & 9torrie Yanoy & Johnson :;be reoeived and filed. and aotlon on same deterred until the Regular Meeting at 2 '^o'olook P. M. on Monday October 17th, 1921. Ad opted upon sell oY the roll by the ~" i~follo:ving vote: Yeas, Caton, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,.4. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ., • ~ 6icFted • I~~ 19~ AFP"ROV~1D 4 '~ -~12L~~--ter. ~~lJ.1 .. ........... ....r " L ~ Cie~.C4rY " :~ ti; _r~ •-- ---- -` :',,a ~~ ~" ~,;; ~r: ~~~r~rs • R, ~ ':y Y1:~- •r-N•.., ,'x.ma,•~,r.+ .rim. Na L::~. , ~ 9 3 ' 1 ' .. 1 ..; ., .. .. ,. ._~; °"- d+L, .. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah Oetober 37th ' " " 1921.. OOTOBER 17th. 1921. , ~ li At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Oommieaionere. held in the Oommissionere' • ;.• k h Ohamber in the Qity Rall, Peduoah, Kentuo.ky, on 0atober 17th, 1921. Upon Deli of thb ' E. ~.... ~ ' roll the following enewered to their namesi Qommiseionere Eaton, Esker, Tully, Willieme~ ' . 'J and Mayor KatterJohn,-b.. ` ~i ~ ' ~'~ . ~ ~ ~ {I' On motion of Oommissioner Tully the minutes of the revious meeti ~ P ngs were adopted;; I ~ ~ •" _ ;` , ~ as read upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeati, Eaton, Esker, Tn11y,Williams' o ` ~~,and KatterJohn,-6. i. • :, ` Oommunioation International N }}syor KatterJohn offered the following motion: I move that the oots®unioation frosts N :Shoe Oo. rela- .~ tive to oloaing ' , 'f the Ynternational Shoe Company, dated October 13th, 19ET, be reoeired and filed and rs•j ~i • 100 ft. of Mai- ' den Allep. • ~ ;! (erred to the Oity Solicitor to:pass upon the legality of closing 100 feet of Mnidsn I r ~~ Ailey and opening, at right angles, an siley from Maiden Alley to First Street, a j distance of 173 feet. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton; ~ h Esker, Tully Williams and KatterJ h b ~ , o n;- . '. Oomrounioation ~I Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioation ~ " • Growers. Mfge. ' and Merchants ~ from the Growers, }Sannfacturere and Merchants Association be received and that the P I - . '~ Asao. rotative •, to exposition '' Oosetniaeioner of Publio Finance be instructed to not issue any license to nny one faa• I, • . to be held firt4~ an8 oonoession.on the premises or adJaoent to said exposition during the first week in r week .in Nov. i. ! 1921 at the old ! November 1921, to be held at the old skating rink at 10th d B ` ' ' ;skating rink at an roadway. Adopted upon ~ ' ' • 10th & B'way. t ' Doll of the ,roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and. ` . ~i KntterJohn,-8. ~ 3 ' 'i. Report Oom'r. Publio Finance ~ Oommiseioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the re ort of the p ~ 'showing appor- t tionmont, amt. Ooromissioner of Publio Finance, showing the apportionment and the amount expended and 11 ,i ' a " e O i the bnlanoes to the credit of the various nooonnt t .--.-.., i b lanc t the e ure ~, er.the different departments, be credit of the ,r received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, ~ various aaoounta ' ~' under tho dif- ~feront depts. ;{ Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter,ohn,-b.' ~ ' .Report of Oity ~ Oommissione; Tully offered the following motionb I move that the report of the { F~pr. on bide received from f: ~ Oity Engineer showing the Dide filed and received from o ontraotors bidding for work to , . contractors on .Goebel Avonne i ' be performed on Goebel Avenue,. be received and filed. Adopted upon Dell oP the ro1T by ~1 ~ ~ • sidewalk con- struot ion. fi the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tu11y, t91111ams and KatterJohn,-b. i ~ " ~ Oommiseioner Tully offered the following motions It appearing from Lhe bids this i ; ~ Acceptance of . . ~ 's day reoslved for the construction of concrete sid w lk b " ; ~. the yid of ii. e a s, cur s and gutters. and all nee? : ",~ • Ynnoy & Johnaon for aonorete ~i eeeary manholes, intakes, sewers and catch basins on the t7eat aide o! l}oebei Aoenuu, • sidewalks on ~~ from the Eaet property line of Ooebel Avenu t • Goebel Avenue, e o n point v+hers the South curb line. of j ' , ^ ' and Lfayor in- et;uoted to en+ i~~7orten's Avenue, if extended, would intersect the Clest property"line of Goebel Avenue.; ~, ' a ~~~ ter .into con- tract with. ~1 also the East"side of Ooebel Avenue from a stake set opposite the front of the buildings , ~ Yanoy b Johnson .'for said work. now ooonpiod by the Union Drug Store to the South curb line of t7orten's Avenue, in the ' Oity.of Paducah, Kentucky, be constructed with oonarete; and it further appearing that ' If it is cheaper and snore desirable that the curbs h ll b t 1 s a e construc ed, in ell respects, ~ • is as provided in Eho epecifioatiorie aa113ng for"and requiring .gravel in onto in each son-• ;~ !' ~~ etruotion, and that the Did of Yano k J h y o nson for the ocnstruotion of said work; de " ~~ er lane and P p sPeoiPioatione aocompanyirsg said bid, and providing that gravel shall bs ~?• ' used ,in Lhe concrete curbs, be approved and accepted, and that the Mayor be iastrvoted , to enter into e,oontraot with said Oontraotore, in all respects; ae required by ordi- ' j ' ~, ~.nanoe and according to law., ddopted upon call of the roll by the following tote: Yeas. ~ ' ' . ~ ~;Faton, Esker; Tully, Williams,-4; Nags, KatterJohn,-1« ~ Y~ ~ °.'~~ Schools allowed $3407.24 dne ~ Oommiseioner Tu11y offered the following motion: It appearing that there is due the them from the : h,9ohoo18 the..eum of ,3407.24"from the oolieotions of 1921 ta f ~ oolleotiona of 1921 taxes for xes or the weak ending.0ot. j 116th, I move that it be .allowed and ordered id ~ ' pa and the ,money appropriated tram the ~ week ending Oot.j ~ 18th. 4 ~~deneral Fend to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yess ~ • rr• . ~~ s , w ~w.,~„a,..,,, , ' - i. 1 ..~ ~__-~..a..°'iR"'•'^wyrs+~y, a; P:.+~(r.4aF?6sN::3YGRC•"•4MYAfk ~SN~'N~.`~T~E93a~?~~~ .. y v . i 8 ., , .. - ak'~ _ , 4 ~ ' F-, .-, l ' .. _ .. .. .... _.. ... .... ~...e'.'i.TF1"~R7S~!'~'ii",~dfN'Mer~Y ":•.::x'u .va> r/~~~/...~~ ~~~~ Nar.Lr:.-~~ .. '. • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah. oat~be~l~tt~-~ '~ ' 192.:, ; . • ~; Eaton, faker, Tully, Wiliiame.and Katter~ohn,-6., ~ , Oommiasioner Tully offered the following motion; It appearing that Jahn '.' Refund to John Horzog oY $8.88 `i Herzog has been easaeaed with a lot valuad.at $60.00 situated on b"111 Street, for'tl~s , 'paid by him on • lot on Mill SL, ~ years 1919, 1820 and 1921 and having, paid the tazee Yor .these years, amounting to` Yor 1919.1930 ~ , ' and 1921. t; $8.38 end it further appearing that hs is not the owner o! said !ot but it being the ~•;. • I{ property of J. ~, Good ant having been assessed to him, I move that the sum o! $8.86' • bo refunded to John Herzog. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vots: Yens, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Clililama and Katter~ohn,-B. ` ~~ Oommieelonor W1111nms offered the following motions I move that the aeoourit • Eitoheil ltaohiae fi ot.the 1iltoheil Machine & Eleatrio Oompany, dated October let, 1921, for installing &rleotrio Oo. • X666.66 oieotri+ ~; eieotrionl equipment at Riverside Hospital, as per estimates furnished August 6th, Del equipment at ' Riveraide.Hoepita7;i 1921 amounting to the sum oY $666,8b be allowed, and that the 0ommiesioner of Public ' allowed. h 8inanoe be instructed to pay said amount. Adopted upon Dell aP the roll by the tol= '.•"~~ P lowing vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-6. "r Commissioner Wilidama offered the following motion; I move that the report of Report City BnBl- ~ ,•, ;~ ~.. •, pees showing bide ? the Oity Engineer showing the bide filed and received Yrom oontraotora bidding for seoeived and filed.' from oontraotore ~~ work to be performed on Fourth and Broad 9treate, be reeeived and filed. Adopted upon. • bidding on 4th de ;, Broad Streets,. ~+ Dail oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Eaton; Esker, Tully, Williams and. ~~ ' r; F.atter~ohn,-6. ]looepteneb•of tlis'? Commissioner Williams oPPered the following motion;' It appearing from the ;•, bid •of Faker ! ' 8torrle Yor aids- ~~ bide this day received fox the oonstruotion oY concrete eidswalke on Lhe :9eat aids of ~ - walk~ on Fourth:• Broad Streets; end Broad Street, from the lnterseotion oY Fourth and Broad 9treata, to•the dividing lino ]ieyor authorized • to enter into eon-.between the property oY Louie Patter and Frank Pettey, 1n the Oity oY Paducah, Kentuokgj , tract with said i; f ' oontraotors. , by Esker & Storrio, amounting to the sum oY $17G0.00, aryl that said bid wao the lowest . jj and best bid Yor the oonatruation of said work, and that said bid ie hereby accepted, ~~' and the Leyor be inetruoted to enter .into a~oontraot with said Contraotore, in all a j~ respeeta, ae required by ordinance and according to law. Adopted upon Dell oY the . roll by the Yollowina vote: Yeaa, Eaton; Esker, Tully, Williams,-4; Naya, Katter~ohn;- Certified check j Commiaeloner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Oommieaioner returned to nn-. auooesaful bidder a; oY Fublio Finanoe be inetruoted to return the oertiYled checks Yor $60.00 eaoh to the Yor $50.00 eaoh on Hroad Stroots a unauoceasful bidders on Brood Street and Goebel Avenue, G. V/.Katter~ohn & Bon, and Goebel Ave., • G,~".i:atter~ohn & Storrie & Esker and Yanoy & Johnson. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following Son; Esker & Storrie and Yanoy ,, vote; Yeaa, Eaton, Esker, Tully, W1111ama and Katter~ohn,-6. ' & Johnson. ' • ~ Commissioner Williams offered the following .motion: I rive that the report. Report '9, F: Gore oY t9. :.. Gore relative to the completion of the. Add it ion to Riverside Hospital by Gue roletive to Dom- ~ ~ ' pletion of Addi- Lockwood be received and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: .~~ tion to Riverside;; . Hospital by Gus ~ Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-6. Lockwood. ~, ,~ Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: Gua Lockwood, Contractor,, Aooeptance oY addi~ having completed the Addition to Riverside Hospital, according to contract, plena and • tion to Riverside ~~ atu ctod by Gus $ apeoif ioetiona, and said work having been approved by ;7, E. Goya, Arohiteot, I move Lockwood and eppr-, that said Addition be aoooptad. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote;. cued by 9,~,Gore, Arohiteot. ~;: yeas, Eaton. Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. . OertiYioate $4 ~ Commissioner t91111ama offered the following motion; I move that Certificate being last oerti-i~ floats and full No. 4, and which is the lest Certificate, and which is 1n full payment for work dons payment due Gua • Look:vood $3,899.00 and performed and materials furnished by ~txa Lockwood, Contractor, in building the Addition to River-., ' aide Hospital : addition to Rlveraide Hospital, and which amounts to. the aim of $3,899.00 and that Bald ello:~red, a sum be paid, and the,Commieaioner oY Pubilo Finanoe is, hereby directed to leans vouch- i er for said sum, and charge same to the Rlveraide Hospital Addition Ford, said Oertifl- , ii • ~ p oats being aiuned by 19. E. Gore, Arohiteot, rnd approved by him. Adopted upon onll o! {.the roll by the following vots; Yeea,Eaton,Eakor,Tully,Williame and Katter~ohn,-6• ' ii a _ :, t. ,.. • • . . ~_. ~ ..~ I r ~~~ I ,~ 'e No. ~`loV , ' . ' Commissioners' Proceedings,, City of Paducah Ootober 17th 192_1 _ _. __ W. E. Gore, allow= pomIDisaioner Williams offered the following motion: i move that the Certifi- ~ ed $283.49 Yor . j; •~~ ~. .eervioea pear ~ Date exeonted by W. E. Gore, Arohiteot, Yor the sum of $283.49. whioh Ye Yor work done Yormod undor barohaE8,o1921,~ and performed ender oontraot'made by the City of Paduoah with the ea id Gore, dated on addition to U Riverside Hoe- ~~ Maroh 28th, 1921. for.arohiteotmal eervioea rendered Yor the oonetruotion of the Addi-; pital. i tion to Riverside Hoapita~,be showed, and that the Commissioner of Publio Finanoo be . .~ direoted to pay said sum and oharge same 'to the Riverside Hospital Addition Fnnd. F `•,~ Adopted upon.aa It of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Telly, Williamd ~ and Ketter~ohn,-b. i ~i f qq Oommiseioner Williams offered the.Yollowing motion: I move that thq Certifi- , W. E. Gore, ellowl~ .. ed $377.98 Yore Date eaeouted~•by W. E. Gore, Arohiteot, for the euro oY $377.98, whioh is for work done.l eervioea per- ,,~~ formed under and performed under oontraot made by the City oY Paduoeh with the said Gore, dated { oontraot of ~ July 6, 1921, July 6th, 1921, for arohiteotnral eervioea rendered for the oonetruotion oY the edditioz~ on addition to Riverside Hoe-. to Riverside Hospital, be allowed, and that the Oommiesioner of Publio Finanoe be pital. ~ direoted to pay said sum and oharge same to the Rivverside Hospital Aooount. Adopted ~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams enII Report Oity ., Oommiseionar Tully offered the following motion: That the report of the Oity ' Solioitdr tale-~ tine to 10 Yt.•~ 8olioitor with referenoe to the 10 ft. alley on north FlYth Street near Jefferson j ' elleq on N;bth y ..I 8troet, near ~ Street be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote; ,I Jefferson. Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Telly, Williams and Katter~ohn,-b.' I Onm'r. Publio _ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the Com°r. of Publio ~ I F"nanoe in- ~ ~ etruotod to ~ Finanoe be inetruoted to oorreot the estimates a sleet ro arty own ere for the im- F oorreot esti- I? g p p mates against ~ provement oY oonorete driveway on North Fifth Street and render bill apairst estate `! . property owners! ! on N,bth 3t. of Mrs. L. %. Dean for 10 ft. alley now ooonpied by Dean. 'Adopted' upon,oell oY the I ' Yor oonorete Ii driveway aaaine~t roll by the following vole: Yoea,Eaton, Esker, Telly; Williams and Katterjohn,-6. estate of ~' i, Mrs.L.M.Dean: Oomroiseioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of ~ the City 9olioitor regarding the assessment against tobsaoo dealere...E.B.Kennedy, ~~ Report Oity ~~( 8olioitor re-:~+ ~ Kentucky Leai artl Transit Oo. end the Dickerson Tobaooo Co., be reoeived and flied ! garding asaeee~'! meet of V.B. ;land that the Commissioner .of Publio Finance be authorized and inetruoted to make .oor- f" Kennedy,Ky:Leaii.. ,` & Transit Oo.an~ reotion on the asseaeroents for the year 1921 and to refund the ass overpaid. Adopted Dickerson To- ~baooo Co. and .~ upon call oY the roll by the following vote:Yeas,Eaton,Eaker,Tnlly,Williame and ~' " ra~und amounte.,,~ ? 'overpaid. ~ Yatter~ohn,-b. u Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the report r~ .. Report Oity ~ oY the Oity 8olioitor relative to claim of Bogoe Berryman, be reoeived and files. 3olioitor tale-~ -five to o181m .Ado tad I p upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eaker,.Tuily, omYnBoyoe Berry-~. ` Williams and Katter~oiir-,-b: F Commissioner Tully, offered the following motion: I move that the Commis- i Eapenee. of ~ eioner of Publio Finance be authorized and inetruoted to pay the expense of the Primary' Primary Eleo- lion, 1921°- ~ Eleotion.to•be held on Ootoher 22nd, amounting to $634.00 and the money appropriated ! ' `Oct. 22nd, for . $834.,00 e11ow. ~ from the GeneraY Fund to pay same and oharged.to 0ontingent Fund. Adopted apon Dail of sd.-. the roll by the following vole: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, 711111ams end Katter~ohn~-b. { • ~~i On motion the Board ndJonrned-upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas.... :~:,. . { s ~ ~~ . uw~ruic ' j • ~~ •. , ii . ;,. ; .. .. ~ , . ... . . .•, ., ....... .... .. .... •; ... •.. .. ~ .,..., y.. f. ,. f ~,~ s f- ~` ~a ~~ ., t 1~ .. -`~ '` ~'1 . .. t .. f~ J: .. , = J t~~ ~ ~y ,~ ^:9,y~„" ~ r .~... sW:t' .. ~. ~. w !. .. _ . _:....._,-~..~.:~L..:r.=....tom:'.-. .. ~ _.- _ .. • .. • ~ ~ r Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah Ootobor 19th ' 1921 ~ ' ~' OCTOBER 19th. 19 El. i~ •' i; At s Called Meeting oY the Board o4 Commissinnere, held in the Commieeionere',• , i~ ` Chamber in the City Rall, Pnduoah, Kentuoky, on Ootober 19th, 19EY, at 4;80 O'olook. r .. • ,• ~~ p. M. Upon Dell of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners • j Eaton, Tully, Rilliame and Mayor 3{attarjohn,-4. -- a 1 ~; Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for Dell, to-wit: To allow pay-roll and ao- •~ ~ ' 'i - ~< oounts for first half oY Ootober, and euoh other business ea might Dome before the r, ". ~~ Board. ~ f '.x'a , I ', {' ..+., • I~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the aooounte for d Report Oom'r. of i~ the first half of the month oY Ootober amounting to $15614.47, ae per the report of Finanoe of aooounter' for first halt of ;, the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the Ootober, amounting ij to $1b614.47. ~ money appropriated from the General Fiu:d to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eton, Tully, @lilliame and Katter~ohn;-4, ' • ~ CommiBefoner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that the City of Yanoy & Johnson, 9 Paduoeh is indebted to Contraotore Yanoy & Johnson Yor the oonetruotion•oY oonorete ~ ' , Oontraotora, alloy-' $3794.66 due Yrum driveways on the stroots within the annex-tiro iimits and streets bordsrinR thereon... 1 . City Yor oonorete !! J , driveways on streets Eat. Yor intereeotione ..........:..... 3898.94 within Inner-Fire " 1,. Yor alleys ....................... 47.10 ' E, for Cit Rall .:.................. 448.6E, a total of I. Limits, and streets;: " y bordering thereon. '~: $3794.66, I move that the ampunt be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriate from the General Fund to pay name out of a~ money not otherwise appropriated. Adopt- ed upon call oY the roll by the following vote: Yese, Eaton, Tully, i91111ame and • ;j Katterlohn,-4. ~; Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. It appearing that the Oity ' G,',9.Ratter~ohn & j'' of Paduoeh is indebted to Oontraotore G. 11, Kntter~ohn & Bon Yor the Interseotfone of • son, Contraotore, allowed $E5E.77 for~r oonorete sidewalks, ourba and gutters on South 7th Street, between Jaokeon and Jones' interseotions of ? ~ oonorete sidewalk s,;.Streete as follows: ourba and gutters ,+ ' on Sotith Tth St. ;~ Est ~l...for allay on the 91est aide of 7th Street in blook ~E6 .............. ..84.80 . !; ~Yest side of 7th Street, Alook~l........ 1P.E.08 ' East aide of 7th Street, Blook E3....... 46.81; n total. .+'~ .;~ ;,~;.,; 't.;.. ' of $26E.?7, I move that the sum of $EbE.77 be allowed and ordered paid and the money '• y u' appropriated from the General Fund to pay same out oY ar8r money not otherwise appro- ' printed. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Tully, ij billiams and Katter~ohn,-4. i Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having i,-'.. EeL'imatee paid by paid the eeti+natee afrainst property owners Yor the aonstr notion of oonorete sidewalks, ,' property owners on ', 3. 7th St:, betn. ?. ourbs and ~attere on South 7th Street, between JaoY.eon & Jones Streets.... , I . • Est. ~6,,.,Eetate of tlre.F. A. Betheharee......$38E.1b ~eoo~iin & Jones e " 17....Eetate of hire.F. A. Hetheharee...... 187.11 `' L:rs.F.A,Bethaharee " $38E.15; 11rs,F.A. ~ 9....Hattie & Chas. B'vans ................ 86.00, s total of Bethsharea $187.11 '?' • and Rattis & Chas, $654.28, I move that Contraotore G, R, Katter~ohn & Son be allowed the sum of $6b4.E8 Evans, $85.00, and i ~ ~ .. Contraotore G.A, ~ and the Commissioner of Fublio Finance be inetrnotod to drnw a oheok on the Speoiel Katter~ohn & Son paid $664,E6 amount` Street Fund Lo pay same. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yea e, of said estimates. >. ' Eaton, Tully, 9filliams and Y.atter~ohn,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the Following motion: The follo:~ing parties havira paid the estimates aP.ainst property owners Yor • the oonetruotion of oonorete drlveavays on the streets within the Inner-Fire I3mite ~; Estimates paid by property owners s and streets bordering thereon--- Yor oonorete drive-~ i y Eat. 4 Isabella Grief and Rears of J. E. Gr1~ef..., $134:68 Fire Limita,Itoewitt " 6 ];?ike Iceman ..............:..............:.. 488.99- ~' rZ. Isabella Grief and ; ` " 11 Fisher & Boone ............................. 94,.E1 •,. • , heirs of J.~.GrieY,~ "' lE itike Iceman ..............................:.. E69.68 $134.b8; Nike Ise- y" " 17 Y.oiler & Iiahm, Exooutore .............:...:. 4E1.80 ' man $498.99; Fiohor " 1 Estate oY Nra. L.M.Doan Sor allay...,...:.. 44.68 ", . & Boone,. 94.E1; " bb stato'oY lure. L.hi.Donn .................... £1..68 •. htil:e Iaor..an .~E69.08; " 66 Loob-Bloom Realty Oo ...................:... 446.86 ' • Y.oller & iJahn; :b;e- " 46 Therean GooY,ol ............................. Eb9.08 outors ~4E1:80; .., n ~_,...,- -,._ .- .,~ ~. -...._ _...,.. _ .- .. r1 /~L~ ~• N ~_ ! a . Commissioners` Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 192__ ~~' G~~ _ ---- .- - - - L.M.Dean B44 68 ;I Eat. X63 Paducah Railway Oo..... .. 1266.36 1 and wEl 68; LoeB~ " 10 Luoy R. Ford : y • ..................... 188.4£, a total of { Bltfom Realty Co.„ ~y446,86• Theresa ~634.b3, Y move that Contraotore,Yanoy & Johnson be allowed Lhe evm of 3634.63 and they GOOkol ,259 08 - . ; Paduaah $y,Cq,. i'Oommisaioner of Public Finanoe.be inatrnoted to draw a check on the Speoiel Street Fund j ' " '~ . g1E66.36 and Luoy ~ R.Ford ~5188.4E, !to pay same. Adopted upon cell oY the roll by the follcwing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully n , and Yanoy A Joha ~ son el lowed ~Williame and Katterjohn,-4. X3634.63 amount ~ of said esti-. On motion the Board• ad'ourned upon call 04 the roll by 4 yeas. a mates. ,, ~ ~ 19 ~/ e i K d eD l :SC1L~.~--:-~ f.. /"°''.- ....._ ~ UFe . e,~c OCTOBr-R Elst, 1921. a=: At a Called Meeting of the Board of Ootinnissioners, held in the Commissione~e' {• Ohamber in the Oity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on October Elet, 19E1, at 3 o'clock P. M. ~ . • . hUpon cell of .the. roll the following answered to their names; Comroiseioners Enton,Eaker. ~lTnlly. i71111ame and Mayor Katter~ohn,-6. ••• ~ Mayor Katterfohn stated reasons for call to-wit; To allow pay-roll for the week ending October EEnd, and such other business ae might .come before the Board. ~~ . ~~ Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the Pay-roll - Paq roll for ~ . Week ending ~ for the week ending Oot. 2End Yor the DEPARTG'DaNT OF PUBLIC PROPERTY...Riverside Hospital) i ; Oot. EEnd, 19E1~~ ~ ~ y for. R.ivereide.•~~amounting to $119. E0, be allowed. and ordered paid and Lhe money appropriated from the Hospital ' amour}- . ; ~ ing to X119.20.}IOeneral Fund to pay same.. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ! „w i ' I, Eaton, Eakor,.Tully, flilliams and Katterlvhn,-b. ~ - Qommiseioner Tully offered the?following motion: whereas, it:bae heretofore ~ - s 'been•agreed between the Board of Ooraniesionera of the 01ty oY Padnoah and the Nagel • • ~. ,. McKinney Oompanq; Incorporated, that the asseesmenL against their property for five , ~ is . - years, .beginning with the year 1919, should be fixed nt ~10,2fi6..00 aryl that the said ~, ~~ I~Nagel & McKinney Oompany was to be exempt from any additional.asaessment for five yeara.~ ': ,' •~ Nagel l6 Mo- •~as inducement for them to locate their osluiery in this city and said Nagel & McKinney f . Kinney Oo., ~ I - taxoe for 1919, Oompnny now tender the taxes for the year 1919, amounting to ~`Z16r66 and the tuxes for ~ • 19E0 and 1921, ~. ~ ~ . as follows: the year 1920,. amounting to 226.86 and the taxes for the year 1921, amounting to i 1919, E16.66 r ~ ~ p • 19 E0, 2E6.86 i 230.96, a total of 673.38, I move that the sum tendered be secs tad in payment for : ~. " 19FE1, E30.96 Y total; 673.88. the yearn mentioned and that the Commissioner of Fublio Finance be instructed to issue t ` h j. i ~~taa rdoeipte in full for these years. Adopted upan oall.of the roll by the Yellowing ; ~i °. ~ $ote:'Yeas, EA~Lon, Esker, Tully, "lilliams and Katter~ohn,-6. ~ '; • ~ On motion the Board adjourned upon oa].1 of the roll bq b yeas: •. ` a • . y~ ~ ~Nt'~ t9~L. _ ~ d Ai"pici.~`-~--•-^'1"""' A_PPROV'.+~~ i` ^ ~ ~' ~. - • ~ ~ -.~•ne ~ ~ ' ~ 6 ' . e 1 ~~~1~•~~ ! ~' ~' eu~ c~a`~'~ " ~! . . ~~ n~tnttott. . ~ j~ ,~ OCTOBER 24TH, 19E1. t P -'. - • ~~ At a Regular Meeting oY the Board of Cosuoiseionere, held in Lhe Commisaionere'~.' •; I Ohamber'in the Oity Hall, Faduoah, Bentuo}Sy, on October 24th, 19E1. Upon call of the ~ ~ . n .roll the following answered Lo their.namee: OommiselonAra Eato , Tuiiy, Williams and .. ~~ Mayor Katter~ohn,-4. - ~. i ~~ On motion.oY Oommiseioner Tully: the minutes of the previous meetings were j " ` : r ... {j adopted ae-read upon call of the roll by the Yo1loWing,vote: Yeas, Eaton. wally, j s ii Williams and Katter~ohn,r4. ~' ~ ~ ~ ' Oommunioation j~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the Yellowing motion: i move that the oommunioation ~ ' ~; dick, felative'~ from Alford & Burdick; dated 0otober'EOth, 191:1, be received and filed.. Adopted upon j ,. . to Sewer Dis- {~ ~. " triot $3. t6o• !; call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Eaton~',Tn11yr,~filliama and Katter~ohn,•4. f. fi .. { • 'y~ •I ...~ .... ,, . .. ..t• ~ :t. i ' . ~.:. • ', .. . ~ j ,.. , R . ~ sxy... ,,,. .. ., k.. h•~ .. ~ 1 ~:, .. I i L ,.., . .: .; . ' ~ ..yy~.. .uj. - -..- Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paduca'u____---- ` ` 192.. 3~- i i f ~~ '... Na ~~~ n:ayvr iaYYVL ,~Vau. v+~~+~..- _.__ --------~' ' • .Contraot entered into by and between the City of Paduoah and Panay & Johnson, dated Acoeptanae oY ~,Ootober 17th, 1.921, for the oonstruation oY aonorete aidewa]ks', ourbs,and gutters, and Street Improvement ~ Contraot and Con- I all necessary manholes, intakes, sewers and oatah basins on,the ?lest aids oY Goebel struotion Bond, - exeoutod by Yarray f' Avenuo, Prom the 'r;ast property line oY Goebel Avenue to a point where the South anrb 8: Jvhnaon Yor con- struotion oY side: line of l7orten's Avenue, 1Y extondod, would interseot the Ylest property line oY Goebel `- walks ka. on Goebel Avanue. Avenue; also the Esat side oY Goebel Avenue, Yro m a stake set opposite the front of i, the building now ooaupied by the Union Druq Store to the South ourb line of "lorten's Avanue, and the Construction Bond Yor the performance of ,ea id work, exeouted-and de-. b livered by Yanoy & Johnson, with the National Surety Company, as surety, be reoeived, r Piled, eaoepted, approved and recorded, Adopted upon osll oY the roll by the follow- ' ing vote: Yeas, Raton, Tully, Ylilliams and Katter~ohn,-4. Y. ~syor Katterfohn offered the following motion: I move that the Street Improve- ji went Contraot entered into by and between the City of Paducah and Faker & Storrie; Aooeptanae of !'. dated Ootober l7th•, 1921, Yor the oonstruction oY aonorete sidewalks on the i°eet side Street Improvementi Contraot and Con- 'ij oY Broad Street, Prom the interseotion oY Fourth and Broad Streota, to the dividing struotion Bond 'j oxooutod byrakor ' line betwoon tho rroperty oY i.ouis Potter and Frank Petter, end the Construction Bond F< ;Morrie Yor the { Faker & Storrie with the oorstruotion oY t for tho performanoe oY said work, exeouted and delivered by .. . `, ,I. sidowalks on 4th &l ea surety, be received filed, aooepted, approved and reoorded. ~ { Broad Streets. National Surety Company, I t'~ Adopted upon oail oY the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yaea, Eaton, Tully, williama end ; Katter~ohn,-4. ~ ~; _ Commissioner Tully oYYered the Yollowing motion: It appearing that there is dne Taxes due Sohools it Prom tax oollea ~ the schools Yrom the tax oolleotions Yor the week end ing Oat. 22nd the snm oY ~b38?.~4~ tions Yor week y ppr p ' ending Oot,22nd ~ I move that it be allowed and ordered paid anti the mono a o rioted Yrom the General 1921. ~' ., N Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oali of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Eaton,, I • p Tully, Rilliama and Katter~ohn,-4. ~ ' ;: Cemetery Transfer ~~ Commissioner Ylilliams oYYered the Yollowing motion: I move that the transder •• Yrom b".r s. p1ilhel- minna C. Pruesa to i. Yrom A4rs. t9ilhelminna C. Pruesa, to b'rank Gentry, to the rear half oY the South halt . cc^rnnk Gentry. i~ of Lot x470, Section 32, Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified, Adopted neon call oY the ~ jli roll by the Yollowing, vote; Yeas, Eaton, Tully, 91111ams and Katter~ohn,-4. i On motion the Board adjourned upon call oY the roll by 4 yes8. ii Adartcd ~ ~ ~ 19 ~~ 0.F~'F2~ MCP "l~3 OCTOBER 29th, 1921. • ~ At a Called AieetinP: of the Board oY Commissioners, held ir. the Cou~missionera' I ` ` a, ; ;I Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Y.entucky, on October 29th, J921 at 10:30 O'olook `~ ;;a` ! " A. I:`.. 14ayor Y.atter3ohn being absent, rsayor Pro Tem,`•"/, V.. Aston, presided. Upon osll of tho roll the Yollowing answered to their names: Cornmiasionera :xston, Tully and "lilliama,-3. ~ , ~i u Fdayor Pro Tem Eaton stated reeaone Yor ae13, to-wit; To allow iey Roll Yor the weak ending October 29th, and any other business that might cor.:e before the Board. :~ i; Commissioner Tully offered the follo:~ing motion: I move, that the Fay-roll Yor the pay-roil Yor woek end ir.~ Oot.29th, a week ending Oct. 29th Yor the DEPLRTbL'-:I1T OF PUBLIC ]'ROP~RTY, RT`,(::RSID^ HOSPITAL, X112.20 for Riverside ;?ospit-`i amounting to ~112.20,,be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated Yrom the 4 al.'. 1 General Fund to pay 'same. fidopted upon oall of the ro].1 by the following vote; Yeas, IIII _ P Raton, Tully and wil].Sams,-3. .. ~ ~ id ~ - t ' r ~.. F ~ - ! - /. 1 ~. ~..w .~ _. _.. t ., .. ~, -.,~- ,.. ~ 4,,,,r_ ~ ~_._ . _.. _ .., •. . , t ., . , . _, ~. _,-.. - - ~ ,. . • ~ , • .. . ~~ ~ ~_. as.,.,~.,....._ ... ' i ',i ; . ... .... _ . _... .._.. a .. _. .. _... _ .--- .. <ri z~-~ .. .. _ ;' Na 7 ~ ~~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah i ' ' ' 198-- ~- ' . ~ Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion: The following parties having ~ 1 ~. ~ i ~ ~ paid the estimates against property owners for the oonetruation of oonorete sidewalks, ~ i ~' h ourba and gutters on South Seventh Street betxeen Jaokson and Jones Streets--- ' ~ _; ~.. _.~ ' Fat. #6 Mrs. Aiary Voelkel .................~339.11 ~~ ' !Estimates paid ~ " 7 Chris, Barger ...................... 85.D0 . by property own ~' ~<` , 8 Ruth Cartwright .................... 85.00 > sera for aideaalku 12 Isaao Clark ........................ 91.00 imp n 'Jaaksonmand Joned 14 Nirs. piary VoelY.e1 ................. 226.eb ;S.7th 3t., betn.~, " 16 River Conferenoe Aas. 7th Day ~' Adventists ................. 93. b4 1 Street, amount- i " 18 Mark Bvrrov~s........... 97.79 ;ing to 2113.16,;: " 22 J. H. Roof ........................ 121.67 ! ' ' -sand said amount ~ 23 John Dipple ........................ 97.00 l ', ~sllowed and or- ~, " 25 Ida Atkirs.......... ! ' .............. 12b.78 'dorad ~sid to ~' " 26 J. H. ROOF .................... 363.96 ~6.17.KettorJohn & " 27 Louvinia M, A11en Ridgeway........ 386.46. a total oP X2113.16, Y j t }.Son, Coritraotora move that Contraotors G. ~,7, Katterjohn & son be allowed the sum of X2113.16 and the 1 1 . ~`; Commissioner of Public Finance be fnatruated to draw a oheok against the Speaisl Street] Funs to pay same. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, i "- Tully and ~7illiams,-3. ' Y I' ', ~; - , Commissioner Tully offered tho following motion: The following parties having ~ paid the estimates against property own era for the constrnotion of oonorete driveways E . i' M, .. oa the streets within the Inner-Fire Limits and streets bordering thereon----- ~• ~. Estimates aid i,, P :: by property oan Est. X18 Iira. C. R. Milam ..............~345.44 i:. ers for Conorete'; 24 kirs. Dora .7. ',7alters........., 179:45 '. !Driveways aithiaU " 26 Faducah Eleotria Co........... 777.24 - ~ -` ::: i .. `lthe Inner-Fire " 32 Frank Y.irohhoff. Jr........... 672.93 ~Limita, amount- i` " 35 Fred & Pauline Roth........... 373.47 ;ing to $8391.39.+f " 36 Kolb Bros. Drug Co............ 231.62. j ]and said amount ,' " 38 Mike & N,ohr Michael.......•...1036,32 i ' ~~llowed and orde,,~~,.. " 39 I:iike & ldohr Iiiohael.•......... 259.08 - i; i • od paid to Yanoy~~ " 45 Jennie Loakrrood ............... 847.90 iI --•~•-~ Johnsan, Con- ~ 48 9. L. 'Foung :... .. ........... 259.08 ~traotora. " 51 DuBois Noble & Sanders........ 44.86 ~'.. ~ ~ ~ „ b2 L. S. DuBois Son & Co......... 186.72 ~~ ~,,. , 63 Naz.Lit. & Ben. Inet........,.1367.18 ; ~,J _ N' " 54 Mother Francis & Trus.Iiaz.....1810..10, a total of X8391,39, I -, ~ move that Contractors Yancy & Johnson be allowed the sum of x^8391.39 and the Commission i ~. . ~.. der of Public Finance be instructed to draw a oheak.on the Special Street Fund to pay' 1 ~ same. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, :?.aton, Tully and ~' I j a, ~~illiama.-3, . i • ~s On motion the Board adsourned upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. r. cur r.Mt '~ ,~_ _ .,,,,~ j ~; ~7C@S'G ,'~. @ '' OCTOB~t 31ST. 1921. ~'. u~ ' At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissionexs° i ~ ,~... ~~ , Z Chamber in the City Hall, Paduaeh, Kentucl~V, on October 31st, 1921. Upon pall of the . t~ roll the following answered to their names: Cotmnisaioners, Eaton, Esker and "'illiama,-3. ;i N:~yor Y.atterfohn being absent, Mayor Pro Tem W, V.. Eaton presided. ! . r ;~I On motion of Commissioner '9illiama the minutes of the previous meetings were ' ~ adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.,E¢ton,Eaker and ^illiams,-3, Commissioner 9111i¢ma offered the following motion: Y move that the report of -Report Fred ~ .En>lish,Sexton tl. Fred 'rnPlish, Sexton Oak Grove Cemetery, for the month of October 1921, be received and Oak Grove Ceme- ~ .-~--.~ , aery for Oato- ~ filed- Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker and f ; ber 1921. ~ i . ~'. Williams,-3. ~ . Commi9iSlisnAr •TUlly'enter9d tlie'COmmi'ssonerel Chamber: Note due Citq (i Cammi.aaioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that the action of the Iational Bank ~ i Oot. 25th ,j Commi~~ioner,of Pvblio Finance iri paying, taken, P up and~aanoelling note for $3b,.000 X35,0.00.00 ii ,. ,. ... ,.... , .„ ? ; taken up and t; due the City National Bank on October 2bth 'bee roved •, Ado tea __~_ a roll; pp p upon cell of th " bq the following vote: ~e&s, '.raton, Faker,, Tully and Williams,-4. • I _ _ .. ~ , . ' .i, ri4+1v .4 _.. ~.~ 1 i 4 ' .., .. _ .. ~,. :. .' - ~ ' ~ ~ • I .. • I ' Na_1 '1_: . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah. 192__ 1 Commissioner-Tully oYYgred the following motion; I mave that the Commissioner " Note due City Nat'l '- • Bank Oot. 31st, .~ oY Fublio Fincnoe be instruotod to pay off, take up and oanoel note oY $E0,000 due the ' Yor $20,000.00 ' • taken up and oan- j, City2dat1onal Bank on Ootober 31st. Adopted upon oell oY the roll by the following oelled. `' ~~ vote; Yeas, Baton, Esker, Tully and 171111ame,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the Yollo:ving motYon: It appenr'ing that there is due. Sohoola allowed $9694.30 Yrom tax ? the Sohools the atmm of "9694.30 from the tnx oolloot.iona for the,wogk ending Oot. E9th .. ' oolleotions Yor a tho :veok ending I move that the mount be ellowed.nnd ordered pai3 and the money nppropriated from the Oot. E9th, due ' , the eahools. j ' General Fund to pay same. Adoptod upon pall oY the roll by the following vote: Yoae, • ' ~ 3aton, Sakor, Tully, and }Yilliams,-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. I move that THE STATE11rddT OF • statement oY ao- oount •a~ith G. ft. r TH:^: ACCOUIIT 7ITH G. tv, F.ATT::3JOHN & 90N, CONTRACTORS, FOR THE IIlFRQV3bi1:1JT OF CONOR.'sTE ' Yatter~ohpF~ Son, for i^:provomont oY'! ' SIDE~9AI.X3, CURBS A1iD GU'T'TERS ON .SOUTH 7TH 87YiEI:T, BST"'E'r~' JAOZ30tI & JONES STREETS, oonoroto sidowal}s' ourba and gutters ? be reoeived nad filed. Adopted upon oell'oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, on 3. 7th St, betn~ JaoY.son & Jones Ste. Eton, EaY.er, Tully and 7Jilliems,-4.. ~ Commissioner Tully. offered the following motion: The Yo11o~.ving parties havi»R ~ ' • ~~ ~ neither. paid the estimates against property owners for the street improvement o! eon- •~ " Sst.~4 Trustees ~i ~ Afrigan iW. 3: r. Fete sidewalks, qurba and gutters on South 7th Street, bet,~een Jaokaon & Jones 3 • . dhuroh, having ii neither pr,id the +; gtreets, nor taken advantagq oY the Tan Year Payment Flan,.... estimate nor tak- • en advantage oY i; Set. ~4 Trustees. AYrioan M. $• .Chiu`gh.......$397.E6, I move that the Ten.Year Payment .'! ' Flan; the unpaid ;~ Oammisaioner oY fublio Fincnoe be inatruoted to deliver said unpaid estimate 'to Qon+ ' estimate-amounting,; to $397. E5 deliv- '.: traotora G. "}. Eatter~ohn E: Son. Adoptod upon oell of the roll by the following erect to Contraotorp G.'J.lntter,~ohn & ! note: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully attl CJilliame,-4. Son. y Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having ' signifie3 their intention of aooepting the Ten Year Payment Plan for the improvement Property owners ii of ognorete sidewalks, ourba and gutters on South 7th Street, between JaoY.son & Jones taking advantage ;, • of Ten Year Fay- °; Streets.... mont Flan Yor the ;, improvement of eon' Eat. E J. A. Gardner ................193.68 orate sidoeralka, .ij •~ 3 L. D. Sanders............,...217.7E ' & eo. on S, ?th ~ ; ~~ 10 Matilda Jones ................ 91.00 Street, bet:voon •~ , +~ 11 Abram & Ada Fullen...,....... 91.00 ., Jao}:aon & Jones ~ n 13 E'erKaret Yopp ................EE0.49 • Strout, amounting n 19 i'argaret Yopp ................ 88. E© • to j1087.59, and ~ n E4 p~!argaret Yopp ................185,fiE, a total of $~1087,ti9, ` Icprovement Bords issued Yor said `o j~ai move that Improvement Bonds be issued for name and the Qity 9olioitor be inetruoted amount.' .,, i ;, to furnish oopy oY said bgnde.. Adopted upon gall oY the roll by the following vote: i ! Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully and :71111ama,-6. e eonount Stat :I Commissioner Tully oYYgred the f ollo:ving motion: I move that THE' STATFadENT OF. ~~. :vith YanoY k John- ~ =" ~ son Yor the atreet , ACQOU1dT ClITH Ynl}CY & JOHtiS01l, -0OtJTRACTURS, b'OR THli STRA'.ET IMPROVtihIEIiT l7ITHIN THE INNFlt impr ovamern within 'i the Inner-F-ire .FI?2:: lI:.:ITS AiPJ ST3::ETS BORD:}BItiG THr.?h~N, bg roe®ired and filed. Adopted upon oell :;?~;~~~_.,, - Limits and streetei, ~~~ bordering thereon. oY the roll by the following vote; Yens, s~atan, Eakor, Tully and `,71111ams,-4, i y Oommieaioner Tully bYYered the following motion; The following parties having ~ neither paid the estimates arrainst property own era Yor the street improvement within Property owners. having neither a the Inner-Fire bimita an3 streets bordering thereon nor siimifigd their intent ion.oY paid the estimates` nor signified in- I taking advantage oY the Ten Yenr Payment Flan.... ^ tort ion of taking :,~ ~~ •'~1,,. ~ Ton Year Fay+rnent Plan for imnrovo- ; f List. 5 1.. A, !S. Greif ................ $1fi3.65. "r ,: r o b ~' ~ " ;~;hb:., 'a ~ , , lE9 .40 8 t,~re, Z. !S. Bloomfield......... , ` mont within the ~ ; a 16 Jno. J. Dorian ................ Eb9.08 , Inner-Piro l.imita " •": " 22 C. B. "Ihittemore .............. EE4.31 amountinx to. - n E? E. F. Gilson ................. 777, E4 $3714.3?, said un-' a 31 t;xa. Li. F, ',Yi111ams........... 388.59 ' raid eatlmatos de=^ ~~ 38 t7heeler & Hughes.............. 314.03 • literod to Con- „ b7 t.^.re. }'ate Craig................ 30E,07, a total of $3714.37, ' treotore Yaroy & Johnson. u I move that the Commissioner oY fublio Fincnoe be instruoted 'to deliver the said un+ • ~ pafd eatimntoe to Qontraotors Yanoy & Johnson. Adoptod upon oall oY the roli.by the' ~j following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully and.'?illiams,-4.• • i i r .i ~- ~_ ,.~ . i _ ' ' Nam . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah , ' • - • • • 192_ - _-- - ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having signified their intention of eooepting the Ten Year Payment Plan for the etreet.improoe~ ` ~' ment`within the Inner-Eire limits and streets bordering thereon--r- : ~ - - ': .. ~ Eat. 7 Robt. L. Reevea.....$777,24 . {; " 9 J. C. Jones....... 269.08 i partios taking " 13 J. E. Jamee........a 259.08 ~. adoantaao of ~ " 14 blra. Allie Cox...... 2b9.08 '; Ton Yonr Pay-. " 21 S. B. Pulliam...... 846.77 .: meat Plan for " 23 Pearl Si11s......... 388,59 1 '~ the street im- .'• ;+ : " 26 Mary E. Yeiser...... 209.16 1 r: ' '; prooomont tirith- - " 28 Jae. 7. Esker....... 777.24 in the Inner- ,, " E9 Suaie.Jaokaon..:.... 136.83 ! ~ Fine 'Limits +: " 30 T.tary Afurrell aat.... 2b2.17 i • ~ and streets bore! " 33 A. B. Ray........... 179.4b ~ 1 daring thereon, " 34 R. Calieai.......... 328.61 ~ amounting to " 87 Jennie .Lytton...,... 231. b8 ~ ' -!'$11,118.00'; and ~ " 41 Qovington Broa...... 99b.94 bonds for ea id 1° 42 Coleman-Clark R.A;.Co 896.94 ~ ( eomourit iaenod. " 43 Jas. W. :~.akar.......1296.40 " 44 C. & A. LangaLaff... 188.42 " 47 L. H. Quarles....... 269.08 " 49 S. E. Foreman....... b18.16 " b0 G. R, T:oble......... 732.37 "' " 68 Ella i~ilhe7.tn, .Eat... 403. b0 ' " 69 A„ H. MoY.innay...... 220.70 ` " 60 Chris. Hnralambo.... 166.08 •`1` ~ 61 D. A. Yeiaer, .Jr.... 16E.74 ~ " 62 Pauline Sevier...... 289.80, a total of $11,113.00. I move that %m-. -. • provement Bonds be fanned for this amount and the City Solicitor be inatruoted to fta•= nieh copies of said bonds. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yoae, i j Eaton, EeY.er, Tally and Williams,-4. ! - ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following party having i e • Ilpaid the estimate against property owners for oonarete curb and gutters on South 7th I:atim¢te X20 i4. J. Dania, ~ Street, between Jaokaon & Jones Streets.... $233.62 for oon7j - ', ~ or9te curb and q Eat. CEO M. J. Daois........~§233.fi2, I move that Contraotore 1. . !gutters on S. , ~ • 7tfi St. beta. C. W; Kt-tter~ohn & Son be allowed tho sum of $E33.6E and the Commissioner of Fublio ' Jackson do Jones ~. Strooto, paid, ~jFinanae be inatruoted to draw a check against-the Speoisi street Fund to pay same. ! and said amount a + delivered to Adopted upon veil of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully and C.W.$attor~ohn i ,. & Son, Oontreat-~ Wiliiama,-4. ,, ~ j ore. On motion tho Board adjourned upon call of tho roil by 4 yeas. ! _ yy,,,,~~ pp( Adssleii-~~..19R::r~ .. - ; /==-Lr-L f~--•---- TdOV?.Lffir"R 4TH.. 1921. +:.~<z:~-- ' ' At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commiaeionera, held in the Commissioners' ! • Ohambor in the Oity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on November 4th, 1921, at 11:30 o'oiook i ~ A. 1R, Upon call of the.roll the following ana:vered to their names: Commisaionere i r"aton,.Tully and Williams,-3. Mayor Katter~ohn being absent, L'.agor Pro Tem 7. V. Eaton ' ." ,!I Presided. ' , I~i Mayor Pro Tem Eaton stated reasons for call to-wit: For the purpose of allow-. ~ (( !ng'aooounte and pay-roll. Oommissioner Tully offered the .following motion: I move that the Pay-roll and ! ' ..Report Oom~r. Finance of ~ accounts amounting to $26397.66, as per the report of the Conmiasioner•of Fublio Finance eaoounte and yj ,~ Pay-roll, amoun~-filed here:rith, be alloyed and ordsred.paid and the money appropriated Pr an the General ing to P ~ $26,897.68. ~ Fund to pay same. Adopted upon.oell of the'roll•by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. °j.•., ~ .. ~, Tully and Williams,-8: 1 On motion the Board adsourned upon Dell of the poll bq 3 yeas. ~ ~ ~, ,~ ~ ' 1 ~~p ~~~ __-,. j~ r,' ~,. ~~, , • Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah . ' 192- -. ~ t . i. , :fi a i i ' i . -.'-'..~r?s~' • ~ ~ t j Na ~~/ ~ NOYi~tBEEt 6th. 1921. At a Called I~teeting of the Board oP Commissioners, held in the•Oommiseionere'. '~Chember in the City Hall, Paduorh, Xentuoky, on November bth, 1921; at 10 o'alook A. M. ~; _, Upon pall of the roll tho following.eine:vered to their names: Oommiseionere rlgton, Tully . • ;and Mayor Katter~ohn,-3. • ,~ .Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for pall to-wit; For the purpose of ollowing . ','pay-roll Yor the week ending November 5th, 1921. ~" ~ Commissioner Tu11y offered the following motion: I move that the Pay-roll for Paq roll for weeks ' '1 • ' ending 2rov. 5th, ~ the week ending Iovember bth, Yor Dr^PARTI,t~rT OF PUBLIC PROFE.RTY, Riverside Noapitel, for Rivorside Hospltnl. ;amounting to X108.88, be nllowed and ord©red paid and the monoy appropriated 2rom the I;~ .:General Fund to pay same. !Sdopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, i;;aton, Tully and Katter~ohn,-3. On motion the Board adjourned upon pall oP the roll by 3 y.uea. ,,,-`, Atrrnl.r! ,.,~q_y, TJ~ ls,~ [iPPROV:C-~TD ' T . 1~ Ci.i .:1.:r . t t~1tYFW IrOVrn_'1<'~ER 7Tx, 1921. . u -- • ~~ At a Reg~ar Meeting of the Board of Commiasionere, held in the Oommissioners' #' !i Ohamber ir. tho City Rall, Paduoah, Y•entuoky, on November 7th,~1921. Upon sell of the • u roll the following answered to their names; Commieeionere Bnton, P,aker, Tully, William and Mayor Katter~ohn,-6. On motion of Commissionerr~ton the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt- . ~~.. • ~ ed na read upon Dail of the roll by. the follo:vinq vote: Yeao, Eaton, maker, Tully, i '~;91111ams and Katter'ohn,-5. . • ~ Commissioner Tully offered the followlrg motion; That the petition for street I L1Rht to be plaood 4E. the oornor of 20th ~ i~ur*or 9trootu bo reoolved anil filed and • 8treat Licht ~ referred to the Commiealonar of Publlo `7orko for invostiirestion and retort book to • 20th & Kruger. ti the Board of Commissioners: Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following voter Yeas, N i~ Eton., EeY.er, Tully, ;71111ama and Y.atter~ohn,-5. ~ ~ Commissioner s.ker offered the following motion: That the attnohod petition for •,.v. ~ '" o i•a\ T•~=street l~aht at the interseotton of 12th, and Jaokaon 9treot be reoeived and filed .,treat birhb' ,, , ,. 1P.th & Jaokson. o and that the Supt, of tho yicht Flant be inatruoted to lnatnll this light at onoe. ~~~ &d opted upon Dell of the roll by the fo11o•Ning vote; Yeas, L`aton, i:aker, Tu11y and s,. , ~! 71111ams,-4; Nays, Y,atter~ohn,-1. j;."~~` Commissioner Faker offered the following motion: That the attaohed petition fora ,~~e street light on T.inooln Ave. be reoeived and filed and that the Supt, of the light ~` ~; Street Licht ~ Plant be inatruoted to install the light at onoe. 6d opted upon Dell of the roll bq Linooln dvenue. •, ~ ~' • i~ the Pollowirg vote: Yoae, Eaton, raker, Tully and Williams,-4; flays, Katter~ohn,-1. ~ Ltayor Kattar~oha offered the follo•r~ing motion; I move that the monthly estimate Renort'City 'r~gi-::!furnished by the~Clty >1~ginoer for :nark done ar,d performed by Reynolds Broe., Con- .: near of monthly ~ traotors, on North Sixteenth Street, during the month of Ootober, be received and filed estimate of :~or.c done by Reynolde~•and that the Commissionor oP Public Finanoe be inatruoted and authorized to issue • Bros. on I;. 16th St, nn3 Improvo- g Improvement '.7arrar.~t Yor the sum of X1277.00 being 650 of the work performed, Adopted wont ~"arrant •' to be issued th ~ upon pall oP the roll by the Po1lo.vinP> vote: Yeas, Ent nn, Faker, Tully, 19illinms and said oortraoto.s'~° for y4277.00, ~ Xatter~ohri,-5. boing G5;a of the cork done. k .. 1~ {,' s ~. ~- ~ >: ,, ~,, ~-"~ ~~ '~ ;_. . r ,, ..,. ~;~~ ."~ ......_. ~_.m .W_w w._._........_..~.y.. ~ _.~ .~_._. _._. _....._ .... ~~q3 U a ~,, ~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City af.Paducah ' 192_- _ ~_ _ _ _ Mayor 1Catter~ohn offered the follovi ~ISonthly Eatimatej~ nR' motion: I move that the monthly sets= 1• by City Engi ' p y ~ Hoer of ::ark l~ mate furnished by-the City Engineer for work done and. erformed b Esker & Storrse, Con doro by EuY.or &:!~ tractors; on Broad Street, during the month of October, Do received and filed, and that ~,f Storrie on ~~ Broad St., and .M the bommieaioner of Fublio Finance be instructed end authorized to issue Imp roverr9nt ~ ~ ~ Impx.ovement Yarrant for ~i;Yarrant for the sum of ~66b.00, being 6b~ir of the work erformed. Ado tad ~ 1.~b6b.00 issued P p upon call of to Oor.traotore.i~` the roll by the following vote; Yeas,.Eaton, taker, Tu11y, Ailliame and Y.atter~ohn,-b. 1_ ~ Etonthly Eatimat9' Mayor.Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the monthly eats- "~ by City Engi- j mate furnished by the Oity Engineer for work done and performed by Reynolds Broe., Con-~ Hoer of :vork'dorie ` !. by Reyno.lde Brod.trsotore..on Olay Street, during the month of Ootaber;.be reoaived and filed, and that f j on Clay St. .;, and. Improve ~'the.Commissioner of 1~uDlio Finance be. inatruoted and authorized to issue Y f meet Narrant -II mprovement ` for $883.32 N Warrant for the aura ofy883.32, being 66°b of the work performed. Adopted upon Dell of issued. to Con- NNP ,° traotora• I the Y~'a11 by the following vote: Yeas,,. triton, Esker, Tully,. Ailiiama and Katter~ohn,-b..{. • Mayor Katterfohn offered the followin motion: .I mov ~ Monthly'Eatimat 8 e that the monthly eats- by C1ty AbuFFi- ' .~ mate'furriiahod. by the Oityr~'tgineoP~for work done and performed by Eekor & Storrie, neon of work done by Fnkor &y Coritraotora, on South Eighth Street, durin~t the month 4f October, be received and .filed, 9torrie on 9. ' 8th 5t. and and that the :Commiseioner.of Fublio Finance be inatruoted and authorized to issue ITa- ~ Imrrovomant I Warrant isauod. provement t",nrrarrt for the sum of..,~1fi0b.b0; betnR 6b~.of.the :vork e¢~formed. Ado tod _ to oontraotore. p p ~ far ~160b.60. -' ,upon onll of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eat on,.l~iker; Tu11y, lYilliama and ~• 1 ,.. Katter,~ohn,-b.... . Street Bonda Oommisaioner Tull oYferod the followin motion: .Y move that 'the:Commisaioner • paid off and y g. cancelled et of Fublio Finarwe be authorized and inatruoted to p ~ ' City National pay off take.u and cancel attest ~. • Bank, amounting bonds and oo ` • to X327.34..,,, upone at the City Hational.$ank to the amount of X327.34 and charge acme to the 3peoinl Street Fund.' Adopted upon call of the roll by the fo]lowing vote: Yeas, !~ • ,: • Eaton, Ea}ar, Tu11y, t7illiamg and Kattor~ohn,-b. j" ' Cammieaioner ~Y3111ame offered the following motion: It appoaring that there ie iii ' `• _. Riverside Hospital a patient requiring radium treatment, and who Dan not be ourod ez- ~. Radium Treat- Dept by the use of avid treatment; and it further appearinrz that.said,patient reaidoA ment to. be 'adminiatored to~:vithin:the City of Paducah ;irxt is wholly unab]e to pay arWr part of the expense of -said ~ Cityy Patient.. }. ` ,at Fiivsrside tgoetmort,- ~ Hospital: ~ ~ I move that the Commieaioner of Fub1Yo Property be authorized to provide the ' {. ' ": ~ neoogenry treatment in ea id hoap.itnl ,for en td patient, tho.aotnnl oo,st of said radium I to be gharged t0 the account of Riu!ereide Hospital. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by ~.• • ,¢ pp the follo~ving vote: Yeas; piton, Faker, Tully, Yilliams nncl Y.atterfohn,-6, j , On.motian the Board adjourned npon Dell of the roll by b yeas.. ~ A„!Yled ~~ - .. c~..` ~ tAXOFt: !:. NOVr:L~ER 9TA. 1921. .. s , . ' EI At a Called h'eeting of the Board of £ommieaioners; held in the Commiseionsre'.~ .. ' r _ Chamber in the-City Ha11, Peduoah, Kentucky, at 11 o'clock A.. Ai. on idovembe;~9.th, 1921.1 k Upon oali.of .the roll the following answered to their names: Commiasionere Fat an, Tully; „ W1113ams and Iiayor Katter'ohn;-4.. C, o Mayor Kattor~ohn stated reasons for Dell to-wit: For the purpose of allowing ' Accounts for October 1921. and' such other business as ma j y Dome beforo the Board. ~ Report Com'r. o ' Oommiaeioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the saoounte j . Finance of ao- ,~j. scants for Oot. C; amounting to ~bb00.07, as per the report of the Corvoiaeioner of Fublio Finance filed ' amounting t o ' y"6600.07. ii herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fvnd ~ • i ~. to pay same: Adopted upon Dell of the roll by ,the following vote: Yeea, Faitaai, Tn13y, Williams and Katter~ohn,-4. !. ,. :. .:.. .... .r~ . { ~.• ~~' ~__ ,~, ~~ ~.. =„~ r°-, ' ~ No. 7 • • Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ' 192-! ~ j r, Commiaeionor ~Jilliama oPPered the Pollowing motion: I move that the aaoount u, A, Augnstue ..~ of ~. 7f, Augustue,,amounting to $33.00 for work done and performed at Itiveraide Hoe- $33.00 for. "rork done and perform-;, piLal, be allowed and ordered paid and charged to Riverside Hospital eoonunt. Adopted • ed at Riverside .. Fiospita]- upon oe11.oP the.roll by the follotivirig vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tu11y, t91111ame and &atter.. , • ~ john,-4. ' Commissioner :atop oPPered the foilowlnq.motlon; It appearing that there are • Appaintmont of • R.H.Rudolph and ~~ two vncanoies in the Iolioe 1}opartment, I movo that E. H. Rudolph and B. O. Adnme be B.C.Adama as patrolman. appointed as. patrolmen, their services to commence upon their qualifying ae required n .. by law. Adopted upon Dell oP the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, . ii ~. '71111ame and Katter~ohn,-4. On motion the Board addourned upon Dell oY the roll by 4 yeas. .. , ~ Ad~pted~l..L~~+..t-y~ l9~(_ .A:E'PROVTID ~ j ~-~. NOVRhiBREi 1gTH~ 1921. k ~ • At a Celled }deeting oP the Hoard of Commissionera, held in the Commiseionere' ' Ohamber in the City Hall, Pa~uoah, Kentuolw. on November lEth; 1921, nt 11 o'clock A. }d.. Upon call of the roll the Pollowing answered to their names; Oormnissioners Eaton, .'rakor, Tully, Williams and Dtnyor Y.ntter~ohn,-6, ~ ' • ldayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for call to-wit; Far the purpose of allowing ' i pay-rolls, and such- other business as might Dome before the Board. ,~ Commissioner Paton offored the Pollowing motion: I move that the written Charged preferred;, charges atzainst patrolman O. it. Doris be reoeived and Plied and that the notice which • • against patrolman, G.i'.Doris reoo4v-; has also been served on him be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by ed and filed. ,; . ~ the Pollowing vote; Yeas, Paton, Saker, Tully, :91111ame and Katter~ohn,-b. ~~ Oommiseioner Eaton offered.the followinz motion; It appearing that 0. M• • • Hearinz of the Charges preforred~I Doris has regtiseted that the invosti~-ation of sold oharRos be deferred, 'I move that • aarrinst patrolman,. ` G.;".Doris deferred the hearintr on said ahargea bo deferred and continued until the regular meeting of the until Rogalar , i:ooting of 9oerd ,": Board of Commissioners on L'.orday ltovembor 21st, 1921; and triat said Doris be.svepended ' on I~ov.21,1921. without pay ea such patrolman pending a determination o4 said charges., Adopted,npon 9 call of tho roll by the following vote; Yeas s'aton, Tui.ly and Katter~ohn,-3; Nays, `.~` _• • ~ ?esker and Williams,-2. , F Roport Chief oP ~ Cormnieeioner Raton offered the following motion; I, move that 4he re}wrt of Tolioe for month `s the Chief of Foiioe for the month of October be reoeived and Piled. Adopted upon sell oP October 15£1. of the roll by the following vote: Yaea, Raton. ?~:arer, Tuliy,:7111imns and Eatter,John,6 • ~ " ,~0 3sioner riaton oPPered the following motion; I move that the report oP . Report of Chief ' ,;,;;.'ti _~ ~ 11.,.Q,~ ~.. ` oY Fire DBFartmenLlyhe Chie3 of the Fire Department for the month of October be reoeived and fii.ed, for month of October 1921. ;; Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, ih?:er, Tu13y, , ~91111em9 and Y.atter~ohn,-b. • , .,.i.. -; Re?ort Com'r, oP Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the report of FLnarne for month; tho Commissioner of Fublio Finance for the month of 0otober be reoeived and f13ed and • oY Ootobor 1921. :: ~~ `, ordered published in the official newspnper. Adopted upon•oell of the roll by the `-' following vote: Yeas, a ton, i:ak m~, Tully, Clllliama and Katter~ohr.,-b. ' Pay-ro]1 and no- Commissioner Tully ofYerod the Soilowina motion: I movo that the pay-roll ooar.ta .~,`5143.G3 as por report o~ ~ an3 eooounte amounting to "y6143.G8, ae per the report of tho Commissioner of Eubiio Com'r. of iubllo ~ • Finaroe. ' Fir,anoe filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated Pram • 6 the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: - ' 4 Yeas, Eton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katteriohn,-b. +' •: .n p 9 .. . ,,; ~ .. - - , ' a ., .. ~., i ': ~ Na iJ oG ,.. Roport Oomtr. of Finanoo showing ¢ppot ti Diane bt , ox7>endituros and Dalanaos to the oradit of tho . vartous3 lltipts. at the o]oat of ,Ootobor 31st. i ,~,` 718:60 a] ]owod or the pompoae of defraying.' 'traveling ox- `; ponaea of ten .~deleratoe to ,ropreaont City ,' of Yndnoah at • `'' Ohio Valloq Im• 'provement Oqn- . ,~vention. ~: ~` .~.~Paq-roll for 8treot Dept; ~E17.36. . ,. .~ ~ y'• . • ~, ~ r i ~.~ ~~'. 1{~. . ,,:. .. E":` .. Foreman & laoke3 paid Bpi116.61 insurance pre- miums. E:G.Boone k Co. paid X1169.44 insurance pr emi)una. Foromnn & J.aokeq paid ."y274.24 for premiumo du ti on insurnnoe on 2Tew Add it ion to Rivoroiletioepit- al: Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah - 192~~ . . ~J-: Oommiea:;oner Tully offered the following motion: I move.aT.at the roport of the ~ Oommiaeioner of Publio Finanoo shooting the apportionment, expenditures and balanoes to .~ 'the oredit of .the various aooounts under the different departments at the oloae of.0ot: 31st, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon oa11 of the :roll by the YollowinR vote;'Yeae,~ • :Baton, F,nY.or, Tully, Williema and Katter3ohn,-6. ~ Commieaioner.Tully offored the following motion: h move that-the swn.of One ~' Fiundred_Eighteen £e 60/100 Doll era be ailowod for the pvrpoae of defravina the traveling.. • expenaos of ten delegetoe to be appointed to represent the Citq of Pad~foah at 'the Oonven- ~ . tlon of the Ohio Valleq Improvement Aeeooiation to be held et Evansville, Indiana, to bed .• held on Tdovember 16th,-1Gth, 1921, said amount to be. paid out of any•funde not other- ~ `. . .wine appropriated, and to bo usod for the purpose of a~idertiainR the City of Paduoah. ~ ' ~' Adopted upon Dail of the roll bq the following vote; Xeas,rxtton, i.aker, Tully, t9illiamd sad Ketter~ohn;-6• ~ !. • { Oommiesioner. Eaton offered the fo]lo:ving motion; That the pay-roll for.the 1 '3troet.Departmont be reoeived and filed and order allowed, amo»ntin¢ to ,217.86. Adopt ed upon Dail of the roll bq the following Vote; Yeae, lAton, Eal.or, Tui1q; Williams and I hatter~ohn,-b. I- • O~n•mot3~on the Board adjourned upon Dell of the~roll by b yeas. .. • .. Adoµiod ~ / ~y_~ 39'x. ! , 9Y...~o~ 4~' . D"1~j£.~- . ~ t ~ Cit, C4ek ~' ~ ~'l,t~i ~ ,d ~ _ ~ Nr 4 VC/R ; • NOVEMBER 14th. 1921. t At a Ca13ed.Meetinq of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners' '. } Chamber in tho Oitq Hall, Paducah, KAntuolw. on Ttovember 14th. 1921, at 11:30 O'olooTc A. M. Upon Dell of tho roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners . Eaton, Tully, Williams and ldayor Katter~olin,-4. '. ,. Mayor Katterfohn stated reasons Por Dail to-wit: To allow aooounta for insurance; • and such other business ea might Dome before the Board: ~ • F Corcmisaioner Williams offered the followira motion: I move that Foreman k lackeq! ; be paifl the sum of $1116.61, which is s balance due them,for premiums on policies; ea ~ per etatemont rendered, .end the Corrtnissioner of Publio Finanoe is hereby authorized t and inetruo.ted to issue vouoher to Foreman & Iaickeq far said awn, and oharae same to the. i , ~ Contingent Fund, or paid out of funde~not otherwise•apprtipriated. Adopted upon sell oil j~the.roll by the following. vote; Yeas, a"aton. Tully., t71111ama and Y.att.er'ohn.-4. ~ I i • f Commissioner Ciilliama offered the following motion: I move that c. G. Boone & •Co.,bo paid the sum of .x`1169.44, which is a balance dne them for premiums on policies, as pen• etntement rendered, and the Oommiasiontm of Tub11o Finance is hereby, authorized ~. and inatruotod to issue vouoher to ~. 'G. Boone & Co. for ea id su;n, and. charge same to the,Contingent Fund, or to be paid out of fends not otherwise appropriated. Adopted • upon Dal]. of the roll bq the following vote; Yeas,'13ton.Tully,7illimne and Katter~oha, ~. ' ~ i Coromisaioner Williams offered the following motion; I move that Foreman .& I.aakeq; be paid the sum of X274.24 for premiums due on the following polioiea, to-wit: t 4 ~ Folioq+No: 139293 Fireman's Fund....x1b1.00 ~ 4 ~. " " 2066 Great American.... 90.60 '' ~' " " 168 Grant American.... 32.64, same beir.a for fire 1 IF . 11 and tornado:proteotion on the new addition to Riverside Ffoapital, and the Coiruoiasioner.r :. ~ . ! of Publio Finanoe is hereby authorized and direatod to issue vouoher to Foreman & laokaq for said svm, and oharpe same to the Riverside iToapitsl flew Addition Aaoount. ~, Adopted upon oaTl of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tnlig; Williams and 1 ~~ ~ • r ~ , 1 ,2 ~ .. -. ~ •.- ~ `.` ... a.awe.iwy~...fu.-JJ.'._.Y'.u.i.-.i:+v ! y ....+_ , •. .~;.~_.. ....... F No. 7~" 3w .. . . • .Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paduca4 ' 192..:. ' Commissioner Ytilliotna offered the following motion; I move that R. G, Boone ' N& Co. be paid the sum of X274.24, for premizmie due them, ae per statement rendered,, i .~ 3. G. Boone & Co. ',same being for fire and tornado proteoti.on on the new addition to Riverside Hospital, paid X274.24, prem#wns on Sa- sand that Commiaeloner.of Publio Finance is hereby authorised and directed to.issuq. I~ suranoe for hew Addition to ~ vouolier to F.. G,' Boone C: Co. ibr said sum, and oharge same to the Riverside Hospital ~,°-- 3iveraide Noe- ~ ~ P P by ~ pital. nHew Addition Aooopnt. Ado tad u on Dell of the roll the followir.R vote: Yeas ..atop • Tully; '9111#ama and Y.atter~ohn,-4. Commissioner 7111iams offered the following motion; ]: move that Foreman do . ~ ~ , . • Foreman &"Lnokey~InoY.ey be paid the sum of ~36.b8, vrhioh is n bn]anoe due them for pramiuma on polioiee, paid `'Sb.bB bal- has per~atatement rendered said brlanoe having beer. overlooked #n January 19P.1 when the ' anon flue-them • on incuranoe (' pramiuma. f premiums were psid for enid polioiae, and the Commissioner of Tublio Ffnanoe is hereby authorized ani directed to is;aue vcuaher to Foreman & T.aoY.ey Yor enid eum, and oharge, ; , 1 ~., ' ~ aar_+e to the Continrtont Fund, or, to be paid out of fimde not otherwise appropriated.. ii • ~;Adopted upon Dell of the roil by the following vote: Yeas, yaton, Tully, w#lliame and Katter~ohn,-4. ' r r On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the ro]1 by 4 yeas. , Aieptei ,~~29~ L7I~ i AF:[~RCOV°' . . . •. ~ ~ C.:y Cbrk ~A ~ Y f 1 R G '' • ~ ~ NOV3'ID~l I4th~1921. ` ~'" 7 At s Res~ular tweeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in'the Commiseionere~ •~• '1 ' ' ~ Chamber 'in the City I?all, Paducah, Y•entuoky, on ltovembor 14th, 1921. Upon os7.] of the e : ;.`~ ±i . ~ roll the following answered to their nameat Commissioners I~:nton', :•:a}cor, Tuily,'•7#1]iams " ~ and }:layer Y.atter~ohri,-b.' On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the prevloue meetYngs were adopt- °'-' , , . R1 ed ea read upon Dell of the roil by the following vote; Yeas, i•:aton, .^^,aker, Tully, Y~ '. ii ~.:91111ama and Y.atter~ohn,-b. , n Commissioner baton offered the follo:v#ng motion; I move that the oommun#oatton ,~ . :7,J.Gf.lbert Demme- .~ r.#oation relative „from :4. J..,Gilbert relative"to damages rosultinq by oolliaton between his automobile . to oo111sion beta. his automobile and t and•.the City Fire Truck, be received and referred to the City Solicitor for inveat.i. .. ~ the City Fire Truok.i; '~ gntion and report in writing the feels and the law in said matter. Adopted upon Dell ' ~ of the roll by the fo11ow1nP vote: Yeas, ~nton,F.aker,Tully,t"#lltnme and Y.attor~phh,-b. • ;j >.tayor Y.atter1•~hn offered the following motion; I move that the roport.of the ' geport Lto.raoken ~ ilo0raoken County Publio Health League hursina Serviao for the month of October ]921 County }ublio Healt)i,, Leeave I'nroing Ser- De rooolved and filed. adopted upon call of the roll by the fo]lo:vtna vote;. Yens, •. ' vine for ootobor, ' ~ ' ' ' ~ Eaton, EaY.er, Tully, 9#lliama and l:atter~ohn,-b. 1981. i . • ~ tdayor Y,atter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the aertified Dopy, ProeeedinRS of ~ of the prooeed3ngs of the Board of R]eotion Commissioners, held on tdovember 12th,. 9oard o° _aeotion ~' Commiasior,ers, heldw 1921, ea oortified by L. I$. Durrett, County Coart Clerk, :vhoroin #t !e certified that ' "~ ?'ov. 12,1921, it re,! '! ^loet#on on Serer ~ there were oast for the So:ver Bond issue Yi•;S 2854, tt0 1182, and which to atwo-thirds ' Bord Ordinnr,oe et It Itover.,ber ~;'~ootlon ~ majority of the votes oast for said question, be received and filed, and that the City , ' 1921. G '~ Solicitor ie hereby inetruoted to bring in an ordinance providing for the issuance and ;;.sale of enid bond a. Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the following vote; Yeas,F,aton, . 4" i:eker, Tully, .~illiams and Katter~ohn,-be ~ y ~. ' ° Mayor t!atter~ohn offered the follo:ing motion: I move that the affidavit of noel • •Affidavit Noel A. f ' Berry, in re; pub• ": A. Berry, Seoretnry and Treasurer of The Democrat Publishing Compai~v, certifying that - liontion of Sewer September 20th, Bond Ordiranoe in t`, the Serer Bond•Ordinanao vzaa published 1n The Itewa-Democrat on~0otober 18th, 19th, 2Ct . ' the Tows-Domoorate I! £lat, ££nd, £3rd, 2bth, £6th, £7th, 20th, R9th, 30th and t}avcmber 1st, 2nd, 3r4, 4th; ~• . ' • . ~ ~. " ~ 6th and 6th, 1981, be reoolved az,d ft]sd, ,~doptod upon oa]1 of the roll by the follow. ~" sing vote; Yeats, :atop,?Aker,Tully,!71111ams and Y.atter~ohn,-b, ~ .• ~ ~ . c,~4... Ij ', .., . .-...: ,.. ~ ' . .. ' ~ i w ;~. : .: ...• ,~ ,. `, .ice ~ ~ .~" e a, - •11 ,w,•, .. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah " " ~ - ~ 192_. " ' - Affidavit L.E:~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I movo that, the affidavit of ~ Durreot,County ~ ' Court Oler k, in L• E. Durrett, County Court Clerk of MoCTaoken County, ICentuelgt, filing a Dopy of the re; So:ror Bond ~ Pel]ot as sub- ~ Se:ver Bond Ballot, which was submitted to the oleotore of the City of Paducah, Y.entnokyj _ mitod to eloot- ~ at the General Election on November 8th, 1921, be received and filed. Adopted upon Dell ~ ~ ors Nov.Bth, !; 1921 General ~ of the roll by the followin vote: Yeas,Eaton,Eaker;Tully,Wi111ams and Katter~ohn,-b. j Eleanor,,. ~~ 8 ~ r y} ~. Commieaioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the letter from ~~ 171tohe7.7 &. Duna-~ Aiitghe7l & Dvna an with reference to the balance dne the City of ]?aduoah from them be ~ gan oommunioatio q relative to ~ !! '~ `.• ba7anoe due the' received and filed and that the Commissioner of Public Works be authorized and instruoti. Oity of Iaduoah"~ od to ordor a auff.ioient amount of coal from said Mitchell & DunaPan to balance their • of coal. i ~:. . -~I account with the City of Paduaeh. Adopted upon call of .the roll by the following vote: ~' Yoae, Eaton,. Eakar, Tully, Williams and Y.atter~ohn,rb.' ~~. Commiaeioner Tully offered the following motion: The following party having !" paid, the estimate against property owners for tho improvement of concrete driveway I" B.'.rn`.L. M, Bloom- ' ~ ~ within the Inner-Fire limite....Eat. ~8 bSra. L. it. Bloomfield on 4th Street, corner of field yat.~8 ~ i $618.16 paid, Aashington Street......$618.16, I move that Contractors Yanoy & Johnson be allowed the ! and Yanoy de I Johnson allowed ~ ~"! of $b18.16 and the Oommiaaioner of Public Finance be instructed to draw a check on ~ said eum .in re:' . , the S eofal Street Fand to p p' y q • Inner-Fire Lim- P pay some. Ado tad u on call. of the roll b the followin i . its. vote: Yeas,,.L,atan, Esker. Tully, Williams and Y.atter'ohn,-b. ` <t ' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; 'The following party having j I signified Iiei::intention of taking adpantage of the Ten Year Fayment Plea for the ~on- atruotion of.aonorete driveway ad'oining her property on C:eahington"Street at the oornex? " :' ~. .: , - of 4th `Street.:.. Ea.t. ~8 }drae L•.ht. Bloomfield......,......$777.24, I mote that Improve-; ' 14re.L.h7.Blaom-• meat Bonds be issued to include this smoupt and that they be as follows; field $777.24, ,• y' No. 1 Series K. due July 1,.1922.........$1191.03 { ^"~ " Inner-~Firelhimn • its, Ten Year g n n n n 1, 1923......... 1191.03 Sayment Plan.and 3 n n n n 1, 1924.......:.. 1191.03 Improvement 4 " " " n 1. 192b.:....... 1191.03 ` ~- Bonds for same ~ b " " "~ " 1, 1926......... 1191.02 f ---..~ " lssuede 7 n n w n 1. 1927.......... 1191.02 ' 8 n n n n 1, 1926......... 1191.02 1; 1929......... 1191.02 'I ~ • ,~ :. , ~: 10 n n n n 1. 1930......... 1191.02 ~ .. , 1, 1931..:...... 1191.02. ,. i $11910.24 ; ~;~ ~ ~eldopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yoas, Eaton. -aker, Tally,'7illiams~ .~ •- ~ and Katterfohn,-(. , ,`~ - Corrected state-~ .. Oommiasioner Tully offered the following"motion:. I move that TF~ CORRECi.^.D ~ • ment of acaoimt STATEIr.::NT OF AOOOUIJT ~7ITH YANCX & JOFr;SOid, CO1dTRACTORS, FOR T!?E COi.'STRUCTF022 OF DRIVE- ' with Yanoy.& Johnson; in r: !i ~ " `Inner-Fire Lim. ~' "'AY "!ITHIN THE INNER-FIRE LIP.tITS AND STREc"TS "BORDERII7G TH ?EOI1 be received and filed: ! - its driveway. ~~ Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ;:atop„ Faker, Tully, William8 " ! and Katter john,-6. .y ~~ Commissioner Tull g ; xmpronomont Bond'"s y.offered the followin motion; I move that the Commiasi.oner,. for'ton Year ~j ~ w Payment }lan 4, of Fub11o Finance be authorized and instructed to turn over to Yanoy & Johnson. ~on- turned over ~ t o ~ ~~ tractors ~ ~ ~ !;! YearoQ de Johneon,i~ . the 'Imp rovemont"Bonds issued on the Ten Year Plan for the oonstruotion of ; :Y in re: drive- ° dribewa s within the Inner-Fire y.imite and streets bordering thereop, the bonds bein~c ~' ~`°- wav within 211nex1~ y Fire Limits. ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ ~~ 1 1: as follows; - ~. No. 1 Series K. due.July 1, 1922.......$ 1191.03 n 2 n n. n n 1,'1923....... 1191.03 U " 3 n it n n 1. 19E4..:.... 1191.03 , n .i n. n n' n 1, 1926....... 1191.03 r "< C~ n 6 n n n n. 1, 1926....... 1191.02 •~'; ~.. n 6 n` n n n .1, 1927....... 1191.02 f ', n 7 n n n •:n . 1, 1928...•..• 1191.02 r -~` n 8 n n' n n 1. 1929....... 1193.0E :.~ • 19 11 ! n 9 q n '.N n 1, 30..•ee.e 93e02 i ~ a • i0 1. 1931....... 1191.02 ' $ 1T~Ia:~' ~ , r ~. 'Adopted upon Dell of the roll by. the fol3owin{t vote: Yens. r~ton+ taker, Tully,':71111ame } •„ ~ and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ j ~f ~` x s. ,;~ ,. „„,mom .. ,.. ._ - . ",1 ~. e., -'fix" ':L"3eR° , x. a +W pi .. ,. g. ~ t ~ VUU1IU1DD1VlaG1D J 1lJ{iGGLLau~u~ va•,7 va s w•••aw.•• •w.-- Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; The following parttea having ~,~-, I ,; • issued for ,397.25 for same.. ;, follows: No. 1 Series L duo July 1, 1922.....$148.49 2 n L n n 1, 1923..... 148.49 ' ; .,S v L n n 1, 1924. .. 148.49 . 4 " L " " 1, 1925 :... 148.49 ' x, a 6 ~~ L u n 1„ 1926 ....~ 148.48 , ... • .' 6 " L " " 1, 1927 .... 148.48 ' ~ T " L " " 1, ]928. 148.48 8 " L " 'i 1, 19?.9 .... 148.48 '~ y u L tr n 1, 1930 .... 148.48 , .. q 10 " y " " 1, 1931 .... 8 14 8.4 • ~f 1 •~ - Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, waton, Eeker,'Tu11y, • Clilliams and Eatter~ohn,-5. • Correotad state- ~ Commissioner Tully offered, the' follo•:ring motion; . I move that T2iF 002?RECTED -- went of eooount mitt: G."2.'Latter- !~ ST:,T ~-:1iT OF :iCCOUI;T '.7IT1? 0. '.7, Fa.TT~RJOIRi & 302?, CONTRpCT038, FOR •TH$ C02lSTRllCTION Bohr. & Son, in re Sidesalks IFO. on ; N ~ OF gOI;CR3TI: SIDE;YAL':3, CURB l.2+D GJTTFRS Oti SOUTi? S.:VEITTH S'i'R?.ET, BET?7F?.N "JAO}:90Ti AND ' • S•7th St. beta. Jao1•son. & Jones h ~ JO?'~S ST.°.ErTS, be reoeivod and filed. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following sta. Trustees Afrioan ~' signified their intention of taking advantage. of the Ten Year Payment Plan for the 1'..Ir, Churoh take Ten Year Fayment ~ oonatruotion oY oonorete aide-walks, ourbs and gutters on 7th Street, from Jaokaor~•' Flan in, re aide- :valka &o. S. 7th ± Street to Jones Streets.... 3st, ?~4, Trustees Afrioan 2'. ?. Chureh........~397.25;:~',• St. beta. Jaokson s `. & Jones Sta., and ? I.arove that Impronement Borde be iea,~ed to inolude this amount and that theq De'd9~• Improvement Boma , Y vote; Yeaa, estop, '.raker; Tully, 17i171ame and Y.attor?ohn.,-5, , Commiasior:er Tully offered the followinK motion; I movo that .the Oommiasioner Improvement bonds . 'x of Dublin Finanea bo authorized and inAtruoted to t:an over to G, ;7, Y.attar~ohn de flea, turr.od over to G."'.;:attor~ohn & ': Contraotora, the Improvement Benda issued on the Ton Yoar Tlan for tin oonstrnotion Son, in re:. Side- F TTn1ka &o. on S.7th of eoriorete side:valke, Drab and gutters on South 7th Street, between Jaokson and Jones • St. betr..JaoY.son & ~' Joros Sts. i Streets, the bond s,beinP ea folloera; ~• ~, lie. 1 Series L. due July 1-1922.... 148.49 2 " L. " " 1-1923.... 148.49 ' 3 " L. " " 1-1924.... 140,49 1 4 n L, m " 1=192b.... 148.49 6 Ir I„ " " 1-1926.... 148.48 . 'i 6 " L. " " 1-1927.... 148,A8 y' q " L, " n 1-1928.... 1!t8.48 • 8 ,~ L, n " 1-1929.... 148.48 r. i. 9 ". L, " " •1_1930.... 148.48 ' w 10: " L. " " 1-1931.... 14A,48 !` 1~4 • r: ~' Aaoptea upon Dell of the roll by the followinu, vote: Yeas, :.aton, Esker, Tully, i7illiama and xatter~ohn,-5. Commissioner ?:atop offered the followin2• motion; It appearing that J. ~2. Nelson• J.'.7.Nelson appoint+i; ed polioeman. q is duly Qualified to sot as a policeman, I move that the said J. '7. T?o]aon be appoint+ • ~i ad na n patrolman to fill a vaoanoy now temporarily existintr,ir. the Polies Department, ~( Adopted upon Deli of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,•Eaton, Eakor, Tully, ii • '7illiaare and Y.atter~ohn,-b. ~ Commisslonor ;"!i]liama offered the follov+ir.R motion; I movo that the trhnafor from Cemetery tranafe~ '+; ' from Cnroltne L. 4 Caroline L. ':7atta, David C. ',7ntta, Isabel A. l"atts, lsmma "', Neakos and RaV. wm• FienY.ee '7atte &o. to S.A. 1, ` >•owler. .to the South one-half of Lot •,'~69 3n Seotion ~b OaY. Grove.Cemeter.y to S. 'A. Fowler, be • i~ ratified. Adopted anon oa'11 of the roll by the followirq vote; Yeae, baton;;Eakor, •' - , '~ Tully, ~1i111ama ntzi. Yatitor~ohn,-5. 'h T.fayor ZatterJohn offered the following motion: I move that the report pf the ~' Report City 3olioi-6. tor, relative to City Solioitor, relative to oontraot between C. T. Allen and the City of Pad~:oah, oontraot betn.C:T: ~ :lion arri City of N.dated April 10th, 1916, be rneoived end filed.. Adopted upon oQ11 of the roll by the , Iaduorh regarding i~ „• ' 18th Street a©:]or +i following vote; Yoae, ?:atop, masker, Tally, 171111ams and Y.atteraohn,-.6. and street. ~ If h Commissioner ;7illiama offered the following motion; I move that the oertified Froaaodings Board ;, of ]eotior. Commie•~ dopy of the prooeedinRa oP the hoard of :;leotlon Commisaior:era,.relativs to the ftos+ siorere, in re; eleotinr. on H.ospit-~ pitnl Bond Iaau9, aho:ving that same lost, be raooived and Piled. Adopted upon oall.of t,,:•. • el Bond Issue. ~ • s the roll by the following vote; Yeas', ;atop, ?.eker, •Tully, ^tilliame and Y,atterlohn,-6; , c ,, i ~ .. } ` i . i 6 !+.~~. »;~si+iaY4~w'~r: p,«~wra•R~rasa~~3rv~aM~b+teara!c.,,.'~ *p rlar:~&4'+~wa~';r.Ydfraw.:i~,at a~ ~.. ~~, ..... _ i ; •::5a ;~.. ,.', ° .y ~. ~:- -. Na 9~ ~ , Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah --' '''~' '° ~ ~ 192__ ~,: I j~. On motion the Boa;d nd,~ovrned upon Dell oi' tho roll by 6 yeas. .a~ 5 - _ .. ~ f ~ Cfy'Cbrk ~~tll~w~~^~~" _' ~, y • • 4' MAXUZi. ~ " ~" NOV.i~REI 19TH.. 1921.. ~.. ~,;. 1~ At a Called Lasting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiesionere° - ii Chamber in the Citq Hall, PaBuoah; Kentuoky, on November 19th. 1921. aL 11:30 0°olook ~ ~.: UA. M. tTpon Dell of the roll the following anas~ered to their nnmea: Commisaionera I ` ij ~jBaton, Faker, Tv11y, Williams and Layor Katterjohn,-b. ~ ~- ~ Layor Katter~ohn stated reasons for Dell, to-wit: For the purpose of allow- ~ ~ j!ing pay-rolls, and auoh other business as may Dome before the Board. ,.. ~ ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Report of tlom'r . Y move that the eooounts amountin to 74b2.b3 se er the ro ort'of the Oom- j j g $' P P •of Finnnoe of 4nooounte for rymiesionor of publio Finanoe filed here•aith be allowed and orderod paid and 'the moaoy ~" F ,firot half of Novembor 1921. ~ ~ appropriated from the Conorai Fund to pay same. Adopted upon onll of the roll by the • f' ~ following vote: Yeae° Futon. Eeker,'Tully Williams and Katter~ohn°-b. , ~ ~". Oommissioner Tully offered" the following motion; I move that the Pay-roll ~ Pay-roll of •" " i Riverside Hoepit ;.for the week ending. Nov. 19th...DEPARTt:~idT OF PUB];IO P'aOPERTY, Riverside Hospital, ~ . , + ;.al Yor week end `ringg No~.19th°• -r ~ iamounting to $100.70, be sllowed.and ordered paid and .the money appropriated from the ; ' ~ " 19E1.. ~ 6eneral Fund to pay.eame: Adopted upon Dell of the~roil by the following vote: Yeas, 6' ~,f. ~ . ~Eaton,"~aker, Tully, Williams and Katterjohn,=b. i {" j Report Street ~ . Commissioner Tully offered .the following motion: That the report of the j~ Department for month of Ooto- Street Department for the month of Ootobar 1921 be reoeived and Piled. Adopted upon. 'ber, 1921• ~ oall of the"roli by the following vote: Yeas, Eatom, Faker. Tully, Williams and ~ ! ~ j ; I o On m ti n o the Board ad'ovrned upon Dell of the roll" by b yeas. ,~ ~ ~ g ~ r,~ ~ __ c ~' "` ~ .. ~; i _YCUR.. NOVF3•'IBER 219T. 19E1. ~ ~ " I ~ ~I " At a Galled Meeting oY the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commisaionere° " " ~ ~! Ohamber in the Oity Hall, Padvoah• Kentnoky, on November 21st, 1921. Yipon Dell of the ;~ _ roll the Pollowing.anewered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Esker. Tully. Williams - N -and Layor Katter~ohn,-b. ' - ~ , I, On motion oY Commissioner Tu11y the minutes of the previous meetings were adopt-; !~ ad ae rend upon Dell of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Esker, Tully. ';j Ai111ams and Katter~ohn,-6. Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommunioatdon ~ ~ . ' j from the property owners abutting on both aides of Maiden ASleq, waiving arC* ob~eotiona ldaiden Alley petition of pro -' 'to olosing same,"and dated November 7th, 1921, be reoeived and filed. Adopted apon., party owners to y ~ '> oloae same. ,i ~! Dell of the re~•1 by the following vote; Yeea, Eaton, e"sker", Tnily, 171111ama and " ij Katterfohn,-b. Oommisaioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that. the report of the ` Report. tlom'r. ,; 'Finanoe with " ;; Oommissioner of Publio Finanoe, with referenoe to the deposit of $b31.2b interest to reforonoe to depoait.to the ';; the credit of the Sinking Fund in the Citizens Savings Bank, be reoeived .and filed. , orodit of 81rik- ;; ~; r ingg Fund, 1n ~, Adoptod upon Dell of the roll by .the following.vote: Yeas; Eaton. Eaker• Tu11y,Williami Citizona Saving! Sank. !i and Katter,ohn,-b. } ~ 'Oontinental In~: 4 Oommiseion~ Tnily offered the Yollowing motion: It appearing that Q+hen the n • ,vranoe o. re- funded ~a7.i4 ~! license for Lhe Oontinental Insurance Company wsa paid on Sioease receipt #309 flat 2~r, " i.on ]scenes: ~~ of the premium was paid when it should have Deen l~r es the amount of premium wtittea ~ was $3714. I move that the evm of $37:34 be refunded to the Continental Inearanoe Com-: . . fi. ~', ~, • F" _ ~~ ',' ~ ~ . ~. _°1 .TT~ g1 ~ 4i . b ^ "' S. .h s. ~. ." ' " ~I ~ j. ~ 's; +s - ~ ;j f: ~ 5 ;~" ~ 1 ',,.~ u" ~'=. • - . 9 3 ~" ~> ~` it . . a " 1 L ". j I i •al;, A .'i ' ~ ,. M ~ ,. 4 t ., .. • . ' .Na~_,::~. ~I Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah '• 192 `T . 1 '~ r paay. 'Adopted upon Deli o! the roll by the following voter Yeas, Eaton, Eaker,Tully, h W1111ams and Katterlohn,-b. • Commissioner Williams offered the lolloiing motion: I move that the Finanoiei linanolal Stets- ~! Statement and Patients' Report o! the Riverside Hospital !or the month o! October, want and Patients'; ' Report of River• N 19E1, be received and .filed. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote; side Hospital Yor P October 19E1. ~~ Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katterlohn,-b. • p Mayor Katterlohn offered the Yollowing motion; I move that an ordinsnoe entitled e Ordinance provid- i~ "A37 ORDINAI7CE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUING AI7D 3ELLIliG OF BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CON- ing for issuing and aellirg Bonds !i BTRUOTINQ TRt:NK LINE 9R'7Fd2S IN SUB-DIYI9ION3 A. B. AND 0. IN SE':YEFt DI9TRIOT ~3, 90 A9 • for the purpose of'I' constructing sewers Ta PROVIDI: ADEQUATE 3h'I7:CiAGE P'OR 'INE EI7TIRE CITY OF PADUQAH, KEN'NCKY, AND TO PROVIDS in 9e:ver District • ~3. First reading, FOR Tay PAYb4EtiT OF TI7T~RBST ON SAID BO17D9. AND TO OREATE A SINKING FUND FOR THE PAY-• • 'V i'~TT OF SAID H01dD9 AT b1ATURI'PY," be introduced and Say over. Adopted upon call. of the. ,~ "roll b}• the Yollowing vote; Yeae, Eton, Esker, Tu11y, Williams and Katterlohn,-b. •• Ordinance se- ~~ Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion; I move that an ordinnnos en- ` • pealing Delinquent; ~i`.• ' • Tax Collector f titled, "AI7 ORDINA1dCE REPEAIII7G AI7,ORDINANCE RE-ORFJITIliG TIIE Ob'FICE OF DELINCUF,NT TAX Ordinance. Adopted, QOLLECTOR OF THE CITY OF PADUCAR., KENTUCKY, PROVID.II7G FOR AIS :;II:OTION, AITD FIXING HI9 •r, • 'j BOI1D AIiD COML'ENSATION, APPROV::D :IhTTIa+BFR END, 1909," be adopted. Adopted. upon call I" • •, ' r, of the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeae, Eaton, F.nkar, Tully, Williams and Ketterlohri, •. .• • h 14eyor Katterlohn offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance entitled ' ~, ' ~ Ordinance author- !~ "AN ORDITTANCE AUTHORI7.DiG, DIRECTII7G AIdD EIdP0~9E3ING F. ~9. KATT~JOHN, b~AYOR OF TH>; • ire bieyor Katter- john to purohsae ~ QITY OF PADUCAR, KkRiTUGKY, TO PURCHASE PROPERTY BELONGItiG TO 0. T. ALL'.,I'7, FOR STREET property from C. T. I' • Allen for street i'i FLgiPOSi13~ AL'D TlTz :.b'.OL'I7T TO BE PAID TH:REFOR," be introduced and ley over, Adopted ' purposes, First .Reading. ~~ upon call of the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tully, 41111isms and ' ~ Katterlohn,-b. ' Commissioner Eaton oYfored the Yollowing motion; I move that the tr1e1 of the G.IS.Doris trial postponed to the y, pending charges siteinst patrolman, G. bi. Doris, ba postponed and continued to the ' . Rorru]ar b!eotirg `' r , • '. of the-Boerd oY f regular moeting of the Board oY Commisaionere on b~onday, Deoembor 6th, 19E1. Adopted. • Commisaionere on a • Monday Deoevbar ~ upon Dell of the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yoas, Eaton, Esker, Tu11y, Williams and r' • bth, 19E1. Katterlohn,-b, . ~. Commissioner Eaton offered the Yollowing motion; I move that a resolution ' Resolution ratify-'; entitled, "A RESOLUTION RATIFYII7G aHr^. F•LTLOY:'NIdT OF ',7. A. BI•itRY TO ASSIST THE CITY .. ' inv,• employment oY ' 3.A.Borry to sasist SOLICITOR II7 THE HAITDLIIdG OF THPI II73III7CTIOII SUIT "'RICH '~7AS COb~.Lw:NCED IN THE DISTRICT City Solicitor in ' ~' soft oY Padvoah i'. COURT 0?• TH:: UNIT::D STAT:S FOR Tli3 'T•,STr::7I7 DISTRICT OF Y~IdTUCKY BY THE PADL'OAA RAIL- ~ , Raileay Co. vs. '+,L • City. 1n re; fares" 9YAX C01.~AI7Y AGAIi:ST TH CITY OF rADUCAN, SEELING TO F,ITJOIN THE ':t7F0??C'r;1C•:1tT OF AN > to be charged on •^ street oars. ~ ORDINANCE LIISITIITG THE' PRICE OF FA33S OIJ STREET CARS, AIdD FIXING 'PHE COL4'ENSATION OF i' "' First Reading. ', ~: 6 SAID ATTCRHEY FOR HIS Sh'f7VICES," be introduced and lny over. Adopted upon call of the /„.'j•; roll by the Yollowing vote; Yesa, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Willinms and Katterlohn,-b. s On motion the Board adj_o~,u/rned upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. r Ad.ptea.~ 02$~ 14~.. :mot-' ~ J-~,O v 1~.1.~ , ~ . ~, ~ •• ia~"""T". . . ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ NOVr~[BFR E6TH, 19E1. 'Y'~ At a Gelled Ideating oY the Board o.f Commieeionere, held in the Oommiseionere' ~Ohamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on November Ebth, 19E1, at 11 O'clock ` ,}xaY iA. Id. Upon Dell of the roll the Yollowing answered to their names: Commieeioriere ':.~ ~! ~:, Fwaton,EsY_er, Tully,~971111ams and Katterlohn,-b. f Mayor Yatterlohn stated reasons Yor Dell to-wit; For the purpose of eooepting ~~the construction oY sidewalks, curbs slid gutters on South Fourth Street and other ' streets. .. .,. :t 1 . ,':4r*+ t II ;, .~ ~. v ~. ~-mm-..r fir"^„T-~-•'"' r~ . '•~. .' i~ ........'t$~a~~.r . n~_.uw.....a.....`~y.'~......... vw -.mod nv.u.. r...~ «. ~...Y«~+w~ _a.u~..~.~y..+ra.... u .. e..... ~ ...... r ..... M .JY..ay ~ ~ ~ - Na~: ' Commissioners' Proceedings Cify Qf. ~'aduoab . ' 192__ llsyor Katter~ohn offer ed. the following motion: .Reynolds Brothers, Contraotore• . Acceptance of haying finished the oonatruotion of the oonorete .sidewalks, ourbs.and gutters on South aide~.valka &o. y an South 4th 9t.~Fourth Street, .from the Itorth property line of Broad Street to the South gutter line of from Bread to s+. Elizabeth Sta., (Elizabeth 3treet,.in the Oity of Fadaoah, Kentuolgr, and having oamplied in.ali respeots~_,. ne constructed a' Br eeynolds ~jwith the terms of the oontraot entered into by nn3 between asid.ContraotoYe and the ~ Ni01ty of Paducah, and having completed same aooording to the Plana and Speoificatione adopted for .said work, and no complaints having been filed, protesting againeE said wort, ` I now move tfiat said improvement be socepted. Adopted upon oeil.of the roil by the f, , following'voter Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tally, ifilliame and Katter~ohn,-b< ~ „ ~. fl .. Mayer Ketteraohn offered the. following motion; I move that the estimate furnished ~._ ,. Eetlmate of 'A, M: Mitchell, City ~ by .4. M..Mitahell, City Engineer,, for work done and performed by Reynolds Broth era, E Engineer of work: ;done and performs Contraotore, for the oonatruotion of oonorete sidewalks, carne end getters on Sonth ed by Reynolds Broe.,ln side- ~ Fourth Street, from the North propertq 13ne of Broad Street to the 9onth.gutter line of walks construct-,j 'ion on 9,4th St,P Elizabeth Street, in the City oY Padnoah, Kentvol~, be reoeived,.filed and confirmed. from Broad St.' to Elisabeth 9t.~Adopted neon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Eaton, Esker, Tn11y, UUUUUU~ Williams and Katter,ohn,-6. ~ .. Final Estimate hh~ i of w, M.MitohellNij Mayor $etter~ohn offered the following motion: L move that the Final Estiirete, i J oftwork donerby ,;furnished by W, Id. Mitchell, City Eng ffieer, for work done and performed by Reynolds Reynolds Bros. ,.Brothers, Contraotore, for the oonatruotion of oonorete sidewalks; curbs and g<ittere ~ in the oonatruo-~. ~: Lion of eidewalkson South Fourth Street from the North propertq line of Broad Street to the South getter. ko. on S. 4th 9t.,-from Broad ~ line of Elizabeth Street, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be received filed and.oon-i. St. 'to Eiizebeth~ st•' ~ f;lrmed. Adopted upon oell,of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Eaker,Tniiy•+~ - ~ Willi~ma and Ketter~ohn,-6. Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: Esker & Storrie,, Contraotore, have . Acceptance cf ~ ins finished the oonatruotion of the oonorete sidewalks, curbs atii gutters on South sid.ewalke &o. on South 8th u Eighth Street, from the South property line of Husbands Street to the North omb line ' 9t. from Has- ~ 1 .bands to Baah- ~~ of Baotman Street, and having complied with the ordinance adopted and authorizing said j. ,man St., na ~~ _ ;. oonstrnoted by .f improvement, and having complied in ell respects with the terms of the oontraot entersd:j ," Esker & Storrie,, Contraotore. into by and between said oantraotore and the City of Padaoah, and having completed samei aooording to the Plane and Speoifioations adopted for said work, and no oomplainte having been filed,. protesting ageinat an id work, I now move that said improvement be i ~P` S~ eoaopted. Adopted upon oall of the roli by the following .vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, ~. Tully, Nilliams and Ketter~ohn,-6. ~! Mayor Katteraohn offered the following motion: Y move that the estimate fnrnishedf &stimnte .of W.M:1' `A4Ltoh1l,.City ~k.by A. M. Mitchell, City Engineer, for work done and performed by faker & Storrie, Con- j . F:nQinoer of worm, done by Esker & ~~ tractors, for .the oonatruotion of oonorete aidewalke,.purbe and Ruttera on South Eighth.; 9torrie in the li :oonatruotion of ~ gtreet Pram the South property line of Husbands Street to the North curb line of Baoh- ' aidowalka on 1 S. 8th St. from h man gtreet, in the.Cit a3 Pe:duoah Kentuo Husbands St. toi`, y kv• be reoeived,.filed and confirmed. Ad opted. `Baohmari 3t; ~ upon call of the roll by the following. vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, williama and I Final Estiq~ate i Mayor Katter'ohn offered the following motion: I move that the Final Estimate. , of .7V.N:,Mitohell,!I • City Engineer j! furnished by N: M. Mitchell.; City ingineor, for work da7~e ens performed by Esker & of, work done by ~. ~' ' Enker & St.orrie;~ Storrie, Oontraotors, for tho oonatruotion of oonorete sidewalks. curbs and guttore on j in the con- . :etruotion of ii South Kighth gtreet.from the .south property line of Husbnnda Street to the Itorth curb j sidewalks on ,3 8th 9t. from ,Mine of Bachman 9treot, in the City of Paducah, Kentuolp; be received, filed and con-, Husbands 9t. to ;~ '• ~ ' , Bachman St• ~firm.e~i. Adopted upon call of the roll.by the following vote; Yeea; ?aton, Esker, Tully'; {ailliame and Katter~ohn,-6. - , ~ .Magor Katter~ohn offered the"following motion; Reynolds Brothers, Contraotore• 4. having finished the oonatruotion of the oonoygte sidewalks curbs and Ratters on N' .. orth ,: ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,. '~`, k , h. ~; ' :, ~~ ~::, :: ,~ µi,~ ~ ~~ ~~ ? ~. z - ~~ ~~~ P 5 -°_-•, r ' .,J ~ _ . . a ,~ - ' • ^~ ~~ { a :. , ~` ',. ~' _a „; „,#} ., •. 4 ~ - • OF . b ...-.u..--...u.-.mob... ".-...u.:.-.4...._.•.: .. ... .a.~.~...~..a. v~~.... __~..... ,.~ ' .. , • . .. Na /mss 9 . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah " 192__ " Ninth Street from the nutter line on the North aide of Madison Street to the property eooeptanoe of ~iline on the South sidd of Glay Street, arxt also on the 1?eet aide of North Ninth.9treet, sidewalks, etc. 4- on N. 9th 8t. from the 2iorth property line of Oley Street to the South property line of Trimbls • Prom Ttadison to Clay, and from Street, and having complied in e11 reepoote with the terms of the oontraot entered Clay to Trimbls `, ' Sta. oonstrnoted .,into by and bet:~een aald oontraotors and the City oY Paduosli, and having completed by Reynolds ; ~ ;' Bros., Contract- .4 same aooording to the Plana and speoifioations adopted Yor said work, and no ooaw • ors. 'pisints having been filed,. pr.oteeting agninat said work; I now move that said improver ,ment be aocelaed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, "Faker, Tully, Tilliama and Y.atter~ohn,-b._ . Fatimate of !9,td. ' , ldayor I:attersohn offered the following motion: I move that the. estimate furnieli• !"itoholl, City •. Enginoer of work fed by i7. IS. Mitchell, City Engineer, Yor work done ard.performed by Aeyriolda Brothers,. done and performed b;~ Reynolds Bros.,Contraotore, Yor the oonatruotion of concrete sidewalks, ourba and gutters on North aideTTO.lks. ko. • on N. 9th St. Ninth Street fYom the gutter line on the ATorth aide oY t'adison Street to the property Prom I:.adison to ' Clay ani Cley to line on the.3outh aide oY Cley Street, and also on the '~9eat side oY North Ninth Street, Trimble St. l - ' ;from the North property line of Cley Street to. the South property line of Tr1.mble i~ hStreat, in the City oY Paducah, Y_entuoky, be received, filed and confirmed. Adopted •~."upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, 3nton, Esker, Tally, !91111ame and, .' i. ' dlCatter~ohn,-b. • '.; L•!eyor Katteraohn offered the following motion: I move that the Final Estimate, ~ „ • Final Estimate ofd, '. t9.M.Mitohell, ~.furniahed by l4. M. MitohBll, City Engineer, for work done and perfnrmed by Reynolds Oity r'~.•igineer of .~ work Sons and (Brothers, Contraotore, for the oonatruotlon of oororete sidewalks, ourba and gttttera • performed by Reynolds Bros. kon North Ninth Street, from the cutter line on the North aide of Madison Street to the sidewalks &o. on N. 9th 3t. prop arty line on the South aids of Ciny Street, and also on the "•'aat aide of North from Madison to ' Clay and Cley to !ldinth Street, from the North property line of Oley Street to the South property line Trimble St. ;~of Trimble Street, in the City of Faduoah, Kentucky, be received, fi]ed-and confirmed,. ii Ado tad upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yesa, Eaton, Esker, Tully,"l1211ame~, . P ani Katter~ohn,-b. • Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance anti- Ordinance eases- `,~'tlod,"AN ORDIIlAIlCE ASSESSING THE PROPEEdTY OId BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH EIGHTH STREET, FROM , sing property on THE SOUTH FHOP:adTY LINE OF HUSDAtdDS 3TREEfi TO TIIE IdOR9'H CURB LINE OF BAOR.dAN STREET, South Gth St., from Husbands ' St. to Bachman I2d THE CITY OF FADUCAH, KEIdTUCKY,.TF~ SU!! OP $2.210G7 PER ABUTTING FOOT, FOR THE CON• , Street $2.21067 per abutting ~ STRUCTI02I OF CONG.'?::TE S1DF.l7'AIL'S, CURBS AD'D GUTTERS AtdD ALL NEOES9ARY MANHOZ,~'9, IN- . foot. TAI.,ES, SE"lI~aIS, CATCH BASII:S .YI!D DRIV:':C'AYS TH%dFON, A9 SEOt9Id BY TAF EtdGINEER' 9 E9TIM.A-TE, ~ ; •,~ EXC~'T THAT FORTIOI'. TO BE FAID FOR BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, IC:IdTUCKY, AND FROVIb IIl4 ~' TFL1T SAID ASSESS11L1`T,MAY BE FAIR FOR IN T'.:N EQUAL ItlSTALZI.S.'3dT3, BEING OtlF. EIiCH YEAR .. ' ~•FOR A PERIOD OF Tea! YEA?IS," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the follow- ~ , ing vote: Yeas, n^aton, Faker, Tully, lTilliama and Katter'ohn,=b. b!eyor Y.atter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance anti- , Ordinance assess-, tied, "AN ORDINA2ICE ASSESSING TIi~ ABUTTIIIG FHOF~tTY 01d BOTH SIDES OF NORTH I7IIdTI! I'. irq property on N. 9th St. from , STP.ET, FRO2! THE GUTTFat LINE OI[ T?~ IlORTH SIDE OF MADIS02! STREET TO THE P??OPERTY LINE 1ladison St. to ~ Clay St. and C1ay02( TIC: SOUTH SIDE OF CIYiY STREET; ANll ALSO ON 'P!*is 7dSST SIDE OF TdORTft NINTH 9TRE1:T, to Trimble St. $1.8295 per abut, FROM TFIr^. NORTH PROIE3TY LINT OF CLAY 2TRti:ET TO TIC; SOUTH PROFERTY LINE OF TRI!'BLE tins Yoot. STRFh'T, IN THE CITY OF FADUCAH, XEllTUCKY, THE Sllh4 OF $1.82?b PER ABUTTING FOOT, FOR ~'' T W COI~TRUCTI01! OF. COlICRFT3 SIDr.'lAIK3; CURBS AND GUTTERS AttD ALL N~ESSARY LANldOZE9, IIdTAY.°.S, Sr"ti'4S, CATCH 8.,3II,8 AIdD DRIYFd".AY9 'PH.'~'RF.ON, A9 BH017N BY THE F.I'dGINEF~It'8 • E5Tik'dTF, RCrTT THAT PORTION "'0 BE PAID F('R BY TII/ CITY OF PADUCAft, KRN'PUOKY, AND ,PROYI~I2IG THAT. SAID ASS~SSt1EtdT MAY Br.' PAID FOR IN TE2! 3QUAZ INSTALL6'ENTS, BEING .ONE EACII YEi.R FOR A PERIOD OF T~.:N YEARS," be edopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by '` • ,.the following vote: Yana, Eaton, ~Y.er, Tully, williame and Kattar'ohn,-b. 1 ~ c r ~ -, q.,.,,~!w~~')!~e~°'"°"+Y+*~N+~g~peF~rtas^n'&°.a-N~4L+'.:r,•ax»~,r4`nor'!.'s°!"p~aayay+w+w•`a1c'tawrow.~ew.v.~e a ...~.... ,,- R~ ww.aR~r}~~w.~~C,^,s-a ~x .,.. 1~ i ~ ."',dw ti'.-t~.1'•. ' t -t c.. -r.~::-, i-r i...{~,.n .v i~~,w,~.~~r~.gr-~~r I -r ~n:,-, .r -.---rte..-r-- Na ~ k , • .. Commissioners' Proceedings, City, of Paducah ~ 192__ ~ ~ ""` ` 4_ - '~ j Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move an or nanoe en- ; ~ .., ~+ ~'Eitled, "AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROP~tTY ON BOTH SIDES OF FOURTH STREET, ~ ' j!' FR01d THE NORTH PROP~TY I.IIdE OF BROAD STREET TO THE ANGLE YN ~x . FOUR TR STREET, BETM.EEN u '~Aseoesment Ordi ~; nanoe~, aeseasing. r , !;BROAD STREET AI7D'ELIZABETH STREET', IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KdP7TUCKY, THE SUM OF 1 ' x ~ ~ ~'~ ;prop arty on ~ ~1.8848b Pr'lt ABUTT1NG FOOT, AND ASSESSIPdG THE PROPANPTY ON BOTH SIDES OF FOURTH 3TR~ET ' ,Fourth Street , i from Broad St. to P;lizabeth 8t: ; FROEt SAID ANGLE TO TIir: SOUTH GUTTER LIPtE OF ELIZABETH STREET, IN THE CITY OF PADVCAH, i ~~;„. c~ ~ KEI;TUOKY, THE SUM 0~ X1.9686 Pn^EP ABUTTIN4 FOOT, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONORETE SIDE- . ~ ; ~' ~;. WALBS, CURBS, A1dD BUTTERS AND ALL NECESSARY P+iANHOLE3, INTAI'.r9, S:"^ERS, ~ OATOH BASINS A1PD . DRI9ENAY3 THEREON, AS SH017N BY THE ENGINEER'S ESTIIdATE, E~ICEPT THAT PORTION ~TO BE PAn) I FOR THE BY OITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUOKY, AND PR07]DING THAT SAID ASSESSh~7T 1,tAY BE PAID j. ,-.`:~ I FOR IN TEN EQUAL IPtSTALI1dFddTS, BEIPtB ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS," be ~ adopted. .Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote:•Yeas, Eaton, Eaker,Tully~ a Williams and Katter~ohn,-b. ~ ;~ ' , ,: f On motion the Board ad Darned .'' ~ upon osl] of the ro71 by 6 yeas. hdogtcd ~. ~~ 1 ~/ ~ ~ 9 i . NOVEMBER E6TR. 19E1. ^Y?A~~ waft. ~ ~ ~ d Pay-roll for week ending Nov.86,19E1 of Riverside . Roepital. Oom'r.of IubiS Ftnanoe author ized to pay of take uP and o0 Del Stroot bon and' ooupone '..764.37 at 01t at'1.Bank. Communioation 1..B.Alexander in re; aaee'eament of property of Mary $r Allan., ~'. ~, At s Called Meeting of the Board of Commiseionera, held in the Commieaionera' - ~', ' Ohamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Bentuoky, on November 86th, 19E1, at 10 O'olook A.M.I. i ~ Upon Dell of the roll the following,anawered to their Hansa: Dommiaeionera Eaton, Tully! d and Mayor Katter~ohn.,-3.. ~. IqqI'' ~ a N' Mayor Katterjohn stated reaeona for Dell to-wit: For the purpose of allowing ; s pay-roll for the week ending November E6th, 19E1, and euah other bnaineas ns might oomsj ~. •;} i~ before the Board. j9 Oomaieeioner Tully offered the following motion: h move that the pay-roll for ,y• i the week ending Nov.. 86th for the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PROFx1tTY,'RIVt~PSIDE HOSPETAb, fi. amannting to ,306.60, bs nilowed-and ordered paid and the money approprinted from the ~ General Fund to pag.eame.. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the follotiring vote: Yeae,~ I Eat an, Tully aTd Katter~ohn.-3o ~ i Oommieeioner Tully offered the following motion; Imoae that the Oommieeioner ' •" "+ i a , of Publio Finanoe be authorized to pay atf, take up a~ oanoel street bonds and oonpone~ , e to the dmovnt of X764..37 in .the City National Bank and oharge sane to the Speeiel 1 ~ '~ ~ .. ' Street Fund. Adopted upon Dell of the roll,bq the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully ~ ., '" k, and Katter~ohn,-3. ! ~ • ~. I. ~ ~ On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 8 yeas. ~ ~ .y~~~~~ ~~ ; i Aa~$tci lkC(1.~~ 19 ~ t1F_F f' ~~'; ~ ~ '-~z •; ~ , j cur err XOkt: ~ ~ i.. ~ PiOV~ffib1t EBth, 19EI. , ~ ~ At.a Rerrular Meeting oY the Hoard of Oommiasioners, held. in the 0ommieaioa~ f ~ - .~ ~ y { ere° Chamber in the City Hall, Padnoah, Kentuoky, on November EBth. 1981. Upon Dell ~ of the roll the following answered to their names; Commieaionera Eaton, TulIy,Rilliame } ~ 'and Mayor Katter~ohn,-4. I On motion of Oommiasioner Tu11y the minutes of the previons meetings were i ~ i ~ adopted as read„upo~.oell oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tnily, i ~~ ~~ ~ ~. ~ Williams and Katter~ohn,-4: ! ryl~ Commiaeioner Tully offered the followtng motion: I move that oommnnioation ~-• from L. :B. 'Alexander, oonoerning the aeaesament.ot the property of Mary B: Allen, be ~F . reoeived and tiled. Adopted upon Dell of the roli by the following vote: Yeas baton ' ~ • ~ , ~ ~ ~~ Ta13y+,,Williame and Katter~ohn,-4. ' t I ~; ; ~. i I • ` ~„ x«h ,~ ~ • ! . ~ r ~ '" Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum oY X37.60 having-been Cemetery Deed Paid into the Treasury, ea evidenoed by the reoelpt tiled herewith,~I move that deed bs Louise HoCadly. Lot ~b3,B10bk •;pxanted to Louise MoCauly Fcs 'tot #b3, Blook ~4 on the north aide of Ford Street, bs- 4. ' tween Aanlt and Chamblln Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon Dail oY the roll ;by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-4. j; Commissioner Tully offered the Yollo;ving motion; It appearing that n poll tax , Emily Byrd refund. ed $1.b0 poll '-as paid on. tax bill ~44E, Emily Hyrd, 91dow, and her husband, William Byrd having been tax paid on taz Bill X448. dead Yor some years, I move that the sum of X1.60 be reFunded and ordered paid. Adopts {;upon Dell of the roll by the Following vote; Yeas, r^.aton, Tully; Williams and Katter- ~~ ' '0~ •-4. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Oommissioner Com'r.oY Publlo "~ Finanoe authorizedoP Iublio Finanoe be authorized and inetruoted to make a oonreotion in the nseesementie , " to .make oorreotionoF Lar B. Rogers on property loonted on iionroe Street between 14th and ]6th Straeta in assessments y ' of Y.ary B.Rogere 'end J.r.Oglea, ,and on the property oY J, S. Og1ea looated on 1.:onroe Street at the oorner of 14th s~oated on 3~onro84Street. Adopted upon sail of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, 9aton, Tully, ~ '+ 7/1111atna an3 Katter john,-4. - ~' Commissioner :.aton offered the following motion; It appearing that the D1q• `~.. 'triot Court of the United .States Yor the '7estern Dietrlot of Kentuoky, hea rendered `~ ,, i City 3olioitor ~a ~udtanent granting an in~unotion against the City of Paduoah, in favor of the Peduonh :. inetruoted to proseouta an ,Railway Company, reatralning the City from enforoing its ordinanoe Further regulating . nypeal in in~uno- the Fares to be ahargad for passeaa upon street s~re,- Lion suit aP.alnst ;; the City in favor!:. of Faduoah Ry. I now movo that the City Solloitor be inetruoted to immediately proseauts an Co. 'y appeal atom ea id ~udFanent to the Supreme Court of the United States, and to take ail ' `steps nooeeaarq with raapeot thereto. Adopted upon call oY the roll by, the following vote: Yeas, Baton, Tu11y, Williams and Katter~ohn,-4. " !' Commissioner katon oYYered the following motion; I move that the deeignatione Dseianations of 'oP :9, H. Po are as Da Sergeant-oF-folios and S, H; Orose ne Night Sergeant-of-Folios :7,H.Poora ea Day y ' Sergeant-oP-Po- ~whioh have heretofore been made by the Commd;eaioner oY Publio Safety. be now ratified line. and E.H. i Cross ea Night Viand a roved b the Board of Commieaionere. Adopted u on Dell of the roll by the fol- • Sergeant-of-Po- PP y P line ratified and ',.lowing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, t71111ams and Katter~ohn,-4. appr oved by the ' Board. ~ p Cowaissioner Baton oYYered the following motion: .I move that the eooount of • 1 Dr.H.H.Duley a1- I'Dr. H. H. Daley for servioea render e3 to Patrolman Bd Sanders in oonneotion with an " lo:red Bi71 of to station erformed in Donee uanoe of an assault u on said Patrolman whioh bill $10.00 servioea P P 4 P . rendered Patrol- t:an :d. Sanders. inmounte to w10.00, be allowed and ordered paid, and eamo be oharged to the eooount of in oonneotion ;vith oPeratlan perfoAm- r!leoellaneous Charity. e-dopted upon Dell of the roll by tho following vote; Yeae, ed on said Sandere.Eaton, Tully, Williams and Y.ntterfohn,-4. I; Commissioner i+eton offered tho Following motion; .It appoarinq that'Patrolman Dr.H.T.Rivors i ? a1lo:ved ;100.00 .~ Sand era was brutally assaulted and his skull fraotured by a prisoner and another Yor servioea ten- ~! ' dared patrolman lpereon while ea id patrolman was in the performanoe oY his duties, resulting in the o stations 2'or i;total disability oY said Patrolman and neoessitnting a eurgiael operation upon his P , ~,ekull; and it further appearing that an id Patrolman is in suoh finunoial oondition { that he Dan not, at this time, pay for said servioea so rendereQ to him, and Dr. H.T. ;Rivers having rendered a bill For as id servioea, amounting to $860.00,• s. f, I move that X100.00 be allowed and .paid by the City of Paduaek on said bill "~ N ~oY Dr. H. T. Rivers, and thAt same bo oherged to the eooount of Mieoellnneous Charity;,;, -.' • • tAdopted upon Dell oY the roll by the Following vote; Yeas, l+~ton, Tully, Williams and i' • jKattar'ohn,-4. ; _......... _._'_.'-1 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ ki Rerort Paducah ~ 'Commissioner Williams offered the following motion: I move that the report of the j ,~ Laboratorlee of ~ ! Riverside Hos- ~Paduoah Laboratorioe, Riverside Hospital, for the month of October, 19E1, be received and " • pital for Oot. ii'' ', 1921., Pfiled. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote:. Yeas, .Eaton, Tully. h ¢,, ~W1111 ens and Katter~ohn,-4. ~• ~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance entitleA,l Adoption of r ! - Ordtnanoe su- ~ "AN ORDIYlANOE AUTHOR,YZING, DIRECTING AND Er4'0'7rDIIYlG F. W. KATTERJORN, MAYCBI OF THE CITY I ~~,~ thorizing Mayor.!, ~S to purchase OF PADUCA$, KEIlTUCIkY, TO• PURCAASE PROPr'RTY BELO}lGIIlC TO C. T: ALI.~N, FOR STREET PUR- ~• pfoperty belong~i~ i~• ins to C: T.Alle2~ POSES, AND. THE A}d1UIlT TO BE PAID TF.EREFOR," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll i, for, street !' i;purpoaes. i by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Tully, Williams and Katter~oha,-4. ~G. Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motioa; I move that an ordinance entitled,. , Adopted or Ordi '."Al! ORDIIlAIlCE PROVID IIlG FOR THE ISSUING AIlD SELLING OF BOA'DS FOR Tf~ PURTU3E OF COI!- Hance providing ,y for the isauina STRUCTING TRUNK LillE S~'RS.IN SUB-DIVISIOIlS A. B. AIID C. IN SF.7Ylt DISTRICT ~3, SO A3 • aixt selling of ~ ,. Bonds, in re: ; TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SEi7F.RAGE FOR THE EIlT1RE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND TO PROVIDE ~8, sub-divi- . Sewer District .FOR THE PAYlSrDIT OF I;lTERr;ST ON SAID BOIlDS, AIlD TO CREATE A SIIIKIIlC FUND FOR THE PAYi~NT~ aiona A.B.de 0. , !. ,. OF SAID BONDS AT MATURITY," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the follow- i,.,• ' i Wing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, Williams end Kattor~ohn,-4. ,,Yanoy b Johnson, Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the proposition of t authorised to k• do extra Don-, Ynnoq A Johnson, dated Ilovember. EBth, 19E1, proposing to place ell necessary extra Don- - ~: oreto work on ,,; Goebel Ave.betn ~orete beneath the_ourb.and gutters on Goebel Avenue, between Guthrie Avenue and Worten j Guthrie Ave. de x Women Ace. for Avenve,.for the sum of X10.00 per.cubio yard, the. mixture to be 1-2-4, be reoeived, $10.00 p.er ou. ~ yd. filed and eooepted. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following cote: Yeas. Eaton, . :• Tn119o Williams and ;'etter~ohn,-4. ~ - On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roil b 4 , r Y yeas. " .AdaFiod ~~ S~_ 1~~ ii_~ r'.;.tiOV~_'t:i j a ` .- ~~~.~, ~~~~ ~~ A~AYUR '' DECEN"Br~? 3RD. 1921., ' At a, Called Meeting of the Gourd of Co:rmisslanera held in the Oommieeioners' •' OhambQr in the City H811, Paducah, Kentucky, on.Deoember 3rd.,,1921, at 11:30 o'clock ~••.,~ A. 1{. Upon Deli of tho roll the following answered to their nameai Comeniaelonera ? • Eaton,.Eaker, Tully, Williams snd Katterlohn,-b. ', Mayor KatterJohn stated reasons for call to-wit: To reoeived the oonstruotion~, -Aoooptanco of of oonorete side:mlke, ourba and auttera, and.auoh other business as mirht Dome before , eidovalke &o. So898red on the Board. South aide of . - Clsy Street, Mayor.Katterlohn offered the followina.inotion: The Board of Corimissionere haul from 17th St.. to~.°. 19th St. Don- d ing inopeoted the work of Reynolds Brothers, dontraotora.., oonaistina of oonorete aide- struatod by NN Reynolds Bros. walks, ourba end gutters, and all neoeaear manholes intakes se:7ers catch basins and; until such de- C Y . , feote have been ~ driveways on the ~:onth aide of Clay Street, from the property line on the 'lest side ofd remedied. Seventoenth Street to the Rlittel' line on the ;est. side .of ITineteenth.Street, and havingi~ ~ • fo:md certain defects and unfinished conditions in said work, I move that eotion on t}ie~, aooeptanoe of said work:be.d.eferred until said dafeote and unfinished pond-itiona in I i said work have been remedied; Adopted upon Dell of the roll by. the following vote: h, ~~ Yeas, isata~tt, Faker, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohri,-b. ! - Aooeptanae oP # Mayor Ketter ohn offered the following motion: The Board of Commissioners. ~_ sidewalks &o. ~~ ' , on N. I6th St. ~ having inspected the work of Reynolds Brothers, Conta•eotors ooneisting.of oonorete i betn. Jefforson ~ , and Trimble St. I! aidowalke ourba and ~ oonatruoted.by. ~ ~ gattora; and all necessary manholes, intakes,. sewers, catch basine~ Roynoldo bros. ~ and,drivoways on both.aideo of North Sixteenth Street, from the Ilorth gutter. line of doferrod unti3 .~ t such dafeote are.g Jefferson Street to the South gutter line of Trimble Street` and having found oertaia i remedied. ." defects sad unfinishe8 conditions in said work, I move that action on the nooeptanos of .~• ., ~ • ! ~• ~ said a-ork be deferred until eaid•defeota and uniinished conditions in said work have ~ ,y. , w. ,.: . ." I e ' '~i' ~: , ( ,k 3 ~~ a, ~~ ~. y. '~'. ;: k .~ .. ' - • • i ~. 1 + . 1. ~. • r. , -~ ~ , ~~ : a ~~ for the oon- ~ Storrie, Contraotora, for the oonstruo ono oonore o a ~ atruot Lon of aide' • mn1Y.e on :7, aide ,~ Woad Street, Prom the interaeotion oP Fourth. and Broad Streets, to the dividing line of 4th & Aroad •SLa. 3 bet.veen the property oY Louis and Frank Fetter, in the City of Paduoah; Y.entuoky,be f reoeived, Piled and confirmed. Adopted upon call oP the roll by the followinP vote:' i Yeae, Eaton, aY.er, Tu11y, Williams and Y.atter~ohn,-b. Final Estimate o4 :'! ldayor Kntter~ohn offered the Following motion: I move that the Final Eeti• • City Engineer of 'i mate Yiu•nished by i7. 1d. iditohell, City Engineer, for mock done and performed, by EeY.er work done and per,; :', Formed by .;ar_er' & Storrie for the ~ &Storrie• Contraotora, for the aonstruotion•of:"ocrr;orete`eidewalka orl^the West side•oY ' ooriatreotion of ' oor,areta elde:ralY.Q $road Street, from the interaeotion oP Fourth and Broad Streets, to the dividing line or. t7, aide of 4th;& bet:Teen the property of Louie and Frank Patter, in the Oity of Paduoah, Kentucky, be Hoord 3t.. ,: - ,: ~ reoeived, Piled and confirmed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the Following wote;. __ ' _ `_" 1 v ~ ,, • , '~ ' .. _.. .;. . -:- `i been remedied. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton,Eaker, w Tully. Williarte and Katter~ohn,-b. ~. Sdayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: The Board of Cormaiseioners Acceptance of oon-r living inspected the :vork oY Reynolds Brothers, Contraotora, ooneiatinq of concrete orate curbs and . gutters on i.eeoh ' curbs and gutters and all necessary manholes, intakes, sewers era catch hasine on both• d,vonue and 11th ;; by PevnoldauIIr.os. l sides of Leech Avenue, from the property line on the 9onth aide of North ,Tenth street deferred until h to the gutter line on what would be the llorth aide of Eleventh Street, when improved; such defects and unfinished oondi- tiona Sn same have and also both sides oY Eleventh Street, from the cutter line of the interaeotion on • boen remedied• i~ vhat would be the iveat side of Leech Avenue, if improved, to the Eaet Rutter line on . Burnett Street, including the intersections on said streets, and hnvinq found oertain y ' ~ defeats and unfinished oonditions in said work, I movo that action on the eooeptanoe o 1 ~ said work be deferred until said defects an3 unfinished oonditions in acid work hove ' •. 4l bean remedied. Adopted upon call of the roll by the Following note; Yeas, ~ton,l5nker, Tully, t9illinma and Kntter~ohn,-b. ` I ii nieyor Kattar~ohn offered the. following motion; The Hoard of Ooraaieeionere Aaoeptnnoe of oon-`,~ having inspected .the work oP.Hoynolda Brothers, Contraotora, oonaistina of oonoreta arete curbs and '. curbs and:quttere, and all necessary manholes, intakes, sewers and ontoh basins on • cutters on N. aide, of Broad 9t. flrom I the '.7eat side of Broad street, Pram the interaeotion oY Fourth and Broad street to the ~ . interaeotion of tohdivid~na line 'j dividing line between the property of Charlotte liuPf and the property of Harbara ,' betn. property of ;~ Potter• and also the coriatruotion of oonoreta sidewalY.a curbs and gutters and all V ' ' Charlotte 3ufP and, •, • Barbara Totter; jj necessary manholes intakes, se:vera catch basins and driveways on the Feat aide of ' and also :... a13e • • of Broa9 St. , oon.,; ~ /. atruotod by Hey- ,Brood Street from the interaeotion oP Fourth and Bro.ed. Street to the ldorth curb line ..• volts Hrors. de-, of Hridge Street, and having So~.:nd oertain defects and mlfinlahed oonditions in said Purred. ~ , • ~ ~ work, I. move that cation on the eooeptanoe oP said work be deferred until said defects • .e • ' u and unfinished oonditions in said work have been remedied; .Adopted upon cell oP tho .. y • ?roll by the followinP. vote: Yeas, Eaton, Eakar,Tul]y,91111ama and Katter~ohn,-b• ' `; ' f ?!eyor Y-atter~ohn offered the Pollowlrig motion; ?;akar &Storrie, Contraotora, Aooe tanoe oY 1' oonoreta aidewal'ra' hnving finished the oonetruotian oY the oonoreta sidewall:a on the !lest aide oY Broad ~oonotruotod by ~ Street from the interaeotion of b'ourth std Broad Stroote to tho dividing lino be. raker &Storrie ~ • ' . on '.7. side oP •. ~ tween the property .of Louie and Frank ];otter,' erd having complied .vith the ordinance . • Broad St, from 0 9th & Hrord St. ~ adopted and suthorlxing said improvement, and having complied, in all respects, with ' to tho dividing line botn, the. ' prop arty of J.ouieb the terms of t~~o contract entered Into by ord between said aontraotora ant the City " and Frank Potter.; of.Faduoah, and having completed same aooordinP, to the F1ane and $peoifioationa r. adopted Por said .vork, and ro complaints having been filed, proteatinP against said ~: ' ;'.work, I move that said improvement be accepted.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the ..' i. ~; following vote; Yeas, Eaton, EeY.er, Tully, Williams and Kattorf4hn.,-b. ;+ Eatirv!te of City ~~ Dieyor Y.atter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the estimate • alrgineor of work '`. furnished by '.7, ld. A".itohell, City Engineer, for work done arrl performed by NAker & done and performed b;: Ee'ror &Storrie ti f t idewalka on the Weat side of `"" ~~..% Na1'_G~. . Comzriissionera' Proceedings, City. of Paducah ~ • 192__ • sue- ~ ~ ~- '~ Laton, Esker, Tully, }9111iama and Katter john,-b. ! r ~ Mayor Katter john offered the following motion: I move that an ox~iinanoe en- i i Ordinanoe titled,. "AN ORD.IIIAIICE ASSESSING THE ABUTPI27G PRDPERTY OIt TIFR t4EST SIDE OF BROAD STREET. aasoaaing pro party o» the '~ FRQd THE INTERSECTION OF FOURTH AIID BROAD STRUTS, TO THS DIVIDING LII:E BET'.7~N THE w. side of Ii Broad St from'4 PROPrI3TY OF LOUIS- PETTc3t A1dD FRANK PETTER, IN THB CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, THE 3IEC OF interoeotion of 4th & Broad ~ X1:6618 P3'[i gBUTT I2tG FOOT, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDr7AI1.5, AS SHOWS BY THE .St. to dividin~l-, ` .r. •• ; .. lino. both. tlrQ'r ~GtgiCR''9 ~TIMATE, ERCEFT THAT PORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY TIC CITY OF PADUCAH, ~NTIICK7f, ,'property of ° xs, Louie and.Frari~~AND EROYIDIIIO THAT SAID A33ESSAtr•~dT k'AY B FA ID FOR IN Trr~i EI;UAL IItSTALLII~iTS, BEING ONl~. ;~{• Fetter, for ',. ~ . • ~Iid'9walke, ,, ~; FAOH'7iF.AIt FOR APERIOD OF TEIf YF,fiRS," be adopted. Adopted neon Doll of the roil bq the y ~~~. ~ ~ r ~,... following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Faker, Tallq, iiilliame and Katter john,-b. ~ ~~ ~' Paq.~oTl tar Commieaioner Tully oYYered the following motion: I move that the Pay-roll for ~i,' Rlve~side Hog- s,:..pital Y.dr'. 'the week ending Deo. 3rd Yor Dr•PARTMEttT OF PUBLIC PROF~TY, Riverside Hospital, amount- week ending, !: `" Deo. 3rd,: 'ing to $99.2E, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated Prom the General ~ 19E]: ~Fnnd to paq same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll bq the following vote; Yeas, Eaton, .'~EakeP, Tully, VPilliama and Katter john,-b. S On motion the Board adjourned upon Doll of the roll b b Y yeas. r ~Re.. ~~' 14~~ f i ~ . Adsytc>t ~ -~ ~, _ 'i . ~ ~ ; ~ V, , C•t~ CI~"k ~.}y~~~~ I ~,.. ~ • _ ego>~. s1 .. ~ . ~ DEC~tP,cR bTH, T921. ` ~ _ . 4 ~. _ I ~ . t~ At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiseionera' P . ;;•Chambor in the Citq Hall, Padnoah, Kentuokq, on Deoember bth, 1921. Upon Dell of the ~ ~, , '.roll thb following answered to .their names; Commissioners Futon, Faker, Tully, 9illiame' s~ ""'"", ' - I and Katter john,-6. i i I, ~,.~ a ~ 1 On motion oP Commiaeloner Tu]Iy the minutes of the previous meetings-were adopted! t- ~ ae road upon Doll of the roll by b.yeae. ~ ' • Resolution pf thanks to I.t4. ~ ~ .. ~~. itayor Katter john offered. the following motion: Z move that a resolution entitled; ~ . ;~;, and Bernard - I I "RESOLUTIOt+ OF THANKS TO I. tY. AND B~tNARD Bh12NHRIM," be adopted. Adopted upon Doll oY ~ ~ Bernhoi[n for ~ , , Y200.bushele the roll by the following. vote: Yeas, Baton, F,ak~, Tully Williams and Katter john 6 i of ooel °or , ,- . . 1 Oitr of the Y• ~ Mayor Katter john offered the following motion: I move that tho oommunioation frog ; Estimnto i~4, ~ W. ld. Mitohell, Citq Engineer, dated November 30th 1921 oorreoting Estimate ~4, at. E.,~ ~ '; ' '16.r:.Hoffman • ° ~ Hoffman, and reduoing same from X164.19 to_$1b9.18, whioh is for work performed by ~ -~ ' '' oorrootod, or ~ , work on S. 8th ~ 'St. oonstruotodl r iEaker & Storrie on South Eighth Street, be reoeived,.filed and aor, ! ~ firmed. Adopted upoD. ~ . '' Storrior & .• ~ ! oe31 of. the roll by the following vote: Yeas,, Eaton, Faker, Tully; t11111ama and ~ ~ I Katter john,=6. : ~ # ' • • ~ ~. Report Of the ii ~ ; Mayor Katter john offered the follo:ing motion: I move that the report of the ~ ~ ~ -" MoCraoken Co.. Tub11o H 7th 1toCrao},en County Fublio Health Loa ue Nursing ' g. Servioe for.the month of I7ovember.1921, ~. ~ en Lear{uo &urstna r I ~,+ I f } be reooived and .filed. Adopted upon Dell oP the roll bq the following vote: Yeas ~. roe' • So vioe for 1 , ; Nov. 1921. P Eaton, Eakor, Tully, Williams nnd. Katter~ohn,=b. a~ r t ' • Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the eooounte amount- ' , ~'. ~ ' r. i •Repor Com Ftnanoo for the ' ~ ;ina to ~^ylb2b9.64, as per tho report of 'the Commieaioner of Yublio Finanoe filed here- month oi Noc. 1921, of Boo- _ I i ~ivith; be allowed and ordered paid and the .money .appropriated from the General Fvnd to ;, ounts amount- . ~ ine to ~1b2b9.64 ~ .Pay samo. Adopted upon Dell of the .roll by 'the following vote: Yese, Eaton, raker, I . _ . • { Tully, Nilliame and Katter john,-b: .. r . .., . ~ Report Com r: • Cominieeioner Tully bffered,.the •following motiont I move that the report of the ~ ~ t ~ 9 ~ •. Finance for the month of Commissioner of Iublio Finance for the month of November be reoeived and filed and - I ~ ~`' ~ ~. . Nov. 1921. ordered published in the oYfioiel newspaper.-.Adopted upon Dell of:the roll by the h i I~ 1: ., ~- ..._ .. . T F „ .,. ~ .. , • ... .. ~4 i . a b . ~.. ..' ., ~ ...~+r.-.r,•.. V+.i..+u+nw~ r ter- . .~.¢s._i..y. .v..+~.-+:+_L..c ~v...,~~ - ~ ' .. . .. • ~ . .. •. ~ .~ .. •' . • • • 7G~~ Na , Commissioners' Proceedings; City. of Paducah . •' ~ ' 192=~ • 'J. Commiselonor Tully offered the follo:ing motion: The etm of ,37.60 having, . -~ Cemetery Deed been paid into the Ti•eeaury, as.evidenood by the reoaipt filed herewith, I move that . ' axoonted to Capt. Bi731e Smith fore ? deed be exequted to Capt. Billie Srnith for Lot X70 in Blook ~2 on the Itorth side of ' • Lot y70, Blook ~2, ' ,~ Baker Street., between Ford and Hannnn Streets, in pak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon,••,. ~ rt Dell of tho roll by the following vote: Yeap, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Katter john,-b. . . Trial of the • Ohar.aes pen3ing ~. Commissioner Eaton offerod the following motion; I move that the trial of L.he against G.!>;.Doris, i p atrolmnn, oontinu- peniing oharges against Patrolman G, 1,'.. Doris be oontinued until the next Ftegu~].ffi• •• e3 until ?egular Lteeting of the § . of the Board oY Commissioners on L'.onday Deoember 12th, 1921, on eooouiit of L!oetinP . Board on Deoember . . 12th 1921. ~ the abaenoe Yrom the City of the soid Doria. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the , i following vote; Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, Rilliams and Katter~ohn,-5. .. Report r^red English; Commissioner .Rilliams offerod the fol7.o:ving motion: I move that the report ". ' 5exton Oak Grove • Cemetery for the of `red :%nglish, 5exton Oak, Grove Cemetery, for the month of Idovembor 1921, be re- , month of iiovember a 1921. ;~ oeivod arn1 Yiled. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the iollo:ving note; Yeas, Eaton, i? Ee}:ems, Tully, Rilliams azct Kattor~ohn,-5. , 1 r 1 • d On not ion the tsoard ad~ourr:ed upon call of the. roll by the following vote:. .' • ~ ~ Yeas, Eator., EaY.ar, Tully, ;4111iams and Katter~ohn,-6.. ' city cork ..."~d~C~~ -_........_.-, MA'~Il7R. s r DX?r~L'IDER 10TH. 1921: .J ;' : . • h '. 6t a Called L".eating of tho Soerd of Oommissionere, held ir. the Oommisetoners~ ~•~~~?' Ohamber in tho Clty Hall, Paduoah, Konttioky, on Deoember 10th, 1881, aL 1~. o~alook A. L. Upon Dell of the roll the following answerod to tY.eir names; CormnissionerB . r ;, . • ',;;aeon, Tully and tYilliame,-3. L`eyor Katter~ohn being absent, Ttayor Pro Tem Eaton • •'. presided. a L4syor Pro Tem «aton stated reasons for Dell to-wit; For the purpose of allow- ~~.ing pay-roll for tho yr©ek ending Deoember 10th, 1921, and auoh other business as might i , • ' Dome before the Board. a Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that the Pay-xoll Pay-roll for fiver-, aide Hospital for ;for the -.rook ending Dao. 10th, for the DEIARTLtE1;T OF PUBLIC PROI?RTY, RIV9RSIDE.H09- ~ week ending .Dao. 10th, 1921. 'FITAL, amounting to $90.48, be allowed and ordered paid snit tho money appropriated from the General Fund to Pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the rol] by the following ~ivoto; Yeas, :.atop, Tully and Williams,-3. Commissioner stop offered the following motion; I move that Chore be allowed • Furohaee of Red "the sum of ;^x50.00 for tho purchase of Rod Cross Christmas Soale, and that t~:e Oommts- Cross Chriet~rae 9eahe for 1922, 'eioner of Publio Finanoe be instruotod to issue oheok for said sum of X50.00 a able ~ P Y amount Y50.00. .. to L're. I. D.'"iloos, Chairman of -the.Christmas Sea]e Saes for the LRoOraoken Oounty. • Publio Health League, and that acme be charged to the aooount of LTieoellaneoue Charity. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, store, Tully and '9i]liams,-S ~ On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. Ads}tcd/1'C~'•' '~r??'--•14~f G cn. ti«~ • q,pP$OV ~'!D MAYi'I . • •..~ , -, .. •r~r.... ~,.. ..c1_.:J.'.~:::Jeoa~~.'* ~mP.~:xa:ul ~e.:dLs. ` 1,_.. .. _ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ` 192_ ~ ---_ _ :'~ .. ~ __ _ _ __ __ .._ . _ - '., DECr'liBil't lETH. 192E ~ _ w ~h At a Regalar hReeting of the Board of Oommieaionere, held in the Oommiseionere9 i '! ~ !i0hambor in tho Cit ~Inll Paduoah Kentucky Y . on Deoomber 1Eth. 1921. Upon Dell o! the • ~ ~ ~ I ~ro11 the following answered to thou names: Commissioners Eaton, Tully, Williams and ~ I Mayor Katter~ohn,-4. 7 , ~ ~ ~ i ~ i. On motion of Commissioner Eaton the minntea of tho previona meetings were adopt-.~ °" 9 . : ` fed as read upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, r'~ton, Tully, Williams ~ P _ ''end 7Catter~ohn,-4. ~ ~ ~ j ~: Delinquent Real ~ Qommissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move thn.t the report of the ( ' ,~ ~ ?~ ~ ~ Estate Tax Bi77B"7ammisaionor of Pub1lo.Finanae, with reference to the sale of the delinquent real eatatd of 1921 Sold , d'-} ~ i~ , . : ae per report { Com'r.Finanoe. tax bills ror the year 1921, be reoeived and filed. Aqo tad ~ P upon oall or the roll by ~ ~ . ~ ~" j ~ .the following vote; Yeaa, Enton, Tully, Willinme and Katter~ohn ~ . -4. i I , ~ ' ~; Statement Com 2' Finanoo, show- • Commisaiori.er Tully offered the following motion; I move that the 9TAT3.x~CT OF. ii ~ : ing abortion- mr+nt i'or year, '~ THE COMMI9SIONF1t OF PUBLIC FI1iAIdCE, 3H017IN0 THE APPORTIONMENT FOR TIC YEAR, THE A}SOUNT. I amount sxpondedjE7Cf?rl1Di.'D i7jTH THE BAI.A1dCE9 TO THE .ORF~IT OF THE VARIOl13 ACCOUNTS U11D:I? TAE-DIFFEREIIT ~ with balanoos •` `' i, oY various ~ DEPARTI~.~:17T3 AT THE E1JD OF NOV~'BER 30TH, 1921; be reoeived and filed. Ad tad depts. op upon f~ ~ ~ ~' "' ~, ~ ~ !pall of the roll by the following voto: Yeaa,•Eaton,Tully,~9illiams and Katter~ohn,-4. ~ ` S. ~j Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion: A oheok having been reoeived ChooY, from L 0. ;I ` 1 R.R.Oo. for ~;Yrom the T111nois Cbntral Rai]road Company, payable to the City of Paduoah, for $b62.06,' ~. , eyed to Con- ice per statement Piled here:vith and said oheok bdinq the property of Contraotora maker &. traotora Esker ~~ ,. ' & 9torrie. in ;;9torrie; I move that the Commieeibner of Fublio Finance be inatrnated to endorse said ~ paymont oY 'j ~ dri9eway on joheak and deliver-same to Esker & Storrie. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Yo11ow- 11th 9t. ~ y '+ ing: vote: Yeaa, Eton, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-4. I + Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the oommnnioation Communiontion j S ` Reynolds Broe. from Reynolds Broth ore, dated Deoember 6th, 1921. asking for an extension oY time nntill asking for an ' ' ~ extension of 'June 26th, 19E2, within whioh to oomplete work on South Iiinth Street, from Husbands ~ time until June ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ,~ : 26th, 192E, to j~Street to Elizabeth St=set, 1Y extended, and on Husbands Street, between Eighth and ~ oompleto work on Q ~ ~"'~' ~;`-; S.9th 3t. from ,Ninth Streota, be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the, following i Husbands to ~- • , Elizaboth 9t.doo., voto: Yoas, Eaton. Tn11y,.Willinme and Kattor~ohn,-4. , ~ ~~,,, Re ort Cit P y ~~ Mayor Kattsr~ohn offered the following motion: I mono that the report of the Englneor, reRerd- ' ~ . i . inR.ahallROS in i;City :~gineer regard ins; ohanges in tho estimates for. the oonetruotion oY oonarete.aide-,!• estimatoa on. I' ~;;: . 4th St. botn. 'j walk, curb and gutter on Fourth Street, between Elizabeth Street and Broad 9troet, be Elizabeth and i I ~~: . I Brond Ste. ~~reosived, filed and oonrirmod. Adopted upon nail of the roll by the following voter ~ ~~~ '~Yeae, Eaton, Tu11y, Williams and Katter~ohn,-4. ~ ( r ~ ~`~~'r • . 1Lonthly eatimnte~, Mayor Y;¢tter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the monthly eatimete City Enginoer ~ , '~ . or :nark perform=!furnished by the City ringineer for work perYormed by Reynolds Broth era on Pvsbanda b,' Rnynolde Bras'. ?4 on Nvsbamie.St. E9troet, between Sevanth and ra ghth Street, and on 1linth Straot, botaean Husbands Street'. betn.7th & 6th ~ i ~ ~ ' and, on 9th St. v and Elizabeth Street, during the month oT November 1921, be reoeived and file3, and that. betn.Huebnr.ds and iaizabeth, ',the Commissioner of publi•a Finance be authorized .to issue Improvomant ~7errant for•the~ '{. .and' Improvomont 'Aarrant iehuod ~leum oi' ~E318.E6, bein.q G6~ oY the cork performed. Adopted upon Dell of the soil by they: to Oahtraotore I. ~ } ~ ~' '- ;: • I ..for ;~E37d.E6, ~afoilowing vote; Yoas,. Eaton, Tully, W~iliama and Ktitter~ohn,-4. J ,. ~^' , '~ pG OommissionEar Tuhy offered the rollo:ving motion; It appearing that S1oan.Bros.. ` . ^~ ~,t +a~ Poll taz of {wore oharged with four poll taxes on tax bill '~3E09 when the should have bean ohar ed ; $1,ii0 refunded - Y g ~ '~ ~~T`"', to Sloan Bro@. i~with but three polls and having paid said taz bill, L move that the sum.oi' $1. b0 be i~ on Tax Bill , ~ f ,, -,;. • ~ ~320ff. ., j .refunded. AS opted upon gall oP the roll by the Yellowing vote: YA.ea, Eaton, Tully,. i'. Willi B . ' ' I ams aid otter~ohn•;-4.. • ~, > : ,,; ~ Poll tux of (.; Commissioner Tully offered tha Bellowing motion; It appearing that a poll sax i ~l bp rb~und d ~~ . e to A~rs.I.izzie li. p Y Uwas aid on tax bill ~E241 b Mr a._I,izzie xtoore, a widow, i move that the sum of $1.60 ~ ~ , •~`~ , Moore on Tez ~ bill ~E241• ~'be refund ad to her. Adopted upon oaYl of the roll by the following. vote; Yeaa, Eaton,. ~ : e + ~Tu]1y, Wihinms and Katterlohr;,-4.. .: .... , . ;. :. .. i •j• • .., - ~ ', . .. ~ ,~ ;± . .. ~, • ., i:. • ,. . t3rw&~,JxmLw,,:nvti.~ ,w,.,elk+:a:" "ih/.+. .. n ,-. . u. ..,. .....: J~..~:>'~A,•,fi vj. ~. ` j ~ ' i i i . 4 , F., 7 ... +• .. • Ha 7G ~:. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah, , • " 192-~ - ' - -_ ___ - Commi~~ioner Tully offered the following motion: The Yollowinrr parties having . ~ paid the estimates against property owners on South 8th Street, from the South proper- ', ty line oY Husbands Street, to the 2dorth ourb line oY Baohman Street... r, '~ Estimate b, Rester CrutohYield .............::150.04 377 86 , . . " 8, H. ,3. Barbee .................... •" 13, Louis 3oamon ..............:..... 120.87 ' '` ' Batimstss paid by g , " 15, Lary twill er ..................... 97.57 ,t ; Santa "filkina ................... 93.14 " 16 property ovrnera on 9. 8th St. , from , " 19~ daisy '.Yhitehurat ........:....... 97,5? ....... 97.57 land Ga 3 i ' Rnebanda St. to o ............ r . . El, !7esiey & Cynthia Johnson........ 119.67 " 27 Baohman 9t. amonnt~ ing to $135E;43, ; , " E9, Jno, G. Baol:er .................. 114.43 , Rebeooa Thompson ................ 43.72, a total of `~~ ~ " 35 and said stm deliv-, , •- E erect to.oontraotors i ' I move that Corrtraatura 3aY,er & 9torrie be ellowod the sttm of $135E.43,and ~185E.43 e. .faker & 3torr , a oheok drawn arrainat.tha Speoial Street Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell oY the '. roll by the following vote: Yeas, nton, Tully, "lilliams and I:atter~ohn,-4. Commissioner :k-ton offered tho Tollowing motion: I move that'the report oY the Report Chief of Hire Department y: Chief or the Fire Department Tor the month oY Idovomber 1921. be reoeived and Y11ed. Yor November 19E1., ddopted upon Dail oY the roll by the following vote: Years, .ton, Tully, williame and ;.Latter~ohn,-4. h Commis~ionerr~ton offered the following motion; I movo that the report oY the Report of Chief of Ch1eY of Polioe rot tho month oY 2iovemuer 19E1, be reoeived and filed, Adopted upon Polioe for 2tovembsr 19E1. ';', Dell oY the roll by the following vote: Yoas, Eaton, Tully,.;71111ams and Katter~ohn,4. Cotmnissioner ;41111ams offored the following motion: I move that the transfer. ~ Cemetery transfer ~ J,Crit Jones to Crit Jones to };.arshall Jones, oY the forth one-hall of Lot Ido. 16,,Blook No.' ;; tom J L!arshall Jones, . i North one-halt of Lot X15, Blook ~ 46, pak Grove Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon gall of the roll by the following . X46, vote: Yeea, Eaton, Tully, 9llliama and latter~ohr.,-~!. Commissioner L71111ama oYfored the i'o.llowing motion: .i movo that the transfer, • Cemetery transfer • L"ss.311a Frio3en- ;~ from Lire. Ella Friedenburg, E. S. Dalton and, J. D. Dalton, sole heirs of LRae. Luoinda ~; burg -'. S.Da:.ton Daiton D and S ~ Dalton, deoeaeed, to. V. B. Ilex, to the roar 1B soot off of 7.ot ~bE, 9eotion C., Oak , , , heirs oY L~ e. ~; be ratified. Adopted upon call oY tho roll by tho Yollowina vote;, Grovo Cemoter y Luoinda Belton to , V.B.Iler. Ii yeas, ?rat on, Tully, '81111cune and Y.atter~ohn,-4, . .. • ft h Moyor hatter~ohn offered the YollowinP, motion; I move that the oertifie4 Dopy r, g::;ent in tho oeso oY SV, J. Gilbort va. J. T. Quarles and the Gity of Pedu- , of the jud Certified Dopy of , pending in the L'.oCraokan Cironit Court, showing that the Iloapitnl Bond Iasuo 'j cah ~udament 1n Dees of .4. J. Gilbert vs , (; oarrie3 b;• morn than two-thirds r^.aJority, bo roooived, filed and sprand.upon Che J. T.Euaries aTd :u Cit;: of Paduoah, • minutes. Adopted upon Dail of tho roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tully, showing that the Aospital Bond Iesus Carried i' 1711Iiams and Katter~ohn,-4. ~ . . F Said Judgment is as follows: ' s "HOOrabken Oirouit Court. . ~ .~ R, J. Gilbert. PlaintisY„ va. Jndgmsnt. J. T. Qnarlas & eto., Dafendiflta• This Dawes Doming on sot trial and having been suomlttsd to the Court, oy eisreemant of the parties, and the Cotmt osing euffioiently advised Yrom the pleadings and orders and tho report of L E.Durratt, 9peoinl Coawiesioner to reoount the ballot oast at the General Eleotion on November bth, lyEl, upon the question involved in this . eotiorr whioh question is ae solloave: 'Are you in savor of the Oity oY Paduoah issuing and selling Sixty Thousand (by60,000.0U) Dollars oY uonda oY the Oity oY Paduoah, Yor the purpose of tasking oertain apeoifio improvements and extensions ' to Riverside Hospital, inoludinR tho purohasinR and ineta111nR the ~ ~ neoeasary equipmont Yor a ohemioal and biolovioel laboratory, and X-rpy laoorctoi•y, a laundry. and for the purpose oY improvinR and equipping the oontnRious hard, and Yor tho purpose oY huildinR and f °"` stooling sun parlors, and for the purpose of~YiniahinR and equipping, '• the now addition to River aide Hospital, and sot the purpose oY • purohasinR a new boiler and en'larginR and extending the boil or room, . ~ at ea id hospital, payable in Lwenty (EO) years Yrom date thereof, pro- p vided ho~.vever, .Chat the Oity of Paduoah, may at its option, pay off ? and take up atiy on all oY said bonds on or alter the oxpirntion oY ten 110) years a om the lasuanoe of said b mds, by notioe published in the oYYiaial newspaper thirty (30) days prior to the date oY redemptioa „ oY said bonds, and bearing sii: peroentum (6%) interest par annum, and. Yor r--' ~,,,, ~~~ `~ • -'mot ~ ~\ 1 ~II l .. - ~ -. ' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ' 192_ . ~. ; ,i the payment of whioh interest, the sum of not exoeeding three Thousand Sia Hundred ($3,600.00) Dollars will be raised Dy 1i{ ~~ i; General taxation oY all oY the taxable property eaoh year, said i ' ( amount to be adjusted eaoh year to meet said interest and for the `; ~ ~ C! oreation of a sinking rand Lo retire said bonds. at the mat»rity ! thereof a sum not to ezoeed Three Thousand ($3 000 ll 00) D s ; G , k . , . o ar i shall be raised by general taxation of all or the tazable ° { (' property in the City or Paduoeh, KenLnoky, eaoh year ' s !I during the life bi said bondaq' =:4 YES ( , ~~ a . °~ ~~ , NO ; ( ) . -.: F`' ~ ~ i It Se.thereY'ore, adjudged by the Oourt, that at said general eleoLion, on j ' ~ i tho question, set forth Heroin, there were oast in favor of 8a id question ~~,., l i E676 votes, and against said question 1E33 votes, and it ie rurther ad~nq~ D ~{ 4 ~ y the Oourt, Chat said quoation and the Ordinance involved therein, was Y 1 ~xt ~' i i duly adopted by stwo-thirds majority of the qualiried voters or' the City ~; - ' ,, ~:; ~ of PaduoaH, voting upon said question in said election. ! ~ t! ~ ~ It is rurtner orderod by the Oourt that this ~ndgment be certified ;; _~ ! ~ . .f .. ~. ~z ! i by the Olerk or MoOraoken Oirouit Court .to the Mayor and Board of , ,, . }i ~ ( Oommieeionere of Lhe Oity of Pnduoah, Kentucky. , ~~ I I A DOPY ATTEST: ~ ?~ ~„ ~ W. 0. SEATON, Olerk. ;$ ( , ` q` ii Y. W. C. Seaton, Olerk of MoOraol:on Oirauit Oourt, do - I ~ ` . ~ ~~ r certify that the roregoing is a true and correct Dopy oY a ~udRment ; ' ) , ~( of MoOreQken Circuit Court, entered in said Oourt on the lE day I { ' of DeoAlROer 19E1, ae sums appears oY record in my oYYioe. ( ~ Given under >b9 haffi as Clerk of ea id Court this lEth, ' ~) jj any of Deoomber 19E1. ! ti S':: I I D. 0. SEATON, O.M.C.O." Ii ~ ~, ',Deed Yrom O.T.. ~; ~' Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that 'the Deed from 0. T. : ~!. Allen To Oity of ' ~..Paduoah, convoy-Allen to the Oity or Pnduoah, Kertuoky, dated November Elet, 19E1, be received and ing 6U foot .iatrip of ground tilled, and that same be turned over to Mike Williams, Oommiseioner of Fnb1lo.Property, + . _ to be dedioatod 1' i ;' aa 18th St. sand he ie hereby authorlaed and directed to have same recorded in the McCracken County ,, '! ~' i!Oourt Clerk's Office. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, .. i~ ~ ;i Nally. Williams and Katter.Iohn,-4. i. • 17 ``~ ' i! Mayor Katteriohn offered the following motion: I more that n reaolntion entitled.! ;~, " . i ~ ' I Resolution ao- ~ "A RESOLUTION ACCE£TIIiG A DEID OF CONVEYANOE FROM C. T. ALLEN TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH oepting Deed from , ,', O.T.Allen to !~ KF:NTUOKY, CONt/EYING TO THE OITY OF PADUCAIi A BIXTY (60) FOOT STR II' OF GROUND RUNNING Oity of Pnduoah, ~ conveying 60 ft.~ ~;.,,,` ~. atri of Rrottnd '! FROM JEFFIIISON STRi:h'T TO SROAD'^AY STREET, AND AUTHORIZING THE OChilAI99I0I:ER OF PUBLIO ~ . Yor 3100.00 as .! I. 18th St. I; FINANCE TO PAY TO THE-SAID C. T. ALLEN THE SUM OF THIRTY-ONE HUNDHID ($3100.00) DOLLARS.' ~ ' SAID SUM TO BE PAID OUT OF FUNDS 1tOT O'PHIII~7ISE APPROPRIATID, AND DEDICATIN3 SAID STRIP ' ~OF 630UND AS EIGHTEENTH STREET," De adopted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll Dy the i, ' rfollowing vote: Yeas. Eaton, Tully, Ailliams and Katter~ohn,-4. ! j.. ~, Oommiesibner Eaton offered the following motion: `It appearing that ie is un- Ohargos pending i ? ~ ~- , l ~:oertain ae to when G ai M t D i b i ~ `~ . ag ns . or s w atro ll e able to a P ppear for trial oY the ohargee aaeinet , man G.M.Doris continued. shim,- I move that the trial oY the pending ohargee eaainet G. M. Doris. a potrolman S Know under ind fi i e n te anepeneion, be postponed and continued until the matter Dan be t,, property taken up at the oonvenienoe of said Doris and the Board of Oommiseionore, and ; ~ {that said suspension remain in Yu11 force until eai3 ohar ee have been di d Y ` ' g spose o . ; : 'iAdopted upon oell,of the roil bq the following vote; Yeae, Satoa, Tally, 7filiiame and ! i ; , ~:. ~< i;Katter~ohn,-4. ,,,:' Appointment of ,i Oommiaeioner Eaton offered the following motion: It appearing that Fred Merry. Fred Merry. Jr. 'i . as extra pollee-~ n'•. has npplled ror appointment as a patrolman, and it appearing that be !e gnaliried man. ~~for said position,- ° . f' I move that said Prod Merry, Jr. De appointed as an extra patrolman, to bs employ. p~ed only when there ie s vacancy to which he may be assigned, or when as emergeaoy ,~ ICexiate thnL may require the services of an eztra patrolman, and that he be paid for ~ i~oni -the time that he is eotnall on ant 'Ado tad f y Y y. p upon Dail of Lhe roll by the follow- ' ing vote: Yeae, Eaton. Tally, Nilliams and 8atteriohn,=4. • I~ ! ~i ! 1 Jy ' ~• 4{ :. ;. .- t I _. _ ... u~yr. ~ cc ~/~p No. Commissioners' Proceedings City of Paducah , ' 192_; Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move thnt the etntement show- . Statement showing '. !ng the amount oY judgment, interest and ovate in the MoOrnoken Oiroult Oourt and !n amount of ~ndge- . ment, interest & the Oourt of Appeals in the aotion oY Mary Lowe vs Denlter Transfer Oompany ani the Oosts in aotion of° Nary Lowe va Den- Oity oY Paduoeh, oe reoeived and L'iled. Adopted upon oall of the roll Dy the follow. ker Tran seer Qo. and City of Paduoah.ing vote: Yeas, Eaton, Tuily, Willinme and Katter~ohn,-4. r , Mayor Katter~ohn offered the toliocring motion; I move that the Oommieeloner of i Com'r. oY Pnblio Finanoe,direoted Fublio Finanoe be authorized and direoted to pay to W, 0. Seaton, Olerk of the to pay 0.3eaton, Clerk, ~i64b.44, MoCraoien Cirouit Court, the awn of ye645..44, whioh is in full of judgment rendered amount oY ~nagmont, intereat•ard oo~te against the City oY Yaduoah in i'evor or 14ary Lone Ln the 17o0reoken Oiroult Oourt, in action oY nary ". ~ Lowe va Oity oY whioh judgment was rendered on February 16th, lyEO Yor ~b00.00, with interest and i Paduoeh &o. ! Oourt ovate, amounts to $645.41, na is shown by itemized statement this day filed, I ' and that same be oharged to Costa and Suite. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the .;following vote; Yeas, ~-ton, Tully, Williams and F.atter~ohn,-4. ~ On motion the Boord adjourned upon osll oY the roll by 4 yeas. ~ fdnitetl ~-~ ~~`~ 14 ~~ ~_ 1 d DR01~:1',BER 13TH. 19 E1. At n Gelled Meeting of the Board of Oommisaloners, held in the Oommiseionere' ~ ' j Ohamber in the Oity Ha11, paduoah, Kentuoky, on Dloember 13th, 19£1, at 11 O'olook i , ~~ A. M. Upon Dail of the roll the following answered to their names; Commiseionera • ~ Raton, Esker, Tully, Williams and Mayor Katter~ohn,-b. Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons Yor oall, to-wit: To eooept work on Goebel Avenue, and suoh other business ae may Dome before the Board. i Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: Yanoy ~ Johnson, Oontrsotore, ' ; having Ylniehed the oonetruction oY the oonorete sidewalks, ourbe and gutters, to- ~~ Frether With all neoeaeary manholes, intnkea, sewers, oatoh basins and driveways on , ~ Aooeptsnoe of • the Weat aide oY Goebel Avenue from the Eeat ro art line of Guthrie Avenue to a work oonatruoted by ~ P P y Yanoy & Johnson oY point where the South ourb line oY Worten's Avenue 1Y sxtendod would inter seat the ! sidewalks ko, on Goebel Avenue. ' West proi~erty line of Goebel Avenue; oleo the Eaet side oY Goebel Avenue, fr an n ! ' ! ~ etnke set opposite the front of the building now oooupied by the Union Drug Store, I ,~ to the South ovrb line of Worten's Avenue, arni having oomplied with the ordinnnae ' ' . ~ „ adopted and authorising said improvement, and having oomplied, Ln all respeote, with ~. • ~, the terms oY the oontraot entered into by and between said oontraotore and the Qity ~; of Paduoeh, and having oompleted enure nooording tb the Flans and 8peoiYioations ndopt- 1 ed for enid •AOrk, and no complaints having been filed, protesting against enid work, I • I move that veld Smprovement be eooepted. Adopted upon Dell of the rol] by the follow ;~ ing vote: Yeas, Raton, Esker and Williams,-3; llsye, Tully and Katter~ohn,-t:. Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that the estimate Estimate oY W.M. furnished by W, L!. lJitohell Cit En Weer, zor work done and y y City y fSi performed D Yano t6, L!itohell , Engineer of work Johnson Contraotora, Yor the oonetruotion of oonorete sidewalks, ourba and auttere, performed by von- ' traotors Ynnoq to and all neoeaeary menholea, inta::ea, senors, oatoh basins and driveways on the West Jonneon on Goebel Ave. ~ Side oY Goebel Avenue, flrom the Rest property line oi' Guthrie Avenue to s point where ~` the South ourb line of '.".orten Avenue, if extended, would Lnteraeot the Meet property line of Goebel Avenue; also the Feat aide of Goebel Avenue, Yrom a etnke set y opposite the front oY the building now oooupied by the Union Drug Store, to the ,i South ourb line oi't?orten Avenue, be reoeived, fi]ed and oonYlrmed. Adopted upon ' ~ Dell oY the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Ee}:er, Telly, Williams and Katter~ohn,-5. ! -- r • i I ,~ - .. ~;. a ,l'~ w _ ____ N . Commiasionera' Proceedings, City rof Paducah 192__ .; ... ~ Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: i move that the Final ~ Final Estimate ~ Estimate furnished by W. M. Mitchell, City Engineer, for work done and performed by ` oY 77.N.Mitohell, , City Engr. oY ~~ Yanoy do Johnson, Contraotore, for the oonetrnotion oY oonorete sidedralke, onrbs and ~ ~ work performed ~ by Yanoy & John Butters, and all neoeasary manholes, intakes, sewers, oatah basins and driveways on • l son on Goebel ~. j ~• Ave. j the Weat side of Goebel Avenue, from the. East property line oY Guthrie Avenue to a ~ ~ ~; C ~~ point where the 3onth ovrb .line of Borten Avenue, if extended, would interseot the ! € r. West property line of Goebel Avenue; also the East aide of Goebel Avenge from a stake j . ~ u set opposite the fr oat oY the building now oooupied by the Union Drag Store. to the j ~t 4 , ~ rt South ovr6 line of Morten Avenue, ee reoeived, filed and oonfirmed. Adopted upon oall . 4i •l ~ of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, ::ekes, Tu]ly„ Rilliams and Y.atterjohnz6: u ~'Aeeeeameat {i Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinanos ~ ~ ~; Ordinonoe aesese ~! entitled, "AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON THE WEST SID& OF GOEBEL ,~ ing property on ~ ~~ Goeoel Ave. for , ~' id walks non- ii AVETIUE, FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF GUTHltIE AVENUE TO A POINT +7HFRE THE SOUTH CURB ' e s ~ etruoted by r LINE OF V70RTEN AVr~dUE, IF E%TENDED, WOULD INTERSECT THE R~'ST PROPERTY LINE OF GOEBEL ' Yaaoy & Johnaon. ~~ ~ ~oontrnotore, ~ AVENUE; ALSO THE EAST SIDE OF GOEBEL AVEtIt1E, FROIS A STASE SET OPPOSITE THE FRONT OF i. A ~8.39 per foot. ~ ~! TAE BUILDING N0:9 OCCUPIED BY THE UNION DRUG STORE, TO THE SOUTH CU3B LINE OF ~70RTEN e` ' ~i AVENUE, IN THE OITY OF FADUCAH, KENTUCKY, THE SUM OF $8.39 PER ABUTTING FOOT, FOR THE I{ ~: ,, ~~ `. ! CO NSTi?UOTIOIi OF CONCRETE SIDEI7AISS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, AIiD ALL NECESSARY bJiNHOLES, nP- ~ I~ TAY.E3. CATC$ BASI2dS AND DRIVE:SAY3 THEREON. AS SHOWN BY THE ENGINEER~3 ESTIWATF., F,% " ~ t?~ ;~. (. ~ ~ l CEPT THAT PORTION TO BE PAID FOR BY THE CITY OF FADUCAH AIU) PROVIDING TEAT SAID ASSESS- .~~ . 4 , , . ii MENT MAY BE PAID FOR ffi TEN EQUAL INSTALLEfENT3, HEING ONE EACH Yw..AR FOR A PERIOD OF TENS YEARS," be adopted. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following voter Yeas, Eaton ' j Esker, Tully esd Williams,-4; Naye, Katterjohn,-1. ~ ~ Mayor Ketterjohn offered the following motion; Reynolds Brothers; Con- ~ "` . I a traotora, having oorreoted-all defeota and having Yinished the oonstruotion of the ~, Curbs and gutters ~< oonatruated on '. ourbe and gutters on both sides oY Leeoh Avenue. from the property line on the South ~. Leeoh Ave. and I' ' 11th St. by ~ ~ aide oY North Tenth Street to the gutter line on what would be the North aide of . i~; Reynolde Bros. y '4:; Rejeoted. N Eleventh •Street, when improved; also both aides oY Eleventh Street, Yrom the gutter i !! line of the inter seotion on what world be the "rest side oY leeoh Avenue, if improved,. • ~~to the East getter line on Burnett Street, inoluding the intereeotions on said etreete,, li • l; in the Oity of Paduoah, Kentueky, and having oomplied with the ordinanoe adopted and " t ~ianthorizing said improvement, n ni havin;z oomplied, in all respeata, xith the terms of r, ;,the oontraot entered into by and between said oontraotora and the City of Padnoah, and p, , ~:hading oomploted same nooording to the Plena and apeoiiioations odopted for said work, ' !and no oomplninte having been filed, protesting against said cork I move that a ~ aid ('improvement be aooepted. host upon Dell of the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas. Eaton; {•; ~ and Wiliiame,-8; Naye, Esker, Telly and Katterjohn,-3. ' • ;" Mayor Katterjohn offered. the Yollowing motion: Reynolds Brothers, Contraot-.,. • '•ore, having oorreoted e11 defeats and having finished the oonstrnation oR the aonorete Sidewalke,ourbe & Getters on Ols 9t. from sidewalks, ourba and gutters, and all neoeseary manholes, intakes sewers, oatoh basina% y 17th to 19th 9t. oonetrpoted sand driveways on the South aide of Ciey Street, from the property line on the Peet aids;. by Reynolds Broe~of seventeenth street to the gutter line on the F,aeL aide oY i,~ineteenth Street,. and rejeeted. having oomplied with the ordineaoe adopted and authorising said improvement, and having; j jtoomplied; in all respeots, with the terms oY the oontraot entered into by and between ~~ a . Ileaid oontraot ors and the Oity of Pednoah, affi having.oompleted same nooording to the ! . Plane and 8peoifioatione adopted Por said work, and no oomplninte having been Yiled~ ~ ,protesting against said work. I move thdt said improvement be aooepted. host upon Dell ~~of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Eaton and W111SamB,-$; Nays, Sakes. Tn11y and ~Batterjohn,-3. ... i 'I i '~~ . ~1 _~: ^' ,, . .. , . . ., • .. ._ ... .. _..... ~. t4~MroPS!'a~M.~e vv alFMlAkkaetXi~n./.flBlYru".~ ~~' Y Y•' "p ^,9 • . R~r~•' ;,rti„ ~t~~;~9L:~i~'.;f•~<.~.w~.s,%+~•a ~'P~ a.,~""'~'~+a'h~~ ,",~?a,•*-uSs_i^",:~•o-•~4H. ~~ aid ;aw; ~:l ~r^-~j,~•,4a1:~" '-~ ~,•~,; - ~., AF•tinhu+l`,+.yGl Xfi.._ i.4 „~ J, ~~M~ye~!t ~r,~~.~ ..a,V ran: , T ~ '• ~~ -., k • ~~ ~1 i . ' : CAmmissionere' Proceedings,, City of Pad f ~ ,° ' , ~ ~ "'' 192,~~. ' • - Mayor Ratter~ohn offered t"he following motion; Aeynolde BroLhere,,Contraotare ' E x _ haling oorreoted all d'afeota and having flnlahed the'oonatruotion of'the sonorete aide- ~ .Aoosptanoo of ' y walks, ourbs nrd gutters, and ell neoesenry manholes, intakes, aewera~ oeitah beisina.~: ~ sidewalks do o. On 4 - ~ r "H.l6th 3t. from ~ and drivewaya on both sides of North Sixteenth Street, from the North' gutter llae ot'. ': d.`,~s„;~~~.', ' ~ '. JeYYersm t0 r . ~ ~ ~ p cr„~. ' f Trlmble St:, oon+ ~ defferaon Street to, the' South gutter'lino oY Trimble Street, and having oomplied w1th. s atrnoted by Reynolds Broe. ~ the ordinanoe adopted and authorizing said improvement, and having oomplled,"in all"` y respeota, with the tarme of the oontraot entered into by and.-between aaid.oontraotore ~'' _ and the`Oity'oY paduoah, and having oompleted same abaording to the Plane sad Spso1-" V y ~ fioatione adopted•for'ssid"work, and no oomplainte having been"Piled, protesting' ' •,~ agninat said work,.I move that said improvement bs sooepted. Adopted upon Dell of the ! roll by the Yollowiag vote; Yene,Eaton,Eaker,Tully,elilliama and' Katter~ohn,-6, Mayor Ratter~ohn,oifered the following motion; I move•that the estLnats Yur- ~*~~ .~` 'Y. is i. '~ Eeiimats of w, Mt' ~' niahod by !e, M. Mitohell, City Engineer, Yor work dono.ead performed by Reynolds "`'~''-~_"~•.'~~ Mitohell, City ~ '~;';?r,;` . Engineer oY work• .Brothers, Contraotors, for. the oonatruotion oY aonorete sidewalks, ourb,a and gutters,,:' ~I°<;:~, `,? Reynolds Broe. oa ~ and all neoeeeary manholes, intakes, sewers,. oatoh basins and driveways on both. "° n`• " N. 16th St. Prom ~: , Jefferaon,St,"to ,~~,: aides of 2lorth Sizteenth Street, 4om the North Ratter line'of Jefferson Street to a Trimble St• ~ ~ ~ g. the South gutter line"of Trimble 9treet,,De received, Piled and oonfirmed, Adopted , "~: ti ~ -. ' @f .upon Dell of .the roll by the following sate: Yeea, Eaton, 3aker, Tully, wi111eme and F _M~ •, i• k' Rntter~ohn,-S• " k ,'..$ , . P" Mayor Katter~oha offered the following motion; I move that the .pin al Esti- :'i"`~ ' Final Estimate of a mate furnished by T7;'it, lEltohell, City l~-gineer, for work done and performed by i r ~ ;, .~ 1 H.l..'.Ztitahell,City t 4 i4 ~sglnaer of work jE 8aynalde ?~rothera, Contrsotors, for the oonstruotion oY oonorete sidewalks, ourbs *~~' ~ _ ? performed by a;,' ~:. Reynolds Bros. on ,; and gutters. slid e1l~neoeeeary manholes, intakea,'sewere, oatoh ba'eine"and drive- .""N.1Gth St. from ~' Jefferson St. to j ways on both aides of. North Sizteenth Street, iron the North gutter 11na "of JofYeraoa., Trirnole St. ~+' ,~ ~ fi "•, ~. Street to 'the South gutter, line oY Trimble Street, be reoeived, filed end oonfirmed. `;~~. ' # H~Adopted upon Dell oY, the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, F~aY,er, Tully; " .; ": ~~ r9 1-1111ame and Y.attsraohn,-4. ~ ra ~ h ~ Mayor Ratter~ohn offered the following motion; I move thet,an orainanos ,~; F h. ~ ~ Ord inanoe seaaee+ ~ entitled, "AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING THE ABUTl'ING 2?ROP~lTY ON BOTR'SIDES OF NORTH.SI7C ~ ~~"°m F -.. ~ fag property on ~ ~ ,~ fr u N.ltith St. from ~ TEENTH STREET, FROM THE NORTH GUTTER LINE 0'F JEFFERSON.STR~~T TO TEE 30UTR GUTTER .;, ,,"~ <z Jefferson St. to y ~," "fi {' Trimble St., ~ LINE CF 9RIbBLE STRE.^T, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAA, KE27TUCRY, TAE SUld OF ~1.79117'b PER cf;;:'rr: „~ ::'-:' - 'k: X1.791175 per ~ `` ; ',~;b.~•. " ,,,.;.;.,;, V4 • ; ., . . abu;•ting root ' . ~' ABUTTING F00'P, FOR T}iE .C02lSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE "3IDEt7ALY.3, CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND ALU ,' %',,ti" 'x~, ' ` ' for sideiwalxa, ko..' •. ,i;.', .~;;;" .tom, s N«Cr:SSA3Y ldANA07.I:3, •INTA7.:'S, 3w:Ti;RS, CATCR' BASTNS AI:D DRIYE"%AYS .TH?:RIAN. AS SAOwA $Y ° «~ • •~ THE El1GIN~t'3 ESTIiS~,TE, EXCgI•T TAAT .FORTI~A TO HE FAIR FOR BY TAE CITY OF PADUCAH, . ",. ' ~ ~ :, . " '' "AND F?~OVIDING THAT SAID .ASSESSI'!'..NT YJ1Y JtE PAID FCR IN TEN ERUAL IIiSTALIMF3NT3, BEINO ~.•", ~`. ~~ ' • ~ ONE Et,CH YS~AR FOR A FERIA OF TEN Yr:AR3," be adopted. Adopted npo2l Dell of the'roll •', !~: ¢~ .. ~ by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, xaker, Tully, williesta,4;. Nays;RatterlOhA,-1• ~~, ~~ i~ ~ ~'' Communication oY' + Commissioner fully offered the following motion: I move Ghat the oomnunioa-" ~..:;,~~,„~;~ _; ",,- C. T.Allen relative ~ ." 4 a `' ' to 60 ft. oY ground Lion rrom C. T. Allen, dated Deo. 13th, 1921, relative to the 60 Pest of ground ." y deeded oy Alien .F_ ~~:,.~.::,,, .~ to City of Peduoah,.deeded end"dedionted by the said C. T. Allen, for street purposes; be reoeivsd' and .° `~~:". '. ' for Street pur- ~ filed and aooo ted• Ado tad u on Dell oY the roll b the fo11ow1nR sots Ysao EstoA~ ~~ pooea• ~ P P P y ~ ~ ,j r Esker, Tully, Clilliama and Ratter~ohn,-6.. 3~' ~~ "'Bill oY Ysmy de ~ Commissioner 'Fully offered the"YOlloxing motion; That 'the bill of"fancy b ~ ~~~ Johnson Yor Esti- r ,. xyk~, yg mace aeainat.lot - Johnson sor the estimate against Lot #22 Block l,Fountain Pnrk Addition, amounting .,.: ~ ~ ~, r . ..'~22 Bloak 1, ~' to X238.12 malt $ r ~ 'M ~ Fountain Fark Addis . P y ~P3.81, interest.#b.94; a total of 267.87., be sllawed and ordsred r -~ • tion, deeded to S ~-.:rw:.`r ~` '` City oY Paducah ' ! Paid and charged to aaoount of Casts and Snits. Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by'she, ;:°Y;p::,(~ =~; `, uy C.T.Allen, ~ ~ ~' pall oy City oY r' following vote: Yaes, Eaton, Esker, Tully, ltilllama and Ratter~ohr,,-6." L ,~, i ~. Paducah. ~~. ~; ",7 ,~ , aw. ry" J • gin: ~ N - .. .. ~„ ''k„ K t M. .., ~ ~ ~ - ~ - Y ~ •? !{ ( 5 GY fir' .. ~, ., s ,...- •- .. •,. ..,.. ., ., ..~ ~, i • - ~ • ~ ~ ' - •.; _ ., t' ". :p Commissioners' Proceedings, City,of Paducah 192-_ ~~' ~ ~ A. C.geaton, ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the bill or W. C< ~ C.lork paid. R $10.76 Doers ins 9enton; amounting to X10.76, Doers is the lotion of Yeaoy & Johnson vs 0. T. Allen r t' ~;; eotion of Ynnoy F~ •! `~ & Johnson vs ~' and City oY Pnduoah, De allowed and ordered paid .and aharKed to eooonnt of Coats and d Ail O T ., ' • en an . . ;,QBt y of Padu• i~ gaits. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Enron, Esker, Tnlly,~ ~ h Williams and Kntter~ohn,-8. ! j ~ . a ~ G, >~ ~j On motion the Board. ad~ovrned upon Dell ox the roll by the following vote: {~ Yeae, Baton, Eakar, Tully, Williams and Satter~ohn;-6. '. fi ~ I ~ .. ~'~`'-c'~`~~ 19t~ '' Adr led ~ ' ~. -=L-.. R MA40R ~, . ~ . DF.Cr.BAF.Fi 17TH ~ 1921. f . ~ ~. . . .. $ ~ ~ At a Celled Beating oP the Board of Commieaionera, held in the.Commis- „ j ~,µ, .. eionera° Cht.nbor in the City Hnll, in Paducah, Kentucky, December 17th, 1921, i t ~ • tt 11 o'olock A. B. Upon Dell of the roll the following nru+wered to their f j' ~ I nemest Commieeionern Tn117, "illiemn Rod Ka7aa• Katter~ohn.-3. j ; ~ ,.. Bnyor Ratter'oFn orated reaeona for call to-wit: To allow pay-roll for f .. , c•, week endin6 December 17th, and ouch other buaineaa ra :gay cane before the ~ Board. • ~" ~ Commissioner Tully offered t•he following motion: I move that the pay- , . ~ , .. pay-roll of I N r "' a Riversido Hoe- ~' pital for a~e9k ~'. roll for. the week ending Pea. 17th..+DF.PARTMJ;W'i' OF P11B1.IC PrOPRRTY, ; ! • ~ ~, ending Deo. t } 17th,1921. Riverside Hoapitnl, anrntnting to X691.29, be allowed and ordered paid and the ll of the Y'• • ~ ~ : money apfi op^iated 'rrm the Oenernl Fund to pay acme. Adopted uPcmca ~ ~ the following voter Yeas; Tully. '~"illiama Rod Katter~ohn,-3. } Ic ~: . roll by fered the following motions it eprenring that J.E. o ll ~ f y Crnsmiaeloner.Tu Ij ' receipt N1049 and again ol • ~,,1, ' ~ l tax J. F,. Hod g es i, aid a ol.l- tax for the yeRr 1921 on p refunded poll Hodges p P. ~ ve that the sum of ~l•b'1 Fe refunded to him. tax of ~1 60 on ~~ ~~ ~ ~~_~ fi f Taz Bill1681 ~; on property tax bill ~1b61, I mo "illiems n T°ily °Bas t ~'. : A ~ ' " I . , e: i~ Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vo , '.,, j n Dell of the r o11 by 3 yeas . t. d adjourned ulx+ i ~ i On mot ion LLe Boar ., i _ ~ - 9~'P)~OV r"~"' ' '""'~ Q~ 19~. ei'~~i' ~ i• ;~ " . . a i Ai ~j , ~ ~ ~. ~. r, ~~ Ds'CF.MBIIt 19TH. 19>:1. ~ ~' At a Regular Meeting of the Boar3 of Commisaionera, held in the Covroiseionere' ~ " I G Ohnmber:in the Oity Hall. Padua.ah, Kentuolgr, on Deoember 19th, 1921. Upon osll of the :.: ~ I- ,t 1,roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Eaton, Esker,. Tulip, Willisme, j ~ ; ti'and Lntter~ohn,-B. ~ '' {~ On motion of Commissioner Tully the -rinntes of the previous meetings were adopt-'. _ 1 i ed upon anll of the roll by the following vote: Yens. Eaton, Esker. Tully, ~iilliama snd'~ I °~,. - - i Katter~ohn,-6. ~ ~ ~ Mayor Katterjohn offered trie following motion: I move that the report of W.M. . • " Report W.Ph. I liitohell, City ?ngineer, dated December 14th, 19E1, for the expense of operating Lhe ;,~; l'.itohe11,01tq !~ BYiRinoer, re- !" gtreet Roller and .the rental thereon from April E,, 19E1 to June 6, 19E1 and the pro-. • gardlnR opera= t ring expenses i; rating of said expense and rentul.amonR the City Conatrnotion Department; the City +- ' , . &o. on gtreet .i ?i Roller. f, gtreet Deportment; Yanoy and Johnson,'Contraotors and tinker an3 Btorrie, Contractors ~ ', ~~ ' , ;~ be reoeived sod filed. Adopted npon.oall oY the roll by the following vote: Yeae, ' i `~~. `; ; t I ~ Ireton, Esker, Tully, Williams.and gattar'ohn,•6. I ` ~ ~" . ' it { ~': y ' i ~) S 't y>. • ~j ~~n {5~ i ~ ,_ _ d ; 1 • j ,j; s. ~ , .. 9 ` ~. •, • , ~ ,. x~.~ .ulYidcl:w:aM.. L,.;. rr. ~ .+1rW.. P+ ... ~:.. .n :.' n •• n .. .v5, 4:.L.+s~ S... `i,v '. r.n,.. G."~: e?.: ..: .. , I i .. • ~1 ; ~ a ~ 1 •, No, 7~~ .. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 192_: 1' 1 1 Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: The Board of Commiasionere having inspeoted the work of Reynolds Brother e, Oontraotore, ooneletina of oonorete ovrbo and gutters, and all neoeaaary manholes, intakes, sewers, and ant oh Daeins on Aooeptnnos of oon• the 71aot aide of Hroad street, from the interaeotion of Fourth and Broad Street to the orote sidewalks, ko, on "1. eidn of dividing line bet:veen the property of Charlotte Ruff and the property of Harbars HroaII 9t. and also ?.a at aide of Broad patter; and also the oonetruotion of oonorete sidewalks, ourbe and nutters and ail St., oonatruoted by Reynolds Bros. neoeaaary manholes, intakes, sewers and oatoh basins and driveways on the F.aeL side of Broad Street from the interaeotion of Fourth and Brond Street to the North ourb line k of Bridge Street, and said Contrnotora having oorreotod all defeota, and havlnn fin- ~ 1 iahed said oonetruotion in all reepaots ae required by the ordinanoe authoriaina said improvement, and having oanplled with the terms oY the Contraot entered into by and °, between ea id Contraotore and the City of Paduoah, and havina oompleted same"sooordinn I; to the plena and epeoifioationa adopted for said work, I move that said improvement be aooepted. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the followinn vote; Yen e, Raton,F.nker, Tully, Iilliama and Y.ntter~ohn,-6, I Ifayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the estimate furnished by 9, Id, 1.".itohell, Cityr;nRineer, for work done and performed by ?teynolde ~etimato Yurniohed Hrothere, Contraotore, for the oonetruotion of the oonorete ourbe and 1{uttere, end all by !!,!'.!!itolnll, City ."~ainoor, of •neoeaaary manholes, intakes, aewore and ontoh basins on the '"eat aide of Brond Street, work performed Dy Reynolds Broe. on from the interaeotion of Fourth and Broad street, inoludina the interaeotion at Fourth 71, aide oY Brood St, and also East and Broad Street, to the dividing line Detwsen the property of Charlotte Ruff and side of Breed 9t. the property of Barbara Fetter; and also for the oonetruotion of oonorete sidewalks, ourbe and gutters and nil neoeaaary manholes, inteY.oa, aewore, oatoh basins and drive- ii ways on the 3ast aide of Broad Street, from the interaeotion of Fourth and Broad I Street to the 1lorth ourb lino of Br idae Street, be reoeived, filed and aonftrmed, Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the followinn vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, .Ailliama and Katter~ohn,-b, I }Savor Katter~ohn offered the followinn motion: I move that the Final Final Estimate Satimate furnished by W. L!, Mitohell, City rTr'iaineer, for work done and performed Dq furnished by `.7,L, ',Reynolds Hrothere, Contraotore, for the oonetruotion of the oonorete ourbe and nutters 1'itohell, City ?~alneer, of work and all neoeaaary manholes, intakes, sewers and oat oh basins on the l9est aids of per~ormai by ??ey- Holds Broe, on 'Broad Street, from the interaeotion of b'ourth and Broad Street, inoludin the lnter- ~, Bide oY Brood Sty a and also L:rsat aide eeation of Fourth and Broad Street, to the dividing line between the property of of Broad St. Ct,celotte Ruff and the property of Barbara Pettey; and also for the oonetruotion of oonorete sidewalks, ourbe and nutters and all neoeaaary manholes, intakes, sewers, oatoh basins and driveways on the East aide of Broad Street, from the interaeotion of 'Fourth and Broad :Street to the Idorth ourb line of Br idae Street, be reoeived, filed and oonfirmod. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the followinn vote: Yeas baton, } Faker, Tully, lilliama and Xatter~ohn,-6, lieyor Y.atter~ohn offered the followinn motion: I move that an ordinanoe Assessment Ordi- entitled, "AI: ORDINANCE ASSi:S3I1iG TH.°. ABUTTIIiG P?30P°RTY ON TH3 !9r:3T 9IDA OF B?tOAD Hanes for A, aide STRr.ET, Fl10}x TI{t: INT~ISECTION OF FOURTH AND BT?0.4D 9TR= :T, I1dCIIJDIIiG TFE INT?rRSECTION' of Broad St. and e]eo Eaet side oY ~ gT FOURTH AliD BP.OAD STRl:.w.'T, TO 'CF~` DIVIDIIIG LINE B::T'.9>;.~;Id TI1^ I??OF:11TY OF CHARIOTTF 1 Brond St., for oonorete ouroe and RUFF A11D 'fILF PROFi:3TY OF AARBARA PsTTr3t, IIi Ti?R CITY OF PADUCAH, Y1':I}TUCKY, tRN 9UM ~ gutters, oonatruot-• i e3 by Regnolde' OF $0,99968 P~2 ABUTTII:G FOOT, FOR TH3 COIdSTRUCTIOtI OF COIiCIlETE CU!?A°. A17D GDTTSRS, Bros., $,99968 per ebuttinn foot. A}?D AI.L N5:C358ARY l:S;IdH07.'•:S, INTAY.3S, 9E~IS 1.?~J CATCI? BA'~IIdS; dND A39ES9IIiG THE ABUTT• IIdG FROF:RTY 011 TH.°.r'.A 3T :;IDE 05 BROAD 9TRi:3T, FR'1}1 TI}E INT:1?S3CTIOI: OF FOURTii AND HROAD S'IIIET TO TH.3 IdORT'd CUfIB LI17? OF BRIDGE STRF~T, Ili THE CITY OF PADUCAA, Y.b'.iTUCKY, ' THE _3Uit OF $1.88708 Fr-~1 ABUTTI1iG FOOT, FOR THE CONSTRUCTIOfi OF COIiCRF.TE' SID%'AAIIS, f t r ~.;;.. - h' ! ... ,. ~ .•n •-}a.r a .. • ~~„~ '.Ills ' "R'^ "'~ `6fn-. .. ,y ~J~"^'i :'~'h s~.~,r ~raYi~ ,.:,. wow Y : d ' • r „ice, P ~ .,~.e.. .~: ., L ~ ., ~~. • ~~e- ,ys ~ it'd' I 1 j, ~ .y 1 .. ., ' Na l 7'~ ~ ~ ,~; . Commissioners' .Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ ~ 192__ . -~ ~ ..~.,.,......_ ..~,......, ..~ ................_..._ .._,...._......, ~.._........, .,.,..._..,, w.a_...,...._..., ....., , ,~ DRIVE77AY3 THER::ON, AS SHO!"N BY THE ENGINEr'Yt'S rr^.STIIS.ATE, yXC:PT THAT PO_°.TI027 TO BE PAID I BY THE CITY OF PADUOAH, KENTUOKY, .AND PROVID ING THAT SAID ASS.:SSt'L~7T MAY BE PAID FOR , `'f ~~ IN TEN EQUAL INSTALLI~:NTS, BEIA'G ONE EACH Y~JIR FAR h PERIOD OF Tffi7 YEARS." be adopted. j ~~ ~f 'i~ Adopted upon oall of the roll b9 the following vote: Yeas, Eaton, 3aker~ Tu1]y,Ailliamaj y I ~( Nand Katteriohn,-6. ~ H ~~ Mayor KatterJohn offered the following motion: Reynolds Brothers, Contraotore.~ .; ~ r >bz ~ having oorreoted, oertain defeots and having finished the oonatrnotion of the ovrba aril i • ~Aooeptanoe of °ourbe and gutter gutters on both aides of Leeoh Avenue from the property line on the South aide of north! oonatruatod by. Reynolds Hroe. ~ To nth Stroet to the gutter 11ne on what mould be the north side of Eleventh Stroet. t on Leeoh Aoenue .~ , jand Eleventh. when improved; also both aides of Eleventh Stroet. from the gutter line of the inter St. i . ,~~ ~ eeotion of what world be the ',lest side of Leeoh Avenue. if improved., to the East suttel~ k', ~ ~. ~ line on Burnett Stroet, ina]uding the interseotione on said Stroeta, and basing ohm- plied with the ordinanoo adopted and authorizing said improvoment and having ooroplied ~;r with the Contra6t bet•.reen acid Contraotora and tho City oY Padvaah, dal having oom- ~ • ~(~ ~I plated same aooording to tho ptana and apeoifioattona, adopted for said work, and no ~ ~ . {(({ ~ . . ~il ~ oomplainta having boon filed proteetiriR against said work, I move that said improve- ~: merit be aooepted, subJeot to a deduotion of $16.00 on the estimate against the property'.., r ~ kf"~ ~ at Lhe East Rutter line of Burnett Street. Adopted upon 6x11 of the roll by the ;j ~ { eM,`i 1i following vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Wililem~'6rid Katte~Jbhn;~4;Nays;Tully;-1. ~ r:; j F , „i Final ~atimate l:eyor KatterJohn offered tho fol]owing motion: I move that the Final rr^.atiroate ' "~ of W.M.1,~ltohell ! i ?;iCityr~gineer furniahed~by 1q..bi. Mitohell, City ~Rinoel, for work dono and performed bq Reynolds ',i oz work done by .. • ~?Reynodda Bros.. Brothers, Contraotora, for the oonstruotion of oonorate ourbn and Butters on both `j on Leeoh Avenue .; and Eleventh j aides of Leeoh Avenue, Yrom the property line on the South aids a~ North Tenth Street 9t. ~! to the gutter lin6 on what would be the 37orth side of Eleventh Street, when improved; } ~~ also both sides of Eleventh Stroet. from the gRttor line of the interaeotion on what ~ i~ I, mould be the cleat side~of Le®oh Avenue, if improved, to the Feat wtter line on Bul- Ii s. 5,- ~ nobt Street, inolud~ing the interaootions on said~Streeta, in the City of Fadnonh, l ~ Kentuoky, be reoeined, filed atx] confirmed. Adopted upon oall oY the roll by the ~~ Ii following vote: Yeas Eaton Faker ailliama and KatterJohn 4•.Na a Tull { .- y.-1. y j ii Mayor KattexJohn offered tho following motion: I move that the eatimate,fur- ~f Wished by W. M. Mitohell. City Engineer, for work done and performed by Reynolds Bro.- i ~~ there. Contra6tore, fo,r the oonetrvation of oonorato ota~ba and gnttera on both aides ~ *'Eetimc~te, aaatnst ` property o;vnera,; of Leeoh Avenue. from the property line on the South side of i7orth Tenth Street to the F furnishod by A, M. Mitohell, ~ gutter line on what would be the North aide of 3leventh Street, when improved; also ~ Cityr~Bineer, ~ ~ i or work done by ;~ both s.idea of Eleventh Street. from the Butter lino of the interaeotion on what would Reraolda Bros. , . on Leeoh avenue I', be the Weet side of Leeoh Avenue, if improved, to the Eaet.BUtter line on Bvrnett ~ • and Eleventh ~ St. .j Street, inoluding the interseotiona on said streets, in the City of Paduoah, Kentuoky. . ba reoeived, filed and oonfirmed. Adopted upon oat 1 of the roll by the following , j vote: Yeas, Eton,. Faker. 101111ame~and KatterJohn,-4; Nays. Tully,-1. '~ i. ~~ Mayor KattelJohn offered the following motion: I move that an.ordinanoe p~ entitled, "AN ORDIliANOR AS5::SSIPIG 7~FiE ABUTTING rRO.PffitTY (>t~ AOTH SIDRS OF LE~B A~tUE. AeeeeemonL' Ordinanoe.for ~ FROES TILE PROPf3tTY LIi7F. ON THE.30UTH SIDE OF NOP,TH TEt7TH STREET TO THE GUTTER LINr^^, ON oin•ba and Ruttet9, ! on Loeoh Ave. ~ WH::T MOULD $E THE 170RTH SIDE OF ELEPF:NTH STREET. ^'HEit IMPR07D: AL40 BCTR SID3S OF and Elengnth 9t.ii oonatruotod Dy ~ r,LEVENTH STREET. FROAi THE GUTTER LINE OF THE INTERSECTION ON '.THAT MOULD BE THE WEST Reynolds Broe.~ . X0.946 per abutt~ SIDE OF LEECH A7E17UE, IF IMPROVED TO THE EAST GUTTER LINE ON BURItETT STREET, INCLUDING 1nR f00t~ I~. THE INT$t2SECTIOIi$ 017 SAID STREETS, IN THE CITY OF PADUOAH, I~I7TUCYY, Tom: SU7,i OF ,$0.946 „' ~ PER ABUTTING .FOOT FOR THE CONSTRUCTIOIi OF COI7CRETE OURBS AIID GUTT~tS, A]7D ALL NEOE39ARY, MANHOLES. INTAKES. 8E'7rHt3 AT7D CATCH BASINS, AS SHOwft BY TAE EI7GINliER'S ESTIMATE. ~C- QECT..THAT PORTION TO $E PAID FOR .BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSF9S~ ~~ i G •. ,. ....- r i ~ ~,. 9' . . ~' l ~~ ~'+ ~;,.. ~< ~r ~ ~. a ; A: °' ' ~$_,: '? ~' ~` ' - , ~` , `•' ~`' . ~s •... ~° ' , h , ~ 'z .. I1 II Ili ~, ~ -..s..,..,y;r _ ... . Na '~ Q 3- Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah, " ' ' 192__ __ _. . A~IIT MAY BE PAID FOR IN T N ::CURL INST6I.LlSEII'PS, DE INO ON$ EAOH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TF.N YEARS," be adopted. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following voto: Yeas, ' ~ Eaton, Faker, N1111ams and Katter~ohn,-4; Nays, Tully,-1. Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion; Reynolds Drothere, Oontraotora i, having corrected the defects and having finished the oonatruotion oY the oonorete aids Aooeptanoe of oonorete sidewelY.e ko, on walks, curbs and gutters, and all necessary mnnholoo, intakes, sewers, catch basins South aide of Clay St. from 9, aide ;: and driveways on the South aide of Cley 9treat fYom the property line on the t7eet oP 17th 3t, to mat side of 19th Street, "wile of Seventeenth street to the mutter lino on the Fast aide of llineteenth Street, ' constructed by Reynolds Brothore. ~; and having oamFliod with the ordinance adopted and authorizing said improvement and . having complied with the terms of the Contract enterod into between said Oontraotore ;; and the Oity of Paduonh, and having completed samo aooordinrt to the plena and spooifl•~ cations adopted for said work, ami no oamplnints having Deon riled, protesting against i; said work, '_ mono that Baid improvement bo eooepted, sub~eot to a deduction of X10.00 I. on the estirtBte ngainet the property at the East side of Ilineteenth Street. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeea, Eaton, Esker, !tilliama and Kntter- ;, john,-4; Nays, Tully,-1. ~' i Mayor Kesttar~ohn offered the following motion; I move that the Final Eetimnts ~~ Final Esthete fur- ~ furnished by N, IL, Iditohell, City Engineer, for work dame arui peri'ormed by Reynolds Wished by :7,M.Llitohell City A~gineer, of work$rothers, Contractors, for the oonatruotion of oonorete aidewnike, curbs nrd gut ter e, :performed by Reynolds • Bros, on South side and ell neoeasary manholes, intakes, eewere, catch basins and driveways on the South of Clnp St. fr om 9, side of 17th St, to side of Cley Street, Yrom the property line on the "le at aide of Seventeenth Street «nnt side oY 19th St. to the gutter line on the Eeat side oY Ilineteenth Street, be received, filed and oon- firmed; Adopted upon onll of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Eaton, Faker, sfilliama and Ratter~ohn,-4; Nays, Tully,-1. L".eyor Kettor$ohn offered the following motion; I move that the oatimnte fur- Eetirtwte furnished by Wished by tY,L"..Ititohell, Oity L~gineer, for work done and peri'ormed Dy Reynolds Bro- 7.I?.Mitohell, City :?1-,gineer, of work " there, Contractors, for the oonatruotion of oonoreto sidewnika, our be and gutters, p er*_ ormed by Rey- nolds Bros, on s and ell necessary manholes, intakes, eewere, catch basins and driveways on the South South side of Cley St. from '.7, aide of aide of Cley Street, Yram the property line on the Nast sido of Seventear,th 9treat 17th St, to East ;; to th rt t li aide oY 19th St. e gi er ne on the Fast side of Ilineteenth 5troot, bo received, filed and oon• firmed. Adopted upon cell oi' the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Aht•?n, Faker, ~i 4Pilliama and Katter~ohn,-4; Nays, Tully,-1, Mayor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance Assessment Ordinance_ ~: entitled, "AN ORDIiIAIiCE ASSr:SSIIIG THE ABUTTING P!?OPrRTY ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF CLAY for side:+alks &o. on " South aide. of Clay STR::«T, FROil, TII.: I~20PbY2TY LI1Ir: ON Tlil~: "1z:9T SIDE OF SEV!?IdTA:L:NTH STRF:FT RC1 THE: GllTT.~t I St, Yrom '.7, aide oY 17th St. to Bast LI11« OIl i'7Ir^. EAST :i[D:: Ok NINh'T3?dJTH 9TR h'T, IN 1'H^ CITY OF FAOUCAH, L~F:IJTIJOKY, TAS ~ side of 19th St., $1.7941 per abutting ' ~ SUh OF X1.7941 F:1? ABUTTING i'OUT, FOR TH.^, CONS'LRUCTIOIl OF COIlCRETE SIDF.'"AIYS, CURBS foot. ~,. AND GUTT.L,'RS, Ai.'D ALI. I13Cr:::SARY L:ANHULr:3, INTAY.RS, S5:'IgRS, 9ATCH AASINS AIID DRIVE:'"AYS r .TIIr"REON, AS SNO"!b' BY THt: ::NOIIli:3.'I'S A:STIAIATR, EXORFT 1'l1AT ]'ON.TIOtd TO DE FAID FOR BY • P TII« 0I'1'Y OF PADUCAH, AIID FROVIDINO THAT 9A ID ASS«8SI9A:I:T I::AY DE PAID FOR IN TFN ECUAL . IldSTAJ,Ilttll'PS, BEING OI.« EA ON Y.?,1R FOR A I"r~2tOD OF TEN YEARS," De adopted. Adopted ~~ upon cell oT the roll by' the following vote; Yeas, L:eton, Ea Y.er, '71111ame and Katter. j john,-4; Naye, Tully,-1. •' Oommiesioner Tu11y offorod the followine motion; I move thnt the aaoounta Report Com'r. oY ~ Fublio Finance oY i' amounttng to ~6ti81,04, ea per the report of the Commissioner of Fublio Finnnoa filed ~ accounts amounttng to ve66B1.04 for ; herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund ! fires half of Dea. 1921 " 'r to a Dame Ado ted ll f h l ~ . p y . p upon ca o t e ro l by the following note; Yeae, Eaton, Faker, l . i Tully, williame and Y.atter~ohn,-6. ~ G if ' i . ~~ • .X ___ Na~. • ~ .~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 192__ _ _ . _. __ •' City borrow P Commissioner Tuliq offered the following motion: I move that the ttayor and Com- ' $10,000.OQ from: Cit National ;: miesioner of Fublio Finanoe be authorized and inatruoted to borrow from the City Nationl y Bank. ~ al Bank the sum of~$i0,000.00, payable in thirty days from date for the nse and benefit ' ~ of the City of Paduoah, pledging as aeonrity therefor the good faith and oredit of the ~ $ ~' City of Paduoah and the taxes to be oolleoted dvr.ing tihe month of January. Adopted { . ~~ upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yena,.Eaton, Faker, Tu11y,.Willi.ame and y r } Katter john,-b. '. ~ ~ ~ r i z Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; Yt appearing that there ie due ~hools nllow- ~~ ,996.62 due $ i Sohools from the tax oolleotions to Deoembar 17th, the sum oY 998.68, Imove.that same :. x from tax ool- N laotions to t be allowed and ordered aid nrd the move a P y PPropriated fr an the General Fvnd to pay g g F Deoembar 17th, Ij 1821. same.. Ado tad n on Dell of the roll b the followi y P P y ng vote: Yeae, Eaton F.nker,Tull i Williams and Katterjohn,-b. i Commissioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the Resolution ea-`~ ~" Resolution ex- .teniina time {~ tending the time withir. whioh the Paduoah & Illinois Railroad Company shall begin the to Paduoah & I` Illinois R,R." ~ .oonatruotion of its fret ht de ote warehouses, eto., to the first da of A x11,1922 ~. g P y P 4 Oo. to beglPi . oonstruotion of ~' De ado tad. Ado tad u on Dull of the roll b the ~followin vote: Yeae Eaton ~kar P P P y g , its depots,&o. ~~ to April 1,1928•; Tull Williams and Ratter ohn,-8. i ., y• ~ k!' `~ i Commissioner Wiliiama offered the following motion: Y move that an ordiranoe 11 entitled, "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE I9StiINC AIdD S:PLLING OF BOPdDS FO*? TF>v PUR- ~ Ordinsnoe pro- j vidina Yor the h POSE"OF MAY.ING Cb:RTAIN SPEOIFIC ILTROViTIITS AA'D E7FTEI7SIOId3 TO RIVI~:RSIDR HOSPITAL. `; '' ieeutna and sal-'; ling of bonds ~ INOLUD LNO THE PURCHAS DPO dPID INSTALLING 5•'fir. 11X;r'.SSIt??Y ECUIPM,~IT FOR A CH:~SIdAL Aid +;< 7; for the pur- '„ pose of making BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY, AN X-RAY-LABORATORY. A LAUNDRY, AJ7D FOR THE PLiRPOSr^^. OF IPII'ROV- epeoii'io im- + ~ ;, , provemente and ING AND F.CU]PPING THE CONTAGIOUS '"•ARD, AND r~R THE P~rOSE Or^ BUII~ING AND Pi'A.ECTING i '=~ extenelons to Riverside Hoe- ,i SUit PARLORS., AND FOR THE PURPOSE OP FINISHING AP:D ECUIPPIIdG THE IT'W ADDITION TO i petal. FIRST q R...iD ING. ,, RIV'r'.R3IDE HOSPITAL APIDr'OR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASIPiG A liE"P BOIL~P AND -T17.ARGIIIG dP7D I ExTr;NDING THE BOILER Rg0I1, AT SAID HOSPITAL, AND TO FROV1nE FOR TH.•; PAYM:YIT OF INT"Yt- EST ON SJt ID BONDS, AND TO CRF.A i:~. A 3IIIKIIJG FUND FOR THE PAYfSEItT OF SAID BONDS !1T '~' ~~ MdT1,RIT7f," be introduoed and ley ovor. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following' 1• •,~ r vote: Yoea, Px<ton, Esker, Tully and '41111ema,-4; Nnye,=Katter~ohn,-1. j! National Surety ~ .. Commissioner Eaton. offered the following motion: I move that the 6ommnnioation . Oo.. oommunioe- tion in re; ' ~ I from the National Surety Company, Surety, in the Bond of Reynolds Brothers, for the extension to ~ Reynolds Bros. ,i oonetruotion of sidewalks, ourba,quttera, intakes, sewers, oatah basins and drive:mys~ - on oontraot on '' 8: 9th St. on South idinth Street from Husbands Street to Elizabeth Street and on Auabaicds Street atxl Husbands. !, from Sevontt: Street to Ninth Street, requesting that an oxtension of time be extended N~ to said oontraotore in whioh to oomplete.eeid work, be reoeived and filed. Adopted I `' ~ upon Dell oY the roll by the Yollowina vote; Yesa, Eaton, Faker, Tully; :7llliame and • ~ Ra.tterJohn,-b. • y F' ~f ; °fResolution ex- ~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered 'the following motion: I move that a resolution for the ~tenling time to Dom lute extension of time for the oompletion of the oonetruotion oY oonorete .sidewalks, ourbs work. oh s, 9th ~' St. and Hus- ~ and gutters, and all neoeesary manholes, intakes, sewers and oatoh basins on South bands to Rey- .. ~ `ynolde Broe. ~ Ninth Street, from Husbands Street to the North property: line oY Elizabeth Street, . -tie June 26, ; ;~ '1922. 1Y extended, and on the Sovth aide of Ruabande Streets between F,ighth and Ninth Street` I by Reynolds Brothers, Contraotora, oe ed opted. Adopted upon osll of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,•Eaton, Falser, Tully. Williams and KaLtor.~ohn,-b. i i •.~~ On motion the Boyd edJourned upon Dell of the roll by the foilowing,vot6: Yeae;.; li Eaton, Faker, Tully. Williams and Katter3ohn,-8. •~ • (~ ' ~ ti Aiagicd~.~,~ 19 ~_ ~ ,, :. r . . ~'~ , i< ~ .- ~` i~.~ _ ... w, ... . , ,, .~;,,,a.; <x;.. Na 7 7 1 1 weak ending Deoember 24th, 1921, and s~ioh other business ne may oome before the Board. Commissioner Tully ofYered the following motion: I move that the Pay- pny-roll River- ~ roll for the week ending Deo. 24th, i"or the D~'dRT1!m1IT OF PUBLIC TRCT~tTY, River aide aide Hospital f, Yor week endin g~ Hospital, am~untinsr to ,116.29, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriat Deo.24th, 1921. ;, ed 1'r am the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oell oY the roll by the follow- ing vote: Yeas, Baton, Tully, N1111ame and Katter~ohn,-4, I, i Commiasioner Tully ofYered the following motion: It appearing that there is due Baker k Storrie, Contraotora, for the improvement oi' eldewalke an the `Asst Sakar k Storrie ! aid intimate !! aide of Broad Street, from the interaeotion of 4th k Aroe3 Ste. to the dividiuq 18, Y.olb Park, ,,449.03 aide- line between the property or Louie Pettor and Frank Potter, the sum oY ;449.03 walk improve- , mont on 4th k being Yor °:atimate X18, Kolb Park, I move that the sum oi'~4449.03 be allowed and Broad Sts. ordered paid and oharged to the Park eooonnt, Adopted upon oall oY the roll by the following vote: Yeea, Baton, Tully, Williams ar~d Y.atter~ohn,-4. Commissioner Tully ofYered the following motion: It nppearina that ytrker & Storrie there is due Baker & Storrie, oontraotors, for the improvermnt on South 6th paid ~2U5.17 '. Botim_.te ~1 Yor' Street, bet•veen Husbands and Baohman Sts i'or nlloys...?':etimate ~1 for 6-10 ft. alley on 3. 6th St. beta. Hus- ~- alleye...~205.17, I move that the sum of ?205.17 be allowed and ordered paid and bards and Baoh-., man Sts, oharged to i:ew Conetruotion ar~d the money appropriated from arty Yunda not other- !; wise appropriated. Adopted upon osll of the roll by the following vote: Yea a, Eaton, Tully, Williams and Kattor~ohn,-4. ~ Commissioner Tully oi'ferad the Yellowing motion: It npnearina that there Reynolds Hros. " is due Reynolds Bros., oontraatora, for the improvement on 4th Street, between paid $b6.41 Yor :.etimate ~1, Broad andrliznbeth °troeta, ?;stimate?~1 for alloy, X66.41, I move that the sum of alloy on 4th St. betn.Broad ?~b6.41 be allowed and ordered paid and oharged to New Oonatruotion and the money and ^lizabeth 3treeta, to pay same be appropriated from any Turda not otherwtee appropriated. Adopted upor oall of the roll by the follo,vinq veto: Yens, ca ton, 'Fully, Williams and Katter~ohn- Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ 192__ D?C:0.1B43t 24TH, 1921. ' At a Galled Dfeetinq of the Board of Commissioners, held 1n the Oommieaionerd Ohamber in the City Hall, Paducnh, Kentuoky, on Deoember 24th, 1521, at 11 O'o]ook ' A. !S. Upon oa11 oT the roll the followinrt answered to their names: Commieelonera Baton, Tully, Williams and 1Rayor Y.attor~ohn,-4. t~eyor Katter~ohn stated reasons for oall to-wit: To el low pay-roll Yor the . -f~ i ... , CommlBeioner Tully offered the following, motion: It nppenrlnR that Reynolds Aroa. " there is due Peynolds Bros., Contraotore, for oonetruotion of oonarete eidewalke, . pnld ey273,26, alleys on Id. ourba and gutters on Ilorth Ili nth Street, oetween l.laflteon and Trimble Streota, the 9th St. betn. E'allson and following eatimntes for alleys: Trlmulo ~treete. Set. ~E, City oi' 1 aduoah, Allay west aide '.+Lh, bet.I'ed,k Ilar....69.66 n 6, " " " seat aide 9th, " " " ".....47.33' " 9, " " " " weal side 9th, "Aar. & Olay..:;94,67 n alb, " " " " east aide 9th, " 07av & Trim. ..C~1.B0 e total oY X273.26, I move that the sum oY '273.26 be allowed arxi ordered paid and oharged to Itew Conatruation and the money appropriated tto pay e~me from any . funds not other.~ise appropriated, Adopted upon oell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, ?.aton, Tully, 91111ams and Y.atter~ohn,-4. Commissioner Hater entered meeting. ' Communioation Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the oommu- oi' Barron G, Collier with nioation fr om Barron G. Collier, with referenoe to the lioenee for advertising in referenoe to lioenee Yor street care, be,reoeived and filed, Adopted upon oell of the roll by the follow- advertislr,q in ~ 't Street oars. ~ ~ inq vote: Yens, 5nton, Saker, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,rb. ° y . Na Y[~;.. ~orv~,'Y . , Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ' 192__ .. ~. Mayor Itatter~ohn offered the .following motion: I move thst the communise- ~ ~' ~, Communication of ,i 17.A.Berr dated ' y !ition from ~. A. Berry, dated December 19th, 1921,. relative to the•oaee of Paduoah Rail ~ ~c" Deo.19, 1921 with, ~: rororohoe to fee~;waq Company ve. City of paduaah, be reooivod and filed. and that Lhe bill enclosed; j ' in notion of ? ( Paduoah Ry.Co. ~!amountinq to $649.4b 1'or eervioes rerxiered by him in said oaee, including expenses inoi; ve City, said feo!, ! oY $b49.4b paid "dent to said oaee, be allowed, aryl Chet the Commissioner of Public Finance ie hereb ~ in YU71 oY all ~; y' ' 1 `. eervioes in said (authorized and direoted to issue vouotior to said W. A. Berry for said sum of ~b49.4b, ~' _' lotion. • ~whioh ie in Pull settlement for all eervioes rendered by the eeid ~". A. Berry in said l,. ~!-oaee, and that said amount be charged to Costs and Suite. Adopted upon call of the ro11E . ~~'~ ,~ ~by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton. Eakor, Tully, Williams and Ratter~ohn,-b. { On motion. the Board ad,ournod upon Dell of Lhc roll by b yeas. ` ! ~ AioFtoi ~ ~ 19 ~. ~ j. ~ ~ ~£ ' -API'RQV~D ~:_. cw c>kk ~~ .CJ ,, YOIt. § ., i D3Cr'lu®~t 26TH. 1921. { _. ; e' ?~ ,. - At a Reauler Meeting of Lhe Boarfl of Commisaionere, held in the Commiesionere' x !Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on Deoembor 26th. 1921, the f ollowing , ' ~, ~ answered to their names: Commissioner Eaton and Tully, e~ Mayor Ratter~ohn,-3. ,';,; Oommieaioner Eaton offered the following motion: I move that the Boa*8 of ``i?.`;':"' .' Oommiseionere sd~ourn till two o°olook P. M. on Tuesday, Deoembor 27th, 1921. Adopted r ' i - ~ upon call oY the roll by the following vote: Yeea;Eaton, Tully and Katter~ohn,-3.. i i ~ ! ' .~+lopled --- ---t9t... ,. ~i .. ~ MAYOR i DF;CP~1BrJt 27TH, 1921. ~ At an Ad ~ ~, Mourned Meeting of"the Board of Commiseionere, held in the Commiesionere'! f ~ ~ .. .. I~ Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah. Kentucky, on December 27th, 1921, at 2 o'alook P. M. ~( Upon call of the roll the Yollowing answered to their names: Commieaionere Eat,on,Tully, '~ Williams and Mayor Katter,ohn,-4. `,, Dn motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes oY the previous meetinR_s were ' i; ( ~~ adopted upon call or tie roll by the r'ollowinrr vote: Yeas, Raton, Tully. Williams and ~I Ketter~ohn,-4. I; i I~ Mayor Katter~ohn offered the Yollowing motion: Y move that the Report of Alvord I! . V d: Burdick rhowin ~ eaLima to or cost of ,, g oonatruotion oY Sewer Diatr lot No. 3 inoludin h P kG ^- Re ort Alvord g 'u BurdioY, of ~~ drawings and maps, be received and i'i1ed, and that Alvord d: Burdick De paid i'oP-their 3ewor District ~; { ,~3, and Alvord ~; sorvioee in mnY.ing a survey. of Sewer District No. 3 and 8eport on same, the sum of & Burdick paid x!1760.00 ror ~, $17b0.00, and the Oommissioner or Public Finance ie hereby authorized and direoted to ~ survey &o. of ;, said so:ver.dfs-!; issue voucher to eeid Alvord & Burdick Yor Baia elan in Yull payment Yor their eervioes treat. j, renderod, said sum to be charged to the Special Sewer Fund. Adopted upon Dell oY the I '.roll by the i'ollowing voter Yeas, Eaton; Ttilly, Williams and Katter~ohn,-4. ', Q ;r Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that C. r^.. Jennings, + Q.C,4ose and r Henry Y.attor~oht 0. 0. .Roes nnd.Henry Y.ntter~ohn bo appointed members of the Bawd of Equalization for appointod mem- it oere Boo'rd of +~ tho yenr 1922. Adopted upon call oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Eaton,. iSqualizntion Yor 1922. B Tv~ly, Nillinme and Katter~ohn,-4. ~GGGi Commissioner Tully offered the fol3ocving motion: I movo that the firm of Poeey del Posoy & Cooke d , to Avdit City's~0ooke be employed to snake an audit.oY the City's saoounts Yor the year 1921. Adopted accounts for ~; the ,gear 1921. ~~upon oall'oY the roll by the.Yol.lowina vote: Yeas, Eaton, 1°n11y, Williams and Kattery !, i u Sohn,-4. ; I. , r\ f ~ - -~ r ,~ ~ , • y,. . y ~ . ' s Ij g 1 ~ ' V i '€ ~ ~~ ~ • • . - ~ ... .._. ... .... w .~..nn~..r • ~ ' - Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah • 192.~'~ - - '";~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that Posey & Cooke be Posey & CooY.e to. 'employed to audit the eooormta of Bruoo 114.. Philley, as Back Tea Collector. Adopted arxiit eooounta of Bruoo tLPhilley, `upon Hall of the roT] by the fo11o1vinR vote; Yeas, :+kston, Tully, Nillieme and as Back Tax Collect. or. Katter~ohn,-4. ~ • • Commissioner 7illisms offered the following motion: I move that the obmmunioation '~from~>•'rank Fetter & Son, dated December 23rd, 1921, mdcing en offer of X50.00 Yor • Aooept~~noe of bid ~' of Fr+:nk Fetter & ~boiier and engine et Beiderman's },Tilk Depot, be received and Yi]ad, and their bid of yon oY X50.00 "or • uoilor tlrrt ex,7ina -.:60.00 be aeoepted, and upon the payment of ;60.00 to the Commissioner of Public at Biodormnn' a D711k ' Depot. - Finnnoe, avid boilor and engine to be turned over to FrPnk Fetter & Son. Adopte3 µpon .'. cull of tho roll bg the followinlr vote; Yeae, Raton, Trs11y, "lilliems and Katter~ohr},-4. ~f Commissioner Rillinms offered the following motion; I move that an ordinance. ~. ~I ' !~ entitled, "A17 ORDII?sI7CE PROVIDING FOR THE ISb'UII7G AIdD Sr'.LLING OF BOLDS FOR TT?5 PURFRSFi Ordinance provid- : OF 2,L4KII7G G'r:.RTAIN SPECIFIC IMPROV:•;h".:IdTS AIdD E%TF.T79i0IIS TO RIVERSID?; HOSPITAL, IATCLUD-. in~• Par the issu inx end selling of ;' 3N4 THE ~URGHA8ING AND IN9TAI.I.ZNG `cIi@ NECE3SA3}[ AQUI}.'MEhtT FOB A CHEI4ICAL AND BIOI.O-_ bonds xor improve-~ monta &c. on ~' GICAL 7..BORAPORY, AN %-RAY L"BORATORY,. A LP.UI7DRY, AND FOR TFE PT>f?POSR OF I}•'~'ROVING- Rivoraido TioapitalJ ATdD EC,UIPFII7G TITR C?1dT.4GI0US NASD, AID FOR THR PURPOSE OF BUI1DI17G AITD ??RCTIP7G 3iTI~ PARLORS, AND FOR THr^^, PURPOSR OF FII7ISHIIIG ACID ECUIPPING TTI? ITE'" ADDITION. TO RIV~tsID3 -~ '~; HOSPITAL AND FOR TH?. PURPOS:: OF PURCHASII7G A I7R"! BOIIR3 AI?D RTIJARGIIIO AIdD E°TFTTDING THE BOILRR ROOId, AT SAID HOSPITAL, A1dD TO FROVIDF FOR 'lNR PAYT'RI7T OF INTL.^•.QT ON SAID BONDS, AND TU CREATE A SIN}:IISG 1•'UNU FOR THE~PI.YP"R1dT nF SA In An??D9 PT f"ATL!RTTY," be i` adopted. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Eaton, Tully and. :71]liams,-3: Naya, Katter~ohn,-1. • Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance en- ' i!, i'. titled, "AN ORDII7AIdC3 FIXTIIG APTD RRGUI.i.TIIdG THE LTCRNSR TAX OF PA'7ItAR0Y.~tS IN THa PawnbroY.ers' Li- j copse Tnx Ordi- 'CITY OF p4DUCAH, }0•;IdTIJCKY, AND PROVIDIIG 1. FI'~dA? TY FOR THF. NON-PAY}"~IdT OF S1~l4E, AND ' Hance, !i I.!".III7G IT UNIrI'~I`UZ FO:; :'lltY FIRTi, FFRS~d, C01:4pA1dY OR CORPORATIOId TO EPdGi.GF. III SUCH l+ BUSINESS ^IITHOUT FIRST PAYING THE LICEI7SE TAX AIdD PROCL'~? ING THE LICENSE AS PROPID?"~ ' ..I • ! ~ H~'RF.IIT,°t be adapted. Adopted upon pall oY the roll by the following vote: leas,. Estop ~ • ~i Tully, Nilliama and Ketter~ohn,-4. 4 s ~' On motion the Board ed~ourned upon cell of the roll by 4 yeas. ~ '~ • ti ~r,~~GC:~..• ;, ~. ~~ ~ .. DECRt:'BRR 29TH. 1921. ~. • At a Called ldeeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' it Chamber in the City Rall, Paduaeh, Kentucky, on December 29th, 1921, at 2 o'oloak P.M. I ' ` ~ U}ion Dell of the roll the following answered to their Homes; Commisaloners F.eiton, y ~; Eerker, Tully, 171111ams and d4ayor Katter~ohn,-5. i '- • ;: • i! Mayor Katter~ohn stated reasons for call to-wit: To consider-the olosinR.oY 'i , ~" Maiden l.lley for a distance of 100 Peet, bet•vean First Street and Second Street. and , ~~ such other business ea may come before the Board. ~ j .f 5 •• ~ rueyor Katter~ohn offered the following motion: I move that,perredseion >r,e~7rrant ~ V ~ ~ ed to the Union•Motor Company to install a gasoline pump consisting oY e. lice hundred Unioxa LTOtor Co (500) gallon tank and necessary equipmont,'under the aide walk on the north aide of ~i. to install gesso-i~•Broadway bet:veen Sixth and Seventh Streets, ar.•d twenty-four (24) feet west of the East{ line pump and tunic &e. on ' a wall of the New Garage of the Service Tire Company; said Pump to be placed against the' $, side ox B' say ;" both. 6th & 7th curb nrd in such way as not to obstruct iree use os the aide walk and eo much oY the Sts. • j, side walk as is taken up in installing said tank and pump shall be re-plsoed by the - 'r' r r 3 ;~~. ~. i ~ ......~ .. .; ' p i . '.. ' '~. -. .''ri v?i. - '. ~ ++''~~v0•ik'3"M.f:E.+~'~".~'...irv.YF~.~"`p'.~ ~w+-,~s `V:i' n e••'•`i~~ .. 4_ . j. he~s.~':. t^+~'3~'ZN' MY~.~~ k ~ .~ Nam s -- _ ; ,;said Union Motor Company b new aonstruotion to be a einglei oourse not less than a x I ; ~:. ~ ~ ~ ~;(6) inches thick made of a one-two-four aonorete miz. axed to be sub~eat to the approval Hof the Board of Commissioners,. Adopted upon sell of the roll by the following vote: ~ ' `Eaton, Esker, v~iilliama and Katter~ohn,-4; Nays, Tully,-1. . i l~ .? Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Y move that TAE STATF.kL°:NT OF j ~~ Statement of ~- j; aooounL :vith !,TIYE ACCOUNT WITH REYN07.D3 BROS., CONTRACTORS ON SOUTH FOURTH STREET, BRT^'EEN BROAD k ~ !! eynolda Bros for work on SELIZABETH STREETS, be reoeivad and filed. Adopted upon onll of the roll by the Yollow- ~. . ~~ th St. beta. ~ W ~ road and 'r',liza ',ing vote: Yeas, Eaton. Esker. Tully, illiams and Katter'ohn,-b. ;bath Sta. f' Commissioner Tully of~ered the following motion: The following parties having i. • ',paid the estimates against property owners on South Fourth Street. between Broad & y , I}: atimatea asnins Elizabeth~8treets.... ~',~proportg owners ~! ~ , f4'?on S. 4th St. i Est. 2 7,ieberman & YoF;t ..................$312.61 i'~betn. Aroad & !~ " 3 Lena Sheehan ...................... 113.1b ~~ ~,Elizaboth, amount= ^ 4 }daggie hi. IleCutohen ............... 188.50 y inq to :769.68 S " b eluguata Rorrere .................... b6.8b aid and oheok ~; ^ 6 Bertha E. Hogera ................. 98.b7, a total of $769.68, ~~ raarn to oon- it { straotors'for rI move that the sum of ip769.68 be allowed Reynolds Bros. and a oheok drawn on the Spe- ~~said amount. R ~ ';offal Street Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oell of the roll by the following vote: Yeae~ r- a; c. , sp ''~~,aton, Esker, Tully. 171111ams and Katter~ohn,-b. s j ~, i Oommissionar Tully offered the following motion: 99ie following parties having ~ , j Property owners `;signified their intention of taking the Ten Year Payment Plan for the oonetruotion of :, 'on S.4th Rt. `";~betn Broad & isidewalks, ourbs and gutters on South 4th Street, between lsroad & ~.iaebeth Sta.... ~ (,{Elizabeth take ?~ dvcntage of G Gat $7 G. L. Akers ................. 367.29 cTen Year Favment'~ " 8 Annie J. Jones .............. 160.59 ~la~ co amount ~ ^ 9 0. ~!. Reeb .................. 213.33, a total Of $741.21, I move .. of 741.21, and F City olioitor that Ymprovement Bonds be'ieaued for the avm of $741.21 a~ the City Solicitor be in- ? y,` instr llatad t0 ? ~ ' urniah oopy for Istruated to furnish copy for said bonds. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following said bond e. ~ ~ ~~ -.`- ;;vote: Yeas, Eaton, Esker, Tully, 9illiams and Katter'ohn,-b. ~~ Commissioner Tully ~ affored the following motion: I move THAT THE STATr.J"rEdT j ' t; Statement of ~ ` , coount with ?OF THE ACCOUTdT "'ITH R,?StNn]:DS B°03., COTTRACTORS OId NO??TA 9TH STRR:•:T, BF.T"~EETI I~'JiDISON ', eynolds Bros ~i ? ~ ~n it, 9th St ~A1FD TRII,BLE STR3ET3 be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow ! etween Madison !" Trimble Sta. i;ing vote: Yeas, raton, Esker, Tully, Nilliams and Katterjohn,-5. ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having j ';.paid the estimates against property ownore on North 9th fttroet, between Madison & j stim~aos on I:. ~~'frimb]e Streets.... th St, botn. n 'i .adicon and rat 3 1~iildred Terrell .................$342.92 FTrimble Street " 4 Julia B. Soott .................. 349.85 aid io the ~'i! " rr6 ~". s. & Lenn Hayden ............. 373.46 ? -- ' mount of •1942.16, !1 #7 C.St.L. & N.0 R.R ............... 101.32 ` nd check for ^ X10 Bettie R. Thomas ~st....r....... 295.46 j said amount drawn " 11 C. St. L. & Td. 0. R. R.......... 265.48 o contreators, ^ 12 C. St. L. & N. 0. R. R.......... 66.29 ? ' ' eynolda 3ros. ', " ~ 8 Aodge Tob,'Co ................... 147.40, a total of $1942.16,> {I move that the sum of $1942.16 be allowed Reynolds Aros., and a oheok drawn on the "Speoial Street Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following note: ,:Yeas, as^aton, Esker, Tully, 7illiams and Patter~ohn,-5. Commissioner Tully offered the tbllowing motion: The Yollowinq partioa having, property o:vners ,;siltniYied their intention or taking the Ten Year Payment Plan for the oonstruation of on N.9th St. ' betn.l.iadison & j sidewalks. ourbs and gutters on ]forth 9th Street, between Idadiaen & Trimule Streets,., ~{ Trimble St. taL-ej r 'f, advantage of Te~ F,at,A~l.ldxe. E. 1, ftobus..,...,.a,....$338.2b Moan"Pavmont ~i " 13 Robt. YY. Soott ................ E28.49 , T141] to the t. ^ X1.4 A!ary D:. C]ark ................. 313.]6 .amount of $1199.6, °1 ~16 T, A. btiilor .............<.... 81.66 and .City Soli li ^ X17 Jno. ''='t, 8a Lizzie Fowler....... 76.16 coition instruotoifl ^ 18 Luther Steel ........:......... 76.16 ' to furnish oopy; " 19 F, T. Bowling................. 8b.29, a total of $1199.16, for sai3 bonds. '~ i j;I move .that Improvement Bonds be issued for the sum of $1199.16 axrt the City Solioitor ! , i. • f!be instruotod to fmrnish oopy i'or said bonds. Adopted won call of the roll ay the ~ ~~ ; following vote: Ye ,.Eaton, Eakei, Tully, Williams and Katter~ohn,-5. ? • ~~ ~ ¢ s. ' . ~' +..: ~, ~. S 1 ~~ j I . 1 i i t 1 1 1 ~ IC ._.c.. SpaA+ t ~ 7 ' Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ' 192:_ 1 statement of ao, Oommiasioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that. THR 9TATF.MEIIT oount with Baker k 9torrie for work OF AOCOUbiT :7ITH a^AI{k'Et &' sTORRIE, QON4RAOTOR9, ON sOL1TH EIGHTH s'(~2E.T'1', BETIYREN HUBBAND3 on s.8th 9t. barn.: Husoanda k Bnoh- J k BAOHM.4N 9TRi:ET9, De reoelved and filed. Adopted upon oe11 of the roll by the follow man sta. ': !ng vote: Yeas, F,aton, Faker, Tully, t7il.linma and Katteraohn,-b. Oommiesioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion; The following,partiea hav- , Estimates against ` ing paid the eetlmatee against property owners on south 8th street, between Husbands property owners on ' • 3. 8th St., beta. ;:'and Baohman Streets.... F.usoanda and Baoh-'s ' man Streets paid, „ Eat. '~3 Jake Bled orman ............:...~1bb.04 '' amounting to ij " ~2 I. C. Newton ........:......... 9?,b7 $b5E.42, and oheok'! " 2b J, s, Darnall ................. 92.b7 drawn Yor said ~ " £6 Geo. Doherty .................: 114.67 amount to oon- " 31' L. 7., Roo Y . ................... 92,b7, a total of ~66B.4E, I traotora ~ak~ k { 9torrie. ~ move that the sum o1 ~bbi:.42 be nllowad FsY.er k storrie and a oheok drawn on the ' r, a Speoiel Street Fund to pay same. Adopted upon oal] of the roll by the Yollowing vote: R Yeae,r~ton, Faker, Tully, fli111ama and Y.attor~ohn,-b. ,. ' ii ~~ Qommisaionar Tu]ly offerod tY,e Yol]owing motiog; The following partlee ' Property o:'mere ~ having signified thou intention of taking the Ten Year Payment Plan for the oon- on 3, 8th 3t. beta! Husband k Baohman 1, atruotion of sidewa]ka, ourbe and Butters on South 8th street, between Husbands k Sta. Lake advan- j; taco oY 10 Yoar aeohman stroote...... Payment Plan to u ar.:o:u1t of ?2908.98] Eat. ~2 Qore G. Burton Ret .............$446.83 and City ..°.olioitor~ " 4 1t, L, Hoffman .................. 1b9.18 ` " ' instruoted to fur-~; 6 J1oyd C. Emer ....... 88.43 ' „ y.......... nieh oopy oY said f ~~ 7 t~JS a, M. F, fimery ............... 656,67 bonds. ii " 9 et, Tann. Caruthora........... 131.19 10 .7, h, LtoCarthy ................. 92.57 ~i " 11 Susie ~. Aryant .:.............. 136.78 ' 12 I!innio Dryant .................. 126.01 V „ 17 •.7. 9. AtoCnrthy ................. 96.99 N " 18 Goo. L. k M. Troutman.......... 97.57 ' " 20 1.. Haynes ...................... 97.b7 ~~ " 23 A1Va Caldwell .................. 97.57 ~; ~ " 24 Piny, Carroll ................... 97,57 i. " 28 T. :>. Liil]er ................... 114.67 . ' h " 30 Anlda Johnson .................. 87,62 , ~~ " 33 C. s, Isbell ................... 8E,43 , " 3G Oaoar Leibel ................... 313.33, a total of X2908.98, I move that Improvement Bonds be issued for the sum oY ?jP.908.98 and the City solioitor ' De instruoted to Yurnish oopy Yor said bon,is. Adopted upon oell of the roll by the • .. ~'. following vote: Yeea, °Aton, ~nY.er, Tally, ^?illinma anal Y.atter~ohn,,b. N Commissioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion: The.followinq partlee Estimates on ~~~ having neither paid rho estimates eaeir,at property owners on south 8th street, between ' 9, 8tA;9t. beta. ;; ' Husbands k Baohman~ F_usbanda k Baohman Sta.., or taken advantage oY the Ten Year Payment Plnn.... Ste, amounting to 240.1E not paid, ,; Eat. ;~14 2.'ary n. Tdille ...............~ 92.67 nor taker. advan- r " ,31 Rose Firby,......'........... 77.09 take oY ten year ?j " ~34 Hannah Pointer .............. 70.46, a total oi';3240,12, I. payment plan. 4 ,j move that the Commissioner oY Publio Finanoe be instruoted to deliver said eetlmatee ~ to the Contraotora Faker k Storrla. Adopted upon oell of the roll by the following • ~ vote: Yeas, Eaton, ~aker,TUlly, ~Yillinms and Katter~ohn,-6. Cemeterc transfer ~ Oommissiorer Jilliams offered the following motion: T move that the trans, Anna Y.ennedy and Lena J.. '41111ams, !fer from Anna Y,enneiy and hens L. !4i11iams, Bola heirs of Philip Beat, to w. J. sole heirs of ' Philip Bost, to' i "thitehend, to 14 Peet fronting on the "teat side oY Lot ilo, 406, in Blook No. 28, and ct, J, ;7hitohond, k ' '~ running book 30 feet to a point on the South aide of acid Lot, Oak Grove Oemetery, Ds • ~;'retii'ied. Adopted upon sell oY the roll by the Yollowing vote: Yeea, Eaton, Phker., Tully, J111iams and Y.attor~ohri,-b. Oommiaeloner williame offered the follotiving motion: T move that the trans. Oemetery transfer 4 .' from Fonell 0. ~ fer from Hoaoll C. Robins, t.".ice ?•;rtn Robins, Bias Clyde *?obine and .ldra. Bert Robins Robins, L!iae min Robine, Lisa Clyde;; drmstrong, solo heirs of John A, Robins, deceased, to R, A, Dowd, to Iot *280, !n Robins et:d Ltrs, Hart Robins Arm- ii seotlon 18, Oak Grove Cemetery, eroept a small baby crave on ea td lot,. be ratified. strong. to R. E, ' Dowd. ~ ' a ' ~" . - Commissioners° Proceedings,, City of .Paducah . ~ = ~ ~ 182..E ~~, '-' Adopted upon Dell of the ro by the following vote: Yeas, Eaton,- Esker, Tally, WiTliama and Katter'.ohn,-b. ' On motion the Board ad,ourned upon Dell of the roll by 8 yeas. C:•^~ i Ad~apleld~°'~c~-ec.. ~~'~ 14~ 5P RG'V'1~D I~ i ,. '~ t _ DECELID:12 31ST, 1921. r. ,; - At a Called lieeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Cortenissionere''. Ohamber !n the Oity Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky,,on,Deoember 31st, 1921, at 110°olook ` ' A. bi. Upon.oall of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners ,.Eaton, Tully. Williams and Mayor Y.atterjohn,-4. i. Prtayor Katter;ohn•etated reasons. for Dell to-wit: For the purpose of oonsider- ` •ing the a]osing of Maiden. Alley, and suoh other business ea might Dome before the ~ ~, , Board. .. Oemetory doe3 ~~ to Tom Boat- wright, I.ot b2. Blook e 4. a' ' 9 •;~ Pay-roll of ~< Riverside 4 Hosrita7 Yor week ending Deo.31;1921. ~+ ~ , r5; ,~ National Sure ty Co. re]eae ~~ = ed on bond e s~;- _!. of former xd.- patrolmen,' Frod ?ferry l~ndy'Stewart, ~~ '' Miko Dnaan an -Geo.Dorie, el ,. deaeaeod. ;.'City to bor- e row ~2b,000 from City ~( liatiopn7 Ban3~ ~s,.,~ Brune M. Phidloy al]ow eft •yb0.00. !n full oifoes ror taxes of +9eet }'y. i4ausolenm 00. ~ ~ Resignation of W.hS.1'it- ~ ahe7 L, Oity ; ~ rb7gineer. µ .. Report Fred Engliah,3ex• :`.ton oak Grov ?' Oemetery,for Aeoember 182' ..... ~' ' . ~ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Th9 awn .of we37.60 having t~ been paid into the Trea:eury, as evidenoed by the reoeipt filed herewith, I move that + deed be exeouted to Tom Boetwri¢ht, for Lot ~b2, in B1ook ~4 on the iTOrth side of ~. ~ . i Ford Street, between Hank and,Chamblin Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon j. pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, F.aton,Tully,'dilliama and P.attor~ohn,-4. Oommieeioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that ;the Pap-roll foT the woek ending Deo. 31st, 1921, for the D~ARTI~i'T Or^ PUBLIC PROP=RTY, Riverside Hospital, amounting to $98.22, be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the .roll by the following vote; Yeaa, F.aton, Tu17y; Williams and.Katter~ohn,-4. j Commissioner Tally offered the fohowing motion: I move Lhat the iational ' ,. ~ .. Surety Comparp+ be released on the bonds of the follo:virir former patrolmen: r^red Merry,i deoeaaod, Andy Stewart, deoeaeod, k?ike DuE;an, Deoeased, deorge Doris, deoeaaed. Adopt+ ed. upon Dell of the roll by the following dote: Yeaa, Eaton, Tully, Williams and ~ " .i ~;: ~ . ~_ ~~ { 7 ~' . ': a ,~_ ~:, i +~j. -' ~'. ~.' ` j :t ,•~: y~~ ~' '.r 77J '~~.~ 7 x :..~ ~.. Y" ~~. f €;` 4~k~ ~' Katter,ohn,-4. ~: i ~ Commieaionoi Tully offered the following motion: I move that the bfnyor snd 1 e oe~ved and Yiled. Adopted upon.oah of the .roll. by the follow.inq vote: Years. Fstor., {~ '~ ,the Commissionor oY Pvblio Fin~noe be authorized and direoted,to borrow from the City }~ National Bank, for cho nse and benefit of tho City of Paduoah, the sum of ~2b,000, ~, ,~ payable Feb. 6th. 1922, pled 3ing as aeavrity the good faith and or edit of the City ~ t~ of Paduaeh ant the.taxea to be oollsoted~in 19E2. Adopted upon gall of the roll by ~; E ~, tho following voter Yeas, Eaton, Tully. W1111ams and Katter~ohn,-4. ! L, ~' Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That Brnoe ES. Philley be l ~; allowed tho sum of $b0.00 in full sett]ement of fees for sorvioea rendered in settle- ' ,. ~; went of tho taxes of :Pest Ky. Maueolewn Co. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the ~~' li J . following vote: Yeas, Faton, Tully. Williams and Katter~ohn,-4. ~~ "Mayor Katter~ohn offered the followitur motion: I move that the resigmtion f ~. of W, ?d. M~.tohell, City Engineer, be eooepted. Adopted upon Dell of Lhe roll'by .the_ following vote: Yeas,. Tnllg, Williams and Ketter~ohn,-3; Oommissioner Eaton not votli;R:. Commissioner Williams offered the Yollowing.motion: I move that the reporS oP Fred 3~glieh., Sexton,0ak Grove Cemetery. for the month of Deoember 1921, be Ye- ~. 1,. Tully. Williams and~Katter~ohn,-4. !~ . .. i 0 F' , '• .:°-_ -, i i .; . } ~.. -~ !, . ~w?-7[~AKRt,3~r:w~,."~J4Y:.~rn,a~f ~i:^: ~A.f.u. .: ;.~.., .t, ".i'' :x ~ • V , • ~ `. , . .:+u..w-w .. .~ Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ ' ` 192~~ ~y . A. Nam • On motion the Hoard reoeased until 8:00 O'olook P.."M. on Deoember 31et~ • ;I 1921, upon Dell of the roil by the Yollowing vote: Yeas, Raton Tully, 71311ama and ` `;I Fnrauant to the foregoing, the Beard reoonvoned nt.8 P. M. Deaember 31eL, ' ~ ~ li 19&1, in the Commissioners' Chamber in the Oity Hall, Paduoeh, Kentuoipr. On.oe11 of ~~~ , ,~i the roll the Yollowing answered to their names; Oommieaionera Raton, Tully, Ffilliama i~ and k!Byor Katter~ohn,-4. ' ~~ .. ', ~ Oommieaionor Tully offere3 the following motion; The following eooounte • .. ~s have been approved 1"or ellowanoe and payment..... .. • .. I: .. ;~ D:~ART4L$NT.OF TUBLIC AFFAIR 9, Inoinerator ................f45.00 Aaoouata Inainara-i! tor, Interest on DSPIRT11i3:T OF FUBlIC FIi:littC;, • Bills Tayable, grid ~? Foaey & Cooke, ~ Interest on bills Feyable, ~`2b,000 due Feb. b, ~1b0.00 • allowed. i; Contingent...Poaey'& Cooke, for auditing...... 12.b.UU . „ ., R. ,.. ~ I move Lhe soaounta be allo:vod and ordered paid and the money approprietod from ~, • i the General 'r'ued to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Yollowing vote; " ~ Yeas, Raton, Tully. 19illiame and Katter~ohn,-4. C • a Oommissioner Tully offered the Yollowing motion; I move that the eooounte . ' ~! amountYng to $30299.67 Yor the month of Deoember, as per the report of the'Oormniaslon- . • Report Oom'r.. of Publio Finanoe of ! er of Publio FinanoA filed herewith be allowed and ordered paid end the money appro. .soaounta for the month oY Deo.1921 ~' prieted Prom the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Dell of the,roll by the amount ir.R t o X30,299..67 allowed following vote; Yeea, Sston, Tully, ~71111ems and Y.atter'ohn,-4. . Commissioner Tblly offered the Yollowing motion; I move that the report of .` Report Com'r. of h the Qommieaioner of Publio Finanos i'or the month of Deoember be r.eoeived al,d filed ;.:: Ftnanoe Tor month ~ ` oi' Deoember 1921. ~ and ordered published in the offioial ne:vapnper. Adoptsd upon Dal] oY the roll by ' i~ the following vote: Yeas, Raton, Tully, Williams and Eatter~ohn,-4, • • r Commissioner Tully offered the Yollo'.vinR motion: That, the report 4f Foaey de • Report Tosey & CooY.e, Auditors, ~ Cooke Auditors, reaardinR the audit oY the'Finanoo Dopartmont be reoeived and Piled, • regardinz audit oY'; ~Firanoe Dept. ~: Adopted upon Dell oY the roll by the following vote; Ysas, ?':nton, Tully, Williams ' ;! and Katter~ohn,-4. ' ' Commissioner ik-ton offered the following motion; I move that the raise of Rules oY Board of Cormnieaioner'a.sus-p the Board of Commissioners be suspended Yor the purpose of reading, approving and • pended Yor purpose;: oY reading, approver signing the mir:utea oY the last Regular and Speoiel Oallefl Ifeetinge, and the minutes in,r and sinning ~, i minutes, oY this mestinR. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the Yollowing vote; Yeae, F,eton, .' i ',I i f Tully. :Yilliams and Katter~ohn,-4.. ,~ i Commissioner F.atan offered the Yollowing motion: I move that the minutes. ~ . r, Adoption o! ]ast of the last Regular aryl the Called keetinga, inolu3ing this meeting oY the Board of Reg:aar and Called ' T.;oetinae oY Board ~: Commissioners, be adopted and uiRr;ed, and that upon the signing of said minutes the of Commisaioners. j' ~~ Board stand adjourned. Adopted upon Dail of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Eton, Tully, Willinma and Y.atter~ohn,.-4. • y ^. . ' 6 •. ~`~. C r cis cw+< -,.-..