HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/29/19Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paduosh Deoember ES 191 9 -~. ' _ ,, t. ~ 1' 1 ' IroLtien - Sospital• On motion e! Mambbr Wooldridge, the ooeimnnioation from the ntsti Board o! Health, sonoeraiug the epeaing o! the IsoLtion hospital !or ooatagions diseases, was reoeived and lil~d apes dell o! the roll by 4 yeas. ~! IIpon motion the Board ad~omned upon Dell of the roll by the following volsi Yw., Aardnsr, Bs:eiip, Tally and Mayor pro tem Wooldridge- d• • • ', i , r' ,k ,; ~1 . ~~ i i i i ~MA'IfiO`f1 " ~ ~ ' ' 1 } !' pre tem. I. , '~ _ , ~ ' Deoember E3~ 1819• !' i' ~: ~- •t a apeoial meeting o! the Board o! Oommissionere held in the Oomra~ ChamD~r o!' } `the Oity Ha11, Paducah,-Yy.~ on Deo. ES, 1919, at E o'olook P• M., upon Dell o! the ~ r i roll the following answered their names; Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- S. ~ ' lotion rNOinded~ On motion o! Member Tally, that the notion o! the Board of Oomre.o! Dse. EE, ... . is amendment to 1919 regarding the passage o! an ordinanee amending the Automobile Lioenes ordinanoe i ' antomebile ordinsaoe. :•;~ be reeoinded, and that said ordinanoa bs not reoorded in the.ordiaanoe book- osrriea; •' upon Dail o! the roll by S yens. - ~' • Oa motion o! the above, the rules requiring Dopier o! ordinanose to De !um iehed' ~f the oommiasionere S days prior to meeting, ware temporarily suspended upon Dell of ~ '~ ~ `+ the roll by 3 yeas. , Ordimm~oe Oa motion o! the sbove, AH ~tD II~1AH0$ PROYIDIHO FOR THE CLA89IFICATION ~UD LI- ; 1 lioeneiag Cffi~BIHG OF YEHICLE9 PLYING THE BTRkRTB OF TH$ CITY 4a PADUCAH, $ENTIICKY, AND.PR$-' t antomobilss, ete. • r- +~ SCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE 9IOLATI08 OF 9AID ORDIMAHCE wsa adopted upon oell•o! the j. roll by 8 yeas. ! i On motion the Board ad~onrned upon osll o! the roll by the loilowing vote; (, ,,, ~~ Yeas, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- S. '~Y ,u ~ ~ , D23XUtt• !~~ pro tom. } ~ ~. ,"/ ° ' ' D$CEldBER E9y 1919. ~ •' ~: ' it a rsgnlar meeting o! the Board o! Oommiaeionere held fn the Oomre~ Ohambar o! ! .. ' the Oity Hall, Paducah, Hy., on Deo. E9, 1919, upon sail o! the roll the following I' answered their names; Gardger, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. ~' ~,; s +: . ,;. On motion o! Member Tally, the miantee o3 the meetings oY December EEd and ESth .E Ep were adopted ae read upon onll oY the roll by 4 yeas. i ,.. '~ On motion o! Member Gardner, the petit ion ,o! property owners 8o residents living i. ~, ~. Stseet light ~ near 6th 8o Monroe streets !or s light at the intaraeetion of said streets, was •; raoeived & tiled upon Dell o! the roll by 4 yeas. at . 6th m Mo~oe i; Oa motion o! the above, an sro light was ordered p]aoed at the earner o! Bth h j,.•., ~~ Monroe streets as per petition therelor- upon ash of the roil by 4 yens. ~. • On motion o! the above, that the tollowing saoourite be paid t charged to the ~ • 8peoisl 8swar I sooounte•. a, 8peoisl 9swer eooount; Barry'8 Henneberger 83.79, J• B• Rothrook, Jr. $8.08, ;;'.'.,.',` Sherrill-Rneeell Lbr, Oo• ~lE•Eb- serried upon osll o! the roll by 4 yeas. ~ ',,, On motion o! the sbove, that the bill o! Cumber]aad Telephone to Telegraph Oo• e!i .'„ ;;;,: 1.~~ . 1:~ . .f.~ ~. • 1', ~• i ":t~,: _. t __, .. ~''~~_ °. '.y ........ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Deo. a9th tg~ Sept. E6, 1819 !or rental on attaohmsnts from Deo. , 1 1 o eos , , • i amount o! ~10E.86, be allowed ana ordered paid sad eharged to Oity Light Plant- oarrieQ ;' upon Doll o! the roll by 4 yeas. ~ • On motion o! Member Tully, that the pay roll !or the Dspt• o! Publio World 3or the - , •. .` week ending Deo. E7, 1919 be appsovwd as loilowst Streets $E09.E7, 8gwera $36, carried ' ',upon Dell. o! the roll by 4 yeses 1'sN.Bmras ~' Oa motion o! the .above, that payment o! salary o! F. N. Bnrae se Mayor, to Dso. 8th, •'i;'"•`~ salary. ~; 1919, the date o! hie reeignstioa, amounting to ~77.4E, bs approved- oarrisa upon call ~: ~ o! the roll by 4 yeas. ~;. On motion o! Mayor pro tam Wooldridge, that the reeolntion o! lE/E/19 adopted by the eohool u, Hoard of Education o! Paducah, Sy,, requesting the Board o! Commiesionsre to leans at ~ . bonder ~ once the ~E60,000 'o! bonds !os school purposes, pursus~ to the vote oast in lavor o! ~~ I~ such isstanos at the d.eotion held on Nov. 4, 1919- be reoeived a tiled, and that the Oity 8olioitor be instrnetsd,to.bring in an ordinanos !as the ieenal o! Baia bonds- ~ ;, oarzied upon wall o! the roil by 4 yeu. ' i? lSlghman, ' On motion o! Member Hss;eiip, that the Oity:Bolioitor be,inetrnotsd to bring is Bros. ~ i~ resolutions properly expressing the gratitude of the oitiaens o! Padnoah to T'ilghme~ ,,,.gilts ,. .~ eroe. !or their gilt o! a eight !or s high eohool to the Oity- oarriea upon call o! the ~r./~~: ! ; cz ~ roil Dy 4 yeas. 3 On motion the Board,ad~onrned upon Deli o! the roll b9 the following ~ote1 Yeas, i y °, aasdner, Hasslip, Tully ana Wooiasidga- 4. , l~L...,~.r pro tem. u~ ~r a.,a `~ - ~. January 3, 19E0. r At s Dolled meeting ol,ths Board o! Commiesionbre held in the Oomre' Chamber o! the ..,~ City Hall, Paducah, Sy. on January 3, 19E0, upon Dell o! the roll the following ,k answered their nameet Qardner, Hazelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. Repor6 0! .~, On motion o! Member Gardner the re ort o! Comer o! Pablio Works Yor December 1919 Oom~r o! Wks. ~ p and !or the entire year o! 1919 was reoeived and lilsd upon Dell o! the roll Dy 4 yeas. , Reports on ~ On motion o! Member Tully, that the repast o! Com~r.o! FSnanoe regarding ,the checking 'Spacial Sewer Fend with Oity~,:, nooount o! the spacial Sewer Sand in the Cit National. Bank bs reoeived d, tiled- Ndt~1 Hank y , carried upon Dell o! the roll by 4 yeas. ~ . ~~ On motion o! the above,•the accounts amonating to ~E6,E78.79; as per report o! Corns " d o! Finanee herewith tiled, were allowed and payment o! earns approved upon Dull o! the ," +,! roll by 4 yeas. On motion of the above, the report o! Com+r'o! 8lnanos !or the month ol.Deoember 1919 ` ''"woe reoeived, lilsd sad ordered published in the oi!loial newspaper- upon call o! the roll .by 4 yeas. • On motion o! the above, that payment o! the pey roils from the Dept. o! Public Works s ~~.for the week ending Jens 3, 19E0 be approved ae lollowsi Streets :pE64.87, Hewers $78.E0, . Hewers $39.Eb- carried upon call o! the roll. by 4 yeas. • Resolution o! .~~ ` ~ " thanks to ~ ~ motion o! Member Wooldridge, s Resolution wap adopted expreaeing the thanks and; ~'ilg6siRi- Bross gratitude o! the entire popn]atioa o! the Oity o! Paducah to Mssesa. Tilahesata Bros, o! ;~ ' New York for their recent donation to the City o! Paduosh of a valuable site !or the !` " iodation 'o! a asw higli eohool building, and s Dopy o! rams ordered sent to Meeere., ' i~ Tighlman Broe• upon Dail o! the roll by 4 yeas. ~~~ogort o! Oity " On motion, of the shove, the report o! Jao. MoQnirs, city hailer, !os the year 19194 JaiUrr ;! t was reoeived.and Yii~d npon.osli o! the roll by 4 yeas. is ,. ~: !f •. • ' ., 1, r• I ,..--~;, .. ~ . . ~• i 4 ~-~ r ..~~ :; ~' ~w• ~., ~' 1 •