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Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah nAa~ber , R 191
On motion of Ysmbeir Tally, the payment o! the pay rolls from the Dept• o! Works
• ~.; !or ths.wsek•snding Dea. 13, 1911, as"follows; 8trssts ~E48.EE, 8sasrs $43•E0, ass
' ?" approved upon Ball of the roll by i yese.
W, J, Bees 1
' "" On motion o! the above, the National Snrsty Co. ass released from the band of
bona released.
. • " i .. '
` Dr• W. j. Beae ae o! May 1, 1919, upon oall o! the roll by 4 yeas.
J.F.Hsrso ~
t On motion e! the sb"ova that 1.80 0ll taz
, $ p paid by J. !'. Hersog .on tea bill h .
' .
ax bill.
"~1897 bs relnnded as he is s resideaS o! the oonnty and not"ol the oity- osrrisd npon~
' ~.
{' Deli of the "roil by 4 yeas.
o! r
Oa motion o! Mayor. pro tam Wooldridge, sa ardinanoe making it nnlaalui $o park! ..,~,{
- '
les ~ ~ b
, o
eto. pro- f automo
iles or other vehiaiss on the abet eide~ol 4th street norEh o! Broadway, !or a '
~~ " ffistanes~ol 80 !t. from the inside liae"o! the pavement on Broadway, or on the west Bide
,: o! Third 80. south o! Bdway !or a distsnae o! BO lest lrom-the ineias line o! the
~ ..
pavement on Bdway,. and providing penalties !or a violation.thsreot, ans adopted upon
~..,.. Doll a! the roll by 4 yeas. ~ ~ ~ ..
'Ceoil Resd a'"~'
" On motion o! Member Hssslip, that Csoil Assff and aeo. 8• Allen be designated by
Oeo• E. Allen ;
designated as'":
City appraisers the City !or appraisal o! water works. property- osrriea upon oall o! the roil by 4 yeaW•
o! water corks. Oa motion the Board ad~ovraed upon Deli o! the roll by the lollowS;ng votes j ~~
• ~ Yeas, Asrdner, Hpaelip, Tally nod Wooldridge, 9. ~
., i1 F~-vF.T~ . ~ . I
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Ads ! ~.1~ -
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~. • DPCEMBPR ZE. 1919..
~ ,
~ At s regular meeting of the. Board o! Commissioners heiff is the Comre' Chamber o! '
;'~~•_,~, the City Hall, Padnoah, Syr. on Deo. EE, 1919, upon oall o! the roll the lolloaing
~" ~ ansaersd their names; Gardner, Hsaelip, Tally and Mayor pro tam Wooldridge- 4.
,~ On motion o! Ltember Tnliy, the minutes o! the meeting of Deo. i6, 1819 sere
" - ~, adopted as read upon Dell o! the roll by 4 yeas.
~ On motion o! the above, the sooonnta nmomting to 6763.96, as pas repor4 filed
' ~- •-
oi 0om'r o! Pinsaoe,.aere allowed ana payment o! same approves upon oall o! the roll by
4 yeas. •
' On motion, o! the above, that payme~ of the pay robe from the Dspt. of Works
!or the week ending Dso. E0, 1919 be approved as loiiows; 8Srsete ~EEE.41, Sewers $48.E0,
~~•', earried npon.osil o! the roll by 4 yeas.
' On motion of the above, that the roles requiring three dat'a' notioe, be suspended
~( temporarily- oarriea upon Deli o! the roil by 4 yeas.
Ord• amend-~ On motion o! the above, sn ordinanos regulating motor vehiolss, providing for '
sag Ora, regn ~
iati b their re istration sad tha liosasi
6 ng•ot same, adopted Jan. E7, 1919, was amended - ; ,
-.suSos, eto.. ~npon sass 0l the roil b 4 ens.
y y
" ~ .
-!~On motion o! 1[ember Wooldridge
that Sherrill-Rnseeli Lbr
d $4
'•Nurese' Horns..; ,
e s
ellowaaos to ; •+lor work done oa ooaetruotion o! Nnrees~ Horns, as per eertilioate ~E o!"W 8. (fors,
Lbr. Co. .arohiteot, puravanS to oantrsot- oarrisa upon Dail of the roil by 4'ysas.
,WPolios Poasrs.~ Ongmotion o! the above, that the tolioaing m;reae"employed by the MoCraoksn ConaSy
8nrssa." Pnb11o Hea1Sh League; 1[isees Helen L. Donaldson, Margaret 1[ianioh, Yaney Jenkins, bs
" ..til_,, ~ granted poison powers, upon the ~sontion o! psapsr ana snliieisat bona, is sooardanosi.
with the rsgnseS~o! A. A• Yeyara, President e! said League, ahioh is hsrsaith !lied
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paduosh Deoember ES 191 9
-~. '
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IroLtien -
On motion e! Mambbr Wooldridge, the ooeimnnioation from the ntsti Board o!
Health, sonoeraiug the epeaing o! the IsoLtion hospital !or ooatagions diseases, was
reoeived and lil~d apes dell o! the roll by 4 yeas.
IIpon motion the Board ad~omned upon Dell of the roll by the following volsi
Yw., Aardnsr, Bs:eiip, Tally and Mayor pro tem Wooldridge- d• •
i ,
~1 .
~MA'IfiO`f1 " ~ ~ '
' 1
!' pre tem.
I. ,
'~ _ , ~
Deoember E3~ 1819• !'
~: ~- •t a apeoial meeting o! the Board o! Oommissionere held in the Oomra~ ChamD~r o!'
} `the Oity Ha11, Paducah,-Yy.~ on Deo. ES, 1919, at E o'olook P• M., upon Dell o! the ~ r
i roll the following answered their names; Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- S. ~ '
lotion rNOinded~ On motion o! Member Tally, that the notion o! the Board of Oomre.o! Dse. EE, ... .
is amendment to 1919 regarding the passage o! an ordinanee amending the Automobile Lioenes ordinanoe i '
ordinsaoe. :•;~ be reeoinded, and that said ordinanoa bs not reoorded in the.ordiaanoe book- osrriea;
•' upon Dail o! the roll by S yens. - ~'
Oa motion o! the above, the rules requiring Dopier o! ordinanose to De !um iehed'
~f the oommiasionere S days prior to meeting, ware temporarily suspended upon Dell of ~ '~ ~
`+ the roll by 3 yeas. ,
Ordimm~oe Oa motion o! the sbove, AH ~tD II~1AH0$ PROYIDIHO FOR THE CLA89IFICATION ~UD LI- ; 1
antomobilss, ete. • r-
+~ SCRIBING A PENALTY FOR THE 9IOLATI08 OF 9AID ORDIMAHCE wsa adopted upon oell•o! the j.
roll by 8 yeas. !
On motion the Board ad~onrned upon osll o! the roll by the loilowing vote; (, ,,,
~~ Yeas, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- S. '~Y
,u ~ ~ ,
!~~ pro tom. } ~ ~.
,"/ ° '
' D$CEldBER E9y 1919. ~ •'
~: '
it a rsgnlar meeting o! the Board o! Oommiaeionere held fn the Oomre~ Ohambar o! ! ..
' the Oity Hall, Paducah, Hy., on Deo. E9, 1919, upon sail o! the roll the following
answered their names; Gardger, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. ~'
~,; s
. ,;. On motion o! Member Tally, the miantee o3 the meetings oY December EEd and ESth .E Ep
were adopted ae read upon onll oY the roll by 4 yeas. i
'~ On motion o! Member Gardner, the petit ion ,o! property owners 8o residents living i.
~, ~.
Stseet light ~ near 6th 8o Monroe streets !or s light at the intaraeetion of said streets, was
•; raoeived & tiled upon Dell o! the roll by 4 yeas.
at .
6th m Mo~oe i; Oa motion o! the above, an sro light was ordered p]aoed at the earner o! Bth h j,.•.,
~~ Monroe streets as per petition therelor- upon ash of the roil by 4 yens. ~. •
On motion o! the above, that the tollowing saoourite be paid t charged to the ~ •
8peoisl 8swar I
sooounte•. a, 8peoisl 9swer eooount; Barry'8 Henneberger 83.79, J• B• Rothrook, Jr. $8.08, ;;'.'.,.',`
Sherrill-Rneeell Lbr, Oo• ~lE•Eb- serried upon osll o! the roll by 4 yeas. ~ ',,,
On motion o! the sbove, that the bill o! Cumber]aad Telephone to Telegraph Oo• e!i .'„ ;;;,:
1.~~ .
1:~ . .f.~
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