HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/01/19 & 11/08/19 ,..p rM1 S^" t ... 1. • v-+ ....:.:Ww+....~..4~+-.. ~a,~...-v _.... ~['sr .. W.a,..d~./ +Y~ ~..+a . r.,.YU.. . L.:::o~.t .__`v~•.~z~ ......r._... .n.. `, r' { ' 's. C01Ytll11SS101lC1'~8 City ofPaducBh December 1 lyj 9 a. urm.... ~ ~ .i t .f • .. i 1 ~ ". 2 '4 ' • ~` ~', it a ssgalar m~etin6 e! the Boars o! Commissioners held is the Corms' Chamber ~ - I ,` ~" o! the City Ball, Padneah, $y-., on Dee. 1. 1919, upon oa~,l o! the soil the lollowing.! " i. answered their names Borne, Aaranes, 2nlly, ana Woolaridgs- 4•. ~ Oa swtioa o! Member Wooiariege, the miautor o! the msetingi 0! xovember 84th , j aaa 89th, 1919 Here aaoptea u seas upon Dail 0! the roll by ~ yeas: HgeN ., Oa motion o! 1[ember Oaransr, that. the Com'r o! Works be inrtraeted to remove a~ tree. tree on Maaison 8t. bet. 16th aaa 17th streets, which tree it on the ai~iling iine • i between the City's property ana the Paimar property aaa is aangerons to the pnblio- ~" • ~ oasriea npon Dail o! the roil by 4_yeas. j + g~~, atiyeta• i On motion of the above, that the Comr o! Works be anthorisea a inrtrnotea to i i + place neeaea gravel at 4th a Clay Sts., Yaaisoa Bt. betwesa 7th asd Bth, Harrison 8t *' ' +' between 4th a 6th; 13th aaa Oaldwell Str., Fonatain Ave. between Broaaway & Je!leraoa; G i Sts,- oarriea npon call ol.the roll by l yeas. ~ Iatskrs• ~ i On motion oZ the above, that the Oomr o! Works be snthorisea ana inetrnotea to • . ` . pet is two latsker sea ooaneot with the sewer in the siley between 11th a 18th sad ~ Brosaway end Jatlereon streets- oarriea npon sail ol~ths roll by ! y~ae. Jao•D•Smlth ~ On motion 4! 1[ember 4a7.ly,.thst the eotion o! the Comr of Binanoe !a engaging apeoiai anait• ` ~; Jno• D. Bmith to•mak! as anait of the Oity books ana aooowntr !or the year 1919 be i. • approna• oarsi~a npon oall.o! the roll by 4 yeas. Liberty Bona Ia1~• On motion of the above, that the report o! oom~r o! Binanoe regarding deposit; of latere~t en Labe;ty loan bonne to the oreait o! the Sinking Bnaa be reoeivea b !ilea- oarsiea npon Dell o! the soli by 4 year. ~ Oa motion of the oboe, that payment of pry rolls from the Dept. o! Pnbiie " Works for week easing Hov. 89, 1919 be approval as lollowes Strosts ~E89.9B ' Sewers 43.E0 ~, oassiea npon eall o!'the roll Dy 4 yas. + Bill ter } On motion a! the above, the ;sport o! ttu Oity Soiloitor oasoeraing bill o! •.. ~ eleotioa .~ ezpenrrs. Gee 0. 8logleLoa;:County Court Clerk, !or election e:penser, was reorivea ana !ilea +; . npon oall.o! the roil by 4 yeas. • Hat! 8mret Co• ' n On motion o! Member WoolariAge, that the ~iationai 8nrety Co• be reieasea from' releases o bona o! Jaa• Collins. the bona o! Jas. Collier. aso'a, ae o! Ysy 30, 1919, se per reQnsrt,e! gala Company j herewith !ilea- oarriea npon call of the roll by 4 yeas.. parking oars ~ ; On motion o! the above, that Lhe City 8oiioitor ba instsdotea to bring in an ~'r~.' 4th 8t. .t ~. oralaane• prohibiting the parking o! Darr on the w~ot sloe of Ponrth street !or a J " »1 aletanoe o! 76 feet north or south of Broaawsy•sna providing a penalty o! not seer I.' than $8 nor more then $88 lor.eaah o!lense- oarriea npon oeil.o! the toll by 4 yesr.~4''~~ ;;:, ~ :~, ~ llss•Lonir Bieke. On motion o! Ys o; Boras that Yrs. Lonir aieke Jr• be appointed a member o! ~~ 7 Js•, Mrs. A•H. Meyers appoiatel 6 y Boss to ruooesd,Yrr.,A. B. Ysyers, to serve natii Deo. 10, 1985, the Carne le Libras Library trnatees• . and that Mrs. HAmona Port be appointee alto as a ~pember.o! seia Boars to enooeed Yrs. i . Louis Hieke, Sr., her term to •=pine Dso. 10, 1983-•oarrisd upon call o! the soli ~ " Dy 4 yeas. " ,. Oa motion of Member NooldriAge, that the oommualoatioa o! Mayor Bnrsu, rhowiag Oasaegie iribrsry. terms o! rseyeotive trnsteea o! the Carnegie Library, be reoeivaa b !ilea b rpreaa npon the minutes o! this meeting- carried npon call o! the roll by ~ yeas. ' 8s1a ooamnnioation lollowes ". ~' k i. I + ~ ~ i ,, . ' ,, ,_ , ,.,,~ ..-„ ,. _...,. r ~ ,. ._~..._.... m. <`Il~lrr •..a , .~ v ~a'r~~....-..-....._.._.. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Dw. 1 191 "Dwsmbsr 1, 1919. ~~ . "To the Hoard o! Comaieelonere, Oity of Paduesh, Hyr. ' `• Gsatlemsas .- In order that the reoorae showing the !same a! trustees o! the C1Ftli&GIS LIH9aHY may be broaght Gown to date, eo that they will be readily soosaeible wheae~er any ' Carnegie information oonoerning the same !e assired, I haws to aariae that the appointees and ; ,' their terms appear sa lollowet ` Library, w`; . i9u®stt w. Bagby, term espirea Deoembes 10, 19?A . Chas.. Weille " w , " " 1981 ~. drank Pieher " w " " 1988 { idea. Loris Hieke, Jr. " w w " 1988 Mce• Sdmond Poet " » " w 1988 j Very truly yoare, ' . (sigaea) F. H. Bass, IIayor. " b !. ~etta. ~ motion o! Mayor Hama, the oommaaloation o! 8. 2. Htetta regeraing eompenaatioa , ~ !or 0lme lost by him on aooonat o! ia~uriea ressiTed by him in July Nhile working is ' tht Sewer Dspt., was rwsina and Siiea and referred to the Comer o! worb !or report and reoommendation, neon osli of the roil by 4 yeas. , On cation the Board aa~o~aea.apon Dell o! the roll by the following vote: You, ~ . ' Hams, Gardner, Tnily, and wooidrilge- 4. , ~PR,pVT3 .. AS a -~'~~ ~ P[A1t0 ~ ... c. ~ . .. - , DTCEMBTli 9th. 3919. . • At a regaiar meeting o! the Board of.Commiesioaers held in the Comra~ Chamber o! ' the City Hall, Padnoah, fir., Deo. 8, 1919, upon odli of the roll the iollowiog answered ~ ~~- thole namssi enras, Gardner, Haselip, Tally, and wooldriAge- 6. • t~ On motion o! i[embsr wooidridge, tha minutes df the meeting held on Deo. 1, 1914 were adopted as rasa upon sail of the roll by 8 yeas. Orsavsts On motion o! Mayor Bnrna, that two graduate ~rsss be employes by the Snperintsnaent nurses . Contagion - o! Airersias Hospital to att~aa patients o! the oontagion wsrQ o! said hospital-- the Hospittaal ~ . servioes ol.eaid two ma;ese (one day and the other night) to be ntliised in Hi~srsids ~, ~ Hospital etioh times as there are no patients in the oontagioa ward- On motion of Htmbsr Haselip, that by way of amendment to motion of Mayor Bm~ns to ` employ two parses to open oontegion hospital, that the building kaowf as Hsast Parnell ~~ Contagion Hospital be given book, toge0hsr Mith its oars, management and eoatroi, to thr 1-onane Hospital League- said amendment lost upon oali ei the roll by the loilowing pots; ~. Yeas, Hassiip sad Tally, 8. Hay, Burns, Gardner and wooidridgs, 8. y Upon Bali of the roil oa the motion as originally altered by Mayor Burns, same `- a~' osrrisQ upon Dail ad the roll by the follo~da Tsts= Yess Barns Garda r 11 • 6 ~ e and ooidriage, 7i• Hsy, Hsselip and Tally, 8. •. Yri~ats bath Cn motion of Mayos Horne, that a private bath rooti !or nurses be installed in the • room for a~ nnroee at oontagion wiera o! Riverside Hospital, aaa that Digs be taken for enoh work st erne, ooatrut Contagion Hospital to be warded to the lowest bidder" Member Tulip o!laed the loilosiag motion. by way o! amendmanti that notion be ,, • poftpened until the ne=t regular meetin8- oafs amendment lost upon Deli o! the roll by "~'•~" the loilowiae vote= Ysss, Hsseiip and Tu11yY- 8. Hsy, Barra, Gardner sad woolaridge, 3. ~° ~ Upon sail O! the roll on the motion a originally offered by 1[eyor Barns, soma = ~ ~ ~- ''~ , osrriet iiy the loliowing votes Yeas, Horns, Gardner a wooidriage, 8. Hay, Haselip 6 Tally, 8• Contagion On motion o! Mayor Barra, that the State Boars a! Health be rsgnestea to apprere the Hospi al use of the ooatagion wars of Hiversiae Hospital for the vas K at,leut two ooatagiowa '` ~'~_' ;, aiaeases at oaa time- oarriad upon ealY o! the roil lq 6 yeas. ~1. : 5 ..~ . , +~+~~ • -.. , .- v _ j ~Y4 j ~ , i/, , ' • t . - I d"'1w7a3~ii`,vi a^<A°w`..:.~.f' a:`AYiafr:,• ~aw~iw`r3 ,.. a , ,, .xa ; r. :yd;.?.as . , y e ,.. s, i ~ f • t'`., ~' ~ .`; ~w.,~ f • 1'' y s ~: S i i i i 2 ' ~ '` .R. Ooataaggion Hospital ' ~ wetien o2 14mbe; Gardaes~ that the 8wort Pmroell IeoL~;lon Hospital be declared open .~'... ~. ~ deoLsea to be epen to two oontagiona diseases at this Limo- ,• ~. 1[ember Haselip oltered the yoilewiag by way of emendieentt than ill soilon.en ' ooatagioa hospital opening be deterred until the State Board sate upon ragnes~ o! this board- same lost npoa Dell of the roll Dy the iollowiag voter Y~ss~ Htselip-and Tally- 8. • • j , Nay.• Barns, Gardner, end Wooldridge- S. ' IIpon sell ei the roll on the motion as oilseed by 1[smber Gardner, eamo oarrled b~ the following vote= Ysae, Burns, lisrdasr and Wooldridge- S. May, Hasslip i Tnliy- 8. ~, F, • Ordinance !or i' improvsme~ "o! i' Dn motion of Yembor Gardner,, aM aRDIIiAMCB PROVIDING FOR THB D+D'ROYSI~N'1' OF 86th 86th street. ~ 6TRSST FROM ATKINS AYB. TO TH8 CAIRO (iHA48L.80aD, • DISTAMCS OF ABOOT 890 lliBT, IN TNN ~~ CITY OT PADIICAH, YY•~ BY QRADIMG AND GRAVELING 3AMR, was adopted upon Dail o! the ~; , roll by 6 yeas. ~ Pipr points. Demented ~' ~ On motion o! the aboq~ that the Comr o! Works have the points o! the pipes on lot .• ' , • ~. ~' 619 Caidwoli St• carrying the oity~e storm water drainage thru sail lot, Demented, and .ii any o! the. pipes are broken that hs rsplaoe same with good pipe- carried upon Dell o! ~:, t7ie roll by 8 yeas. Pad. 8leotrie Co life eohadnl~ Oa motion al the above, that the Pndneah 8lsotrio Oo• tits its eohoduls of rates, now being ohsxged for sUotria light, power, sad gee, with the Board o! Comrs o! the. city of Paducah on or below Deo. 16, 1919- carried npoa Dell of the roll by b yeas, ~'• g• W ' Jsokeon iettes '' On motion o! the above; the oommunloatioa of Dr. B• W Jackson, Oity Physician, in rs S. T• Svelte. - ,' and recommendation of Comer of Works regarding ia~ury eultered by S• T• }J-stte in .. •. July while working in the Sewer Dept, were reosived and tiled upon Doll o! the. roll ',. by B yeas. S• T. Svetts On motion of the abo w~ that 8• T• 8-etta b allowed tho sum o! $lE0 in tali o! o y • damages antlered by him while working in the Sewer Dept• last July and by way o! oom• ~• i d promise and settlement o! any claim he may have, 1! nay, agni.nst the City by reason o! ., • '' sail in~ury~ a release to be drawn np by the City 6olioitor saQ signed by said Evetts~ ' i osrried upon Dell of the ,roll by th~,toilowing votst Yesa, Buras~ Gardner nod Wooidridge~ f~ S• May, Harelip and Tclly~ 8• • • Bsank Whale ~ Oa motion o! the above that the oommunieation of Frank whale respecting ia~ury • (; •reoeivid by him while working !or the City o! Paducah oa Mov 8~ 1919 be reosived i ~' !lU d, and that he be allowed hie wages tor•eigltt weeks and-two days, end hospital charges, is tall settlement for said injury sad.. lose of time by reason of esid ln1pry~ `~ ;; • ; and that he be required to sign release drawn by City 8olioitos bslore hs gebs hie !. -~_: ; money- carried npoa Dell o! the roll by B yeas. • • ~ Sono i On motion o! Mombsr Hasslip, that cemetery reoora bs oorreotsd by clerk provided Daughters ~' Aseooiation. i. taste stated is petition o! Ads Grsy 8y Jao• W• Egestor~ Itty~ regarding Lote numD~sa • 196 189 800 801, 808 and 808 In block ~13~ nonveyad by the Oity o! Paducah to th• 80N3 AND l~lIIQBTE&3 ASSOCIATION in July 1860, are correct- carried npoa Deli o! the ro17, by 8 yeas. ~' ~; Lnaoh slant Mombsr Haseli o!lered an ordinance mak • p lag it nnlawlnl to permit nay lnaah stand ; ~ ordinsao• ;; , or wagon to remain in any one plane oa osrtaia streets of the city for s longer period j~ than Live minntes+ . i lfayos earns olierea the following smendmentc that the passage o! the ordiaanoe be . postponed iadsiinitely- sumo carried npoa Dell o! the roll by the loliowiag voter ~ . Y~se, Bnrae~ Gardner and Wooldsidge~ 3. May, Harelip aad Tally, E. On motion o! Member Tally, the sooonnts amounting to ~1B660.69, as -per report oi; ' ~;• I i. Comer o! Finaaoe, were allewed and payment o! sans approved npoa Dell o! the roll by 6 yeas • .• -++;-..n-~, ..~ ter;-; .. • I ~• .. ~ is :-,. , ..,-~., .. ..,.. , ., -- i • No.~2r r: Commissioner's City of Paducah Deoember nth jyj s _-- - • ~ On motion o3 1[ember Tn11yr, that the report o! dom'r o! Binaaos Yor the month o!, Horembsr 1919 be reoeired, tiled ana arasrsa pablishea in.th~ oitieisi newspaper. carried ' ~ upon Dail o! the roll by the loliowing rote= Yess, Boras, 6aran4s, Hassiip, Tn].ly, ana r - :.;~ On motion of the abore, that payment o! the pay ro1L tram the D~pE• o! Public woxb ~:. •i !or the week mtaing Deo. 6, 1919 be.spprerea as loiiowet Streets $E90.41, Sewers $48.E0. ~ _ +E'' !oarriea upon Dell o! the ro~.i by b yeas. ~!_. -' F, t. 1lnpaia OII motion o! the abore, thai the report o! Com'r o! 8lnanos regarding sale of th• property ~' nnpaia property teat bills !or 1919, he baring aarsrtisea same fn the otiioisi nesspaper p ta: bills• ?: rsgnirsa by law and solo cams to the highest biaaer; they being bought by the City e! `~ Padneah for the sum o! $6340.86, the amount of the bills, be rsoeirea aaa !ilea- oarriea neon osii 0! the roil by 8 you. ' J.Wes a On motion o! the abore, that the salary o! J. Wee Trontaian, Assessor, be lined at Troutman salary } $1E6 per month as o! Horember 1. 1919- osrsiea upon osii of the roil by 5 yeas. • ~' Cn mo4len et the abets, that the action o! tha Com'r a! linanee in empioylag Hebert Hnbe:t Harelip ~',Haselip as Assistant to the Assessor os snob ether duties as may be asslgnea to him !or 4 ., 'the month et Deoember at s salary e! $100; be appa•evea- oarriea upon call o! the roll .~ by 6 yeas. Sherrill-H•P ~ motion of Yembsr wooliridgs, that Sherrill-Russell bbr. Oo• be ailowea $E600 !ar '• paymsnt~ea "work ague on oonetraetion of Hmrses* Home pnresnt to contract o! Oot. E7, 1919, as per Hnrees' oertilioats ~1 0! 11. $. (lore, architect, herewith !lied- carried upon osii o! the hell by Home ' the leilewing toter Yeas, Barns, Gardner, Haselip de Fooldridgs,.4. Hay, Tully, 1• ~ . Dean lire On motion of the above, s Heseintion disoontinning the:Desn airs alarm system,: a~r° ~^sna maintaining the police alarm eystem•!or both police and lire salt , and preriding the eyatsm . cost to be polo per month !or each boa, wee saoptea upon Deli o~ the xoli by E yaas. Dr.E.W. On motion oi•ltayor Barns, the resignation of Dr. $. 1P. Jackson ss City Physieian, Jackson resignation°benaerea this day, was socsptea upon ca7.1 of the roll by 3 yeas. ' Dr.C.&. u On motion o! the abore, thwt Dr• 0. 8• Harkey be appointed to the position o! City Harkey appointment. Yhysieian; carried neon call of the roll by the lollowing rote: Yeas; Barns, Oardnsr and ;wooidridge- 8. Hsy,.Haselip• 1. Hsmber Tniiy esonsea from toting. Rsd Cross On motion of the abore, that the City yarohase $60 worth o! HBD CR088 seal, oarriea seals ~. -;upon sail o! the roil by 6 y~ss. .]rank 11• On motion el Yembsr Nooidridge, that the resignation o! Arauk H• Barns as Ysya' il. Barns. resignatien.,the Oity o! paanoah, elleotiTe at midnight o! this rite, .be aeosptea- oarriea upon Dail o! • the roll by 8 yeas. ~- • On motion the Boars aa~orirnea neon sail o! q-a roll by the lollowiug,rolec You,; .. i-.a" : ~+;";- ~` t Bisns, 0ardner, Hsseiip, 'Polly and Aooldridgs- 6• , ' ~ ~ ~ .. Ale l! .•=--•~._ ~ ", m ~.h `% _ - :. r ; , ~ • ~ .,; . ~ .. • ,. , _, ~; ~ - - . , ~:•; ,: .. } .. ; ~ ~ . - i _ _. 1 j .~ ., ,, .... ,.. i ' ~_, - ,~ r•~ . . ,~ ~, .' ~: