HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/19, 11/24/19, 11/29/19.~
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• ~ tt a regular meting a! the Board o!•Oownissioasra hela la the Oomrs~ Chamber o!
~ the Oity Hall, Paducah; fir., on Nov. 17th, 1919, at lour o~olook P. M,, npon.oail o! I •
~ ths~rell the following anewer~d their aamesi Burns, Gardner, Tully, 8o Wooldsi e- 4. `
• On motion o! M~bsr ltoeidridgs,•the minntse o! the meetings ol.NOVembsr 10th
and 16th, 1919 were adopted as read upon Deli o! the roll by 4 yens. i
Eepert e! 1fBs i, On motion o! Member Gardner, the report of the Coia~r o! Works for the month of j „
Commies Loner.
~; Ootobsr 1819 wee reoeived i 111sd neon nail o! the roil by 4 ysss.
~ On motion of the above, that the Oity 9olioitor be.iaetruoted to bring, in an
•" Sleobrio r ordiasnoe at the neat meeting, lasing the maximum rata to be charged for •leotrio
onrremt sate. F; current in Paducah by any person, firm or corporation at not szoeading 8~ per kilowat i .-.<
C hour net for the llrst 100 ~!H need er month and
• P 4yl for all over and above 100 KWH
need per month- same wen tabled, receiving no aeoond. •.
~ ;; On motion o! Member Tully, that pay rolls from the Dept. o! Pubiio Works for thi
~ week ending Nov. 16, 1919 be approved ae 1o11owet Streets ~Bb.36, Streets $311.76, '•
~; Sexsre ,43.80- carried upon call e! the roll by 4 yeas.
I' On motion o! Mayor Hume, that deed from wade & Gral (J. Gra! and H. F. wads) (
• Wane ~ lira! ~. f
f. dated July 10, 1918, tranalarring the went halt of the north halt o! lot 47 in block
• S oa 8. aids o! Mercy Avtt.'bet. Cypress 3t. & Olive St. in Oak Grove Cemetery, to"Mrs.;
Davin. ~ Carrie Davis, bs retailed and said trsne3er recorded in the oemetery regipter- osrrli4
upon nail el the roil by 4 yeas.
On motion tho Hoard sdaournad upon call o! the roll by .the following vote= ~ .
i; .
Yeas, Bayne, Gardner, Tully, and Wooldridge- 4. f
r A er ! ~j~~...19L`~ . ~.PPROVl;JD j •.
w ~ .,.,~'ra.. 7l~YOR. !
NOYEMBIiR E4. 1819.
• ~ ~ -t a regular meeting o! the Board o! Oommiaeiansrs hold 1n the Comra~ Chamber at the~•~ "
City Hall. Padnaeh, By., on Nov. 84, 1919, upon call o! the roil the following answersd.,,.,~.
rheas names; saran, Gardner, Haselip, Tully, and,Wooldridge- 8. ? ~'"'
On motion o! Member Wooldridge, the minntse o! the meetings hold oa November 17th, s•
,1819 ware adopted ae reed upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. f"
Besolntion !os` ', On motion of Msmbar•Gardner, A RE90LUTION PROVIDING BOR.THB Il~ROVEI~iT OB 86th STRBET ``
grading lb
strKet. ~ PADUCAH, Klf.f BY GBADIllG AND GRAVELING SAS- was given ate passage upon Dell of the ~,~
. roll by b yeas. I
Bsdnoe Yoroe On motion of Member H4sslip, that the Sezton o! Oak Grove Cemetery be instructed to
st Oak Grows
oemetery. reduce hie loroe of help to lust s anltiaient number to dig graves and attend tunerels,~" "
•• 'and that the wages of said employees be raised to ~2.b0 per day- carried upon Dell of I
;the roll by b yeas.
•. On motion o! Member Tully, that the pay rolls from the Department o2 Public Works
'tor the week ending Nov. E2, 1919 bs approved ae follows; 3treste x`313.38, Sowers $48.SQ,'yM,,.
same carried upon Dell o! the roll by 6 ysss. n..
On motion of the above, the eooonnte amounting to $6187.88, as par report o! Oom~s of `~.
Biaanoe, xese allowed and peymeat.of eamo approved upon call of the roll by b year.. ;;
Sewer & 8ehool On motion o! Mayor Borne, the City 9olioitor was inatruoted to immediately prepare ~ .
bonds- prepare. "
ordiwnoe. ordinances leaning the sewer and school bonds, upon call oY the roll by b yeas.
Certifioetss of On motion o! the above, the cert4#oatea of election of the Mayor-elect and Commis- ~ `~'
sleotion o! ~- ~ '
. Mayor and ,aionera-eleot,to-xit; F. lY. (Bill) Satter~ohn, Wynn Tally, Jese Gilbert, w. V. Eaton, ~ ,
:and Mike Williams; were reoeived and Tiled upon call o! the roll by b yeas.
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Cornmiss:oner's Proceedings, pity of Paducah. -Nov. 24 1919 ~ ' ~~
Sewer and ~ On motion of Mayor Burne,.the.oertifioats eho
wing oYiioial Donut of Sewer Bond
Sohooi bond
issues. and 9ohool bond issues, was reoeivad and ti]:ad,npon Dell of the roil by 8 yeas.
B'leotion ~ motion of Llembsr Tally,, that the aoootmt of Ens 4. Singleton, Olsrk of MoCraoken '• ~'`"
sipeneee. County Court, for eleotion ezpaneae, bs referred to the City 8olioitor to ohsok same as
to the amount to ba paid, eiad report at nezt meeting- oarried upon Dell of the Toll by ~--~.
• 6 yeses Y. . .
Convention 0n motion of Hsmba; Oardnsr, that Mayor Hnrns and Com'r Tally be appointed sa ~
Ohio YelUy '
Imp. Assn.. .delegates, representing the Oity of Paducah, to attend the Ohio Yglley Daparovement Ase'a
' meeting to ba heid Deoember'3d end 4th,. 1919, their eapenase to bs paid by the City-
„ carried upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas.
didewailc On motion of the above, the bid of Yanoy b Johnson for the oonetrnation of omorete .
• oonetruotion
16th st. aidawbiks, omb and gnttere,on 16th street between Hroadway._& Jefferson sYrests, being
Bdway to ~ .
Jsffsrsan 9$. the only bid.eubmitted on said work, was reoaived do hied, and the oonteaot for said
oonstrnotion was let to Yaney & Johnson, they being the lowest and beet bidders thereon- ~.
• ? upon Deli of the roii by 8 yeas. ~
, ~ ~. On motion of Member Hasaiip, the City Solicitor was inptrnoted to bring in an
~. Lnnoh
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* wag ans., ordinance making it nnle-wfnl for any operator of s innate stand or lnnih wagon to atop at
• ~~
any point is that portion. of town bounded by H~r.•Ave.,
9th street, let, and Jefferson
street, conger than five miuntee- upon Dell of the roil by 6 yeas.
Pnblio On motion of Mayor Burns, that the pnblio drinking fountain be installed at the
ionntain. eonthoast Darner of 4th and Broadway, end that bide bs requested for said inetsl]stion=
carried upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas.
• •„ On motion the Board adjourned upon Dull of the roYi by the ioilowing vote: 7[isa,
~"~~'' Bnrne, Gisrdner, Hssslip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6APPROV
A~ a ^~.~~ot.~ ~
seynx "" ~~
November.29, 1919.
At a osllsd meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comrs' Chamber of
• `, :
ths,City Ball, Paduaeh,.l~p., on Nov 29, 1919 at 12;30 P.
M., upon Dell of the roll the ~
lollowiag answered their namest Buse, Gardner, Tally and Wooldridge- 4.
n. Charity On motion of Mayor Burns, s Resolution requesting the,International President of the,
minstrel., I.A.T.9.B. to life the ban prevailing against the $y. Theatre for January 9th, 9th and
10th, 1920, in order that the E].las Longs will bs abie to prgesnt its charity miaetrel on .°~
Y-those darns, was adopted upon Dull of the roll by 4 yeas.
On motion the Hoard adjourned upon Deli of the roil by the i'oliowing voter Yeas, 's
.. .Barns, Oardnsr, Tally end Wooldridge- 4•
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Abe !e
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