HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/20/19,L w a.'- ti .~ r ' No. ~L Tf Commissioner's Proceedings, City Of Paduoah_ _ Aetebe+~ lsab t~h ' Oontraat !os ~- motion e3 lfayor ensnr, that awarding of oontraot to bulid Bnrser~ home 6s 1lmrsys Heme• .. aotioa ; postponed one west end that bidr inolaatn all deterrea. ~ • 8 psperr, be rsoeind A tiled- oarrL d ~; open sell o! the rell by tht loilowing •ote= Yeu, Burnr, Gardner, Haaeiip, Tully ~~ :'~ lean Wooldridge, 6. -.' . On mouton the Board ad~omrnsa neon Dail of the roll by the leilowing votes Y~a~~, .. i- ., Bosnr, Gardner, Hasslip, Tnliy end Ylooldridge, 6. ! • ~ i i A~~~.,d,,;.,5.~~~ir~;,.~Q~jSI~.,. APP OVSI _ ;,,~ MdYOR• 1 (I ~ . f E: i . Oetober la. 1919. r . A# a aproial meeting of the Board of Qoseoisrionera held in the Oomrs~ Ohamber d ' tl-e Oity Halls Padnoah~ 8entnoDy, on Dot. 16,. 1919 ~t ten o'o2oot A• 1[.t npon oAll of the loll the following answered their namert Bnrne, Qardner, Hawblip, Tnliy and ,. iNOOldridge- 6. Lettins o! ' Oentraet for On motiea o! camber Hawelip, that aotioa on letting o! oantraot for improvement j Bdway imp. I aeferrea, 10! Broadway from 17th to Ebth attests be.dsferred antic Monday,.OotoDer ep, 1919- ~•;',• • carried upon Deli of the roll by b year. ~ ` Tarvia Donets. ~ motion of Ifayor Burns, that bids !or Tarvia oonetrnotioa of Broaaway bi reotl } ~•~;• '.:'' of Baway- bias read & tiled. and died-,aarsied npon Deli of the roll by a year. !.. • ~ On motion the Board sd~oarned npon Deli of the roll by the m ilowiig votes Yeas, i Barns, Gardner., Hssslip, Tally and Wooldridge- 6. ~}- a-pPROV~ ~ :. _ J~~~ ~~`- '('' _.._..._,~ DzdXOR• October 20.. 1919. i " At a regular msstiag of the Board of Commisaionere held in the 0omre~ Chamber o! ~• the City Hall, Paduoeh, $~r,, on October E0, 1919, upon call of.the roll th9 following answered their names; Borne, Gardner, Hssalip, Tully, and Wooldridge- b. ~ f' i On motion of Member Tu11y, the minutes of the moetinge o! October 13th end `. ibth, 1918 were adopted sa read npon gall of the roll by 6 yeas. Member Hnzolip was exoased from the meeting. On motion of Member Gardner, AN ORDINANCE YROVIDIN4 FOR THE CODTSTRUCTION OF CONd . CRETE SIDEtiYALS3, CURBS AHD GIITTERS, AHD ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES, IDTTAKE3,, Si'sYIERS AND i• ' Hatband street ~ • and OATCH BASINS, ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF HUSBAND STREET FROM THx YIEST•YROYERTX LINE OB 8evsath street i sidewalks. SI7CTH STREET TO THE EAST PROPERTY LIN$ OF SEVENTH STREET, AND CN BOTH SIDES OF 3EVENTB~ ' . STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPE&TY LINE OF HUSBAND STREET TO A POINT ONE HUNDR7~ FEET ' ~ ~ 80U'fH OF HURRAY AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF PADIICAB, ICENTUC%7!, AND PROVIDING THAT 3AM$ MAY BE PAID FOR IIPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN, wee given its paeeags npon call of the .,~.: roll by 4 yeas. ' l 4 S•~•-~ta ~ On motion of the above, that the Sewer Inspector ba given a raise 1n ea]ary of $8 t~S t ~"7 ~ par month from Sept. 1, 1919, end that the laborers In the Sewer Dept. bs each given j jn ~~,n.r ~.~t. ~ an snoreees'ia wages of 3 1/3~ per houac, effective Prom Sept. 1, 2919- carried upoq ' '' Dell of the roll by 4 yens, r ' #~ On motion of Member Tully, that the soooante amounting to $4768.88, as per rep ort • ,' of Com'r of Finance, be allowed and payment of same approved- carried npon call of . ,,the roll by 4 yeas. {, ~ . * 1~ ~ i .. t _-_.__~--.- ,. ~ ._ ~~~~ ~ No.^7Tf} Commissioner's Pr-oceedings; .City ofPaducah• October E9th 191E ~ motisn st Member Wooldridge, that -the rspert of Oom~r ei Safety a Qity 8oiioitor• Gravel ~ regarding soatrovsrey bstwesn the Oom~r of Works and W L• Yanoy relatiys te•].E loads` eoatrsveroy. ! of gravel acid to the Qity of Padnoah, be reoeived nrtQ tiled, end that in pursuance- ~:;'' . ~ thereof ltr• W. L• Ysaoy bs peid for aria gravel- oarrisd upon call of the roll by` j • ! B yeas. . Pad. Slee• Oo• f i On motion o! Mayor Berne, tho-oommnnioation from L. 3. Nichols, Mgr. of the ~adnoah ~ Electric Co•, pertniaing to a diaouseioa o! the gas rats question, wsa reoeived 8e tiled upon oaii of ttu roll by•6 yeas. ~~.~ p' On motion of the above, that iioenes ordinance as to oaraivale be snepended and 1 Oasni~al }; . • that the Union Enoempment of Odd Follows be permitted to conduct a carnival during j Odd Fellows. E, the week beginning Nov. 10th without payme~ of license ter, upon condition that the ". ~+ Oity bs permitted to use the carnival bead free o! charge on Lrmiatios day- carried - ,; upon Dell of tho roll by b yeas. ~ • ~~ w' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the foiloeiag vote= Ysas, ~ • i Borne, Gardner, Hazelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6. ' ~ {. j~ ~i ~ . , A ~ ? • d ,~/~ Gt?l2 3PPRO !~ • ~ MAYOR. i • ~, • ~~ ,. November Sd~ 1818. ~„ .!, It a rsgaLr meeting e! the Board of Oommiseloners hsid in the Oomra~ Ohamber o;~ ' i the Oity Hali, Padnoah, Sy., on Hovembsr Sd, 1818,. upon oaii of the roll the tollowiios ~.~ enewered their named: Boras, Gardner, Tally, cad Wooldridge- 4. i • ~ Mambas Tally was sseuaed from ttu meeting. ' ~~ Oa motion o! Member Wooldridge, the mi~tse o! the muting of Ootobsr E7, 1818 i . were adopted sa read upon call of the soli Dy the tollawing vote: Yeas, Boras, Gsrdner~ '? and Wooldridge- S. . Ao/ _~ Hanky ~~. Oa motion o! Member Gardner, the oommnaioation from Gus B• Hank, Jr., regneating • regnest. ~; •permiesion to ooaasoL with sewer at 16th h Trimble Sts. and agreeing to pry his ' ', asaesamsnt for regular sewerage when earns ie ooastrnoted is that section o! the city,; wsa reoeived & tiled npoa oaii of the roil by 8 ysse. . ewe B. Hanky Jr•~ On cation of the sbon, that Gns S• Heak, Jr• be allowed to oenneot with sewer at permitted to ; connect his the caress of 18th do Trimble Sta. as per hie rsgneet, with the nnderatand ing that whoa '. property with sewer at 16th i the sewer system !a extended to that part of the oit y that hs wilt pay his pro rata for,,,:. Trimble Sta. '. the oonetruotion of any such sewerage, carried upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. ' '` • Member Tally ss-eatsred the meeting. Ordinanae for ' ~ On motion of Member Gardner. LH ORDIHLH08 PROYIDIHG FOR THH OOHSTRUOTIOH OF OOH1 sidewalk Don- strnotion oa H• ~ , CRS'T$ SIDEWAL89, CiiRB3 LHD GU'PTER3, LHD LLL HEC839LRY MANHOLES; IHTLKH3, BEWER9 AHD • 16th St. ~: CJITOH BASINS, OH BOTH SID$9 OE 3IZTEENTB STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF HROIDWLY. .. , TO TH8 SOUTH PROPffit'PY LINE. OF JE@FER90H STREET, IH THE O II'Y 0? P/1DUOLH, KENTU08Y, AHD PROVIDIN4 THAT SLR MIY BE PLIB FOR UPON THE TES YEAR PAYfdENT PLLN, wee glvsn its passage '': aeon oa]1 02 the soli by the following voter Yess, Burns, Gardner, Tully, sad Wooldridge-1 Error in assess- Oa motion o! Member Tally, that the error in assessment of Jse. L. Wooldridge and . meat of Jae. L. Rooldridge sad Idoaia F• Hay be rsferr~d to the Commieatoaer o! Finance to sd~ust same- carried npoa Idoaia F. Hay. ~. call of the roll b 4 y yeas. '~ On motion of the above, that the pay roils from the Dept• of Pub. Works fqr the, weak ending Hov. 1, 1919 be spprovsd as foliowsi Straete $481.81, 8nginseri,ng X7,8.80, r ` Sewers $43.80- carried npoa Dell of the roll by 4' yeas. x ~ , ,~; :~ I .. j .. ,i ~~ ,. ,. .. .„ .: - ..,„ ... ~~ ~ ,. -