HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/13/19 & 10/15/19~• ~i ~ .~, r., ,^a No.~~' "%. At s regular meeting o! the Boas a! Commissioners held in the Oosrs' Chsmbsr ot~~ ~~ the City Ha11. Padnoah, $-r.; on Oot. 18, 1919, upon Deli o! the roll the following r • ` answered their names; Burns, Qardner; Hsaeiipf Tnliy end Wooldridge- 6. ~ r • r Oa motion of Member Gardner, the mi.antss o! the meeting o! Ootobsr 6, 1919 were , a adopted as read upon salt of the roll by 6 yeas. Report o! N Com'r o! ,r On motion of the above the report o! Oomor'ol.Works !or the month o! September 1419 ' r l Works for ~, 8ept• ~ reosived m tiled upon oall of the r011 by 6 yeas. ' t Iaorsass ia; On motion~bi the above, that the angineas, fireman,, lamp trimmer, end 8npt. o! the , salaries ~;- ' Dept o! ~; pity Light Plant be snob gives sa inorease o! $6 par math in ssleucy from Sept. 1 S .1919 Wa~• ~, ~ also that the Aset. Street inepeator,.Chaingang'b Street Foreman and Street Inepeetos; . , sad Clerk to the Qomr o! Worb be snob given as iuorbase o! $6 per month lsom 8spt. 1, • • ~' 1919- oarried upon Dell o! the roll by 6 yeas. ~ . Resolution !'• ~ On motion o! the abon, A.R$SOLUTIOH PROYIDIHQ FOR THH .COHSTRUCTIOH OF COHCRETB I .. for aids- walks on • A: 9IDEWALBS, OURSS AND QUTTSRS, AND ALL HECE33ARY MAgHOL83., INTAffi8, SEWERS AHD CATCH Hnebana St.~ and 9th.St• BABIHS, OR THE SWTH SIDE QF HUSBAND STREET FROM TH$ WEST PROPERTY LIHE OF 8IETH STRBi'P ~'' TO THS BAST $ROP$RTY LING Op SEVENTH STREET, AND OH BOTH"8IDE3 OF SEwEHTH BTREBT FROM, TH8 SOUTH PSOP$RTY LINE OF HUSBAND 8TR8BT TO A POINT ONS HUNDRSD.(1001 FEET SOUTH OF ,! i HURRAY AYRHUS,, IN THS OITY OH' PADUCAH, ffiNTUCBY, AHD P80VIDffiQ THAT SAEfl; MAY BS PAID s . i~ FOR UPON THS TEH YEAR PAYNE6T PLAB- was adopted neon Deli of the roll by 6 yeas. ' Ord• !or ~ matioa o! the abo», AH ORDIHANOE PROYIDIHQ FOR THS COHSTRUCTIOH OF COHCRET$,, siasws]ks oa QOHBSL SIDEWALS3, CURBS'AHD 9DTTERS, AHD ALL'H$C88SARY LfAliHOLEB, INTABE3, 8EW8R9 AHD CATCH.- . AYR•. BASIHB, OH T$E WEST SIDE OF QOEBEL AYE. ?ROM TH$ SAST PROPERTY LIHE OF GUTHRIB AYB: TO i POIHT WHERE TH8 80ITTH OURS LIHS 09 WORTEN-8 AYB., IF ffiTENDED,-WOULD INTERSECT THE WEST ~ ~~, PROPERTY LINE OF QOEBE6 AV$. AND OH THH ~ABT'9ID8 OF QOTBSL AYR. FROM TH8 HORTH CUSS LIHS • OF REHN. STREET TO THS 80UTH CIItB LINS OF WORTEH'S AY&., IH TH$ CITY ~' PADUCAH, S7f., AHD ":'~ PROYIDiNQ THAT SAMR MAY SR PAID FOR U1y0H THH T8H YSiR PAYMENT PLAM; was adopted upon . Dail o! the roil by B yeas. P. eltieers' On motion o! Member $aseiip, that all slsotian o!lioers who are pain by the City ~ '~. pay "; be paiQ the sum of $4 per day;. e!lsotiva as o! this dale- oarriea neon Dail o! the sell ''~ ~ ` • Y by 6 yeas. ~ Registration ~ motion of M~bsr Tully, that the C.om'r o! Finanoe be authorised to psy the ~~ ~ ' day ezpease. ezpenss o! the seoond registration day oa Oat. 14, 1919, emopnting to $890, oarriea ~ -_ upon osYl' o! the soli by 6 ysha. ~ ", ti*. Oa motion o! the above, that the pay rolls lrom the Dept. o! Pnblio Works for the wk ending Oot. 11, 1919 be aliowea as loilowsi Straste $341.46, Streets inorsase $108.96. ;' sewers $39.60,. Rngineering $9.80, Speoiai Sswsr $7.b0, Epeeist Sewer $19.48- osrrisd upon oali of the roll by 8 yens. ' On motion o! the shove, the report o! Oom'r o! Finano. !or the month o! September ' _~ ;' was reosivsd and hied and oraered.pnbiishea in the o!liolal nesepapsr, npon:aalT at tht ' • ~ salt by 6 yeas. i . F`•~ Q•W I~sttsr• On mbbion o! Mayor Burns, that the Oom's o! Finanoe be authorises and iaetrnotad to ° Doha assess' meal. settis,the tae bill o! 0. W. ~tlerfohn on the hale o! old assessment, sednotiag rai~7~ •.. ~ • o! $1360 #om, new. assessment, ld•• IDattsr~ohn sot baring rsoeivsa aotiee .ot seise- oarriN ;t ~," ~ -~°~ upon Deli o! the roil by the toilowing vois~ Yeas, Barns, daraner aaa Woolmridse, s. Hay, Hss~lip an8.Rslly, 8. j . ~, _ u~ ~ .. _ '. ~ . :. • . x .~ _ > ~ .. ~ . • .~a> ~, , ,. ". .. i ~.< • . , u.~. .~.,, ,.. .... ~~ a °..., .' ~'~. • . - ' ' r a." ~r?xx.. '.:.;w,.. .. ~ anmxM: .dcv~ ~. ,v, . ~ :,a,~ ... ., _ ~. ~a,'..x~rz ' ~ . h + ;,,~y~ ..e i .. . _L.1_ ... ~... .. ~ -.....m.. r r t ..~L.~.~~_.J:i..,s.,'_ -_;'rc$CSI:!utlL{,mut.~emtluW^IG4:ft:C[ICI'sul~ ~.~e.rs.:~.:.1_ .u.~.=1_ _ _ :+L-u~~ -_ _. I I - ~ ~ ~'.y '' ~. . ... . . _~ ~, ° ,~ No ~.~ ,, ,.:.. .. ,, Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ootober 20th jyJ 9 _ '" ~? On motion of Member Tully, that payment of the pay rolls 3rom the Department of Pnb].i~o :, Works bs approved as follows, for week ending Oot. 18, 1919y Sewers $39.60, Engineering ' $26.96, Streets X378.78, Speoial Sewer ~lb.lb- oarried upon oall of the roll by 4 yeas. ~ ~, Expanses Oa motion of the above, that the Oom~r of Finanoe be suthoriaea to psy the eacpsnss primary eleotion. ° of the primary eleotion held on Dot. 18, 1919, amounting to X390.00, same to b~ ohsrged , • •~ to the Contingent Fund- oarried upon oall o! the roll by 4 yens. !' • , ! Member Harelip re-entered the meeting. ;! ~ Cemetery Heed ~i On motion ot.Member Tally, that deed bs saeouted to Eldridge Freeman for lot ~#lb in ' .Eldridge Freeman. i blook ~3 on north side of Miller street between Ford de Hannan Sts. in oak Grove Cemetery ~; h~ having paid into the treasury therefor the enm of $40, as evidenoed by rsosipt herewith ; i tiled-.oarried upon oall of the roll by 8 yeas. Broadway re- On motion of Member Harelip, that all bias for reoonstrnotioa o! Broadway from 17th • oonetrnotion to 26th streets bs re~soted, and that deposits on said bide bs returned to bidders- oarsiea • ', upon oall of 'the roll by b yeas. Nurses Home. ~ motion of the aDovs, that all bide bs rs~sotsd and matter of building Nnrsss~ Home • bs deterred until ae:t year when same oan be provided Yor and oompieted- loaf upon oall a! the roll by the toliowlag voEs~ Ysas,.Harsiip end Tully- 2. Nay, Burns; Gerdnsr, and ' ', Wooldridge- 3• . s . Bid o! On motion.o! Mayor Surne, that bid of Sherrill-Ruesall Lbr. Co. 1» aooepted, and tha4 Sherrill-Ruase~ the City 9olioitor bs inetruoted to prepare ooatraot to bs exeoutea by the Mayor, who is Lbr. Oo• tar NURSES HOMN hereby authorised and instrnoted to sssoute same- oarried upon oell of the roil by the' aooepted•. 1 : tollowing votes Yeas, Burns, Gardner, and Wooldridge- 3• Nay, Harelip and Tully- 2• Oa motion tho Board ad3ournsa upon oei11 0! the roil by the following voter Yeas, •. eia•ne, Gardner, Harelip, Tnily sad Wooldridge- B: ~, ' i91,Q. AA i ~~~ _-~- .~P v, ~ • °.a` O 7fSdX R. !i ~' '' Ootober 27th. 1919. i:~ ~; At a regular meeting of the Board of Oomuiseionsrs held is the 0omrs' Chamber o! the ~~ 'v Oity Hall,, Pafluoah, Ky., Ootober 27, 1919, upon osil of the roll the following answered 1 ~ "~ ~ their anmee~ Hnrne, Gardner, Harelip, Tully, and Wooldridge- 6• On motion of Member Harelip, the minutes of the meeting of Oot• PAth, 1919 were . adopted ae read upon Dail of the roll by 6 yeas. W.A.Gnrdner ~ motion of Member Gardner, that the Oam~r of Finanos oredit w. A. Gardner ba his ~„T; tar assess- - tnx;bill w~.th the sum of X8.61 for errors in his assessment as follower one lot on `~ meat. Langstaff Eve. not owned by him foP. 20 years- see biook map 3 page 69; one lot assesses ;~. to him at X300, blook map 8 page 22, and whioh is a publio street- oarriafl upon osil . ~ of the roll by 6 yens. . Resolution On motion of the above, A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR.THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE. for sidewalks SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS, AND ALL NECESSARY :MANHOLES,: INTAKES., 3EWERS.AND CATCH eto on Ns 16. ~ :~ street. BASINS, ON BOTH SIDES Ok` 16th STREET FROtd BROADWAY TO JPFFERSON STREETS, IN THE CPPY ~ OF PADUCAH, K~NTUOKY, AND PROVIDING THAT 9AL'~ FSAY BE PAID FOR UPON T8E TEN YEiR PAYMENT. ' ~ PLIN was given its passage upon Deli o3 the soli by 6 yeas. _ ;i ~' • ' On motion of Member Tally, thst the pay roll from the Dept. ot, Pnblio Works for tho ~,, ~ week ending Oot, 26; 1919 be approved as ioilowet Streets ~483.aa, Sogins~riag X19.26, ~.: ~. Sewers X43.20, Sewers, Back Pay X8$•90- oarried upon oaii..ot the soil. by 6 yeao. ; '; I ,.~t: ,, w >; , _ ..: ~ ~ ., i ! I ,f ice, ' . ~ ~ ' 02` '...d~rj,.~.rgs ' ';.. „:: 1 ~ ..!3 ~+' e~"N.' .."...Jd. '.;a,,., • K `. A ~ .... .k.. • ... i ~ s, r'v~k. ~ .. ~ '~ ~ ' ~' 1