HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/01/19 & 10/04/19Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah seutember E9th191.~ Donation ' On motion of Member Tully, that the enm of $E00 be allowed the Padnoah Board of Hoard o! ~ Trnds for savsrtieing same to bs ohar ed to the Advsrtie ' Trade. -• 8 fag aaoonnt- oarrisd upon !~ oall o! the roll by 6 yeas. .' .. Building On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the Com*r o! Finanos be authorised do iastrnotsd , Ordinanoe " to have about b00 oopiee of the Bnildi Ordinsnos , • printed is : n8 printed in booklet Corm the over Perm s4 therso! to bs oharged to Pnblio printing- oarrisd upon oall of the roll by 6 yeas. P On motion o! the above, that the oommuniaetion o! the City 8olioitor, with eopy of ', R• F. Bolb ; deed drawn by him oanveyiag EO lest o! gronnd.ott the southwest oernsr of Broad and Walnut deed. , • streets by the City to R. F. goib, pursuant to inetrnotione o! the Board oa Sept. EPy 1919, ., • be raoeived and lnsd- oarrisd upon veil of the roll by 6 yeas. ~' On motion o! Mayor Harris, that litty dollars be appropriated wd sent to the Donation to Reliel. y Relie! Oommittee of Corpus Ohrieti,•Taz. for reliet 04 tidal wave entterere of that oily, Committee o! Oorpns eams•to be olsrged to Pauper de Charity land- serried upon veil of the roil by 6 yeas. Christi. Bome o! On motion of the above, that the sum of $300 in addition to amount appropriated, be . Friendless : donated to the Rome o! the Friendless to be paid at the rate ol.~i00 per month during donation. Ootober, November and•Dsoembar 1919, sums to bs ohsrged to Panpsr de Charity- oarrisd upon ',.veil o! the roll by 8 yeas.. j Ord. for On motion o! the above, an ORDIIaANCE providing for the submission to the qualified .• • ' bond issue '• voters on Nov, 4 1919 of the nestion o! ise E60 OOO of Cit bonds for SCHOOL !or $CROOLBo • q uing•$ , y ~~ purposes, wne given ita•paesags upon veil 03 the roll by 6 yoke. •• G On motion o! the above, that the Comer o! Property prepare advertisements to be Nnrresr Published veiling for pisae,•epeailioatione and proposals and bide lor.bnnding.a nurses ~cm~• 'home whioh shall not oost orer,~9:,000 to srsat building, iaolnding cool, doors, windows,. T•~ lioore, eto.; in snob manner that said banding may bs oompleted and furnished nest year, , ~.;. •esid plane, propoenla, eto• to be Sn snob Corm that the Board of Oommiesionen•e may esiwi whiohever proposition may seem boat or moet•saitabis to the needs of the hoepitali '; provided, that any or nil.ol esid plane, propoeals..or bide. may be relented- onrrisd upon veil o! the roil by the toilowiisg voter Yeae, Herne, Qardnsr safl ,WOOldridgs,•3. Nay, 7 Hsselip and Tully,_ Eo ~ On motion of Member Gardner that the~Board of Commiseionsra reeaind its former Brown 8t. ' ` o. ~t~, notion in regard, to extending water main or pipes a distanoe of EE60 test oa Brwm street-, • main. lo.et upon veil of the roil by the following votes Yene, bardasr ana Wooldridge, E• Nsy, Bnrne, $asslig and .Tully, 3. ~ . ' Oa motion the Hoard.sdlonrned upon veil of the roll by the lollowing voter'Y~ns; i Barns, Qardasr, Rna~lip, Tally and Wooldridge, 6. 3PPROV i'. -'iJ~ 11dAYUR. . • c;,. i, " OOTOBER~Iet. 1919. i r ''w a . At a veiled meeting of the Board of Commiaeionere held in the Comre• Chamber ot! the City Rall, Padnoah, Bar, on Oot• 1, 1919, at eleven o'olook A. M., upon veil of the.`: r roll the lollowing answered their namees Bnrne, 0ardnar, Tully and Wooldridge- 4. On motion of Mayor Herne, the ruins requiring oopiee.ot ordineaxes be turniahsd : oommieeionere three days in ndvanos o! meeting, were temporarny suspended upon veil d' 1 ':? the roil by 4 yeas. I `~ On motion o! the above, AN O12DINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF TR8 FIH'TEB11 '. a ' Ord. to oloss alley FOOT ALLEY RUNNIDTG FROM THE BENTON ORAVBL ROAD.TRROIIGH THB PROPERTY OF W. R• JONES, iras~ a on Beaton ~,~ road. ,given ire passage upon veil of the roll by 4,yeas• ':`~ , i •6al motion the Board adjourned upon veil of the roll by the toiioMing vote= Year, ~~f r~. earns, Gerdn~r, Tally and Woo • °, jar *~ idge- I vz. ,~ fI .... .. . . ,, _... _.: "- i ~F ` ~ ~ i .~ m ~. _ , ... :. - ,\ • m <: ,, • :; No.~.~ ~ v z Commissioner.'s Proceedings; City of Paducah ~ ootober sa j~}L i At a speaisi meeting of the Board oY Ootasieaioners held is the Comrs~ Ohsmbar oY the Oity Hell, Pednoah; $y., en October Sd~ 1919, at l0~aG A. M., neon cell of the roll the tollowing answered their aemsss Burns, Gerdnsr, Haaellp, 'Pally, de Wooldridger 6• ~~~ ~ On motion oY Mayor Burns, the oommnniostioa o! Oot. 8, 1919 Yrom the Paducah make sppzalesl ~ ' Water Co., advising the Boas oY the appointment by said Oompeaty oY Mr• John W. Alvord oY Water Works- , ~. oY the Yirm oY Alvord Eo Burdick, of Chiosgo, I11., as the eaglnesr to represent the Paducah Water Co. 1n the appraisal oY Baia water works-- was received sad tiled upon `' call oY the roll by b yeas. ~~ 8nglnasre pa motion oY the above, the oommnnioetion oY Member Gardner oY date April 9, T ~.9,-, enggseted by Mr; Gardner. enggsstiag the names oY throe water works engineers, was received & Yilsd apes call eY `'^~~ the roil by 6 yeas. (~ Mayor's ~' On motion oY the above, the reoom~aadstion of the Mayor concerning eslaotioa oY recommsnd4tion sn sapsrt engineer to represent the City in the appraisal oY the Paducah Water Works • in rs appraisal , oY Water Works. ;:. was raoelved and Piled upon call oY Lhe roll by 6 yeas. a v~ ;. .~. . Barns k ~' ~ motion oY Member Hasellp, that the rsoommsadation o! the Msyror be oononrred '{ McDonnell in, and that Burns a MoDonaell be retsiaed se the City's engineers, provided that ~; appointed ~~ . ea City's ~ they will do this work Yor the same maximum Yee that Mr, John W. AlYord, oY Ohioago, engine ors. ~ • ~-~'~ ' ' ril., the engineer selected by the Paducah Water Co., agrees to do it, ezolusiva o! the payment oY the preliminary survey which hoe already been made, to-wltt $6,000 f plus traveling eapsttsea- carried apes cell oY the roll by 6 yeas. On motion the Board ed~ourned upon call oY the roll by the Yellowing votes Yese, Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. 1 ' 1 PPROVBII~ 9 . 1lA ~ G a _ ~~ Li f1.,G . I ~ ~~~ ~ ~, October 4th.. 1919. ~ Ii i !; At s called meeting oY the Board oY Commissioners held in the Comra' Chamber oY ihel , ~', City Hall, Paduosh, Ky. on October 4, 1919; upon call oY the roll the Yollowiag I 'answered their names; Burns, Gardner, Heaelip, Tally and Wooldridge- 6. {{ . ~' On motion oY Mayor Burns, that day lstter.oY Oot. 3, 1919 signed Frank H• Buse,. tratsr Works ~ appraisal- Mayor, sent to Borne do MaDoaneli, and the reply thereto by said Yirm, bs received d ~ ;" < Burns 3, McDonnell ~ tiled, and that Masers. Burns do MoDoanali bs and they are hereby retained and employed ~ retained to !, represent City. as the ettgiaaere to rap'reseat the City of Paducah 1p the vaiustioa of plant oY the • ' ~...-1 i Paducah Water Co., end Yor their services they shall bs paid a minimum Yee oY X1,000 ~ ^~ plus traveling szpeneea Yor ten days, sad thslr meaimum Yes shell act bs over ~E,000 {spins traveling ezpsaees-- the tim• ooaswned over sad is saosea at tap days to be paid at th• rate of $76.00's day, bat in no event shall such ice e:oeed x$6,000 plus traveling .- I , •:peneee; sad that the city aoliaitor prepare contract as per above, sad that the E: Mayor bs sad he is hereby authorised to eaeoute same Yor the City- carried upon cell ~ •- ~. • ~.oY the roll by 6 yeas. ~ ; Liability oY ~ Oa .motion oY Member Tnliy, that the City 8olioitor Ynraiab the Oommieaioner of payment o! city ' tsaes. ,Finance with a written opinion advising him se to who is liable Yor the payment oY city tnaee when property has changed hands during the year- carried upon earl of ihs roll by 6 yens. On motion the Board adjourned upon cell oY the roll by the Yollor~ing voter Ysas, . Barns, Gardner, Hasellp, Tully sad Wooldridge- 6. k ~ : . ~~ _.t.-._191. ~~ PRO i AQe !~ 1 . , ' f r ~ ~ o- C I .• .~ • ~ 1 ~ ~ F ~ ~ • ~, ~:, ' ~ ~' 4