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{ ~ No.~2. •
Commissioner's •Proceadings, City of Paducah 9sntsmber E2 19'1 9 •
At a regular meeting o! the Board of Commiesionere held in the Comre~ Ohsab sr otl
• the Oity Hail, Paduash, $y on sspt; 22, 1919, npoa Dell of the roll the following ~ S,
~. answered their names= Burns, Gsrdner, Haaelip, Tally aad.Wooidridga- 6• '
! On motion ot-Member Gardner; the minutes of the meetings of September 16th apd
' i' of Sept. EEd (ii o~oiook A• M•1 1919 were adopted as'rsad upon Dell o! the roll by
• ' • ,j 6 yeas • ~ .
ORDIIiAHOE for '` Oa motion of the above, an Ordinaaoe providing for submission to the voters on ~
Boad.Iaeue to: i~ Hov 4th, 1919 the question of issuing X100,000 1n boads for enisrgemeat o! the Oity
• Oity Light P;
msnt~ enlerge+ ~ .bight Flant, and providing tar the payment oi'Satsrest on said boads and the oreation
,. ? of a sinking toad for xetiriag said boads at their maturity, wsa gives ate passage. ~ ,
'i npoa Deli of the r(iii by b yeas.
-, ,:
' Aoote• siiowsd ~, On motion of the above, the following aooouata in the oonetruotiop of the 12th •
~ olig• to ji street Sewer were allowed and oharged to the Speoial Sewer toad, to-with J•Y•Greit' ~'.
• Special Sewer
toad, j' $1.16, Independent iae a Coal Co• ~6, Hart-bookwood Co. ~7•b0, Ohio R. Sand do G• Co•~~
• ~ $2.86, South Band Foundry ~83•E0, Hank Bros. ~`lE•65, Sherrill-Russell Lbr. Co, ~lE•76
. i .~ '
• i.
• j Bynum & Meaohum ~.40, Evens do Hosard Fire Brick Co. ~E06.70, ~E34.90 and X191.11, and! M
' '' Thompson Transfer Co• ~p60, npan Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. ' '
Hampton Avs• ji Oa motion of the aboga, the report of Com'r of Works in regard to drainage o!
. drainage. 1: •f .
' "i eater on Hampton Ave. was read and tiled upon sell of the roll by 6 yeas. i "' .
Sswsr Dspt• ! On motion of the above, that the men working 1n the Sewer Dspt., excluding the ! '
employee paid ~ •
weekly. Dnspeotor, be paid weekly- oarried upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ •
Iatsrnatioanl !'' On motion of the above, that the oommunioation from A. F• Hurt, Jaok Foreman
Brotherhood of
., Teamsters., ato•j; and Robert Glass, Committee from Looel No• 6b8 International Brotherhood ot.Team-
. ~
• ~ atere, Chanttsura, Stablemen end Helpers, bs reaeived 8o filed- nod concurred ia= ~ s
' ;,.oarried upon oell.4t the roll Dy 6 yeas.
• ~ Asst•.St. Inepr, On motion of .the above, that the Aest. Street Inspector be not required is the 'i
' '
• sot required t0
give bond as ~: intnre to execute bond es a patrolman- oarried upon Dell 04 the roll by b ysab.
• patrolma.a. ~ .
' ~, Oa motion oY the above, the petition of property owners end residents for the ~
Petition for j;
sidewalks on +! improvement of Goeble Ave. from Guthrie Ave. northwardly 79b teat to the till. wee
Goeble Ave.
' ,
• reaeived and tiled up9n Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. y .
Prepare plane .;~ On motion of the above, that the City Engineer prepare plans d epeoitioatlona
etc. !or side-
, walk improve- !or the improvement oY the west side of Goeble Ave. 3rom the east property line o!
meat oa Goeble ~:+ i" j„
• Ave. Guthrie Ave. to s point where the south curb line of Ylortea Ave. it extended would
' !~ Sntsrseot the west property line of Gosbls Ave., also the east aide of Gosbls Ave.
~', from the north otab line of Tennessee street to the south curb line.oP Worten Avs., ,
~; said imprnvement to consist of oonoxete sidewalk, oonorete,ourb and concrete gutter,
• '' with all aaoeeeary drainpipes and intakes and driveways- oarried. npoa Dail a~ the f
• ~' roil .by b yens. ~ (~ ,
~,. ~ ORDINANCE for ~ motion of the above, sa ORDINANCE PROVIDING for the eubaiaaion to the yoterp ! '
bond !sane for {
• oonetruotioa ot; on Hsv, 4th. 1919 the gnestioa of whether.the City of Peduaeh shall issue & sell ', .
' SANITARY SEWERS, $260,000 of bonds for the aonstruation & maintenenoe of frank line sanitary sewers in
Meohanioaburg, bounded b9 Island Creek on the north, Mill St• oa the south, Tenn. Rive r
• ~ on the east and the city limits on the west, sad in that part of the city bounded by
• Jones 8t, on the north, Island Creek on 'the south. Teanaeeee River on the east and
the city limits on the west, exosptiag oat of said territory that portion south of i ..
fi Jones St• embraced in end now Laken ogre of by Sewer Dietriats 1 a E, apd also in
~ ,
sewer District No. 3 as shown on plat ailed is the office of the Com'r o! Pnblia ~
g ! Works, end providing for the payment of interest on said bonds sad to create a si•alrlag
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No.,~~1':.. .
of Paducah Sept. 2zd 191 9.
fend for the payment of said bonds at maturity yea iatabtiuoedte.7ald.over.me vlcba2ora passage. upon esL1' o! ,. • __
the roll by the following votes Yeas, Bnrns,'Gardner, Hsaelfp, Tully and Wooldridge, 6.
C. W. ~ Qn motion oS Member Harelip, that the matter of,transfar of title of Lot X1008
' Emery- P, ;
' this to ;~ is Oak 0rovs Cemetery by the Oity to C. W. Emery -ae per deed dated Sept. 16, 1919 from
• oemstery 'w ; '
iota ,
., A, 0, Coleman to C. W. Emery- be referred to'ths City Solioitor for opinion as to the
right of Lhe 01ty to make said transfer, oerried upon Dell of the roll by 5 yeas.
• . r
~ On motion of Member Tally, the aoobuata nmonntiag to.$b,941•b7,'sa per report of;
,. ~ Com'r of Finance, were allowed and payment of same approved upon nail of the roll by 6~yea~.
q On motion of the above; that payment of the following aooonnte bs approved; ~
Department of Fnblio Works- For week ending Sept. E0,.1919,~ 3treeta ~294s56, Special
~~ Sewer $119.83; Department of Pablio Ff.nanoe- Iaterast~City National Bank on note due
;;,Oct. 81, X10,000, ~be.68, oarrisd upon call of the roll by 8 ysae. ~
H.F,Kolb ~ Oa motion of Member Wooldridge, that the proposition of H. F. Kolb, to purchase
pnrohasa ,
• City } eome,20 test of
gronnd heloagiag to the City at the southwest corner of Broad k Walnut.
ground: ,
„ t atreeta, at X10 per franc,foot, bs aooepted,,and that the City Solicitor be f,natruoted
• ~! to prepare deed therefor, same to be signed by the Mayor- oarrisd upon Dell of the roll •.,
'' by 6 ysae. .
Petition of On motion of Mayor Burns, the petition of practicing physiaiana of the city o2
physicians ; '
~,n. re. paduoah asking the oommisaionars to pees a resolution requesting the Y. 0. R. R. Co. to
lnoilities open the hospital recently erected on Broadway, and that in the event the management deeidea
• to admit other patients than employes of the railroad, that auoh patients be permitted to
, i
w select & have theft own physicians attend them, and that in the event the request to admit
_ ,'~ other physioiana to said hospital, that the Board immediately prepare ~ submit to the voters
en ordinance anbmitting the question of sa appropriation to improve the city hospital i,n
every neobeaary manner- was received anQ tiled upon call of the roll by b yeas.
Prise ~ On motion of the above that the rinoi le of the ro osed
~ P Pa P P prize fight to bs staged
Fight: °
'~ at the Sir. Theatre on Oot. 2'd be enmflnoned before this Board at a meeting to be held here at
` ~ 4 Y. M. Sept. 28, 1919 to show asuse, ii any, vlhy same ie not. in oontraveation o! the State
statutes, and any cause they may have, if any, why auoh contest should not be prohibited- ~,
. ''':'. „oarrisd upon Dell oY the roil by 8 yeas.
~'~;: Inflnenae-, Oa motion of the above, that the sommaniaatioa from the State Board of Health, regnrdtng
pneumonfs .
epidemio,. .i: the taking of due precautions to prevent a recurrenos of influenaa-pnenmoni.a in the neaz•
4 future, bs referred to the Com'r of Works and Safety as to suggestions pertain ng to work in
;; their reepeative departments for neoeesary attention- carried upon Dail of the roll by 6 yeas.
Tenn.' St. ~ On motion of the above, that the oommanioation from Dr. H. P. Lira, reapeoting abatement •
outlet. ' of nuisance sainting at outlet of Tenn. Ste sewer, be referred to the Com'r of Works for
attention- oarrisd upon call of the roll by 6 ysae.
T~ennn~9t. '~ On motion.of the above, that the Com'r of. Works ba.auEhoriaed to eatend the Tsnn. 9to '
:,;, rawer to _.gewar to water level 11' in his 'ndgmaat same is peoeaeary to abate the tmieanoe nw- saisting,;
water ~
`the eapenes :to bs ohargecl to epeaial sewer fend- oariied upon Dell bi the roll by 6 ysae.
Salary b. On.moticn:of the above, that the.edlery of Herman Ackerman, Sanitary Inspector, b~
Ackerman .
increased to ~88 1/8
psr month, or ~1,000.psr ysar,,slfsotive from Sept• 1, 1919- oarrisd
increased _
.;: ~ ,
upon call ot:the roil by 6 yeas. ~
•~ ORDINANCE On motion of the above, an ORDINANCE providing i'or the anbmiasion to the voters on
', to submit
'. bond inane Nov. 4, 1919 the question of issuing and esilfng bonds to ths.eatent of $260,000 for Don-
!or SCHOOES. {
etru4ting and repairing school propsrtisa acquired and to be acquired, for the schools of .
~' the,oity of Yabuoah, and to provide for the paymsnC Of interest on said bonds and to.oreats •
a•sinking Lund for the peiymsn4 of aa'id bonds .at mat~ity- wan f3trod~tsea~:ana lafa ever oir .
week !o! ysesaga, ~tpoa Deli of the roll by b ysae•
i, - •
_•. ., J.
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No.~.~ ~
Commissioner.'s Proceedings; City of Paducah ~ ootober sa j~}L
At a speaisi meeting of the Board oY Ootasieaioners held is the Comrs~ Ohsmbar oY
the Oity Hell, Pednoah; $y., en October Sd~ 1919, at l0~aG A. M., neon cell of the
roll the tollowing answered their aemsss Burns, Gerdnsr, Haaellp, 'Pally, de Wooldridger 6•
~~~ ~ On motion oY Mayor Burns, the oommnniostioa o! Oot. 8, 1919 Yrom the Paducah
make sppzalesl ~
' Water Co., advising the Boas oY the appointment by said Oompeaty oY Mr• John W. Alvord
oY Water Works- ,
~. oY the Yirm oY Alvord Eo Burdick, of Chiosgo, I11., as the eaglnesr to represent the
Paducah Water Co. 1n the appraisal oY Baia water works-- was received sad tiled upon
`' call oY the roll by b yeas. ~~
8nglnasre pa motion oY the above, the oommnnioetion oY Member Gardner oY date April 9, T ~.9,-,
enggseted by Mr;
Gardner. enggsstiag the names oY throe water works engineers, was received & Yilsd apes call eY
`'^~~ the roil by 6 yeas.
Mayor's ~' On motion oY the above, the reoom~aadstion of the Mayor concerning eslaotioa oY
recommsnd4tion sn sapsrt engineer to represent the City in the appraisal oY the Paducah Water Works
in rs appraisal ,
oY Water Works. ;:. was raoelved and Piled upon call oY Lhe roll by 6 yeas. a
v~ ;. .~. .
Barns k ~' ~ motion oY Member Hasellp, that the rsoommsadation o! the Msyror be oononrred '{
McDonnell in, and that Burns a MoDonaell be retsiaed se the City's engineers, provided that ~;
~~ .
ea City's ~ they will do this work Yor the same maximum Yee that Mr, John W. AlYord, oY Ohioago,
engine ors.
• ~-~'~ '
' ril., the engineer selected by the Paducah Water Co., agrees to do it, ezolusiva o!
the payment oY the preliminary survey which hoe already been made, to-wltt $6,000
plus traveling eapsttsea- carried apes cell oY the roll by 6 yeas.
On motion the Board ed~ourned upon call oY the roll by the Yellowing votes
Yese, Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. 1 '
1lA ~ G a
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October 4th.. 1919. ~
!; At s called meeting oY the Board oY Commissioners held in the Comra' Chamber oY ihel
~', City Hall, Paduosh, Ky. on October 4, 1919; upon call oY the roll the Yollowiag
'answered their names; Burns, Gardner, Heaelip, Tally and Wooldridge- 6.
{{ .
~' On motion oY Mayor Burns, that day lstter.oY Oot. 3, 1919 signed Frank H• Buse,.
tratsr Works
appraisal- Mayor, sent to Borne do MaDoaneli, and the reply thereto by said Yirm, bs received d ~ ;"
Burns 3,
McDonnell ~ tiled, and that Masers. Burns do MoDoanali bs and they are hereby retained and employed
retained to !,
represent City. as the ettgiaaere to rap'reseat the City of Paducah 1p the vaiustioa of plant oY the • '
i Paducah Water Co., end Yor their services they shall bs paid a minimum Yee oY X1,000
~ ^~
plus traveling szpeneea Yor ten days, sad thslr meaimum Yes shell act bs over ~E,000
{spins traveling ezpsaees-- the tim• ooaswned over sad is saosea at tap days to be paid
at th• rate of $76.00's day, bat in no event shall such ice e:oeed x$6,000 plus traveling .-
, •:peneee; sad that the city aoliaitor prepare contract as per above, sad that the E:
Mayor bs sad he is hereby authorised to eaeoute same Yor the City- carried upon cell ~ •-
~.oY the roll by 6 yeas. ~
Liability oY ~ Oa .motion oY Member Tnliy, that the City 8olioitor Ynraiab the Oommieaioner of
payment o! city '
tsaes. ,Finance with a written opinion advising him se to who is liable Yor the payment oY
city tnaee when property has changed hands during the year- carried upon earl of ihs
roll by 6 yens.
On motion the Board adjourned upon cell oY the roll by the Yollor~ing voter Ysas, .
Barns, Gardner, Hasellp, Tully sad Wooldridge- 6. k
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