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No. ~ • * ~,
(ornmissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah July a9th 191 ~` ~.-
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Loan County .',
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'. City E3teno•
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At a meeting aelled.by Mayor.-pro tam Wooldridge and Member Gardner, in the sbsenoe
of Mayor Buxne,~on July 29th, 1919,hald in•the Comre' Chamber of the City Hall, Paduoeh
I~t,, upon Doll of the roll the following answered their names; Gardner, Tully and ~ .
•.Wooldridge- 3. ~
On motion of Member Gardner, that the Com'r of Yrorke be authorised to loan one of'. ,
the oily sprinklers to the County for ass on west Broadway, any time during one month
from this date, when there is n oity sprinkler not in use by the City, same to be
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returned in good oandition- oarrisd upon osll o! the roll by S yeas. ~ '
On motion of the above., that the City atsnogrsphst bd granted atwo-weeks' vaoatibn
with pay, oarried upon Dell of the roil by a yeas.
On motion the Board e~djom+ned upon Dell of the roll by .the .following votes Yeae; ~.
', .Gardner, Tully, and Wooldridge- 3, ~
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N,: At a meeting held in-the Comre',Chamber oP the City Hall, Paducah, 3pr,, on July `'
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31st, 1919, celled by Mayor pro"tam Wooldridge and Member Gardner, Yn the absence of
Mayor Burns, upon osll of•the roll the following answered their names Gardner, Hasalip, ~ ,.
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• ~ Tully and Wooldridge- 4.
_ ~ On motion of Member Gardner, that Sam EVitte be allowed fall time for the last halt.
eam Bvitte•
of July, during which time he was off dutq several days on account o3 in'ury received.
!~ .rdhile working on sewer at 10th end Imo. Ave.- carried upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas.'
~• ~ ~.•.' On motion the Board ad~ovrned npbn Dell of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, •
Qardner, Hazelip, Tully and 4ooldridge- 4.
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AIIGUST 4th. 1919. ~ •
,' •At s regn].ar meeting o! the Board o! Commieaionsrs heid.in the Comes' Chamber of the. .
• ~ City Hall, Paducah, $y., on Aegnet 4, 1919, apon call 0! the soil the loliowiag answered
their names; Burns, Gardner, Basslip, Teliy and Wooldridge- 6:
On motion of Hsmbsr Tn11y, the miimtes o! the meetings o! July 88th, 89th and 81st
,. :were adopted as read upon Dail of the. roll by 6 yeas.
Belay On motion o! Member Gardner, the opinion o! oily aoiisitos John S. Hendrick regarding "
City 801• whether it is the day o! the City or property owners to correct the lenity ooadition o! .
gutters on Trimble street between 16th end 16th streets, was receives ana !lies apon call
~. o! the soil by 6 yeas.
' Bob Hale On motion o! the above, that aontraot !or re]sying getter on aoath aia~ o! Trimble 8t• '
given ooa- '
' - tract to. between 16th A 16th streets, be let to Bob Hale sa pas his proposition o! ~y 81st !ilea
relay a .
getters., with thin boars, oarsied won call ot.the roll by 6 yeas.
",i," Camber- On motion o! the above, that the bill ot.the Onmberland ?elephone • Telegraph"Oo•
lane Tel.
b Teieegg. agtinet the OITY !or stt~ehm~nt rental o! the Oity eleotrie bight Plan! !or two yearn,
Oo• bill.
!rem Deo. 1, 1916 to Deo. 1, 191q, !n aooordanoe wish eontraot o! Deo• 1. 1916, amomtiag
. to ~16a•80, b, atle~aa and ehargya to oily Eight Plant- eassiea upom sail e! the roll ly ~ .
• 6 yeas. ..
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