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~~~~ ~ e ~~ ,{ ,, ~. ~. i,` i ~'' ~ -.. ~' ~', i. •. ~• ~. At a rsgalar meeting of the Board of Oommiseloaere held in the Comre~ Chamber o!' ' the Oity Hall, Psduoeh, By. July P.B, 1919, npoa Dell of the roil rho Yollo~gi~g answered ' I. %thair aamoet•Burns, Gardner, Harelip sad Tu11y, 4. . On motion of Clamber Onrdner, the minutes of the meeting Ot July Flat, 1919 wars f~sdopted ae read upon aeli of the roll by ~ yens. ; - .: Clamber Wooldridge entered the maeti~g. j • f- Oa motion o! Clayor Burns, that a street light be installed at tho Detest of Street Light 10 do Clark 3t,~Dlnrrell Blvd and Clark street, oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following votot llYese, Borne, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Y/oo13ri8ga- b. j Free iioenee ' On motion of the above that tree iioanee be given Bair Aaaoaiation Carnival ~ Fa1r Carnival.!. r nt 10th and Broadway daring Feir week this Pall- oarried upon Dell of the roll by b yens, Will I. Levy '~' On motion oY the above, that tnz matter of Wili I. Levy ae to reduotion of ~ ~ f i ta3ea • ~ ~ . valuation, ba referred to Com'r of Finanoe for investigation and report t0 the Board, i ' ~ oarried upon Dail of the roll by b yeas. $.L.CSoCants- !' On motion of Clamber Tully, the oommunioetion of ~. L. 1doCalite with referonoe to l Condition of. ' i et. 21 Bo Kq- ~ condition of the atroat at corner of 21st and Kentucky Ave. waa referred to the Oom~r o:2 pub. Works upon Dell of the roll by 5 yeas. ~ , l ~; Oa motion of the above, that payment of pay toile for week ending July 19, 1919 ~iae toliowai Be arm tment of Publla.WOrka rase •e ..y~33.1b i , '~ Sewers .... ... 67.78 ~ • i. Special Sewer . 13 ~ i' pa artment of Public Pro art ~ ": ncinara~or ..... 0 be approved, oarried upon Dell 03 the roll by b yeas. ~, ~ ~. On motion of the above, that the sooouhte, amounting to X8106.81 sa par report • '; of Com*r of Finance, be allowed and payment of same approved- oarried upon call of thej ' ~ r roll by b yeas. ~, On motion of the above, that payment of pay robe for week ending Juiy 26, 1919,; • !~ as follows= De rtment of Aiblio Worlcs j; too s ...........~~ ~b.72 ,, Sewers ............ 72.68 { r 3ewere ., 40.63 ~ D_e~artment of Public Pror©r~ty 6 --~nora~-: 76.00 6. ba approved, carried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ LO.O.F, On motion o3 the above, that the awn of 200 be allowed the I,0.0.8. band, eame~.• bona. - 1 to ba.charged to the Advertieiug Fund- oarried upon osll,of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ , ' On motion of Clayor Burns, that diffarant.0lvia anQ Labor,organiaations be SWI}'.ASIttO POOL. i requested to appoint committees to Dourer with the Commisai8nare raepeoting s pled to j '; erect a 319I1,41ItJ0 POOL AItD BATH HOIISES, oarried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. (' Pad. Home Tele-` On motion o3 the above, the atste;aent of income & aspenaee of the Paducah Home Phono & Telag, ;, 'I~ Co. ststoment. Telephone ~ Telegraph Co. was received & tiled upon Dell of the roll by b yeas,. I . . ~ On motion the Board adjourned upon sell of the roll by the follo~ring voter Yeas t4 Barns, Gardner,.Haaalip, Tully and Wooldridge- b. }ti