HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/16/19 & 06/23/197
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'. ysase 1916, 191? and 1918, was rsoeived and tiled upon Dell of the roll by b ysae,.
' i. Open motion the Board ad~ousned upon Dell of the roll by the folly lag vote=' ?
r Yaes, Busne, Gardner, Haaelip, Tnll~ and 9fooldrldge - 6. ~
- / 6 y1Z- ~ r.
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' UlT. Po t-
• June 161919• e~''
At s regular meotiag of the Board of Commieaionera held iu the Comre~ Ohambsr at
~` the City Hall, Paducah; Sy. on JY~ne 16, 1919, upon call apt the roll the tolloring.
~, answered'their names; Gardner, Hazelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 4• { '
f On motion o! Member Gardner, the minutes of the meeting of June 9th, 1919 were. (, .
'adopted as read npoa Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. I .
Heport of Comr ;, On motion of the above, the report of Comer of Works for the month ai' LTep 1919
of Works Yor Msy;
was rsoeived 8c tiled upon Dell of the roll by 4 ysae.
Back pay to ~. On motion of the above, that the men who worked on epeoigi repairs to brick etred
street smployses*
from Jan. 18th to March 18th, 1919, be allowed the awn of X80.80 for bank pay se per i
`, itemised bill hereto attached- oerried upon Deli of the roll by 4 yeas. ~
Riverside i On motion o! Member Haaslip, that the reoommen a of the Supt, of Riverside
Hospital- ~~ ~.+
nureea' salary. , Hospital regarding graduated remnaeration for nnraeraining, bs rsoeived, tiled ~ ', ,`~
and concurred in- carried upon call of the roll by 4 ysae. ~ .'
On motion of Member Tully, the peymen~ of pay toile tram Dept. of Works for week.
ending Jnne 14, 1919, ae follows: Streets y~•418.73, 3peoisl Sewers ~131.Ob, wad
„approved upon call of the roll by 4 ysae.
Oontagion On motion of hayor pro tam ~YOOldridge, the Dopy at oommunloation from J. N.• ~ ;`;s
MoCorusok, Director of 3tata Board of Health,to Dr. H. P. Linn, regarding the fa olatim~
hospital, wen rsoeived sad filed upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.
011 Bway Oa motion of the above, 'Chat the request of 1"Msooe BuraetL to have Sway lrom ' . ~ , :~.,+~
80th to 81st.
,80th to 81st street oiled, he agreeing to pay one halt the coat thsrsot,,bs rso~4 aaa .
. ~ .
' tiled, and that said work Ds done ae soon ea the oil arrives- carried upon call of I
;the roll by 4 yeas. 4
Aeaignment of On motion o! the above, that the oommnniostion of A• S. Nichols, Mgr. Paducah ~
s A. S• Nichols ' ,
'Traction Co.,togethsr with Dopy oY hie eeaignment to Stone & Webster of the franchise
adopted on April 89, 1919 to operate & maintain an electric street railway over ~',
stone rk Webster.
certain etreete of the City of Paducah, bs rsoeived a filed !b said 6aeignment spread on the ; ;, .'°`
minntea, carried npoa pall of the roll by the following votes Yeae, Hazalip, Tully ~
,and Wooldridge- 3. ISember Gardner eaouaed lrom voting.
Said assignment is in the following words;
• ^YtHEREA9, on the 89th day Oi April, 1919, the Board of Commissioners d the
City of Paducah adopted ea ordinance creating a tranohieo to acquire, construct, ~
operate and maintain sn electric attest railway over osrtain etreete of the
~' City'of Paducah; and, '
~ki$ItEA3, pursuant to the provisions of said ordinance said franchise w se
offered for Bale on the City Hall atopa in the City of Paducah, at 10 o'clock
„ A.IS., on June 6 1919; and,
?' 1'tH~cA3, A~tred S. Niohole being the highest and'beat bidder, porches ed
a, Baid franchise and oompliod witfi the requirements of said ordinance ttaoeeeary, to ~•
vast him with ell rights under acid frenohiae; and
IYIiE3EA3, said Niohole desires to sell all hie rights eo aoquirod, and •'
Meseta. stone & Ytebator, of Boston ?.lassaohusette, desire to purchase eamo;
T10W Therefore, this agreerten~ witneaseth;
' Tha~ in oonaideration of the sum of Ono Dollar'oash in hand paid and other
good and valuable consideration, reaeivad to hie full eatisfaation, o~ said Stone ~
. do Webster, the gndareignad• Alfred S. Niohole, hereby yells, aeeigna, $ranafera
and eats over unto the said Stone ~ 1"tebater, all of h!s right; title and- I ,
interoet to the franchise hereinabove mentioned. 1i
IN TBSTIfdONY YlHEFtEOF, witness the hand of said Alfred S. T'iohola thia• '
' June 6, 1919. ` ' '. '~,
' (Signed) A. 3. Niohole. ^
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~ 1;. No.~_ .. _~
f'- ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Jane lath 1919
~ Oontagion ~ On motion c! Member Haselip, that the notion o! the Board. in direoting Jno. B.. j ~.'
`~ Hendriok, City Solioitor, to loin w. A. Berry in the iaetitntion o! injnnotion proossdings
hosyitai. ~ ~ .
,against the State Board o! Health, to .prevent the oloeing o! the isolation hospital, ""~
be now resoiaded- osrrisd upon oall o! the roll by the following votes Ysas, Basslip, ~ ,
Tally and Wooldridge, 3. Member Gardner szonesd from voting. ;- ~
On motion the Board ad~ournsd upon oa11 0! the roll by the following votsY Yeas, 1
' 1 ,~w ,.
l S. .
E (aardner, Hasslip, Tally and wooldridge- 4. l '
~; ~ ~ eye ~: _._.~~a` 3 _ i~~~ '~ ;± "
~. ~.
. ,
• w cw. ,
.. -., . ~'
- ~ June 23d. 1919. ~ .~ '
' At b regular meeting o! the Board o! Oommiaefoners he~.d.in the Comte' Chamber oi~
the City Hail, Padnonh, $y.~, ou Jane E3, 1919; upon oaii of the roll the following ~. ~,
q answered theft names s' Barns, Gardner, Haselip, Tally end Wooldridge- b.
p ;
k •; On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes o! the meeting o! Jane 16, 1919 were •. ~. ,c ~
~ ~ adopted ae read apon oa11 of the1ro11 by 5 yeas.
8swsr extsnsioal On motion o! Member Gardner, the petition signed by property owners at 103b, 10Bl.and
~;, ~ Trimbia 8t.. • `'~
i 10E9
Trimbie 8t. Wilting the privilege o! extending the sewer from manhole st interasotion
, .
• o! 11th do Trimble ~'a dietanoe of 100 !t. on Trimble St. toward 10th 8t. and o! non-.
S; i~ nsoting same to'their property, at their expense;"wee reo'd & !lied, and said extension
' ;'
' .and.oonneotions permitted upon oall o! the roil by b yeas.
t'. Brown 8t. '~~' On motion o! the about., that the proposition o! 8d D. Hannan for the oonstrnotion
wabes pipe. ~ •.
o! EESO ft. o! water pipe for eeriring the people living on Brown 9t. now without water,
' '~ Dior the sum o! $830, be aoospted and adid water pips be ordered laid, the ooet o! same tp
,ti,. '• bs ohsrgsd to ths'oanti.figsnt land- lost apon oall 04 the roll by the following vote= Yess,
. .
p Gardner ak-d Wooldridge- E. Ray, Burns, Hasslip end Tally- 3.
~ On motion o! Member Wooldridge, that the petition of property owners to request the
, Petition Soy
pater on Padnoah water Oo. to extend its mnine on Aflame 8t..from 19th to Elat 3t. and on twenty-
' Adamr b on Eisi
84. ~ first 8t. from Adams to the eonthweet ooraer of what ie known ae the Olinton Road, bs' ,t.
'~ reo'd a flied, and that n oopy oP esid petition be furnished the Padnaeh water Oo, with .
~I request that said extension be made- oarrie8 upon oail o! the roll by b yeas.
~i On motion o! Member 8aselip, that the Oom'r of Works be required to file with Ole
011 ~°
' Board of.Commiesioaere all
~' petitions for oil by oitiaens o! Padnoah, and that no oil be
~~~apread until petition for same, signed by good end reeponeible persona, is psee~ntsd to .
Tile pstitiona~~ the Board o! Oomre and filed with the Oom'r of Finanoe, and that said requests or
~j petitions !or the spreading o! oil be taken up and said oil spread ae petitions are '
~~ filed, same,being taken np in rotation eo that the first, eeoond, third, eto. positions
n may be taken Dare o! ae !Sled-•oarried upon osll o! the roll by 6 ysna<
' j
',~ On motion oi, Member Tally, the aooonnts amounting to $bb87.e9, ae per report of
Oom'r of Finanos herewith tiled, wars allowed i payment o! same .approved upon oall ad ~ih~ ,
roll by ,b yeas.
~ ~ ~;
On motion of the above, the payment o! pay rolls from the Dspt• o! Pnbiio worm '
for the wk ending Jens E1, 1919 ne foliowei 9trsete $447.60, 8psoisl 8swsr $7S.EE, ~ •
-,.8peoirl Sewer $e3.vo, were approved upon Dail o! the roll by 8 yeas.
"' Oontribation On motion.of Member Wooldridge, that the Oity o! Padnoah oontribnts $iC0 to the:
- to Mies. valiif
Waterways '! Mississippi 9aliby watsreaya Ageooiatioa, pareian# to request herewith !Sled from D.B.e.Roee,.
les'n. hh
' j representing the Ohio River distriet, said amonn4 to be ohsrgeQ to the oontingent lead-
oarried apon Dail o! the roll by 6 yus.
e i,
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• ~ No.,~
_ • ~ - Commissioner's PrOCeeairngs, City Of Paducah-_ ' his 14th 19/'
• It • regular meeting of the 8osrd o! Oommiesionsrs held in the Oomrer Ohamber o!
• ;! the Oity Hall, Padnoeh, $y, on Drily 14, 1919, upon oa11 0l the roil the loliowing
• ~ auewsred their namses Burns, Gardner, Harelip, Tnliy end Wooldridge- b.'
•. ~
water main on On motion oY bomber 6srdner, that the petition of property owners Yor eztsnsion e[~
' water mains Yrom Broad 8t• to Brown 3trest and north on Hrown street 1E60 lost, bs
Brawn 3t.
• i,
• 1
reoeivsd & tiled, and a oopy of esid petition be furnished the Paduoah Water Company,f. _. ,.
ti and that the Oommieeloners request said Water Company to eztsnd said mein in aooordsnoe
-. !
~,: with said petition- oarrisd upon osll of the roil by b yeas. '
• sewer ? On motion o! the above, that the report of 0omrr o! Works regarding eztension o!
H t1E~ Stn ~ ,eswer•on
NOrth 12th 3trest, ba reoeivsd and tiled and oonourred in, and that the i
r ~
s=psnas bs ohar ed is ihe.3 soial Sewer
g fund- o
p err ed
i n on oall of the r b
P oil b ear'
y y
• ~
• H
. 8• Psootor.'~ On motion o! Ma r
Barns th
at the o
3-0 . ].aim o! H• H. Prootor Yor 1n~ury to his son b ~
j automobile drives by street inepeotor, bs referred to the Oity 9oiioitor Yor invest,i•;:
_; gstion and report- oarrisd upon oall of the roil by 6 yeas. ~
• I; On motion o! Member Wooldridge, the minutes of the meeting of Jnly 7th, 1918 ws:e j .
• r adopted se road upon oell of tho roll by 6 yeas. I
Diving ~
• {
On motion o! Mayor Barns, that Dr. warner bo authorised to pa•6vide diving piatiormi
Piatiorm !am !;
.Terrell pit. f
materials Yor Terrell pit, the ezpenee thereof to be paid by the City; said materials]
~ I
not to oost over X20, the Oity to assume no liability in any mann6r for infnriee to
• any one whatsoever by reason of Parniehing said materiel- oarried upon osll oY tho ;oil
~! .
`• by 6 yeas.. I
• Report o! Oa motion of Member Gardner, tho report oY Comrr of Works for the month of Jan0
Oomrr o! Wks •I'' 1919 was reoeivsd 8o tiled npoa oell o! the roll by 6 yeas. ~
Report o! ~~ On motion of the above, the report of D• D. •tohison, 3trest Inepeotor, !or the
Street Insptr.,
;, month of Duns 1919 was reoeivsd and tiled upon oa11 0l the roil by 6 yeas. ~ •
' •'~
Broken pips ~ ~- motion of the above the oommnniostion of Oomrr of Works, together with Notioe
Tenn« 8t. sewer. sowed on J. Boil Gardner, regarding broken pipe in Tennoseee otrest oewsr, wao '
rooeivod and tiled upon oe11 of the roil by 6 yeas;
• ~~. , On motion o! Member Tally, the payment of pay roll Yor work on inoinsrator Yor thy;
~ weok ending Drily lE, i919, amounting to $134.00, web approved upon osll oY the roll
. by 6 yeas. 1
On motion of the above, the payment o! the Street Department pay roll Yor week f
ending July 1E, 1919, amountiag to X489.63, was approved upon Dail of the roll by b yeas.
On motion of the above, the payment o! pay roils Yor the Sewer Dept. for week oading
~ !! Daly lE, 1919, se foliose; Speolal sewer X79.09, Sewer $46.67, was apyrovsd upon oail~
• of the roll by 6 yeas. i
Salary of ;! On motion of.ths above, the report o! Oom~r o! Finanos, showing oelary o! former a~lby
• Jas. Oollins•
hailer James Oolline to hays been paid in full, was reoeivsd and tiled and a oopy of
r same ordered sent to Mrs. Oo111no by tho Olerk oY the Board of Commiesionere, upon Deli
• '~ oY the roll by 6 yeas. j
i! ~ motion the Board adjourned upon Dell oY the roll b th t
r I~ y ~~PRw~ ~T~D = Yeas, ,
- ~ Barns, Gardner, Harelip, Tally and Wooldridge- 6• _ / ~
• r i? A/e e ~ ~ IIL~. :;,PPR V~J ~G . . ~xu~t.
' . is ../fir ~ err tYrw YU
~I / ~ MA. i~
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