HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/26/19 ~. v ~ ~,~. I i 1 ;S i • i F -3 i E NoL3L Commissiorier's. Proceedings, City of Paducah. ~++~ 2sth 19ta It a regnlar msstin6 of the Board of Commiesioaere held in the Comre .C am es of the Oity Hall. Psdnoeh, Hy., on Mqy 26, 1818. upon Deli of the roll toe following answered their nRmse; Hume, Osrdner, Hsaelip. Tnlly and Wooldridge .6• Oa motion of Msmbsr Oardnsr, Lhe minutes of the msstinge of Slay 19th anQ 23d,. 1918 were adopted ae road upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. Pnroitase L malty ~ On motion of the above. that the Com'r of tSorke bs inetrnoLed to purshaes ions ios StraeL apt, ~ males from Gus 2hompson at ~E87.60 each, for the Street Department, oarried upon sell , of the roll by b yeas. ~ petition for water; On motion of the above, that the petition of property aenere !o residents on . main on Brown SL. i ii BTOwn atrset for a water main, bs ssoeived D filed- oarried upon dell of the roll by • 6 ysae. Cemetery tswsfer On motion of Momber Hsaelip, that deed of Loreasa Oarner d wife %athlesn_Oaraer Coronae Oarnsr & ~ wife to August ;I Lo • uet Dsaker Jr. and Oeoar Denksr to lot 268 in blook 17 reesrvin in esid deed ug . • ' g Drakes, Jr. h peons Deaksr. , ) the ostloa of esid lot in the H.E. oorner where Waltue Slam was buried on June 20,1860, P ' be satlfie~ ~e per Britten request of parties grantors herewith iilsd, and Lhat said --;;. ell o! the••roll by 6 yeas,' ed oa the oemetery register- oarrisd;upoa•o e saLer D tranefes _ , . , \ k f th W ~i l ls l ~ ~nb or s or e o i lt ol ro On motion o! llembsr Tully, that the pay week e~iag Stay 24, 1919, es follows: Streets X296.21, Speoial 9ewsr X39,86, bs approved- oarried upon rill of the roll by b yeas. Oa motion of the above, that payma;L of book pay !or the employees of the Dept;. ;! of pnblio Forks, ae follows; Streste $472.bb,. Severe $121.Ob, be app roved- oarried npOn Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. 8einna Lo Henry ;~ On motion of the above, that the sum oi,~1.60 be reil:nded to Henry RiRleeborges ' Riglsebsrgsr. ~j as poll ta: paid for the year 1917, sa hs wsa not s resident of the oitq of Paducah , . ~~ at that time- oarried upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ Letter of thanks I~ Oa motion of Member Wooldridge. that the lettor from the Inte:natioael Firs from iisemea. ;~ Fightors'Aae'n Loosl 168. thanking the Board !or the inareass 1a salaries given the members of said Looel, bs reoeived k filed- oarried upon Dell of Lhs roll by 6 ysae. , S.H.Puiliam and ~~ Oa motion of Mayor Burns, that Dr.S. B. Pulliam and S. W. Baker bq re-oleoted S.W.Haker members Board of Health. members of the Board of Health of the City of Peduaeh- oarried upon oall.of Lhs roll a by 6 ysae. r pn motion the Board ad~oumed upon Dell of the roll by the following vote; Ysas, ~~ • Burns, Gardner, Hsaelip, Tully and Wooldridge- b. ,°,, '•~ ~~e} • UI o L i1.~~i~ a L ~~ i ... e e •