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• Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah NI.y 6th lyj 9 . .
.per eanth• to take eit~ot.isom and after July i, 1918. and Lhe notion he:atotore
taken by tole Board making nay ohangee is pay o! oily employe n to take ettaat se
of Jwnasy 1, 1818 be sseolndsd insofar ae it atteote the employee of the police ay
t'! Tire Departmeate.
pa~eage o! kayos Bnrae offered the lollowing motion Dy way of ame Mmeats that the passag+d
RILTBNTIOR CBD•!., of the Retention osdiaenoe be postponed one week toe loather ooneidesation- carried
postponed. f
j! npoa nail of the roll by the following vote; Ysae, Husae, dardher, Nasslip, Tully ant
~. Wooldridge, 6.
peweemeut ~ f On motion of the sbo~s, that the oommnnioation of the Delinquent Ta= Oolleotos,
toes o! Jao.E., in. rs. aseseamsat and toes of Jno. 8.~ Kendrick, be reosivsd !c tiled.. carried, upon
Dail of the roll by 6 yeas.
Oa motion o! the above, that the Com'r of Works order s quaatlty of proper grade
011 toe ~'
streets. ±! of atsest oil, same to bs put on the streets upon petition of the abutting property
1' owners who shall pay one halt of the scat of said oil. the Oity'e halt to be
ohargsd to the contingent !find- carried upoA call of the roll by 6 yeas.
Secretary o! + On motion of the above, that tlu saorstary of the Oharity Dept., Niae Lettie
e0~a=~iee. ! 'Smith. be paid X96 par month during the year 1919. carried npoa call of the roll by
inereued• ~! b yeas .
On motion of Member Kaselip• that the City Sngiaesr be inetruotsd to prepare
str~iste. ~~ grades and speoitioations for the lmproveumrrt o! the Union Station lino, also for
!,-the •:tension of Brotdwq and Jsii~reoa streets to the city limits, ae set forth in
(~ sseolntione heretofore pact. said motion was doolarsd oat of order.
!' On motlon of Mayor Burns, that ttm words "CITY PROPERTY" De rsmovsd from t b
Remove letNS.
fag on city ~ aide of oar need in the polies sad fire departure ttL and not plaosd on other oily
i! oars which eluil have city tags is front sad rear on snob of them. carried npoa pall
`, of the roll by the following rots; Ysae, BURNS, Gardner and Wooldridge, S. Nay,
- ;~ Kasslip and Tully -8.
On motion the Board ad~ournea npoa call of the roll by the tollowlag vets;
• ~~ Yese, Hume. Gardner, Kasslip• Tully•and Wooldridge. 6.
i~ Ad.pt.d • f'-~~3-- Hl
i. ar u.r Y/-'WO14
Report Com's of
Wo eke,
Report street
" sanitary sewer
• Teaaeeeae 8t• !••
" Report of Oity
solioitos oa
" ~; tslephoae
', Nay lEth. 1819. .
pt a regular meeting of the Soerd of Commlaaioturq bald in the Comra' Chamber o! ~;
'` t)u C1 Wr Nail, Paducah, Hy,, upon Dell o! Lhe roll the following answered Lhe1r
names: Bursa, Gardner, Harelip; Tully and Aooldridge. 6•
On motion of Member Gardner, the minutoe of the meeting held on Nay 6, 1919 were
i.adopted as read upon call of Lhs roll by 6 yeas.
Oa motion of the above, the report of Com'r of Works far the month qt ppsii 1919
'~ wen rsosivad and riled upon call of the roll by 6 yeas,
On motion of the above, Lhe report of the Street Inapsotor for Lhs month of April
'' 1919 was reusited and tiled upon dell of the roll by 6 yeas.
Oa motion of the above, the petition of J. Hell Gardner and others toe the
''. utenelon of eaai tary sewer on Tsnneeeos street.from Murrell Hv., was rsosivsd and
"" filed and referred to the Com's of Works for written"report and reoomme Mation, upon `
call of the roll by 6 ysae.
On motion of the above, the report of the Clty Solioltoe !a regard to the oontraott
I~ b tween the City of Paducah and the Nome Telephone Co. and the Cumberland• Telephone 00''
~. with reepsot to rates to enbeoribere, was rooeived and tiled. •
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City of Paducah Ne~Y 12th ~ 191_9 ~ . ;
Cumberland, ti On motion of Hember Gardner, Whsrsas the City of psdnash and the Cumberland Telephone H Talg<
' Te lephoane b
-Telegraph Co. " Co. entered into a oontraot on the 18th day of Hay 1916 for the sale of a iranohiss fos a
HATSg. ~ telephone system in the oity of padnash, and the Cnmbsriand Telephone k Telegraph Co. ~
. beoams the purohaser thereof end is now operating therenader, and Whbrsas, said Telephone
, Co. did on Nay 1, 1918 raise its rates to anbsoribsra, in slolstion of the eohsdnla prosided
in 8eotion "C" of said osdiaanos, mossd that the Cnmberlaad Telephone A Telegraph Co.,!
£•~ ,~' ,! nadir the prosisions of Section "D" of said lreesohiss ordinance, tie rsgnired to bring its
,books showing its saluaLion, its receipts and espeasse of mainteaanos, sto. before Lhe
Board of Commissionsre on Hey E4, 1819 so Lhat said Board aeon detsnnias the reasonableness
. of the rates of said Company- oarsisd npon call of the soli by the following soles Ysas,
Barns, Gardner, Heselip, Tully sad Wooldridge. b.
r On motion of the aboses Whereas, the City of Paducah oa Jannazy E0, 190E, by oraiaaaos,
Paducah I, ordered the saU o! a franchise for EO years to construct and operate a telephone system in
Hoar .Tele• '
* phoaa 00. ?, tha.oity of Padnoeh, and oa Naroh 6,.190E said City of Paducah did sell said franchise et
i ? 'j public sale to. the highest bidder et the City Hall in Padnaah, $y.; and, Whereas, Frederick
Hilmias and others became the purchaser thsraof.for the sum of $600 and said Hilmw and assigns
?, did oonetrnat said telephone system; and, Whersae, in said lranohiae in section 3 it is
.prosided as followes "The purchaser of this franchise or prisilega shall guarantee that the
~ rates to be charged for telephones In the city of Paducah shall nsssr esoesd $30 per annaa
' s. ., .z for business houses and offices and $18 per annum for residenoss," end, Whereas. it'ia
~ ,
t alleged that the padnoah~Home Telephone Co. became the owner of said franchise and opessteQ
~' tutdsr it for asny years, end said iranohies dose not ezpire until January E0, 19EE; sad..,
'y Whsrsss., the Home Telephone Co., the purchaser of said franchise, has recently raised the.
rates in •Solation of said iranohies, mossd that the City Solicitor bring snit at onos~to
- ~ :,~ test the sslidity of the raise in. rates .in oontrassntion of said trenohiee agreement--
~•said motion loot, reoeising no eeoone.
International On motion of Lhe abose,. the oommunioation from the armbera of International Fire
Fire Fighters
Local Union !i Fi~fatera Local Union No. 168, requesting that the rsoommandatlona of Com's of Safety
petit ion. -
~; relatiss to inoreaees.propoasd in osdinanoe presented by him on Nay b. 1919 bs ratified.
~ was rsoeised and filed npon call of the roll by b yeas.
The amendmesrt offered by Hember Tnily to the Retention Ordinance on Nay b, 1919,
y i - ~. N
Retention ; in re~rd to inoreeaing the pay of employees in the Police end Fira Departments from
ordinance ~ '
' amessdment ~ July 1, 1918, loaf npon call of the roll by the following sofas Yeas, Heselip sand Tnily- E.~ .
d Nays Borne, Gardner and Wooldridge- 3.
On motlon of Hember Heselip, that the Retention Ordlnanoe bs amended by striking
' Retention
ordinance -; thareirom 9ubeeotion ll is the Departme~ of Pnbiio Safety- loot npon call of the roll
- lost. ~ 6y the following sots: Yeas, Heselip and Tully, E. Nays BurIIa; Gardner and Wooldridge. 3.
Upon call of the roll on the passage of AN ORDINANCE BROYIDINB FOR Ti$ APPOINTI~NT OH
.adopted. _
• .,AND DUTIES, read and offered at the arbting of Nay 6, 1919- eaa» was adopted by the
~~ following soles Yeea, BURNS, Gazdnar, Hasslip, Tully and Wooldridge, b.
On motion of Nembes Heselip, that the City Solicitor be and he is hereby instructed
So ital
y. to prooead with the oolleotion of Risereids Hospital aooonnts, a~rgrsgating #97b.99, by'
snit or otherwise is his die a;etion- carried npon calf of the roll by b yeas.
.. t -
On motion of the above, that the deed of 0. T. Anderson. husband of Rsohsl Anderson
Cemetery S
transfer (now Qeo'd) to Gso. S. 3mith~ oonseying 7' by 10' oft the northwest ooransr of the south
to Oso. E. !~ half of lot EE9 in block lb, located oa the west aide of gllsnt Ase. bet. Myrtle a Wiilo*
eoaith. .
q 8te.~ in Oak Grose Cemetery, .be ratified. and that the clerk be instructed to record ~
, .
,,.p said trsnsfar in Oak Oioss deed Dook, ae per written regneat of party of first ,put- f.;
,r ~ carried npon calf of the roll Dy 6 yeas. f
a :K'.P,
<` ~
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~ ,ma*: ~aay`zq. :a..!i~ .z .:... -:. I .. a;;j}s~: ~a:. -.,a ',. 5~.. '.~iti'.., ~ ,~. ,~ .nrw,a~a..:.n-, . ..~... . ,Mu:..
~ N ~ >.
' Oa notion of ilembss Snily, the payment of the pay .tolls of the Dept. of publio
`,` Norlu for the weak ending May 10. 1919 ae follows; 8trsete $306.68, Speoisl Sewer
~: $Eb.3b, was appipvsd upoa Dell of the roll by the tollowiag.vots; Yeas, Husna,
4ardner, Harelip, Tully and liooldridge. b.
Horst o t Ohio ~;
' Oa motion of the above. that Lhe bond of the Ohio Palley Trust Co. with !. Y.
Yelley Tsne6 ;
Co. sooepted, ',! !lsher at-d Ceoli Reed as sureties, for the dspoedt of epeaiel sewer land, be appmved1
~i oarried' upoa Dail of the roll by b you.
nat~i Surety Co. On notion of the abgvs, that the National Surety Oo. Ds rslsassd
irom the bond
released oa bond .
Ohio Palley of the Ohio Palley Trnet Co., they having filed another bond= oarried- upoa Dell of
Trust Co.
the roll by 6 yeas.
Oa motion the Hoard fd~onsned upoa Dail of the roll iRy the following vote=.
Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Hsselip, Tully and lfooldrldgs- b.
v. tic.....-._ ~ _..,
(l N_.
Ma9 19thy 1919.
~ At s regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held i.n the Comse~ Chamber
;; o! the City IIsll, Padnoah, %y. on Msy 19, 1919, upon Dail of the roll the following
' h 'answered their a mss; Burns, Gerdnsr, IIszelip, Tully and XooldridRs- 6.
On motion of Member Gardner, the minutes of the regular meeting held on May
{- lE, 1919 were adopted ee read upon Dell of the roll Dy 6 yeas.
TsiaDU St. Oa motion of the above, that the petition of property owners d rsaiddnte on
•toim water -, Trimble St. bet. 10th & lEth 9te., for rolls! from storm orator overflows, bs rso~d b
1; filed, and that the Comps of Ytorka oonetruot s storm water sewer from 11th ~ Trimble
. r
to the alley on 11th St. between Cl~l & Trimble 9te., tts axpanes.oi same to be
oharged to the Speoial Sewer fund- oarried upon oa1l..of the roll by b yeas.
Oa motion of the above, that the wage inoreaee of 10~ to the street, flusher.,
Xags inorssse
Street de Sewer gravel spreader & oheoker, grader men, stable boas and laborers in tho street and •
~' sewer departments, heretofore granted by this Board on May 6, 1919, be effeotive from
January 1, 1519- onrriad upon sell of the roll by 6 yeas.
Engineer Light :^ On motion of the above., that the salary of the engineer of the City Light
Plant, salary
inoreassd. i Plant be.inoreeaed X10 per mo. effeotlva from beginning of his eerviova ae euoh .
i engineer this year- oarried upon Dail of the roll by b yeas.
Home Telephone '; On motion of the above, that the Roms Telephone Co. be required to bring !te•
Cc, - I books, showing reosipta and ezpeneee of operation and valuation, Defors the Hoard of
;: Commissioners on or be fors June 2, 1919, eo that said Board Den determine whether Lhe
'f..iaoreeae in rates made on itey 1, 1919 ie justifiable- oarried upon Dail of the roll
by b yeas., '
Xset Ry. ~ ~, On motion of Member Hsselip, that $200 be paid to the Count Sohool Supt.
Industrial ( Trees. of Pieet %entno Industrial Coils a for the use and benefit o! said sohool,
College. kY g
', same to be paid from the oontingent Pend- oarried upon Dail of the roll Dy 6 yeas. ..
Broadway from Oa motion of the Above. that the City Engineer be inetsuoted to prepare grades
17th to oily
limits. k speeifioetiona foe the impooe~of inteiseo~~o~iagt. from 17ib St. to oity limits,
;..same to be built of tarvia andohsrged to the oontingent land- oarried upon.oall of .
the roll by b yeas.
Cemetery deed On motion of Hembsr Tully. that deed be ezeouted to E. 6. Morris for lot 69
E. v. Morrie
in blook $ on north side of Baker St. between fiord & IIanaen Ste. in Oak Grove ,Cemstesl
hs having paid therefor Into the treasury the sum of $30, ae evidenoed by rsoeipt
hsrewlth.filed- oarried npott Dail of the roll by b yeas.
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Commissioner's Proceedings,: City. of Paducah ~~ 19sh 19Is_ ~~
,ti ., On motion o! Member Tully, that. the sooonnts amounting to $8084.87, as per report
e. of Oam'r o! Finanoe herewith filed, bs allowed and ordered paid, aarrled upon oall ot~
~; the loll by 6 yeas.
Liberty Bonds ~ On motion of the above. the report o! Oom'r.of Finanoe regarding depoatt o! {.
Interest. , t• ~ ~ ~~
1 interest due May ib on Liberty Bonds of $EB,OOA. eoionnting to $631.Eb-, to the oredit
t ~ u,
~! the Sinking Fund, wee rsoeived and. filed upon oall of the roll by b yeas..
• I On motion of the above. the payment of the pay rolls from the DspE. o! corks for!
~<-~ ~
! • ~
the week ending May 17. 1919, as follows: Streets $86b.66. opsoial Sewer $41.70; was ~ ~
approved upon Dell of the roli by b yeas. E.
Fanoher ~; On motion of Mayor Burns, that $81.b2 bs paid the Trnetee of the fury fend, u pfr
saa~. ii
' order of oonrt in the Fanoher ones,. ears,having beeua appealed from the polios oonst to '•~
, y.
the oironit oonrt- oarried upon oall of the roil by b yeas. ~
On motion tLe Board ad~onrned upon Dell of the anll by the following vote; 7ess.~ °;~
. ~„ ..Burns, Osrdner, Raeelip.Tnily and •ooldridgs- b.. j '
1/ ~1ce _..~..~ .-191 ~ O.PP~ i . ~;,:, -
. M ~ '.~i
Mas E3. 1919. ~ ~~:
ti. ~
• ~
' AT a oalUd meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comre' Chamber of
~ •.!
' !
~ ~
the City Rsll, Paduoah, By., at ten o'olook A. M. on May E3, 1919., npoa oall of the ~
roll the iollowl~ answered Lhsir names: Bnrna. Gardner. Rasslip and Tally 4. ';
~ ~ ~
R. B. Tyler Qo.~. On motion of Member Gardner, that the proposition of R. B. Tyler Co. toe fnsnlsDing _`'
bid aoospted. ~;.
,~ road oil. to the City of Paduoah be aooepted- oarried upon Dail of the roll by d ysas.i .~ ~J
011 bids ~ On motion of Mayor Harns, the bide enbmitted by R. B. Tyler Oo., Indian Rs2lniag
~~rsoeivsd A ~ Co. and the Standard 011 Co. on road o11, were rsosived and tiled upon oall of tha ~ ~ ~_
fiUd: ' roll by' 4 yeas. j ~~•
' ~ , On motion the Board ad~onrned upon Dell of the roll by the tollodng vote; ~
~; Yeas, Burae; Oardasr, Base lip and Tn11y- L. !
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