HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/22/19, 04/28/19, & 04/29/19~ _..,. . v. ~ w4.~ k,,,,°Nf }~H~M '/ " a ..,,R. ~ ke ~, F"~n ~ i' ` 41 ' ~ rrea.ySv r I . . •~ a ' ~ ~J.+v~++...~.~.~~.,~ .mot .:i'.'.. i.J.. .... w_......a .....~~, ,..... .'~. ....a .. n._ - ' ,~ ... ,i ~, :: , . ~ .No./~•~I a ' , ;: City of Paducah April EEn 191 ~ Commissioner's Proceedings ~- ;. r , ~ r ., It a oallsd meeting of the Board of Commiseionsrs held in the Comrs' OhemDer of ~, ~ti. ths~City Hgll, Padnoah, Ey., on Apsii EEd, 1918, at ionr o'olpek~P. Y., upon Deli of the • _ ~ >,~ '. roll the following answered the is names: 8nsas, Gardner, Harelip. Tully b iooldridgs- b. 1 ~' Aotioa rat r On motion of Yembsr Harelip, that the notion of the Board .in introdnoing the Traotioa Traotion Ord•; rseoinded;. Ordinanos on April 4th 1819 bs reeoinded- oasrisd upon Dail of the roll by the ioilowi~• li vote= Ysae, Barns. Harelip, Tally Ae Sooldridge- 4. Member Gardner esoneed from wolfing. ~t °~ - ° 'Oi ~ ~ T ~ On motion of the above, ~I OHDISAHCS CRSATISO A F~AHCHI8S,T0 ACQUIHS, COS3THDCT, s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,;; ~ ~"" sao on . ` ..~ . OpSHATS AND IUiSTAIS AH SLSCT$IC 8T88ST RAILYiAY OYSR CEHTAIS 8TBSST3 OF T!~ CITY OF ~ ~ , Osdinanoe. i~ ' ~. j : pADUCAH, AHD pHOYIDISG FOB THS SAL$ THEHSOF, wu introdnoed npon,oall of Lhe roil Dy ! . : the following dots=.Yeas, BOHS.S. Hssslip; Tnily and iooldridge- 4. Say, ,aransr- 1. . { ~ "~ " On motion thq Board aa~ogrned upon Dail of the roll Dy the iollowl>dg •ote; Yeu, ! . . ^~ ; ';! - { Barns; Garanen, Harelip, Tally and ioolaridgs- b. i ~:a sPPRO D x~-:o~ . ~. o.a ~ _ • apalL Eeth, 1818. ~; w. At a rsgaler mesLing of the Hoard of Commissioasrs held in the Comrs' OhemDes Ar '. ' ` of the,City.Hall, padnoah, Ky., on April EBth, 1819, upon-osii of tbs roll Lhe following Y aneeered their names; Berne. Gardner, Tally and Wooldridge- 4. ~" .. On motion of Bembsr Gardner the minntse o3 the meet! ngs held on -pril EUt ens , EEd, 1918 were adopted as nand npon Deli of the roll by 4 yeaso ~ 1lember Hassllp antwred the mesLing. ~ ~; Commnnioa. ' Oa motion of Member Hasslip, that Ohs oommnnioation oY Frank Talker, proposing lion oi.Frank • walker. to Day three lots fronting on Hays Ave. st =100 snob, or nw eaia lots, be reoeived and Com'r snthor- ^ _ issd to rent. olty psoparty. filed, and that Lhe Com'r of property bs anthorissd to rent said property- osrrled npon ~ i _ Dail of the roil by the following vote= Yeae, Barns, Gardner, Harelip, Tally Ana .. ~ On motion of Lhe above, that the deed from C. S. Jennings 6 wife Ida Y. Jganings 3.~ Deed from O S d In ][ t ! ~' . . e a . Jennings to o the City of padnoah for Lote. Sos. lb, 16, 17, 18 Ana 18 on 8onth 6th Stzsst, bs reo'l. ~ City of padnoah b fiUd and Lhst the Com'r of Finenoe bs ant horissd to for same at the aontraot Pay ~~°, '~' , . prioe- oarried npon osii of the roll Dy 6 yeas. ~ ; ~ .; Cemetery deed ~ motion of the above, deed was essoatsa Lo Lorensa Garner for lot #E69 in totems Garner. 8eotioa 17, !n Oak Grove Cemetery, same being on the' eonth aide of pesos Ave. between ~` ' Wyrtle # willow Street. he having paid into the treasnsy the eam of X100 therefor se ~' ' ' per attaohsd rsosipt, the City reserving the portion of Bald lot in the northeast oomer g ~~ ~', where Welter Slam was bnsiea on Jane 80,1860, and same was ordered seoordsd in the ' Y. ... . oemstery deed book ,npon osii of the ro11'by the foliowi~ ro$e; Ysse, Barns; Hssslip, f, ' i Tally & aooldridgs- L. Say,.Gardnss- 1. ~ ~ ~' '1 . On motion of 1Nmbss Tni ly, payment o! the Street Depsrtme~ pry roll for the s:~ ~. ' week main Aril 86 1818, smonntin to E7b.b6 Ana b0. b9, wu s roved n B P • g ~ ;. PP pod Dell et ~~ " the roll Dy 6 yeas. ~;, ~ ~. Cemetery Brea On moLioa o! the above, that deed De a:eontea to H. B. Grimmer to lot 86 !a ~ ~.~ S.B.Grlomner.. bioak #8 on ust side of Miller 8t. bet. lbrd i Hannan streets, in Oak Gron Cemetery, ~~ he having pain therefor into the oily trsseary Lhe sum of #16.00 u pas attaohed , . ~, ~ . ~~~ reeeipt, oarriea npon Dail of the roll by b yeas. °. ~, ' k a Sat'1 8arety ! Oa motion of Ysmbes Wooldridge, that the Satioatl 8nr.ty Co. Dt re]aas~d 6a the ~` L Co. ssUued : ; ~- on C.L. saloon bond of 0. L. Dioksraon, 188 8. EQ St., w of Febrasry E, 1818, the date on ~" Dickerson bond. which eaia islooa wu Lranal~srea to. Hsa Boswsli i Oo. sea other eatery eseouted, u <' per reQneat of AnDes Amity, Ant., earsiea ~ipoa osii of th. roil by 6 yen. ~ q... ~` '~ ~ ' ~. _ v~. . ~.. .,. .. ... .. ' ' ~ ' ,.+~ [yl'ii46. ~4' ~.ra ,.'^.. ~: L? .a.. .,['. J. ....'. '. .. , V ' u _ m.aauxr. tc a ~ ' . 1 ara.2: 4 .. w . h ` ~ j . . ,, •;9 No.. err ~t ~ „ ' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah ~ April Eelh ~ X9./9_ • - • On ration of 1[ayor Barns that Com's of Property be saRboriasd to leafs the ~ hews Hse sta. • . ! . Fire Dtation at 10th h .Cla to Era~st ~ #s to Ernest y EagUst to Deo. 81, 1919, at ~E6.00 per month iq '~ ~' Enslert. aasaaw . uid Engiert to pay nay additional obarge of lnawnnoe Danced by acing 1' Property foe agarage- oassiea upon Dail of the. roll Dy 6 yoaa.. II Oa motion of the sbose, the iralea relatln to 8 days ser-iw of Dopy Of ! .. osdiaanoes were temporarily ewpenaed upon Dail of the roll by the following tote= Yesa, Bnrae, Gardws Ae wooldridgs- 8. Nsy, Harelip end Tully- E. { Ippostionment Oa motion of the sbose, AN C~RilEH6NCE BOEING TH6 APPORT30NYSNT OF THE PUBLIC I~ Osaiaanoe foe FUNDS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH FOR THB YEAR 1919 was gisin its passage npon Dail of thol 1919. ~ roll by the following sole; Yeae, stuns, Gardner m wooldridga- 3. Nay, Haaelip and I! . ~ Tally- E. ~ On motion t!u Boasd ad~ourasd upon Dail of thr roll by the following sole=, } Yeu , Borne, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and iooldridgs- II. ., Ad.yted _~ ~'~s~.~.,11L~. LPP.:'.~•~ D ~i, +.n ~ CYO k . ~ ~f.~OH~. ., April.E9tb. 1919. t At s oailea wetiag of the Board of Commiwionsre held in tlr Comr'a Ohambes o~ i the Oity Hail. on April E9, 1919, at ten o•oloot A. Y.,.upon Dail of tha soli the ~ . following answered their nsmaa; Bnsas, Gardner, Hassllp, Tally cad YoolaridRe. b. On motion of Yayos Btuna, the raise repmrding esrsioi o! oopies o! ordinanoea i 8 nays prior to meeting were temporarily snspsnds4 upon Dell of Lhe soli by b yeas. Tae 7wq Ora..,- Oa motion of the sbose, AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE LEVY OR RATE OF TAXATION ON 1919. PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF PADUCIH, SENTUCKY. FOR TlUi YEiR 1819. AND THL RMTE OF THE POLL TAY. 1IITH TH8 PUBPO~z OF SAID LEVY TfNrRBUNDER DEFINED, was gisen its passage npon Dail of flu roll by b yeas. I~ On motion of y[smbor Harelip, Aa 0$DINANCE OREATIIB A FRANCHISE TO ACQUIRE, ;.~ Tsaotioa h'aaehiN CONSTRUCT. OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN ELECTRIC BTREET RAILAAY OVER CiRTAIN STRE$TS IN t•, . Osalaamee. ~ THE CITY OF PIDUOAH, aliD,PROYIDING FOB THE SALE THEREOF. was gitsn its passage npon f Dail of flu soil by the following sots; Yaw. Horne, Harelip. Tully tc fooldridgs. {. Nay, Oardnsr- 1. ~ On motion the Hoard sd~onsaed npon Dail of the roll by the following sote=~ , { I' • Ysaa, Barran, Gardner. Harelip, Tally and Nooldridgs. 6. ~ ' r A;eptea •-~ ~ ~!~ !' ~ ~,pPR,p'CT=1D ~ /~/~/ ,,,, .r i o: ._ ,.~ • ~' i 4 ~~ ~ j ~. ', ... l ~ f, ,. ~~S I t i. -. ~~.~ • ~, •' ~ . `s ~. . -... ,~, .... . .. _ , ,.