HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/21/19Commissioner's Proceedings,
No. ~~ D
of Paducah Iurii. Pti.t 1910
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lt.~a regalar meeting pt the Board of Oommiseioners held. in the Qomra' Ohambsr o!
the Ol.ty Hail, Padnoah, ~-• on Iprii E1, 1919, upon Dail of the roll the tollawiag ~
saewered their namess Bnras, Gardner, Hasellp, Tully and Wooldridge, 6. ~
On motion of Member Wooldridge, the minutes oY the meetings of Ipril 14th and }}
i6th 1919 were adopted se read upon Dail of the roil by 6 yeas. +
Hem lseW _~ ~, On motion of Member Gardner, that the Oity~Boliaitor be inatruotsd to bring in sq
' snl~rgiag Oily i. ~
Li t Pleat ordinsaoe providing for the issue of ey100,000 bvads.drnwing bf interest., interest ~ ..
!. ,
payable semi-annually, prinoipai due 26 years after date,, the proosede to bs used 1aI ". ,
the enlargement oY the Oity light plant; said bond leans to bi submitted to a vets f -
{' of the people at the nezt regular elsotion on November 4, 1919-
• ~-' ~
Amendiesat. ~ r. Mayor Hume offered the following amendmo~ thereto: that the motion to slbmii _
s ; s bond issue Yor enlarging the Light Pleat be referred to the Oommittee of the whole
' Yor further ooasideration in oonneotion with other bond issues to be submitted, ~.
s same oarried upon Dell of the roil by the following votes Yeas, Burns, Harelip and •
Tail 3. Na dga- 2.
y- y, Gardner and Ylooldri j. ..
City pnrohaee ;'
~~ i
On motion of Mbar Gardner, that the proposition o! O. E. Janninge dated Fsbruaiy
lots Prom
O. E• Jennitlge.. b, 1919, offering iota Pion. 18 and 19 on west aide oY south 6th St., about 400 tt. in
!~ depth, and three iota with 1271 feet total frontage oa east aids of south 6th street
j by 1b2 tt. 8e 6 inohes, at the pries of X160, bs eooapted- oarried upon Dail of the
'' roll by b yeas.
Petition Yor St•
' On motion of Member Haseli the et it ion o! ! •
P. P property owners asking Yor the i
Tr~bl~~nt oa improvemerr0 of Trimble street with.tarvia, and it aeosasary in making the improvemenb,
~~ the oonstrnotion of oonorets ourbing and gutter, tram 7th St. to the oemstery- was.
reoeived and tiled upon osll.oY the roll by b yeas. ~
1 • ';
Cemetery deed ~ On motion oY the above, that the Board ratify deed oi' T• H• Glace & wite.Salii~
T•HiSGhee & wife
to 7eYY Carter. H• Glace to Jett Carter, oonvaying.the south one-fourth oY lot 866 in esotioa 28 11i
l Oak Grove Cemetery, and that the Clerk be inetruoted to reoord said transfer in the ~
i omaetery deed book, sa per written request of said parties of the first part herewith •
f tiled- oarried upon Dell oY thai roll by 6 yeba. ~ ', ` ,•.
• "
' On motion of Meetber Tully, the payment of the Street Department pay rolls Yor (~
week ending April 19, 1919, amounting to ~~.284.78 and X9.46, wsa approved upon Dell ~ ~~
oY the roll ~ b yeas.
• ~ i. On motion o! the above, the aooounte Yor the Yiret hall of April, amounting to j,; ,'
; t
292.80, se per report of Com'r of Finanoe, wore allowed and paym~it of same "
, bpproved upon Dail oY the roll biI b yeas. I
OF THE CITY OF PID1)CAH FO$ THE YEAR 1919 was hoed on its '
p passage-,same lost upon
Dail Ot the roll by the following vote:_ Yeas, Harelip and, Tully, 2. Ne.y, Bnrne,` ,
_ and~Wooldridgs, 2. Member Gardner was ezaused from voting.
~ •
Re~-orL oY Oity ~
On motion o! Member Wooldridge, the report of Com'r of Safety oovoring the
Coal Yard. '~
operation of the munioipal noel yard was raoeived and Yilad upon Dail of the roll by!
~ ~
b'yeae. {{
Close np City 1
Oa motion of Member Tally, that the Com'r of Safety bs iaetruoted to oloes np
~l~fsrd• .
~~ the TSunioipal Cosl Yard during the warm weather Yratn April 30, 1919 to September 1, ,
1919- oarried upon Dell of the roll b9 6 yeas.
{ On motion the Board ed~ourned upon Dail of the roll by the following votes Yeas,
:Horne, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and tiNooldridge- 6. •'
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