HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/10/19 ., .. _. ..._. .. .. .... __ ..... ..._. ____~___..._ ~ ~ f ,t Nst:~1- b • Commissioner's .Proceedings, City ofPaduceh_ ~reh Both jy,~ At a regale; meeting of the Board of Commiseionsrr held in thr Comre~ Chamber of the City Hall, Padnoah, ~q., oa Ltaroh 10, 1919, upon Dell of the roll the following !I !i answered their harass; Hsrne,.Gardnsr, Harelip, Tally and Wooldridge- b• On motion of Dieyor Beane, that the matter of granting terry tranohies bs referred' • Rsgnest for ! to the City Soiieitor Ya~r sn opinion as to the rights of Viokere Ferry Co•,to have i ~..... ~ Perry frnnohiea'; Pa'ivilege to land at the toot of Bliaebsth street and as to the duty of the Board of I I lightr to ~ Commissioners in relation to said request; afro to advise whether it is neoeseary to•~ • ' viakerr Berry grant said privilege, or xh etham said landing oonld be need without the oonsent of the ~ . Co. Hoard- and that he be instruoted to report at the nett meeting, oarriep upon oah'ot ~; the roll by b yeas. • • ;} i On motion o! Member Wooldridge, the minntee of the meetings of Maroh 3d and 6th, ~ • ' 1 1919 were adopted as read neon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ 1)~ Fad.Govsrame~ ', On motion of Member Gardner, the Resolution of the Paduoah Government Ownership i • Ownership League„ Lsagne, regarding the tranehisa of the Psdnoah Water Oo., was reoeived and Piled upon . Dell of the roil by b yeas. On motion of the above, that the Oity Solioitor be instruoted to prepare and ~}~ W~Yj bring before this Board by April 7, 1919 an ordinance oeiiing for en issue of tiw Bond hundred thousand (~600,000)dol]ara in bonds for the City to oonstrnot its own water, ••~ ,~'.~ Ieaue. i works system or buy the present system; said bonds to be of the denomination oY X1,000+ oeoh, drawixg by interest per annum, interest peyablo e6mi-annually, and principal tO ba paid twenty years otter Bate at the oYYioe of the Comer oY Finanoa in Paducah, •i ' ~! $y; and said ca•dinanoe to be submitted to the duly quelitied voters of the Oity o! ~;? Paducah at the regu]ar aleotion to be held in Paducah, Ky on the 4th day oY November .I 1919, but only so mnoh of said sum to be need as abeolntely neoeseery to build eui np- ~;: ~, ~i to-date plant or to purohnee the present Water Works plant at a fair valuation- varrie~ . upon Deli of the roil by b year. li On motion ad Mambar Tally, the payment of the follow lag pay rollr Yor the wk r, ~ ending iiaro!- 8, 1919 ;8treet Dspt. $'u29.27, Repairs to brick streets X89.08, war ' • ~~ approved neon Dell of the roll by b yeas. i ", ~ ; On motion of the above, the sooonnts !or the last halt of Msroh 1919, amounting ~ 1 to $15,663.94, were allowed and payment of rims approved, upon Dell of the roll by, f li 6 yeas. i =~' Csmrtsry Beet On motion of the above, that deed b e ezeonted to Lnbio Jackson and Niok Ounningham ' Lnbio daokson and to lot 80 1n biook #b, oa the east aide oY Fox.amnn 3t• between Ford do Hannan streete~ Niok 0nnninghaq 1 in-Oak Grove Cemetery, they bevi.;e peii.d therefor into the treasury the sum of X30 as j r ' par reoaipt herewith flied. serried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ~ • ~' On motion oY the above, the Report of Comer of Finance oY Reoaipte 8a Disbnreemel;te ~.~ ~ j Yor the month of Fabrur.ry 1919 was reoeived, filed and ordered Qubliehed in the oftioial newspaper, upon Dell oY the roll by b yeas. ~. ~j On motion the Board ad'oiansd upon Dell of the roll by the following vote= Yese, i' ':~ Berne, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. j • • '' s AC_ qtr ~ _i9t/ 9.~P s j cw cs.. ~ rrr".....` D,tXYF1E4 ~ ~! _ 1 . 1 j ~._. _~ .. ~! • r ti i ,# .,. .. -.. _ - ,_. .. _ ..' .. ate.!'.._ . ... '~TB["FtC~k'C646 ~' .'tFw[4'F;~+2'!$~arl&~'°'~~,+"•, r. ~ ...r .,, _., .. ._.,.. ,. ,. ,. _ . -, 1 ~