HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/24/19, 03/03/19, & 03/06/19m+lmme.~
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Commissioner's Proceedirrgs, City of Paducah. Feb*ns~-y nth 191 ;
• r -
At a regalar mesting.oY the Board oY Commissioners held in the Oomre' Ohamber oY the •.~
~• City Ball, Yadnoah, $y on February E4, 1919, ripon oall oY the loll ths.Yollowing j ~'~= •_ ,
~• answered their names Gardner,,,Heselip, Tuliy and Wooldridge- 4. ~ ~ -
R ,
~' On motion ad Member Gardner, the minutes oY the re ~
-,. gnlar meeting held oa February ~
.• ~
I 17th,isl9 were adopted as read upon oall o4_tha roll by 4 yeas.
it 1
' Demeter lot { On motion at Member Haaelip, that the sYYidavit of R• •. Billingsley -stating than
y ;i' t
+ lot 66 of eeotion A la Oak Grove Oemetery should have been aesaed to the Billingsley I
8111ingeley • r ~ ~', '~
hsixe• 1~. ,Heirs instead oY to Mrs. Hattie Hogan heirs- bs reosived and Yilsd, and that the note- •
~ •.~; Lion on the oemetery reoord bt made in eaoordsaoe with said atYidavit, and that anidj t
it ~ ~ ~
~ h sttidavit ba attgahed to. the reoard- oarrisd upon oali oY the roll by 4 yeas. ~ ` '.
On motion oY Member Tully, thezt the payment oY pay rolls for week ending 8sb. EE, ,~
. _ ~ j _'
1919, be approved, as.iollowes Streets $187.94 -Repairs to Briok Streets $86.b8- `. "~
f Inoinerator $6- oarrisd upon oell oY the roll by 4 yeas. ~
On motion oY the sbovs, the report of Oom'r of Finanoe ior, the month oY January was `, ; :,~
` ~ p reosived, YSUa and ordered published is the otiiaLai newspaper upon oalT of the rolli ~~ k
by 4 yeas. j
~ i
- ~ On motion oY the above, the sooonnte Yor the Yirst halt oY.Feb. 1919,. amounting tol;
$3641.60, were allowed and payment oY same approved upon sell oY the roll by 4 yeas. 1
Riverside n~ On motion oY the above, th6 notion oY Oom'r oY Fi~noe in purahaeing Riverside '• ~:''i;
bond. ~ . i ,
Hospital Bond ~E d! 91~ sad interest was approved upon oell oY the roll by 4 yeas. ~ ~ -;
Nesting in.rs ' On motion oY Member Wooldridge, the. invitation Prom Mre• Mary G. Palmer, Chaixmsn j ~. ,
~ .oY the Woman's Oom. Oounoll Bat'1 Defense, to the Hoard oY Oomre, to .attend a maetirg
'' ~'' ~
r .ois Bat. at three o°alook P. M. to be held in the inrterest of ohild welYare- was ~: °T"
j reosived and filed upon osll oY the roll by 4 yeas. ~ i ~ IP
• r - ~•. ~
8•A.WomDU ~ On motion oY the above, that the saloon liaenes oY 3• A. Womble at 107 H. 4th ctrset ' i ~-=WL
saloon iiosns8• j ~:, j
traasierrsa.~r be trensPerred to 113 H. 4th street- serried neon oell.oi the roll by 4 yeas. ; ~
~~ ;, ~ ;
On motion t~,e Board adjourned upon call ad the soll.by the following vote; Ysas, ~ ~'-~~
. ~ Gardner, Haselip,•Tully and Wooldridge -4. ~ ~ ' 1
~: Ad o d o~r.Z-~ aaeyoR. - f ~ •
U. •~w ~
" MARCH 3d. 1919. ~ "~•• ,
i };_
~~ At a rogu]ar meeting ad the Board oY Oommissionere hold in the Oomrs' Chamber of ~ :. •
• - jl the.0lt Hell Paducah ~ ~~`
y , , gir., on March 3, 1919, upon call 04 the roll the loilowing ~ ~
f;, easwered their names Buena,, Gardner,, Haselip, Tnl]y and Wooldridge- 6.
" ~~ On motion oY Member. Wooldridge,that the mimites oY the regalar meeting oY..Feb. E4,
r ~ y . ..,
' ~ ~ 1919 be adopted as read- carried upon cell oY the roll by B yeas. ~ ; •
Repot of k .. Oa motion oY Member Gardner, the Repot aY Oom'r of Warke Yor the montb oY February ~`".
Comr oY Wki 1919 was reosived and Yiled on nail oY the roll
for Feby, uP by 8'yeas. ~;
R ~ ~ ~~.
Report oY St '~ On motion oY the above, the Report oY tho Street Inspector Yar month of February .
Insptr. Yor ~ ~ :.'~
Bebrnary. 1919 was.rsoeived do Yiled upon cell of the roll by b yeas.. '
On motion oY 4hs above, Lhat the check oY Hat'1 Surety Co•., surety on the bored oY
Ohsok oY Batl ; •
Surety 60. ,. F. W. Mooney, late 8t. Ineptr., tar the sum od $SE.bO, bs reoeivad by the Oom'r_o! ~~ •
on bona oY ~'. Finance and credited to the 3trewt D t. said bhsak having been given Yor errors or ~ _..;_,
' a.W•Mooney.. " eP
• n mistakes oY i. W Mooney ae Yollowst T.J•Ssadere, 1 day time oa Oot. 1E, 1918 pay roll $E•60i ~ `~ ~
•eo:.Meadows,.8 days. time on Sept• E8, 1918 payroll $16, 6 days time on Oat. 6, 1918 pay
roll $18, two days time on Oot• lE, 1918 pay roil $6, Oars Priddy,. d days time on Bov
.~; : ,
~'.'9. 1918 pay roil ~l6- total $bE•S0, carried t°pon call ad the-roil by 6 yeas. ~ $~ ~. .
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No. ~fi.G
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah. Maroh sd ' 1Qp. a
Dill of Sd.D. jl
Hannan On motion of Member Gardner, that the bill of Ed D. Hannan ve. w. H. Stringer, for
~i ,
$E•60, Yor pork in repairing sewer, be paid by the City Qo ohargod to the apsolal ~..
sewer saoonnt, ae said work wsa made naoeseary by the oowtrnotion o! the Tennseese .
Street Sower- carried upon oell_of the roil by tie following vote= Yeae, Borne,
;~ Gardner, Haaslip and Wooldridge, 4- HeVr, Tally, 1.
_, ~
t On motion of the above,that t~hs motion made by Com'r oY Works on Dee. 9;1918,
ptwohase ~
that the Mayam,on bebslY of the City o! Padnoah bs inetrnotad to give notioe to the
~, Padnoah Water Co. on Jan. 1. 1918 that it desire4 an appraieementi of the water world
property nndsr the Yranohies granted to J. A. Jonse on 9spt. E9, T864, bs taken up.for ..
i immediate ooneidaration, and tffit said notioe be given on or before Maroh 8th, 1818;
said motion oarried and ten o'oloak A. M. ilaroh 4, 1919 set as' the time for s meeting
'i of the Coamiseiowre as a Committee aY the Whole to dieoues eald notioe, upon Dell oY
' '
j~ tYr roll by tla following vote: Yeae, Burns, Gardner, Hasel.ip, Tully and Wooldridge, b
&epsis Pablie 1{ On motion of Member Harelip, that the Street iw peotor be inatruoted to repair the ~ '
Wharf. ,~
~: publio wharf by p7aoing gravel thereon and grading same, the eapenee oY said gravel to~
;( ~
be charged to Pnb11o Property Improvemazt- oarried upon Dail of the roIDl by b.yeae.,
On motion o! the above, that ell automobilae owned by the City -Fire equipment
Letter City
sntomobiUe. ~+ ezoapted- ba lettered se follows; CITY~PROP$RTY, with the department to xdtioh it
' !~ belongs, in letters at least Your inches in heig ht- Dolor to be other than body of '
oar, serried upon Dell 01' the roll by b yeas.
Oa motion of Member Tnliy, that the cam of 79.44 ba allowed as ezpenss of the
ezpe w ee ~ Com'r of Finnao's.and Com'r ad Public Property, the committee appointed to appear befor !
allowed. ,
the Board of Tax Commissioner! ab Branktort, Iqr, on March 1, 1818, regarding the rai!!~
oa city property for purpoaee o! State tazatioa• oarried upon Deli of the roll by b ysu,
` On motion o! the above, ths~paymetst of the pay rolls for the week ending March niret
'1 1919 t3treet Department ~E08.60, Re pa ire to brlok streets ~t0.E3, was approved upon j
; '
Dail of the roll by 6 yeas. j'
Dr. F. d. Hover;
. rotund. On motion of the above, the awn of alb was ordered rafundod to Dr. F. A• Hoysr -he {
'~ having pe.id this smonnt on January 6y 1919 far viiloh lioenee #63 wen issued to him to '., •
' ~ '} operate`a drug store, and hsvirg dsoided not to open a drug store- upon Dail oY the ! `
' ~ roll by 6~yeae.
; On motion of the above, that the cum of $2.69 bs refunded to bnla a Ennioe White
~~e ,.
White, ! they having been erroneously assessed with a lot on Madison street west of 19th
etreot at a valuation of X14 0, we ffiving ionad upon investigation that this was n ~
i~ doable esaesement, ae the property in question belongs to Mrs. Washburn and the.tazes
' have been paid on same by hs;- oarried upon call of the roll by b yeas. ~
y ~
Oa motion oY the above,,tffit the Mayor do Commissioner Of Fineaoe be authorised to
Bamrow mow y. ~ .
barrow Yrom.the City National Bank oY this city Yor .the nee and benefit of the City oi',
f Padnoah, the snm oY $60,000, at the rats of 6~ per annum, exeouLing therefor a note ot~.
the City oY Paducah dne July b, 1919, std pledging as ssourlty Yor the payment of said{ ,
• ~ note the fazes o! said City Yor the year 1919- oarried upon Dell o! t>•e roil by b yeas, '
On motion aY Member Wooldridge, that the Chicago Bonding Bo Inenranoe Co• bs
O.O.Dnvsli bony ', . .
released. ~i released from the bond of 0. C. Duvall, as par the regweet o! said Company- Mr. Duvall
being no longer in the City employment- oarried upon Dell of the roll by 6 gene,
$d Sanders Oa.motioa of the sbov6, that the Chi. Bonding & Inc. Co. bs released on the bond oY
rsloaeed. ~ Ed Senders, patrolman, ae oY Feb. 18, 1919, hs ffiving ozeontad ot2ier good .and sooeptabi!
~ bond in lien thereof-.oarried upon Dail of the roIDl by 6 vacs.
~~ _ ..
No. y/ .Q
f: ~
~` :. '
' Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah MRreh ad • 19L~
'~ Oa mo0lon of Mayor Burns, whereas ~c].er date o! Feb. 80, 1919 and letter dated
Board of
~';, Feb. 14, 1919, a Resolution of the Board of T&iastion was handed to Com`r of Safety onI
Fqb. 88th, moved that said Reeoiutioa ant tatter of J. T. Reddiok, Prest., of date Fsb~
14th sad 80th, be received do filed- carried upon call dd the roll by B yeas.
~ Member Haselip was eaoneed and left the meeting.
Allowance $o 'r On motion of }detigar Borne, that $. 8. Rushing -fommsrly of the Folios Dspt.- be
`` ` B• B• ~Ma6•~ allowed $18 ism eapensea in taking pr isoaer to bonisville, 3oott Oollier being thi mmi
of the prisoner, carried upon cent of the roil by the following votes Y~se, Barns, ~
f. ~ .
~ ~~
Gsrdrier, Tnliy and WooldridgsL 4. ~' i
.`j. Oa motion the Board e8~onrned upon call of the roll by the lolloving votes Yeas, i .
Baran, Gardner, Tully and Woolaridgs~- 4. ~ , ~,` j '
r ti 9.~`PROV
F Ada ed - !9l~.. ~ MAYUR- j .,
~ ~~''
3daroh 6th. 1919. '
i '~ ~;
~~ p At a oal7sd meeting of the.Haard of Commissioners of the City of Paduee]s, held in ,
y,~ { the Oomre' Chamber o4 the City HeG.l, oa March 6th,. 1919, upon call oP the roll the ~~~
$ .
~.tollowing aaewsred their nameet Burns, Gardner, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. ;'1
Oily Soi. 0n motion of Member Haselip, that the opinion at Jno. K. Kendrick, City 3oiioitam• ~ '
opinion in. ;1 dated March 6th, 1919, upon the question of giving notioe to purchase the Padnoah Water
f., ~:
re. parohaee~;, Company property, Ds reosived, tiled and oor-ourred in- carried upon cell of the roii by f
~~'': ~
Water Worlu•~ the toilowing voles Yeae, earns, Kasalip, Tully and Wooldridge, 8. Ray, Gardasr- 1. ~ ~ ~ •-~-•~ ,
ti ;; 1,
~_t_ ;: Member Gardner offered the ioilowing motions That the notioe to the Padnoeds Water '. '
~ ~! Oompany ae drawn n ~ ~ ~~
p by the Oity Soiioitaar, bs reosived and tiled- , e
Received ~ ~ .
Member Haselip offered the following amendment; That the motion o! Member Gardner
tiled Rotio~!•
~` ~i to receive and fits the Rotios to the Paducah Water Oo., prese~ed by the City Soiioitor ~ ~; ~ ~ •
sddrened to .
~! Jno. B• He»driok, be amended by tabling said notioe- same lost neon Dail of the roll'
~adueah ;; ~-,'
by the following rotes Yeae, Haselip and Tu17y, 8. Rey, Sm~ns, Gardner and WooldC~dgs• 8•. ~.~' -
Water Oo. !i .
The motion se amiginally altered by Member Gardner carried upon Deal of the roil, }--:~
~; .
'~ by the following votes Ysae, Bnr>ss, Gardner and Wooldridge, 3. Ray, Haselip and Tnlllt,;8.
On motion the. Hoard adyomrssd upon oats of flu sb.ii by the following votes Ysae,~ d<•
~~' -
• ": Hares, Gardner, Haselip, Tuliy.asd`Wooidri~s, B• ~ ~` .
~ }" '
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