HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/20/19, 01/27/19, & 02/03/19 . ~. .. ~ F .' • i , :~ . . , ~. ' '~ _.. _... ... .._._..._ . _ ._ . _.. V ., • . No. ~Y/ S- . . ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPaduc~h January sorb 191._. ` • °~ ' At s segnlar meeting aY the Beard oY Commissioners hale in the Oomre', Chamber at' the City Hall, Paducah, Ky., on Jan. 20, 1919, upon cell of the roll the following F A` .. " answered their names: Hurna, Gardner, Heaelip and '+~ooldridge, 4. ~' On motion oY Liembor Wooldridge, the minutes of the regular meeting held oa. Jaa. ~, • ~' 13, 1919, were adopted as read upon call oY the roll by 4 yeas. ``u_°' !~ r` Cinder side- ~- ~ motion of Member Gardner, the Com'r oY Pub. Works was instructed to build . walks on 3elsm~ cinder sidewalks on Salem Avemia bet. 12th cad 13th streets, oa both aidea.thereoY,'as , • '" § requested in petition Yiled herewlth- upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas.. ~ .' • ' Oontraot for ;; Oa motion oY Member Hazalip, that the oontraot for lights in City Hall bs awarded lights in City ; He11 awarded ~ to the Home Electric Co. for the sum of X110, same being the lowest bid received-, , 3or:e Electric ;; Co. ~, carried upon aali oY the roll by 4 yeas. Settle tax On motion oY Mayor Burns, that the Baok Tax Collector be suthorlaed to settle bills of Fdre. E. a. Bookmen.j tax bills Yor the years 1917 and 1918, aggregating tivith inEoroat and penalties ~83~OS~, ~; ~ for the sum of X68, on property of Mrs. E. A• Bookman, it appearing that said property ,. is and wsa over-assessed- parried upon call oY the roll by 4 yeea. , Settle snit ~ On motion of Mambcr Hazelip, that the Baok Tax Collector be authorised to eottlq ve L:etropolitea . Hotel. , the suit oP City of Paducah ve. Metropolitan Hotel Yor the sum of X20 sad court costa, it appearing that the property was over-assessed, carried upon call oY the roll by (I i. k • • 4 yeea. ~. . ; j On motion the Basrd.ad~ouraed upon call of the roll by the Eollaaring vote= 1 Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Hazolip and Wooldridge- 4. ~, j~' 191- ~Y£v V:EID ~ ~ AZT l d -..L:. ~/ ^_- • ~. ~ . _. Januars 87. 1919. ). ' , `~-` -- f At s regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oomre' Chamber ay i. ~~ i ' the City Hall, Paducah, Icy., on Jan. 2T, 1919, upon call of the roll the following . k answered their names: Burns, Gardner, Hasellp and Wooldridge- 4. ~ • ~ On motion oY Member Wooldridge, the•minutee oY the meetings held oa denusyy 17, .f ~; sad PAth, 1919 were adopted sa read upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. ''• Oa motion oY Member Gardner, that the petition of property owners and residents f Light at 14 b Terrell, ~ on North 14th St. be reo'd and filed, and that the Com'r oY Works be instructed and i; authorised to place a light oa the Darner oY 14" & Terrell Sts. ae soon as possible } ~ ': in accordance with'said petition- carried upoA oall.of the roll by 4 yeea. ' Geo.$.Allen m ' ~ motion of Member tiYOOldridge, that 200 be allowed Geo. E. A1]an and Chao. T. ~,„, Chas. T. Allen !; Allen. said amount bei due on Jan.~l 1919 in accordance with their oontraot with allowance on ;, ~ F oontraot. ? the City oY date April 10, 1916 Yor the completion oY sewer from Bway to Jeffereon.3t.~G ~ .. ! oa 18th street- carried upon cell of the roll by 4 yeea. „ ...: • • ~~ ~ " On motion of the above, the rules in regard to serving ocpias oY ordinances were ~ ~ " °~ ~ '' temporarily suspended upon call oY the roll by 4 yeea. ~ y. '.' ~. • Ordinance ', ~ motion oY the above, AN ORDINANCE REGULATING LSOTOR VEIiI0LE3 UNDER THE POLIC$ ~ ~ " :'~ `'. Licensing Motar ~y~3 OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTRATION OF UTOM IL vehioles. A OB ES AND MOTORS r VEHICLES AND THE LIC~i3ING OF 3AME, THAT ARE USED OR OWNED AND OPERATED BY PERSONS 6f f , ~ RESIDING IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, SENTUCKY, Ah'D PROVIDING PENALTIF~ FOR VIOLATION f;~"~',.~'.- ' ~ THERE08, was given its passage upon call oY the roll by 4 yeea.. ~ • ~'`~' On motion of Ida or Burns Lhat the Sun Publiahi Co. be ~' ~._ Snn Pubiiahiag y ng paid the sum d ~2b6,Yoa~ ` I i CO' ~ printing the tax bills, as per bill rendered in the suit that was 'Piled against the ~ ~ ~ City- carried upon cell of the roll by 4 yeea. ' ~ ' . .~?~ i ~ fem. e.'~ i K . .+~. ' ~ _:~... ,. ~~,~ r .` ~ ~ ", ' a r ' No.~L~.'~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Janvarv 87th 191 s L ;~ a •~ On motion oY ]deyor Borne; that the City tia~niah the Duel neoeseary to operate the j "` Coal Yor inoinerator r inoinerator plant, an8 that the man in oharge.be instrnoted to put oaroasees oY animals to b9 furnished' by City, i, and refuse in said plant only vdisn same is highly heated, and that it shall be hie duby ,,,, " to sue that said oaraaases or refuse; are oonsnmed under and by a hot Yire in said ~' inoinerator- oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following vote Yeae, Bnrne, Gardner, , i, Hazelip and Wooldridge, 4. j Conetruot wal~ ~ On motion oY the above, that the Com'r oY Property be inatrnoted and authorized to ~ around inoin-~~ ~+ stating plant.# ,finish the oonetruotion oY the building around the inoinsrating plant o:it oY brink nox I~ y owned by the City- oarried upon Dell of the roil by 4 yeas. 1 ; Dr.F.A•Ho r On motion of the above, .that the request"oY Ar. F. A. Hover for,refnnd oY oity ~ ~ ', request Yer" N refund. ;! ~ liaenee"tea be referred to the Com'r oY 8lnanoe far investigation and reoommendation-~. Y :~ `. r ~; " ' oarried upon Dell oY the roil by 4 yeas. ,.,~ ,i Tribute to ~ Cn motion oY the above, that the City join with the Oounoii oY Defense in estling', :, , ` Theodore f, ~ Hooesvsit• 'h side a day in tribute and in oommenoration oY the late ea-president, Theodore Roosevelt, ~ ~~ '? .j~ a ~ ~ and that w4 lend our aid to that and. by proolamation and otherwise- oarried upon Dell of _" ~~, '; ~; the roll by .4 y»as• ;. Ma or's Oo On motion oY the above, a RESCLUTICN "requesting the Mayor's Committee oY Welsoms oY ' y ~• oY Welooms ;j N. Y. City to give apsolsl oonaidsration to soldiers, sailors b marines.Yrom this oity oY N•Y•Oity. •. ? who may be passing thrn"New Yank City, end tendering thanks oY the Board in antioipation , ~ of suoh eorvioe- was adopted upon Dell of the gull by 4 yeas. ~ ~ +' B•J•Priast~.l Y ~ On motion oY the above,. a RE90LUTICN inviting Mr. H. J. Prieater to looate.his f '~ V ]witting mill in Padnoah, was adopted neon Deli oY the roll by 4 yeas. ( _ ~ ~ ~; ~'~ On motion the Board adjourned upon Dell oY the roll"by the following voter Ysas, ~ ~ ,", ~~ Borne, Gardner, Hazslip sad Wooldridgb- 4• '" ' II Y ` ~ i : G ,~ ~ " " " E F1yBR111RY 3d. 1929. . ~ " p~ j~ ~l 6t a regular meeting of the Board of Commieaionera held in the Comra' Chamber oi' ~ ~ ~'.? ~ ~ ' the City .Heil, Padvaeh, >;,y., on February 3d, 1919, upon Deli oY the roll the Yollowirg ~ d th H W ! ;' i . answere eir names: Burns, Gardner, azelip .and ooldridge- 4• , ~ ~ ;; ' ~ ~;, On motion oY Member Wooldridge, the minutes oY the meeting oY January 87, 1919. ~, ; ~, • ~ ~,.,, ,; were adopted as read n"pun Dell oY the roll by 4 yeas. r ~ Report of On .motion 0Y Member Gardner, the report"oY W. A• Gardner, Com'r o3 Works, Yor = ~ '`~+:~ £ ~^ Coro'r of Wks u ~ , for Jan•"1919• the month of January, 1919, wee reoelved & tiled upon Dell of the roll by 4 yeas. ~_ r ~ ,',Communioation > ' On mutton of the above, the oommuniastion oY Com'r Gardner, regarding the City' ~"; of Com'r i u,: Gardner. ~; Light Plant, was reo'd so flied upon Dell of 'the roll by 4 yeas. as;~.'~ , Member Gardner offered the following motion: That the purposed ordinaaoe to sell c `:~, ) ~ a franohiae Yor a street railroad on Broadway, Third, 'South Sixth sad other streets iu , " Street Ry 1 Paducah, I~V• Yor the term oY twent y years, and being on the same streets on whioh the! ~"~: Franohiee. Padvoeh Traction Co. is notr operating its Data under e;Yranohise whioh does not expire p ~ until 1931. be not ooneidsred by this Board farther, ae it is a reYleation on common sense and judgment, sal ea the City vrould bs liable Yor damages Yor putting a cloud on the title oP the present owners oY the iranohiss whioh "does not expire until March 1931, ", ~ 1Y it offered far eels a framhise that would oonYliot with their present Yranohise ~ " rights- said motion was tabled for gent oY a esoond. On motion the Board, adjourned upon Dail of the roll by tlis following. vote= Yeah, R , r " ~ ' Burns, Gardne , Hazelip",gx:d Wooldridge, 4• ~ ~ , G pQr. •~ ~ ! Op ~~~ i ~Y r ~. ki j ~ : . .. a ~ ~!,~ _.... Liu eM ~ ._ " .