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{'~ Corrimissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah a~*n,,.,•y 6th 191
•At a regular meeting of the Board of Commieaionera held in the Comra' Chamber of
the City Hall, Paduaeh, I~p., on Jannsry 6, 1919, upon call of the roll the following
y ;
jj 'answered their names: Bane, Gardner, Harelip, Tally and Wooldridge- 6.
On motion ai Member.WooldriAge, ths.minntas the meetings of Deo. 30, 1918 and o~
Jan. 2, 1919 were adopted as read upon call of ths•roli by b yeas.
~ .
i; On motion of Member Gardner, that the Com'r of Public Worka.bs instructed to par-
~•;:.. ~.ohgae iron the Ruaeoll Grader. Company of Tennessee one °RnsasTl junior Grader with 8 inch
~;.tlst tires end 4 horse hitch oomplets• for the enID of $202.7b, delivered in Psduoah, same
to be pnrohaeed eub~eot to approval by the Oom'r of Works sitar txlal is made- carried
upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.". ~.
` Annual Report ~ On motion of the above,. the ananel report of Com'r o! Public Works for 1918.wae,ree°d
~ Com'r Oi Werka.
and tiled upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ,
5 Mayors Anmtal ;': On motion of Mayor Bnrne, the annual rep"aa•t Yor 1918 and reoommeadations tar 1919
Report tar W `
+~ 1918. of Mayor Frank N. Buns was reoelved and ELled span cell oi_ths roll by 6 yeas.
Raeigiiation of On motion of Member Harelip, the resignation of Mine Mabel C, )lose ae Ssorstnry~
t.• Mabel C. 3lose. ~ .o! Ri~ereids Hospital, to take sifect January 11, 1919," was accepted upon Dell of the'
~ ~ roll by 6 yeas. •
~ i
Y ;' Library report; Oa mottcn of the above, the Library rspart for 1918 was rsoeived end tiled upon;
for 1918.
a' Deli of the soli by 6 yeas.
~ ~"
Aspor6 of Oone i; 0n motion of the above, the report of Com°r of Pnblio Property for 1918 was
Property !or ,;
~. 1918.., ~ rsoeived and iileQ upon call of the roil by b yeas. •~
On motion of Member Tally, the report of Com'r of ginanba of coots tar the last,
h- halt of December was rsoeived and tiled and said aaoonnta, amounting to $98.686.36.
were allowed dad ordered paid upon call of the roll by b yeas.
a On motion of the above, the report of Com'r of Finance of receipts d° disbureeme~e
for December 1918 was rsoeived, tiled aid ardere3 published in the ofiioial aewspapsr,
~_ ~ 1; upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeses
~ .., ;
On motSoa of the above, the Payment ot~ Aiveraide Hospital improvement work payroll tar
~ `~' ~ h. week endin Deo. 28 1918 emonntin to 81 was
B . g $ approved upon call of the roll by S yeas.
Vii. On motion of the above, the payment of Street Dept. pay roll for week ending Jan. 40
4`, 1919, amounting to $145.97, wee approved npoa Deli of the roll by 6 yeas. ~,
" -° P• T. 8 A. R.Re On motion o4 the above, the notion of Com'r of Finance in purchasing $109000
~'~ bonds. p, Te do A. R. R. Bonds due Oot. 1 1920 @ 98•~ and interest was a p
~"~:, - pproved n on call of
the roll by 8 yeas.
~: Nat'l 8taety 80 On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the National Surety Co. be releaead on the•
releaead on
;~ F.E.Thompeon ~ bond of F. 8. Thompson as of this date, end that the police pcwere granted ihr. Thompson
be roeoinded, hs having quit the service o3 the Y. C, R. R. Co.- oa;ried neon call o!
`,~ the roll by 5 yeas. '
,Raise in salary On motion of the above, that whatever raise in salary is given the firemen and :'
" • oP City em-
eYieotivsoaeeof pntrolmen,'end s11 other city empioybes, odian the budget is made up and the apportionment
Jan. 1, 1919. ardimnoe drawn, shall be.stteotive sa oY Jennary 1, 1919- carried npoa Dail of the roll
by 6 yeas. "
Report of Oomr, _ On motion of the above, the rapart.oi Com'r of Public Safety fqr the year 1918 ~;~
Public Safety. ;
', for 1918. wee rsoeived and tiled upon call of the roll ty 6 yeas.
Remit Pine ve.: On motion of ttembbr Harelip, that it is the sense of the Commieaioners that
~' •! ~Ga~Yir~i)aa„g_her' Judge Piiohoia be r~quested to remit the Yine of $26 against Bike Gallagher- carried.
..,-~ ~" `•'~ ~ K on Deli. of the roll by 6 yeas.
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John~aridoir' • r'9` On motion of Me~yar Bane, the Com'r of Finenos was iastrnotsd to accept $11 in full
license loi~`a-~~
1918• ant of John Brandon s license far 1918, upon call of the ro ~~ 8.T e
~ rt. On motion the Board ad~onrned upon call of the roll *p ~ tellf~l°
~nrne, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. ~
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