HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/02/19~~r
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t;ommissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah nanainbar antes 191. ~ "
;~ .. " .
Cemetery deed Oa motion of Member Tally, that, dead be easoutsd to w. V• Bailey for lot #38 in
blook ~2 on the south aids oi'Mi1Xer St• bet. Ford ~ Hannan Ste., is Oak Grove Cemetery, ~~
j. the enm bf $30 having bee~i paid iabo the Oity treaeiury therefor as per nttaohsd reesipt- -. ~~ •;" ~ ~ ""•
oarried npoa gall of the roil by b yeas. ,.
+1 On motion o! the above ~ •
, Ahab payment of the Street Dept• Pay roll for the week enditg
Dso••ES, 1918, amounting to $140.99, bs approved- osrrisd npoa Deli of the roll by 8 yesc. .
' Refund poll ~~ Oa motion of the above tMb the sum o! 1.60
taz to Jac• ~ • $ poll taz paid on bill X707 of Jas. i
~"~ .~
T• Ooarq.. ~! ~, Oom~ey, be refunded, ae hi is nqb a resident qi thin oity bat lirb~ in Graves Oo~ty-
,. i oarried upon Dail of the roll Dy 6 yeas. 5"
' Reinnd bo I• Oa motion of the above, thab $4.74 be refunded to 0. 0. Bssaisy,'being the emouab ~ •"
0.0.Hensler •`~,
j! ,
,, paid on taz bill ~88b,. sa he is a nqn-resident of this oity and was at the time the
aessaemdnb ass given !n 'for him by J. W. Hessler- oarried npoa Dell of t>ss roll br b yras• ,'
J•Heli a On motion of Member GarEacr, that the o]aim of J• Ssii dardnsr, oarbraotor on lama: ~?
Gardner eLis-' ' _ •
refaced, ;fl BtreAb Sewer, be rsfuaed until the eamk is oomplobed aooording to the oarbraot and •; -." r: '
.. j~ sgreemenb- oarried npoa Dail of the roll by 6 yeas. f ~, ""• •
' ~ On motion the Beard ad~b~aned upon Deli ofthe roil by the following vobsl Yeas,
Borne, Gardner, Hsseiip, Tnliy and Wooldridge= b. ~ •
. ~o._ _ i .1y2 ...ti.FF ^ ~
' / i~ sl
+i January 2. .1919. e,. " -
`: ~ ~ . ~. .
;, At a belied meeting of the Board of Commisaioaera held in the Comm' Chamber o! ~~ ~
K4., '
i~ the Oity Hall;aPadnoah, Sy., oa January"E, 1919, at 4s15 P• M., npoa Dell of the roll ~ ' ''
the following answered thou names; Burnt, Gardner, Harelip, Tally and Wooldridge- b. i ~•'"
' ~ ,_• ,.
Oity pnrahsae~ ~ motion of Member Gardner, that the Com'r of Works be inetrnoted to pnrahase~,
Ford oar for •', j
Cit~nyghb ~, a Ford oar for nee of the City Light Plant, at a ooet of $643.76, lean $100 to be paid;
for old oar taken in part payment, oarried upon Dell of the roll by the following votet "
f' ~ ; ~"' " , 1 ~.
Yoae, Burns, Gardner, Tally and Wooldridge, 4. Nay, Harelip, 1. ~~ ;~. '
• ~ D; ,
'' Applioationea,i ~ motion of the above, that the applloations of David D. Atohieon, Boyos i
-for poeltion i• Berryman, W. 0. Houseman, Jno. M. Slaughter, Harvey E. Allen, Robt. Mitchell, E. B. j ~ '
'„ Johneoa, Levi Brien, John Ifatterjohn, F. H. Smedley and W. T. Goodman for the pceitioni y
' ~, ~ ..
of Street Inapeotor, be received emd filed- carried upon call of the roll by b yeas. i w . ,'
On motion of the above, that the appointment oY David D. Atohiao}i ae Street ~ '
';' David D.
°' Atchison Tnepeotor, be approved- carried upon Dell oY the roll by the following voto; Yeea, ` `
appointed St•'' Bmne, Gardner and Wooldridge, 3. Members Tally and Harelip not voting. ! ~,~'
Inepootor. ~
'"• Appoint~oent ~ motion of Member Harelip, that the appointment of lire. Gala Martin as Snpt.? ~~
o Mrs. GeL ei Riverside Hospital by the Com'r of Property be ratified- carried npoa Dell of the ~ 3. '
Martin 9u t.. '
of_Rivera~de. .roll by 6 yeas. "''`
~ p: '
Mra.D•Kennedy On motion of the above, that. the appointment of Mrs. D• 8ennedy ss night f "
aNpph~nS~d~- cnpsroieor at Riverside Hoapitsl at a sale
1g p , ry of $7b per month.. by She Oom'r"oY Props;ly, ,~
visor at ~ ~ _
. River ids ~"bs ratified- harried upon Dell of the roll~by b yeas. V~~
Hospital. ..
Dr. Isbell ~ motion of Mayor Burns, that the appo~imenb olyDr• ~~eli ag easistanb Oity' y
appointed Phycioiaa be ratified- carried n on Dell of the roll b 6 sae. ~
Asst. Gity P y. y
Phyaioiea. On motion of the aboq the rea ' ~,, "
Sna Pubr Co. ' . igaation of the 8nn Pnbiishing Oo• ac aftiaitl r
reeignatica newspaper, was soon ed n on Dell of the roil by b yeas. .!. •
e~q• de sooepb Pt P j
On motion of the above, a RR90LUTIOH dseigssting the News-Dcmoorat as bee j .,"
' deei~atsd ;, official aesspaper of the Oity o! Psduoeh, was given its passage npoa call of the roli~ +~ v
off ioisl ~.
nswapaper' ti by the following votes Ysas, Boras, Haseiip,"Tally i iYooidridge• 4. Member Gardner {{ ~~
.~~ not voting. j._ '`
• ~ ~.
, '. ~ '.
v ~
Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah aamutr9 a jgl s j
~ „
Oottea 8o~ue
.. .,
.{ ,
~, ~~
,ti,,;, -
t '.~ ,':
Oa motion of Member Gardner, that the Comer of Fineaoe De iaetrnoted to
reoein from W.,L• Yaaoy.ths sum of y66 to; team hires to bs orsdited to the Street I •
Dspartmeat- serried npoa Dell of the roll by.6 year.
Oa motioa o! Member Tally, the toilowiag tiny-one appiioations for ootttee
home iloeaesr Aers graated~ at the looatioar re0 oppositw the aamr of esoh applloan0~
te_arit~. 1
Narn,~,• Lar..,,, stioa. 8
A11~a, Bea M•
$ 100 N. let St•
1034 Zi National
" Surety
" Oompeay
Callaei~ R nrrel7;
ElE $9. Ave
" n
•Diokereon, C. 1a• '109 N. 4th St. " " " ''; '
Diokereon C. b.
b lE9 S• Ed n n
' n ,
. 1929 3. 4th' " " n ~
Di~aiok 0•
H 1619 3. 4th " •. n
' "
• 110 S• Ed " n n
Nelson, L. L• 407 S• 3d " " "
Palmer Hotel Co• Pa]mar Hones " n n
Peter, 4hso• 1039 %y. Ave " n n
Robinson, J• B. Hotel Sinnott n " "
Sohmidt's Son, 8, 1100 S• 11th " ". n `'~ '
Scott, G. H.
E00 Sy. Ave.
" .
Beokenbaoh• P• J
' Bondurant, Geo. 116 3. 2d
135 S. 9th Chioago,Bonding
" " i Ins. Co•
" '
• .Chandler, G. A ~ 125 3. 2d " " n
Fergerson, J• Soott 701 Trimble n n „
Gillihan, 3. R• 1000 N• 10th " " n ~
Gauss. H• L•
704 Adams
n ,
Galvin Dan
LT 933 3. 3d " "
a n
and &
anniag. 107 S. 4th ~ "
~ n
Heibeah & Farr 130 N. 4th ' ' A ° "~~ " r... "•
~ n -
Sam, W. E. 8o gone
~ 936 N. 10th n " n
•Lagomareino & 1lamiea 119 N• 4th " ' " n
' '
'Ilewo, Tne}c ~ 6EE Aflame n n "
}Shier C. E
2Saroof~skY• A• 1167 N. 12th
134 S• 2d "
" "
n "
}meson, ISrs. l;• 833 Caldweil " " n
"' Pell, E. 8 937 N• 8th " " n
.Petty. Wm. 826 Washington " " "
Quariee~ J. T. Near Union Station " " "
~; Redmon~ A. L. 901 Washington- " " ++
Riddla, Jaok 119 Broadway " " n ~ ;,
j: Sloan Bros. 13" & Monroe " " "
3teinhaner & White 116 Ii• 4th " " " ~ ~;
Strauss, Alfred 116 Sy. Ave " "' n'
-Ward, James 1301 Harriean " q n
' i'lard, John 132 I{y. $ve. " n "
1'lomble, 3. A. 107 N• 4th " " n
Y/illow, G. B•
127 3. 2d
n I
" I
1 Bohannan, A. T.
Pinkard, Frank
111 3. 3d
117 3. 3d
Msr~rland I
Casualty Oo.
" ..
RelgkopY Diet. Co. 103/5 S. 2d " ^ n
Jennings, Frank 116 3. 4th Fidelity do Deposit Oo.
}Sitoh011, W. id. 908 $oyd " n n '
~i Rothrook, J. B• Jr. 121 S• 2d " " n •
-Sellers J. C•
II Smith dam C• 106 S. 3d
101 S
2d "
n '+
n n
n •
3ohul~e, J• B .
701 S• 7th " " n
Tomple~ D. F 116 S. 4th " " ~ n,
and quart liquor lioeneee graatsed to tho tolio»iag applloants, at the looatioas. "•':.,; ' '
i '
.Caliaei, R• 938 d}adlsoa ''
'; Fsiedmsn Koiler h Co.
~ E 8o Jefferson '
rowery Co• 10 h Alonroe ~
Prieeter 8• J. do Co• 111 N• 3d ,
~' Weil do Soae, 8• 113 N, 2d '
upon oali of tho roil b~ 6 yrar•
r On motion thq Hoard adyeurned, upon oeil of the ro1~, by the toilowing vote~~ •,
;;,~; ~ '
~; ,
Yesa, Burns, Gardner, 8ara11p, Tui7.y and Wooldridge- 6, ` •
'~~~~1/~...w7 I f" -
.i ~ yam., i .
/ + •
- •nawnownrr".A~•rrr~~r."r --- -- - - -