HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-24-2024 Paducah Transit Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes September 18, 2024 CALL TO ORDER The monthly meeting of the Paducah Transit Authority (PTA) was called to order by Board Chair – Chip Cox at 3p.m. Members present were Tommy Whittemore, Mark Davis, Chip Bohle, Mary Byrne, Patrick White, and Bryan Carner. Exec. Director – Jeremi Bumpus, CFO-Samantha Sanders, and Chuck Simpson HR Director/Secretary to the Board Board Chair – Chip Cox led the Board in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance Public Comments: N/A REVIEW OF MINUTES Following the review of the August, 2024 minutes Mr. Mark Davis made a motion to accept the August meeting minutes. Mr. Tommy Whittemore moved to second the motion and it passed with all members voting yes. REVIEW OF BANK STATEMENTS – cc charges, vendor payments, P&L, and Balance Sheet: The complete updated reviews for period ending August 31st were conducted by Board Chair Chip Cox and Executive Director – Jeremi Bumpus. Each cash account statement ending 8/31/24 had been reviewed and initialed. The credit card charges were then reviewed followed by vendor payments. CFO- Samantha Sanders then provided review of the P&L and Balance Sheet and directed the Board to page 15 of the board packet to briefly review P&L comparison notes specifically referencing the $13k decrease in FY24 DOC income, the $114k increase in vehicle repair/maintenance expenses – due to the purchase of 5 new engines and transmissions to extend the life of current fleet vehicles while waiting for KY-OTD approval of new vehicle replacements. It was also noted that there was a $42k increase in software due to the compliance required TripSpark tracking software for the fixed route buses. There will be some additional software expenses over the next several months as the installment payments are made. Following the completion of the reviews Mr. Chip Bohle made a motion to approve the reconciliation and review of expenses. Mr. Mark Davis moved to second the motion and it passed with all members voting yes. MANAGER’S REPORT – Jeremi Bumpus Ridership Statistics . Mr. Bumpus provided an overview of the August ridership directing the Board to page 20 of the board packet. Total fixed route ridership for the month = 14,291 the 11 a.m., time frame had the most riders for the month. The most utilized route was the yellow line. Total D&R transports = 4,263. Total combined operating expenses = $318,264.68 and total farebox = $19,317.99. Federal funds expended =$149,373.00 OLD BUSINESS N/A NEW BUSINESS Updates and Approvals for Policies and Procedures: Jeremi provided a brief regarding the FY25 application process and then provided the Board with an updated overview of the following policies and procedures requiring board approval: Fleet Maintenance Plan: update and review provided. Procurement and Contract Plan: update and review provided. Following the review and discussion of both policies Mr. Chip Bohle moved to approve both the Fleet Maintenance Plan as well as the Procurement Plan. Mr. Tommy Whittemore moved the second the motion and both policies were approved/passed by the board with all members voting yes. Authorizing Resolution: Jeremi then provided the Board with a resolution required by FTA for recipients of direct 5307 funding. Following the review and discussion Mr. Mark Davis moved to approve the FTA resolution. Mr. Bryan Carner moved to second the motion and it passed with all members voting yes. Compliance Review: the Board was informed that the annual KY-OTD compliance review for PATS is scheduled for October 22nd. Jeremi also stated that all of the required paperwork necessary for the review has been completed and ready. Kentucky Commission on Human Rights: the Board was informed that a client had filed a complaint due to an alleged disability situation that was actually a behavioral issue that became a matter of passenger safety that prevented transport for the client on the day in question. Following the event the Medicaid broker – GRITS reassigned transport for the client, however, the client filed a complaint. Per PATS attorney – Glenn Denton, this appears to be an issue without merit. Jeremi will keep the Board informed of the progress and outcome of this situation. Miller Transport Update: in summary Miller and their legal counsel are still pursuing some form of reimbursement from KY-OTD for transportation services that were not approved and/or did not provide the required documentation to KY-OTD for to approve. Miller and their legal counsel have now set a deadline prior to filing a lawsuit. PATS was not the funding source, only the regional conduit for KY-OTD, however, PATS will most likely incur some legal fees to confirm its role if this issue goes to court. New Vehicle: the Board was informed that PATS is expecting to receive one new cutaway van next week if all goes well. The remaining five replacement vehicles may also be available sometime during the month of November. Next Board Meeting: October 16th at 3p.m. Adjourn – Mr. Mark Davis motioned to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Patrick White moved to second the motion. Meeting adjourned.