HomeMy WebLinkAbout9-2-21 Brooks Stadium Commission Meeting Minutes4J-1' Brooks Stadium Commission Board Mceting September 2,2021 'lhe meeting was called to order at 12:10 by F-rank Hideg. Following Board members wcre present Chip Cox Howard Finley Frank Hideg Greg McKeet Amie Clark was represented by Taylor Morsching Invocation was led by Sam Goode Financial Rcport- financial report was not presented due to the absence ofNe lt Brooks Stadium \."*" ' The music festival Touchdowns and runes will not be using the Brooks stadiumparking lot. ThiS was discussed at the last meeting. ' A contract was entered into with rhe catering company as agreed upon at the lastmeeting. This is for concessions at the Stadium.o Field and stadium maintenance report was given- the crew of DJ Sherrill, Sayveon McEwen, and Connor Hideg did a good j ob. Received many compliments from coaches, players, and fans on the condition of freli and stadium.o Covid protocols- protocols were followed and no cases were reported.o The stadium and diamond deck were sprayed for insect control.o The Miners game was a success this past spring.. Chip Cox has contacted the Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame about including Paducah for one their road trips for next summer.o The expansion of the Diamond Deck or an additional structure on the first baseside was discussed and was tabled at this time for a future meeting. There has been a commitment for concrete made for these structures.o Frank Hideg discussed the fact that Joe Hall had to remove himselfas coach ofthe Chiefs before the season started.r chief assisrant coaches' payment was discussed. By motion ofJay Smith and I"919 Uy Howard Finley, it was decided that the assistant coaches would be paid $ 1,000. Motion carried. Coach Mac Rogers stated he would not take thepayment in lieu of the amount be used for equipment for thc team. Ps i i, L" 1i'-> Sam Goode Jay Smith Pledge of Allegiance was led by Fra* Hideg. Minutes- minutes from last meeting were not presented due to the absence of Bill pinkston. l kiy: (t/ {, g.tt Pi^krls': -rc..rc } Paducah Chiefs- Greg McKeel New Business Meeting adjourned. ksya{}1,t, s"bnaLl . Greg.gave a gerreral report of the. league mecting which was held August 21. It wasstated thar the 2022 schedule *,ll-b: 1Z gurn., it. t"ugue is adding 1wo ncw reams-clarksville, TN and Louisville, Ky. ThJ schedule *ittTe ..unuutrnced,, in tlur we wilr ;lav6 sames within our division and out of di;;il;"; we witt play a home and Greg discussed that Fulton may not participate in the league ln 2022. (Neel Carroll joined the meeting at this poinr) . Chip Cox and the assistant coaches, Mac Rogers and Matt Smith, gave a report ofthe Chief season. year_end statisrics ;.r. .;;;;: .I_he coaches answeredquestions as presented.o The bats used by the Chi.efs were discussed. Sam Goode wilr ge1 bids ror batsfrom severat companies including olJH-;L;;;I, Dinger Bats, and others.Proposals will be presenred at rhJnexr _.;;i;; "- " o It was discussed to have a committee to assistl recruiting players. Afler muchdiscussion it was decided that a, Board memto. iioura ur.ist in recruiting andGreg will provide updates *t "n u ptuy". i. ,igr"i i" ..a* ro manage the numberof players and positions commifled. .o,,, Frar* Hideg discussed that the Chiefs should have a hiring policy. A motion wasv made by Neel carro, and secondJ uy;;;;fi;;[y,hat Frank Hideg, BiltPinkston, and Amie Clark would devel;;o;;;;;""edure and presenr i*o rheBoard at the next meeting.. Jay Smith motioned and Chip Cox seconded to accept the agreement withPaducah Middle Schoot for-t'h" use "f ,h" i;td;;;"rgust 28, 202t and,September rB, 2o2l for middre r"hool ;;-;;. ;r".ks stadium would receive $ Iper admission with a minimum or$zsdroi"acfi;;;ry Motion carried.. Greg McKeel motioned and Jay Smith seconded io afo* tt " West Ky Middleschool A, Star game be played ut B-ok, i;;;; in septemue. z8 or 29. Thisdepends on weather and the iertitization ana "r*r""irrg schedule. Motion wasapproved.o Richard Abraham will be. presented a plaque in recognition ofhis past service tothe commission. rhis wil be a1 the ":;it;;;#; meerins.r The contract wirh paducah Tilghman for the -OiiL*"U"ff season is beingprepared and will be presented at a tut". *""ting. -* Hiring Policy and Procedures for Paducah Chiefs Personnel Hirins Committee: A committee will be established to hire staff for all coaching positions. lt will be comprised of the officers of the Brooks Stadium Commission (president, treasurer and secretary), Paducah Chiefs Seneral manager, and Paducah Parks Department Director- Retention of Current Coach: Within 30 days after a season ends the hiring committee will meet to determine if they wish to retain the current coach. Should the committee decide not to retain the current coach or if the coach does not wish to continue with the organization the committee will immediately notify all commission members of the vacancy by email. The committee will establish a time table not to exceed 60 days to accept letters of interest from potential candidates. All letters shoutd be directed to the Paducah Chiefs General Manager by the deadline specified by the hiring committee. Following the deadline the General Manager will distribute all letters of interest to the committee members by email for review. The committee will meet and each member will rank the candidates. The top candidates will be interviewed by the committee. The committee will attempt to reach a consensus on the candidate to fillthe position and present the candidate to the full commission for a majority approval of the hire. Est. 10/21 Position Vacancv: lf the selection committee cannot reach a consensus then the top two candidates will be presented to the full commission for a vote to extend a hiring offer to the selected candidate. ayer Recruitment Po Per the discussion at the board meeting on September 2, 2021 it was decided that all board members should assist in recruitment of players for the Paducah Chiefs. When a commission member identlfies a potential player he/she should contact the General Manager for approval to proceed with signing the individual. The General Manager may approve and advise the commission member to proceed with signing the player, explain the reason that the player would not qualify for the team, or take the recommendation under consideration and update the commission member at a later time in order to mana8e the number of players and positions committed. The General Manager will provide updates to the full commission when a player is signed and consider notifying the media for a press release. ( Est. to/2t t j) ,Z