HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-03-09 Brooks Stadium Commission Meeting Minutes (2)Brooks Stadium Commission Meeting
December 3, 2009
Neel Carroll
Don Dixon
Hardy Gentry
Doc Hideg
Greg McKeel
Bill Pinkston
Mark Thompson
Gerald Watkins
Doc Hideg brought the meeting to order. He stated that five members were present and that
G;;";;;-rtd be"coming. tte aixed Steve (?) to tead the invocation, and rhe Pledge of
Allegiance followed.
Previous Meeting Minutes
iyi;;i;. it;; the [revious Commission meeting held September 3' 2009' at noon' atthe offices
oi O"nton A Keuler were read. A motion was m;de to accept the minutes as written, followed by
a second. AccePted.
Financial Report
A listing of 2Ob9 income and expenses was distdbuted to members'
ine iisiinctuOes data ol every iheck written last year including one outstanding check lrom
There are a couple of outstanding bills including the scoreboard, electrical work on the
scoreboard, repair on backstop, ind a covering over the scoreboard'
Kaler installed signs, but no bill has been delivered or received'
Electrical work was done by Don Edwards and we have not received a bill lrom him'
We will end up with $6,000 to $8,OOO - close to the same as last year (2008)'
Doc will be preparing a budget when it is time to ask the city for a donation. He will share that
with the Commission.
There was a motion to accept the financial report, followed by second. Accepted.
Maintenance and UPkeeP
Oo" naO a report on mainienance and upkeep but did not have it with him. He will get a copy to
New Web Site
61r ,troouCeo Kate Light lrom lVS, designer of the new Web site. Kate provided a look at the
site. lt includes:- - i -History
-Need paragraph including league history: Tilghman, American Legion' Give
ideas io Bill, and he will work with Kate and Sherry'
/ Schedule - will include additional tabs/ Sponsors - trying to get Web site links
everybody that t "t iii" "utli-ai*xi bt"oi"' Photo Galleries (2) - need good
;;;.tipt6a for photos' lncludes old articles and archives'
r' Reflection Page - interviews/ Members/ Calendar/ MaP and Directions
Kate said the site could easily be edited'
with contribute to that
who are lans ol minor r.agr" but.oarifins who have set up pasg: relating to Brooks stadium'
These are tun pages, out we wantours to be recognized as the olficial site'
discussion as to when to go ;;;;';'iiJti".'*i "r"0" to go lire January 1, 2010. There was
a second, and the motion was accepted'
E..:i :."*t^:f ,rat the prHS schedure is basicaily comprere, barrins time changes. He wiil e-
mail to Kate to Put on the site'
were asking why rhey ..n,t gli'in"iiioiinu..nt back to Biooks Stadium. Greg told them they
could, that it was up to tnem io *rX.i[" J".Lion whether thev want to move it back to Brooks'
Greg talked to Doc Hideg unOint.attoCi"tion oflicers agreed io meet with Commission'
each person passing through'inl-t,l,.irii[. ine association can run the tournament, the
Commission will make .rt" ti't'itfO it in-sfrape and ready to play when they get there'
The association found out that the coaches can't make the tinal decision to move the
tournament. The principals ;;;ihittit Jit;Ctors are tne ones to make that decision'
school gets the gate. They "* i"'oir"r."i"" anJ',negotiations witn nrt Davis and the athletic
ln the past there was controversy over paying 15% of the..net when it should have been paying
1 5% of gross. Kids on the ,#L7p"rl' t["jrg"h ir"e, urt att others passing through turnstile
woutd generate $1.00 for ,n""b",I.l.JiJ,iiEgaiJrLsi *n"ther a pass - coaches agreed'
The regional has no sub-state' There are 16 represented'
Doc left dates open although it is not yet olf icial'
there (concession).
Thev saw the oVC at Broors i;';dg ;;;t* contacted bv NAIA about looking for a place to
hotd one of the NAIA .n"rpion.-niiioi,nOr.
-CVd gur" Com'mission $10,OOO to bid on it' As a
result, the Sports Authoritv #i';iti';;,fi liti'-o(i''t?'-1s a resutt' there were very open and
wanted to know if they coub #;'; Lrin"..nt at Brooks this vear. May 18th 2010 date taken
for MSU vs. UK game. rusu "n'i-ui.annot
ttuctuate untess ciugnt early because ol schedules'
That game is a moneymake' ioi H'rSU' et""t exposure to region and great publicity'
Trans south conference not as big an impact as ovc, but a good fit. NAIA lits Paducah'
Put together bid proposal to host first round in 2011'
A"i.i tr*"tA to in i proposal by the end ol January 2010'
The Sports Authority talked about putting up $16'000 for three years' After that' we could
n"i"f ,if rV io"f at how we're doing and do it on our own
Other ^, ^ ^6rr {'^rn I\/l rqco renresentative about the warranty on the
iluili"pottuo he had received a call lrom Musco represer
stadium lights.
rhey put in arrnewbraces two t?i6?,313;ill?,'ffilif#i:Y-:l:i'3it..'J,l:;:::.-.,ffi{jtifl;
3;l sJr.:?ffiiY 3."811ii,!l#;# w;;' il;n'iJ"i tni. - r'/lu'r can put them i n contact
Greg reported that the softball lield for Tilghman is coming along-the sprinkler system is in'
and lence work may.tun n"ri *""t . nop-etutty it will ready lor spring'
Next meeting will be the tirst Thursday in February at noon' here at Parks' Mark agreed to
provide the Conference room sile'
Motion to adlourn.
Board Meeting - Thursday, December 3, 2009
12:00 noon - 1:30 pm......Paducah Parks Services Conference Room - Lunch Served
(1400 H.C. Mathis Drive, Paducall KY)
,/ Cr'll to Order
,,/ tr.octtion
7{ HeageofAllegiance
rclula ,U.,r,r--, 3/26l I 0 Mid-Continent vs. Freed Haldeman
5 19 I l0-5 I 1 4/ l0 "ftansSouth Conference tournament
+ *4".nt 5/15/10 Miners vs. Evansville Otters
7 o.4 5/18/10 University of Kentucky vs. Murray State
y' Mnutes Prr"dl/ ,-- Ptd 17 ue/
-2 Finrnciat rrepofl/d/1u,&) E 'tV+E. t'td raa^/
o Report of Maintenance & Upkeep (
o websiteReport - , hl lgLl or7v5 ZfHyr,lY i:yo Paducah rilgbman Schedule - /ii '!,, ? (a"c
'o^c k / - * r
o lligh Schoot Regiourl Report t
^ t+fr /ka'r o 't w'L s' I
st3Ut0-6/2t0 '----> *,c t -
r colegevuniversities
'1- 5'P^< **
tt- (9 6""1 t""L)
Proposed NAIA Championship Site(? t*, hL),z< P"L,
a New Business
z--t'< li{eefiig Schedule
Board Members - Carol Brooks, Neel CarrolJ, Don Diron, Eoward Finley,
Leo Green, frank Hideg, Grrg McKeel BiIl Pinlston, Gerald Watkins
Ex-oflicio Mark Thompson
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