HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-25-2023Paducah -McCracken County Senior Citizens, Inc.
Minutes Monthly Board Meeting Tuesday, July 25.2023, at 8:00am
Present Board Members- David Troutman, Cindy Mangnrm, Vicki Brantley, Maggie Moore, Carol
Young, Dan Frazier, Robert Hernandez, John Durbin, Lydia May, Simone Fearon, Karami Underwood.
Staff Present- Matthew Martin, Executive Director, Robin Ross, Assistant Director.
Absent Board Members -
Call to Order: David Troutman called the meeting to order at 8:08 am.
Minutes from Last Month: There were a couple of changes that needed to be made on the previous
month's minutes. Robert Hernandez made a motion to approve the minutes with discussed changes. Carol
Young second. The motion passed.
Committee Reports:
Finance Committee: Vicki Brantley was unable to present financial reports to the board as the
accounting firm has not Finished them or sent them to her.
Nominating Committee: The city sent an entail promoting the vacancy on the board. 16 applicants
applied. Robert and David are reviewing them and will present a nomination to the board hopefully nest
month. Carol voiced that she would like to see another Senior Center participant on the board just to have
another set of ears and eyes keeping the board involved in what's going on. Matt would like to start an
advisory council of seniors to get involved in the future of the Senior Center.
Personnel Committee: No report at this time.
Bylaws and Policies Committee: Robert has successfully created new policies to implement at the
center. The three policies being edited or added are PTO Time for employees, a Weapons Policy, and
Service Pets Policy. Robert has been thorough in his writing as he wants to narrow the scope to be
specific to the needs of the Senior Center. Fie needs final feedback from all board members so that
policies can be voted on at the August meeting. Discussion continued. Robin brought up the code of
conduct the seniors have to sign and how these policy edits would affect the requirements of the seniors.
Director's Report: See detailed attachment presented by Matthew Martin.
Assistant Director Report: Robin is still getting 4-5 new people over the age of 60 per week added to
Meals on Wheels. Discussion continued of the COVID Mandate Policy that will never end. This outdated
policy creates many issues as there are too many meals and not enough drivers to reach all these people.
They cannot be turned away. Robin tries to encourage seniors to come in for congregate meals as much as
she can. Simone suggested having a meeting with the PADD Office to Figure out what the best method
would be to take some strain off the Senior Center and the drivers. Matt will reach out to the PADD office
to invite someone from their office to attend the August board meeting.
Old Business
e Kim Vaughn Reduced Hours: Kim is now part-time after the passing of her husband and
is managing it very well.
New Business
• Tom Shoulta Presentation: an award for Tom Shoulta needs to be presented but Tom
could not attend today.
• 2023-24 Budget: Vicki has been working with Matt on the budget. Matt is going to
upload it to the website. They can project $65,000 that can be attributed to the building
• Building Update: The building committee met with the architect to discuss the building
plans. A revised plan has been sent and David will share it with the board shortly. The
board discussed the needs of the Seniors, the staff and how to accommodate everyone
within a reasonable budget for this new building. A conclusion was not agreed on at this
• Alana Miller with SMP: AIana presented a new opportunity to the board. She has been
doing the financials on SMP and she's found the financial records are rarely accurate. It's
getting more challenging for her to work on the financials along with the community
work related to her role. Her executive director has proposed that she pay rent to stay at
the Senior Center but West Kentucky Allied would take over the SMP contract. The
board requested a formal proposal. After more discussion, Cindy Mangrum made a
motion to approve Alana Miller's contract being moved to West Kentucky Allied. They
will pay rent to keep her office in the Senior Center building. Carol Young second. The
motion passed. Simone Fearon abstained.
Comments and Announcements
• None at this time.
Karami made a motion to adjourn at 9:45 am, Cindy second. The motion passed.
The nest board meeting date is August 22, 2023 at 8:00ain.