HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 04 24 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the BRAA Board of Directors - Copy - unsigned
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
At 3:33pm on April 24, 2023, the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Barkley Regional Airport Authority was called to order by Jay Matheny, Board Chair. This
meeting was held in person at Midwest Aviation after being properly advertised and noticed.
A quorum of Directors was present throughout the meeting, either in person or via the Zoom
platform, and for the purpose of conducting business.
Directors in Attendance: Jay Matheny, Board Chair; Emily Roark, Vice-Chair, John Durbin,
Treasurer; Jason Crockett, Secretary; George Cumbee; Ashley Johnson (via Zoom); and
Marshall Davis.
Directors Absent: Jonas Neihoff; Jeff James; and Dann Patterson
Others in Attendance: Executive Director, Dennis Rouleau; Carol Creason; David Riley, Board
Attorney (via Zoom); Jamin Heldt (CHA) (via Zoom) (via Zoom); Destin Nygard (Alliiance
Architects) (via Zoom); Mike Reiter (CMT) (in person); and various members of the local
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of Board Minutes
a. BRAA Regular Board Meeting Minutes 03/27/2023
Director Cumbee moved to accept and approve the minutes from the regular meeting of
03/27/2023. That motion was seconded by Director Crockett. The motion passed by
unanimous voice acclamation without opposition.
IV. Finance Committee Report
This item was presented by Director Durbin. The committee met on 4/20/2023 but did not
have a quorum. As a result, the members present simply had a discussion about potential
budget items, but no votes or other actions were taken. The full committee is scheduled to
meet again on May 25, 2023. Several items are still pending in order to determine the budget
for the upcoming year’s budget.
V. Approval of March 2023 financial and statistical reports
The report on this item was given by Treasurer/Director Durbin and the Executive Director.
Following the direction and discussion by Director Durbin and the Executive Director, the
Board reviewed a number of financial and statistical reports concerning Airport operations,
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Passenger activity is improving and is above 2020 and 2021 but not yet back to 2022.
Considering the operation of 30-seat airplane by Contour versus a 50-set airplane by SkyWest,
passenger counts appear healthy. Parking lot revenue is higher than 2020-22, but car rentals
are not as good as 2022. For car rentals, 2022 was an anomaly because of the Mayfield
Dr. Cumbee had questions about the profitability of the rental car agreements. The Executive
Director explained the financing structure and how having only two rental car companies
produces a higher minimum annual guarantee of approximately $24,000 per year. Director
Durbin discussed how rental car revenue has been decreasing because there haven’t been as
many business travelers, like those that used to travel from Chicago, compared to leisure
travelers from Charlotte. This is a budget item to be aware of going forward. Fuel sales are
still lower because Contour isn’t buying as much fuel here and is buying the most in Charlotte.
We knew this would be the case when selecting Contour.
There was a general discussion about Contour’s expansion of Marion, IL to ORD and
Owensboro, KY to CLT.
Having received these reports, statistics, and information, Director Durbin moved to accept
the March 2023 financial and statistical reports. That motion was seconded by Director Davis.
The motion passed by unanimous voice acclamation without opposition.
VI. Old Business
a. Approval of the updated Barkley Regional Airport Authority Board of Directors By-laws
(Tabled on 3/27/2023).
There was a motion to remove this item from the table by Director Durbin. That motion
was seconded by Director Davis and passed by unanimous voice acclamation without
opposition. The item was removed from the table.
This had previously been discussed at the last meeting and was tabled so that the Board
attorney could make additional changes and revisions as requested by the Board. The
attorney discussed those changes made between meetings and generally answered
additional questions from the Board about the revisions.
Following this presentation and discussion, Director Roark moved to approve the updated
Barkley Regional Airport Authority Board of Directors By-Laws as presented. That motion
was seconded by Director Davis and passed by unanimous voice acclamation without
b. Approval of the updated Barkley Regional Airport Authority Board of Directors Policy
Manual (Tabled on 3/27/2023).
There was a motion to remove this item from the table by Director Crockett. That motion
was seconded by Director Cumbee and passed by unanimous voice acclamation without
opposition. The item was removed from the table.
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This had previously been discussed at the last meeting and was tabled so that the Board
attorney could make additional changes and revisions as requested by the Board. The
attorney discussed those changes made between meetings and generally answered
additional questions from the Board about the revisions.
Following this presentation and discussion, Director Crockett moved to approve the
updated Barkley Regional Airport Authority Board of Policy Manual as presented and
subject to the changes made during the meeting. That motion was seconded by Director
Durbin and passed by unanimous voice acclamation without opposition.
VII. New Business
a. Approval of Changer Orde No. 8 to the Jim Smith Contracting, Inc. New Airport Terminal
– Package 1, Site Development Contract for a not to exceed amount of $00.00.
This item was presented by Jamin Heldt (CHA) and the Executive Director and covered a
number of requested changes, including additional sod, concreate mowing aprons, a
manual chain-link pedestrian swing gate, and a contract extension time. Following the
presentation and discussion, there was a motion by Director Crockett to approve Change
Order No. 8 to Package No. 1 as presented. That motion was seconded by Director Roark
and passed by unanimous voice acclamation without opposition.
b. Approval of Change Order No. 4 to the Jim Smith Contracting, Inc. Airside Development
– Package 2, Site Development Contract for a not to exceed amount of $00.00.
This item was presented by Jamin Heldt (CHA) and the Executive Director and covered a
contract extension time. Following the presentation and discussion, there was a motion
by Director Durbin to approve Change Order No. 4 to Package No. 2 as presented. That
motion was seconded by Director Roark and passed by unanimous voice acclamation
without opposition.
c. Approval of Change Order No. 2 to the Jim Smith Contracting, Inc. New Airport Terminal
– Package 6, Parking Lots Contract for a not to exceed amount of $00.00.
This item was presented by Jamin Heldt (CHA) and the Executive Director and covered the
installation of additional steel bollards in the parking area and an extension of contract
time. Following the presentation and discussion, there was a motion by Director Durbin
to approve Change Order No. 4 to Package No. 2 as presented. That motion was seconded
by Director Roark and passed by unanimous voice acclamation without opposition.
d. Approval of Change Order No. 30 to the M.P. Lawson Construction, LLC Contract to
extend contract time from April 15th to May 31st, 2023, for an amount not to exceed
This item was presented by Destin Nygard (Alliiance Architects) and the Executive Director
and covered a request for a 47-calendar day extension to reach substantial completion
by M.P. Lawson. Following the presentation and discussion, there was a motion by
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Director Durbin to approve Change Order No. 30 to the M.P. Lawson contract as
presented. That motion was seconded by Director Roark and passed by unanimous voice
acclamation without opposition.
e. Approval of Change Order No. 31 to M.P. Lawson Construction, LLC Contract for an
amount not to exceed $7,745.25 to support the TSA Explosive Detection System that
will need to be relocated from the old Terminal Building.
This item was presented by Destin Nygard (Alliiance Architects) and the Executive Director
and covered a request to adjust power and data feeds and the conveyor equipment in the
Bag Screening Room to accommodate the Explosives Detection System (EDS). Following
the presentation and discussion, there was a motion by Director Davis to approve Change
Order No. 31 to the M.P. Lawson contract as presented. That motion was seconded by
Director Durbin and passed by unanimous voice acclamation without opposition.
f. Approval of Changer Order No. 01 to the Automatic Systems, Inc. contract for an
amount not to exceed $5,600 to support the TSA Explosive Detection System that will need to be related to the old Terminal Building.
This item was presented by Destin Nygard (Alliiance Architects) and the Executive Director
and covered relates to the prior item for adjustment to the power and data feeds and the
conveyor equipment in the Bag Screening Room to accommodate the Explosives
Detection System (EDS). Following the presentation and discussion, there was a motion
by Director Durbin to approve Change Order No. 1 to the Automatic System, Inc. contract
as presented. That motion was seconded by Director Roark and passed by unanimous
voice acclamation without opposition.
VIII. Executive Session (if needed)
The Executive Director asked for the Board to enter into an executive session pursuant to KRS
61.810(1)(c) for the purposes of discussing proposed litigation. Director Roark made a motion
to enter executive session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(c). That motion was seconded by
Director Davis and passed by unanimous voice acclamation without opposition.
Having concluded the executive session, Director Durbin made a motion to exit the executive
session. That motion was seconded by Director Crockett and passed by unanimous voice
acclamation without opposition.
No action was taken in the executive session.
IX. Adjourn (no later than 5:30 p.m.)
Having concluded the Board’s regular business, Director Crockett made a motion to adjourn
the meeting. That motion was seconded by Director Durbin, and the motion passed by
unanimous voice acclamation without opposition. The meeting was adjourned at 5:24pm
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Jackie (Jay) M. Matheny
Board Chair
David Riley
Board Secretary
Jackie M. "Jay" Matheny, Jr. (May 30, 2023 19:03 CDT)